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  • Africa countries and them. West African countries and their capital. What we learned

    Africa countries and them. West African countries and their capital. What we learned

    Africa is the second largest continent in the world, the championship belongs to Eurasia.

    Interesting Facts About African countries:

    • Algeria - Samea big country Africa. More than 80% of the territory is occupied by the Sugar desert.
    • Angola. The capital of Angola - Luanda is considered the most expensive city for life, but with this 50% of the country's country do not know how to read and write.
    • Benin is a small country, famous for the town of Uid, who is considered a stronghold of Voodoo religion. Benin is one of the countries of Africa, which fully ensures all the necessary food.
    • Botswana is one of the poor countries in Africa. More than 70% of the territory occupies a desert.

    • Burkina Faso - the state with very low level Life. In the country, you can rarely meet a person older than 65 years old. Tourists the country is visited extremely rare.
    • Burundi is a country in which there are no hospitals. In the whole state, only about 200 doctors and nurses, so the level of medical care is one of the lowest in the world.
    • Gabon is one of the most stable and rich in the African continent. About 80% of the country's territory is occupied by tropical forests.
    • Gambia is the smallest country in Africa.
    • Ghana is the first state in West Africa, who gained independence from the British people.
    • Guinea is the leader in the reserves of bauxite. It is included in the 10 poorest countries of the world.
    • Guinea-Bissau. There is not a single power plant in the country. Electricity is served from urban generators and turns on only 2-3 hours a day.
    • Democratic Republic of the Congo. The main attraction of the Republic of River - Congo, which is one of the deepest in the world.
    • Djibouti is one of the most arid countries of the world.
    • Egypt is one of the cheapest and most popular resorts of the world. It is famous for its developed infrastructure in the tourist cities. But outside the tourist zone, the Egyptians live very poorly. It is in Egypt that one of the seven wonders of the world is a pyramid of Heops.

      One of the wonders of the world is the pyramid of Heops. Egypt

    • Zambia is the first country of Africa, which began to make banknotes not from paper, but from plastic. The most visited place of tourists is Mukuni's artisans village.
    • Zimbabwe. One of the world's coffee exporters. In the country, a very high unemployment rate in 2019 is about 80%.
    • Cape Verde is a country of 18 islands. The state is engaged in the production and export of shoes.
    • Cameroon. Half of the territory of the state is occupied by forests in which the largest goliapha frogs live in the world. The population lives beyond the poverty line, but despite this, the residents of Cameroon are always hospitably and good-natured towards tourists.
    • Kenya is a country with the largest international airport in East Africa. Kenya differs from other states. Seasons in the country no, there are only seasons: dry and rainy.
    • Comoros. Country where you cannot pay a bank card. There are no ATMs on the territory of the state.
    • Congo is known in the most dangerous sleeping volcano in the world - Newiagongo.
    • Côte d'Ivoire. More than 60 peoples live in the state. It is in this country that is the largest church in the world.
    • Lesotho is located in the highlands. There are two mining mines in the country.
    • Liberia. The country has not fully recovered after the war in 1980. The population lives below the poverty line. The only country in the world where there is not a single traffic light.
    • Libya. 90% of the area is covered by the desert. State with a very limited number of animals and plants. The absence of flora and fauna provoked by a dry climate.
    • Mauritius is a tourist resort that ranks second in the African continent in terms of life.
    • Mauritania. All rivers in this country in summer dry out, except for one - Senegal. 100% of the Mauritania population confess Islam.
    • Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world. The country is the world's first vanilla manufacturer.
    • Malawi is the poorest Republic of Africa. The country is known for its orchids, more than 400 species are growing in the state.
    • Mali. The country takes one of the first places in the world in the export of gold.
    • Morocco is a tourist country that more than 10 million tourists visits annually. In the country, namely in Casablanca is the highest religious construction - Hassan 2 Mosque.
    • Mozambique. About 25% of the country's population does not date themselves to follow any faith, although they are not atheists. In Mozambique, the meat is rare.
    • Namibia. The world's largest underground lake is located on its territory. Tourists attracts in Namibia "Cokelets" - the line of the surf, supped by the skeletons of whales.

