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  • Slavic gods. Gods of Ancient Greece - list and description Hermes with caduceus. Statue from the Vatican Museum

    Slavic gods.  Gods of Ancient Greece - list and description Hermes with caduceus.  Statue from the Vatican Museum

    GOD OZEM and GODDESS SUMMER - Gods of the underworld, protecting the endless underground storehouses of the Mother of the Raw Earth from greedy people who are looking for various riches in the bowels of the earth.

    These gloomy storerooms, as well as the majestic chambers of Ozem and Sumerla, are illuminated with their unique radiance by the underground Fire, which is reflected with breathtaking brilliance in scatterings of various semi-precious stones, as well as in gold and silver veins.

    Ozem and Sumerla are the god and goddess of the underworld. In the deep, gloomy gaps lie their vast chambers, in which it is always dark, and only the incalculable riches of the depths illuminate them with their brilliance: gold and silver veins, clusters of semi-precious stones, burning lakes of oil - the blood of the earth... Ozem and Sumerla's clothes are made of pure gold , their faces are pale and hostile. Oh, they don’t like people who seek earthly riches, which is why mine supports so often collapse, mines explode, and sometimes the gods begin to shake the earth indignantly in order to frighten daring hunters. The servants of the gods are moles, snakes and mushrooms, their spies and listeners. Everything they learn about people’s lives is told to the underground gods!

    Well, in winter, when snow covers the fields and forests, when nothing can break through the heavy white blanket, Ozem and Sumerla hug each other tightly, because, despite the external severity, they are united by great and indestructible love, and surrender to sweet sleep together with all over the frozen earth.

    The rituals of worshiping the gods were passed down over many centuries and had deep roots. Even after the Baptism of Rus', the Slavs did not forget about their intercessors and continued to idolize them, giving them the appearance of Orthodox saints.

    Hierarchy of ancient Slavic gods

    Ancient legends and tales of the Slavs, unlike Egyptian or Greek ones, were not associated with writing. They were passed on from mouth to mouth, modified, and some of them were simply lost. Therefore, the reconstruction of the pantheon of Slavic gods was based on scientific hypotheses and preserved ancient legends, which entailed obvious contradictions and disputes.

    However, all generations of pagan gods had a clear hierarchy, and were also divided into two opposing sides:

    1. The Solar (heavenly) dynasty included their bright representatives.
    2. And in the Lunar (functional) - the night, dark gods.

    The pantheon of Slavic gods was headed by Rod, and in total there were four of them in the heavenly dynasty - Svarog, Dazhdbog, Khors and Yarilo. Representatives of the dark forces were Perun, Veles, Stribog and Semargl.

    According to their significance, mythological creatures were divided into 3 levels:

    1. Highest. This niche was occupied by gods who were of extreme importance to the people and were involved in the most famous legends and tales. These included Svarog, Perun, Stribog and Dazhdbog.
    2. Average. At this level were the gods, whose worship was carried out during the harvest, farm work, and also during periods of changing seasons. This included Rod, Chur, and most of the female deities.
    3. Lowest. It housed mythological creatures that least of all resembled humans in their appearance - mermaids, kikimoras, brownies, vampires, goblins.

    Each appeal to the gods took the form of a pagan ritual. This action was carried out so that the deities would be favorable to the people, fulfill their requests and protect them from evil spirits. All Slavic gods patronized a certain culture, art, seasonality, and had their own symbolism and meaning.

    God Rod is the progenitor of all living things

    In antiquity, it was this deity who personified the great Creator, the creator of life on Earth. He brought the planet out of eternal darkness, created the sky, mountains and oceans, populating it with people and animals. This is the Supreme Mind that controls our essence, thoughts and destiny.

    The Almighty Family divided worldly existence into three spheres:

    1. Rule is the abode of the gods, his children.
    2. Reality is earthly life inhabited by man.
    3. Nav is the dark kingdom of the dead.

    Ancient peoples worshiped Rod during the spring awakening of nature, at the birth of a child. The ritual acquired particular significance during the periods when sowing began and during the harvest. Also, a ritual of worship was performed when remembering deceased relatives.

    The attributes of the Rod include phallic-shaped wooden statues, painted crimson red. The constant symbol is the egg, as a sign of the origin of this deity. The geometric signs of the Family are presented in the form of a nine-sided complex figure consisting of three triangles and a five-pointed star - a pentagram.

    The frequent use of a star with five points in magic and rituals of Satanists has given many people an erroneous opinion about this sign, classifying it as a symbol of Evil. But since ancient times, this sign does not carry the essence of evil or good, but is only a stereotype that developed under the influence of certain negative situations. In the culture of the ancient Slavs, the pentagram is a divine symbol of health, humanity, prosperity and constancy.

