To come in
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  • Derived simple preposition. Synopsis of the lesson "Simple and compound prepositions" (grade 7) outline of a lesson in the Russian language (grade 7) on the topic. III. Working on new material

    Derived simple preposition.  Lesson summary

    Simple- prepositions consisting of one word. For example: at , To, near, about .

    Composite- prepositions consisting of several words. For example: during , due .

    Find simple and compound prepositions in expressions (Fig. 1).

    Rice. 1. Simple and compound prepositions.

    Morphological analysis of a preposition includes feature highlighting :

    Productivity / non-productivity

    Rank by value


    · Is not a member of the offer.

    Sample: I AM in continuation for only a few minutes he was seized with horror.

    І. Continuing - preposition, used with noun. in R. p.

    II. Morphological features:

    1) derivative, derived from noun. with a preposition;

    2) expresses a temporary relationship;

    3) unchangeable word.

    ІІІ. The syntactic function is not a member of the sentence.


    Exercises # 303-305... Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. and other Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. - M .: Education, 2012.

    Exercise. Write down, opening brackets, insert missing letters where necessary. Make a complete morphological analysis of the selected words.

    1. (B) continued .. in the morning and in the middle of the day he was all immersed in ... calculations ... (L. Tolstoy). 2. Blue, transparent wisps of smoke t. Escaped from the fire To to the sea, (for) a meeting splashing waves (Gorky). 3. She repeated her role, (on) the move bowed low and (not) many times (after) shaking her head, (on) like .. clay .. cats (Pushkin). 4. Keep (in) mind - the task is responsible (Ehrenburg). 5. You wrote to me something (on) account Sunday school? (Chekhov). 6. (B) other things, (in) mind lack of time .., let's not get away from the pr..admeta lekts..i (Chekhov). 7. Telegraph poles (after) the volume were again shown .. were (in) gave purple (in) the form of small sticks (Chekhov). 8. Or maybe some kind of bird (in) the genus of a heron (Chekhov). 9. And the boy was happy ... (c) the investigation .. his journey (Turgenev). 10. Thunderstorms (on) over the step..yu move..t.weddyu (Paustovsky). 11. Mumu deftly twisted (from) under fingers ... in Stepan (Turgenev). 12. (B) the trail of ek..pazham and (at) meeting them, a crowd of mu..chin (Gorky) was moving thickly. 13. Dimka decided that (as an exception) this time Zhigan was not lying (Gaidar). 14. (B) following (after) that he got out of bed .., took the violin, began to build (L. Tolstoy).

    Didactic materials. Section "Preposition"

    Features of the use of certain prepositions in Russian.

    Lectures and electronic textbooks. Pretext.

    4. Culture written speech ().

    Spelling of prepositions.


    1. Razumovskaya M.M., Lvov S.I. and other Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. 13th ed. - M .: Bustard, 2009.

    2. Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. and other Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. 34th ed. - M .: Education, 2012.

    Russian language


    11. Preposition

    Preposition as a service part of speech.

    Pretext- this is a service part of speech that expresses the dependence of nouns, numerals, pronouns on other words in a phrase and a sentence. Prepositions are not members of the sentence, but are included in the members of the sentence, for example: In the woods the lumberjack's ax rang out(N. Nekrasov).

    Digits by value.

    By value, prepositions are divided into categories:

    1. spatial prepositions. They point to a place, for example: in, on, under, about, y, k, above;
    2. temporary prepositions. They indicate the time, for example: through, to, before, with, before, during;
    3. causal prepositions. They indicate the reason, for example: by, from, due, because of, for, in view of;
    4. target prepositions. They indicate a goal, for example: for, for the sake of, on;
    5. prepositions course of action... They indicate a course of action, for example: with, without, in, by;
    6. additional prepositions. They indicate the object to which the action is directed, for example: oh, oh, about, from, to, about.

    Some prepositions can express different meanings, for example: preposition To can transmit spatial and temporal values ​​( come up To home, come up To one o'clock in the afternoon).