      "Skeleton Coils" - one of the most memorable places

    • Niger. About 80% of the Republic of the Republic occupies the Sahara desert. Niger is the first birth rate in the world.
    • Nigeria is a republic that occupies the first place in Africa in terms of population. The country is engaged in the extraction and export of oil and petroleum products.
    • Rwanda is a country with the highest inhabitants on the planet. In Rwanda not railways And trams. The country is one of the few in Africa, which does not have a deficit in drinking water.
    • Sao Tome and Principe - Islands, which are extinct volcanoes. Islands are popular with a local attraction - the mouth of hell (place in the cliffs, from where the jet beats sea water).
    • Swaziland is a state with 2 capitals: Mbabane and Lobamba. The king rules in the country, but its power is partly limited to Parliament. The republic ranks first in the world by the number of HIV - infected people.
    • Seychelles are one of the most expensive resorts in the world. Seychelles include 115 islands, of which only 33 are populated.
    • Senegal. National symbol of this country - Baobab. In the capital of Senegal, the famous Rally "Paris-Dakar" is held annually.

      Rally Paris-Dakar - Dream for many

    • Somalia is one of the most armed countries of the world. For locals, constant wearing of firearms is considered the norm. Somalia is a country with anarchy.
    • Sudan is a state where marriages with dead people are allowed at the legislative level. Sudan is the largest importer of the world of gummiiabiki.
    • Sierra Leone. One of the poorest countries of the world. Half of the population of the republic can not read and write.
    • Tanzania. A third of the countries are occupied by reserves. The republic is characterized by a low level of education. According to school statistics, only half of Children of Tanzania visits. In the country, 2 capitals and the largest crater in the world in the world - Nongoronoro.
    • Togo is a country known for the largest traditional market in a world where absolutely everything can be purchased. Togo is a country of contrast, where monolithic elite high-rise buildings borders with global huts of the poor.
    • Tunisia is a popular tourist country, famous not only by its unique culture and nature, but also the attraction of Rosa Sakhara. This crystal is formed in the desert from salt and sand. Many tourists acquire a crystal to decorate aquariums and houses as a souvenir.

      Amazing phenomenon "Rosa Sugara"

    • Uganda is the youngest Republic of the world. The average age of the inhabitants of Uganda is equal to 15 years. In the country there is one of the deepest Lakes of the world - Albertin.
    • The CAR is a state with incredible reserves of uranium, gold, oil and diamonds. But despite this, the country is included in the 30 poorest republics of the world.
    • Chad. The country is named after Lake "Chad", which is located on its territory. There is no full railway communication in the country. This republic is striking with its dry and arid climate, the maximum temperature in the shade of summer reaches 56 degrees of heat.
    • Equatorial Guinea is a state in which the Earth is painted in a bright red color due to the special composition of the soil. In Equatorial Guinea, gold mining is available to everyone.
    • Eritrea is one of the poorest countries on the planet. Eritrea has no national language. This country has become famous in the world due to the 30-year war for independence.
    • Ethiopia is the most populated state on a planet that has no way out to the sea. Ethiopia is an agricultural country where cereal crops are grown, sugar cane, potatoes and cotton.
    • South Africa is the most diverse National Republic of the African continent. The Republic of South Africa is the most developed country of Africa.
    • South Sudan is one of the least developed republics of Africa. There is even no water pipe in the country. South Sudan is famous for regular civilian wars and political coup.

    South Africa Square - 3.1 million square meters. km. The region is characterized by the development of the mining industry.

    Table: countries of South Africa

    North Africa is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean and the Red Sea. The area is about 10,000,000 square meters. km. Most of this part of the African continent are busy sugar desert.

    Table: countries North Africa

    West Africa is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Covers the regions of Sahel and Sudan. This part Continent is the leader in the number of HIV infection and malaria diseases.

    Table: Western Africa countries

    State Area Population of state Capital
    Benin 112 620 10 741 458 Porto Novo, Coton
    Burkina Faso 274,200 17 692 391 Ouagadugu
    Gambia 10 380 1 878 999 Banjul
    Ghana 238 540 25 199 609 Accra
    Guinea 245 857 11 176 026 Conakry
    Guinea-Bisau. 36 120 1 647 000 Bissau
    Cape Verde 4 033 523 568 Praia.
    Côte d'Ivoire 322 460 23,740,424 Yamusukro
    Liberia 111 370 4 294 000 Monrovia
    Mauritania 1 030 700 3 359 185 Nouakshot
    Mali. 1 240 000 15 968 882 Bamako.
    Niger 1 267 000 23 470 530 Niamey.
    Nigeria 923 768 186 053 386 Abuja
    Senegal 196 722 13 300 410 Dakar.
    Sierra Leone 71 740 5 363 669 Freetown.
    Togo 56 785 7 154 237 Lome

    Central African states in 2019 have a very good complex natural resourcesTherefore, countries not only are actively developing the industrial industry, but also are leading subjects of the Foreign Trade of the African Continent.

