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  • Aral Sea maximum depth today. Interesting facts about the Aral Sea are now. Drying history - when, how, why. Environmental consequences

    Aral Sea maximum depth today. Interesting facts about the Aral Sea are now. Drying history - when, how, why. Environmental consequences

    Aral Sea

    Aral is a faceless salted sea lake, located in the deserted area of \u200b\u200bCentral Asia, in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. It passes the border between these states. On the geographic map It can be found between 46 ° 53 "and 43 ° 26" northern latitude and 58 ° 12 "and 61 ° 58" Eastern longitude. This lake lies at an altitude of 48.5 m above sea level. The Aral Sea Lake is one of the largest lakes in Asia. The maximum depth mark is 68 m, the average depth does not exceed 16 m. Due to insufficient depth and lack of communication with the ocean reservoir are called the lake, but salty water It makes it possible to conditionally call it by the sea. Therefore, quite often say that Aral is the lake.

    Arala occupies a fairly extensive depression located on the territory of the Turan lowland. The shores of Aral differ significantly from each other. The west coast is a breakdown and stony, Eastern is sandy lowland, and the southern areas are mostly swamps and wet lands, hollow-goes down to the lake.

    In the Aral Sea there is a fairly large number of large and small islands. There are up to thousands of all. However, especially the big islands are not so much. Among them, it is necessary to name the following: Revival, Barça Ciemmes and Kos-Aral. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe islands of Aral is up to 3.5% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe surface of the lake.

    Local residents are often called the Aral Sea Aral-Tengiz, which translated from Kazakh means "Island Sea". This name did not happen by chance. That is how it was once referred to as the territory adjacent to the mouth, as well as the nearby Amudarya Delta. And now there is a large number of islands that were formed by numerous sleeves and ducts. After some time, Aral began to call the lake-sea.

    The climate of the coast of the Aral Sea can be described as continental. It is usually common in areas of intram-moisture desert temperate belts. However, in Aral he has its own, inherent in him features. That is why most often natural conditions On the coast of Aral, they call the climate of Aral type. In the summer, the maximum temperature of the air in the shade often exceeds 40-43 ° C. Priaral winters can be compared unless with polar. Often, frosts of such power occur here that the thermometer column is lowered to a mark of 35-37 ° C. At the same time, as a rule, heavy snowfalls on the coast of the Aral Sea - the phenomenon is extremely rare.

    Water Arala is so transparent that the sky is reflected in his waters as if in the mirror. In clear sunny weather, the bottom of the sea is clearly visible. Review the relief of the bottom can be even at a depth of 15-27 m.

    Everyone, who at least once managed to visit the Aral Sea, argue that they have not seen such blue water in nature. Indeed, Aral Water has a bright blue color. At the same time, if you look from the aircraft, then the most profound seats seem to be saturated blue, and shallow - emerald green. Ancient Rusichi, who called Aral Blue Sea, wrote about this property of the lake.

    Unlike the central regions of Aral, where transparent water has bright blue color, water in mouth is somewhat mudding. The reason for this is small clay particles, painting water in beige and even light brown color.

    Aral Lake

    The Aral Sea is a pond with salted water. The degree of its salinity is three times lower than in the ocean. And the composition of the salts is represented mainly by sulphates and carbonates (i.e., salts of sulfur and coal acids). Thus, scientists have the right to determine the water of the Aral Sea as a half-sized and semi-second.

    For a long time, scientists were interested in the question of where most of the salts arriving in the sea-lake.

    Specialists were able to calculate that every year Amudarya and Syrdarya bring 18 million tons with their waters in Aral, respectively and 10 million tons of dissolved salts. According to the hydrolyth of L. S. Berg, the total stock of salts from the above-mentioned rivers was once at least 33 million tons. Indeed, another fifty years ago, the pops of the salts turned out to be much bigger than now, because at that time there were no rivers Erected such a number of irrigation systems, as at present.

    Later, the same scientist Berg said that the overall stock of salts in the Aral Sea reached 10.854 million tons. To date, this value is about 11 million tons. This figure corresponds to the mass of salts that could have accumulated in the waters of the lake for 350 -400 years. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that Amudarya and Syrdarya carry their waters in Aral for several thousand years. In this regard, a natural question arises: where all the dissolved salts brought in the sea rivers disappear?

    This question was able to find the response to the scientist L. K. Blinov. During numerous studies, he found out that part of the salty water leaves the sea into nearby lakes that perform the function of peculiar filters. It is these reservoirs and take a surplus of dissolved salts by the sea. This phenomenon is still continuing to study.

    The secret of the Aral Lake, associated with the disappearance of salts, is not the only one. Another mysterious phenomenon characteristic of Aral is the unsuitability of lake flows known physical laws. The currents of all rivers located in the northern hemisphere are rejected to the right. The currents of the Aral Sea are deviated to the left and are directed along the movement of the clockwise. What is the same phenomenon? Modern scientists were able to answer this question. It turns out that the movement of the flows of Aral, directed clockwise, is caused by the direction of dominant winds dominant in this territory, as well as the features of the sea bottom relief. An important meaning for the movement of the Aral flows has and flowing into it from the south of the Amudarya River.

