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  • Orthoepic norms of the Russian language examples of words. Orthoepy and the concept of orthoepic norm. The stress falls on the prefix in words

    Orthoepic norms of the Russian language examples of words.  Orthoepy and the concept of orthoepic norm.  The stress falls on the prefix in words

    These are the rules for the pronunciation of vowels and consonants.

    The pronunciation norms of the modern Russian literary language have evolved over the centuries, changing. So, for example, in Ancient Rus the entire population, speaking Russian, okalo, i.e. pronounced the sound [o] not only under stress, but also in unstressed syllables(just as it happens today in the dialectal dialects of the North and Siberia: in [o] yes, dr [o] wa, n [o] go etc.). However, okanie did not become the norm of the national Russian literary language. What prevented this? Changes in the composition of the Moscow population. Moscow in the XVI-XVIII centuries. received many people from the southern provinces and absorbed the features of the southern Russian pronunciation, in particular akanya: in [a] yes, dr [a] va, p [a] go... And this was happening just at the time when the solid foundations of a single literary language were being laid.

    Since Moscow and later Petersburg were the capitals of the Russian state, the centers of the economic, political and cultural life of Russia, it so happened that the basis of the literary pronunciation was based on the Moscow pronunciation, which was subsequently "layered" with some features of Petersburg.

    For successful mastering of orthoepic norms, it is necessary:

      1) master the basic rules of Russian literary pronunciation;

      2) learn to listen to your speech and the speech of others;

      3) listen and study the exemplary literary pronunciation, which should be mastered by radio and television announcers, masters of the artistic word;

      4) consciously compare your pronunciation with the exemplary one, analyze your mistakes and shortcomings;

      5) correct mistakes by constant speech training in preparation for public speaking.

    The complete style is characterized by:

      1) compliance with the requirements of orthoepic norms;

      2) clarity and distinctness of pronunciation;

      3) the correct arrangement of verbal and logical stress;

      4) at a moderate pace;

      5) correct speech pauses;

      6) neutral intonation.

    With an incomplete pronunciation style, the following is observed:

      1) excessive contraction of words, loss of consonants and whole syllables, for example: right now (now), thousand (thousand), kilogram of tomato(kilograms of tomatoes), etc.;

      2) indistinctness of pronunciation of individual sounds and combinations;

      3) inconsistent speech tempo, unwanted pauses.

    If in everyday speech these features of pronunciation are acceptable, then in public speaking they must be avoided.

    Some difficult cases of pronunciation of vowels and consonants

    Pronunciation of vowels

      In the pronunciation of a number of words like scam, custody, grenadier, wool, faded etc. difficulties arise due to the nondiscrimination of the letters e / e in the printed text, since only one graphic symbol is used to designate them - e. This situation leads to a distortion of the phonetic appearance of the word, is the cause of frequent pronunciation errors.

      List of words with stressed vowel [e]:

        af e ra



        head shka

        golole ditsa


        grenada r

        single-, foreign-, single-, tribal (but: multi-, multi-tribal)


        expired (year); but: expired (by blood)

        Kiev-Pechersk Lavra





      List of words with stressed vowel [o]:

        bl yo cool

        the same lie; yellow (add. [zh])

        same forehead


        maneu vr; maneu trick





        shadow that


    1. In some words of foreign origin in place unstressed spelling "o" instead of a sound close to [a] in pronunciation, the sound [o] is pronounced: beau monde, trio, boa, cocoa, biostimulant, advice, oasis, renome... Pronunciation of words poetry, credo, etc. with unstressed [o] is optional. Proper nouns of foreign origin also retain unstressed [o] as a variant of literary pronunciation: Chopin, Voltaire, etc.

    Pronunciation of consonants

      According to old Moscow norms, the spelling combination -чн- was pronounced as [шн] in the words of bulo chn, on purpose, penny, trifling, creamy, apple and others. At present, the pronunciation [шн] has survived only in some words: horse hn o, boring o, scrambled eggs, ochechny ik, mustard ik, trifling, nesting ik, girly ik... In the overwhelming majority of other words, in place of the letter combination -чн-, [ch'n] is pronounced: igrushe black, creamy, apple, snack, wine etc. In addition, according to the norms of the Russian literary language, the combination of letters -чн- was always pronounced and pronounced as [ch'n] in words of book origin, for example: al eternity, eternity, careless, as well as in words that have recently appeared in Russian: excellent chn ik, disguise and etc.

      The pronunciation [шн] today is preserved in female patronymics ending in -ichna: Nikiti chn a, Ilyinichn a etc.

      The combination of letters -cht- in the word as in its derivatives is pronounced as [piece]: [piece] oby, something [piece] about, [piece] about something, not [piece] about... There is something in the word [ch'th].

      Combinations of letters lzh and zzh can be pronounced as long soft sound[zh'zh ’] in accordance with the old Moscow pronunciation: in [zh'zh '] and, draw [zh'zh'] and, later - by [zh'zh '] e and others. However, at the present time the soft [zh'zh '] in such words is displaced by the hard [zh]: in [lzh] and, draw [lzh] and, later - by [lzh] f etc. The soft long [l'zh '] is recommended for stage, radio and television speech.

      The pronunciation of the word rain is dominated by the do [PCS'] with persisting but outdated to [sh’sh ’]... In other forms of this word in the modern Russian language, the sound combination [zhd ’] is fixed: to [railway ’] I, before [railway’] and.

    Pronunciation of loan words

      In the position before the sound [e], denoted by the letter e in the letter, both soft and hard consonants are pronounced in borrowed words, for example: detective - [dete] ktiv, academy - aka [d'e] miya.

      Lack of softness is more often characteristic of dental consonants d, t, s, s, n and consonant p, for example: f [ne] tika, [re] quiem... However, in borrowed words, fully mastered by the Russian language, these consonants are pronounced softly in accordance with the tradition of the Russian letter e to denote the softness of the preceding consonant sound: mu zey, te rmin, shine eh and etc.

      Memorize the pronunciation of the following words!

      A list of words with soft consonants before E (aka [d'e] miya, [b'er'e] t and etc.):

        ah re sia

        acade mia


        de prescience

        de kan [d "e] and [de]

        de fiss


        congre ss


        Ode ssa

        Pate nt

        pre ssa

        pre ssing

        progr ss

        ce uf


        se ssia [with "e] and [se]

        te rmin


        bus eh

        express ss


      A list of words with firmly pronounced consonants before E (a [de] pt, [dete] rminism and etc.):

        a de quat

        antise bird

        ate rev

        business with, business with



        de qualification

        d ecolte

        de cor

        de mping

        child rminism

        dispensary r


        a computer

        conce nsus

        mene jer (add. [m "ene])

        nonce ns

        parte r


        producer p




        stra ss

        those zis

        those mbr

        those mp



        extrase ns

        ene rgiya

      P.S. In borrowed words beginning with the prefixes de- before vowels, des-, as well as in the first part of compound words starting with neo-, with a general tendency to soften, there are fluctuations in the pronunciation of soft and hard d and n:

        devaluation [d "e and de]

        misinformation [d "e and de]

        neocolonialism [neo and add. n "eo]

      V foreign proper names recommended firm pronunciation consonants before e: De Carte, Flaubert R, De Cameron, Rembrandt and etc.

