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  • Shot himself in the army. Recent requests for help. Hazing in the army as a type of deviation

    Shot himself in the army.  Recent requests for help.  Hazing in the army as a type of deviation

    Hello. And I have a bunch of life problems because of which I want to commit suicide. And my main problem is the army. You can even say that because of the army I want to commit suicide. After the tenth grade, I moved from my hometown to Moscow. To enter a technical school as a programmer. After completing the first year and a small part of the second year at the age of 18, I realized that I would be expelled ... I was advised to go on academic leave, and the next year to recover and go to a simpler department and in the future is a good student. So I left. Until winter I am in the academy. family leave. not any "special" family circumstances I don’t have * Academic leave is not a valid excuse not to join the army. The military enlistment office of my hometown does not know that I am sitting at home and do nothing and does not know that I am at the academy, he thinks that I am studying at the technical school. The military registration and enlistment office in Moscow does not know anything about me at all, since when registering for a temporary registration in Moscow, I did not register with the military registration and enlistment office. For this, a fine of 500 rubles, but there is nothing to worry about. Tell me when they will take me to the army? If you are aware of any ways to derail from the army, perhaps by personal example, then please share. I see suicide as one way to get away from the army. I am afraid to go to the army because they will humiliate me there, beat me up, etc. I also have a bad physical form and it's just that the army is dumb. Well, I was even humiliated in college, although there were normal guys. And I am nothing. At school, they also offended. Yes, I was always not considered a person. Don't just say that it's normal in the army now. Not everywhere is normal. Basically, tin is going on there. And even where it is normal, it will be terrible for me. I am very ashamed that I am a nonentity. I can't commit suicide because I want to live, but I really don't want to join the army. So I need help.
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    Kirill, age: 01/23/2016


    Suicide is not an option. They will put on record and then it will be very difficult to get a job. Yes, and undermine your health. What about an "alternative" service? Well, you can work as an orderly in a hospital or someone else you suggest. And you feel good, and society is good.

    Julia, age: 28 / 23.01.2016

    Hello Kirill! Every boy knows that when he grows up, he will be obliged to fulfill his duty - to serve in the army. Consider that you have grown and deserve to become a soldier! Of course, the army is not sweet, but it will help you become courageous, strong, responsible, tempered. You will return as a completely different person. There is no guy who would not proudly say that he served !!! This is actually an honor! And you can go in for sports right now, and you will become healthier and more confident. Good luck to you!

    Irina, age: 28 / 23.01.2016

    If you are at the academy before winter, then you can recover in college in the spring? or in the summer? if you are recovering in the spring, then you do not automatically go to the army, if in the summer, then go to some relatives in the village, or be it summer in Moscow, where no one knows about you, the main thing is that you are not handed a summons ... it is best to be in Moscow. Look at the Internet for a list of diseases. Which give a respite from the army, there are many of them, maybe you will find some. Having just sit out for such short term it is quite real. Good luck

    Anna, age: 49 / 01.23.2016

    My brother also did not want to go to the army, but he was expelled and had to, he returned handsome, they said it was not easy of course, but he does not regret that he was there, maybe I will guess well and not correctly, but I think you are not fighting an army, but alterations in life you are most likely a closed, quiet, one might say, a spiritual person ... and you are probably afraid of interviews and courses and much more, but understand the changes happen because they have to be ... we grow up changing life goes forward ... I think the army is just what you need, you need changes, but if you are direct to any, look at the options for an alternative service.

    Nika, age: 20 / 23.01.2016

    Cyril, there are many different ways to get rid of: go to college, find some kind of disease (there are only a few healthy people now), pay money in the end. And this is absolutely, my boy, not worth cutting off your life! Get a white ticket and live for yourself, enjoy life, the sun, nature, love and respect your parents, make friends, a girlfriend, you are a Man, a Man, the owner of life, do not pay much attention to external data, educate and keep your soul , unique and unrepeatable, and people who need you will definitely notice you, they will be comfortable and warm next to you. And the army - ugh, not a problem, it's high time to make it a contract and not torture young guys.

    Lena, age: 100 / 23.01.2016

    Why do you need to study to be a programmer, if it doesn't work for you? Enroll in another specialty. In general, consult a lawyer or find legal ways not to join the army in your search (alternative service).

    sk, age: 36 / 23.01.2016

    Cyril, did you not think that, having cut away from the 1st year of army difficulties with the help of suicide, you will find yourself in much greater torment, but forever?
    Apparently, you did not take this into account, but ignorance in this case does not excuse ... Be more serious!
    You can't treat life like that!

    Vadim, age: 32 / 23.01.2016

    As far as I know now they serve one year, I have a friend of a quiet man and a boy who served for a year, and he hasn't changed in any way, I think you still need to serve, unsuccessful suicide will put a stamp on your life - this is very serious. serve as an orderly.

