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  • Automation of sound l in phrases synopsis. Synopsis of an individual speech therapy lesson on the topic: "Automation of sound in forward and backward syllables, words, sentences." Announcement of the topic of the lesson

    Automation of sound l in phrases synopsis.  Synopsis of an individual speech therapy lesson on the topic:

    Purpose: to form the skill of sound pronunciation [L] in direct and inverse syllables, words.


    Correctional educational:

    • automate sound [L] in syllables, words, sentences.

    Correctional and educational:

    • foster interest in classes
    • the ability to control your speech.

    Correctional and developmental:

    • development of motor skills of the speech apparatus
    • consolidation of the correct pronunciation of a given sound in syllables, words, sentences
    • development of visual-spatial functions.

    Equipment: mirror, pictures, map, circuit for sound analysis.

    1. Organizing time.

    Speech therapist: Hello! I'm very glad to see you! How are you? How are you?

    Sit comfortably, remember to keep your back straight. Let's remember how each of our lessons begins ?! That's right, with charging. Look in the mirror and do the movements.

    2. Articulation gymnastics

    Speech therapist: To speak correctly and beautifully, you need to do gymnastics for the tongue, lips and cheeks.

    • "Smile-proboscis"
    • "Spatula" - "Needle"
    • "Swing"
    • "The steamer is buzzing"
    • "Delicious jam"

    3. Respiratory gymnastics

    Speech therapist: Look, I have such a bee, let's blow and see how it flaps its wings during the flight.

    Instructions: (We inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, lips into a tube, do not raise our shoulders, do not puff up our cheeks)

    4. Introduction to the lesson

    Speech therapist: Today we have a guest in class. Listen to the riddle and try to guess who it is?

    It buzzes over the flower,
    So fast it flies to the hive,
    I gave my honey to the honeycomb;
    What is her name?! (Bee)

    Speech therapist: Right! This is a cheerful and kind bee, and her name is Lolo. She is a little lost and really wants to return to her home in her fabulous country of Pchelandiya. And she got lost because she was looking for someone who could help her remember how to pronounce the sound L.

    Let's help Lolo get home and remember how to pronounce the L sound.

    5. Analysis of the articulation of sounds. Sound characteristic.

    Speech therapist: Tell Lolo how to pronounce the sound correctly [L].


    Speech therapist: Sound [L] consonant or vowel?

    Child: Consent

    Speech therapist: Why?

    Child: Sound [L] consonant because there is an obstruction in the mouth.

    Speech therapist: Voiced or deaf?

    Child: Voiced.

    Speech therapist: Why is he ringing?

    Child: When making a sound [L] the neck trembles.

    Speech therapist: Hard or soft?

    Child: Solid

    Speech therapist: Well, now let's go! We have a map that will help Lolo get to her country. This card is unusual, you need to move your right index finger and make a sound [L].

    6. Sound automation [L] in syllables.

    Speech therapist: So we got to the first point. We are met by a singing bee, she loves to fly on the lawn and sing songs. And he wants you to sing with her too.

    la-la-la ala-ala-ala
    lu-lu-lu ulu-ulu-ulu
    ly-ly-ly ly-ly-ly-ly
    lo-lo-lo olo-olo-olo

    7. Sound automation [L] in words.

    Speech therapist: And now we have reached the second point, and this bee invites you to learn how to write poetry. Come up with a rhyme word and repeat the entire poem. Remember to pronounce clearly and correctly [L].

    La la la, delicious honey carries ...
    Child: (bee).
    Lu-lu-lu, we saw ...
    Child: (bee).

    Ly-ly-ly, we were scared ...
    Child: (bees).

    Speech therapist: And the bee also wants us to solve the puzzle. Take a good look at the cards. What is depicted here. What else do you see? Right! Syllable. What word will be obtained if you combine a syllable with a word.

    8. "Rebus"

    Boo (shop) What a word?

    NS (varnish) What a word?

    Cab (onion) What a word?

    9. Physical minutes.

    Speech therapist: The bee is a little tired. Let's rest with her.

    Here is the bee's exercise.
    Do it in order.
    Get up quickly and smile.
    Higher, reach higher.

    Well, straighten your shoulders,
    Take it up and down.
    Turn left, right
    Touch your hands with your knees.

    10. Automation of sound in words.

    The game "Where is the sound hidden?" .

    Speech therapist: This bee brought a beautiful box. Look what lies in it. Yes, there are a lot of pictures, in the name of which a sound is hidden for each object [L]... Determine the place of the sound in words: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word.

    (Bast shoes, horse, bike, donkey, football, swallow, saw, hammer, wolf, stick, chalk, flippers, roll, violet, table, hanger, bow, boat).

    11. Automation of sound in sentences.

    Speech therapist: Here we are almost at the country of the bee Lolo, the last point remains. Here we are met by a bee who wants to make us laugh with funny sentences. Let's listen to them and put them together correctly.

    Speech therapist: Mila ate salad.

    Child: Mila was eating salad.

    Speech therapist: Paul fell into a chair.

    Child: The chair fell to the floor.

    Speech therapist: Onion in half Milu.

    Child: Mila cut a bow.

    Child: Hurray! So we got to the country of Pchelandiya! And they helped Lolo remember the sound of L.

    12. Lesson summary.

    Speech therapist: What sound did we repeat today?

    Child: Today in class we repeated the sound [L].

    Speech therapist: How is it pronounced correctly?

    Child: When pronouncing a sound [L] the lips are smiling, the teeth are open, the tip of the tongue is pressed against the tubercle behind the upper teeth.

    Speech therapist: What is he like?

    Child: Sound [L] consonant, hard, voiced.

    Speech therapist: Our lesson has come to an end. It's time to say goodbye to Lolo. It's time for her to go home.

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    1 Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution « Kindergarten 259 "combined view of the Oktyabrsky district of the urban district of the city of Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan Abstract individual lessons on the topic: "Automation of sound [L]" Prepared and conducted by: teacher speech therapist Denisova A. V. Ufa 2011

    2 Program content: I. Educational tasks: 1. Automation of sound [L] in isolation, in direct syllables, words, phrases and sentences. 2. Development of the function of inflection. II. Correctional and developmental tasks: 1. Development of the mobility of the articulatory apparatus. 2 .. Improving the coordination of articulatory movements and movements of the fingers. 3. Development of phonemic perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination. 4. Formation of the ability to navigate in the directions of space. III. Educational tasks: 1. Formation of positive motivation in the classroom; 2. Education of self-control over speech, desire to study. Vocabulary: - nouns: paw, tent, fist, paw paw, llama llama, lamp lamp, tent tent, pin pin, shark shark, palm - palms, Mila, Balun, table, floor, tangle, cat. - adjectives: consonant, hard, voiced, blue. - verbs: bought, began to roll, put down, fell, raised, gave Equipment: - scheme art. way of life - a large mirror; - pictures of articulation exercises: the steamer hums, delicious jam, swing, horse;

    3 - sound track "motor ship"; - sound ladder, kinder surprise; - the game "Guess if there is a sound [L] in the word." Pictures: paw, tent, fist. - the game "One is many". Pictures: paw paw, llama llama, lamp lamp, tent tent, pin pin, shark shark, palm - palms. - a diagram for composing a story.

    4 Course of the lesson. I. Organizational moment. Listen carefully to the poem that I am reading. Pay attention to which sound I will make more often. (Read a poem saturated with sound [L], paying attention to the sound with your pronunciation). The elk bought the calf a boat, skis and a pencil case. And the moose cow is Flipper's mother and Panama. 2. Communication of the topic of the lesson. Today we will continue to practice correct pronunciation sound [Л]. Let's stretch the tongue and do the exercises. 3. Articulatory gymnastics (Cards) "The steamer is buzzing" Lips in a smile, mouth open. With tension we pronounce for a long time "s-s-s-s" "Delicious jam" Slightly open your mouth, and lick the upper lip with the wide front edge of the tongue, making a movement with the tongue from top to bottom, but not from side to side. "Swing" Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth, bend a wide tongue over the lower lip (reach for the chin) on the count of "times. On the count of "two", bend your tongue onto the upper lip (reach for the nose). "Horse" The mouth is wide open, the tongue clicks slowly. Hands perform simultaneous claps (knee strikes).

    5 4. Clarification of correct sound articulation. - You learn to say the sound [Л] in syllables, words, (art. Structure scheme) sentences. Tell me how to pronounce this sound. And this diagram will help you answer. The lips are in a smile, the mouth is parted, the tip of the tongue is raised and pressed against the base of the upper incisors, a weak stream of air passes along the sides of the tongue, the neck trembles. 5. Characteristics of sound. - When you say it, is there a blockage in your mouth? (Yes). - Tell me, what is he? (consonant sound, solid, voiced). - What color do we designate this sound? (in blue, with a bell). 6. Isolated pronunciation of sound (Motor ship card) Bulat, let's remember how the ship hums. Move your finger and say: l-l-l. 7. Sound pronunciation in syllables. Speech charging. Working with a syllable chain. (Steps)

    6 Bulat, now I will pronounce the syllables, and you will repeat after me. The speech therapist pronounces syllable rows, changing the stress: on the first syllable, on the second syllable, on the third syllable (claps). LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA 8. Development of phonemic hearing. Determining the place of the sound in the word Game “Guess if there is a sound [L] in the word. Look carefully at the picture and determine if there is a sound [L] and in which part of the word it is. Lay out the chip on the diagram. Pictures: paw, tent, fist. (diagram, pictures) Phys. minute: Hands raised and waved. These are trees in the forest. Elbows bent, hands shook

    7 The wind knocks down the dew. We will gently wave our hands. Birds are flying towards us. As they sit down, we will show, the Wings are folded back. 9. Pronunciation of sound in words. (pictures) Game "One is many". Bulat, lay out the pictures in a column, from top to bottom. Now choose a pair for each picture and name both pictures. Pictures: paw paw, llama llama, lamp lamp, tent tent, pin pin, shark shark, palm - palms.

