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  • Forms of organization of the correctional educational process in a preschool educational institution (groups) for children with speech disorders. Organization of correctional and developmental education in general education classes of a municipal educational institution

    Forms of organization of the correctional educational process in a preschool educational institution (groups) for children with speech disorders.  Organization of correctional and developmental education in general education classes of a municipal educational institution
    • Specialty HAC RF13.00.01
    • Number of pages 155

    CHAPTER I. Correctional and developmental function of the teacher as a psychological and pedagogical problem.

    1.1. Social conditioning and prerequisites for the emergence of a contingent of children in need of additional educational services.

    1.2. Features of teaching children with mental retardation and their projection on the activities of the teacher.

    1.3. Correction-developing function of a teacher working in KRO classes in the structure of his professional competence.

    Chapter conclusions.

    CHAPTER II. Experimental work on the formation of the teacher's correctional and developmental function in pedagogical activity.

    2.1. Diagnosis of the initial level of the teacher's correctional and developmental function in pedagogical activity.

    2.2. Stages of development of the correctional-developing function of the teacher.

    2.3. Conditions for the success of the formation of the correctional-developing function of the teacher.

    Chapter conclusions.

    Recommended list of dissertations

    • Teacher's professional and personal orientation as a factor in the success of correctional and developmental activities in the primary education system 2007, candidate of psychological sciences Reprintseva, Galina Anatolyevna

    • Improving the activities of a music teacher in the correctional and developmental education of younger students 2006, candidate of pedagogical sciences Tanko, Tatyana Semenovna

    • Preparation of students of a pedagogical university for correctional and developmental activities in the educational process 2001, candidate of pedagogical sciences Mikhailova, Elena Nikolaevna

    • Pedagogical foundations for training heads of educational institutions for the management of correctional and developmental activities: Based on the material of special (correctional) classes of type VII 2005, candidate of pedagogical sciences Brazhnik, Oksana Yurievna

    • Preparing future teachers for corrective work with students in a pedagogical college 2004, candidate of pedagogical sciences Glushko, Elena Georgievna

    Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) on the topic "Correctional and developmental function of the teacher in the organization of the educational process: With children in need of additional educational services"

    The relevance of research. Teachers, psychologists, physiologists, environmentalists predict in the near future an increase in the number of children with psychosomatic developmental disabilities, an increase in the number of students with deprivation and school maladaptation. This leads to the need to organize special work with children diagnosed with mental retardation (MPD) in secondary schools, in particular, in classes of correctional and developmental education (CRO). According to the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education, almost 80% of children have deviations in their state of health and need special - correctional and developmental - forms and methods of education.

    Psychological and pedagogical correction of developmental deficiencies in children is the subject of numerous studies (E.K. Gracheva, V.P. Kashchenko, G.I. Rossolimo, G.Ya. Troshin, A.F. Lazursky, A.V. Vladimirsky, N. V. Chekhov, JI.C. Vygotsky, JI.B. Zabramnaya, L.S. Slavina, T.A. Vlasova, N.S. Pevzner, B.P. Puzanova and others), which deeply analyze issues of differentiation of education and upbringing of students of correctional and developmental classes (G.F. Kumarina, S.G. Shevchenko, etc.). School maladjustment as a result of mental retardation necessitates not only diagnosing this phenomenon, but also looking for ways to prevent it (S.A. Belicheva, S.A. Badmaev, O.N. Usanova, L.V. Shibaeva, etc. ).

    The structure and content of work with children who require special educational services have certain features due to the nature of the assimilation of educational material, which differs significantly from the cognitive capabilities of ordinary schoolchildren and leads to difficulties for teachers working in correctional and developmental education classes. Polls of teachers testify to dissatisfaction with their work due to ignorance of the psychological characteristics of children with learning and upbringing difficulties, lack of understanding of the reasons for poor progress and inappropriate behavior of students, lack of knowledge of special work methods.

    The analysis of socio-psychological and pedagogical literature, as well as the author's professional experience as the chief methodologist - head of the correctional pedagogy department of the Voronezh Regional Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Educational Workers, made it possible to identify a number of contradictions:

    Between the socially determined demand for a correctional and developmental function in the structure of the pedagogical activity of a teacher of KRO classes and its lack of formation in the process of teaching a teacher both at a university and in institutions of advanced training;

    Between individual actions of a correctional and developmental nature intuitively manifested by the teacher and the lack of ideas about the essence, the formation of a correctional and developmental function in the organization of the educational process of children requiring additional educational services;

    Between the need for an organization for children in need of additional educational services of a specific educational process and the lack of a system of corrective and developmental actions for teachers who carry it out.

    The identified contradictions made it possible to formulate the research problem, to determine the essence of the correctional-developing function and the main conditions for teaching its formation and practical implementation in the educational process of students requiring additional educational services.

    The state of development of the research problem.

    Most of the works close in subject matter to our research analyze the structure and place of the educational process in the subject field of pedagogy (E.V. Bondarevskaya, N.V. Bordovskaya, S.V. Kulnevich, I.P. Podlasy, A. A. Rean, N.V. Solovieva, I.F. Kharlamov), analysis of professional competence as the implementation of the main professional and pedagogical functions (A.A. Derkach, N.V. Kuzmina, A.K. Markova, V.A. Slastenin), highlights the issues of social conditioning of the emergence of a contingent of children with problems in education and upbringing and their social adaptation in society (M.M. Aroshenko, A.S. Belkin, Ya.N. Glinsky, V.S. Ilderkina, V.P. Kerzhentsev , A.I. Kochetov), ​​analysis of the problem of special training of teachers of general education schools for correctional and pedagogical activities (A.D. Goneev, I.A. Lifanova, N.V. Yalpaeva), the theory and methodology of special psychological assistance to children are being scientifically developed, those in need of additional educational services (B.N. Almazov, M.R. Ginzburg, N. AT. Zhutikova, N.A. Menchinskaya).

    The object of the study is the correctional educational process in educational institutions.

    The subject of the study is the influence of the teacher's correctional and developmental function on the organization of the educational process of children requiring additional educational services.

    The purpose of the study is to determine the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the success of the formation of a correctional and developmental function and its impact on the educational process of children requiring additional educational services.

    Research objectives:

    To identify the most effective conditions for the organization of the correctional educational process based on the study of the characteristics of children with mental retardation (MPD) and the causes of their occurrence;

    To determine the essence, structure and specificity of the manifestation of the correctional and developmental function of the teacher as a backbone in the organization of the educational process of children with mental retardation;

    Diagnose the initial level of formation of the correctional and developmental function of teachers and its increase in the process of specialization at the Institute for Advanced Studies;

    Develop a program of special teacher training that involves the formation of a correctional and developmental function and its implementation in the educational process with children requiring additional educational services;

    Based on the identified conditions for the effective organization of the correctional educational process, develop methodological recommendations for teachers working with children who require additional educational services.

    Research hypothesis: the correctional and developmental function of the teacher will be carried out and effectively influence the educational process if:

    The teacher in the adaptive period of activity in the KRO classes and further forms the motivation and the gradual development of the correctional and developmental function in the structure of his professional competence;

    The administration of the educational institution has created special organizational conditions;

    The teacher is trained at the Institute for Advanced Studies according to a specially developed program;

    Achievements in the formation of the correctional-developing function are supported by the success of the student's educational activity, based on a combination of correction and development.

