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  • The main stages of the life and work of feta. A message about the creativity of a feta. The main stages of the creative path A. The most fruitful period of creativity

    The main stages of the life and work of feta.  A message about the creativity of a feta.  The main stages of the creative path A. The most fruitful period of creativity

    The future poet was born on November 23 (December 5 in a new style) 1820 in the village. Novoselki, Mtsensk district, Oryol province (Russian Empire).

    As the son of Charlotte-Elizabeth Becker, who left Germany in 1820, Athanasius was adopted by the nobleman Shenshin. 14 years later, an unpleasant event occurred in the biography of Afanasy Fet: an error was discovered in the birth record, which deprived him of his title.


    In 1837, Fet graduated from the Krummer private boarding school in the city of Verro (now Estonia). In 1838 he entered the Faculty of Philosophy at Moscow University, continuing to take a great interest in literature. He graduated from the university in 1844.

    The poet's creativity

    V short biography Feta is worth noting that the first poems were written by him in his youth. Fet's poetry was first published in the collection "Lyric Pantheon" in 1840. Since then, Fet's poems have been constantly published in magazines.

    Striving in every possible way to regain title of nobility, Afanasy Fet went to serve as a non-commissioned officer. Then, in 1853, in the life of Fet, there was a transition to the guards regiment. Fet's creativity, even in those days, does not stand still. In 1850, his second collection was published, in 1856 - the third.

    In 1857, the poet marries Maria Botkina. Having retired in 1858, without having achieved the return of the title, he acquires land and devotes himself to housekeeping.

    Fet's new works, published from 1862 to 1871, comprise the cycles From the Village and Notes on Free Hired Labor. They include short stories, short stories, essays. Afanasy Afanasievich Fet strictly distinguishes between his prose and poetry. Poetry is romantic for him, and prose is realistic.

    Nikolai Nekrasov wrote about Fet: "A person who understands poetry and willingly opens his soul to its sensations, in no Russian author, after Pushkin, will draw as much poetic pleasure as Mr. Fet will give him."

    last years of life

    In 1873, the title was returned to Afanasy Fet, as well as the surname Shenshin. After that, the poet is engaged in charity work. At this stage, the poems of Afanasy Fet were published in the collections "Evening Lights", of which four issues were published from 1883 to 1891. Fet's poetry contains mainly two themes: nature, love.

    Death overtook the poet on November 21, 1892 in Moscow in his house on Plyushchikha. Fet died of a heart attack. Afanasy Afanasyevich was buried in the Shenshin family estate in the village. Kleymenovo Oryol destruction.

    Chronological table

    Other biography options

    • In addition to composing poems, Fet was engaged in translations until his old age. He is the author of the translations of both parts of Goethe's Faust. He even planned to translate Immanuel Kant's book Critique of Pure Reason, but abandoned this idea and took up the translation of the works of Arthur Schopenhauer.
    • The poet experienced tragic love for Maria Lazic, a fan of his work. This girl was educated and very talented. Their feelings were mutual, but the couple did not manage to tie their fates. Maria died, and the poet remembered his unhappy love all his life, which influenced his work. It was to her that he dedicated the poem "Talisman", the poems "Old Letters", "You have suffered, I still suffer ...", "No, I have not changed. Until deep old age ... "and other poems.
    • Some researchers of Fet's life believe that the death of the poet from a heart attack was preceded by a suicide attempt.
    • It was Fet who was the author of the famous phrase that was included in "The Adventures of Pinocchio"

    Are you interested in knowing the most important and significant moments in the life of a writer? Then you did the right thing to open the page where the Fet chronological table is presented. It will help not only schoolchildren, but also teachers. The table briefly tells about the life and work of Fet; the presented data can be given to your students during the lesson or you can remember forgotten dates and events yourself. The writer of the golden age left behind many lyric works, each of which conveys his inner mood. The biography of Afanasy Fet by dates will help you independently understand the stages of development of his creative path and the main moments of the life of the great poet.

    1820, December 5 (18)- Born on the estate of Novoselki, Mtsensk district, Oryol province, which belonged to a retired officer Afanasy Neofitovich Shenshin.

    1835-1837 - Studying at a German private boarding house Krummer in Verro (now Võru, Estonia). At this time, he began to write poetry, to show interest in classical philology.

    1838 - entered Moscow University, first at Faculty of Law, then - to the historical-philological (verbal) department of the philosophy faculty. Studied for 6 years: 1838-1844.

