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  • English language skype. English on Skype is my experience in learning and practice. Pros and cons of free spoken practice

    English language skype. English on Skype is my experience in learning and practice. Pros and cons of free spoken practice

    Dear readers!

    I am doing on Skype for half a year. If it were not for a husband who told me about Skype for about a year, and the site BP, who sent an application for distance learning during summer holidaysWhen the disciples are not thick, I would probably be so never started. Everybody scarecrow - from buying headphones with a microphone and the technical side of the classes before I look like in the camera?

    Preparing for such classes at first took more than two hours, chose the right board, looked after all sorts additional programs For lessons. As I was preparing (and preparing) to Skype classes:

    1) After testing, I choose a tutorial in accordance with the age and level of the student.

    2) I define the purpose of each class and what skills we will develop.

    3) I select material for a specific lesson, throwing out everything I don't like everything from the book, and add my own.

    But now, when preparing a lesson, I feel at the site of the authors of the textbook, and sometimes fantasy walks so that you feel that in the days only 24 hours, and then I would have done such a lesson!


    As for the technical side of Skype training, using the iDroo virtual board, it is relatively inexpensive - 10 euros per month. You can also use it for free, but then only 10 boards are allowed to create. If you have one student online, this is enough. And if you are engaged in massively, it is better to pay a subscription.

    Some teachers do without virtual boards, simply cut out the desired exercises from the textbook and send a student, but, in my opinion, the board is much more convenient. Let's see it:

    On the blue panel from above there are tools that allow (from left to right) to move images and inscriptions, draw a pencil, emphasize, highlight, write, create formulas (this never used, but who knows), wash the material and move the board, And also to show a pointer where to watch a hamster with a student.

    The most cool for me to IdroO is to draw and draw in a lesson, joint creativity combines and relaxes no worse than a cup of tea. In the first picture, dictation for the studied words and WordSearch, compiled using this site. Second Picture - Training Thera Is / There Are structure using the image of the room, and then its playback according to the words-tip words. Most adolescents perceives such tasks on the "Hurray", and many adults are tormented and blushing, trying to pump on the cat's board.

    Chat is available on the right on the IDROO panel, but I don't use it, I write everything straight on the board. There is still a call function, but it also never used it.

    Even at the beginning of her skype way, I tried a virtual RealTimeboard board, it is more pleasant in the interface and has more features - you can also download video and audio, it is constantly updated and improved. For my students, she turned out to be complicated, so I switched to idroo. Now I am going to return to RealTimeBoard, because there is more pleasure for the same money.

    Update: I no longer use the idroo for classes, now I work for RealTimeBoard, here you can read it.

    Also on the online lessons I use the learningapps application, which makes up the exercise on the repetition of the material - WordSearches, Crosswords and Matching Exercises.

    Can be prepared to online training / cut tracks (cut online), select video from YouTube. . It all depends on the needs of the student and the flight of your imagination.

    Pros and cons

    As you can see, the online lesson gives more opportunities to use modern technologies. And his huge plus - tea with cookies in a cozy kitchen ... oh, that is, the student does not scatter his eyes from Stopickot printed to the class of paper, he does not ask "why don't we do this in the book?", Not leafles textbook 2 Minutes, remembering how in Russian this piping page (although the page search also has its own plus). All the necessary material is displayed on the board, which the student can see and after the lesson (if the teacher did not delete it, of course).

    The rest of the English lesson on Skype is not very different from the "live" classes. I exhaust a little more, but it is personally me, many familiar say that they have a better Skype.

    It is easiest online to engage English with adults 20-35 years old. Few children up to 12 well know the computer well, so there is sometimes distracted in class to explain how to turn on the track, find the Skype chat or view the sent picture. But not all adults are also well acquainted with technology, even those who are sitting in social networks, may not know how to open a link that they were sent to chat. Some are shy of their computer illiteracy, so here you still have to be patient and delicate in explanation.

    If the disciple is quite difficult, you can ask you to show your screen in Skype (such a button in the form of a plus card) and suggest how to register on the board or find a particular tool in the panel.


