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  • Where did the Great Pattern begun. Thirteen cities that are awarded proud title of heroes! Rearrangement of the country's life for military rails

    Where did the Great Pattern begun. Thirteen cities that are awarded proud title of heroes! Rearrangement of the country's life for military rails

    June 22, 1941 Hitler Germany attacked Soviet Union. At 3 hours 30 minutes, when the German fascist troops received the Dortmund conventional signal, according to Soviet border stations and fortifications, an artillery strike was suddenly applied, and in a few minutes the enemy hordes invaded the limits of the USSR. The major forces of German aviation have wrapped thousands of tons of deadly cargo on Soviet airfields, bridges, warehouses, railways, naval databases, lines and communication sites, sleeping cities. In the border areas of the country, a giant fiery tornado. For the Soviet people began the brutal and incredibly grave Great Patriotic War.

    At 12 o'clock in the afternoon, Molotov spoke on the radio with official appeal to the USSR citizens, saying the German attack on the USSR and declaring the beginning of the Patriotic War. I think everyone heard and know the text of this appeal to the Soviet people:

    Citizens and Citizens of the Soviet Union!

    Soviet government and his head of com. Stalin instructed me to make the following statement:

    Today, at 4 o'clock in the morning, without presenting any claims to the Soviet Union, without declaring the war, German troops attacked our country, attacked our borders in many places and subjected to bombing from their aircraft our cities - Zhytomyr, Kiev, Sevastopol, Kaunas And some others, more than two hundred people were killed and injured. The raids of enemy aircraft and the artillery shelling were also committed from the Romanian and Finnish territory.

    This unprecedented attack on our country is unparalleled in the history of civilized peoples of treachery. The attack on our country was made, despite the fact that non-aggression agreement was concluded between the USSR and Germany, and the Soviet government fully fulfilled all the conditions of this contract. The attack on our country was committed, despite the fact that for all the time the actions of this contract, the German government never could have submitted a single claim to the USSR to fulfill the contract. All responsibility for this robber attack on the Soviet Union entirely falls on the German fascist rulers.

    "Today, at 4 o'clock in the morning ..." - this particular hour is considered to be the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. However, the Great Patriotic War began 47 minutes earlier, and not in Brest or on the River Prut, but in Sevastopol.

    The war began for Sevastopol at 3 o'clock 13 minutes on June 22, 1941 with the Nalea of \u200b\u200bGerman Aviation. The first bombs flew to the city, mines were dropped into the waters of the bay.

    The first mine fell directly to the Waterproof of the Sevastopol Bay - in order to prevent the ships of the Black Sea Fleet to the sea. She fell almost at the very place where Crimean war In the defense of Sevastopol, old wooden ships were flooded in order to prevent entering the Bay of the Anglo-French squadron. There is also a monument, which is called - "Monument to flooded ships" (it is in the picture). It was here that the Great Patriotic War began.

    The second mine was also thrown on this purpose, but did not get into the water area, and fell on the street. Podgorny and brought the first victims (about 20 people killed and wounded). These were the first victims of the Great Patriotic War.

    Mines descended on the parachutes and when falling on Earth exploded, several of them fell into the sea. Military experts were suggested that the enemy resets ordinary anchor mines. On the evening of June 22, the SP-12 tug was killed as a result of the underwater explosion, two days later - a 25-ton floating crane, then the Esminets "Fast". It turned out that the German troops applied the new kind Weapons - non-contact bottom magnetic mines, which exploded under the influence of the mass of vessels passing over them. Installation of electromagnetic mines on fairways, the German command expect to clog the main base of the Black Sea Fleet, and then destroy the ships by blowing bombarding aircraft.

    However, as a result of the successful work of air defense troops, the task of blocking Sevastopol bays by mines in order to destroy the fleet of bombarding aviation, the Germans were not fulfilled. For a long time, the opponent aircraft tried to minister the bay, the main fairway.

    The means of combating non-contact mines found the division of the Water Area Protection Division. At high speed, the boat took place over the places where the fall was noted, and the deep bombs were discharged, from the explosion of which mines were detonated and exploded. But this method was not absolutely reliable and a huge risk in himself.

    For the fastest solution to the complex problem, the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet created a group of military engineers in early July. They had great help researchers of the Leningrad Physiciko-Technical Institute E.E. Lyshenko, Yu.S. Lazurkin, A.R. Rogel, P.G.Stpanov and Laberaent K.K. Stherbo. Soon the first electromagnetic trawl was created.

    On August 9, 1941, scientists of physicists arrived in Sevastopol, afterwards Academician, A.P. Alksandrov and I.V. Kurchatov. There were days of hard work (after the departure of A.P. Elksandrov, the leadership was carried out by Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov). In a small house on the shore of the Bay of Holland I.V. Kurchatov and his group managed to be unique short time Develop a demagnetization system. Scientists together with the specialists of the Black Sea Fleet, carefully and comprehensively studying the fundamental principles of the new weapons, theoretically substantiated the method of mine protection of ships by demaging them. Founded on their research special anti-mining processing of combat vessels before going out in the sea gave positive results. The enemy's magnetic mines were processed by such a method of surface and underwater ships of the fleet.

    Participants in the demagnetization of ships. In the first row - A.R. Regel, Yu.S. Lazurkin, V.D. Panchenko. In the second row - P.G. Stepanov, D.M. Hydalemaker. In the third - I.V. Kurchatov. 1941 year.

    Underwater mined submarine produced by a special trawl developed by the group I.V. Kurchatov.

    The physical principle, in general, is pretty simple - the mines sensor reacts to the magnetic field of the ship, the same as the compass arrow. The idea based on the protection of ships from non-contact min, consisted in demagnetizing the ships. It was assumed that this can be made by compensating for the magnetic field of the ship using the special windings fixed on it, through which passed d.C.. At the same time, the magnetic field of the ship can be compensated by a magnetic current field to such an extent that the passage of the ship over mines will not cause a triggering of a limited sensitivity.

    The first work on the grinding of the ships was carried out before the war, but in Sevastopol worked with larger mines of the new design. By the decision of the USSR Council of April 10, 1942 for the creation of effective methods of demagnetizing the ships and their practical implementation of A. P. Elksandrov, I.V. Kurchatov and six more participants of the work was awarded the Stalinist premium of the first degree. October 4, 1944 I.V. Kurchantov was awarded the Order Labor red banner for the solution of the same problem. The command of the Black Sea Fleet presented Kurchatov to awarding the medal "For the defense of Sevastopol". So we can say that the demagnetization of ships in order to protect them from mines also began to actively develop after this work Alexandrov and Kurchatov in 1941 in Sevastopol.

    On land to Sevastopol, the enemy was released only in October 41. Already in mid-September, German and Romanian troops began preparations for the invasion of the peninsula. Until the middle of October, our troops managed to hold the enemy on the approaches to the Crimea. However, on October 22, the Germans came out to the latter, the Ishun border of the defense of the Crimean Frames and, capturing them, began to break the peninsula on October 28, developing an offensive in the direction of Sevastopol and Kerch.