      Solid [w] is pronounced in the words parachute [shu] brochure [shu]... The jury's word is pronounced soft hissing [f "]... The names Julien, Jules are pronounced in the same soft way.

    1. When pronouncing some foreign words, sometimes erroneous extra consonants or vowels appear. It should be pronounced:

        incident (not incident [n] dent)

        precedent (not precedent [n] dent)

        leatherette (not dermis [n] tin)

        compromise (do not compromise [n] t)

        competitive (not a competitor [n] capable)

        emergency (not h [e] emergency)

        institution (not educational institution)

        future (not going to)

        thirsty (not thirsty)

    MOU Novo-Usmanovskaya secondary school

    Russian language lesson in grade 10 in order to prepare for the exam.



    "Basic norms of modern literary

    pronunciation and stress in Russian "


    teacher of Russian language and literature

    Mingalimova Ramziya Mudaristovna

    year 2009


    1. To restore in the memory of students the basic norms of correct literary speech; emphasize on actual problems the state of the modern language.

    2. On specific examples, practice spelling, lexical, grammatical, stylistic pronunciation norms; contribute to the development of oral communication skills.

    3. To educate students to respect the language, the aesthetic linguistic ideal.

    Equipment: test tasks, flashcards, orthoepic dictionaries.

    Location of the lesson. Computer class.

    During the classes.

    1 Organizing time... (Students enter the class with "gaps" - cards with words for correct pronunciation.

    2. Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

    3. Checking homework (Several students work at computers with simulators for different spelling, and two students at the blackboard do phonetic analysis the words)

    4. Work on the topic.

    5. Preliminary research a group of students according to the orthoepic norms of the language.


    Teacher's word:

    Let's pay attention to the statement of K.S. Gorbachevich, which will serve as an epigraph to today's lesson:

    It is difficult to overestimate the role of literary pronunciation - one of the important indicators of the general cultural level of a modern person. Correct pronunciation of a word is as important as correct spelling.

    K.S. Gorbachevich

    Work on the topic of the lesson.

    A) Frontal poll.

    What does orthoepy study? The term "orthoepy" is used in linguistics in two meanings:

    1) a set of norms of the literary language associated with the sound design of significant units: norms of pronunciation of sounds in different positions, norms of stress and intonation;

    2) a science that studies the variation of the pronunciation norms of the literary language and develops pronunciation recommendations (orthoepic rules).

    Educational complexes define orthoepy as the science of pronunciation, that is, in the first meaning. Thus, according to these complexes, all pronunciation norms of the Russian language belong to the sphere of orthoepy: the implementation of vowels in unstressed syllables, stunning / voicing of consonants in certain positions, the softness of a consonant in front of a consonant, etc.

    What is called an orthoepic norm?

    The pronunciation of individual sounds, sound combinations, words and grammatical forms is subject to certain rules. These rules are called orthoepic norms.

    What spelling norms do you know?

    Students. Orthoepic norms are a complex phenomenon. The main orthoepic rules - the norms of modern Russian literary pronunciation can be divided into those that determine the pronunciation of vowels (in different positions in the word, as well as when determining the place of stress) and the pronunciation of consonants (also in different positions in the word, in consonant combinations, in combinations with some vowel sounds, in different grammatical forms).

    Some students conducted a study of the pronunciation of individual sounds, their combinations, individual words, and today they will acquaint everyone with the rules that they have developed.

    Pronunciation of vowels.

    1. Strong vowel position - stressed position. In an unstressed position, the vowels undergo a change (qualitative or quantitative), i.e. are reduced.

    Attention should be paid to difficult reduction cases. After the hissing [w] and [w] and the sound [c], the unstressed vowel [a] is pronounced as a short [a]: jargon, kings. But before soft consonants - like the sound [ye]: sorry, thirty. In rare cases, [se] is also pronounced before hard consonants: rye, jasmine.

    2. After soft consonants in the first pre-stressed syllable in place of the letters a, e, I pronounce the sound [ie]: hours. This is what is called "hiccup". It is found in neutral and colloquial styles. "Ekanye" (pronunciation in a given phonetic position of the sound [ei] characterizes stage speech: v [ei] nets, t [ei] rnew. The pronunciation of ch [i] sy is outdated, ch [a] sy is dialectal.

    3. Consonants c, w, w - solid sounds, after them in place of the letters and pronounce [s]: revolution [s] I, zh [s] knowledge, sh [s] ry.

    4. In a few words of a foreign language origin, not completely mastered by the Russian language, in place of the letter o, in contrast to the Russian orthoepic norm, in an unstressed position a weakened [o] is pronounced, i.e. without reduction: for the sake of [o]. Too distinct [o] is perceived as mannered; on the other hand, a distinct pronunciation of [o] in "Russified" book words (sonata, short story) is also not desirable, since gives pronunciation a colloquial tone.

    5. The Russian historian NM Karamzin suggested using the letter ё, simplifying the complex drawing that previously existed in the alphabet of the letter. However, now we can find the letter ё only in primers and textbooks for foreigners studying Russian. The absence of this letter in books and periodicals leads to incorrect pronunciation of words. Attention should be paid to the words in which the vowel [o], indicated by the letter ё, is sometimes mistakenly replaced with a stressed [e], whitish, maneuvers are pronounced as whitish, maneuvers. Sometimes, on the contrary, the shock [e] is mistakenly substituted for [o] e: grenadier, a scam is pronounced as a grenadier, a scam. This pronunciation is not normative. Pronunciation of consonants

    1. Voiced consonants at the absolute end of a word and before voiceless consonants are deafened: arbu [s], pre [t] acceptance.

    2. In masculine nouns in -ism, the consonant [z] is pronounced firmly in all cases, including when the final consonant is softened in D. p. and P.p .: under capitalism.

    3. The consonant [g] can be pronounced as [g] - year, [k] - enemy, [?] - Lord, [x] - God, [v] - whom.

    4. The sound [?] Within the limits of the modern literary norm is pronounced in a limited number of words, but the pronunciation [r] opode, a [r] a, o [r] o can be considered a variant of the norm.

    5. In the Russian language there is a tendency to adaptability of the sound appearance of borrowed words with e after a hard consonant, many such words are "Russified" and are now pronounced with a soft consonant before e: museum, cream, academy, greatcoat, plywood, Odessa.

    But a whole series of words retains a solid consonant: antenna, business, genetics, detective, test. Variant pronunciation is allowed: dean, claim, therapy, terror, track. Hard or soft pronunciation of a consonant is determined in dictionary order.

