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    Ecological diseases. Lesson

    A special group of diseases that were called environmental diseases (not to be confused with endemic), opened lately. They are caused by foreign substances for organisms - xenobiotic (from Greek xenosov - someone else's and bios - life), among whom they have particularly negative impact heavy Metal ions (Cadmium, lead, Mercury, etc.) and some binary compounds of non-metals (sulfur (IU) oxide S02 and nitrogen (IU) oxide N02).

    Metal mercury and its pairs, which relate to the discharge of extremely toxic chemicals, are among the most common "metal" environmental pollutants. Emissions into water are especially dangerous, since as a result of the activities of microorganisms inhabiting the bottom, the formation of a very toxic compound is soluble in water, which causes minamate disease. (Note! If at home, the mercury thermometer crashed, all the balls of mercury should be thoroughly assembled on the paper sheet, and the gaps and irregularities of the floor are sulfur powder. The sulfur is easily entered into a chemical reaction with mercury, forming an harmless HGS connection.)

    Cadmium, its compounds and pairs also belong to sharp substances that are easily absorbed into the blood, affect the central nervous system, liver and kidneys, violate the metabolism. Chronic poisoning of small doses (ITai-Ittai disease) leads to anemia and bone destroying. The symptoms of acute poisoning of cadmium salts are accompanied by sudden vomiting and convulsions.

    Lead and its connections are also very toxic. Finding into the human body, they are accumulated (from lat accumulation - accumulation) in the bones, causing their destruction, and the atoms of this element can accumulate in the renal tubules, causing violation of the excretory function. The lead compounds are widely used in the production of dyes, paints, pesticides, glass products, as well as as an additive to gasoline to increase the octane number, and therefore poisoning this element happens more often. Since car emissions contain lead connections, now they simply covered the whole earthly surface, even reached Antarctica, where there were never cars.

    Perhaps the most famous outbreak of ecological disease in our country became at the end of 80s pp. XX century The case, in Chernovtsy, when an externally healthy children of 2-year-old age began to suddenly fall out and in one night they just bald. The cause of this disease, which is called intoxication appeal, was rapidly - the poisoning of salts of the waist - very dangerous xenobiotic. However, it is still unclear, from where this chemical element took in such quantities. It should be said that all over the world, and in Ukraine particular, outbreaks of unknown medicine diseases caused by the effect on the body of various kinds of unnatural substances.

    What is acid rain. Powerful environmental pollutants are various sulfur and nitrogen oxides, which are highlighted in the atmosphere mainly when burning coal. Substances are dangerous not only by what can cause allergies and asthma, but also with acid rains. When reacting with water of the atmosphere (often under the influence of solar radiation), sulfur oxides are converted into solutions of acids - sulfite (S02 + H20 \u003d H2S03), sulfur (S03 + H20 \u003d H2S04), and nitrogen oxides - nitrogen and nitric (2N02 - H H20 \u003d hn03 - h hn02) acids. Then, along with snow or rain, they fall out to the ground. Acid rains lingering forests and agricultural crops, destroy life in reservoirs, increasing their acidity to such a level that plants and animals are dying.

    Thus, in the production process and to obtain energy into air and water, a huge amount of spent substances (soot, phosphorus, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and water are emitted.

    Sulfur, various compounds of metal elements, etc.), the mass of which only over the year on Earth is millions of tons. With most of these compounds, living beings never faced, and therefore they cannot dispose of them - use for their needs. Whereas their accumulation inevitably leads to the gradual destruction of the natural environment and is destructive for all living things. Since modern civilization cannot do without producing all new cars, airplanes, tankers, construction of factories, residential microdistrics and simply cottages, and the transition to the environmentally friendly production of matter and energy is still no more as a project of the future, there is a need for quotation of production waste , restrictions of their free emissions. For this, each country provides a quota according to which it can pollute the environment for a certain amount of tons of emissions per year. But this idea, which, of course, is only a semi-dimensional, does not find real support in the governments of the most developed countries, since in this case there is a sharp drop in production.

    Throughout the life expectancy of a person, quite a lot of interesting and fascinating events occur, which have a direct impact on the lives of many generations. A person has long been sought to create more comfortable conditions for its existence, was in the search for the source of all diseases, disasters and other annoying planet problems. The life expectancy of the ancient people was not more than 20-25 years, gradually this period increased and reached 30-40 years old, people gained hope that after 100-200 years later they will be able to live 100 years or more years and do not hurt and completely Do not become. Indeed, the development of modern medicine allows you to carry out this dream, but will not allow one very capricious and righteous force - nature.

    A man in his impulse to transform everything and all completely forgot about nature - invincible strength, which spawned not only all the living, but also the person himself. Huge industrial giants whose pipes throw out an innumerable amount of smoke, poisoning the atmosphere, billions of cars, garbage mountains that accumulate around large cities, waste that is hiding at the bottom of the seas and deep cleft - all this adversely affects health. Born in a completely healthy and strong, the child after a while begins to hurt and possibly even dies. According to the sad data of statistics per year due to poor ecology, about 50 million people die in the world, most of them have children who have not reached school age.

