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  • Can a person live without the goal of the work. Life without a purpose: why am I here and who needs all this. A clear plan or constant improvisation

    Can a person live without the goal of the work.  Life without a purpose: why am I here and who needs all this.  A clear plan or constant improvisation

    You look at others, you see their decent life from the outside, how it is replete with bright colors when you achieve various goals, and you involuntarily think: "Why don't I want anything, why can't I live differently?" So my relatives say that a life without a goal is a meager existence and an absurd burning of life. You need to clearly formulate a goal for yourself and achieve it.

    You don't know what you want. You are not interested in anything. You can't budge. You persuade yourself: "You need to move, change something in your life"- but it doesn't work. And the morning begins according to the same scenario. Without purpose and intentions to do anything.

    What to do when you don't know what you really want? How to decide on a purpose in life? After all, you are still in the prime of your life and you can benefit society.

    Life without a goal: what to do - I don't know

    As Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology shows, everyone is naturally endowed with a set of desires, depending on the given vectors. Each desire is always provided with properties to achieve it. Realizing natural desires, we enjoy life.

    The whole problem is that we are unfamiliar with our inner properties, we do not know what we are capable of in life. There is so much information in the world that we often go down the wrong path, copying someone else's model of behavior, other people's dreams. And this, unfortunately, leads to unrealizable dreams. We waste time, opportunities, self-confidence and cannot achieve anything. Not knowing where to go, we arrive at the wrong destination.

    For the owners of the anal vector, family, home, wife, children, as well as respect and honor are of paramount importance. These are people who have a phenomenal memory. But memory can play with them cruel joke... For example, the owner of the anal vector set himself a goal for implementation - to create a family. But in the past, he had a bad experience that does not allow him to carry out his plans. And there is no skill to adapt such situations, since his parents did not know the characteristics of their child. Then the first unsuccessful experience of relations with the opposite sex will not allow a person to enter into a relationship in the future. He will be afraid to start them again. This negative experience will dictate the line of an unsuccessful life scenario. For a man to live alone without a woman is to live without a goal.

    The basic list of goals in the life of a man with an anal vector is to build a house, plant a tree, raise a son. The woman gives the man the energy and the opportunity so desired for a man with an anal vector to continue himself in children. A bad experience in your first relationship and the fear of making the same mistake will force you to abandon your goal altogether.

    A person will live with the fear of disgrace, mentally he will return again and again to the experienced fiasco. This is a complete incapacity, lack of psychological strength to set a new goal and move in its direction. And there is no reference point to know which goal will lead to success, and which will be doomed to failure - if it is dictated not by a true desire, but imposed from the outside.

    Gullible people and hostages of grievances

    Owners of the anal vector are very gullible people, they value expert opinion above all else. And now many people declare themselves experts. It is easy for a person who does not know his true desires to impose any point of view, to convince him to achieve a goal that he does not need in principle.

    Life without a goal is boring and uninteresting. It seems to stop, there is no movement, and it seems that there is no strength to do something. Therefore, a person is ready to listen to experts, psychologists, mother or someone else and go not to his goal.

    Having deeply worked out the current situation with the help of psychoanalysis, it is possible to remove the consequences of negative experience and look at potential opportunities from a different angle. And most importantly, to accurately determine the goal without trial and error. The true goal is always provided with properties, strength and energy to achieve it, regardless of the level of development of certain properties of the vector.

    Also, the owner of the anal vector is the only one who is able to take offense. And if his achievements in the professional arena were not appreciated with dignity, he may be offended. Sometimes resentment leads to the fact that a person lies on the couch and does nothing. The resentful person is not able to move forward. In this case, the goal of life will be to restore justice. Although a person can consciously declare that he wants something else, sets goals for himself. He can live his subjective resentment for years without the intention of making attempts to change the situation in his life.

    It is possible to get out of such a state only by realizing one's psychological properties, which led to such a reaction to the current situation.

    My desires are outside the material world

    There is another category of people who feel that they are living without a goal. This is because the desires of the owners of the sound vector are outside the material world, have an abstract nature. The sound engineer is the only one who thinks about the meaning of life. The sound vector is dominant. This means that his desires must be satisfied first. Until desires aimed at finding the meaning of life have not found their answer, other earthly desires - such as family, work, achievement of material goals - are in "sleeping mode".

