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  • Interesting facts about different countries of our planet. Interesting facts about the countries of the world For children about different countries of the world

    Interesting facts about different countries of our planet.  Interesting facts about the countries of the world For children about different countries of the world

    There are only 252 countries on our planet, some of them are only partially recognized, some refer to the overseas territories of France or Great Britain. No matter how trite it may sound, each of them has its own characteristics and many curious things that distinguish it from others. We have collected the most interesting facts about different countries worlds that will surprise you.

    The country that will disappear before everyone else

    Given the constantly updated information about global warming, the first country that can disappear from the face of the Earth is the Maldives. There are almost 1200 coral islets here, and the average height above sea level is barely more than two meters. No, of course, they have a record holder who can hardly be called a mountain. This is Villingili hill. This point boasts a height of 5 meters and 10 centimeters. If suddenly global warming leads to changes in the ocean, then the Maldives will be completely hidden by water. According to some scientists, this paradise on the planet is no more than a century away, so not visiting the Maldives is a crime.

    The fattest country on Earth

    Most overweight people live in the Republic of Nauru. Obesity affects 95% of local residents, and some of the most common causes of death are cardiovascular disease and diabetes. And fast food is to blame for everything: it was with its imports that the Nauruans began to "grow in breadth."

    But there are some more curious facts about this country: it is the smallest independent republic on Earth, the smallest island state, the smallest state outside Europe and the only republic in the world that does not have an official capital.

    A country where sand is made from oil and coral

    Guam is not really a country, it is part of the United States and has the status of an unincorporated organized territory without the right to participate in national elections.

    There is no sand in the country, or rather, there is no natural sand. But the locals began to make it out of ... oil and corals! During the construction of the road, the country uses a mix of coral earth and black gold. Why would they import sand?

    The oldest sovereign state

    Egypt is the first country to receive sovereignty. This happened in 3100 BC as a result of the formation of the first dynasty. By the way, the very concept of a sovereign state is many times younger: it was formed around the 19th century.

    The country with the most lakes

    The real lake land is Canada. More than 60 percent of all lakes on the planet are located on its territory. Moreover, the density of reservoirs here is surprising: about 3,000 lakes are located on 9 percent of Canada's territory.

    A country where you won't meet a neighbor

    In Mongolia, the population density is minimal: there are 2 people per 1 square kilometer. This is a real record holder for density on the planet. And compare this with one of the most populated areas of Hong Kong - Mong Kok - there are 340 thousand people per 1 square kilometer.

    A country without rivers

    There is not a single river in Saudi Arabia, and fresh water in the country is obtained from underground reservoirs and desalination plants.

    Youngest population

    The country with the youngest population is Nigeria. In the state, almost half of the people are under 15 years old, this is 49 percent of the total population.

    The most multinational state on the planet

    In India, according to some scholars, there are more than 2 thousand nationalities. According to the constitution, the country has 21 official languages, they are spoken by most of the population, and some of them simply have a classical status (for example, Sanskrit). But this is not the main record ... Generally speaking, 447 languages ​​and more are used here, as well as 2 thousand dialects.

    A country completely covered in jungle

    The small state of South America, Suriname, is almost completely covered by jungle - 91 percent of the territory is covered by forests. The lion's share of the population lives near the capital along the coast, and only 5 percent of local residents (mostly indigenous) live in the interior of the country.

    A country where agriculture is practically undeveloped

    In fact, there are many countries on the planet whose economies do not depend at all on agriculture. But the largest of them is Singapore.

    A country where they don't know the official language

    In Papua New Guinea, one of the official languages ​​is English. However, only 1 percent of the population speaks it. But in general, the state can boast of linguistic diversity (maybe, though not in the same way as India): the locals speak 820 languages. By the way, there are also other official languages: top-pixin and hiri-motu. Most New Guineans know them.

    Largest number of prisoners

    The United States has the most people behind bars. The United States is the undisputed leader here: there are 2.2 million prisoners here, which is 25 percent of all prisoners on the planet.

    In second place is China (1.6 million), followed by Brazil (659 thousand) and Russia (623 thousand).

    © Boris Yasny, 2018

    ISBN 978-5-4493-1782-7

    Powered by Ridero Intelligent Publishing System


    Each of us knows our address. House, street, city, country, finally, planet Earth. Our planet rotates at a distance of one astronomical unit, equal to 149,597,870 km. around the sun star in the solar system.

    Light covers this distance in 8 minutes and 20 seconds. For a year, light flies by 63 241 126 astronomical units or ≈ 9 460 528 447 488 km. In the vast universe solar system is located in the Milky Way galaxy in the Orion arm at an enormous distance of 26 thousand light years from the center. And together with another 200 billion stars, it revolves around the center of the galaxy.

    Our neighbors, the Andromeda galaxy, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, together with our galaxy, are part of the Virgo Supercluster of galaxies, covering an area of ​​about 200 million light years, and numbering about thirty thousand galaxies.