    Non-derivatives and derivatives.

    There are prepositions derivatives and non-derivatives.

    TO derivative include prepositions that were formed by the transition of independent parts of speech into service ones, while losing their lexical meaning and morphological features, for example: preposition by(to convince by hard evidence) comes from a noun by in instrumental case ( serves as a convenient by ). Derivative prepositions are usually used with any one case, for example: preposition thanks to used only with the dative case ( thanks to courage).

    TO non-derivative include prepositions that are uneducated from independent parts of speech, for example: before, for, from, to, under, with, at, through... Most of the non-derivative prepositions are used with different cases.

    Simple and Composite.

    There are prepositions simple and composite.

    Simple prepositions consisting of only one word are called, for example: under, with, at, about, from behind, near.

    Composite prepositions consisting of two or three words are called, for example: due, due, within, due to.

    Unambiguous and ambiguous.

    There are prepositions unambiguous and polysemantic.

    Unambiguous prepositions are used with only one case, for example: out of the woods(genus. p.), To home(date p.).

    Note. It should be remembered that prepositions thanks, in accordance, in spite of, in spite of, towards are used only with the dative case.

    Multi-valued prepositions can be used with several cases, for example: preposition under used with the accusative ( take under control) and instrumental cases ( sleep under roof).


    1. Complex prepositions are written with a hyphen from behind, from under, over, over, over, under, under, for-sake, for-sake.
    2. Derivative prepositions formed on the basis of adverbs are written together, for example: go out to meet the guests, the date was at the top of the letter.
    3. Derivative prepositions are written together: as a result, in view of, about, instead of, like, like, over.
      Note. Collocation keep in mind is written in three words.
    4. Derivative prepositions are written separately: during, in continuation, for a reason, for purposes, on the part, in a kind, in connection with.

    They are divided by structure, meaning, composition, by the method of formation: derivative and non-derivative prepositions, single-valued and polysemous, simple, complex and compound prepositions, according to categories depending on the part of speech from which the preposition is formed.

    Under meaning of prepositions, since they do not have an independent meaning, they understand the grammatical relations that they express in combination with indirect cases of nouns. Prepositions serve as indicators of the syntactic connections of words with each other (for example, think about the future). They are directly connected in speech with case forms and are used with a certain case (or cases), being in connection with one or another case form. Together with the case endings of nouns, prepositions express different semantic meanings. In other words, the lexical meaning of a preposition depends on the lexical meaning of the significant words (main and dependent) that it connects. Moreover, when combined with the same case form of a noun, prepositions convey different shades of adverbial meanings. By value prepositions are divided into categories:

    • spatial(point to location): in, from, to, y, by, because of, over, over, under, around, around, in front of, near and etc.:

      lives v village, works on factory, rested under Moscow, etc.

    • temporary(indicate the time): before, in, through, by, from, to, before, during, before, during:

      charger on morning, rest on vacation, work per month

    • causal(indicate the reason): from, from evil, for, because of, because of, because of, because of, because of, because of, because of and etc.:

      error on inattention, trembled from fear

    • target(point to target): for, for, for, for, for, for, etc.:

      to tell v joke, speech To occasion, go on recreation

    • course of action(indicate the course of action): with, without, in, from and etc.:

      work with infatuation, laugh from souls

    • object(indicates the object to which the action is directed): oh, oh, about, from, to, about, about and etc.:

      miss your son, find out about money (compare: transfer money to the customer's account)

    Depending on whether with how many case forms prepositions are related, they are divided into:

    1. unambiguous - prepositions that are used with one case:

      at house (p.p.), To home (D.p.), from forests (R. p.);

    2. ambiguous- prepositions that can express different meanings, used with several cases:

      forgot on table (spatial meaning), absent on minute (temporary), believe on word (meaning of the course of action).

    That. in different case constructions and with different cases, prepositions can have different meanings. For example, the preposition on SI Ozhegov's "Dictionary of the Russian language" identifies 15 meanings; The large academic dictionary of the Russian language lists more than 30 meanings of the preposition on .

