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  • Occupation differentiation w s. Abstract of an individual speech therapy lesson on the differentiation of sounds -. Sound-letter analysis of a word

    Occupation differentiation w s.  Abstract of an individual speech therapy lesson on the differentiation of sounds -.  Sound-letter analysis of a word

    Trofimova N.N.
    Teacher-speech therapist, MADOU CRR - d / s number 116

    Purpose: to teach to differentiate the sounds [s] and [w] in syllables, words and sentences.

    Correctional training:

    Clarification and comparison of articulation of sounds S-W; consolidate a skill correct pronunciation them in speech, differentiate them in words, phrases, sentences; continue to learn to divide words into syllables; learn to coordinate adjectives with nouns, learn to build a phrase.

    Correctional and developmental:

    Develop phonemic hearing, visual perception, fine motor skills, attention, memory.

    Correctional and educational:

    Fostering a caring and attentive attitude towards people, self-control.


    Subject pictures for the differentiation of sounds S and W in words and sentences.

    Organizational moment (creating positive motivation for the lesson).

    Game exercise "The fourth extra"

    Highlighting an extra word: orange, apricot, pineapple, snail.

    Why is the snail an extra word? What vowel sounds do you know?

    What other sounds are there? Why are they called consonants?

    Main part.

    1. Message of the topic.

    I received a letter from Sonya and Shurik. In their letter, they ask for help. An evil sorceress bewitched the young princess, turning her into an old woman. And to help her, we need to complete tasks. Will we help you?

    2. Highlighting the first sound in words.

    Tell me what is the first sound you hear in the words "Sonya" and "Shura".

    Today we will learn to distinguish the sounds S and W in syllables, words, sentences.

    3. Clarification of articulation. Comparative characteristics sounds S and Sh.

    Sounds S and W what are they?

    [S] - consonant, hard, voiceless.

    [Ш] - consonant, hard, voiceless.

    4. Game exercise "Repeat".

    Listen carefully, repeat diligently.

    5. Isolation of sounds S and W from a number of other sounds.

    Raise the (circle) symbol if you hear the C sound and the (rectangle) symbol if you hear the Sh sound.

    S, m, a, w, s, n, o, w, w, s, etc.

    6. Guessing words with missing sounds.

    There are pictures on the table, you need to carefully listen to the word with the missing sound and find the desired picture.

    (.. folder, ... uba, .. umka, .. ova, .. akhmat, .. cafe.)

    7. Division of words into syllables.

    Lay out the pictures correctly, in a train with one window, pictures in the name of one syllable. In a train with two windows, pictures in the name of which are two syllables, etc.

    (cuckoo, cat, ball, pillow, owl, pineapple, soup, dishes, bag).

    8. Game exercise "Find a pair."

    You need to find a couple of pictures for the sounds S and W, which are united by one lexical topic.

    Wardrobe table,

    Slip-on sandals,

    Sundress scarf,

    Bumblebee dragonfly.

    9. Game exercise "Highlight the word."

    Find a picture in the name of which you can hear the sound C and circle it with a felt-tip pen. Then find the picture in the name of which you can hear the sound Ш and circle this picture with a felt-tip pen.

    10. Guessing the riddle. Selection of words of signs and words of actions to solve the riddle.

    "At the threshold crying, hiding its claws,

    He will quietly enter the room,

    Will purr, sing. " (Cat).

    Tell me which cat? Pick up the words signs in the name of which there are sounds S and W. (fluffy, funny, nimble, big.)

    Tell me what a cat can do? Choose the words of action, in the name of which you can hear the sounds S and S. (sleeping, eating, eating, making noise, playing naughty.)

    11. Coordination of nouns with adjectives.

    We said a cat is fluffy, and who can be fluffy, fluffy, fluffy? Pick up pictures. (Snow, blanket, bunnies).

    We also said that the cat is funny. And who can be funny, funny, funny? Pick up pictures and name the phrase. (Gnome, movies, clowns).

    12. Analysis with the synthesis of the words "soup", "noise".

    All cats love milk soup, make a diagram of the word "soup".

    Discord of the scheme. Name the first (second, third) sound. Give a characteristic, determine the number of sounds and syllables in a word.

