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  • UFO objects. Unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and the Navy…. Unidentified natural anomalies

    UFO objects.  Unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and the Navy….  Unidentified natural anomalies

    Theme UFO worries people since the middle of the 20th century. It seems that at first unidentified flying objects appeared in the heads of people, in our minds, in connection with the powerful development of science and technology, aviation and astronautics.

    “It was a warm September day, and the Johnson family decided to go to the city park on this occasion, especially since their little one had been asking for this walk for several days, so he wanted to try out his new tricycle. Walking through the park, they imperceptibly entered its most remote corner, not so visited by people because of the notoriety, which said that strange events take place here and people disappear without a trace.

    Many have seen UFOs, some have even managed to photograph

    Suddenly, some strange sensation of an outside presence and anxiety overcame the young parents, and the cry of their little son, who stopped a few meters from them and pointed with his hands to the sky, made them look up. Above them shone a disc polished to a metallic sheen, shimmering with lights. A frightening, unknown force emanated from him, which made people numb in horror. "

    So, perhaps, in the seventies of the last century, the plot of any film devoted to unidentified flying objects began, the scenarios of which at that time were very similar, like the depiction of other, extraterrestrial civilizations. During these years of the past century, the topic of UFOs began to be widely discussed, and in the media here and there new publications constantly appeared about the observation of strange flying saucers in different parts of the earth. Sometimes their content was so incredible and contradictory that the mind simply refused to believe in them.

    So, some testified that they were abducted by representatives of another mind and subjected to various kinds of research, others talked about the operations performed that allowed them to get rid of an old disease, and many women argued that conception had occurred and their unborn child could not be human.
    And although it was at this time that the "general" fascination with UFOs was observed, they were also mentioned earlier. Moreover, when all eyewitness testimonies were investigated, in most cases it turned out that it was a fake, the desire to become famous was the main motive that pushed people to such actions. And, nevertheless, some of the images provided did indeed reflect the incomprehensible phenomena observed by people in the sky.

    The stories of eyewitnesses and people in contact with representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence sometimes make you believe, and sometimes doubt the reliability of their existence. When ufologists interviewed these people, many of them were unable to give an accurate description of what they saw. The first case of real observation UFO, in any case, recorded, was noted in 1947, when Kenneth Arnold saw nine objects in the sky that resembled flying saucers.

    Many indications do not come from ordinary people, and from pilots, in our time - astronauts, or scientists who have repeatedly observed UFOs. But with the onset of 2008, the secret veil was slightly opened for mere mortals - the British government decided to make available information about unidentified flying objects observed in different parts of the earth in the period 1978-1987. There are many UFO eyewitness accounts in the materials, but it is difficult to judge the reliability of their testimony, since there is no confirmation. It is worth noting that the most interesting parts of the eyewitness statements remained unknown, because they are simply shaded and are not suitable for reading. As always, the government representatives decided to disguise the most interesting.

    One of the best UFO photos over the Red Sea

    The French National Space Agency also decided to release some of the eyewitness accounts by posting photographs and testimonies of people on the website. But scientists are still trying to find at least some confirmation that UFOs are involved in extraterrestrial intelligence and are its messengers on earth. And yet, to date, they have compiled a kind of classification of unknown flying objects, and divided them into groups. Most of these objects are observed at night, and they have some common features for example, lights shining brightly in the night sky, which is why they are called "Night Lights".

    The second largest number of observations is the "Daytime Flying Discs", which were observed in the sky only during the day. Eyewitnesses tend to think that flying discs are made of metal, at least that's how they look. Another type of UFO is bursts, moving dots on the screens of radar monitors, they are often seen by representatives of various services, such as the airport. All these are so-called "remote contacts", but there is also a classification of close contacts. These include those that are observed by eyewitnesses at a distance not exceeding 200 meters.

    There are also three types of them - CE-1, CE-2 and CE-3. CE-1, contact in which an eyewitness sees a UFO moving or hovering in the air on the ground, which does not interact with its environment. The second variant of the CE-2 contact is similar, but in this case an unidentified flying object already leaves behind "traces", which can be expressed as stalling car motors or radio interference, burnt spots on the grass.

    In the third version, the eyewitnesses contacted "aliens - astronauts" who allegedly conducted medical experiments on them, including vicious conception.

    In general, these are quite understandable, and sometimes confirmed facts, but another thing is that eyewitnesses themselves sometimes told incredible things, such as cars without wheels flying over the ground, which is hard to believe. Therefore, as a rule, many ufologists are not involved in the investigation of such cases. However, there are those among them who believe that these events should not be ignored, perhaps they will be able to shed light on many secrets.

