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    Read online the book

    Topic: “Definitely personal sentences” Lesson plan: 1. What is the difference between one-part sentences and two-part sentences? 2. What are the signs of a definitely - personal offer? 3. Why are sentences with a predicate - a verb in the past tense not related to definitely - personal? 4. Synonymy of definitely - personal sentences and two-part sentences with a lexically expressed pronoun as a subject. 5. Use of definitely personal sentences in speech styles.

    DEFINITELY - A PERSONAL OFFER I remember the bread of the first harvest. We're going to sea tomorrow. Will you come back home? Will you take the essentials? Don't forget the book! Try! 1 or 2 person Indicative mood (present or future tense) Unit. or many number 2 person Imperative Unit. or many numbers

    As the generous attention of fate I accept, leaving the village, Rosehip secondary flowering And in the yellow grasses the first mushrooms. I stand under the sun, under the slanting beam. And for a long time, with the surprise of a child, I follow the flights of thin cobwebs In the sparkling trembling of the dew. V. Toropygin

    CONCLUSION: DEFINITELY - PERSONAL PROPOSALS - 1) these are one-part sentences with a predicate verb in the form of 1 and 2 persons will express the mood of the present and the time of the unit and the plural; 2) they have no past tense; 3) they can be replaced by synonymous two-part sentences; 4) they make the narration easier, more dynamic, help to avoid repetitions 5) prevail in the artistic style of speech.

    The editors of the magazine "Aurora". !974 Center: Vladimir Toropygin.

    Years of life: 1928-1980.

    Mentioned in Army letters to his father in the book "Sergey Dovlatov: creativity, personality,
    fate" (Compiled by A. Yu. Ariev. - St. Petersburg: "Star", 1999).

    They remembered Vladimir Vasilyevich Toropygin, who was still alive then, a sweet, kind, disinterested man. In Valdai, in a remote village, in the evening by a kerosene lamp, I heard his stories on the radio, remembered his last name; years later, on someone's benevolent recommendation, she approached him on the site between the two upper floors of the House of Writers and asked for a North-West seminar. He took. The seminar was led by Toropygin, Rubashkin, Recepter. For me it was a baptism of fire, I am grateful to them all. And the stories of Vladimir Toropygin ring for me among the Valdai hot haystacks, cornflower fields; Sosnorov's hidden moon, dawn mist, magic frogs. In the village of that, according to the ancient rules, birch trees walked along the only main road, and rotten bibles molded in the huts ... I was at Toropygin's house, and before the very illness. He gave me all the time, although he probably already knew that he was dying.

    At the conference, Olga Semchenko, who was then writing poetry (later Florenskaya, from Mitki), was "disassembled" for a long time. The main criticism was the lack of realities (place and time): then it was even considered dangerous to write abstractly, without reference. The young and nimble Kolya Gudanets got excited, cleverly retorted; we became friends (a few years later, Kolya returned from a trip to Israel to the honest and most serious Natasha Rudina and sadly said: - It’s stupid to change one emigration - Riga, in which I live all my life, for another. I like to lie on the couch with a book, so abroad It won't work out." - Kolya returned ...) After the seminar, we were published, I was also lucky - for "Literary Russia", for a strange fee of 9 rubles 5 kopecks (per point?) At about the same time they kicked Vladimir Vasilyevich out of the magazine. Leningrad was noisy, however, as always, indifferently. And soon I met Rubashkin, and he was the first to say: this is the end. The end dragged on for six months. I did not see Toropygin again ... imported writer's soles carried needles on all floors (I wrote poetry - "dove pecks needles" ... I pecked at the cemetery).

    Alexander Sharymov (also, by the way, our graduate)
    Guitar Galich

    This poem, written for the 65th birthday of Alexei Petrovich Samoilov, is based on a real fact that took place in the editorial office of the St. Petersburg magazine "Aurora", where we worked, in the mid-70s of the last century.

