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  • Questions for the game danetki. Danetki - games not only for children0 min read

    Questions for the game danetki. Danetki - games not only for children0 min read

    If you are tired of playing Crocodile, bored with Fanta, Mafia and Associations, you can always play an equally interesting game that absorbs its process - riddles on logic  "Danetki".

    Where can I play danetki, and what is the essence of the gameplay

    You can play “Danette” everywhere: in a noisy group of guests, sitting in a cafe, on a picnic, at home, on the Internet and even on the way to work. The game process is designed for 2-8 people of any age and does not require any attributes. The essence of the game is simple, but incredibly exciting. One person comes up with an interesting situation by asking the main question. In this unusual logic puzzles with tricks and answers  make the gameplay very diverse.

    There is nothing difficult in this game, although invented situations can be completely non-standard, and their resolution will require not only logic, but also imagination. Experienced Danette players may deliberately confuse other participants, playing around with very strange riddled logic puzzlesbut this is where the beauty of intellectual fun lies.

    How to start playing "Danetki"

    Starting to play Danetka is very simple: to do this, you need to read simple rules and practice a little. To date, there are many logic riddles with answers on the Internet that will help prepare for the gameplay. According to its classification, “Danetki” can be simple (the usual situation is played up, requiring logical thinking to get an answer), medium-difficulty puzzles, and “Danette” for experienced game lovers who have not only developed logical thinking, but also imagination. You can try to play at any time in social networks or on other Internet sites.

    The answers with the answers are great fun for those who love detectives and logic games.

    Already invented a great variety of entertainment for a company of friends. Today we want to remind you about such fun as “dankets”. For many, this game is known since childhood, and for some it will be a novelty. The great advantage of the game is that the game makes you think, develops logical thinking and includes imagination.

    An unlimited number of people can play the game at the same time. The rules of the game are simple as 2 + 2. One of the participants, the presenter, read out to the other players a small text. This passage is most often a description of a particular situation or the end of a story. The task of the other players is to solve, which led to such a final. According to the rules of the game, the moderator can ask questions to which he can answer “yes” or “no.” With these questions, participants must come to solving the puzzle. After the answer is found, the leader can be changed so that everyone has the opportunity to participate on “both sides”.

    In this article we will offer you a small selection of interesting danekok.

    Danetki with answers

    1. A cowboy walks into a bar and asks the bartender to pour him a glass of water. The bartender suddenly pulls out a gun and shoots into the air, after which the cowboy thanks the bartender and leaves. What happened?

    A cowboy suffered from hiccups and wanted to get rid of her by drinking a glass of water. The bartender, having understood the problem of a cowboy, applied a tried and tested means - to scare a hiccup.

    2. In a conversation with John, a man in boots and with a backpack on his shoulders said: "You are my son, but I am not your father." Who was he to John?

    3. A man came into the hotel room late at night, lay down on the bed, but could not sleep. After the car passed by, he looked under the bed and found a corpse there. Why did he decide to look under the bed?

    A passing car headlights illuminated the clock, which hung on the wall and the man saw that they were not walking, but he heard the clock ticking. It was the ticking of the wristwatch that was on the corpse.

    4. The farmer had a wife and children. In addition to them, a maid and a night watchman lived on the farm. Once a farmer got ready for a business trip. When the farmer was about to leave the station, the watchman approached him and said that that night he had a dream about a train that had derailed. As the farmer was superstitious, he postponed the trip, and the next day he learned that the train had really crashed. The watchman was fired. Why?

    Black-black on two legs. What is it?

    Answer: Two one-legged Negro.

    Black-black on three legs. What is it?

    Answer: Piano.

    A flock of files flies from the equator to the south pole. What will they do when they arrive?

    Answer: They will be located along magnetic field lines.

    Once at 12 o'clock at night, two rashristan men carried a cage wrapped in rags, from which came the rumbling. What would it mean?

    Answer: Hunters caught the animal for the zoo and came with him to the hotel. At night, the beast began to disturb customers, and the hunters had to carry it to the parking lot and ask the night watchman to look after the cage.