    8 9. Development of sound analysis skills. Sound analysis of the word - LAC. - Bulat, lay out the word LAC with chips. - Tell me, how many sounds are in this word? - What is the first sound? [L] - What sound is that? (it is a consonant, voiced, solid. We denote it in blue with a bell) - What is the last sound in this word, pronounce it? [K] - What sound is that? (it is a consonant, voiceless, hard. We denote it with a blue counter without a bell). - Now show the vowel sound in this word. - What sound is that? (this is a vowel sound, you can sing it, pull it, there is no obstacle for the voice. We denote it with a red chip). (Sound box office)

    9 - And now we will slap and determine the number of syllables in this word. 10. Automation in proposals. (story diagram) Bulat, listen carefully to this story, then I will ask you questions and you need to answer them. The speech therapist reads out the story: This is Mila. Mila bought apples. She put the apples on the table. One apple fell to the floor. Balun the cat began to roll the apple on the floor. Mila picked up the apple and put it on the table. And she gave a ball to the cat. The speech therapist asks the child: - What was the name of the girl? - What did Mila buy? - Where did Mila put the apples? - How many apples fell on the floor? - What was the cat Balun doing? - What did Mila do? - What did Mila give the cat? Speech therapist reads a story. The child composes the story on his own. 11. Lesson summary. - What sound did we learn to pronounce correctly today? - Tell me, what seemed the most difficult for you? - You coped with all the tasks. WELL DONE! And I give you this kinder surprise. Maybe you

    10 will come across a motor ship. And you will be able to help the ship to hum a lot.

    Appendix 5 Stage formation of new pronunciation skills. Individual summary speech therapy classes for older children preschool age: "The Adventures of Luntik" Purpose: consolidation

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    1. Thanks to timely exercises in articulatory gymnastics, some children themselves can learn to speak cleanly and correctly, without the help of a specialist. 2. Children will be able to quickly overcome their speech defects

    Note to parents. The goal of articulatory gymnastics is to develop correct, full-fledged movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, which are necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds. Conduct

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    Prepared by speech therapist M. M. Fedyashkina * The tongue is a muscular organ, which consists of 16 muscles, covered with a mucous membrane. * When a person sleeps, his tongue is still in constant motion,

    What is articulatory gymnastics for? It is common knowledge that writing is based on spoken language, so deficiencies in spoken language can lead to poor school performance. For the kid to learn

    Master class for parents "DEVELOPMENT OF SKILLS OF SOUND ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS" Teacher-speech therapist of the highest category MADOU d / s "Rosinka" Musinova L.Yu. Analysis is the process of dismembering the whole into parts, as well as establishing

    Consultation for teachers "Articulation gymnastics" TEACHER-LOGOPEDIST: ZIMINA V.V. Sound C When pronouncing sound C: the lips are slightly stretched into a smile, the front teeth are visible, the teeth are brought together to a distance of 1-2

    Abstract of GCD for sound automation [l]
    "Sea voyage with Luntik".

    Abstract Emelyanova N. V. Speech therapist MADOU "Kindergarten No. 273", Perm.
    I present to your attention a synopsis of directly - educational activities in the automation of sound L.
    This development will be interesting for educators and teachers - speech therapists, dealing with children of senior preschool age. Sound automation [l] Correctional educational: consolidation of correct articulation and characteristics of sound [l], automation of sound [l] in isolation, in words, syllables, sentences and phrases, exercise in the correct use of prepositional - case constructions, teach nouns in the plural.
    Correctional and developmental: develop articulatory motor skills and facial muscles, develop phonemic hearing, develop memory and logical thinking, develop fine and general motor skills.
    Correctional and educational: cultivate perseverance, patience.
    Equipment: cut picture "Luntik", picture Luntik, picture "Ship", spring su-dzhok, set of pictures "Food", ball, coloring pictures.
    GCD move:
    1.Organizational moment. The speech therapist greets the children and offers to guess who will come to their class today, and with whom they will go on a sea voyage.
    Speech therapist: Hello guys. Today we will go on a sea voyage with you. But we will not sail alone. Would you like to know who we will travel with? To do this, you need to collect one whole picture from several pictures.
    2. Development of the integrity of perception.
    Game "Collect the picture".
    Speech therapist:
    The children of the whole Earth know
    Who fell on them from the moon
    This is a small animal
    Who could guess?
    Children collect a picture of Luntik.
    Speech therapist:
    That's right, this is Luntik. He came to us from the moon. His journey was long and difficult, and he was very tired. Let Luntik take some rest, and we will show him what we have already learned.
    3. Psycho-gymnastics.
    Speech therapist: Let's show how we were delighted with the appearance of Luntik: let's say joyfully: "A - A - A!"
    And now let's smile together at Luntik and say: "AND-AND-AND!"
    And now we will be surprised at his appearance on our planet: "O-O-O!"
    And now let's show how upset we will be when he flies back: "U-U-U"
    4. Articulatory gymnastics.
    Speech therapist:
    Luntik rested and is ready to go with us on a sea voyage. But before the trip you need to refresh yourself. Let's bake pancakes and eat them with delicious jam (children do the Pancake and Tasty Jam exercises), and now let's see how we can handle the sea roll (Swing exercise)
    And here is our ship.
    A picture of a boat is displayed.
    See how big our boat has a sail (exercise "Sail")
    5. Reinforcement of the isolated pronunciation of the sound [l].
    Speech therapist: We are well prepared and ready to hit the road.
    Game "Ship".
    Speech therapist: We climb aboard our ship and set off on a sea voyage with the song of the ship "L - L - L"
    Children pronounce the sound L
    Speech therapist: Tell Luntik how to pronounce the L sound correctly?
    The speech therapist, together with the children, repeats the correct articulation of the sound L: the lips are smiling, the teeth are open, the tongue is wide, the tip of the tongue is behind the upper teeth, we are blowing into the cheeks.
    Speech therapist: Tell me, is the [l] sound a vowel or a consonant?
    Children: Consonant.
    6. Automation [L] in syllables.
    Speech therapist: While we were repeating the sound L, our ship moored to the island. See how many beautiful shells there are on this island. Let's collect shells for Luntik. In the meantime, we collect, repeat the syllables after me: ala - ulu - silt - olo. (Children collect seashells and repeat syllables after the speech therapist.)
    7 Automation [l] in words.
    Speech therapist:
    How many shells we have collected. Now you can play. Luntik loves to play ball. Let's show him the game "One - Many"
    The game "One is a lot" (the speech therapist throws a ball to the children and calls the words in the singular, and the children form the plural from them)
    Bee - bees
    Rock - rocks
    Shark - sharks
    Saw - saws
    Sleeper - sleepers
    8. Development of phonemic hearing.
    Game "Feed Luntik"
    Speech therapist: Well done! You have done an excellent job of this task. Now it’s time to take some rest. Luntik was very hungry. Let's feed him?
    Children: Yes.
    Speech therapist: Let's choose for Luntik those products, the name of which has a sound [l]
    Children are invited to choose pictures with the sound L in the title (apple, sausage, milk, strawberry, roll)
    9.Physical education.
    Speech therapist: After a hearty lunch, Luntik invites us to play with him.
    The game "Saw" Children in pairs, holding their hands crosswise, saw "logs" (lower pair of hands) and recite:
    Saw started working
    Buzzed like a bee
    I saw through a piece
    I ran into a mote
    Cracked and became -
    Start over!
    10. Automation [l] in sentences.
    Game: "Where did Luntik hide?" Drawing up sentences with prepositions.
    Speech therapist: Luntik loves to hide various objects.
    Look at the pictures and answer the questions:
    Where did Luntik hide the carrots? (apple, pumpkin)
    Children's answers(Luntik hid the carrots on a chair.
    Luntik hid the apple in the box. Luntik hid the pumpkin under the bench.)

    Speech therapist: Well done! You have completed the task, and now let's return to our ship. It's time for us to go back. And on the way back we will tell you a poem about Luntik.
    11.Automation [l] in pure clauses.
    Children repeat the phraseology behind the speech therapist and massage their fingers with a Su - Jok spring.
    La-la-la, Luntik is standing at the table.
    Lu-lo-lo, let's go to the table.
    Ly-ly-ly, Luntik washed all the tables.
    La - la - la, Luntiku honey is carried by a bee
    La-la-la, Luntik, how are things going?
    12.Lesson summary.
    Speech therapist: So our journey has come to an end.
    What tasks were difficult for you?
    What games did you like?
    13.Assessment of the work of children.
    Speech therapist:
    You played well, and Luntik is very grateful to you and gives you a picture - a coloring book as a keepsake of our journey.