    6. According to the old Moscow norms, the spelling combination chn was pronounced as [shn]. Currently, [shn] is preserved in words: of course, boring, scrambled eggs, on purpose, birdhouse, trifling and in female patronymics in -ichna: Fominichna, Kuzminichna.

    In a number of words, double pronunciation is allowed: bulo [chn] naya and bulo [shn] naya, although the latter is outdated.

    7. According to the "senior" norm, the combination th was pronounced as [pc] in the word as in words derived from it: nothing, something, etc.

    Currently, this rule holds true for all specified words, except for something [thu]. In all other words, the spelling Thu is always pronounced as [Thu]: mail, dream.

    8. The combination of zh in the word rain and its derivatives was pronounced according to the "older" norm as [f "w"] (at the end of the word - [w "w"]). The modern pronunciation [zhd "] (at the end of the word - [pc"]) is evaluated as a variant of the literary norm.

    9. According to the "older" norm, the spelling combinations zzh and lzh (yeast, later) worn out like [f "f"] - long and soft hissing. Currently, in place of zzh and lzh, a hard hissing [lzh] is pronounced. And this pronunciation is evaluated as a variant of the literary norm

    In most cases, it is necessary to refer to the "Orthoepic Dictionary of the Russian Language" ed. RI Avanesov, which gives the pronunciation of the word Orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language.

    The pronunciation of hard and soft consonants before e in loan words is regulated separately for each word of this type. So, one should pronounce k [r "] em, [t"] ermin, mu [z "] her, shi [n"] spruce, but pho [ne] tika, [te] nnis, svi [te] r; in a number of words, variable pronunciation is possible, for example: prog [r] ess and prog [r "] ess.

    The pronunciation in separate words of the combinations th and chn as [pcs] and [shn] is also specified in the list. So, with [pcs], words are pronounced that, so that, with [shn] - words, of course, boring, in a number of words a variable pronunciation is permissible, for example, two [h "n"] ik and two [shn "] ik, bulo [h "n] th and bulo [shn] th.

    As already mentioned, in the speech of some people, mainly of the older generation, there is a long soft consonant sound [zh "], which is pronounced in separate words in place of combinations of letters zh, zzh, zh: yeast, reins, go, rain: [drozh" and], [vózh "and], [th" ézh "y], [dazh" и́]. In the speech of people of the younger generation, the sound [f] = [lzh] ([drozhy], [th "ezhu]) can be pronounced at the place of the combinations lzh and zzh, and in the place of the combination zh in the word rains - [zhd"] (thus, when stunning in the word rain we have variants of pronunciation [dosch "] and [dosht"]).

    In the speech of all native speakers of the modern Russian language, [n] is successively replaced by [n "] before [h"] and [uh "]: drum [drum“ ch ”ik], drummer [drum“ sch ”ik]. The softening consonants either does not occur at all (for example, shops [láfk "and]), or it is presented in the speech of some native speakers and is absent in the speech of others. At the same time, the representation of positional softening in different groups of consonants is different. So, in the speech of many speakers, positional softening occurs [s] before [n "] and [t"], [s] before [n "] and [d"]: bone [braid "t"], song [n "es "n" a], life [zhyz "n"], nails [gvóz "d" and], softening of the first consonant in combinations [zv "], [dv"], [sv "], [evil"], [ sl "], [sy"] and some others are more likely an exception than a rule (for example: door [dv "er"] and [d "in" er "], eat [sy" em] and [with "y" em] if [th "eśl" and] and [th "eśs" l "and]).

    The emergence of many orthoepic variants is associated with the development of the literary language. The pronunciation is gradually changing. At the beginning of the 20th century. they said a [n "] gel, tse [r"] kov, ve [r "x], ne [r"] vy. And even now, in the speech of older people, one can often find such a pronunciation. The firm pronunciation of the consonant [s] in the particle -sia (si) is very quickly disappearing from the literary language (laughing [s] a, vtetili [s]). At the beginning of the 20th century. this was the norm of the literary language, as well as solid sounds [г, к, х] in adjectives in -ky, -hyi, -hi and in verbs in -kivat, -givat, -chivat. The words high, strict, decrepit, jump up, bounce, shake off were pronounced as if it had been written strict, decrepit, jump up, jump. Then the norm began to admit both options - the old and the new: both laughed [s] a and laughed [s "] I, and stern [g] th sine [g"] s. As a result of changes in literary pronunciation, variants appear, some of which characterize the speech of the older generation, others - of the younger.

    The conclusion of the teacher.

    What dictionary can you turn to in case of difficulty with the pronunciation of a word?

    Relaxation: Starting position - standing, hands forward, look at the fingertips, raise your hands up (inhale), follow your hands with your eyes without raising your head, lower your hands, exhale. Repeat 3 times.

    Working with the Orthoepic Norms simulator.

    In fact, the list of these words is much longer. In case of difficulty, you need to refer to the spelling dictionary. Such common words are often found in our everyday speech.


    Working with exercises:

    Stress words using pronouncing dictionary... Formulate the rule that the stressing in these words obeys.

    Pipeline, gas pipeline, water pipeline, garbage pipeline, oil pipeline. (Rule: in words ending in -wire, the stress falls on the last syllable).

    Philologist, psychologist, catalog, epilogue, prologue. (Rule: if the noun is animate, then the stress falls in the middle of the word).

    Dumbness, deafness, yawning, stuffiness, beauty, drowsiness, aches. (Rule: in nouns formed from verbs, the stress falls on -from-, formed from adjectives - on the ending.

    Mute - mute, deafness - deaf, stuffiness - stuffy, beauty - beautiful;

    Yawning - yawning, nap - dozing, aches - breaking.)

    (After checking each task from this block, the rule is written down in notebooks).

    Exercises 50, 51, 52. In case of difficulty, students turn to the school spelling dictionary or Appendix 1 of the textbook. Exercise 50 is done in writing.

    Alphabet, hyphen, quarter, kitchen, scanty, orphans, convocation, statue, phenom, expert, flounder, pantry, sylos, carpenter, more beautiful, beetroot, sorrel, he calls, corrugate, spoil, purchase.

    The words of exercises 51, 52 are read aloud in a chain, everyone monitors the correct pronunciation and, if necessary, make corrections.

    Exercise 51.

    Call - called, called, called, called; pour - poured, naughty, poured, poured; take - take, take, take, take; spinning - spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning; call - called, called, called, called; drive - drove, drove, drove, drove; wait - waited, waited, waited, waited; steal - stole, stole, stole, stole; start - start, start, start, start; revive - revived, revived, revived, revived; understand - understood, understood, understood, understood; accept - accepted, accepted, accepted, accepted.

    Exercise 52 (transcription of words is performed)

    Lesson summary. 1) conversation on issues:

    What is an orthoepic norm and what is it for?