    Earlier, a deep sound search for the meaning of life could be filled foreign languages, philosophy, music, poetry, literature and theology. But everything in our world is changing rapidly, moving towards development, and the previous sublimates of the search for the meaning of life have practically exhausted themselves. In modern times, the demand for the meaning of life can be satisfied with only one thing - knowing oneself, understanding the mechanisms of the work of the psyche, the soul - that which has always been hidden from a person.

    The tool for this has already been created - Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, which helps to understand a person and get an answer to the question about the meaning of life. When sound desires are filled, then desires in other vectors become active. A person no longer lives without a goal, but clearly understands what he wants to achieve in life. He wakes up like a bear from hibernation, full of energy and strength in order to act and achieve his goals.

    Knowing the purpose of life, I see no obstacles

    How to decide on a purpose in life? And in general, why does a person need a purpose in life? Searching for answers to such questions and setting a goal that does not correspond to natural desires often leads a person to the wrong place. Defining a goal takes time and energy, but there is no result.

    A life without a goal is a miserable existence that does not bring joy and success in your own life. How to understand where to go in this world endless possibilities? The main thing is to find a desire, unmistakably define it and move towards the realization of your dream.

    “… Life has become more difficult, because there is no longer someone who thinks for you, finds you a job and pays money. You have to do everything yourself. But this is more interesting. It is overcoming yourself, with ups and downs. Sometimes only self-confidence, which was given to me by Yuri Burlan's training in system-vector psychology, helps to go further. For the first time in 29 years, I feel like I'm living ... "
    Oleg V., vocal teacher, Ufa

    “… Only thanks to SVP I have realized my lifelong dream - I have created a musical group! I don’t know where all these people came from, where did I find the strength for such a powerful movement, but within six months we had not only a musical group of 8 people (colleagues and friends), but also a whole support team (sound engineer, dancer, stylist, photographer, etc.), as well as the first recordings of songs and performances on stage.

    I became not just a vocalist of the group, but also a manager who fully manages the process of development and promotion of our team. I put a lot of effort into this, but I get incredible experience and pleasure from our first joint steps to success. I will make every effort to make these results sustainable, I will continue to work on the pain that comes back again, giving no peace (emotional dependence, stupor from resentment and depression from feelings of the limitedness of the world around). I have all the tools in my hands. You just need to learn how to use them correctly ... "
    Elena U., Head of Customer Support Center, Moscow

    When there is no dream and purpose in life, we seem to sit on the sidelines, there is no strength to live. To understand what you want in life, what is the real goal, you need to find out your main desires, without which there is no joy in life. You cannot copy someone's desires, because they may not coincide with ours, given by nature. And, therefore, we cannot achieve them.

    To know why every day to wake up in the morning, work, benefit society and feel the fullness of life and its meaning. Living without a goal - it's hard to push yourself to take action.

    It so happens that a person spent a lot of effort to achieve a certain goal, but it was false, imposed, and he did not achieve the result. When we do not achieve our desires for a long time and often, they gradually fade away, decrease. Thus, a person enters an apathetic state. It is very painful when you strive for a goal, but you do not get success at the exit.

    How to Find and Achieve Life Purpose

    What is our goal - so is life. No one will live our life for us. Just like we cannot live someone else's. When a woman wants to give birth to a child, she broadcasts a request to the man: "I want to become a mother." This desire comes from the heart of a woman, and a man responds to it. What we really want with all our heart, we are able to receive.

    There is no need to look for an answer to the rhetorical question: how to set a goal? It is important to understand your desires, and if this is your goal, then it will inspire every day, and you can achieve it. Register for the free online training "System Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan and realize your true desires.

    Understanding yourself makes it possible to accurately determine what you want to get from life, how to be realized in society, how to remove obstacles on the way to the goal. After releasing grievances and other obstacles, energy appears to achieve real goals.

    Register for a free online training at the link.

    The article was written using materials from Yuri Burlan's online trainings "System-Vector Psychology"

    Nothing gives a person inner integrity and tranquility, like a clear understanding of where he is going.

    Robert Brian once said, "The purpose of life is to live with a purpose."

    To achieve anything, you need to define your ultimate goal... This makes a huge difference. And the sooner you define it, the faster everything else will fall into place. A life without a purpose is wandering in the dark.

    Finding the right path in life is an existential challenge for all of us.

    What do you expect from life? It is dangerous to live without a goal.

    Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote: "The mystery of human existence is not only in living, but in what to live for."