    Karachun - the dark god of the underworld

    This creature represented the lunar dynasty of gods with its inherent menace and inexorability. It was believed that thanks to this ruler the day was shortened, and the celebration of Karachun fell on the coldest and shortest day of winter, December 21 or 22. In the pantheon of Slavic gods, this was one of the most ferocious, powerful and cruel spirits who brought death.

    Among the Belarusian peoples, this god personified unexpected death at a young age; he was considered the spirit of Evil, capable of shortening years of life. He was considered one of the underground mythical creatures and could send severe frosts to the earth. Over time, the people smoothed out the negative image of Karachun, and they began to call him the lord of winter - Morozko, who has the power to bind nature with cold, plunging it into mortal sleep.

    Among the Poles, Serbs, and Ukrainians, this god personified the winter solstice - the holidays of Christmas and Christmas Eve. In ancient times, Karachun was the name given to Christmas bread, which was baked from different types of cereals. Some traditions are preserved today in Carpathian families. Karachun symbolized prosperity, family wealth, health and fertility.

    Perun - Lord of the Sky

    The shamans of ancient tribes were sure: the Slavic gods are so omnipotent that they have the power to control rain, snow, thunderstorms or hurricanes. Therefore, in order to cause precipitation during a drought or to ask for protection during bad weather, peoples worshiped the great Perun, the god of the sky and weather. The rite of veneration consisted of pouring water on one of the women of the tribe and making a sacrifice.

    Previously, it was believed that the rumble of thunder was the roar of a huge chariot on which Perun rushes across the sky. He throws arrows of fiery lightning and thunder stones, and if he angers the god, burning meteorites can fall to the ground. The symbols of Perun were stars with three, six or eight rays.

    Rituals to glorify Perun were held in August. The main event of the evening was the sacrifice, during which a bull was killed. In front of the idol of Perun, its skin and entrails were burned, and the sacrificial meat was fried and distributed to everyone present. At the end of the holiday, the bones of the bull were destroyed in fire.

    Veles - patron of wild nature, ancient shepherd

    This powerful, wise god of the Slavs brought prosperity, fertility, and was the guardian of livestock and all wild animals. He patronized poets, artisans, travelers and traders. It was believed that animals sacrificed to the gods graze freely in the heavenly meadows under the supervision of Veles, therefore the rituals of sacrifice are not ungodly acts.

    It was also believed that this deity was on the border of two worlds - the living and the dead. He transported all the great sinners, villains and murderers across the mythical River of the Dead to the underworld, where they were purified in eternal sacred fire.

    Veles had his own world of the Dungeon, inhabited by strange people - the Chud. It is in this space that all the secrets and knowledge of the Universe are collected, which are revealed to the chosen ones who managed to visit this amazing kingdom.

    The main act of the god Veles was to bring everything worldly into cyclical motion. Night began to give way to day, joy to sadness, winter was replaced by spring. This repetition contains wise teaching of all the fundamentals of existence. Humanity was able to overcome difficulties, learn from its mistakes, and appreciate the joyful moments of life. And the guide was the great power of Love, which helps to withstand all trials.

    Chur - guardian of borders

    This god did not occupy the most honorable place in the pantheon of Slavic gods, but his power is still remembered. Chur was the guardian of earthly and underground borders.

    Believing in the power of this god, the Slavs marked the end of their land plots with embankments that no one dared to destroy. Such actions could anger Chur, because this territory was considered inviolable. On the days of veneration of the deity, the owner of the land sacrificed animals, sang sacred songs and brought valuable gifts.

    The symbols of Chur were of great importance - if his images were placed on the border of land plots, no one had the right to these possessions. These idols later began to be called that - chock, block of wood. God protected man and all his property from evil spirits.

    And today you can hear the expression: “Forget me!”, which is pronounced in times of danger or fear. By calling the name of this deity, a person calls on him for help, protection and patronage.

    Svarog - Heavenly Father, son of Rod

    The great deeds of Svarog include the completion of the creation of the Earth, which was begun by his father, the powerful Family. He passed on to his son his knowledge and valuable desire to reunite nature and deities, showing that all beings in the world are one. From him came other Slavic gods who took their places of honor in the Sun dynasty.

    He created the heavenly world in which our ancestors live. It was believed that the shining stars were the eyes of our great-grandfathers, watching the inhabitants of the Earth from the clouds. Svarog’s creations include the Sun, which he gave to people so that all living things could exist. He gave humanity fire to cook food and keep warm, and a cup to drink the sacred drink. To cultivate the land, he presented people with a plow, and for protection, an invincible military weapon.

    It was Svarog who taught people to process iron with the help of fire, marking the beginning of the era of metal. The sounds of a hammer striking an anvil are pleasing to this god; a flame should burn in every forge, the metal should continuously glow, and from that time on, man was able to put on iron armor.

    The symbolism of Svarog includes:

    • Cross,
    • Spiral,
    • Cornucopia,
    • And fire.