    By its structure prepositions are divided into:

    1. Non-derivatives (or antiderivatives) are a small and incomplete group of the simplest words that have always belonged to this part of speech (were not formed from other words):

      without, in (in), before, for, for, from (from), to (to), except, between, on, above (necessary), about (about, about), from (from), by, under ( under), before (before), with, about, for the sake of, with (co), through, y, through; from behind, from under; over, over, over, under.

      Almost all such prepositions are ambiguous. Many can combine with more than one case form of a name. The meanings of prepositions depend on the meanings of the cases with which they are combined and on the meanings of controlled nouns. A non-derivative preposition can be combined with three cases ( to, from), with two cases ( in, behind, between, between. on, oh, under) or with one case ( without, for, before, from, because of, from under, to, over, from, before, at, about, for the sake of, at, through, because of, over).

    2. Derivatives (or non-primitive) are prepositions formed from independent parts of speech by losing their meaning and morphological features. Derived prepositions include words that are formed from adverbs, nouns and gerunds. The meanings of derived prepositions are determined by the meanings of adverbs, nouns and gerunds from which they were formed. There are much more derivative prepositions than non-derivative ones. All of them are usually unambiguous, and each such preposition is connected with only one any case. Derived prepositions are divided into simple and compound prepositions. Simple ones match adverbs, nouns and gerunds ( along, near, thanks), the components were formed from adverbs, nouns and gerunds with non-derivative prepositions ( close to, at the expense, despite).

    Derivative prepositions subdivided into discharges depending on those parts of speech from which they were formed:

    1. adverbial , formed from adverbs, mainly express spatial and temporal relationships:
      • simple:

        near, near, inward, along, instead, instead of, outside, inward, near, around, in front, like, in spite of, following, past, above, towards, on the eve, except, on the contrary, about, over, like, behind, besides, across, after, in the middle, in the middle, before, against, behind, above, over, through, among, accordingly, respectively, etc .;

      • composite:

        near from, (not) far from, far from, up to, henceforth to, regardless of, in relation to, together with, after, following, together with, along with, next to, according to with, in comparison with.

    2. awesome formed from various case forms of nouns and express object and some adverbial relations:
      • simple:

        by, by, type (people like Ivanov), order (temperature of about a hundred degrees);

      • composite:

        in view of, in force, during, in continuation, in consequence, in quality, about, in measure, during, on occasion, in business, in connection with, for reason, in occasion, from outside, etc.

    3. verbal formed from verb forms (gerunds) and express various adverbial relationships:
      • simple:

        thanks, excluding, including, later, counting, ending, starting;

      • composite:

        starting with, proceeding from, judging by, despite, despite, etc.

    By structure prepositions are divided into:

    1. simple - prepositions - both non-derivative and derivative, which consist of one word, mostly one- and two-syllable. These are primarily non-derivative and some derivative prepositions, for example,

      by, by, among, in, behind, etc.

    Lesson topic: "Simple and compound prepositions."

    Lesson type: a lesson in explaining new material.

    Class: 7



    a) consolidation of the knowledge gained about the preposition,

    b ) deepening of this knowledge (interchangeability of derivative and non-derivative prepositions, the connection of words in a phrase and a sentence);

    v) familiarity with simple and compound prepositions,

    G) the formation of the ability to perform morphological analysis of the preposition.


    a) development of analytical skills, thinking;

    b) development of intellectual and speech skills, attention.

      educational :

    a) fostering an attentive attitude to your speech,

    b) fostering interest in the Russian language, the need for learning the Russian language.


      Russian language: textbook. for 7 cl. general education. institutions / M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, L.A. Trostentsova et al., - M .: Education, 2008.


      Modern Russian language / D.E. Rosenthal, I.B. Golub, M.A. Telenkov 11th ed. - M .: 2009.