    John decided to go for a haircut. In the city there were only two hairdressers. Looking through the window into one barber’s shop, John was horrified: there was dust on the mirrors and hair on the floor. The barber himself is unshaven and trimmed somehow. Peering into another barber shop, he saw that there were no dust particles on the mirrors, the floor was swept clean, the barber himself was neatly trimmed and shaved smoothly. But something in this barber he did not like, and he chose to get a haircut in the first.

    Answer: Hairdressers cut each other.

    To rob a bank, Harry hijacked the fastest car. Put it tightly against the wall of the bank, thereby blocking the right door. He did not lock the left door. Having robbed a bank, he went out and saw that a truck was standing right next to his car, which blocked the left door. No driver, keys, too. Police came from around the corner. He has only four seconds. In one hand a pistol, in the other - a bag of money, but he still managed to leave.

    Answer: The car was without top.

    The wind died down and the man died.

    Answer: This man was blind and was also the only one who escaped during a shipwreck and got to an uninhabited island. Fortunately, there was fresh water on the island. Having once found the road to the water, a man fortified a ship’s bell at the source, and then quietly walked around the island, guided by the sound of the bell. When complete calm came, the wind stopped swinging the bell, the person lost his orientation and eventually died of thirst. This puzzle has many other options in which a blind person determines his location by the sound of a bell (or bell), and a change in the standard situation leads him to death. For example, such an option: the blind swimmer mistakenly took the sound of the signal beacon as the sound of his alarm clock, which he left on the shore; instead of the coast, he sailed towards the buoy - into the open sea.

    One student tells another: “Yesterday our college’s basketball team won a basketball match with a score of 76:40. Interestingly, not a single basketball player in this match scored a single goal.”

    Answer: Women's teams.

    Robbery jewelry store. The director was found in an empty attic tied to a ceiling beam. The police determined that the robber was the director himself. How could he tie himself to a beam without any help?

    Answer: With a cube of dry ice. The ice melted (evaporated).

    There was once a farmer. He had a wife and two children, in addition, a maid and a night watchman lived on the farm permanently. Once a farmer gathered in town on business. I had to go by train. When he was ready, the caretaker approached him and told him not to go, because he had a dream that the train would crash. The farmer was superstitious and did not go. The train went off the rails. The farmer fired the caretaker. Why?

    Answer: The night watchman should not sleep.

    There was a man down the street with a paper bag. Suddenly he heard something falling out of the bag ... but he did not notice anything. However, the thing still fell.

    Answer: a) He is blind. b) The thing is a stealth hat. c) She was stolen.

    He walked, but his shoes did not wear down. I decided to help him, but only made it worse: now he cannot even walk with my help.

    Answer: Alarm.

    In the park on the bench, someone left a cutlet from the dining room. A sparrow flew in, sat down on a patty, pecked-pecked and flew away, leaving a half-chop. Why did you cheat?

    Answer: Half-breads are bread, and half-hairs are meat. Sparrows do not eat meat.

    He died because of his bad habit.

    Answer: The man smoked a lot, once he found it difficult to breathe and he called an ambulance. When the ambulance with this man was going to the hospital, an accident happened and the man died.

    The young man wanted to make a gift to the girl. He bought a battered vase from a consignment shop (very cheap). He wanted to drop the bundle with the vase at the time of presenting the gift. And he did: when she opened the door for him, he dropped the vase. The girl began to collect fragments and suddenly ... slapped him.

    Answer: Each shard was wrapped separately.

    Walking on the trail of criminals, the police inspector went to the chess club. Assessing the situation, he said to his assistants: "Detain those two!". How did he recognize the criminals?

    Answer: For example, there were no kings on the boards.

    Venezuelan police tried several times to arrest a famous gangster. They knew where he lived. Sometimes, having received a warrant for his arrest, they went to his home. But as soon as they entered the house, he locked himself in the bedroom. The police had nothing to do but to leave with nothing. Why did this happen?

    Answer: His house stood on the border of Venezuela and Colombia. Although the front door and half of the house were located in Venezuela, the bedroom was located in Colombia. The Venezuelan police had no jurisdiction in Colombia, so the police could not arrest him while he was in the bedroom.

    The lady looks out of the train window Leningrad - Vilnius at the passing fields, forests, meadows and, without specifically addressing anyone, says: "I wonder if we are still in Latvia or already in Lithuania?". A Lithuanian sitting next to him lays a book and looks out the window for exactly a minute. Outside the field, meadows ... "We are already in Lithuania," he says confidently.

