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  • The use of various types of asu in practice. Asu for various purposes, examples of their use. Theoretical information for a practical lesson

    The use of various types of asu in practice.  Asu for various purposes, examples of their use.  Theoretical information for a practical lesson

    Practical work Topic: ACS for various purposes, examples of their use. 1 . The purpose of the work: to develop practical skills in determining the data transfer rate, creating an e-mail box, setting parameters and working with e-mail. 2. Equipment, instruments, equipment, materials: personal computer with Internet access. 3. Brief theoretical information. Information process - the process of obtaining, creating, collecting, processing, accumulating, storing, searching, distributing and using information. (See fig.) Information systems are systems in which information processes take place. If the supplied information is extracted from any process (object), and the output is used to purposefully change the same object, then such an information system is called a control system. Types of control systems: manual, automated (man-machine), automatic (technical). Automated control system or automated control system is a complex of hardware and software designed to control various processes within the technological process, production, enterprise. ACS are used in various industries, energy, transport and the like. The creator of the first automated control systems in the USSR is Nikolai Ivanovich Veduta (1913-1998), Doctor of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, founder of the scientific school of strategic planning. In 1962-1967 in the position of director of the Central Research Institute of Technical Management (TsNIITU), being also a member of the collegium of the USSR Ministry of Instrument Engineering, he led the introduction of the country's first automated production control systems at machine-building enterprises. He actively fought against ideological PR actions to introduce expensive computers, instead of creating real automated control systems to improve the efficiency of production management.

    The most important task of the automated control system is to increase the efficiency of managing an object based on the growth of labor productivity and improving the methods of planning the management process. Goals of management automation. The generalized goal of control automation is to increase the efficiency of using the potential capabilities of the control object. Thus, a number of goals can be distinguished: 1. Providing the decision maker (DM) with adequate data for decision making. Accelerating the performance of individual data collection and processing operations. Reducing the number of decisions that the decision maker must make. Increasing the level of control and performance discipline. Improving the efficiency of management. Reducing the costs of the decision maker for the implementation of auxiliary processes. Increasing the degree of validity of decisions made. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The ACS includes the following types of support: information, software, technical, organizational, metrological, legal, linguistic. The main classification features that determine the type of ACS are: the scope of operation of the control object (industry, construction, transport, agriculture, non-industrial sphere, and so on); type of controlled process (technological, organizational, economic, and so on); level in the public administration system, including the management of the national economy in accordance with the current schemes for managing industries (for industry: industry (ministry), all-Union association, all-Union industrial scientific and production association, enterprise (organization), production, workshop, site, technological unit). association, ACS functions: planning and (or) forecasting; accounting, control, analysis; coordination and/or regulation. Types of automated control systems: An automated process control system or automated process control system solves the problems of operational management and control of technical objects in industry, energy, and transport.

    The automated production control system (APCS) solves the problems of organizing production, including the main production processes, incoming and outgoing logistics. Carries out short-term planning of production taking into account production capacities, analysis of product quality, modeling of the production process. Examples: Automated street lighting control system ("ASU UO") is designed to automate the centralized control of street lighting. Automated control system for outdoor lighting ("ASUNO") is designed to organize automation of centralized control of outdoor lighting. Automated traffic control system or ACS DD is designed to control vehicles and pedestrian flows on the road network of a city or highway. Automated enterprise control system or automated control system To solve these problems, MRP, MRP II and ERP systems are used. If the enterprise is an educational institution, learning management systems are applied. Automatic control system for hotels. Automated operational risk management system is software containing a set of tools necessary to solve the problems of managing operational risks of enterprises: from data collection to reporting and forecasting. Task 1. Study the presentation "Automated control systems". Task 2. Watch videos "Automated control systems for railway transport". Task 3. Answer control questions Task 4. Find information about ACS in your specialty. 5. Contents of the report The report should contain: 1. Title of the work. 2. The purpose of the work. 3. Task and its solution. 4. Conclusion on work. 6. Control questions 1. What is an automated control system. 2. Appointment of ACS. 3. What functions are carried out by ACS? 4. Give examples of automated control systems.

    Lesson topic: ACS for various purposes, examples of their use. Test.

    Lesson Objectives:



    1. Activation of mental activity and development of creative abilities.

      Improvement of independent work skills.

      Development of interest in the subject and the ability to apply practical knowledge in the future profession.


      Raising a responsible attitude to educational work.