    The theoretical and methodological basis of the study are:

    Fundamental research of the educational process in the works of P.F. Kaptereva, V.P. Bespalko, S.I. Gessen, G.L. Ilyin, F. Paulsen, N.V. Solovieva, A.N. Shimina, I.S. Yakimanskaya;

    The concept of teacher's professional competence (Yu.N. Kulyutkin, A.K. Markova, E.I. Rogov);

    Conceptual provisions that determine the professional profile of a teacher (E.M. Pavlyutenkov, A.K. Markova, V.A. Slastenin, L.F. Spirin).

    Conceptual provisions JI.C. Vygotsky, V.P. Kashchenko, A.D. Goneeva, N.I. Lifintseva, N.V. Yalpayeva, S.G. Shevchenko and others about the specifics of activities with children requiring additional pedagogical services;

    The theory of gradual formation of mental actions P.Ya. Galperin and N.F. Talyzina.

    Research methods:

    1. Theoretical: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, comparison, classification, generalization of pedagogical experience, study of pedagogical documentation, etc.

    2. Empirical: observation, including included, surveys (oral and written), questioning, conversation, testing, expert assessment, ascertaining and forming experiment, analysis of schoolchildren's educational tasks.

    3. Methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis of the obtained data, mathematical methods.

    The reliability of the results of the study is ensured by the validity and scientific significance of the initial methodological positions, their argumentation and evidence, a wide range of psychological, pedagogical, socio-psychological and correctional sources included in the analysis, the use of complementary research methods that are adequate to its subject and tasks, the representativeness of the experimental samples.

    The novelty of the obtained results.

    1) the essence of the correctional-developing function was formulated for the first time;

    2) theoretically substantiated the estimated indicators of the learning ability of teachers of the correctional and developmental function as possession of skills:

    Predict, design and diagnose the development of the child's personality and the results of his education and upbringing;

    To identify the level of learning and upbringing;

    Determine the causes and conditions of deviations in development and behavior;

    Determine by external manifestations and actions of changes in the mental state of the child;

    It is pedagogically expedient to use corrective methods of education and upbringing in accordance with the level of development of students.

    3) three groups of conditions for the formation of a correctional and developmental function were identified:

    Mandatory special training for teachers at the Institute for Advanced Studies under a program that includes the content of knowledge in the field of correctional pedagogy, psychology and psychophysiology of children with developmental disabilities and methods of working with them.

    The theoretical significance of the results of the study lies in the possibility of their scientific application in the applied developments of professional and pedagogical activities.

    The practical significance of the study lies in:

    Scientific substantiation of the conditions for the formation and increase in the level of the correctional and developmental function of teachers working both in the classes of correctional and developmental education and in ordinary classes;

    Development of a teacher training program for the formation of actions and practical experience in using the correctional and developmental function, as well as its development in professional and pedagogical activities;

    Creation on the basis of the developed theory of the special course "Correction

    H developmental education and upbringing, modified for teachers of various specialties;

    Development of evidence-based methodological recommendations for the work of a teacher with children in need of additional educational services.

    Approbation of the research results: the idea, theoretical foundations and main provisions of the research, its results were discussed at meetings of the Department of Pedagogy of the Voronezh State University, the Department of Social Pedagogy of the VGPU, at lectures and practical classes with students of VOIPKRO courses. The main provisions of the thesis were discussed at scientific and practical conferences: annual scientific and practical conferences of the Department of Social Pedagogy of the VSPU following the results of the research work of teachers and students (Voronezh, 1998, 1999, 2000); regional scientific-practical conference "Concepts and technologies of developmental education" (Voronezh, 1999); interregional medical and pedagogical conference "The Mission of the Church at the Turn of the Millennium" (Zadonsk, 1999); "Psychological and pedagogical problems of correctional and developmental education and ways to solve them" (Voronezh, 2000); International scientific-practical conference "Education of the XX century: trends and prospects" (Voronezh, 2000).

    The implementation of the results of the study was carried out in the Voronezh Regional Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Educational Workers in 1999-2001; in the Talovskaya boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care; in the Education Center No. 1, secondary schools No. 57, No. 94 in Voronezh, as evidenced by the acts of implementation. The results of the study are presented in 6 publications of the author.

    The following provisions are put forward for defense:

    1. The work of a teacher in a modern school, especially in the classes of correctional and developmental education, requires an additional component of general professional competence - correctional and developmental activities, the features of which include considering it as:

    Meta-activities (activities for the organization of educational activities of students);

    Transformative activity aimed at changing the essence and content of the correctional educational process.

    2. Effective conditions for the organization of the educational process based on the peculiarities of teaching children in the classes of correctional and developmental education are:

    3. The correctional and developmental function of a teacher is a set and sequence of his skills and actions aimed at overcoming (weakening) the shortcomings in the development of children through special and general pedagogical measures and implemented with an integrated approach, including as dominant skills:

    To identify the level of education and upbringing;

    Determine the causes and conditions of deviations in development and behavior;

    Determine the change in the mental state of the child by external manifestations and actions;

    Predict and project the development of the child's personality and the results of his education and upbringing;

    Use and pedagogically expedient to apply methods of teaching and education in accordance with the level of development of students.

    4. The conditions that determine the success of the formation of a correctional and developmental function are:

    The setting of the teacher to improve their professional skills, determined by the specifics of the activity;

    Orientation of the management of the educational process to achieve correctional goals;

    Reinforcement with achievements of the educational activity of schoolchildren, based on a combination of correction and development.

    Research base:

    General education schools with KRO classes (secondary general education schools No. 57, No. 94, Education Center No. 1, gymnasium No. 3);

    Boarding school No. 2 in Voronezh, Talovskaya boarding school of the Voronezh region; Bobrovskoe special (correctional) educational institution of VII and VIII types;

    Voronezh Regional Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Educational Workers.

    The study was conducted from 1997 to 2001. in three stages:

    Stage I (1997-1998) - theoretical study of the problem field of correctional pedagogy, identification of contradictions and research topics. Statement of the state of the problem under study in theory and practice. Concretization of research objectives, promotion and refinement of the hypothesis.

    Stage II (1998-1999) - development of an experimental methodology, conducting ascertaining and teaching experiments on the formation and development of the teacher's correctional and developmental function.

    Stage III (1999-2001) - analysis of the results of experimental work, development of recommendations, testing of the results of the study, clarification of the conditions for the teacher's activity in similar institutions (boarding schools, special correctional educational institutions of VII and VIII types).