    Answer: In Lithuania, all cows are of red breed.

    A woman enters the room, locks the door and starts to undress. At this time the lights go out and the whistle is heard.

    Answer: During the film break the film broke.

    At the edge of the forest found the body of a man dressed only in swimming trunks, flippers and a mask. The nearest reservoir is a few kilometers away.

    Answer: A swimmer was accidentally captured in a pond by a fire plane extinguishing a forest fire.

    The man for half an hour did not pay attention to the clock. As a result, he did not receive a large sum of money.

    Answer: The clock was chess. The man is a chess player who plays the decisive game of a major tournament. Not noticing that the enemy had already made a move, he had delayed the time and lost the game, taking only second place in the tournament.

    In the cramped hut, Canadian woodcutters gathered at the card table. everyone smoked. Another one entered, lit up too, and sat down to play cards. After some time, he asked to open the window, because of the smoke it was not visible cards. When the window was opened, this woodcutter fell dead. What happened?

    Answer: In the hut it was smoky so that even hang an ax. A logger who came in hung an ax and sat down to play. When the window was opened, the ax fell on his head.

    There was a suicide on the bridge with a pistol, but a gun was not found nearby. Where did he go and how?

    Answer: A. Conan Doyle. "The Secret of Thor Bridge". A rope with a stone is tied to the pistol, which dragged it into the river.

    A man passes on a suspension bridge before a car passes under it. Why?

    Answer: From passing cars, the bridge resonates, which threatens to break it. The man swings the bridge in antiphase.

    A young man sits in a trolley bus next to a lady. Her friend enters and the ladies start talking. The young man gets up and offers the lady to sit down. She called him impudent.

    Answer: The lady does not fit in the seat.

    He and she in red. Who are they and where?

    Answer: Gray Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood.

    On the sidewalk are pieces of ice and broken glass, and three men are dead.

    Answer: Probably, this story is known to all as a joke. Arriving home ahead of time, the husband finds his wife in bed, and the place next to her has not cooled. He looks out the window and sees a handsome young man coming out of their door. Enraged, her husband grabs the fridge and throws it out the window. Handsome young man crushed by the fridge. The husband, having thrown out the refrigerator, dies from an overstrain. The lover of his wife, who was sitting in the fridge, crashed to death when falling from the fifth floor.

    Harry's car rushes at high speed along the mountain road, followed by several police cars. There is nowhere to turn - srava rock, abyss on the left Suddenly, because of the turn, a section of the road appeared, and Harry's heart sank: right in the middle of the road, an oak tree grew. The machine will not be able to pass without hitting it. How to be?

    Answer: Oak is still small, just made its way through the asphalt.

    The man let out rats and mice. He was fired. Why?

    Answer: Pied Piper provided himself with work.

    Father and son were driving and had an accident. The father was not injured, and his son had a broken leg. An ambulance took both to the hospital. When the boy was taken to the operating room on a gurney, the surgeon on duty turned pale and exclaimed: "I cannot operate on him, because this is my son!" How do you explain this?

    Answer: The surgeon is the mother of the boy.

    On the spacecraft telfians, which are fed by extremely different radiation, an explosion of a nuclear reactor occurred. Several surviving crew members were delivered to the hospital in an unconscious state without any physical damage. How to treat them?

    Answer: J. White, "Space Hospital." For telfian, colossal radiation is forced gluttony. Treatment - put them in a lead container (radiation diet).

    The large ship "United Kingdom" after repair could not get out of the dock. Why?

    Answer: After the repair it became wider than the exit from the dock.

    John and David were brothers. John provided a happy marriage to Jane, David did the same for Diana. John and Diana were together at the same wedding ceremony, David’s wedding took place a month before this date, and Jane’s wedding a month later. None of them got divorced or remarried. What happened?

    Answer: John and David were clergymen. David married John to Diana. That's why they were together at the wedding ceremony. Then John married Jane and her husband. And before that, he had married David and his wife.

    Two knocked on the door, they opened it, said a few words and slammed the door. After that, they sat for an hour under the door, and then left.

    Answer: They traveled by train and wanted to get into the next car through the dining car, which they were not allowed to do. The nearest stop was in an hour, and they went to the right car on the platform.