    What should we do to make our speech correct, clear, and understandable to others?

    It will be the greatest crime against culture, against our Motherland, against humanity, if we do not take care of our language and allow ourselves to distort it.

    K.G. Paustovsky.

    2) grading.


    Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "Why do we need orthoepy?"

    Repeat everything learned on the topic "Orthoepy";

    Orthoepy is called the totality of all norms of pronunciation in the literary language, as well as a separate section of linguistics that studies the functioning of these norms. Spelling as a section develops pronunciation recommendations different sounds, sound combinations, grammatical forms, words borrowed from other languages.

    Oral speech is based on concepts such as pronunciation and stress. Very often they are not reflected in the writing to the proper extent, therefore it is important to know how to pronounce words correctly in the literary language, especially since it develops very rapidly and is more widespread. It's no secret that in last years people read and write less and talk and listen more.

    The main problem is that the existing orthoepic norms are often violated. What caused these errors? Let's take a closer look at these errors and the rules that will help you avoid them.

    Orthoepic norms of the Russian literary language regulate sounds in various phonetic positions, with other sounds, in certain grammatical forms and stand-alone words. A distinctive feature of pronunciation is uniformity. Spelling errors can negatively affect the perception of speech by listeners. They can distract the interlocutor's attention from the essence of the conversation, cause misunderstanding and irritation. The pronunciation corresponding to orthoepic norms facilitates the process of communication and makes it more effective.

    Orthoepic norms determines the phonetic system of the language. Each language is characterized by its own phonetic laws that govern the pronunciation of sounds and words they create.

    The basis of the Russian literary language is the Moscow dialect, however, in the Russian orthoepy, the so-called "junior" and "senior" norms are distinguished. The first reflects the distinctive features of modern pronunciation, the second draws attention to the old Moscow orthoepic norms.

    Basic pronunciation rules

    In Russian, only those vowels that are under stress are clearly pronounced: garden, cat, daughter. Those vowels that are in an unstressed position may lose clarity and clarity. This is the law of reduction. So, the vowel "o" at the beginning of a word without stress or in pre-stressed syllables can be pronounced like "a": s (a) roca, b (a) rona. In unstressed syllables, an indistinct sound can be pronounced in place of the letter "o", for example, like the first syllable in the word "head".

    The vowel sound "and" is pronounced like "s" after a preposition, a solid consonant, or when two words are spoken together. For example, "teacher's college", "laughter and tears."

    As for the pronunciation of consonants, it is guided by the laws of stunning and assimilation. Voiced consonants standing in front of a dull sound are deafened, which is a characteristic feature of Russian speech. An example is the word "pillar", the last letter of which is stunned and pronounced like "p". There are a lot of such words.

    In many words, instead of the sound "h", one should pronounce "sh" (the word "what"), and the letter "g" in the endings is read like "v" (the words "mine", "nobody" and others).

    As mentioned above, orthoepic norms deal with pronunciation. Usually, such words obey the norms existing in the language, and only sometimes they can have their own characteristics. One of the most common rules is to soften the consonants before the "e". This can be seen in words such as "faculty", "cream", "overcoat" and others. At the same time, in some words the pronunciation may vary ("dean", "terror", "therapy").

    Orthoepic norms- these are also the norms for stating stress, which is not fixed in Russian. This means that the stress may differ in different grammaticals ("hand" - "hand").

    Remember, correct speech is the key to success... It needs to be constantly improved and developed. It is better to once again look into the orthoepic dictionary than to constantly make elementary and ridiculous mistakes in pronunciation or stress. Speak beautifully!

    Orthoepy(from ancient Greek. оρθоς - "correct" and Greek оπος - "speech") - science (section of phonetics), dealing with the norms of pronunciation, their justification and establishment. Orthoepy is one of the manifestations of the unification of the literary language from the side of pronunciation.

    It is customary to distinguish between different orthoepic norms: "senior" and "junior", as well as the norms of high and neutral styles of pronunciation.

    The older norm, which distinguishes primarily the speech of educated elderly people, is characterized by the pronunciation of bulo [shn] aya, soft [ky], [z`v`] er. The lower pronunciation norm, observed in the speech of young people who know the literary language, allows the pronunciation of bulo [chn] aya, soft [k'y], [zv`] vr.

    Literary pronunciation is characterized by a certain unity, a norm, in principle obligatory for all speakers of a given language.

    Orthoepic norm

    Orthoepic norms are the rules of pronunciation of words and grammatical forms of words that are historically established and accepted in society. Orthoepic norms are no less important for the literary language than the norms for the formation of grammatical forms of words and sentences or spelling norms.

    Specific orthoepy rules are numerous, but they can be summarized in a small number of groups:

    • a) in the field of vowel pronunciation;
    • b) norms of pronunciation of consonants and their combinations;
    • c) pronunciation norms of individual grammatical forms;
    • d) features of the pronunciation of borrowed words.

    In the area of ​​vowel pronunciation:

    When formulating the basic norms in the field of vowels and consonants, a neutral style of speech is taken as the basic one.
    I. Emphasized vowels.

    1. In place of the letters a and I, the vowel [a] is pronounced under stress: glade - by [l'a ’] na, shovel - lo [pa’] ta. In this case, it is necessary to highlight the verb harness (harness, unharness, harness). In exemplary speech, it is pronounced: proverb - zap [re] ch, and in the past tense: proverb - zap [ro] g.
    2. The vowel [e] sounds under stress in place of the letters e and e: era - [e] ra, woman - [zhe] nshchina.
    3. Under the stress in place of the letters o and e, the vowel [o] is pronounced: roar - [ro] v; thief - in [o] p.?
    4. In live colloquial speech, there are often substitutions of the percussive [e] sound [o], which is unacceptable. Errors of this kind are frequent in the following words: athlet, affair, bluff, being (but living), splash, golole ditsa (but icy), grenada p, two-three-five days (but daytime), ze in, foreigner (and alien, but multi-tribal), fishing line, guardianship (and ward), sedentary (and sedentary), overexposure, successor, crypt, surveillance, contemporary (and modern, modernity), ridge, masterpiece; ploughshare, pronominal, bewildered (and bewildered), open, transverse, isosceles, confused, barley; avoid (past tense of the verb to avoid), to dream (but dreams), se to (past tense of the verb se ch; the same in the past tense of the verbs father, cut, scatter, truncate, you flog).
    5. Difficulties arise when choosing drums [e], [o] in complex words. Most difficult words are pronounced with one stress, usually near the end of the word. Therefore, the first word, which is part of a complex, loses its independent stress, the articulation of the stressed vowel in it is weakened, and the quality of the vowel changes - instead of [o], the reduced one sounds. For example: all-embracing (compare: a person of all-embracing knowledge - a person who embraces everything with his gaze); legumes (compare: grains - beans); if this word is polysyllabic and has a secondary stress, then [o] is retained in the compound word: blackcurrant (jam), although in shorter words the first part is pronounced in black with a reduced [e]: black soil, prunes c. It is also preserved [o] in the composition of the numerals three, four, included in complex words: three-stage, four-story.
    6. In some words, the shock [o] is substituted for [e]: hopeless, faded, mockery, mercenary, nonsense, sturgeon, belt, lattice, bite, snare, etc.
    7. It is necessary to pay attention to some participial forms that differ in stressed vowels and have different meanings: expired (year) - expired (by blood), announced (shouts like announced) - announced (order).
    8. The vowel [s] sounds after [zh, w, ts] in place of the letter and: [zhy] vnost, [shy] shka, [tsy] phra.

