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  • Military Medical Academy of M. Military Medical Academy. S. M. Kirov: reviews, passing score. The procedure for enrolling candidates coming to cadets

    Military Medical Academy of M. Military Medical Academy. S. M. Kirov: reviews, passing score. The procedure for enrolling candidates coming to cadets

    Them. CM. Kirov has existed for more than 200 years, and all this time it produces highly qualified medicine professionals who save human lives every day around the world. Many of the university graduates are rightfully considered leading physicians of modernity.


    The official date of creation of the Academy is considered to be the end of December 1798, it was then that Emperor Paul I signed a decree on creating medical schools with existing hospitals. Then she wore the status of the School, however, it was not long. Since 1808, the university has been called "Imperial Medical and Surgical Academy".

    Military-medical Academy named S.M. Kirov at one time has influenced the development of pharmaceutical and veterinary education, it is there that you can find the original medical textbooks that are considered the fundamental basis for modern medicine. In the period from 1808 to 1904, the Academy was actively developed, she actively helped the holders of the throne, as well as titled advisers and officials.

    At the beginning of the 20th century, there was a split, some of the teachers did not support the new power and left to work abroad. All the remaining helped a new government to build relationships with the people and assisted wounded as a result. Civil War. In the early 20s of the 20th century, the Military Medical Academy. CM. Kirov focused on developing and further teaching military-type specialdiceciplines.

    In the entire history of the existence of the Academy of about 300, its graduates became outstanding scientists in various fields of science, for which the university was awarded the title of the establishment of world importance. In 1998, the Academy became one of the particularly valuable objects of the cultural heritage of all peoples of the Russian Federation.

    Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov: what to do?

    To receive an applicant, you will need to provide a standard package of documents: a copy of the passport, a copy of the school certificate or other document testifying to availability higher education, certificates of delivery of a single state exam, two photos 3x4, as well as fill out a statement on the established university form.

    Students can become citizens of the Russian Federation aged 16 to 22, provided that they did not pass military service. If they still served, then the age plank increases to 24 years. If we are talking about servicemen who serve under the contract, they can go to the Academy to 25 years. If the applicant comes to get a secondary vocational education, its age should be less than 30 years.


    Them. Kirov, which changes annually, offers to applicants that did not pass for one other state exam for one or another, to pass it upon admission. For each specialty there are certain thresholds in points that must be overcome by an applicant to participate in the competition.

    In total, there are four specialties in the Academy: "therapeutic matter", "Medical and prophylactic matter", "Pharmacy" and "Dentistry". To go on the first specialty, it is necessary to recruit 55 points on the chemistry to the chemistry, in Russian and biology - 50.

    For a successful passage to the specialty "Dentistry" it is necessary for all three subjects to gain 50 points. At the specialty "Pharmacy" it is necessary to gain 45 points in chemistry and 40 in Russian language and biology. For admission to the specialty "Medical and prophylactic case" enough for all three subjects to score 40 points.

    Help Novikom

    Military Medical Academy. Kirov, the assistance in which it turns out constantly, invites everyone to pass preparatory courses. It is there that you can pull out our own knowledge of Russian language, chemistry and biology - those subjects that must be handed over to the exam for admission.

    There are several techniques and preparatory programswhich can be trained in the Academy. Training is a paid, detailed cost and schedule of classes can be clarified in reception Commission University, which works from May to August. Among other things, you can seek help to the university students themselves, they will gladly prompt all the necessary nuances and will help to cope with the solution of all urgent issues.

    Reviews of universities

    Military Medical Academy. Kirov, reviews about which even foreign students and guests leave, is a real field for experiments, which can take advantage of those who crave to improve their own knowledge, skills and skills. That is why students from other countries often come here, wanting to get high-quality medical education.

    All students and graduates speak positively about educational institutionwhich gave them a favorite profession. Most of the graduates work in the specialty, some of them are engaged in private practice. Quite often graduates come to university for advice to their former teachersAnd they never refuse them.

    University structure

    If we talk about the structure of the university, then the Military Medical Academy. CM. Kirov for its more than 200 years of history has grown very much. As of 2015, there are 7 faculties, more than 40 averages vocational education, Two medical college, your own reception office.

    In addition, there are many laboratories in the university, where clinical studies are being conducted, an experimental clinic, a center of pharmaceuticals, nihs of military medicine, a consultative center, a dental clinic, and a large number of other medical institutions, each of which is open to students and patients around the clock.

    Taking patients

    Military Medical Academy. Kirov is engaged not only by learning students, but also to provide free assistance to the right of grace contingents of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as well as other citizens of the Russian Federation, the right to this service which are guaranteed by federal legislation.

    In the event that a patient on emergency testimony comes to the Academy, he will be provided for medical assistance within the framework of the OMS. All other categories of citizens have the right to take advantage of medical care on the general reasons and within the framework of the DMS. In this case, the provision of medical services will be carried out in a fee, according to the existing price list, with which you can find in the university's admission department.

    Scientific work

    CM. Kirov constantly leads scientific activity, which for many years has remained at the highest level. More than 80 graduates and university employees are worn proud title "Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation", two became members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and 28 - RAMS. All this became possible thanks to the conduct of numerous studies and experiments aimed at improving the medical industry.

