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  • How to teach a child to pronounce sounds at home? Exercises for training complex sounds. How to teach a child to speak. From the first sounds to the first letters Learning sounds with children

    How to teach a child to pronounce sounds at home?  Exercises for training complex sounds.  How to teach a child to speak.  From the first sounds to the first letters Learning sounds with children

    Teaching children to read and write in kindergarten is carried out by the analytical-synthetic method. This means that children are introduced to the sounds first. native language and then with letters.

    When teaching, both writing and reading, the initial process is sound analysis. oral speech, that is, the mental dismemberment of the word into its constituent sounds, the establishment of their number and sequence.

    Violation of sound analysis is expressed in the fact that the child perceives the word globally, focusing only on its semantic side, and does not perceive the phonetic side, that is, the sequence of its constituent sounds. For example, an adult asks the child to name the sounds in the word SOK, and the child answers: "orange, apple ..."

    Children with problems in speech development in whom the pronunciation of phonemes and their perception are impaired, the more they experience difficulties in sound analysis and synthesis. They can be expressed in varying degrees: from confusion of the order of individual sounds to complete inability to determine the number, sequence or position of sounds in a word.

    Learning the sound analysis of a word is the main task of the preparation stage for teaching literacy and involves: determining the number of sounds in a word, phonetic characteristics sounds (the ability to differentiate vowels and consonants, voiced and deaf, hard and soft), determining the place of a sound in a word.

    Dear parents, remember:

    1. Sound - we hear and pronounce.

    2. We write and read letters.

    3. Sounds are vowels and consonants.

    There are six vowels: A U O AND E S

    There are ten vowels: A U O AND E Y - correspond to the sounds and four iotated, which denote two sounds: Ya-ya, Yu-yu, E-ye, Yo-yo.

    Vowel sounds are indicated in the diagram in red.

    Consonant sounds are muffled and voiced. A dull sound is formed without the participation of the vocal folds, we explain to children that when we say

    Voiced sounds: B, C, D, D, F, Z, Y, L, M, N, R.

    Deaf sounds: K, P, S, T, F, X, Ts, Ch, Sh, Sh,

    Consonant sounds are soft and hard.

    Always hard consonants: Ж, Ш, Ц.

    Always soft consonants: Y, Ch, Shch.

    Hard sounds are indicated on the diagrams in blue, soft sounds in green.

    Approximate game tasks.

    Game "Catch the Sound" (from a series of sounds, from a series of syllables, from a series of words).

    Objective: to develop auditory attention, phonemic hearing.

    The adult names the sound, and the child raises a blue or green square. Then a word. If at the beginning of a word you hear solid sound, you need to raise the blue square, if the soft one is green (Snow, winter, skiing, etc.).

    Game "How many sounds are hidden in the word?"

    Lay out the scheme of the word CAT.

    How many sounds are there in the word CAT? (There are three sounds in the word CAT)

    What is the first sound in the word CAT? (first sound [K])

    What sound [K]? (sound [K] consonant, voiceless, hard).

    What square on the diagram do we designate the sound [K]? (In blue square).

    What is the second sound in the word CAT? (Second sound [O])

    Sound [Oh] what? (Sound [O] vowel).

    What square on the diagram do we designate the sound [O]? (Red square).

    What is the third sound in the word CAT? (Third sound [T]).

    What sound [T]? (Sound [T] - consonant, hard, voiceless).

    What square on the diagram do we designate the sound [T]? (Blue square).

    Sounds made friends. What happened? (CAT).

    What letter do we designate the sound [K]? (Letter K).

    What letter do we designate the sound [O]? (The letter O).

    What letter do we designate the sound [T]? (Letter T).

    The letters became friends. What happened? (CAT).

    It is important that the child learns what the sound of speech is, can differentiate sounds, divide words into sounds and syllables. Only then can he easily master the skill of reading.

    Letters are a graphic symbol of sounds. We often come across the fact that children are taught to read letter by letter, i.e. children, seeing a letter, pronounce its name, and not a sound: pe, re .. The result is “keote” instead of “cat”. Children hardly delve into the rules for voicing letters and letter combinations. This creates additional difficulties in teaching children to read.

    In the method of teaching reading in kindergarten, it provides for the naming of letters by their sound designations: p, b, k…. This makes it much easier for children to master the reading skill. In order for the child to better master the graphic appearance of the letter and for the prevention of dysgraphia at school (dysgraphia is a violation written speech) recommend the following tasks:

    - "What does a letter look like?"