    "Aurora" Okudzhavu set out to
    Print. And our favorite bard
    Came to St. Petersburg - and then confidently
    We came to the main thing: "Where is Bulat?
    Let him come and sing." And Toropygin to us
    He said: "There is no guitar - that's the question."
    - "I'll bring it," - Petrovich unexpectedly,
    With a smirk he answered - and brought:

    Damask steel chord for the sample took cautiously -
    And a smile bloomed on his lips:
    "I see that she is in the hands of the master,
    This guitar is marvelous, was: "
    And looking sideways, as if absent-mindedly,
    Petrovich Okudzhava replied:
    "Her Benyash, Raisa Moiseevna,
    Before leaving, Galich voiced: "
    Bulat was silent. Played so softly
    Squeezing a sensitive neck in thin fingers,
    Petrovich nodding with Toropygin,
    It's like having a good conversation with someone.
    Then he sang - and there was something in that song
    From a thought that barely comes through
    When in a motive flying with a musical ladder,
    Someone dictates the right words.
    Songs sounded - and simple, it seems,
    But your throat is aching for something.
    And the Solovyovs - Lenochka with Volodya -
    They wrote them on tape for the gebe:

    A hundred years have passed since that past incident -
    And thinned those listeners a number.
    Benyash is gone. And Galich disappeared.
    And Toropygin is in the net. And Bulat.
    But we are alive! - and what was just now,
    Has not yet disappeared into the darkness to the end:
    Still sounds, Galich's guitar sounds -
    And it torments our souls, and hearts:

    1 Alexander Arkadyevich Galich (1918-77) - playwright, poet-performer of author's songs. Since 1974 he lived in France.
    2 Vladimir Vasilyevich Toropygin (1928-80) - poet and prose writer, editor-in-chief of the magazines "Koster" and "Aurora".
    3 Raisa Moiseevna Benyash (1914-86) - theater critic and writer.
    4 The Solovyovs - Elena Konstantinovna Klepikova, then an employee of the Aurora, and Vladimir Isaakovich Solovyov (1942), literary critic.

    Specify one-part sentences.

    What is the main term in them?

    Determine the character in these sentences according to the form of the verb, according to the meaning of the ending.

    In February

    I leave the house early in the morning. I notice bluish icicles under the roofs. And look at the snow! It is either golden-pink in the rays of the rising sun, or deep blue in the shade. Now let's take a look at the forest. He is already a little alive. Stop, listen...

    184. Underline the main member of definitely personal sentences. How is it expressed? Highlight the end of the verb. What person is the form of the verb? Indicate the grammatical foundations of two-part and one-part sentences. Write off, placing separating commas between homogeneous members and highlighting commas to separate participial phrases and to highlight simple sentences as part of complex ones.

    In the land where I grew up, there are many customs that the people cherish and are proud of (?) and which really make up the charm of his soul and character.

    Once, together with a friend, I went to my native place. We got off the train. We walk on the platform. To the surprise of my companion, I begin to greet everyone who comes across to me (at) a meeting. I cordially greet either an old woman with .. walking surrounded by .. trunks and teapots, or a porter walking along the platform in a white apron, or a little girl quickly mincing somewhere past us with a heavy ..loy k..rzina. I really like (?) Xia this ancient custom. You walk along the road and only have time to respond to the greetings rushing towards you from all sides.

    (According to V. Telpugov)

    185. The following sentences are taken from A. Pushkin's drama "Boris Godunov". Determine the type of one-part sentences. Rewrite with missing punctuation marks. Underline the main member of one-part sentences. How is it expressed? Highlight the end of the verb. What person is the form of the verb? Is the monologue or line of dialogue reproduced in this passage?

    1. Learn My Son: Science Cuts
      We experience a fast ..t ..successful life .. .
    2. The prince may know
      What do you know ... Prince Shuisky. Speak.
    3. No, Shuisky (don't) swear
      But answer me: was it the prince?
    4. Listen prince: take action this very hour
      What (b) from Lithuania was Russia guarded ...
    5. Think prince. I give mercy...

    186. First write out definite personal sentences in which the main member is expressed by the verb in the 2nd person singular of the indicative mood, then those in which the main member is expressed by the verb in the 2nd person singular of the imperative. Why, in your opinion, are definite personal sentences so widely used in proverbs and sayings? Pick up 2-3 proverbs or sayings that are definitely personal sentences.

    1. Throw out the words (not) from the 2. Take care of honor from a young age. 3. Feed the horse (not) with a song .. sh. 4. Don't put your fingers in your mouth. 5. You (not) please everyone. 6. Deal with a word (not) replace .. sh. 7. You can (not) untie the knot with one hand. 8. Stand up for the truth with a mountain. 9. Die yourself, but rescue a comrade.