    The teaching staff with which the military medical academy has. Kirov in St. Petersburg includes highly professional professionals. In total, more than 250 professors, 450 associate professors, 430 doctors and more than 1,200 candidates of science, which are supported by joint efforts to support the work of scientific schools involved in the study of leading directions of modern medicine to joint efforts.

    Extracurricular activities

    In addition to active scientific and educational activities Students of the university manage to take part in the extracurricular life of the university. Military Medical Academy. Kirov has repeatedly become a laureate of urban and all-Russian student Spring, the winner of the regional competitions of KVN and the participant of various entertainment events.

    Each university student can count on help from local trade union organization. Military Medical Academy. Kirov, photos of which are reminded of the already magnitude Tsarist Russia, periodically spends excursions for everyone. Students actively participate in conducting these excursions, seeking to learn about their university as much as possible.

    The trade units also periodically propose to students work in existing medical institutions in the region, which can be combined with study. Since training is the main responsibility of the student, the trade union committee strictly ensures that the work does not interfere with their studies and, if necessary, helps the student.

    On the agenda the following military educational institution - Military Medical Academy of Kirov.

    Two very famous fact: The Academy is located in St. Petersburg, and after the Military Medical Academy, the best doctors are obtained. At least according to the reviews of those doctors that I happened to communicate closely.

    The establishment is prestigious, so let's see if you can get there, and whether it is worth doing this.


    The procedure for admission is simple.

    Collect all documents and send through the draft board to the Academy (better in April). Further, quietly study at the school April and May, in June, give the exam, if everything is in order with the documents - get a challenge to the Academy for July.

    You come to call in a red village, live there and rent a test, and if anyone has not passed something, he will immediately send him home. And at the end of July, learn, entered or not.


    Date of submission of documents for:

    • servicemen - April 01
    • graduates of Suvorov School - April 20
    • citizens living in the territory of military units outside Russia - until May 20

    A complete set of documents, including honeymap must be submitted until May 20 (for servicemen until May 15). Educational fees begin on 01 and 10 June. The result should be announced no later than July 30.

    Entrance tests

    There are waiting for the test of knowledge in chemistry, biology and Russian language. There will also be a test of health, professional suitability and physical training.

    In addition to psychological and behavioral interests, in addition to psychological and behavioral points, includes questions about the school program of Russian, chemistry and biology. They are not very complex and essentially called upon to verify the justice of EME estimates.

    According to physical preparation, it will be necessary to rent 3 km and 100 m, and 30 tightening (boys).

    How much should the scam points

    Minimum points are known in advance. In particular, the Cyrov Military Medical Academy is the case:

    The Russian language, chemistry, biology will have to take. In this order, points on subjects are divided by oblique feature:

    • Therapeutic case 60/65/60
    • Dentistry 60/65/60
    • Medical and prophylactic case 50/50/50
    • Pharmacy 50/50/50

    I repeat it minimum points. If they are more - the chances of doing increase. Although remember that even excellent points of EGE Do not guarantee admission to a military university.

    Without a word?

    Many graduates call this place the "Academy of Fathers and Children". Nevertheless, it is quite possible to do from the street.

    Do girls take?

    Here is a serious question, almost discrimination against sexual sign. Military department believes that Military doctors should be exclusively men. Otherwise, how to explain that the set of girls here is held only "according to medium-sized vocational education programs
    with medium military-special preparation "- a quote from the site of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. And we must understand that let it be the situation of the permitted set of girls in the military universities for 2018 (a set of girls in military universities in 2018), but this practice was before ().

    That is, nurse or paramedic - please, but become a super doctor or a science move, it is not about you. It's a shame? Naturally. But you have to choose from what they give. Still, a number of military universities girls take a higher special education.

    But others, it is military medical universities, in the set for 2018 there is no. That is, there is no choice, or on the program of secondary education, or wait, suddenly what will change for next year. And we remember that the age for admission to military universities is limited.

    Either go for money for civilian citizens, it is here. For example, a paid civic tower on the medical case costs 160-200 thousand rubles a year, in dentistry 210 thousand rubles per year. Plus will be the cost of accommodation and meals, because civilians are not provided with hostels.

    But even if there is money, it was dreamed of in military education, right?

    Pay attention to the military aspect!

    Future students - doctors, pay attention. Part of the guys from citizen is mistaken, believing that in essence enters the medical university with the highest quality training.

    This is not true. This is primarily a military educational institution. So, you need to be prepared for military discipline and rules, for example:

    • the barmented mode for 1 and 2 courses (dismissal in the city is no more than 3 times a day in the absence of debts, penalties, etc., life in the barracks, organized by the reception, charging, dressets and other)
    • sign up the contract for which you will have to work out for 5 years, and send far and rarely in prestigious places. Distribute well only if you're "your" or an excellent student of study and behavior without a single learn over all time, and this is a maximum of 1-2 people from the course
    • it is impossible to work on ambulance, how do students of other medical universities do

    But all this without doubt pays off in the level of teaching.

    Federal State Budgetary Military Educational Institution of Higher Education "Military Medical Academy named after S. Kirova" Ministry of Defense Russian Federation leads educational activities in the field of professional and additional education In the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

    The Academy implements in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Defense, the training of military personnel (specialists) for the federal executive bodies.

