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  • Very children's puzzles. Clever questions

    Very children's puzzles. Clever questions

    Many parents admit with horror that even if they have three higher educations behind their backs, participation in intellectual games is ala “What? Where? When? ”, The degree of doctor of science, all knowledge abruptly disappears somewhere when you sit down to do homework with children. Sometimes tasks, charades, riddles and riddles, placed in school textbooks, drive even the eminent connoisseurs into a dead end. The fact is that children perceive the world around us absolutely not as adults. They are looking at a completely different angle on how to solve the problem that appeared before them. The children do not look for special schemes, patterns, they are not strong in complex calculations, they are unfamiliar with many laws, theorems and axioms. Maybe that's why they click the nuts, riddles, over which adults often sit for an hour.

    Riddles from which adults brain boils

    1. What can be met once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in a thousand years?

    2. What wheel does not turn at the right turn?

    3. It is not a living thing, but it has 5 fingers.

    4. What word begins with three letters “G” and ends with three letters “I”?

    5. What word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly?

    6. The truck was driving to the village. On the way, he met 4 cars. How many cars went to the village?

    7. What can travel around the world, staying in the same corner?

    8. Which hand is better to stir the tea?

    9. Feed me and I will live, but give me a drink - I will die. Who am I?

    10. Who walks sitting?

    11. They are born — they fly, they live — they lie, they die — they swim away.

    12. What gets wet, while dries?

    13. The more you take from it, the more it becomes ... What is it?

    14. I am always somewhere between heaven and earth, always at a distance. If you try to sneak up on me - I will be removed.

    15. Shel husband with wife, brother with sister yes brother-in-law with son-in-law. How many?

    16. I live only where there is light, but as soon as it shines directly on me - I die.

    17.We injure, not moving, we poison, without touching. We can bring both lies and truth, we are never judged by size. Who are we?

    18. Which elephant has no trunk?

    19. In the evening they give me a task in the morning. I always do it, but they scold me anyway. Who am I?

    19.a. What always increases and never decreases?


    1. The letter "M"

    2. Spare

    3. Glove

    4. Trigonometry

    5. Wrong

    7. Postage stamp

    8. Best Spoon

    10. Chess player

    11. Snowflakes

    12. Towel

    14. Horizon

    18. At the chess

    19. Alarm clock

    19.a. Human age

    Quickly coped with all these puzzles? Frankly, I had to thoroughly sweat over some of them. If you do not believe, conduct an experiment at home: try to guess these riddles yourself, and then ask the child to do it. I give the tooth, the baby will cope with them much faster and not straining at all! Eh, we, adults, just complicate things. And this concerns not only the solution of the tasks. We would all have children's spontaneity, and life would be much easier.


    My father's child, I'm not a brother. Who is it?

    (My sister)

    Who can tell you: "You are my son, but I am not your father"

    The son of my father, and I am not a brother. Who is it?

    My name is Yura. My sister has only one brother. What is my sister's brother's name?

    A glider belonging to Russia fell on the border of the Czech Republic and Germany. What country will get the motor from the crashed airframe?

    (No, the airframe does not have a motor)

    The man turned off the light and managed to get to the bed before the room went dark. Like this?

    (He went to bed during the day)

    The famous magician says that he can put the bottle in the center of the room and crawl into it. Like this?

    (Everyone can crawl into the room)

    One driver did not take a driver's license with him. There was a sign of one-way traffic, but he moved in the opposite direction. The policeman saw it, but did not stop him. Why?

    (The driver was walking)

    What will happen to the crow when she turns 7?

    (Goes eighth)

    How to bring water in the sieve?

    (Having frozen it)

    Twice born, once dies. Who is it?


    What is the tail of the floor will not lift?

    (Ball of yarn)

    Who walks sitting?

    (Chess player)

    What always increases and never decreases?


    On the edge of the table put the pan, tightly closed lid, so that two-thirds of the banks hung from the table. After some time, the bank fell. What was in the bank?

    The more you take from it, the more it becomes ... What is it?

    What is going uphill, then from the mountain, but remains in place?

    What is half the orange most like?

    (On the second half of the orange)

    What is the 11-letter word that everyone spells wrong?

    (The word "H E P R A B I L H O O")

    Guests came to you, and in the fridge - a bottle of lemonade, a bag of pineapple juice and a bottle of mineral water. What will you discover first?


    What city flies?

    What is the worst river?

    What comb can not comb?


    What month is 28 days?

    (In all months there is the 28th)

    What is not eaten raw, and brewed - thrown away?

    (Bay leaf)

    He is thrown away when he is needed, and lifted up when not needed. What is it?

    What can you cook and eat - not?

    (Lessons, homework)

    What is the wheel of the car does not spin while driving?


    What hours show the exact time twice a day?