    187. Restore the author's text, excluding from all sentences, except for the first, the pronoun I. What kind of sentences did you get after eliminating the pronoun? How has the text changed: has the narrative become more dynamic? What did the attention of the author and the reader focus on - on the face or on the action? Write off the restored author's text, placing the missing commas.

    As a generous attention of fate, I accept when I go beyond the s.. laziness of the sh.. the secondary flowering and the first mushrooms in the well.. lty grasses. I stand under the sun(?)ntsem, under the ray..m slanting, and for a long time with the surprise of a child I follow the flight of thin ducks in the sparkling trembling of dew. I'm walking with a mound of a spruce forest, and in front, over the lake, over the steep..y, heavy..tossing (?) Clouds.

    (V. Toropygin)

    188. Compose a text. Describe your memories, experiences so that the action, state could be attributed to any, i.e. generalized, person. In such a description, definite personal sentences are appropriate, in which the main member is expressed by the verb in the form of the 2nd person of the present (future) tense singular. Choose, for example, one of the topics: “At the stadium, at the match of your favorite team”, “On the eve of a birthday”, “Before the first concert”, etc.

    189. Dictation. Highlight the endings of the verbs that express the predicates in definite personal sentences.

    Please note that subordinate clauses connected by a single union and are not separated by a comma, like homogeneous members!

    The spring night stood over the mountains, over the forest, over the river. I love those nights when you breathe so easily and freely. You feel how you yourself come to life together with nature and how something good, cheerful, happy accumulates in your soul.

    (According to D. Mamin-Sibiryak)

    Karen Brooks

    Generous gift of fate

    At the age of fourteen, Margot decided that she would become a movie star. And even then, Ray, who was in the last grade of their school, will certainly pay attention to her. After all, movie screens, and the pages of newspapers and illustrated magazines - all this will be at her disposal. Wherever he looks, she is everywhere. Well, how can you not notice?

    Alas, dreams remained dreams, Margot did not become a movie star, she lived, as before, with her parents in Greentown, Illinois. But Ray, having left his hometown after school, succeeded. He graduated from Harvard with a Bachelor of Arts degree and became a well-known New York journalist specializing in women's fashion. The largest fashion houses and manufacturers of women's clothing listened to his opinion regarding the length of the skirts, the height of the heels or the color of the tights. The press wrote about him every now and then, and numerous fans were ready to ask or even beg for at least the slightest sign of attention from him. But no ... He remained a bachelor, apparently in no hurry to tie the knot. His heart was not occupied, although it was rumored that he supposedly had some kind of passion ... But these were just rumors.

    Once studying at the same school with Margo, he made friends with girls of his age and simply had no idea that some girl from the lower grades sighed over his long eyelashes and burning black eyes.

    In adulthood, Margot never met her idol again. But the fire of love in her soul, without growing into a dangerous raging flame, burned, swaying like a candle in the wind. It was quite enough for her to at least occasionally read his articles published in glossy magazines, which she looked through from time to time in the half-empty hall of the city library, or to meet short materials about him in the programs of the local TV channel.

    Hi Alex! said Margo, waving her dainty purse and coquettishly straightening her hair.

    Hello! said her neighbor, a tall, athletic man with a slight graying of hair on his temples. He hurried over to the fence. - How are you?

    Great! Imagine, today we found a black kitten at our doorstep. So funny! Do you want me to give it to you? - And she turned back to the house, but Alex Falcon stopped her.

    Not yet, I'll take a look later. You better tell me how are you doing at work?

    Well ... - Margot hesitated, and a faint blush painted her cheeks. - In general, everything is fine. There is only one circumstance.

    What is it? - the neighbor was alert, bowing his head in anticipation of an answer.

    Margot was even more embarrassed.

    No, it's nothing special, she muttered. I'll tell you later, okay? Now I'm running away.

    Alex muttered something in his mustache with displeasure, followed her for a long time and stood there until she disappeared, turning onto another street. Then he groggily entered the house.

    And Margo was already rushing down Main Road to the bookstore where she was to spend another working day. And her face, to the surprise of passers-by who involuntarily paid attention to her, shone with joy and hope. The fact is that yesterday, for no reason at all, suddenly looked into their store ... Ray Davison! That was incredible! That's really what she could not imagine ... Just miracles, and nothing more! And so Margo decided that such a significant event could be repeated today.