    Let us list some diseases associated with a bad environmental situation:

    1. Cancer. The main disease of the new century is not at all AIDS and not other rapidly propagating diseases, such a disease is cancer - a small tumor, to detect which timely it is extremely rare. A cancer tumor appears in any part of the body, hitting the head and spinal cord, internal organs, vision, chest and so on. It is impossible to prevent the appearance of the disease, as well as to reliably predict whether it will appear. Thus, in the risk group is all humanity.
    2. Diseases accompanied by diarrhea, entailing the body's dehydration and severe painful death. Oddly enough in the world, where sanitary conditions are delivered to priority to all others there are just a huge number of countries where people do not have any concepts about hygiene, the need to wash their hands, fruits and vegetables, wash things. And this is, first of all, with the upbringing of a whole individual world, which prefers to hurt and die, rather than learn something new. The reason for these diseases is alone - poisoned air, water and soil, stiff by pesticides for the speedy growth of plants. For the year from these diseases, about 3 million people are dying on the planet.
    3. Respiratory infections. The main cause of respiratory diseases, that is, those that are transmitted by air-drip - contaminated atmosphere. That is why residents of large cities are so often sick with influenza, pneumonia, other diseases. It is estimated that for the year only pneumonia takes a life of 3.5 million children.
    4. Tuberculosis. Having appeared with the emergence of cars, this pulmonary disease remains incurable, although not one hundred years has passed since its detection. Large masses of people working and living in one room are most susceptible to infection, because every 5th resident of the city is in the zone of infection. Statistics say that over a year from tuberculosis caused by a disadvantage of clean air, more than 3 million people die.

    Every year, new stamps of viruses appear in the world, illness, the number of forests and fields, non-people who have been pronounced and untouched by a person, tuberculosis is striking not only some specific people, very soon this disease will strike the whole land. Executed activities for landing trees nothing, in comparison with how much they are cut per day. To grow, you will need a young tree for several years, during which drought, strong wind, storms and hurricanes will be influenced by drought. It is likely that from hundreds of planted seedlings only a few reached the state of adult trees, whereas during this time thousands and thousands of trees will die.

    Never, the world, armed to the teeth with weapons and medicines, was not so close to death as now. It is worth thinking about why people live in high in the mountains over a hundred years, and at the same time they do not hurt. Probably the secret of them is not in a special nutrition, but in remoteness from cars and technological innovations, which gradually shorten the days of a person.

    Svetlana Kosarev "Bad Ecology and Diseases of the Contemporary World" specifically for the Eco-life site.

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    State budgetary educational institution of higher vocational education

    "Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V.F.-Waro-Yasenetsky"

    Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

    Pharmaceutical College

    Signs of environmental diseases


    V. AE.


    Rassemen S.V.


    1. Environmental disease testing

    2.1 Examples of some

    2.2 Sources of radiation

    3. Action of radiation radiation per person

    3.1 Acute radiation disease

    3.3 Three period of development of chronic radiation disease

    3.4 4 Severity of chronic radiation disease

    3.6 Treatment of chronic radiation



    1. Signs of environmental diseases

    sudden flash of a new disease

    pathognomonic (specific) symptoms

    combination of nonspecific signs, symptoms, data of laboratory studies that are not peculiar to known diseases

    lack of contact paths characteristic of infectious diseases

    general source of impact in all affected; Communication of diseases with the presence of chemical detection of the dose-response dependence

    the formation of clusters (condenses) of the number of cases of diseases, usually rarely found in the population

    characteristic geographical (spatial) distribution of cases of diseases

    distribution of victims by age, sex, socio-economic status and other features

    substances in one of their environmental objects

    detection of subgroups with increased risk of disease

    temporary connection between disease and influence of factors

    communication of diseases with certain events: opening new production

    biological believing

    detection of the victims of the injured chemical or its metabolite

    efficiency of intervention measures

    2. Environmentally conditioned diseases

    Among the various factors of the external environment affecting health

    population, the pollution of atmospheric air and water plays a special role

    sources of drinking water. Significant pollution of the atmosphere by various carcinogenic substances in the major cities of our country led to the fact that in recent years among urban residents, the number of cancer has increased by more than 1.5 times. In the cities of Siberia, almost 50% of the exacerbations of chronic diseases of the respiratory organs are due precisely contamination of atmospheric air.

    In the world, about 80% of cases of diseases and deaths are associated with

    pollution of water. In the XXI century in some European countries such

    diseases, like cholera, abdominal Tiff Hepatitis A, Bacterial Dyssentiali, are again becoming a real threat to public health.

    2.1 Examples of some diseases

    Minaamata's disease - human and animal disease caused by

    mercury compounds. It has been established that some water microorganisms

    capable to translate mercury into highly toxic methyl, which increases its concentration on food chains and accumulates in significant quantities in the organisms of predatory fish.

    In the human body, mercury falls with fish products in which

    The disease is manifested in the form of neuro-paralytic disorders, headaches, paralysis, weakness, loss of vision and can even lead to death.

    Disease "ITAY-ITAY" - poisoning of people caused by eating rice containing cadmium compounds. This etching can cause people apathy, kidney damage, softening bones and even death.

    In the human body, cadmium is mainly accumulated in the kidneys and

    the liver, and its damaging effect comes when the concentration of this chemical element in the kidneys will reach 200 μg / g.

    Signs of this disease are recorded in many regions of the globe, a significant number of cadmium compounds come into the environment.