    Target: strengthening the correct pronunciation of the sound [L] in speech.


    Fostering self-control during the pronunciation of a sound;

    Development of phonemic processes;

    Exercise in the formation and use of nouns with diminutive suffixes;

    Enrichment of vocabulary with related words;

    Expansion and refinement of the vocabulary by lexical topic classes;

    Development of thinking, memory, imagination;

    Organ articulation development;

    Development of the respiratory system;

    Development of fine motor skills;

    Education of perseverance.

    Equipment: subject pictures, individual mirror, design card.

    Speech material: riddle text, tongue twisters, material for performing lexical and grammatical tasks



    Synopsis of an individual speech therapy lesson on the automation of sound [L] in words and phrases.

    Target: strengthening the correct pronunciation of the sound[L] in speech.


    Fostering self-control during the pronunciation of a sound;

    Development of phonemic processes;

    Exercise in the formation and use of nouns with diminutive suffixes;

    Enrichment of vocabulary with related words;

    Expansion and refinement of the vocabulary on the lexical topic of the lesson;

    Development of thinking, memory, imagination;

    Organ articulation development;

    Development of the respiratory system;

    Development of fine motor skills;

    Education of perseverance.

    Equipment: subject pictures, individual mirror, design card.

    Speech material:riddle text, tongue twisters, material for performing lexical and grammatical tasks.

    The course of the lesson.

    1. Organizing time.Introduction to the lexical topic.

    And mom has

    And dad has

    And my daughter has

    And the son has,

    And the cat has

    And the dog has

    To know him,

    I must name it aloud. (Name)

    2. Breathing exercises.

    Warm hands game:blow on your palms, changing the force of exhalation.

    Breathing through the nose game:alternate inhalation and exhalation of air, then with the right, then with the left nostril.

    3. Articulatory gymnastics.

    Repetition of previously worked out articulation exercises.

    Isolated pronouncing the sound [L] in front of the mirror.

    4. Sound automation.

    Performing lexical and grammatical tasks.

    Repeat game... Pronunciation of words-names behind the sample.

    Larisa, Volodya, Mila, Nikolay, Ilona, ​​Vlad, Alla, Ruslan, Svetlana, Yaroslav, Klava, Slava, Vlada, Pavel, Zlata, Kirill, Klara, Danil, Mikhail.

    Game "Catch".Select (clap your hands) girls / boys names and repeat.

    - The game “Remember”. Memorization and sequential repetition of words. The number of words gradually increases, starting with two and ending with the capabilities of the child.

    Alla has a varnish, a doll, a whirligig, a table, a handkerchief, a strawberry.

    (For example: Alla has a varnish. Alla has a varnish, a doll. Alla has a varnish, a doll, a whirligig.

    Alla has a bow, a doll, a whirligig, a table ...)

    Slava has a bow, a saw, soap, a chair, a ball, a pin.

    The game "Compose-ka".Education related words(surnames) from objects (offered pictures).

    Dove, squirrel, shovel, spoon, wolf, elk, falcon. (For example: Kirill Orlov)

    The game "Compose-ka".Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes.

    Control. “Remember”.

    Memorizing tongue twisters:

    Listening to the sample;

    Speaking together with a speech therapist;

    Independent pronunciation by the child.

    La-la-la, la-la-la -

    Mila swam in a boat,

    Klava was sitting in the boat,

    She sang songs with Mila.

    5. The development of fine motor skills.

    Game "Constructor".

    Constructing faces from counting sticks.

    6. Summing up the results of the lesson.

    Stage sound automation P in words.

    Target: formation of the sound side of speech.

    Correctional - educational task:teach how to perform articulation exercises in full, automate sound P in words.

    Correctional and developmental task:develop visual and auditory attention, fine motor skills, voice, speech breathing.

    Correctional - educational:foster a positive attitude towards the occupation, independence, control over their own speech.

    Equipment: a picture of Pinocchio, a presentation of a slideshow of vegetables, paper bees on strings, a picture of Pinocchio with friends, two squares with lined squares, four plane images of a square and a circle, ten buttons,planar images of two pipes (musical): large, small.

    Course of the lesson

    I. Organizational moment.

    Speech therapist. Today Pinocchio came to your class.

    He wants to show you slides.

    The slides show: tomato, potatoes, peas, corn, broccoli.

    Slide show.

    Speech therapist. Look closely at these pictures, name them.

    How to call in one word everything that you saw in the pictures?

    Child. Vegetables.

    Speech therapist. What is the common sound in all of these words?

    Child. Sound P.
    II. Message of the topic of the lesson.

    Speech therapist. Today in the lesson, together with Pinocchio, we will learn to pronounce the sound beautifully and correctly R .
    III. Sound articulation.

    The child's answer is heard.
    IV. Sound characteristic.

    The child's answer is heard.
    V. Respiratory gymnastics.

    Speech therapist. When Buratino went to visit you, he saw bees flying to meet him.

    Display of paper bees on strings.

    Speech therapist. Look at the bees and blow on them, imagine that they are flying.
    Vi. Articulatory gymnastics.

    1. Painter.
    2. Delicious jam.
    3. Turkey.
    4. Drummer.

    Vii. Speech charging.

    Speech therapist ... Pinocchio loves to play the trumpet.

    He has two of them and they sound different.

    The large trumpet sounds harsh, and the small one sounds gentle, soft.

    In front of the child, two pictures are displayed with the image of two pipes: a large, a small.

    The speech therapist alternately shows pictures and pronounces syllables, and the child repeats.

    RA - RO-RU

    RY - RU - RA

    RU-RA -RY
    VIII. Development of phonemic hearing.

    Didactic game"Sound Mosaic".

    In front of the child, there is a square on the table, lined with several squares. And also lie geometric figures: circle, square. The speech therapist has the same square and geometric shapes.

    Speech therapist. See what interesting figures Pinocchio brought you.

    Let's play a game. I will now speak words with sound R , you listen carefully to them.

    If I say a word with sound R , put a small square in the first square, and if I say a word in which there will be no sound R , then put a circle in the next square.

    Words: potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, onions, peas, radishes.

    The speech therapist, simultaneously with the child, lays out the corresponding figures on his square.

    Then the two squares (speech therapist and the child) are compared with each other.
    IX. Exercise for the development of fine motor skills, voice.

    Speech therapist. Look, this picture, which depicts Pinocchio with his friends. He will give you this picture if you follow the magic path.

    The speech therapist takes out buttons of different sizes from the smallest to the largest in two rows of five buttons and puts them on the picture.

    Speech therapist. Now I will pronounce the words, and you carefully listen to them and repeat them, pressing the buttons with your fingers, starting with the smallest buttons, while speaking in a whisper, and then louder and louder.

    The child repeats the words, while pressing the buttons, alternately with all fingers of his hands in order, starting with the thumb and ending with the little finger, so he walks along the path and comes to the picture, which depicts Pinocchio with his friends.

    Words: cakes, pears, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots.
    X. Exercise in the formation of the instrumental case.

    Speech therapist. Look at the picture and tell me how Buratino treats his friends.

    Child. Grapes, cake, marshmallows, pears
    XI. Lesson summary. Performance evaluation.

    Speech therapist. Did you like studying with Pinocchio?

    The child's answer.

    What sound did you learn to pronounce beautifully in class?

    Child. Sound P.

    Topic: Automation of sound [s] in syllables.

    Target: Continue working on the correct pronunciation of the sound [s] in syllables.


    1 .Work on the automation of the sound [s] in straight syllables.

    2. Development of speech breathing.

    3. Development of articulatory muscles, muscles of the tongue.

    4. Fine motor development: lacing.

    5. Development of mental processes: attention, memory.

    6. Development of phonemic perception.

    7. Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.

    Equipment: a small bowl of water, two paper boats (origami), a whistle, pictures: sledges, cheese, fox, dishes, scythe; ball; lacing.

    Course of the lesson

    I. Org Moment

    Today we will go on a trip on small boats. Who's in charge of the ship?

    That's right, captain.

    II.The main part

    1. Development of speech breathing

    You will be the captain of this ship, and I will be this one. Let's arrange a competition. Whose is faster? (blowing with a long air stream in the middle)

    So we swam to the shore. Gotta blow the whistle (the child blows the whistle)

    2. Finger gymnastics "Mice"

    Hearing our signal, the mice came running.

    The mice came out once (we sort through the fingers of both hands on the table).

    See what time it is (move the sleeve on the left hand with the right hand)

    One, two, three, four (we put our elbows on the table and bend four fingers one by one)

    The mice pulled the weights (squeeze and unclench the fists)

    One, two, three, four, five (bend five fingers one by one)

    And we went for a walk again (we touch the fingers of both hands on the table).