    Similar theses in the specialty "General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education", 13.00.01 VAK code

    • Correctional and developmental teaching of the Russian language to junior schoolchildren with mental retardation 2003, candidate of pedagogical sciences Kuznetsova, Irina Georgievna

    • Preparing future primary school teachers for the use of fairy tales in correctional and developmental activities with students 2007, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Pateeva, Olga Vitalievna

    • Development of the readiness of the future primary school teacher to solve acmeological problems 2000, candidate of psychological sciences Bodrova, Irina Borisovna

    • Correctional and developmental teaching of geography at school 2005, doctor of pedagogical sciences Suslov, Valery Gennadievich

    • Correctional and pedagogical work with younger schoolchildren with mental retardation of cerebral-organic genesis in a secondary school 2005, candidate of pedagogical sciences Vilshanskaya, Adela Damirovna

    Dissertation conclusion on the topic "General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education", Nikolkin, Evgeny Vasilievich

    Chapter Conclusions

    The success of the correctional and educational process is determined by the level of development of the correctional and developmental function of the teacher, which is understood as a set of skills and a sequence of actions aimed at overcoming (weakening) the shortcomings in the development of children through special and general pedagogical measures and implemented with an integrated approach.

    The conditions that determine the success of the formation of a correctional and developmental function are:

    Setting the teacher to improve their professional skills, initiated by the specifics of the activity;

    The earliest inclusion of the teacher in the process of special training and advanced training (universities do not provide this training to the teacher);

    Training of teachers at the Institute for Advanced Studies according to a specially designed program, including the content of knowledge in the field of pedagogy, psychology and psychophysiology of children with developmental disabilities and methods of working with them;

    Orientation of the management of the educational process to achieve correctional goals;

    Reinforcement with achievements of educational activities based on the content of correction and development.

    The formation of a correctional-developing function is subject to the law of transformation and goes through a number of stages: awareness, installation, tentatively basic, application of individual actions, variable actions and generalization, final diagnosis and implementation.

    Observation at school of the educational process and its results was carried out according to the following parameters: the level of education, the level of upbringing, the level of intellectual development and the state of health. The results were recorded in the corresponding cards.

    The developed diagnostic complex helps to conduct longitudinal observations, identify trends, the causes of their manifestation and find ways to solve the identified problems, making changes to all components of the system: goals, content, forms, methods, conditions and measurements.

    Evidence of the effectiveness of the school's work is presented only on the example of one of the experimental sites (school No. 57). Similar positive results were obtained in gymnasium No. 3, in the Education Center No. 1 in Voronezh. These schools have accumulated a large amount of experimental material, confirming the effectiveness of the correctional-developing system of education at school.


    The study confirmed the initially put forward hypothesis and gave grounds to formulate the following conclusions in conclusion:

    1. A socio-pedagogical analysis of the development of the problem of correctional and developmental education in the psychological and pedagogical literature and the practical work of teachers has proved the need for an additional component of general professional competence - correctional and developmental activities.

    2. The success of the correctional and educational process is determined by the level of development of the correctional and developmental function, which is understood as a set of skills and a sequence of actions aimed at overcoming (weakening) shortcomings in the development of children through special and general pedagogical measures and implemented with an integrated approach.

    3. The conditions that determine the success of the formation of a correctional and developmental function are:

    The setting of the teacher to improve their professional skills, determined by the specifics of the activity;

    The earliest possible inclusion in the process of special training and advanced training (universities do not provide this training to the teacher);

    Training of teachers at the Institute for Advanced Studies according to a specially designed program, including the content of knowledge in the field of pedagogy, psychology and psychophysiology of children with developmental disabilities and methods of working with them;

    Orientation of the management of the educational process to achieve correctional goals;

    Reinforcement with achievements of the educational activity of the student, based on a combination of correction and development.

    4. The formation of a correctional-developing function goes through a number of reasonable stages: awareness, installation, orienting basis of actions, application of individual actions, variable actions and generalization, final diagnosis and implementation.

    5. There are external and internal conditions that affect the level of development of the correctional-developing function. External conditions include:

    Qualitative level of development of educational institutions;

    The level of scientific and methodological work;

    Availability of a range of services provided to the teacher and student: medical, psychological, social services;

    The level of involvement of the administration of the educational institution in correctional and pedagogical activities;

    Construction of educational work in the "zone of proximal development of schoolchildren" and the inclusion in the learning process of various forms of frontal and differentiated assistance to students;

    Evaluation of the results of educational activities of schoolchildren according to the criterion of relative success.

    Internal conditions include:

    Setting the teacher to improve their professional skills;

    Constant striving for self-education and self-improvement;

    Satisfaction with correctional and pedagogical activities;

    The teacher's ability to corrective-developing work and to master the corrective-developing function.

    6. A special role in the formation of the correctional-developing function is played by advanced training institutions operating in the continuous process of postgraduate education. Our studies have proven the effectiveness of the additional educational program of the VOIPKRO for the gradual formation of the correctional and developmental function of the teacher and its dominance in a number of conditions for the successful organization of the educational process in the KRO classes.

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    112. Slastenin V.A., Podymova L.S. Pedagogy: Innovative activity. M.: Master, 1997. - 308 p.

    113. Smirnov V.I. General pedagogy. M .: Pedagogical Society "Russia", 1999.-416 p.

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    115. Improvement of the content and methods of training and retraining of teachers and organizers of public education: Collection of scientific and methodological works / Ed. ed. I.F. Komogortseva and others. Tver: TGU, 1990. -218s.

    116. Improvement of the content and organization of forms of professional development of teachers-educators: Collection of scientific papers / Ed. ed. P.G. Pshebilsky and others. M.: APN USSR, 1982. - 238 p.

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    122. Stepanov V.G. Psychology of difficult students: Textbook for teachers and parents. 2nd ed, stereotype. - M.: Academy, 1998. - 320 p.

    123. Sukhomlinsky V.A. Joy of knowledge in works and experience // Pedagogy. -1985. No. 11. - S. 14-18.

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    129. Furmanov I.A. Children's aggressiveness: Psychodiagnostics and correction. - Minsk: Ilyin V.P., 1996. 187 p.

    130. Khudominsky P.V. Development of the system of advanced training of teaching staff of the Soviet general education school (1917-1981). -M.: Pedagogy, 1986. 134 p.

    131. Chestnykh Yu.N. Open person. M.: Enlightenment, 1991. - 208 p.

    132. Chistyakova M.I. Psychogymnastics / Ed. M.I. Buyanov. M .: Education, 1990. - 126 e., illustrations.

    133. Shakurov R.Kh. Socio-pedagogical foundations of management: leader and teaching staff. M.: Enlightenment. 1990. - 206 p.

    134. Shakurov R.Kh. Creative growth of the teacher. Moscow: Knowledge, 1985. - 138 p.

    135. Shapovalova O.E. Modeling of problematic situations in the process of educating students // Defectology. 1995. - No. 2. - S. 31-36.

    136. Shatsky S.T. Pedagogical essays / Ed. I.A. Kairov (and others). - In 4 vols. T. 2. - M.: Enlightenment, 1964. - 476 p.

    137. Shevchenko S. G. Information and methodological letter on the organization and content of correctional and developmental education in general education institutions // Primary School. 1997. - No. 10. - S. 7-13.

    138. Shevchenko S.G. Correction-developing training. Organizational and pedagogical aspects: A guide for the teacher. M.: Vlados, 1999. - 136 p.