      Improving teamwork skills.

      Formation of moral qualities.

    Teaching methods:

      Using elements of cooperation pedagogy:

      • teaching without coercion;

        collective creativity;

        intelligent group background.

      Application of the principle "I teach - I educate".

      Application of types of control and self-control:


    Equipment: board, multimedia projector, PC, task cards.

    During the classes.

    1. Preparing students for the lesson:

      checking those present in the class;

      test readiness for the lesson.

    2. Preparing students for active cognitive activity:

      communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

    3. Testing knowledge and skills

    Checking homework. Filling in the table "Digital storage media".

      Formation of new knowledge and skills.


      practical work.

      Test. Run a test on a computer.

    6. Homework:


    7. Summing up, grading.

    information process- the process of obtaining, creating, collecting, processing, accumulating, storing, searching, distributing and using information. (See pic.)

    Information Systems- systems in which information processes take place. If the supplied information is extracted from any process (object), and the output is used to purposefully change the same object, then such an information system is called control system.

    Types of control systems : manual, and automated(man-machine), automatic (technical).

    Automated control system or ACS - a set of hardware and software designed to control various processes within the technological process, production, enterprise. ACS are used in various industries, energy, transport, etc. The termautomated , as opposed to the termautomatic emphasizes the preservation of the human operator some functions, or the most general, goal-setting nature technical). , or not amenable to automation.

    Description of some automated control systems

    3.ACS services
    A feature of the automated control system is the ability to take into account not only the
    services, but also customers, which is necessary in many modern
    enterprises providing paid services: hospitals, salons,
    clubs... Accounting, viewing and analysis of data can be done as
    in the context of services rendered, as well as by clients. used
    plan-fact analysis, load forecast for each type of service.

    5. ACS of the city administration

    Administration workstation
    shop / market workstation
    Wholesale workstation

    ACS goals:
    -acceleration and simplification of functional, informational,
    documentary, material links between departments,
    enterprises, etc.,
    -increasing operational observability and controllability
    industrial and consumer complex of the city,
    - ensuring docking of ACS subsystems to prevent
    duplication of operations, functions, information flows,
    - facilitating management for the city administration,
    -simplification of interaction between the city administration,
    business leaders, entrepreneurs,
    -facilitating city residents in orientation and activities
    in the social and consumer sphere.
    Basic principles for the development of automated control systems
    - centralized system design of the ACS complex, taking into account
    the existing backlog and the existing structure of subsystems (divisions),
    - centralized development of rules (specifications) for working with automated control systems,
    first of all disciplines of interaction of subsystems and divisions,
    - phased introduction of elements and subsystems of the ACS complex,
    - user friendliness (principle of "three buttons", simple logic),
    -based not on documents, but on objects and actions on them,
    - accounting of planned and actual actions, their comparison, analysis,
    use for the formation of control actions,
    -creation of programs for converting information flows between
    existing heterogeneous software subsystems,
    -automation of protection of databases and ACS subsystems (access, fiscalization,
    situation analysis).
    Main goals
    a) creation of an automated control system for the execution of decisions (document flow) with prospects
    transition to paperless technology of document management and exchange,
    first of all, automated control systems for management in order to reduce
    processing time of documents and problems.
    b) creation of a city network of automated information exchange,
    including the collection of data from enterprises and services in the consumer sector,
    supply, production.
    Data processing, ordering, statistics generation.
    Passing information "down" for use in activities
    businesses, entrepreneurs, residents.

    ACS of the city administration department on the example of the trade department:
    AWP shop / market:
    entry, storage and transfer to the administration of prices for goods, list
    submitted by the administration.
    Wholesale workstation: similar to the previous one.
    AWP of the department of regulation and organization of trade
    city ​​administration (ACS for commodity flows)
    Purpose of the program: calculation, storage and printing of average
    prices of sellers (wholesalers, shops, markets).
    The program is designed in a multi-window form, familiar to
    modern user of a personal computer. Used-
    keyboarding is also traditional.
    There are two stages in working with the program: reception
    (input) of data and their statistical processing.
    Before work, it is necessary to prepare the program
    we: enter the date(s) of calculation of statistics, fill in the lists
    goods and sellers. Product lists are structured by product
    groups defined by the user. All lists can be printed.
    Data input
    The data for calculating average prices are sales prices
    goods from sellers (selected wholesalers, shops, markets).
    The price of each product is entered separately for stores,
    markets and wholesalers. Prices can be entered automatically from
    data received from sellers by means of communication, or manually.
    Calculation of average prices
    The average prices of each product for the current date are calculated
    program automatically according to the entered list of sellers.
    Item prices and calculated average prices can be stored and
    displayed on a computer screen or printer.
    Working with statistics
    You can print the final report on average prices,
    you can review (and correct if necessary)
    lists of average prices for each product group.
    Viewports can be controlled by standard operations:
    expand to full screen, move, zoom in
    Images. Opened windows can be cascaded or
    mosaic, collapse into "icons".
    The "Service" item of the main menu provides configuration
    programs according to user requirements (screen, printer, dates
    statistics) and access to standard Windows tools (clock,
    calculator, notepad), as well as archiving the database and
    installing a new base.