    3.Articulatory gymnastics

    On the shore we met our friends and were delighted "Smile", kissed "Tube".

    Friends invited us to visit. They poured us tea at the Cups. Let's show. We were treated to "Delicious Jam" (circular movements with a wide tongue on the lips).

    4.Automation of the sound [s] in syllables

    Now let's play the game "Repeat"






    I will ask you, and you will answer me:

    L.: Sa-sa-sa? R .: Sa-sa-sa.

    Co-co-co? Co-co-co.

    Now you ask me? (just changed roles).

    5.Exercises to develop phonemic perception

    I will name the words, and you will clap if you hear the sound [s].

    (Garden, son, cat, ship, spring, pipe, dishes, captain, sun, sunset).

    6. Game for the development of visual attention, memory

    Game "What has changed?": Sled, cheese, fox, dishes, scythe.

    7. Development of grapho-motor skills

    Every sailor should know how to lace up his boots. Show how you can do it (lacing).

    8. Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech

    "Plurality of objects"

    Let's play with the ball. I will name one object, and you will name many such objects, for example, I say sock, and you should say socks.

    Home - home

    Gnome - Gnomes

    Table - tables

    Garden - gardens

    Juice - juices

    III. Final part

    What were we sailing on today? Where were you? Who were you?

    Theme: Sounds Z-S

    1. Learn to differentiate sounds [s] and [h] by sound and articulation signs
    2. exercise in syllabic analysis of words,
    3. learn to form nouns with diminutive meaning
    4. develop the integrity of perception

    Equipment: subject pictures, in the names of which there is a sound with; chips for drawing up sentence and word schemes

    Speech material:snowdrift, snow removal

    Course of the lesson:

    Org. moment
    Identify the letter by touch.(C, C)
    What sounds do they represent?
    Comparison of sounds by articulation and acoustic characteristics
    The speech therapist suggests, looking in the mirror, for a long time to pronounce a sound with and pay attention to the position of the lips.
    The lips are smiling, the teeth are visible.
    And now we will whistle for a long time, angrily, show how the air comes out of the pump, and say where the tip of the tongue is hidden (the tip of the tongue is hidden behind the lower teeth)
    What trickle of air comes out when we pronounce the sound with: cold or warm? Bring your hand to your mouth and say s.
    (if someone says that it is warm - compare x and c).
    The teeth prevent air from leaving the mouth freely when we make the sound [s]. Vowel or consonant sound [s]? Let's try to sing it. What's happening? (this is
    consonant sound)

    Sound Z is similar. Attention is drawn to the fact that the sound is voiced.
    "Catch the Sound"
    Game "Whom (what) do I see?" ("Lock")
    Name the pictures.

    Name it affectionately

    Game "Make up the beads" (differentiation S-Z)
    (the speech therapist shows a picture. The child determines which sound - C or Z - is present in them. If C - lays out a yellow chip, Z - purple)

    Game "Snowdrifts" (definition of the syllable structure of a word)

    Sound-alphabetic analysis of the word (goat)
    How many sounds are there in the word soup?
    3 cells - sound lives in each window
    What's the first sound?
    What is he? (acc., tv)
    What feature should we take? (blue)
    What is the second sound? What sound is that? Take the desired token. This is a vowel sound.
    Name the third sound. What do we know about him? (acc., TV, ch.) (Blue chip)
    The last sound?
    Let's read what we have compiled.
    Where is the sound we are studying today? (in 1st place). Show it with your finger.
    How many vowels are there in a word? Show them.
    If you replace the sound? What word will you get? (braid)

    Writing sentences with a given word. Drawing up a proposal schema.
    Make sentences with the word soup.
    What's the first word? Let's designate it with a strip.
    Take the diagrams and lay them out.
    At the end we put a point.
    How many words are there in a sentence?
    Assignment: Disseminate proposals.

    We collect strawberries.
    Sonya fell asleep.
    The dew glistens on the rose.
    Lisa looks at the goat.
    There is a vase of roses on the table.
    There is an umbrella near the bag.

    Exercise "Writing pure phrases"


    Individual lesson
    Theme: differentiation S-W

    1. Learn to differentiate sounds [s] and [w] by sound and articulation characteristics
    2. expand vocabulary on the topic "Furniture"
    3. teach to conduct syllabic analysis of words
    4. develop phonemic perception
    5. exercise the use of prepositions under, for, on
    6. exercise orientation on a piece of paper
    7. develop short-term visual memory
    8. develop sustainability of attention

    Equipment: object pictures, in the names of which there are sounds s, w; ball, picture "Spot the Difference"
    Speech material: shelf, armrests, desk, bookcase

    Course of the lesson:
    1.Articulatory gymnastics
    Exercise "Bagel"
    Exercise "Tube"
    Exercise "Cup"
    Exercise "Frog"
    Exercise "Proboscis"
    Exercise "Proboscis frog"

    2. Characteristics of sounds Ш, с according to articulation and acoustic characteristics
    What did the lips do when they uttered Sh? (lips pushed forward)
    Did they look like a donut or a straw? (they were round like a donut)
    What did the tongue do when you uttered Sh? (The tongue went up to the sky, behind the upper teeth)
    Put your hand to your mouth and say sh.
    The teeth prevent air from leaving the mouth freely when we make the sound [sh]. Vowel or consonant sound [w]? Let's try to sing it. What's happening? (this is
    consonant sound)
    Is this sound voiced or dull? Why? We put our hand to the neck. Is your voice trembling? (sound deaf)
    We make a sound angrily (it's a solid sound)
    What counter will we designate the sound?
    Similarly - the sound S.

    3. Game "Catch the Sound"
    1) Clap when you hear the sound of sh

    1. W-s-w-w-z-w
    2. Fur coat, bag, school, salt, bear, ear, mustache, tire

    4. Synthesis of syllables and words. (Ball game)
    I throw sounds, and you return the syllables to me: w, a. What syllable will you bring back? : (Syllable ША)
    S-a, S-o-k,…. u-s-s, to-u-s-t, w-u-b-a

    5. Lay out the cards
    The child is invited to decompose the pictures into two groups: ssh.

    6. Orientation on a sheet of paper
    Execution of instructions:
    - Put an elephant at the top of the sheet, at the bottom - a bag, etc.

    7. Lay out as it was
    The child is given the installation to remember the pictures and their location.
    The speech therapist swaps pictures. The child needs to lay out the pictures as they were originally.

    8. Work on syllabic structure the words "Snowdrifts"
    The child is invited to hide the picture under the desired snowdrift (in accordance with the number of syllables)

    9. Find the Difference Game
    Which room is in the picture?
    Name the furniture in this room.
    The speech therapist clarifies the names of the pieces of furniture.
    Find the differences between these pictures.

    10. Summing up.

    Target: automation of sounds [P] and [P '] in free speech
    Correctional and developmental: continue to develop the speech apparatus, speech breathing; develop fine motor skills; practice sonorous sounds in words, phrases and sentences.
    Educational: to consolidate knowledge about the seasons; to consolidate the ability to use verbs; continue to learn to convert singular and plural nouns.
    Educational: rallying the children's team.
    The course of educational activities

    1. - Hello guys! Today we will go to the cheerful country of Rychandiya. All the inhabitants of this country are waiting for us, because they hope that we will help them learn to pronounce all the sounds of speech beautifully and correctly, especially their favorite sounds [P] and [P ’]. But in order to get there, we will have to fly on balloons, which we will now inflate with you.

    2. - Here we are with you and found ourselves in the cheerful country of Rychandia. Get to know its inhabitants.
    Also in this country lives a cheerful little man Tongue, which invites you guys to do exercises for your tongues. Sit down at the tables, move the mirrors towards you.

    A cheerful Tongue lives in this house, friend.
    Oh, and he is a smart boy and a little playful.
    Man - Tongue turned on its side,
    Looks to the right, looks to the left
    And then again forward,
    Here he will rest a little. (Watch)
    - Tongue looked out the window, and it's light on the street.
    Our tongue stretched out, smiled at us broadly,
    And then he went for a walk, sunbathing on the porch. (Scapula)
    -Lied on the porch, ran on the swing,
    He flew up boldly, but it's time to get down to business. (Swing)
    -The hammer knocks: knock - knock, Tongue is his best friend.
    Nails, hammer and pliers are the things a carpenter needs. (Hammer)
    -And here is a can of paint nearby, update the fence nearby. (Painter)
    -I'll play with the horse, I'll play the accordion for her. (Horse)
    -The sun disappeared behind the mountain, Tongue went home,
    He bolted the door, lay down in the bed and fell silent. (Nest)

    3. - And we will go further with you. See what's on the road? This is a wonderful bag. What's in it? (Didactic game "Wonderful bag"... Children take out objects from the bag, the name of which contains the sound [R].
    Games with objects from a wonderful bag. ("The fourth extra", "What is missing", "What has changed").

    4. - And now we go further. You guys know that in the country of Rychandiya, just like we have winter, spring, summer and autumn. Only the residents cannot remember what they are after. Let's help them. (Didactic game "Seasons")

    After winter comes spring, again there will be no time for sleep.
    There will be summer in the spring - we will not forget about it.
    And then autumn comes, even though we don't ask for it.
    And in the fall, winter, it will freeze everything.