    Planet Earth - the third planet from the Sun has 6 continents: Eurasia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica, North and South America. On 5 of them (except Antarctica) there are 251 countries and a population of more than 7.55 billion people.

    World map



    Territory (78 in the world) - 243 809 km2. Population (22 in the world) - 63 395 000 people. The official language is English.

    United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - located on the islands of the British archipelago of northern Europe. And also: in the northeastern part of the island of Ireland, in the Hebrides, Shetland, Orkney Islands and Anglesey, Arran, Wyatt in the Atlantic Ocean.

    The United Kingdom is washed by the North, Irish, Celtic and Hebrides seas. In the southeast, the English Channel (35 km.) Separates it from France. We often call Great Britain England, but England is only part of the United Kingdom. It also includes Scotland in the north, Wales in the west of the British Archipelago and Northern Ireland.

    The form of government is a parliamentary monarchy. The queen hosts parades, arranges balls, is a symbol of the state. The country is ruled by the Prime Minister and Parliament. United Kingdom big country... There are high mountains (Ben Nevis 1344m), Ben - McDee (1309m), and large rivers: Severn, Thames, Trent, and large lakes: Doh Nei, Loch Nes (where the dinosaur Nessie is said to live). There are Royal forests with huge old trees, oaks, birches and other deciduous species. There are pine groves and plantations, grassy pastures and heathery hills. It is home to roe deer and deer, raccoons and foxes, otters, ermines and weasels, many birds and fish in the coastal waters. But most of all in the Kingdom of rabbits and gray hares. The weather in the UK is hazy and rainy, but warm thanks to the ocean current of the Gulf Stream.

    Since ancient times, people have settled on this land and built cities. But the legions of the Roman Empire came and took over Britain, making it their province. Rome ruled her for a long 400 years, but fell after the invasion of the Germanic and Anglo-Saxon tribes. Then the British lands united and formed the Kingdom of England. The British built a mighty fleet and set out across all seas and oceans to populate new lands and conquer colonies for themselves. They began to rule India and Australia, America and South Africa. This is how the British Empire came into being. Then England and Scotland united and called themselves Great Britain. Ireland joined them. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland was formed. The British Empire owned many overseas colonies and fought many countries. By our time, many colonies have become independent states, but Great Britain is still one of the most powerful countries in the world.

    Its capital is London

    For many centuries London has stood on the River Thames. Neither fires nor plague epidemics could destroy it. He was never captured by enemies. London has many ancient castles, palaces and cathedrals. Among them: Westminster Palace - over 900 years is the home of the British government, Buckingham Palace - the residence of monarchs, Westminster Abbey - a Gothic church, built intermittently for about 500 years since 1245, St. Paul's Cathedral - the residence of the bishop, Tower Bridge - drawbridge the bridge - the symbol of London, Trafalgar Square - was built in honor of the victory over France in 1805, Piccadilly Circus - the center of London. There are a lot of museums, beautiful modern buildings, parks and squares.

    Great Britain is the birthplace of great scientists: Newton, Darwin, Faraday. Writers: Swift (author of stories about Gulliver), Defoe (who wrote a book about Robinson Crusoe), Shakespeare (Hamlet) Composers: Bird, Purcell, Sullivan. Artists: Constable, Blake, Palmer.

    Did you know that the UK has had the largest number of queens ruling the country? That "Big Ben" It's not a name at all high tower with a clock, and the name of a huge bell inside it. That snow rarely falls in London in winter? This is a whole event. Residents quit all business and run outside to make snowmen and ride down slides on inflatable mattresses. That all the swans on the River Thames are legally the property of the Queen?

    G E R M A N I

    Territory (62 in the world) - 357,021 km2. Population (16 in the world) - 80,523,000 people. The official language is German.

    In the center of Europe is the Federal Republic of Germany. This is a big country. It is ruled by parliament and the chancellor. In the north of Germany there is a plain, and in the south there are the Alps mountains. The highest mountain is called the Zugspitze. Its height is 2962 meters. Many rivers flow through the territory of Germany. The largest of them are the Rhine, Danube, Elbe and Oder. There are lakes. The largest is Constance. The weather changes frequently. A sunny day can suddenly turn cold. In the north of the country the climate is maritime, in the south it is moderately continental. But there are no severe frosts and heat. Forests are found only on the slopes of the mountains. Fir-trees, pines, beech grow in the forests. There are a lot of flowers and cultivated plants on the plains.

    The animals of Germany are wild boars, foxes, red deer, roe deer, fallow deer, squirrels and hares, marmots and otters. There are many ducks, geese, marsh and small birds near the water, storks are found. In the reservoirs of Germany there are about 70 species of fish. These are mainly carp, as well as eel, salmon and herring.