    Sources are: burning fossil fuels on TPPs, gas emissions of industrial enterprises, production of mineral fertilizers, dyes, catalysts, etc. The assimilation is the absorption of water-food cadmium is at the level of 5%, and the air to 80%. According to this reason, the cadmium content in the body of large cities with their polluted atmosphere can be ten times more than the residents of the countryside. The characteristic "cadmium" diseases of citizens include: hypertension, ischemic heart disease, renal failure. For smokers (tobacco, heavily accumulates cadmium salts from the soil) or occupied by production using cadmium to the lung cancer adds emphysema of the lungs, and for non-smoking - bronchitis, pharyngitis and other respiratory diseases.

    Survey "Yusho" - poisoning of people with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB). Known in Japan on the production of rice cleaning

    oils in the product got befins from refrigeration units. Then the poisoned oil went on sale as animal feed. At first, about 100 thousand chickens died, and soon people had the first symptoms of poisoning.

    This was expressed in changing the color of the skin, in particular the darkening of the skin in children born from mothers who suffered from PCB poisoning. Late the heavy lesions of the internal organs (liver, kidneys, spleen) and the development of malignant tumors were discovered.

    The use of certain types of PCBs in agriculture and health care in some countries to combat carriers of infectious diseases led to their accumulation in many types of agricultural products, such as rice, cotton, vegetables.

    A certain amount of PCB enters the environment with emissions of incineration plants, which is a danger to the health of urban residents. Therefore, in some countries limit the use of PCB. Disease "Yellow Children" - the disease appeared in the result of the destruction of intercontinental ballistic missiles, which led to the ejection into the surrounding medium toxic components of the rocket fuel: NDMG (asymmetric dimethylhydrazine or gentyl) and nitric tetraoxide, both belong to the first hazard class. These compounds are very toxic in the human body through the skin, mucous, upper respiratory tract, the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, children were born with severe signs of jaundice. In the incidence of newborns increased 2-3 times. The number of newborn children in the defeat of the central nervous system has increased. Children's mortality increased. Because of the emission of these substances, skin "burns" appeared - mineralized diseases that may appear after bathing in local rivers, hike in the forest, direct contact of the nude parts of the body with soil, etc.

    "Chernobyl disease" is caused by the effect of radionuclides on the human body thrown in the fourth reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The emission of radioactive substances was 77 kg. Pollution area amounted to about 160 thousand km2, about 9 million people suffered from radiation. About 30 radionuclides are included in radioactive precipitation such as: Crypton-85, iodine-131, cesium-137, plutonium-239. It turned out to be more dangerous of them. Iodine 131, with a small half-life. This element enters the human body through the respiratory tract, concentrating in the thyroid gland. The local population has noted the symptoms of "Chernobyl Disease": headache, dryness in the mouth, an increase in lymph nodes, oncological tumors of the larynx and the thyroid gland. Also in the areas of the accident victims at the Chernobyl NPP, the incidence of cardiovascular system increased, the outbreaks of various infections were increased, the fertility rates significantly decreased. The frequency of mutations among children increased 2.5 times, the anomalies met each fifth newborn, about a third of the children were born with impaired psyche.

    2.2 Sources of radiation

    The impact of heavy metals on the human body

    Arsenic - lung cancer; various skin diseases; Hematologic

    Beryllium - dermatitis, ulcers; Inflammation of mucous membranes.

    Cadmium - malignant neoplasms; Acute and chronic

    respiratory diseases, renal dysfunction.

    Mercury - impact on the nervous system, including short-term

    memory; Disruption of sensory functions and coordination, renal failure.

    Lead is a violation of blood formation processes; damage to the kidneys; Neurological effects.

    Chrome - lung cancer, malignant education in the gastrointestinal tract; dermatitis

    Nickel - Respiratory diseases (asthma, respiratory disorder

    systems); vices of birth and deformity; Nose and lung cancer. Plutonium-239 - In contact with plutonium, it settles in soft tissues, especially in the liver, as well as on the surface of bone tissues, in the bone marrow and other non-calcium-containing calcium. Its concentration in the bone marrow leads to radiation of particularly dangerous consequences with these blood generation occurring. Metals are extremely dangerous. With direct exposure, radiation disease occurs. Radium-226 - Despite the low penetrating ability, causes a radial load on the sensitive human organs during inhalation (breathing) or inward inward with water and food.

    Uranium-238 uranium-compound is quickly absorbed into the blood and spread through organs and tissues. Acute and chronic uranium intoxication is characterized by a multilateral action of uranium to various organs and systems of the body. In the early periods of exposure, chemical toxicity of uranium prevails, in the late period there is an action radiation factor due to alpha radiation. Ultimately, the impact of the HR leads to the emergence of malignant formations in the lungs.

    3 Action of radiation radiation per person

    Electromagnetic emissions can be attributed to ionizing radiation

    oscillations with a small wavelength, X-rays of protons, and other charged insistral particles. All of them can become striking factors, both with external and internal human irradiation. Depending on the penetrating ability of these particles during external irradiation, it is possible to enter the skin or in deeper tissues. The effect of external exposure The body is exposed only during the period of human stay in the field of radiation. In case of termination of radiation, an external impact is interrupted, and changes in the body can develop - the effects of radiation. As a result of the external effects of neutron radiation in the body, various radioactive substances may form, such as sodium radionuclides, phosphorus, etc. The body in such cases temporarily becomes the carrier of radioactive substances, as a result of which the internal irradiation may occur. Ionizing radiation occurs when working with various radioactive substances. In radioactive isotopes, the nucleus of atoms are unstable. They have the ability to disintegrate, turn into a core of other elements, while their physico-chemical properties change. This phenomenon is accompanied by the emission of nuclear radiation. Radioactive radiation causes not only air ionization, but leads to a similar process in the tissues of the body, significantly changing them. The severity of possible biological shifts depends on the penetrating ability of radiation, its ionizing effect, dose, irradiation time and condition of the body.