    The essence and rules of the game "Danette"

    If you are tired of playing “Crocodile”, bored with “Fanta” and “Mafia”, try to play an equally interesting game, which absorbs by its process - puzzles on the logic of “Danette”. You can play “Danette” everywhere: in a noisy group of guests, sitting with friends in a cafe, on a picnic, even on the way to work. This game helps a lot to “pass the time” on long trips. An unlimited number of people can play the game at the same time; no additional requisite is required. “Danetki” is a great entertainment for those who love detectives and logic games, as usually these are mysterious detective stories with a trick - at first glance a mystery may seem rather strange, but its explanation is quite logical.

    Rules of the game:

    The moderator voices the rest of the players with a small text, usually this is the final of a story, and more often it is a strange mysterious situation. The players' task is to solve, which led to such a final, that is, to find out the underlying reason of the situation and find the answer.

    According to the rules of the game, the leader can ask any questions, but they need to be formulated in such a way that the answers to them are only "yes" or "no." If participants go the wrong way, the moderator’s response is “not significant” (“it doesn’t matter”).

    In order to better understand the essence of the game, I will give an example of solving a simple dankeka.

    The presenter announces to the players: “The pilot jumped out of the plane, but survived. How can this be? ”

    Players ask questions, and the moderator answers them, here’s an exemplary dialogue:

    - He jumped with a parachute?

    - He crashed about something when flying?

    - Did it happen at night?

    - Irrelevant.

    - Did you manage to save him?

    - It does not matter (not the point).

    - He reached the ground?

    - The plane was flying?

    - The pilot jumped out of the plane, standing on the runway?

    Everything, the situation is solved).

    The great advantage of the game is that the game makes you think, develops logical thinking and includes imagination, teaches you to correctly formulate questions. Situations can be completely non-standard, and solving them will require not only logic, but also imagination - this is the whole charm of this fascinating intellectual entertainment.

    In this article, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most interesting "little ones", many of them were successfully applied in practice. Try it and you will love it!

    The best "Danetki" with the answers

    Village Fool

    In one village of the village there lived a fool. He became a local attraction, because when he was offered a choice of 10 cents or a five-dollar bill, he always took 10 cents. Why did he never choose a bill?

    The Fool was not really stupid at all, because he understood that as long as he chooses a 10-cent coin, people will offer him a choice, and if he chooses a five-dollar bill, he will cease to be a “landmark”, the offers of choice will stop, and he will not receive anything.

    Husband's letter

    Having received a letter from her husband, the woman realized that he was dead. How so?

    The woman is directly involved in the death of her husband. She sent him a letter, enclosing poisoned stamps in him for a return reply. Having received a reply with a poisoned stamp on the envelope, she realized that the plan had worked.

    Sudden death

    The man went down the stairs and suddenly realized that at that moment his wife had died. How is this possible?

    The man was in the hospital. His wife was there, connected to an artificial life support apparatus. When he was going downstairs, the hospital lost electricity and the lights went out. Accordingly, the device also turned off.


    Julia today celebrated her birthday. And the day after tomorrow her twin sister will celebrate her. How is this possible?

    Julia was born on February 28, a few minutes before midnight. And her sister - March 1st. It turns out that the leap year is the birthday of the youngest of twins 2 days later.

    Deadly champagne

    The man went to a party and drank some champagne there. Then he left the party the very first. All the other people who drank champagne after him died of poisoning. Why is this man alive?

    The poison was in ice cubes. The man drank champagne the very first, and the ice had not yet had time to melt and mix with the drink.

    Showdown at the bar

    A man sitting in a bar began to unflatteringly speak about one soldier glorified in the whole country and his actions. For this he was thrown out into the street, but at the same time he felt absolutely happy. Why?

    Writer Jaroslav Hasek, wanting to know how the people accepted his work The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik, decided to experiment. He went to the bar, where he began to loudly scold his own work, for which he was put out.

    Five for the exam

    Exam at the naval school. The cadet pulled out a ticket and sat down to get ready. Suddenly, for no reason at all, he gets up from his seat and approaches the professor with a test book. He, without hesitation, puts him "five." How is this possible?

    The teacher, using Morse code, tapped the table with a pencil: “The first person to decipher this message, let him come to me immediately, without passing the exam, he will get an excellent mark.” The student deciphered the message and received a well-deserved top five.