    There are also many types of UFOs, these are hard objects, soft, triangular, spindle-shaped, augers, egg-shaped or just flying machines.

    Classification of visible and described UFOs by shape

    If we talk about the places and times when UFOs were observed, then the investigation led many scientists back to biblical times, when Elijah the prophet ascended into heaven on a "chariot of fire". And the testimonies captured in the rock paintings tell us that aliens and UFOs are frequent guests on our planet, who have not stopped visiting it for thousands of years. But all this, so to speak, is circumstantial evidence, but there is practically no direct evidence, in any case, they are hiding from the broad masses of people.

    As for the sightings of unknown aircraft, there are areas on the ground where they are most often seen, especially during the years of mass "invasions", when the press reports one after another that they were seen in different places. The most surprising thing is that many of the observations are similar.

    There is no official science that would study UFOs as such, nevertheless, fairly well-known world-famous scientists were interested in these phenomena and were engaged in them. But the fact that the military of all technologically developed countries show interest in UFO is indisputable, and even if they managed to get at their disposal at least one unearthly aircraft, then, most likely, they are being studied at classified military bases.

    Most of the cool photos of UFOs are taken by pilots.

    So, recently, new data leaked to the press that three incredibly huge UFOs are approaching the earth, which the military knows and keeps quiet about. It is expected that they will be on our planet on December 12, 2012 and will cause the biblical "end of the world." What is this, another "duck", which was launched in the media, or the truth? Yes, indeed, these objects are approaching our planet, but it is not a fact that their trajectory will not change, moreover, it is not known whether these are really alien ships, or just large asteroids, or perhaps this is just another hoax. Nevertheless, their shape makes one think that these are objects of artificial origin, in any case, so scientists from the SETI organization believe. It is inexplicable that one of the objects is round in shape, while the other has a strictly cylindrical shape. The hour is not far off when these objects can be observed with simple telescopes.

    What to expect from the invasion of an alien civilization, salvation or death? It's hard to say, you just have to wait for their arrival. Who knows, perhaps all these data are fabricated in order to draw attention to this quieted topic, once causing a stir, and which of the "powerful" of this world is called "on hand", because a lot of funds will be allocated for the war with aliens. Time will tell, there is nothing more to hope for.

    Judging by the data that have been published in various sources for many years, the behavior of UFOs and their inhabitants is unpredictable. Perhaps the only thing scientists know about is those UFO remnants that came to them after the crash of the latter.
    In the crash of an unidentified flying object in 1950, which, rushing across the sky, fell in the Del Rio area, which is located in Mexico, a small disk was found, of which little remained as a result of an explosion and fire. A creature, or rather its "lifeless body," so to speak, was removed from the aircraft. Other sources claim that there were several such bodies, at least six, someone wrote that 12 or 14. A small mouth, only 130-140 cm in height, four-fingered hands with membranes, a head that does not have any vegetation - this is how the press characterized alien appearance.
    As usual, the United States turned out to be "ahead of the rest" and the military air force, having loaded the remains of the object, took them away for research. At that time, many pictures were taken, both of the remains of the object and of that unknown creature, and a little later, in 1980, two negatives of photographs of these creatures fell into the hands of UFO researchers. After analyzing the negatives, the scientists were convinced that the filming was genuine and indeed taken in the area where the unknown aircraft fell.

    Is UFO a blessing or a misfortune for our civilization? Difficult to answer!

    But the question arises, what actually fell then - a UFO or the new US aircraft being tested at that time. In any case, it was the fall of the new flying saucer that was the official reason for the removal of aliens from the territory of Mexico. As US Secretary of State General Marshall later admitted, this was the third known UFO incident in the area, due to the presence of a radar station in the area.

    Such crashes occurred after these events, and today there are already 28 cases of UFO crashes, twelve of which occurred in the United States. But representatives of the Pentagon have never officially confirmed such facts, moreover, they deny the assumption that their scientists have materials at their disposal that indicate the presence of extraterrestrial civilizations. It is clear that the information that they managed to get hold of is classified as "secret" and is unlikely to ever become available to the general public.

    Kevitsky, who held a post at ICUFON, assured that US researchers have at their disposal eight UFO wrecked, which were initially at Wright-Patterson, and later were transported to two places: the first is the CIA headquarters in Langley, and the second is the McDill base in Florida. There is no reliable information about what is actually happening, so it is impossible to judge whether this data is false or true. But there are some events that indirectly confirm the reality of the presence of the remains of the bodies of aliens and their ships. For example, when ufologist L. Stringfield decided to make a report on the topic of UFOs, the authorities warned him about the non-disclosure of secrets of state importance. But when he disobeyed, he was locked in one of the hotels, where all contact with the outside world was excluded. This fact in itself speaks to the importance of studying the topic of unidentified flying saucers for the US government. But the United States is not the only state whose authorities have obtained unknown flying objects, because they crashed in other parts of the planet.