    Engage in Skype is usually cheaper than in person. And not only because the student and the teacher do not spend time and money on the road, do not print anything and do not buy textbooks. Influence and dumping prices by teachers from the regions. Prices for English lessons in the regions are much less than prices in large cities, sometimes once in 5. Therefore, Skype classes for a teacher from the periphery are very beneficial. As for the student.

    Are you engaged in Skype with students?

    What technologies use for these classes?

    Waiting for your comments!

    English by Skype

    Today, free possession of a foreign language, and sometimes not one, is the need that contributes to the relief of understanding not only between representatives different countries, heads of states, but also contribute to the establishment of business communications, solving business issues, makes it possible to travel carefree. English proficiency from its employees require prestigious modern companies.

    Today, English is considered internationally international language.

    You can start learning English at any age. And considering modern opportunities remote education, You can learn the language while at home.

    Our online school offers you courses of English language in the form of webinars and individual classes.

    It has already been proven that the effectiveness of the study of English in Skype gives it often the best effect than traditional types of training.

    English on Skype is effective method, in short time Learn the language by receiving high results in training. And the professional English tutor will pick up individual program, taking into account the various features and objectives of language learning.

    Leading English language teachers in Skype

    Irina Amina Tatyana Anastasia

    On this topic:How are English lessons on Skype

    Special courses:

    • Classes for schoolchildren from 10 years old

    Advantages of learning English by Skype

    Studying English in Skype is, first of all, saving time and money. You will not need to spend time on a trip to courses and back, overpay the rental room. Anyone may learn, regardless of the level of preparation.

    In addition, you can do at a convenient time. Classes are available for everyone. Time you choose yourself. Even 2 free hours a week you can devote new knowledge.

    In our Skype school, highly qualified specialists with experience are working. Many of them have undergone foreign training, increased qualifications. First-class tutors are waiting for you!

    Online learning is group and individual. Depending on its goals, it is possible to choose the optimal version of the study of the program. Individual Skype classes will allow you to deal with exactly what you need. Vocabulary, grammar, exam preparation, recovery of knowledge - teacher will give those knowledge that are necessary.

    Teachers conducting English language learning on Skype

    For online lessons, you can independently choose a teacher conducted by English by Skype. All teachers pass selection, and also have diplomas of the proven language universities, CELTA and DELTA certificates. A high level of knowledge is confirmed by international CPE, CAE, IELTS, TOEFL certificates. Also, teachers have methodological literacy so that students start as quickly as possible and obtained the necessary result.

    On the site you can find both carriers and Russian-speakers. Russian-speaking teachers who study English in Skype are best suited to people with minimal knowledge and Elementary levels, pre-intermediate and intermediate. Those who perfectly mastered any subject or has the level of knowledge Advanced, the most suitable native speaker. There are combined classes with different educators, which in some cases give excellent results!

    The teacher can be chosen in interest, of any gender, even on compatibility of character. If you feel comfortable during classes, it will be half your success!

    Our promotions and prices for English lessons on Skype

    1) "English from scratch". Paid 8 classes for 45 minutes at the same time, you get a total cost equal to 3200 rubles. Price 1 Classes - 400 rubles.

    2) Many appreciate 5% discounts, namely, stocks for English lessons on Skype when paying 20 classes for 45 and 60 minutes and course for travelers.

    3) If you pay 35 lessons at 45 and 60 minutes of the total or travel course, get a 10% discount. The action is multiple, classes are carried out by Russian-speaking teachers.

    4) Paying for ten classes for 45 and 60 minutes, business course and exam preparation, you get a 5% discount. After a day of payment, the action on English lessons in Skype is valid for three months.

    5) Paying twenty surveys for exam preparations and business course, you get a 10% discount. Lessons conducts a Russian-speaking teacher, after payment the action is really for half a year.

    An important technical moment of Skype courses

    Please note that English courses on Skype will be a complete replacement of full-time studies under certain conditions. The main one is the technical side, the high speed of the Internet is important here so that the video communication is without delays, there was no sound distortion, and the file sharing took place quite quickly. Test the quality of communication and get acquainted with the teacher at a trial lesson.

