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  • Confusion lyrics Tyutchev and Feta. Lyrical heroes. Music Dar A. Feta

    Confusion lyrics Tyutchev and Feta. Lyrical heroes. Music Dar A. Feta

    Two the greatest poet His era - Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev and Athanasiy Afanasyevich Fet. The contribution of these writers into the system of Russian poems is invaluable. In the work of them both you can find features inherent in many literary figures of that time. Perhaps that is why these two poets often compare. Meanwhile, both Tyutchev, and Feta has special, unique details and moods that you will not meet in the work of another.

    Among the similarities of two poets, it is possible to note how the inner world of lyrical heroes is described. Both Tyutchev, and Fet, pay more attention to the deepest spiritual experiences of a person, portraits of their lyrical heroes are very psychologically. In addition to psychologism, both poet use the reception of parallelism: the inner world, the mood of a person, his deep experiences and feelings are often reflected in nature.

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    Descriptions of nature itself at poets are also similar. They have the nature of the Bibolanov: she has a landscape and psychological side. This explains the use of parallelism: the description of the outside world, as it were, goes into the description of the emotions of the lyrical hero. Another similarity - motifs love lyrics. Tyutchev and Fet survived a terrible tragedy: Lost a loved one, and this loss was reflected in the nature of their love lyrics.

    Despite such a large number of similar features described above, Fetchev lyrics and Tyutchev, there are quite a lot of differences in their work. Feta lyrics are more than a descriptive landscape subject, while the poems of Tyutchev have a philosophical character (although he has enough landscape poems). Attitude towards life in poems of poets also varies: Fet is enthusiastic with life, and Tyutchev perceives it as being. Poets perceive nature in different ways: for Tyutchev, nature is a huge world, in the face of which a person becomes powerless, and Fet perceives it as a living being living in absolute harmony with man. Various and "technical" side of poems. Fets in large quantities uses syntactic means of expressiveness, especially often it occurs a composite repeat. Tyutchev more often applies allegorical trails, especially the metaphor and its varieties.

    So, despite the large number of similarities found, it is impossible to lose sight of the huge reservoir differences between the lyrics of Feta and Tyutchev. The poets lived in one epoch, one society influenced on them and even some facts of biography are similar, so it is not to be surprised that there are some similar motives in their work. But at the same time Fet and Tyutchev are independent creative personalitiescapable of creating something original and unique, putting into this part of his soul.

    Updated: 2018-02-18

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    1. 1. Poetry of "pure art". A. A. Fet, F. I. Tyutchev 1. Features of poetry "pure art" 2. The main topics of poetry of "pure art" 3. Poetry A. A. Feta 4. Poetry F. I. Tyutchev 1. Features of the poetry of "pure art" features 1 poetry of hints, guessing, defaults. 2 poems do not have the plot: lyrical miniatures are not transmitted by thoughts and feelings, but the "bat" mood of the poet. 3 Art should not be associated with life. 4 The poet should not interfere in the affairs of the poor world. 5 This is poetry for chosen. 2. The main topics of the poetry of "pure art" Love nature Art lyrics is distinguished by the wealth of shades: tenderness and spiritual heat. Imagery, non-traditional comparisons, epithets; Purpose of nature, finding an otzok to their moods and feelings. Singness and musicality. 3. Poetry A. A. Feta Nature in poems poems: the time of year as presented in the works of Russian spring with fluffy versions, the first valley, asking sunlight, with translucent leaves of blossomed birch, bees, captivating "in every soul lilac cliff", cranes, Screaming in the steppe Russian summer with sparkling burning air, blue, twisted with a haze, golden overflows of converging rye under the wind,
    2. 2. A lilac sunset smoke, aroma of beveled flowers over the fading steppe Russian autumn with a motley forest skewers, birds stretching in the distance or fluttering in a light-free bushes, herds on the outstanding junctions of the Russian winter running distant sleigh on a shiny snow, the game of dawn on a birch-lined birch, frost patterns on Double window glass of the phenomenon of nature, A. A. Feta is described in more detail, appear more specific than its predecessors. In verses, Fet describes not only the traditional advantages that have received the usual symbolic color, as an eagle, nightingale, swan, larks, but also, like Lun, Owl, Chernysh, Kulik, Chibis, Streach, and DR, and each bird is shown in its originality. Comparison of poetry about nature in Feta and Nekrasov Nature is only an object of artistic delight, aesthetic pleasure, detached from the thought of the relationship of nature with human needs and human labor. Nature is closely related to human labor, with what she gives a person. Features of landscape lyrics The desire to fix changes in nature; Observations on changes in nature are constantly grouped and perceived as fenological signs; Image of more private, shorter and more specific seasons; Accuracy and clarity makes Feta landscapes strictly local: As a rule, these are landscapes of the central regions of Russia. Fet likes to describe exactly a certain time of day, signs of this or that weather, the beginning of a phenomenon in nature. What brings the poetry of Feta with impressionism? 1 Looking in front of pure beauty 2 deliberate beautifulness, even banality. 3 Permanent use of such epithets as "magic", "gentle", "sweet", "wonderful", "caressing" 4 desire to pass the subject in fragmentary, instantly fixing
    3. 3. Each feeling of strokes 5 poet is interested not so much the subject as the impression produced by Fet says: "For the artist, the impression that caused the work is more expensive than the thing itself, which caused this impression." What is nature in feta poems? Sound Autumn Days First Spring Flower Tomitative Middle Russian Noon Short Northern Night Plach Mosquito Willhole Call of Korostal Fet About Creativity: "The poet who in the subject sees the fact that no one will see without his help." "The whole world from beauty." "It is impossible to sing before eternal beauty, not to praise, not pray" 4. Poetry F.I. Tyutcheva Features of poetry F.I. Tyutcheva's creativity of Tyutchev is inherent in the living sense of infinity and eternity as reality, and not some distracted, abstract categories. Tyutchev is a discoverer of new figures in poetry. The scale of poetic Associations Tyutchev is amazing. The most bright "double being" by the splitting of the human soul is expressed in the love lyrics of Tyutchev. Love Lyrics What is love? "Suicide" "Bliss and Hopelessness" "Fatal Fatal" "Lustful Studded Passion" is the element of the poems included in the "Denisyevsky cycle"
    4. 4. "All day she lay in forgetting ..." An inevitable fading beloved: "And all her shadows covered" against the background of the summer riotiness of nature: Leed warm rain - his jets on the leaves were cheerful. "Gemini" the motive of death is not safely intertwined with the motive of love: and who in excess sensations when boiling and swells blood, did not lead your temptations - suicide and love. The "predestination" of Tyutchev looked at such depths, into such the abyss of the human soul, like no one before him: love, love - says a dedication - the union of the soul with the soul of the native - their unity, a combination, and their fatal merge, and ... a sediment. A.A. Fet "Learn from them - Oak, Bereza" poem is written in 1883. A. A. Fet has expanded the possibilities of a poetic image of reality, showing the internal connection of the nature of the nature and the world of a person, an animation of nature, creating landscape paintings, reflecting in the entire fullness of the human soul. And it was a new word in Russian poetry. Landscape at A. A. Feta is not self-fed, he reveals the life of the soul. "The originality of Feta," one of the researchers of its poetry N. N. Skhatov comes to the conclusion, - it is that the human human humanity is found with human nature. " "Human" and "natural" in some poems A.A. Feta or merge together, or, developing in parallel, strive for unity. The laws of nature, according to A. A. Fethu, undoubtedly public ideas, and the poet must remember it. In the poem "Learn from them - in Du Ba, in Birch ..." Nature is an example of an instructive persistence for a person: "Learn from them - Du Ba, from Birch. / Circle Winter. Cool time! / In vain on them, tears were frozen, / and cracked, squeezed, bark. " Here and the reproach, and the lesson to a person suffering: "They stand, silent; Silence and you! " And further: "But believe in the spring. It will be asked for a genius, / again warm and breathe breathe, / for clear days, for new revelations / a downgraded soul. " F.I. Tyutchev "Not that Manti You, Nature ..." In the well-known poem "Not that, Chemnitev, Nature ..." (Non-Proper Paul 1836) Lyrical Thought FI. Tyutchev is the closest of natural philosophyteishelling. This would be a polemically passionate performance of anti-published waxed sofa. Essay of the city of Heine "Romantic School" (1,833) and "CystoryIligiy of the Philosophy of Germany", where the famous Nutrofiyuchellling, NIA for the poetry "Shelngians" Novis and Hoffmann, claiming that "Once to wait for their behavior of Delon Criticism, and the doctor." "Not that, you know, nature: / not blind, not a soulless face - / it has a soul, there is freedom in it, there is love in it, there is a language in it. .. ". The conviction in the universal spirituality of nature of the Master is pronounced pronounced
    5. 5. In this poem - a peculiar manifest of naturophilosophical poetry F. I. Tyutchev. Essay Gaine is only a reason, the addressees of the poem - people who are indifferent to nature, seeing only "cast", "soulless lyrics" in it, which are not able to understand her "language". In the poem of F. I. Tyutchev, we are not confronted with romantic metaphorization of psychologization. Rods, but with the spiritualization of it.

