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  • Riddles old. Russian folk mysteries

    Riddles old. Russian folk mysteries

    We begin to guess riddles from childhood. On this page we have made a selection of Russian ancient puzzles with such a catch, so as not to immediately guess, but to think. If nothing comes to mind, use the answers. They are needed not only for clues, but also to check the correctness of the answer to the riddle. In the old days they loved to make complex puzzles with a trick for children and even adults.

    For small children:

    The black cow overcame the whole world, and the white cow raised it. Day and night

    At one end of the eccentric - at the other end of the worm. Fishing rod

    Born in the forest, lives in the water.   A boat

    You have been given it, it is yours now. You never gave it to anyone, but your acquaintances use it. What is it? Your name

    Not a warrior with spurs, not a caretaker, but screaming. Cock

    The forest grew all white, on foot did not enter it, did not ride on a horse. Frosty pattern

    Zarya-Zarnitsa, red maiden,

    The gate locked

    Walking in the field,

    Lost keys.

    Month saw

    And the sun is gone. Dew

    For adults or children over 5-7 years.

    On the basis of the city of Carthage, there is an ancient legend. Dido, the daughter of the king of Tire, having lost her husband, who was murdered by her brother, fled to Africa. There she bought from the Numidian king so much land, "how much does oxen hide take." When the transaction took place, Dido cut the oxen's skin into thin straps and, thanks to such a ruse, embraced a piece of land sufficient for building a fortress. It was as if the fortress of Carthage arose, and later the city was built.

    Try to determine approximately what area, according to this legend, could occupy a fortress, if we assume that the size of a cowhide was 4 square meters. m., and the width of the straps, which Dido cut it, 1 mm.

    Answer: If the area of ​​oxhide is 4 square meters. m. (or 4 million sq. mm.), and the width of the straps is 1 mm., then the total length of the cut out belt (Dido, it must be thought, cut it out spirally) is 4 million millimeters, or 4000 meters, i.e. 4 km. This belt can surround a square plot of 1 square. km and round - 1.3 square meters. km

    Flew a flock of ducks. One in front, two behind; one behind and two in front; one between two and three in a row. How many ducks flew?

    Answer: Three ducks flew one after another.

    How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach?

    Answer: One

    This is a vintage puzzle. Cut a round hole in a sheet of thick paper and invite someone to stick a coin that is larger in diameter into it. Tear up the paper or somehow bend and break, as well as cut the coin - it is impossible.

    Answer: Fold a piece of paper "bag", the hole should be at the bottom. Then take the paper with both hands and ask someone to throw the coin in the "bag" - let it fall right to the bottom and look out the bottom end of the hole. After that, slightly lift the corners of the “bag” - this will be enough for the hole to increase, and the coin will fall out of the hole in a second or two. At the same time the paper remained intact.

    A peasant needs to carry a wolf, a goat and a cabbage across a river. The boat is small: a peasant can fit in it, and with it either a goat, or only a wolf, or only cabbage. But if you leave a wolf with a goat, then the wolf will eat the goat, and if you leave the goat with cabbage, the goat will eat cabbage. How did the peasant carry his cargo?

    Answer: It is clear that one has to start with a goat. The peasant, having transported the goat, returns and takes the wolf, which he carries to the other shore, where he leaves him, but he takes the goat and takes it back to the first shore. Here he leaves her and transports cabbage to the wolf. After that, returning, he transports the goat, and the ferry ends safely.

    They say that two fathers and two sons found on the road leading to Bombay, three rupees (silver coins) and quickly divided them among themselves, and each got a coin. How did they manage to cope with the task?

    Answer: Travelers were able to share the discovery equally, because there were three of them: grandfather, father and son (or in another way, two fathers and two sons).

    Three painters had a brother, Ivan, and Ivan had no brothers. How could this happen?

    Answer: The painters were sisters.

    This is the Russian folk poteshka, and in it an interesting mystery.

    Flew daws,

    Sat on sticks.

    If on every stick

    Sit down one daw,

    That for one jackdaw

    Not enough stick.

    If on every stick

    Sit down two jackdaws,

    Then one of the sticks

    It will be without daws.

    How many daws?

    How many sticks were there?

    Answer: Four jackdaws, three sticks.

