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  • What is phonetic analysis? Phonetics: the characteristic of percussive vowels

    What is phonetic analysis? Phonetics: the characteristic of percussive vowels


    In a word camel:
    1. 2 syllables (ver-blue);
    2. The stress falls on the 2nd syllable: the camel

    • 1st option

    1 A) Transcription of the word "camel": [vi and e rblu❜t].

    at - [❜] - agreed softly (guys) ringing (guys) Before the vowel sound there is no replacement of the consonant for voicing / deafness.Below, see § 66, para. 2, 3.
    e - [and e] - public, unstressed; see below § 37.
    r - [R] - agreed (guys) ringing (odd) Sonoric consonants are not stunned. The sound [p] before a hard consonant is pronounced firmly).
    b - [b] - agreed (guys) ringing (guys) Before the sonoric, the deaf are not voiced (see Musatov VN, p. 73).In the modern Russian literary language, preference is given to hard pronouncing of sound [b] over soft [l❜].
    l - [l❜] - agreed softly (guys) ringing (unmarried), sonorous. The sound [l] is unpaired ringing, so it is pronounced the same way as it is spelled.Below, see § 66, para. 2, 3.
    yu - [y] - public, shock; see below § eleven.
    d - [t] - agreed (guys) deaf (guys) At the end of the word, the resounding steam room is stunned (see § 80).At the end of the word, all consonants, except for unpaired soft ([w], [w], [y]), are pronounced firmly.

    7   letters, 7   sounds



    § 11

    § 11. Letter yu  denotes the sound [y] after a soft consonant (except for [h] and [y]; after the letters h and y is written y; see § 10): bale, hatch, rim, scent, people, mica, turn off, th Lubyu (pronounced [t❜ uk, l❜ uk, r❜ umki, n❜ uh, l ud-y, c❜ l strike, you taught the class, bastard y]).

    Thus, the words tuk and bale (pronounced [tuk] and [t❜ uk]), bow and hatch (pronounced [onion] and [l❜ vk]), ray and key (pronounced [ray] and [cl ❜ student]) have in their structure the same vowel [y] with the preceding hard or soft consonant.

    Note. In the words of the brochure, parachute, sound, etc., the letter, which is preserved according to tradition, does not denote the softness of the preceding sound [br].

    § 37

    § 37. After soft consonants in the 1st pre-stressed syllable, except for the vowels [and] and [у] (for them, see §§ 5-13), the vowel is pronounced, the average between [and] and [e]: [and e ]. This vowel in the letter is denoted by the letter e or i.

    Thus, in place of the letters e  and i  after soft consonants in the 1st pre-stressed syllable, the vowel [and e] is pronounced: a) bear, carry, forest, to, carry, lead, whip, run, scrub, honestly, puppy to (pronounced [below si, Nee S❜Ti, Le Ss_n ниk, Nee S❜tn, Vidnos, Plixe Tén, B ee zhtn, Chie Satsu, Chiecn, b)], b) butcher, took, rippled, pulled, knitted, five, lay down (pronounced [mee si n, take it, take it NI, VIE FORT, PEEKS, LIE GUSHKY]).

    § 66

    § 66. The following consonants are both hard and soft: [l] and [b], [f] and [c], [t] and [d], [s] and [c], [m], [ p], [l], [n]. For each of these consonants in the Russian chart there is a corresponding letter. The softness of these consonants at the end of the word is indicated by the letter s. Wed top and swamp (pronounced [top❜]), econo m and econo mb (pronounced [ekono m❜]), hit p and bang (pronounced [strike p]), there was a byl (pronounced [was❜]]). The softness of these consonants in front of the consonants is also denoted: a corner and a coal (pronounced [ugol ka]]), a ba and a bank (pronounced [bak n]]), w-dko and bka (pronounced [re- t❜ k]) .

    The softness of these consonants before vowels is indicated by the letters of the vowels following them: i  (Unlike but) denotes the vowel [a] after the soft consonant; Wed small and crushed (pronounced [m❜ al]); letter yo  (Unlike about) denotes the vowel [o] after the soft consonant; Wed mole and chalk (pronounced [m❜ ol]); letter yu  (Unlike at) denotes the vowel [y] after the soft consonant; Wed tuk and bale (pronounced [t❜c]). Approximately the same use of letters and  and s: the letter is used after soft consonants and at the beginning of the word, and the letter s  after hard consonants that have a soft pair; Wed play, izba, clean, sew, saw and ardor, nice and washed, pitch and howl, thread and whine, noses and noses.

    Examples of the distinction between hard and soft consonants: top and swamp (pronounced [top]]), shoulder and thigh (pronounced [d❜ o dr]], graph and graph (pronounced [graph ❜ a]), shaft and sluggish (pronounced [v❜ al]), raft and flesh (pronounced [flesh]], shame and shame (pronounced [shame❜ a]), wasps and axis (pronounced [os❜]); thunder and thunder (pronounced [graz❜ a]], ox and led (pronounced [v ol]]), a coffin and a coffin (pronounced [gr op]), steel also (pronounced [became]]), a nose and a nose (pronounced [n❜ wasps]), bow and hatch (pronounced [l❜ ук]), go- rka and go-ryko (pronounced [go- р❜ къ]).

    § 80

    § 80. At the place of voiced consonants at the end of the word, the corresponding deaf are pronounced. Thus, in place of the letters b, c, d, d, g, s consonants [n], [f], [c], [t], [br], [c] are pronounced, for example:

    in place of b: [bread], [dup], [grow], [klup], [group], [go-lup], [vlplu], [drape];

    on the spot in; [nraf], [zaly-f], [ulo-f], [praf], [slof], [karof-f], [recognize-f], [became-f], [flat-f]; [Crop], [L [Ubófбо], [Brof❜], [Asta-F❜], [Pigato-F❜];

    in place of g: [s ❜ nek], [pyro á], [sapok á], [vdrok], [kruk], [plik], [shak], [pamo], [pradro к], [l❜ ok ], [slok]; [nok], [duk] (genus n. plural. from foot, arc);

    on the spot d: [naro- t], [sat], [sklat], [hot], [day], [bret], [l❜ from]; [barot], [here], [bet] (genus n. mn. h. from a beard, water, trouble); [meth] (copper), [shave] (swan), [shosh] (shad), [s] at] (sit down);

    on the spot g: [wear], [mush], [chish], [string], [garash]; [lush], [stush] (born p. plural. from puddle, cold); [rosh] (ry), [losh] (false), [drosch] (shiver), [open w] (pull), [nama sh] (put);

    in place of s: [gruz], [navo s], [maro s], [voice], [wles] (climbed), [wn]; [kos], [dew], [los] (born p. plural. from goat, roo per, vine); [forest] (climb), [gr❜ as❜] (dirt), [growing] (apart).

    1 Orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language: Pronunciation, stress, grammatical forms / S.N. Borunova, V.L. Vorontsova, N.A. Eskova; Ed. R.I. Avanesova. - 4th ed., Sr. - M .: Rus. lang., 1988. - 704 p.

    Phonetics and phonetic analysis

    Written language consists of letters, and oral speech of sounds. Classification of the sound composition of the language is engaged in phonetics. What can help a native Russian speaker   phonetic analysis?For example, no need to go far. As a rule, by pronunciation you can immediately understand that your interlocutor is a foreigner or has come from the provinces. If a person distorts the sounds in words, incorrectly places the emphasis, he will be considered ignorant or illiterate, and such a talk is phonetic. In a modern highly developed society, this looks quite comical.

    So why feel the subject of ridicule, when it is so easy to learn to pronounce letters and sounds in words correctly! If you are planning an acting career, choosing the profession of a media person, journalist, editor, PR agent, or you have far-reaching plans for a leadership position, then the right speech and knowledge of rhetoric will thoroughly help you on the way to the cherished goal.

    What is studying the phonetics of language as a section of linguistics?

    That's what dictionaries say about it:

    • Phonetics (from phone - phoneme) is a field of linguistics, studies vocal speech (what we hear), as well as the norms, traditions and rules of pronunciation of sound units and the word forms formed by them.
    • Phonetics is a section of linguistic science that studies the acoustic side of the human voice, the variety of combinations of sounds, intonation. When phonetic analysis of the word, patterns of fusion of sound units into syllables of the Russian language and their correct pronunciation are revealed.
    • The phonetics of language explores the properties of the sounds of speech, as well as the peculiarities of their formation in the articulatory apparatus. Otherwise, if the child does not pronounce or incorrectly pronounce any sounds and letters in the phrases, he is led to a speech therapist. The latter teaches how to place the tongue, teeth, lips, palate (organs of speech) and direct the exhalation in order to correctly pronounce a vowel or a consonant.
    • Russian phonetics - the scientific description of speech communication (acoustics and articulation). Explains the patterns of fusion of phonemes in the speech chain, their interaction, alternation, specificity of pronunciation and changes (depending on the neighboring ones). In order to classify sounds (vowel-consonant; voiced-deaf; shock-unstressed; hissing, sonorous, and so on.) Phonetic analysis is performed. On the basis of the rules of phonetics, literary norms of pronunciation (this section is called orthoepy) and stress settings are established.

    Sounds in words or what is phonetics for?

    To summarize A phoneme is an initial unit in any language. There is no language in which there would be only one sound unit, for example: [o]. From it one could form such words: ooo, ooo, ooo, oooo, and so on. In the end, it would be impossible to distinguish them from each other, even despite the different setting of accents. It is obvious that there should be many phonemes in any language. Based on this, the purpose of the sound is to distinguish words from each other.

    The sound itself does not make sense, but in combination with other phonemes it forms syllables and morphemes (the minimum significant parts of words: root, prefix, suffix, ending, and so on). Further, they are connected in semantic units: buzzwords and sentences.

    Imagine that you can use phonetic units as you like, in any sequence and combinations. Then you would constantly form new unknown words to anyone, and conversational speech would lose meaning to others. In this case, the oral language itself would have lost its purpose as a means of communication. That is why word formation, pronunciation in the words of letters and phonemes is subject to certain laws.

    Phonetics - a section of the science of language, studies the laws that govern the combination and alternation of sound units. The phonetics of the Russian language analyzes the speech and highlights:

    • signs and differences of some phonemes from others;
    • peculiarities of their pronunciation with combinations in syllables;
    • as well as establishes the norms of pronunciation, placement of accents and intonation in words and sentences.

    These characteristics are displayed when sounding the vowels and consonants. Now you know that all words are made of sounds. Without them, people simply could not communicate verbally and fully express their thoughts and emotions.

    Phonetic analysis of the word

    Phonetic analysis of the word

    If you do not want to delve into the nuances of sound-letter analysis, use the automatic online analyzer. It will help you quickly understand the phrase on the sounds online. To do this, enter the desired word in the search box without grammatical errors and click:

    "Phonetic analysis of the word."

    Please note that the correct definition of phonemes depends on the environment in the syllable and even on the context of the sentence. The program will automatically mark the sounds in the word and give you options. Choose from them suitable for your particular case. Online alphabetic analysis will display:

    • number of syllables;
    • stressed and unstressed syllables;
    • total number of sounds and letters;
    • literal analysis of each vowel and consonant;
    • phonetic characteristic in transcription.

    Some orthographically identical word forms differ in sound-letter parsing, since they can be homonyms, or they can vary in the position of the stress when changing numbers and cases. Keep track of the context of your proposal. If you want to independently make a phonetic analysis of words, learn how to identify sounds and phonetically characterize them, the following is a general scheme.

    Phonetic analysis "camel":

    Sound characteristics

    LetterSoundSound characteristic
    at[at"]consonant, soft, sonorous pair
    e[and]vowel, unstressed
    l[l "]consonant, soft, sonorous unpaired, sonorous
    yu[y]vowel, shock
    d[t]consonant, deaf pair

    Sound letter analysis of the word: what is the difference between sounds and letters?

    Before proceeding to the phonetic analysis with examples, we draw your attention to the fact that letters and sounds in words are not always the same.

    Letters  - these are letters, graphic symbols with the help of which the content of the text is transmitted or the conversation is outlined. Letters are used to visually convey the meaning, we perceive them with eyes. Letters can be read. When you read the letters out loud, then form sounds - syllables - words.

    A list of all letters is just an alphabet.

    Almost every student knows how many letters are in the Russian alphabet. That's right, only 33 of them. The Russian alphabet is called Cyrillic. The letters of the alphabet are arranged in a specific sequence:

    Russian alphabet:

    In total, the Russian alphabet uses:

    • 21 letters to indicate consonants;
    • 10 letters - vowels;
    • and two: b (soft sign) and b (hard sign), which indicate properties, but do not in themselves determine any sound units.

    Sounds in phrases you often pronounce not in the way you write in a letter. In addition, more letters than sounds can be used in a word. For example, “children” - the letters “T” and “C” merge into one phoneme [u]. Conversely, the number of sounds in the word “blacken” is greater, since the letter “Yu” in this case is pronounced [yu].

    What is phonetic analysis?

    Sound we hear by ear. Under the phonetic analysis of the word there is a characteristic sound composition. In the school curriculum, such analysis is more often called “sound letter” analysis. So, with phonetic analysis, you simply describe the properties of sounds, their characteristics depending on the environment and the syllable structure of the phrase, united by a common word stress.

    Phonetic transcription

    For sound-letter parsing, special transcription is used in square brackets. For example, it is spelled correctly:

    • black -\u003e [h "awful"]
    • apple -\u003e [yablaka]
    • anchor -\u003e [yakar "]
    • tree -\u003e [yolka]
    • sun -\u003e [soce]

    In the phonetic analysis scheme, special symbols are used. Due to this, it is possible to correctly identify and distinguish the lettering (spelling) and the sound definition of letters (phonemes).