    When the cat is full, she starts to play, run, be naughty and create….

    Guess what word will turn out if in the word "soup" we replace the first sound with the sound Ш, and the last sound in the word "soup" we replace the sound М (noise)

    Analysis and synthesis of the word "noise". Analysis of the word scheme.

    13. Isolation of words for the sounds S and W from the text. Retelling the story using pictures to the text.

    Listen to the story and then name it, try to name all the words for the sounds S and S.

    “Musya's cat lives with Sasha. Musya has a long mustache. She catches mice. The mice run away from Musya. Musya the cat is big, smart, she catches up with the mice. "

    Try to retell the story yourself.

    14. The result of the lesson.

    We completed many tasks and now I think we managed to help Sonya and Shurik. Let's take a look at the photo of the enchanted princess.

    The spell is dispelled, we made it!

    What sounds did we learn to distinguish today in syllables, words, sentences?

    1. Timofeeva Oksana Vasilievna

    2. Teacher speech therapist

    3. Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution " Kindergarten No. 195 "compensating type

    Timofeeva Oksana Vasilievna

    Teacher speech therapist

    MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 195" of compensating type

    Topic: "Differentiation sounds S-W"

    Purpose: Strengthening the pronunciation and differentiation of the sounds "S-SH".


    1. To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds [s], [w] in syllables, words, pure phrases, in phrasal speech;

    2. Teach children to distinguish these sounds by ear and in pronunciation;

    3. To teach to listen attentively to the speech of an adult, to recognize the correct and incorrect use of case endings of nouns;

    5. To form phonemic hearing;

    6. Develop speech breathing;

    7. Continue to form the grammatical structure of speech.

    The course of the lesson.

      Organizational moment.

    Speech therapist:

    - One, two, three, four, five - get into a circle to play! A new day has arrived, let's greet it with a smile. I will smile at you, and you smile at each other. We are calm and kind, we are friendly, generous.

    - Take a deep breath through your nose and breathe in kindness, beauty, health, and exhale through your mouth all the resentment, anger, grief(Lyric music sounds.)

    (Children inhale and exhale three times)

    Now, look, who came to visit us? (two teddy bears)

    Mishutki did not get enough sleep. They need invigorating gymnastics. And gymnastics for the ears will help to become vigorous.

    Come to me friend

    And sit down quickly in the circle.

    Find your ears

    And show me soon.

    I will pull the ears forward, and then back.

    Like teddy bears, the kids sit in a row.

    Don't forget: everyone should do a massage for the ears.

    And now let's rub our cheeks in a circle:

    So we will develop memory for forgetful bears.

    One, two, three - I’ll say four, five and six and seven.

    Don't forget: cheek massage is a must for everyone!

    To think better mischievous bears, we stroke their foreheads

    Plush rogues.

    One, two, three - say four, five, and six, and seven.

    Do not forget: this massage should be done by everyone!

    Our bears have rested, they sit quietly in a row.

    They know that the benefits of massage will be for the guys!

      Articulation, differentiation of sounds [S-W] by articulatory and acoustic


    I am a Whistle, I like to whistle, but you guys know how to whistle? (shown explaining the articulation of sound)

    I am Shumok, I love to hiss, and you will show. How can you hiss? (shown explaining the articulation of sound)

      Differentiating isolated sounds in the game "Arrows".

    Children are given cards with an arrow, they show an arrow up to the sound [W], and down to the sound [S].

    The wind rustles in the leaves: it whistles, then rustles.

    Rustles Shshsh, whistles Ssss, rustles ..., whistles… etc.

    (arrow up, down)

      Differentiation of sounds [S] and [W] in syllables d / and " Repeat after me"

    sha - sa shu - su ash - yas osh - os sho - so shi - sy ush - us

    sa - sha su - shu yash - ash shi - is so - sho sy - shi esh - EU

      Didactic game "Give me a word."

    And yet, our Mishutkas are great jokers. Hear what they came up with:

    One evening old lady

    Drank tea and gnawed... drying.

    Cat on a pillow

    He washes ... the ears with his paw.

    Goes to bed groaning, old woman,

    Puts under the head... a pillow.

    The old lady baked donuts

    And folded the donuts v... a bowl.