    Yesterday he appeared at the door like the ghost of her dreams. But what a ghost! Lively, impetuous, but by no means fussy, elegant, as if descended from the cover of a fashion magazine, inaccessible Ray Davison ...

    Margot was sitting at a table by the cash register, people were walking around the hall between stands and shelves with books. Few of them bought anything. They examined the spines of publications more and more, from time to time taking one book or another from the shelf, leafing through the pages, choosing ... Seeing Ray, Margot even jumped up in surprise, but immediately sat down, realizing that she was behaving ridiculously. He went to the back of the hall, stopped at the booth with the products of the local publishing house and began to look through it. Then he went straight to her and asked:

    Yes, sure! - Margot clumsily rushed to the racks with periodicals, found the right magazine, while newspapers fell from her hands, which Ray immediately began to pick up ... - Here, - she said, blushing with embarrassment, and handed him the latest issue of "Lady".

    Is that what he is? Ray asked, obviously interested in the beautifully designed edition, and took the magazine. His fingers touched her arm as he did so, and Margo shuddered. "Don't be afraid," he smiled triumphantly. - I won't eat you. Do you want me to give you an autograph?

    No thanks... I mean yes! And this magazine, by the way, is always in great demand with us.

    Okay, I'll take it. What is the price?

    She named a price. Ray paid and left. I wonder if he came to visit relatives or even returned? But what is he to do here after such a resounding success in New York? In any case, while the man of her dreams is in the city, she has a chance to make him attract attention.

    During lunchtime, Margo stopped by Greta Snyders' drugstore, located a block from the bookstore. In addition to selling medicines, hygiene products, as well as ice cream, coca-cola, chewing gum, tea and sandwiches, this establishment successfully competed with local reporters in collecting city news. Sixty-year-old Mrs. Snyders was friends with a good half of the housewives of Greentown, who often dropped in to drink tea and gossip. Having entrusted the buyers to the cares of the seller and the pharmacist, the pharmacist retired with another acquaintance to the far end of the trading floor, where there were tables, and it was possible to calmly discuss the burning problems and events of the day.

    Hi dear! she met Margot. - What happened to you? Yes, you have no face! What's happened? Is there an earthquake in Illinois?

    No, I just sold a guy a magazine for the wrong price and now I need to return his money. He overpaid, - Margo thought up on the go and marveled at her resourcefulness. After all, she always tried to be correct and truthful.

    Are you going to look for him? Who is he?

    He seems to be passing through here.

    Then remember what your name was! Don't worry, honest soul! Better have some tea and listen to what happened this afternoon.

    The appearance of Mrs. Snyders spoke of the fact that she possessed truly new, and most importantly, valuable information. Margo was ready to give her hand to cut off that the pharmacist would tell her what she already knew without her.

    Greentown will now hit the TV screens! - Greta said with her usual aplomb and, like a game hunter, she began to wait for Margo's reaction to her message.

    I'm sorry, what? Margo asked in surprise.

    The apothecary took a sip from her cup and straightened up triumphantly.

    You see, given how you feel, I'm afraid to tell you this, but I have to. She sighed mockingly. - Ray Davison arrived in Greentown!

    There was a long pause. Any actress knows where and how much it is necessary to endure it. And now it was acting qualities that were required from Margo. Yes, she knew perfectly well that Ray had arrived. But it was her job to find out the details. For example, how long will he stay here and what is he going to do in their city? In accordance with these data, she could more correctly act further.

    So, Margo froze, blushed, and quite plausibly demonstrated that the news literally paralyzed her and left her speechless.

    Mrs. Snyders, delighted with the effect, beamed and chewed the sandwich hard, puffing out the rosy apples of her cheeks.

    How do you like it? Didn't I surprise you?

    Of course, but ... - Margo stammered and only then decided to start drinking tea.

    Well, honey, you can't suffer like that for a guy you practically don't know. He may not be what you imagine him to be. - Greta never missed a chance to give good advice. - Believe me, all men should be considered from a very close distance.

    Yes, I do not suffer at all! How many years have passed already, - Margot laughed, although she was not at all in the mood for laughter. "I just don't understand what a man like Rey forgot in Greentown!" He, it seems, married that person, well, how is it there?

    Well, I have to go, thanks for the news, - Margot got up. - It is very important for me.