    Even in ancient times, warlike tribes lived on the territory of Germany. The Romans called them barbarians. In 476, the barbarians conquered the Roman Empire and created the Frankish Empire, led by Charlemagne. Germany, together with Italy, became part of it. In 962, the Holy Roman Empire was founded by King Otto I the Great. She was to become the successor of the Ancient Roman Empire and the Frankish Empire of Charlemagne. For many centuries, the Holy Roman Empire was the center of Western Christendom. From 1512 it became known as the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation.

    Germany has gone from medieval fragmentation and peasant wars, through the Renaissance before the rise of the Kingdom of Prussia. As a result of the wars with the French emperor Napoleon in 1806, the Holy Roman Empire fell. In its place, the Confederation of the Rhine was formed. Germany became an ally of Napoleon. After the defeat of Napoleon and the Rhine Union ceased to exist. In the XIX, the German lands were united into the German Empire.

    German empire began to seize the colonies. By the outbreak of World War I in 1914, Germany had the most powerful army in the world. But in 1918 she was defeated by Russia, England, France and America. Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated the throne, after which the Weimar Republic was proclaimed. After revolutionary uprisings and a change of government in 1933, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi National Socialist Party came to power.

    The Nazi regime was called the Third Reich. Year after year Hitler intensified terror and dictatorship. Physically destroyed all his opponents. In 1939, Germany unleashed World War II. The second World War is a tremendous tragedy for all mankind. It was attended by 61 states. Thousands of cities and villages were destroyed. 54 million people died. 90 million - were crippled. At the cost of tremendous efforts and sacrifices, the alliance of Russia, England and the United States managed to defeat fascism. On May 9, 1945 Germany surrendered. On May 23, 1945, the German Empire ceased to exist. The history of the formation and unification of post-war Germany is a history of democratic transformations and an amazing economic recovery. Germany again took the leading place among the countries of the world. All cities in Germany are stunningly beautiful, but Berlin is officially the capital.

    Berlin is the second largest city in Europe after London. Berlin is a very green city. It contains a huge number of parks, squares, groves, rivers and canals. The Tiergarten Park and the Botanical Garden are Berliners' favorite vacation spots. Magnificent buildings adorn Berlin. These are the Reichstag on Republic Square, the German State Opera, the Humboldt University, the Museum of German History, Bebelplatz Square and St. Hedwig's Cathedral. Many theaters, art galleries. Interesting fact. There are more than a hundred settlements with the name Berlin!

    Germany is a country that gave the world great thinkers: Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer. Brilliant writers: Sebastian Brunt, Bertolt Brecht, Goethe, Schieler, Feuchtwanger. Composers: Bach, Wagner, Abel, Beethoven, Brahms, Handel. Scientists and inventors: Gaus, Geiger, Heisinberg, Kepler, Leibniz, Ohm, Plnck, Roentgen, Schliemann, Einstein. Artists: Altdorfer Albrecht, Grunewald Matthias, Dürer, Rubens.


    Territory (48th in the world) - 674 685 km2. Population (21 in the world) - 65 951 000 people. The official language is French.

    The head of the French Republic is the president. The head of government is the prime minister. Laws are approved by Parliament. Most of France is located in Western Europe... The state also includes the island of Corsica in the Mediterranean Sea and more than 20 dependent territories.

    France is washed by the La Manche, the North Sea, the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. In the north and west of the country, there are plains and low mountains. Plains occupy 2/3 of the country's territory. The rest is mountain ranges: Alps, Pyrenees, Jura, Ardennes, Massif Central and Vosges. The highest mountain is Mont Blanc (4807m.).

    The largest rivers of the country: Seine and its tributaries, Garonne, Rhone, Loire. There are not many lakes. The largest are Bourget, Annecy and Lake Geneva. The climate in the European territory of France is moderately maritime, turning in the east into moderate continental, and on the southern coast into subtropical. Summer is hot and dry +25 degrees C, in winter it rains +7 -8 degrees C.

    Forests cover a third of the country's territory. Hazel, birch, oak grow in the north. spruce and cork. On the Mediterranean coast there are palms and citrus fruits. There are many vineyards in France. Deer, fox, roe deer, wild boar stand out among the animal world. There are a lot of birds, including migratory ones. Reptiles are rare, among the snakes there is one venomous viper. Many types of fish in the waters of the seas and rivers. Mackerel, hake, flounder, herring, tuna, cod, sardine.

    In ancient times, Celtic Gauls tribes lived in France. As a result of the Gallic War of Julius Caesar, in the 1st century BC France became part of the Roman Empire as a province of Gaul. In 486, Gaul was conquered by the Germanic tribes of the Franks. The Frankish state was formed. In the 10th century, the country began to be called France.