    Table: Central African countries

    State Area Population of state Capital
    Angola. 1 246 700 20 172 332 Luanda
    Gabon 267 667 1 738 541 Libreville
    Cameroon 475 440 20 549 221 Yaounde
    Democratic Republic of Congo 2 345 410 77 433 744 Kinshasa
    Congo 342 000 4 233 063 Brazzaville
    Sao Tome and Principe 1001 163 000 Sao Tome.
    CAR 622 984 5 057 000 Bangui
    Chad 1 284 000 11 193 452 Nitejamen
    Equatorial Guinea 28 051 740 743 Malabo

    East Africa takes a high part of the mainland. It is in this part that the highest point of Africa is Kilimanjaro. Most of the territory are savanna. In East Africa, the largest number of national and protected parks. East Africa is characterized by the place of frequent civil wars and armed conflicts.

    Table: Countries of East Africa

    State Area Population of state Capital
    Burundi 27 830 11 099 298 Bujumbura
    Djibouti 22 000 818 169 Djibouti
    Zambia 752 614 14 222 233 Lusaka
    Zimbabwe 390 757 14 229 541 Harare
    Kenya 582 650 44 037 656 Nairobi
    Comorors (Comoros) 2 170 806 153 Moroni.
    Mauritius 2040 1 295 789 Port Louis
    Madagascar 587 041 24 235 390 Antananarivo
    Malawi 118 480 16 777 547 Lilongwe.
    Mozambique 801 590 25 727 911 Maputu
    Rwanda 26 338 12 012 589 Kigali
    Seychelles 451 90 024 Victoria
    Somalia 637 657 10 251 568 Mogadishu
    Tanzania 945 090 48 261 942 Dodoma
    Uganda 236 040 34 758 809 Campala
    Eritrea 117 600 6 086 495 Asmara
    1 104 300 90 076 012 Addis Ababa
    South Sudan 619 745 12 340 000 Juba

    On the territory of the African continent there is 55 countries that are washed:

    1. Mediterranean Sea.
    2. Red sea.
    3. Indian Ocean.
    4. Atlantic Ocean.

    The Square of the African continent is 29.3 million square kilometers. If you take into account the island near Africa, then the area of \u200b\u200bthis continent increases to 30.3 million square kilometers.

    The African continent takes about 6% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe globe.

    The biggest country in Africa is Algeria. The area of \u200b\u200bthis state is 2,381,740 square kilometers.

    Table. The largest states in Africa:

    List of largest cities in population:

    1. Nigeria - 166 629 390 people. In 2017, it was the most populated country in Africa.
    2. Egypt - 82 530,000 people.
    3. Ethiopia - 82 101 999 people.
    4. Republic of Congo. The population of this country in Africa is 69,575,394 in residents.
    5. South Africa Republic. South Africa lived in 2017 50,586,760 people.
    6. Tanzania. In this country, Africa lives 47,656,370 people.
    7. Kenya. In this African country, the population is 42,749,420 people.
    8. Algeria. In this country, tropical Africa lives 36,485,830 people.
    9. Uganda - 35,620,980 people.
    10. Morocco - 32,668,000 people.

    Africa is the largest area (30 million square meters. Km.) Region, including 54 independent states. Some of them are rich and developing, other poor, some have access to the sea, and others - no. So how many countries in Africa and what states are the most developed?

    North Africa countries

    All mainland can be divided into five zones: North Africa, West Africa, East Africa, Central Africa, South Africa.

    Fig. 1. Africa countries.

    Almost the entire region of North Africa (10 million square meters. Km.) Lies on the territory of the Sahara desert. For this natural zone are characteristic high temperatures, It is here that the highest temperature in the shade is registered in the world - +58 degrees. The largest states of Africa are in this region. This is Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Sudan. All these countries are territories that have access to the sea.

    Egypt - Tourist center of Africa. People from all over the world go here to enjoy the warm sea, sandy beaches and infrastructure, fully suitable for a good rest.