    "Athanasius Fet" - Goncharov. Over time, the owner of Feta has expanded - he acquired two more estates. The girl burned down from the disinterested match on the dress. In the economy of the exchanging barrina there was own mill and equestrian plant. Athanasius Fet. Spouses settled in Moscow. From 1883 If you please the morning of you, the Russian poet Lirik, the translator, the memoist.

    "Lessons for the work of Feta" - in the hall stood a piano. - What feelings and thoughts cause you creativity A.Feta? Reflection. "The magic of sounds in the work of A.A.Fethe". What is the theme of poem? Athanasius Afanasyevich approached me and asked to repeat ... How much time passes in the poem? What impressions did you have after the lesson?

    "Fet of love" - \u200b\u200bhere Fet, a big connoisseur of beautiful ladies, met and made friends with the sisters of Lazich - Elena and Maria. In the famous Fetovo "evening lights" there are piercing lines about Mary, that, dying, thought about her beloved: "And even though life is destined without you, but we are with you, we cannot separated us ...".

    "Poet Fets" - so splashes on a crimson azure moth. The death of Feta was also strange. Lyrical revelations feta dedicated to Mary, the best in the work of the poet. Maria Petrovna Botkova. "Contemporary". Lazic died tragically under mysterious circumstances. Soon Fetu had to leave for a time.

    "Fet" - 1820 - 1892. Maria Petrovna was Nekrasiva and she was already 28 years old. M. P. Pogodin. But the wedding of Feta and Maria Botkin took place. Biography. Military service. "Contemporary". Collections "Evening lights" and translations. Purchase of estates. Newly spouses settled in Moscow. About literature ... There he met the daughter of a rich Moscow chain riggy Maria Petrovna Botkin.

    "Fetal biography" - personification? What is a verse? Comparison? Brain Ring. What is the meaning of the comparison of Korshun and a person? What kind of verse size do you know? Athanasius Afanasyevich Fet. Metaphor? Topic: Poet-landscape A. A. Fet. Parents A.A.Fethe. Biography page. "Fir sleeve me fleeing a path ...". Poem F. I. Tyutchev "Leaves".

    Questions and tasks for comparable analysis

    1. What are these poems? Are there an allegorical subtext?

    3. How did the poetic concept of the world of Tyutchev and the world of Feta reflected in each of the poems?

    4. Remove the features of the artistic form of each poem. What poetic meaning can be noted at the same time?

    5. Compare vocabulary, syntax, poetic intonation of poems. Make conclusions about the similarity and difference of feelings and images of these poems.

    6. Make conclusions about the main features of the poetic style of Tyutchev and Feta, manifested in these poems.

    At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher, together with the class, makes up a generalizing table, which is written in notebooks.

    Features of the poetic style Tyutchev and Feta

    Tyutchev Fet
    The philosophical character of lyrics, the thought in which is always merged with the image. Poet's desire to comprehend the life of the Universe and the place of a person in it, comprehend the secrets of space and human being The tragic nature of lyrics, dominant feeling - voltage. However, light and optimism inherent feta poetry. Dialectics of tragedy and joy, overcoming dramatic situations with a sense of harmony of the world
    Life, according to Tyutchev, is the confrontation of hostile forces. But the drama of the perception of reality is combined with inexhaustible love to all its manifestations. Love, by Tyutchev, it is almost always a tragedy leading to hopelessness and death, but it is love that gives a man the greatest spiritual takeoff, a feeling of happiness Life in verses Feta - MiG, enshrined in eternity. Beauty in his verses is overcome suffering, joy extracted from pain. Love is also a manifestation of the original beauty and harmony of the world who help a person climb over everyday life, find the point of support for mental gusts
    Human "I" in relation to nature is not a drop in the ocean, but two equal inability. The invisible movements of the human soul are consonant with a visible dialectic of nature. Day and ordinary life are covers that hide the primordial chaos of the world visible at night. The man's soul is initially also chaos. Imprisionist character of the senses, their fragmentation and limit image. At the same time, the strict artistic structure of poems, their internal balance is combined with a sense of sketchiness, deliberate overannance
    The lyrics-shaped system combines subject realities of the outside world and subjective impressions of this world produced on the poet. Mastery in the image of the harmony of subject realities of the world of external and depth of the world of internal Unexpected and bright colors, sounds, smells of the world are created by an increased metaphoricity of poems, dynamism and musicality of artistic images. The mood prevails over the thought, the thought is "dissolved" in the music, which also has a manifestation of beauty
    The skill of the poet in the creation of phonetic and picturesque images, a combination of sounding with an unexpected palette of paints, color images Mastery in the use of parallelism, repetition, periods, rhythmic pauses, wealth and depth of poetic intonation, sound instrumentation

    Themes of the Works on the lyrics of Tyutchev and Feta

    1. Is it possible to hear in the lyrics of Tyutchev "Baying of the Soul" of the poet?

    2. What is the dialectic of nature and inner world man in lyrics Tyutchev?

    3. What is the "bliss and hopelessness" of the last love in the lyrics of Tyutchev?

    4. How did it reflected in the lyrics of Tyutchev his historical and political views?

    5. How did Tyutchev's philosophical views manifested themselves in the landscape lyrics?

    6. Why does the lyrical hero of Tyutchev love "murderous"?

    7. Color and sound in Tyutchev lyrics.

    8. Unity of Chaos and Space in Tyutchev's poetry.

    1. Civilization and fate of Russia in the work of Tyutchev.

    2. "The edge of a native long-suffer ..." (according to the lyrics of Tyutchev).

    3. "My mind is not understood ..." (according to the lyrics of Tyutchev).

    4. My favorite poem Tyutchev (Feta): perception, interpretation, evaluation.

    5. What is the "poetic audacity" Feta lyrics?

    Fyodor Tyutchev was older Afanasia feta for seventeen years. The difference in age, the places they visited and in which they lived, put the imprint on the works of the Great Russian lyrics, who managed to give their thoughts and experience in poetic form. Mass readers-contemporaries were cold enough to their poetry, and only time put everything in their place. These two geniuses are close to a trembling attitude towards and love. Let's make a comparison of Tyutchev and Feta.

    Uniqueness of poetry F.I. Tyutchev

    Fyodor Ivanovich wrote a little more than four hundred poems. divides them for three periods. We will limit ourselves to the analysis of works, where the life of nature is reflected with its deep philosophical subtext, and love lyrics. A comparison of Tyutchev and Feta in these areas of poetry shows the difference in the captivating grace of "pure art" A. Feta and the fullness of thoughts and genuine, although pieces, expressions of feelings in F. Tyutchev.

    Living in Nice after the death of E. Denysheva, who he hardly experienced, the poet writes the gross poem, in which he compares his life with a bird, which is broken wings. She, seeing the bright shine of the south, his serene life, wants and cannot rise. And the whole she "trembles from pain and besis." In eight rows we see everything: the bright nature of Italy, the brilliance of which is not happy, but anxious, the unfortunate bird, which is no longer destined to fly, and a person who is experiencing her pain, as his personal. Comparing Tyutchev and Feta, also surviving personal drama, it is simply impossible here. They speak Russian, but in different languages.

    The poem of the "Russian woman", which consists of two stuff, is relevant today.