    The following times are remarkable Crusades, the religious wars and the Hundred Years War with England. It began in 1337 and ended, with the participation of Joan of Arc, with the surrender of the British. By the reign of Louis XI in 1461-1483, France turns into an absolute monarchy. Subsequently, France fought with Spain for control of Italy. In 1572, religious wars between Catholics and Protestants resulted in the St. Bartholomew's night of the massacre of Protestants in Paris. Then the Protestants were made equal. Thirty Years War with the Swedes. When the country was ruled by the minister of King Louis XIII, Cardinal Richelieu (familiar to us from the book "The Three Musketeers"). Then the reign of the king - the sun of Louis XIV, the uprising of the urban lower classes - the Fronde, against Mazarin and Queen Mother Anne of Austria. The war with Spain, the Dutch war, Again the persecution of the Protestants. The reign of Louis XV from 1715 to 1774. In 1789 - the Great French Revolution. Overthrow of the monarchy. First republic. Jacobin terror. Capture of the Netherlands, Venice and a march on Egypt. In 1799, Napoleon became emperor. Militarily conquers Europe. Hike to Russia. The defeat and flight of Napoleon to France. 1815 - The Battle of Waterloo, the defeat of Napoleon and his capture on the island of St. Helena. Then the restoration of royal power. Second republic. Second Empire - Napoleon III. Third Republic. 1870 - 1871 years of war with Prussia. Paris commune. 1914 - the First World War. 1939-1945-World War II. France fought against Germany in both wars. Fourth republic. And in 1958 the Fifth Republic. Charles de Gaulle was elected President. The French colonies declared independence. And finally, joining the European Union. The capital of France is Paris.

    Paris was founded in the 3rd century BC by the Celtic tribe of the Parisians. From the III - IV century. known as the Gallo-Roman city of Parisia. Since the end of the 10th century, with interruptions, it has been the capital of France. Paris is home to a huge number of attractions. These include not only architectural buildings, but squares, streets, bridges and parks. Paris has 1,800 historical sites and 130 museums. The symbol of Paris is the Eiffel Tower. Also the Tour Montparnasse tower, the Sacre - Coeur Basilica, the Louvre Museum, the Tuileries Gardens, the Champs Elysees Avenue, the Arc de Triomphe, the Square of the Star. Large Arch of Defense, War Museum - House of Invalids, Pantheon. The historic center is the Ile de la Cité, Notre Dame Cathedral and Sainte-Chapelle. In the suburbs of the royal palace of Versailles. And many modern buildings, sports and science centers.

    Did you know that the only Disneyland in Europe is located in Paris? And what a magnificent sculpture of the Statue of Liberty did France give the Americans? The whole world knows the names of the great French writers and poets: Balzac, Dumas, Hugo, Moliere, La Fontaine. Scientists and inventors: Eiffel, Louis Pasteur, Blaise Pascal, Brothers Montgolfier, Ampere, Laplace, Lagrange. Artists: Gauguin, Degas, Monet, Renoir, Rodin. Musicians and composers: Bizet, Gounod, Debussy, Ravel. Singers and performer: Joe Dassin, Charles Aznavour, Edith Piaf, Patricia Kaas. Film actors: Jean Mare, Jean Reno, Michel Mercier, Mylene de Mongeau, Louis De Funes, Depardieu, Gabin, Bourville. Athletes: figure skaters Natalie Neshalet and Fabien Bourzat, biathlete Simon Fourcade, skater Alexis Conten, football players Zinedine Zidane, Raymond Domenech, Lilian Thuram. All the names simply cannot be enumerated. It is impossible to exaggerate the contribution of France to world culture, science and industrial production of perfumery, wine, and mechanical engineering.

    In some countries of the world, almost everything is allowed to a child, but in others, children have very responsibilities that should be performed strictly. The material will tell you about the most unusual responsibilities of young children of different cultures.

    1. China: the strictest daily routine

    The main thing in raising children in China, starting from 3 years old, is humility and obedience. From kindergarten, every child must strictly follow everything said by an adult (often - by any adult). Children’s days are scheduled by the clock by their parents, and this schedule, as a rule, does not change over the years. Household responsibilities are assigned by the parents when the child turns 4-5 years old. Visiting several sections in addition to school is strictly required. Chinese parents choose toys for their children and their leisure activities, they rarely praise and severely punish for trying to argue.

    2. Thailand: older children raise younger children instead of parents

    In Thailand, older children look after younger ones, and children of different ages are constantly together - whether it be playing games or doing simple work. Children may be offered activities such as peeling vegetables or sorting fruits. Moreover, older children become a kind of moderators, and younger children become trainees. Therefore, Thai children become independent early on. Children are given the freedom to regulate their behavior within the community of children of different ages - from 3 to 16.

    Interesting fact. Thais never run to the first call or cry of a child. The parent casts a glance at the crying or calling child, assesses the situation, and if he finds it not threatening health, continues to ignore the call / cry so that the child learns to solve his own problems.