    Okay, okay ... Always ready to help. If you want to know anything, take a look. Everything I know, I'll tell you. Bye!

    And Margot hurried to the store.

    The day flew by unnoticed. Ray didn't show up again. Margo was thoughtful and, remaining alone in the hall, several times approached the large mirror that hung at the entrance, looked at herself and sighed.

    She couldn't be called beautiful. Her short blond hair made her look like a sparrow. She never corrected her small stature with trousers and high heels, but walked in a long skirt and boots. Margot hardly ever seriously thought about her appearance. She had a good voice, she sang beautifully and played the guitar, she could dance something in the country style. Her disposition was quite calm. To the delight of her old parents, she was a domestic person, spent a lot of time at home, worked in the garden ...

    And now she suddenly wanted to change, to become completely different. The reason for this was the accidental appearance in the bookstore of the famous Ray Davison.

    Hello! Alex Falcon called from the terrace of his house. - How's the trade? How did your book finish it?

    Margot smiled.

    Everything is fine, and from today it will be even better.

    Here's how? Alex folded the newspaper he was looking through. Genuine curiosity shone in his eyes.

    You will not believe! - Margot went through the gate in the fence separating their plots.

    Sit down and tell, - the neighbor invited.

    Margo sat comfortably in her rocking chair and spoke. Alex Falcon admired her. How often she danced in the spirit of the first settlers at his parties, and he and his nephews accompanied on banjos and guitars. Alex himself sometimes wanted to jump up and dance, hugging her thin waist. Margo was graceful, like a Japanese figurine.

    However, he never allowed himself anything superfluous, but only admired her and patronized her undertakings. After all, she worked in his store. In addition, Alex Falcon promised to publish her mini-brochure "Home and Garden" and even published a short novel "The Gypsy and the Emerald".

    Mr. Falcon looked at her silently. He pondered how Margo had reacted to the appearance of this guy. It had long been clear to him that Margot deserved a better life. And Rey may be her real chance. And the man, reluctantly, made a difficult decision for himself.

    He gently took Margot by the hand. Such a trusting and reassuring gesture surprised her and made her look at Falcon as if for the first time. Yes, there could be no mistake, she saw sympathy and love in Alex's eyes. And the latter stunned and confused her.

    You know what you said is nothing new to me. The fact is that today this Ray already came to my publishing house with a rather bold business proposal. Don't be surprised, I signed a contract with him. Now it is he who is the editor-in-chief of the women's magazine instead of Somerset Hoggins, who decided to join the BMB company, headed by his son.

    Margot's eyes lit up with hope.

    Does that mean he's here for the long haul? And will it work in a magazine? This is true?

    Oh girl, you don't even want to hide your joy when you hear about it! Alex smiled.

    Should she be hidden?

    And Margo laughed merrily. What a funny Mr. Falcon, he always makes her laugh!

    She stroked his hand. And Alex could hardly restrain himself from kissing her at least on the cheek in return.

    Yes, he gets to work immediately. By the way, I have a great idea. If you help, we will make it a reality. But for this I need to know something. And he looked seriously into her eyes.

    The look of a forty-year-old man was full of unspoken love and passion. But Margo did not notice this.


    Do you really want Ray Davison? Do you know it well?

    I was sure of this at the age of twelve! - Margo exclaimed hotly and squeezed Alex's hand even tighter.

    Okay, then I'll help you. What a woman wants, God wants, as one poet said. We will work on this project. Just listen to me, okay?

    Yes, - Margo nodded, not realizing to herself that she was ready to follow Alex to the ends of the world.

    Now I believe, and tomorrow you and I will begin to take the first steps to conquer Ray Davison. For now, let's go home. And you and I need to gather strength and thoughts. Tomorrow at seven in the morning I'll be waiting for you at the gate. We start the day with a morning run.

    Yes, my general! - Margot jumped up, saluted like a recruit, and, kissing him goodbye on the cheek, ran home.

    Alex sighed sadly as he smelled the fresh scent of her hair. They smelled of sweet apples and jasmine. With a heavy heart, after standing for a while at the railing of the terrace, he turned and entered the house. His footsteps resounded on the parquet, and on the table in the living room lay a fresh newspaper with a scandalous article about Ray, which Margot had apparently not yet read.

