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  • When the beginning of the salute on May 9. The price of a holiday: how many spend in the cities of Russia for the organization of Victory Day. Military parade on Red Square

    When the beginning of the salute on May 9. The price of a holiday: how many spend in the cities of Russia for the organization of Victory Day. Military parade on Red Square

    Before the celebration of the 72nd anniversary of victory in Russia, several days remained. Cities are preparing for large-scale events:, decorate the streets, congratulate veterans. From year to year on the day of victory from budgets of all levels, millions of rubles are spent. The most expensive celebrations were, perhaps in 2015, when the anniversary was celebrated. In 2016 and 2017 The numbers are much more modest.

    Since on May 9, 2017, it was not yet coming, we consider last year's figures: there is a significant difference, and the information about how the celebrations took place, more. Calculate the exact amount of spending on the celebration of Victory Day in one or another city is quite difficult: tenders are carried out both regional and city authorities. Officials themselves answer the question of how much a holiday cost, often can not. These figures are the result of monitoring the site of the state procurement on requests: "Victory Day", "Victory Day", "May 9", "Victory Parade", "Victory", as well as the amounts that were voiced by representatives of local authorities and regional media.

    The most expensive and the victory parade remained in Moscow. According to RBC, in 2016, the celebrations on Red Square cost budget at 295.7 million rubles. This amount includes transportation of participants in the parade, overclocking clouds, rehearsal, design, concert "Roads Great Victory"And souvenirs.

    The cost of holiday events on May 9 in St. Petersburg significantly lower than in Moscow. According to the Site Transportation Site, in 2016, 21.9 million rubles. It was spent on the design of the city. Another 4.3 million rubles. The installation of the tribune on the Palace Square and about a million is a parade of Victory. So for clarity we will leave the number 27 million rubles.

    Most funds were spent on the organization of festive festivities in different parts of the city. According to "Business Petersburg" - more than 50 million rubles.

    The record amount for the cities of Russia spent on the celebration of Victory Day in 2016 Kazan.. For solemn events left almost 36 million rubles. At the same time, the program is standard enough: the laying of colors, a military parade, a concert, folk festivities, "immortal regiment", a concert at Kazan-Arena, Salute.

    Yekaterinburglast year spent the victory for the day 14 million rubles. According to the standards of other cities-millionniki, an impressive amount. For this money in Yekaterinburg traditionally passed the rally at the monument to an unknown soldier, laying the wreaths to the monument to Zhukov, parade of troops, the patriotic action "Immortal Regiment", concerts and salute. The program from year to year does not change much.

    Approximately by 10 million rubles. On the celebration of May 9 spent Nizhny Novgorod and Novosibirsk. Several tenders organized municipal Institution The culture of Novosibirsk "Siberian Event Center". Among their spending: Providing video broadcasting, a solemn program for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, a concert interactive stage program "Time chose us!" In Nizhny Novgorod, the same amount went to the Limnamic and decorative design of the city of Victory Day and the organization of cultural and festive events.

    And here Omskwith a population of 1.2 million people in 2016 spent the victory for the day 300 thousand rubles.The authorities of the city admitted that they had to save on everything. On this money, the mayor's office organized festive festivities, and Salute Omsk received as a gift from sponsors.

    For comparison with million paintings, two more demonstration examples took. This Sevastopol, where the events on the occasion of the Victory Day after the reunification of the Crimea and Russia take place especially solemnly. And Grozny, where any holidays are marked very large.

    In 2016, the organization and holding of a concert program dedicated to the celebration of the 71st anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War, Sevastopolspent 2.8 million rubles. However, it is obvious that this is not all costs, because on May 9, a military parade was held in the city with a subsequent processing of the "immortal regiment", a festive concert and salute.

    Find at least some information about the sum that spent Grozny In 2016, we failed, despite the fact that there was a rather large-scale military parade. But in 2017, according to the information published on the public procurement website, to celebrate Victory Day in Chechnya 5 million rubles.

    On Victory Day on May 9, 2019 in Moscow, the tradition will be completed festive salute On 33 sites of the capital. The celebration of the military parade will begin and, and will end with a colorful firework.

    High-altitude salutes this year are organized on 16 sites. The most colorful show can be seen in the Victory Park on Poklonnaya Mount, there the salute installations will be scented at once on two venues.

    Also, festive fireworks can be seen in seventeen metropolitan parks. Firework launch script for each of the parks will be yours.

    Addresses of sites on which Salute will be watching May 9, 2019 on the occasion of the 73rd anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War:

    What time will the salute begin on May 9, 2019 in Moscow

    On the occasion of the 73rd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, fireworks and salutes will be launched from the city playgrounds. In general, more than 80 thousand volleys will be released. Beginning everywhere at one time - 22:00.