    1840 - the collection of Fet's poems "The Lyrical Pantheon" was published with the participation of Apollo Grigoriev, Fet's friend at the university.

    1845 - entered military service in the cuirassier military order regiment, became a cavalryman.

    1846 - he was awarded the first officer rank.

    1850 - Fet's second collection was released, which received positive reviews from critics in the magazines Sovremennik, Moskvityanin and Otechestvennye zapiski.

    1853 - Fet was transferred to a guards regiment stationed near St. Petersburg;
    in St. Petersburg he met with Turgenev, Nekrasov, Goncharov and others, as well as his rapprochement with the editors of the journal "Sovremennik".

    1854 - served in the Baltic Port, which he described in his memoirs "My memories".

    1856 - the third collection of Fet was published, edited by I. Turgenev.

    1857 - Fet married Maria Petrovna Botkina

    1858 - retired with the rank of guards headquarters captain and settled in Moscow.

    1859 - the poet broke with the journalist Dolgoruky A.V. from Sovremennik.

    1863 - a two-volume collection of Fet's poems has been published.

    1867 - Afanasy Fet was elected as a magistrate for 11 years.

    1873 - Afanasy Fet returned the nobility and the surname Shenshin. Literary works and the poet continued to sign the translations with the surname Fet.

    1883-1891 - publication of four issues of the collection "Evening Lights".

    1892 Nov 21 / Dec 4- died in Moscow. According to some reports, his death from a heart attack was preceded by a suicide attempt. He was buried in the village of Kleimenovo, the Shenshin family estate.

    The most popular materials in March for your class.

    Only in beauty and harmony can one find the meaning of the concepts "divine" and "eternal". So the poet believed Silver Age Athanasius Fet is a nobleman who lost his name and devoted his life to its restoration. Chronological table Fet A.A. will tell in detail about the stages of his life and work.

    Origin and education

    Fet's poems began to appear in the "Moskvityanin" edition.

    Thanks to the assistance of influential acquaintances (Belinsky and Botkin), the young poet became a regular contributor to the Otechestvennye zapiski publication.

    Completion of studies. Death of Caroline Charlotte Fet.

    The beginning of military service

    Since the death of Caroline Fet, Shenshin's support has become less and less regular. Fet leaves Moscow and enters the military service. He is still obsessed with the idea of ​​regaining his title of nobility, and does his best to do so. At the same time, he does not stop writing poetry. Fet's chronological table shows that more than 5 years passed before Athanasius could boast of his small achievements:

    First achievements

    Fet completely devotes himself to military affairs and poetry. The results are not long in coming. 6 years after the start military career, he can already live near St. Petersburg and communicate with people involved in literature. Fet's chronological table confirms what has been said:



    Fet becomes a member of the Guards Regiment, at the same time gets the opportunity to live near St. Petersburg and establish contacts with literary figures (Goncharov, Nekrasov and others).

    Assumes military duties in the Baltic port.

    He met L. Tolstoy, with whom he corresponded for a long time.

    The third collection of the poet's works was published under the leadership of Turgenev.

    Goes on a trip to Europe. In Paris he meets Maria Botkina and marries her.

    Resignation and nobility

    The work of Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet has always had many admirers, but times have changed. For a long time he retired from literary activity and struck into philosophy, supporting the ideas of Schopenhauer. The answer to the question becomes unclear: "Did the poet manage to regain the title of nobleman?" As the chronological table shows - Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet did achieve the desired:



    Having reached the rank of staff captain, he retires from military affairs and settles in Moscow.

    He severed all relations with the Sovremennik publishing house, where he had been publishing for many years. The reason for this was the article "Shakespeare in Fet's Translation", where the poet was deliberately insulted.

    In the Mtsensk district he acquires land and becomes a real landowner. He practically stops writing.

    In the magazines "Russian Bulletin" and "Notes on civilian labor" he publishes a work on the protection of the rights of landowners, which causes indignation among many segments of the population.

    Two volumes of Fet's poems are published.

    Fet is elected to the post of magistrate, which he held for 10 long years. During this time, he completely departs from poetry and plunges into philosophy.

    A royal decree is issued, according to which Fet can regain the name of Shenshin, and with it all the legal rights of a nobleman.

    Sells the estate and buys another in the Kursk province. With renewed zeal, he begins to write poetry, publishes translations of Goethe and Schopenhauer.