    It is briefly outlined by its colorless and no one needed existence on endless, deserted, unnamed expanses. The lyrical hero compares her life with a cloud of smoke, which gradually disappears on the dim foggy autumn sky.

    And what about love? It is only analyzed. The poem "Summer 1854" at the beginning is permeated with delight, the witchcraft of love, which was given by the two "neither from this". But looking at the "disturbing eyes." Why and where does such joy come from? Does not know how to take a rational mind. We need to get to the truth. According to the lyrical hero, this is only a demonic eye ...

    F. Tyutchev is a subtle psychologist, and for whatever the topic he takes, it will definitely be before us throughout the greatness of genius.

    Music Dar A. Feta

    A comparison of Tyutchev and Feta shows that for whatever the picture both the poet be taken, it will necessarily affect the face of nature or love, often intertwined together. Only A. Feta is more than the thrill of life, state transitions. The poet opens the world and its beauty before us, very accurately reproducing them and improving human nature. "May night" - a poem, which L. Tolstoy immediately learned by heart.

    Here and the picture of the night sky with melting clouds, and the promise of love and happiness on Earth, which is achievable only in heaven. In general, with all the disministered musicality, Fet came to the joyful, almost pagan perception of being.

    Relationships of man and nature in two poets

    When comparing the lyrics of Tyutchev and Feta, it turns out that for Tyutchev there is no harmony between man and nature. He hardly tries to solve her eternal riddle, which this Sphinx may be, and not. Feta admires her beauty besides his will, she pours into it and splashes in the form of enthusiastic works on the sheets of paper.

    What does love mean for each of them

    Tyutchev believes that love is ruined by man. She is deprived of harmony. This element that suddenly comes and destroys the established life. It brings only suffering. A comparison of Tyutchev's poetry and feta shows that the latter and in the mature age are bright and enthusiastic paints to describe the flashing feeling: "Happiness is easily indulging."

    He remembers and forgets his youthful love for a minute, but it does not turn away from her tragedy in Alter Ego and believes that for true love there is a special court - it cannot be separated from his beloved.

    The world is the creation of the Creator. Both poet are trying to know the creator through nature. But if F. Tyutchev looks at the world by the tragic and philosophical look, then A. Fet, like a nightingale, sings the song of his incredit beauty.

    Browse material

    Browse material

    Purpose:make a comparative artistic analysis of poems of "pure art" poets F.I. Tyutcheva and A.A. Feta.


    Identification of fine-expressive means; Repetition of literary terminology (trails and stylistic figures, literary directions);

    Development of artistic taste;

    Education of love for artistic word.

    Equipment: Projector, multimedia presentation, text of poems, musical accompaniment.

    Course of classes.

    I.. Organizing time.

    II.. BiographyF.I. Tyutcheva and A.A. Feta. Messages of students accompanied by a multimedia presentation.

    1. Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev (1803 - 1873).The word teacher about The work of the poet.

    Pamyaty Tyutchev (1873)

    Neither at home simple chalk

    None in the noise of secular phrases and bustle of the salon

    We do not forget his, gray old man,

    With a smile eco, with a soul favorable!

    The lazy point was the path of life,

    But the thought hugged everything that I noticed on the way

    And before having a dream to relax,

    He was like a pigeon clean and like a baby leveled.

    Art, knowledge, events of our days, -

    All response faithful in it was inevitably,

    And the word thrown on the facts and people

    He put the brand eternal imposed casually ...

    Do you remember him in a circle of his friends?

    As the thoughts poured unexpected, alive,

    How we forgot about the sound of his speeches

    And the evening laughing, and the years lived!

    There was no malice in him. When he spoke

    Laughing life or century,

    Then my laugh with life with life Miril,

    And the bright face peeled us with a man!

    A. N. Apukhtin

    The poem of the city of F. T. T. belong to a few brilliant phenomena in the field of Russian poetry. G. F. T. wrote very little; But all written to them wears the printing of true and beautiful talent, often distinctive, always graceful, performed thoughts and genuine feelings ...

    The main advantage of the poems of the city of F. T. is alive, graceful, plasticly faithful image of nature. He really loves her, perfectly understands, he is available to the thinnest, elusive features and shades of it, and all this is perfectly reflected in his poems ...

    N. A. Nekrasov. Russian minor poets. 1850.

    In our eyes, as it is disappointing for the pride of contemporaries, Tyutchev, who belonged to the generation of the previous one, is decisively higher than all of his fellow in Apollo. Easy to indicate those separate qualities that are superior to its more gifted from the present poets: on captivating, although somewhat monotonous, the grace of feta, the energetic frequently dry and tough passion of non-Soskhov, on the right, sometimes cold painting Majkova; But on the same city, Tyutchev lies the seal of the great era to which he belongs and which is so bright and strongly expressed in Pushkin; In it, one notes that the proportionality of the talent with himself, the correspondence of him with the life of the author, "in a word, even part of the fact that in full development is the distinctive signs of great giving.<...>

    His talent, according to its very property, is not addressed to the crowd and not a review and approval waiting for her; In order to quite appreciate the city of Tyutchev, it is necessary to read the reader to be gifted by some kind of understanding, some flexibility of thought that remained too long celebrated.<...> Mr. Tyutchev can tell himself that he, in the expression of one poet, created a speech that was not destined to die, and for a true artist above such a consciousness there is no award.

    I. S. Turgenev. A few words about poems F. I. Tyutchev. 1854.

    Passionate love for life and constant anxiety, ultimately due to the tragic perception of real reality, is the basis of the Most Most of Tyutchev ...

    Tyutchev is a thought poet for the advantage.

    K. V. Pigarev. F. I. Tyutchev and his time. 1978.

    Athanasius Fet, who seen in Tyutchev "one of the greatest lyrics that existed on Earth", said with wonderful accuracy about the affecting twinnie, embodied in Tyutchevsky work:

    Yes, everyone who will enter the heart and intelligence in the lyrical world of Tyutchev, can not not hit this almost supernatural merge truly the universal power of the spirit and the ultimate refinement of the soul. The merging of these, it would seem uncomointed properties and determines, in particular, the indispensability and absolute value of Tyutchev's votes in the world lyrics.

    V.V. Kolinov. Tyutchev. 1988.

    Carefully read the above statements of famous poets, critics, literary critics about Tyutchev-artist and its poetry.

    What submission do you have to read these reviews about the person of the poet itself, his spiritual world?

    2. From the biography of the poet.

    After a long-long winter, when in the fields still "snow", and the first larks are already singing in the sky, they involuntarily remember familiar from childhood and such cute heart strings:

    Spring goes, spring goes -

    And quiet, warm May days

    Ruddy, light dance

    Walks fun behind her!

    Poet Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev wrote these verses over a hundred years ago, and we read them now, and it seems to us that only such simple, accurate and sincere words we can talk about the spring, about the first thunderstorms, about the transparent days of the "Autumn of the original" - about the native Russian nature.

    Tyutchev was born and grew up in the village, in the estate of his father near the village of Ostlag, Oryol province. Early learned he to love the nature and "breathe with the nature of one life", as he said later. When the boy went the tenth year, Teachers were invited to him - Semen Egorovich Raich. Rich was very attached to his student, and it was impossible not to love him. It was a gentle, calm, very talented boy. Rich - a man is well educated, the poet, the translator - the first awakened in his student the love of poetry. He taught him to understand the literature, encouraged his desire to write poems.

    In fifteen years, Tyutchev was already a student of Moscow University. At the eighteenth year, he finished the university perfectly and after a few months he went to the Russian Embassy abroad.

    Twenty-two years he lived in other people's edges, away from the homeland, but did not stop thinking about her, devote her poems. "I most loved the world in the world and poetry," wrote Tyutchev in one of the letters from Alien.

    But the poems of his tutechev almost did not print, and his name was unknown in Russia for a very long time. One day one of the friends of Tyutchev handed over to Pushkin's notebook of his poems. Pushkin poems really liked, and he printed them in the magazine "Contemporary", which then published.

    It was in 1836. Since then, the verses of Tyutchev began to appear in the "contemporary", which then dismissed throughout Russia. And they came out a separate book only in 1854. The book was small, modest; It had only a hundred poems, but they immediately spoke at once - these were beautiful poems there.