    • phonetically assorted word is brackets -;
    • the soft consonant is indicated by the sign of the transcription [’] - an apostrophe;
    • shock [´] - stress;
    • in complex word forms of several roots, the sign of secondary stress is applied [`] - gravis (not practiced in the school curriculum);
    • letters of the alphabet Yu, I, E, E, b, and b are never used in transcriptions (in the curriculum);
    • for double consonants, the [:] is the sign of the longitude of the sound being pronounced.

    Below are detailed rules for orthoepic, alphabetic, and phonetic and word analysis with online examples, in accordance with the school-wide norms of the modern Russian language. In professional linguists, the transcription of phonetic characteristics is distinguished by accents and other characters with additional acoustic features of vowel and consonant phonemes.

    How to make a phonetic analysis of a word?

    The following scheme will help you to carry out a letter analysis:

    • Write out the necessary word and say it several times out loud.
    • Count how many vowels and consonants in it.
    • Mark the stressed syllable. (Stress with the help of intensity (energy) highlights in speech a certain phoneme from a series of homogeneous sound units.)
    • Divide the phonetic word by syllables and indicate their total number. Remember that the syllable section is different from the transfer rules. The total number of syllables always coincides with the number of vowels.
    • In the transcription, sort the word by sounds.
    • Write the letters from the phrase into the column.
    • In front of each letter of square brackets, indicate its sound definition (as it is heard). Remember that sounds in words are not always identical to letters. The letters "b" and "b" do not represent any sounds. The letters “e”, “ё”, “u”, “i”, “and” can mean 2 sounds at once.
    • Analyze each phoneme separately and mark its properties with a comma:
      • for the vowel we indicate in the characteristic: the sound is a vowel; shock or unaccented;
      • in the characteristics of consonants indicate: sound consonant; hard or soft, sonorous or deaf, sonorous, paired / unpaired for hardness-softness and sonorousness-deafness.
    • At the end of the phonetic analysis of the word, draw a line and count the total number of letters and sounds.

    This scheme is practiced in the school curriculum.

    Example of phonetic word parsing

    Here is a sample of the phonetic analysis of the composition for the word “phenomenon” → [Personal’e'n’iye].
    In this example, there are 4 vowels and 3 consonants.
    There are only 4 syllables: i-vle'-ni-e.
    The emphasis falls on the second.

    Sound characterization of letters:

    i [th] - agreed, unpaired soft, unpaired sonorous, sonorous
      [and] - public., unstressed
    in [v] - agreed, double solid, double star.
    l [l ’] - agreed, paired soft, unpaired star sound
    e [e ′] - public., shock
    n [n ’] - agree., paired soft., unpaired. star sound
    and [and] - public., unstressed
    e [s] - agreed, unpaired. softly, unpaired star sound
      [e] - public., unstressed
    In total, the word phenomenon - 7 letters, 9 sounds
    The first letter "I" and the last "E" denote by two sounds.

    Now you know how to make an alphabetic analysis yourself. Next, a classification is given of the sound units of the Russian language, their interrelations and transcription rules for sound-letter parsing.

    Phonetics and sounds in Russian

    What are the sounds?

    All sound units are divided into vowels and consonants. Vowel sounds, in turn, are percussion and unaccented. A consonant sound in Russian words can be: hard - soft, sonorous - deaf, hissing, sonorous.

    How many sounds in Russian live speech?

    The correct answer is 42.

    When doing phonetic analysis online, you will find that 36 consonants and 6 vowels are involved in word formation. Many have a reasonable question, why is there such a strange inconsistency? Why does the total number of sounds and letters differ according to vowels and consonants?

    All this is easily explained. A number of letters with the participation in word formation can designate 2 sounds at once. For example, softness-hardness pairs:

    • [b] - vigorous and [b ’] - protein;
    • or [d] - [d ’]: home-to-do.

    And some do not have a pair, for example [h ’] will always be soft. Doubt, try to say it firmly and make sure that it is impossible: creek, pack, spoon, black, Chegevara, boy, rabbit, bird cherry, bees. Thanks to this practical solution, our alphabet has not reached dimensionless scales, and the sound units are optimally complemented, merging with each other.

    Vowel sounds in the words of the Russian language

    Vowel soundsunlike consonants melodic, they freely as if chanting out of the larynx, without obstacles and tension of the ligaments. The louder you try to pronounce the vowel, the wider you will have to open your mouth. Conversely, the louder you strive to pronounce a consonant, the more vigorously you close your mouth. This is the brightest articulation difference between these classes of phonemes.

    The stress in any word forms can only fall on the vowel sound, but there are also unstressed vowels.

    How many vowel sounds in Russian phonetics?

    In Russian, fewer vowel phonemes are used than letters.

    There are only six percussion sounds: [a], [and], [o], [e], [y], [s].
    A letter, we recall, ten: a, e, e, and, o, u, s, u, i, yu.
    Vowels E, E, Yu, I are not “pure” sounds in the transcription   not used.Often, when alphabetic analysis of words on the listed letters falls stress.

    Phonetics: the characteristic of percussive vowels

    The main phonematic feature of Russian speech is the clear pronouncing of vowel phonemes in stressed syllables. The stressed syllables in Russian phonetics differ in expiratory force, increased duration of sound and are pronounced undistortedly. Since they are pronounced distinctly and expressively, the sound analysis of syllables with stressed vowel phonemes is much easier.
    The position in which the sound is not subject to change and retain the main view is called   strong position.This position can only occupy a stressed sound and syllable. Unstressed phonemes and syllables abide   in a weak position.

    • The vowel in the stressed syllable is always in a strong position, that is, pronounced more clearly, with the greatest strength and duration.
    • The vowel in the unstressed position is in a weak position, that is, pronounced with less force and not so distinct.

    In Russian, immutable phonetic properties are saved only by one phoneme "Y": atto atr atfor, tablets at, ath atc'mon atlov, - in all positions it is pronounced clearly as [y]. This means that the vowel "U" is not subject to qualitative reduction.
    Attention: on the letter, the phoneme [y] may also be denoted by another letter “Yu”: muesli [m ’ at“Follow” key [cl ’ at“’ ’] And so on.

    Parsing percussion vowels

    The vowel phoneme [o] is found only in a strong position (under the stress). In such cases, "O" is not subject to reduction: cat [to aboutt'ik], the bell [fist aboutl’ch’yk], milk [malak about], eight [in abouts’im ’], search [search aboutvaya], speaking [r aboutwar], autumn [ aboutsyn'].

    The exception to the rule of a strong position for “O”, when the unstressed [o] is pronounced clearly, are only some foreign words: cocoa [kaka " about], patio [pa "ti about] radio [ra "di about], boa [b abouta "] and a number of service units, for example, union but.

    Sound [o] in writing can be reflected by another letter “Yo” - [o]:  the turn [t ’ aboutph], bonfire [kas’t ’ aboutr].

    To analyze the sounds of the remaining four vowels in a position under the stress will also not present difficulties.

    Unstressed vowels and sounds in the words of the Russian language

    It is possible to make the correct sound analysis and precisely determine the characteristic of a vowel only after putting the stress in the word. Do not forget about the existence of homonymy in our language: for "mok - zamo" to and about the change of phonetic qualities depending on the context (case, number):

    • I'm at home [ya d about"ma].
    • New homes [but "you d butma "].

    AT unstressed position  The vowel is modified, that is, pronounced differently than it is written:

    • mountains - mountain = [g about"ry] - [g butra "];
    • he is online = [ about"n] - [ butnla "yn]
    • svid et eflax = [sv’id ’ uh"t’ andl’n’ica].

    Such vowel changes in unstressed syllables are called reduction  Quantify when the duration of the sound changes. And a quality reduction when the characteristic of an initial sound changes.

    The same unstressed vowel letter can change the phonetic characteristic depending on the position:

    • primarily with respect to the stressed syllable;
    • at the absolute beginning or end of a word;
    • in undisguised syllables (consist of only one vowel);
    • under the influence of neighboring signs (b, b) and consonant.

    So, it differs 1st degree of reduction. She is exposed to:

    • vowels in the first pre-syllable;
    • naked syllable at the very beginning;
    • repeating vowels.

    Note: To make a sound-letter analysis, the first pre-stressed syllable is determined based not on the “head” of the phonetic word, but in relation to the stressed syllable: the first to the left of it. In principle, it may be the only preventable one: the non-local [n’is’d’e'shn’ii].

    (uncovered syllable) + (2-3 prestress syllable) + 1st syllable ← Impact syllable → impact syllable (+2/3 syrup syllable)

    • at first re-di [fp’i r’idi];
    • e-stability [ yis’t’e's’t’v’in: a];

    Any other pre-stressed syllables and all sound syllables in sound analysis belong to the 2nd degree reduction. It is also called the “second-degree weak position”.

    • kiss [pa-tsy-la-va´t ’];
    • simulate [ma-d-l’i'-ra-vat ’];
    • swallow [la´-st but-ch'k but];
    • kerosene [k'i-ra-s'i'-n-oh].

    The reduction of vowels in a weak position also differs in steps: the second, third (after hard and soft agree. - this is outside the curriculum): to learn [uch'i´ts: a], to numb [atsip'in'e´t '], hope [nad'e´zhda].
    In the alphabetic analysis, the reduction in the vowel in a weak position in the final open syllable (= at the absolute end of the word) will appear very slightly:

    • cups but;
    • goddess i;
    • with songs and;
    • of change but.

    Sound letter analysis: iota sounds

    Phonetically, the letters E - [yo], E - [yo], Yu - [yu], I - [ya] often denote two sounds at once. Have you noticed that in all the indicated cases, the additional phoneme is “Y”? That is why these vowels are called iotazed. The meaning of the letters E, E, U, I is determined by their positional position.

    When phonetic analysis of the vowels e, e, u, i form 2 SOUNDS:

    E - [yo], Yu - [yu], E - [ye], I - [ya]  in cases where there are:

    • At the beginning of the word "Yo" and "Yu"  is always:
      • - shiver [ yo´zhyts: a], Christmas tree [ yo´hatch], hedgehog [ yo´zhyk], capacity [ yo´mkast ’];
      • - jeweler [ yuv’Il'i´r], yule [ yula´], skirt [ yu´pca], Jupiter [ yup’i’t’ir], briskness [ yu“Rkass’t’];
    • at the beginning of the word "E" and "I"  only under stress *:
      • - spruce [ yel ’], I drive [ yeg: y], huntsman [ yeg’ir ’], eunuch [ yegrandchild];
      • - yacht [ ya´hta], anchor [ ya´kar ’], yaki [ ya´ki] apple [ ya´blaca];
      • (* to perform a sound alphabetic parsing of unstressed vowels "E" and "I", another phonetic transcription is used, see below);
    • in the position immediately after the vowel "Yo" and "Yu"  is always. But “E” and “I” are in drums and in unstressed syllables, except for the cases when the indicated letters are arranged behind the vowel in the 1st pre-stressed syllable or in the 1st, 2nd burst syllable in the middle of words.
      Phonetic analysis online and examples of the above cases:
      • - etc herminik [pr’iyo´mn’ik], p oyt [payo´t], cl yuet [cl’u yo´т];
      • - ayurveda [a yur’v’eda], p oyut [pa yu´т], thaw [ta´ yut], cabin [ka yu´та],
    • after separation solid "b"  sign "Yo" and "Yu"  - is always,
      but "E" and "I"  only under stress or at the absolute end of the word:
      - volume [ab yo´m], shooting [syo´mka], adjutant [hell yu"ta'nt]
    • after separation soft "b"  sign "Yo" and "Yu"  - always, and "E" and "I"  under the stress or at the absolute end of the word:
      - interview [intyrv ’ yu´], trees [d’ir’e ’in’ ya] friends [friends ’ ya´] brothers [bra´t ’ ya], monkey [ab’iz ’ ya´on], blizzard [in ’ yu´ha], family [s’em ’ ya´]

    As you can see, in the phonematic system of the Russian language, accents are crucial. Vowels in unstressed syllables are subject to the greatest reduction. Let's continue the sound analysis of the remaining iotated ones and see how they can still change the characteristics depending on the environment in words.

    Unstressed vowels  "E" and "I"  denote two sounds and in phonetic transcription and recorded as [YI]:

    • at the very beginning of the word:
      • - unity [ yid'in'e'n'i'yy], spruce [yilo'vy], blackberry [yizhiv'i'ka], his [yivo'], his ego [yigaza], Yenisei [yin'is'e'y ] Egypt [yig'i'p'it];
      • - January [ yinwa'rik], the core [yidro´], yazvit [yiz’v’i´t ’], the label [yyrly´k], Japan [yipo'n’iya], the lamb [ygn'o'nak];
      • (Exceptions are only rare foreign word forms and names: Caucasoid [ yevrap’io´idnaya], Eugene [ye]vgéniy, european [ yevrap'e´yits], diocese [ye]pa'rhiya and TP).
    • immediately after the vowel in the 1st pre-stressed syllable or in the 1st, 2nd beat syllable, except for the location at the absolute end of the word.
      • timely [wed yivr’e'm’ina], trains [na yiha ”, eat [pa yid'i'm], run yig: a´t ’], Belgian [b’il’g’i ' yin], pupils [study] yic’a], sentences [pr’idlaj’n’i yim'i], vanity [su yita´],
      • bark yit ’], pendulum [ma´ yitn’ik], hare yic] belt yic], declare [for yiin’i´t ’], I will show yiin’l'u]
    • after separation solid "b"  or soft "b"  sign:
      - drunk [p ’ yin’i´t], express [of yiin’i´t ’], announcement [ab yi  vin’e’n’iye], edible [with yibefore the]

    Note: For the Petersburg phonological school is characterized by "ekane", and for Moscow "ikane". Earlier, the yotted "E" was pronounced with a more accented "ye". With the change of capitals, performing a letter-sound analysis, they adhere to the Moscow norms in spelling.