    We offer webinars and individual English lessons of all levels:


    The first level of study of the English language is intended for listeners who have not studied English with weak ideas about it.


    This is the next level of studying English, here students learn key grammar designs And not difficult speech turns. After the end of this level, the listeners confidently own the basic skills of the initial spoken speech.


    Here listeners learn to apply in practice key grammatical designs of English grammar, perceive on rumor, without difficulty, spending and successfully read and disassemble adapted literature.


    The training course for listeners of English proficiency in which is the middle level. At the end of the courses of this level, the listeners own in-depth knowledge of grammar. Could formulate and defend their point of view in fairly significant circle of issues.


    The study level of English software on which students will comprehend the skills of free, relaxed communication, which are supported by the deep knowledge of grammar. It is also a special emphasis on an increase in the vocabulary stock.


    The lessons of English on Skype at this level, designed for listeners seeking to undergo a preparatory course for the delivery of various international exams and certificates in English.

    We also offer learning English online of the following areas:

    Spoken English by Skype

    The purpose of learning this course of English is the development of the skills of the correct, proper spoken speech, an increase in the current vocabulary reached by using not just new words, but grammatical structures that simulate possible situations from life.

    Business English by Skype

    The primary goal of the business English course is to teach the listener to skillfully use the language under business communication. It focuses on the development of communicative skills, which can meet in various situations of business communication. This includes:

    • organization of presentations;
    • preparation and holding of assembly;
    • business correspondence;
    • negotiating with foreign partners;
    • self business conversation by phone;
    • drawing up documents, certificates, certificates of international sample, etc.

    Preparation of schoolchildren to the exam remotely through Skype.

    The study of English in the framework of preparation for the exam in English contains all types of improving all aspects of the language. It is focused on the level of colloquial speech, listening, the process of reading and writing, the tutor makes the exercise, mandatory for a prosperous passing of the exam.

    It is a bilateral process. Its result depends on the one hand, from the teacher and organization educational process, but, in the case of a foreign language studying on Skype - from properly selected materials. On the other hand, much depends on the right perception of information, the interest and ability of the student itself.

    Reflecting on which installations need to be given a student who studies another language so that for its part it can simplify and speed up the learning process, we decided to write an article out of 10 most important items that everyone who wants to master a foreign language should adhere to.

    1. Studying a foreign language, do not hurry

    So, first of all, I want to give to understand every language interested in the language that a foreign language needs to be taught without hurry. If you think the language can be learned in six months, then we are in a hurry to dissuade you. Alas, but for six months you will not start talking and you will not be able to translate into a foreign language all the information that has been accumulated for your life existing so far only in Russian. Configure yourself for prolonged training in several years if you really want to master the language. Only long and stable classes will give a good result. To master only one of the levels of foreign language (A1, A2, B1, etc.), it is necessary to learn at least 3 months quite stubbornly and, at the same time, the time to give time is almost every day.

    Of course, for six months, the teacher can give all the necessary and most complete information, but the student is not able to assign it and consolidate it.

    At the same time, it is important to understand that foreign languages \u200b\u200bon Skype are not so familiar, as usual, this happens in the language courses offered various schools Your city. Intensive course is a very short language course in time, which makes it attractive, however, it is based on an incomplete, abbreviated program. Such a course serves only to achieve any specific objectives: for example, for a trip to Spain for 10 days, where you need the knowledge of only the abbreviated stock of words and a very narrow idea of \u200b\u200bgrammar.

    2. Do stable

    Classes must be stable. Even if you learn a foreign language for half a year without stopping, and then interrupt classes for a month, several months of your occupations can be considered in vain. In addition, when renewing classes, you lose time, repeating the forgotten material and restoring the skills acquired for half a year.

    If you learn foreign languages \u200b\u200bwith great impermanence and breaks, no teachers and modern techniques will be able to help realize your goals fully.