    At night, Margot dreamed that she was walking along some dark corridors, looking for something important, mysterious, on which her fate and life depended. And she found herself in a huge illuminated hall, where the entire space of one wall was occupied by a certain picture in gray-green, malachite tones. As Margot peered into it, the picture began to come to life, and she was surprised to realize that this was exactly what she needed to find.

    But then the picture disappeared along with the wall, and she crossed the threshold of the temple. A soft light streamed from above, creating a feeling of bliss. Margo saw and understood that she was allowed to go where the path had been closed to her until now. There were other people around, but the action was arranged especially for her. The Holy of Holies is a temple, a revelation from above... For some time Margo listened to the voice of the priest quoting lines from Holy Scripture, and seemed to be united with what she had been looking for and waiting for so long. Then everything began to change again and turned into a gray-green painting with flat figures on canvas. And Margot stood before her again...

    When she woke up, she did not know how to interpret her dream. She believed in one thing - the temple that she dreamed of exists in her soul. And if it is difficult for her, she will remember him, and this will pour new strength into her. Now Margaret believed that she could change a lot in her life.

    For starters, I had to force myself to do at least a morning jog. Today, Alex helped her with this.

    Well, how? he asked as they ran down the cinder track of the school stadium. - Not out of breath yet?

    Not yet, - answered Margo, breathing heavily. She wasn't about to give up.

    After jogging and exercising, they went home. On the way, Alex suddenly informed her about his new venture:

    From tomorrow, Maggie, we go shopping with you and work on your new image. And patted her on the shoulder.

    She tossed her head and said:

    What more! I look fine!

    Do you really think so? He chuckled and gave her an appraising look.

    Yes, that's exactly what I think! - offended answered Margot. - I have nothing to change!

    And someone recently promised to obey me ... However, if you don’t trust me, go to your handsome Ray and ask what he himself thinks about this. Maybe this professional will condescend and grace you with at least one look. In general, my advice to you: take a good look at yourself in the mirror. Bye! See you tomorrow at seven.

    Margo, with her head held high, proceeded to her house without answering Alex. I also found a connoisseur of female beauty. To spite him, she will not look in any mirror! However, Margot could not resist and, of course, looked into him, once in the hallway. And what? From the mirror, a certain young lady, short-haired, pale and round-shouldered, was looking at her. And let's not even talk about clothes. Unfortunately, Alex was right. She will have to take care of her appearance. With these thoughts, she went to work.

    At lunchtime, her friend Constance came to see her.

    Listen, Margot, - she said from the threshold, - have you heard the news about Ray?

    Of course, he returned, and now he will publish a women's magazine in our country.

    Well, how do you like it? Constance, without further ado, sat down on the table.

    I'll get a job at his editorial office, that's what!

    You? And who will receive you?

    Accept. The main thing would be desire. And I have it. You know, when I saw Ray, I realized: he is everything to me! Look, there's no time to chat right now, but I'm free after five. Come in, let's walk and talk.

    And Constance left the store.

    The girls have been friends since high school. Constance, unlike Margo, has always been surrounded by a bunch of fans. She had an attractive appearance: wavy brown hair, gray eyes, a good figure and, moreover, a simple and good-natured character. But so far she, too, could not choose a groom.

    Why is this such an uproar all of a sudden? Margot was surprised.

    The traveling circus has arrived. Jugglers, magicians, acrobats and even a fortune teller. - Constance chuckled and added, smiling mischievously: - Do you want to go there? Maybe we can meet your beloved Ray?

    Let's go to. Plus, there are rides!

    And they turned in the direction of the motley crowd, buzzing with voices and exploding with laughter. From behind the trees, the branches of which were decorated with light bulbs, multi-colored tents and tents appeared. Music was playing, carousels were spinning, rollercoaster trailers were rushing up and down the rails. Those wishing to get into the mirror maze, the rooms of laughter and horror, as well as the attraction "Your Past and Future" stood in a long line.

    Let's go in here,” Margo whispered mysteriously as they drew level with the navy blue star attraction tent. - I want to know my future.

    And then, as if having heard her words, throwing back the flap of the tent, an old gypsy woman came out with massive gold rings in her ears and a deck of cards in her hands, which she shuffled quickly and without looking. Her face was wrinkled, her black eyes looked piercing and seemed to penetrate her very soul. She had clearly been a beauty once. But now, her brightly painted lips, lined eyebrows, and gray skin tone gave her face an intimidating look. Wow, like a dead man from the grave, thought Margot.