    Another Aral Mystery is associated with an indicator of oxygen level in water. The fact is that at high depths, the oxygen content in water decreases. In the Aral water occurs reverse process: The specific mass of oxygen increases with increasing depth. Hydrobiologists and hydrochemists managed to determine the causes of this process. The fact is that the underwater fauna of Aral is represented only by a small number of seeds of marine animals. In Aral water, very little plankton and animals living on the bottom. This is what causes a high degree of transparency. sea waterAnd also explains the fact that there are quite a few oxygen on the oxidation of organic residues.

    Reparatively extensive areas of the bottom of the sea are occupied by submarine plants. The development of flora largely contributes to the sun's rays, which freely reach the seabed. As is known, plants isolated oxygen. There are no exception and algae, which also produce oxygen concentrating in the deep layers of Aral water.

    Another miracle of Aral is the features of tides and sings. Scientists have noticed that at a time when the Caspian Sea is melting, the water level is raised on Aral. When water leaves the Aral Sea, there is an increase in the level of water in Caspiana. It seems that there is a message between these lakes.

    Modern hydrologists almost managed to explain this phenomenon. They believe that the reason is as follows: the main source of water replenishment in the Caspian Sea becomes the Volga, which, in turn, feeds on the waters of numerous tributaries located in the European part of Russia. In particularly dry periods of the flow of water in line with the Volga significantly decreases, which then leads to a minor cropping of the Caspian Sea. The Aral Sea is powered by waters, brings amuar and syrdarya. These rivers start their origin in glaciers and snowballs, which are in arid and hot periods of melting with considerable speed. Thus, it is at that time the arala feeds more intensively, which affects the increase in water level.

    Currently, the economic importance of the Aral Sea for the lives of local residents is difficult to overestimate. Four from the main fishery of the Kazakhs and Uzbeks living on the shores of the sea-lake is considered a fishing, since Aral rich in fish. However, the number a variety of species Fish is small. Typical representatives of the underwater world of the Aral Sea are Sazan, Zherhekh, Bream, Nome and Schip (the latter belongs to the sturgeon family). In the 20th century, several more species brought to Aral from other areas of the country appeared in the sea. So, thanks to a person in the Aral Sea, Caspian herring acquired his second homeland. Over time changes and animal world shores of Aral Comparatively recently appeared ondatra.

    Currently growing on the coast of the Aral Sea-Lakes are of great importance for the development of the pulp and paper industry. In a certain way, the processed cane goes to the manufacture of paper, cellulose, cardboard, as well as a number of building materials. Once the cane thickets were sadly glorified throughout Eastern Europe As a focus of the development of locusts - insect, bringing great harm to agriculture not only Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, but also nearby territories: the south of Russia and even some regions of Ukraine. To date, scientists managed to partially eliminate this focus of the distribution of locust.

    There are many amazing places on the Aral Sea. One of the similar attractions is a natural island, which is local residents call Barca Celmes. Translated into Russian Barça Celmes means "Going - and you will not come back." Indeed, the island justifies its name. Many brave travelers who decided to conquer the unexplored lands of the Naaralya, remained forever in the anhydrous sands of Bars-Kelmes.

    Currently, the bloodthirsty island-cannibal announced national Reserve. There are living and protected by law such quite rare types of Central Asian animals, like Jajaran, as well as wild donkeys (kulans and saigas). According to the strange irony of fate it is on Barca-Kelmes who endangered from the face of the Earth representatives of the fauna found their last refuge. They eat juicy grass growing on the coast, and drink saltwaters of Aral water. Scientists working in the reserve are grown by Jayranans and wild donkeys, and then send them to zoos located in of different states World.

    Now the Aral Sea is experiencing not better times. Since the beginning of the 50s of the 20th century, scientists celebrate the gradual crime of the unique sea-lake. At the same time, the water level every year decreased by 20-40 cm. In 1966, the amount of water level decreased in the Aral Sea was 60 cm, and after another while, in 1969, it reached a terrifying figure - 2 m.

    In the late 1969, due to abundant precipitation, the water level in the sea rose by 70 cm. However, to the great regret of scientists, the next year the level began to be alone again.

    A decrease in the water level in the Aral Sea was the cause of numerous disasters that occurred on the coast. Many fishing villages found themselves in a dry zone with a climate, which can be described as a semi-desert. As a result of natural cataclysms, residents of such settlements were forced to leave their homes. For example, a small southern village of Muinak was famous for all Central Asia as the largest fishing center. Today he was discarded from the sea for several tens of kilometers. But there was a time when people had to be raised near Muinaka 3-kilometer Damb, which defended the village from high marine waves. Currently, this construction is here as a reminder of the past existence of a powerful and merciless element.