    3. England: the duty to contain emotions

    In England, from the age of 2-3, a child is obliged to attend teachers good manners and the art of restraining emotions. These can be special courses in kindergarten. As a child grows older, some democratic parents may offer him self-education in the art of good manners: video tutorials on the Internet, books on etiquette. The child is obliged to learn behavior at the table, behavior in society. Love for a child English parents expressed often and constantly, but with restraint. This is also due to the fact that the first child, as a rule, among modern Englishmen appears at the age of 35-40 years.

    4. France: self-guided shopping

    Early adulthood and independence are characteristic of children in France. According to the law, children can be at home alone, go to school and shop on their own. At an early age (1-2 years), children are sent to Kindergarten, and they themselves go to work. From an early age, a child is constantly asked to help his parents with something: add cream to coffee, bring a plate of bread, turn off the light, etc.

    This presentation contains the most interesting facts from all over the world. Each country in the world has its own characteristics and unique features that deserve the attention of not only tourists.

    The Chinese civilization is one of the oldest on the planet. Therefore, today in this country antiquity is harmoniously intertwined with the most modern, technological achievements of mankind.

    the great Wall of China

    To protect their borders, the Chinese built the Great Wall of China. Previously, the wall stretched for 8800 km. Today, a site of 2,400 km has survived.

    Major traders of the world

    China is a global manufacturing site and a major trade center. The busiest seaport is located in China, in the city of Shanghai. It receives 25,000,000 containers a year and its turnover is constantly increasing.


    Japan is an island state. In total, the country occupies a little less than 7000 islands. Only 4 of them are so large that they make up 97% of the entire territory of the country at once.

    Country of centenarians

    Japan is known for its large number of centenarians. The country is home to more than 50,000 people over 100 years old.

    Two Koreas

    Recently by the standards of history, divided civil war Korea to the North and South, is gradually finding opportunities for unification. But for now it's two different states with a lot of similarities and differences.

    North Korea

    North Korea is a closed country with strong control not only over residents, but also over all visitors. One of the clearest examples of the restriction of freedom of North Koreans is on the closed Internet.

    Interesting fact about the DPRK country! North Korea is isolated from the world: there is no internet and no street photography

    The people can only get to a few state sites with specific literature about the party, labor and the history of socialism.

    South Korea

    The state is an economic miracle with a developed industry and trade. After secession in 1945, North Korea's southern neighbors were able to achieve a truly big leap in development (12th economy in the world). And the North, on the contrary, lags far behind modern world(213 economies of the world out of 230).

    Until now, technologically advanced Koreans from the south, out of superstition, bypass the number 4, which is considered a death sign for them. It comes to the point that even in elevators the button with the 4th floor is skipped. Such a floor is not found in all buildings - often the third is immediately followed by the fifth.


    Another special Asian culture on the world map is Indian. India also found many interesting features and unique facts.

    The most populous country in the future

    India is ahead of China with its nearly 1.4 billion population in terms of growth, and the current population is 1.3 billion. According to experts, a change of leader will take place in the mid-2020s.

    Large populations - big problems

    Where there is too much overpopulation, many problems arise. Starting from the spread of diseases, ending with a huge amount of human waste.
    In India, there is nowhere to put excess trash. Even the Indus and Ganges rivers, sacred to Hindus, are a sad sight.

    India is still a land of fairy tales

    Despite all the problems, India is a colorful country. Even today you can find the spirit of fairy tales, luxurious royal life and legendary deeds in the name of love. Perhaps the most important symbol of strong feelings will be called the Taj Mahal - the mausoleum that the ruler of India, Shah Jahan, erected in honor of his wife who died during childbirth.


    There are also many interesting places, because on the territory of the Old World, as Europe is often called, many countries of the world with a rich history and their own traditions are concentrated.


    The country from Central Europe is famous throughout the world for the quality of its roads. An interesting fact is that on the famous autobahns there is not only perfectly flat asphalt. The Germans think over everything to the smallest detail.
    For example, at certain intervals there are fill bridges, which are specially designed for the safe crossing of the road by animals.

    Sunday is a day off

    Germany is a very punctual country in which the law prevails. The Germans are very attentive to the alternation of work and rest, so most employers try to make Sunday a day off for all employees.

    So, on Sunday all over Germany it is very difficult to find working shops. The exception is retail outlets at train stations and airports.


    France can be considered the most favorite country among tourists. In 2018, the state was visited by almost 100 million travelers. For comparison, the second-largest United States was visited by about 70 million people. Russia is also among the top ten leaders, but the indicators are about 30 million people.

    Coffee or wine

    In France, you can drink good wine and pay less than coffee.
    The French value red wines more than whites.

    Guests or residents?

    Today in France, the issue of emigration is quite acute. Many refugees from other countries, especially African ones, have concentrated in the country. For example, in Africa, more people speak French than in all of France.