    On the other hand, when you often miss classes, you can not figure out any topic, thrust on the same place, you will constantly bother learning a language. Make it so that the classes are permanent, and seeing their results, you will be more interesting to learn.

    3. Engage as much as possible on your own

    Another key to the successful study of a foreign language is stubborn independent classes. The greatest responsibility for the effectiveness of training lies on the side of the student - memorizing material, understanding and learning information. To do this, you need a lot of time to devote to the independent development of the educational material, constantly work on memorizing vocabulary and grammatical structures, to drain the hinge of verbs.

    The well-known sports method "Fight with shadow" helps well in learning the language. He implies that you must pronounce every new word or phrase several times out loud and fasten them in the proposals invented on the go. Improvise and talk with yourself. Take a standard grammatical design and build some kind of sentences from it, substituting different words. And all this without the help of textbooks or certain tasks - do it yourself for yourself. This method Very effective, and, using it, you will feel the results very soon.

    4. Create your knowledge in order

    When you learn a foreign language, on your table, and, as well as in your head there should be a flawless order. Cleaning your room and your workplace, of course, is not the subject of the methods of teaching foreign languages, but, however, try to avoid chaos and disorder and get used to accuracy. We are also the same as teachers of a foreign language, care more in your heads. Follow this order. Maintain order in the head means trying to understand every topic covered, consolidate it, do not forget past lessons and prevent reduction in your knowledge.

    The learning process is a gradual process. Language materials are presented on the principle "from simple to complex". Missing any important moment And losing the desired link, you can be very easy to get confused in such an extensive material. Try not to be confused and not lose the thread. Your knowledge must be strictly organized and decomposed on the desired shelves.

    5. Always repeat each topic

    Always repeat past material and never forget that you have passed earlier. Even if you learn the language of the second year, return to the very first lessons and repeat them. What you do the exercises correctly and quickly catch new Material, not enough. Studying a foreign language, it is very important to come with information in your consciousness, and this is achieved over time, like domestication of wild cattle. You can also tame a foreign language only constantly repeating and repeating the material passed by many times.

    6. Always write down important information.

    If you heard a new word or expression - be sure to write it to the notebook. For this, it is not necessary to make a separate dictionary. All information can be made in one workbook that you use in the lessons. Do not forget to view these words from time to time with expressions so that they are in your active stock. Remember that every new learned word is a step on the way to free speech in a foreign language.

    If you suddenly remembered for a long time forgotten or inappropriately heard the word, but you cannot remember its meaning, I read something new in the book - not be lazy, be sure to write down!

    7. Do not be afraid of difficulties

    People studying a foreign language are often afraid to start reading books in the original, watch movies in language, etc. This is due to their insecurity in their knowledge and abilities, because of the idea that they will not understand anything. Such people should discard all their doubts and include a film in a foreign language. See, read and interest what you have not passed. After all, you will not aggressively refuse to talk, for example, with the Spaniard in Spain, explaining its reluctance to say that you still do not carefully learn Spanish.

    If when reading the book you do not know some words, use the dictionary. If, when watching the film, something did not hear or did not understand, reconsider this moment several times.

    Do not be afraid to climb where you have not so much knowledge.

    8. Do not be afraid to make conversations with foreigners.

    Another phobia associated with uncertainty in his knowledge makes itself felt when a collision face to face with a foreigner and the need to communicate with him in his language. We want to inspire you right away: they are not used to laugh at those who make mistakes, speaking in their tongue. Any your knowledge will be perceived by him very positively, do not doubt. You do not need to try to imitate the tempo of his speech and nervous if you can't talk also to be folded. Communication should be of interest to you, not stress.

    9. Do not speak Russian with foreign words.

    Foreign language is not quite mathematics. Sometimes it seems that the main principle of studying a foreign language is to memorize grammatical structures, and then substitute various words to draw up proposals. Some even think that instead of Russian words you need to simply substitute foreign, and thus, foreign speech is poured from the mouth as a stream of fresh air at the dawn. No, it's absurd.