    One person lived on the eighth floor. Every morning he entered the elevator, pressed the button of the first floor, went down and left the house. In the evening, he returned, went into the elevator, reached the seventh floor, exited the elevator, and one floor (from the seventh to the eighth floor) went up on foot. Why?

    (The man was short and did not reach the button of the eighth floor)

    Everyone loves him, but as they look at him, they frown.

    Which question cannot be answered "yes"?

    ("Do you sleep?")

    Which question cannot be answered "no"?

    ("You are alive?")

    What nose does not smell?

    (Nose boot or boot, spout kettle)

    How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach?

    (One thing. Everything else will be eaten no longer on an empty stomach)

    You are given, and people enjoy. What is it?

    Can an ostrich call itself a bird?

    (No, since he cannot speak)

    The man was driving in the car. He didn't turn on the headlights, there was no moon either, there were no lights along the road. Before the car the old woman began to cross the road, but the driver braked in time and the accident did not happen. How did he manage to see the old woman?

    (Was the day)

    Which way do you drive for half a year and half a year?

    🔆 There are such riddles that are easily guessed by children and difficult to give to adults. One can reflect on this topic, trying to understand this phenomenon, but the fact remains that our children easily guess the riddles that we seriously think about.

    1. What can be met once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in a thousand years?

    2. What wheel does not turn at the right turn?

    3. It is not a living thing, but it has 5 fingers.

    4. What word begins with three letters “G” and ends with three letters “I”?

    5. What word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly?

    6. The truck was driving to the village. On the way, he met 4 cars. How many cars went to the village?

    7. We hurt without moving, we poison without touching. We can bring both lies and truth, we are never judged by size. Who are we?

    8. Which hand is better to stir the tea?

    9. Feed me and I will live, but give me a drink - I will die. Who am I?

    10. Who walks sitting?

    11. They are born — they fly, they live — they lie, they die — they swim away.

    12. What gets wet, while dries?

    13. The more you take from it, the more it becomes ... What is it?

    14. I am always somewhere between heaven and earth, always at a distance. If you try to sneak up on me - I will be removed.

    15. Shel husband with wife, brother with sister yes brother-in-law with son-in-law. How many?

    16. I live only where there is light, but as soon as it shines directly on me - I die.

    17. What can travel around the world, staying in the same corner?

    18. Which elephant has no trunk?

    19. In the evening they give me a task in the morning. I always do it, but they scold me anyway. Who am I?

    20. What always increases and never decreases?


    1. The letter "M"

    2. Spare

    3. Glove

    4. Trigonometry

    5. Wrong

    8. Best Spoon

    10. Chess player

    11. Snowflakes

    12. Towel

    14. Horizon

    17. Postage stamp

    18. At the chess

    Riddles with the usual question and non-standard answer, develop ingenuity and non-standard thinking.

    1. A man was driving a big truck. The lights on the car were not lit. There was no moon either. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car. How did the driver manage to see it?

    2. They claim that they are not glued, although they have not even been tried to glue.

    3. On one island stands an apple tree with a boy, and on the other - a hospital with a grandmother. Between the islands of the bridge. The boy should bring 2 apples to his grandmother, but the bridge can withstand only one boy and one apple. After the boy passes, the bridge will collapse. And there are sharks in the water. How can he transfer apples?

    4. Prison. Around the prison bypass river. 3 convicts plan to escape at different times, they do not know about each other. The 1st convict escapes from prison, swims across the river, suddenly a shark eats it. The 1st convict died. The 2nd escapes, floats across the river, suddenly the prison guards noticed him, swam quickly on the boats, stunned him, pulled him out by hair and shot him while trying to escape. Died and the 2nd convict. 3rd convict escapes. He swam across the river, nothing prevented him, ran on and disappeared. Run away 3rd convict. Question: where did I deceive you in three places? If you guess all three cheats, I will treat you to beer.

    5. Marina dreamed of chocolate, but she did not have 10 rubles to buy. Vasya also dreamed of chocolate, but he lacked only 1 ruble. The children decided to buy at least one chocolate bar for two, but they still did not have enough 1 ruble. What is the cost of chocolate?

    6. What in our life always increases and never decreases?

    7. How to increase the number of 666 and a half times, without making any arithmetic operations on it?

    8. What word can be written from right to left, turned upside down, mirrored, and it will still remain unchanged?

    9. What can be shared only once?

    10. How do you say yes to no?

    11. What is impossible to keep even ten minutes, although it is easier than a feather?

    12. Not a camel, and spits. Not a calculator, but counts. Not radio, but broadcasts.

    13. Soviet janitors took and shortened the broom. What for?

    14. On a plate were five apples for five children. Each child took an apple. However, one apple remained on the plate. How is this possible?