    (Children roll tennis balls across the glade of the seasons and name the signs of each season).

    5. - And now we will go to the garden to the inhabitants of the cheerful Rychandia and see what they have grown. Maybe they need help harvesting. (Didactic game "Harvest").
    - Look, guys, what's going on in the garden, aren't you surprised? Do vegetables and fruits grow in their places? What have our merry fellows confused? Where should vegetables actually grow? Where should the fruit grow? (In the pictures: vegetables grow on trees, and fruits grow on beds).

    Didactic game "Big - small"
    Potato - potato
    Carrot - carrot
    Radish - radish
    Turnip - turnip
    Tomato - tomato
    Cucumber - cucumber
    Didactic game "One - many".

    6. Well done, guys! Now let's see what kind of animals live in the country of Rychandia.

    Didactic game "Animals and their cubs"
    Cow - calf
    Ram - lamb
    Rabbit - bunny
    The pig is a piglet.

    7. Ok guys! It's time for us to go back. Oh, what kind of ball is in our way? Let's play.Didactic game "On the contrary".
    We will now open our mouths to say the opposite:

    Cold - hot
    Bad is good
    Merry - sad
    Dull - sharp

    8. Well done guys! Well, let's head back in cars:
    We start a truck:
    ra - ra - ra;
    ar - ar-ar.
    We start the tractor:
    ro - ro - ro;
    op - op - op.
    We start the van:
    ru - ru - ru;
    ur - ur - ur.
    We start the length:
    ry - ry - ry;
    yr - yr - yr.

    9. The result of the lesson. So our journey ended and we returned home. Let's remember what and whom we saw in the cheerful country of Rychandia. What did we do in Rychandia today? Did you like the trip to Rychandia?

    Theme: Sound [R]

    Target: automate the sound [R] in syllables.
    Tasks: develop the skills of sound pronunciation, phonemic hearing, attention, voluntary memory; develop the skills of self-control over pronunciation.
    Equipment: toys, cards depicting objects.

    1. Organizational moment.
    The speech therapist draws the child's attention to the proposed toys (lion, cat, squirrel, chicken). He says that the lion knows how to pronounce the sound [P] in syllables, and the rest cannot. Invites the child to help teach toys to pronounce the sound [R].
    2. Articulatory gymnastics.
    Control. "Smile-proboscis" (in tempo)
    Control. "Swing" (wide tongue)
    Control. "Cup" (wider mouth)
    3. Clarification of sound articulation [R]. Making a sound

    (quietly, loudly).
    4. Pronunciation of direct syllables.
    The child is invited to pronounce syllables, moving the toy (lion) parallel to the rest of the toys, as if pronouncing for each of them:
    B) Game "Who said another syllable"
    The speech therapist tells the child that all the toys have learned to pronounce syllables and now they want to play. The child is encouraged to listen carefully to the chain of syllables and find an "extra" syllable that is different from all the others.
    (If it is difficult for a child to complete this task, then the speech therapist pronounces syllables, pointing at the toys in turn, as if they are pronouncing it, and offers to show which of them said another syllable)
    V) Repeat Correct Game
    The child is asked to repeat the chain of syllables correctly.
    RU-RO-RA, etc.
    (if it is difficult for the child, then the speech therapist pronounces syllables, pointing to toys)

    G) Game "Agree a word"
    The speech therapist invites the child to look at the cards with the image of objects, clarifies the names. The child needs to finish the last syllable and point to the word that the speech therapist has in mind.
    Go ... ra sha ... ry ut ... ro kangoo ... ru
    But ... ra go ... ry pe ... ro
    Dy ... ra coma ... ry ved ... ro
    ku ... ry lake ... ro


    D) Game "Who is faster?"
    The speech therapist says to the child. That they together will pronounce the syllables, while moving the chips across the playing field, whoever does not pronounce the syllable correctly misses the move.

    5. Outcome.
    - Today you pronounced words correctly in all syllables, you were attentive - you correctly found an extra syllable, hidden pictures. In the next lesson, we will learn how to pronounce the sound [P] in words.

    Theme: Sound [R]

    Target: automate the sound [P] in words.
    Tasks: to form the skills of inflection, coordination; develop phonemic hearing, attention, voluntary memory, thinking; develop the skills of self-control over pronunciation.
    Equipment: toys, a set of pictures.

    1. Organizational moment.
    - I have prepared interesting tasks, pictures for you. Today we will continue to learn how to pronounce the [P] sound correctly in words.
    2. Reflected pronunciation - The game “Repeat.
    The child is asked to repeat the words by pronouncing the sound [R].
    A) shirt, rocket, lynx, kangaroo, peas, giraffe.
    hole-hole, mosquito-balls,
    mountain chickens, lynx fish.
    3. Naming words from pictures - Game "Name pictures"
    - Look at the pictures, they are all familiar to you. Name them. Right

    pronouncing the sound [R].
    Pencil, pen, ax, fly agaric, tiger, mosquito, cheese, drum, pyramid.
    4. Negotiating proposals.
    The child is invited to listen to the sentence and finish the last word using pictures (from the previous game).
    Misha plays on ...
    Masha ate a sandwich with ...
    In summer they bite painfully ...
    In the forest, the guys saw red ...
    Grandpa is chopping wood ...
    The bird has lost its ...
    In the zoo you can see ...
    We're drawing…
    Roma collected multi-colored ...
    5. Development of arbitrary memory - the game "Remember"
    - For the next game, let's choose 3 pictures each (you can take pictures from previous games). We will make a chain of them, laying out our pictures in turn. Name the picture, show me and turn it over. In order to put my picture, I need to remember what is shown in the pictures in the chain.
    When the chain of words is laid out, the speech therapist invites the child to remember and pronounce the words again (the words are listed each time from left to right, you can, while pronouncing the words, point to them in the chain). Then you can hold a competition: in turn, the speech therapist and the child point to any picture in the chain and ask "What's there?" After the answer, the picture is turned over, a chip is taken for the correct answer.
    6. Formation of the skill of determining the position of sound in words:
    Fold the Pattern Game
    The child is offered cards with pictures. You need to say the words, determine the position of the sound [P] and put the chip in the appropriate window. After all the chips are laid out, the child is given a "checker".

    7. Game “We learn sound [R].
    The speech therapist invites the child to recite a poem on a card (see L.N. Smirnova, p. 18).

    Listen as I tell you, then you will repeat, and the pictures will help you.

    7. Outcome
    - You pronounced the sound [R] correctly, spoke words from pictures, memorized the entire chain of words. In the next lesson, we will learn how to pronounce the sound [P] in sentences.

    Theme: Sound [R]

    Target: automate the sound [R] in sentences.
    Tasks: develop skills in making sentences with a given word and according to a scheme, work with a deformed phrase; exercise in

    inflection; develop the skills of sound pronunciation, phonemic hearing, attention, verbal and logical thinking; develop the skills of self-control over pronunciation.
    Equipment: dolls, pictures (trumpet, drum, harp), cards with sentence schemes (the card shows a child, then

    a few dashes for coming up with words and a picture of an object, the name of which must be used in a sentence), a card for the game "Who is faster?" (on the map in a scattered order there are pictures with the sound P in the name, all pictures are connected by red and blue arrows in the direction from start to finish).

    1. Organizational moment.
    - Today we will learn to pronounce the sound [R] in sentences, and the Raya and Roma dolls will help us with this.
    2. Repetition of sentences.
    Roma has a drum. Roma plays the drum.
    Roma has a pipe. Roma plays the trumpet.
    Rai has a harp. Raya plays the harp.
    3. Exercise in verb conjugation.
    Load pears into a truck.
    Paint the crab with red paint.
    Make friends with Roma.
    4. Drawing up proposals for schemes.
    - Now we will make proposals about Paradise and Roma, using these schemes. (If the child is unable to compose a sentence on his own, then the speech therapist asks a question about the content: for example, in the diagram there is a boy and a truck, the speech therapist asks: "What is Roma playing with?"

    5. Exercise in composing simple sentences with the given word. Game "Who is faster?"
    The speech therapist and the child take red and blue chips and stand at the start: whoever has a blue chip moves along the blue arrows. Who has red - on red. You can move a chip only after a sentence with the given word under the chip has been invented. They move in turn, the speech therapist corrects the child's sentences as needed and achieves a clear pronunciation of the R.
    6. Working with a deformed phrase. Confusion game.
    Paint, paints, Paradise, fence - Roma paints the fence.
    Mom, sweater, Roma, bought -
    Pencil, lost, Raya, new -
    Bitten. Roma, mosquito
    Paradise, desk, sit, behind -
    Roma, stamp, stick, envelope, on.
    7. Outcome.
    - Today you pronounced words correctly in all words, you were attentive - you made sentences correctly. In the next lesson, we will learn an interesting phrasing and compose a story from a picture.

    Individual lesson summary: Automation of sound [F] in words and sentences

    Purpose: to exercise in the correct pronunciation of the sound [w] in words, sentences.

    The course of the lesson.

    "Hippos", "Kneading the dough", "Tasty jam", "Sail", "Cup".