    Last decade

    Fet was able to regain his nobility, but did not stop there. At the age of 66, he became a member of the Academy of Sciences and published several collected works and translations. The publication order is presented by the Fet chronological table (briefly). His last works are presented in the form of prose. Poetry is extremely rare. These are the events recent years Feta:



    After buying a new estate, he buys an apartment in Moscow to live there in winter.

    A book is published, on which the poet worked as a student - "Evening Lights". It contains the translated works of Horace.

    The second edition of Evening Lights is printed.

    Two volumes of the autobiographical work "My Memories" are being published.

    The fourth and final issue of Evening Lights.

    Fet dies of a heart attack in Moscow.

    Afanasy Fet - great poet and thinker, translator and memoirist. His works reflect the feelings that arouse the world, and the author himself is constantly in search of harmony. Despite his subtle nature, he had a goal, which he successfully achieved through hard work. Fet is a writer who can rightfully be called an example to follow, especially when it comes to perseverance in achieving his plans.

    Lesson 3. Stages of biography and creativity of A. A. Fet

    The purpose of the lesson: to acquaint with the main stages of the life and work of A. A. Fet.

    Equipment: portrait, poetry collections

    Method: messages with poetry reading


    And while the light rejoices in holy art,

    Inspirational Fet will be dear to tender feeling.

    K. Fofanov

    But in a tender verse you will find

    This ever-scented rose ...

    A. A. Fet

    He is the highest, highest authority in poetry, in art, in thought.

    V. Bryusov

    The enormity of the philosophy of Soloviev and Fet is beyond doubt,

    We listen to their music on earth, and their love has no boundaries ...

    A. Blok

    During the classes

    I. c brief analysis the results written by the children in the previous lesson of the test.

    II. Teacher's word.

    The personality, fate, and creative biography of A. A. Fet are unusual and full of mysteries, some of them have not yet been solved. Pure poetry, far from the realities of life, subtle lyricism and vital practicality, the poet's life is full of drama and contradictions, often unexpected in its movement and transitions - all these paradoxes are intertwined in one person, causing an ambiguous attitude towards him.

    Fet's popularity is still great. The modern reader is undoubtedly interested in his poems. How to correlate this with the rejection of Fet's poetry by a democratic reader in the 60s of the 19th century.

    Or maybe not to give an unambiguous answer, but simply by reading the musical lines and thinking about the facts of life, love and death, as incomprehensible secrets of nature to human essence. Everyone should try to find answers in the poet's poems to many exciting questions of life.

    It is impossible to talk about the originality of A. Fet's work without talking about his life.


    Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet (Shenshin) was born on November 23 (according to the new style on December 5), 1820 in the Oryol province, near the city of Mtsensk. The father of the future poet was a reserved man, harsh towards his wife and children.

    Fet's mother, nee Charlotte Becker, belonged by birth to a wealthy German burgher family. After the adoption of Orthodoxy, she received the name Elizaveta Petrovna. The story of her marriage is mysterious. Shenshin was her second husband. Until 1820 she lived in Germany, in Darmstadt, in her father's house. Apparently, after the divorce from her first husband, Johann Fet, she met with forty-four-year-old Afanasy Neofitovich Shenshin. He brought her to Russia. The love of Afanasy Neophytovich passed so quickly, as if it had never existed. Mother humbly resigned herself, and only more and more often she was sick. As a child, Fet had something to think about, something to be sad about. But there was also good, perhaps there was more good than bad.

    Many of Fet's early teachers were narrow-minded when it comes to book science. But there was another science - natural, immediate life. Most of all, she taught and educated the surrounding nature and vivid impressions of life, brought up the whole way of peasant, rural life. This is undoubtedly more important than literacy. This is a practical and deeply effective diploma for the whole life. Happy is the person who has comprehended it from his youth. I am especially happy if his vocation in life is poetry!

    Afanasy Fet from the age of 14 studied at the Krümmer boarding house in the city of Dorpat. The boarding house had beloved teachers, a lively desire for knowledge. Here the poet learned a lot, learned a lot. And this was knowledge for life. They were of great help in his literary and poetic works. A good knowledge of the German language, to which Feth was indebted not only to his mother, but also to the boarding house, allowed him later to translate German poets, in particular Heine, beloved by him.