    On October 29, 1941, a siege situation was introduced in Sevastopol. On October 30, 1941, the second heroic defense of Sevastopol began, which lasted 250 days - until July 4, 1942. From the first battles until the last days of defense, the defenders of the city showed dedication, unparalleled resistance and heroism. On November 4, a Sevastopol defensive region was created to unite all the main base of the Black Sea Fleet (SOR). The general management of the main base of the Black Sea Fleet and its defense was carried out by the Military Council of the Black Sea Fleet. As in the first defense of Sevastopol, the Defense Soviet seamans were commanded - the successors of Nakhimov, Kornilov, Inturizer.

    A. A. Deineka, "Defense of Sevastopol" (1942)

    The city has resistant two assaults (the first is the attempt of the German troops with the go to seize the city during October 30 - November 21, 1941, the second - December 17-30). The latter, summer assault began on June 7th. To the last, June, storming both sides were preparing with the voltage of all forces: Sevastopols - with the courage of despair, the Germans - with an unprecedented allocation. Their grouping was strengthened to 200 thousand people. Under Sevastopol became the latest weapons, including the largest gun of World War II "Dora", which was serviced by a whole division led by General. One shell of her weighed 7 tons - it was visible in flight. But only after 3 weeks, from June 30, street fighting began. On the same day, an order was received about the leaving of Sevastopol. However, organized resistance stopped on July 3. Separate foci resisted until June 12. The last defenders of Sevastopol fought at the Chersoness Peninsula, on the legendary 35th battery (now there is a unique museum complex dedicated to the heroic defenders of Sevastopol - I recommend to visit everyone, you will no longer see such anywhere).

    If the defense of Sevastopol lasted 250 days, then the liberation took just a week. On May 5, as a result of the most powerful offensive, German fortifications were broken by Mekenziev Mountains, and on May 7, the storm was taken by Sapun-Mountain. After 58 hours, by the end of the day on May 9, 1944, the city was released. Sevastopol. On May 8, 1965, Sevastopol was awarded the title of the city of Hero (among the first 7m: Leningrad, Odessa, Stalingrad, Kiev, Brest Fortress and Moscow).

    Memorial wall in honor of the heroic defense of Sevastopol and the alley of the Geroev cities Sevastopol (Republic of Crimea) (My photo). Two bayonet-reflected bayonet symbolize two reflected assault.

    Today, on June 22, 2015, at 3 o'clock 13 minutes, the All-Russian Prosle of Memory will be held at the 1941-1942 Memorial of the Geroic Defense of Sevastopol.

    On June 22, 1941, the German army invaded the territory of the USSR, and the Great Patriotic War began, in which about 27 million Soviet citizens were killed. This is the tragic date - holy for each of us, today, on the day of memory and grief, we remember and honor the feat of those killed in the Great Patriotic War.

    That longest day per year
    With his cloudless weather
    We gave us a common trouble
    At all, for all four years.
    She was so pressed by Characterism by Reichstag

    So, as of 2017, in the Alexandrovsky Garden, the walls of the Kremlin have steles of 12 hero cities and 1 hero fortress, as well as 45 cities of military glory.

    As a state award, the title "City Hero" was established on May 8, 1965 by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. This event was dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the victory over Hitler's Germany and its allies.

    However, the first in the Soviet Union of the city-heroes appeared earlier. On May 1, 1945, this title was assigned to Leningrad (St. Petersburg), Stalingrad (Volgograd), Sevastopol and Odessa.

    Why are the title of "Hero City" assign?

    The honorary title of the city of Hero was assigned to the USSR cities whose residents showed "mass heroism and courage in the protection of the Motherland in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

    The cities of the heroes were awarded the Order of Lenin, the medal "Golden Star" and the diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Memorial obelisks were installed in the cities, and the Order and Medal should be depicted on their banners.

    For which the city of the USSR / Russia received the title of "Hero City", as well as a list of Heroes of the USSR and Russia.


    The title of "Hero City" The capital brought the battle for Moscow 1941-1942. It consisted of three stages:

    • defensive operation (from September 30 to December 5, 1941);
    • offensive operation (from December 6, 1941 to January 7, 1942);
    • Rzhev-Vyazemsky offensive operation (from January 8 to April 20, 1942).

    The offensive in the Moscow direction was crucial. For a crushing strike at the Soviet troops, the fascist command concentrated 77 divisions (more than 1 million people), almost 14.5 thousand guns and mortars and 1,700 tanks. Support for the land forces from the air was carried out by 950 combat aircraft.

    In these harsh days, the efforts of the whole country were aimed at solving one task - to defend Moscow. On December 4-5, the Soviet army dropped the fascists from Moscow and moved into a counteroffensive, which turned into the overall onset of the Red Army throughout the Soviet-German front. It was the beginning of a radical turn during the Great Patriotic War.

    In the battle for Moscow diedfrom September 30, 1941 to April 20, 1942 more than 2.400.000 Soviet citizens.


    Fascists wanted to completely destroy Leningrad, erase him from the face of the earth to destroy the population.

    The fierce battles on the approaches to Leningrad began on July 10, 1941. Numerical superiority was on the opponent's side: almost 2.5 times more soldiers, 10 times - aircraft, 1.2 times - tanks and almost 6 times - mortars. As a result, on September 8, 1941, Hitlerians managed to capture Shlisselburg and thus take control of the source of the Neva. As a result, Leningrad was blocked from sushi (cut off from the Big Earth).

    From this point on, the infamous 900-day blockade of the city began, which lasted until January 1944, the number of victims exceeds the loss of the United States and the UK, taken together, for the whole world world war.

    For the first time, the data was made public in the Nuremberg process, and in 1952 published in the USSR. The staff of the Leningrad branch of the Institute of History of the USSR of the USSR Academy of Sciences came to the conclusion that at least 800 thousand people died in Leningrad during the fascist blockade of hunger.

    During the blockade The daily rate of bread for workers was only 250 g. For employees, dependents and children - twice as smaller. At the end of December 1941, bread soldered was almost half harder - by this time a significant part of the population died.

    More than 500 thousand Leningrad residents went to work on the construction of defensive structures; They built 35 km of barricades and anti-tank obstacles, as well as more than 4,000 dressing and bobs; Equipped 22,000 firepoints. For the cost of their own health and lives, courageous Leningraders-heroes gave the front of thousands of field and sea guns, repaired and released with 2,000 tanks from the conveyor, produced 10 million shells and mines, 225,000 automata and 12,000 mortars.

    On December 22, 1942, the medal "For the defense of Leningrad" was established, which was awarded about 1,500,000 defenders of the city. On May 8, 1965, Leningrad was awarded the title city - the hero.

    Volgograd (Stalingrad)

    In the summer of 1942, the fascist troops launched a massive attack on the southern front, seeking to capture the Caucasus, Doulia, the Lower Volga and Kuban - the richest and most fertile lands of our country. First of all, the city of Stalingrad fell under the blow.

    On July 17, 1942, one of the greatest and large-scale battles began in the history of the Second World War - Stalingrad Battle. Despite the desire of fascists to seize the city as soon as possible, it lasted 200 long, bloody days and nights, thanks to the incredible efforts of the heroes of the army, the fleet and ordinary residents of the region.

    The first attack on the city took place on August 23, 1942. Then a little north of Stalingrad, the Germans almost approached the Volga. Militizers, Sailors of the Volga Fleet, NKVD troops, cadets and other volunteers and heroes were sent to the protection of the city. On the same night, the Germans committed the first airline to the city, and on August 25, a siege position was introduced in Stalingrad. At that time, about 50 thousand volunteers were recorded in the folk militia - heroes from among ordinary citizens. Despite the almost continuous shelling, Stalingrad plants continued to work and produce tanks, "Katyusha", guns, mortars and a huge number of shells.