    139. Shcherbo I.I. School correctional and developmental service. M.: New school, 1997. - 136 p.

    140. Ekman P. Why do children lie? M.: Pedagogy, 1993. - 141 p.

    141. Emotional disorders in childhood and their correction / Ed. Lebedinsky V.V., Nikolskaya O.S., Baenskoy E.R., Liebling M.M. M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1990. - 196 p.

    142. Yurkevich B.C. About an individual approach in the education of volitional habits. M.: Knowledge, 1986. - 78 p.

    143. Yakimanskaya I.S. Development of spatial thinking of schoolchildren. -M.: Pedagogy, 1980. 240 e., illustrations.

    144. Yakovlev A.M. Crime and social psychology. M.: Enlightenment, 1971.-211 p.

    145. Yamburg S.A. School for everyone. M.: New school, 1998. - 227 p.

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    At this stage, the main emphasis is on the actual correctional speech work with children. Despite significant differences in the tasks of correctional speech work, determined primarily by the age, speech and individual personality characteristics of preschoolers, it is nevertheless based on a number of general principles among which the priorities are:




      systematic correctional and pedagogical impact.

    Individualization speech therapy impact is achieved through a thorough dynamic study by a speech therapist of the structure of speech disorders of each child, an objective analysis of the causes of observed deviations and features in his speech development.

    For a more complete disclosure of the resources of an individual approach, speech work with children is carried out in the course of individual classes and classes in mobile microgroups (2-4 children). At the same time, modern preschool programs for the upbringing and education of children with speech disorders are also focused on the active use of group (subgroup) forms of work with children, during the implementation of which a speech therapist and educators have the opportunity to provide targeted assistance to children and offer targeted individual tasks. The tasks and content of both individual and group lessons are determined based on the structure, severity of speech impairment in children, their individual typological characteristics and in accordance with traditional speech therapy methods and guidelines (G.A. Volkova, B.M. Grinshpun, G.A.Kashe, S.A.Mironova, V.I.Seliverstov, T.B.Filicheva, M.F.Fomicheva, N.A.Cheveleva, G.V.Chirkina and others).

    Versatility (integral-personal character) Speech therapy work involves the obligatory consideration in the correctional process of not only speech, but also individual typological characteristics of preschoolers, which directly and indirectly interfere with the normal development of their speech. At the same time, the regularities of both general mental and speech ontogenesis must be taken into account. The focus of the speech therapist not only and not so much on the elimination of the speech deficiency identified in the child, but on the holistic development of his personality with the help of specific and non-specific correctional and pedagogical means and methods is the key to the success of speech therapy.

    At the same time, the analysis of different aspects of the psychophysical development of children, its potential and reliance on them when planning and conducting pedagogical influence should become priority tasks not only for a speech therapist, but also for all participants in the correctional process - the teaching staff of preschool educational institutions, parents and other family members. This ensures complexity corrective impact and the possibility of carrying out appropriate speech work not only directly, but also indirectly, using for this the reserves of various types of children's activities (playing, educational and cognitive, productive, etc.), regime moments in kindergarten, free communication and interaction of the child with adults in the family, etc. Based on the recommendations of a speech therapist and in close cooperation with him, teachers and parents create conditions for speech therapy children's lives - i.e. creation of an enriched subject-developing and supporting speech environment in a preschool institution and in the family. This makes it possible to provide corrective speech assistance to children both in parallel with the educational process (in the form of special speech therapy classes); and in its context by actively drawing attention to the child's speech development of adults close to him and their equal partnership in the correctional and educational process.

    However, all of the above conditions can be reduced to nothing if, when providing corrective speech assistance to children, proper systematic. Only carrying out well-thought-out, rationally planned, coordinated and daily (as opposed to fragmented and episodic) work gives grounds to talk about the real achievement of positive results. A thorough analysis of the resource of regulated and unregulated children's activities and its rational use make it possible to achieve the maximum corrective effect in a shorter time.

    The listed conditions - differentiation, versatility, complexity and systematic nature of correctional speech work in a preschool educational institution (groups) for children with speech disorders - are fundamental and should be taken into account when dealing with by each child (group of children), regardless of the causes, nature and severity of speech disorders.

    The effectiveness of solving the strategic, tactical and operational tasks of the correctional educational process will depend on how clearly the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution imagines the measure and nature of their own involvement in it. In general, speech therapy work contains two types of successive relationship between a speech therapist and teachers: in the development (correction) of speech and in the development (correction) of extraverbal mental processes and functions. Here it is important to take into account that the main work on the formation of correct primary speech skills is carried out by a speech therapist, and preschool teachers are included in it at the stage of consolidating speech automatisms that have already been formed to a certain extent. At the same time, preschool teachers take a leading role in the process of forming extra-speech mental processes and expanding the horizons of children, provide conditions for maintaining and maintaining their moral and physical well-being. Such a distribution of functional responsibilities is quite justified, has proven itself in many years of speech therapy practice and is enshrined in the programs of preschool educational institutions (groups) for children with speech disorders ( Cm.Stepanova O.A. Game school of thinking. M., 2003;Stepanova O.A. Prevention of school difficulties in children. M., 2003.).

    Content, didactic equipment and methodological instrumentation of the classes of a speech therapist and other specialists Preschool educational institutions must also correspond to the structure of children's speech disorders, their age and individual typological characteristics. An important means of optimizing the construction of corrective actions is to conduct multi-task (complex) classes, in the course of which the necessary work is being carried out to improve certain components of the speech system of preschoolers and deficiently developed mental and psychophysiological functions. At the same time, a continuous plot-game line, thematic organization of speech and cognitive material, etc., can act as a cementing moment that ensures the integrity of classes.

    Reliance on the game as the leading activity of preschoolers and the mandatory inclusion of different types of games in remedial classes provide teachers with a serious positive effect both in overcoming speech disorders and in the development of extra-speech processes that make up the psychological basis of speech (perception, attention, memory, thinking). The role of the game is especially important in terms of the development of the child as a subject of his own activity and, above all, such types of it as communicative and educational-cognitive activity, which serves as an effective prevention of possible school failure (See. Stepanova O.A.Game school of thinking. M., 2003; Stepanova O.A.Prevention of school difficulties in children. M., 2003).

    An integral part of correctional speech work with children at the main stage is psychological-pedagogical and logopedic monitoring, the purpose of which is to reveal the dynamics and features of progress in the correctional and educational process of each and every one of the pupils of the group. Monitoring data make it possible to timely correct the nature of the psychological, pedagogical and speech therapy impact on children, the degree of involvement of certain specialists and parents in the correctional work. The monitoring results are usually reflected in the children's speech cards, if necessary, in accordance with them, the programs of individual and group (subgroup) work with children can be adjusted.

    At the main stage, the nature and content of the work of a speech therapist with preschool teachers and parents change.

    The establishment of trusting relationships and cooperation at the previous, organizational stage as the most productive style of interaction with them, the tactful focusing of adults' attention on the speech and other difficulties of each child, on the need to provide him with timely assistance should become the basis for meaningful contacts between all participants in the correctional process. The position of "senior among equals" allows the speech therapist to correctly and at the same time rationally organize and coordinate the activities of teachers and parents, entrust them with the solution of increasingly complex correctional and developmental tasks, regulate the measure and quality of combined pedagogical influences.