    In a row of letters, circle the specified letter.

    Laying out letters from counting sticks, from a string on velvet paper, sculpt from plasticine, etc.

    Circle the letter point by point, shade the letter, add the letter.

    Dear parents, very accurately follow the instructions of the teachers, completing tasks on the notebook, do not complicate the tasks at your discretion. Remember that the requirements kindergarten and families must be united!


    1. Alexandrova, T.V. Live sounds, or Phonetics for preschoolers: Study guide for speech therapists and educators. SPb .: Childhood-press, 2005.
    2. Tkachenko, T.A. Formation of skills in sound analysis and synthesis. M .: Gnome and D, 2005.

    How to start literacy classes? First of all, we must teach the child to hear what sounds the words that we utter consist of.

    Almost every parent is interested in the question “when to start”. There is no unequivocal answer to this question, however, many teachers suggest starting to learn sounds as early as possible, but the child should be interested in the lessons.

    The thinking of children at an early age is visual-figurative, they cannot master such abstract concepts as "sound", "letter", "word". If, when studying sounds, you show the kid letters and try to explain what it is, the child will only see a set of incomprehensible sticks-dashes. Therefore, it is advisable to "tie" the study of sounds to familiar visual images, and to build the learning process itself exclusively in a playful way.

    There are several unspoken rules that must be followed when teaching a child to sound:

    You need to learn sounds, not the names of letters. The kid should not be confused with the very concepts of "letter" and "sound". By showing a certain letter, we name only the sound: “This is the letter M (not Em), this is the letter L (not El). Otherwise, in the future, when composing words, the kid will read "EL ES" (not Les), he will have to be retrained, which is quite difficult. Please note that many electronic speaking alphabets are programmed to pronounce not sounds, but letters.

    Acquaintance of the child with sounds should start with vowels, without going into nuances, when some vowels ("I", "Yu", "E", "E") are at the beginning of a syllable and denote two sounds (the so-called iotated syllables).

    There is no need to learn consonants strictly alphabetically. If the child has difficulties with the pronunciation of the sounds "R", "W", "CH", "S", "Sh", etc., it is worth leaving their study for later. Emphasize consonants that can be associated with something close and familiar to the baby (the first letter in the name of parents, siblings, educator).

    Classes should be regular and welcome. Classes should be unobtrusive and until the "first fatigue". The constant repetition of the passed material gives positive results and keeps the kid's interest in the lessons.

    Learning sounds with the smallest is easiest with:

    1. ABCs with simple quatrains;

    2. Cubes with letters;

    3. Electronic speaking alphabet;

    4. Letters on magnets;

    5. Drawings;

    6. Children's alphabets (wall-mounted, in the form of simple puzzles);

    7. Special cards with pictures.

    For all of the above game tools and books, it is extremely important that the picture illustrating the letter is not only interesting to the kid, but also familiar and easy to remember.

    To study sounds with older children, it is optimal to use:

    1. Practical textbooks;

    2. Educational cartoons;

    3. Educational flash games.

    Practical notebooks for learning sounds perform a double function:

    - workbook for children

    - benefits for adults

    With their help, parents save their time on finding the necessary material for classes with a child). Tasks in such notebooks are placed in a certain sequence, completing them, the child moves from simple to complex. The most popular are the following manuals:

    A series of manuals "Home speech therapy notebook" EA Azova, OO Chernova

    The set consists of notebooks: "We learn the sounds R-Rb, L-L", "We learn the sounds S-Sh, Z-Zh, S-Ch, Ch-Ts, Sh-S", "We learn the sounds Z, Z, C" "Learning the sounds Ш, Ж".

    Each notebook is a set of black and white illustrations with play exercises for learning the most difficult sounds to pronounce.

    Workbook for children 5-7 years old "I learn sounds and letters" Gogoleva N. A., Tsybireva L. V.

    Notebook for preschoolers with a set of game tasks, by completing which children consolidate their knowledge of sounds and letters, learn to read syllables and do sound analysis, write recipes, prepare for the post-by-word reading.

    Mom plays or sings a melody, focusing the child's attention on it. Then she moves to another place and plays the same melody again, observing the baby's reaction.

    Body orientation (preparation for an upright position)

    Mom sings the sounds in an upward motion, while giving the baby an upright position. Singing sounds in a downward movement, slowly translates it to a horizontal position.