    Today, it is no longer a secret that the cause of the natural disaster that takes place on the Aral Sea is a thoughtless economic activities man. Several decades ago in the pools of the two main rivers of the northern regions of Central Asia - Amudarya and Syrdarya - powerful irrigation systems were built. As a result, Aral ceased to receive sufficient water from them.

    The construction of a large number of hydraulic structures has its advantages. In the basins of Amu Darya and Syrdarya, many villages appeared, fields occupied by agricultural crops, industrial enterprises, as well as reservoirs.

    The greatest amount of water comes from Amudarya to the Karakum canal, which over time has become a kind of human victory symbol over the sandy element. With the arrival of water in the desert areas treated life there. A plurality of deserted areas turned into fertile oases filled with a lifeful cool.

    However, very soon a person had to pay for the appearance of oasis on the territory of the Karakumov. Aral became gradually chained. Every year the area of \u200b\u200bthe territory occupied is invariably decreased. The huge lake melts, as if ice cream on a hot summer day, literally in front of contemporaries of the new millennium.

    Unfortunately, to return the aral to its previous state, people are not under power. Scientists calculated that the reconstruction and improving the irrigation systems existing on the Amudarier and Syrdarya will inevitably lead to the fact that the Aral Sea disappears from the face of the Earth. According to experts, already in the coming years, the level of Aral will decrease to 42-43 m. At the same time, the overall decrease in the water level (in comparison with the 1960 data) will be at least 10-15 m.

    Modern scientists have repeatedly raised the issue of salvation of Aral. They often said that if the development of irrigation systems in the Amudarya and Syrdarya basin will not be suspended, the Aral Sea will turn into a small reservoir, the main nutrition of which will be carried out at the expense of waste disposable and drainage waters. At the same time, the indicators of the salinity of Aral water will increase even more.

    In itself, natural disaster associated with the cropping of the Aral Sea would not be so terrible if there were no consequences that it would inevitably entail. The most serious concerns scientists express about the ecological situation that develops in the territory where the sea had ever existed.

    After partial crosses of Aral, some areas have become blooming oasis into desert and semi-desert areas. Thus, the change in the natural hydrological, hydrochemical and hydrobiological state of the Aral Sea led to a change in climate on a rather extensive nearby territory. In turn, it was the cause of the change in the structure of the soil, surface and groundwater, as well as the composition of the vegetable and animal world of the priala. The forecasts of scientists regarding the further development of the situation associated with the drainage of Aral cannot be called comforting. They argue that after the criticism reaches its critical mark, it may be formed by two different reservoirs: small and large seas. After that, the small sea will be quickly chained and dried very soon.

    One of the consequences of the crosses of Aral, in the opinion of specialists, the emergence of numerous, periodically repeated sandy-dust and salt storms on the territory of the priaral and salt storms, the focus of which will become the dried bottom of the sea. Currently, scientists are trying to find ways to prevent such natural disasters in order to maximize the security of local residents.

    In the event that the water level in the Aral Sea decreases 15 m, the ecological and geographical situation will be developed as follows. First, small and large seas are formed. At the same time, they will be separated from each other with a small natural canal, the width of which will not exceed 25 km. According to preliminary forecasts of scientists, such a channel will be at an altitude of no more than 2-5 m above sea level. After that, the Eastern and Western part of the large sea formed will be divided by the so-called Amudarya shaft. According to experts, the shaft width will be from 15 to 35 km. And only in two parts is small straits.

    One of the ways to prevent the occurrence of dust storms, scientists see in the formation of three small areas in the Aral Sea of \u200b\u200bwater. Their water and salt balance are planned to be controlled by specially constructed dams, which are separated by the Western and Eastern part of the Aral Sea from water-filling facilities there. In addition, scientists talk about the need to connect the Small Sea with the eastern areas of the big. To do this, it is necessary to build a dam, equipped with a waterfront, with which the volume of water coming into a large aral will be carried out.

    The consequence of the activities listed above will increase the number of surface and groundwater entering the large sea. At the same time, even with a sufficiently large degree of evaporation of moisture from the surface, the water level in the lake will remain more or less permanent.

    In addition, to prevent the increase in salinity level, the large sea will be filtered. And the collected surplus dissolved salts are planned to be delivered across special channels into the small sea. With the help of such events, scientists, unfortunately, will never be able to return the Aral Sea to his former state. However, the measures taken will still help prevent further development Ecological catastrophe in the alarm.