    You create the correct life path yourself. You make the decision to act. Sample. Do anything. It doesn't matter how insignificant your steps seem to you.

    At some point in your life, you will have to stop thinking about what to do and start taking action.

    Your goal in life is to find and do something that will make you smile, laugh and forget about time. Even if you're not sure yet, move on to the life stage of exploration and experimentation and enjoy what is happening.

    You cannot limit it to a time frame. You can't bring yourself to find your “why” tomorrow, next month, or next year. However, by all means, strive to find clarity.

    In the 1940s, Viktor Emil Frankl was imprisoned in Nazi concentration camps... He fought tirelessly for his life. It was his goal that did not allow him to give up!

    He found meaning in the struggle. It was this that gave him the strength to move on through unimaginable torment and pain.

    In his book "A Man in Search of Meaning" Victor summarizes his philosophy about how people managed to survive in death camps without losing the will to live: "Who has a Why to live, will be able to withstand almost any How."

    Once you have defined your goals and what you want to achieve, it will be easier for you to deal with doubts. You will stop being distracted from the important and focus on your goal, which will not allow you to give up.

    Only a steady movement in one direction can bring tangible results. Of course, over time, you can rethink and change your goal, or choose a different one.

    It is difficult to maintain momentum if your direction lacks clarity.

    It takes time to achieve big goals. You must move in the selected direction without deviating from the course.

    Determining your direction as early as possible is the most important decision in life, however, unfortunately, not so many people realize this.

    To live "with a purpose" is to live "with an intention."

    Napoleon Hill once said: “There is one quality that a person must possess in order to win. This is a certainty of purpose, knowledge of what you want from life, and a burning desire to possess it. "

    To get what you want, you need to move in the direction you choose, constantly improving over a long period of time.

    People who have changed their lives and managed to achieve difficult goals are not stronger, smarter, or more fearless than you. They differ from you only in that they have made the decision to move towards their dreams.

    A strong sense of purpose fuels your motivation.

    Successful people have a certain sense of direction. They have a clear understanding of what success means to them. Everything they do is in line with their goals. They look ahead and decide where they want to be. The activities they perform day in and day out help them get closer to their dreams.

    Once you find your "why", you will be more careful and selective about what you do every day.

    In her book Courage: 50 Daily Acts of Courage You Must Perform to Succeed in Work, Love, and Life, Margie Worrell writes: “Knowing your“ why ”is the first important step in figuring out how to achieve goals that inspire you and lead you to the life you would like to live (not just survive!) ”.

    Margie continues: “In fact, knowing your“ why ”depends on whether you find the courage to take the risks necessary to move forward, stay motivated in difficult times, and follow a whole new, more confusing, yet fruitful path».

    William Cooper said: “Existence is a strange deal. Life owes us little, but we owe it everything. True happiness comes when you put in effort to achieve a goal. "

    There is nothing more beautiful than the feeling of suddenly realizing what prevented you from living a fulfilling life.

    Moments of insight are a real blessing. A clear goal encourages you to take actions that will bring you closer to what you really want to achieve in life.

    With clear visions, you can combine resources, ideas, and people to create a common cause. Without this, all your efforts are wasted work.

    Professional coach Bud Bilanich says that in order to achieve clarity of purpose, you need to do three things:

    1) define what success means to you personally;

    2) create a vivid mental image of yourself as successful person;

    3) clarify your personal values.

    Figuring out what you want is a process of trial and error! Try and ask yourself, "Do I like this?" Yes. No. Keep a journal and write down your feelings, thoughts, actions, and experiences.

    Use your notes to identify areas that interest you the most. Evaluate your results constantly.

    The point is to do more of what you really enjoy and discover the best in yourself.

    If it doesn't matter which port you go to, does it matter which wind blows? (c) once long-remembered wisdom

    We do a lot of things every day. They all have their own purpose, their own rationale. Conscious, when we can clearly and clearly articulate for what and why exactly there we do something. Or the unconscious, when the action that we most often perform on the machine is not attached to the censoring of our consciousness, and we do not know exactly why we are doing it and why we are doing it this way and not otherwise. We just perform some actions, without thinking too much about whether it is possible to carry out life without a purpose, anyway , is it possible?