    Only one thing is clear - these are highly developed civilizations that were able to overcome the speed of light known to all of us, and possibly create temporary corridors. What can humanity oppose to them to protect their planet from invasion at the same time, without destroying themselves? Nothing! What can you expect? Help or enslavement at best, and total annihilation at worst. This is the scenario of future events in our real time. But these events will not take place on the screen of a cinema, but in life and the actors of a grandiose brutal production may become the whole of humanity.

    m Many people think that a UFO is an unidentified flying object. But we are not talking about plates with aliens! The abbreviation UFO refers to any objects that fly in the air and have not yet been identified. At the same time, unidentified does not mean unrecognizable.Many UFOs are eventually identified and receive the status of an OLO - an identified flying object.

    Seriously speaking, UFO is not a flying saucer with aliens . An unidentified object is considered only one for which there is no explanation even after an investigation. At the moment, many ufologists claim that what some people see from the ground is not an intergalactic flying ship, and NAYA is an unidentified atmospheric phenomenon.

    Does this mean that aliens do not exist? Not at all! However, if you go deeper into history, you can see many references to UFOs. In Rome, shields were often seen floating across the sky, in the Middle Ages - ships soaring in the air, in the 19th century - something similar to airplanes. It turns out that aliens can actually exist, moreover, their appearance spaceships transforms and develops, like our civilization. The presented phenomenon even received a name - cultural conformity.

    What could a UFO really be?

    UFOs can be atmospheric or optical phenomena, a figment of fantasy, a mirage, a cosmic device ... There are many versions, at the moment there are 5 main hypotheses that are closest to reality.

    Atmospheric phenomena.

    The simplest explanation for UFOs is an atmospheric phenomenon. Indeed, nature is sometimes unpredictable. It turns out that the unidentified object could be a form of fog, ball lightning, or something like that.

    The fruit of fantasy.

    If a person is in an agitated state, he may mistake a well-known object for a UFO, such as a balloon, an airplane, or a star.

    Alien ship.

    The popular belief of the UFO presence is a spaceshipaliens , or biorobots sent by them. The main confirmation of this hypothesis is the impossibility of explaining the appearance of UFOs at the moment and the lack of confirmation of other hypotheses. What is against the version is that ifaliens more developed than us, they can observe people remotely, which means that they do not need to reveal themselves.


    Flying saucers can actually be mirages. Many astrophysicists come to this opinion.

    Optical effect.

    Assuming that UFO is an optical effect, a lot becomes clear. For example, the fact that some people see an object accompanying planes or trains. And, indeed, near each object moving at high speed, air vortexes can arise that are invisible to the eye. But if there is a certain air humidity and temperature, they can become visible, gain the ability to reflect light. The hypothesis presented also explains the appearance of several plates at once.

    There are many theories of the appearance of UFOs, but until its mystery is solved, everyone can choose the hypothesis that suits him.

    A comprehensive study of the properties of "behavior" and the size of UFOs, regardless of their shape, allows us to conditionally divide them into four main types.

    First: Very small objects, which are balls or disks with a diameter of 20-100 cm, which fly at low altitudes, sometimes fly out of larger objects and return to them. There is a known case that took place in October 1948 near the Fargo airbase (North Dakota), when the pilot Gormon unsuccessfully pursued a round luminous object with a diameter of 30 cm, which very skillfully maneuvered, evading the pursuit, and sometimes he himself swiftly moved to the plane. forcing Hormone to dodge the collision.

    Second: Small UFOs, which are egg-shaped and disc-shaped and 2-3 m in diameter. They usually fly at low altitudes and most often land. Small UFOs have also been seen repeatedly separating from and returning to major objects.

    Third: The main UFOs, most often discs with a diameter of 9-40 m, the height of which in the central part is 1 / 5-1 / 10 of their diameter. The main UFOs make independent flights in any layer of the atmosphere and sometimes land. Smaller objects can be detached from them.

    Fourth: Large UFOs, usually in the form of cigars or cylinders 100-800 meters or more in length. They appear mainly in the upper atmosphere, do not make difficult maneuvers, and sometimes hover at high altitudes. There were no cases of their landing on the ground, but it was repeatedly observed how small objects were separated from them. There is speculation that large UFOs can fly in space. There are also known individual cases of observation of giant discs with a diameter of 100-200 m.