    On September 12, 1942, the enemy came close to the city. Two months of fierce defensive fights for Stalingrad caused a significant damage to the Germans: the enemy lost about 700 thousand people killed and wounded, and on November 19, 1942 a counseling of our army began.

    75 days an offensive operation continued and, finally, the enemy near Stalingrad was surrounded and completely broken. January 1943 brought a complete victory on this section of the front. The fascist invaders were surrounded, and their commanding General Paulus with the whole army surrendered. (By the way, Paulus agreed to convey only.)

    For all time Stalingrad battle, the German army lost more than 1,500,000 people.

    During the 143-day fighting, the German fascist aviation dropped about 1 million bombs on Stalingrad weighing 100 thousand tons (5 times more than London for the war). Over 3 million bombs, mines and artillery shells have collapsed on the city of German-fascist troops. About 42 thousand buildings were destroyed (85% of the residential foundation), all cultural institutions, prom. Enterprises, objects of urban economy.

    Stalingrad was one of the first named by the city-hero. This honorary title was first voiced in the order of the Commander-in-Chief may 1, 1945. And the medal "For the defense of Stalingrad" became the symbol of the courage of the city defenders.


    After the Soviet troops raised the German plan for the semicading operations in the Caucasian direction, the Hitler command is the beginning of the attack on Novorossiysk. With his seizure, the phased promotion along the southern coast of the Black Sea and the capture of Batumi was contacted.

    The battle for Novorossiysk lasted 225 days and ended with the complete liberation of the city of Hero on September 16, 1943

    September 14, 1973, In honor of the 30th victory over the fascists, when the North Caucasus is protected, Novorossiysk received the title of the city-hero.


    Tula became the city-hero due to the courage of warriors, defended the city from October 24 to December 5, 1941. The city was on a siege position, but did not surrender to the Germans, despite the shelling and tank attacks. Thanks to the holding of Tula, the Red Army did not allow the vermachute troops to break through to Moscow from the south.

    December 7, 1976 Tula received the title of the city of Hero, with the assignment of the "Golden Star" medal.


    During World War II, the port city of Murmansk had strategic importance for the USSR - through it was delivered from the Allied countries.

    The Germans made attempts to capture the city several times, but unsuccessfully.

    Murmansk is one of those cities that became the front-line from the first days of war. Following Stalingrad, Murmansk becomes the leader in sad statistics: the number of explosives per square meter of the city exceeded all imaginable limits: 792 aviation plates and 185 thousand discarded bombs - however, Murmansk surrendered and continued to work as a port city.

    Under regular airplanes, unloading and loading of ships, construction of bomb shelter, production of military equipment were carried out by simple heroes. For all the war years, the Murmansk port accepted 250 ships, handled 2 million tons of various goods.

    The heroes of Murmansk did not remain aside and fishermen - in three years they managed to catch 850 thousand centers of fish, supplying the provinite, both residents of the city and the fighters of the Soviet army. Citizens who worked on shipyards were repaired 645 combat vessels and 544 ordinary transport. In addition, another 55 fishing vessels were converted to the battle, in Murmansk.

    In 1942, the main strategic effects were not developed on land, but in the harsh waters of the northern seas. The main task of the fascists was the isolation of the banks of the USSR from the exit to the sea. However, it was not possible: as a result of incredible effort, the heroes of the Northern Fleet were destroyed by more than 200 warships and about 400 transport. And in the fall of 1944, the fleet expelled the enemy from these lands and the threat of capturing Murmansk passed.

    In 1944, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR established the medal "For the defense of the Soviet Polar region." Murmansk city received the title of "Hero City" May 6, 1985. The most famous monument dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War in the city of Hero Murmansk is the memorial "defenders of the Soviet Polar region", which is located in the Leningrad District of the city. It was opened in honor of the 30th anniversary of the defeat of the German-fascist forces on October 19, 1974 and is dedicated to all the fallen heroes of those years. In the people, the monument is known under the name "Alesha".


    With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Smolensk was on the path of the main strike of the fascist troops towards Moscow. The first bombardment was subjected to the city on June 24, 1941, and after 4 days, the Nazis committed a second air attack on Smolensk, as a result of which the central part of the city was completely destroyed.

    On July 10, 1941, the famous Smolensk battle began, in which the Red Army constant counterattacks tried to stop the advancing Germans. The "Battle of Smolensk Dug" lasted until September 10.

    In this battle, the Red Army suffered the hardest losses - more than 700 thousand people, but the delay near Smolensky did not give the Germans to Moscow before the onset of the autumn dishthele and the onset of cold weather, and ultimately the breakdown of the entire plan "Barbarossa".


    By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the city of Sevastopol was the largest port on the Black Sea and the main naval base of the country. His heroic protection against the German fascist aggression began on October 30, 1941. and lasted 250 days, entering the story as a sample of active, long defense of the seaside city in the deep rear of the enemy. Severe Sevastopol Germans managed only with the fourth attempt.

    If the defense of Sevastopol lasted 250 days, then the liberation took just a week. The fights for the liberation of Sevastopol began on April 15, 1944, when Soviet soldiers went to the occupied city. Especially fierce battles were conducted on a plot adjacent to Sapun-grief. On May 9, 1944, the soldiers of the 4th Ukrainian front, together with the sailors of the Black Sea Fleet, freed Sevastopol. The title of the city of Hero Sevastopol received May 8, 1965


    Already in August 1941, Odessa was completely surrounded by Hitler's troops. Her heroic defense lasted 73 days, during which the Soviet army and folk militia detachments defended the city from the invasion of the enemy. From the mainland side, Odessa defended the seaside army, from the sea - ships of the Black Sea Fleet, with the support of artillery from the shore. For the capture of the city, the enemy threw his strength, five times superior in the number of his defenders.

    Due to the dedication of the Soviet troops and the heroes of the national militia, more than 160,000 German soldiers were killed, 200 aircraft and 100 enemy tanks were destroyed.

    But the city was still taken on October 16, 1941. The partisan war began. Odessa was released on April 10, 1944, and on May 1, 1945, in the order of the Supreme Commander, first was named by the city-hero. Officially the title of the city of the hero Odessa was assigned May 8, 1965

    Summing up the defense of Odessa, the newspaper "Pravda" wrote:

    "The whole Soviet country, the whole world with admiration watched the courageous struggle of defenders of Odessa. They left the city, without staining their honor, retaining their combat capability, ready for new fights with fascist hordes. And in whatever front, the defenders of Odessa are fighting - they will be everywhere will be an example of valor, courage, heroism. "

    Brest Fortress

    Central Museum of Armed Forces. Part of the wall of one of the chaise in the northwestern part of the Brest Fortress. Inscription: "I'm dying, but I do not give up. Goodbye homeland. 20 / VII-41. " Lion Polykashin / RIA Novosti

    Of all the cities of the Soviet Union, it was Brest who fell to the first to face the aggression of German fascist invaders. Early in the morning of June 22, 1941, the Brest Fortress was subjected to enemy bombardment, in which at that time were about 7 thousand Soviet soldiers and family members of their commanders.