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    52. Environmental lessons. The Caspian and Aral Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Caspian Sea is a closed inner, rare on richness by fish with water. In the past, he gave about 90% of the entire world sturgeon catch now sturgeon are under threat of disappearance. The reason of that -

    In 1989, the lake broke up into two isolated reservoirs - Northern (small) and southern (large) Aral Sea. For 2003, the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe Aral Sea is about a quarter of the initial, and the volume of water is about 10%. In 2014, the eastern part of the southern (large) of the Aral Sea was completely dried, reaching the historic minimum of the entire seas in 7297 km². Temporarily flooding in the spring of 2015 (up to 10780 km² of the entire sea), by the fall of 2015 its water surface has again decreased to 8303 km².

    In the historical era there was significant fluctuations in the level of the Aral Sea. So, on the retreating day, the remains of trees growing at this place were found. However, from the beginning of systematic observations in the XIX century, the level of Aral has not changed. In the 1930s, the large-scale construction of irrigation canals began, which was particularly intensified in the early 1960s. From 1960 to 1990, the area of \u200b\u200birrigated land in Central Asia increased from 4.5 million to 7 million hectares. Water requirements in the national economy increased from 60 to 120 km³ per year, of which 90% accounted for irrigation. Starting from 1961, the sea level dropped with an increasing rate of 20 to 80-90 cm / year.

    The climate in the Aral Sea area (above the former water management and within a radius of 50-100 km from her) has become more continental and arid, the winter has become colder (for 1-3 degrees). In place of the bottom of the retreating Sea, a sandy-salt desert was formed; In severe winds (which are observed in this region for 30-50 days a year), intensive dust storms are developing over the dried bottom, the dust loop reaches a length of 200-300 km, and, depending on the direction of the wind, reaches such cities as Kzyl -Ord, Baikonur, Chelkar, Nukus, etc., manifesting in the form of a blessed color, worsening air transparency (visibility range). Since salt sediments on a drying day contain large quantities of chimudobractions and pesticides (used in agriculture and washed off from fields in the river and further fell into the sea), inhalation of such air can negatively affect the health of people and animal data of the regions.

    As a result of the crosses, the saline of Aral, which caused the extinction of many types of flora and fauna adapted to a smaller saline. The sea has lost a fisheries. The ports of Aralsk, Muinak and Kazakhstancary have lost importance and were closed. Most experts do not see ways to restore the level of all sea, except for the Soviet project on the turn of Siberian rivers. In 2005, Kazakhstan built a cocarala dam, an extinguished small sea from the big one. Thanks to this, Syrdarya's water accumulates in the Small Sea, the level here has grown, salting decreased.

    In Karakalpakstan, the enhancement environment for the population of the distinguished districts of the Aral Sea was engaged in a lot of Charzhou Abdirov - Academician, Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Since 1994, in addition to medical research and organization of medical events, being a deputy of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, he headed the Committee on ambient and nature conservation, took active participation In the preparation of legislative acts on environmental issues and solving the problems of the population of this region. Nevertheless, from the Uzbek side the process of drying the sea is most active (Water Amudarya does not reach the sea).

    Numerous photos of the Aral Sea to dry and after an environmental disaster, is a visual example, as human intervention in nature can destroy the local ecosystem. It is almost at the very border of two states - Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

    By nature, the Aral Sea was a salt lake, which did not have natural waste.

    According to historical data, the Aral Sea was formed about 23 thousand years ago. The name of the reservoir has Turkic origin, and in translation means the word "archipelago". It is not surprising, because there were many small islets over the water management of the sea, some of which were used in agricultural, military, as well as research purposes.

    There are data that earlier in the prehistoric period, the reservoir was eaten by the water of the Siberian River Turgai, which by unidentified reasons changed its direction. In 1848, Konstantin's scientific ship was created within the city of Orenburg, who was intended to study the waters of the Aral Lake.

    For the first time in 1849, under the leadership of A. Buttakov, a research campaign was organized in the Aral Sea.

    Scientists measure the distance from the water surface to the bottom, the water samples were selected, opened such islands such as rebirth, Barça Celmes. Meteorological, as well as astronomical observations were carried out. Water condition in winter during the period of severe frosts was reflected in scientific conclusion.

    In 1853, a vessel with a steam engine was displayed on the Aral Sea water area.

    Drying history - when, how, why. Environmental consequences

    The drying range of the Aral Sea originates from the 1960s., When Drainage channels, designed to irrigate the dry regions of Turkmenistan, the southern regions of Kazakhstan, as well as Uzbekistan, were built from the direction of the Amudarya and Syrdarya rivers.

    In this regard, a significantly smaller water began to flow into the Aral Sea, which also negatively affected the fullness of rivers.

    In the first 5 years after the launch of the drainage system, the reservoir retreated from its previous shores by 3-4 m, the bottom, saturated with salts of chemicals (including pesticides and mineral fertilizers), was praised. In the future, the environmental situation was only aggravated.

    Below is the history of drying the reservoir by dates:

    Year Water level (m) Water area (km. Sq.)
    1960 53 69
    1980 46 52
    1990 38 37
    2000 33 28
    2003 31 18
    2004 30 17

    After 2004, the drying of the reservoir slowed down a bit.