    Stress sound

    At first, mom plays sudden, sharp, but not loud sounds... By the end of the month, the sound power can reach 50-60 decibels. Simulated thunderclaps on a drum.

    Frightening sound combinations: UUU, RRRR, DZZZ, URSHUKH, VIRSH, SHR, ZHYRL, etc.

    Different types of whistles that are given to kid instead of a pacifier in the morning or afternoon: police, sports, hunting, etc. Car signals.

    Fret feeling

    Giving the baby a musical pacifier, the mother plays along with her sound on the piano, or picks up a chord corresponding to the sound of the baby's voice.

    Feeling of dissonance and consonance

    Feeling of dissonance

    • 1st week - small and large seconds;
    • 2nd week - increased quart;
    • 3rd week - increased triad;
    • 4th week - enlarged seventh chord.

    Feeling of consonance:

    • 1st week - major and minor thirds;
    • 2nd week - minor and major triads;
    • 3rd week - quartext chord;
    • 4th week - dominatsept chord. Reduced opening chord.


    The melody is played and sung, then sung 1/2 tone higher and lower. Next week the modulation will be a whole tone, a week later - one and a half tones up and down, etc. The major-motor pieces and songs with bright contrasting colors of major and minor are performed.

    Speech sounds

    With the help of a phonendoscope, the mother sings to the child 3 sounds a day at a specific time.

    • In the morning - vibrating speech sounds- in, f, z, n, m, p.
    • In the afternoon - diaphragmatic sounds of speech - a, k, and, u, e, u, i.
    • In the evening - relaxing speech sounds - s, f, h, w, sch.

    Perhaps the title of this article will seem immodest to you, and the author - presumptuous. You might think that the author used this title in order to grab the attention of readers.

    Yes it is. The purpose of this headline is to draw your attention to the truly most effective way to shortest time teach the child the letters of the Russian alphabet and teach him to pronounce these letters with sounds. You will see for yourself the simplicity and effectiveness of this method by reading this article and starting to teach your child the letters with its help. After just five sessions, your child will know all 10 vowels well and will begin to memorize consonants, even if he did not know a single letter before. And, most importantly, he will learn letters during the games and will remember them firmly.

    But first, a little digression. Before you start teaching your child letters, you must decide what he needs it for. Some parents take pride in being able to teach letters to two or even one and a half year olds. But this should only be done if at the same time you start teaching your child to read. Any knowledge must immediately find its practical application. And teaching letters by itself, without simultaneously teaching to read, does not make sense. There are many other, equally effective, ways to develop a child's memory and stimulate the brain during formation. It’s also good if, by the beginning of learning to read, the child forgets these prematurely learned letters and does not pronounce them the way he was once taught: Be, Ve, Ge ... or Would, you, Gee ..., otherwise when reading it will bother him very much. You ask: "Well, if you teach a child to read and write letters at the same time, then at what age is it better to start, from the age of two is it already possible?" I believe that at home, in a family, a mother with a child of this age can already study; but first for half a minute, and then for several minutes during the day. As a result of such "lessons", built in the form of a game, the child will develop the ability to concentrate on some particular activity, and then, starting from the age of three and even a little earlier, he can be taught to read in a group of children like him. Do not forget only that learning to read, and especially early, should take place without coercion, in a game, against a background of positive emotions.

    The child's speech is formed during preschool age... You need to follow her from an early age, so that the child will fully gain a foothold by the first grade correct pronunciation letters. But it happens that children of school age have impure speech.

    Reasons why a child may not pronounce the letters

    Incorrect pronunciation of letters can be attributed to improper upbringing. If parents, communicating with their child, change their voice, lisp or babble, then the baby gets used to such communication and the incorrect pronunciation of letters is fixed.

    Therefore, you need to talk to your child in the correct and clear language. Immediately suppress the slightest flaws in your baby's speech, because with age it will be several times more difficult to correct them.

    Wrong attitude towards colloquial speech. There is an opinion that the teaching of spoken language occurs without the intervention of adults. But if the parents do not participate in the process of the formation of the child's speech, then over time, the child's lag in speech development will begin to manifest.

    Teaching a child to pronounce sounds

    There are many different techniques for the correct formulation of the baby's speech. But many parents do not know how to teach a child to pronounce the letters at home, and therefore immediately turn to speech therapists for help. Although this problem can often be solved at home. It is only necessary to correctly approach the organization of classes. Parents should remember not to overload the baby, the duration of each lesson should not exceed 15 minutes. If the child is reluctant to study, postpone classes for a while. By forcing the child to pronounce the letters by force, you can permanently discourage him from speaking correctly, and indeed to learn.