    The German command was calculated to capture the fortress for a few hours, but the 45th Devolution of the Wehrmacht was stuck in Brest for a week and with significant losses for a whole month suppressed separate foci of resistance of the Heroes-defenders of Brest. As a result, the Brest Fortress has become a symbol of courage, heroic resistance and the validity of the times of the Great Patriotic War.

    A decree on the assignment of the Brest fortress of the Honor of the Hero Fortress "was signed on May 8, 1965.


    Destroyed Independence Square in Kiev in the photo of 1942

    A sudden blow to the city of Kiev. The German troops were inflicted from the air on June 22, 1941 - in the very first hours of the war, and on July 6, the Committee on his defense was already established. From this day, the heroic struggle for the city began, which continued as much as 72 days.

    They defended Kiev not only Soviet soldiers, but also ordinary residents. Huge efforts were made for this detachment of the national militia, which by the beginning of July came nineteen. Also from among the citizens, 13 fighter battalions were formed, and 33,000 people from the city residents took part in the defense of Kiev. In those heavy July days, Kievans have built more than 1,400 dollars, 55 kilometers of anti-tank RVs were manually pulled.

    The courage and the courage of the heroes of defenders stopped an enemy attack on the first line of fortifications of the city. Take Kiev with the raid the fascists failed. However, on July 30, 1941, the fascist army undertook a new attempt to storm the city. The tenth of August she managed to break through the defense on his southwestern outskirts, but the joint efforts of the national militia and regular troops managed to give a worthy opposite to the enemy. By August 15, 1941, the militia dropped the Nazis to the previous positions.

    The enemy's loss near Kiev has more than 100,000 people. More direct assaults of the city of Nazis did not undertake, under him were "bogged down" in the battles of seventeen German-fascist divisions. Such a long-term resistance of the city defenders forced the enemy to withdraw part of the forces from the offensive in the Moscow direction and transfer them to Kiev, because of which, Soviet soldiers were forced to retreat September 19, 1941.

    The German-fascist invaders took him a huge damage, setting the cruel occupation mode. More than 200,000 Kievians were destroyed, and about 100,000 people sent to Germany for compulsory work.

    Kiev was released on November 6, 1943. In honor of the fetistry of Soviet citizens, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1961 established a new award - the medal "For the defense of Kiev".

    In 1965. Kiev was awarded the title of the city of Hero.


    Soviet marines establish a ship Gyus at the highest point Kerch - Mount Mitridat. April 1944. Photo by E. A. Haldey.

    During the battle, more than 85% of buildings were destroyed in Kerch, the liberators met just over 30 people from nearly 100 thousand residents of 1940

    In mid-November 1941, after two-week fierce fighting in the Kerch Peninsula, the city was captured by the fascists. On December 30, 1941, during the Kerch-Feodosian landing operation, Kerch was released by the troops of 51 of the Army of the Black Sea Fleet and the Azov military flotilla. But the fascists really needed the Crimea. In May 1942, the Germans focused large forces on the Kerch Peninsula and began a new offensive. After scary, stubborn battles, the city was again in the hands of the fascists. No, the defenders have nothing to be ashamed. They stood to death.

    An example is the heroic, long and stubborn struggle of guerrilla in Adzhimushki quarries ("Agimushki" - translated "Gorky gray stone"). When marines freed to Kerch and the village of Adzhimushki and descended in the quarry, they were ordered to seafarers, were shocked by what they saw: ... the farther in the depth of the stone galleries, the harder breathe. Smells of century dampness. Cold. On the floor - rag, sheets of paper. And the remains of people.

    Takenken Leaf - Another Shock. This is a daily issuance of different products per person: 15 grams, 10 grams, 5 grams. And in the next compartment - dozens of corpses of Soviet soldiers. In the overcoats, in the bandages, half a walk, throwing the head - in these poses they caught their death. Near the weapon and gas mask. Shops of rifles and automata are empty: people fought to the last cartridge.

    The darkness and the heavy grave spirit trust the sinister picture. Shocked sailors understood that it was self-sacrifice in the name of fray.

    With the name of heroes, the Adzhimushkaya soldiers were then freed Kerch, Crimea, Sevastopol. There were 15 thousand people in Agimushkai quarries, lacked food, water, lacked air. The peeled fascists threw the catacombs with burning gas checkers. To combat them, the defenders arranged duty and threw the last minute checkers in the sandboxes. Then the fascists began to pump the gas with a compressor and drilled holes in the walls for hoses. But the defenders found a way out. They tied hoses with a node. Then the Germans right through the holes began to pump gas. And here they found the defenders a way out - they created gaspossed walls.

    The problem N 1 became for the underground garrison - water. People suck water from raw walls, collected drops into the circles. Speak wells to exhausted people was very difficult, many died. And the fascists, if you heard the knock of Kirk, exploded this place, realizing that people are looking for water. Preserved notes of defenders. It can be seen how hard fighters were. And when our troops left Sevastopol, the Germans strengthened the psychological attack:

    "Give up. We promise you. You stayed alone in the Crimea, all surrendered. "

    But the fighters understood that they were holding German troops and did not let them go to Taman. They fulfilled the debt to the homeland with honor. Participants in the underground garrison did not sit in the catacombs. They went to the surface at night, destroyed the firing points of the enemy, produced food, weapons. Many died in battle, other from weakness could not go back and died.

    He led the defense P. M. Yagunov, who died from the crazy german grenades.

    Together with adults were in the quarries and children. Name IN olody Dubinina it is known many in Russia. The boy was a scout. Knowing each stone in the quarries, all the moves, slender and small young scouts could walk into the holes in which adults could not, and extract the information necessary for the partisan. Volodya lived to victory. I met my mother, washed away from the multi-layer soot and dirt. It seemed that all is well, but the Germans, retreating, mined many entrances in the quarry, and there were still people. Volodya, who knew the quarry well, could not help any supremies. One of the bombs exploded. Brave boy died. He is posthumously awarded a high title of hero of the Soviet Union.

    Just a month and a half hosted the invaders for the first time, but the consequences were monstrous. "Bagerovsky ditch" - here the fascists shot 7 thousand people. It was from here that the Soviet Commission to investigate the crimes of fascism began its work. The materials of this investigation were presented in the Nuremberg process.

    Bagherovsky anti-tank ditch near Kerch

    For outstanding services to homeland and mass heroism, courage and resilience in 1973. (The 30th anniversary of the liberation of the Crimea) of Kerch was awarded the honorary title of "Hero City" with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the "Golden Star" medal.


    Belorussian partisans on Lenin Square in Minsk, after the liberation of the city from the Hitler's invaders. 1944 year. V. Lupleko / RIA Novosti

    In the first days of the Nazi invasion of the USSR in June 1941, Minsk was subjected to devastating raids of German aviation. Despite the resistance of the Red Army, the city was captured by the sixth day of war. During the three-year occupation in Minsk and its surroundings, Germans destroyed more than 400 thousand people, and the city itself was turned into ruins and ashes. They destroyed 80% of residential buildings, almost all factories and plants, power plants, scientific institutions and theaters. Without looking at terror of invaders, a patriotic underground acted in the city.

    The city of Minsk and the Minsk region were the center of the partisan movement to the BSSR.

    Minsk was released by Soviet troops on July 3, 1944. Now this date is noted as the independence day of the Republic of Belarus. In 1974. To commemorate the merit of citizens of the city in the fight against Nazism, Minsk received the title of city - the hero.