    Arsenal forms of work of a speech therapist with close adults of the child at this stage is significantly replenished. Among the most appropriate means of practical organization of methodological assistance to teachers and parents can be attributed:

      individual and group consultations,




      observation of classes, games, regime processes in the group with their subsequent analysis;

      organization of joint work of adults and children on the implementation of household

    speech therapy tasks, etc.

    The very list of forms of work indicates that, in contrast to the first (introductory) stage, the emphasis in the content of the meetings is shifted from the informational and introductory part to the practical one, i.e. the inclusion of participants in the correctional educational process in the solution of its immediate tasks is carried out. The speech therapist discusses with the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution and parents ways to achieve correctional and educational tasks in the interests of each child and helps them master specific methods of correctional and speech work.

    Of great importance in choosing one or another form of work will be the degree of correctional and pedagogical competence of educators and parents and their interest in the results of speech therapy work. Based on the data that the speech therapist has about the child's family and the teachers of the group, ways are determined for their phased involvement in correctional speech work and gradual (as adults acquire the skills of conscious, adequate and effective assistance to children) expanding the degree of their involvement in the implementation of individual correctional work programs with kids. Tactics should be dominant active inclusion of mastered speech standards in the situation of natural communication, those. such an organization of joint activities of adults and children that would stimulate the latter to involuntary exercise and consolidation of new speech skills. Feasible work, play, visual and constructive activities, appliqué, modeling, etc. provide a full-fledged speech motivation. In these types of activity, the given speech constructions are not just formally fixed - speech turns out to be motivated by the actions that the child performs and is thus perceived by him not as an exercise, but as a necessity.

    It should also be emphasized that the effectiveness of working with parents is determined not so much by the skillful selection of its content and forms, but by the psychological mood that arises in them in the process of constant contacts with a speech therapist. Carrying out with them first differentiated(with separate subgroups of parents, allocated in accordance with differences in the speech development of children and the level of correctional and pedagogical training of parents), and secondly, individualized work, which means focusing on the cultural and educational qualifications of each family, the attitude of its members to the child’s speech difficulties, etc., together helps establishing a system of continuous and effective feedback between the speech therapist and parents, turning the family into an active subject of the correctional process and monitoring the progress and quality of the necessary work in the family.

    In the process of working with parents, auxiliary (visual) means can be widely used:

      special "speech therapy corners",

      information stands,

      thematic book exhibitions,

      sliding folders, etc.

    If at the organizational stage their content was popular information about the types and causes of speech disorders, the tasks of corrective speech therapy and preventive work with children, then at the main stage specific methods of strengthening preschoolers, for example, the skills of correct sound pronunciation, improving the grammatical means of speech, should already be covered. , teaching the elements of literacy, which are recommended for use in the family. Accessibility, clarity, clarity of presentation of the material offered to parents and the aesthetics of its design should become the main criteria for evaluating this means of promoting speech therapy knowledge.

    The correctional and pedagogical process is a system of pedagogical measures aimed at overcoming or weakening the shortcomings of the psychophysical development of children with OPFR. The system is considered as a set of interrelated components, which acquires new properties due to its internal and external connections.

    The learning process in a special educational institution is distinguished by purposefulness, inconsistency, two-sidedness, systematicity, correctional orientation, complexity and other features. Achieving efficiency in correctional and developmental work is possible through the interaction of all participants in the pedagogical process and, in particular, teachers, speech therapists, psychologists, and school doctors. The activities of a teacher, speech therapist and psychologist have much in common and are aimed at solving educational, educational and correctional tasks.

    The uniformity of the approaches of a speech therapist and teacher to speech work with students, continuity in the requirements for students, as well as in the content and methods of correctional, educational and educational work, the complexity and variety of means for developing speech and eliminating its shortcomings, the use of the leading type - educational activity - is the key to success in speech therapy. Conventionally, this process of interaction can be defined as follows: on the one hand, this is the optimal "speech therapy" of educational and extracurricular activities, on the other hand, the saturation of speech therapy classes with general developmental material, their "psychologization". This can be achieved if the teacher, speech therapist and psychologist are ready to implement various aspects of continuity in pedagogical work.

    The main ideas that determine the content of the interaction between a teacher, a psychologist and a speech therapist, the complexity of correctional and developmental work with students, work to overcome or prevent school maladjustment in schoolchildren with impaired oral and written speech, are the following:

    1. the unity of correctional, educational and educational tasks. The principle of corrective orientation of general education lessons and extracurricular activities.

    2. The developing nature of the work and the formation of the qualities of the child's personality. The principle of maximum identification and use of the reserves of mental development of schoolchildren.

    3. Education in children of interest in activities, cognitive activity and independence. Reliance on the experience of children.

    4. Achieving success in every lesson as the most important means of stimulating the cognitive activity of children.

    In accordance with the modern concept of correctional and developmental education, in the structure of the correctional and pedagogical process the following blocks are included:

    § diagnostic and advisory;

    § correctional and developing;

    § physical culture and health improvement;

    § educational and upbringing;

    § socio-pedagogical.

    Each of the blocks has its own goals, objectives and content, which are implemented based on the main lines of the child's development.

    Organization of a holistic upbringing and educational process in a school for children with SPD

    School curriculum. Curricula, textbooks for students with SPD.

    Linear method - separate parts of the educational material are presented sequentially and continuously as links of a single holistic topic, which together reveal a section, and all sections - a training course.

    Concentric method - the same question is considered several times, when repeated, the content is expanded, enriched with new information and assimilated at a higher level.

    Spiral - repeated return to the study of the same topics and the addition of new ones, i.e. a problem is posed, to the solution of which the student and the teacher constantly return, expanding and enriching the circle of knowledge related to it and methods of activity from different spheres of human activity.

    Modular method - the entire content of each educational topic as an integral unit of the content of education is redistributed into the following blocks: orientational, methodological (or ideological), content-descriptive, operational-activity, control and verification.

    Academic plan is a certificate of an educational institution that determines:

    · The duration of the academic year, the duration of quarters and holidays;

    · A complete list of subjects studied;

    Distribution of subjects by year of study;

    · The number of hours in the subject for the entire time of study and for studying the subject in each class;

    The number of hours per week to study a particular subject.

    The number of hours to study the subject depends on its general educational and developmental value, the time required for the formation of ZUN, which students must master in the process of studying the course. The curriculum is developed taking into account the laws of the educational process, sanitary and hygienic and organizational requirements, established traditions, and the current concept of content formation.

    Currently in special general education boarding schools offer basic curricula that allow you to work 5-6 days a week and use an individual curriculum in the school (class), taking into account specific conditions. This document is normative and should provide for the study of subjects basic level, correctional and school components. The creation of such a plan begins with the definition of the language of instruction (Russian or Bel.). The hours of the school component are intended for conducting stimulating and supportive classes (1 hour / week), lessons on interests and electives, the work of sports sections and socially useful work, sections for teaching a related profession. Taking into account the conditions of the school, the length of the school week for grades 1-5 and 6-10 is established.