    Such an object was observed during a test flight of the French Concorde aircraft at an altitude of 17,000 m over the Republic of Chad during the solar eclipse on June 30, 1973. The crew and a group of scientists on the plane filmed a movie and made a series of color images of the luminous object in the form of a mushroom head with a diameter of 200 m and a height of 80 m, which followed an intersecting course. In this case, the contours of the object were indistinct, since it, apparently, was surrounded by an ionized plasma cloud. On February 2, 1974, the film was shown on French television. The results of the study of this object have not been published.

    Common forms of UFOs come in several varieties. For example, discs with one or two convex sides, balls with or without rings encircling them, as well as oblate and elongated spheres were observed. Objects of rectangular and triangular shapes are much less common. According to the French Aerospace Research Group, approximately 80% of all observed UFOs were circular discs, balls or spheres, and only 20% were elongated cigars or cylinders. UFOs in the form of discs, spheres and cigars have been observed in most countries on all continents. Examples of rare UFOs are listed below. So, for example, UFOs with rings encircling them, similar to the planet Saturn, were recorded in 1954 over Essex (England) and over the city of Cincinnati (Ohio), in 1955 in Venezuela and in 1976 - over the Canary Islands ...

    UFO in the form of a parallelepiped was observed in July 1977 in the Tatar Strait by members of the crew of the ship "Nikolai Ostrovsky". This object flew for 30 minutes next to the ship at an altitude of 300-400 m, and then disappeared.

    Since the end of 1989, triangular UFOs have been systematically appearing over Belgium. According to the description of many eyewitnesses, their dimensions were about 30 by 40 m, and on their lower part there were three or four luminous circles. Objects moved completely silently, hovered and took off at tremendous speeds. On March 31, 1990, southeast of Brussels, three credible eyewitnesses observed such a triangular-shaped object six times the size of the visible disk of the moon fly silently over their heads at an altitude of 300-400 m. Four luminous circles were clearly visible on the underside of the object.

    On the same day, engineer Alferlan for two minutes filmed with a video camera such an object flying over Brussels. Before Alferlan's eyes, the object made a turn and three glowing circles and a red light between them became visible on its lower part. On top of the object, Alferlan noticed a luminous lattice dome. This video was shown on the central television on April 15, 1990.

    Along with the main forms of UFOs, there are many other types of UFOs. The table, shown at the meeting of the US Congress Committee on Science and Astronautics in 1968, showed 52 UFOs of different shapes.

    According to the international ufological organization "Contact international", the following forms of UFOs are observed:

    1) round: disc-shaped (with and without domes); an inverted plate, bowl, saucer or rugby ball (with or without a dome); in the form of two plates folded together (with and without two bulges); hat-shaped (with and without domes); like a bell; in the form of a sphere or ball (with and without a dome); similar to the planet Saturn; ovoid or pear-shaped; barrel-like; onion-like or spinning top;

    2) oblong: rocket-like (with and without stabilizers); torpedo-shaped; cigar-shaped (without domes, with one or two domes); cylindrical; rod-shaped; fusiform;

    3) pointed: pyramidal; in the form of a regular or truncated cone; funnel-like; arrow-shaped; in the form of a flat triangle (with and without a dome); diamond-shaped;

    4) rectangular: bar-like; in the form of a cube or parallelepiped; in the form of a flat square and rectangle;

    5) unusual: mushroom-shaped, toroidal with a hole in the center, wheel-like (with and without spokes), cruciform, deltoid, V-shaped.

    Generalized NICAP data on UFO sightings of various shapes in the USA for 1942-1963. are shown in the following table:

    Object shape, Number of cases / Percentage of total case

    1. Disc-shaped 149/26
    2. Spheres, ovals, ellipses 173/30
    3. Type of rockets or cigars 46/8
    4. Triangular 11/2
    5. Luminous points 140/25
    6.Others 33/6
    7. Radar (non-visual) observations 19/3

    Total 571/100


    1. Objects, by their nature referred to in this list as spheres, ovals and ellipses, may in fact be discs inclined at an angle to the horizon.

    2. The luminous points in this list are small brightly luminous objects, the shape of which could not be determined due to the large distance.

    It should be borne in mind that in many cases the readings of observers may not reflect the true shape of objects, since a disc-shaped object may look like a ball from below, from below to the side - like an ellipse, and from the side - like a spindle or a mushroom cap; an object in the shape of a cigar or an elongated sphere may look like a ball from the front and back; a cylindrical object can look like a parallelepiped from below and from the side, and like a ball from the front and back. In turn, a parallelepiped object from the front and back can look like a cube.

    The data on the linear dimensions of UFOs, reported by eyewitnesses, are in some cases very relative, since by visual observation it is possible to determine with sufficient accuracy only the angular dimensions of the object.