    State Algeria With the capital of the same name is the largest country in Square in North Africa. Its area is 2382 thousand square meters. km. The largest river in this area is the Shelief River, flowing into the Mediterranean Sea. Its length is 700 km. The rest of the rivers are much smaller and lost among the deserts of the Sahara. In Algeria, oil and gas production is carried out in large volumes.

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    Sudan - Country of the North African region, which has access to the Red Sea.

    Sudan is sometimes called the "country of the three nips" - white, blue, and the main, which is formed as a result of the merger of the first first.

    In Sudan, the thick and rich vegetation of highly harvested savannas grows: the wet season, the grass here reaches 2.5 - 3 m. In the south, there is a Lesosavan with iron, red and black ebony trees.

    Fig. 2. Ebenova.

    Libya - Country in the central part of North Africa, with an area of \u200b\u200b1760 thousand square meters. km. Most of the territory is a flat plain with altitudes from 200 to 500 meters. As well as other countries of North America, Libya has access to the Mediterranean Sea.

    West Africa countries

    West Africa is washed by the Atlantic Ocean from the South and from the West. Here are the Guinean forests of the tropical region. These territories are characterized by alternating rains and droughts. West Africa includes many states, including Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal, Mali, Cameroon, Liberia. The population of this region is 210 million people. It is in this region that Nigeria is located (195 million people) - the largest population in Africa, and Cape Verde - a very small island state with a population of about 430 thousand people.

    Agriculture plays the main role in the economy. Western African countries are leaders on the collection of cocoa beans (Ghana, Nigeria), Peanuts (Senegal, Niger), palm oil (Nigeria).

    Central African countries

    Central Africa is located in the western part of the mainland and runs out in an equatorial and subequatorial belt. This area is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Guinean Bay. In Central Africa, there are a lot of rivers: Congo, Oche, Kwanza, Quila. The climate is wet and hot. The area includes 9 countries, including Congo, Chad, Cameroon, Gabon, Angola.

    According to the presence of natural reserves, the Democratic Republic of the Congo is one of the richest countries of the continent. Here are unique wet forests - Selva Africa, which make up 6% of wet forests of the whole world.

    Angola is a major supplier for export. The abroad export coffee, fruit, sugar cane. And in Gabon, copper, oil, manganese, uranium are mined.

    East Africa countries

    The shores of East Africa is washes the Red Sea, as well as the course of the Nile. The climate in this area in each country is different. For example, Seychelles are characterized as wet marine tropics, where monsoons dominate. At the same time, Somalia, also related to East Africa, is the desert, where there is practically no rainy days. This area includes Madagascar, Rwanda, Seychelles, Uganda, Tanzania.

    For some countries, East Africa is characterized by exports of specific products, which is not in other countries of Africa. Kenya exports tea and coffee, and Tanzania and Uganda - cotton.

    Many people are interested, where is the capital of Africa? Naturally, each country has its own capital, but the heart of Africa is considered the capital of Ethiopia - the city of Addis Ababa. It does not have access to the sea, but it is here that representative offices of all countries are located.

    Fig. 3. Adis Ababa.

    Countries of South Africa

    South Africa includes South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland.

    The Republic of South Africa is the most developed in its region, and Swaziland is the smallest. Swaziland borders with South Africa and Mozambique. The population of the country is only 1.3 million people. This region is in a tropical and subtropical climatic belt.