    II.Unstressed vowels.

    1. As mentioned earlier, the Russian literary pronunciation is based on the current Moscow dialect. Even MV Lomonosov considered acanya to be one of the attractive features of live pronunciation and said: "The pronunciation of the letter o without stress, like a, is much more pleasant."
      According to the norms of modern literary pronunciation, the sound [a] is pronounced in place of letters a and O in the first pre-stressed syllable after hard consonants: dew '- [ra] sa, ballet - b [a] le t. Unlike [a] stressed, this sound is shorter, less articulated in duration.
    2. In other unstressed syllables, [a] and [o] are reduced, that is, pronounced with less distinctness than under stress, and with less fullness of the voice. In these cases, an indistinct sound is heard in place of a and o, intermediate between [s] and [a]. It is denoted by the sign [b]: la'pa - la [ny], head [g'la] va, joy - [glad] st.
    3. At the beginning, unstressed words [a] and [o] are pronounced as [a]: alphabets t - [a] alphabet t; custody - [a] pe ka. Although in the stream of speech, when there are practically no pauses in front of words beginning with [a] and [o], instead of these vowels, a reduced sound [b] appears: in areas - [in-b] blasts; in watermelons - [in-b] rbu zah.
    4. In pre-stressed syllables, instead of combinations aa, ao, oa, oo, a long vowel [a] is pronounced: sharpen, for a pharmacy, about an intermission, on a window, in general - [a].
    5. In the first pre-stressed syllable after the hard sibilants [w] and [w], the vowel [a] is pronounced in accordance with the spelling, i.e. as [a]: heat - [zha] ra; minx - [sha] lu n. There are cases (before a soft consonant) when in the first pre-stressed syllable after [w, w, c] instead of [a], it is recommended to pronounce a sound between [s] and [e] (denoted by [ye]). For example: regret - [zhye] let, unfortunately - to so [zhye] le'ny, the indirect case forms of the word horse are lo [shye] dey, as well as the indirect case forms of numerals with the element -degree - twenty [tsye] ty, trid [tsie] ti, etc. In other unstressed syllables, after sibilant and [c], instead of [a], reduced [b] is pronounced: blinds - [zh] luzy, roof - roof [shb], Tsaregrad - [cz] regrad.
    6. In the first pre-stressed syllable, in place of the letter a, after soft hissing [ч] and [u], a sound close to [and] ([ie]) is pronounced: hours - [ch'ie] sy, sorrel - [sch'ie] vel ... The pronunciation in these cases of the distinct [and] is outdated; the pronunciation of [sh'a] ve l, [ch'a] sy is dialectal and in the literary language is unacceptable. In other cases, in unstressed syllables, in place of a, a reduced sound is pronounced, reminiscent of a short [and] (denoted by [b]): watchmaker - [ch'y] sovschi k, sorrel - [sh'h] vele n.
    7. In place of the letter e after [w, w, c] in the first pre-stressed syllable, a sound is pronounced, the middle between [s] and [e] ([ye]): wife - [zhye] na, whisper - [shye] ptat, price - [tsie] na. It must be remembered that in these cases it is impossible to pronounce [s]: [zhy] na, [shy] ptat, [tsy] na. In other unstressed syllables, a reduced sound ([b]) is pronounced in place of e: tin - [zh] woolen, woolen - [shb] bristle, higher - vy [shh], entirely - [cz] face m.
    8. In the first pre-stressed syllable, after soft consonants, in place of the letters e and I, [ie] is pronounced: bucket - [v'ie] draw, five - [p'ie] ti. In this case, a distinct pronunciation [and] will be considered dialectal.
      In the rest of the pre-stressed syllables and in the syllables of the post-stressed syllables, the reduced sound [b] is pronounced: a piglet - [n'h] tacho k. But in unstressed endings, on the spot I pronounce the sound [b]: seas - mo [r'ъ], burden - bre [m''], songs - ne s [n'm'i], foxes - li [s'']. Particular attention should be paid to the pronunciation of the prefix in the case when the second e of the prefix appears in the second pre-stressed syllable. Then the second vowel of the prefix, as a result of a strong reduction, is sometimes illegally lost, as a result of which a colloquial word arises when pronouncing: change - ne [rm] enit, transplant - ne [rs] adit. In its place, the reduced ([s]) should sound: [p''r''] change, [p''r''] sit.
    9. The difference between the pronunciation of vowels [and, y, s] in unstressed syllables from the pronunciation in stressed syllables is insignificant. These vowels in unstressed syllables are pronounced somewhat more weakened, but they do not change qualitatively: fox - [l'i] sa, kyzyl - [ky] zy l, chipmunk - [buru] ndu k.
      If in the stream of speech a letter merges with the preceding word into a solid consonant, then the vowel [s] is pronounced: life in exile is life in [s] zgn'nia.
      If in compound word the first part ends in a solid consonant, and the second begins with [and], also sounds [s]: pedagogical institute - ped [s] institute. And after [zh, sh, ts] in place and in all positions [s] is pronounced: giraffe - [zhy] raf, car - ma [shy] na, acacia - aka [tsy] i. If in the words life, execution appears a vowel [and] between two consonants (zhi [z'i] ny), then the words acquire the character of vernacular.

    Pronunciation norms of consonants and their combinations:

    The basic laws of consonant pronunciation are stunning and assimilation.

    In Russian speech, there is a mandatory stunning of voiced consonants at the end of a word. We pronounce bread[NS] -bread, sa[T] - garden, love[f '] - love... This stunning is one of the characteristic features of Russian literary speech. It should be noted that the consonant [ G ] at the end of a word always turns into a dull sound paired with it [ To ]: le[To] - lay down... The exception is the word the God - bo[NS].

    Living pronunciation in his past and state of the art is reflected in poetic speech, in poetry, where this or that rhyme speaks about the pronunciation of the corresponding sounds. So, for example, in the poems of A.S. Pushkin about stunning voiced consonants is evidenced by the presence of such rhymes as treasure - brother, once - hour.