    Linear dimensions can be determined only if the distance from the observer to the object is known. But determining the distance in itself presents great difficulties, because human eyes, due to stereoscopic vision, can correctly determine the distance only within the range of up to 100 m. Therefore, the linear dimensions of a UFO can be determined only very approximately.

    Typically, UFOs are in the form of metal bodies of silver-aluminum or light pearl color. Sometimes they are shrouded in a cloud, as a result of which their contours seem to be blurred.

    The surface of UFOs is usually shiny, as if polished, and no seams or rivets are visible on it. The upper side of the object is usually light, and the lower side is dark. Some UFOs have domes that are sometimes transparent.

    UFOs with domes were observed, in particular, in 1957 over New York, in 1963 in Victoria (Australia), and in our country in 1975 near Borisoglebsk and in 1978 in Beskudnikovo.

    In the middle of the objects, in a number of cases, one or two rows of rectangular "windows" or round "portholes" were visible. An elongated object with such "windows" was observed in 1965 by the crew members of the Norwegian ship "Yvesta" over the Atlantic.

    In our country, UFOs with "windows" were observed in 1976 in the village of Sosenki near Moscow, in 1981 near Michurinsk, in 1985 near Geok-Tepe in the Ashgabat region. On some UFOs, rods similar to antennas or periscopes were clearly visible.

    In February 1963, in the state of Victoria (Australia), at an altitude of 300 m above a tree, a disk with a diameter of 8 m with a rod similar to an antenna hovered.

    In July 1978, members of the crew of the motor ship "Yargora", sailing in the Mediterranean Sea, observed flying over North Africa a spherical object with three antenna-like structures visible at the bottom.

    There have also been cases where these rods moved or rotated. Two such examples are given below. In August 1976, Muscovite A.M. Troitsky and six other witnesses saw a silvery metal object, 8 times the size of the lunar disk, over the Pirogov reservoir, slowly moving at an altitude of several tens of meters. Two rotating stripes were visible on its lateral surface. When the object was above the witnesses, a black hatch opened at its bottom, from which a thin cylinder protruded. The lower part of this cylinder began to describe circles, while the upper part remained attached to the object. In July 1978, the passengers of the Sevastopol-Leningrad train near Kharkov for several minutes watched as a rod with three brightly luminous points protruded from the top of a motionless ellipse-shaped UFO. This rod deflected to the right three times and returned to its previous position. Then a rod with one luminous point emerged from the bottom of the UFO.

    UFO Info. Types of UFOs and their appearance

    Inside the lower part of the UFO, there are sometimes three or four landing legs, which extend during landing and retract inward during takeoff. Here are three examples of such observations.

    In November 1957, Senior Lieutenant N., returning from Stead Air Base (Las Vegas), saw four disc-shaped UFOs 15 m in diameter in the field, each of which stood on three landing supports. As they took off, these supports were pulled inward before his eyes.

    In July 1970, a young Frenchman, Erien J., near the village of Jabrelle-le-Borde, clearly saw how four metal supports, ending in rectangles, were gradually retracted into a flying round UFO with a diameter of 6 m.

    In the USSR in June 1979, in the city of Zolochev, Kharkiv Region, witness Starchenko observed how a UFO in the form of an overturned saucer landed 50 meters away from him with a row of windows and a dome. When the object descended to a height of 5-6 m, three landing supports about 1 m long, ending in the likeness of blades, were telescopically extended from its bottom. After standing on the ground for about 20 minutes, the object took off, and it was visible how the supports were pulled into its body. At night, UFOs usually glow, sometimes their color and glow intensity change with a change in speed. When flying rapidly, they have a color similar to that arising in the process of arc welding; at a slower rate, a bluish color.

    When dropped or braked, they turn red or orange. But it happens that objects that are still hanging still shine with a bright light, although it is possible that it is not the objects themselves that glow, but the air around them under the influence of some kind of radiation emanating from these objects. Sometimes some kind of lights are visible on UFOs: on elongated objects - on the bow and stern, and on discs - on the periphery and on the bottom. There are also reports of rotating objects with red, white or green lights.

    In October 1989, in Cheboksary, six UFOs in the form of two plates stacked together hovered over the territory of the Industrial Tractor Plant. Then a seventh object joined them. Each of them showed yellow, green and red lights. Objects rotated and moved up and down. Half an hour later, six objects soared upward with great speed and disappeared, and one remained for some time. Sometimes these lights come on and off in a specific sequence.

    In September 1965, two police officers in Exeter, New York, observed a UFO flight with a diameter of about 27 m, in which there were five red lights that went on and off in sequence: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st. The duration of each cycle was 2 seconds.