    Fellow travelers

    Two people are perfectly normal to each other, but they never sit in the same plane. Why?

    Both persons are the heirs of the British crown. So that the plane crash did not leave the country without a monarch, they fly in different planes.

    The invasion of cats

    One man went on vacation and asked a friend to look after the cat. A week later, 8 adult cats were already running in the apartment. Where did they come from?

    The next day, the cat ran away, and the man had to advertise the missing. Since he himself didn’t know the cat very well, he had to keep all similar cats that he brought to him. And wait for the arrival of a friend who was supposed to identify his pet.


    Long before the invention of ultrasound, one predictor guessed the sex of the unborn child. Huge queues lined up to him, since no one was able to catch him in error. How did he do it?

    The predictor kept a “journal” where he recorded the date, the last name of the woman and the predicted gender. Moreover, he always spoke aloud one gender of the child, and wrote another in the journal. And if after the birth of the child, the client returned to him, demanding a refund for an incorrect forecast, he would take out a magazine and showed the visitor a record in which the floor was correct. And accused the client that he did not hear (or misunderstood) the prediction.

    Rescue bell

    The woman did not know how to get rid of the overgrown guests, but she was saved by a phone call. How?

    The woman pretended that the caller told her about a fire in the house of one of the guests, but she did not hear about whose house was discussed.


    A naked man in perplexity stood over a still warm corpse, shivering from the cold. What happened?

    A man woke up from a lethargic sleep in the morgue. A mortuary worker, upon seeing the “living dead”, died of a heart attack.


    Because of the cadets of the military school in all the shops of the city, for one day, they bought up all the salt. Why?

    The cadets were given a task - to remove all the snow on the parade ground. Since it was too lazy to clean the snow by hand, they decided to sprinkle it with salt. To do this, bought 10 packs of salt each. When the grandmothers in the store saw that people in military uniform were stockpiling salt, they decided that martial law was coming, began to sow panic and buy salt.

    Incomprehensible language

    The instructions from the American police meet words on rare foreign languageswhich the police themselves do not own. What are these words for?

    Sly polygamist

    A man for a relatively short time has registered a marriage 20 times. Each time another woman entered into marriage. Nevertheless, he was not divorced from any of them, but he did not become a polygamous at the same time.

    The man is the registrar of marriages in the registry office.

    A cheating wife

    The husband returns from a business trip, rings the doorbell, opens his wife. He immediately attacked her with accusations of adultery. How did he know about it?

    On the way home, my husband drove to a friend, and his own half-dressed wife opened the door of a friendly apartment to him.


    Digging the ground, a woman discovered a chest of gold. For 3 years she kept it without saying a word to anyone. And after three years I bought a villa, a car and many other things. What prevented her from doing this before?

    The woman is a victim of shipwreck. She spent 3 years on a desert island, where a treasure was found. And when she was finally rescued, she was able to use it.

    Unlucky money

    The girl found the money and was very upset. Why?

    The girl is a novice writer, she published several copies of her book and left them on a shelf in the library. Between the pages of the books, the girl specially put bills of money to check if her books were interesting to anyone. Some time later, she came to the library and saw that in all the books bills were in place — that means no one had opened them.

    Missing interest

    The guy saw a pretty girl at a table in a cafe, and it was already decided to go and meet him, but then the girl yawned. Immediately after this, the young man lost interest in her. Why?

    Yawning, the girl covered her mouth with her hand, and the young man noticed a wedding ring on her finger.

    Examination paper

    The student finished writing the exam after all, and the teacher did not want to accept his work. However, he managed to pass the job and get a good grade. How did he do it?

    The student asked the teacher: “Do you know my last name?” And, making sure that he did not know her, he put his work in the middle of the pile and ran away. The teacher had to check his work.

    Family ties

    Eric's father was older than his grandfather. How can it be?

    If Eric's father and mother have a big age difference, the maternal grandfather may be younger than Eric's father.

    Strange girls

    Nearby are three girls, two of them are upset, one is happy. A happy girl is crying, and upset girls are smiling. What's happening?

    Deadly feast

    Indoors table, on it cards and a gun. At the table, everyone is dead. Five of them have painful grimaces on their face, and the sixth has a normal facial expression. What happened?