    I don't buzz when I sit
    I don't buzz when I walk
    I don't buzz when I work
    And I buzz when I'm spinning. (bug)

    What sound do we hear at the beginning of a word?

    Sound [w].

    We will buzz like beetles.


    Once upon a time there was a beetle. He was very fond of playing different games. Let's and we will play the game "Traps" with the beetle. Clap your hands when you hear the sound [f].


    III. Working with syllables.

    The beetle enjoyed playing with you. The beetle can sing songs, try to sing the beetle's songs too.


    Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms.
    Jo-jo, jo-jo-jo.
    Zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu.
    Live, live, live.

    IV. Working with words.

    The beetle had a friend, guess who it is?

    There was a small pillow with needles between the trees.
    She lay quietly, then suddenly ran away.

    Work on the picture.

    Who is in the picture?

    - How many hedgehogs?
    - Count the hedgehogs.

    V. The game "One - many"

    Game "Big - small" (games are played with a ball).

    The speech therapist calls the word in the singular and throws the ball to the child, the child returns the ball, calling this word in the plural.

    Beetle - beetles.
    Hedgehog - hedgehogs.
    Hedgehog is a hedgehog.
    A beetle is a bug.
    Hedgehog is a hedgehog.

    Vi. Working with a plot picture.

    Make a proposal for the picture.

    Sample proposals:

    The hedgehog walks in the rain.
    The hedgehog has a yellow raincoat.

    The hedgehog carries an acorn.

    A beetle lives under the leaf.

    Vii. Lesson summary.

    Who did you play with in class?

    What sound is often spoken in words?

    Topic: Automation of sound [C] in words, sentences.

    Targets and goals:

    Exercise in the correct pronunciation of the sound q in words, sentences,

    Continue to teach how to answer questions in extended sentences.

    Equipment: mirrors, object pictures, plot pictures, ball.

    During the classes.

    I. Articulation gymnastics

    "Smile", "fence", "proboscis", "donut", "knead the dough", "brush our teeth", "slide".

    II. Phonemic perception.


    He appeared in a yellow fur coat,
    Goodbye two shells! (Chick)

    What sound do we hear at the beginning of a word?
    - What sound?
    - When we pronounce the sound c - lips in a smile, the tongue rises and falls.

    Once upon a time there was a chicken. He was very fond of running away from his mother, and playing "Traps" with his brothers and sisters. Let's play the game "Traps" with the chicken. Clap your hands when you hear the sound of c.


    III. Working with syllables.

    The chicken enjoyed playing with you. He offers to play the game "Ball".

    Ball game.

    Throw the ball and repeat the syllable.


    IV. Working with words.


    Cluck, cluck,
    Children are called
    Gathers everyone under the wing. (hen)

    The chicken cannot find the chicken. Calls, but he does not respond. Help her call the chicken.
    - What are the names of the chickens? (chick-chick-chick)
    - I heard the chick that his name, and ran to the other chickens.

    Work on the picture.

    How many chickens does a chicken have?
    - Count the chickens.

    V. Working with a phrase.

    Work on the picture.

    The chicken collected all the chickens.
    Chickens and hen
    All day outside.
    Chickens near hen
    Chickens on a hen
    Chickens under the chicken.

    - Tell me, where are the chickens?

    Vi. Work with the proposal.

    Working with a plot picture.

    Vii. Lesson summary.

    The chicken admired the chickens,
    What is not a chicken, then a clever one.

    Who did you play with in class?
    - What sound did you work with?

    Summary of the lesson "Automation of sound [L] in words, phrases, sentences"


    Automate the sound [Л] in words, sentences;
    - develop spatial orientation;
    - to form the ability to evaluate their activities;
    - to bring up in children a benevolent attitude towards others, love of nature;
    - stimulate attention, learn to quickly and accurately respond to sound signals;
    - to develop auditory attention, phonemic perception, intonational expressiveness;
    - activate the dictionary by the topic "Birds" ;
    - to consolidate the ability to form plural nouns of the nominative case, genitive nouns, possessive adjectives, to reconcile the numerals with nouns;
    - formation of the skill of correct reading.

    Equipment: picture-symbol of sound [L], "bird house", object pictures with images of birds, cards-tasks "Find the letter L", geometric shapes with letters, cards with a reading task, a split plot picture for each child, pictures " Find differences".

    Course of the lesson:

    1. Organizational moment

    A new day has come. I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other and our guests. And think how good it is that we are all here together today. We are calm and kind, we are friendly and affectionate. We are healthy. Breathe in deeply through your nose and breathe in freshness, kindness, and beauty. And exhale through your mouth all the resentment, anger and grief.
    - Let's start the lesson!

    2. Actualization of the topic of the lesson

    Listen to a funny tongue twister and determine which sound is repeated in it more often than others?

    Jackdaw sat on a stick,
    The stick hit the jackdaw.

    What sound do you think we will be working on today?
    - Yes, we will work on the sound [L], we will pronounce it in words, sentences.
    - And what needs to be done in order to pronounce all sounds well? (Articulation exercises).

    3. Articulation exercises.

    Let's do the exercises for the tongue.

    "Delicious jam"
    "Let's punish the naughty tongue"
    "Let's clean the upper teeth"

    4. Characteristics of sound by articulation and acoustic characteristics.

    Remember what you need to do to correctly pronounce the sound [L]?

    Narrow tip of the tongue
    Up, rests against the teeth,
    And the lips are smiling.
    On the sides of the tongue
    The air is sneaking in.
    L - it will turn out melodious,
    Smooth, gentle and sonorous.

    Characterize the sound [Л]. (Consonant, solid, sonorous).
    - Select the sound symbol [Л]. (Boy in a blue jacket with a bell).
    - What does this sound like? Listen! (The plane flies and hums). (A picture-symbol of the sound [Л] is displayed).
    - Say the sound [L]! Try to follow the pronunciation of the sound [Л].

    5. "Clap your palms if you hear two sounds in the word [L]"

    Came up, swam, pricked, planted, did, closed, climbed, stroked, dropped, adjusted, burned, saw, caught, broke, swallowed, twisted, bell, burst, crocodile, listened, served, heard, disappeared, received, smiled, alphabet, balalaika, gladiolus.

    6. The letter L.

    What letter in the letter denotes the sound [Л]? (Letter L).
    (A letter is exposed).
    - Write this letter in the air.
    Working with the card.
    - Find the hidden letters "L". Circle them.
    - Well done, you found a lot of "L" letters. Each of you will receive a fragment of the picture for a well-done task, and at the end of the lesson you will compose the whole picture.

    7. Development of orientation in space.

    Before you are geometric shapes.
    - Put a square in front of you,
    to the left of the square, put a triangle,
    put a rectangle to the right of the square,
    put a circle between the square and the rectangle,
    put a rhombus between the triangle and the square.

    Read the word. (Birds).
    (Children receive the second fragment of the picture).
    - Who do you think we are going to talk about today? (About birds).
    - What kind of birds do you know? (Answers of children).

    8. Determination of the presence of sound [L] in the names of birds.

    And in our bird house, birds can settle, in the name of which there is a sound [Л].
    - What kind of birds are they?
    - I will exhibit pictures, and if you recognize a bird, then raise your hand and name it.
    - Oriole - no other bird of our forest has such bright golden feathers;
    - goldfinch - his forehead and neck are red, yellow stripes on black wings;
    - the nightingale is the most famous singer in Russia.
    (Each of the children names all the birds that inhabit the house).

    Which bird name begins with the sound [L]? (Martin).
    - The names of which birds end with the sound [L]? (Woodpecker, eagle, goldfinch).
    - Where is the sound [Л] in the names of other birds? (In the middle of a word).

    9. Formation of plural nouns of the nominative case.

    In our house there is one bird of each species, and if there were a lot of them, how would we name them?
    (Woodpecker - woodpeckers, etc.)

    10. Coordination of numerals with nouns.

    I will tell you a number, and you - the same number of birds I have indicated.
    - 5. (Five woodpeckers).
    - 3. (Three swallows). Etc.

    11. Formation of genitive nouns. The game "Who is gone"

    How do birds move? (They fly.)
    - Birds love to fly from place to place. There are five birds left in our bird house. Remember who is in the house. Close your eyes.
    - No one? ...

    12. "Find the names of the birds"

    Now let's see how you remember the names of the birds. Read the words, underline only the names of the birds.

    goldfinch wings pigeon oriole
    nightingale wood grouse paws beak
    tail swallow nuthatch woodpecker
    jackdaw torso eagle head

    What names did you find in the first column? (Goldfinch, nightingale, jackdaw). Check if everyone is so?
    - What words have you left unstressed? (Tail, wings, torso, paws, beak, head).
    - What do these words mean? (Body parts of birds).

    13. Formation of complex adjectives

    And how do birds differ from each other? (Size, color).
    - The jackdaw has black wings. What jackdaw? (Blackwing).
    - The woodpecker has a red head. What kind of woodpecker? (Redhead).
    - The swallow has short legs. What swallow? (Short-toed).
    - Oriole have yellow feathers. What Oriole? (Yellowfin).