      Physical minute. Execution of movements in accordance with the text.

    Well done boys! Let's play with our bears.

    Sha - sha - sha - we walk slowly,

    Sa - sa - sa - blue skies,

    Shu - shu - shu - I will crumble crumbs for the birds,

    Su - su - su - and I'll bring some water,

    Shi - shi - shea - our kids are good,

    Sy - sy - sy - we need to hide our noses,

    Oshki - oshki - oshki - clap our palms for us.

      Differentiation of sounds in the game " Whistling - a hissing tale. "

    Put on bears' hats for children. Children in the course of the tale choose pictures with sounds [S-SH].

    We lived - we lived, we lived,

    Didn't know any worries... (dog, cat, mouse and pig)

    It was boring for them to do nothing.

    It was then that I flew to them... (cuckoo and magpie)

    Brought them an invitation

    Happy birthday(who?) (foxes, frogs)

    How happy the girlfriends were!

    They began to try on outfits... (hat, sundress, scarf, boots.)

    Fast on boxes bright

    Spread out all the gifts... (ball, bag, samovar, fur coat)

    Two girlfriends were in such a hurry

    What decided to go…. (by scooter, by car)

    The birthday girl met

    And she treated her friends... (cheese, salad, juice, sugar, pear, chocolate, porridge)

    And then all the guests got up,

    They took tools in their paws(violin, accordion)

    Songs, dances began here ...

    It's a pity the end of the whole tale has come.

      Pronunciation of sounds [S-W] in phrasal speech (children take turns repeating after a speech therapist)

    Let's show our guests how we can repeat phrases correctly.

      The mice will wash the bowl for the bear.

      The cat sleeps, but sees the mouse.

      The naughty and rascals,

    Big shots from pranks.

      Six mice rustle in the reeds.

      The cow Mashka eats the porridge.

      Fluffy cat dries in the sun

    Fur on the back, ponytail and ears.

      Sasha eats dryers, and Masha - cheesecakes.

      Sasha loves drying, Sonya loves cheesecakes.

      The old woman listened as the cuckoo crowed at the edge of the forest.

      Sasha and Masha laughed merrily.

    The six fluffy cats of the mouse were scared.

    Repetition of proverbs and sayings. Explain their meaning, name words with sound [S] and with sound [W].

    You can't spoil porridge with butter. If you hurry, you will make people laugh.

    What goes around comes around. Less words, more action.

    Do not rush with your tongue, but hurry with deed.

    Exercise "Correct fables".

    The cat is afraid of the mouse.

    Fresh boards lay on the street.

    Lazy scythes rested on them.

    Misha and Masha were in the carriage.

    They were, of course, twins.

    Two little mice

    They also go to the children's school.

    In our house, gray ... (braids) are sitting on the window.

    Who painted our album? Well, of course ... (pencil).

      Bottom line.


      E.G. Karelian "Speech therapy alphabet for talkers and literate" M. "Bustard" 2007)

      Lebedeva I.L. Difficult sound, you are our friend! Sounds Ш, Ш, Ж. Ventana Graf,


    Correctional training: clarification and comparison of articulation of sounds S-W; to consolidate the ability to correctly pronounce them in speech, to differentiate them in words, phrases, sentences; continue to teach correctly form relative adjectives, teach correct composition complex sentences with the union of A.

    Correctional and developmental: develop phonemic hearing, visual perception, fine motor skills, attention, memory.

    Correctional and educational: fostering a caring and attentive attitude towards people, self-control.

    Equipment: telegram, Su Jok rings, 2 dolls, sandbox, small toys (dog, bag, wheel, elephant, car, cat, ball, horse), outline images (dog, bag, wheel, elephant, car, cat, ball horse) , subject pictures (juice, soup, salad, cheesecake, pate, porridge, sausage, cheese, rice, marshmallow, pineapple, bacon, sprats, millet, chocolate, pear), ball.

    Course of the lesson

    1. Organizational moment

    Today I received a telegram from sisters Sonya and Shura, let's see what is written in it.

    The girls invite us to their birthday.

    Shall we go to visit them?