    The conditions and procedure for admission to the Academy of Citizens of the Russian Federation are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Defense. The volume and structure of the acceptance of the variable composition for the first course for training at the Academy at the expense of the federal budget is established by the Minister of Defense.

    In 2020, the Academy organizes the reception of graduates of educational organizations of secondary general and secondary vocational education for the faculties of the preparation of military doctors and the Faculty of secondary vocational education.

    Reception is organized in accordance with the license for the right to conduct the Academy of Educational Activities on Higher Education "Therapeutic case", "Medical and prophylactic business", "Dentistry", "Pharmacy" and in the specialty of secondary vocational education "therapeutic matter."


    Traine contingent

    Secondary vocational educationqualification "Feldsher"

    Medical work

    graduates of educational institutions of secondary general education

    Higher education, Qualification "Doctor" ("Provisor")

    Specialty with a learning date of 6 years

    Medical work

    Medical and prophylactic

    graduates of educational institutions of secondary and secondary vocational education

    Specialty with a learning date for 5 years


    graduates of educational institutions of secondary and secondary vocational education


    graduates of educational institutions of secondary and secondary vocational education

    The term for the development of the main professional educational programs is established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, federal state educational standards and amounts to higher education in the fields "therapeutic case" and "Medical and prophylactic matter" 6 years, according to the specialties "Dentistry" and "Pharmacy" 5 years , for secondary vocational education in the specialty "Therapeutic case" 3 years 10 months.

    Persons completed training and past state final certification for the main educational programs Higher education, issued a diploma of a state sample about higher education, awarded the qualifications of a doctor (provisos) and is assigned military rank lieutenant Medical Service.

    Graduates of the Academy, completed training at the Faculty (secondary vocational education), is issued a diploma of a state sample about secondary vocational education, the qualifications of the paramedics are awarded and the military rank is assigned inport.

    Rights, duties, social guarantees and compensation to cadets are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Principal Charters of the Armed Forces, the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Defense, the Charter of the Academy and other local acts. Ensuring compliance with the norms and regulations of socio-domestic conditions for study and accommodation students in the Academy is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Defense.

    The quality control of education and compliance with licensing and accreditation indicators in the Academy is carried out by the federal executive authority, carrying out functions to control and oversight in the field of education and science, and the Ministry of Defense.

    II. Requirements for candidates for cadet training

    The faculties of the preparation of military doctors as citizens of the Russian Federation, which have a state-of-second general, secondary vocational education, are considered for admission candidates for admission.

    • citizens in age from 16 to 22 yearswho did not pass military service;
    • citizens who have passed military service and servicemen passing military service - until they reach the age 24 years old;
    • servicemen passing military service under the contract (except officers) - until they reach the age 27 years,
    • At the Faculty of Medium Vocational Education for training cadets under a program with medium military-special training, citizens with only secondary education are considered before reaching 30 years.
    • Not considered as candidates for admission to the Academy Citizens:
    • for whom conviction has been imposed and punished;
    • in respect of which an inquiry or a preliminary investigation or a criminal case against which was transferred to the court;
    • having an incomparable or outstanding conviction for committing a crime or serving a sentence in the form of imprisonment;
    • deprived of a certain period that entered into legal force by the court decision, the right to hold military positions during the specified period of time;
    • in other cases defined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    III. The procedure for conducting the preliminary selection of candidates

    The preliminary selection of candidates from the citizens of past and not held military service is carried out by the military commissars of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, invited commissions created in municipal regions, urban districts and in the internal territories of cities of federal significance, chiefs general Education Organizations With special names under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense, and candidates from among military personnel - commander of military units (compounds).

    Pre-selection activities are carried out in order to send candidates on the entrance tests that meet the requirements provided for in paragraphs 2.1, 2.2 of these Rules, and include the determination of the suitability of candidates for learning:

    • by the presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation;
    • in terms of education;
    • by age;
    • for health;
    • in terms of physical fitness;
    • in the category of professional fitness.

    Citizens who have passed and not held military service, who expressed the desire to enter the Academy, file an application to the Department of the Military Commissariat of the Directory of the Russian Federation at the place of residence (graduates of general educational organizations with special names under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense - in the name of the head of the general education organization in which they study) until April 20 2020.

    Servicemen who express a desire to enter the Academy are filed a report to the commander of the military unit until April 1, 2020.

    The candidate's statement indicates: surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, information about citizenship, details of a document certifying his personality (including details of issuing a specified document), information about the previous education level and a document on education and (or) on qualification, Its confirming, the postal address of the place of permanent residence, email address and contact telephone (at the request of the candidate), the specialty of training on which he wishes to study at the Academy.

    In the report of candidates from among military personnel, in addition to the above, the military rank and the military position, and instead of the address of the place of residence, the conditional name of the military unit, as well as the military authority (type of armed forces, the military district, the bodies of the armed forces) are indicated.

    The following certified documents are attached to the application (report):

    • copies of documents certifying the identity and citizenship of the Russian Federation;
    • copy of birth certificate;
    • a copy of the State Sample Document on the appropriate level of education (with an application of a copy of the document with the estimates obtained);
    • autobiography;
    • characteristic from the place of study, work or military service on the prescribed form;
    • three certified photos of 4.5 x 6 cm in size;
    • service card serviceman;

    Students of schools instead of a copy of a document on the average general education to the application make an extract from the Tabel performance for the 10th grade and the first half of grade 11. Persons who graduated from the first and subsequent courses of educational organizations of secondary vocational and higher education, which have state accreditation, pose a certificate of training or a period of learning with a reflection of current academic performance.