    14. Formation of possessive adjectives

    And the beak of a dove? (Pigeon).
    - A nightingale's beak? (Nightingale).
    - A capercaillie beak? (Capercaillie).
    - A jackdaw's beak? (Checkmark).

    15. Active pause. "Pay attention!"

    Let's take a little rest, play a game and see who's the most attentive.
    - If I say the word "bunnies", you will jump, "horses" - as if to hit the "hoof" on the floor, "crayfish" - to move back, "birds" - wave your hands, "stork" - stand on one leg.

    16. Formation of new words using prefixes

    Read the word. (She flew).
    - Compose new words using the recorded parts.
    (U-, za-, sub-, from-, pe-, po, about-, you-, na-, in-).
    - How do you understand the meaning of these words?

    14. Drawing up proposals. Working with the proposal schema.

    And now, with any of the words you named, make up a sentence about the bird you like.
    - Make a diagram of your proposal on a piece of paper.
    - How many words are in your sentences?
    - Why is the line with a corner in the first place? (Start of sentence, capital letter).
    - What is the sign at the end of the sentence? (Point).

    15. Work on intonational expressiveness.

    What other punctuation marks can there be at the end of a sentence?
    - If there is an exclamation mark at the end of a sentence, what is it called? (Exclamation point). How should we read it? (Brightly, cheerfully, exclaiming, enthusiastically).
    - Say your sentence with exclamation intonation.
    - And if there is a question mark, how do we pronounce the sentence? (Interrogatively).
    - Speak your sentence interrogatively.

    16. Drawing up a cut picture.

    Now you have enough picture fragments.
    - Collect the picture.
    - What is shown in the picture?
    - Look at the picture of your deskmate! The pictures are slightly different.
    - Leave the cut pictures on the desks, I'll give you two pictures each home.
    - Try to find the differences at home, compose a short story based on the picture, remember the names of the birds that we talked about today, let the adults help you write down the names of the birds on back side Pictures.

    17. Reflection.

    You have white envelopes on your tables. Get their contents out. Glue the sun, cloud or cloud on top of the sheet, depending on what mood you were in class.
    - Glue the little man on the place of the "rock of knowledge" to which you got in today's lesson.

    Thank you for your study. You can go to your class.


    "Which word doesn't fit?"

    Dove, dove, blue, dove, dovecote.
    - Nightingale, nightingale, council, nightingales, nightingale.
    - Oriole, pigeon, goldfinch, badger.
    - Jackdaw, feeder, wood grouse, swallow.

    Abstract of an individual speech therapy lesson [Automation of whistling sounds

    Objectives: consolidation of the skill of correct pronunciation of the sounds [S], [Sb], [Z], [Zb], [Ts].

    Tasks: development of articulatory motor skills, speech breathing, automation of the skills of correct pronunciation of whistling sounds, introduction of sounds into the child's speech, development of attention and memory, phonemic perception.

    Equipment: individual visual material.

    Lesson plan:

    1. Organizational moment.

    2. Automation of sound [S] in words, phrases, simple sentences.

    3. Automation of sound [Сь] in words, phrases.

    4. Automation of sound [C] in words.

    5. Differentiation of sounds [S] - [C] in syllables.

    6. Automation of sound [З] in words, phrases, sentences.

    7. Automation of sound [3] in words, phrases.

    Course of the lesson:

    1. Organizational moment.

    Articulation gymnastics, breathing and voice exercises (performed by a child in front of a mirror under the speech instruction of a speech therapist: "Frog", "Elephant", "Shovel", "Pussy is angry", "Pocket", "Trampoline"; "Pipe", "Breeze "," Trickle ".

    Acquaintance with the topic of the lesson.

    2. Sound Automation [S].

    Clarification of the articulatory structure of the sound [S], pronunciation of the sound.

    Sound Automation [S]:

    In words saturated with sound [C]: composition, method, descent, etc .;
    - in phrases: salty soup, ripe cabbage, brave soldier, etc.;
    - in sentences: there is a chair at the table, the seedlings were planted in the garden, get up soon, etc.

    3. Sound Automation [Sign].

    Clarification of the articulatory structure of the sound [S], pronunciation of the sound.

    Sound Automation [Sign]:

    Dynamic pause (the child pronounces speech material, while performing this or that action; in this case, the pupil must, in the case of correct pronunciation of the sound in words, take a step forward, moving towards the designated goal):

    Pronunciation of words rich in sound: system, neighbors, thank you, etc .;

    In a static position at the mirror:

    In phrases: blue cornflowers, ten words, etc.

    4. Sound Automation [D].

    Clarification of the articulatory structure of the sound [C], pronunciation of the sound.

    Sound Automation [D]:

    Customized demo material used:

    In words (at the end, beginning, middle): fighter, end; heron, chain; sheep, ring, etc.

    The game "What is gone" - on the development of attention and memory, working out grammatical categories: genitive singular nouns.

    In words with rich sound [C]: kisses, aims, clings, etc .;

    5. Differentiation of sounds [S] - [Ts].

    Dynamic pause (the child pronounces the speech material, while performing this or that action; in this case, the pupil must, in the case of correct pronunciation of the sound in words, take a step forward, moving towards the designated goal, a step back - if the task was performed incorrectly):

    Pronunciation of chains of syllables perceived by ear: sa-tsa, tso-so, su-su-tsu, etc.

    6. Sound Automation [Z].

    Clarification of the articulatory structure of the sound [З], pronunciation of the sound.

    Sound Automation [Z]:

    In words saturated with sound [Z]: barker, splinter, notch, etc .;
    - in phrases: familiar music, knowledge of the language, forgot an umbrella, etc.;
    - in sentences: Zoya has a new umbrella, familiar music sounds, Zakhar drove to the factory, etc.

    7. Sound Automation [S].

    Clarification of the articulatory structure of the sound [Зь], pronunciation of the sound.

    Sound Automation [S]:

    Dynamic pause: (the child pronounces speech material, while performing this or that action) - pronouncing words saturated with sound [Zb]: zigzag, winter, turn green, etc .;

    In a static position at the mirror: - in phrases: green grains, a snake crawling on the ground, etc.

    8. Outcome of the lesson. Assessment of the child's activity.

    Synopsis of the individual speech therapy lesson "Setting the sound C"


    1. Achieve the correct sound “C”.
    2. Train the mobility of the articulatory apparatus.
    3. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.
    4. Strengthen the ability to relax.
    5. Develop lower diaphragmatic breathing based on three-phase breathing.
    6. Develop phonemic hearing.
    7. Enrich the child's vocabulary.
    8. To bring up correct, clear diction; neatness and posture.


    bi-ba-bo toy "Ostrich", pictures, sound profile, doll, music cassette, tape recorder.

    Course of the lesson

    1. Organizational moment.

    (Creating an emotional mood in the child).

    Look what an ostrich came to our class today!
    - What is your name?
    - Ftipan.
    - Something we did not understand, what is your name.
    - Ftipan.
    - And, I think I guessed. Is your name, Stepan?
    - Yes, yes (the ostrich shakes its head). Ftipan, Ftipan!
    - Sasha, what sound do you think our friend Stepan cannot pronounce?
    - Well, of course, the sound "S".
    - Will you and I help him learn how to pronounce the sound "S"?(Yes, we will help).
    - But first we will show him how to relax.
    - Sit in the chair.
    (Calm music sounds, relaxation is carried out).

    2. Relaxation.

    “Everyone can dance.
    Jump, run to draw,
    But not everyone knows how to relax yet!
    - Listen, and do as I do. Inhale-exhale (twice).
    Look, we are deer
    The wind is torn to meet us
    The wind died down
    Let's straighten our shoulders
    Hands on your knees again
    Now, a little laziness.
    Hands are not tense
    And relaxed ... ..
    Ostriches, girls and boys know
    Now your fingers are resting
    Breathes easily ... evenly ... deeply. "

    So our game ended, we rested a little, calmed down, learned to listen carefully, and most importantly, together with our ostrich, we felt how pleasant it is when our hands are not tense and relaxed.

    Well, now it's time to learn how to pronounce the sound "S".

    Let's do the exercises that our funny tongue loves so much.

    3. Articulation gymnastics.

    (Lip exercises are performed.)

    1. Exercise "Smile".

    Pull your lips straight to your ears
    Frogs are very fond of.
    Smile ... Laugh ....
    And their eyes are like saucers.

    (The exercise "Smile" is performed 5-7 times, lips are stretched in a smile, teeth are bared).

    2. Exercise "Tube".

    My lips are a tube -
    Have turned into a pipe.
    I can play loudly:
    Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo,
    Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo.

    (The exercise is performed with closed teeth, lips extended forward 5-7 times).

    3. Exercise “Smile-tube”.

    (Exercises "1" and "2" alternate 5 times).

    Now let's play with our tongue. Look, Stepan, how we are going to do this and remember.

    (Tongue exercises are performed.)

    1. Exercise "Spatula".

    Put your tongue with a spatula.
    And hold it quietly.
    Relax your tongue
    And keep it under the account:
    One, two, three, four, five!
    The tongue can be removed.