    Currently, the balance of the balance is observed between the natural loss of water and its filling due to groundwater, rainfall, as well as the Amudarya and Syrdarya rivers. At least 54 thousand square meters. km bottom reservoir covered with salt sedimentsand consisting of various types of keroids.

    For the region, this ecological catastrophe has the following negative consequences:

    • termination of shipping;
    • the formation of a new desert Aralkum;
    • high mortality rate of children and adults, since chemical saltscovering the dried bottom of the former reservoir, are spread by impulse winds at a distance of 500 km;
    • lack of opportunity to engage in the region of agricultural activities.

    In addition, earlier on the island of the Renaissance, which was also washed by the waters of the Aral Sea, the biochemical laboratory was operating. It carried out scientific experiments. Animals experienced biological weapons obtained from strains of particularly dangerous infectious microorganisms (OSAP, anthrax, Tulyaraiy, Plague, Tif).

    After the drying of the sea, the territory of the island has connected with the main part of the sushi.

    It is fraught with the fact that pathogenic bacteria that were buried in the soil of the island of the Renaissance in 1992 can be distributed by rodents and other animals. In the event of the development of such scenario, the region can survive not only an environmental catastrophe, but also the epidemic of infectious diseases, most of which are fatal.

    Small Aral

    The conditional designation of a separate part of the Aral Sea, which was formed as a result of its drying and separation into 2 reservoirs. In fact, this is a brave lake, which is located in the Kyzylorda region, What is located in Kazakhstan.

    Geographically small Aral is located in the north of the former sea.

    Water provision is carried out from the Syr Darya River basin. Formed in 1987, when the drying of the reservoir has already acquired irreversible consequences. Stop the further drying of the Small Aral and its complete disappearance was due to the construction, and then the commissioning of the Cocarala dam.

    In 2012, the northern part of the Aral Sea, as well as the Syrdarya River River in the place of its flow in the water, was included in the wetland territories of international importance. From this time, the region is protected by the norms of the Ramsar Convention.

    The bottom of the Aral Sea

    Currently, the bottom territory of the Aral Sea is a cluster of salt deposits. Soil mineralization reaches 100%.

    In its chemical composition, the soils of the bottom of the former reservoir consist of the following substances:

    • sodium bicarbonate;
    • salt of nitrogen fertilizers (nitrate, nitroamophos);
    • sodium sulfate;
    • phosphates;
    • sodium chloride.

    Aral Sea (photo before and after an ecological catastrophe show that all these chemical substancesare crystals of salt that spread along with wind gusts and make the region unsuitable for living as a whole) earlier in their waters had 34 species of fish, of which at least 20 industrial significance.

    All these toxic elements destroyed the flora and fauna reservoirand, as they came to the sea together with the waters of the Amudarya and Syrdarya River, which were saturated with pesticides from local agricultural land. Most of them specialized in the cultivation of cotton.

    Former Islands

    In the period when the Aral Sea was a full-water reservoir, within its water area there were 3 large archipelago, which were considered island formations.


    Revival - The former island, which since 2010 is the peninsula, since due to the cropping of the sea, its shores were connected to the rest of the sushi, the southern part of the territory belongs to the Republic of Uzbekistan, and the server belongs to Kazakhstan.

    The Kazakhstani part is unsuitable for living and maintaining any activity, since in the period from 1942 to 1992. The island acted a polygon test of biological weapons for the name "Barchan". In this regard, the soil of the terrain is polluted by infectious microorganisms of various strains.

    Barsakelmes - Located 180 km south from the city of Aralsk, it is distinguished by an inhomogeneous relief with the highest point above the sea level of 108 m in the field of high-altitude plateau, and the rest is a wavy plain, where in the places of contact with the seabed goes into salt peppers.

    the climate island is sharply continental with hot dry summer and cold winter.

    Cocaral - It is still found under the name Kugaral, located in Kazakhstan, the island was the island until 1973 and washed by the waters of Shevchenko Bay, (area of \u200b\u200b273 square meters. km, a semi-desert area with rarely encountered vegetation, the highest point - the mountain is given, the height of which is 163 m above Sea level, on the north coast there are 3 villages - Cocarall, Akbasta and Avan).

    The Aral Sea (photos before and after drying displays that at present, all the former islands almost turned into a desert of Aralkum) can completely dry, and the archipelagoes are completely solved with the mainland sushi. Their further fate depends on the preservation of the former level of the sea.


    The photo of the Aral Sea, made before and after the ecological catastrophe, shows that today's bays of the Aral Sea are divided into those filled with water, as well as dried. Their current surface is a bottom with 80-100% mineralization.

    The following bays still exist:

    Gulf Shevchenko - This is the northern part of the sea, which is part of the Small Aral. He was opened in 1849 by the researcher A. Butakov after the first scientific campaign on the water area of \u200b\u200bthis reservoir. Initially, the bay was called the name of Passevich, Field Marshal of the Russian state.