    This is due to the fact that for a long time the French controlled a significant part of the Black Continent. Today, with the development of transport, too many people want to leave their dysfunctional homeland, moving to a prosperous Europe.

    United Kingdom

    For a long time, the British Empire was the largest in the world, uniting dozens of colonies around the world under one flag. At its peak, Britain occupied 20% of the land, and its population was 1/4 of the entire world.

    Homeland of sports

    It was Great Britain that became the progenitor of popular sports, without which it is impossible to imagine any sports channel today. Among them: boxing, golf, rugby, polo and football.

    The first metro

    Interesting Facts about the countries of the world are associated with human achievement. The capital of England - London - was the first in the world to acquire its own metro.
    Today, the subway line in the city is so ramified and intricate that passes are sold by zone: from the center to the outskirts.


    A country with a mild climate and unforgettable coasts. 40 million tourists flock here annually - the 4th indicator in the world.

    Troubled land

    On the Apennine Peninsula, where Italy is located, it is not always calm. Underground splits and tectonic plate movements are observed here. Because of this, earthquakes occur in the country. The situation is aggravated by the largest active volcano in all of Europe - Etna.

    Another dormant volcano - Vesuvius - went down in history as one of the largest eruptions that destroyed an entire city. Many people know the famous painting "The Last Day of Pompeii".


    Italy has a rich tradition as well as a centuries-old cultural heritage. Today, there are more than 3000 museums and 40 architectural buildings that are part of the human heritage fund.

    Italian food

    Far beyond the borders of Italy itself, its food is famous: pasta, wine, sauces, olive oil and pizza.

    Pizza-like food has been cooked for a long time, and not only in Italy. But pizza became the dish most similar to the modern representation in about 1500, it was in Italy, when they began to add tomatoes to it.


    You can find almost everything in this country. natural areas: mountains, forests, rivers, lakes, seas, plains. But many go to Spain for a beach holiday. According to local laws, you can sunbathe on all beaches naked. But practically no one does that.

    The capital of the state - Madrid - is famous for the Prado Museum, which displays the originals of paintings by the greatest artists. In terms of its size, the building is the largest in the world, on a par with the French Louvre and the Russian Hermitage.

    Interesting facts about the countries of the world originate in antiquity. Spain is famous for bullfighting or bullfighting. All Spaniards are waiting for the beginning of the event, carefully respecting the age-old traditions.

    It is believed that bulls were sacred animals for the Iberians, the indigenous peoples who inhabited Spanish territories in antiquity. Therefore, the process of killing a bull (which ends the bullfight) was turned into a holiday, to which the whole city came.


    The Greek civilization is considered one of the oldest on the planet. Therefore, the country is famous for a large number of historical sites and attractions, not all of which have survived to this day. The most famous cultural heritage is the Olympic Games, which originate in Greece. In modern times, the Games began to be held in 1896.

    There are many seas in Greece. The most remote point of the country from the nearest coast is located only 137 km.


    There are many unique places on the territory of Russia. But there are things that make it an important country for the entire planet.

    Light of the Earth

    On the territory of Siberia, forests are spread, which, according to various assumptions, make up 20-25% of the total green cover of the planet.

    Trees convert carbon dioxide into pure oxygen (they only do this during the day, in the light of the sun). Therefore, Russia is known as the largest oxygen producer on the planet.

    The beginning of the problems

    Global global warming is a big problem. And if most countries are forced to fear flooding, then Russia will not be so seriously affected by the big water.

    The danger is different. Constantly rising average annual temperatures can lead to melting permafrost in the vast territories of Siberia and the Far North. Then the defeated viruses that cause terrible diseases, as well as huge reserves of methane, which is fatal to humans, will be freed from the glaciers.


    America at the time of its discovery became the continent of the New World, where many people tried to correct their mistakes and start living from scratch. The main state on the mainland - the United States - is also called a country of opportunities.

    Not everything is really so

    There is a lot of money in the United States, but if a person has at least 10 dollars in his wallet and there is no debt, then he is richer than a quarter of Americans. The fact is that it is customary to live there on credit.


    The United States can be called the leading country in terms of the number of state flags per capita.
    They can be seen across the country from almost anywhere.


    Another leading country on the American continent, but already in South America, is Brazil. It also concentrates its own characteristics and interesting cultural differences.


    The existence of the Brazilian language is a big misconception because it does not exist. In fact, Brazilians speak Portuguese. And the roots of this feature are hidden in the times of the colonies. Brazil was subordinate to Portugal with its one of the largest fleets Of the Old World.

    High crime

    Although Brazil is an economically developed country, the poverty of its people is high. It is for this reason that the country has such big problems with crime.

    After sunset in Rio de Janeiro, you don't have to stop at a red traffic light. The authorities specifically allowed this to be done so that cars were robbed less at intersections.


    The youngest continent is often referred to as heaven on earth. These lands have absorbed many amazing and unique details that are not found anywhere on planet Earth.