    Being a transit in a small town, one merchant went to eat in a restaurant, and then decided to get a haircut. In the town there were only two hairdressing salons, and in each - only one master, he is the owner. In one, the hairdresser was untidy shaved and poorly shorn, and in the other, he was clean-shaven and had an excellent haircut. The merchant decided to get a haircut in the first barber shop. How do you think he made the right choice?

    Answer: The merchant correctly judged that since there are only two hairdressers in the city, they will surely shear each other. So, go get a haircut to the one who has a bad haircut.

    This is an old folk task. A peasant woman came to the market to sell eggs. The first customer bought from her half of all the eggs and another half-eggs. The second customer bought half the remaining eggs and another half-eggs. The third bought only one egg. After that, the peasant woman had nothing left. How many eggs did she bring to the bazaar?

    Answer: The problem is solved from the end. After the second customer bought half of the remaining eggs and another half-egg, the peasant has only one egg left. So, one and a half eggs make up the second half of what is left after the first sale. It is clear that the total balance is three eggs. Adding half a egg, we get half of what the peasant had originally. So, the number of eggs she brought to the market is seven.

    How to divide 5 apples between five faces so that everyone gets an apple, and one apple remains in the basket.

    Answer: One person takes an apple along with a basket.

    Three peasants: Ivan, Peter and Nikolai - received a sack of grain for their work. Unfortunately, there was no measurement at hand and I had to divide the grain by eye. The eldest among the peasants, Ivan, scattered grain into three piles, he thought, equally:

    The first pile of eight you, Peter, the second will get to Nicholas, and the third to me.

    I do not agree to this, Nikolai objected, my pile of grain is the smallest.

    The peasants argued. A little quarrel did not come. The grain is poured from one pile to another, from another to the third and they will not come to an agreement, someone is surely unhappy.

    If we were two, I am Peter, - cried Ivan in the hearts, I would instantly share. I would have scattered the grain into two equal piles and suggested that Peter choose one, and take the rest. Both of us would be pleased. And here I do not know how to be. The peasants wondered how to divide the grain, so that everyone was happy, so that everyone was sure that he received at least a third. And come up with.

    Think up and you.

    Answer: Ivan suggested dividing the grain like this:

    I scatter the grain into three piles, in my opinion, equally and move aside. Any of the heaps will work for me. Let then Peter will indicate the smallest, in his opinion, heap of grain. If Nikolai also thinks that the grains in this heap are less than a third, then give it to me, and divide the rest of the grain among themselves in a way already known. If Nikolay decides that there is no less than one third of the grain in this pile, let him take it for himself. Peter will take the most, in his opinion, a bunch, and the rest will get to me.

    The peasants followed the suggestion of Ivan, divided the grain and, satisfied, dispersed.

    The challenge for the second class parochial school. Invented by Leo Tolstoy.

    Now only 30% of high school students and only 20% of university students can solve it correctly.

    The seller sells a hat. It is worth 10 p. The buyer approaches, measures and agrees to take, but he has only 25 p. The seller sends the boy with these 25 r. to a neighbor exchange. The boy resorts and gives 10 + 10 + 5. The seller gives the cap and change in 15 rubles. After some time a neighbor comes and says that 25 r. fake, requires to give her money. What should I do. The seller climbs into the cashier and returns the money to her.

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    Trick riddles, 4.4 out of 5 based on 20 ratings

    Riddle is a special kind of wit, which has always received attention in society. This part of folklore was actively used for teaching, creating a certain mood and ideas in people of different ages and situations. Russian folklore riddles corresponding to the occasion appeared in textbooks, books, magazines and newspapers, and also spread orally.

    The concept and features of the Russian folk mystery

    As a rule, riddles are understood as an allegory in the form of a description of things or phenomena, given in an interrogative form. The addition of "Russian folk" implies that it appeared and is used in the territories of the Slavic countries or among the Russian-speaking population.

    Many people, understanding the essence of this part of folklore, are not able to give it a clear definition, but they will definitely give as examples one of the riddles known to them. Among the features of this phenomenon are:

    • Sphere of distribution - all Slavic peoples and territories. Folklore from the whole territory of the former Russian Empire (USSR) is included in Russian folk riddles, proverbs, sayings and jokes. And there are mysteries of the Belarusian, Mari, Volga, Siberian, etc.
    • Lack of copyright. It is impossible to install a specific puzzle maker. They simply appear in a certain period, become obsolete, disappear or are processed into more modern versions. So collections of various riddles do not write, but make up.
    • Specific subject. Folklore, especially intended for children, rarely operates with abstract concepts such as life, death, soul, and morality, and focus on specific concepts. For example, Russian folk puzzles about the air do not tell about this phenomenon, but about quite tangible clouds or smoke, that is, about things that everyone has seen and can recognize.