    Finding into the body, radioactive substances can be dealt with blood into various fabrics and organs, becoming an inner radiation source.

    At the same time, long-lived isotopes are of particular danger, which throughout the life of the victim can be sources of ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation can be subjected to operating with X-ray rays, industrial enterprises operating on acceleration facilities serving nuclear reactors engaged in exploration and mining, etc. Currently, the main issues of radiation safety have been solved. However, in case of impairment of safety, or under certain circumstances, ionizing radiation may cause the development of radiation disease (acute and chronic). In the formation of radiation sickness, the fact that ionizing radiation has a specific, damaging effect is determined.

    on the radiosensitive tissues and organs (stem cells of the hematopoietic fabric, the small intestine and the skin) and non-specific - irritating effect on the neuroendocrine and nervous system. It has been proven that the nervous system has a high functional sensitivity to radiation even in small doses.

    3.1 Acute radiation disease

    Currently, cases of acute radiation disease in our country -

    exceptionally rare phenomenon. The acute form of radiation disease in peacetime may be observed in emergency situations with a single one (from a few minutes to 1 to 3 days) external exposure of high power. The clinical picture of the acute radiation disease of the polymorphic, the severity of its flow depends on the dose of irradiation.

    3.2 Chronic radiation disease

    This is the general disease of the body, developing as a result of the long-term action of ionizing radiation in relatively small, but exceeding permissible levels of doses. Characterized by the defeat of various organs and systems.

    In accordance with the modern classification, two options allocate

    chronic radiation disease.

    a) caused by the impact of general external radiation or radioactive isotopes with a uniform distribution of them in the body.

    b) caused by the action of isotopes with selective deposit, or local external irradiation.

    3.3 In the development of chronic radiation sickness, three periods are distinguished

    1) the formation period, or actually chronic radiation disease;

    2) recovery period;

    3) The period of the consequences and outcomes of radiation disease.

    Chronic radiation disease 1 (easy) degree is characterized by an early development of functional reversible violations of a non-specific nature.

    Chronic radiation disease II (average) degree is manifested by the development of asthenovegetative disorders and vascular dystonia, inhibition of the function of the hematopoietic apparatus and the severity of hemorrhagic phenomena. Ecological radiation disease metal

    Chronic radiation disease III (severe) degree is characterized by severe, sometimes irreversible, changes in the body with a complete loss of tissue regenerative capabilities.

    4 Severity of chronic radiation disease

    In general, the clinical symptoms of this form of radiation disease is distinguished by the originality of vegetative-vascular disorders against the background of the asthenization of the organism, arterial hypotension, moderate leukopenia.

    All the symptoms in the early stages of the disease (I degree), as a rule,

    they are nonspecific. Only dynamic observations over the course of the disease, as well as a combination of clinical and laboratory data allow us to establish the nature of the disease.

    Later stages of the disease (II degree) are accompanied by amendments, primarily in the "critical" authority, however, the functional

    compensation of pathological shifts is practically preserved or changed very slightly.

    And the late stages of the disease (III-IV degree) are characterized not only by pronounced structural and functional shifts in the "critical" authority, but also the emergence of a complex of secondary changes in other organs and systems. Naturally, when examining such patients, even without the use of radiological and functional methods of research, a large number of subjective and objective symptoms is determined.

    3.5 Diagnosis of chronic radiation disease

    Diagnose chronic radiation disease is very difficult, especially at an early stage. None of the symptoms detectable in this period have specificity. Symptoms of vegetative dystonia, an asthenia phenomena, moderate leukopenia, arterial hypotension, a decrease in gastric secretion - all this may be due to a number of diverse reasons that are not related to the effects of ionizing radiation. Only on the basis of the combination of clinical and laboratory data and the presence of long-term contact with radioactive substances in doses exceeding the maximum permissible, it is possible to put the correct diagnosis. At the same time, however, there must be a certain relationship between the development of clinical symptoms and the impact of ionizing radiation. Individual sensitivity should also be taken into account: the same dose can cause different reactions in various persons.

    With a diagnosis, great importance should be attached to the sanitary and hygienic characteristic of working conditions and a professional history of the surveyed.

    3.6 Treatment of chronic radiation disease

    Sick chronic radiation disease must be carried out with complex treatment, depending on the degree of severity of the disease. In the early manifestations of the disease, gentle regime and generalifying activities are prescribed: air stay, healing gymnastics, full nutrition, and vitaminization. Physical treatments such as water procedures should be widely applied. From sedatives1, a bromine is prescribed, as well as calcium glyceluchosphate, fitting, phosphane, pantokrin, ginseng, etc. If the hematopoietic device is affected, the means that stimulate blood formation is shown. With shallow and unstable violations of blood formation, vitamin B12 is prescribed. Vitamins B12 It is recommended to introduce intramuscularly 100-300 μg for 10 days. In the future, they conduct symptomatic therapy.