    15. Mother-in-law did not like his son-in-law very much and wanted to poison him. But the son-in-law was cautious and always ate only what the mother-in-law was eating. Once at dinner, the mother-in-law cut a piece of meat in half, ate one half herself, and gave the other one to her son-in-law. He died after that. How did this bitch manage to do this?

    16. How to correct? Five plus seven will be "eleven" or "adinteen"?

    17. What does a person not want to do, but also does not want to lose it?

    18. One magician said that he could put the bottle in the center of the room and crawl into it. Like this?

    19. On the table are two coins, in the amount they give 3 rubles. One of them is not 1 ruble. What are these coins?

    20. Today is not Sunday, and tomorrow is not Wednesday. Yesterday was not Friday, but the day before yesterday was not Monday. Tomorrow is not Sunday, and yesterday was not Sunday. The day after tomorrow is not Saturday and not Sunday. Yesterday was not Monday, and not Wednesday. The day before yesterday was not Wednesday, and tomorrow is not Tuesday. Yes, and today is not Wednesday. What is today the day of the week, if we consider that one statement in the list is false?


    1) A man drove a big truck. The lights on the car were not lit. There was no moon either. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car. How did the driver manage to see it?
    Answer: It was a business afternoon.

    2) They claim that they are not glued, although they have not even been tried to glue.
    Answer: Cases

    3) On one island stands an apple tree with a boy, and on the other - a hospital with a grandmother. Between the islands of the bridge. The boy should bring 2 apples to his grandmother, but the bridge can withstand only one boy and one apple. After the boy passes, the bridge will collapse. And there are sharks in the water. How can he transfer apples?
    Answer: The boy will juggle

    4) Prison. Around the prison bypass river. 3 convicts plan to escape at different times, they do not know about each other. The 1st convict escapes from prison, swims across the river, suddenly a shark eats it. The 1st convict died. The 2nd escapes, floats across the river, suddenly the prison guards noticed him, swam quickly on the boats, stunned him, pulled him out by hair and shot him while trying to escape. Died and the 2nd convict. 3rd convict escapes. He swam across the river, nothing prevented him, ran on and disappeared. Run away 3rd convict. Question: where did I deceive you in three places? If you guess all three cheats, I will treat you to beer.
    Answer: 1) There are no sharks in the river 2) Zeki are bald 3) I won't treat you

    5) Marina dreamed of chocolate, but she did not have 10 rubles to buy. Vasya also dreamed of chocolate, but he lacked only 1 ruble. The children decided to buy at least one chocolate bar for two, but they still did not have enough 1 ruble. What is the cost of chocolate?
    Answer: Cost - 10 rubles (Marina has no money at all)

    6) What in our lives always increases and never decreases?
    Answer: Age

    7) How to increase the number of 666 and a half times, without making any arithmetic operations on it?
    Answer: Write on paper 666 and turn it upside down

    8) What word can be written from right to left, turn it upside down, mirror it, and it will still remain unchanged?
    Answer: It

    9) What can be shared only once?
    Answer: Secret

    10) How can “yes” be pronounced “no”?
    Answer: Maybe

    11) What is impossible to keep even ten minutes, although it is easier than a feather?
    Answer: Breathing

    12) Do not camel, and spits. Not a calculator, but counts. Not radio, but broadcasts.
    Answer: Man

    13) Soviet janitors took and shortened the broom. What for?
    Answer: Soviet janitors loved to stand leaning on a broomstick.

    14) On a plate there were five apples for five children. Each child took an apple. However, one apple remained on the plate. How is this possible?
    Answer: The last child took an apple along with tartka.

    15) The mother-in-law did not like her son-in-law very much and wanted to poison him. But the son-in-law was cautious and always ate only what the mother-in-law was eating. Once at dinner, the mother-in-law cut a piece of meat in half, ate one half herself, and gave the other one to her son-in-law. He died after that. How did this bitch manage to do this?
    Answer: One side of the knife was smeared with poison.

    16) How is it right? Five plus seven will be "eleven" or "adinteen"?
    Answer: Twelve

    17) What does a person not want to do, but also does not want to lose it?
    Answer: Work

    18) One magician said that he could put the bottle in the center of the room and crawl into it. Like this?
    Answer: In her - in the room

    19) On the table are two coins, in total, they give 3 rubles. One of them is not 1 ruble. What are these coins?
    Answer: 2 rubles and 1 ruble. One is not 1 ruble, but the other is 1 ruble.

    20) Today is not Sunday, and tomorrow is not Wednesday. Yesterday was not Friday, but the day before yesterday was not Monday. Tomorrow is not Sunday, and yesterday was not Sunday. The day after tomorrow is not Saturday and not Sunday. Yesterday was not Monday, and not Wednesday. The day before yesterday was not Wednesday, and tomorrow is not Tuesday. Yes, and today is not Wednesday. What is today the day of the week, if we consider that one statement in the list is false?
    Answer: Today is SUNDAY