    Place in folklore and free art

    Mysteries of Russian folk is one of the most significant and lively poetic genres by which worldview in society can be. Even 60-70 years ago, they constituted a significant part of the leisure activities of young people and the official authorities used them, including for propaganda.

    The peak of the study of mysteries as part of folklore and compilation of collections fell on the XIX-XX centuries. In particular, in 1837, Tales of the Russian People and Proverbs, compiled by the talented archaeologist and traveler I. P. Sakharov, were published. And in 1976, D. N. Sadovnikov released his "Mysteries of the Russian People". A collection of 2504 points subsequently reprinted several times.

    Certain attention was given to riddles in the USSR. In 1932, under the editorship of M. A. Rybnikova, the most comprehensive collection was published, which included the folklore of various regions, the works of schoolchildren and new “Soviet” notions.

    • 2 plows. 2 turnips. In the middle of the factory. RSFSR.
    • Not beet and carrot, and the red head. Pioneer.
    • Someone with a voice, but without a voice. Disabled, that is, defeated in the rights.

    In the future, the serious work of M. A. Rybnikova became the source for the creation of developing children's books. Riddles from it can be found in many modern publications.

    In the XXI century, the number of new puzzles has decreased markedly, but they themselves have become much more difficult and sometimes give cynical humor. The heritage of the Soviet times is also widely used in primary school textbooks and educational literature for the youngest (3-6 years).

    Outdated puzzles. Forms

    Like any part of the Russian language, folklore is peculiar to updating. First of all, the riddles of Russian folk are forgotten about obsolete things. For example:

    • Plowing clean field. Black sheep scolding. Bread in the oven.
    • Troshka stands on one leg, crumbles fiery crumbs. Svetets - stand for torch.
    • Black Riding on the stove rides. Oven grip.

    Technical progress struck out a lot from folklore, and there was nothing to fill the void. Today, 80% of all known riddles, in one way or another, use outdated words and expressions - caftan, horde, millstone, king, etc. While they are still understood by people (and especially children) and remain part of the cultural tradition.

    Commonly used riddles have several verbal forms:

    • Narrative with interrogative intonation. For example: "Four brothers stand under one roof."   Table.
    • Verse of different lengths - from 6 to 30-40 words. For example: "The house has grown in the field. The house is full of grain. The walls are gilded. The shutters are boarded up. The house goes with a turn. There is gold on the pole". Rye.
    • Ongoing. This type is characterized by a smooth description of the thing, where each subsequent phrase is a continuation of the previous one. For example: "The forks stand, and a barrel is on the forks. A barrel waved. There was a swing on the mahal. There was a yawn on the swing. There was a snuff in the nose. The blinker on the smile. Person.

    It is worth noting that this kind of Russian folk, and often oversaturated with parables. They should be given either to adults or children from 10 years.

    Poetic riddles

    They note that folklore in a poetic form seems to be more vivid by ear and easier to remember. Most of the famous riddles and appearances, including very short, rhymed. The most commonly used triple or four-stop trochee:

    • Front awl. Behind the wiltz. On the chest - a towel. Swallow.
    • White mansions. Red backwaters. Goose.
    • What is in front of us? Two shafts behind the ears, in front of the wheel and the nurse on the nose. Points

    Russian folk mysteries in verse can have 2 types:

    1. Rhymed question.

    2. Unfinished poem, where the answer is the last word in rhyme. Most often, they are used to teach children about counting, alphabet, and natural history.

      and the weather

    Various natural phenomena have always been the subject of close attention in folklore. Water, earth, moon, rivers, stars and many other things - they were all the subject of guessing. And the peak of their appearance came at the end of the XIX - beginning of the XX century, when people began to pay much more attention to the surrounding world. At that time Russian folk fog, smoke and clouds appeared - phenomena are very ephemeral.