    We use by public transport to get to work, to the store, to the university for a lecture or to visit your good friends on the other side of town. We run in the park after work or sign up for the fitness club next door. We study in order to gain knowledge and find ourselves a higher-paying and prestigious job, and then we work hard to achieve something in the service, achieve certain results, and move up the career ladder. We go in for sports and monitor our diet and sleep in order to maintain our health in order to get a more obedient, beautiful and fit body.

    Everything we do has a purpose. It is a fact. More than 90% of what we do, we are not fully aware, that is, such a goal has its own motives in our unconscious. This is also a fact. But it's not that.

    When there is a goal, it becomes clear in which direction to move. But what happens if we suddenly abandon the goal ourselves? What if, on our journey, the goal is lost? How is it at all - life without purpose. Is it possible?

    Imagine for a moment that you are walking in a park. You have a day off, a lot of free time and absolutely no goal. You can go in absolutely any arbitrary direction. You can go straight along the path, bathed in sunlight, to where the cherry bushes bloom. And then walk around a flower bed and accidentally turn to the court to watch someone play tennis or squash. Then turn around and decisively go in the direction from which it smells of freshly baked baked goods in order to find out the source - a bakery or a recently opened shop. Just because you are interested in what is or may be. You can constantly walk in one direction or explore different directions without special goals. Does not matter. You're just walking.

    There is no destination in the head. There is nothing to achieve. Just curiosity, funny curiosity out of ignorance.

    Sounds great. But what if it were possible to work without a goal? For example, take and write something for pleasure, draw up some large-scale project plan and paint it in detail, write a story or a detailed letter. Or just sit down and draw something on canvas or a piece of paper, try to improvise on the piano, guitar or flute. For pleasure, just because you wanted to. Not yet knowing what the result might be. Not knowing at all what the impression made on the readers of the story, the audience of the resulting picture, or the listeners of a new musical composition will be. Not yet knowing what your own impression will be.

    The most interesting thing here is that at the very beginning of creation, in the head there is still no final result. It simply does not exist. The process of creation has begun, but what will be its result depends only on chances and your creativity... You can find out only in the process of work, acting directly.

    What would happen if someone decided to live their life without a definite clear plan? Not knowing where he will live in six months or a year, what he will do and how to earn his living. Not knowing where he aspires and what he wants in the end.

    To be honest, I don't know the answer myself. And I would not condemn or encourage, dissuade or praise, I would not put labels on such a way of living. To live freely and boldly, having learned to accept the world as it is, having learned to move away from its vanity and not fixate on goals, sometimes imaginary, by the way. This is a free lifestyle for strong personalities, a path full of dangers and unexpected turns. This is an absolutely creative approach to your destiny. Not everyone can afford it. Not everyone needs this. An ordinary person needs goals, like beacons, like direction signs on the road, so that they can make their way to an unknown future with a lack of information and a bunch of uncertainties.

    This is a whole art. The art of following the flow.

    From a very long time ago, I began to set myself various goals, schedule my day, make lists of urgent and important things with a system of reminders and setting priorities. But lately I've been looking at a slightly different way of thinking, planning, and living. Indeed, there is a fundamental difference in approach, a certain shift in thinking, between the rigid planning of one's working day by the minute and the art of a leisurely flow in one's affairs.

    The art of a leisurely flow in their affairs. How does it work? Well, to be honest, I did not try to formalize it completely for myself in words. Somehow it works. You just need to feel it. And most likely, there is far from one single method, and perhaps even each has its own. Personally, I usually flow in my affairs something like this:

    I wake up and look at the light, listen to the sounds around me and to myself. I am trying to understand what my mood is today for my current affairs and what I would like to do today, first of all. Continue something or start something new. At this very moment, I still do not have any plan or list in my head, there are no restrictions on my choice. You can choose whatever you want. Usually thoughts and ideas on this matter appear in a fresh head pretty soon in the morning. What business am I in the mood for today? Quite an important question, because it is in this business that I had a chance to make significant progress today. An important question, it is important to follow your actions, not to be afraid of the routine of everyday affairs and worries. Believe me, nothing bad will happen.

    Thus, you will start work in the morning and will do exactly what you are internally happy about, what pins you, amuses you, what is interesting for you to do. A fair question arises. Doesn't what you are doing has its purpose, purpose? Well, actually, yes, it does. Only this has not yet been recorded anywhere. There is still no small sheet of paper on the table with many important things to do, exhaustive lists and urgent plans. Simply no. And it is not necessary.