    The gypsy, looking at the girls, beckoned them. The friends looked at each other in silence. Margot came up first.

    Are you guessing? she asked.

    Yes, dear, the old woman croaked. - Do not be afraid, come in without a queue. I already see your fate, only it will be necessary to clarify the details on the glass ball. Come in, and let your friend wait. Her fate is much simpler.

    And the gypsy, letting her client through the door, came in next. Constance began to wait anxiously.

    Once in a dimly lit room, Margo saw a table on which shone, shimmering with different colors, a crystal ball. She looked anxiously at the old woman.

    Sit down, don't be afraid, - the gypsy encouraged her. Let's see what we have here? - And began to peer into the ball. “I see, I see,” she sang in a drawn-out voice, and goosebumps ran down Margot’s back. She could not utter a word from excitement and mentally scolded herself for having agreed to enter here. You are not who you say you are, you are different. A handsome dark-haired man from this area is holding your heart captive. But there is a person very close to you and a patron who will help you in everything. Remember, your talisman will be an emerald. If you want happiness, then get it only by your own efforts. Do not look for benefits, look for love, which may not be where you think it is. All! - suddenly exclaimed the gypsy and leaned back in her chair. The ball at the same moment dimmed, and the light flashed in the room.

    Not Rhea, I hope? Margot was worried.

    Yes, and his family. And I heard that, that! You won't believe it!

    You know, let's have coffee and chat," Margot interrupted her.

    They went up to the veranda of the summer cafe and, seated at a far table in the corner, ordered a cup of coffee.

    Carried away by the conversation, the friends did not notice that Alex Falcon, who was sitting across the table from them, was attentively listening to their conversation.

    The morning for Ray this time was not a pleasant one. As soon as the servants drew aside the heavy curtains, letting the sunlight into the room, Mrs. Davison's frequent coughing, more like a nervous tic, was heard.

    My dear, how are you going to get rid of journalists? After all, the fact that you have now settled here is not a guarantee that they will leave you alone, - his mother, a lady of about fifty-five years old in a satin dressing gown and with gray curls, asked Ray, who had not yet fully awakened.

    Ray, can I work with you? Oh please! I can be a secretary, can't I?

    There is already a contender for this position. It was recommended to me by the head of the publishing house himself. So while you study.

    That's a bore, me too! - Sister muttered with resentment and left.

    After breakfast alone, Ray went to the editorial office of the magazine.

    There, seated in an armchair at the table, was a young lady in a light beige trouser suit, with short hair and almost no make-up, waiting for him. Seeing the editor-in-chief enter, she got up and introduced herself:

    Good morning Mr Davison! I am Margaret Greim. Alex Falcon recommended me for the position of assistant secretary.

    Ray greeted her and invited her to sit down. A brief interview followed as Alex's recommendation worked flawlessly. However, Margot had to make a lot of efforts not to be embarrassed, to answer questions clearly and dispassionately, without betraying her feelings in any way. I must say that she received great support and serious parting words from Ray himself. The editor-in-chief was businesslike, restrained and perceived the new secretary as just a faceless addition to his office, nothing more.

    Well, then, make out in the personnel department and proceed to your duties, ”he said at last.

    Margot set to work on the same day, and a week later she was already fully accustomed to the new place. She typed letters, kept documentation, answered questions from visitors who came to the office.

    The day before Margot arrived at the office, he and Alex nevertheless made an attempt to change her image. In one of the most expensive stores in the city, a caring neighbor made Margo try on the clothes that she herself would like to see on herself. And she, without thinking twice, chose a long, spacious skirt and a wide blouse with long sleeves and a blind collar. Putting on all this, Margot was so upset that she almost burst into tears in front of the saleswoman.

    Alex fixed the issue in no time. He asked the consultant to bring a few smart pieces, including a greenish pantsuit and a white top. Choosing shoes, I settled on dark green stilettos and classic black pumps. Having changed right there, in the store, Margot looked at herself in the mirror and realized that she lacked only makeup, well, and something else small, in order to completely transform and become the girl that Ray would undoubtedly want to meet.

    Take another handbag to match your shoes, the saleswoman advised. - And it would also be a good combination of the whole ensemble with long curls.