    • Good, good. He looks at everyone, but does not command himself. The sun.
    • White bird in the sky. Resting on a block of snow. Moon in the clouds.
    • She ran - made noise. Died - shone. Frozen river.
    • On the street a pillar. In the hut - a tablecloth. Smoke.
    • Eagle flies across the blue sky. Wings spread out, the sun blinded. Cloud.
    • I give an answer to every call, but not body and soul. Echo.

    No less popular subject - the seasons and weather phenomena. Particularly interesting Russian folk winter and related events such as snow, leaf fall, frost, blizzard and wind.

      and people

    Children's thinking requires pointing to specific things, and therefore Russian folk puzzles about animals (wild and domestic) at all times were a significant part of this kind of folklore. Moreover, they are doubly useful, as in a game form they bring to the child information about the leads, behavior or danger of a particular beast. For example:

    • Small, but lightweight. And you will not lift by the tail. Lizard.
    • Behind the field and forest line there is a mountain with sand. Anthill.
    • In the swamp jumping, human-like swims. Frog.
    • With horns, but not bull. Runs like a dragonfly. Jumps like a flea. Deer.
    • Hanging sieve. Not by hands suited. Web.
    • Flies - beeps, sits - silent. Who will kill him - shed his blood. Mosquito.
    • All I wake up on time, even though I do not start looking for hours. Cock.
    • Scouring the fields. Lambs and calves looking for. Wolf.

    Russian folk children's puzzles, dedicated to man, allow in an entertaining way to teach a child the basics of anatomy. They will learn to identify parts of the body according to the description only.

    • 2 brothers live across the road. One does not see the other. Eyes.
    • 5 brothers live. All have the same name. Fingers.
    • Between the two luminaries I am one. Nose.
    • One says. Two are watching, and two are listening. Mouth, eyes and ears.
    • What part of a person is always wet? Tongue.

    Riddles about numbers, alphabet and learning process

    After the revolution of 1917 and the formation of a new state in society, much attention was paid to literacy of the population. Send to reading courses for older people who already have grandchildren, it was commonplace. But among the younger generation, the prestige of education helped to disseminate the riddles of Russian folk, rhymes and ditties about ignoramuses. All the folklore on this subject can be divided into the following groups:

    1. About educational accessories - notebooks, books, textbooks, etc.

    • White field, black seed. Who sows it - he understands. Book.
    • When is a sighted person blind? Illiterate.
    • He does not speak, does not tell, but shows an example. Poster.
    • On one paper the whole world is placed. Geographic map.

    2. About the alphabet, numbers and other sciences.

    Russian folk children's puzzles, compiled in verse form (with answer-ending), are very effective as a means of teaching first-graders the basics of writing and arithmetic.

    Riddles about food and things

    The most updated part of folklore, in which riddles die after the withdrawal from the use of certain things. But instead, they also regularly appear new. So you can easily find riddles about the Russian stove, poker or rocker, as well as about a computer, cell phone, car or plane.

    The subject of this group is very extensive and in any collection there is an easy riddle about the Russian folk instrument, clothing, heating, handicraft, equipment, etc.

    • He strokes everything he touches, and if you touch him, he bites. Iron.
    • The horse is steel, and the tail is silk (linen). Needle and thread.
    • One hand meets. The other accompanies. A door.

    Riddles about food are mostly concentrated around several of the most important products available to everyone - bread (chunks, loaf), salt, sugar, pancakes, dough, milk.

    Puzzles for adults. Erotic folklore

    There is an opinion that Russian folk mysteries about nature, things and food are intended for children. But it is not so. A huge layer of folklore is directly related to adults. And this is not only particularly complex forms, but also erotic puzzles - the category "18+". Despite strict religious and then party censorship, they flourished at all times.

    Riddles for adults are always ambiguous and deeply ironic, as they are built on deceived expectations. While uttering the text, the performer pretends that he does not understand the sexual meaning of keywords like “hole”, “pull”, “peck”, etc. And the main lie is that the answer to the riddle does not contain an indiscreet meaning. For example:

    • Two apples in the moss. Carrot upstairs. Eyes and nose.
    • Dangling between the legs - the letter "x" is called. As he sees the letter "p" immediately rises. Elephant's trunk and food.
    • From ass to mouth. Egg.
    • Hanging - dangle. Everyone grabs him. Towel.

    Riddles, as part of folklore, exist in all countries. But Russians stand out against the global background with their multiplicity, variety of forms and importance for society.