    Paco, age: 35/01/23/2016

    Peace be with you Kirill! Do you know that even girls your age serve in the Israeli army? But you’re a man. You have got the great honor to serve your homeland, in military advancement. It will be hard, it is understandable, the army. But you're a man! Think about your ancestors, about history, about faith in the end. So panic aside. Forward warrior! No step back!

    nameless, age: 01/26/2016

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    Currently, the Armed Forces face a rather acute problem of the death of personnel, one of the reasons for which is the suicidal syndrome. In this regard, this type of deviant behavior of military personnel requires careful study by commanders and chiefs.

    The problem of suicide does not originate in the army. The source must be sought primarily in the socio-economic sphere of the life of our society. The problem of suicide cannot but affect the army as a part of society.

    Now, when the old system of upbringing has been destroyed, discarded completely, nothing new has been offered in exchange. The military schools, the academy, where the cadres of professional educators were trained, are closed, abolished, reoriented ... Now the military university, which replaced the former military-political academy, graduates no more than five dozen military psychologists a year. But few of them get into the troops, the majority "settles" in high headquarters and directorates, far from the soldiers and combat commanders.

    Two of the three companies and their equal units do not have a full-time officer for educational work... Many full-time positions are occupied by so-called biennials called up from the reserve who have no experience of working in the army. Yes, and combat officers, especially in the platoon-company level, the subunits are not staffed.

    What do all these seemingly organizational and state measures have to do with the problem of suicide? The most direct. Both the soldier and the officer turned out to be brothers in misfortune in the current disastrous state of the army: the former sometimes does not find protection from barracks arbitrariness, remains alone with his experiences and stresses, the latter is deprived of social protection, assistance from the state, and often elementary means to existence. After all, an officer in a garrison, especially a remote one, is the only breadwinner of the family. This is with its own beggarly salary and huge responsibility for the safety of the Fatherland. Add to this the lack of permanent housing for many, chronic delays in payment monetary allowance, the inability to comply with the standardized regime of work and rest due to high loads and low provision of units with personnel, endless travel.

    There are many reasons for suicide army life, but it cannot be said that officials at different levels in the army are indifferent to all this. Suffice it to point out the screening of persons with mental instability by draft commissions, active identification of them during the first months of service, special control over servicemen on guard duty, watch on ships performing other tasks with weapons in hand.

    Military doctors, psychologists, sociologists have revealed the following picture: among the reasons for suicide in the first place (about 40%) are personal troubles and related emotional experiences (hungry family existence, illness and death of loved ones, betrayal of a beloved girl, wife, divorce, sexual incompetence, etc.) etc.).

    In second place (about 35%) - work troubles and hardships military service(conflicts associated with the difficulties of addiction, conflicts between servicemen of different periods of service, manifestations of the notorious bullying, unsettled relations between superiors and subordinates, on a national basis, etc.).

    In third place (about 10%) are conflicts associated with antisocial behavior (fear of criminal responsibility, fear of publicizing their unseemly actions).

    In fourth place (about 5%) is the deterioration of health (mental, somatic diseases, physical disabilities).

    In last place are other reasons, usually associated with material and everyday problems.

    Conclusion: the main motive for committing suicide is conflicts based on official and personal relationships. In other words, this is a psychological problem, multiplied by the social disadvantage of society.

    The activity of commanders and chiefs to prevent suicidal phenomena in military collectives is one of the most difficult types of their pedagogical interaction with subordinates. An increase in its effectiveness is sometimes impeded by the insufficient psychological and pedagogical preparedness of commanders and chiefs to carry out this work. As a result, in a number of cases, many commanders and chiefs not only find themselves unprepared to identify and remove the crisis states of their subordinates, but also often use incorrect pedagogical measures that have a strong psycho-traumatic effect on the personality. All this taken together makes the task of searching for new technologies of preventive activities to prevent suicide among military personnel extremely urgent. And for this it is necessary to know the factors contributing to the manifestation of this phenomenon.

    Socio-situational factors determine whether servicemen have deviations from social and cultural norms of behavior (including illegal and criminal behavior) and require constant and enhanced control and intensive educational impact (individual and socio-psychological correction). The main social and situational factors leading to committing suicides by military personnel are as follows:

    Suicidal tendencies;

    The presence of facts of conviction for criminal offenses;

    The tendency to unauthorized abandonment of the part;

    Low level of culture and general development;

    The presence of the fact of upbringing in a dysfunctional family;

    Drives to the police;

    The presence of seriously ill parents or close relatives;

    Imbalance, lack of communication;

    Low level of adaptive abilities;

    Negative attitude towards military service.

    Personal factors are a combination of neuropsychiatric and psychophysiological factors. Psychoneurological factors mean the presence of neuropsychic instability and pathology in military personnel. Psychophysiological factors mean that servicemen have psychological and psychophysiological personality traits that impede the development of military specialties. Among the personal factors leading to suicide, one can single out:

    Complaints about neuropsychic health;

    Strange behavior and statements, including suicidal ones;

    Signs of mental underdevelopment;

    Pronounced character traits with psychopathic behavior;

    Treatment or being registered with a psychiatrist and narcologist before being drafted into the army;

    Traumatic brain injury, neuroinfection, somatic diseases accompanied by psychotic disorders;

    Systematic use of alcohol and drugs;

    Suicidal attempts prior to being drafted into the army by a soldier or his immediate family;

    Signs of depression;

    Signs of obsessions (obsessive fears, overvalued ideas);

    Signs of asthenization;

    Social maladjustment;

    Heredity, aggravated by mental disorders.