      Universal student's reference book / Ed. A.A. Kuznetsov and M.V. Ryzhakova. - M .: 2007.

      Russian language: 5 - 11 cl. / Ed. G.F. Khlebinskaya. - M.: 2008.

      Russian language: textbook. for 7 cl. general education. Institutions / M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, L.A. Trostentsova et al., - M .: Education, 2008.

    Lesson plan:

      Org. moment (2 minutes).

      Repetition of the studied material (5 min).

      Explanation of the new material (3 min).

    3.1 The teacher's speech (3 min).

    3.2. Work on the textbook (1 min).

    H.3. Securing the new material (7 min).

    3.4. Crossword "Preposition" (3 min).

    3.5. Testing on the topic "Preposition" (5 min).

    3.6. The difference between an independent part of speech and a preposition in a sentence (5 min).

    4. Results on the topic (3 min).

    5. Homework (1 min).

    6. Lesson summary (1 min).

    During the classes

      Organizing time

    The topic of our lesson is "Simple and compound prepositions." In the previous lesson, you got acquainted with the topic "Preposition as a part of speech".

      Repetition of the learned material

      What is called a preposition?

      What relationships do prepositions express?(Prepositions express different relationships, for example: temporary (go during the day), causal (do not go because of bad weather), spatial (stay near the house), target (headache medicine), etc.

      What kinds of prepositions are there?(Prepositions are simple and compound, derivative and non-derivative).

      What are non-derivative prepositions?(Non-derivative prepositions are prepositions that are not formed from independent parts of speech, for example: without, in, before, for, out, to).

      What are derivative prepositions?(Derived prepositions are formed by the transition of independent parts of speech into service ones, while losing their lexical meaning and morphological features. For example, the preposition thanks to (coped thanks to the help of a friend) - from the gerunds (left, thanks for the help provided).

      With what cases are derivative and non-derivative prepositions used?(Many non-derivative prepositions can be used with different cases, while derivatives are usually used with one particular case. For example, the preposition thanks to it is used only with the dative case: thanks to courage (dat. p.).

      Explanation of the new material

    III .1. Teacher's word

    to, y, about, near, of the day , into account next year , in connection with frost.

    III .2. Work on the textbook - reading paragraph 51, page 141.

    To consolidate new material, read paragraph 51 on page 141.

    III .3. Consolidation of the new material in writing (execution of exercise No. 303).

    To consolidate the knowledge gained about the preposition, we will perform the exercise№303.

    Write down phrases first with simple prepositions, then with compound ones. Enclose prepositions in a rectangle. Which of the prepositions are used more often in business speech?


    It will stay behind the house, it gets stronger as it grows, it rushes along the highway, we get together on the occasion of a holiday, we make it like a basket, make mistakes due to carelessness, get together about the decree, insulate it due to the cold weather.

    What are some phrases with simple prepositions?(Will stay behind the house, like a basket, due to carelessness, insulate due to cold weather).

    What are the phrases with compound prepositions?(It gets stronger as it grows, rushes along the highway, we are going to celebrate the holiday).

    III .4. Crossword solution

    Let's do a crossword puzzle. Your task: to enter prepositions horizontally. Having solved the crossword puzzle completely, you can read the name of the part of speech in a vertical column(the crossword puzzle is designed on the board).

      Synonym for prepositionsnear, near, in the presence (who? What?).

      Antonym of a prepositionalong.

      WITH alias for prepositionsin spite of (what?), against (what?), in spite of (what?).

      Antonym of a prepositionahead of (who? what?).

      Antonym of a prepositionbefore (with a time value).

      Synonym for prepositionacross (what?), close in meaning to the verb prefixpro .

      Synonym for words around, around.

    NS R and

    P about p e R e to

    Q o p p e to and

    P about z a d and

    P about s l e

    From to to O h b

    V o k r y G

    Answers: at, reproach, in spite of, behind, after, through, around.