    3.7 Prevention of chronic radiation disease

    Organizational and technical, sanitary and hygienic and

    medical and preventive measures. Required: rational labor organization, compliance with radiation safety standards. All types of work should have an effective emission. When working with closed radiation sources, it is necessary to comply with the rules for storing and carrying ampoules using containers, manipulators, etc. It is important for dosimetric control, preliminary and periodic medical examinations at least 1 time in 12 months.


    The environmental problem has a centuries-old history, but it aggravated from the second half of the 19th century as the planet industrialization. Over the past 100 years, about 1/4 of the world cultivated in the world and about 2/3 of the forests of our planet were destroyed. The offensive of the environmental crisis is highly pace in all countries of the world, including "Ice".

    Industrial growth in developing countries leads to such environmental problems that were previously considered the disease of only rich countries. The center of gravity is one of the most serious and acute environmental problems - pollution of the soil, water and air - shifted to the south. Traditionally, the main directions of exacerbation of the environmental crisis are called the following.

    First, the conclusion from land use of large areas of cultivated land as a result of excessive use of chemical fertilizers, soil salinization.

    Secondly, the volume of emissions into the atmosphere of pollutants is growing. Today, today, among other things, lead to the gradual destruction of the ozone layer around the atmosphere of the Earth with the unpredictable consequences of the closest perspective.

    Third, the rapid increase in waste, the transformation of significant land areas in the places of concentration of various industrial waste, as a result of which the useful areas of the Earth decrease and territorial foci with increased danger to people's lives are expanding. Also, a greater danger to a person's life is an increase in the number of nuclear power plants.

    The main direction of the struggle against the rapid worsening of the environmental quality is the development of environmental safety criteria and the mass introduction of environmentally friendly technologies. Environmental cooperation should be objectively based on a universal basis, reflect the reality of the problem itself.


    Brodsky A.K. General Ecology: Tutorial for university students.

    Budyko M. I. Global Ecology.

    Vladimirov A. M., Lyakhin Yu. I., Matveev L. T., Orlov V. G. Environmental Protection.

    Vernadsky V. I. Biosphere. M.: Thought, 1967.

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    Methods for increasing the ecological stability of agrobiocenoses are diverse. When they are developed, it is necessary to take into account the use and creation of varieties resistant to unfavorable environmental factors (frost, droughts, etc.), diseases and pests; Compliance of cultivated cultures soil-climatic conditions; A variety of species and varieties in agrobiocenosis, etc. [...]

    The most important property of environmental systems is their sustainability, i.e. constancy, which is supported by the supply chains. It is thanks to the constancy of nutrition chains in nature, an environmental homeostasis is supported. It is important to note that the stability of environmental systems is historical, and the regulation of those few environmental systems in which a person does not matter is ensured by such factors as competition, migration, predation, lack of feed or nutrients in soil, disease, temperature and other natural factors. [...]

    Fighting pests, disease diseases and weeds should be complex, including agrotechnical, biological and chemical agents. It should be carried out taking into account the species features of the harmful organisms, protected by culture and environmental conditions. [...]

    Phytopathogenic nematodes. Types of nonmatode diseases of woody breeds, decorative shrubs and flowering plants. The main types of phytelectod and the diseases caused by them. [...]

    There is also a mortality rate from diseases caused to a deteriorating environmental situation (acute respiratory diseases, congenital anomalies, anemia, leukemia), from neoplasms. [...]

    In the reduction of the population, the share of environmental grooms accounts for at least 30-40%, and according to some estimates - up to 50-60%. Among the main causes of mortality of the population - diseases of the circulatory system and oncological diseases that have no least ecological origin; In the same list congenital anomalies, ORZ, anemia, leukemia. [...]

    Large sanitary and hygienic and environmental importance are microbiological studies on detection in food products of conditionally pathogenic (intestinal chopsticks, etc.), pathogenic (salmonella, etc.) of microorganisms, especially those causing common diseases of animals and humans (zooanthropono-zh). [. ..]

    The main conclusion is to treat modern environmental diseases becomes impossible. They cover too much people. Doctors joke that in the XXI century, non-futures will be considered sick, and diabetics are healthy, now mentally normal people will fall into hospitals, and psychos will become the norm. This, of course, exaggeration, but in it a grain of truth is enclosed. Socio-ecological transformations are inevitable. And first of all, a nutrition improvement is needed and a sharp increase in recreation. [...]

    Medical ecology - the scope of study of environmental conditions, dissemination and development of human diseases, including chronic diseases caused by natural factors and adverse technogenic effects of the medium. Medical ecology includes recreational ecology as a section, i.e. Ecology of recreation and recovery of people closed with resortology. [...]

    More attention is paid to complex, ecologically justified methods of combating malaria - methods of "management of the life environment". These include the drainage of wetlands, a decrease in the salinity of water, etc. The following groups of methods are biological - the use of other organisms to reduce the risk of mosquito; In 40 countries, not less than 265 species of lychee-nadal fish are used, as well as microbes, causing diseases and death of mosquitoes. [...]

    However, no smaller number of species disappeared for purely environmental reasons, such as a fundamental change in the type of biotopes, a violation of biocenotic connections due to the emergence of new chemicals, causative agents of diseases, etc. [...]

    In modern industrial production, absolute environmental purity is simply impossible. Real life allows you to call environmentally friendly products and services that, according to the composition of the elements included in them (or used), approach natural state. The content of anthropogenic content, i.e. Conditioned human activity, pollutants (for example, lead, hexachlorcyclohexane and dioxins causing oncological diseases, liver disease and brain) significantly lower than the maximum permissible concentrations established by national and international requirements. [...]