    The main reasons and conditions conducive to committing suicides of military personnel are:

    Family troubles;

    Mental maladjustment;

    Material and household difficulties;

    Unrequited love;

    Non-statutory relationships;

    Gravity by military service;

    Alcohol abuse;

    Any somatic illness;

    Fear of responsibility.

    All of the above factors or some of them lead to the formation of social and psychological maladjustment in a serviceman, which is characterized by intense negative emotions, anxiety and anxiety, depressive states up to personality disorganization.

    Such states are characterized by fixation on a traumatic situation or significant event, worries about their own helplessness and failure, a sense of loneliness, a pessimistic assessment of their own personality, the current situation and the future, disbelief in their strengths and capabilities. This leads to the collapse of value attitudes and presuicide begins to form, which develops as follows.

    At first, there are thoughts of taking your own life. This is characterized by representations, fantasies and reflections about their death. An example is the statements: than to live like this, it is better to die; I want to fall asleep and not wake up, etc. According to research on suicide, similar statements occurred in 75% of cases of suicide attempts. Moreover, such statements are perceived as a demonstrative blackmail aspect.

    In the future, a desire to commit suicide is formed. At this time, a plan of self-destructive plans is being implemented, methods, time and place of committing suicide are being thought out. At the final stage, a solution is formed that prompts the immediate implementation external forms self-destructive behavioral acts.

    The duration of presuicide can be calculated in minutes (acute presuicide) or months (chronic presuicide). In acute presuicides, an immediate manifestation of suicidal intentions and intentions is possible immediately - without previous steps. Signs of a high likelihood of committing suicide may include:

    Open statements about the desire to commit suicide;

    Indirect hints at the possibility of suicidal actions (imitation of making a noose, opening veins, playing suicide with a weapon);

    Active preliminary preparation, purposeful search for means to commit suicide (collecting pills or purchasing them, searching for and storing any toxic substances);

    Fixation on examples of suicide (frequent talk about suicide in general), symbolic farewell to the immediate environment (distribution of personal belongings);

    Changed stereotype of behavior (unusual isolation and decreased motor activity in mobile, sociable people and, conversely, agitated behavior and increased sociability in sedentary and silent people);

    Narrowing the circle of contacts, striving for solitude.

    From the above, there is an objective need to organize and conduct work aimed at preventing suicides.

    Some commanders and superiors have a simplified understanding of the possibility of preventing a suicidal incident. In their opinion, if people are overloaded with work and tight control is exercised over them, this problem will be solved. However, this often leads to overexertion, fatigue, increased aggression and, ultimately, can lead to suicide. There needs to be a balance.

    Some leaders believe that it is impossible to identify external signs that indicate that a person has decided to commit suicide. Of course, there is a rational kernel in such statements. Look into the soul, know inner world subordinate is really very difficult. At the same time, as practice shows, the manager usually has such opportunities. But in any case, in the process of pedagogical prevention of suicide, it is unacceptable to use the following techniques from the arsenal of some educators, which are direct antipodes of pedagogical assistance and provoke the suicidal activity of soldiers. These include:

    The manifestation of condemnation in the form of indignation;

    Inaccurate identification of the guilt of a soldier;

    Thoughtless characterization of the act and reproach;

    Deprivation of a soldier of support from the entire team;

    Isolation from part (or all) of the team;

    Warning, raising an alarm about punishment;

    Complaints to parents and superiors;

    Abuse and unjustified use of the order form when announcing orders and tasks;

    Unjust punishment, etc.

    Who's guilty

    At the height of the famous drama in Chelyabinsk, a message came from the Moscow region: 19-year-old sailor urgent service Evgeny Ganzin, who served in the Navy unit, shot himself from a machine gun. On the body of the deceased, forensic experts did not find traces of beatings, and the command categorically denies the version of hazing, nevertheless, the military prosecutor's office of the Khimki garrison opened a criminal case under article 110 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, a landmark for the army. This means that the main version of the death of a sailor is still considered to be bringing him to suicide. At the same time, a comprehensive prosecutor's check was launched in the military unit, which also does not testify to the confidence of the military prosecutor's office in the sailor's commanders.

    The problem of "bullying", shootings and suicides is not a problem only for the long-suffering Ministry of Defense. The rest of the Russian security forces suffer from exactly the same ailments. A day before Ganzin's suicide, Andrey Bogdanov, a private soldier of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, took his own life. The soldier, who served seven months in Kabardino-Balkaria, hanged himself at the location of the unit, having previously opened his veins. And although in this case, according to preliminary data, the cause of the tragedy was not hazing relationships, but problems in family life, the prosecutor's office intends to work out all the versions. Similar dramas unfold regularly in military units. Sometimes events take on a large-scale character. So, in January in the Stavropol Territory, a drunken warrant officer opened indiscriminate firing from a machine gun in a vehicle fleet, wounding a fellow contract soldier. After sobering up and assessing the situation, the shooter tried to commit suicide by shooting himself in the head. But he stayed alive.