    Indian craft overgrown with brushwood (namychka yarn).
      Runs a pig from Peter, the whole istikany (thimble).
      Without legs it is fast, without veins strongly, without mind cunningly (mill).
      Without hands, without legs crumbled noodles (the same).
      Hog in a black hodgepatch (tar in a barrel).
      Brother's brother rubs, white blood flows (from the same).
      Truly belly, legs pru, where will open, here and stick (weaving).
      The bull is grumbling, the old man is knocking; the bull will run, foam will tumble down (millstones).
      Iron bull, tail dull (from the same).
      The bullhead is forged, and the tail is stolen (the same).


    In a hut a raven, from a log hut a swan (darling).
      In the forest goes home looking; From the forest goes, looks into the forest (he is, behind the belt).
      He grew up in the forest, hung out on the wall, crying in his arms, whoever listens - jumps (beep).
      In the forest it grew, it was carried out of the forest, it cries on its hands, and jumps on the floor (balalaika).
      In the forest, something tyap-tyap, at home something blunder-blunder, take it on your knees - cry (balalaika).
      In the stove there are three chocks, three geese, three ducks, three apples (a gun charge).
      In the dark hut the bear roars (from the same).
      The whole world feeds itself does not eat (from the same).
      Around the field I go, in one pole I shovel (stuffing hoops).
      In the field, the field flooded horses, the bear roared at the fair (from the same).
      An ankle is carried in a polish field: there is tar, light weight and death not far away (a gun) in this shaft.
      Iron wolf, hemp tail (from the same).


    Two boars are fighting, between them foaming down (from the same).
      Two ends, two rings, and in the middle of carnations (scissors).
      The yard is holey, people talk, but they don’t order to go out (muzzle).
      The day is asleep, the night is staring, it is dying in the morning, another is replacing (candles).
      Wooden legs, though all summer stand (weaving mill).
      Dudka Duda, a hole in the pipe; Duda rattles, the dog runs (shotgun). .


    I did not ride a horse, I drove without a whip, I did not burn a stick, I didn’t land a daw, I cooked it, I didn’t get it (I didn’t go fishing).


    Iron horse, tailgate (from the same).


    Behind the forest, behind the birch grove the filly neighs, the foal is waiting (the mill).
      Whether to pick up a riddle - to throw over the garden bed, through the fence, through the master's yard (crest, earlobe).
      I’ll go into the fireplaces, I’ll look into the laborer, there’s a bubble with bling (smithy).
      Grind headless (brace).
      Horses flooded in Kirilovsky field, doggied at Murom barked, bear roared at Ivanovsky (Romanovsky) (coca - mill pestles; dog - flies; bear - millstone).
      A small animal from vershok, and a tail of seven versts (from the same).


    There is a pig out of the swamp, the whole mess.


    The stone sea revolves around, the white hare lies near it, the whole world suits (millstones and flour).
      Bows, bows - will come home, stretch out (ax).
      Horse steel, linen tail (from the same).
      Kochet goleast, much to bow (the same).
      Who is neither baptized nor born, but lives the truth? (Bezmen.)


    Lies beauty face in a sub-bastard (the same).
      A monk lies in the steep mountains; comes out, feeds the faithful and the unfaithful (millstones).
      The owl flew out of the red village, the owl sat on four pillars (shot).
      The black grouse flew in the evening, no longer, fell into a quinoa - and now I will not find (bullet).
      A raven flies, its nose is bound: where it pokes, the ore sinks (the gun).
    An eagle flies, fire in its mouth, at the end of the tail is human death (a gun).
      The bird flies thin, feathers are red and yellow, at the end of her human death (gun, shot).
      Spitholes fly and say: our mother has a heart of stone, an iron chest (from the same).


    Toil, toil - come home, stretch (the same).
      Little, little blue, the whole world is pretty (the same).
      Small, round, and the tail does not lift (tangle).
      Small, light, the whole world dresses (the same).


    On the mountain-hill there is an ankle: there is tar, light weight and death nearby (gun on the shoulder).
      On an aspen (linden) I sit, through a maple I look, I shake a birch (spinning).
      On the pit, the pit is a hundred holes with a hole (thimble).
      On the fossa, the fossa is a hundred holes with a pit (from the same).
      The legs are stone, the head is wooden, and it itself is in shabure and walks in the water (lack of space).
      Foot trample, belly click, hand hand, twice a column and start again (whooping).