    Some people say the vowel “I” equally fluently in syllables with a strong and weak position. Such pronunciation is considered a dialect and is not literary. Remember, the vowel "I" under the stress and without the stress is voiced differently: fair [ ya“Mark], but the egg [ yiyko´].


    The letter “I” after the soft sign “b” also represents 2 sounds - [YI] in the case of letter analysis. (This rule is relevant for syllables in both strong and weak positions).
    We will conduct a sample of audio-online parsing:
    - nightingales [salav ’ yi´], on chicken legs [on the cou'r ’ yi ’x "bunks", rabbit [crohnich ’ yi] no family [s’im ’ yi´], judges [su´d ’ yi] draws [n’ich ’ yi´], brooks yi´] fox [li'c ’ yi].

    Vowel "ABOUT"  after a soft sign "B"  transcribed as an apostrophe of softness [’]   prior consonant and [ABOUT], although when pronouncing a phoneme you may feel jotyirovannost: broth [bou'o'n], pavil yon [pav’il’o´n], likewise: I read yon champagne yon, tires yon, compan yon medal yon batal yon gil yotina pocket yola min yon and others.

    Phonetic analysis of words, when the vowels "U", "E", "EY", "I" form 1 SOUND

    According to the rules of the phonetics of the Russian language at a certain position in the words, the indicated letters give one sound when:

    • sound units “Yo” “Yu” “E”  are under stress after unpaired consonant in hardness: well, w, c.
      Then they denote phonemes:
      • yo [o]
      • e - [e]
      • u - [y].
      Examples of online analysis of sounds: yellow [Well aboutlute], silk [sh aboutlx], whole [q lyy], recipe [r'its fri], pearls [w mch’uk], six [w st ’], hornet [w rshen ’], parachute yt];
    • Letters “I” “Yu” “E” “Yo”  and "AND"  indicate the softness of the previous consonant [’] . Exception only for: [W], [W], [W].
      In such cases in shock position  they form one vowel sound:
      • ё - [o]:  ticket [put ’ aboutfka], light [l ’ abouthk’iy] aboutnack] actor [act ’ aboutp] child [r’ib ’ aboutnak];
      • e - [e]:  seal [t’ul ’ n ’], mirror [’ ’ rkala], smarter [clever ’ ye], conveyor [can ’ yyr];
      • i - [a]:  kittens [cat ’ butta], gently [m ’ buthka] oath [cl ’ buttwa], took butl], pallet [t’u f ’ butto], swan [l’ib ’ butzhyy];
      • u - [y]:  beak [cl ’ yf] people [l ’ yd'am] gateway [shl ’ ys], tulle [t ’ yl ’], costume [cas’ ’ ym].
      • Note: in words borrowed from other languages, the stressed vowel “E” does not always indicate the softness of the previous consonant. This positional softening ceased to be an obligatory norm in Russian phonetics only in the 20th century. In such cases, when you make a phonetic analysis of the composition, such a vowel sound is transcribed as [e] without a prior apostrophe of softness: the hotel [at l ’], strap [br’it lhka], test [t st] tennis [t n: is], cafe [kaf ], mashed potatoes [p’ur ], amber [amber] ], delta [d l’ta], tender [t nder] masterpiece [shad vr], tablet [plash t].
    • Attention! After soft consonants in pre-stressed syllables  the vowels "E" and "I" are subjected to qualitative reduction and are transformed into sound [and]  (excl. for [q], [g], [br]).
      Examples of phonetic analysis of words with similar phonemes:
      - h ep [h ’ andrno '], W eblah [z ’ andml’a´], in erural [in ’ ands'ohly] star enit [z’v ’ andn'i´t], l esleepy [l ’ andsnoi], m ecalf [m ’ andth'l'itsa], n ero [n ’ andro´], accept esla [pr’in ’ andsla'], in icall [to ’ andza't ’], l igat [l ’ andga´t ’], n igrater [n ’ andt'o'rka]

    Phonetic analysis: consonants of the Russian language

    Consonants in the Russian absolute majority. When pronouncing a consonant sound, the air flow is obstructed. They are formed by organs of articulation: teeth, tongue, palate, vibrations of the vocal cords, lips. Due to this, there is noise, hissing, whistling or voicing in the voice.

    How many consonant sounds in Russian?

    The alphabet is used to designate them. 21 letters. However, performing a sound alphabetic analysis, you will find that in Russian phonetics consonant sounds  more, namely - 36.

    Sound-letter analysis: what are the consonant sounds?

    In our language there are consonants:

    • hard - soft   and form the corresponding pairs:
      • [b] - [b ’]: banan - btree,
      • [in] - [in ’]: atheight - ateun,
      • [g] - [g ’]: gcity ​​- gthe duke,
      • [d] - [d ’]: dacha - delfin,
      • [s] - [s ’]: sout - sether,
      • [to] - [to ’]: toonfeta - tounguru
      • [l] - [l ’]: lode - lyux
      • [m] - [m ’]: magia - mechty
      • [n] - [n ’]: nnew - nectar
      • [p] - [p ’]: palma- pyosik
      • [p] - [p ’]: romashka - rpoison,
      • [с] - [с ’]: withuvenir - withlegal entity
      • [t] - [t ’]: tuchka - tyulpan
      • [f] - [f ’]: flag - fevral,
      • [x] - [x ’]: xorek - xseeker.
    • Certain consonants do not possess a pair of hardness-softness. For unpaired include:
      • sounds [OK], [C], [W]  - always solid ( welllife cikl we shb)
      • [h ’], [y’ ’]  and [th ’]  - always soft (up to hka cha ueh your th).
    • Sounds [g], [h ’], [w], [y’ ’]  in our language are called sizzling.

    Can be ringing - deaf, and sonorous and noisy.

    Determining the voicing-deafness or sonority of the consonant is possible by the degree of noise-voice. These characteristics will vary depending on the method of formation and participation of the articulation organs.

    • Sonoric (l, m, n, p, nd) are the most resonant phonemes, they hear a maximum of voice and a bit of noise: lev, rbut th, nabout ls
    • If, when a word is pronounced during a parsing sound, both a voice and a noise are formed, then a voiced consonant (g, b, s, etc.) is in front of you: sbut atabout d, bliu dabout, welland snb
    • When pronouncing deaf consonants (n, s, m and others), the vocal cords do not tense, only noise is produced: stabout pCbut, fand scbut, toabout styum, cirk, for shhave it.

    Note:  In the phonetics of consonant sound units there is also a division according to the nature of the formation: the bow (b, p, d, t) - the slit (f, w, s, s) and the method of articulation: labial (b, p, m), labial -the teeth (f, c), frontal (t, d, s, s, c, f, w, w, h, n, l, p), middle language (s), back language (c, g, x). The names are given on the basis of the organs of articulation that are involved in sound formation.

    Hint: If you are just starting to practice phonetic analysis of words, try pressing your palm over your ears and saying a phoneme. If you were able to hear the voice, then the sound you are examining is a sonorous consonant, if there is a noise, then it is deaf.

    Hint: For associative remember the phrase:
    “Oh, we did not forget the friend.” - this proposal contains absolutely the whole set of voiced consonants (excluding pairs of softness-hardness).

    “Stepka, do you want to eat cheek? “Fie!” - similarly, the specified replicas contain a set of all deaf consonants.

    Positional changes of consonants in the Russian language

    The consonant sound as well as the vowel undergoes changes. The same letter can phonetically denote a different sound, depending on the position occupied. In a stream of speech, the sound of a single consonant is compared to the articulation of a nearby consonant. This effect facilitates pronunciation and is called assimilation in phonetics.

    Positional stunning / voicing

    In a certain position for consonants, the phonetic law of assimilation by deafness-voicing is in effect. Voiced double consonant is replaced by a deaf:

    • at the absolute end of the phonetic word: but well  [but sha dream g  [s’n’e ' to] ogodo d  [agaro´ t] Klu b  [key] p];
    • before the deaf consonants: nezaby dka [n’izabu´ tka] o bhstick [a nxvat’i´t ’], tueornik [ fto'rn’ik], tru bkand [tru´ pCbut].
    • by doing a sound letter parsing online, you will notice that the deaf pair consonant standing before the voiced one (except [i '], [v] - [v'], [l] - [l '], [m] - [m'] , [n] - [n '], [p] - [p']) will also ring back, that is, it will be replaced with its resounding pair: surrender [of the building], kosba [kaz'ba], threshing [malad 'ba'], please [pro'z'ba], guess [adgada 't'].

    In Russian phonetics, the deaf noisy consonant is not combined with the subsequent ringing noisy, except for the sounds [in] - [in ’]: upbroken cream. In this case, the transcription of both the phoneme [s] and [s] is equally valid.

    When parsing the sounds of words: total, today, today and TP, the letter “G” is replaced by a phoneme [c].

    According to the rules of sound alphabetic analysis in the endings of the "th", "-h" of the names of adjectives, participles and pronouns, the consonant "G" is transcribed as a sound [in]: red [krashnava], blue [s'i'n'iva] , white [b'e'lava], sharp, full, former, that, that, whom.

    If after assimilation two similar consonants are formed, they merge. In the school program in phonetics, this process is called contraction of consonants: to separate [hell: ’yl’i´t’] → the letters “T” and “D” are reduced to the sounds [d’d ’], without ussmart [b'i w:smart].

    When parsing the composition of a series of words in a sound-letter analysis, dissimilation is observed - a process inverse to imitation. In this case, the common feature of the two standing consonants changes: the combination “GK” sounds like [xk] (instead of the standard [kk]): light [l'o'h'k'iy], soft [m'a'x ' c'y].

    Soft consonants in Russian

    In the phonetic analysis scheme, an apostrophe [’] is used to indicate the softness of consonants.

    • The softening of paired solid consonants occurs before the “b”;
    • the softness of the consonant in the syllable on the letter will help determine the subsequent vowel letter (e, e, u, i, i);
    • [yo ’], [h’] and [y]  by default, only soft;
    • the sound always softens [n]  before the soft consonants "Z", "C", "D", "T": a complaint [pr’ite n'z’Iya] review [r’itse n'z’Iya] pension [pe n’s ’iya], ve [n’z ’]spruce, face [n’z ’]iya, ka [n’d ’]idat ba [n’d ’]um and [n’d ’]ivy blo [n’d ’]in, stipe [n’d ’]oh ba [n’t ’]ik v [n’t ’]uk [n’t ’]uk, ve [n’t ’]or [n’t ’]ichny, to [n’t ’]text, Remo [n’t ’]irovat;
    • the letters "H", "K", "P" with phonetic analysis of the composition can soften before soft sounds [h ’], [y’]: stack lFik [staka′n’ch’ik] nschik [cm’e′n’sc’hik], by lFik [pohn'ch’ik], kame nschik [kam’e′n’sc’chik], boulevard rschina [bul’va’r’sc’in], bo rsch  [borscht'];
    • often sounds [3], [с], [р], [н] before the soft consonant undergo assimilation by hardness-softness: stenka [s'th'e'nka], zhi zn  [zhyz’n ’], hereall [z’d’es ’];
    • in order to correctly perform a sound alphabetic analysis, consider the words of exception when the consonant [р] is before soft tooth and lip ones, and also before [h ’], [u’] is pronounced firmly: artel, feed, cornet, samovar;

    Note:  the letter “b” after a consonant unpaired in hardness / softness in some word forms performs only a grammatical function and does not impose a phonetic load: study, night, mouse, rye, and so on. In such words, when alphabetic analysis in square brackets opposite the letter “b”, a [-] dash is put.

    Positional changes of paired voiced-deaf in front of hissing consonants and their transcription during sound-letter parsing

    To determine the number of sounds in a word, it is necessary to take into account their positional changes. Paired ringing-deaf: [dt]  or [fs]  before hissing (l, sh, u, h) are phonetically replaced by hissing consonant.

    • Literal analysis and examples of words with hissing sounds: welcome zhiy [pr'iye ' lJiy] usaction [va shhe'stv’iye], and zhyelta [i ' lJelta], szhpour [ lJal'its: a].

    The phenomenon, when two different letters are pronounced as one, is called complete assimilation on all grounds. When performing a letter-sound analysis of a word, you should designate one of the repeated sounds in the transcription by the longitude symbol [:].

    • Hissing letters "Zh" - "zh"pronounced like double hard consonant [w:], but "Ssh" - "ssh"  - as [w:]: squeezed, sew, without a tire, fit.
    • Combinations "Zh", "LJ" when sound-parsing is written inside the root, it is written in the transcription as a long consonant [w:]: I drive, scream, later, reins, yeast, burning.
    • Combinations “Sc”, "SC"  at the junction of the root and the suffix / prefix pronounced as a long soft [u ’:]: score [ u ’:o´t], copyist, customer.
    • At the junction of the preposition with the following word in place “Sc”, "SC"  transcribed as [uh ’]: without number [b’e uhisla´], with something [ um ’e'mta].
    • When sounding a combination of letters "Tch", "DC"  at the junction of morphemes is defined as double soft [h ’:]: pilot [l’o´ h ’:uk], molo dhuk [little ' h ’:uk] oh tchem [a h ’:from].