    A logically articulated destination does not matter at all now, only the process itself, a pleasant journey with the flow of your own affairs. And for you this goal, this action plays a much larger role in life. Even if you yourself have not yet had time to realize it. Everything has its time. For now, just allow yourself to do it, enjoying the process itself.

    Start slowly, and as you move, not limited to one direction, allow the flow of creative ideas to change direction themselves. Here and there, going back to the beginning, make a little change and again get new results and their variations, new ideas and degrees of freedom to change anything at will. You cannot predict what thoughts, what ideas will come to mind as you move, but you can be ready to perceive them, listen and experiment. At the very start, it is impossible to foresee in advance what the result of these changes will be, what the impact of certain unexpected ideas will be. All the more interesting. Still, some kind of plan is needed. The less the expected result will be adequate to reality, because any chance, any thought and any movement, even careless, at any of the following moments can completely change it.

    You can completely change your direction if at this very moment something absolutely new appears, some new captivating opportunity begins to loom on the horizon. Just let what should happen today, because the world of ideas must be handled easily and without pressure. Ideas flow into us, mold the space around us, as if from soft pliable clay, in order to test their attractiveness and consistency in the current reality and then flow back, somehow influencing us, leaving their mark. They don't really mean anything, but the continuous flow of these ideas means a lot. In him, in this stream, the rhythmic pulse of real life and creative changes beats, without which life does not exist.

    It is important to learn to be flexible in order to allow life to flow through yourself, while maintaining a certain core, something like a skeleton for our body, in which the currents of liquid media, information and energies do not freeze for a second. Learn to be ready for change and feel comfortable in the face of uncertainty, which is naturally perceived as an eternal given, and not a temporary annoying opportunity.

    Something comes, something goes, something changes. We constantly adapt to these changes, allowing ourselves to flow quietly in our affairs, allowing our plans and goals to flow slowly. It is like the flow of water in a river with a constantly changing bottom and banks. The flow is calm if the banks are spacious and the bottom is sandy and even. Or flow swiftly and quickly with whirlpools and waterfalls, if the banks suddenly become crowded, and there are stones or rapids on the way. Each of us is free to do so only if we do not fix in advance on one definite and seemingly the only possible and acceptable result. There can be many good results that you enjoy. Moreover, most of them lie in the area of ​​unplanned experiments and improvisations.

    Just be present in this process of flow, listen to yourself, to every moment, treat each subsequent step with ease and respect, truly enjoying the process. And any one fixed result becomes completely unimportant.

    The direction or the result becomes unimportant if they are good for us. Each seemingly random step on the path reliably determines our direction at this particular moment and is exactly the right place and time in which we should be here and now.

    Let yourself flow in your affairs. Tomorrow there will be a completely different mood and a completely different matter will turn out best tomorrow. Use this chance, do not waste it. The flow of life!

    A life without a purpose or a road to be found

    February 28, 2018 - 3 comments

    It is unlikely that he will think about something else.

    V. Tsoi

    Life without a purpose is meaningless. You don't know where to go, what to do, you don't even know who you are.

    Do we of our own free will strive for prosperity, well-being, start families, look for love? Many do not even think about why a person needs a purpose in life. They just live. Although there are those who were born to ask questions, seek answers. Including, strive to understand what is the true goal in a person's life.

    Let's figure out how the choice of our own path occurs, whether we choose it consciously.

    A ready-made plan for life is on sale

    If you ask the participants of fashion trainings of a successful life how much it helped and whether the happiness that was waiting for appeared, the answer will be obvious. This is all good, but the dream has remained a dream, and you still live without a purpose in life.

    The trainers of such events are like wholesale suppliers of success and prosperity, promising all kinds of joys, you just have to do this and that ... In fact, no one knows how to deliver happiness in full wagons and indicate goals to others. Each person has their own path. It's like a built-in navigator, which will lead you on the right path to your own happiness.

    How the unconscious works, how to understand whether someone's dream is mine, can be determined using the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan.

    A person who is not overloaded with false attitudes intuitively feels what his goal is in life and achieves it. After all, at birth, we are given not only desire, but also abilities, properties that will ensure the fulfillment of this desire. Someone wants to achieve a high position, make a million, someone dreams of a family and a cozy nest, for someone the most important thing is love, but for someone it’s not a joy.

    We feel a desire that pushes us to do something in life, to strive for something, to achieve a goal. And this movement to the target point gives meaning to our life. We get pleasure and happiness when everything turns out as intended. We understand why a person needs a purpose in life.