    One says - let us run, the other says - we lie down, the third says - we swing (water, millstone, wheel).


    A barin with a beard (a comb with a lobe) sits under the front.
      I went tut-tukhtu, took a tav-tavta with me, I found snoring-ottoman; if only they were not a tavta, they would eat snore-ottoman (went after the horse, took the dog with him and found it on the bear).
      Thieves (fishermen) came, the owners were stolen (fish), and the house went to the windows (water into the cells of the seine).
      The bird-justritsa gazes at the wind, flaps its wings, itself from a place (the same).
      A small bird rolls across the field, is not afraid of anyone (a rifle bullet).
      Five brothers on the road run, but dry; five brothers stand alone and are wet (fingers of both hands during yarn).
      Five eat up, and five fit (fingers and yarn).
      Five, five sheep fetus eat up; five, five sheep (or: the sixth lamb) run away away (the same).
      Five, five sheep fetus eat up; Five, five sheep dust are picked up (the same).


    Himself a goal (naked), and a shirt in his bosom (candle and light).
      Iron itself, and tail tail (needle and thread).
      Gilt gold bristle, linen tail, gallops around the world, the whole world is painting (or: clothes. Needle and thread).
      Seven Semionov, one Matrona (pestles and stupa in the mill).
      Sits a woman on the Jurassic, his legs hung over the river (from the same).
      Little blue, small in the city jumps, all the people paint (needle).
      Blue tit all white light wore (the same).
      Through a horse and a cow, a pig and flax are being dragged (mace of boots).
      Soon she eats and finely chews, she does not swallow herself and does not give to others (saw).
      Blind pig near the crawling crawl (shuttle).
      It is worth Potap about four paws, drinking water from year to year (hotbed).
    It is worth a daughter-in-law and spread her legs: the world feeds itself does not eat (plow).
      Knocks, strumming, spinning, not afraid of the fear of God (crowd).
      Knocks, strumming, one hundred end runs: what is in the neighborhood, all the bread will eat (from the same).
      Dry friday bone nibbles (comb, comb).
      Dry Martin spits away (gun).


    Tah-tararah, there is a house on the mountains, the water is sprinkling, the beard is shaking (from the same).
      Tipyak (pictel) beats, revyak (millstone) roars, pipes (wheels) pop, water splashes (mill).


    Black Kochet wants to bark (gun).
      Chernysh, scum, where are you going? - Be quiet, continued, and you should be there (beer pot and vat).
      Four sisters chase around; one another will not catch up (spiders, reel).


    I walked along tyuch-tyuhtyu, I found valyuh-tyuhtyu; If this were not a value — tyukhtya, it would have eaten me tyukh-tyhtya (peasant, ax, and bear).
      Shilo, reel walked on a cell-walker, they spoke German (crane?).
      There was a pig through a bull on an iron sledka, tail tar (the same).
      Shmyg under the gate, long-beard (from the same).

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    1) Death.

    On the sea on Okiane, On the island on Buyan, The bird of Yustrid is sitting, She boasts, she is wagging, With all she saw, She ate a lot. I saw the king in Moscow, the King in Lithuania, the Starets in the cells, the Child in the cradle; And that did not eat, That in the sea did not suffice.

    2) Rose-hips.

    Tree drevodanskoye, Likhokha leaves, Angelic Flowers, Devil's claws.

    3) Paper and scribe.

    Neither the sky nor the earth, The view is light, The shadow-like birds sit on it. Two mature, Two wait, One commands.

    4) Wild wind, a terrible cloud, the sun is clear, passionate heart.

    It flies without wings, It runs without legs, It burns without fire, It hurts without wounds.

    5) Beehive, bees, sting, wax, honey.

    There is hail to the east Wide doors, Around him a lot of armies, Each soldier has a spear. Adamlya is born, He took away all their possessions. To glory, to earthly also!

    6) Breast infant.

    Living zhivulechka, Sits on a lively little stool, Lively meat pulls.

    7) Breast

    The white swan, I wasn’t on the dish, The knife wasn’t crushed, And everyone ate it.

    8) Poppy.

    Little baby Through the earth has passed, I found a red cap.

    9) Pen.

    Flying pan, fell on the water, water did not stir up.