    Cheat Sheet on the assimilation of consonant sounds at the place of education:

    • sch → [u ’:]: happiness [ u ’:a´s’t’ye] sandstone [p’i u ’:a'n'jak] peddler u ’:uk], cobbled, calculations, exhaust, clear;
    • pC → [u ’:]: carver [p’e´ u ’:uk], loader [gru´ u ’:uk], the narrator [raská´ u ’:uk];
    • rC → [u ’:]: defector [p’ir’ibe´ u ’:uk], man [mu u ’:i'na];
    • shch → [u ’:]: freckled [in the ʻisnu ' u ’:this is];
    • stch → [u ’:]: tougher u ’:er], clap, equipment;
    • hello → [u ’:]: buster [abye´ u ’:uk], grooved [baro´ u ’:this is];
    • ssch → [u ’:]: split [pa u ’:ip’i’t ’], become generous [ra u ’:e'dr’ils’a];
    • mon → [ch’sc ’]: split [a ch'usch ’ip’i′t ’], click [a ch'usch ’ok'lk’ivat ’], in vain [ ch'usch ’etna], carefully [ ch'usch ’at’el'na];
    • tch → [h ’:]: report [a h ’:o't], homeland [a h ’:izna], ciliary [r’is’n’i ′ h ’:iyty];
    • dch → [h ’:]: underline [pa h ’:o′rk’ivat ’], stepdaughter [na h ’:ir’ica];
    • comp → [w:]: squeeze [ oK:a´t ’];
    • zzh → [w:]: get rid of [and oK:s´t ’], ignition [ro´ oK:uk], to leave [yi oK:a´t ’];
    • uSA → [w:]: brought [pr’in’o ′ w:th], embroidered [ra w:s'];
    • shush → [w:]: lower [n’i w:sy]
    • thu → [PC], in word forms with "what" and its derivatives, making a sound alphabetic analysis, we write [PC]: to [ pCo'by], not for anything [n’e ′ for pCa], anything [ pCo n’ibut ’], something;
    • thu → [ch’t]  in other cases, literal parsing: the dreamer [m’i ch’ta'th’il ’], mail [by ' ch’ta] preference ch’t’Erh'and];
    • nam → [shn]  in exception words: of course [kan’e ' shna ′], boring [sku´ shna ′], bakery, laundry, scrambled eggs, fiddling, birdhouse, bachelorette party, mustard plaster, rag, as well as in the female patronymic ending in “-ichna”: Ilyinichna, Nikitichna, Kuzminichna, etc .;
    • nam → [ch’n]  - letter analysis for all other options: fabulous [tell ch'nyy] dacha [yes´ ch'nth] strawberry [z’im’l’in’i ' ch'nth], wake up, cloudy, sunny, etc .;
    • train → in place of the letter combination “Zhd”  double pronunciation and transcription are acceptable [u ’]  or [PC']  in the word rain and in the word forms formed from it: rainy, rainy.

    Unspeakable consonant sounds in the words of the Russian language

    During the pronunciation of a phonetic word with a chain of many different consonant letters, one or another sound may be lost. As a result, in the spelling of words there are letters that are devoid of sound meaning, the so-called non-pronountable consonants. In order to correctly perform phonetic analysis online, the unpronounced consonant is not displayed in the transcription. The number of sounds in such phonetic words will be less than letters.

    In Russian phonetics, the number of unprovable consonants include:

    • "T"  - in combinations:
      • stn → [sn]: I stnth [m’e ' snth], reed [tra s'n’I´k]. By analogy, you can perform a phonetic analysis of words stnita, che stnoh, know stnoh glad stnoh gru stnoh teaching stnuk, ve stnuk, nena stnfiercely stny and others;
      • stl → [cl]: happy stlwillow [yu ’: a cl’And yours"], happy stldog, owl stlivy, hwa stlwillow (exception words: bony and poslat, in them the letter "T" is pronounced);
      • ntsk → [nsk]: giga ntskiy [g'iha ' nsk’S], age ntskyy preside ntskoi;
      • here → [with:]: over worth itfrom [she with:o´t], take worth iti [vye] with:a] kl worth iti [cl’a ' with:but];
      • cTC → [with:]: tour cTCcue [turkey] with:k'yi] max cTC{!LANG-f3118eabeb523a58c68d2414d03c2040!} with:{!LANG-2418cd1124d3c54820cc0a875ea21f88!} cTC{!LANG-155ee5fc71b028d606b6d99f19989898!} with:{!LANG-ea366e84c3785c875b9b555aa6420fd7!} cTC{!LANG-390d27bf98517cfa98dccd53a8cde420!} cTC{!LANG-baabfe253ddb441ba62402875a4f71f9!} cTC{!LANG-4a01deb7c68474f0b05a8eb70938755f!} cTC{!LANG-d8e4d7d616c574266fa9a3dab1cd48af!} cTC{!LANG-518be1e0a22042a2d8385bbbbfb96250!}
      • {!LANG-724e071bf45f1222b8f06d7fc6859cc5!} {!LANG-f4419aab630c119d40a33239a5aac5ed!}{!LANG-2c89e22de5b5b6d09e810bb6886b3f76!} {!LANG-f871d1b08bc650cf47eb993c14ac7744!}{!LANG-7b6fe9ba86962fffe8a5d67b9360443b!} {!LANG-d800d5ee3392c8cb9afcb5f2848ac28e!}{!LANG-64f263937ae84fa73b387143d35e9532!}
      • {!LANG-ddeafa33d931d6a1d9e77806e0e0bc0e!} {!LANG-66b14cd528cc4fe96c839a3e32a96bcd!}{!LANG-c716fcc1b3b65049eea036e76a68a874!} {!LANG-4519c3a5f1107ec06293d99b902c12e5!}{!LANG-ba6c27597da186f8c97489a5d77e924d!} {!LANG-070dc88a501d4e8c0f2cf05b4f51d0f6!}{!LANG-4de3feaeac4e3795359cb0ef28e0369d!} {!LANG-4519c3a5f1107ec06293d99b902c12e5!}{!LANG-9793f2d9b2b12a6a05c7189d86d7bdcd!} {!LANG-070dc88a501d4e8c0f2cf05b4f51d0f6!}{!LANG-50aae893ed01d7d26dcfc291e9dbbef0!} {!LANG-34e0e5154c67c547b16f1440a47130e3!}{!LANG-6c9521cd926b59fd3c9403d14a1eb81a!} {!LANG-34e0e5154c67c547b16f1440a47130e3!}{!LANG-a4f079b437f799e89eba4d11ea620ba8!} {!LANG-4519c3a5f1107ec06293d99b902c12e5!}{!LANG-6254240187832d0cdad5d1c6f9eb95be!} {!LANG-4519c3a5f1107ec06293d99b902c12e5!}{!LANG-cade51e6fdc0eff6fcdc1c87a6228b73!} {!LANG-34e0e5154c67c547b16f1440a47130e3!};
      • {!LANG-217d874e79361ef9b3f42cac283f4e37!} {!LANG-8ea6a16e89ee4863241f6ade29a98a4c!}{!LANG-7c2ee6334a04412bb391a6c3e8baf964!} {!LANG-51c210839b7e3c3cc033fb762fb27618!}{!LANG-3771b3fb67687d3bbc6d2b4be847932c!} c{!LANG-12fd43bb5fb73a3db4a0916641b89aa6!} {!LANG-51c210839b7e3c3cc033fb762fb27618!}{!LANG-20223e903d8839782343f2dca9472d7a!} c{!LANG-054063c4908ea96673490ca5ee16c4f0!}
      • {!LANG-217d874e79361ef9b3f42cac283f4e37!} {!LANG-ca130f5c569aa328e32cf6965d079ec2!}{!LANG-6d2c98b9e1efc3c605b7a6bad7cf4336!} {!LANG-51c210839b7e3c3cc033fb762fb27618!}{!LANG-215e009ef762a1a9b9e11dd1c6c4035d!} {!LANG-070dc88a501d4e8c0f2cf05b4f51d0f6!}{!LANG-84b41f5d0aa3bab821f3b93de21fbb97!} {!LANG-51c210839b7e3c3cc033fb762fb27618!}{!LANG-aeb23d9cb60610f026669d51778d7e65!} {!LANG-4f808dc246f43f666b3738025a1426a1!}{!LANG-cf4928923bbb35b3afafab29a58df1a7!}
      • {!LANG-2f0c4800eaf7f222daf74ddd0bc06df7!} {!LANG-66b14cd528cc4fe96c839a3e32a96bcd!}{!LANG-a425379ef95065fcc14d84c88807d72f!} {!LANG-856f48180b83485e7d1b747e28d89c19!}{!LANG-8429b3c295dbceb127e0ca556ba4c763!} {!LANG-070dc88a501d4e8c0f2cf05b4f51d0f6!}{!LANG-7d63eae1adf951ec90d6add538a37d1c!} {!LANG-856f48180b83485e7d1b747e28d89c19!}{!LANG-bbd68b1cd53aac9761ba3c2ecddce54d!} {!LANG-070dc88a501d4e8c0f2cf05b4f51d0f6!}{!LANG-5537f82f9473b7c28c4aedfd5f1eb30b!} {!LANG-856f48180b83485e7d1b747e28d89c19!}{!LANG-ea682864e02ab7b3f2904dbf03ed99ea!} {!LANG-070dc88a501d4e8c0f2cf05b4f51d0f6!}{!LANG-f930c2ba33b30a6dbbf7d4a0733a0ca3!}
    • {!LANG-613636906c4f5cf9421672351c022097!}{!LANG-0c2ca840707e8f2653394ff4af35cac5!}
      • {!LANG-1d3f08f0b3ae71b52330fe26ae72137b!} {!LANG-7f1ea4f9cfe82b4b93053dcf7f3a4032!}{!LANG-7e2524260bf4b9246a07eac3f9fb0eb3!} {!LANG-b75f433f5644377d95f3e869474664bb!}{!LANG-59767c78ee706273cbe658b10dcb5b18!} {!LANG-5a3db8503991ec627dc5c0d8757bae0f!}{!LANG-2efbd6bcc7ef4b0b46485d81397a3ce7!} {!LANG-b75f433f5644377d95f3e869474664bb!}{!LANG-b8fb02e5991e334d5d01e54e97773264!} {!LANG-ea10c8454d447bfbc7dac44565270ea5!}{!LANG-9b5ed5789fca0c56ee812223b1ecbef2!} {!LANG-b75f433f5644377d95f3e869474664bb!}{!LANG-e457e6b4cbccab68110b690dbb3b4f31!} {!LANG-cc297c07195dc80f5bf7f1bab4d4eb38!}{!LANG-de053895b2d4af3b05c3bde2935486c9!} {!LANG-b75f433f5644377d95f3e869474664bb!}{!LANG-18e347f65cbe05b1773fc0c6ad571c1c!} {!LANG-ea10c8454d447bfbc7dac44565270ea5!}{!LANG-004c8c5db69485426d9d76255537ee92!}
      • {!LANG-aa95dab479d824e645857030eaa5de4e!} {!LANG-f4ab3e7c78885bde8b05c8c354bf522b!}{!LANG-3caa145afa8e53357b1f7db988db4da9!} {!LANG-5d6accf87543c2a40d1cae85b0eed447!}{!LANG-fe38d17e28548018f99e44fe6d520543!} {!LANG-1913729e76b996eaa2631fd5aa017a49!}{!LANG-a0b173d9b7d0993c26f3e1c0ebcd92e1!} {!LANG-5d6accf87543c2a40d1cae85b0eed447!}{!LANG-239ad8528053f601950593301f80acf4!} {!LANG-1913729e76b996eaa2631fd5aa017a49!}{!LANG-2dccdd17772b2c84737533e8f8d82859!}
      • {!LANG-6678fbf3539abee4ab09edd486789eac!} [nsk]{!LANG-b0f2d1b9fc704157ac56708095e0daa5!} {!LANG-0d557c2c31db1dfd54e3bbd9156d0a58!}{!LANG-a20070b7268e181af772303b242f290a!} nsk{!LANG-33974cd418cb8586080bd8e7d8f7777f!} {!LANG-0d557c2c31db1dfd54e3bbd9156d0a58!}{!LANG-222d756b40f98408c723b26cccea6b6b!} nsk{!LANG-01236e07fa33e0538c381092866bb980!} {!LANG-0d557c2c31db1dfd54e3bbd9156d0a58!}{!LANG-f17009c00ef8e9952a758f1e1cd5ac90!} nsk{!LANG-3a2ba169369f73d3e4ce49a7b1801cc4!}
      • {!LANG-79ec7dcfeef5372226ccb4c37e259529!} {!LANG-08738dcc98ffd83097e5eaecad22df31!}{!LANG-6fcbcc9e0ea39c3bf780a4c4e57470ce!} {!LANG-7d769b255bbdc793aceebf4d15630d2b!}{!LANG-128e27d41fc2437618693008e6e95451!} {!LANG-df249f950e344053789439a568458a69!}{!LANG-85fb391adda4a9a79fc624e389b515dc!}
      • {!LANG-65ecd65915ae322ce285e37ff448adff!} {!LANG-3939a6327be26d6ed3847fd270b5d981!}{!LANG-b0f2d1b9fc704157ac56708095e0daa5!} {!LANG-c0586bbbcd209d1889d194692f61ce95!}{!LANG-6d22eb726fbef544d94539110080af30!} {!LANG-d7270d6be02493dd6b85b0acd0d8ad0b!}{!LANG-2de1e7e00ae347900c43348dab2b06d1!}
      • {!LANG-e114600692b5f095203766b4483abfef!} {!LANG-7445a51d301fee3d2574c25d2cf7b572!}{!LANG-d27d1f4a4c6a1a2db0cf4292018d22b5!} {!LANG-78cc088ee43c105e8e075fd479a68c4b!}{!LANG-b6b4b7e6c488370b3f82bbaeb6a2bf69!} {!LANG-d0d7a161a698b2cc6c5916a10e056dd6!}{!LANG-42bf28c88c8d799ffbe3aed17c527ff4!} {!LANG-78cc088ee43c105e8e075fd479a68c4b!}{!LANG-311a2f8763fe751ddc206745b511bb1e!} {!LANG-d0d7a161a698b2cc6c5916a10e056dd6!}{!LANG-da99f71761488c548a67c7110bf4eaa7!}
      • {!LANG-8f6c4ad53731ddf3c4f58f9accda8d93!} {!LANG-3949b34ea9469109bc158c95e36db6f8!}{!LANG-d27d1f4a4c6a1a2db0cf4292018d22b5!} {!LANG-5d396737f0903fd01f26ed99b6633d08!}{!LANG-c3dbe4448303cffa74dd4165ce74310b!} {!LANG-b71d7f4ae6b5d15533aa42c3a040ada6!}{!LANG-441ee59871d5aa3cbf2615d10c04d147!}
      • {!LANG-dbbc813483e741c8fa89873c1cfeab1d!} {!LANG-66b14cd528cc4fe96c839a3e32a96bcd!}{!LANG-02b05cac5832baca6c2bfd79cdb34543!} {!LANG-24a7ac96c2b1f6f5c7407e9ff3773257!}{!LANG-fae2e6eccfdd3cda424f24d46bd7a136!} {!LANG-070dc88a501d4e8c0f2cf05b4f51d0f6!}{!LANG-0490c1b9a736e16593a2cd2ea36b0863!} {!LANG-24a7ac96c2b1f6f5c7407e9ff3773257!}{!LANG-dc1a8d3af5fa04cdc55029538e3c120c!} {!LANG-070dc88a501d4e8c0f2cf05b4f51d0f6!}{!LANG-8c56596d9957185242138d2dd969c6ac!}
      • {!LANG-1e623a73c983178352ecdc8421e5f575!} {!LANG-8ea6a16e89ee4863241f6ade29a98a4c!}{!LANG-771f4b197f872df90c5f84ae4aafc7e5!} {!LANG-75f411585acc9b73ede8dfa72f5b5d30!}{!LANG-ff43fbbd05b94bef3bd40754119ecae2!} c{!LANG-af0a77acd595aef688dc1fd3d5af641f!} {!LANG-75f411585acc9b73ede8dfa72f5b5d30!}{!LANG-491b9440227a2c7057c8a156588588ed!} c{!LANG-ba8a38dacdfb699529b9ecb3ffb17d18!} {!LANG-75f411585acc9b73ede8dfa72f5b5d30!}{!LANG-aa00634fefeb7e77520349258a560b73!} c{!LANG-450686a561399ad65f3ad035d845b86d!} {!LANG-75f411585acc9b73ede8dfa72f5b5d30!}{!LANG-d91735847dcd7d0a1f3c4dc9fb92d5e8!} c{!LANG-ac777ec95c6d03c97828a2fcb154bcfe!}
    • {!LANG-daadc1c37fc7ed4918aec2963f7fc12d!}  - in combinations:
      • {!LANG-f3c1ecae8308dfefeed4710dff6ea979!} {!LANG-3939a6327be26d6ed3847fd270b5d981!}{!LANG-97d234ed3bc0375c8bed56ea90582e4b!} {!LANG-aee1d18d183287586107281e07eb02bb!}{!LANG-a7a43da35acc0a8bb262f0ece0b07263!} {!LANG-d7270d6be02493dd6b85b0acd0d8ad0b!}{!LANG-219f6d13525d4d45fe5a86c759cc258a!} {!LANG-aee1d18d183287586107281e07eb02bb!}{!LANG-47e49c724b15f90da56f514de3814a3e!}
    • {!LANG-33916b3871fc56a7e271d94fedec5da7!}  - in combinations:
      • {!LANG-806da7cc60af31cf5a0fc7902510a4f9!} {!LANG-94a2fb7a7de557ab5286ea2732907bb0!}{!LANG-730794687bb35ef83b6f23cacb4bd9a7!} {!LANG-f3a33f4856bb043d9e36340ed923171c!}{!LANG-f468d5f3e9bf065238a31520d2b95a43!} {!LANG-12fec1e5be324cd580376570bcfbcf5b!}{!LANG-cd65f8dda0d8601b67c068b952d06110!} {!LANG-f3a33f4856bb043d9e36340ed923171c!}{!LANG-cd210aefb58158886eab5f03eba08d53!} {!LANG-12fec1e5be324cd580376570bcfbcf5b!}{!LANG-7e63bfbb78390f7f40c04a6a6a457b34!} {!LANG-f3a33f4856bb043d9e36340ed923171c!}{!LANG-6445d131c580560faed8c5ace9f68954!} {!LANG-12fec1e5be324cd580376570bcfbcf5b!}{!LANG-845e0f09d81e2afceb82d252689012a4!} {!LANG-f3a33f4856bb043d9e36340ed923171c!}{!LANG-d4a645e6a4bebfbc69c81d1928cd8c1e!} {!LANG-12fec1e5be324cd580376570bcfbcf5b!}{!LANG-72314a0e3581cd19452db5a0e5c62614!} {!LANG-f3a33f4856bb043d9e36340ed923171c!}{!LANG-1fe46886e2f860bcc209e018e21ba406!} {!LANG-12fec1e5be324cd580376570bcfbcf5b!}{!LANG-0fb3df9e07540279ce6e08c39633daaf!}