    Each ritual of worship of this god ended with a great feast with a variety of food and drinks. Those present were supposed to have fun, rejoice and not limit themselves in food, as this could offend Svarog.

    Great Faith of Nations

    In ancient times, the world for humanity was full of secrets. In order not to be alone on a huge planet, the Slavs worshiped the gods and asked them for protection and support. They deified the forces of nature, knowing that they would help them survive in times of disaster, cataclysm or drought.

    And it was the belief of the Slavs in Prav - that the world was created correctly, that guided their lives, actions, and formed feelings of love, conscience and gratitude. This amazing ancient people had great Faith - a core that gave them strength, confidence, freedom and helped them survive in the most difficult times.

    The names of most of the gods are designed as hyperlinks, which can take you to a detailed article about each of them.

    The main deities of Ancient Greece: 12 Olympian gods, their assistants and companions

    The main gods in Ancient Hellas were recognized as those who belonged to the younger generation of celestials. Once it took away power over the world from the older generation, who personified the main universal forces and elements (see about this in the article Origin of the Gods of Ancient Greece). The gods of the older generation are usually called titans. Having defeated the Titans, the younger gods, led by Zeus, settled on Mount Olympus. The ancient Greeks honored 12 Olympian gods. Their list usually included Zeus, Hera, Athena, Hephaestus, Apollo, Artemis, Poseidon, Ares, Aphrodite, Demeter, Hermes, Hestia. Hades is also close to the Olympian gods, but he does not live on Olympus, but in his underground kingdom.

    Legends and myths of Ancient Greece. Cartoon

    Goddess Artemis. Statue in the Louvre

    Statue of Virgin Athena in the Parthenon. Ancient Greek sculptor Phidias

    Hermes with caduceus. Statue from the Vatican Museum

    Venus (Aphrodite) de Milo. Statue approx. 130-100 BC.

    God Eros. Red-figure dish, ca. 340-320 BC e.

    Hymen- companion of Aphrodite, god of marriage. Wedding hymns were also named after him in Ancient Greece. hymens.

    - daughter of Demeter, kidnapped by the god Hades. The inconsolable mother, after a long search, found Persephone in underground kingdom. Hades, who made her his wife, agreed that she should spend part of the year on earth with her mother, and the other with him in the bowels of the earth. Persephone was the personification of grain, which, being “dead” sown into the ground, then “comes to life” and comes out of it into the light.

    The abduction of Persephone. Antique jug, ca. 330-320 BC.

    Amphitrite- wife of Poseidon, one of the Nereids

    Proteus- one of the sea deities of the Greeks. Son of Poseidon, who had the gift of predicting the future and changing his appearance

    Triton- the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite, a messenger of the deep sea, blowing a shell. In appearance it is a mixture of a man, a horse and a fish. Close to the eastern god Dagon.

    Eirene- goddess of peace, standing at the throne of Zeus on Olympus. In Ancient Rome - the goddess Pax.

    Nika- goddess of victory. Constant companion of Zeus. In Roman mythology - Victoria

    Dike- in Ancient Greece - the personification of divine truth, a goddess hostile to deception

    Tyukhe- goddess of luck and good fortune. For the Romans - Fortuna

    Morpheus– ancient Greek god of dreams, son of the god of sleep Hypnos

    Plutos- god of wealth

    Phobos(“Fear”) – son and companion of Ares

    Deimos(“Horror”) – son and companion of Ares

    Enyo- among the ancient Greeks - the goddess of frantic war, who arouses rage in the fighters and brings confusion into the battle. In Ancient Rome - Bellona


    Titans are the second generation of gods of Ancient Greece, generated by natural elements. First titans there were six sons and six daughters, descended from the connection of Gaia-Earth with Uranus-Heaven. Six sons: Cron(Time. among the Romans - Saturn), Ocean(father of all rivers), Hyperion, Kay, Kriy, Iapetus. Six daughters: Tethys(Water), Theia(Shine), Rhea(Mother Mountain?), Themis(Justice), Mnemosyne(Memory), Phoebe.

    Uranus and Gaia. Ancient Roman mosaic 200-250 AD.

    In addition to the titans, Gaia gave birth to a marriage with Uranus Cyclops and Hecatoncheires.

    Cyclops- three giants with a large, round, fiery eye in the middle of their forehead. In ancient times - personifications of clouds from which lightning flashes

    Hecatoncheires- “hundred-handed” giants, against whose terrible strength nothing can resist. Incarnations of terrible earthquakes and floods.

    The Cyclopes and Hecatoncheires were so strong that Uranus himself was horrified by their power. He tied them up and threw them deep into the earth, where they are still rampaging, causing volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. The presence of these giants in the belly of the earth began to cause terrible suffering. Gaia persuaded her youngest son, Crown, to take revenge on his father, Uranus.