    You can admire the fiery show for about five minutes. Golden peonies, multicolored chrysanthemums, as well as red, blue, green and yellow balls take off in the sky.

    Where it is best to watch salute on May 9 in Moscow

    The main points will be 16 points from which spectacular high-altitude salutes start.

    Perhaps the most colorful show can be seen in the Victory Park on Poklonnaya Mount. Here, the salute installations will be scented at once on two venues. In the center of the capital there are some more places, from where it is clearly visible Fairverk - Sparrow Mountains, Moskvoretskaya and Luzhnetskaya Naberezhnye, Park "Charity", platform near RAS, Bagration Bridge, Crimean Bridge, transport ring near Moscow City, "High" restaurants With panoramic overview.

    You can also see the salute from the breaker of the ship, but it is not free.

    Festive salute from the board

    May 9, Wednesday
    May 9 on the ship premium-class ARGO-2
    19:50 Pier "Ustinsky Bridge" Tickets from 3,500 r.
    May 9 on the motor ship Alexy with dinner and watching salute 19:55 Pier "Novospassi Bridge"
    Pier "Novospassi Bridge"
    Tickets from 4,700 r.
    May 9 on the motor ship Moscow 150 19:55 Pier "Ustinsky Bridge" Tickets from 3 000 r.
    May 9 on the ship Alina Bravo 20:15 Pier "Ustinsky Bridge" Tickets from 3,500 r.
    May 9 on the "River Lounge" ship with viewing of the festive salute 20:30 Pier "CPCIs them. Gorky "
    Pier "CPCIs them. Gorky "
    Tickets from 3,900 r.
    Walk on May 9 at T. "Prince Menshikov", "Franz Lefort" and "Denis Davydov" 20:30 Pier "Novospassi Bridge"
    Pier "Novospassi Bridge"
    Tickets from 3 700 p.
    Viewing Salute on May 9 from the ship "Alina Prima" 20:45 Pier "Ustinsky Bridge" Tickets from 3 000 r.
    May 9 on the ship Santa Maria 20:00 Pier "Theater of the Estrada"
    Pier "Theater of the Estrada"
    Tickets from 3 000 r.
    May 9 on the ship grace 20:00 Pier "Ustinsky Bridge" Tickets from 5 000 r.
    May 9 on a comfortable motor ship Sable with dinner 20:00
    Pier "International Exhibition"
    Tickets from 4,700 r.
    May 9 on the ship Lotsman 20:00 Pier "Novospassi Bridge"
    Pier "Novospassi Bridge"
    Tickets from 3,500 r.
    May 9 on the ship Alina Tango 21:00 Wharf "Patriarch Bridge"
    Wharf "Patriarch Bridge"
    Tickets from 3,500 r.

    Tomorrow, the entire center of the city on one side will be closed for cars, on the other hand, open for pedestrians (but not everywhere). Surely, many have already aroused the question, where to look at military equipment and aircraft, where to watch the parade where to go, and where it is not worth it.

    From our experience telling the best points to view the salute and technology, next to the parade.

    Where to watch equipment and salute, how much, but where not to walk -\u003e

    Overlap of motion on May 9

    Where to watch a parade of technology

    At 10:00 on Red Square, the Victory Parade will begin. All equipment for the parade is located on the site in the street area. Lower Monsters and the route to Red Square and back will be as follows:

    Already at 6 am, the technician will be promoted from the site towards the center of the Zvenigorodskoye highway, through the Red Presnya will be released on the garden ring and turns on Tver on the Triumphal Square, where it is already strongly in advance to 8 to 8 build a parade column and it will be waiting for the start of the parade at 10:00.

    This year, an amazing news was held: restrictions on residential buildings will be introduced in the locations of the technician, in particular, the residents of Tver will be banned not only to go to the balconies, but also approach the windows and open the curtains. As they will be followed, it is not reported, besides, many specially come to visit or remove apartments for the time of the parade overlooking Tver.

    If you wish to look at the technique to the parade, you can do it on the Zvenigorod highway and a large garden at the most later until 7:00.

    IMPORTANT! On Tverskaya, even on the sidewalk, traditionally will not let anyone. From the side of the alley, it will be possible to approach, but if you only have no registration in the house on Tverskaya, you will not be emptied closer than 30-40 meters to the street.

    At 10:00 on the Red Square, the parade will begin, first go hiking groups, and then, in about half an hour after the start of the parade, the technique with Tver.

    After the parade of the column will go around the Kremlin along the embankment (they will not be on the opposite embankment), and then in the new Arbatu will move towards the garden ring and then on the Zvenigorod highway.