    • {!LANG-13312638ca199fd9c971a9adc376cdcf!}
    • {!LANG-e220bb05c67bd4faff9d45c09d35c064!}









    Phonetics and phonetic analysis

    Written language consists of letters, and oral speech of sounds. Classification of the sound composition of the language is engaged in phonetics. What can help a native Russian speaker   phonetic analysis?For example, no need to go far. As a rule, by pronunciation you can immediately understand that your interlocutor is a foreigner or has come from the provinces. If a person distorts the sounds in words, incorrectly places the emphasis, he will be considered ignorant or illiterate, and such a talk is phonetic. In a modern highly developed society, this looks quite comical.

    So why feel the subject of ridicule, when it is so easy to learn to pronounce letters and sounds in words correctly! If you are planning an acting career, choosing the profession of a media person, journalist, editor, PR agent, or you have far-reaching plans for a leadership position, then the right speech and knowledge of rhetoric will thoroughly help you on the way to the cherished goal.

    What is studying the phonetics of language as a section of linguistics?

    That's what dictionaries say about it:

    • Phonetics (from phone - phoneme) is a field of linguistics, studies vocal speech (what we hear), as well as the norms, traditions and rules of pronunciation of sound units and the word forms formed by them.
    • Phonetics is a section of linguistic science that studies the acoustic side of the human voice, the variety of combinations of sounds, intonation. When phonetic analysis of the word, patterns of fusion of sound units into syllables of the Russian language and their correct pronunciation are revealed.
    • The phonetics of language explores the properties of the sounds of speech, as well as the peculiarities of their formation in the articulatory apparatus. Otherwise, if the child does not pronounce or incorrectly pronounce any sounds and letters in the phrases, he is led to a speech therapist. The latter teaches how to place the tongue, teeth, lips, palate (organs of speech) and direct the exhalation in order to correctly pronounce a vowel or a consonant.
    • Russian phonetics - the scientific description of speech communication (acoustics and articulation). Explains the patterns of fusion of phonemes in the speech chain, their interaction, alternation, specificity of pronunciation and changes (depending on the neighboring ones). In order to classify sounds (vowel-consonant; voiced-deaf; shock-unstressed; hissing, sonorous, and so on.) Phonetic analysis is performed. On the basis of the rules of phonetics, literary norms of pronunciation (this section is called orthoepy) and stress settings are established.

    Sounds in words or what is phonetics for?

    To summarize A phoneme is an initial unit in any language. There is no language in which there would be only one sound unit, for example: [o]. From it one could form such words: ooo, ooo, ooo, oooo, and so on. In the end, it would be impossible to distinguish them from each other, even despite the different setting of accents. It is obvious that there should be many phonemes in any language. Based on this, the purpose of the sound is to distinguish words from each other.

    The sound itself does not make sense, but in combination with other phonemes it forms syllables and morphemes (the minimum significant parts of words: root, prefix, suffix, ending, and so on). Further, they are connected in semantic units: buzzwords and sentences.

    Imagine that you can use phonetic units as you like, in any sequence and combinations. Then you would constantly form new unknown words to anyone, and conversational speech would lose meaning to others. In this case, the oral language itself would have lost its purpose as a means of communication. That is why word formation, pronunciation in the words of letters and phonemes is subject to certain laws.

    Phonetics - a section of the science of language, studies the laws that govern the combination and alternation of sound units. The phonetics of the Russian language analyzes the speech and highlights:

    • signs and differences of some phonemes from others;
    • peculiarities of their pronunciation with combinations in syllables;
    • as well as establishes the norms of pronunciation, placement of accents and intonation in words and sentences.

    These characteristics are displayed when sounding the vowels and consonants. Now you know that all words are made of sounds. Without them, people simply could not communicate verbally and fully express their thoughts and emotions.

    Phonetic analysis of the word

    Phonetic analysis of the word

    If you do not want to delve into the nuances of sound-letter analysis, use the automatic online analyzer. It will help you quickly understand the phrase on the sounds online. To do this, enter the desired word in the search box without grammatical errors and click:

    "Phonetic analysis of the word."

    Please note that the correct definition of phonemes depends on the environment in the syllable and even on the context of the sentence. The program will automatically mark the sounds in the word and give you options. Choose from them suitable for your particular case. Online alphabetic analysis will display:

    • number of syllables;
    • stressed and unstressed syllables;
    • total number of sounds and letters;
    • literal analysis of each vowel and consonant;
    • phonetic characteristic in transcription.

    Some orthographically identical word forms differ in sound-letter parsing, since they can be homonyms, or they can vary in the position of the stress when changing numbers and cases. Keep track of the context of your proposal. If you want to independently make a phonetic analysis of words, learn how to identify sounds and phonetically characterize them, the following is a general scheme.


    Sound characteristics

    LetterSoundSound characteristic
    with{!LANG-b408f354782a2b817caca92ee9350b8d!}consonant, deaf pair
    about{!LANG-6bb025fe250591f654c861db4cc1bd28!}vowel, shock

    Sound characteristics

    LetterSoundSound characteristic
    at[at"]consonant, soft, sonorous pair
    e[and]vowel, unstressed
    l[l "]consonant, soft, sonorous unpaired, sonorous
    yu[y]vowel, shock
    d[t]consonant, deaf pair

    Sound letter analysis of the word: what is the difference between sounds and letters?

    Before proceeding to the phonetic analysis with examples, we draw your attention to the fact that letters and sounds in words are not always the same.

    Letters  - these are letters, graphic symbols with the help of which the content of the text is transmitted or the conversation is outlined. Letters are used to visually convey the meaning, we perceive them with eyes. Letters can be read. When you read the letters out loud, then form sounds - syllables - words.

    A list of all letters is just an alphabet.

    Almost every student knows how many letters are in the Russian alphabet. That's right, only 33 of them. The Russian alphabet is called Cyrillic. The letters of the alphabet are arranged in a specific sequence:

    Russian alphabet:

    In total, the Russian alphabet uses:

    • 21 letters to indicate consonants;
    • 10 letters - vowels;
    • and two: b (soft sign) and b (hard sign), which indicate properties, but do not in themselves determine any sound units.

    Sounds in phrases you often pronounce not in the way you write in a letter. In addition, more letters than sounds can be used in a word. For example, “children” - the letters “T” and “C” merge into one phoneme [u]. Conversely, the number of sounds in the word “blacken” is greater, since the letter “Yu” in this case is pronounced [yu].

    What is phonetic analysis?

    Sound we hear by ear. Under the phonetic analysis of the word there is a characteristic sound composition. In the school curriculum, such analysis is more often called “sound letter” analysis. So, with phonetic analysis, you simply describe the properties of sounds, their characteristics depending on the environment and the syllable structure of the phrase, united by a common word stress.

    Phonetic transcription

    For sound-letter parsing, special transcription is used in square brackets. For example, it is spelled correctly:

    • black -\u003e [h "awful"]
    • apple -\u003e [yablaka]
    • anchor -\u003e [yakar "]
    • tree -\u003e [yolka]
    • sun -\u003e [soce]

    In the phonetic analysis scheme, special symbols are used. Due to this, it is possible to correctly identify and distinguish the lettering (spelling) and the sound definition of letters (phonemes).

    • phonetically assorted word is brackets -;
    • the soft consonant is indicated by the sign of the transcription [’] - an apostrophe;
    • shock [´] - stress;
    • in complex word forms of several roots, the sign of secondary stress is applied [`] - gravis (not practiced in the school curriculum);
    • letters of the alphabet Yu, I, E, E, b, and b are never used in transcriptions (in the curriculum);
    • for double consonants, the [:] is the sign of the longitude of the sound being pronounced.

    Below are detailed rules for orthoepic, alphabetic, and phonetic and word analysis with online examples, in accordance with the school-wide norms of the modern Russian language. In professional linguists, the transcription of phonetic characteristics is distinguished by accents and other characters with additional acoustic features of vowel and consonant phonemes.

    How to make a phonetic analysis of a word?

    The following scheme will help you to carry out a letter analysis:

    • Write out the necessary word and say it several times out loud.
    • Count how many vowels and consonants in it.
    • Mark the stressed syllable. (Stress with the help of intensity (energy) highlights in speech a certain phoneme from a series of homogeneous sound units.)
    • Divide the phonetic word by syllables and indicate their total number. Remember that the syllable section is different from the transfer rules. The total number of syllables always coincides with the number of vowels.
    • In the transcription, sort the word by sounds.
    • Write the letters from the phrase into the column.
    • In front of each letter of square brackets, indicate its sound definition (as it is heard). Remember that sounds in words are not always identical to letters. The letters "b" and "b" do not represent any sounds. The letters “e”, “ё”, “u”, “i”, “and” can mean 2 sounds at once.
    • Analyze each phoneme separately and mark its properties with a comma:
      • for the vowel we indicate in the characteristic: the sound is a vowel; shock or unaccented;
      • in the characteristics of consonants indicate: sound consonant; hard or soft, sonorous or deaf, sonorous, paired / unpaired for hardness-softness and sonorousness-deafness.
    • At the end of the phonetic analysis of the word, draw a line and count the total number of letters and sounds.