    A similar incident occurred in July 1967 in Newton, New Hampshire, where two former radar operators observed a luminous object through a telescope, with a row of lights flashing and extinguishing in the same sequence as at Exeter.

    The most important characteristic feature of UFOs is the manifestation of unusual properties in them, which are not found either in natural phenomena known to us, or in technical means created by man. Moreover, it seems that the individual properties of these objects clearly contradict the laws of physics known to us.

    UFOs are unidentified flying objects that periodically appear in our sky in different parts of the planet. Alien ships are constantly of interest to ordinary people and some scientists. Skeptical astronomers continue to argue that UFOs do not exist. Now we can only say one thing for sure: humanity has not yet managed to either confirm or refute the theory of the existence of aliens. This article contains the most Interesting Facts about UFOs, starting with information about the first sighting of alien objects.

    • The term "UFO" was first used in his 1953 book by DE Kihou. By the way, the book is called Flying Saucers from Space.
    • Attention to alien flying vehicles was attracted by the pilot K. Arnold, who in 1947 during the flight noticed 9 unidentified objects hovering in the air. The news of this quickly spread throughout the world, after which ordinary people began to literally seek contact with aliens. Arnold, in turn, saw objects over Mount Rainel, which is located in Washington DC. It was Kenneth Arnold who called UFOs flying saucers, after which this term became popular and often used.
    • Officially, the term "UFO" was introduced by the United States Air Force. It happened in 1953. Air Force personnel called by the aforementioned term not only unidentified objects in the form of plates, but also other devices of various shapes, the origin of which was difficult to determine.

    • Most modern scientists believe that alien ships do not deserve such attention, since they cannot visit our planet so often. It is known that news about UFOs appears on the Internet with enviable regularity. If all of them were true, then we would already be able to establish direct contact with the aliens.
    • In the late 1950s and early 1960s, UFO news was incredibly popular in the United States. Later it turned out that almost all such news was, in fact, about "U-2" - reconnaissance aircraft, which for several years were classified.
    • All films about aliens and alien technology can be divided into two groups. The first group, which is the most popular, exhibits hostile alien behavior. In such films, aliens attack people, master our planet, turning our life into Hell. The second group of films shows us a completely different UFO behavior - friendly. In this kind of cinema, aliens try to teach us something high-tech, reveal their secrets and even save people. In addition, there is another category of UFO films in which we rescue aliens. Such films appear the least frequently. Based on the above, we can assume what exactly we expect from aliens.

    • In ufology, there is the term "ufonaut" - an ancient astronaut. Representatives of this science believe that "ufonauts" in the distant past often visited our planet. This theory is proved by various archaeological finds and architectural monuments of ancient cities.
    • In 1967, over England, six unidentified vehicles were lined up in the sky. The government officially approved the plans of scientists and the military who intended to study UFOs. This event attracted widespread attention, but later it turned out that it was all a hoax.
    • The Bermuda Triangle is also credited with having a connection with aliens. Researchers believe that an alien permanent base may exist underwater in that area, which is often visited by aliens. This explains the mysterious disappearances of ships and aircraft, which have not been found to this day.
    • Renowned astronomer Karl Sagal has always been skeptical. He doubted that a highly advanced alien civilization would wish to establish contact with us. Despite his convictions, he still took part in the world famous SETI project.

    • In the late 1930s, Orson Welles quoted the fantastic book War of the Worlds in his radio broadcast. He described what was happening in it so believably and realistically that thousands of Americans believed that they were really attacked by aliens. A massive panic started around the middle of the book. People quickly packed up their things and tried to leave. Fortunately, the shocked population was reassured in time.
    • On July 8, 1947, the wreckage of an alien ship was allegedly found in Rosuela. A little later, the government announced that this ship was, in fact, an experimental terrestrial flying machine. For months, people refused to believe it, accusing the government of deliberately hiding the truth about UFOs.
    • In the USSR, the alien plates of aliens often turned out to be new types of military equipment.
    • A 1996 social survey found that 71% of Americans believe the authorities are hiding the truth about alien flying vehicles from them. Moreover, many were convinced that the government had long established contact with the aliens and entered into certain agreements with them.
    • The first photograph of an unidentified alien vehicle was taken in 1883 by an astronomer from Mexico named H. Bonilla.
    • The first to announce the abduction by aliens were the spouses Betty and Barney named Hill. The kidnapping, they said, took place in 1961 in New Hampshire. The testimonies of the spouses completely coincided, despite the fact that they were interviewed separately and under hypnosis.