    Servicemen undergoing a contract under the contract in other federal executive bodies are the consent of the relevant agency for translating them to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for training in the event of admission to the Academy.

    Candidates represent (if there is) a copy of documents confirming special rights (benefits) when admission to training at the Academy and (or) individual achievements.

    The documents submitted must be dated the year of receipt.

    Citizens of the Russian Federation, living in military units that deployed outside the Russian Federation, are applying for the head of the Academy until May 2020. The statements are attached to the documents listed in paragraph 3.4 of these Rules.

    Citizens living outside the Russian Federation, where there are no military units of the Armed Forces, arrive at the Academy no later than 28 June 2020 with a document on education and (or) on qualifications and a document certifying the identity of the candidate, to consider the admission committee as a candidate for Admission to the Academy with the execution of personal affairs and decisions about their admission to the passage of professional selection.

    Documents of candidates from among the citizens of past and not held military service listed in paragraph 3.4 of these Rules, as well as a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the absence of the foundations listed in paragraph 2.2 for the reference of the candidate in vocational selection, medical examination cards and professional psychological selection Military Commissioners of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (chiefs of general education organizations with special names under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense) send to the Academy until May 2020.

    Documents of military personnel candidates listed in paragraph 3.4 of these Rules, and on servicemen passing military service under the contract, in addition, are personal affairs, heading to the Academy until May 15, 2020.

    The map of the medical examination is applied:

    • certificate of vaccinations; certificates from anti-tuberculosis, psychoneurological, drugs, narcological and skin-venereological dispensaries;
    • extract from the medical card of an outpatient patient (about the suffering diseases, injuries, operations, existing chronic diseases);
    • fluorogram (radiograph) of the lungs in 2 projections, radiograph of the apparent sinuses of the nose; electrocardiogram at rest and under load;
    • results of general (clinical) blood test ( platelet level indicator required) I. general analysis urine; The results of research on narcotic drugs, on RW (syphilis), on HIV infection, hepatitis (B and C).

    Medical documents should be dated the year of receipt.

    The Admission Commission of the Academy on the basis of the consideration of the candidates received documents determines the compliance of selected candidates established requirements and decides on admission to professional selection. The decision of the Academy's Admission Commission on the admission of candidates for the passage of professional selection is sent to the departments of military commissariators of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation at the place of residence of candidates from among citizens who have passed and not held military service, in Suvorov military schools, military units for a period no later than one day from the date of adoption decisions of the Academy's Admission Office, indicating the time and venue of professional selection or reasons for refusal.

    Based on the decision of the Admission Commission of the Academy on admission to the passage of professional selection, candidates from among citizens who have passed and not held military service are sent to military commissariators of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (candidates from among graduates of general education organizations with special names under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense - these general educational Organizations) to the Academy Training Center (Red Selo) for professional selection.

    Candidates from the number of servicemen that meet the requirements established by paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2 of these Rules are sent to the Academy Training Center (Red Selo) Commanders of military units to participate in training charges for preparing professional selection and subsequent professional selection, regardless of receipt of military Part of the decision of the Academy's Admission Commission on Admission to Professional Selection:

    • applied to training programs with full military-special training are sent to the Academy by June 1, 2020, where 25-day training fees are held with them;
    • entering programs for medium-military training programs are sent to the Academy by June 10, 2020, where 15-day fees are held with them.

    Passport, military ID or certificate of a citizen who is subject to military service, the original document of the public sample on the level of education and (or) on qualifications are submitted by the candidate for the Academy's Admission Office upon arrival, but no later than one day before the meeting of the Admission Commission for decision making On enrollment of the candidate. If there are candidates, the originals of documents confirming the special rights (advantages) when admission to the Academy, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and (or) individual achievements of the candidate.

    IV. The procedure for conducting professional selection of candidates

    Professional selection of candidates entering the academy for training cadets (secondary vocational and higher education) is carried out by the Admission Commission from July 1 to July 30 in order to determine the ability of candidates to master the educational programs of the appropriate level.

    Professional selection of candidates for enrollment cadets to the Academy includes:

    but) determination of the suitability of candidates for admission to the Academy for Health (medical examination of the military medical commission), which is organized in accordance with the Regulations on the military-medical examination, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 4, 2013 No. 565, requirements for the health of individual categories of citizens approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation from 20 October 2014 No. 770.

    Medical examination of citizens entering the Academy carry out doctors involved in the Military Commission: a surgeon doctor, a physician doctor, a neurologist, a psychiatrist, a doctor-ophthalmologist, a otorinolaryngologist, a dentist, doctor Dermatovene-rologist, and if necessary, doctors of other specialties.

    The results of the medical examination of candidates are announced no later than one day after the military-medical commission of the conclusion of the state of the health of the candidate.