    It happened on a submarine, which began to sink. Stocks of oxygen were coming to an end. Those gathered at the table on the cards played the right to shoot themselves, since there was only one bullet in the pistol.


    A man runs, many other people run after him. The man shouts to his pursuers, “you cannot see gold!”, And starts shooting. Observers are jubilant. What's happening?

    The old man told the children that he really liked it when they shouted under his windows and he was ready to pay them money, provided that they would come into the courtyard every day and shout as loudly as possible. After a couple of days, he told the children that he had nothing more to pay. The children ran away to play in another place, not wanting to amuse the old man for free.

    A gift from the professor

    One professor had dreamed all his life to give one of his students a large amount of money. But no one came for the money. Why?

    All students taught the subject of a thick textbook written by the professor himself. On one of the pages, near the end of the textbook, there was a footnote: "A student who reads this can turn to the author of the textbook for a monetary reward." But no student there even read the textbook to the end.


    A man and a woman got married, and after the wedding they abandoned all their affairs and were just having fun. As a result, three years later they became millionaires. How so?

    Before the wedding, they were billionaires. But in three years they squandered part of their fortunes and became just millionaires.


    One woman should have received a great inheritance from her grandmother. Having received a testament envelope from her grandmother, she was so much disappointed when she found a $ 20 check inside that she threw away the envelope and the check in the trash can with annoyance. The next day, the woman’s maid quit, and a month later the woman found out that her former maid had become a millionaire. What's the secret?

    The grandmother of the woman loved to joke - a collection stamp worth $ 3 million was pasted on the envelope.

    Match man

    In the middle of the desert lies a man without clothes. In his hands is a broken match. What happened?

    The man flew with his friends in a balloon. But suddenly the ball began to rapidly lose height. Then the friends decided to reduce weight, getting rid of all the excess. They threw down the bags, food, but it did not help. Then they decided to remove all outerwear and shoes. That didn't help either. They realized that the ball could not stand so many passengers, and decided to draw lots. The one who draws the shortest match will have to jump down. Our friend was out of luck.

    Rare book

    The man had a rare book worth $ 50,000, but he deliberately destroyed it. Why?

    The man had 2 identical copies. Destroying one of the books, the collector at times increased the cost of the second.


    Every evening the girl opened the safe, put a shoe in there and went to bed. Why?

    The girl worked as a flight attendant, and in the safe kept documents. In order not to forget them, she put together with documents in the safe a shoe from a uniform: in one shoe she definitely would not leave the house!

    Restless night

    The man was lying at night in a hotel room and could not sleep. After the car passed by, he looked under the bed and found a corpse there. Why did he decide to look under the bed?

    A passing car headlights illuminated the clock that hung on the wall, and the man saw that they were not walking, but he heard the clock ticking. It was the ticking of the wristwatch that was on the corpse.

    Mysterious death

    The man entered the room and saw an open window, a large puddle of water and fragments on the floor. Dead Mary lay beside her. What happened?

    That day there was a strong wind and the window opened wide. The aquarium, which stood on the windowsill, fell to the floor and crashed. Mary is a fish.

    Chance meeting

    The man calmly walked down the street, suddenly suddenly attacked a woman passing by and strangled her. He was taken to the police, but he was released and was not sent to prison. Why?

    The woman was his wife. Several years ago, she staged her own death in such a way as to accuse her husband. He was convicted of murder, he has already served time in prison. Accidentally I saw my “dead” spouse on the street, a man in anger, he strangled her. And for the same murder can not be convicted twice.


    The man always went down the elevator, and always went up on foot. Why?

    The fact is that the man was a dwarf, and he lived on the 12th floor. In the elevator, he could only reach the ground floor button.

    Bar case

    A cowboy walks into a bar and asks the bartender to pour him a glass of water. The bartender suddenly pulls out a gun and shoots into the air, after which the cowboy thanks the bartender and leaves. What happened?

    A cowboy suffered from hiccups and wanted to get rid of her by drinking a glass of water. The bartender, having understood the problem of a cowboy, applied a tried and tested means - to scare a hiccup.

    Chess Club

    Following the trail of the criminals, the police inspector entered the chess club. Having assessed the situation, he told his assistants: “Detain those two players!” How did he recognize the criminals?