    2. Main part

    · Breathing exercise"Breeze"

    The road lies ahead through the forest. A warm breeze Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh blew in the forest. And we'll blow Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh. And now the cold C-C-C-C breeze is blowing. And we'll blow S-S-S-S.

    What sound did we make when we sang the song of the warm wind?

    And what sound did they make when they sang the song of the cold wind?

    What sounds do you think we will distinguish in class?

    Clarify the articulation of the C sound and the Sh sound. Show with the hand the position of the tongue for these sounds (C - “Pancake” palm, W - “Cup” palm)

    · Finger gymnastics with Su Jok rings

    We put a ring on the finger, pronounce the syllable with the sound C (SA), remove - the syllable with the sound Ш (ША). Etc.

    · Gift Shop game

    You can't come to your birthday empty-handed, you need gifts. And now we will "buy" them.

    From the sandbox, with our eyes closed, we take out the toys, by touch we determine what it is, we call it a toy (dog, bag, wheel, elephant, car, cat, ball, horse).

    After taking out all the toys, ask.

    What toys do you think we will give Sonya and what Shura? Why?

    Distribute toys between Sonya and Shura dolls.

    · Drawing up proposals based on a sample.

    Example: I will give Sonya a dog, and Shura - a car.

    I'll give Sonya a bag, and Shura - a cat.

    I will give Sonya a wheel, and Shura - a ball.

    I will give Sonya an elephant and Shura a horse.

    · Did. game "Products"

    The sisters were preparing for our arrival and therefore went to the store for groceries. Look at how much they bought (subject pictures: sausage, cheese, rice, marshmallow, pineapple, bacon, sprats, millet, chocolate, pear). What do you think Sonya bought and what Shura bought?

    (distribute the corresponding pictures between Sonya and Shura)

    List everything that Shura bought, and now everything that Sonya bought.

    · Did. game "Cooks"

    Sonya and Shura prepared treats, each his own. Guess what Sonya cooked and what Shura (object pictures: juice, soup, salad, cheesecake, pate, porridge).

    (Sonya cooked juice, soup and salad. Shura cooked cheesecake, pate and porridge.)

    · Did. game “What? Which?"

    It is played like a ball game.

    The speech therapist throws the ball and says: "Rice soup, which one?"

    The child catches the ball and answers: "Rice soup." Etc.

    (Pineapple juice, meat salad, sprat pate, millet porridge, cheesecake with chocolate)

    · Game "extra 4"

    There is always entertainment at the holidays, so the little sisters have prepared one game for you "Extra 4".

    (remove extra card)

    Sausage, rice, cheese, millet.

    Chocolate, pear, rice, bacon.

    Pastila, sprats, pineapple, cheese.

    Soup, juice, porridge, salad.

    3. Outcome

    It's time to say goodbye to Sonya and Shura. And what sounds helped us get to know these girls?

    Municipal preschool educational institution Kindergarten of compensating type No. 26

    Abstract individual lessons"Differentiation of sounds [s] -[ NS] »

    prepared by the speech therapist teacher Elena Sergeevna Viktorova

    Vologda, 2016


    • To form the ability to form relative adjectives from nouns.
    • To consolidate the formation of the diminutive form of the word of nouns.
    • Strengthen the agreement of the adjective with the noun vmuzh., Wives. R., ed. h., Im.p.
    • To consolidate the agreement of a numeral with a noun in wives, singular, I. p.
    • Differentiate sounds [s] - [w] in words and phrases.
    • Form correct speech breathing.
    • Develop auditory and visual attention, memory, thinking, phonemic perception
    • Develop fine motor skills.

    Equipment: subject pictures, counting sticks.

    Course of the lesson

    Organizing time.

    Speech therapist: Look, we have guests today, say hello.

    Speech therapist: Every day, always, everywhere,

    In the classroom, in the game

    Loudly, clearly, we speak

    And we are never in a hurry!

    Speech therapist: Tell me, what time of year is it?

    Child: It's autumn now.

    Speech therapist: Right. Come on with me, do finger gymnastics.

    Finger gymnastics "AUTUMN"

    The wind flew through the forest, (Smooth wave-like movements of the palms.)

    The wind counted the leaves: (Bend one finger on both hands)

    Here is oak,

    Here is the maple

    Here is the mountain ash carved,

    Here from the birch - golden,

    Here is the last leaf from the aspen (Calmly place their palms on the table.)