    In medical practice, the identification of symptoms of diseases at an early stage of development is generally accepted. Human analogs turn on! ¡Increase in temperature, increased or reduced pressure, enzyme imbalances and indicators of low levels of body tissue exposure to toxins and carcinogens. The poet symptoms of environmental resources can be considered by analogy with His Human GGs, such as a significant weight loss, tumor, injury or malaise such analogies may include accumulation of toxins in soils and bottom sediments., And also - the presence of toxins, carcinogens or biomarkers. In plant and animal fabrics. Measuring temperature, cardiography, analysis of body fluids, etc. You can compare ¿on statistical data on populations of healthy individuals in order to determine the violations of states. We usually compare the measurements of symptoms in individuals with expected standards that may vary within subpopulations (for example, breed, floor). Thus, the usual values \u200b\u200bof environmental indicators vary by types, categories or resource classes for which average indicators that characterize the basic norm should be collected. [...]

    The first outbreak of mass mercury poisoning, called the "mining disease", was recorded in 1956 I. In the initial stages, the disease was manifested by the symptoms of speech disorder, gait, decrease in hearing and vision. In the subsequent burden of lesions, many cases died. The cause of the disease was a discharge of wastewater of a chemical factory located at the r. Minamata, in a reservoir, from which pollution fell into the sea bay. The crude wastewater contained a large amount of mercury, which was used as a catalyst in the production of polyvinyl chloride. Mercury was included in the metabolic ecological chain, as a result of which the Rguti concentration reached 20 mg / kg in the fish meat. The fish lost mobility and the ability to swim normally, as a result, the population with a sacket ensured cheap products. Then 180 people got sick, 52 of whom they died. When opening the corpses, it was found that the concentration of mercury in organs and tissues exceeded the usual content from 50 to 30,000 times. The disease had a continuation in the form of remote consequences. In 22 newborns from mothers who fed fish with mercury and did not have clinical symptoms of diseases, the symptoms of the lesion of the central nervous system with the progression of mental disorders and dementia began to appear. Some newborn have various congenital deformities. [...]

    Based on the above provisions, the specific tasks of optimizing environmental forest use are: growing highly productive plantations using the latest agrotechnical techniques, refined activities, achievements of genetics and selection; Forest protection from pests, diseases and fires; Wood harvesting, various side-use forestry-dukists and providing users with all sorts of recreational services. [...]

    Sukcession of biogerocenosis is actually a juice chain and fundamental ecological niche, that is, the modes and composition of the clutched factors. Therefore, the above examples are simplified. In real conditions, everything is much more complicated, and when controlling biogeocenoses, this clutch of factors should be considered. A characteristic example of neglecting the learning about the fundamental ecological niche is the use of arborici-doves in the forests carried out on a large scale in order to eliminate "weed" deciduous rocks that "compete" with valuable conifers for light and mineral nutrition. Now the use of arboricides in forests on a mass scale is discontinued. However, in some cases, after the destruction of hardwood, pine and fir, not only do not grow, but even those trees that were before processing die from pests and diseases (new limiting factors). The reason is understandable: light and mineral nutrition are just a few of the countless set of environmental factors forming a fundamental niche. Lightening is favorable for many insects; The disappearance of the deciduous canopy contributes to the unimpeded spread of mushroom infections among the remaining conifers. The arrival of the organic matter into the soil is terminated, and besides, the soil turns out to be an unprotected color of hardwood from water erosion, and its still weak humus horizon is washed off. [...]

    In the initial stages of the disease, a speech disorder was observed, a breakdown of gait, a decrease in hearing and vision. The cause of the disease was the discharge of wastewater of the chemical factory located at the r. Minamata, in a reservoir, from which pollution fell into the sea bay. The crude wastewater contained a large amount of mercury, which was used as a catalyst in the production of polychlorvinyl chloro-rida. Mercury included in the metabolic ecological chain, as a result of which the concentration of it in the meat of fish reached 320 mg / kg. Due to the increased content of mercury, the fish lost mobility and the ability to swim normally, so the population is easy with a cuckoo might catch fish and ensure itself cheap food. [...]

    Chemical plants protection - chemicals intended to combat pests and pathogens of plant diseases. Their use allows to increase the yield of crops, increase the productivity of animal husbandry, protect the useful organisms from pests and diseases using pesticides, etc. Despite the fact that many chemical fertilizers and especially pesticides represent a huge danger to the natural environment and for living organisms (including Human), in many countries of the world, chemical means of plant protection prevail, compared with biological. Thus, at the International Symposium "Environmental Problems of Plant Protection and Modern Agriculture" (Slovakia, 1995) there was a significant application of chemical funds, in particular in Hungary about 70% of agricultural trees are treated with pesticides, and Holland only by 2000 decided to reduce the use of pesticides to 50 %, etc. Among the alternatives to the chemicalization of agriculture are biological methods of plant protection, and more than 300 types of useful insects are already used in world practice. [...]

    The second group includes the costs of covering the effects of environmental pollution. Social, economic and environmental consequences are allocated. Social consequences are expressed in the deterioration of the living conditions of the population, including in violation of working conditions and rest, loss of working time due to diseases (up to material compensation), premature destruction of cultural monuments, art, etc. Economic consequences are estimated through the actual losses incurred by the national economy due to environmental pollution. Environmental damage is due to environmental modifications of biocenoses, changes in the background characteristics of the components of the natural environment, etc. [...]