    10. Never despair

    Do not think that learning a foreign language strongly depends on age. Not. If you are interested in language and hold all our tips, you will definitely achieve a good level, regardless of your age or something else. We know that when studying a foreign language, as in any other human activity, there are takeoffs and falls. Customize yourself that not everything will not always immediately be easy to be given, but be sure that any person under the power to learn a foreign language and cope with all the difficulties. Maybe sometime will not be very exciting and even boring to learn, there will be a lot of doubts in his abilities - do not despair and remember that if you want, you will always have a result!

    Video office has long ceased to be a wonder, and now it has already become in the order of things to engage English not only on courses, but also on Skype. I have a lot of experience in learning English by Skype. Moreover, it was when I started practicing English by Skype, I managed to move from a dead point on which I was stuck at that time. The reason was, of course, not a certain magic of the Skype program, but a spoken practice that I was lacking. In this note, I will talk about online learning English, about Skype's colloquial practice and how English teacher put a Skype experiment on me.

    My first skype English lesson

    Note: I write "Skype" with a small letter, implying any program similar to Skype: with the possibility of free audio and video calls via the Internet.

    Classes with emphasis on colloquial practice

    The second format of classes is suitable for students who, in general, do not need to be learning under the guidance of the teacher, but need help with the development of conversational skills, with pronunciation and general literacy of speech. They already know at least asses of grammar, the vocabulary is sufficient for the lesson to be completely in English, but they speak with long pauses, frequent errors, have difficulties in building phrases.

    The teacher appeals less than the textbook, classes occur with the active involvement of the student in the conversation. My first skype lesson described above passed in this format. We have never looked into the textbook, but the benefits of just one occupation was huge.

    In this case, it is better to deal with the native speaker. Active, colloquial format of lessons is the "Konk" popular worldwide language site designed to search for teachers of foreign languages \u200b\u200b(not only English) and partners for practice. At ITALKI, teachers are divided into two categories:

    • Professional teachers - These are certified specialists with extensive experience of offline and online teaching languages. With them you can engage in both colloquial format and in strict academic. The latter is familiar to them well: many of them are university teachers.
    • Tutors - Lovers teachers without a linguistic diploma (usually), which will help you to talk, will indicate mistakes, help pull out spoken skills.

    As a rule, the "tutors" prices are lower. Despite the lack of a profile diploma, they are sometimes more experienced and simply more interesting than graduate colleagues. Unlike many online English schools, you can pay lessons on italki, and not packages. The calculation is carried out in a special currency of the ITC website (ITALKI Credits), 100 ITC is equal to 10 dollars.

    Pros and disadvantages of studying English by Skype with a teacher


    • No need to go anywhere, ride. Classes right at home at a convenient time. In a large city, it sometimes means savings several hours in a day.
    • As a rule, acceptable prices with good qualifications and teacher's experience.
    • In small cities, it is often difficult to find at least some tutor, and on Skype you can take lessons from an experienced and qualified teacher.
    • The opportunity to learn from native speakers - in the offline version it is problematic even in large cities.
    • The ability to find a "rare" language teacher. If the English teachers can be found almost everywhere, then with a little less popular languages, such as French, Spanish, Japanese in many cities problems. Many online schools specialize in English, but teachers (and simply partners for communication) in many languages \u200b\u200bcan be found on.


    • In an inexperienced teacher, there may be a lot of problems with how to show something in the textbook or give an exercise to the student. When I tried to play skype lessons, I just had these difficulties. More experienced teachers easily cope with this difficulty with pre-harvested materials. At Skyeng School, this problem is solved using a convenient virtual class.
    • If you have a very unstable slow connection, a bad microphone, the computer is buggy, part of the lesson will leave on "You hear me \\ see?".
    • If you are not in freaks with a computer, you never used Skype and do not know, for example, how to send a file, how to move the file from one folder to another, how to answer the incoming call, what is "login" and "password", then you have to Learn this on the go, again, spending time lesson. Instead of English lessons, computer literacy lessons will work. Skype classes imply that you have at least the basic computer handling skills.