    The wind threw on the path.

    Breathing exercises.

    Speech therapist: The leaves have fallen from the trees. It's getting cold outside and it's snowing. Let's show how the wind blows. We inhale through the nose without raising our shoulders, exhale through the mouth without puffing out our cheeks. (breathing exercises, blowing on a fleece)

    Speech therapist: Well done. Now we are going to play a game called"Hear the sound" (development of auditory attention).

    I will pronounce different sounds when you hear the sound [S] - clap your hands, and when you hear the sound [Ш] - raise your hands up.

    The speech therapist pronounces the sounds: a, y, w, and, s, o, w, h, s, s, d, x, w. Syllables: ma, sa, ko, woo, sha, we, zo, shu, would, se. Words: nose, hand, hat, dog, cheese, cotton wool, fur coat (with closed articulation).

    Differentiation of sounds [s] - [w] in words and phrases.

    Control. "Living - non-living"

    Speech therapist: Look and find pictures with images of living objects and put them on the right (owl, dog, catfish, fox), and pictures with images of inanimate objects on the left (car, fur coat, bump, wardrobe). Name them.

    Child: On the right, I put pictures of an owl, a dog, a catfish and a fox. On the left, I put pictures of a car, a fur coat, a pine cone, a wardrobe.

    The game “What? Which? Which?" (the formation of relative adjectives from nouns,agreement of an adjective with a noun)

    Speech therapist: Think and say, a glass made of glass, what kind of glass is this?

    Child: Glass tumbler.

    Speech therapist: A plastic tray, which tray is this?

    Child: Plastic tray.

    Speech therapist: A pan made of iron, what kind of pan is this?

    Child: Iron pan.

    Speech therapist: A porcelain cup, which cup is that?

    Child: Porcelain cup.

    Speech therapist: Well done!

    Control. "The fourth extra" (consolidate generalizing concepts)

    Speech therapist: Look carefully at the pictures and tell me who is superfluous? (cat, glass, tray, pan)

    Child: An extra cat is a pet, and a glass, a tray and a saucepan are dishes.

    Game "Cheerful Counting" (agreement of a numeral with a noun)

    Speech therapist: Well done. Let's count how many cats? (cats are randomly arranged on the sheet, the child counts)

    Child: One cat, two cats, three cats, four cats, five cats.

    Control. What's gone? (development of visual attention, memory)

    Speech therapist: Now look at the pictures (pineapple, jug, compass, reed, scooter, hat). Name them. Look again and remember. Close your eyes. Open up, tell me, what's gone? (the game is played several times)

    Child: The pineapple is gone.

    The hat was gone.

    The scooter is gone.

    The jug was gone.

    The game "Name affectionately" (the formation of a diminutive form of the word)

    Speech therapist: Listen carefully, I will tell you a large object, and you tell me a small one. Airplane.

    Child: Airplane.

    Speech therapist: Horse.

    Child: Horse.

    Speech therapist: Bag.

    Child: Handbag.

    Speech therapist: Mouse.

    Child: Mouse.

    The development of fine motor skills.

    Speech therapist: Well done. Lay out the house of the mouse (lays out the mink of the mouse along the contour with a lace).

    Lesson summary.

    Speech therapist: this is where our lesson ends. Well done, you coped with all the tasks!

    In classes outside the framework of the correctional group, children with speech disorders receive corrective assistance in portions, and not daily, like children in a speech therapy group.

    At the same time, the main forms of work organization are individual and subgroup lessons... Our classes are short-term (15-20 minutes), short-term (2-3 times a week) and are designed for 6 or 12 months of study.

    At the same time, there are practically no programs, scripts and abstracts of this type of occupation.
    In order to solve this problem, I have developed this lesson.

    This lesson is final lesson on this topic " Differentiation of sounds S-W».

    Sounds - S, W are placed at the beginning and in the middle correctional work speech therapist and, as a rule, their setting does not cause great difficulties, as well as subsequent automation.

    Differentiation of these sounds is quite difficult for children, and these sounds are often found in words.
    If these sounds are delivered and introduced into speech, and differentiation is not worked out enough, then the child's speech "whistles" and "lisps".