    In the case of a candidate admission not suitable for admission to the Academy, the candidate and its legal representatives (parents, if a minor candidate) have the right to obtain clarifications and recommendations of a specialist doctor.

    b) determination of the category of professional suitability of candidates Based on their socio-psychological study, psychological and psychophysiological examination, it is conducted in accordance with the management of the professional psychological selection in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of January 26, 2000 No. 50.

    In the course of professional psychological selection, the compliance of the professionally important qualities of candidates is estimated, in order to predict the success of their training and further efficient activities on primary military positions, and one of the following conclusions are taken out by the results:

    • recommended first - the first category;
    • recommended - second categories;
    • recommended conditionally - Third category;
    • not recommended - The fourth category (applicants are informed of the conclusion made individually).

    Making a conclusion about the category of professional suitability of candidates based on their social and psychological study, psychological and psychophysiological surveys is made and documented using automated workplaces of professional psychological selection specialists adopted in the armed forces.

    Candidates attributed to the fourth category of professional suitability are considered not passing professional psychological selection and are not allowed to further pass professional selection. They are informed about the prisoner individually, and, if necessary, with these candidates, individual psychological counseling is carried out, during which explanations and recommendations are given.

    The results by definition of the category of professional suitability are brought to the candidate or its legal representatives no later than one day before the end of the professional selection of candidates.

    in) entrance tests Consisting of:

    • estimates of the level of comprehensive preparedness of candidates .

    For all specialties implemented at the Academy of Higher Education (Specialty), an assessment of the level of general education of candidates is carried out in chemistry, biology and Russian language. The profile assessment of the level of comprehensive fee of candidates is chemistry.

    Evaluation of the general education level of candidates coming to training for higher education programs is carried out according to the results of a single state exam (hereinafter - the USE) received in 2016 - 2020, as well as for certain categories of graduates of educational organizations - according to the results of the introductory tests held by the Academy independently and valued on a 100-point scale.

    Candidates, from among the individual categories of graduates of educational organizations, can provide relevant results of the EGE as the results of entrance tests held by the Academy independently, one or more general educational subjects.

    As the minimum number of points for all forms of general introductory entrance tests, the minimum number of USE points approved by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation is used.

    The results of the assessment of the level of general education of candidates for the results of the EGE is announced by candidates no later than one day after the end of the verification of the reliability of information on the participation of the candidate for the USE and the results of the EGE in the federal information system for ensuring the state final certification of students who have mastered the main educational programs of the main and secondary general education , and reception of citizens in educational organizations For medium-sized vocational and higher education (hereinafter - FIS EGE). The results of the introductory test conducted by the Academy independently - no later than the second day after the introductory test.

    For candidates coming to training under a medium-sized vocational education program (Feldsher), in assessing the level of general education, the results of the development of the educational program of secondary general education specified in the documents submitted by candidates on education.

    • estimates of the level of physical fitness.

    The level of physical fitness of candidates is estimated in accordance with the instructions on physical training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (NFP-2009), approved by the Order of the Defense Minister of the Russian Federation of April 21, 2009 No. 200, on a 100-point scale following the three elements of the test (exercises) :

    • for young men: pull-up on the crossbar, running 100 meters and crosswise 3 km;
    • for girls: tilts of the body, running 100 meters and cross to 1 km.

    The minimum number of points based on the results of candidates for physical training exercises confirming the successful passage of entrance tests to assess the level of physical fitness by candidates (with the exception of officers) is:

    • for each individual exercise - 26 points;
    • in total, according to the results of the completion of three exercises - 120 points.

    Candidates from the number of officers will pass the exam in accordance with the standards for their age groups.

    Exercises are performed in the sport form of clothing.

    In case of not overcoming the minimum threshold according to one of the exercises or by the sum of the results of the completion of three exercises, the claims for the candidate are considered unfulfilled, the candidate is recognized as not suitable for advent of physical fitness and is removed from the further passage of professional selection.

    The performance of physical exercises in order to improve the evaluation obtained is not allowed.

    The results of the assessment of the level of physical fitness of candidates are brought to candidates or its legal representatives no later than one day after the introductory test.

    Candidates, from among the winners and winners of the Olympics of schoolchildren held in the manner established by the federal authority of the executive authority, performing functions on the development of state policy and regulatory legal regulation in the field of education, for the four years following the year of the relevant Olympiad, the results of general education introductory Tests corresponding to the Olympiad profile are equated with 100 points if they have the results of the EGE not lower than 75 points.

    Individual achievements of candidates for training at the Academy on Higher Education Educational Programs, confirmed documented, are taken into account by accrualing points for the results of individual achievements, in accordance with the procedure approved at the Academy.

    The Admission Office monitors the reliability of the information specified in the Application Application (on the participation of the candidate for the exam and the results of the exam, about participating in schoolchildren's Olympiads, about the presence of a candidate of individual achievements, etc.), and the authenticity of the documents filed. When this verification is held, the Reception Commission has the right to apply to the relevant state information Systems, State (municipal) bodies and organizations.

    Appeal based on the results of the introductory test conducted in uniform, in chemistry, biology, the Russian language can be submitted at the place of the EGE, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The appeal response must be provided by the candidate for the Secretariat of the Admission Office no later than one day before the final meeting of the Admission Commission for the decision to enroll candidates. Otherwise, the result obtained by the receiving commission from FIS EGE is applied. If the result of the USE is below the established minimum value, the candidate is not allowed for consideration in the competitive list.