    Faster, higher, more successful!

    The values ​​of the skin vector are given to us every day from all sides: success, movement, high pace of life. And this is actually good, but not for everyone.

    Yes, every person with a skin vector feels that it is necessary to draw up a plan, a list of goals in life and achieve them, persistently passing, like a baton, from point to point. Every day, such a person can set a goal for himself. He has an unlimited number of them:

    - make a million;

    - buy a car, apartment, yacht;

    - to make a career;

    The owner of the skin vector will break these points into sub-points and cross out each achieved stage, like in a relay, moving through life in the rhythm of competition and competition. He knows how to set a goal and achieves it with tremendous pleasure.

    It is people with a skin vector who love all sorts of training sessions of success and achieve even greater results after them. They will not live without a goal, they will achieve one, set another. If a person with a skin vector lives without a purpose in life, it means that his life follows an unsuccessful scenario, which can and should be changed.

    Build a house, raise a son ...

    The situation is different with the owner of the anal vector, born to love and value traditions, to preserve and transmit family values ​​and life experience accumulated by generations in all spheres.

    His desires are completely different:

    - finish school with honors;

    - enter a university, get a quality education;

    - get a job and become a respected professional, a specialist of the highest class;

    - to have your own house, or better - to build with your own hands, so that from the very first brick;

    - start a strong family, once and for all;

    - to raise children, grandchildren as decent and honest people;

    - to live to a ripe old age and die, knowing that he had not lived his life in vain, brought up worthy people for whom one is not ashamed.

    Is this not the goal? The proverb about "plant a tree, build a house and raise a son" is an abbreviated plan of a person's life with this special vector. He will never be left without a goal, because so much has to be left behind as a good and long memory for posterity.

    Love that moves the sun and the stars ...

    Shakespeare quotes can describe the entire visual vector human psyche... A person with a visual vector is born to love and be loved. He adjusts his whole life to this natural task. To treat people mentally, to love people, to be in sight every day, to look with the eyes of one or that one, with whom the heart will open wide and spread its wings. So that it was like in a fairy tale.

    The owner of the visual vector lives with feelings, emotions. He can find himself without a goal if he received a deep mental trauma from parting with someone very dear.

    Soul-hardened spectators need emergency help that can heal mental wounds. Sun people make our life bright and sensual.

    I am not me and my life is without purpose

    It would seem how many plans and desires people have. If you don't know what you want or how to decide in this life, take an example from others. Many advise friends, acquaintances, and relatives who are lost in the stream of being. And they try, but over and over again they are convinced - no, not that, not mine. There is no dream and goal in life that would light a fire in the eyes, would become a guiding star.

    The owner of the sound vector is more often than others toil in life without a goal.

    Acquaintances are surprised, twirl their fingers at their temples, and the person suffers from misunderstanding and loneliness. Silently suffers, because there is no one to say how everything is meaningless on earth. All these plans and achievements - for what and why? It seems that the same navigator God forgot to invest in it and sent it to earth without a goal, without giving any guidelines.

    It is especially important for a man to understand his place, to find it. He bears responsibility not only for himself, but also for his woman, for children. Without a specific goal, he is not able to give protection and security to anyone, not even himself.

    From a misunderstanding of oneself, life, from a feeling of separateness and dissimilarity to people, finding himself in the middle of the path without a goal, the sound engineer falls into apathy, depression, drinks alone, becomes a drug addict, quietly goes crazy, in the end he easily takes his own life. For a sound engineer, there are no values ​​in the material world, and even his own body is a burden.

    The sound vector is a thought, idea, new knowledge. Higher spiritual matters that drive society, world scientific discoveries, state formations, ideologies, religions, music, painting, literature, the Internet - all this is the merit of sound specialists.

    However, in ordinary life, it is often the other way around. Sound people live a life without a purpose, constantly asking the same main question: "What is the meaning of my life?" Unfortunately, sects, religious wars, terrorism are also the work of sound specialists who found themselves without a purpose in life and did not find anything better than killing their own kind for the sake of an idea, even a crazy one.

    But not all of them. Many of us choose our path unconsciously, without thinking why.