    Failure to fix sounds in speech subsequently leads to problems in writing.

    Therefore, it is precisely the differentiation of sounds that should be given great importance.

    This lesson summarizes the complex of corrective techniques, such as: articulatory and finger gymnastics, the differentiation of sounds in syllables, words, phrases, text.

    In my lesson, I pursued the following goals:

    Development of the articulatory apparatus;
    Without this, it is impossible to formulate sounds and clear speech of children. Moreover, today the muscles in children are poorly developed.

    Development of phonemic hearing;
    This is one of the most important points speech therapy work.
    The ability to hear the sound, to find its location in the word will help the child to pronounce the sound correctly in each specific case.
    Prevention of dyslexia and dysgraphia at school.

    Development of fine motor skills of the hands;
    It has long been known that the development of speech centers is closely related to the development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

    Creation of positive motivation for the lesson;
    As a rule, children with speech impairments have low motivation. If something is difficult in class, the child loses interest, yawns, and gets distracted. That's why game form classes, active use demonstration material: plot pictures, frequent change of activities encourage the child to active participation in the lesson, support his attention throughout the lesson.

    The lesson is conducted with children selected according to the appropriate diagnoses and the level of preparation for this type of activity.

    Abstract of an individual lesson on the differentiation of sounds [S], [W]
    "A trip for the bumps"

    Topic: Sounds S-Sh.

    Purpose: Differentiation of sounds [S] - [W].

    1. Educational:
    - to clarify the child's idea of ​​the sounds [S], [W].

    2. Correctional - developing:

    Develop the mobility of the articulatory apparatus;
    - to clarify the idea of ​​the articulatory structure of sounds [S], [III];
    - to develop phonemic hearing for the sounds [S], [W];
    - develop speech breathing;
    - development of fine motor skills of hands;
    - differentiation of sounds [S], [W] in syllables, words, sentences, text.

    3. Educational:
    - to form positive motivation for classes;
    - to educate self-control over speech, the desire to study.

    - individual mirror;
    - squares in blue, green and red;
    - ball;
    - plot pictures.

    Course of the lesson

    1. Organizational moment

    Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. I invite you to visit your grandmother's village and take a walk in the pine forest. Want to? Then close your eyes and imagine that we are now in the forest. Open your eyes. Show me how big the trees are.
    Children raise their hands.
    A warm breeze blew: shhh, the leaves rustled.
    Children move their fingers quickly and quickly.
    A cold wind blew: s-s-s, the pines swayed.
    Children sway and wave their hands.
    The wind has died down - no more leaves or branches move.
    Children relax.
    The wind blew again.
    Children tense up again, swing and wave their arms, then relax again.

    Well done, have a seat.

    2. Message of the topic of the lesson

    Let's remember: how did the foliage rustle from the warm breeze? (Sh-sh-sh-sh) How did the cold wind blow? (S-s-s-s) Today we will repeat the sounds S, Sh.

    The letters C and Sh are attached to the board. What are these letters called? What rule do we know? (We read and write letters, and we speak and hear sounds).
    Let's remember the characteristics of sounds.

    3. Comparison of sounds S, III by articulatory and acoustic characteristics (similarities and differences)

    4. Articulation and finger gymnastics

    Look guys, who came to us? (Pictures are attached to the board - a boy and a girl) That's right, these are our friends - Sasha and Masha. They will go with us to the village to see grandmother. Let's put an individual mirror in front of us and do the exercises.

    Articulation gymnastics.