    From 1834 to 1844 he studied at Moscow University. Serious poetry studies begin in the first year. He wrote down his poems in a special “yellow notebook” that had been instituted for that. Fet's poetic fate is happy; great first revealed to him the joy of poetry, and the great Gogol blessed him to serve her. At the same time, the future poet became close to fellow student Apollo Grigoriev. He was an outstanding young man, and later a talented poet and critic. Talented university youth gathered in Grigoriev's house. Around Grigoriev and Fet, not just a friendly company of interlocutors is formed, but a kind of literary and philosophical circle.

    During his stay at the university, Fet published his first collection of his poems. It was called somewhat intricately: "The Lyrical Pantheon". This collection was published at the end of November 1840 without a name with only initials: “A. F. "

    This book is still student's in many ways. The influence of various poets, Russian and Western, is noticeable in it, in a word, the book sounded in many voices dissimilar to each other. For a collection of works by a still very young poet, this is a fairly common occurrence.

    In the collection, the greatest preference was given to two genres: the ballad, so beloved by romantics (“Abduction from the Harem,” “Castle Raufenbach,” and others), and the genre of anthological poems, that is, poems on a theme or manner close to ancient ones. Anthological poems were especially successful for Fet, both mature and young. In the first collection of the poet, the master's handwriting is already visible: everything here is simple, clear, precise. At the same time, what expressive details, what a visible picture they create!

    Already, having laid sickles on their shoulders, tired reapers

    With their ringing song they announce the cool field;

    It smells like lily of the valley in the forest; there, under the ravine, birches

    The dawn is glowing with crimson, and here, in the small bush

    The nightingale sang loudly, pleased with the evening coolness

    The faithful horse underneath me is moving slowly,

    Bending the neck with a ring and driving away the midges with the tail.

    After the publication of the Lyric Pantheon, the two largest magazines of the 40s - Moskvityanin and Otechestvennye zapiski, began to publish his poems with pleasure, and some poems, as exemplary ones, fall into the then-famous "Reader" by A. D. Galakhov, the first edition of which was published in 1843.

    In these journals from 1841 to 1845 (before entering the military service), eighty-five poems were printed, including the well-known tepe "I came to you with greetings ..."

    In the life of the poet during this period there were many trials and upheavals, but in his decisions he was adamant: “... in life I was always worried about the future, not the past, which cannot be changed”.

    During the years of military service, Fet also had genuine joys - high, truly human ones. This is a meeting with Maria Lazic. She became his heroine love lyrics... Maria Lazic was gifted with a deep and subtle poetic feeling, knew poetry and understood it. She knew and loved Fet's poems. The poet could not help but appreciate this. “Nothing,” he wrote, referring to his relationship with Lazic, “brings us closer together like art in general — poetry in the broadest sense of the word. Such an intimate rapprochement is poetry in itself. "

    But their relationship ended tragically, many circumstances were the reason for this. After the tragic death of Maria Lazic, the poet is fully aware of love, love, unique and unique. Now he will remember all his life, talk and sing about this love - in high, beautiful, amazing verses. Already in his declining years in one of his best poems - "Alter Ejo" (Another (second) I (lat.) - Fet will say: ... that grass that is far away on your grave, Here in the heart, the older it is, the fresh ...

    “In these words,” the critic NN Strakhov believes, “young love, and death, and the long years lived after this death, and a distant grave, and an old heart, which has long become the grave of a loved one, a grave forever fresh, even forever fresh. The charm of this bold, but simple feeling, endless tenderness, which over the years is deeper, brighter, but burns, as in the first minute. "

    IV. Teacher's word.

    The poet's biography is primarily his poems. We have already partly talked about Fet's poems, but did not dwell on them in detail. This will be in the next two lessons.


    1. Prepare a retelling of the message based on the textbook.

    2. Learn 2 poems by heart (student's choice). The following verses are offered: “At dawn, you don’t wake her up ...”, “I came to you with greetings ...”, “Whisper, timid breath ...”, “What a night ...”, “The swallows are gone ...”, “I tell you I will not say anything ... ”.

    Creative debut- the first book "Lyric Pantheon" (1840), poems on the pages of the magazines "Moskvityanin" and "Otechestvennye zapiski". Delighted reviews of the works of Fet N.V. Gogol, V.G.Belinsky and Ap. Grigoriev.

    Military service.(The goal is to return the nobility and surname). Military service in the Kherson province, the poet subordinates the training of will and the development of unshakable perseverance to "instantaneous achievement of the goal by the shortest path."