    List of African countries with capitals

    • Algeria (Capital - Algeria)
    • Angola (Capital - Luanda)
    • Benin (Capital - Porto Novo)
    • Botswana (Capital - Gaborone)
    • Burkina Faso (Capital - Ouagadougou)
    • Burundi (Capital - Bujumbura)
    • Gabon (Capital - Libreville)
    • Gambia (Capital - Banjul)
    • Ghana (Capital - Accra)
    • Guinea (Capital - Conakry)
    • Guinea-Bissau (Capital - Bissau)
    • Democratic Republic of the Congo (Capital - Kinshasa)
    • Djibouti (Capital - Djibouti)
    • Egypt (Capital - Cairo)
    • Zambia (Capital - Lusaka)
    • West Sahara
    • Zimbabwe (Capital - Harare)
    • Cape Verde (Capital - Praia)
    • Cameroon (Capital - Yaounde)
    • Kenya (Capital - Nairobi)
    • Comoros (Capital - Moroni)
    • Congo (Capital - Brazzavil)
    • Côte d'Ivoire (Table - Yamusukro)
    • Lesotho (Capital - Maseru)
    • Liberia (Capital - Monrovia)
    • Libya (Capital - Tripoli)
    • Mauritius (Capital - Port Louis)
    • Mauritania (Capital - Nouakchot)
    • Madagascar (Capital - Antananarivo)
    • Malawi (Capital - Lilongwe)
    • Mali (Capital - Bamako)
    • Morocco (Capital - Rabat)
    • Mozambique (Capital - Maputo)
    • Namibia (Capital - Windhoek)
    • Niger (Capital - Niamey)
    • Nigeria (Capital - Abuja)
    • Saint Helena Island (Capital - Jamestown) (United Kingdom)
    • Reunion (Capital - Saint-Denis) (France)
    • Rwanda (Capital - Kigali)
    • Sao Tome and Principe (Capital - Sao Tome)
    • Swaziland (Capital - Mbabane)
    • Seychelles (Capital - Victoria)
    • Senegal (Capital - Dakar)
    • Somalia (Capital - Mogadishu)
    • Sudan (Capital - Hartum)
    • Sierra Leone (Capital - Freetown)
    • Tanzania (Capital - Dodoma)
    • Togo (Capital - Lome)
    • Tunisia (Capital - Tunisia)
    • Uganda (Capital - Campala)
    • Central African Republic (Capital - Bangui)
    • Chad (Capital - Ndjamena)
    • Equatorial Guinea (Capital - Malabo)
    • Eritrea (Capital - Asmara)
    • Ethiopia (Capital - Addis Ababa)
    • South Africa Republic (Pretoria Capital)

    What did we know?

    Africa is the hottest continent of the Earth. In the territory of the mainland there are 54 independent states that relate to one of the five districts: North Africa, East Africa, West Africa, Central Africa, South Africa. African countries and their capital are unique. Each country has its own characteristics and characteristic features.

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    Hearing the word "Africa", we immediately represent a beautiful nature, a variety of exotic animals. And, indeed, Africa is famous for this. AFRICA is a large continent of a wide variety of cultures and landscapes, surpassed in the size and number of population of only Asia.

    Still Africa is very beautiful in that it is located immediately in several natural zones and climatic belts making her plant and animal world Just unique. On the African continent you can see and absolutely unsuitable for the economic use of the desert, which look very impressive, and the magnificent evergreen forests, and the savannah. In Africa, approximately 14% of the world's population lives and there are more than 20% of the sushi surface. Most of this land in the power of the desert and plains-savannah, although there are also areas of the rainforest.

    The vegetation world of Africa is so rich that it is difficult to describe, since it is impossible to give something preference. And the animal world, most of its own, depends on the vegetable. Many will not agree with this, however, it is so, because in Africa there are a lot of birds that need trees, a lot of snakes, which are needed by the desert, a large number of empty animals, which also need certain natural conditions.

    On the map of Africa you can see more than 50 countries of the world. In just half a century ago, most of them manage strong European powers that enriched at the expense of the natural resources of their colonies. Since the 1960s, African countries began to gain independence. However, the years of foreign domination reached most Africans on poverty, deprived the possibility of obtaining education and specialty. The result of the colonial rule of the war between many people, and the original territories were divided into new state borders.

    As a result, in order in the course of the history of Africa, there was a colonized mainland, traditional African culture experienced the strongest Arab and European influence. Especially the northern parts of Africa, including the countries of Maghreb and Egypt, which belong more to the Arab world than to African. Arab influence is also noticeable along the Western coastline and islands located near the coast, such as Zanzibar, Madagascar and Mauritius. European influence is distributed over the entire continent, but still the best English influence is best, which is most felt in the countries of South Africa, in countries such as South Africa and Namibia.

    Africa language numbers and facts:

    • Africa Square - 30.3 million km 2, the Square of the African Islands is 1.1 million km 2 (the largest of which Madagascar is 587 thousand km 2).
    • Africa is the second on the area of \u200b\u200bthe mainland on the planet, yielding only Eurasia.
    • Africa, including African Islands, occupies 1/5 of the land sushi.
    • In Africa, 70% of diamond reserves and 55% of gold are focused.
    • The highest point of the mainland - Kilimanjaro volcano - 5895 m, the Lower - Lake Assal - (-153) m.
    • Northern Point - Cape El-Abyard, South - Cape Needle, Eastern - Cape Almadi, Western - Cape Rasha Hafun.
    • The largest lake of Africa - Lake Victoria (area 68.4 km 2).
    • The largest state of Africa in Square - Algeria - 2.381 million km 2.