    Candidates and their legal representatives (parents, if a minor candidate) on the day announcement of the results of the introductory test, held by the Academy independently, or during the next business day they have the right to get acquainted with their work (with the work of the entering), as well as contact the Secretariat of the Admission Commission with a statement On clarification of the marginal assessment in accordance with the procedure established by the head of the Academy.

    Appeal is filed in writing on the day announcement of the results of the entrance test or during the next working day. Consideration of the appeal is carried out no later than the next working day after the day of its submission. Candidates and their legal representatives have the right to be present when considering the appeal. Appeals from second persons, including relatives, are not accepted and are not considered.

    Consideration of the appeal is not a relief or re-passing of the introductory test. During the appeal consideration, only compliance with the established procedure for conducting an introductory test and (or) the correctness of the evaluation of the results of the entrance test is verified.

    Appeals, applications, complaints of candidates and their legal representatives are accepted for consideration in the secretariat of the admission committee personally, as well as through public postal operators or in the form of an electronic document. When conducting personal reception candidates and their legal representatives are attracted officers Admission Commission in accordance with their competence. The procedure and timing of their consideration comply with the procedure and deadlines for consideration of citizens' appeals.

    Candidates who have received an unsatisfactory assessment on the exams (scored the number of points below the established minimum value) or who did not appear without good reasons for one of the exams on the schedule scheduled, for further professional selection activities are not allowed and dropped out of the competition for admission to the Academy. On the inability to take exams on the state of health or other reasons, documented, the candidate is obliged to inform the Secretariat of the Reception Commission before the exam.

    Repeated with a candidate of professional selection activities is not carried out.

    V. The procedure for enrolling candidates coming to cadets

    Candidates who have passed professional selection are included in the competitive lists to enroll candidates with cadets to the Academy and on the results of the competition are credited to training.

    Competitive lists to enroll candidates with cadets to the Academy are drawn up on the levels of vocational education and specialties of preparation.

    Candidates coming to higher education training (specialty) are located in the competitive lists depending on the amount of points that determines the level of general education (summarize points for each general educational objective test), the level of physical fitness and individual achievements.

    Candidates entering training on medium-sized vocational education programs are located in competitive lists depending on the value of the average certificate of the certificate on average general education.

    At the same time, candidates assigned to the results of professional psychological selection for the third category of professional fitness are located in the competition list after the candidates assigned to the first and second categories of professional suitability, regardless of the amount received.

    Candidates who scored an equal number of points are recorded in the competitive list in the following sequence:

    • first of all - candidates who are advantageous by the right to enter military schools;
    • secondly - Candidates who received a higher score on a general educational subject - chemistry (candidates coming to training on medium-sized vocational education programs - received a higher score when assessing the level of their physical fitness);
    • third Russian - Candidates who received a higher score on a general educational subject - biology.

    Candidates who have not passed professional selection are not recorded in competitive lists. They are drawn up by the lists of candidates who are denied admission to the Academy, indicating the reasons for refusal.

    For reasons, not passing professional selection include:

    • obtaining a candidate for the results of the EGE or the introductory test of the Academy independently, according to a general educational subject (chemistry, biology, Russian), less minimal number of points approved for the year of receipt on the declared specialty of training;
    • recognition of a candidate not suitable for health to admission to the Academy;
    • assigning a candidate for the fourth category of professional fitness;
    • obtaining unsatisfactory assessment on physical training;
    • refusal to a candidate from entering the academy after the start of professional selection;
    • not a turnout without a valid reason in the scheduled schedule time for a professional selection event (introductory test);
    • not submission within the established period of the original document on education;
    • failure to the candidate further passing professional selection by abnormalism.

    The Military Medical Academy is the oldest among military academies and medical universities of the country. He was formed on December 18, 1798 by Decree of the Emperor Paul I and from the moment of creation, the name "Medical and Surgical Academy" was called.

    The Academy was repeatedly renamed in the future: in 1808 - to the "Imperial Medical and Surgical Academy", in 1881 - to the "Imperial Military Medical Academy".
    The history of the Academy for more than two centuries is immortalized by architectural monuments, buildings over which the best architects of Russia worked.

    Soon after the establishment, the Academy was erected into the rank of the "first educational institutions of the empire" and until 1917 combined the functions of the educational institution and the Academy of Medical Sciences.
    In 1918, the Academy began to wear the name "Military Medical Academy", and in 1935 he was renamed the "Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov. "

    In the Academy, 3 interrelated functions are carried out at the same time: educational, scientific and medical and diagnostic.

    The Military Medical Academy is the main center professional training Military doctors in the quality of the educational base, the security of the clinics with modern equipment and selection of thematic patients, where training is focused on the most high-tech and costly medical specialties of the current nomenclature.

    The Academy includes:

    -4 central institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: Central Military Medical Commission of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; Central Pathoanatomic Laboratory of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; Center for Quality Control and Certification of Drugs of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; Center for pharmacy and medical equipment of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

    -5 centers: center (educational, scientific work and training of scientific and pedagogical personnel); Research Center; Pharmaceutical center; Clinical center of extracorporeal detoxification; Engineering and technical center (operation and maintenance of medical equipment).

    -4 independent department: clinical department; medical supply department; construction department; Human Resources Department.