    General information about insects - forest pests. Building, food, lifestyle. Basic information about insects. Terms and Definitions. Environmental factors and their role in the life of insects. Useful and harmful insects. Basic groups. Interspecific and intraspecific relationships, fluctuations in insect numbers, outbreaks of their mass reproduction. Symptoms of plant diseases. Groups and types of diseases caused by insects. Economic and environmental damage. [...]

    Humanity is the habitat of many types of pathogenic organisms. Their reinforced evolution is due to the successful struggle with diseases. The destruction of the pathogens of diseases frees ecological niches in humanity, filled with new organisms. In some cases, filling is in a positive direction. There are little virulent stamps of microorganisms of the type of "weak" vibrions cholera. But the emergence of new diseases of the type HIV is not excluded, which has already been performed above. With the amplification of contacts between peoples and thanks to the successes of medicine, the likelihood of outbreaks of the newest diseases will increase, and the high population and its mobility - to promote the spread of these diseases. Theoretically probabiled jewel diseases of the type of influenza pandemic. The number of victims can reach hundreds of millions of people. And the higher the number and density of the human population will be worse than the state of general health, the disastrous effects will be the consequences of pandemic. [...]

    An analysis of statistical data shows that the incidence rate in all age groups of the Moscow population is 15-20% higher than the average in Russia. In Moscow, there is a high incidence of respiratory diseases that occupy in the structure of a total morbidity in children about 60%, adolescents - 40%, adults - 21%), as well as blood circulation systems, the prevalence of which among the Moscow adult population is 70% higher than in Middle in Russia. Modern medicine in industrial centers currently can be considered an "environmental", since in 80% of cases the disease develops as a result of a destructive effect on the body of dirt of habitat. From environmental pollution (the negative impact of which can manifest itself long before the birth of a child), first of all, children suffer. Thus, the total incidence of children (for 1000 children) of the first year of life in Moscow increased (from 1991 to 1998) by 1.6 times, including: perinatal pathology - 1.9 times, congenital vices - 2.5 times, the diseases of the nervous system - 1.8 times. [...]

    Quite sharp warming will not allow to fully adapt to new conditions for forestry and agricultural complexes. The occurrence of droughts, the spread of diseases of plants and pests will lead to environmental disasters and catastrophes. All this will be exacerbated by the serious socio-economic consequences of climate change, which today is quite difficult to predict. [...]

    The overall environmentalization of public life is mainly very superficial and does not affect the deep foundations of the socio-economic functioning and development of humanity. It only begins to realize the environmental limitations of the global, regional, national, local and point levels. The global ecopoly is not yet developed. Even clear threats of the type of cutting of the ozone screen of the planet, climate change as a result of the emission of some gases into the atmosphere (joint, methane, etc.), desertification, the appearance of a group of the latest diseases (AIDS of HIV, psychological fatigue syndrome, legionnaire diseases. Leicosis of livestock, etc.) Do not lead to a rapid response of social mechanisms. Deminister technocratic thought and narrow practicalism. [...]

    An important aspect of human activity in the "agrocultural" direction is to monitor the number of economically important types of living organisms. This problem is of great importance in the field of agricultural pests, carriers of infections in natural foci of diseases, etc. The struggle with them is mainly chemical. Very effective poisons are found and used, environmentally sound methods have been developed. The overall efficiency of destruction, for example, rodents is up to 90--95% and has practically reached the limit. Nevertheless, the overall control effect is quite low. Through a relatively short period of time, after extermination, the number is restored and these events have to regularly repeat and thus the "economy" of this work is very low. [...]

    The first group consists of costs incurred by the object in connection with the adoption of protective measures aimed at reducing losses caused by a decrease in the quality of the environment. These include, for example, the costs of preventive security measures (construction of wastewater treatment plants, dam, vaccinations from possible diseases, etc.), the cost of eliminating the effects of pollution (cleaning of the territory, etc.), insurance premiums when deciding Insurance of possible losses, cost control costs (monitoring, environmental impact assessment, environmental audit, etc.). [...]

    The process of extinction of various types of organisms under the influence of direct (extermination) and indirect (environmental pollution, economic development of the territories) of the destruction by a person has the most serious consequences. It leads to a violation of proportions between the species corrective number of each other; makes it difficult for environmental duplication; reduces the possibilities of a full-fledged evolutionary selection; Leads to simplify the structure and reduce the stability of ecosystems. For example, if there is a hare in the "hare-fox" system, creating a threat to vegetation, then the fox can increase its number, not giving the hares to multiply too quickly. But if the number of the hare will decrease, the Fox will switch to the power of mice. If something happens with the foxes, wolves, and mice - owls can adjust the number of hares. But if the ecosystem is poor views, then the equivalent flock may not be found. One of the results of the violation of environmental equilibrium is the superramption of pests and causative agents of plant diseases, animals and humans. The extreme stage of all these processes is desertification. In addition, the death of any type of organisms means the non-renovable loss of some genes who have the original adaptive properties that could be used by people in scientific and practical purposes. [...]