    III .5. Testing on the topic "Preposition"

    We will perform with you the test "Preposition", which will help us not only to consolidate new material, but also remember the previously studied(read assignments in turn) .

    1. Prepositions formed by the transition of independent parts of speech into official ones are called ...

    Answer: derivatives.

    2. Non-derivatives include prepositions

    Answer: not formed from independent parts of speech.

    3. Specify derived prepositions:

    A) after half an hour

    B) due to lack of time

    C) came from school

    D) a flower in front of a window

    Answer: through, before.

    4 . Indicate a preposition that has a meaning for a reason:

    A) the day before

    B) around

    B) because of

    D) under

    Answer: due to.

    5. Indicate a preposition that has the meaning of a goal:

    A) relatively

    B) during

    B) because of

    D) for

    Answer: for.

    6. Specify a compound preposition:

    A) by

    B) for

    B) according to

    D) during

    Answer: during.

    7. Indicate the preposition derived from the gerunds:

    A) during

    B) like

    B) past

    D) thanks to

    Answer: thanks to.

    8. What preposition is used only with the dative case?

    1) despite

    2) around

    3) thanks to

    4) due to

    Answer: thanks to.

    9. In which sentence is a compound preposition used?

    1) On account of future salary

    2) Near our school

    3) Didn't come due to illness

    4) Walk around the lake.

    Answer: 1.

    10. In which row are all words spelled with a hyphen?

    1) someone (that), (south) western, (differently) we live

    2) (c) third, (in) Russian, (from) rare

    3) (dark) blue, (by) duty than (either)

    4) (secondly) who (something), as (if)

    Answer: 1.

    11. How are derivative adverbial prepositions written?

    1) together

    2) separately

    3) with a hyphen

    4) depending on the context

    Answer: together .

    12. Specify a phrase with a preposition.

    a) Dismissed under the window c) there was no one.

    b) Sasha and Dasha d) since he came

    Answer: a.

    13. Indicate phrases with a derived preposition.

    a) grew above water c) demobilization due to injury.

    b) lay under the table d) wrote on the board

    Answer: v.

    14. Indicate prepositions that are hyphenated.

    a) From (for) to) from (under)

    b) (c) during d) (at) meeting

    Answer: a, c.

    15. Make up phrases from the given pairs of words, using prepositions.

    a) Live, country c) put, shelf

    b) walk, park d) gift, mom

    Answer: live in the country, walk in the park, put on a shelf, a gift for mom.

    16. Indicate a sentence with an incorrectly used preposition.

    a) Everyone asked about the results of the match

    b) Yesterday I went to see a friend

    c) Vanya came from school early today

    d) I went home

    Answer: b.

    17. Identify synonymous prepositions : near, after, behind, about, for the sake of, behind, inside, because of sweat, for, despite, at.

    Answer: near - about; behind - for; sake - for; inside - in; then - after; despite - because of.

    How to distinguish a derived preposition from another part of speech?(a question cannot be put to a preposition; a preposition has no independent role; a synonym can be chosen for a preposition ) .

    III .6. "The difference between an independent part of speech and a preposition in a sentence"

    For the development of intellectual and speech skills, distinguish between the independent part of speech and the official one, we will do next task... You have proposal forms on the tables. We read and comment on in which sentence the highlighted word is a preposition, and in which it is an independent part of speech.

      Go to meet (an adverbial preposition) a friend.

      The car was driving towards (adv.).

      Go to a meeting (n.) With a friend.

      Due to (= because of) a friend's illness, I did not go fishing.

      When going fishing, you need to keep in mind (n.) The weather conditions.

      Due to (= due to) sad circumstances, the trip was canceled.

      He intervened in the investigation (n.) In the Ivanov case.

      His coat is like (= like) mine.

      He was the oldest of his kind (n.).

      A rock rose like (= like) a wall.

      He looked at the likeness (n.) Of a person that appeared suddenly.

      Talk about (= O) exams.

      Put money into a bank account (n.).

      Go instead of (offer) me.

      We must go to the place (n.) Of destination.