    In our experience, view technique It is better from about 10:30 on the new Arbat, at the intersection with the garden ring. First, there is usually no crowd, and secondly, the technique slows down before turning and it can be seen closer than the audience will be seen on Red Square. There are still quite good places to view the front equipment are a square before height on the barricade and the playground at M. Krasnopresnenskaya, but there may be a lot of people, and even better the square in front of the metro station "Street 1905".

    Infographics throughout the technique in the order of passage:

    In the very center, do not even try to break through, most likely, everything will be closed and do not see the techniques, and in narrow places there will be crowds.

    FROM aviation parade Simply: here again do not need to go to the center. Helicopters and aircraft are built into the column around the area m. Airport and then follow almost exactly the Leningrad Prospect and further to the center. It is best to look in the area of \u200b\u200bthe airport or m .inamo. It is unlikely to look at airplanes in the center (or you need to come hours at 5 am, then you will close everything).

    Air parade infographics in order to fly:

    Where to watch salute

    Salute is easier. The map of Moscow's salute points is as follows, the fireworks are shown in red - salute batteries:

    As you can see, salute points are in all districts of the city, so it is better to watch the salute near the house.

    Fans of non-standard points can be advised to take the train MCC at 21:59 and drove from the station Luzhniki to the Business Center station (or vice versa), in this case you will have a view from the window immediately to three salute points. Shoot in motion, however, will not work.

    In place of mass events will be organized permanent duty of cleaning brigades and timely garbage disposal

    Photo: Anton Gerdo, Evening Moscow

    According to tradition, Salute will be the final chord of the celebration, as happens from year to year. The time of the fire show does not change for many decades - this ten o'clock. The duration of the salute is ten minutes. It will be clearly seen in all districts of Moscow.

    Festive salutes and fireworks in honor of Victory Day will be launching with 33 city sites. In total, launchers will give more than ten thousand salts of different caliber, drawing and colors. The evening sky is illuminated outbreaks of gold, orange, green, red and purple sparks.

    Now the military charge salute installations. As reported in the press service of the Western Military District (IO), more than 75 types of fireworks will be applied on the holiday, which will provide more than 550 colors and shades, the height of the disclosure of firework domes will reach 350 m. To start, apply the installation of four calibers - 105 mm, 125 mm, 195 mm and 310 mm.

    - Salute installations will work on 15 sites of the capital, the XIS-3 times of the Great Patriotic War will be placed on the sixteenth. They will provide noise accompaniment, giving 30 salts. Their work of Muscovites and guests of the capital will be able to observe on Poklonnaya Mount, "explained in the press service.

    Beginning of Fireworks Festival in Nagatinskaya Flood Park

    Photo: Anna Ivantsova, "Evening Moscow"

    Where to watch salute

    High-rise salutes are organized on 16 sites. During the festive salute, on May 9, many people wish with their own eyes to see this beauty. Among the places: District Moscow City; Bridge "Bagration"; Crimean bridge; Sparrow Hills; Poklonnaya Mountain. The greatest amount of tools will be scented on Poklonnaya Mountain and Sparrow Mountains. Perhaps the most colorful show can be viewed in the Victory Park on Poklonnaya Mount. There will be launching pyrotechnic immediately from two points.

    Poklonnaya Mountain, Victory Park:alley Partizan, 400 m. From the Museum

    Luzhnetskaya embankment:1 km. From the big arena "Luzhniki"

    Kremlin embankment:artillery Battery.

    Novo-Peredelkino:ul. Fedosyino, d.18, shore of the pond

    Obruchevsky district: Playground next to Russian University Friendship between nations

    Mitino: Eurobovka street, D.5, landscape Park, near "Aquamarin"

    Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo:airfield Tushino, 500 m. South-ass from the Volokolamsk highway

    Left Bank district: Friendship Park, ul. Festival, D.26, next to the sculptural composition "Friendship of the Continents"

    Zelenograd: Victory Park, Fountain Lower Plate, Pond Coast

    Next to the All-Russian Exhibition Center: Area between ul. Agricultural and Northern Gate

    Lianozovo: Crazy Park, ul. Novgorod, d.38, shore of the pond

    Izmailovsky Park: town of them. Bauman, Pond Coast, near D.3

    Southeast District, Kuzminki Park: ul. Zarechye, at the Playground Rosto

    Bracheyevsky Park:in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Embankment Moscow-River, ul. Borisov ponds, d.25

    South Butovo: ul. Admiral Lazareva, 500 m. From D.63

    Troitsk:Near Troitsky Physical Institute, ul. Physical, 300 m. From d.11

    Salute over Moscow River

    Where to see Fairverk

    As noted, along with the festive salute in Moscow, numerous fireworks will be held in honor of the Victory Day - they will be launched in 17 metropolitan parks. Unlike salutes, sparkling fireworks are revealed at a smaller height, however, this does not affect their entertainment. Per a short time The guns will be released more than 80 thousand salts, and the sky will decorate gold peonies, multicolored chrysanthemums, as well as red, blue, green and yellow balls.