    5.ACS wholesale
    Marketing workstation
    workstation warehouse,
    Workstation for communication with suppliers/manufacturers
    AWP for communication with customers
    AWP related services (transport, packaging, etc.)
    AWP cash desk
    Administration workstation
    Workflow workstation
    (DB of electronic documents, texts, images, audio recordings,
    decisions made, document flow history)

    6.ACS production,
    AWP supply
    Marketing workstation
    Sales workstation
    workstation warehouse
    Workstation of a technologist
    AWP shop / site
    Workstation of corporate communications and the Internet
    personnel automated control system
    Administration workstation (finance and investment)
    Administration workstation (equipment)
    Administration workstation (raw materials and products)
    Administration workstation (document flow)

    Lists, cascading windows, window selection menu
    -main operations of the automated control system: Production, Raw materials, Cash desk
    -menu tree: Production: products, details
    - product management
    -in work, order, shipment, write-off
    -current, specification, archive, new
    -product specification: raw materials, parts, operations
    -parts list
    - Formation of product specifications: input from the list of operations
    -Control: Production process log
    -Filling out an electronic document from the lists: products, specifications,
    parts, raw materials

    ..10. ACS of a transport company
    Main functions: fleet management (economic, organizational,
    technical), maintenance management (regulations, execution),
    distribution of the fleet (plan-forecast, history), transportation management
    (regulations, forecast plan, history), passenger flow management
    (regulations, ordering tickets, execution), personnel management.
    The task of operational management of transportation is solved on a real scale
    time, taking into account data on the location and load of transport, the availability
    reserves of equipment and personnel.

    Automation system for business processes of a motor transport company
    1.System structure
    2. Equipment composition
    3.System design
    3.1.Virtual objects
    3.2.States of objects
    3.3 Processes

    3.7 Movement of documents
    3.8 Control
    4. ACS structure
    5.Characteristics of ACS
    5.1 Purpose indicators

    1.System structure
    The business process automation system (ACS) is implemented in the structure
    client-server. Server type (combined or dedicated stand-alone)
    determined during the technical design of the system. Software environment
    functioning of the automated control system includes the operational and network systems of the server and working
    stations, a DBMS program (database management systems).
    Structurally, the ACS program consists of functionally complete parts -
    modules, each of which works in any workstation of your choice
    Customer, serving a functionally separate automated
    workplace (AWP). Any database is available from each workstation for
    performing the tasks defined by this workstation. Any permitted action
    with the database is reflected in the state of all workstations, without requiring duplication.
    The functioning of the automated control system is based not on documents, but on objects
    automation, their state, state parameters and their change (movement
    objects). All this is reflected in the ACS in the form of records, electronic documents
    and their paper copies.
    The ACS database includes the initial data of virtual objects (directories),
    accounting forms of planning and electronic registration of the state of objects
    (specifications, logs), accounting forms of the results of state changes
    objects (calculations and analysis), document templates.
    2. Equipment composition
    The ACS equipment includes:
    -computer technology (server, workstations),
    - devices for storing, displaying and printing information,
    - local network equipment,
    - remote access devices,
    - other equipment.
    Availability of equipment at the automation object, its sufficiency or
    the need for additional equipment is specified at the survey stage.
    3.System design
    3.1.Virtual objects 3.1a. Object State Options
    -rolling stock quantity, technical specifications, technical condition
    - staff number, prof. x-ka, condition
    - number of customers, x-ka
    -equipment and MBP quantity, technical specifications, technical condition
    - consumables and spare parts quantity, technical specifications, technical condition
    - external relations (traffic police ...
    3.2.States of objects 3.3.Processes (actions in ACS on objects)
    a) rolling stock