    One of a kind animals

    Only in Australia are some species of animals and insects found, which, due to their remoteness from the rest of the world, have evolved for millions of years along their own branch. Therefore, nowhere else but Australia can you find a platypus, kangaroo, echidna, Tasmanian devil, wombat or Dingo dog.

    Many dangers

    There are many dangers on the Fifth Continent. And they are all associated with a large number of poisonous and predatory living creatures. For example, snakes cause very great inconvenience to people (38 species of poisonous snakes live on land alone), as well as 22 species of poisonous spiders, 3 species of wasps and bees, 6 species of scorpions.

    Of the snakes, 12 species are among the most venomous on the planet. Crocodiles in flood seasons easily swim to small towns and are seen on the streets and lawns of houses.

    Therefore, the medical system is very developed in Australia. Doctors are ready to respond throughout the country in a matter of hours. And children from childhood are taught to walk only on sidewalks, even in city parks.

    African countries

    Interesting facts about the countries of the world make them the record holders on the planet. The African continent has its own unparalleled wealth.

    Rich animal world

    It is on the territory of Africa that animals that are unique in nature still live in the wild: hippos, giraffes, zebras, okapis, rhinos. But there is less and less space for them. For example, hippos used to live all over the continent, but now they only live in central Africa.

    Desert and water

    As many as 4/5 of the entire continent is occupied by deserts.

    At the same time, the second longest river on the planet, the Nile (6850 km), flows in Africa. There is also a unique waterfall - Victoria, the noise from which is heard 40 km away.

    Fossil continent

    Africa or the Black Continent is a land rich in natural resources. On the territory of all countries, the extractive industry is developed to a greater or lesser extent. And in order to transport the excavated coal or ore to the ports, the longest train in the world operates in Africa.

    It will be possible to estimate its size only at a very large distance, literally from a bird's eye view.

    Our huge planet is fascinating and mysterious. Not every continent, but every country in the world has its own interesting facts and features, because the Earth is inhabited by many nationalities with a distinctive culture, their own way of development.

    They shaped their architecture, style of food and clothing, and their attitude to life. Nature also presents an amazing number of unique objects from the very north to the south, from the west to the east.

    Article design: Vladimir the Great

    World Fact Videos

    Interesting facts about the countries of the world:

    Interactive playground for children 8-12 years old "Games of the peoples of the world"

    Description: The interactive platform is a journey through 5 countries: Belarus, Germany, the United States of America, Austria, Greece. Children get acquainted with national traditions, cuisine, outdoor games from different countries. Number of participants: 12 people, age of students: 8-12 years old.
    Target: the formation of a tolerant attitude among students towards people of other nationalities.
    - to acquaint with the culture and national traditions of different countries of the world;
    - develop the skills of interaction with peers;
    - to cultivate a benevolent and responsive attitude towards people.
    Equipment: notebook, image of a flower with petals, a ring, 2 toy cars, a scarf, a ball.

    Event progress

    Leading: The guys live on different continents and in different countries, but they are united by common interests and a desire to play outdoor games. Today we will join them and play the games of the peoples of the world.
    A magic flower will help us travel to different countries.
    In order for us to find ourselves in a particular country, we must say the magic words of the spell:
    Fly, fly petal
    Through the North, through the South
    Come back in a circle
    As soon as you touch the ground
    Be, in my opinion, lead
    “Take us to Belarus”.

    Leading: Guys, here we are in Belarus. Belarusians greet each other with the words: "Good Zen!"
    Traditions: Belarusians are friendly and good-natured people, they are always glad to guests. The pride of the country is the preserved folklore - songs, dances, games, fairy tales, legends, riddles, floorboards and sayings of ancestors. The same can be said about folk crafts: pottery, wicker and straw weaving, weaving, embroidery, glass painting and other activities.
    The National dish: potato pancakes.

    Leading: And now, you and I will play the national game of Belarusians "Parssenak".
    Game progress: Players stand in a circle, keeping their hands in front of the boat. One leader is selected. The host is holding a small shiny object (ring). The presenter walks in a circle and puts a ring in everyone's hands.
    Eight on the cruise I'm going,
    Let's put it on
    Matsney handles zatsiskayce
    Yes, glyadzitse, not a son.
    The leader quietly puts a ring on one of the children, and then goes out of the circle and says: "Parstsionachak, parstsionachak, go out to the ganachak!" The one who has a ring in his palms runs out, and the children must try to hold him back, not to let him out of the circle.
    After the words: "Parstsionachak, parstsionachak, go out to the ganachak!" - all players must join hands in order not to let the player with the ring in hand out of the circle.
    Fly, fly petal
    Through the North, through the South
    Come back in a circle
    As soon as you touch the ground
    Be, in my opinion, lead (The presenter tears off the petal from the flower on which the country is written).
    Take us to Germany.