    Africa is an extensive mainland of the planet, which in its size and population ranks second after Eurasia. This occupies 6% of the land area and more than 20% of the territory of all sushi. The list consists of 62 units. Conditionally, this mainland is divided into four parts - Eastern, Western, Northern and South. These boundaries coincide with the boundaries of states that are located there. Some of them have access to the seas and oceans, others are located in the depths of the mainland.

    Geographical location of continent

    Africa itself is located, you can say in the center of the planet. From the north it was washed by the Water of the Mediterranean Sea, from the northeast - the Red Sea and the eastern part bathes in the waters of the Indian Ocean, and all the Western coasts, among which there are both resorts and industrial cities, plunge into the water of the Atlantic. The relief, as well as the vegetable and animal world of this mainland, is very diverse and mysterious. There is most of the deserts in which the incredible heat keeps all year round. However, in some regions, mountains covered with eternal snow are towering. The list of countries in Africa is impossible to fully submit without some natural features of each of them.

    Countries and cities

    Now we will look at the largest and most famous countries of Africa. The list with the capitals, as well as used languages, is given below:

    • Algeria - Algeria - Arabic.
    • Angola - Luanda - Portuguese.
    • Botswana - Gaborone - Netsvan, English.
    • Guinea - Conakry - French.
    • Zambia - Lusaka - English.
    • Egypt - Cairo - Arabic.
    • Kenya - Nairobi - English, Swahili.
    • Democratic Republic of Congo - Kinshasa - French.
    • Libya - Tripoli - Arabic.
    • Mauritania - Nouakchotchot - Arabic.
    • Madagascar - Antananarivo - French, Malagasy.
    • Mali - Bamako - French.
    • Morocco - Rabat - Arabic.
    • Somalia - Mogadishu - Arabic, Somalia.
    • Sudan - Khartoum - Arabic.
    • Tanzania - Dodoma - Swahili, English.
    • Tunisia - Tunisia - Arabic.
    • South Africa - Cape Town, Pretoria, Bloemfont - Zulu, Wati, English and many others.

    This is presented far from full list Africa countries. Among them, there are also very poorly developed territories, which are part of both other African and European powers.

    Northern region closest to Europe

    It is customary to believe that the most developed regions is the northern and small part of the southern one. Nevertheless, the rest of the state are in the zone of the so-called "safari". There is also an unfavorable climate, desert relief, as well as the absence of inland waters. Now we will briefly consider what the list consists of 6 administrative units, which includes: Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Sudan. Most of this territory is the Sahara desert, so local thermometers never fall below the 10 degree sets of Celsius. It is also important to note that in this region all countries at one time or another were under the rule of European powers. Therefore, the locals are well familiar with the Roman-German family of languages. Nowadays, proximity to the old Light allows residents of North Africa to establish a business relationship with his representatives.

    Other very significant regions of the continent

    As mentioned above, not only in the north of the mainland are developed countries in Africa. The list of all the other is much more brief, as it consists of one power - South Africa. This unique state fits absolutely everything that you can imagine. In the midst of summer, the peak of the influx of tourists from all over the world is traced. People come to the region look at the unique coast, as well as to swim in the waters of the Indian or Atlantic Ocean. Along with this, fishing, boat walks, excursions in local museums and attractions are very developed in the area. Along with this, the locals are actively engaged in the extraction of diamonds and oil, which in the depths of this region are concentrated in a huge quantity.

    Cities of South Africa, who amazed with their beauty

    Sometimes there is a feeling that the very center of world civilization is not concentrated in Europe, not even in America, namely, in the south of the African continent. Here, those famous for the whole world of the city rose here, as Pretoria, Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban, East London and Port Elizabeth, who had previously earlier today is the places of concentration of skyscrapers, luxury parks and museums that are buried in tropical greenery, as well as in purple color Jacarand. The territory of the cities are populated as white migrants, which for a very long time they have settled and the historical hosts of these lands are black Africans. You can talk about these cuping places with hours, since they are the best countries and the capital of Africa. The list of southern cities and resorts, given above, will allow you to better navigate in this area.


    The cradle of the whole earthly humanity, the place of birth of minerals and jewels, unique wonders of nature and luxurious resorts that contrast with the poverty of the local population - all this is concentrated on a single continent. Simple transfer of titles - a list of African countries - cannot fully disclose all the potential, which is stored in these lands and on their surface, and in order to know these territories, you need to go there and see all your own eyes.