    -simple, maintenance, repair -accounting, reporting
    b) staff
    - work on the line - accounting, reporting
    -work on maintenance and repair -accounting, reporting
    -planning/application -planning, reporting

    -simple -accounting
    c) customers
    - operation - accounting, reporting
    - planning / application - accounting, reporting
    - "simple" - accounting, planning
    d) equipment and IBE
    - operation - accounting, reporting
    - arrival-movement - accounting, reporting
    -planning/application -planning, reporting
    -simple -accounting, reporting
    - losses - accounting, reporting
    e) consumables and spare parts
    -expense -accounting, reporting
    - arrival-movement - accounting, reporting
    -planning/application -planning, reporting
    - losses - accounting, reporting
    f) external relations (traffic police ...
    -planning/application -planning
    -work -accounting, reporting
    g) standards
    -work -accounting, reporting
    3.4 Normative action planning
    Accounting forms of planning and forecasting changes in the state of objects:
    -plans-specifications of processes (budget, production program,
    fuel consumption plan, spare parts and materials, maintenance schedule)
    - work schedules
    - applications
    3.5 Display of actions (accounting)
    - repair sheets
    - accounting forms (hours worked, fuel consumption, equipment use,
    availability, mileage and downtime of rolling stock, consumption of MBP, fuel and lubricants,
    auxiliary materials, work carried out during maintenance
    and current repair of equipment, maintenance and scheduled preventive maintenance
    fixed equipment and fixtures, repair and commissioning
    batteries, revolving fund of electrical equipment and
    fuel system of vehicles, consumption of spare parts and operational
    materials, warehouse accounting)
    -calculations and analysis (travel expenses, actual fuel consumption,
    downtime of rolling stock, company activities)
    3.6. Accounting and reporting documents
    -Electronic documents
    -Documents on paper
    3.7 Movement of documents
    Movement of electronic documents and information in general in ACS between services
    (workplaces - workstations) occurs instantly and automatically. Availability
    registration of users in the system allows you to identify any
    of them and replaces the electronic signature. Storage, access to electronic
    documents and their search in ACS is more convenient and reliable than for paper
    documents. This allows you to move to paperless technology as
    automation coverage of all participating services.
    3.8 Control
    Monitoring the functioning of the automated control system, maintaining integrity and safety
    The database is managed by the system administrator.
    It is no secret that ACS is primarily a manager's tool.
    Integrated information about the state of automation objects, results
    analysis of the activities of services are available to the head through the administrator's workstation.
    4. ACS structure
    The division of ACS into modules can be according to the principles:
    -functional adequacy of the package of tasks of the automated control system
    The following structure of modules-workstation is proposed (according to the tasks of automated control systems and departments):
    a) administrator (control and management, performance accounting)
    b) system administrator (access, maintenance of the database, reconfiguration of the automated control system)
    c) staff
    d) automotive engineering (management of transport and equipment)
    e) warehouse
    f) planning and analysis (close in function to the "Budget" module in terms of TOR)
    g) dispatching (similar in function to the "Traveling sheets" module in terms of TK)
    h) maintenance and repair
    5.Characteristics of ACS
    5.1.Indicators of the purpose of the system
    - the ability to automate the company's business processes.
    Automation consists in filling out accounting and reporting forms from
    reference books and specifications, no duplication of actions on
    virtual objects and documents in various services, distribution
    changes in information for all workstations, etc.
    - the ability to store the necessary reference information. As part of the base
    data directories are provided (personnel, partners, equipment,
    equipment, consumables, etc.).
    - the ability to generate the required reporting.
    - scalability, i.e. the possibility of increasing computing resources
    without changing the software. Any module (AWP) can be
    installed on any of the workstations, including all modules on one
    or each module to several workstations. Scalability limitation
    can only occur when using outdated equipment.
    5.2.Main automated business processes
    5.2.1. Hiring a new employee
    5.2.2. Dismissal of an employee
    5.2.3. Registration of new equipment
    5.2.4. Decommissioning of equipment
    5.2.5. Assigning machines to customers
    5.2.6. Processing of the application, issuance of the waybill
    5.2.7. Waybill processing
    5.2.8. Issuance of a repair sheet
    5.2.9. Repair sheet processing
    5.2.10. Reception of spare parts and operating materials to the warehouse
    5.2.11. Issuance of spare parts and operating materials for production
    5.2.12. Write-off of spare parts and operating materials.