    The specific features of the curriculum of a special school in comparison with the mass one consist in the presence of a correctional block of subjects along with general education and school.

    Training program- a state document approved by the Ministry of Education, which establishes the content and volume of ZUN in individual subjects and determines the sequence of their study by year. Programs are compiled on the basis of educational standards for each of the subjects studied at school separately. They concentrate the content of educational subjects in the form of a list of basic issues, united in certain systems by topics and sections of the program.

    The structure of the program consists of the main (educational) and operational or practical. The educational component can have an expanding or narrowing component, a problematic, situational and corrective components, and a self-control block. The program has an explanatory note, brief guidelines for the main sections of the course and the distribution of material by quarters. Programs can be multi-level and individual, designed for students with different learning abilities.

    Textbooks and manuals for special schools are designed as a tool for the learning process and have certain qualities and characteristics designed to help students with SLD more fully absorb the content of education.

    General Tutorial Features:

    § educational, implemented through the assimilation by students of factual information and knowledge about the methodological principles that are used in educational and cognitive activities;

    § educational, which consists in the formation of a worldview and positive qualities of a person;

    § correctional-developing, expressing in the stimulation of the development of cognitive activity.

    Textbooks created for special schools should contain:

    Propaedeutic or additional sections, fragments of content designed to fill gaps in knowledge about the world around us in accordance with the nature of developmental disabilities and disabilities;

    Means of updating knowledge and personal experience;

    Means of activation of cognitive activity and motivation of learning;

    Means aimed at the development of speech and thinking of the child in accordance with the characteristics of developmental deficiencies;

    Means for correction and activation of sensorimotor development;

    Tasks, exercises for the development of skills of subject-practical activity;

    Exercises aimed at the formation and development of compensatory mechanisms based on the capabilities of a given subject and taking into account the uniqueness of certain developmental deviations.

    In addition, the development of such textbooks takes into account:

    features of perception, attention, speech, thinking, memory of children of the category for which the textbook is intended;

    the possibility of a differentiated and individual approach when using this publication;

    certain requirements for the design of speech and visual material in accordance with the speech and intellectual characteristics of students.

    Elena Yolkina
    Individually differentiated approach to the organization of the correctional educational process

    GEF DO defines one of qualities basic principles of preschool education: building educational activities based on individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes the subject of education.

    Individual approach- an important psychological and pedagogical principle, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child.

    Individualization is the implementation of the principle individual approach, is the organization of the educational process, taking into account the individual characteristics of children, which allows you to create optimal conditions for the realization of the potential of each child.

    K. D. Ushinsky also noted: “Education should not only develop a person’s mind and give him a full amount of knowledge, but also kindle in him a thirst for serious work, without which his life cannot be either useful or happy”. That is, the main thing in education is not the transfer of knowledge and skills, but the development of the ability to acquire knowledge and skills and use them in life, providing a sense of psychological security for the child, taking into account his capabilities and needs, in other words, a student-centered model in learning is, first of all, individualization of education, creation of conditions for the development of the child as a person.

    The teacher should not forget that the child is the subject of his own development, he is an end in himself. But children should always feel the support of the teacher.

    An individual approach requires a lot of patience from the teacher, the ability to understand complex manifestations of behavior.

    An individual approach does not in any way oppose the principle of collectivity - the main principle not only of education, but of the whole way of life. The "individual" is a social being, therefore every manifestation of his life, even if it does not appear in the immediate form of the collective, is the appearance and affirmation of social life. Scientific studies have concretely confirmed this position. "I" is possible only because there is "we".

    "Differentiation" in Latin means "separation, stratification of the whole into parts, forms, steps." Differentiated learning is a form of organization of the educational process, in which the teacher works with a group of children, compiled taking into account the presence of any common qualities that are significant for the educational process (homogeneous group).

    Differentiated learning (differentiated approach to learning) is:

    Creation of a variety of learning conditions for various educational institutions, groups, in order to take into account the characteristics of their contingent;

    A set of methodological, psychological, pedagogical, organizational and managerial measures that provide training in homogeneous groups.

    In the process of a differentiated approach, the teacher studies, analyzes, classifies the various personality traits and their manifestations in children, highlighting the most common, typical features characteristic of a certain group of pupils.

    Novelty: In the conditions of a modern preschool educational institution, a “differentiated approach” is the creation of the most favorable conditions for the development of the personality of the pupil as an individual. It follows from this: differentiated learning is not a goal, but a means of developing individuality.

    PURPOSE OF THE DIFFERENTIATED APPROACH coordination of the learning process and the individual psychological characteristics of the student, the creation of a favorable regime for the mental development of each child.

    I. Unt in his research highlights the following differentiation goals:

    learning goal- promoting the implementation of educational programs by increasing the level of knowledge and skills of each child individually, reducing his backlog, deepening and expanding knowledge based on the interests and abilities of mental and psychological development;

    developmental goal- the formation and development of the logical thinking of preschoolers, the ability to work while relying on the zone of proximal development;

    educational goal- creation of prerequisites for the development of the interests and abilities of the child.

    To implement a competent differentiated approach, the main provisions necessary for teaching preschoolers to develop speech are highlighted:

    Knowledge of the age characteristics and capabilities of children;

    Diagnosis and accounting of the level of speech development of each child;

    Close connection with speech therapy technologies;

    Balanced coverage of all aspects of the child's speech;

    Conscious attitude of teachers and parents to the speech development of children;

    Interaction between the kindergarten and the family on this issue.

    The essence of a differentiated approach lies in the organization of the educational process, taking into account age-related characteristics, in creating optimal conditions for the effective activity of all children, in restructuring the content, methods, forms of education that take into account the individual characteristics of preschoolers as much as possible.

    Under the conditions of a purposeful learning process, a differentiated approach to preschoolers is implemented in the classroom in a reasonable differentiation of tasks, setting feasible tasks for children. These are feasible tasks, exercises offered taking into account the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of preschoolers and involving a consistent complication of cognitive tasks.

    One type of differentiation (separation) is individual learning. According to the characteristic individual psychological characteristics of children, which form the basis for the formation of homogeneous groups, differentiation is distinguished:

    By the level of mental development (level of achievement);

    By the nature of the switching of mental processes (flexibility and stereotyping of the mind, speed or lethargy of establishing relationships, the presence or absence of one's own attitude to the material being studied);

    Age composition (different age groups);

    By gender (male, female, mixed groups, teams);

    Personal-psychological types (type of thinking, temperament);

    The level of health (physical education groups, groups of impaired vision, hearing);

    Areas of interest (musical, choreographic, language, mathematics, etc.);

    According to the level of assimilation of the material at the moment;

    By the level of efficiency and pace of work;

    According to the peculiarities of perception, memory, thinking;

    According to the emotional state at the moment;

    At the momentary desire of the children;

    According to the characteristics of the child's reaction to his defect.

    By the level of independence and activity;

    In relation to learning;

    By the nature of cognitive interests;

    According to the level of volitional development.

    Related publications:

    Plan-scheme of the organization of the educational process for the week "Day of National Unity" Plan-scheme of the organization of the educational process for the week Theme of the week: "National Unity Day" Purpose: Formation of primary values.