    In just a year, the Russian army in non-combat conditions loses more than a thousand people, of which almost a third are suicides (the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which includes the Internal Troops, has its own statistics). Per last year 276 servicemen of the Russian Ministry of Defense committed suicide.

    According to the chief military prosecutor of Russia, Alexander Savenkov, the main reason for half of the suicides in the Russian army is oppression by colleagues. The Ministry of Defense emphasizes that 80-85 percent of conscripts are among suicides, and every second soldier's suicide occurs on the basis of unrequited love. Thus, the figures of the military prosecutor's office and the Ministry of Defense, as they say, "do not beat." As for human rights organizations, they do not trust either the prosecutors or the generals and question the figure of 276 soldiers who voluntarily passed away.

    It's even worse in civilian life

    To one degree or another, all the armies of the world are faced with this problem.

    There are countless programs, research and guidelines to prevent suicides in the barracks. But so far not a single army of the world has been able to fundamentally change the situation. Over a year, the 1.7 million US army loses more than a company of fighters as a result of suicide. And the situation is getting more and more out of control. 10 years ago, the US Army recorded 16 suicides per 100,000 troops. At the turn of the century, this figure dropped by half. In the wake of the success in 2002, the US Army launched a massive suicide prevention campaign among the military. Two years later, they summed up: it turned out that the infantry was doing even worse than the armed forces as a whole. In a year, out of 100 thousand general Pentagon bayonets, 12 commit suicide, while the number of infantrymen is almost 13, and in the case of sending units to the combat zone, the suicide rate begins to go off scale for 17.

    The head of the aforementioned anti-suicide program of the US Army, Lieutenant Colonel Jerry Swanner, "as a consolation" could only state: in civilian life, people even more often commit suicide. Between the ages of 20 and 34, the suicide rate is nearly 22 per 100,000 civilians.

    True, if we proceed from this logic, it turns out that the Russian generals have nothing to blame at all. Considering the size of the Russian army in about 1.2 million bayonets, the above-mentioned army figure is about 23. While in civilian life, the analogous coefficient is about 40. Nevertheless, our generals clearly should not relax. Most of the parents of conscripts are ready to bribe doctors and military enlistment office employees, just to save their son from the barracks. Because of a well-founded fear of getting a crippled son or not waiting at all.

    And no general will ever prove to them that in civilian life the likelihood of suicide among the peers of a young man is almost twice as high.

    What to do

    Many see the solution to the problem in the urgent transfer of the army to a professional recruitment principle. The idea is correct, but you need to be aware that contractors are also people not from another planet. They drink, fight for leadership, shoot ... The Pentagon, having abandoned conscription back in the 70s of the last century, got rid of many forms of bullying, but became susceptible to other misfortunes. The morale of professionals is often lower than the spirit of conscripts, and they endure separation from their family more acutely. An indicative fact: in one of the best and most combat-ready divisions of the US Marine Corps - the 2nd Expeditionary, almost 150 suicide attempts were recorded over the past year, every third with a fatal outcome. It's just that this division is fighting in Iraq.

    The surge in suicides of American pilots and technicians (the suicide rate exceeded 13), according to experts, is associated exclusively with constant stress either due to being in a war zone, or while waiting to be sent to Iraq or Afghanistan.

    The 190,000-strong Israel Defense Forces, which retained their conscription, lost 33 servicemen as a result of suicide over the past year.

    The problem has been studied in the most thorough way, each suicide case has been analyzed (the Israelis have meticulously calculated that since 1992, 479 IDF fighters have committed suicide). We found out that in the "risk zone" soldiers and officers are repatriates from the CIS. And, as a rule, from wealthy families, mostly men: among suicides, only 6 percent of girls are in uniform, although there are 36 thousand of them in the army. The most dangerous month is January and the day of the week is Sunday. Just like us, more than half of the suicides are soldiers of the first year of service, although there is no hazing in our understanding in the IDF.

    But there are other problems. Recently, a girl from the "female" border battalion "Karakal" ("Wild Cats of the Desert") was almost persecuted to death by her colleagues. The reason was the victim's non-traditional sexual orientation. On the walls of the barracks, soldiers began to paint graffiti calling on the lesbian to commit suicide.

    While in Israel effective way they did not find a fight against the wave of suicides. The experts only recommended that the weapons be withdrawn from the soldiers of non-combat units. The logic is simple: a person will not have an ultrasound machine at hand in a moment of depression - perhaps he will not shoot himself.

    As for the ways to part with life, there are peculiarities everywhere. If in Israel it is still the same "Uzi", then in Ukraine suicides in uniform are increasingly committing suicide with the help of a stranglehold. At the same time, conscripts in the total number of suicides in the Ukrainian army are only 46 percent. In the Russian army, however, there is no preferential way to commit suicide - here they both hang and shoot. But American soldiers are more likely to commit suicide through deliberate drug overdose.