      Despite (suggested) fatigue, the detachment walked quickly.

      He walked without looking (deepich.) On the sides.

      Results on the topic

    So what's called a preposition?(A preposition is a service part of speech that expresses the dependence of some words on others in a phrase and a sentence).

    What are the prepositions in composition? (Prepositions are of two types - simple and compound.One-word prepositions are simple, for example: to, y, about, near, and those consisting of two (less often three) words are compound, for example: during of the day , into account next year , in connection with frost.)


    Explanation of homework.

    Write down homework: paragraph 51, ex. No. 304.

      Lesson summary

    §1. general characteristics prepositions

    A preposition is a service part of speech. Prepositions are needed to connect words in a phrase. Prepositions express the dependence of some words on others. Prepositions can be used with nouns, pronouns and numerals.
    Prepositions are an unchangeable part of speech. A preposition is not a member of a sentence, but since the meaning is expressed by a prepositional-case combination, when parsing, prepositions can be underlined along with the words to which they refer. Prepositions express different semantic relationships:

    • temporary: arrive under evening, submit a report To Thursday, call v Wednesday,
    • spatial: put v table, put on table, put under table,
    • causal: skip classes due to disease,
    • target: come for participation in the competition and others.
      But the proper meaning of the preposition does not appear outside the prepositional-case combination of the preposition with a noun, pronoun or numeral.

    Prepositions can be used with only one case or with different cases. Examples:

    To to whom? To what ?: To friend, to school - D.p .;
    thanks to to whom? what? thanks to help, thanks to father - D.p .;
    in what? v five hours - V.p .;
    v how? v forest - P. p.

    The examples show that the prepositions To and thanks to are used only with nouns in D.p., and the preposition v- with nouns in different cases: V.p. and P.p.

    §2. Preposition formation

    In terms of education, prepositions are divided into non-derivatives and derivatives.

    • Non-derivative prepositions: without, v, before, for, per, from, To, on, above, O, about, from, on, under, before, at, about, with, at, across.
    • Derivative prepositions are formed by the transition of independent parts of speech into the official one. In this case, the lexical meaning and morphological features of words are lost. Examples:
      Around parka - a preposition derived from the adverb around.
      During hours - a preposition formed from a noun with a preposition.
      Thanks to help - a preposition formed from the gerunds.

    Accordingly, adverbial, canceled, verbal prepositions differ.

    Non-derivative prepositions are often used with different cases.

    Derivative prepositions are usually used with one case.

    §3. Preposition structure

    In terms of structure, prepositions are divided into simple and composite.

    • Simple prepositions are prepositions consisting of one word: in, on, to, under, over, in spite of, etc.
    • Compound are prepositions consisting of two, less often three words: in continuation, during, in connection with, depending on, towards, etc.

    §4. Digits by value

    By meaning, prepositions are divided into:

    1. Places (spatial): on a window, in a window, near a window, under a window, above a window, outside a window, in front of a window, etc.
    2. Times (temporary): at eight, around eight, at eight, before eight, after eight, etc.
    3. Object (object): about a book, about a book, with a book, etc.
    4. Causes (causal): Due to rain, due to rain, due to rain, due to illness.
    5. Goals (target): for children, for the sake of children, money for children.
    6. Mode of action: work without inspiration, work with inspiration.
    7. Comparisons: the character of the father, the growth of the father.
    8. Definitions: striped fabric, motorized bike, coffee with milk.

    Prepositions can be unambiguous and ambiguous.

    • Unambiguous: thanks, in view, because of, etc.
    • Multi-valued: v (v Wednesday - time, v closet - space, v father - comparisons, v strip - definitions)

    Test of strength

    Check your understanding of the content of this chapter.

    Final test

    1. What are prepositions for?

      • To link words in a sentence
      • For communication simple sentences in complex
      • To express emotions
    2. Can we assume that each case corresponds to one specific preposition?

    3. Are there any unambiguous prepositions in the Russian language?