    Consultation "Implementation of modern requirements for updating the content and organization of the educational process in preschool educational institutions" In modern preschool education, there were several comprehensive programs on the basis of which the educational process was carried out.

    Family theater as a way of organizing the interaction of subjects of the educational process New documents in the field of preschool education orient the preschool teacher to reconsider not only the content of the educational process.

    Modern approaches to the organization and planning of the educational process in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard At present, the education system is being updated in our country. Preschool education at the present stage has to solve a difficult problem.

    Sections: School administration

    In the educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance "Center for Curative Pedagogics and Differentiated Education" of the city of Novokuznetsk, general education classes have been formed, which include students with disabilities who require correctional and developmental education. Such classes are a form differentiation of education, allowing to solve the problems of timely active assistance to children with learning difficulties and adaptation to school.

    Correctional and developmental education of children and adolescents with disabilities within the framework of the general education class is built in accordance with the principles of humanization, free development of the individual and ensures the adaptability and variability of the education system.

    The purpose of the organization of the specified classes

    To organize self-training of students in the extended day mode, subject teachers are involved simultaneously with educators. The forms and duration of such work are determined by the psychological, medical and pedagogical council of the school, the methodological council and the pedagogical council of the institution.

    The presented local act, developed and implemented in the activities of the center, discusses the main approaches to the organization of the educational process, the system of correctional and developmental education as a form of differentiated education, which allows solving the problems of timely active assistance to children with learning difficulties and adaptation to school and disabilities . Important points are noted in the organization of the system of correctional and developmental education, such as dynamic monitoring of the progress of each child. Within the framework of psychological support, methods of an individual approach to students in the process of training and education based on psychological recommendations have been developed. Work in the institution is carried out in accordance with the local acts of the educational institution.
    The presented Regulation regulates the activities of teachers and specialists of the Center for Curative Pedagogics and Differentiated Education on the formation of general learning abilities in children and the correction of shortcomings in their development.

    in general education classes of a municipal educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance "Center for Curative Pedagogics and Differentiated Education"

    I. General provisions

    1.1. This Regulation was developed on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the Model Regulation on an educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance (No. 687 of August 31, 1998), the Model Regulation “On a special (correctional) educational institution for pupils with disabilities" No. 288 dated March 12, 1997) in accordance with the "Concept of Correctional and Developmental Education in Educational Institutions", developed by the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education and recommended by the Board of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for use in the education system of Russia, Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated September 4, 1997, No. 48 “On the specifics of the activities of special (correctional) educational institutions of types I-VIII, an annex to the Curriculum of the MOU CLPDO for special (correctional) educational institutions of the VII type based on the Basic Curriculum of 2002, the Curriculum of the MOU CLPDO for general education institutions based on Ba sis curriculum of 2004,

    1.2. Classes for children in need of correctional and developmental education are created in an educational institution in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

    1.3. General education classes, which include students who require correctional and developmental education, are a form of differentiation of education, allowing to solve the problems of timely active assistance to children with learning difficulties and adaptation to school.

    1.4. Classes maintain the continuity of the rehabilitation space based on the integration of school, out-of-school institutions, cultural institutions and additional education.

    1.5. Correctional and developmental education of children and adolescents with disabilities within the framework of the general education class is built in accordance with the principles of humanization, free development of the individual and ensures the adaptability and variability of the education system.

    1.6. The purpose of organizing these classes is creation in an educational institution of an integral system that provides optimal pedagogical conditions for children with learning difficulties in accordance with their age and individual typological characteristics, the state of somatic and neuropsychic health. In this system, diagnostic and advisory, correctional and developmental, treatment and preventive, social and rehabilitation activities are strictly predetermined and logically interact.

    1.7. The content of the training is aimed at filling the shortcomings of previous training and education, normalizing and improving the educational activities of students, increasing their efficiency, overcoming the negative features of the emotional and personal sphere, and activating cognitive activity.

    1.8. Purposeful work on the formation of general learning abilities, correction of developmental deficiencies, as well as treatment and preventive work should ensure that children with learning difficulties fulfill the federal educational standard requirements for the knowledge and skills of students.

    1.9. The main tasks of the KRO are:

    • normalization of educational activities of students
    • activation of cognitive activity
    • social and labor adaptation
    • increasing the level of mental development
    • correction of deficiencies in emotional, personal and social development
    • The task of special correctional work is to help children with mental retardation to acquire a variety of knowledge about the world around them, to develop their observational skills and practical learning experience, to form the ability to independently acquire knowledge and use it.
    • Psychological and pedagogical correction throughout its entire period should be systematic, comprehensive, individualized.

    1.10. The correctional-developing educational process is organized on the basis of the curriculum developed and approved by the educational institution independently in accordance with the Model Basic Plan for KRO classes (2002), the recommendations of the Basic Curriculum of General Educational Institutions (in terms of the implementation of general educational programs).

    1.11. Correctional and developmental education in these classes is carried out by the teacher in all lessons and should ensure the assimilation of educational material in accordance with the state educational standard for primary and basic general education

    1.12. Personnel, logistical and financial support.

    1.13. In the KRO classes there are teachers, educators with experience in an educational institution and who have undergone special coursework on the organization of correctional and developmental education, as well as specialists: a teacher-psychologist, a speech therapist, a social pedagogue in accordance with the current standards and the staffing of the institution.

    1.14. To organize self-training of students in the extended day mode, subject teachers are involved simultaneously with educators. The forms and duration of such work are determined by the psychological, medical and pedagogical council of the school, the methodological council and the pedagogical council of the institution.

    1.15. The class teachers of these classes are paid an additional payment for the class management in full in accordance with the standards.

    1.16. Students who show special inclinations and abilities in certain disciplines can attend lessons in a general education class with other students, as well as extracurricular activities, elective courses in general education programs.

    II Basic approaches to the organization of the educational process

    2.1. Selection of educational tasks that maximally excite the activity of the child, awakening his need for cognitive activity, requiring a variety of activities.

    2.2. Adapting the pace of studying educational material and teaching methods to the level of development of children with disabilities.

    2.3. Individual approach.

    2.4. Combination of remedial education with health-improving and preventive measures.

    2.5. Re-explanation of educational material and selection of additional tasks;

    2.6. Constant use of clarity, leading questions, analogies.

    2.7. Use of multiple directions, exercises.

    2.8. The manifestation of great tact on the part of the teacher

    2.9. The use of incentives, increasing the self-esteem of the child;

    2.10. A step-by-step summary of the work done in the lesson;

    2.11. The use of tasks based on samples, available instructions, algorithms, taking into account the fact that the working capacity of children with mental retardation in a lesson lasts 10-20 minutes.

    It is necessary for each of these children to provide individual assistance in identifying gaps in knowledge and filling them.

    The system of correctional and developmental education is a form of differentiated education that allows solving the problems of timely active assistance to children with learning difficulties and adaptation to school. In the process of correctional developmental education, consistent interaction between diagnostic and advisory, correctional and developmental, treatment and prevention, and social and labor areas of activity is possible.