    According to statistics, about a thousand conscripts are killed in the Russian army every year. "Hazing" here is only about 30 cases. In fact, all suicides, and this is almost a third of all deaths during military service, can be considered hidden cases of hazing.

    In 2004, 250 Russian servicemen committed suicide. In 2005, according to the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office, 561 servicemen died in the army and navy, including due to hazing and negligent death.

    On April 13, 1997, Private Roman Minin fled from a Moscow military unit with a weapon. A deserter armed with a submachine gun wounded the pensioner and kept the whole of Moscow in fear for 24 hours. During interrogation, the fugitive admitted that he had escaped, unable to withstand the bullying of his colleagues. A comprehensive prosecutor's check carried out after this incident in several elite units of the Moscow garrison: a separate operational division of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia ( former named Dzerzhinsky) and a separate security brigade of the Ministry of Defense revealed the terrible facts of the barracks racketeering. The "hazing" in this military unit was such that some soldiers went on the run, others got into a noose. In what was considered an exemplary security brigade, 13 attempts by servicemen to commit suicide were recorded.
    On the night of June 6, 1999, an incident occurred that had no analogues in the entire Soviet and Russian military history... 44 conscripts from Far Eastern District they left their unit without permission in the village of Chuguevka, unable to withstand the bullying from their commanders. The military unit, where the fugitives served, looked more like a concentration camp, and the warders in it were "fathers-commanders" who daily mocked their subordinates. For resisting, the soldiers were handcuffed and denied medical assistance. In the course of the forensic examination carried out by military prosecutors, it was found that many of the "conscripts" had bodies covered with festering wounds and ulcers from skin infections. Almost all the fugitives suffered from dystrophy. Criminal cases were later initiated against a number of officers.

    On June 27, 2002, the commander of the air defense unit near Moscow, Alexander Boronenkov, sent five subordinate soldiers to his friend at a garden plot in the Istra district of the Moscow region for earthworks. On July 2, while digging a drainage trench, the soil unexpectedly crumbled, three soldiers were under the rubble. Private Dmitry Kiselev died, another conscript received moderate injuries - fractures of the jaw and scapula. On January 15, 2003, the Balashikha Garrison Military Court found Alexander Boronenkov guilty of exceeding his official powers with serious consequences. The officer was sentenced to 4 years probation with a probationary period of 3 years.

    The court satisfied the claim of the state prosecutor to recover from the military unit 100 thousand rubles as compensation for moral damage to the mother of the deceased soldier, as well as 18 thousand rubles for the treatment in the military hospital of the second victim.

    On February 23, 2003, the parents of three cadets from the Nakhimov school turned to the public human rights organization Soldiers' Mothers of St. Petersburg with a complaint that their children were systematically beaten and abused by their colleagues. They submitted medical records of the injuries sustained by the teenagers. The prosecutor's office of Len VO confirmed the facts of hazing in the Nakhimov school. The military prosecutor Igor Lebed said that some officers of the school knew about these facts, but did not react in any way.

    In February 2004, junior sergeant Yevgeny Kobozev, who served in the military unit of the Airborne Forces, which is stationed in Naro-Fominsk, went AWOL with another colleague. Two days later, Kobozev returned to the unit. Sergeant Major Kozubets decided to punish the unauthorized person in his own way: he took him to the washing room and began to beat him there. When Yevgeny lost consciousness and fell, on the order of the foreman, the soldiers who were present at the execution were poured over with ice water. When Kobozev stopped responding even to cold water, he was transferred to the office, put on the floor, leaning against the wall, and locked until the officers arrived. Kozubets ordered all the witnesses to say that Kobozev in this form came from AWOL. In the morning the sergeant was taken to the medical unit. The doctor, seeing that he was beaten in a coma, ordered to send him to the hospital. On March 5, 2004, Evgeny Kobozev died without regaining consciousness from multiple fractures of the skull bones.
    The court sentenced Sergeant Major Kozubets to 10 years of strict regime. Some were ordered to pay 150 thousand rubles to the relatives of the deceased. as compensation for moral damage.

    On January 1, 2005, 18-year-old Nizhny Novgorod resident Anatoly Bykov died under strange circumstances at the location of his military unit (Krasnodar). His colleagues claimed that Bykov threw himself out of the window. According to the "Trudovoy Nizhny Novgorod" movement, which included the deceased, the young man wrote before his death: "It is not worth going to serve in the army." In connection with the death of Bykov, the military prosecutor's office of the Krasnodar garrison (North Caucasian military district) opened a criminal case.

    On June 13, 2005, a serviceman of one of the units of the Volgograd garrison, junior sergeant A. Sokovikov, was found hanged. When inspecting the scene of the incident, a lot of injuries and bruises were recorded on the body, which immediately made it possible to put forward the version that the junior sergeant was severely beaten during his lifetime.

    During the investigation, military lawyers established that Sokovikov's death was directly related to the manifestation of so-called hazing by a group of colleagues - junior sergeants B. Chechenov, I. Krivosheev and private A. Grechka. The military prosecutor's office of the Volgograd garrison has opened criminal cases against the suspects. They are charged with abuse of office, violation of statutory rules between military personnel and extortion. At the request of the military prosecutor, by the decision of the Volgograd garrison military court, a preventive measure was applied to all three suspects - detention.