    Tyutchev left us a small literary inheritance - a little more three hundred poems. But, as the Poet of Afanasiy Afanasyevich Fet said rightly, a small book of verses Tyutchev was "volumes of heavyness hard."

    3. Creative path Athanasius Afanasyevich Feta (1820 - 1892).

    Poems captivating feta.


    Athanasius Afanasyevich Fet is an outstanding lirik XIX century, a talented publicist and translator. His verses admired N.A. Nekrasov and I.S. Turgenev, L.N. Tolstoy and M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin; A.A. The block considered Feta his teacher. P.I. Tchaikovsky highly appreciated the poet, who "managed to step into the area of \u200b\u200bmusic." On Feta Poems The largest Russian composers wrote a lot of magnificent romances: "The garden is all in bloom" (A. Arensky), "Fresh and soul your luxurious wreath" (N. Roman-Korsakov), "In the invisible smoke" (S. Taneyev) "I will not say anything to you ..." (P. Tchaikovsky), "At the dawn, you are not boudes ..." (A. Varlamov) and others.

    Very accurately said about the meaning of creativity A. A. Feta His contemporary - Poet A. Pearzhnikov:

    Shenshina Feta Memory

    He is in the world of dreams and dreams,

    Loving game rays and shadows,

    Noticed runaway

    Elusive sensations

    Lovely beauty.

    And let him in old summer

    Changed capricious names

    Then a publicist, the poet -

    Justice prose Shenshina

    Poems captivating feta.

    What is the "captivity" of feta poems? Why is his destiny called simultaneously and happy and sad?

    Poetic world feta

    The motives of the Feta are sometimes such thin ... one can say, the essential shades of feeling that there is no possibility to catch them in certain distinct features, and only you feel in that inner music perspective, which the poem leaves the reader in the soul ... and The very work, and the content of it has long been forgotten, but his melody mysteriously merged with the social life of our soul, walked up with our spiritual organism.

    V.P. Botkin. Russian literature. A. A. Fet. 1857.

    In the family of secondary Russian poets in Fetu undoubtedly belongs to one of the prominent places. His big half of his poems breathe in sickness sincerely, and his romances sobs almost all of Russia.<...> If with all this sincerity, with all the ease with which the poet conquers the hearts of readers, he still should be content with the modest share of a secondary poet, then the reason for this seems to us, which is that the world, whose poetic reproduction devoted himself to G. Fet, quite crazy, monotony and limited.

    M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Review of the collection of feta poems. 1863.

    Fets in the best minutes leaves the limits of these poetry, and boldly takes a step into our area.<...> This is not just a poet, but rather a poet musician, as if avoiding even such topics that are easy to express a word.

    P. I. Tchaikovsky - Konstantin] P [Omanov].

    Artistic creativity is the most amazing, the most incomprehensible, the most mysterious secret ... You crave to penetrate the secret of creativity<...> In the mysterious laboratory, in which the whole life phenomenon has implemented the sound, paint, stone alien to him. Torch to ask the artist who has not yet cooled over his inspirational labor. Alas! No answer! The secret of creativity for himself remained an impenetrable secret.

    A. A. Fet. Two letters about the meaning of ancient languages \u200b\u200bin our upbringing. 1867.

    In the lyrics of feta, it is precisely in its highest samples - almost no one-piece "objects" of artistic vision (and only "details" of these objects) are almost not recreated. In verses feta, we do not appear a certain natural world, relief human characters (including the nature of the lyrical hero, that is, ultimately the poet itself), weighty events. In the lyrics of the poet embodied, in essence, only the states and movements of the human spirit.

    V.V. Kolinov. Poetry and fate Athanasius Feta. 1981.

    As a fette poet, feta distinguishes lyrical tenderness and lyrical courage. He is gentle, as the morning awakening of the hotel, and dare, as the Duma, who saw the life of the sage. When entering the region of the very thin and mysterious, in the region of human experiences, Fet reveals their nature, gives a consistency of motivations, it feels that it is important for a thinker lyrics, it is premonish.<...>

    Ultimately, the main thing in Feta poetry is its high humanity. Modern Russian lyrics experienced the unconditional influence of Feta, which is mentioned, above all, the work of various poets, as well as their recognition.

    L. A. Ozers. "The fact that forever, is humane." 1995.

    What are your estimates closer to your impression of familiarity with Feta Poet? Motivate your opinion.

    Start of life path. Afanasiy Afanasyevich Fet (1820-1892). Feta mother, Carolina Charlotte Feth, in 1820 left Germany with Russian Nobleman Afanasius Neophyptic Schieshin. Soon, Athanasius was born, whom Shenshin adopted. The present father of the future poet - Johann Fet - an official who served in the court of Darmstadt. For these reasons, the Orlovsky spiritual consistory has redeemed the future poet from the genus Sheenshin. The last name and the noble rank was taken away. The short surname of Feth brought it to the owner of the "most severe moral torture" (the surname of Fet blister and began to sound like Fet).

    The poet puts the goal - to return to the noble Lono Sheenshin - and with fantastic perseverance is achieved. (From 1873 to resolve Alexander II, Fet becomes nobleman Sheenshin.)

    Education. He studied in the German city of Vero in the boarding house, began to compose poems.

    In the autumn of 1838, Fet became a student of the verbal branch of Moscow University. Eighteen-year-old Athanasius began to write verses uncontrollably and met Apollo Grigoriev, also a student who was sorry for poems. Friends together prepared for printing the first "student" collection of poems Feta, who came out under the initials "A. F. ". Already the next collection appeared in the magazine under the name "A. Fet.

    Literary criticians believe that the letter "E" has become "E" in the name of the poet for the fault of a typewriter.

    The University of Fet graduated in 1844. He did not hide her poetic passion, on the contrary, it sought to gain popularity.

    Creative debut - Collection "Lyrical Pantheon" (1840). Poems on the pages of magazines "Moskvatikyn" and "Patriotic Notes". The poet, according to Feta, is a crazy and an innumerable person who does not have a suitable "divine nonsense." But the poems of Feta, this "divine nonsense", made an indelible impression on N. V. Gogol and V. G. Belinsky.

    Military service. Feta return the noble title and surname. Military service In the Kherson province, the poet uses to train the will and the development of unshakable perseverance to achieving the goal by the shortest way. Serves firmly and consistently.

    The cycle of love poems. Most poems of love poet devoted to his beloved Maria Lazich, who met in 1848. But Fet did not marry a girl, because in marriage I saw a "substantial obstacle in promotion." At all, I did not suspect the poet that after the death of Mary, when he reaches fame and all the heights of well-being, there will be an unforeseen: he will turn away from the happy real in the past, in which his beloved girl remained forever. The prevailing tonality of love lyrics feta is tragic.

    Poems about nature. Collection "Evening lights" - an extraordinary creative takeoff A. A. Feta.

    The cycle of poems "On Nature", "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn", "Sea". Dissolving B. natural world, plunging into the most mysterious depths, the lyrical hero Feta acquires the ability to see beautiful soul Nature.

    Feta entails nature in its variability, constant change of states, and it rejoices to every small, "momentary" manifestation of life, which will be different in a moment. It is attracted by the uniqueness and trepacy of these moments.

    Prose art feta. From 1862 to 1871 In the magazines "Russian Bulletin", "Zarya" and others were published by two largest prose food cycles of Feta: "From the village", "Notes on Wolnonamed Labor." This is a "rustic prose": cycles consist of stories, essays, novel. The main meaning of prose is "defense" of its landlord and the approval of the thought of the advantage of a volincan labor.

    Poetry and prose Feta are artistic antipodes. According to Feta, Prose is an ordinary life, and poetry is the life of the human soul and nature.

    Final stage of feta poetic creativity (1870-1892). If earlier the poet in his verses found "peaceful calm and mustard, now she worries him and torment."

    Four collections "Evening lights" (1883, 1885, 1888, 1891). The whole lyrics of these collections permeated with the feeling that the world seems to be "disintegrating into parts", losing "harmony". More and more anxiety, pain and confusion appears in verses feta.