    Leading: And now we are in Germany. Greetings from the Germans: "Guten tag!"
    Traditions: German first-graders at the end of summer walk with large multi-colored bags, and in the bags there are not flowers for the teacher, but sweets: marmalade, chocolate, dates, dried tangerines, waffles, gingerbread.
    National dishes: Bavarian sausages, "Sauerkraut" - stewed sauerkraut.

    Leading: German national game "Auto Racing".
    Game progress: The game is attended by at least 2 people. You need to take 2 toy cars, two wooden sticks and two long cords.
    Toy cars should be tied to cords, which in turn should be tied to sticks.
    Wooden sticks should be held by two children. The essence of the game is to wind the cord around the stick as quickly as possible on command, thus pulling the car towards you.
    Fly, fly petal
    Through the North, through the South
    Come back in a circle
    As soon as you touch the ground
    Be, in my opinion, lead (The presenter tears off the petal from the flower on which the country is written).
    Take us to the United States of America.

    Leading: Guys, probably all of you wanted some smiles. US culture is culture successful people... And a smile is just considered in this country a symbol of human well-being. If an American smiles, then everything is ok. The Americans greet the guests: "Welcom!"
    Traditions: Americans of all ages love to send and receive valentines. Valentines are a symbol of love. Often soft toys are attached to valentines, mainly bears, sweets, jewelry. Children in primary schools make valentines for their classmates and put them in a large decorated box, like a letterbox. On February 14, the teacher opens the box and distributes valentines. After the students read the received valentines, they all celebrate the holiday together.
    National American dishes: turkey, steak, apple pie, pizza.

    Leading: The favorite game of American children "The most attentive".
    Game progress: All participants sit in a circle. The presenter says: "Nose, nose, nose." And he grabs the nose with his hand, and at the fourth word "nose" he touches, for example, the ear. Seated people should do everything as the leader says, and not repeat his movements. Those who make mistakes are eliminated from the game. The last player, the most attentive, wins.
    Fly, fly petal
    Through the North, through the South
    Come back in a circle
    As soon as you touch the ground
    Be, in my opinion, lead (The presenter tears off the petal from the flower on which the country is written).
    Take us to Austria.

    Leading: Guys, you and I ended up in Austria. The greeting of the Austrians sounds "Servus".
    Traditions: women love to open doors. But in public transport only the elderly and pregnant women were allowed to give way. Calling by name is used extremely rarely - and only between well-known people. A characteristic feature of local life is a certain distance between people. Even well-known people rarely get close to a distance less than an outstretched arm and sit at the table at a fair distance from each other by our standards.
    The National dish: Wiener Schnitzel.

    Leading: National game of the Austrians "Find a headscarf!"
    Game progress: The players choose the driver who hides the scarf, while the others close their eyes at this time. The scarf is hidden in a small area, which is marked in advance. Hiding the handkerchief, the player says: "The handkerchief is resting." Everyone begins to search, the search is directed by the one who hid the scarf. If he says “warm”, the walker knows that he is close to the place where the scarf is, “hot” - in the immediate vicinity of him, “fire” - then he must take the scarf. When the seeker moves away from the place where the scarf is hidden, the guide warns him with the words "cool", "cold". The one who finds the handkerchief does not talk about it, but quietly sneaks up on the player who is closest to him and hits him with the handkerchief. In the next round, he will hide the scarf.
    Fly, fly petal
    Through the North, through the South
    Come back in a circle
    As soon as you touch the ground
    Be, in my opinion, lead (The presenter tears off the petal from the flower on which the country is written).
    Take us to Greece.

    Leading: And the last country we will visit today is Greece. Greetings from the Greeks sounds like "Calimera".
    Traditions: Greeks are open and hospitable people. They treat strangers friendly, try not to openly show that they do not like something. These people are not very punctual. Adults and children wear a turquoise bead as an amulet, sometimes with an eye painted on it. For the same reason, turquoise beads adorn the necks of horses and donkeys in villages and rear-view mirrors in cars.
    National dishes: souvlaki - pieces of barbecue meat with potatoes, gyros - slices of fried meat with french fries, feta cheese.

    Leading: And now the time has come for the Greeks to play "Ball in the Palm".
    Game progress: The participants of the game line up 30-40 cm apart from each other. Outstretched arms with open palms are held behind the back. One of the players, walking along the line, pretends to lower the ball into someone's palm. Players shouldn't look back. Finally, he drops the ball into his hand, and the player who received it breaks out of the line. Neighbors in a row must grab him before he moves. But at the same time, they have no right to go off the line. If they fail to grab him, he can return to his seat and the game continues. If captured, he swaps places with the leader, and the game continues.
    Leading: Guys, our journey through the countries is coming to an end. Thanks everyone for Active participation expressed curiosity in the interactive playground. I hope that the knowledge gained will be useful to you in your life!