    In February 2005, near Chita, in a military unit stationed at the Yasnaya station, Abakan conscript Leonid Krivenko was killed. On February 8, a lineman found a soldier's body on the rails, cut by a train.

    The prosecutor's office of the Olovyanninsky garrison investigated the death of the soldier and concluded that Leonid Krivenko committed suicide, but did so because of the hazing that existed in part.

    After the death of a private, at least two witnesses stated that they saw a soldier K., a native of Tuva, beat Leonid, the rest testified that K. regularly insulted the deceased soldier.

    In the course of the investigation, a criminal case was opened against the suspect and a verdict was passed in one more case: for beating a colleague K. received six months of imprisonment. In the case of Leonid Krivenko K. faces from 8 to 12 years in prison.

    In July 2005, conscript soldier Alexander Brel was killed in Yeisk. Lance Sergeant training center Air Defense Troops Alexander Kostin, being on duty in a company of military unit 37115, repeatedly used non-statutory methods of influence and violence against Private Brel. Kostin kicked him in the chest with such force that Brel flew out of the barracks window. The fall on the asphalt from the 3rd floor caused injuries incompatible with life. In January 2006, the Krasnodar garrison military court sentenced Alexander Kostin to freedom to 8 years in prison for hazing.

    On October 28, 2005, a conscript soldier, private Andrei Sobin, was found hanged on his own belt in the toilet room of one of the buildings of the military unit of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, stationed in the city of Zheleznogorsk (about 60 km near Krasnoyarsk). The military prosecutor's office of the Krasnoyarsk military garrison opened a criminal case under Art. 110 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (driving to suicide).

    On suspicion of driving Sobin to suicide, his colleague was detained. In the course of the investigative actions, the facts of beatings of Sobin by his colleague of an earlier draft term were established. The suspect has been detained, an investigation is underway.

    In December 2005, the Tver Garrison Military Court sentenced three military men to their second year of service. Alexei Eida, Nikolai Ikonnikov and Igor Solovyov, who served in the Udomel region, were charged with "violating the statutory rules of relations between servicemen in the absence of subordination relations between them." The court noted that "basically it is about the beating of recruits." Eida and Ikonnikov will serve their sentences - 1 year and 1.3 years, respectively - in a disciplinary military unit. Solovyov was sentenced to one year suspended imprisonment.

    In January 2006, the military prosecutor's office of the Nizhny Novgorod garrison opened a criminal case under Art. 110 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (driving to suicide) on the fact of the death of a conscript soldier in one of the military units of the internal troops, which is located in the Moscow region of Nizhny Novgorod. A twenty-two-year-old man, who was called up for military service in May 2005, was found hanged on the night of January 7th. The military authorities of the deceased believe that the suicide was committed on the basis of an unsettled family life: shortly before the suicide, the conscript met with his father.

    On the new year holidays In 2006, at the Chelyabinsk Tank School, a group of drunken old servicemen beat eight young colleagues for several days. One of the victims - private Andrey Sychev, who was bullied for more than 3 hours - had to be amputated by doctors, both legs, a finger and a number of vital organs. ... He is still in the hospital.

    According to the events in the Chelyabinsk tank school, the military prosecutor's office opened 11 criminal cases, in which 12 servicemen were brought to criminal responsibility. Three of them, including junior sergeant Sivyakov (through whose fault, according to the investigation, ordinary Sychev was injured) were taken into custody at the request of the prosecutor's office. The Chelyabinsk court sentenced Sergeant Sivyakov, who is accused in the Sychev case of exceeding his official powers, which entailed grave consequences, to 4 years in prison.

    The commander of the support battalion of the Chelyabinsk Tank School was dismissed from his post.

    St. Petersburg Military District Hospital No. 442 named. Solovyov, a conscript soldier Roman Rudakov is still in custody. He was drafted into the army despite suffering from a serious blood disorder, which is the basis for exemption from military service. He was sent to serve in a military unit in Kamenka, and then transferred to the construction battalion of the village of Pesochnoe, where his illness sharply worsened.

    On September 25, 2006, Roman Rudakov began to complain of abdominal pain. When Rudakov's condition deteriorated so much that he could no longer serve, he was considered a simulator and brutally beaten by the captain of the military unit. After that, all the same, Rudakov was given a referral to the Sosnovoborsk hospital and, without money, on foot, was sent to the doctors. The distance between the village of Pesochnoe and the Sosnovoborsk hospital is more than 80 km.

    In total, Roman underwent 10 operations; on December 29, his small intestine was removed .; Currently, he is in serious condition, and transplantation of a part of the small intestine can save him. It is assumed that this operation will be performed in Moscow, in the military hospital named after Nikolai Burdenko.

    On December 4, 2006, in a military unit of the village of Zvezdny, Perm Territory, a soldier who was on guard duty shot himself from a machine gun. The soldier who was shot was a native of the Voronezh region and served in the unit on a contract basis.
    On December 6, 2006, another contractor hanged himself in the same military unit. The prosecutor's office opened two criminal cases under Article 110 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “driving to suicide”.