    In this case, the launcher's launch scenarios for each parks will be different. For example, one of the most colorful ideas is waiting for citizens in the grandmother's park: there are launchers will give up to nine thousand volleys. Golden peonies with yellow and red leaves and multicolored palm trees bloom in the sky. And in Sokolniki at an altitude of 100 meters, green and yellow chrysanthemum will dissolve.

    Along with the festive salute in Moscow, numerous fireworks will be held in honor of Victory Day - they will be launched in 17 metropolitan parks

    Photo: Alexander Kazakov, "Evening Moscow"

    Central part of the city:parks: they. Gorky, "Tagansky", "Red Presnya", Gardens: Bauman, "Hermitage", parking near the big Moskvoretsky bridge

    Northeast of the city:parks: "Goncharovsky", "Babushkin", "Lianozovsky", VDNH

    East Area:parks "Perovsky", "Izmailovsky", "Sokolniki", lilac garden

    Southeast District: Parks: "850th anniversary of Moscow", "Kuzminki"

    South of the capital:park "Gardeners"

    JUSAO:Vorontsov Park

    Closing of the International Fireworks Festival in Moscow

    Photo: Alexander Kazakov, "Evening Moscow"

    A bit of history

    The first salutes were given in 1943 in honor of the liberation of Eagle and Belgorod in the Great Patriotic War. These were simple artillery salts - then nobody arranged bright fireworks, as the time was military and harsh. Very often in honor of the liberation of some settlement For salutes used conventional machine guns. Most often, the salutes were made by signal lighting rockets. Full salute took place only on May 9, 1945. About a thousand anti-aircraft installations took part in it. Then thirty salutes were held. In addition to the roar of the guns, there was a visual row: each gun was accompanied by hundreds of spotlights. According to eyewitness reviews, it was a grand event.


    During the day, many memorable events will be held on the territory of the country, and the central event of the Victory Day celebration will be a parade on Red Square in Moscow! Ends the holiday with the brightest fireworks!

    The launch of the Salutes in honor of the Victory Day will begin on May 9 at 22:00. Note that the spectacular places it is customary to consider the pad on the Poklonnaya Mountain and Sparrow Mountains.

    Fireworks will be installed in different parts of Moscow:

    • Victory Park on Poklonnaya Mountain: Museum of War and Hill at the input area;
    • Novo-Peredelkino, ul. Fedosyino, D.18 - on the shore of the pond;
    • Luzhnetskaya embankment - opposite the big sports arena;
    • Lianozovo-Altufyevo - ul. Novgorod, 38 - Coast of Altufyevsky Pond;
    • VDNH - on the square between the northern gate and st. Agricultural;
    • Izmailovsky Park, the town named after Bauman - a playground in a silver-grape pond, d.3;
    • Kuzminka Park on ul. Zarechye, d. 3a, p. 1, Rosto Playground;
    • Obruchevsky, ul. Miklukho-Maclay d. 6 - at the sports ground of the main building RUDN;
    • South Butovo, ul. Academician Pontryagin, d. 11, k. 3 - Coast of the Chernese Pond;
    • Mitino - ul. Roslovka, 5, the territory of the landscape fleet behind the Aquamarine complex;
    • Pokrovskoye - Streshnevo, airfield Tushino at the Volokolamka Highway;
    • Left Bank, ul. Festival d. 2b, friendship park at the sculptural composition "Friendship of the Continents";
    • Zelenograd is an ursea Alema, d. 8 - in the Victory Park on the shore of the pond;
    • Troitsk, ul. Physical, ll. 11 - at the Unit of the Physics Institute;
    • Moskvorechye-saburovo - the embankment of the Moscow River, d. 25, k. 2, ul. Borisov ponds.

    It should be noted that tomorrow the station "Revolution Square", "Okhotny Ryad", "Theatrical", "Aleksandrovsky Garden", "Borovitskaya" and "Library them. Lenin "From 07:00 to the end of the parade will work only for entry and transplant, the metropolitan center of the Road Traffic Center reports.

    After the salute on them and the Pushkinskaya stations, "Chekhovskaya", "Park of Culture", "October", "Sparrow Mountains", "University", "Sports", "Lubyanka" and "China-city", on the contrary, will be limited entrance. And on the "Victory Park" of the lobby number 1 (exit to the irregular side of Kutuzovsky Avenue, to the Victory Park) all day will work only on the way out, and another lobby is only on the entrance.