    -6 Faculties for the preparation of servicemen and 1 Faculty of preparing and improving civilian doctors (on extra-budgetary basis).

    -Medicinet detachment (special purpose) (training).

    -Medical College.

    -63 departments (28 military, 35 civilians), of which: 17 surgical; 14 therapeutic; 3 preventive; 29 theoretical.

    -4 Security Divisions: Base educational process; Military Medical Museum; Editorial Board (Military Medical); Military orchestra.

    - Academy of Sciences and Research Test Institute (Military Medicine).

    The Academy contains 13 posts of major medical professionals from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. All officers and civilian personnel officers have a corresponding level of education and training.

    In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 29, 2012, the Military Medical Academy operates as a federal state state-owned military educational institution of higher vocational education.

    As an educational institution, the Military Medical Academy carries out dodiplome and postgraduate training of medical professionals for all types of armed forces, other power structures and civilian health care of the Russian Federation, as well as for a number of foreign countries. Educational process It is carried out almost throughout the spectrum of medical specialties.

    The system of preparing military doctors in the Military Medical Academy is considered to be the optimal model of the military medical education In the armed forces of the country. This is a very time-consuming and long-term process: 6 years of training at faculties preparation of doctors with obtaining a diploma, then another year in the attendant of the Academy to obtain primary specialization.

    Dodiplome preparation of military doctors is carried out at the faculties of primary training: the faculty of training doctors (for rocket and land forces), faculty of training of doctors (for Air force), faculty of training doctors (for Navy), Faculty of preparation and improvement of civilian doctors, faculty of training doctors (military medical professionals of foreign armies).

    Postgraduate preparation is carried out at the faculty (postgraduate professional and additional education), the faculty of the governing medical staff, the Faculty of Preparation and Improvement of Civil Doctors and the Faculty of Preparation of Doctors (Foreign Army Military Medical Specialists).

    The presenter of the historically established domestic principle of training doctors in the Academy involves "training in the bed of the patient" - a practical assimilation of the elements of knowledge and practical skills professional activityFirst of all issued in the category of training programs "Own!" And "to have experience (skill)!".

    An important component of educational activities is to conduct all types of (educational and industrial) practices in the Academy.

    In the course of training, cadets and students of the Academy are involved in the command-staff (tactical and special) military medical exercise under the conventional name "Rubezh", during which issues of organizing the work of medical units on the reception of the wounded and patients, to provide them with the first, medical and qualified Medical care, the practical skills of work are acquired as a junior medical personnel in divisions and parts of the medical care and the removal of the wounded and patients with the battlefield, loading (unloading) of the wounded and patients with vehicles.

    In the final teaching, conducted on the basis of field sweating in the Red Selo, take part up to 1000 people, more than 20 departments of the Academy are involved, from which about 100 teachers are allocated, all faculties, representatives of military and civilian health care.

    The right to conduct educational activities in the field of higher professional education and issuing diplomas of the state sample provided by the Military Medical Academy of License dated October 05, 2010 No. 0231 and certificate of accreditation of April 11, 2011 No. 0893 issued Federal Service on oversight in the field of education and science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

    Faculty of training doctors (for rocket and ground troops)
    Military accounting specialty graduates "Therapeutic case in land forces". Conducts profile training in the specialty of higher vocational education "Therapeutic case" Qualifications "Doctor" and military-professional training for execution official duties The head of the medical service (medical center) of the regiment (brigades) in the rocket and ground forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, parts of the Airborne Forces, other power ministries and departments.

    Faculty of training doctors (for air force)
    In the course of study, the cadets examine the issues of medical support and control over the state of the flight composition, estimating the functional state of pilots in hypoxia, work out practical speech skills in an oxygen mask under excess pressure, are experiencing a protective effect of a high-altitude compensating costume, etc.

    Faculty of training doctors (for navy)
    Specialized departments make it possible to study the issues of naval training, organization and tactics of the Fleet Medical Service in Peaceful and war time, organization and conduct of medical monitoring of the living conditions of military seafarers in peaceful and wartime, ensuring radiation safety on coastal sites and ships with nuclear power plants, familiarize themselves with the medical aspects of the elimination of the consequences of radiation accidents at various objects of the Navy.

    In training centers, cadets practically work out emergency and rescue support, naval labor physiology and a diving education. Practical special knowledge is being worked out during the fleet and military internship, as well as the fleet and military practice on ships and in the parts of the Northern Fleet.

    Faculty of training doctors (military medical professionals of foreign armies)

    Type of learning


    Duration of learning

    10 months

    Primary training doctors:

    Therapeutic case in terrestrial troops

    Therapeutic business in aviation

    Therapeutic case on ships

    Medical work


    Preparation of guidance medical staff

    Clinical order

    Improvement and professional retraining

    from 1.5 to 5 months



    Forceing scientists degrees

    A military personnel of a foreign state who wishes to study at the Military Medical Academy. S. M. Kirov appeals to the National Command of his country, which in turn submits an application through the Main Department of Frames of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

    Training of foreign servicemen is held in Russian. For foreign servicemen who do not speak Russian or own it weakly, a preparatory course of training for up to 10 months is introduced.

    At the faculty there is a hotel to accommodate foreign servicemen. Payment for accommodation is made in accordance with concluded contracts.