    On December 6, 2006, a 20-year-old contract soldier Alexander Belsky was in a coma at the Severomorsk hospital from military unit N01480 in the city of Pechenga, Murmansk region. His co-workers severely kicked him and then shot him in the back of the head with a machine gun. Neurosurgeons fought for his life for two months. The operation took place in several stages. In Severomorsk, a soldier's left ear was sewn up, through which a bullet came out, and a crushed skull bone was removed, which hit the brain. Two months later, Belsky was transported to St. Petersburg, in Military Medical Academy... There, a plate was inserted instead of the lost part of the skull, the nose was corrected. He regained consciousness, but that fateful day was almost erased from his memory. The Military Prosecutor's Office of the Pechenga garrison opened a criminal case on the fact of the gunshot wound. The investigation was short-lived - only the command of the military unit was interviewed. According to their version, Alexander Belsky himself tried to shoot himself.

    On December 13, 2006, outside a military unit in Sakhalin, an 18-year-old conscript soldier Rail Bikmukhametov was found hanged from a tree. According to preliminary data, he committed suicide due to hazing. Numerous injuries and bruises were found on the body and face of the deceased. On the fact of the death of the soldier, the military prosecutor's office of the Far Eastern Military District opened two criminal cases under three articles. The first case under the article "Driving to suicide" (Article 110 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) was initiated on December 13 after the death of a soldier. The second prosecutor's office opened the next day against three established senior servicemen for "Exceeding official powers with the use of violence" (Part 3, Article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and "Violation of the statutory rules of relations between servicemen in the absence of a subordination relationship between them" (Article 335 Of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

    On January 31, 2007, 16-year-old cadet Nikita Sanitov committed suicide at the Chelyabinsk Aviation School of Navigators. The Chelyabinsk military prosecutor's office opened a criminal case on this fact under article 110 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - "driving to suicide."

    The Mother's Right Charitable Foundation has been investigating deaths in the Russian army for almost 25 years. According to the head of the fund, Veronika Marchenko, about 70% of the so-called "Suicides" are actually crimes under Article 110 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - driving to suicide.

    Recall that the day before, the body of a 20-year-old soldier Georgy Mikhailov, the son of a priest from the Omsk region, was found in a military unit on the island of Valaam. George was found hanged on a firewood shed. A criminal case has been initiated, an investigation is underway. According to the preliminary version, Georgy Mikhailov committed suicide.

    The press secretary of the Valaam Monastery believes that the death could not have occurred due to the fault of the military unit, because the unit, which is popularly considered Orthodox, gets only after a serious selection: a recommendation from a confessor is needed, and another six months must be lived in the monastery as a worker. If any complaints arise against the conscript during his life in the monastery, then he may not get into the unit. Until now, over the 17 years of the unit's existence, not a single such incident has occurred in it, the spokesman for the monastery told the Mercy portal.

    However, the relatives and friends of George do not believe that he could take his own life, especially since he had several days left before demobilization.

    Who is to blame for the death of a soldier?

    In such controversial cases, the parents of a deceased soldier, in search of the truth, often turn to human rights organizations for help. One of the oldest Russian organizations providing free legal aid to such families is the Mother's Right Foundation. The fund receives from 3 to 7 thousand calls per year.

    According to the chairman of the board of the foundation, Veronika Marchenko, “suicide” is one of the most “popular” wordings with which the bodies of dead soldiers are returned to parents. “According to our estimates, about 30% of families, when they receive news from the army about the death of their loved one, find out that their children allegedly committed suicide,” the expert cites his statistics. According to the foundation, about 80% of these cases are in fact felonies. All cases can be divided into three groups.

    Real suicide

    The first group is real suicide; according to the Mother's Rights, these cases make up no more than 20% of the total number of cases of “suicide”. In the foundation's experience, when investigating such cases, documents usually surface that the boy had unfinished suicide attempts before he was drafted into the army. “So, we had a case when a boy was drafted with five suicide attempts in civilian life. Then in the military registration and enlistment office they took a receipt from him, I quote that he was “not suicidal” and was drafted into the army, where he eventually committed suicide. " That is, one of the signs of real suicide is mental illness. In another case, with which the foundation dealt, a young man who was drafted into the army suffered from a severe mental disorder and was taking special medications. When the young man got into the army, the "voices" ordered him to fire a machine gun at his colleagues. (Sometimes in such stories the soldier kills himself with the last shot). After the investigation of this patient, the young man was placed for compulsory treatment in a special closed institution.

    Felony offense disguised as suicide

    The second group is incitement to suicide. It is, according to the fund, about 70% of all cases of "suicide". According to Veronika Marchenko, the average person, due to legal illiteracy, often confuses these cases with suicide itself. But, despite the fact that a person takes his own life himself, driving to suicide means the presence of other persons who are guilty of this, and is a criminal offense for them. “In driving to suicide, there are always criminals - those who mocked this person,” the expert explains. “For example, he was promised that tomorrow ten people would rape him. He understood that this threat was absolutely real and did not want to wait for this tomorrow, and he saw no other way out for himself. " Usually, "bullying" is a prolonged traumatic situation, such as systematic beatings and extortion of money, in which the person becomes discouraged because the bullying occurs when the command is indulged.