    Before vowels, sonor consonants and [ v ] sound [ G ] is pronounced like a plosive consonant. In some words, a fricative back-lingual consonant is pronounced before the vowel [ γ ]. It is required only in the word accountant [buya? lt'er], interjections yeah, Wow... Acceptable pronunciation [ γ ] in interjections God, her-god... Pronunciation [ γ ] in a strong position is typical for southern Russian dialects. Besides, [ γ ] is characteristic of the Church Slavonic language.

    In place G before a voiceless consonant, pronounce [ To ]: tar, nails, marriage registry, aggravate... But in the roots light- / light-, soft- / soft- pronounced [ NS ] front [ To ]: le[NS]something, me[NS]kaya, me[NS]what and [ NS' ] front [ To' ]: le[NS']cue, me[NS']cue, also: ease, light; softness, softish other. In combinations of voiced and voiced consonants (as well as voiced and voiced consonants), the first of them is likened to the second. If the first of them is voiced, and the second is deaf, the first sound is deafened: lo[NS]ka - spoon, about[NS]ka - Cork... If the first is deaf, and the second is voiced, the first sound is voiced: [ s]doba - muffin, [s]ruin - ruin... Before consonants [ l ], [m ], [n ], [R ] without paired deaf, and before [ v ] there is no similarity. Words are pronounced as they are spelled: fresh[tl]O... Assimilation also occurs when consonants are combined. For example, combinations us and zsh pronounced like a long hard consonant [ NS ]: nor[NS]ui - lower.

    Earlier in Russian for most consonants there was a pattern: a consonant in front of a soft consonant must also be soft ( S'S '). Then there was a tendency to harden the first consonant ( S'S ' > SS '). This pattern nowadays covers more and more groups of consonants. So, [ n ' ] front [ h ’ ], [NS' ] is usually pronounced in the old ways: boobe?[LF']iki, NS[LF']and? on, laugh?[n'sh ']uk, right?[n'sh ']ina... Others (for example, labial before soft posterior linguals) are usually pronounced according to the new norms: la?[mk ']and, la?[fc ']and, shake[PC']and, that[mg ']e... In the third (for example, in labial and dental before soft labial), both options are equal: [ c'b ']go and [ wb ']go, [d'v ']er and [ dv ']er... The new regularity also penetrates into the combinations of dental consonants. So, usually dental before soft dental soft: my?[s't ']uk,le[s'n'']and? to, at[z'd ']e? chka, bah?[n't ']uk, O[d'n ']and?, O[t't ']yanu?, on[d’d’]e? t... But according to the "younger" norm in such combinations, incomplete softness and even hardness of the first consonant are acceptable: [ st ']ena?, [bld ']e? shny, O[tn ']ima?, oh? floor[sign]and... Pronunciation of hard [ n ] in this position is often seen in words to thrust, canned food, council and others. Both options are equal before [ l ' ]: [d'l ']and? nny and [ dl ']and? nny, NS?[z'l ']uk and NS?[zl ']uk... A new pattern appears earlier in the pronunciation of rare words, combinations at the junction of morphemes, the old one persists longer in the most frequent words, cf.: ra?[z'v ']e - ra?[star ']it, [in'm ']e? st - with[vm ']e? stno -[vm ']e? s meeting.

    Sound [NS'] in the literary language can be pronounced in accordance with the phoneme < NS'> and a combination of phonemes < mid ’> , < zch ’> , and < gh '> , < shh ’> , < stch '> , < hdch '> , <f '> for example in words Pike, comb, cab, defector, freckled, tougher, furrowed, rain... As well as [ NS' ] is pronounced and [ sh'ch ' ]. The ratio of these options is not the same in different positions and in different eras.

    Pronunciation [ NS' ] is gradually spreading due to [ sh'ch ' ]. In the XIX - early XX century [ sh'ch ' ] within the morpheme prevailed in St. Petersburg. Currently, both in Moscow and in St. Petersburg, it is almost exclusively pronounced [ NS' ] [NS']u? ka, [NS']astier.

    Use [ sh'ch ' ] or [ NS' ] at the junction of morphemes depends on the rate of speech, the degree of use of the word, the strength of the cohesion of morphemes. Where, at the usual rate of speech, [ sh'ch ' ], at an accelerated pace - [ NS' ]. In rare words, [ sh'ch ' ]. The more often a word or prepositional-nominal combination occurs in speech, the more often [ NS' ]; Wed: skullless, with Chartism- with [ sh'ch ' ], but to comb, with what- with [ NS' ]. The adhesion strength of the root and the suffix is ​​great ( carter,peddler), therefore [ NS' ]. At the junction of the prefix and the root ( countless) the strength of cohesion is weaker, it is even weaker at the junction of a preposition and a significant word ( from the teapot), therefore [ sh'ch ' ].

    Pronunciation norms of individual grammatical forms

    1. Masculine adjectives of the nominative singular with an unstressed ending according to the old Moscow norm are pronounced with [ъi], [ьi]; according to Novomoskovskaya - with [si], [andi]; the second pronunciation variant appeared due to the influence of spelling (literal pronunciation), but corresponds to the phonetic laws of the language - the absence of a qualitative reduction of unstressed vowels of the upper ascent. In adjectives based on the back-lingual consonant [г], [к], [х], according to the old Moscow norm, [ъi] is pronounced with the hardness of the preceding consonant; according to Novomoskovsk - [and] with the softness of the preceding consonant. Surnames in -ski are pronounced in the same way. [krasn'i], [s'i'n''i] - old Moscow norm; [krasnyi], [s'i'n'i] - New Moscow norm, literal pronunciation; [ubo'gyi], [to'nk'i], [t'i'kh'i] - old Moscow norm; [ubo'g'i], [to'nk'i], [t'i'kh'i] - Novomoskovsk norm; [b'ial'y'nsk'i] and [b'''ial''nsk'i]
    2. Masculine and neuter adjectives of the genitive singular in -go, -his are pronounced with the sound [v]. [but'v'v'v], [s'i'n''v'v]
    3. In the words today, total and derivatives from them, the sound is pronounced [in] [s'ievo'dn]
    4. Nominative plural adjectives ending in -s, -ies. pronounced with [siь], [iiь] or [si], [ui]; both options correspond to the pronunciation norm, but the second is characteristic of less distinct speech and a faster-than-strict tempo of speech. [red], [s'y'n'eei] and [red], [s'y'n'ii]
    5. Unstressed endings of the 3rd person plural of verbs II of the conjugation according to the old Moscow orthoepic norm are pronounced as [ut], [‘ut], according to the new Moscow norm - [ът], [ьт] in accordance with the pronunciation norms of unstressed vowels, determined by qualitative reduction. The same pronunciation characterizes the real participles of the present tense of the II conjugation of verbs in -Such, -Such. The old pronunciation became dialectal or colloquial. [dy’shut], [ho’d’ut] is the old Moscow norm; [dy’sh’t], [ho’d’t] - Novomoskovskaya norm; [dy'shush'i] and [dy'sh'sh'i] - Old Moscow and Novomoskovsk norms
    6. The postfix -sya (-s) according to the old Moscow norm is pronounced with a hard [s], but in the new Moscow one - with a soft [s ’]. The second orthoepic variant arose under the influence of spelling. The displacement of the variant with the soft [s'] variant with the hard [s] is a living process. Some manuals and textbooks contain an outdated recommendation for the predominant pronunciation of a hard consonant, especially after hard consonants. [bΛjy'c], [n'ch'yelsa '], [sb'ira'is'] - the old Moscow norm; [bΛju'c '], [n'ch'iels'a'], [sby'ira'is''] - Novomoskovskaya norm
    7. In verbs on -ivat, after the back-lingual consonants, in accordance with the old Moscow orthoepic norm, [гъ], [къ], [хъ] are pronounced, which is typical for stage speech; according to the Novomoskovsk orthoepic norm, which arose under the influence of spelling, it is pronounced [g'i], [k'i], [h'i]. [zlt'a'g'vat '], [vta'sk'v't'], [vtr'a'kh'v't '] - old Moscow norm, archaism; [zlt'a'g'iv't '], [vyta'sk'iv't'], [vtr'a'kh'iv't '] - Novomoskovsk norm