    "In the evening such a golden and clear" (1886), "To bend the live luck with one shock" (1887), "Never" (1879), "Night azure looks at the beveled meadow ..." (1892).

    Translation activities. Fet translates antique poets, as well as the works of Goethe, Schiller, Heine, Bairon, the tragedy of Shakespeare and others. In translations tends to accuracy. "Of course, I'm translated literally," Fet writes in a letter V.S. Solovyov.

    A. A. Fet - Poet of "Clean Art". Fet constantly stressed that poetry should not be associated with life, and the poet should not "talk", to intervene in everyday affairs, according to his expression, "poor world."

    Thus, the issues of public life in their poems he did not touch. Fet "I could never understand that art is interested in anything, in addition to beauty," and performed a defender of "pure art" (as well as his like-minded people on art: V. P. Botkin, A. V. Druzhinin, Ya. P . Polonsky, A. N. Maikov and others). The poet sought to oppose the art of reality. Dispubable from the tragic aspects of reality, from those questions that painfully worried his contemporaries, Fet has limited his poetry by themes:

    a) homeland; b) nature; c) love; d) poet and poetry (art).

    Themes of the Motherland and Nature are "inseparable." Fet was able to "think" Russian nature, find in her szvuk his moods.

    Love in the Feta image - personification and sadness, and distillation, and easy joy. Love Lyrics is characterized by the wealth of shades, tenderness and spiritual warmth.

    Feta has many poems of art, about the role of the poet and poetry: "To drive his lively smoke with one shock ...", "on a stack of hay night southern ..." and others. Art, according to the poet, should not be associated with life. The poet wrote:


    In the world of aspirations

    Passionately, gentle


    And prayers;


    Joy sick

    With splash wilad

    I do not want


    Your battles.

    Indeed, Feta poetry is the poetry of hints, guessing, defaults. Poems are a lyrical miniature, with the help of which the poet conveys "hardly catchy experiences of a person organically associated with nature."

    What amazed contemporaries in the actions and character of Feta?

    Duality: Fet - the penetrated lyrics and a fan of beauty in all its manifestations, and Feta is a cruel and calculating owner, a fierce defender of landlord interests.

    III. Comparative analysis of poems F.I. Tyutcheva and A.A. Feta. Landscape lyrics.

    F. Tyutchev

    Autumn evening

    there is In the lightness of autumn evenings

    Ominent, mysterious charm;

    Sinister Glitter and Stretto trees,

    Bagry Leaves tomny, light rustle,

    Misty and quiet azure

    Above the sad-haired earthy

    And, as a premonition of converging storms,

    Gusty, cold wind pore

    Damage, exhaustion - and all

    That meek Wildwing smile

    What is essential we call

    Divine Aspectable suffering. 1830.

    A. Fet.

    I came To you with greetings

    Tellthat the sun Help,

    That it hot Light

    On sheets fucked;

    Tellthat forest woke up,

    All woke up, branch each,

    Each bird embedded

    And spring full of thirst;

    TellWith the same passion

    Like yesterday, came I am again

    That the soul is still happiness

    And you serve ready;

    TellWhat is everywhere

    For me fun feet,

    what i do not know myself, that will

    Sing - But only the song ripen.

    What is common between these poems (theme, the main idea, Paphos, main artistic reception)?

    These poems binds general artistic techniques - psychological parallelism. Both works include landscape sketches, but very different, and not only because Tyutchev writes about autumn, and Fet about spring or summer.

    In each of these poems one sentence. Tyutchev has a single, holistic picture of the wilting of nature. Nature Description is enriched with multiple epithets. It is epithets that create a solemn and tragic image of autumn. The lyrical hero of Tyutchev, admiring the beauty of autumn wilting, likes him to human suffering. In the last line, the shame of the suffering of a person is named divine. The suffering of man is as majestically as sad changes in God's world. The lyrical hero looks at the world from the side, it observes, analyzes and compares the phenomena of life.

    One poem is replete with epithets (highlight them), Other - verbs (what are these verbs? Why is one verb repeated several times?). What effect does it create?

    Interestingly, in the poem of Tyutchev, only two verbs, one of which is imperceptible, insignificant - there. The second - call - sums up, calls, records the meaning of the said. The poem is written in the form of Elegy - to think about the autumn and suffering is always sad, and for reflections, the interlocutor is not needed.

    In which poem, the lyrical hero participates in a shared life on Earth, and in what - as if looking from the part?

    Try to color poems, paying attention to words having your color. Which poems are more color and why? How is it related to the content of the text?

    What poem is written in the form of a message (appeal to another person), and what - in the form of Elegy (sad reflection)? Why is this form that elected?

    Comparing these poems, we see the amazing poetic skill of two Russian poets. Using as the main reception, psychological parallelism, referring to the pictures of nature, Fet creates a picture of the state of the lyrical hero in unity with the state of nature. His lyrical hero is part of God's World. Tyutchev uses pictures of nature for comparison with a person's condition at all. It is not by chance that there is no pronouns in the poem. There are us, that is, people at all. Tyutchev's lyrical hero - observer, analyst, thinker.

    2. Comparative analysis of poems F. Tyutcheva and A. Feta. Love lyrics.

    Before you the texts of two poems. Read them carefully, compare, then write down your observations.

    What unites these poems? To answer this question, mark the words: the words denoting time; descriptions (landscape, portrait); Feelings, feelings of the lyrical hero, condition, feelings of the girl.

    What images and how created in the poem of Tyutchev ( female image, image of a lyrical hero, landscape, time)?

    What relationship is associated with a lyrical hero and a girl? Is it important?

    What is the purpose of the poet persistently draws attention to the signs of a fading day?

    Compare the epithets used in the first two lines of the third stanza.

    What is this antithesis used for?

    What sorts formulated the main thought of the poem?

    What mood (pathos) is imbued with?

    What can be said about the lyrical hero of the poem?

    What image in the poem is dominant (the most important)?

    What images and how to be created with fet (female image, image of a lyrical hero, landscape, time)?

    Which one is dominant (dominant)?

    What paphos is the poem?

    Compare the results of the analysis of poems and conclude about the features of the lyrics of two poets.

    F. Tyutchev

    I remember gold,

    I remember the heart of a cute edge.

    Day evening; We were two

    Below, in the shadow, noisy Danube.

    And on the hill, where, whites,

    Ruin Castle in the distance Looks,

    You stood, mladia fairy,

    On mossy leaning granite,

    Faby Faby Casana

    Pile of piles of century;

    And the sun was slow, saying goodbye

    With hill, and castle, and you.

    And evening a quiet mime

    Your clothes playing

    And with wild apple trees color

    On the shoulders of young swept.

    You looked carelessly in the distance ...

    The edge of the sky is smoky Gas in the rays;

    Travel day; Legging sang

    River in foal shores.

    And you are with the cheerfulness of careless

    Happy accompanied day;

    And sweet life speed

    The shadow flew over us.

    A. Fet.

    When my dreams beyond past days

    Will find you again for the foggy smoky

    I cry sweet like a jew

    At the turn of the land promised.

    I'm not sorry for children's games, I'm not sorry for the quiet dreams,

    You so sweet and hurts perturbed

    In those days, I compiled first love

    On the rebellion of the feelings of restless

    On the compression of the hand, by refleech,

    Accompanied by her sighs, then laughter

    On the ropot of simple insignificant speeches,

    Only to us sounding passion echo.

    Both of these poems are the memories of the happy past associated with the way the girl. And this is perhaps the only thing about their relatives.

    In the poem of Tyutchev a large place (four and a half of the six stanza) is given to the description: landscape and portrait. The place, season and time of the day are accurately designated. The picture of the pictorial, but the lyrical hero seems to be admiring it from the side, and we do not know what relationships it is connected with his young companion, yes, it is apparently, and it does not matter: the hero's feelings are not named, and the girl's feelings are not happy about that in love Or Kakenets with a hero, - she is just very young.

    All poem built on antithesis: high shore - at the bottom of the river, at the top there is still the sun - at the bottom of the shore, century-old stones - infant leg of the girl. River, stones, sky - all this exists a doom. The human life is short and fleeing, her joy goes as fast as the sun goes beyond the horizon, as an apple tree bold and shuffled.