    What to do if the goal is lost

    Only a sound engineer can disappear into the meaninglessness of existence. Smart, even arrogant, he can be successful in any area of ​​life. But one day he feels lost, like a small child lost in a crowd. Experiencing helplessness, powerlessness and the inability to express it in words, to ask for directions from those passing by. He wanders about aimlessly, looking for words to ask, bumping into a reaction that scares him more than those he asks. As a result, a person is lost even more, withdrawing into himself deeper and deeper.

    Regardless of any main human values, the owner of the sound vector continues his unconscious search for “what I don’t know what”.

    From the outside it seems that he lives without a goal, but in fact he is looking for it, wants to find it. Only looking in the wrong place. The goal of the owner of the sound vector is hidden from himself behind seven seals of consciousness. It is these seals that he was born to open.

    You can understand the meaning of life by realizing that you are only part of one whole. An important part born to combine all the puzzles into one. Recognize the soul of each and put it into one picture of the world. See what is hiding my consciousness and the consciousness of others. To understand what an altered consciousness is capable of, overturning all spheres of human life.

    Learning to recognize and be aware of the surrounding reality and oneself in it is obtained by people who have undergone training in System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan. Thousands of member testimonials speak of this.

    “… I had constant laziness, senselessness to start doing something, because I could not really find that occupation that would bring me pleasure and in which I would see the meaning. It was during the training that I understood where I belong and what I can do. When the meaning appears and the place is found, laziness leaves! there is simply no place for her! .. "

    There is no success without a goal. Maximum focus on the goal is the most important quality people who achieve achievements in any business, in any field. The more significant goal, the more success a person can achieve in his life. A person cannot realize his potential, his capabilities and abilities, if he does not learn to set goals for himself. Availability goals can be compared to having a compass that helps you find your way in the endless desert or tropical jungle. Another important note. Man is a goal-reaching creature. If you do not set a goal for yourself, then you will realize the goals of other people.

    Are dreams and goals the same?

    Target- this is the image of the future that a person wants to achieve. But is any image of the future a goal? The image of the future is and dream. Dream and goal differ, firstly, in that the goal is always potentially achievable and realistic, and the dream may be unattainable. For example, a person may dream of living up to a time when there will be no wars on Earth, but it is obvious that this is impossible in the next period of historical development. Secondly, a dream may not imply activity, human activity, while the goal determines some of a person's actions. Of course, any dream can be a target when certain conditions... A girl who dreams of marrying a millionaire can make that dream her goal.

    Why don't people set goals?

    B. Tracy, a well-known expert in the field of success, says there are several reasons for this.

    1. People want to improve their lives, but they do not want to make the required effort. They can speak beautifully, but do nothing.
    2. People did not take responsibility for their own lives. They hope for fate, chance, for other people who can change their lives for the better.
    3. Low self-esteem of a person. He simply does not believe that he is capable of setting serious goals.
    4. People don't understand their importance. If a person grew up in an environment in which people did not set goals for themselves, then he does not understand either their significance or their capabilities.
    5. People just don't know how to set a goal. They acquire a lot of knowledge, skills, abilities, without assuming that the ability to set a goal can be no less, if not more important for a happy life.
    6. Fear of being misunderstood, criticized.
    7. Fear of failure. Fear of failure comes from a misunderstanding of the role of failure in achieving success. You cannot succeed without experiencing failure. Failure is a prerequisite for success.

    How to set goals correctly?

    To successfully achieve goals, they need to be correctly formulated. For this, there are a number of techniques with which you can put really high-quality goals... One of the most common and effective ways is setting smart goals, i.e. goal setting using S.M.A.R.T. criteria.

    In accordance with this technology goals must be:

    • Specific
    • Measurable
    • Achivable
    • Result-oriented
    • Timed

    Specific Objectives (S)... The goal must be clearly stated. Otherwise, in the end, a result may be achieved that differs from the planned one.

    Measurable targets (M)... If the goal does not have any measurable parameters, it will be impossible to determine whether the result has been achieved.

    Achievable goals (A)... The goals are used as an incentive to solve some problems and, thus, further progress forward through the achievement of success. You don't need to set goals that, on the contrary, would lead to an increase in stress in your life. It is worth setting goals that are challenging and challenging, but keep in mind that they should be achievable.

    Results-oriented goals (R)... Objectives should be characterized in terms of the result, not the work being done. In this way, efficiency is achieved. You can set yourself a goal to come to work an hour earlier, but if you do not determine the expected result from this, then this hour can be spent drinking coffee or just chatting.

    Timeline-specific targets (T)... Any goal must be achievable in a certain time dimension.