    This scheme is practiced in the school curriculum.

    Example of phonetic word parsing

    Here is a sample of the phonetic analysis of the composition for the word “phenomenon” → [Personal’e'n’iye].
    In this example, there are 4 vowels and 3 consonants.
    There are only 4 syllables: i-vle'-ni-e.
    The emphasis falls on the second.

    Sound characterization of letters:

    i [th] - agreed, unpaired soft, unpaired sonorous, sonorous
      [and] - public., unstressed
    in [v] - agreed, double solid, double star.
    l [l ’] - agreed, paired soft, unpaired star sound
    e [e ′] - public., shock
    n [n ’] - agree., paired soft., unpaired. star sound
    and [and] - public., unstressed
    e [s] - agreed, unpaired. softly, unpaired star sound
      [e] - public., unstressed
    In total, the word phenomenon - 7 letters, 9 sounds
    The first letter "I" and the last "E" denote by two sounds.

    Now you know how to make an alphabetic analysis yourself. Next, a classification is given of the sound units of the Russian language, their interrelations and transcription rules for sound-letter parsing.

    Phonetics and sounds in Russian

    What are the sounds?

    All sound units are divided into vowels and consonants. Vowel sounds, in turn, are percussion and unaccented. A consonant sound in Russian words can be: hard - soft, sonorous - deaf, hissing, sonorous.

    How many sounds in Russian live speech?

    The correct answer is 42.

    When doing phonetic analysis online, you will find that 36 consonants and 6 vowels are involved in word formation. Many have a reasonable question, why is there such a strange inconsistency? Why does the total number of sounds and letters differ according to vowels and consonants?

    All this is easily explained. A number of letters with the participation in word formation can designate 2 sounds at once. For example, softness-hardness pairs:

    • [b] - vigorous and [b ’] - protein;
    • or [d] - [d ’]: home-to-do.

    And some do not have a pair, for example [h ’] will always be soft. Doubt, try to say it firmly and make sure that it is impossible: creek, pack, spoon, black, Chegevara, boy, rabbit, bird cherry, bees. Thanks to this practical solution, our alphabet has not reached dimensionless scales, and the sound units are optimally complemented, merging with each other.

    Vowel sounds in the words of the Russian language

    Vowel soundsunlike consonants melodic, they freely as if chanting out of the larynx, without obstacles and tension of the ligaments. The louder you try to pronounce the vowel, the wider you will have to open your mouth. Conversely, the louder you strive to pronounce a consonant, the more vigorously you close your mouth. This is the brightest articulation difference between these classes of phonemes.

    The stress in any word forms can only fall on the vowel sound, but there are also unstressed vowels.

    How many vowel sounds in Russian phonetics?

    In Russian, fewer vowel phonemes are used than letters.

    There are only six percussion sounds: [a], [and], [o], [e], [y], [s].
    A letter, we recall, ten: a, e, e, and, o, u, s, u, i, yu.
    Vowels E, E, Yu, I are not “pure” sounds in the transcription   not used.Often, when alphabetic analysis of words on the listed letters falls stress.

    Phonetics: the characteristic of percussive vowels

    The main phonematic feature of Russian speech is the clear pronouncing of vowel phonemes in stressed syllables. The stressed syllables in Russian phonetics differ in expiratory force, increased duration of sound and are pronounced undistortedly. Since they are pronounced distinctly and expressively, the sound analysis of syllables with stressed vowel phonemes is much easier.
    The position in which the sound is not subject to change and retain the main view is called   strong position.This position can only occupy a stressed sound and syllable. Unstressed phonemes and syllables abide   in a weak position.

    • The vowel in the stressed syllable is always in a strong position, that is, pronounced more clearly, with the greatest strength and duration.
    • The vowel in the unstressed position is in a weak position, that is, pronounced with less force and not so distinct.

    In Russian, immutable phonetic properties are saved only by one phoneme "Y": atto atr atfor, tablets at, ath atc'mon atlov, - in all positions it is pronounced clearly as [y]. This means that the vowel "U" is not subject to qualitative reduction.
    Attention: on the letter, the phoneme [y] may also be denoted by another letter “Yu”: muesli [m ’ at“Follow” key [cl ’ at“’ ’] And so on.

    Parsing percussion vowels

    The vowel phoneme [o] is found only in a strong position (under the stress). In such cases, "O" is not subject to reduction: cat [to aboutt'ik], the bell [fist aboutl’ch’yk], milk [malak about], eight [in abouts’im ’], search [search aboutvaya], speaking [r aboutwar], autumn [ aboutsyn'].

    The exception to the rule of a strong position for “O”, when the unstressed [o] is pronounced clearly, are only some foreign words: cocoa [kaka " about], patio [pa "ti about] radio [ra "di about], boa [b abouta "] and a number of service units, for example, union but.

    Sound [o] in writing can be reflected by another letter “Yo” - [o]:  the turn [t ’ aboutph], bonfire [kas’t ’ aboutr].

    To analyze the sounds of the remaining four vowels in a position under the stress will also not present difficulties.

    Unstressed vowels and sounds in the words of the Russian language

    It is possible to make the correct sound analysis and precisely determine the characteristic of a vowel only after putting the stress in the word. Do not forget about the existence of homonymy in our language: for "mok - zamo" to and about the change of phonetic qualities depending on the context (case, number):

    • I'm at home [ya d about"ma].
    • New homes [but "you d butma "].

    AT unstressed position  The vowel is modified, that is, pronounced differently than it is written:

    • mountains - mountain = [g about"ry] - [g butra "];
    • he is online = [ about"n] - [ butnla "yn]
    • svid et eflax = [sv’id ’ uh"t’ andl’n’ica].

    Such vowel changes in unstressed syllables are called reduction  Quantify when the duration of the sound changes. And a quality reduction when the characteristic of an initial sound changes.

    The same unstressed vowel letter can change the phonetic characteristic depending on the position:

    • primarily with respect to the stressed syllable;
    • at the absolute beginning or end of a word;
    • in undisguised syllables (consist of only one vowel);
    • under the influence of neighboring signs (b, b) and consonant.

    So, it differs 1st degree of reduction. She is exposed to:

    • vowels in the first pre-syllable;
    • naked syllable at the very beginning;
    • repeating vowels.

    Note: To make a sound-letter analysis, the first pre-stressed syllable is determined based not on the “head” of the phonetic word, but in relation to the stressed syllable: the first to the left of it. In principle, it may be the only preventable one: the non-local [n’is’d’e'shn’ii].

    (uncovered syllable) + (2-3 prestress syllable) + 1st syllable ← Impact syllable → impact syllable (+2/3 syrup syllable)

    • at first re-di [fp’i r’idi];
    • e-stability [ yis’t’e's’t’v’in: a];

    Any other pre-stressed syllables and all sound syllables in sound analysis belong to the 2nd degree reduction. It is also called the “second-degree weak position”.

    • kiss [pa-tsy-la-va´t ’];
    • simulate [ma-d-l’i'-ra-vat ’];
    • swallow [la´-st but-ch'k but];
    • kerosene [k'i-ra-s'i'-n-oh].

    The reduction of vowels in a weak position also differs in steps: the second, third (after hard and soft agree. - this is outside the curriculum): to learn [uch'i´ts: a], to numb [atsip'in'e´t '], hope [nad'e´zhda].
    In the alphabetic analysis, the reduction in the vowel in a weak position in the final open syllable (= at the absolute end of the word) will appear very slightly:

    • cups but;
    • goddess i;
    • with songs and;
    • of change but.

    Sound letter analysis: iota sounds

    Phonetically, the letters E - [yo], E - [yo], Yu - [yu], I - [ya] often denote two sounds at once. Have you noticed that in all the indicated cases, the additional phoneme is “Y”? That is why these vowels are called iotazed. The meaning of the letters E, E, U, I is determined by their positional position.

    When phonetic analysis of the vowels e, e, u, i form 2 SOUNDS:

    E - [yo], Yu - [yu], E - [ye], I - [ya]  in cases where there are:

    • At the beginning of the word "Yo" and "Yu"  is always:
      • - shiver [ yo´zhyts: a], Christmas tree [ yo´hatch], hedgehog [ yo´zhyk], capacity [ yo´mkast ’];
      • - jeweler [ yuv’Il'i´r], yule [ yula´], skirt [ yu´pca], Jupiter [ yup’i’t’ir], briskness [ yu“Rkass’t’];
    • at the beginning of the word "E" and "I"  only under stress *:
      • - spruce [ yel ’], I drive [ yeg: y], huntsman [ yeg’ir ’], eunuch [ yegrandchild];
      • - yacht [ ya´hta], anchor [ ya´kar ’], yaki [ ya´ki] apple [ ya´blaca];
      • (* to perform a sound alphabetic parsing of unstressed vowels "E" and "I", another phonetic transcription is used, see below);
    • in the position immediately after the vowel "Yo" and "Yu"  is always. But “E” and “I” are in drums and in unstressed syllables, except for the cases when the indicated letters are arranged behind the vowel in the 1st pre-stressed syllable or in the 1st, 2nd burst syllable in the middle of words.
      Phonetic analysis online and examples of the above cases:
      • - etc herminik [pr’iyo´mn’ik], p oyt [payo´t], cl yuet [cl’u yo´т];
      • - ayurveda [a yur’v’eda], p oyut [pa yu´т], thaw [ta´ yut], cabin [ka yu´та],
    • after separation solid "b"  sign "Yo" and "Yu"  - is always,
      but "E" and "I"  only under stress or at the absolute end of the word:
      - volume [ab yo´m], shooting [syo´mka], adjutant [hell yu"ta'nt]
    • after separation soft "b"  sign "Yo" and "Yu"  - always, and "E" and "I"  under the stress or at the absolute end of the word:
      - interview [intyrv ’ yu´], trees [d’ir’e ’in’ ya] friends [friends ’ ya´] brothers [bra´t ’ ya], monkey [ab’iz ’ ya´on], blizzard [in ’ yu´ha], family [s’em ’ ya´]

    As you can see, in the phonematic system of the Russian language, accents are crucial. Vowels in unstressed syllables are subject to the greatest reduction. Let's continue the sound analysis of the remaining iotated ones and see how they can still change the characteristics depending on the environment in words.

    Unstressed vowels  "E" and "I"  denote two sounds and in phonetic transcription and recorded as [YI]:

    • at the very beginning of the word:
      • - unity [ yid'in'e'n'i'yy], spruce [yilo'vy], blackberry [yizhiv'i'ka], his [yivo'], his ego [yigaza], Yenisei [yin'is'e'y ] Egypt [yig'i'p'it];
      • - January [ yinwa'rik], the core [yidro´], yazvit [yiz’v’i´t ’], the label [yyrly´k], Japan [yipo'n’iya], the lamb [ygn'o'nak];
      • (Exceptions are only rare foreign word forms and names: Caucasoid [ yevrap’io´idnaya], Eugene [ye]vgéniy, european [ yevrap'e´yits], diocese [ye]pa'rhiya and TP).
    • immediately after the vowel in the 1st pre-stressed syllable or in the 1st, 2nd beat syllable, except for the location at the absolute end of the word.
      • timely [wed yivr’e'm’ina], trains [na yiha ”, eat [pa yid'i'm], run yig: a´t ’], Belgian [b’il’g’i ' yin], pupils [study] yic’a], sentences [pr’idlaj’n’i yim'i], vanity [su yita´],
      • bark yit ’], pendulum [ma´ yitn’ik], hare yic] belt yic], declare [for yiin’i´t ’], I will show yiin’l'u]
    • after separation solid "b"  or soft "b"  sign:
      - drunk [p ’ yin’i´t], express [of yiin’i´t ’], announcement [ab yi  vin’e’n’iye], edible [with yibefore the]

    Note: For the Petersburg phonological school is characterized by "ekane", and for Moscow "ikane". Earlier, the yotted "E" was pronounced with a more accented "ye". With the change of capitals, performing a letter-sound analysis, they adhere to the Moscow norms in spelling.

    Some people say the vowel “I” equally fluently in syllables with a strong and weak position. Such pronunciation is considered a dialect and is not literary. Remember, the vowel "I" under the stress and without the stress is voiced differently: fair [ ya“Mark], but the egg [ yiyko´].


    The letter “I” after the soft sign “b” also represents 2 sounds - [YI] in the case of letter analysis. (This rule is relevant for syllables in both strong and weak positions).
    We will conduct a sample of audio-online parsing:
    - nightingales [salav ’ yi´], on chicken legs [on the cou'r ’ yi ’x "bunks", rabbit [crohnich ’ yi] no family [s’im ’ yi´], judges [su´d ’ yi] draws [n’ich ’ yi´], brooks yi´] fox [li'c ’ yi].

    Vowel "ABOUT"  after a soft sign "B"  transcribed as an apostrophe of softness [’]   prior consonant and [ABOUT], although when pronouncing a phoneme you may feel jotyirovannost: broth [bou'o'n], pavil yon [pav’il’o´n], likewise: I read yon champagne yon, tires yon, compan yon medal yon batal yon gil yotina pocket yola min yon and others.