    Illustrative in this sense is one of the Mother's Right Foundation court cases, the text of the court decision on which best describes the situation with “incitement to suicide”. From the decision of the court: “…. the court establishes in the present ... case the guilt of the actions (inaction) of the command and the military personnel of the military unit ***, who violated the requirements of Art. 16, 27 of the Federal Law "On the Status of Servicemen", Art. 13, 16, 64, 72, 75-76, 155 of the Charter of the Internal Service, Art. 1, 3, 5-8 of the Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which led to hazing against a serviceman *******, beatings, extortion of money from him, humiliation of his honor and dignity, other bullying of personality, physical and moral exhaustion, and, as a result, to his suicide. (...)
    The situation when a person exhausted by hazing committed suicide and no one is going to bear fair responsibility for this is recognized by the court as unacceptable from the outset. A particular danger to the aforementioned situation is given precisely by the fact that such hazing took place in an elite military unit, in which it would be an unconditional honor for any person, and therefore, in relation to which an outsider could not even have suspicions about the very possibility of existence in it non-statutory relations, which, as far as it is seen from the materials of the case, are still ignored by the command of the regiment and the higher department of the FSO of the Russian Federation and no effective measures are being taken to combat them. "

    Real murder

    The third group of cases is murder disguised as "suicide"; it accounts for about 10% of the number of alleged "suicides". In this case, the person is actually killed, for example, without calculating the force of the blow to the head, after which the limp body is hung in a noose or thrown out of the window and a suicide environment is created around to hide the traces of the crime.

    The number of deaths is a trade secret

    “The second and third types of 'suicide' require a very clear and professional work investigative bodies, which the investigating bodies can not always boast of; besides, they have no motivation to work on one case for a long time and painstakingly, ”says Veronika Marchenko. According to her, the work of investigators is evaluated largely by the amount of time (meeting deadlines) spent on the investigation. Accordingly, if the case requires long-term work, the search for approaches to difficult witnesses, the transfer of the intimidated witness to another military unit to protect him, then the investigator understands that he may have troubles and even penalties in the service and has no real interest in making the case "Unwind" and bring to a fair end. In this case, he very often follows a stereotyped path - to admit what happened simply "suicide" and close the case.

    According to Veronica Marchenko, recognizing the death of a soldier as a suicide is a convenient option not only for military investigators, but also for the state as a whole: “Apart from the moral side, the army supposedly has nothing to do with it, he himself is so“ bad ”, there is also an economic one. We must not forget that if a boy committed suicide, then the state has a chance to avoid payments due to the family of the deceased. "

    The Mother's Right Foundation does not (and cannot have) accurate information about how many deaths occur in our army in peacetime. At one time, the fund's employees found out that in the contract of the insurance company, which dealt with payments, with the Ministry of Defense, information on the number of payments was classified as a commercial secret. And since 2007, the Ministry of Defense itself has ceased to publish data on deaths in the army on its website. Experts can indirectly obtain these data from an interview with the chief military prosecutor, which is usually published in Rossiyskaya Gazeta at the beginning of the year. At the same time, the Ministry does not explain to independent experts and human rights activists whether this figure includes losses of internal troops, losses of servicemen of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, whether it includes soldiers who died a week after being discharged from the hospital from a disease received in the army, or from a military injury, whether it includes soldiers who have gone missing and have not been found within a period that allows them to be legally deceased, and so on.

    The foundation can judge the number by the total number of requests for help and information from its colleagues. “According to our idea and the opinions expressed by our colleagues, in Russia about two thousand people die in the army every year. But I have never seen the official data of the prosecutor's office, which would include a figure of more than 800-1000 deaths per year, says the head of the fund. “And I also have not seen detailed official explanations - who is included and who is not included in these statistics.” But even if we rely only on the official data, it is monstrous.

    Who is to blame for the soldiers' suicides

    The absurd situation in the army is to blame for the death of the soldiers, the expert believes. “This is practically Kafka in life, when a person called up for service can, in reality, spend time completely meaninglessly running for vodka for officers. This background itself acts extremely negatively, beatings and extortion begin from boredom, idleness and impunity - Veronika Marchenko shares her vision of the situation. - The situation is aggravated by the indifference of those who are assigned to keep order. Naturally, as in any closed environment, with indifference and connivance, the "right of the strong" flourishes, unfortunately, in the army all this exists in a concentrated form. "

    And the attitude of the command towards recruits is sometimes simply shocking. “You are cannon fodder for me,” he may hear from his commander, as Nikita Belov, Dima Nekrasov and the soldiers who are now passing by as witnesses in the case under the Foundation's work heard from his commander. Nikita Belov managed to serve in military unit 08318 for only two weeks. Dima Nekrasov arrived at the unit the day before, in the evening of July 25, and in the morning of July 26, he died. Not in the war. In the peaceful Voronezh region.