    Later was renamed in honor of the Ukrainian poet and the artist - Taras Shevchenko.

    Big Saryshiganak - The bay is in the small part of Aral. It has a triangular shape. At the northeastern shores of the bay, the city of Aralsk was erected. In the southwest there was a strait, surrounded by Caratyup and Trigorca Capes. Currently, Saryschiganak strongly raised and retreated from his shores to tens of kilometers.

    The maximum depths of the current bay reach 13 m.

    Bay of Buttakov - The length of the water area from the eastern shores to their western part was at least 40 km, and reaching 20 km in width. After a drying of the reservoir, the length of the water space decreased by 2 times and is currently 20 km, and in the width of Aral decreased by 4 km.

    The Aral Sea: when water splashed over these stones ...

    Tushabas - After the seal of the sea was formed in a separate insulated lake saturated with mineral salts. Chernyshev - Also, as the above bays, located as part of a small aral, has a small water area.

    The boschkol, jiltyrbas, as well as Ajibay, can be attributed to the dried bays of the reservoir. Their return is possible, but only in the case of restoring the fullness of the reservoir.

    Former ports

    The Aral Sea (photo before and after shows that before the reservoir began to retreat from his shores, the port cities of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan were economically prosperous settlements) had previously had passenger and freight ports.

    Former ports:

    • Aralsk - located in the Kazakh city with the same name, was the basis of the revenge part of the local budget.
    • Muynak - The settlement on the territory of Uzbekistan (13 thousand inhabitants), on the southern coast of which the port and the food plant for the processing of fish and sub-products was located (was a city-forming enterprise and after the port disappeared).
    • Kazakh Darya "A small town located in the western part of Uzbekistan, a port and the resort area formed during the fullness of the Aral Sea, which came to rest tourists from all over the USSR.

    After the seal of the sea in some sections, water retreated from ports per 100 km. This led to the most severe socio-economic consequences in the form of mass unemployment and outflow of the working population.

    Cemetery of abandoned ships - city Muinak

    In the vicinity of this settlement, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe former port on the length of several tens of kilometers, the dried ships lie on land. As the drying of the reservoir occurred, the vessel was stranded. Ultimately it turned out to be easier to throw them on deserted shoresthan to engage in disposal.

    The plot of abandoned ships remaining after the disappearance of Aral waters:

    In this regard, the former coastline of the city is littered with ships of various types and target.

    Restoration of the All Aral Sea

    The Aral Sea (photo before and after the tragedy shows that from the late 80s. The leadership of the republic was taken to stop the ending of the sea) tried to protect from drying out. One of the solutions to the problem was a change in the Syr Darya River bed to increase the volume of incoming water in Aral and gradually restore it to the water area.

    More detailed studies have shown that a similar solution will have a catastrophic result for the ecological system of Western Siberia.

    Ultimately, restoration work was limited to the creation of dams on the basis of hydroelectric power plants, which take part of the river waters of Amudarya and Syrdarya, and then reset them into the Pool of the Aral Sea. Due to these actions, it was possible to stop the process of drying the reservoir. From the side of the banks of Kazakhstan for the first time, the sea approach to the coast of 15 km was recorded.

    Similar situations of large water bodies of the world

    There are no less large seas on the globe, which suffered a similar fate of drying, as in the case of Aral, namely:

    • Popo. - A large faceless salted lake located on the territory of Bolivia.
    • Bonneville - dried reservoir in Utah, USA.
    • Lobnor - Highland reservoir in China, located at an altitude of 780 m (as in the case of Aral, the crosses occurred due to human agricultural activities).
    • Urmia - Salted pond without availability, is located in the north of Iran.
    • Groom Lake - Located on the territory of the so-called zone 51 in Nevada, and its dried and even bottom is used for testing the seating of the US Army Bombers.
    • Fucino - Lake in Italy, which was crushed back in 1875 due to the irrigation by its waters of agricultural land, located on the eastern outskirts of Rome.

    History shows that without human intervention, large water bodies that have feeding with water from rivers are extremely rarely melting and completely disappear from the land map. The main cause of the death of local ecosystems is industrial and agricultural activities.

    Few people know that the Aral Sea has its own characteristics that are in the following interesting facts:

    • the former water area area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir is such that 2 such European states such as Belgium and the Netherlands could be accommodated at the same time;
    • at the drying day, archaeologists find traces of ancient cities, existing in the X-XI centuries, which introduces scientists into confusion, as it is not known why their flooding occurred;
    • in the former shelf of the Aral Sea, large gas reserves are concentrated, the composition of which is characterized by chemical purity and minimal impurity of hydrocarbons;
    • in frosty winter weather over the preserved waters of Aral formed a snow effect (The combination of steam clouds, whose formation is characteristic exclusively for this reservoir).