    Africa is a huge continent with a large number of countries. Consider the region of West Africa, countries and their capital.

    West Africa, the region of the West African continent, including countries:

    1. (the capital of Porto-Novo; Government Residence - City of Cotonou),
    2. Burkina Faso (the capital of Ouagadougou),
    3. Cameroon (Capital Yaounde),
    4. Cape Verde (Capital Praia),
    5. Congo (the capital of Brazavil),
    6. Côte d'Ivoire (the capital of Yamusukro),
    7. Equatorial Guinea,
    8. Gambia (Capital of Banjul),
    9. Ghana (Capital Accra),
    10. Guinea (Capital Conakry),
    11. Guinea-Bissau (Capital Bissau),
    12. Gabon (capital Libervil),
    13. Liberia (Monrovia's capital),
    14. Mali (Capital Bamako),
    15. Mauritania (Capital of Nouakchotch),
    16. Niger (Capital Niamey),
    17. Nigeria (Capital of Abuja),
    18. Senegal (Capital Dakar),
    19. Sierra Leone (Capital Freetown),
    20. Togo (the capital of Lome).

    In addition, the West African region includes the overseas Territory of Great Britain - Islands, Ascension and Tristan-Da-Kun (with the capital of Jamestown).

    West Africa is the term used in Britannica Encyclopedia.

    Map of West Africa

    It goes from Guinea from the north-western tip of Africa to Angola in the south, along the west coast of Africa.

    Guinea (Country Susu) - Lower Guinea with the capital of Conakry.
    Fulbe is a medium Guinea and a small part of the upper Guinea around the city of Dabola. The most likely capital is the city of Laba.
    Mandingo (the country of the Peoples of the Mandingo, the largest of which - Malinka) is most of the upper Guinea and Forest Guinea. The capital is the city of Kankan.

    The state of Benin is the historical name of the state near the Niger Delta. The northern part of Benin, together with the northern part of the state, forms the state of the GUR.

    House - Nigerian provinces Sokhoto, Kaduna, Kano, Bauchi (Capital - City of Jos); The southern province of Maradi, Thawa, Zinder (the capital is a city of Kano, a modern House Howus).
    Yoruba - Lagos province, Ogun, Ooo, Onto, Kvar (the capital is the city of Ibadan). The former capital of the entire Nigeria city of Lagos was settled by representatives of different ethnic groups from all over Nigeria.
    The igbie - the provinces of Baby and IMO (the capital is the city of Yuugu).
    Edo - Bendel Province (the capital is the city of Benin).
    Indo-European Province Rivers and Province Bendel (the capital is the city of Port Harcourt).
    Cross - Cross River Province (Capital - Calabar City).
    Born - the province of Born Departments of Diff and Sinder (the capital is the city of Maiduguri).
    NUPU - Niger Province and a small area of \u200b\u200bKvar (the capital is the city of Bed).
    Igala is the western part of the province of BENUE (the capital is the city of IDA).
    BENUE - east of igal (the capital is the city of Fero).
    Thiwi is the western part of the province of the plateau and the central part of the province of BENUE (Capital - Makurdi City).
    BENUE - province of ґonґol and the eastern parts of the provinces of Plateau and Beniu (the capital is the city of Yola).

    Mandara (Mandara's ethnos country) - North Province (the capital is the city of Garva).
    Adamava (country of central Cameroon, Ethnos Fulbe and small ethnic groups: Chamb, Duru, Butte - the southern part of the North Province (the capital is the city of Ngounder).
    Bamum (country of ethnic groups Bamum, Bamileck, Tikar) - Western and North-West province (Capital - Bafuham City).

    Fan (country of ethnos fan) - the province of modern Cameroon; Gabon Province of Volvez-Ntem, the northern part of the Ivindo, ESTERA; The mainland part of modern Equatorial Guinea is Mbyni (the capital is the city of Jayundene / the current capital of Cameroon).
    Cameroon Province Coastal and Southern South South West Province (the capital is the city of Douala).

    Loanґo - the rest of the territory of modern Gabon (the capital is the city of Libreville / Modern capital of Gabon).

    Boco (the country of ethnos is a boub) - the territory of the island of Biook (the capital is Malabo / the current capital of Equatorial Guinea).

    Territorial limits of Sao Tome and Principe with the capital in the city of San Tome.