    In the poem, three time plan: a fixed "golden time" of this meeting on the banks of the Danube, a fixed current ("I remember") - the time of memories and imperceptibly flying time, the frequency of which feels a lyrical hero.

    The main thought of the poem is formulated in the last two lines. Remembering the events of a distant fading day on the shore of the Danube, the lyrical hero with sadness thinks about the frequency of human life. The image of the time dominates in the poem. The motives of love, Nature Tyutchev are necessary for philosophical reflection about life at all.

    In the first stroke of the feta poem, two time plan: past and present. The gap between them is reinforced by the biblical motive in comparison. Everything else is the memories of the feelings donated to the lyrical hero of the first love. Fet - impressionist, poet sensation.

    3. O.the relationship of love lyrics Nekrasova, Pushkin, Tyutchev, Feta.

    "Clip Consciousness" is a mad pace, changing bright frames, fixing individual pictures to create a general impression. Let's make "speak" with the help of several poems at once.

    Artistic analysis of poems

    A. S. Pushkin

    Burned letter

    Farewell, letter of love! Goodbye: She ordered ...

    How long I slow me! how long didn't want

    Hand betray all my joys! ..

    But fully, an hour has come. Gori, letter of love.

    I am ready; My soul is not a member.

    Already the flame of the greedy sheets of your acceptance ...

    A minute! .. flashed! flaw - light smoke,

    After seeing, my mole is lost.

    Already robustly losing an impression

    Melted surgucho boils ... about the providence!

    It happened! Darks curled sheets;

    On a light ash, their cherished features

    White ... my chest shoved. Ashes cute

    Poor poor in my dull fate

    Stay a century with me on a sore chest ... 1825

    1. Retell a poem. What event passes the author?

    2. How many in it acting persons? Through what words and images are they transmitted?

    3. What mood is accompanied by a poem?

    F.I. Tyutchev

    She was sitting on the floor

    And piles of letters disassembled,

    And, like cooled ash,

    He took them in hand and threw.

    Brew familiar sheets

    And wonderfully so looked at them,

    How souls look from height

    On them abandoned body ...

    Oh, how much life was here,

    Non-reflective experienced!

    Oh how many sorrowful minutes

    Love and joy killed! ..

    I stood silently aside

    And the mouth was ready on his knees,

    And terribly sad to me,

    As from the inherent cute shadow. 1858.

    ON THE. Nekrasov

    About the letter of a woman, we are cute!

    From you delight there is no number,

    But in the future soul sad

    Prepare you more evil.

    When the flame of passion goes out

    Or listen to you

    Prudent of strict power

    And say the feeling: alas!

    Give her her sent

    Theory:Features of the poetic style Tyutchev and Feta

    Tyutchev Fet
    The philosophical character of poetry, the thought in which is always merged with the way. In Poets, Tyutchev seeks to comprehend the life of the universe, comprehend the secrets of space and human being The tragic character of lyrics, the dominant feeling - voltage, at the same time inherent in feta light and optimism. Dialectics of tragedy and joy, overcoming dramatic situations with a sense of harmony of the world
    Life is the confrontation of hostile forces. Dramatic of the perception of reality in combination with inexhaustible love for life Beauty in his verses is overcome suffering, joy extracted from pain. Life in verses Feta - MiG enshrined in eternity
    The human "I" in relation to nature is not a drop in the ocean, but two equal inability. Internal, invisible movements of the human soul are consonant with visible dialectics of nature phenomena Imprisionist character of the senses, their fragmentation and limit image. Strict artistic structure of poems, their internal equilibrium and feeling of sketchiness, deliberate overannance
    The lyrics-shaped system combines subject realities of the outside world and subjective impressions of this world produced on the poet. Mastery in the image of the harmony of subject realities of the world of external and depth of the world of internal Increased metaphoricity of poetry, dynamism and musicality of artistic images. The predominance of mood over thought, the thought "dissolved" in music
    The skill of the poet in the creation of phonetic and picturesque images, a combination of sounding with an unexpected palette of paints, color images Mastery in the use of parallelism, repetition, periods, rhythmic pauses, wealth and depth of poetic intonation, sound instrumentation

    Tasks: Read the poems of F. Tyutchev "More Land Pelennen View ..." And poem A. Feta "More Spring Surroundless Nega ..." and write a comparative analysis of these works according to plan:

    · Refill the features of the artistic form of each poem. What poetic meaning can be noted at the same time?

    · What are these poems? Are there an allegorical subtext?

    · Compare vocabulary, syntax, poetic intonation of poems.

    · Make conclusions about the similarity and difference of feelings and artistic images of these poems.

    · Make conclusions about the main features of the poetic style of Tyutchev and Feta, manifested in these poems.

    Independent work number 16.

    Topic: N.A.Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia." Moral issues of the poem.

    Theory: Textbook Yu.V. Lebedeva "Literature. Grade 10. Part 1 ", p. 134 - 15.

    Forms of the development of the plot.


    1. Read the article by the textbook on the poem "Who lives well in Russia" p. 134 - 157 and excerpts from the poem in the textbook to the textbook on page 390. Orally prepare answers to questions.

    1. What role in the plolog is played by a composite poem?

    2. What thoughts and feelings give rise to a description of the peasants in a fabulous forest?

    3. Tell us about the meeting of the peasants with Pop, landlord, about Yermile Girin. Find the lines in which each of them includes the ideal of happiness.

    4. As presented in the text of the landowner Russia?

    Independent work number 17.

    Topic: A. K. Tolstoy. Overview of creativity.

    Theory: tutorial.V. Lebtedyev "Literature. Grade 10. Part 2, p. 184 - 199

    Options for tasks.

    Perform one option:

    1. Prepare a report on the life and work of A. K. Tolstoy

    2. Match the poem A. K. Tolstoy "You know the edge ..." with the poem M. Yu. Lermontov "Motherland"

    Independent work number 18.

    Topic: Poetry lesson A. Mikes, and Grigoriev, Ya. Polonsky

    Theory: Tutorial.V. Lebtedyev "Literature. Grade 10. Part 2".

    Tasks: Prepare a message about creativity is one of the poets (A. Maikov, A. Grigoriev, Ya. Polonsky), to learn by heart one poem.

    Independent work number 19.

    Topic: F.M.Dostoevsky. Essay of life and creativity.

    Theory: Textbook Yu.V. Lebedeva "Literature. Grade 10. Part 2, p. 216 - 225.

    The task.

    Read the theoretical material of the textbook (Yu.V. Lebedev Literature. Grade 10. Part 2) on page 216 - 225 and make abstract According to the following theses:

    1) the debut of the writer;

    2) Dostoevsky and Circle of Petrashevsky;

    3) Dostoevsky at Katorga;

    4) Dostoevsky and the problem of faith;

    5) Basic works of Dostoevsky.

    Independent work number 20.

    Topic: F.M.Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". Bunks Skolnikov - Causes and Results. Theory " strong personality"And its refutation in the novel.


    Theory "Napoleonism" comes down to the formula: "Freedom and power, and most importantly - power!" In the novel of Dostoevsky, Napoleon's name is mentioned several times. Interest in Him in Russia 60s is not accidental. The development of bourgeois relations exacerbates social contradictions leading to the impoverishment of broad masses. The search for ways to transform society leads to the birth of all sorts of theories, including the ideas of a "strong personality", capable of submitting people to themselves and turn them into a tool to achieve their goals.

    Territory theory It occurs on this historical soil. He sees suffering simple manIt understands that the reason for them is in social injustice. What to do? To terms come true? Fight? In his opinion, only an unusual personality can enter into martial arts with this insane and dirty world. It comes to the idea that humanity is divided into two categories: the people of ordinary people who make up most, and on people of unusual, such as Napoleon, who, if needed, will not stop and before the crime.

    The idea of \u200b\u200bthe theory of Raskolnikova It is expressed in a painful question: "Do I have trembling or right I have?" And he assures himself, which is an extraordinary person inborn "Lord of Fate." He needs power in order to save the shelter, Sonya, Katerina Ivanovna, - all suffering from humanity. The murder of a harmful, greedy old woman is conceived by Raskolnikov as checking in a particular case of his terrible theory. It follows the conclusion formulated by the Hero itself: "I wanted Napoleon to become, because I killed."