    Features of the pronunciation of loan words

    1. The pronunciation of borrowed words in most cases obeys the orthoepic norms of the modern Russian literary language, but a certain number of later borrowings, infrequent, socially limited (primarily the term logical vocabulary, socio-political, scientific and technical, etc.), and proper names forms a subsystem borrowed words, characterized by the peculiarities of pronunciation.
    2. In some borrowed words there is no qualitative reduction of the unstressed vowel [o]: boa, dossier, poet, foyer, rococo, cocoa, radio, arpeggio, adagio, solfeggio, etc .; Voltaire, Flaubert, etc. This pronunciation is optional and characterizes the high style of speech. In parallel with this pronunciation, there is another, common for the phonetic vowel system of the modern Russian language, with a qualitative reduction of the unstressed vowel corresponding to the stressed vowel [b]. This pronunciation is associated with a reduced style of speech or stylistically neutral. [boa '], [dos'jae'], [ra'd'io], [vo'l'te'r] - high style, literal pronunciation; [bΛa ’], [dΛs'jae’], [rad’yΛ], [vLL’te’r] - reduced style, stylistically neutral pronunciation
    3. In some borrowed words there is no qualitative reduction of the unstressed vowel [e]; this is typical for book vocabulary, infrequent, not fully mastered by the Russian language: excavator, embryo, businessman, andante, asteroid, etc. positions. This pronunciation is gradually being established in all loan words. [exclusive], [business], [Λnda’nte] - high style, literal pronunciation; [yet'sh], [yeklno'm'ik], [Λl't'rnlt'i'v'v], [md'rn'iza'tsyi] - stylistically neutral pronunciation
    4. In some borrowed words, infrequent, stylistically limited, not fully mastered by the Russian language, there is no positional softening of consonants [d], [t], [z], [s], [m], [n], [p] before vowels front row [e '(uh, b)], the same applies to proper names: antithesis, stand, parterre, interview, delta, model, energy, requiem, mayor, sir, peer, highway, muffler, puree, dash, Baudouin- de Courtenay, Jack, Pasteur, etc. In some words, a double pronunciation is permissible - with a hard and soft consonant: dean, terror, congress, etc. At the same time, there is a tendency towards positional softening of the hard consonant before [e (ie, b)]. In most words, there is a positional softening of hard consonants [e (ie, b)], which corresponds to the orthoepic norms of the modern Russian language: theme, term, museum, pioneer, pool, etc. The pronunciation of hard consonants in these words is erroneous, abnormal, mannered. [Lnt'ite'z], [st'nt], [mae'r], [t'ire '], [bodue'n de-kurtane'] and [bldue'n d'-kurtyene ']; [deka'n] and [deeka'n], [tero'r] and [tyero'r]; [d'eka'n] and [d'ieka'n], [t'ero'r] and [t'iero'r]; [t'e'm], [t'e'rm'in], [muz'e'i] - normative pronunciation; [te'm], [te'rm'in], [muze'i] - obscene, mannered pronunciation
    5. With a confluence of identical consonants at the junction of morphemes, a long consonant is pronounced, and inside the morpheme, a short one is often pronounced: certificate, pool, grammar, illusion, calligraphy, collective, millimeter, territory, etc., less often a long one - gross, bonna, bath, manna, ghetto, etc. etc. The tendency of the Russian literary pronunciation is to reduce the length of the consonant. [plo'r'it '], [v'e'kh], [v'l'e'nyi]; [Lt'iesta't], [bless'e'in], [k'l'iekt'i'f]; [bru't], [v'n], [g'e't]

    The dynamism and variability of the orthoepic norm

    The dynamism of orthoepic norms:

    The norms of literary pronunciation are both a stable and a developing phenomenon, they are directed both into the past and into the future of the language. This means that at any given moment in these norms there is something that connects today's pronunciation with the pronunciation characteristic of past eras of the development of the literary language, and there is something that arises as new in pronunciation under the influence of the living oral practice of native speakers, as a result of the action of internal laws of development of the language system. Modern Russian literary pronunciation began to take shape back in the 18th century. on the basis of the oral speech of Moscow as the center of the Russian state, on the basis of the so-called Moscow vernacular, formed on the basis of northern and southern Russian dialects (in the norms of Moscow vernacular, on the one hand, the northern pronunciation vowel syllables [a] and [o]). By the XIX century. Old Moscow pronunciation developed in all its main features and, as exemplary, spread its influence on the pronunciation of the population of other major cultural centers. Modern lit. pronunciation, in its defining features, continues to preserve the old Moscow norms, in a number of points has already moved away from these norms and continues to change.
    Learning the uniform rules of orthoepy is facilitated with the uniformity of the pronunciation norms of native speakers.

    Variation of the orthoepic norm

    The main sources of deviations from literary pronunciation are writing and native dialect. Deviations from literary pronunciation under the influence of writing are explained by the fact that there is not always a correspondence between the literal and sound form of the word. For example, the genitive case of masculine and neuter adjectives has an ending with the letter g in the writing, and the sound (v) is pronounced in this form: large (pronounced large [ov]); words such as, of course, that are written with the letter h, and in pronunciation it corresponds to the sound [w]: of course, INTO. As a result of the influence of spelling on pronunciation, pronunciation variants appear that are allowed in the literary language. This is how pronouncing variants arose, for example, forms of the nominative case of masculine adjectives with a stem in the back-lingual: strong \ ay \ and strong. The variability of the norm leads to the opposition of styles: high and neutral, full and conversational. With regard to orthoepy, we can talk about the mandatory norms of pronunciation of vowels and consonants and their combinations, called imperative, and about variant, or dispositive, pronunciation norms.