    An important point in the organization of the system of correctional and developmental education is dynamic monitoring of the progress of each child. Discussion of the results of observations is carried out at least 1 time per quarter at small teachers' councils or councils. A special role is given to the protection and strengthening of somatic and neuropsychic health of students. With successful correction and the formation of readiness for schooling, children are transferred to regular classes of the traditional education system or, if necessary, to continue correctional work in classes of correctional and developmental education.

    Corrective focus teaching a group of children with disabilities in a general education class is provided by a set of basic subjects that constitute an invariant part of the curriculum.
    Frontal correctional and developmental training is carried out by the teacher in all lessons and allows for the assimilation of educational material at the level of requirements for knowledge and skills of the educational standard.

    Correction of individual developmental deficiencies is carried out on individual-group lessons specially allocated for this purpose. These can be general developmental activities that contribute to the correction of deficiencies in memory, attention, speech, and the development of mental activity. There may be subject-oriented classes - preparation for the perception of difficult topics of the curriculum, elimination of gaps in previous training (in accordance with the Curriculum of the institution).

    Individual and group remedial classes are conducted by a subject teacher and daycare teacher.

    In accordance with the curriculum in the primary grades, 3 hours a week are allotted for remedial classes outside the grid of compulsory study hours. The duration of individual and group lessons should not exceed 15-20 minutes. In groups, it is possible to unite no more than three students with the same gaps or similar difficulties. Working with a whole class or a large number of students in these classes is not allowed.
    In senior classes, 1 hour per week is allotted for individual and group remedial classes.
    Speech therapists and psychologists are involved in individual and group correctional classes. The organization of the educational process in the system of correctional and developmental education should be carried out on the basis of the principles of correctional pedagogy and requires specialists to have a deep understanding of the main causes and characteristics of deviations in the mental activity of the child, the ability to determine the conditions for the intellectual development of the child and ensure the creation of a personality-developing environment, allowing to realize the cognitive reserves of students.

    Estimated result teaching children with disabilities in the conditions of specially organized education: children with mental retardation give significant dynamics in development and learn many of the knowledge and skills that their peers from the general education class gain on their own.

    III. Organization and functioning of correctional and developmental education classes as part of general education classes at the MOU CLPDO

    3.1. General education classes, which include students who require correctional and developmental education, are organized at the MOU CLPDO as an educational institution that has:

    • personnel specially trained for this work,
    • necessary scientific and methodological support,
    • appropriate material base for the organization of the educational process,
    • the basis of preventive, psychological and pedagogical assistance to this category of children.

    3.2. The procedure for admission to these General education classes, which include students with disabilities who require correctional and developmental education is determined by this Regulation and enshrined in the Charter of the educational institution (Amendments to the Charter of the MOU CLPDO, clauses 2.3, 2.4, 3.9.6, 3.15.1).

    3.3. General education classes, which include students who require correctional and developmental education, are opened by order of the director of the center on the basis of the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions of the city, region for each child. Enrollment in these classes is made only with the consent of the parents (persons replacing them) on the basis of an application.

    3.4. General education classes, which include students who require correctional and developmental education, are opened at the level of primary, basic general education and function up to grade 9, inclusive, as needed.

    3.5. Education in these classes at the first and second stages (II-IX) classes is carried out according to the programs of general education schools with some changes (reduction of some educational topics and the amount of material in them). Education is organized according to textbooks for secondary schools.

    3.6. The daily routine for students in these classes is established taking into account the increased fatigue of the contingent of students. The work of these classes is organized in the first shift according to the extended day regime with the organization of the necessary recreational activities.

    3.7. In order to organize and conduct by specialists of various profiles a comprehensive study of these students in an educational institution, a psychological, medical and pedagogical council is created by order of the director. It consists of a deputy director for educational work, experienced teachers working with this category of children, a speech therapist, a psychologist, and a social pedagogue. Specialists who do not work in this institution are recruited to work in the council under a contract. The tasks of the council include:

    • The study of the intellectual, personal, emotional-volitional sphere of the child.
    • Identification of the reserve capabilities of the child,
    • development of recommendations to the teacher to ensure a reasonable differentiated approach in the process of education and upbringing.
    • Determination of ways of integrating children into the appropriate classes, working according to the main educational programs, with positive dynamics and compensation for developmental deficiencies.
    • Preparation of a detailed conclusion on the state of development and health of the student in the absence of positive dynamics in learning (within one year of the student's stay in the class) for submission to the psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation in order to clarify the diagnosis and select the optimal form of further education in an educational institution of the appropriate type.
    • Organization of health-improving, sanitary and educational activities.

    3.8. In order to develop and educate children with disabilities in the conditions of specially organized additional classes, in order to achieve significant positive dynamics in the development and assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities that their peers from the general education class gain on their own, training sessions in a group of children working in correctional development programs are carried out as follows:

    Pupils to be trained according to the Curriculum for Special (Correctional) Educational Institutions of Type VII (2002) are present at all classes in academic subjects in accordance with the class schedule (Curriculum of General Educational Institutions of 2004). Subject teachers are obliged to organize work for these students to eliminate gaps in knowledge, to generalize, consolidate, repeat educational material, as well as the necessary correctional and developmental classes based on educational material in accordance with the topic studied in the lesson.

    IV. Organization of correctional and developmental educational process

    4.1. The class size is 9-12 people.

    4.2. The daily routine for students in these classes is established taking into account the increased fatigue of the contingent of students. It is advisable for these classes to work in an extended day mode: alternating self-training of children under the guidance of a teacher in academic subjects with exercise therapy classes, walks, circle work, etc.

    4.3. Children and adolescents with reduced working capacity in the presence of severe neurotic disorders, affective behavior are organized individually integrated training, sparing regimen (reducing the volume of tasks, an additional day of rest during the week, performing tasks at home under the guidance of a teacher) and therapeutic psychotherapeutic assistance (children's specialists). at home and the Children's Help Center can be contracted).

    4.4. For students who do not master the curriculum in the classroom, who have gaps in knowledge, individual and group remedial classes are organized, which have a general developmental focus, and group remedial classes, which have both a general developmental and subject orientation. For their implementation, the hours of the school component, as well as advisory hours of extended day groups, are used. The duration of such classes does not exceed 45 minutes, the occupancy of groups does not exceed 9-12 people.

    4.5. Students with speech disorders receive speech therapy assistance.

    4.6. The subject teacher maintains a separate class journal, which records the passage of curricula in subjects in accordance with the appendix to the Curriculum of the MOU CLPDO on the basis of the Basic Curriculum of 2002 for special (correctional) educational institutions of the VII type, the Work program of the teacher in the subject.

    4.7. Students' grades for their work in the lesson are put in the classroom journal of the general education class and the class working according to the 2002 Curriculum.

    4.8. Intermediate attestation of students with disabilities is carried out on the basis of the Regulations on the intermediate attestation of students of the MOU CLPDO.

    4.9. After receiving the basic general education, a school graduate who has successfully passed the state (final) certification receives a Certificate of basic general education and has the right, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", to continue education in the third stage and receive a secondary (complete) general education or continue education at primary or secondary vocational education.