    The inspector saw that there were no kings on the hastily arranged board.

    Reliable means

    The former sailor put an ad in the newspaper: “For a small fee, I send cash on delivery a reliable means against seasickness.” After a while he was arrested, although he did not deceive anyone.


    A man gets up at night to drink water. Then he turns off the light and goes to bed. The next morning, he gets up, looks out of the window, screams and kills suicide.

    The man was the caretaker of the lighthouse and at night mistakenly turned off the light on the lighthouse. Because of this, several ships crashed on reefs. In the morning he realized what he had done ...

    Bad dream

    The farmer had a wife and children. In addition to them, a maid and a night watchman lived on the farm. Once a farmer got ready for a business trip. When the farmer was about to leave the station, the watchman approached him and said that that night he had a dream about a train that had derailed. As the farmer was superstitious, he postponed the trip, and the next day he learned that the train had really crashed. However, the caretaker was fired. Why?

    The night watchman must guard the farm at night, not sleep.


    A note in the newspaper: "The tragic death of a woman in the mountains." The photo shows a married couple, the article presents condolences to the spouse. A man came to the police, reported some data, and her husband was accused of murdering her. Who was this man and what did he report?

    A travel agent came to the police and said that her husband was buying two tickets to the mountains and only one return.

    Smart students

    An inspector came to check the school. He noticed that when the teacher asked the class a question, all the students raised their hands, no matter how difficult it was. The teacher chose new students each time, and they all gave the correct answers. The inspector realized that there was some kind of cunning. Which one?

    The teacher warned the students that when he asked the question, everyone should raise his hand. But at the same time, those who know the answer to the question raise their left hand, and who do not know the right.

    Punctual man

    A very punctual deaf person strictly adhered to the schedule. Every morning he would leave the house at 7:45, to go on a small half-hour walk. At the same time he crossed the railway tracks. The first train went through them only at 9:00. But once a deaf person was hit by a train during his walk. Why?

    On this night, the time was transferred to summer. The man did not transfer his watch, left the house an hour later and crossed the crossing not at 8:00, but at 9:00.

    Sudden wealth

    A man bought a picture and fabulously rich.

    The man bought the usual picture of an unknown artist for his living room. Hammering a nail into the wall to hang a picture, the man discovered a cavity in the wall: under the wallpaper there was a thin layer of plaster and plywood. He opened the mysterious place and there was a cache of diamonds.

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    Hello, dear readers! Congratulations, you have just discovered a way to make this family evening fun, fun, and mind-worthy. The instruction is simple: quickly read the text below, then call for children and adults and solemnly declare: “Today we have danetki with answers, complex, interesting and the freshest!”

    How to play?

    Danetki - a kind of mystery. The presenter voices the story (quite realistic or fantastically incongruous), hiding the most important details for the time being. Guys need to completely recreate the situation depicted and figure out what led to the final sounded. Situations are thoughtful sly, sometimes detective, so you have to break your head. Players can ask clarifying questions to the leader, which the latter must answer with just three phrases: “yes”, “no” and “does not matter”.

    For example, the presenter tells a story called "Lottery ticket":

    Sergey bought a lottery ticket. He was winning. But the man was not at all happy about it. Why?

    Players make assumptions:

    Sergey got a win?

    Did he see too late that the ticket was winning?

    Did he give someone his ticket?

    Gave your ticket to a person who does not like it very much?

    Is it a man or a woman?


    Maybe this is an unloved boss?

    Answer:  Sergey gave a lottery ticket to his boss, whom he disliked.

    Danetki is an amazing game that develops not only logic, but also fantasy. Your close ones - adults and children - will surely appreciate the most funny and unusual answers, and how many emotions when the correct version is finally revealed!

    To warm up we offer short puzzles:
    "Potato Peeler"

    One company produced knives for cleaning potatoes. Manufacturers conceived to increase sales of their devices and decided: it is necessary that the knives more often disappear in the houses, then the hostess will buy new ones. How did they realize their idea?

    Answer:  The company began to produce knives for cleaning potatoes, painted under the peel of the root. The instruments merged in color with cleanings, and were often thrown away.


    One man bought a painting and got rich rather quickly. Why?

    Answer:  The picture was ordinary. But when a man drove a nail into the wall of his living room to hang a canvas, he discovered a mysterious cavity under the wallpaper. There was a cache, laid by the former owners and full of precious stones.