    Indicators of various regulatory dictionaries give reason to talk about three degrees of normativity:

    • 1st degree norm - strict, tough, not allowing options;
    • 2nd degree norm - neutral, allows equivalent options;
    • the norm of the 3rd degree is more mobile, allows the use of colloquial, as well as outdated forms.

    Norms, including orthoepic ones, help the literary language to maintain its integrity and comprehensibility. They protect the literary language from the flow of dialectal speech, social and professional jargons, and vernacular. This allows the literary language to fulfill its main function - cultural. The literary norm depends on the conditions in which speech is carried out, it limits the possibilities of use. Language tools that are appropriate in one situation (everyday communication) may turn out to be ridiculous in another (formal business communication). The historical change in the norms of the literary language is a natural, objective phenomenon. It does not depend on the will and desire of individual native speakers. The development of society, changes in social conditions of life, the emergence of new traditions, the improvement of relationships between people, the functioning of literature, art lead to a constant rethinking and change in the norms of pronunciation. Orthoepic norm is one of the most volatile and mobile. Native speakers must be sensitive to her changes, correct her speech in a timely manner so that she is actually good.

    Orthoepic norms are the pronunciation norms of oral speech. They are studied by a special section of linguistics - orthoepy(Greek. orthos - correct and epos - speech). Orthoepy is also called a set of rules for literary pronunciation. Orthoepy determines the pronunciation of individual sounds in certain phonetic positions, in combination with other sounds, as well as their pronunciation in certain grammatical forms, groups of words or in individual words.

    Maintaining uniformity in pronunciation has great importance... Spelling errors always interfere with perceiving the content of speech: the listener's attention is distracted by various pronunciation irregularities and the statement in its entirety and is not perceived with sufficient attention. Pronunciation corresponding to orthoepic norms facilitates and speeds up the communication process. Therefore, the social role correct pronunciation very great, especially now in our society, where oral speech has become a means of the widest possible communication at various meetings, conferences, and congresses.

    Consider basic rules of literary pronunciation, which must be adhered to.

    Pronunciation of vowels. In Russian speech, among the vowels, only drums are pronounced clearly. In an unstressed position, they lose clarity and clarity of sound, they are pronounced with weakened articulation. This is called the law reduction.

    The vowels [a] and [o] at the beginning of a word without stress and in the first pre-stressed syllable are pronounced as [a]: ravine -[a] enemy, autonomy -[a] tue [a] nomia, milk - m [a] l [a] co.

    In the rest of the unstressed syllables, i.e. in all unstressed syllables, except for the first pre-stressed, in place of the letter eye after solid consonants, a very short (reduced) indistinct sound is pronounced, which in different positions fluctuates from a pronunciation close to [s] to a pronunciation close to [a). Conventionally, this sound is designated by the letter [b]. For example: head - g [b] love, side - st [b] rona, expensive - d [b] horny, town - gor [b] d, watchman - side [b] f.

    Letters e and I am in a pre-stressed syllable denote a sound between [e] and [and]. Conventionally, this sound is indicated by the sign [and e]: penny - n [and e] so, feather - n [and e] ro.

    The vowel [and] after a strong consonant, a preposition, or when the word is pronounced together with the previous one, is pronounced as [s]: medical institute - honey [s] institute, from a spark - hidden from [s], laughter and grief - laughter [s] grief. If there is a pause, [and] does not go to [s]: laughter and grief.

    The lack of vowel reduction interferes with the normal perception of speech, since it reflects not the literary norm, but dialectal features. So, for example, the letter-by-letter (non-reduced) pronunciation of the word [milk] is perceived by us as a rounding dialect, and the replacement of unstressed vowels by [a] without reduction - [malako] - as a strong acanya.

    Pronunciation of consonants. The basic laws of consonant pronunciation are - stunning and assimilation.

    In Russian speech, there is a mandatory stunning of voiced consonants at the end of a word. We pronounce bread [n] - bread, sa [t] - garden, see [k] - could, any [f "] - love etc. This stunning is one of the characteristic features of Russian literary speech. It should be noted that the consonant [g] at the end of a word always turns into a voiceless sound [k] paired with it: le [k] - lay down poro [k] - threshold etc. Pronunciation in this case of the sound [x] is unacceptable as dialect. The exception is the word the God - bo [x].

    In the position in front of vowels, sonorant consonants k (c), the sound [r] is pronounced as a voiced plosive consonant. Only in a few words, Old Slavonic in origin - bo [γ] a, [γ] opode, bla [γ] o, bo [γ] aty and derivatives from them, does the fricative back-lingual consonant [γ] sound. Moreover, in modern literary pronunciation and in these words [γ] is supplanted by [g]. It is most stable in the word [γ] Opposite,

    [G] pronounced as [x] in combination gk and hh: le [hk "] - uy - light, le [hk] o - easily.

    In combinations of voiced and voiceless consonants (as well as voiceless and voiced), the first of them is likened to the second.

    Attention should be paid to the combination chn, since mistakes are often made when pronouncing it. There is a fluctuation in the pronunciation of words with this combination, which is associated with a change in the rules of the old Moscow pronunciation.

    According to the norms of the modern Russian literary language, the combination chn usually pronounced [chn], this is especially true for words of book origin (greedy, reckless) as well as words that have appeared in the recent past (camouflage, landing).

    Pronunciation [shn] instead of spelling chn currently required in female patronymics for - Ichna: Ilyini [shn] a, Lukini [shn] a, Fomini [shn] a, and is also preserved in separate words: horse [shn] o, pere [shn] itza, laundry [shn] th, empty [shn] th, skvore [shn] ik, yai [shn] itza, etc.

    Some words with a combination chn in accordance with the norm, they are pronounced in two ways: order [shn] o and order [chn] o. In some cases, different pronunciation of the combination chn serves for semantic differentiation of words: heart [chn] - th beat - heart [chn] th friend.

    Pronunciation of borrowed words. They, as a rule, obey modern orthoepic norms and only in some cases differ in peculiarities in pronunciation. For example, the pronunciation of the sound [o] is sometimes preserved in unstressed syllables (m [o] del, [o] azis, [o] tel) and solid consonants before the front vowel [e] (s [te] nd, ko [de] ks, kash [ne]). In most borrowed words before [e], the consonants are softened: ka [t "] em, pa [t"] efon, facul [t "] em, mu [z"] her, [r "] ector, pio [n" ] ep. The back-lingual consonants are always softened before [e]: pa [k "] et, [k"] egli, s [x "] ema, ba [g"] et.

    A description of orthoepic norms can be found in the literature on the culture of speech, in special linguistic studies, for example, in the book by R.I. Avanesov "Russian literary pronunciation", as well as in explanatory dictionaries of the Russian literary language, in particular, in the one-volume " Explanatory dictionary Russian language "S.I. Ozhegova and N.Yu. Shvedova.