    From the standpoint of biosafety, preliminary justification and forecasting of possible consequences, in particular, introduction and acclimatization of nose for this area of \u200b\u200bplant and animals for this area of \u200b\u200bplant and animals are also significantly important. In this regard, there are positive examples. For example, restoring a commodity population in the taiga zone, bison populations in the center of the European part of Russia and the Caucasus, and others. Less predictable environmental and genetic consequences of unintentional introduction. For example, according to the official data of the quarantine service of the former USSR, as a result of the examination of 1 million imported vegetable cargoes, about 600 species of potential disease pathogens (viruses, bacteria, mushrooms) and more than 1000 species of various insects (mainly pests) were found. [. ..]

    Chemical pollution is an admission to the ecosystem of certain substances, quantitatively or qualitatively alien ecosystem. In this case, not only the chemical properties of the medium are changed, but the functioning of the ecosystem may be disturbed. A person supplies compounds into the environment that there was not before it. Therefore, there is no natural (natural) path of their neutralization. Examples of chemical pollution are pollution with heavy metals, pesticides, chlorubiffs, etc. The negative influences of chemical pollution on the metabolism of living organisms are called "environmental traps". As such a trap, you can mention the phenomenon of accumulation of methylrtuchi in the human body (Minaamat's disease - by the name of the terrain in Japan, where this disease was first detected). Waste production containing methyltuts, dropped into the bay, from where with seafood, caught fishermen, entered into the human body. More than 40 years needed in nature in order to eliminate the effects of dumps of poisonous waste into the bay. Only in 1998. Local fishermen resolved the extraction of seafood in this bay. [...]

    In recent years, mankind has finally realized the truth that it is only part of nature, and, while dependent. This is a very substantial change in the perception of the world. It helped to understand that the change in nature by man already sharply affects socio-economic processes, and economic reproduction will not go without reproduction. It became apparent that the increase in the anthropogenic process of nature destruction would continue until demographic pressure decreases, multiplied by the growth of the needs related to scientific and technical development. The seriousness of the ecological situation was stated, but not deeply realized. The trend of the fragmented consideration of demographic processes and resource use, as well as a separate analysis of the course of using individual natural resources was not overcome. Continued to dominate the narrow-economic approach to the analysis of scientific and technical success, although the amendments to environmental limitations were increasingly introduced. There was a passion for computing equipment that goes beyond the sober use. This was especially brightly manifested in our country implementing a computer outside the real communication systems. Without having and not creating networks, without understanding the development strategy, it is impossible to achieve efficient use of computers. At the same time, "computer" sickness of overwork appeared. [...]

    Human ecology (antropoecology) is a complex science (part of social ecology), which studies the interaction of a person as a biosocial being with a complex multicomponent world, with a constantly complicated dynamic habitat. The most important task is to disclose the patterns of production and economic, targeted development and transformation of natural landscapes under the influence of human activity. The term was introduced by American scientists R. Parkom and E. Burgess (1921). In our country, planned studies in the field of human ecology began in the 70s. of this century. According to WHO estimates, three-quarters of human diseases are due to the environmentally disadvantageous state of the environment, violations of natural relations in nature due to its pollution of civilization. Various diseases are associated with elevated concentrations in the environment of various anthropogenic toxicants, in particular in Japan, such diseases such as Minamata received widespread development (excess of mercury compounds), "ITAY-ITAY" (excess cadmium), Yusho (PCB poisoning), Chernobyl Disease (radioisotope iodine-131), etc. Especially from environmental pollution suffer from large cities and industrial centers in many regions of the globe. [...]

    The annual catch of sea fish around the world increased from 18 million tons (live weight) in 1938 to 55 million tons in 1967. About 80% of the catch was obtained in three districts, namely in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, in Western and Northern sectors of the Pacific Ocean and the West Coast of South America. Oddly enough, only half of the catch is used as food for people; Another half goes to food poultry and cattle. Such an elongation of the food chain from an ecological point of view is irrational and economically acquitted only until the fish remains a "free" gift of nature, which can be taken without costs for fertilizers, combating diseases and predators or breeding. Opinions as to what limits you can increase the collection of food naturally produced in the sea, contradictory. Some ichthyologists working in fisheries believe that this collection has already reached a peak, whereas, according to others, it can be increased, but not more than 3-4 times (see Holt, 1969; Ricker, 1969). Marculture (aquaculture in the seas or limanas) is currently an important source of food only in a few areas, such as Japan, Indonesia and Australia (Bardach, 1969). [...]

    Law of the physico-chemical unity of the living matter (V.I. Vernadsky). The whole living substance of the Earth is physico-chemically one. From the law, it naturally follows the result: a harmful thing for one part of a living matter cannot be indifferent for another part of it, or: harmful to some species is harmful and for others. From here - any physico-chemical agents, fatal for some organisms (for example, means of combating pests), may not have harmful influence on other organisms. The whole difference consists only in the degree of sustainability of the species to the agent. Since in any numerous population there are always disseminated individuals, including less or more physicochemical influences, the rate of extraction of populations to a harmful agent is directly proportional to the reproduction of organisms, the speed of alternation of generations. Based on this, with a growing effect of the physicochemical factor, to which the body with a relatively slow change of generations is steady, for less steady, but faster, their ability to resist the factory under consideration is equal. That is why the long-term use of chemical methods of combating pests of plants and causative agents of human diseases and warm-blooded animals is environmentally unacceptable. With the selection of stable individuals of rapidly breeding arthropods, processing standards have to be increased. However, these enlarged concentrations are ineffective, but seriously reflected on the health of people and vertebrates.