    • In modern times, there are official organizations in the world engaged in the search and study of UFOs. The most famous are: "MUFON", "CUFOS" and the Foundation for Research on Unidentified Flying Objects.
    • Aliens abducted not only ordinary people, but also the military, and in front of their leadership. So in 1953, junior lieutenant F. Yu. Monkla disappeared without a trace. He was sent to intercept a UFO hovering over Michigan. Moncla's plane approached the unidentified apparatus, after which it was enveloped in a bright light, and when everything stopped, it turned out that the plane was no longer on radar. More about the pilot and his plane was not heard.

    These mysterious UFOs

    From time to time, newspapers and magazines publish reports that so-called unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have been found in an area. Often people try to explain these phenomena by the intervention of unknown "aliens from outer space", believing that the atmosphere is well studied and can not present any surprises. In fact, there are still many "white spots" in the air ocean: after all, a person is just beginning to cognize the most complex system called the atmosphere. In any case, some UFOs may well be attributed to unexplored natural processes occurring in the atmosphere.

    For example, at the border of two air masses with different temperatures, density and amount of impurities, sometimes an air volume is formed in the form of a biconvex lens. Sharply differing in physical properties from neighboring layers of air, it can reflect light at one angle. In this case, the observer will see a "silver metal flying saucer".

    If there are several such intermediate air volumes, then over time one of them may disappear from the field of view, finding itself at an unfavorable angle, and instead of it, at some distance from the first, another "flying object" will appear. Thus, the impression is created that the "plate" is moving, and with great speed.

    References to the fact that the weather at the time of the UFO sighting was quite ordinary are unconvincing. Strictly speaking, "ordinary weather" does not exist, and in any weather there is a place for an amazing phenomenon. Of course, this does not mean that all UFOs are volumes of air that reflect light in an unusual way, or clouds of bizarre shapes. But maybe sometimes it is worth thinking and finding the natural cause of a mysterious phenomenon.


    Let's list the main phenomena that cause UFO reports. They can be divided into three classes: astronomical, atmospheric, and man-made.

    Astronomical phenomena. The Moon and Venus are often the "culprits" of UFO reports. Of course, on a clear night it is difficult to confuse the moon hanging high in the sky with anything, but there are circumstances that make it difficult to identify.

    Very often it is cloud cover that obscures the stars, but usually cannot completely eclipse the Moon. A particularly strong "UFO effect" occurs when clouds run across the sky: the illusion appears that the moon is moving in the opposite direction, suddenly disappearing and appearing in gaps between dense clouds. In addition, it is distorted beyond recognition by translucent clouds.

    When driving fast at night, a person gets the impression that this luminous object is chasing him. A particularly strong effect occurs when he sees not the Moon itself, but a glare from it in the window of a car, train or plane: its shape is often bizarre, and its movement is very strange, because it reacts to the slightest course changes.

    The moon can be seen quite well during the day, but many are unaware of it. Accidentally seeing a "night star" in the daytime, some people get lost and do not recognize the moon.

    At the horizon, the Moon is known to appear much larger than when it is high in the sky. Here the physiological feature of vision misleads people. As a result of all the effects described above, the Moon is very often mistaken for a UFO.

    Much of what has been said about the Moon also applies to Venus, which is also often mistaken for a UFO. As a rule, this occurs during the evening visibility of Venus. Not everyone knows that the "morning star" - Venus - is very bright in the evenings. In mid-latitudes, it is especially clearly visible in spring, when twilight comes relatively early and Venus remains above the horizon for a long time after sunset. Closer to the equator, its visibility practically does not depend on the season.

    The book by D. Goldsmith and T. Owen "The Search for Life in the Universe" describes an interesting incident that happened in 1967 in the town of Milledgeville (Georgia, USA). In the early morning hours, a policeman saw a "bright red luminous object similar in shape to a soccer ball" in the east near the horizon and pursued him along with his partner in a patrol car for 12 km. Gradually, the object rose higher, changed its color from bright red to orange, and then to white and began to resemble a star. Police said the object was so bright that they could see the hands of their watches in its light.

    The Milledgeville police report sparked interest in UFOs throughout the state, and in the days that followed, similar reports came from many places. The police in their "hunt" for UFOs were assisted by an airplane, from which another, less bright one was noticed next to a bright object. When the plane chased them eastward, both objects moved away and moved upward.

    As it turned out, Venus was the bright object during the morning visibility. And Jupiter "accompanied" her.

    Luminaries can also take on very unusual shapes. The culprit for these surprises is, as a rule, atmospheric refraction - the refraction and bending of light rays. The sun, for example, near the horizon can take the form of an ellipse, a bag, a trapezoid with rounded edges, a segment, etc.

    o Comets are often mistaken for UFOs.

    Atmospheric phenomena.

    There are several types of physical objects that are certainly "implicated" in the UFO stories.