    Phonetic analysis of words, when the vowels "U", "E", "EY", "I" form 1 SOUND

    According to the rules of the phonetics of the Russian language at a certain position in the words, the indicated letters give one sound when:

    • sound units “Yo” “Yu” “E”  are under stress after unpaired consonant in hardness: well, w, c.
      Then they denote phonemes:
      • yo [o]
      • e - [e]
      • u - [y].
      Examples of online analysis of sounds: yellow [Well aboutlute], silk [sh aboutlx], whole [q lyy], recipe [r'its fri], pearls [w mch’uk], six [w st ’], hornet [w rshen ’], parachute yt];
    • Letters “I” “Yu” “E” “Yo”  and "AND"  indicate the softness of the previous consonant [’] . Exception only for: [W], [W], [W].
      In such cases in shock position  they form one vowel sound:
      • ё - [o]:  ticket [put ’ aboutfka], light [l ’ abouthk’iy] aboutnack] actor [act ’ aboutp] child [r’ib ’ aboutnak];
      • e - [e]:  seal [t’ul ’ n ’], mirror [’ ’ rkala], smarter [clever ’ ye], conveyor [can ’ yyr];
      • i - [a]:  kittens [cat ’ butta], gently [m ’ buthka] oath [cl ’ buttwa], took butl], pallet [t’u f ’ butto], swan [l’ib ’ butzhyy];
      • u - [y]:  beak [cl ’ yf] people [l ’ yd'am] gateway [shl ’ ys], tulle [t ’ yl ’], costume [cas’ ’ ym].
      • Note: in words borrowed from other languages, the stressed vowel “E” does not always indicate the softness of the previous consonant. This positional softening ceased to be an obligatory norm in Russian phonetics only in the 20th century. In such cases, when you make a phonetic analysis of the composition, such a vowel sound is transcribed as [e] without a prior apostrophe of softness: the hotel [at l ’], strap [br’it lhka], test [t st] tennis [t n: is], cafe [kaf ], mashed potatoes [p’ur ], amber [amber] ], delta [d l’ta], tender [t nder] masterpiece [shad vr], tablet [plash t].
    • Attention! After soft consonants in pre-stressed syllables  the vowels "E" and "I" are subjected to qualitative reduction and are transformed into sound [and]  (excl. for [q], [g], [br]).
      Examples of phonetic analysis of words with similar phonemes:
      - h ep [h ’ andrno '], W eblah [z ’ andml’a´], in erural [in ’ ands'ohly] star enit [z’v ’ andn'i´t], l esleepy [l ’ andsnoi], m ecalf [m ’ andth'l'itsa], n ero [n ’ andro´], accept esla [pr’in ’ andsla'], in icall [to ’ andza't ’], l igat [l ’ andga´t ’], n igrater [n ’ andt'o'rka]

    Phonetic analysis: consonants of the Russian language

    Consonants in the Russian absolute majority. When pronouncing a consonant sound, the air flow is obstructed. They are formed by organs of articulation: teeth, tongue, palate, vibrations of the vocal cords, lips. Due to this, there is noise, hissing, whistling or voicing in the voice.

    How many consonant sounds in Russian?

    The alphabet is used to designate them. 21 letters. However, performing a sound alphabetic analysis, you will find that in Russian phonetics consonant sounds  more, namely - 36.

    Sound-letter analysis: what are the consonant sounds?

    In our language there are consonants:

    • hard - soft   and form the corresponding pairs:
      • [b] - [b ’]: banan - btree,
      • [in] - [in ’]: atheight - ateun,
      • [g] - [g ’]: gcity ​​- gthe duke,
      • [d] - [d ’]: dacha - delfin,
      • [s] - [s ’]: sout - sether,
      • [to] - [to ’]: toonfeta - tounguru
      • [l] - [l ’]: lode - lyux
      • [m] - [m ’]: magia - mechty
      • [n] - [n ’]: nnew - nectar
      • [p] - [p ’]: palma- pyosik
      • [p] - [p ’]: romashka - rpoison,
      • [с] - [с ’]: withuvenir - withlegal entity
      • [t] - [t ’]: tuchka - tyulpan
      • [f] - [f ’]: flag - fevral,
      • [x] - [x ’]: xorek - xseeker.
    • Certain consonants do not possess a pair of hardness-softness. For unpaired include:
      • sounds [OK], [C], [W]  - always solid ( welllife cikl we shb)
      • [h ’], [y’ ’]  and [th ’]  - always soft (up to hka cha ueh your th).
    • Sounds [g], [h ’], [w], [y’ ’]  in our language are called sizzling.

    Can be ringing - deaf, and sonorous and noisy.

    Determining the voicing-deafness or sonority of the consonant is possible by the degree of noise-voice. These characteristics will vary depending on the method of formation and participation of the articulation organs.

    • Sonoric (l, m, n, p, nd) are the most resonant phonemes, they hear a maximum of voice and a bit of noise: lev, rbut th, nabout ls
    • If, when a word is pronounced during a parsing sound, both a voice and a noise are formed, then a voiced consonant (g, b, s, etc.) is in front of you: sbut atabout d, bliu dabout, welland snb
    • When pronouncing deaf consonants (n, s, m and others), the vocal cords do not tense, only noise is produced: stabout pCbut, fand scbut, toabout styum, cirk, for shhave it.

    Note:  In the phonetics of consonant sound units there is also a division according to the nature of the formation: the bow (b, p, d, t) - the slit (f, w, s, s) and the method of articulation: labial (b, p, m), labial -the teeth (f, c), frontal (t, d, s, s, c, f, w, w, h, n, l, p), middle language (s), back language (c, g, x). The names are given on the basis of the organs of articulation that are involved in sound formation.

    Hint: If you are just starting to practice phonetic analysis of words, try pressing your palm over your ears and saying a phoneme. If you were able to hear the voice, then the sound you are examining is a sonorous consonant, if there is a noise, then it is deaf.

    Hint: For associative remember the phrase:
    “Oh, we did not forget the friend.” - this proposal contains absolutely the whole set of voiced consonants (excluding pairs of softness-hardness).

    “Stepka, do you want to eat cheek? “Fie!” - similarly, the specified replicas contain a set of all deaf consonants.

    Positional changes of consonants in the Russian language

    The consonant sound as well as the vowel undergoes changes. The same letter can phonetically denote a different sound, depending on the position occupied. In a stream of speech, the sound of a single consonant is compared to the articulation of a nearby consonant. This effect facilitates pronunciation and is called assimilation in phonetics.

    Positional stunning / voicing

    In a certain position for consonants, the phonetic law of assimilation by deafness-voicing is in effect. Voiced double consonant is replaced by a deaf:

    • at the absolute end of the phonetic word: but well  [but sha dream g  [s’n’e ' to] ogodo d  [agaro´ t] Klu b  [key] p];
    • before the deaf consonants: nezaby dka [n’izabu´ tka] o bhstick [a nxvat’i´t ’], tueornik [ fto'rn’ik], tru bkand [tru´ pCbut].
    • by doing a sound letter parsing online, you will notice that the deaf pair consonant standing before the voiced one (except [i '], [v] - [v'], [l] - [l '], [m] - [m'] , [n] - [n '], [p] - [p']) will also ring back, that is, it will be replaced with its resounding pair: surrender [of the building], kosba [kaz'ba], threshing [malad 'ba'], please [pro'z'ba], guess [adgada 't'].

    In Russian phonetics, the deaf noisy consonant is not combined with the subsequent ringing noisy, except for the sounds [in] - [in ’]: upbroken cream. In this case, the transcription of both the phoneme [s] and [s] is equally valid.

    When parsing the sounds of words: total, today, today and TP, the letter “G” is replaced by a phoneme [c].

    According to the rules of sound alphabetic analysis in the endings of the "th", "-h" of the names of adjectives, participles and pronouns, the consonant "G" is transcribed as a sound [in]: red [krashnava], blue [s'i'n'iva] , white [b'e'lava], sharp, full, former, that, that, whom.

    If after assimilation two similar consonants are formed, they merge. In the school program in phonetics, this process is called contraction of consonants: to separate [hell: ’yl’i´t’] → the letters “T” and “D” are reduced to the sounds [d’d ’], without ussmart [b'i w:smart].

    When parsing the composition of a series of words in a sound-letter analysis, dissimilation is observed - a process inverse to imitation. In this case, the common feature of the two standing consonants changes: the combination “GK” sounds like [xk] (instead of the standard [kk]): light [l'o'h'k'iy], soft [m'a'x ' c'y].

    Soft consonants in Russian

    In the phonetic analysis scheme, an apostrophe [’] is used to indicate the softness of consonants.

    • The softening of paired solid consonants occurs before the “b”;
    • the softness of the consonant in the syllable on the letter will help determine the subsequent vowel letter (e, e, u, i, i);
    • [yo ’], [h’] and [y]  by default, only soft;
    • the sound always softens [n]  before the soft consonants "Z", "C", "D", "T": a complaint [pr’ite n'z’Iya] review [r’itse n'z’Iya] pension [pe n’s ’iya], ve [n’z ’]spruce, face [n’z ’]iya, ka [n’d ’]idat ba [n’d ’]um and [n’d ’]ivy blo [n’d ’]in, stipe [n’d ’]oh ba [n’t ’]ik v [n’t ’]uk [n’t ’]uk, ve [n’t ’]or [n’t ’]ichny, to [n’t ’]text, Remo [n’t ’]irovat;
    • the letters "H", "K", "P" with phonetic analysis of the composition can soften before soft sounds [h ’], [y’]: stack lFik [staka′n’ch’ik] nschik [cm’e′n’sc’hik], by lFik [pohn'ch’ik], kame nschik [kam’e′n’sc’chik], boulevard rschina [bul’va’r’sc’in], bo rsch  [borscht'];
    • often sounds [3], [с], [р], [н] before the soft consonant undergo assimilation by hardness-softness: stenka [s'th'e'nka], zhi zn  [zhyz’n ’], hereall [z’d’es ’];
    • in order to correctly perform a sound alphabetic analysis, consider the words of exception when the consonant [р] is before soft tooth and lip ones, and also before [h ’], [u’] is pronounced firmly: artel, feed, cornet, samovar;

    Note:  the letter “b” after a consonant unpaired in hardness / softness in some word forms performs only a grammatical function and does not impose a phonetic load: study, night, mouse, rye, and so on. In such words, when alphabetic analysis in square brackets opposite the letter “b”, a [-] dash is put.

    Positional changes of paired voiced-deaf in front of hissing consonants and their transcription during sound-letter parsing

    To determine the number of sounds in a word, it is necessary to take into account their positional changes. Paired ringing-deaf: [dt]  or [fs]  before hissing (l, sh, u, h) are phonetically replaced by hissing consonant.

    • Literal analysis and examples of words with hissing sounds: welcome zhiy [pr'iye ' lJiy] usaction [va shhe'stv’iye], and zhyelta [i ' lJelta], szhpour [ lJal'its: a].

    The phenomenon, when two different letters are pronounced as one, is called complete assimilation on all grounds. When performing a letter-sound analysis of a word, you should designate one of the repeated sounds in the transcription by the longitude symbol [:].

    • Hissing letters "Zh" - "zh"pronounced like double hard consonant [w:], but "Ssh" - "ssh"  - as [w:]: squeezed, sew, without a tire, fit.
    • Combinations "Zh", "LJ" when sound-parsing is written inside the root, it is written in the transcription as a long consonant [w:]: I drive, scream, later, reins, yeast, burning.
    • Combinations “Sc”, "SC"  at the junction of the root and the suffix / prefix pronounced as a long soft [u ’:]: score [ u ’:o´t], copyist, customer.
    • At the junction of the preposition with the following word in place “Sc”, "SC"  transcribed as [uh ’]: without number [b’e uhisla´], with something [ um ’e'mta].
    • When sounding a combination of letters "Tch", "DC"  at the junction of morphemes is defined as double soft [h ’:]: pilot [l’o´ h ’:uk], molo dhuk [little ' h ’:uk] oh tchem [a h ’:from].

    Cheat Sheet on the assimilation of consonant sounds at the place of education:

    • sch → [u ’:]: happiness [ u ’:a´s’t’ye] sandstone [p’i u ’:a'n'jak] peddler u ’:uk], cobbled, calculations, exhaust, clear;
    • pC → [u ’:]: carver [p’e´ u ’:uk], loader [gru´ u ’:uk], the narrator [raská´ u ’:uk];
    • rC → [u ’:]: defector [p’ir’ibe´ u ’:uk], man [mu u ’:i'na];
    • shch → [u ’:]: freckled [in the ʻisnu ' u ’:this is];
    • stch → [u ’:]: tougher u ’:er], clap, equipment;
    • hello → [u ’:]: buster [abye´ u ’:uk], grooved [baro´ u ’:this is];
    • ssch → [u ’:]: split [pa u ’:ip’i’t ’], become generous [ra u ’:e'dr’ils’a];
    • mon → [ch’sc ’]: split [a ch'usch ’ip’i′t ’], click [a ch'usch ’ok'lk’ivat ’], in vain [ ch'usch ’etna], carefully [ ch'usch ’at’el'na];
    • tch → [h ’:]: report [a h ’:o't], homeland [a h ’:izna], ciliary [r’is’n’i ′ h ’:iyty];
    • dch → [h ’:]: underline [pa h ’:o′rk’ivat ’], stepdaughter [na h ’:ir’ica];
    • comp → [w:]: squeeze [ oK:a´t ’];
    • zzh → [w:]: get rid of [and oK:s´t ’], ignition [ro´ oK:uk], to leave [yi oK:a´t ’];
    • uSA → [w:]: brought [pr’in’o ′ w:th], embroidered [ra w:s'];
    • shush → [w:]: lower [n’i w:sy]
    • thu → [PC], in word forms with "what" and its derivatives, making a sound alphabetic analysis, we write [PC]: to [ pCo'by], not for anything [n’e ′ for pCa], anything [ pCo n’ibut ’], something;
    • thu → [ch’t]  in other cases, literal parsing: the dreamer [m’i ch’ta'th’il ’], mail [by ' ch’ta] preference ch’t’Erh'and];
    • nam → [shn]  in exception words: of course [kan’e ' shna ′], boring [sku´ shna ′], bakery, laundry, scrambled eggs, fiddling, birdhouse, bachelorette party, mustard plaster, rag, as well as in the female patronymic ending in “-ichna”: Ilyinichna, Nikitichna, Kuzminichna, etc .;
    • nam → [ch’n]  - letter analysis for all other options: fabulous [tell ch'nyy] dacha [yes´ ch'nth] strawberry [z’im’l’in’i ' ch'nth], wake up, cloudy, sunny, etc .;
    • train → in place of the letter combination “Zhd”  double pronunciation and transcription are acceptable [u ’]  or [PC']  in the word rain and in the word forms formed from it: rainy, rainy.