    What are the title of "City of Military Glory"?

    Stella cities of military glory in the Alexandrovsky Garden. Photo:

    The title "City of Military Glory" did not exist in the USSR, Vladimir Putin approved in 2006. The title of military glory is assigned to cities, "in the territory of which or in the immediate vicinity of which, during the fierce battles, the defenders of the Fatherland showed courage, durability and mass heroism."

    In the city, which received this title, a special stela is installed. February 23, May 9 and the City Day hold festive events and salutes.

    The title of military glory can be assigned to the city-hero.

    What cities of Russia awarded the title of "City of Military Glory"?

    Today in Russia, 45 cities of military glory: Belgorod, Kursk, Eagle, Vladikavkaz, Malgobek, Rzhev, Yelny, Elets, Voronezh, Luga, Polar, Rostov-on-Don, Tuapse, Great Luki, Veliky Novgorod, Dmitrov, Vyazma, Kronstadt, Naro-Fominsk, Pskov, Kozelsk, Arkhangelsk, Volokolamsk, Bryansk, Nalchik, Vyborg, Kalach-on-Don, Vladivostok, Tikhvin, Tver, Anapa, Kolpino, Stary Oskol, Carpets, Lomonosov, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Taganrog, Maroyaroslavets, Mozhaisk, Khabarovsk, Old Russ, Gatchina, Petrozavodsk, Grozny and Feodosia.

    In the city awarded the title "City of Military Glory":

    • installed stela with the image of the coat of arms of the city and the text of the presidential decree Russian Federation about assigning the city of this title;
    • public events are held and festive salutes February 23 (Defender of the Fatherland), May 9 (Victory Day), as well as on the day of the city or on the day of the liberation of the city from the fascist invaders (for example, Tikhvin).

    Greetings to all readers of my blog! On the calendar on May 9! Great holiday! Victory Day! Victory lives in the heart of everyone! And I sincerely congratulate you, my dear readers! And I wish you, your families, your children of a peaceful sky above your head, happiness and good!

    War. She left her mark in the history of each family, every home, every village, every city of our Motherland. To date, 45 cities are cities of military glory. And there are also 13 cities of heroes. This is the highest degree of difference for heroic defense during the war years.

    Let's talk about every one of them.

    Lesson plan:

    Leningrad (St. Petersburg)

    July 10, 1941. The beginning of the German troops on the Leningrad direction. The Germans managed to take Leningrad into the ring. On September 8, the blockade of Leningrad began. And she lasted 872 days. The history of mankind never knew such a long siege.

    At that time, about three million people lived in the Northern capital. Scary hunger, permanent aviation raids, bombing, rats, diseases, infections have taken over 2 million lives. In spite of everything, Leningrads have survived, they even managed to help the front. Plants did not cease to work and produced military products.

    Today, numerous memorials and monuments established in the northern capital resemble the feat of Leningrad residents.

    Memorial Piskarevsky cemetery. This is the place of mass burials of the dead and those who died during the blocks of Leningrad people. The cemetery was established by the statue of Mother Motherland, a woman who looks at the graves of their fallen sons.

    If you walk along the Nevsky Prospect in St. Petersburg, find the house number 14. There is still a letter from the time of war.

    And on the Victory Square, a monument was established in memory of the defenders of the city. One of the significant parts of this monument is a broken bronze ring, which symbolizes the breakthrough of the blockade rings.

    Stalingrad (Volgograd)

    Summer in 1942. The Germans decided to capture the Caucasus, Kuban, Doulia, the Lower Volga. Hitler was about to cope with this for the week. In order to stop the offensive of the enemy, the Stalingrad Front was created.

    On July 17, 1942, the Stalingrad battle began, one of the most important and large battles. This great battle lasted 200 days. And ended with the complete victory of our troops due to selfless actions of military and ordinary residents. In terrible bloody battles, more than 1 million of our soldiers died. The Germans also suffered heavy losses. More than 800 thousand killed and wounded. More than 200 thousand German soldiers were captured.

    In Volgograd by Mamaev Kurgan There is a monument to the ensemble, which is dedicated to all heroes Stalingrad battle. The main monument of the ensemble is the 85 meter sculpture of Mother Motherland. To this monument from the foot of Kurgan lead 200 steps - a symbol of two hundred and long days of battle.

    And Mamaev Kurgan himself is a huge fraternal grave, in which more than 34 thousand dead warriors rest.


    The defense of Sevastopol began on October 30, 1941 and ended on July 4, 1942. This is one of the bloody battles, which ended with the defeat of the Soviet troops. But the courage and heroism shown by the units of the Red Army and the inhabitants of Sevastopol did not allow the parts of the Wehrmacht to carry out the rapid seizure of the Crimea and the Caucasus.

    Fascists, having an overwhelming superiority in the air and at sea, could not take the city. The first and only time (for the whole war) German troops applied an artillery tool weighing more than 1000 tons, which was able to shoot 7-ton shells and pierced the rock plate with a thickness of 30 meters. But Sevastopol stood. Standing until the ammunition was over ... until almost all defenders were killed ...

    In Sevastopol more than 1,500 monuments. And about 1000 of them are established in memory of the events of that terrible war. At Cape Crystal, there is a monument "Soldiers and a sailor", it is established in memory of the defenders of Sevastopol.


    In the early years of the war, only the price of giant victims achieved victory. Hundreds of thousands of people died, so as not to miss the enemy to at least hold on the fascist military machine. The Nazis believed that Odessa would become another point in their large list of cities that surrendered without a fight. But they were mistaken.

    73 Odessa Defense Day caused colossal losses to the Romanian-German armies who were waiting for the "easy walking". Of the 300,000 enemy soldiers killed 160,000. Our losses - 16,000. The fascists could not capture Odessa, the city was left ...
    That's what I will write the newspaper "True" about the defense of Odessa:

    In Odessa, there is an "monument to an unknown sailor." Obelisk in the form of granite stele is designed to resemble now living about the feat of the sailors during the war years. And next to the "Alley of Glory", there are graves of the fallen defender warriors on it.


    Napoleon, and after him, Hitler called Russia and the USSR "Colossus on clay legs." But, for some reason, this colossus did not want to kneel, and squeezed his teeth and fists and rushed on a spear and machine guns with bare breasts. So happened under Moscow.

    The price of terrible losses, but the enemy is all slow and slower to take Moscow. He was stopped by Brest, he was beaten near Smolensk and Odessa, he was not given a relaxing near Minsk and Yelts. For several months, a defensive operation near Moscow lasted. Confined fortifications were built, thousands of kilometers of trenches were rummaged. Fought for each village, for each height. But the magnificent Machine of Wehrmacht moved forward. They even saw the Kremlin walls in the binoculars, but for many of them it became the last memories.

    On December 5, 1941, the Germans indicated the way home. The onset of our troops near Moscow began. More than a million soldiers and officers with the cries of "Hurray!" Began to drive fascists. The victory near Moscow has become one of key moments Wars, people believed that we can defeat ...

    In Moscow, there is a huge memorial complex dedicated to the Great Patriotic War on Poklonnaya Mount.

    This complex includes:

    • Monument, in the form of an obelisk height of 141.8 meters. This height is not accidental. She reminds about 1418 days of war.
    • Three temples that were erected in memory of all those killed during the war years.
    • Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War.
    • Exhibition of military equipment in the open air and other memorials.