    The first domestic automated control system (ACS), designed for mass passenger service in real time, began to function in 1972 under the name "Express-1".

    If the Express-1 system was designed for the complex automation of ticketing and cash operations in large railway junctions, then the Express-2 automated control system (1982) managed the sale of tickets and passenger traffic on the scale of the regions allocated to the railway network. The network region served by one Express-2 automated control system included the territory of one or several railways.

    Through the Express-2 automated control system, all ticket sales management processes were automated, taking into account transit trains, and the sale of seats was organized through the telephone ordering bureau. Used in "Express-2" ES computers by the mid-1990s. could no longer meet modern requirements. The development of computer technology and the Internet has set the task for the railroad workers to modernize the Express computer network. This task was successfully solved, and in 2002 the Express-3 system began to operate on the railways.

    On the basis of the Express ACS, four subsystems have been developed and implemented:

    • the automated reference and information system "Ekasis" is designed to provide all users of the "Express" system with reference information on all issues related to the passage of passengers by rail;
    • the ESUBR automated baggage management system solves problems related to the automation of the processing of transportation and cargo-luggage documents;
    • the automated control system for the operation and repair of the fleet of passenger cars "ASUPV" includes the tasks of entering and updating data on the passenger car fleet, analyzing and planning repairs of the cars of the passenger fleet;
    • the ASUL passenger traffic management system provides information on the fulfillment of the main indicators related to passenger traffic.

    Thus, the ACS "Express" in the passenger sector is not only a system for selling tickets and reserving seats, but also a mechanism that can be used to solve a wide variety of problems in the field of passenger traffic management.

    Let's go to the Express ACS website at The main page of the site is shown in fig. 113.

    Check availability in the direction Moscow-Orel. To get acquainted with the possibilities of the program, it is not necessary to register a subscriber,

    you can enter login demo, password demo. So, fill in the From and To fields according to Fig. 114.

    By clicking the Request button, we get to the Availability window, where you should fill in the fields according to Fig. 115.

    Rice. 114.

    Rice. 115.

    As a result of the search query, we received information about the number of seats in two trains (Fig. 116) going to the city of Donetsk, but making a stop in the city of Orel. As you can see from the query, the first train has only 48 upper compartment seats, there are no lower compartments, and the second train has 26 lower compartment seats.

    The user can get more detailed information by clicking on the link indicating the train number - 009M. The window shown in Fig. 117, from which you can get information about the type of car, ticket price, as well as information on each car about the availability of lower and upper seats.

    Using the Express-3 automated control system, which operates on the Russian Railways (RZD) website at, you can not only view information about the availability of seats for various railway directions, but also make an order for tickets .

    Let's go to the Russian Railways website and click on the link "Schedule, availability, ticket prices." The Schedule and Ticket Availability window will open, shown in fig. 118.

    Rice. 116.

    Rice. 117.

    Fill out the form yourself and click the Schedule button. On fig. 119 shows the result of a query in the direction Moscow-Sevastopol.

    Let's return to the main form and, having indicated the date of departure of the train, click on the Availability button. To view more detailed information and fares, select a train from the proposed list and click the Continue button. The query result is shown in Fig. 120.

    Rice. 118.

    Rice. 119.

    Rice. 120.

    As can be seen from the results of the request, we are fully informed not only about the fare, but also about the number of upper and lower seats in a compartment or reserved seat.

    Next, you should agree that we are familiar with the features of issuing a travel document via the Internet by checking the appropriate box, and click the button Checkout. Further, after completing the registration process on the Russian Railways website, we will be able to order a ticket for the desired direction.


    TOPIC: ACS for various purposes, examples of their use. Demonstration of the use of various types of automated control systems in practice in the technical field of activity

    1.Purpose of work: get an idea about automatic and automated control systems in the technical field of activity.

    2. Literature:

    2.1. Khlebnikov A.A. Informatics, Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", 2012 2. Tsvetkova, M.S. Informatics and ICT: a textbook for NGOs and SPO / 2.2. M.S. Tsvetkova, L.S. Velikovich - M .: "Academy", 2012

    2.3. Shaporev, S. D. Informatics. Theoretical g and practical classes St. Petersburg. : BHV-Petersburg, 2010

    3. Questions of home preparation:

    3.1. What is ASU?

    3.2. What is the idea of ​​management?

    3.3. Define an automatic system.

    4. Main equipment: PC

    5. The content of the work:

    Exercise№1 .