    Unspeakable consonant sounds in the words of the Russian language

    During the pronunciation of a phonetic word with a chain of many different consonant letters, one or another sound may be lost. As a result, in the spelling of words there are letters that are devoid of sound meaning, the so-called non-pronountable consonants. In order to correctly perform phonetic analysis online, the unpronounced consonant is not displayed in the transcription. The number of sounds in such phonetic words will be less than letters.

    In Russian phonetics, the number of unprovable consonants include:

    • "T"  - in combinations:
      • stn → [sn]: I stnth [m’e ' snth], reed [tra s'n’I´k]. By analogy, you can perform a phonetic analysis of words stnita, che stnoh, know stnoh glad stnoh gru stnoh teaching stnuk, ve stnuk, nena stnfiercely stny and others;
      • stl → [cl]: happy stlwillow [yu ’: a cl’And yours"], happy stldog, owl stlivy, hwa stlwillow (exception words: bony and poslat, in them the letter "T" is pronounced);
      • ntsk → [nsk]: giga ntskiy [g'iha ' nsk’S], age ntskyy preside ntskoi;
      • here → [with:]: over worth itfrom [she with:o´t], take worth iti [vye] with:a] kl worth iti [cl’a ' with:but];
      • cTC → [with:]: tour cTCcue [turkey] with:k'yi] max cTC{!LANG-f3118eabeb523a58c68d2414d03c2040!} with:{!LANG-2418cd1124d3c54820cc0a875ea21f88!} cTC{!LANG-155ee5fc71b028d606b6d99f19989898!} with:{!LANG-ea366e84c3785c875b9b555aa6420fd7!} cTC{!LANG-390d27bf98517cfa98dccd53a8cde420!} cTC{!LANG-baabfe253ddb441ba62402875a4f71f9!} cTC{!LANG-4a01deb7c68474f0b05a8eb70938755f!} cTC{!LANG-d8e4d7d616c574266fa9a3dab1cd48af!} cTC{!LANG-518be1e0a22042a2d8385bbbbfb96250!}
      • {!LANG-724e071bf45f1222b8f06d7fc6859cc5!} {!LANG-f4419aab630c119d40a33239a5aac5ed!}{!LANG-2c89e22de5b5b6d09e810bb6886b3f76!} {!LANG-f871d1b08bc650cf47eb993c14ac7744!}{!LANG-7b6fe9ba86962fffe8a5d67b9360443b!} {!LANG-d800d5ee3392c8cb9afcb5f2848ac28e!}{!LANG-64f263937ae84fa73b387143d35e9532!}
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      • {!LANG-2f0c4800eaf7f222daf74ddd0bc06df7!} {!LANG-66b14cd528cc4fe96c839a3e32a96bcd!}{!LANG-a425379ef95065fcc14d84c88807d72f!} {!LANG-856f48180b83485e7d1b747e28d89c19!}{!LANG-8429b3c295dbceb127e0ca556ba4c763!} {!LANG-070dc88a501d4e8c0f2cf05b4f51d0f6!}{!LANG-7d63eae1adf951ec90d6add538a37d1c!} {!LANG-856f48180b83485e7d1b747e28d89c19!}{!LANG-bbd68b1cd53aac9761ba3c2ecddce54d!} {!LANG-070dc88a501d4e8c0f2cf05b4f51d0f6!}{!LANG-5537f82f9473b7c28c4aedfd5f1eb30b!} {!LANG-856f48180b83485e7d1b747e28d89c19!}{!LANG-ea682864e02ab7b3f2904dbf03ed99ea!} {!LANG-070dc88a501d4e8c0f2cf05b4f51d0f6!}{!LANG-f930c2ba33b30a6dbbf7d4a0733a0ca3!}
    • {!LANG-613636906c4f5cf9421672351c022097!}{!LANG-0c2ca840707e8f2653394ff4af35cac5!}
      • {!LANG-1d3f08f0b3ae71b52330fe26ae72137b!} {!LANG-7f1ea4f9cfe82b4b93053dcf7f3a4032!}{!LANG-7e2524260bf4b9246a07eac3f9fb0eb3!} {!LANG-b75f433f5644377d95f3e869474664bb!}{!LANG-59767c78ee706273cbe658b10dcb5b18!} {!LANG-5a3db8503991ec627dc5c0d8757bae0f!}{!LANG-2efbd6bcc7ef4b0b46485d81397a3ce7!} {!LANG-b75f433f5644377d95f3e869474664bb!}{!LANG-b8fb02e5991e334d5d01e54e97773264!} {!LANG-ea10c8454d447bfbc7dac44565270ea5!}{!LANG-9b5ed5789fca0c56ee812223b1ecbef2!} {!LANG-b75f433f5644377d95f3e869474664bb!}{!LANG-e457e6b4cbccab68110b690dbb3b4f31!} {!LANG-cc297c07195dc80f5bf7f1bab4d4eb38!}{!LANG-de053895b2d4af3b05c3bde2935486c9!} {!LANG-b75f433f5644377d95f3e869474664bb!}{!LANG-18e347f65cbe05b1773fc0c6ad571c1c!} {!LANG-ea10c8454d447bfbc7dac44565270ea5!}{!LANG-004c8c5db69485426d9d76255537ee92!}
      • {!LANG-aa95dab479d824e645857030eaa5de4e!} {!LANG-f4ab3e7c78885bde8b05c8c354bf522b!}{!LANG-3caa145afa8e53357b1f7db988db4da9!} {!LANG-5d6accf87543c2a40d1cae85b0eed447!}{!LANG-fe38d17e28548018f99e44fe6d520543!} {!LANG-1913729e76b996eaa2631fd5aa017a49!}{!LANG-a0b173d9b7d0993c26f3e1c0ebcd92e1!} {!LANG-5d6accf87543c2a40d1cae85b0eed447!}{!LANG-239ad8528053f601950593301f80acf4!} {!LANG-1913729e76b996eaa2631fd5aa017a49!}{!LANG-2dccdd17772b2c84737533e8f8d82859!}
      • {!LANG-6678fbf3539abee4ab09edd486789eac!} [nsk]{!LANG-b0f2d1b9fc704157ac56708095e0daa5!} {!LANG-0d557c2c31db1dfd54e3bbd9156d0a58!}{!LANG-a20070b7268e181af772303b242f290a!} nsk{!LANG-33974cd418cb8586080bd8e7d8f7777f!} {!LANG-0d557c2c31db1dfd54e3bbd9156d0a58!}{!LANG-222d756b40f98408c723b26cccea6b6b!} nsk{!LANG-01236e07fa33e0538c381092866bb980!} {!LANG-0d557c2c31db1dfd54e3bbd9156d0a58!}{!LANG-f17009c00ef8e9952a758f1e1cd5ac90!} nsk{!LANG-3a2ba169369f73d3e4ce49a7b1801cc4!}
      • {!LANG-79ec7dcfeef5372226ccb4c37e259529!} {!LANG-08738dcc98ffd83097e5eaecad22df31!}{!LANG-6fcbcc9e0ea39c3bf780a4c4e57470ce!} {!LANG-7d769b255bbdc793aceebf4d15630d2b!}{!LANG-128e27d41fc2437618693008e6e95451!} {!LANG-df249f950e344053789439a568458a69!}{!LANG-85fb391adda4a9a79fc624e389b515dc!}
      • {!LANG-65ecd65915ae322ce285e37ff448adff!} {!LANG-3939a6327be26d6ed3847fd270b5d981!}{!LANG-b0f2d1b9fc704157ac56708095e0daa5!} {!LANG-c0586bbbcd209d1889d194692f61ce95!}{!LANG-6d22eb726fbef544d94539110080af30!} {!LANG-d7270d6be02493dd6b85b0acd0d8ad0b!}{!LANG-2de1e7e00ae347900c43348dab2b06d1!}
      • {!LANG-e114600692b5f095203766b4483abfef!} {!LANG-7445a51d301fee3d2574c25d2cf7b572!}{!LANG-d27d1f4a4c6a1a2db0cf4292018d22b5!} {!LANG-78cc088ee43c105e8e075fd479a68c4b!}{!LANG-b6b4b7e6c488370b3f82bbaeb6a2bf69!} {!LANG-d0d7a161a698b2cc6c5916a10e056dd6!}{!LANG-42bf28c88c8d799ffbe3aed17c527ff4!} {!LANG-78cc088ee43c105e8e075fd479a68c4b!}{!LANG-311a2f8763fe751ddc206745b511bb1e!} {!LANG-d0d7a161a698b2cc6c5916a10e056dd6!}{!LANG-da99f71761488c548a67c7110bf4eaa7!}
      • {!LANG-8f6c4ad53731ddf3c4f58f9accda8d93!} {!LANG-3949b34ea9469109bc158c95e36db6f8!}{!LANG-d27d1f4a4c6a1a2db0cf4292018d22b5!} {!LANG-5d396737f0903fd01f26ed99b6633d08!}{!LANG-c3dbe4448303cffa74dd4165ce74310b!} {!LANG-b71d7f4ae6b5d15533aa42c3a040ada6!}{!LANG-441ee59871d5aa3cbf2615d10c04d147!}
      • {!LANG-dbbc813483e741c8fa89873c1cfeab1d!} {!LANG-66b14cd528cc4fe96c839a3e32a96bcd!}{!LANG-02b05cac5832baca6c2bfd79cdb34543!} {!LANG-24a7ac96c2b1f6f5c7407e9ff3773257!}{!LANG-fae2e6eccfdd3cda424f24d46bd7a136!} {!LANG-070dc88a501d4e8c0f2cf05b4f51d0f6!}{!LANG-0490c1b9a736e16593a2cd2ea36b0863!} {!LANG-24a7ac96c2b1f6f5c7407e9ff3773257!}{!LANG-dc1a8d3af5fa04cdc55029538e3c120c!} {!LANG-070dc88a501d4e8c0f2cf05b4f51d0f6!}{!LANG-8c56596d9957185242138d2dd969c6ac!}
      • {!LANG-1e623a73c983178352ecdc8421e5f575!} {!LANG-8ea6a16e89ee4863241f6ade29a98a4c!}{!LANG-771f4b197f872df90c5f84ae4aafc7e5!} {!LANG-75f411585acc9b73ede8dfa72f5b5d30!}{!LANG-ff43fbbd05b94bef3bd40754119ecae2!} c{!LANG-af0a77acd595aef688dc1fd3d5af641f!} {!LANG-75f411585acc9b73ede8dfa72f5b5d30!}{!LANG-491b9440227a2c7057c8a156588588ed!} c{!LANG-ba8a38dacdfb699529b9ecb3ffb17d18!} {!LANG-75f411585acc9b73ede8dfa72f5b5d30!}{!LANG-aa00634fefeb7e77520349258a560b73!} c{!LANG-450686a561399ad65f3ad035d845b86d!} {!LANG-75f411585acc9b73ede8dfa72f5b5d30!}{!LANG-d91735847dcd7d0a1f3c4dc9fb92d5e8!} c{!LANG-ac777ec95c6d03c97828a2fcb154bcfe!}
    • {!LANG-daadc1c37fc7ed4918aec2963f7fc12d!}  - in combinations:
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    • {!LANG-33916b3871fc56a7e271d94fedec5da7!}  - in combinations:
      • {!LANG-806da7cc60af31cf5a0fc7902510a4f9!} {!LANG-94a2fb7a7de557ab5286ea2732907bb0!}{!LANG-730794687bb35ef83b6f23cacb4bd9a7!} {!LANG-f3a33f4856bb043d9e36340ed923171c!}{!LANG-f468d5f3e9bf065238a31520d2b95a43!} {!LANG-12fec1e5be324cd580376570bcfbcf5b!}{!LANG-cd65f8dda0d8601b67c068b952d06110!} {!LANG-f3a33f4856bb043d9e36340ed923171c!}{!LANG-cd210aefb58158886eab5f03eba08d53!} {!LANG-12fec1e5be324cd580376570bcfbcf5b!}{!LANG-7e63bfbb78390f7f40c04a6a6a457b34!} {!LANG-f3a33f4856bb043d9e36340ed923171c!}{!LANG-6445d131c580560faed8c5ace9f68954!} {!LANG-12fec1e5be324cd580376570bcfbcf5b!}{!LANG-845e0f09d81e2afceb82d252689012a4!} {!LANG-f3a33f4856bb043d9e36340ed923171c!}{!LANG-d4a645e6a4bebfbc69c81d1928cd8c1e!} {!LANG-12fec1e5be324cd580376570bcfbcf5b!}{!LANG-72314a0e3581cd19452db5a0e5c62614!} {!LANG-f3a33f4856bb043d9e36340ed923171c!}{!LANG-1fe46886e2f860bcc209e018e21ba406!} {!LANG-12fec1e5be324cd580376570bcfbcf5b!}{!LANG-0fb3df9e07540279ce6e08c39633daaf!}


    • {!LANG-13312638ca199fd9c971a9adc376cdcf!}
    • {!LANG-e220bb05c67bd4faff9d45c09d35c064!}