    When, the first German aircraft flown over Kiev, many residents thought that these are teachings ... and even rejoiced, they say "How cool teachings prepared! Even crosses were namalovali. " No, it was not a teachings - Kiev one of the first experienced all the horrors of war. He almost immediately ended up on the front line. Not enough ammunition, lacked supply. But there was an order - Kiev did not pass !!! More than 600,000 people died, trying to fulfill it! But, on September 19, 1941, German troops entered the city. It was one of the most severe defeats of the Red Army.

    On the right bank of the Dnieper, at the highest point of Kiev, a monument was installed, the height of which is more than 100 meters. This is the sculpture of Mother Motherland.

    Sculpture depicts a woman with hands raised up. In one hand, the woman holds a sword, and in another shield. Symbolizes the monument incremental spirit of the folk spirit in the struggle for their homeland.


    On June 22, 1941 at 4:15 in the morning, a massive artillery strike began on defenders of the Brest Fortress. According to the plans of the German command, the fortress should have been taken to noon. But, the fortress was kept. Without water, without food, without communication with the main parts of the Red Army ...

    Such an inscription later detect historians on the walls.

    Thousands died, very little is known about them. There was almost no one left, who could tell ... The last defender was captured only on July 23.

    Memorial complex "Brest Fortress-Hero". Was opened on September 25, 1971. If you are in Belarus, you must visit it. It includes many monuments, obeliski, eternal flame, memorial plates, a defense museum. The main monument of the Memorial is the sculpture of the head soviet soldier Against the background of the fluttering banner.

    Also pay attention to the Memorial composition "Thirst".

    The defenders of the fortress were lack of water, since the water supply was destroyed. The only source of water for them remained riversu beech and Mochovets. But since their shores were under constant fire, then the hike was deadly.


    The first time Kerch was captured in mid-November 1941. In December, he was liberated by Soviet troops, but in May 1942 again captured by the fascists. It is from this time that the one who is known for the whole world, the partisan war in the Kerch (Agimushki) quarry begins.

    Throughout the entire occupation, several thousand partisans and regular army fighters were hidden in them, which were not allowed to live in a quiet to the German troops. The fascists exploded the entrances and trembled with gases, crushed the arches ... To get water - had to break through every time with the fight, since all sources were outside. But the German troops could never break the resistance. Fully Kerch was released only in April 1944. Alive is a little more than 30,000 inhabitants.

    "Obelisk Glory" Located on Mount Mitridat is a symbol of Kerch.

    He is dedicated to all soldiers who fell for the liberation of the Crimea in 1943 - 1944. This monument was established in August 1944. This is the first monument in the USSR dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War. Stela rises into the sky 24 meters, it is made of light gray stone. And the foot has three guns.


    "Small Earth" - many heard it, but do not know where it is. Know this Novorossiysk. This is the celebration and courage of Soviet Morpes. A pair of facts: As of February 4, 1943, 800 marines (according to other data up to 1500) held a bridgehead against 500 firepoints of the enemy (in Normandy allies planted 156,000 people).

    Several hundred people kept the approach of the main forces and retavated a kilometer for a kilometer. The Germans could not throw them into the sea. 225 days of the offensive. Each fan of land of water with blood and then, the result of inhuman efforts and Novorossiysk was released. September 16, 1943 Soviet troops entered the city ... It was destroyed by almost 96%.

    In 1961, a memorial in the memory of the heroic liberators of the city was opened in Novorossiysk. This sculpture depicting three people: a soldier, a sailor with a banner and a guerrian girl. Three people stand shoulder to the shoulder, and personify the power and courage.

    "Shot wagon" is another monument in Novorossiysk.

    In this cargo car, the endless amount of bullet holes. It was installed on the defense line Soviet troops in 1946.


    Another heavy and terrible page of that war. So much that even Sovinformbüro did not report the delivery of Minsk. About 10 high-ranking Soviet military leaders were arrested and shot. After all, the city was taken already on June 28, 1941.

    But, not only it fell to the share of Belarusians. Several hundred thousand civilians were vigorously to work in Germany. The units returned back. Hundreds of thousands were hanged, shot and burned alive. But, did not surrender. A guerrilla movement was created, with which nothing could make selected parts of the Wehrmacht. Thanks to the partisans, many offensive operations of the Germans were torn. More than 11,000 echelons were broken under the slope, the partisans blew up more than 300,000 rails. They killed the enemy everywhere where they could.

    In Minsk in 1952, a "monument-tank" was installed in honor of the Soviet tankers.

    On July 3, 1944, Soviet tanks entered the city during the liberation of him from the fascist invaders.


    At the beginning of the war, he sometimes came about the occurrence of Germans after the city was captured. So almost happened and with Tula. The sudden tank breakthrough of the front led to the seizure of an eagle, and from him to Tula only 180 km. The city remained almost unarmed and not ready for defense.

    But, the skillful leadership and, most importantly, the rapidly defeated reinforcement did not allow the German parts to take the city of gunsmiths. The heavy setting at the front led to almost complete blocking of Tula, but the enemy was never able to take it. Thousands of women were digging trenches at the time when the evacuation of defense plants was evacuated and fierce battles were walking. The Germans were thrown into battle, elite parts, in particular the Great Germany regiment. But they could not do anything ... Tula did not surrender! She stood!

    In Tula, several memorial complexes devoted to the Second World War. For example, a memorial in honor of the heroes-defenders, who defended the city in 1941 was installed on Victory Square.

    Shoulder to shoulder stand soldiers and militia, holding automata in hand. And there were three multi-meter steel obelis towards the sky nearby.


    Murmansk from the first days of the war became a front-line city. The offensive of German troops began on June 29, 1941, but the price of incredible efforts it was broken and in the future the enemy could not move into any kilometer. The front line was unchanged until 1944.

    Over the years, 185 thousand bombs were dropped at Murmansk, but he lived, worked and did not give up. The military vessels repaired, took food and transport ... The persistence of residents of Murmansk helped Leningrad, because it was in Murmansk that food was accumulated, which then was transferred to the northern capital. On the account of the Northern Fleet about 600 destroyed enemy ships. On May 6, 1985, Murmansk residents were recognized, and their city received the title of Hero.

    Memorial "defenders of the Soviet Polar region." The most famous monument to Murmansk.

    The sculpture of 35 meters high depicts a soldier with a weapon in his hands. The monument was opened in 1974. The people of this stone soldier are called "Alyosha".


    Smolensk always got up on the path of those who rushed to Moscow. So it was in 1812, it became in 1941. According to the plans of the German command, the seizure of Smolensk opened the road to Moscow. It was planned to lightly seize a number of cities, including Smolensk. But as a result, in this direction, the enemy lost more soldiers than from the beginning of the war in all other directions combined. 250 thousand fascists have not returned back.

    It was near Smolensky that the tradition of the "Soviet Guard" was famous later. September 10, 1941 Smolensk fell, but did not give up. A powerful partisan movement was created, which did not give a calm life to the occupiers. 260 natives of the Smolensk region received the title of "Hero of the Soviet Union", and more years ... May 6, 1985 and Smolensk received the title of "Hero City".

    Many Monuments Smolensk are reminded of those who folded their heads in the struggle for their homeland. Among them, the "Monument of the Grief Mother".