    In the presence of sufficient financing, research teams could have many amazing discoveries and solve riddles that keep the coast and the bottom part of the Aral Sea.

    Traveling to the Aral Sea

    Given the difficult ecological environment of the region, territory in the circumference of the former water area of \u200b\u200bthe Aral Sea does not attract a large number of tourists. To date, there is one route for travelers, which allows one tour of one tour of all local attractions at once.

    T. the uritical program includes a trip to the following objects:

    • Departure from Tashkent to NukusWhere travelers are brought by car for the fishing villages of the Aral Sea, visit the Lake of Sudokhe, there is communication with the locals, who during the fullness of the reservoir were engaged in fishing catch fish.
    • Plateau Ustyurt and its canyons - formed as a result of the destruction of the coastline after the retreat of seawater (excursion and walking According to the gorges of the changed shore).
    • Aralkum - Tourists are driven by 150 km deep into the salt desert, which is actually the bottom of the Aral Sea, travelers have the opportunity to see the apocalyptic landscapes with their own eyes, on the spot of which another 50 years ago there were a sea saturated with dozens of fish species and a variety of Flora.
    • Aral Sea - In the evening, the tourist group comes on the coast of Small Aral, where the campground breaks down, the bonfire is burned and the dinner is preparing (as desired, you can settle in comfortable yurts).
    • Kungrad "This is an oldest city, named after the Türk people of the Türksky people, in which tourists go immediately after the night and breakfast.

    Upon completion of viewing photos of the Aral Sea, made before and after the crossed, the final stage of the tour is returning to Nukus with the subsequent flight to Tashkent. From the capital of Uzbekistan, travelers can go to their native cities and countries.

    The cost of this tour is 350 US dollars, and in the case of hiring a guide, the price increases by another 150 dollars. Total travel duration - 3 days and 2 nights.

    Article clearance: E. Shakina

    Useful video clip about the Aral Sea

    Video about the desert on the site of the Aral Sea:

    Aral Sea: description, photo, video

    In Central Asia is a salt-free lake. It is called exclusively due to large sizes, which possessed before the process of cropping. According to its size, the reservoir was part of the largest lakes on the planet. However, the famous for the whole world did not make this fact and not even a wonderful and charming water surface. The sad glory of Aral is connected with the action of a person whose activities at the beginning of the 60s of the last century led a natural oasis to almost extinction.

    For the sake of justice, it is worth noting that the lake once recalculated for natural reasons. At the bottom, archaeologists found cemeteries and ruins, dating back to the 13th century. The current state of Aral undoubtedly gives him a special appeal. Many landscapes of lifeless desert are similar to Martian. What happened to the Aral Sea? The observation of the reservoir began in the 19th century and up to the middle of the last century, the water level here remained unchanged.

    In the 30s, the construction of an irrigation system, designed to provide water with cotton fields in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, began on the territory of Aral. The diversion of the rivers that feed the lake led to irreversible consequences. The Aral Sea began to be ground and already in 1989 it turned into actually in 2 reservoirs. In 2003, the volume of water in Aral was about 10 percent of the previous indicators, and the area decreased by three fourth. Today, the authorities of Kazakhstan, Russia and Uzbekistan are developing projects on the revival of the lake. But in practice, most of them are not yet implemented.

    The annulation of the Aral Sea contributed to the appearance on the surface of a large number of islands. Many of them have very impressive sizes. For example, the island of Barsakelmes is a natural reserve, and the island of Cocaral is a landstone between two large parts of the sea. Earlier on the coast of Aral, the greens were aumed, now you can find only individual plant bundles. They managed to adapt to very saline and dry soil. Reduced more than half and population of local mammals and birds.

    Panorama of the Aral Sea

    Where is the Aral Sea

    The Aral Sea is a unique natural object. It is located on the Turan Plate and much younger. Wpadina under water was formed in neogene, and it was filled with water in anthropogen. According to preliminary calculations, the age of Aral does not exceed 10 thousand years.

    Where is the Aral Sea? It spreads on the territory of the two countries:

    • Kazakhstan - Aktobe and Kyzylorda region;
    • Uzbekistan - East Ustyurt.

    The Uzbek part is dead desert. On the territory of Kazakhstan focused still fighting the life of the Aral Sea. Thanks to the raised dam, it even adds to the water level slightly.

    Coordinates of the Aral Sea on the map: 44.9784775, 58.4369659.

    Aral Sea on the map

    How to get to the Aral Sea

    If the journey is planned only for examination of the priala, then the most optimal and fast version will fly by plane to the city of Nukus. Jeep tours are started here, both from local tourist firms and Moscow companies. However, most rounds are limited to a few days and do not allow to fully plunge in the particular Uzbekistan. Many of them are not included visiting the ancient city of Samarkand.

    The most optimal way that will allow you to get to the Aral Sea is to fly to Samarkand, and from there to go to Nukus on the train. It is important to choose a coupe with the air conditioning system, since in the summer the temperature here can rise to 55 degrees Celsius.