      Watch the presentation " Automated control systems”(located on a network drive of a computer), which presents types of automated control systems. Use hyperlinks to navigate to web pages that provide examples of automated control systems.

      For examples of factory automation, watch the videos Rolled Metal Processing Conveyor Line and Rolled Pipe Production.

    Exercise№2 .

    Answer security questions:

    Task number 3. Make a conclusion about the work done:


      1. Review safety requirements.

    Computer class safety

      Students should enter and study in the classroom calmly, without touching the tables and without touching anything on them.

      Work with a computer is carried out strictly according to the instructions of the teacher.

      Before starting work, students should make sure that there is no visible damage to the equipment.

    It is forbidden:

    Disconnect or connect the connectors of the equipment and try to correct the malfunction that has arisen in the equipment.

    Put any objects on the monitor, system unit or keyboard;

    - Work with damp clothing and wet or dirty hands.

    Turning on the PC must be done in the following order:

      turn on the printer (if needed);

    2) turn on the monitor;

    3) turn on the system unit;

    Turn off PC:

    1) terminate all running programs

    2) turn off the system unit;

    3) turn off the monitor;

    4) turn off the printer (if it was turned on).

    6.2. Familiarize yourself with the points of practical work;

    6.3. Prepare your report according to the seventh paragraph of this practical work;

    6.4. Complete the task in accordance with your option;

    6.5. Draw a conclusion about the work done.

    7.1. Title, purpose of the work, task of this practical work.

    7.2. The number of the variant, the condition of the problem of its variant and its solution.

    7.3. Checklist.

    7.4. Conclusion about the work done.

    8. Theoretical information for a practical lesson

    Automated control system or ACS– a complex of hardware and software designed to control various processes within the technological process, production, enterprise. ACS are used in various industries, energy, transport and the like.

    The creator of the first automated control systems in the USSR is Nikolai Ivanovich Veduta (1913-1998), Doctor of Economics, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, founder of the scientific school of strategic planning. In 1962-1967. in the position of director of the Central Research Institute of Technical Management (TsNIITU), being also a member of the collegium of the USSR Ministry of Instrument Engineering, he led the introduction of the country's first automated production control systems at machine-building enterprises. Actively fought against ideological PR campaigns on the introduction of expensive computers, instead of creating real automated control systems to improve the efficiency of production management.

    The most important task of the ACS is increasing the efficiency of facility management based on the growth of labor productivity and improving the methods of planning the management process.

    Goals of management automation

    The generalized goal of control automation is to increase the efficiency of using the potential capabilities of the control object. Thus, a number of goals can be distinguished:

      Providing the decision maker (DM) with adequate data for decision making.

      Accelerating the performance of individual data collection and processing operations.

      Reducing the number of decisions that the decision maker must make.

      Increasing the level of control and performance discipline.

      Improving the efficiency of management.

      Reducing the costs of the decision maker for the implementation of auxiliary processes.

      Increasing the degree of validity of decisions made.

    The ACS includes the following types of collateral :








    Main classification features

    The main classification features that determine the type of ACS are:

      the scope of operation of the control object (industry, construction, transport, agriculture, non-industrial sector, and so on);

      type of controlled process (technological, organizational, economic, and so on);

      level in the public administration system, including the management of the national economy in accordance with the current sectoral management schemes (for industry: industry (ministry), all-union association, all-union industrial association, scientific and production association, enterprise (organization), production, workshop, site, technological unit).

    ACS functions

    The functions of the automated control system in the general case include the following elements (actions):

      planning and (or) forecasting;

      accounting, control, analysis;

      coordination and/or regulation.

    Types of ACS

      Automated process control system or APCS- solves the problems of operational management and control of technical objects in industry, energy, transport.

      Automated production control system (ACS P) - solves the problems of organizing production, including the main production processes, incoming and outgoing logistics. Carries out short-term planning of production taking into account production capacities, analysis of product quality, modeling of the production process.


      Automated street lighting control system("ASU UO") - designed to organize the automation of centralized control of street lighting.

      Automated outdoor lighting control system("ASUNO") - designed to organize the automation of centralized control of outdoor lighting.

      Automated traffic control system or ACS DD– designed to control vehicles and pedestrian flows on the road network of a city or highway

      Automated enterprise management system or ASUP– To solve these problems, MRP, MRP II and ERP systems are used. If the enterprise is an educational institution, learning management systems are applied.