    It is located in the place where in 1943 the Nazis shot 3,000 people. Here are their fraternal grave, and they installed the memorial wall over it, on which the moment is depicted and sculpture of a woman in simple clothes and a scarf, with eyes full of grief.

    All these cities are courage, the blood and lives of their inhabitants paid for the right to be called heroes!

    Let's say more than once thanks to our expensive veterans. Veterans of war, labor veterans! For their feat!

    World peace!

    All you are the best and light!

    Evgenia Klimkovich.

    P.S. I am very much grateful for the help of preparing this article to Denis, a large connoisseur story.

    P.P.S. The information presented in the article will become excellent material for the preparation of the Victory Day reports. Also on the blog will find interesting Facts and solutions for posters and projects, and other subjects.

    When, on the Western border of the USSR, the sun rays were only going to illuminate the land, the first soldiers of Hitler's Germany stepped on Soviet land. Great patriotic War (Went) Already almost two years already, but now the heroic war began, and it will not be for the resources, not for the domination of one nation over the other, and not for the establishment of a new order, now the war will be the sacred, folk and the price of it will be life, real and Life of future generations.

    Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. Start of magnitude

    On June 22, 1941, he went on the four years of inhuman efforts, during which the future of each of us hung almost in the hairs.
    War is always a disgusting occupation, but The Great Patriotic War (Went) It was too folk that only professional soldiers participated in it. On the defense of the Motherland, all the people rose, it was from Mala to Great.
    From the first day Great Patriotic War (Went) The heroism of a simple Soviet soldier became a role model. The fact that in the literature is often called "standing at death" was completely demonstrated in the battles for the Brest Fortress. The praised soldiers of the Wehrmacht, who conquered France in 40 days, and forced England to shower on their island, faced with such resistance that they simply could not believe that ordinary people fight against them. As if it was warriors from the epic tales, their breasts arose to defend each Pyats of the native land. Almost a month, the garrison of the fortress beat off one attack of the Germans after another. And this, just think, 4,000 people who were cut off from the mainstream, and which did not have a single chance of salvation. They were all doomed, but never succumbed to weakness, did not fold weapons.
    When the advanced parts of the Wehrmacht goes to Kiev, Smolensk, Leningrad, battles still continue in the Brest Fortress.
    Great Patriotic War All the time characterize the manifestations of heroism and resistance. Whatever in the territory of the USSR, which terrible would not be repressions of tyranny, the war was equal.
    A vivid example of changing the relationship within society, the famous appeal of Stalin, which was made on July 3, 1941, contained the words - "Brothers and Sisters". There were no more citizens, there were no high ranks and comrades, it was a huge family consisting of all the peoples and nationalities of the country. The family demanded salvation, demanded support.
    And on the Eastern Front continued battles. The German generals first encountered anomaly, and you won't call it differently. Developed by the best minds of the Hitler's General Staff, a lightning war, built on fast breakthroughs of tank compounds, followed by the environment of large parts of the enemy, no longer worked like a clock mechanism. Finding into the environment Soviet parts with battles broke out, and not folded weapons. To a serious degree, the heroism of soldiers and commanders threw the plans of the German offensive, slowed down the promotion of enemy parts and became a turning point of war. Yes, yes, precisely then, in the summer of 41, the plans of the German army were completely torn. Then there were Stalingrad, Kursk, Moscow battle, but they all became possible thanks to the unparalleled courage of a simple Soviet soldier, who stopped the German invaders with the price of his own life.
    Of course, in the manual of military actions there were beggars. We must admit that the command of the Red Army was not ready for Went. The doctrine of the USSR assumed a victorious war on the territory of the enemy, but not on his own land. And in technical terms, Soviet troops seriously inferior to the Germans. So they went to the cavalry attacks on the tanks, flew and hit the German assues on old airplanes, burned in tanks, and retreated, without giving a bar without a fight.

    Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. Battle for Moscow

    The plan for the lightning seizure of Moscow by the Germans, finally suffered a wreck in the winter of the 41st year. About the Moscow battle is very written, films were shot. However, each page of the written, each frame from prescribed the unparalleled heroism of Moscow defenders. We all know about the parade on November 7, which passed on Red Square, while German tanks went to the capital. Yes, it was also an example of how the Soviet people are going to defend their country. The troops went to the forefront immediately from the parade, while entering the battle. And the Germans could not stand. EUROPE IUTURERS stopped. The nature itself came to the rescue defenders, they hit the strongest frosts, and it was the beginning of the end of the German offensive. Hundreds of thousands of lives, widespread manifestations of patriotism and devotion to the homeland of soldiers in the environment, soldiers near Moscow, the inhabitants who first kept the weapon in their hands, all this was an insurmountable obstacle on the enemy's path to the heart of the USSR.
    But after the legendary offensive began. German troops were discarded from Moscow, and for the first time knew the bitterness of the retreat and defeat. It can be said that it was here that the fate of the whole world was predetermined in the snow-covered localities, and not just war. Brown plague, until that time, absorbing the country behind the country, the people outside the people, turned out to face to face with people who did not want, could not stick their heads.
    The 41st approached the end, the western part of the USSR lay in ruins, the occupation troops leaned, but nothing could break those who were in the captured territories. There were traitors, what to hide, those who switched to the side of the enemy, and forever melted themselves with shame and the rank of "policeman." And who are they now, where are they? Does not forgive the sacred war of traitors on their land.
    By the way about the "Holy War". The legendary song very accurately displaced the state of the society of those years. The folk and sacred war did not tolerate the subjunctive decline and weakness. The price of victory or defeat was life itself.
    G. made it possible to change the relationship of power and church. Subjected to many years of persecution during Went Russian Orthodox Church With all the forces helped the front. And this is another example of heroism and patriotism. After all, we all know that in the West Pope simply leaned before the Hitler's Iron Fists.

    Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. Partisan War

    Separately worth saying about the partisan war during Went. The Germans first met with such fierce resistance to the population. Regardless of where the front line passed, the enemy constantly conducted in the rear martialctions. Not a minute of peace could not get the invaders on the Soviet Earth. Whether it is the fourth of Belarus or the forest of Smolensk region, the steppe of Ukraine, the death of the invaders was waiting for death! In the partisans, they left all villages, together with families, with relatives, and from there from the innermost, ancient forests were struck by fascists.
    How many heroes gave rise to the partisan movement. And old and very young. Young guys and girls, who went to school yesterday, today matured, and made the feats that will remain on the century in our memory.
    While there were fighting on Earth, the air, in the first months of the war, fully belonged to the Germans. A huge number of aircraft soviet army It was destroyed immediately after the start of the fascist offensive, and those who managed to rise into the air could not fight German aviation on an equal foot. However, Herism B. Went Manifests not only on the battlefield. Low bow all we, living today, give the figs. In the most severe conditions, under constant shelling and bombing, factories and factories were exported to the east. Immediately upon arrival, on the street, in the cold, became workers to machines. The army continued to receive ammunition. Talented designers created new arms models. On 18-20 hours a day worked in the rear, but the army, no matter what did. The victory was in price at the cost of the huge efforts of every person.

    Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. Rear

    Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. Blood Leningrad.