    10) Sky, stars, month.

    I'll take a look at the window, Spread the mat, Sow peas, Put a piece of bread. Everyone sees, Yes, not everyone feels. To whom it is light, To dark, And to me is blue.

    11) The funeral.

    The runners are running, The whirlers roar, They do not breathe, They don’t breathe, They run along the dry shore.

    12) Head of cabbage.

    Under the oak, oak, under karadyshkom, Svilos ball, And not a reed.

    13) Protein with yolk.

    In a white city, In a dark basement, They stand in one barrel: Tsarevo wine, Tsaritsyn honey, Rozno, not mixed.

    14) Thimble.

    There was a pig out of the marsh, All chipped.

    15) Earrings.

    Under the forest, the forest Wheels hang. The girls are painted, well done captives.

    16) Mouse.

    Under the floor, floor walks lady with a stake.

    17) Broom.

    Twisted, bound, On the hut dancing.

    18) Bee and wax candle.

    The animal flies Through the house of God, He says to himself: "Here is my light is on fire."

    19) Cucumber.

    No windows, no doors Full of temple people.

    20) The nuts.

    Mahotka is small, Kashka sweetheart.

    21) Sieve

    Sivaya mare I went to bargaining, Came to us, Went to hand.

    22) Poneva.

    From loins to legs Seventy-five roads.

    23) Wheels.

    Four brothers in the world: Two smaller ones in front, Two big ones behind, Hurry, run, Each other will not catch up.

    24) A boat.

    Food, food, No trace; I cut, I cut, There is no blood.

    25) Bell ringing.

    The bell will ring, The duck will grunt, Get together, kids, To one womb.

    26) Pritoki.

    The two sisters suffer, They bury the closet, They do not dare to ascend.

    27) Oven, fire, smoke.

    The mother is thick, The daughter is red, The son of a braber, Has gone under heaven.

    28) Christening.

    Under the city under the Bryansk, Under the oak under the king, Two eagles eagles, One egg spoiled.

    29) Teeth.

    Near the hole There are white doves.

    30) Nuts, shells, teeth.

    It stands firm, Hangs weakly, Around them smoothly, Everyone has a tackle, He also has a sweetness.

    31) Clock.

    Knocks, rattles, turns, No one is afraid, Considers his age, He is not a man.

    32) Great post.

    There is a bridge Seven versts, On a bridge a pillar, On a pillar there is a color In all the light.

    33) Door with lintels.

    Two stand, Two lie, Fifth walks, Sixth leads.

    34) Church Ringing.

    I will vyvu on vyvu, I will strike in biliberdy, I will comfort the tsar in Moscow, I will wake up the king in Lithuania, Dead man in the earth, Abbess in a cell, Malu dityu in the cradle.

    35) Scissors.

    Two ends, Two rings, In the middle a nail.

    36) Needle with thread.

    Runs piggy, Golden back, Linen tail.

    37) Bread.

    I am making a riddle, Throwing over the garden, In the year of commencement, Godovik Grove.

    38) Current.

    Bald grandfather Looks at the sky, Granddaughters' granddaughters By the bald spot a whip.

    39) Pitchfork.

    There was a pig out of the barn, Breaking the hay along the snout.

    40) Vargi.

    Blurring, razmyh Malu Makhnushku, I lay white bead.

    41) Head of cab.

    It is worth the ass, Itself is low, One hundred on it are rizhok.

    42) Table.

    On a wide yard, On a smooth field, Four butts stand Under one hat.

    43) Cow.

    Four chetyrki, Two rastopyrki, Seventh helipot, Two glass in it.

    44) Candle.

    Himself naked, shirt in the axle; Itself is white, Children are red.

    45) beetle.

    Black, but not a raven, Horn, yes not a bull, Six legs without hoofs, Goes-the land does not fight.

    46) Red.

    Stretched trays, Arrived winches, Truth, crumpled, Spread apart, thrust.

    47) Water vapor.

    Without arms, without legs Not a small shred Above crawling.

    48) Broom.

    It is worth Erofike, Podpoyasan short.

    49) Water dispenser.

    Over the sour river Bells bells.

    50) The sun.

    From window to window Gold log.

    51) Web.

    The old man is sweeping over the upper room, Brooms are flying around the outskirts.

    52) Horse, cow, boat.