    Before each lesson, it is necessary to seat the child, making sure that he is sitting upright. All distracting objects are removed, the TV is turned off. An excellent option would be classes in front of a mirror so that the child sees not only the articulation of the adult sitting in front of him, but also his own.

    Pronunciation exercises

    Initially, it is recommended to prepare cards on which animals and objects will be depicted, at the beginning, middle or end of which there are problem letters. It is necessary to observe whether the pronunciation of a complex letter is always problematic, or in some positions.

    • "Rails" (when the tongue should "ride" on the inside of the upper teeth).
    • "Silence" (repeat the sound "t-sss" several times, stretching the letter "C").

    To fix the letter, you need to choose pictures or words where the letter "C" is present: sleigh, sieve, belt, sun, light. You can use the sentences: Sasha sows seeds or poems:

    “It's dark in the forest,

    Everyone has been asleep for a long time.

    One owl does not sleep

    She sits on a bitch. "

    2. The letter "Z" is a brother of "C", only voiced. Therefore, to teach a child to pronounce the letter "Z", you need to pronounce "s", only raising your voice. Show your baby, by bringing your hand to his neck, how the muscles tighten, saying ringing sounds... We fix the letter with the words: hare, beast, tooth, star, as well as sentences: Bunny in winter is like a small animal.

    3. The letter "C" can be mastered by resorting to the exercise "Silence", only you need to pronounce not "t-sss", but "ts-ts-ts". We fix it with the words: heron, chicken, chain, pizza, and sentences: What color is the bird?

    4. Pronounce the letter "W" you can use a little trick: ask the child to pronounce the letter "c", and use a spoon to lift the baby's tongue to the sky. You get the sound "sh". The letter is fixed with the words: awl, whisper, ears, noise; suggestions: Our Masha rustles; as well as verses:

    "Dear bear,
    Nice bear,
    All plush
    Our bear is sewn. "

    5. The same trick can be done with the letters "z" and "g". Anchor letter "Ж" need words: beetle, hedgehog, toad. And also with suggestions: Zhanna is expecting a book.

    6. To master the letter "H", ask the baby to say "t-t-t", while pressing on the baby's cheeks with your fingers. Then you will hear the cherished "h". And to fix the letter, ask the kid to say the words: tea, turtle, daughter, ball; suggestions: Clean the siskin bath.

    7. The most common problem for parents is the letter "R" and "L". Receptions and exercises to solve this problem are aimed at teaching the child to growl without swallowing complex letters and without replacing the complex "r" with the lighter "l":

    "Horse" - depict, together with the child, the clatter and clatter of the horse's hooves.

    "We clean our teeth with a tongue" - ask the baby to smile broadly. Then you need to run your tongue along the inner surface of the upper teeth. Make sure that the child's lower jaw remains motionless.

    "Teaser" - the child is invited to tease. To do this, a relaxed tongue protrudes and dangles up and down. Accompanied by a teaser growl.

    Special attention in teaching the letters "R" or "L" is paid to tongue twisters:

    • He rode the Greek across the river, sees the Greek: there is a crayfish in the river.
    • In the yard there is grass, on the grass there is firewood: one, two, three there is firewood.
    • The brave man ate thirty-three pies, but they were all with cottage cheese.
    • You cannot re-talk all tongue twisters.

    Secrets to quickly teach a child to pronounce letters

    In addition to direct exercises with the child's speech muscles and exercises for learning a complex letter, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of fine motor skills. Together with the child, sort out cereals, string beads on a string, sculpt from plasticine or dough. And most importantly: while working, do not be silent. Tell your child stories, nursery rhymes, or tongue twisters.

    Another secret is teaching your child to repeat the letter "D" often. Pronouncing this magic letter, the muscles of the tongue are trained, it is correctly positioned in the mouth and with constant training, the child will learn to pronounce the complex letter "r".

    When should parents "sound the alarm" and contact a speech therapist?

    If a child cannot master the pronunciation of sounds for a long time, it is necessary to seek help from a speech therapist. Since there are cases when the inability to pronounce certain letters is explained by the physiological characteristics of the child. So, an incorrect bite can cause burr or lisp. In such situations, the doctor may prescribe special exercises or surgery, depending on the cause of speech difficulties. Also, a speech therapist as a professional can find other reasons for poor pronunciation and work with them on a more serious level than parents.