    Listen and do this exercise as I tell you: “Put the relaxed tongue on the lower lip, make sure that the lip does not twist, then put the shoulder blade in your mouth, lower it by the lower teeth, try to keep your tongue calm, not moving or trembling ”(5-7 times).

    2. Exercise "Punish the naughty tongue"

    Put your tongue on your lip,
    Fah-five-five say
    Muscles relax ...
    The scapula turns out….
    You keep it under the account ...
    Until five ... until ten ...

    3. Exercise "Hill".

    That's a slide, what a miracle!
    The tongue bent out resiliently:
    The tip rests on the teeth,
    The sides rush upward!

    4. Exercise "Brush my teeth"

    Am brushing my teeth,
    Am brushing my teeth.
    And outside ...
    And inside.
    Did not hurt, did not darken,
    Do not turn yellow, so they.

    We perform the exercise like this, smile, open your mouth, “brush” the tip of your tongue to the lower teeth, making movements from side to side, “brush” diligently again the lower teeth from the inside.

    4. Diaphragmatic breathing:

    Now imagine that we went to the forest, it is so fresh there, it smells so nice! Let's breathe:

    If you really walk in the woods
    We must breathe air!
    Breathe like me.
    Exhale - pfff
    Return breath - pfff
    Return of breath - s-s-s-s
    Return breath - pfff
    Return of breath - sssss.

    See what kind of boats we sail in the "sea"(a container with water is placed in front of the child, in which boats float).Let's blow on him so that he sailed to the other shore as soon as possible.

    Let's take a little rest and look at this picture, in which everything is drawn about the sound "C"(we consider the acoustic-articulation profile and analyze the articulation of the sound “s”).

    Acoustic - articulatory sound profile "C"

    Look and tell me what the sponges do when pronouncing the sound "s"?
    - Child - smiling.
    - What remains between the teeth?
    - The child is a slit.
    - Tongue, which is narrow or wide?
    - The child is wide.
    - Where does the tip of the tongue rest against?
    - The child is in the upper teeth.
    - Tongue, what else does it do?
    - Child - bends like a slide.
    - What kind of air jet?
    - Child (applies, at a distance, to the neck with the back of his hand and checks the air stream) - Cold.
    - Check with your palm, what sound is it muffled or sonorous?
    - The child is deaf.
    - What is this sound, hard as a nut or soft as cotton.
    - A child can be both hard and soft.

    Let's try again to make lips, teeth, tongue, as we just talked about(the child performs).

    Let's get up and pump up the pump(the child makes imitation movements, as if he is “pumping up the pump” by leaning forward and saying sound s-s-s-s, an adult monitors the articulation of sound).

    5. Motor skills of the fingers:

    Let's now show Stepan the ostrich how our pens work:

    Don't be afraid, it's a goose
    I'm afraid of him myself
    The goose stands and still cries
    He wants to pinch you.

    6. Phonemic hearing:

    Listen carefully and clap your hands when you hear the “S” sound.

    (F, Z, S, C, F, S, Z, W, C, S, W ...)

    Now raise your hand when you hear the syllable with the sound "C": ZHA, CA, SHO, ZHO, SU, CA, ZA, SHO ...

    Listen and say the syllables that I tell you:


    Today Sasha and Sima came to visit us to look at the Ostrich, give them toys (pictures) together with our Ostrich - Sasha with the sound "S", Sima - with the sound "S". The child distributes pictures or toys and pronounces each sentence: “I will give Sasha has a picture of a sled, and Sima is a goose. "

    Well done! Did everything right!

    Now it's time to finish our lesson, look again at the profile of the "C" sound and tell about it: about the tongue, lips, teeth, "breeze" (air stream), how they behave when you pronounce the sound "C"(the child recalls the full articulation of the "C" sound).

    Well, Ostrich, have you learned to pronounce your name correctly and beautifully?
    - So what is your name? Say Ostrich's name together(Stepan).
    - Right! Well done!
    - I think that now you will always pronounce all words correctly with this beautiful sound “S”.

    Individual lesson

    Synopsis of individual direct educational activities on the automation of sound [L] in syllables, words, phrases "Visiting Belochka"

    Target: automation of the sound [Л] in syllables, words, phrases.


    Correctional educational:

    Clarify the correct articulation and pronunciation of the isolated sound [L];

    To consolidate its clear pronunciation in syllables, words, phrases,

    Exercise in the formation of the diminutive form of the noun, grammatically correct construction phrases from separate words;

    Correctional and developmental:

    To consolidate the skill of selecting a sound from a series of words;

    Develop phonemic hearing;

    Develop articulation apparatus, fine motor skills of hands

    Continue working on the development of attention, memory;

    Correctional and educational:

    To cultivate self-control over speech, perseverance, patience when completing tasks.


    * graphic model of a tree, squirrels

    * pictures to articulation exercises for sound [Л];

    * pictures (ball, magpie, envelope, boat);

    * massage ball;

    * card with object pictures: doll, shovel, bow, boat, apple, plate, raspberry, elephant, horse, spruce, wolf;

    * pictures of musical instruments: balalaika, drum, accordion, bell, spoons, pipe;

    * envelope;

    * wooden spoons;


    I. Organizing time.

    Are we going to play tonight? (let's play)

    Will we count today? (let's count)

    Will we do it too? (we will)

    We will not forget to dream? (let's not forget)

    Shall we play "lamb"? (let's play)

    We won't forget to joke? (let's not forget)

    And will we be good friends? (we will)

    That's how many interesting things we have! (let's count them, the child alternately bends his fingers, counting his affairs)

    Speech therapist. Today I invite you to visit, and to whom will you find out if you solve the riddle:

    Red-haired little animal

    Jumping and bouncing through the trees.

    He does not live on earth

    And on a tree in a hollow ………………………. (Squirrel.)

    Speech therapist: She is very funny and loves to jump and play. And with us we will take the sound [L], which will help us to play with Squirrel.

    II. Main part.

    1.Articulatory gymnastics.

    Speech therapist. To have fun playing with the squirrel, we need to prepare well. H at but from the beginning, you need to remember the gymnastics that you learned to do. In order to correctly pronounce this sound (L).

    "Pancake", "Tasty Jam", "Swing", "Catch the Mouse" (the child performs exercises, pictures of which are shown by the speech therapist.)

    Speech therapist: Tell me how to pronounce the sound (L) correctly. Where should the tongue be?

    Articulation (L): the lips are open, the teeth are open, the tip of the tongue is raised and rests against the alveoli for the upper teeth, the exhaled air is warm.

    Speech therapist: Tell me, is the sound (L) a vowel or a consonant? (consonant)

    2. Automation of the sound [Л] in syllables.

    Speech therapist. Squirrel jumped on a branch ... (see Appendix No. 1) And I saw the ball. She loves to play ball. You can play with her too:

    Squirrel throws balls ...

    Squirrel repeats syllables ... ...

    Throw the ball and clearly pronounce the sound [L] in syllables (LA, LU, LO, LY, AL, UL, OL, YL).

    The child performs.

    3. The game "Find the sound in the word."

    The squirrel jumped to another branch and saw an envelope. (see Appendix No. 2)

    Speech therapist. Let's see what's in the envelope. And in the envelope there are pictures with musical instruments and an assignment: if you guess which is the squirrel's favorite instrument, then you will have the opportunity to play it.

    So, the first hint: the name of the squirrel's favorite instrument contains the sound [Л].

    Hint two: the name of my favorite instrument starts with the sound [L].

    4. Game "Play as I do".

    The speech therapist beats off a rhythmic pattern with a spoon, and the child repeats.

    / / /// etc.

    5. Massage of fingers with a Su-Jok spring

    Speech therapist: Well done! Now let's take a little rest and go boating with Squirrel. The child pronounces (syllables) words, putting on the Su-Jok massage spring on the finger.

    Thumb - la-la-la, the squirrel was swimming in the boat.

    Index finger - lo-lo-lo, the sun is shining warmly.

    Middle finger - lu-lu-lu, glad the squirrel is warm.

    The ring finger is ly-ly-ly, the songs of Squirrel are audible.

    Littlefinger - A woodpecker was sitting in a boat, sang songs with Squirrel.

    Speech therapist: Well done! It's time to play the picture game.

    6. Game "Close the picture"

    The squirrel jumped to another branch and saw a picture. (see Appendix No. 3)

    Speech therapist: And the picture is not simple, it depicts objects in the name of which the sound "L" is hidden. Name all the objects shown in the picture, clearly pronouncing the sound "L",

    Doll, shovel, bow, boat, apple, plate, strawberry, elephant, tree, horse, wolf;

    Speech therapist: Now, name the pictures as I call them (Speech therapist calls large objects, and the child is small: For example: doll-doll, etc.)

    Speech therapist: And now I suggest you close the pictures with chips. If the sound "L" is at the beginning of a word, the picture should be covered with a red token, if in the middle of the word - yellow, if at the end - green.

    III. Lesson summary.

    Speech therapist. Well done. Our lesson ends. I hope you enjoyed it. What was the most interesting task for you? Or caused a problem?

    Squirrel liked to play with you, and she decided to give you a coloring book.