    Collapse theory of Skolnikov It is his mistake: the reasons for social evil he sees not in the device of society, but in the very nature of man. Instead of fighting against immoral building and his laws, our hero wants to follow them. And as a result, she loses faith in his own former beliefs, experiencing endless disgust to himself. Instead of happiness, he inevitably brings evil to himself, his loved ones, innocent people. Hence his despair: "I killed myself, not the old woman."


    1. Re-read the content of the article Skolnikov "On the right of a strong personality"

    Fill in the missing rows below (in writing in the notebook):

    1) Raskolnikov is convinced (he "believes") that all people by nature are divided into ____ discharge: _________________. "Ordinary" people are people who "live in obedience," they do not have a "new word". "Unusual" people -______________________. All of them _________: "Extract the law", silently accepted by the majority. " These are strong people.

    2) people "extraordinary" can allow themselves to _______________________________________

    2. Read the following Raskolnikov reflections: "The legislators and installations of humanity, starting with the oldest, continuing with Likurgs, Magometers, Napoleon, and so on, all before the united were criminals, already the one that, giving a new law, thereby disrupted the ancient, holy by society and from the fathers crushed, and Of course, without stopping and before the blood, if only blood (sometimes completely innocent and valiantly spilled for an ancient law) could help them. " Take the conclusion about how the splitters comes to your "idea" (orally).

    Write an essay - the miniature "What is the essence of the theory of Skolnikov, is it relevant today?"

    Independent work number 21.

    Objectives lesson:

    • to systematize the knowledge of the lyrics of F.I. Tyutchev and A.A.Fethe;
    • teach the guys to find a common in the work of poets;
    • visit love to Russian poetry.


    • reproduction "Winter Landscape", "Thunderstorm";
    • portraits F.I. Tyutchev<Рисунок 1> And A.A.Fethe<Рисунок 2>;
    • tape recorder, romance cassettes, exhibition of books about F.I. Tyutchev and A.A.Fethe; Each student on the table is prefigured by poems that will sound in the lesson.

    During the classes

    Hello guys!

    Today we will look at the art world lyrics F.I. Tyutchev and A.A.Fethe.

    Our a task - to systematize the knowledge you received when studying the creativity of these poets.

    In addition, today's lesson will help you prepare for an essay.

    We will talk to you about ( lesson plan On the desk):

    1. tyutchev and Feta landscape poetry;
    2. philosophical lyrics;
    3. lyrics of love.

    Write down the paragraphs of the plan in the notebook!

    1. Landscape lyrics.

    Where did Tyutchev and Fet come from?

    (both of the Oryol province: Fets - Mtsensky County Newers, Tyutchev - Anglas in Bryansk region)

    What else do you know poets and writers, people of the Oryol province?

    (Rings, Turgenev, Leskov)

    What topic did both poet pay a lot of attention?

    (Theme of Nature)

    Tyutchev and Fet - singers of nature middle strip of Russia.

    And Voskresensk (the city in which the lesson passes) is the middle bar? (Yes)

    So, Fet and Tyutchev could observe about the same landscape that we see outside the window and on the reproduction (on the board attached reproduction with the image of the winter).

    Let's listen to the poem of Tyutchev "Winter is not angry".

    Winter is no wonder angry,
    Passed her time -
    Spring is knocking in the window
    And drives off the yard.

    And everything has risen,
    All nudifies winter out -
    And the larks in the sky
    We raised the sober.

    Winter is still cotton
    And for spring grumbling.
    She laughs in her eyes
    And the forest is only noise ...

    The witch was whistled
    And, the snow is capturing,
    Lasted, running,
    In a wonderful child ...

    Spring and grief little:
    Washed in the snow
    And only the rush has become
    Nighting the enemy.

    What surprised you this poem? What are his features?

    (Nature comes to life, personification)

    And now listen to the poem A.A. Feta.

    Came, - and melts everything around,
    Everything craves life to surrender,
    And heart, prisoner of winter blizzards,
    Suddenly jumping shrink. (Froze from delight)

    Speak, Czzvoj
    Everything yesterday I was languished
    And the sighs of the sky brought
    From dissolved gates eden. (Paradise)

    What is the poem? (About the arrival of spring)

    What unites the poems of Tyutchev and Feta? (one topic)

    Please note that very often Tyutchev and Feta are interested in transitional moments: both are waiting for spring.

    And what are the spring associated with you? (Approximation of spring rains, spring thunderstorms)

    What is the line of thunderstorm? What is his meaning?

    (Thunderstorm as cleansing force, nature comes to life after a thunderstorm)

    Prove it to me.

    Let's see how the image of a thunderstorm is revealed by Tyutchev.

    (Reads a student by heart the poem "Spring Thunderstorm")

    Spring thunderstorm.

    I love thunderstorm B. beginning of May,
    When spring, first thunder,
    As it were, begging and playing,
    Rinsing in the sky blue.

    Rumat the risks are young,
    That rain splashed, the dust flies,
    His pearl rain,
    And the sun is golden.

    From the mountain runs a fault,
    In the forest, the bird gam will not be pusing,
    And gam forests and noise Nagorno -
    Everything fills fun thunder.

    You say: windy heba,
    Calm of Zevez Eagle,
    Loud cup from the sky
    Laughing, shed to Earth.

    What artistic means helps to convey the beauty of nature? (Personification)

    Find epithets in this poem.

    And now I will read the most famous poem of Feta:

    Whisper, timid breathing,
    Truck nighting
    Silver and Krakhanye
    Sleeping stream

    Night night, night shadow,
    Shadows without end,
    A number of magical changes
    Cute face

    In smoke puffur Purple Roses,
    Gleam amber
    And lobsia, and tears,
    And dawn, dawn!

    What is a feature in this poem?

    (Many popular suggestions)

    L.N. Tolstoy noticed: "There is not a single verb in it. Each expression is a picture ... "

    2. Philosophical Lyrics.

    Tyutchev and feta are often called nature singers. But think, they consider nature separately or is it related to something else?

    (Tyutchev and Fet - singers of nature, but they do not consider it separately, the harmony of the soul of man and nature is important for them, the interaction of nature with the soul of human.)

    Nature often causes the poet to think, reflect on life. What is the name of the poems in which the poet reflects on life and death, about the place of man in the world, about beauty and ugly? (Philosophical lyrics)

    So in Tyutchev:

    Duma for the Duma, wave for the wave -
    Two manifestations of the elements of one:
    In the heart of Lee close, in the boundless whether the sea,
    Here - in conclusion, there - on the square,
    The same eternal surf and hugging,
    The same is an alarming and empty ghost. ("Wave and Duma")

    Between what Tyutchev holds parallel in this poem?

    (Movements in nature coincide with the excitement of the human soul, thoughts)

    And Feta Description of Nature transmits a person's condition. For example, in the poem "What sadness! End of Alley ... "(1862)

    In the sky, neither a nazari bar
    Everything is smooth in the steppe, everything is white,
    Alone raven against storm
    Wings wave hard.

    And does not dawn on the soul,
    In it the same cold that circle,
    Lazily Duma falls asleep
    Over dying labor.

    We also see the parallel nature and state of the human soul.

    Any poet is peculiar to sum up His creativity. Fet glorifies death at the end of life, hoping on peace after her. This is due to contradictions of his life.

    What do you remember the contradictions in the life of Feta, what did he spend a lot of strength?

    (Feth's strength put in favor to prove that he is nobles Shenshin)

    Fet gets tired of this, looking for rest in the otherworldly world in the poem "Death" (1878)

    The blinders are in vain seeking where the road,
    Trusting the feelings blind guides;
    And if life is a bazaar of a crushing God,
    That only death is his immortal temple.

    Tyutchev has another perception of life and death.

    When flowing power
    We begin to change
    And we should, as old-timers,
    I will give new place to aliens -
    Save us, good genius,
    From unimustal ukrizn,
    From slander, from bits
    On changing life ...

    (Tyutchev does not regret live, although his life was full of suffering. Death He perceives not as a salvation from life, but as a natural, natural phenomenon)

    3. Lyrics of love.

    Guys, what do you remember the contradictions in the life of Tyutchev and Feta, reflected in the lyrics of love? What unites the personal life of Feta and Tyutchev?