      Automatic control system for hotels.

      Automated operational risk management system– this is software containing a set of tools necessary for solving the problems of managing operational risks of enterprises: from data collection to reporting and forecasting.

    1. The purpose of the work: develop practical skills in determining the data transfer rate, creating an e-mail box, setting up parameters and working with e-mail.

    2. Equipment, devices, equipment, materials: personal computer with Internet access.

    3. Brief theoretical information.

    information process- the process of obtaining, creating, collecting, processing, accumulating, storing, searching, distributing and using information. (See pic.)

    Information Systems - systems in which information processes take place. If the supplied information is extracted from any process (object), and the output is used to purposefully change the same object, then such an information system is called a control system.

    Types of control systems: manual, automated (man-machine), automatic (technical).

    Automated control system or ACS - a complex of hardware and software designed to control various processes within the technological process, production, enterprise. ACS are used in various industries, energy, transport and the like.

    The creator of the first automated control systems in the USSR is Nikolai Ivanovich Veduta (1913-1998), Doctor of Economics, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, founder of the scientific school of strategic planning. In 1962-1967. in the position of director of the Central Research Institute of Technical Management (TsNIITU), being also a member of the collegium of the USSR Ministry of Instrument Engineering, he led the introduction of the country's first automated production control systems at machine-building enterprises. Actively fought against ideological PR campaigns on the introduction of expensive computers, instead of creating real automated control systems to improve the efficiency of production management.

    The most important task of the automated control system is to increase the efficiency of facility management based on the growth of labor productivity and improvement of methods for planning the management process.

    Goals of management automation. The generalized goal of control automation is to increase the efficiency of using the potential capabilities of the control object. Thus, a number of goals can be distinguished:

    1. Providing the decision maker (DM) with adequate data for decision making.

    2. Accelerating the performance of individual data collection and processing operations.

    3. Reducing the number of decisions that the decision maker must make.

    4. Increasing the level of control and performance discipline.

    5. Improving the efficiency of management.

    6. Reducing the costs of the decision maker for the implementation of auxiliary processes.

    7. Increasing the degree of validity of decisions made.
    The ACS includes the following types of collateral:

    • information,

    • software,

    • technical,

    • organizational,

    • metrological,

    • legal,

    • linguistic.
    The main classification features that determine the type of ACS are:

    • the scope of operation of the control object (industry, construction, transport, agriculture, non-industrial sector, and so on);

    • type of controlled process (technological, organizational, economic, and so on);

    • level in the public administration system, including the management of the national economy in accordance with the current sectoral management schemes (for industry: industry (ministry), all-union association, all-union industrial association, scientific and production association, enterprise (organization), production, workshop, site, technological unit).
    ACS functions:

    • planning and (or) forecasting;

    • accounting, control, analysis;

    • coordination and/or regulation.
    Types of ACS:

    • Automated process control system or automated process control system - solves the problems of operational management and control of technical objects in industry, energy, and transport.

    • Automated production management system (ACS P) - solves the problems of organizing production, including the main production processes, incoming and outgoing logistics. Carries out short-term planning of production taking into account production capacities, analysis of product quality, modeling of the production process.

    • Automated street lighting control system (“ACS UO”) is designed to organize automation of centralized control of street lighting.

    • Automated control system for outdoor lighting ("ASUNO") - designed to organize automation of centralized control of outdoor lighting.

    • Automated traffic control system or ACS DD - designed to control vehicles and pedestrian flows on the road network of a city or highway

    • Automated enterprise management system or automated control system - MRP, MRP II and ERP systems are used to solve these problems. If the enterprise is an educational institution, learning management systems are applied.

    • Automatic control system for hotels.

    • An automated operational risk management system is software that contains a set of tools necessary to solve the problems of managing operational risks of enterprises: from data collection to reporting and forecasting.
    4. Task

    Exercise 1. To study the presentation "Automated control systems".

    Task 2. Watch the videos "Conveyor line for processing rolled metal" and "Production of rolled metal pipes".

    Task 3. Answer security questions

    Task 4. Find information about ACS for your specialty.

    5. Content of the report

    The report must contain:

      1. Job title.

      2. Goal of the work.

      3. The task and its solution.

      4. Work conclusion.
    6. Security questions

      1. What is an automated control system.

      2. Appointment of ACS.

      3. What are the functions of the ACS?

      4. Give examples of ACS.