    Fat grandchildren came to visit (we puff out our cheeks),
    With them, thin ones - only skin and bones (we pull in our cheeks).
    Grandparents smiled at everyone (lips in a wide smile, upper and lower teeth are visible),
    They all reached out to kiss (lips stretch forward).
    In the morning we woke up - lips in a smile (again a wide smile).
    We brushed our upper teeth (a wide tongue behind the upper teeth)
    Right and left, inside and outside (corresponding movements with a wide tongue).
    We are also friends with the lower teeth (repetition of these movements with the tongue in the position behind the lower teeth).
    We compress our lips and rinse our mouths (alternately puffing out our cheeks - the lips do not let air through),
    And with a samovar we puff that there is urine (simultaneous inflation of both cheeks with subsequent release of air through the lips).
    We put the saucers - they will put pancakes for us (a wide tongue lies on the lower lip).
    We blow on the pancake - not in the cheeks, not by (blow on a wide tongue).
    We chew the pancake, wrap it up and bite it (we chew our spread tongue, then we bite it, wrapping it by the lower teeth),
    Pancake with delicious raspberry jam (lick the upper lip from front to back with a wide tongue).
    We will put the cups so that they will pour tea (we bend our wide tongue upwards with a cup),
    They blew on the nose - we cooled the tea (blow up from the "cup").
    We drank tea - no one is offended (the "cup" moves back and forth).
    Breakfast was delicious - we will lick our lips (the tip of our tongue licks our lips in a circle).

    Finger gymnastics.

    Well done boys. Now you can go to the forest. But for a walk in the forest, we need not only strong legs, but also handles.

    Let's do hand gymnastics:

    Clenching the fingers into fists;
    - rotation of fists;
    - arching of the hands;
    - the connection of the fingers.

    5. Differentiation of sounds [S], [W] in syllables.
    Guys, let's remember how sounds are friends with each other? (The consonant is friendly with the vowel.)
    So sounds to us, if we are friends with them, will help us go over the bumps. (Children each stand at their place. The speech therapist throws the ball to the child and pronounces the syllables. The child repeats and throws the ball to the speech therapist.)

    sa - sha sa - sa - sha
    so - sha sa - sha - sha
    su - shu sa - sha - sa
    si sha - sha - sa
    sha - sa sha - sa - sa
    sho - with sha - sa - sha
    shu - su
    shi - si

    6. Differentiation [S], [W] in words.

    Children sit down.
    Speech therapist: “Oh! What happened here? Sasha and Masha came up with words for you with the sounds S and W, but when the breeze blew, these sounds were lost. Let's help Sasha and Masha return the sounds to their place ”(if the children are experiencing difficulties, you can distribute pictures of these objects).
    The child must name the word and determine the location of the sound in the word (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end).

    Guess the word game

    Ishka. uba we. b
    ... ova. oroka
    ... kamya. anki
    ... harp. apogee

    Speech therapist: “Sasha has prepared an assignment for you (cards are handed out to children). Divide these words into syllables and make a sound scheme. "

    8. Differentiation of sounds [S], [W] in pure clauses.

    Well done boys! You have done an excellent job. And now, in order for us to come to the forest edge, we need to walk along the paths and repeat the phrases correctly. (Children get up, take turns catching the ball and repeating phrases).

    Checkers on the table, cones on the pine.

    Sashka's hat knocked bumps off.

    Pasha went on foot -
    He carried a bag of sand.

    Our big fluffy cat is sitting on the window.
    And your little funny cat leaves the window.

    Keshka ate a pawn in a hurry.

    The old ladies have dried the dryers.

    9. Differentiation of sounds [S], [W] in the text.

    Speech therapist: “We walked along the paths and where did we come? But where! " (A picture of a pine forest is attached to the board). Children take turns repeating sentences and memorizing the text at the speech therapist. Then images are attached to the board: pine, pine cones, a bag. Based on these pictures, the children take turns retelling the text one sentence at a time.

    Sasha and Masha went into the forest for pine cones. Here is the edge of the forest. There is a tall pine tree at the edge. There are dense fluffy branches on the pine. High - large bumps hang on the very top of the head. The bumps fall down noisily. There are many cones under the pine tree.
    Sasha and Masha are collecting cones in a bag. They hurry home with a bag of cones. The noise of a pine forest is heard from behind.

    Lesson summary

    Speech therapist: “Well, guys, we visited the forest with you. Our lesson has come to an end. Let's remember: What sounds did we make the most today?
    We clarify the articulation of the sound: what did the sponges, teeth, tongue do, what was the air stream, did the neck sing or not? "

    Assessment of speech activity

    You worked great today and pronounced the sounds correctly. You will take pine cones that we collected in the forest with you to the group (the speech therapist distributes cones to the children for crafts).

    Semenyuk Yulia Sergeevna,
    teacher speech therapist
    GOU CRR No. 1688 Moscow