    The handbag was purchased unconditionally. And regarding the long curls, Margot spoke out when they left the store:

    Let her advise her friends! This is impolite of her!

    Specify one-part sentences.

    What is the main term in them?

    Determine the character in these sentences according to the form of the verb, according to the meaning of the ending.

    In February

    I leave the house early in the morning. I notice bluish icicles under the roofs. And look at the snow! It is either golden-pink in the rays of the rising sun, or deep blue in the shade. Now let's take a look at the forest. He is already a little alive. Stop, listen...

    184. Underline the main member of definitely personal sentences. How is it expressed? Highlight the end of the verb. What person is the form of the verb? Indicate the grammatical foundations of two-part and one-part sentences. Write off, placing separating commas between homogeneous members and highlighting commas to separate participial phrases and to highlight simple sentences as part of complex ones.

    In the land where I grew up, there are many customs that the people cherish and are proud of (?) and which really make up the charm of his soul and character.

    Once, together with a friend, I went to my native place. We got off the train. We walk on the platform. To the surprise of my companion, I begin to greet everyone who comes across to me (at) a meeting. I cordially greet either an old woman with .. walking surrounded by .. trunks and teapots, or a porter walking along the platform in a white apron, or a little girl quickly mincing somewhere past us with a heavy ..loy k..rzina. I really like (?) Xia this ancient custom. You walk along the road and only have time to respond to the greetings rushing towards you from all sides.

    (According to V. Telpugov)

    185. The following sentences are taken from A. Pushkin's drama "Boris Godunov". Determine the type of one-part sentences. Rewrite with missing punctuation marks. Underline the main member of one-part sentences. How is it expressed? Highlight the end of the verb. What person is the form of the verb? Is the monologue or line of dialogue reproduced in this passage?

    1. Learn My Son: Science Cuts
      We experience a fast ..t ..successful life .. .
    2. The prince may know
      What do you know ... Prince Shuisky. Speak.
    3. No, Shuisky (don't) swear
      But answer me: was it the prince?
    4. Listen prince: take action this very hour
      What (b) from Lithuania was Russia guarded ...
    5. Think prince. I give mercy...

    186. First write out definite personal sentences in which the main member is expressed by the verb in the 2nd person singular of the indicative mood, then those in which the main member is expressed by the verb in the 2nd person singular of the imperative. Why, in your opinion, are definite personal sentences so widely used in proverbs and sayings? Pick up 2-3 proverbs or sayings that are definitely personal sentences.

    1. Throw out the words (not) from the 2. Take care of honor from a young age. 3. Feed the horse (not) with a song .. sh. 4. Don't put your fingers in your mouth. 5. You (not) please everyone. 6. Deal with a word (not) replace .. sh. 7. You can (not) untie the knot with one hand. 8. Stand up for the truth with a mountain. 9. Die yourself, but rescue a comrade.

    187. Restore the author's text, excluding from all sentences, except for the first, the pronoun I. What kind of sentences did you get after eliminating the pronoun? How has the text changed: has the narrative become more dynamic? What did the attention of the author and the reader focus on - on the face or on the action? Write off the restored author's text, placing the missing commas.

    As a generous attention of fate, I accept when I go beyond the s.. laziness of the sh.. the secondary flowering and the first mushrooms in the well.. lty grasses. I stand under the sun(?)ntsem, under the ray..m slanting, and for a long time with the surprise of a child I follow the flight of thin ducks in the sparkling trembling of dew. I'm walking with a mound of a spruce forest, and in front, over the lake, over the steep..y, heavy..tossing (?) Clouds.

    (V. Toropygin)

    188. Compose a text. Describe your memories, experiences so that the action, state could be attributed to any, i.e. generalized, person. In such a description, definite personal sentences are appropriate, in which the main member is expressed by the verb in the form of the 2nd person of the present (future) tense singular. Choose, for example, one of the topics: “At the stadium, at the match of your favorite team”, “On the eve of a birthday”, “Before the first concert”, etc.

    189. Dictation. Highlight the endings of the verbs that express the predicates in definite personal sentences.

    Please note that subordinate clauses connected by a single union and are not separated by a comma, like homogeneous members!

    The spring night stood over the mountains, over the forest, over the river. I love those nights when you breathe so easily and freely. You feel how you yourself come to life together with nature and how something good, cheerful, happy accumulates in your soul.

    (According to D. Mamin-Sibiryak)