    Blood Leningrad. Are there people who would hear this phrase? 872 days of unparalleled heroism covered this city eternal glory. German troops and allies, and could not break the resistance of a blockade city. The city lived, defended and caused response strikes. The road of life, which connected the blockade city with the mainland for many, became the last, and there was not a single person who would refuse, who would be tore and did not take in this ice ribbon food and ammunition to the Leningrads. Hope never died. And merit in this entirely belongs to ordinary people who exceeded the freedom of their country!
    All history of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 written by unprecedented feats. Close up by your body an ambrusura of enemy dota, rushing with grenades under the tank, go to the ram in the air combat - could only real sons and daughters of their people, heroes.
    And they were rewarded! And let the sky over the village of Prokhorovka became black from the soot and smoke, let the water of the northern seas took the dead heroes every day, but no longer stopping the liberation of the birthplace.
    And there was the first salute, August 5, 1943. It was then that I went countdown to salutes in honor of the new victory, the new liberation of the city.
    The peoples of Europe today do not know their history, the true history of the Second World War. Thanks to soviet people They live, build their lives, give birth and raise children. Bucharest, Warsaw, Budapest, Sofia, Prague, Vienna, Bratislava, all these capitals were released by the price of blood of Soviet heroes. And the last shots in Berlin commemoration of the end of the scary nightmare of the 20th century.

    On the radio on July 2, 1941. In this speech I.V. Stalin also used the terms "Domestic Liberation War", "National Patriotic War", "Patriotic War with German Fascism."

    Another official approval of this name was the introduction of the Odean of Patriotic War on May 2, 1942.

    1941 year

    On September 8, 1941, Leningrad blocade began. 872 days the city was heroically resisted by German invaders. Not only resisted, but also worked. It should be noted that during the blockade, Leningrad provided weapons and ammunition of the troops of the Leningrad Front, and also supplied military products to the neighboring fronts.

    September 30, 1941 began a battle for Moscow. The first major battle of the Great Patriotic War in which German troops suffered a serious defeat. The battle began as a German offensive operation "Typhoon".

    On December 5, the counteroffensiveness of the Red Army under Moscow began. The troops of the Western and Kalinin fronts dropped the opponent with places by more than 100 kilometers from Moscow.

    Despite the victorious offensive of the Red Army near Moscow, it was only the beginning. Start great Battle With fascism, which will last long for a long 3 year.

    1942 year

    The hardest year of the Great Patriotic War. This year, the Red Army suffered very heavy lesions.

    Huge losses turned the offensive under Rzhev. More than 250,000 was lost in the Kharkov Boiler. The failure ended attempts to break the blockade of Leningrad. Died in Novgorod swamps 2nd shock army.

    The main dates of the second year of the Great Patriotic War

    From January 8 to March 3, the Rzhev-Vyazemic Operation was held. The final stage of the battle for Moscow.

    From January 9 to February 6, 1942 - Toropetsco-Holm offensive operation. The troops of the Red Army advanced almost 300 kilometers, freeing the many settlements.

    On January 7, the Demyanian offensive operation began, according to the results of which, the so-called Demyansky boiler was formed. Surrounded was the troops of the Wehrmacht with the total number of more than 100,000 people. Including the elite division of the SS "Dead Head".

    After some time, the environment was broken, but all the miscalculations of the Demyan operation were taken into account when eliminating the surrounded grouping near Stalingrad. In particular, it concerned the interruption of the supply of air and strengthen the defense of the outer ring of the environment.

    March 17 as a result of unsuccessful Lyuban offensive operation Under Novgorod is surrounded by the 2nd Impact Army.

    On November 18, after heavy defensive battles, the troops of the Red Army were transferred to the offensive and surrounded by a German grouping in the Stalingrad area.

    1943 - year of the fracture during the fighting of the Great Patriotic War

    In 1943, the Red Army managed to pull the initiative from the hands of the Wehrmacht and to start a victorious procession to the borders of the USSR. In some places, our parts have advanced more than 1000-1200 kilometers for the year. The experience gained by the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War, made himself felt.

    January 12, the Iskra operation began, as a result of which the blockade of Leningrad was broken. A narrow corridor with a width of 11 kilometers tied a city with "Big Earth".

    On July 5, 1943, the battle of Kursk arc began. The turning battle during the Great Patriotic War, after which the strategic initiative has completely passed on the side of the Soviet Union and the Red Army.

    Already during the Great Patriotic War, contemporaries appreciated the significance of this battle. General of Wehrmacht Guderian said after the Kursk battle: "... There was no calm days on the eastern front ...".

    August - December 1943. Battle for the Dnieper - Left Bank Ukraine was completely liberated, Kiev took place.

    1944 - year of liberation of our country from fascist invaders

    In 1944, the Red Army almost completely cleaned the territory of the USSR from the German fascist invaders. As a result of a number of strategic operations, Soviet troops came close to the borders of Germany. More than 70 German divisions were destroyed.

    This year, the troops of the Red Army entered into the territory of Poland, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Norway, Romania, Yugoslavia and Hungary. From the war from the USSR came out Finland.

    January - April 1944. The liberation of the Right Bank of Ukraine. Exit to the state border of the Soviet Union.

    On June 23, one of the largest operations of the Great Patriotic War began - an offensive Operation "Bagration". Belarus completely liberated, part of Poland and almost the entire Baltic. Army group "Center" is crushed.

    On July 17, 1944, for the first time during the war years, the Moscow streets held a column of almost 60,000 prisoners captured in Belarus.

    1945 - a year of victory in the Great Patriotic War

    The years of the Great Patriotic War, conducted by the Soviet troops in the trenches, were felt about themselves. 1945 began with the Vorol-Oder offensive operation, which will subsequently be called the most rapid attack in the history of mankind.

    In just 2 weeks the troops of the Red Army passed 400 kilometers, freeing Poland and defeating more than 50 German divisions.

    April 30, 1945 committed suicide adolf Hitler, Reichskancler, Führer and supreme Commander Germany.

    May 9, 1945 at 0 hours 43 minutes Moscow time was signed unconditional surrender Germany.

    From the Soviet side, the charter of the Soviet Union was accepted, commander of the 1st Belarusian Front of Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov.

    Ended 4 years, 1418 days the most severe and bloody war in the history of Russia.

    On May 9, May 9, to commemorate the full victory over Germany, Moscow Saluteoval 30 artillery volley from a thousand guns.

    On June 24, 1945, the Victory Parade took place in Moscow. This solemn event was completed the final point in the Great Patriotic War.

    It should be noted that the Great Patriotic War ended on May 9, but the 2nd World War did not end. In accordance with the Allied Agreements, August 8, the USSR entered war with Japan. In just two weeks, the troops of the Red Army were defeated in Manchuria the largest and the most powerful army Japan is the Kwantung Army.

    Almost completely lost its land forces and the opportunity to wage war on the Asian continent, on September 2, Japan capitulated. September 2, 1945 is the official date of the end of the Second World War.

    Interesting fact. Formally, the Soviet Union was in a state of war with Germany until January 25, 1955. The fact is that after Germany capitulated, the peace treaty was not signed. Legally, the Great Patriotic War ended when the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR accepted the Decree. This happened on January 25, 1955.

    By the way, the United States stopped the state of war with Germany on October 19, 1951, and France and the United Kingdom - July 9, 1951.

    Authors of photographs: Georgy Selma, Yakov Ryumkin, Evgeny Halja, Anatoly Morozov.