    Nearby cities:

    • Aralsk (Kazakhstan);
    • Kungrad (Uzbekistan);
    • Nukus (Uzbekistan).

    When it is better to visit the Aral Sea

    Subtropics are distributed in the Aral Sea. Also on weather conditions affect the surrounding deserts and changes occurring in the atmosphere. Northwestern winds contribute to a significant decrease in temperature in winter, which lasts about 160 days here. At the beginning of the spring, dry and cloudless weather is held. The duration of this season is 60 days.

    If you are looking for a beach vacation, we advise you to pay attention to, which is very popular among Russians. Or, if you are not afraid of flights, read the underwater world of which attracts a huge number of divers from all over the world.

    In the summer, on the Aral Sea, the weather is very hot. At the same time, for Central Asia in this region, highly high humidity rates are up to 60 percent. The best time to visit Aral - September-October. During this period, it is observed very comfortable weather. Also good time for the trip is the beginning of March-End of May.


    Journey to the Aral Sea is not easy. Before cropping near the reservoir were port cities and others settlements. After the arrival of the lake "in decline", people moved to more favorable regions. Today there are no hotels and other benefits of civilization. You can only stop in the tent, and to get to Aral, you will need an SUV. The nearest city, where you can rent a hotel - Nukus.

    A jeep tour with a professional guide can also be ordered in Nukus. Similar proposals provide Russian tourist companies. The budget options suggest shipping to the Aral Sea and back. More interesting are tours, involving other attractions of Uzbekistan, as well as accommodation in hotels and food.

    Going to Aral, you should soberly assess your capabilities. Despite the fact that most rounds are very well organized, the workload on the body will be significantly higher than in ordinary life. When choosing a jeep tour, you should pay attention to ensuring safety, nutrition and sufficient water volume. Also do not forget about the heads of heads. Mobile communications in the vicinity of the reservoir does not catch, so it is advisable to prevent your relatives about it.

    What to see in the vicinity

    What attracts tourists Aral Sea? The consequences of the environmental catastrophe. The lake itself has unearthly turquoise color. The sandy-salt desert, formed at the bottom of the dried area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir, is called Aralkum. The way the road to Aral lies through the Besseni Desert Kyzylkum and the Huge Plateau Ustyurt, from which an amazing panorama offers. Also on the way there is a freshwater lake Sudobye and an abandoned fishing village.

    Muinak is a mandatory place that all guidebooks are recommended. This is a former port. In the years of the full-water of the Aral Sea, he was a minibutch of a large number of ships. Indifference local self-government bodies and the cropping of the reservoir led to the fact that many of them forgot. So ships and stand in the midst of the desert formed. Landscapes here are truly apocalyptic and more go to the scenery to the films.

    In Nukus, where almost all excursions come from, the main attraction is the Museum of Art. It exhibits the collections of the Russian avant-garde and samples of applied art of cultures of Central Asia. In the village, Mausoleums Shamun Nabi, Nazlumkhan Sulu and the Antique Fortress of the Times of Genghis Khan are located under Nukus.

    - This is a modern monument of human irresponsibility. Dust from the Aral region was discovered even in Antarctica. It is necessary to come here, but not only to admire the unearthly landscapes. The lake on a visual example makes it clear how humanity should not behave. The negligence attitude towards nature can lead to a global catastrophe and affect the life of each of us.

    14 April 2014 The process of crosses and drying the Aral Sea, once - the fourth in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lake in the world, was seen in the 80s of the last century. The cause of degradation was a decrease in fresh water revenues from the main water arteries that feed the Aral Sea - Syrdarya and Amudarya ...

    In the 60s in the Central Asian republics of the USSR - Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and in the south of Kazakhstan became actively developing cottonment and in general agriculture, for which water from Syrdarya and Amudarya began to actively rely on the channels for landlining and other needs. The largest such channel, Karakum, a length of 1445 km, laid from Amudarya to the Caspian Sea, takes about 45% of its water near the river.

    In some years, the water level in the Aral Sea decreased by 0.7 m, huge territory The former day turned into a lifeless desert. The Aral Sea is actually a salty lake, due to the decline in the influx of fresh water in it, the fish almost disappeared, although before her annual catch was tens of thousands of tons. Numerous ports and fish farmers on the coast stopped work. The wind is spread with a dried bottom of a huge amount, about 150 tons, sand mixed with pesticides and other chemicals used in the production of cotton, in the extensive territory of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

    Currently, the area of \u200b\u200bthe Aral Sea water area is no more than a quarter from the initial, during the crop, according to scientists, the lake lost about a hundred cubic water kilometers. The Aral Sea actually fell into two separate reservoirs - a large and small aral. Solve the problem of the Aral Sea could a decrease in the area under cotton in the countries of Central Asia, however, the economic and demographic situation in these countries does not yet even allow such a perspective.