    Method 2: Conversation Practice

    If a teacher teaches a student in the "method 1", then practice is no longer a study. This is a living language use, actually what we teach it for what.

    Everything is simple. We go into some kind of language social network, we find there those who want to talk in English, exchange contacts and chat! For example, partners for practice can be found in mentioned already. The mechanism is simple: the more speak English, the better it turns out. Ecane and pauses are gradually replaced by the speed and ease of speech, especially if the study is not limited to conversational practice, but is supported by reading, listening and, very desirable, writing in English.

    Pros and cons of free spoken practice.


    • Possibility to practice English with native speakers for free.
    • Spoken skill develops very well, because they speak a lot and enthusiastically.
    • And all this is not leaving home, at any convenient time.


    • This is not a lesson, but a conversation. A simple guy from Texas or Delhi is hardly wanting to explain to you the difference between and, and if he wants, it will not always be able to. As well as you can hardly explain in detail how different "ride" from "riding" or why a solid sign is needed.
    • In language social networks, it is not easy to find precisely carriers of English. They are baking. They are understood very quickly, and they simply physically can not communicate with all those who wish.
    • Inadequate come across, be careful communicating with strangers over the Internet.

    Is it necessary to talk to media?

    But if you need to improve, dig exactly speaking skills, that is, learn how to speak Fluently, without making a pause and not picking up words without thinking about, not going through in the mind, then there is no difference with whom to talk to, if only the interlocutor had a good enough English. Very cool, by the way, practicing with your compatriots - it's easier to find mutual language, Topics for conversation. True, there is a risk to adopt the errors of the interlocutor, for example, in or building phrases.

    Personally, I did not speak with whom only on Skype: with a student from Puerto Rico, who suddenly loved the Russian language, with a polyglot from Hungary, who owned five languages, with pensioners from the United States, students from Brazil and Bangladesh, but most of all I spoke English with Russian student Svetlana, who studied in Germany and needed English practice. She was fine with her German, but English was forgotten due to non-use. An important factor played the role: I was interested in talking to her. When you speak English with interest, forgetting that they switched to another language, the skill grows as on yeast (the same applies to reading, hearing, letters).

    With native speakers, you will develop not only the skill of speaking, but also an understanding of English speech by rumor. Of course, the neutive neuta is able to connect someone, someone cannot connect two words, but if the interlocutor competently speaks native languageYou will be better to understand the living, true English speech, with all its linguistic and cultural intricacies. In most cases, the difference between the speech of the native speech (competent) and foreigner is very strong.


    1. To do remotely with the teacher, without leaving home. No need to go to the capital in finding knowledge.
    2. To practice oral speech With other languages \u200b\u200bstudying - no matter how far from each other you live.
    3. Chat in English with the British, Americans, Canadians and other English speakers.

    All these three features just 20 years ago simply there was no existence. We live in the Gold Era study of languages \u200b\u200bwhen literature, audio and video materials are available and even communication on foreign languages. Use it, and success to you in learning a language!

    Friends! Now I'm not engaged in tutoring, but if you need a teacher, I recommend this wonderful website - There is a teacher of carriers (and not carriers) of the language on all occasions and on any pocket 🙂 I myself passed more than 80 lessons with teachers who found there! I advise you to try and you!

    English courses in Skype are not inferior in efficiency individual occupations With a tutor: you also see and hear the teacher. More, the lessons online have a number of advantages. For example, the teacher sends you educational materials Skype is already at the first lesson. In addition, the teacher immediately adjusts your chat errors. After classes, you can fix new words and expressions.

    Online English courses have a number of advantages over classical classes. For example, the teacher can record a lesson with you. Viewing the entry will allow you to understand your mistakes in pronunciation, as well as subsequently assess the progress in learning the language. Also during the study, the teacher can show you on his computer exercises and educational materials.

    English lessons in Skype are a new level of online education when students do not need to come on suspended time for carrying out a short classes to spend time on the road. Time is money, so Skype courses will allow you not only to save money, but also effectively distribute your free time.