    (Both have experienced a tragedy. Tyutchev's first wife Eleanor Peterson died early; Late, condemned by the society, the love of Elena Alexandrovna Denysheva led to the fact that the poor woman also died.

    Suicide Mary Lazich, girls who loved Feta and left them because of her poverty left an indelible mark in the poet's soul)

    Consequently, this feeling is in lyrics tragic character.

    Listen to the memories of the Tyutchev last clock E.A. Denisyeva:

    All day she lay in forgetting
    And all her shadows covered,
    Leed Warm Summer Rain - His jets
    There were fun on the leaves.

    And she slowly came to his senses,
    And began to listen to noise
    And listened for a long time - passionate
    Immersed into the conscious Duma ...

    And so, as if chatting with you,
    Consciously she spoke
    (I was with her, killed, but alive): (why?)
    "Oh, how I loved all this"

    Loved you and the way you love -
    No, no one has yet managed!
    Oh Lord! .. And it is to survive ...
    And the heart on the nurses did not bother ...

    1864, Nice

    There is almost no joyful in love.

    Listen to the passage from the romance. Whose poems is it?<Приложение 1>

    (Romance sounds "I met you - and all the past ..." on the verses of Tyutchev.)

    Is devoted to the Romance of Amalia Leernefeld (Baroness Cuuder).

    What sensation arises when listening to it?

    (Easy sadness, sadness in deplorable youth)

    Listen to another romance (on the poems of Feta "at the dawn you are not boudes").

    At the dawn, you are not boudy,
    At the dawn, she sleeps sweetly so much;
    Morning breathes on her chest
    Brightly breathing on the lines of lines.

    And her pillow is hot
    And hot tedious sleep
    And, drawing, run on the shoulder
    Spit ribbon on both sides.

    We see that the image of your beloved can cause a poet not only tragic memories, but also bright feelings.

    Our lesson comes to an end.

    Today we learned even more about the work of great poets. The proof of their greatness and talent are the prophetic words of Tyutchev himself about Russia:

    I do not understand Russia with mind
    Arshin must not measure:
    It has a special one -
    You can only believe in Russia.

    Still Pushkin said that the poet should be a prophet. And we are increasingly convinced of how the prophecies were verses of Tyutchev about Russia.

    About the meaning of A.A.Feta, his contemporary Aleksey Mikhailovich pearls in his poem said well:

    He is in the world of Greens and dreams,
    Loving game rays and shadows,
    Noticed runaway
    Elusive sensations
    Lovely beauty.
    And let him in old summer
    Changed capricious names
    Then a publicist, the poet -
    Justice prose Shenshina
    Poems captivating feta.

    Now write down topics of home essays :

    1. Lyrics F.I. Tyutchev in my perception.

    2. Lyrics A.A.Feta in my perception.

    3. Free topic on the work of F.I. Tyutchev and A.A.Fethe (the topic formulates the student himself).

    The results of the lesson, estimates.

    Additional questions for consideration in the lesson. Poets and politics.

    Fet and Tyutchev in their work were far from political life, social issues.

    But the attitude to the grand historical events we can still find in their poems.

    Remember Pushkin lines:

    And on fragments of selfhood
    Write our names! ("To Chaaadaev", 1818)

    You brought themselves selfhood,
    And the sword struck you.

    What does it mean?

    (Tyutchev believes that without deep knowledge of Russia, any political action will be injected by violence, self-defense. But Pushkin, at the same time he appreciates high!)

    On the bench inscription: "You, as the first love, Russia will not forget the heart." Tyutchev about Pushkin.

    A.A.Fet does not want to interfere in public battles at all. For him, joy in poetry, in creativity, and not in society:

    Joy sick
    I do not want
    Your battles.

    And even turns away from the suffering person:

    I will not change your torch

    Freedom perpetual call.

    It distinguishes him from Nekrasov: "Do not believe that the poor bread // do not have any tricks of your" ("Poet and citizen"), "I dedicated to my people" and others.

    Fet in creativity tries to close from politics, social topics, get into yourself.

    Questions and tasks for comparable analysis

    1. What are these poems? Are there an allegorical subtext?

    3. How did the poetic concept of the world of Tyutchev and the world of Feta reflected in each of the poems?

    4. Remove the features of the artistic form of each poem. What poetic meaning can be noted at the same time?

    5. Compare vocabulary, syntax, poetic intonation of poems. Make conclusions about the similarity and difference of feelings and images of these poems.

    6. Make conclusions about the main features of the poetic style of Tyutchev and Feta, manifested in these poems.

    At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher, together with the class, makes up a generalizing table, which is written in notebooks.

    Features of the poetic style Tyutchev and Feta

    Tyutchev Fet
    The philosophical character of lyrics, the thought in which is always merged with the image. Poet's desire to comprehend the life of the Universe and the place of a person in it, comprehend the secrets of space and human being The tragic nature of lyrics, dominant feeling - voltage. However, light and optimism inherent feta poetry. Dialectics of tragedy and joy, overcoming dramatic situations with a sense of harmony of the world
    Life, according to Tyutchev, is the confrontation of hostile forces. But the drama of the perception of reality is combined with inexhaustible love to all its manifestations. Love, by Tyutchev, it is almost always a tragedy leading to hopelessness and death, but it is love that gives a man the greatest spiritual takeoff, a feeling of happiness Life in verses Feta - MiG, enshrined in eternity. Beauty in his verses is overcome suffering, joy extracted from pain. Love is also a manifestation of the original beauty and harmony of the world who help a person climb over everyday life, find the point of support for mental gusts
    Human "I" in relation to nature is not a drop in the ocean, but two equal inability. The invisible movements of the human soul are consonant with a visible dialectic of nature. Day and ordinary life are covers that hide the primordial chaos of the world visible at night. The man's soul is initially also chaos. Imprisionist character of the senses, their fragmentation and limit image. At the same time, the strict artistic structure of poems, their internal balance is combined with a sense of sketchiness, deliberate overannance
    The lyrics-shaped system combines subject realities of the outside world and subjective impressions of this world produced on the poet. Mastery in the image of the harmony of subject realities of the world of external and depth of the world of internal Unexpected and bright colors, sounds, smells of the world are created by an increased metaphoricity of poems, dynamism and musicality of artistic images. The mood prevails over the thought, the thought is "dissolved" in the music, which also has a manifestation of beauty
    The skill of the poet in the creation of phonetic and picturesque images, a combination of sounding with an unexpected palette of paints, color images Mastery in the use of parallelism, repetition, periods, rhythmic pauses, wealth and depth of poetic intonation, sound instrumentation

    Themes of the Works on the lyrics of Tyutchev and Feta

    1. Is it possible to hear in the lyrics of Tyutchev "Baying of the Soul" of the poet?

    2. What is the dialectic of nature and the inner world of a person in the lyrics of Tyutchev?

    3. What is the "bliss and hopelessness" of the last love in the lyrics of Tyutchev?

    4. How did it reflected in the lyrics of Tyutchev his historical and political views?

    5. How did Tyutchev's philosophical views manifested themselves in the landscape lyrics?

    6. Why does the lyrical hero of Tyutchev love "murderous"?

    7. Color and sound in Tyutchev lyrics.

    8. Unity of Chaos and Space in Tyutchev's poetry.

    1. Civilization and fate of Russia in the work of Tyutchev.

    2. "The edge of a native long-suffer ..." (according to the lyrics of Tyutchev).

    3. "My mind is not understood ..." (according to the lyrics of Tyutchev).

    4. My favorite poem Tyutchev (Feta): perception, interpretation, evaluation.

    5. What is the "poetic audacity" Feta lyrics?

    6. What is the originality of the topic of love in Feta lyrics?

    7. What is the stylistic role of metaphor in poetry F. I. Feta?

    8. "What is beauty?" (N. Zabolotsky). (According to Feta lyrics).

    9. Impressionism of Feta poetry.

    10. Why does the lyrical "I" feta joy have overcome suffering?

    11. Comparative analysis of two verses of Tyutchev (feta). (On the choice of students).

    12. What is the features of the poetic style of Tyutchev and Feta?