    Flew to the mansion Three ravens; One says: I am kind in winter, the Other is good in my summer, and the third is always good for me.

    53) Water boiler.

    Under the cage, under the outline, It is worth a barrel of crow lard.

    54) Year.

    One to twelve gave birth, And twelve and seven gave birth, Of the seven, four grew.

    55) Mutovina.

    It is worth Ivina All in the boughs.

    56) Book.

    There is no man, no woman, Carries neither flexion nor pie.

    57) Castle.

    Small and curved The whole house is holding it.

    58) Green onions.

    Sits a woman on the ridges, All clothes are in patches. Whoever looks, He will cry.

    59) Spit.

    Little yes bent All the meadow went around.

    60) Pen.

    Tear off shaggy head, Take out my heart, Dame to drink, Began to speak.

    61) Barrel with a crane.

    An old man stands over the river, He does not drink himself, he waters others; Water pours neither by mouth, nor by dipper, but by chisel.

    62) Barn.

    It is Myron, Full head of a raven.

    63) Buckwheat.

    Blackly chopped, Takes a grin.

    64) Sleep.

    Mila, peremyla, Had her eyes, Though a sin, at least two, And death would be desirable.

    65) Bird cherry.

    Black, small, Pretty light to the whole world.

    66) Wine and hangover.

    There is a sea On five pillars, the King says: "My fun"; The queen says: "My death."

    67) Magpie.

    Bela-like snow, Zelena-like a meadow, Cherna-like a beetle, Sings-like a bull, Wandering into the woods.

    68) Pot.

    He lived Nero, He died Nero. No one is burying him, Neither the priests, nor the clerks, Neither we are fools.

    He will be born on the water, He will grow on fire, He will see the mother, He will die again.

    70) Flax spun.

    Five sheep eat a stack, Five sheep run away away.

    71) Tobacco.

    Do not bake, do not chew, Do not swallow, and all eat deliciously.

    72) Bell.

    Screams without a tongue, Sings without a throat, He pleases and beduvt, And his heart does not smell.

    73) Crayfish.

    Goes to the bath is black, It turns out red.

    74) Shadow.

    He walks without legs, Sleeves without hands, Lips without speech.

    75) Money.

    Round, little, everyone is nice.

    76) Mosquito.

    Sharply, nekovano, Tangen - beaten.

    77) Cherry.

    I sit on the tower, Mala, like a mouse, Red, like blood, Tasty, like honey.

    78) Echo.

    He lives without a body, Speaks without a tongue, No one sees him, And everyone hears.

    79) Rosehip.

    Sitting thorn on the fork, Dressed in a purple, Who goes, Togo prick.

    80) Mind.

    Neither body, nor spirit, And with wings around, To whom I will heal, Just to teach.

    81) Fly.

    Flutters easily, She does not know; Whoever looks, everyone will guess.

    82) The nuts.

    It grew, it grew, It climbed out of the bush, It rolled along its arms, It turned out to be on the teeth.

    83) Sunlight from the window.

    Meta, Meta, I will not sweep, I carry, I carry, I cannot bear.

    84) With drawbar.

    Horde rides, Shafts one, And no arc.

    85) Spit, grass, hay.

    Pike will move, Forest will fade, At that place the city will become.

    86) Cow, legs, horns, tail.

    Four Hosts, Two Bodosts, Seventh Khlebestun.

    87) Beeman.

    Himself thin, And the head with the pood.

    88) Shchi.

    Dear capital All the soul nourished.

    89) Turnip.

    Round, yes not a girl, With a tail, yes not a mouse.

    90) Cradle.

    Without arms, without legs, On all sides bends.

    91) Bird in a cage.

    Not sinful, And hanged.

    92) Church.

    Crate wicker, She kept up, One hundred rubles given.

    93) Window.

    Turf, porenu On white linen.

    94) Month.

    Gray stallion Under the gate looks.

    95) Basket.

    Hanging woman on the ridges, All in patches. Koso, not straight, Where are you going? You stereotypes, Green, curly, You stereotypes.

    97) Needle.

    Small, dry All clothes.

    98) Gate valve.

    With us, you have piggy stuck.

    99) Name.

    On the water does not sink. On fire does not burn, In the ground does not rot.

    100) Pitchfork.

    Runners are running, Skrypuls are hiding, Hornbacks are driving, Flywheels are pounding.