    The stay of foreign servicemen in the territory of the Russian Federation and migration records are carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the requirements of the Federal Migration Service of Russia with the support of the Command of the Academy and the Faculty Management.

    Faculty of Preparation and Improvement of Civil Doctors
    The main goal of the Faculty's activities is the solution of the main tasks defined for the Faculty of the Academy:

    - training of specialists with higher medical education in accordance with the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the specialty 060101 "Therapeutic Case";

    - Postgraduate professional education of civilian doctors in the form of an internship and the ordinance in accordance with government educational standards of medical specialties;

    - additional vocational education in the form of professional retraining, advanced training, internship and certification of specialists with higher medical and pharmaceutical education;

    - organization and work on the military-professional orientation of young people, her patriotic education and prepare for admission to the Academy.

    Faculty of Steering Medical Makeup
    Contributes to the training of officers with the highest military operational and tactical training in the specialty "Management of the Medical Protection of Troops (Forces)", as well as training in the internship and the ordinacy. Primary specialization in the field of graduates of faculties training doctors is carried out in 30 main professional educational programs for the specialties of specialists with higher and postgraduate medical and pharmaceutical education in the health sector of the Russian Federation.

    Postgraduate vocational education in the ordinature is carried out at 89 main professional educational programs for the specialties of specialists with higher and postgraduate medical and pharmaceutical education in the health sector of the Russian Federation.

    High-quality training of graduates contributes to the participation of listeners in the annual tactical and special teachings "Rubezh", the final command-staff military medical exercises, the deployment of field military medical institutions in the training center of the Military Medical Academy, internships in the medical service authorities, practical work In the clinics of the Academy.

    At the faculty, great attention is paid to the scientific activities of trainee officers. Listeners are actively involved in all All-Russian and international scientific and practical conferences held in St. Petersburg.

    Every year, 5-7 listeners successfully defend the dissertations and receive a scientist degree of candidate of medical sciences.

    Faculty (Postgraduate Professional and Additional Education)
    At the faculty (postgraduate professional and additional education), the following types of physician training in the system of postgraduate and additional vocational education are carried out:

    - Professional retraining of medical professionals;

    - the general and thematic improvement of the officers of the medical service and civilian personnel in the Russian Federation for medical and pharmaceutical specialties;

    - thematic improvement of the management team of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, childbirth and species of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military districts, fleets;

    - Thematic improvement of the faculty of the highest military educational institutions, training centers and departments of military and extreme medicine of universities.

    Ladies to train students at the Faculty of Professional Retraining, advanced training from 1 to 4 months.

    Medical College of the Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov
    Basic education level and in-depth training in the specialties:

    060501 "Nursing":

    Qualification: " Nurse (brother) "based on medium total (full) education; Litchime: full-time training form - 2 years 10 months, part-time form of training - 3 years 10 months;

    Qualifications: "Medical sister with in-depth preparation" in the direction:

    -Organization of nursing;

    -Anesiology and resuscitation;

    Based on medium medical education (basic level); Litchime: Full-time form of preparation - 10 months, part-time form of preparation - 1 year 6 months.

    060604 "Laboratory Diagnostics"

    Qualification: "Medical laboratory technician", based on medium total (full) education. Little time: Full-time form - preparation for 2 years 10 months; Employment form of preparation - 3 years 10 months.

    The Department for the advanced training of the Medical College of the Military Medical Academy conducts postgraduate training, certification and certification of medium medical personnel in all specialties of the Nomenclature of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

    Research work the Military Medical Academy is held in all the main directions of military and clinical medicine. At the same time, the main task recognizes the strengthening and development of academy scientific schools as a fundamental basis for research and training of highly skilled military medical personnel at all levels of education.

    A number of fundamental and applied research areas are implemented in the newest developments of the Department and Research Units.

    In the Academy there is a slim system for training scientific personnel. Much attention is paid to scientific work, including the work of cadets and listeners. For more than 50 years, the Academy has a military-scientific community of cadets and listeners (VNKX).

    The Military Medical Academy employs well-known scientists, including 5 academicians of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS), 8 Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 25 Honored Scientists of the Russian Federation, 94 Honored Doctors of the Russian Federation, 52 Honored Employee of the Higher School of the Russian Federation, 15 laureates of the State Prize, 12 winners of the Government Prize, 105 academics and 46 corresponding members of domestic and foreign academies.

    The preparation of scientific and pedagogical and scientific personnel in the Academy is carried out in doctoral studies and adjuncture, as well as by issuing a degree of doctor and candidate of science.

    At the Academy, 13 dissertation councils on the protection of doctoral dissertations of 33 scientific specialties were created and actively operate.

    Clinical base of the Academy it has a regular quiet capacity of 2616 beds, and represented by 16 clinics of the surgical profile (including 7 clinics of general merger and 9 specialized), 13 clinics of the therapeutic profile (including 7 general-merating and 6 specialized), clinical center of extracorporeal detoxification and 5 clinical units ( Including reception compartments No. 1 and 2, blood transfusion station, etc.).

    Work continues to master new species and the provision of high-tech medical care. Of the 137 species established by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, now in the clinics of the Academy turns out to be 90, which is more than 65% of the total.

    At the Academy receive various types of treatment more than 350 thousand people annually.