    A cycle of poems about love.“In my soul, worn out for years ...”, “You suffered, I still suffer ...”, “The sun's ray between the limes was burning and high ...”, “I don't see any of your imperishable beauty ...”, “For a long time I dreamed of the screams of your sobs ... " and etc.

    Expressive reading poems.

    The poet dedicated most of his love poems to his beloved Maria Lazic, whom he met in 1848. But Fet did not marry the girl, as in marriage he saw "a significant obstacle to promotion." The poet did not suspect at all that after the death of Mary, when he reaches fame and all the heights of prosperity, the unexpected will happen: he will begin to tear himself from the happy present into the past, in which his beloved girl will forever remain.

    The prevailing tonality of Fet's love lyrics is tragic.

    Poems about nature. Collection "Evening Lights" - an extraordinary creative takeoff of A. A. Fet.

    A cycle of poems about nature: "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn", "Snow", "Sea". Dissolving into natural world plunging into its most mysterious depths, lyric hero Feta gains the ability to see beautiful soul nature.

    Expressive reading of poems about nature.

    Fet's prose works. From 1862 to 1871 in the magazines "Russian Bulletin", "Zarya" and others, two of Fet's largest prose cycles were published: "From the Village", "Notes on Free Hired Labor". This is "village" prose: the cycles consist of stories, essays, short stories. The main meaning of prose is to "defend" one's landlord economy and affirm the idea of ​​the superiority of hired labor. (Fet bought the Stepanovka estate in the Oryol province, then the Vorobyovka estate in the Kursk province, acquired a large house in Moscow, became a prudent owner and merchant.)

    Fet's poetry and prose are artistic antipodes. According to Fet, prose is the language of everyday life, and poetry is the life of the human soul and nature.

    The final stage Fet's poetry(1870-1892). "In the evening so golden and clear ..." (1886), "With one push to drive the boat alive ..." (1887), "Never" (1879), "The azure night looks at the mown meadow ..." (1892), etc.

    If earlier the poet found "peace of mind and delight in his poems, now she worries and torments him."

    Four collections "Evening Lights" (1883, 1885, 1888, 1891). All the lyrics of these collections are permeated with the feeling that the world is, as it were, "falling apart, having lost its" harmony. " More and more anxiety, pain and confusion appear in Fet's poems.

    Fet's translation activities... He translates poems of ancient poets, Goethe, Schiller, Heine, Byron, Shakespeare's tragedies, etc. He strives for accuracy in translations. “Of course, I am translating literally,” Fet writes in a letter to V. S. Solovyov.

    A. A. Fet - poet of "pure art"

    Fet constantly emphasized that poetry should not be associated with life, and the poet should not interfere in the affairs of everyday life, in his words, "the poor world."

    Thus, he did not touch upon issues of public life in his poems. Fet “could never understand that art was interested in anything other than beauty,” and advocated “pure art”. (as well as his associates in their views on art: V.P. Botkin, A.V. Druzhinin, Ya. P. Polonsky, A. N. Maikov, etc.). The poet strove to oppose art to reality. Turning away from the tragic sides of reality, from those issues that tormented his contemporaries, Fet limited his poetry to three themes: nature, love, art. The poet wrote:

    Inevitably, Into the world of aspirations,

    Passionately, affectionately admiration

    Hope, And prayers;

    Effortlessly feeling Joy

    With the splash of wings I do not want

    Fly in Your battles.

    Fet's poetry is the poetry of hints, guesses, omissions. His poems are lyrical miniatures, with the help of which he conveys "the subtle experiences of a person who is organically connected with nature."


    1. Answer the questions:

    1) What, in your opinion, is the unusualness of Fet's life and work?

    2) What amazed contemporaries in the character of the poet?

    3) What is the essence of the theory of "pure art"?

    4) What is the undying charm of Fet's poems?

    2. Memorize the poem you like, analyze it.

    3. Individual messages and assignments by topic:

    1) A. A. Fet - poet and musician.

    Pick up romances by Russian composers on the poems of Fet.

    2) Why were the poet's poems criticized? What parodies of Fet's poems do you know?

    Lesson 87

    Goals: to expand the students' understanding of Fet's work, of the artistic originality of his poetry; help high school students feel the poetic charm, melodiousness and musicality of most of Fet's texts; find out what amazed his contemporaries in the character of the poet, why Fet's poems caused a large number of controversies, parodies, ridicule; to form the skills of independent analysis of a lyric work.

    Visual aids: portrait of A. A. Fet; recording of romances and songs on the poet's verses.