    "Loud noise"

    Dima shakes with fear, sitting on a chair. Suddenly there is a loud sound. The boy jumps up and runs out of the room with a cry. What happened?

    Answer:  Dima came to school without learning a lesson, and was very afraid to be called to the blackboard. But the bell for a break rang, and the rescued boy jumped out of class.

    "Caught the Thief"

    Andrew, who lives alone, returned home after work. The apartment was quiet and completely dark. Here the master loudly ordered the thief to stand still. How did he guess that there was a criminal in the house?

    Answer: Andrei did not see the electronic alarm clock glowing in the dark at his usual place. It means that someone has shielded them with his body.


    Only dirty people walk on this road. Why?

    Answer:  The road is located in the resort town. Here there is a lake known for therapeutic mud, and not far - a clean pond with ordinary water. After mud therapy, patients go to wash in a transparent reservoir and always go dirty on the way from one lake to another.

    "Guessing girl"

    Natasha was given a task at a chemistry lesson: to take samples of polluted air in the nearest industrial city. The teacher handed the schoolgirl a glass jar with an airtight lid. Natasha realized that there was clean air in the tank. How did she manage to free the jar from him and then fill the sample in the city?

    Answer:  Natasha filled the jar with water. Arriving in the city, poured liquid. The released vessel was instantly filled with air.

    And now funny danetki:

    "In class"

    The teacher said to the class: “Stand up those who consider themselves stupid!” Everyone sat at their desks, only one boy stood up. “Do you really think you are stupid?” The teacher wondered. “No,” the boy shook his head. “Then why did you get up?” The teacher was surprised. What did he hear?

    Answer:  The boy politely said: "It seemed to me uncomfortable that you are standing alone."

    "In the bus"

    Katya decided to give up her seat on the bus to the incoming woman. But she was very embarrassed and refused. Why?

    Answer:Little Kate was sitting on her father's lap.

    "Boxing match"

    Mikhail entered the boxing ring and defeated his opponent dry. But he did not count the victory. Why?

    Answer:  Michael confused fights and went out to fight the wrong partner. Since the rules were violated, they did not count the victory.

    "Mysterious tool"

    The man ran out of the house early in the morning to quickly buy a tool for burying. What happened to him?

    Answer:  Runny nose The tool is a pipette.

    "At the doctor"

    An angry elderly man came to the doctor's appointment. The patient assured the medic that he wrote him a defective hearing aid, because without him he hears better. The doctor, having listened to the old man, only laughed. Why?

    Answer:  The man did not hear one ear, and he wore the device on the other, healthy.

    And finally: the freshest, exclusively for you, "baked" danetki:

    "In the train"

    The train stopped at the station. A woman entered the car, quickly ran through it and got upset. Why?

    Answer:  This lady was selling women's cosmetics, and only conscripts were driving in the car.


    He won the race, but became the 45th. Like this?

    Answer: He became the 45th president of the United States.


    Pasha noticed a scrap of white paper attached to the glass of the car. But while he, joyful, ran to the car, a piece of paper was carried away by a strong wind. Pasha could not catch her and was very upset. Why?

    Answer:  Pasha is a boy who, together with his friends, played the quest (searching for notes with tasks). A note was attached to the glass of the car, indicating where to look for the next message. As the wind took away the note, the boy could not find the next one.

    Why is the danetki game useful?

    • Develops logical thinking and fantasy, learns to analyze pieces of information and look for non-obvious links between phenomena and objects.
    • Unites the whole family. The logic puzzles may seem complicated to kids, but the atmosphere of gaming interaction, hard work of the mind, unrestrained fantasy is useful to people of any age.
    • Does not require complex props. You can play anywhere: at home, on the street, in line, in transport.

    Join the whole family in the ranks of fans of this popular fun!

    • Kits for playing danetki can be bought. Minus - sooner or later, even the most plump box with logical "nuts" will be cracked.
    • Popular tasks are easy to find on the Internet. True, loyal fans of the danek know that the resources of the web are exhausted.
    • You can come up with trick stories yourself. Show the children an example, and they will gladly compose interesting tasks for each other and for adults.

    Share your favorite dankets in the comments, invent new ones, and we will guess them together!