    Sometimes observers can see clouds of exotic lens-like or elliptical shapes, which are mistaken for classic "flying saucers". A similar formation was observed, for example, in February 1977 in Yalta. These clouds can be very bright by reflecting light. A long ice plume formed by water droplets can stretch behind the cloud. Sometimes it is one cloud in a completely clear sky, but there may be chains of "squadrons" of clouds. An interesting feature lenticular clouds is their immobility even in strong winds. Despite the seeming mystery, such objects are known to meteorologists, and in the German literature they were called "torpedo clouds". Often they really resemble a streamlined projectile, the body of a dolphin, and sometimes they look like a shuttle or a spindle ...

    And this is how they arise. A stream of air flowing around obstacles on the earth's surface forms air waves. As a rule, they arise from the leeward side of mountain ranges or behind individual peaks. Usually the length of these air waves is 4-19 kilometers. On the crests of waves, at altitudes of 2-6 kilometers, moisture condensation in the rising air occurs and a cloud forms. Since the process of cloud formation is continuous due to the simultaneous evaporation of moisture on one side and replenishment of condensate on the other, lenticular clouds do not change their position in space, but "stand" in the sky as if glued.

    o Bright meteors and fireballs have also long been a source of myth and legend. The fireball can be seen even during the day, and after it has flown, a smoky trail can be observed for a long time. It happens that the flight of the space "guest" does not end on Earth - it can fly back into space, as it was on August 10, 1972 over the state of Wyoming (USA). Some materials of "extraterrestrial origin" that are sometimes found also appear to be associated with meteor impacts.

    o Halos - faint circles, arcs, spots, pillars, crosses, ribbons near or around bright celestial bodies and terrestrial light sources can also be mistaken for UFOs. The reason for the appearance of this phenomenon is associated with the refraction and reflection of light rays by ice crystals in the air. Due to the light dispersion, the halos are always slightly iridescent. Rare types of halos are still quite often seen by UFO observers.

    o Another noteworthy phenomenon is false suns. Sometimes, in calm weather, at sunset or at sunrise, you can see columns of light on either side of the Sun, as if rising to the sky from under the Earth. These are rays reflected from vertically spaced ice crystals, from which slowly descending cirrus clouds form. Separate sections of the pillars are sometimes so bright that they also create false suns.

    o Lights of St. Elmo (the name comes from the periodically observed glow over the medieval towers of St. Elmo in stormy weather). These lights are the glow of a static charge at the ends of pointed tall objects at a high electric field strength in the atmosphere.

    In addition, the sources of UFO reports are:

    o Polar Lights.

    ball lightning

    o Ball lightning, which is a brightly glowing electrical discharge. Its nature is currently insufficiently studied. Can make quiet buzzing, hissing, hissing sounds. Disappears silently or with a loud crash, emitting sparkling sparks. After the disappearance of ball lightning, a sharp-smelling haze often remains.

    o Vertical columns of light from ground sources. In severe frosts, the light of a bright street lamp or searchlight gives an interesting effect. A clearly visible luminous pillar going very high into the sky. Several nearby lanterns appear from afar as a kind of curtain or light wall. It looks like the calm northern lights, which are also sometimes observed.

    o Brocken ghost. If in the evening or in the morning, when the Sun is low above the horizon, you climb to the top of the mountain, then under favorable conditions you can see your shadow on a nearby cloud or layer of fog. This optical phenomenon, available for observation not only in the mountains, but also from an airplane, is called the Brocken ghost (the name is given in honor of the Brocken mountain peak in the Harz mountains in Germany).

    Mount Brocken

    o A bizarre airplane shadow on the clouds can be mistaken for a cigar-shaped UFO (in this perspective, the shadow will have no wings).


    Birds and other flying animals. Most common birds can be the source of reports of UFO sightings. The most interesting effects can occur when rays are reflected from the plumage of birds. Unexpected effects can also occur at night, when street lights bounce off the breasts of low-flying birds. In addition, flocks of birds are the cause of unidentified markings on radar screens.

    o Luminous organisms. In some living organisms (bacteria, fungi, invertebrates, fish), the phenomenon of bioluminescence is known - a glow caused by the enzymatic oxidation of special substances (in a significant number of species, luciferins). This type of chemiluminescence can cause false UFO sightings.

    A number of luminous insects live on the territory of our country. The most interesting are the subtropical fireflies (Lampyris), found on the Black Sea coast. Seeing a firefly flying along an intricate trajectory and, moreover, "flashing" at intervals of half a second, leaves a lasting impression.

    Birds carrying glowing worms or moths in their beaks can easily be mistaken for flying saucers. Fish or flies are contaminated with luminescent bacteria and glow brightly in the dark. Naturally, they attract the attention of birds, and some UFOs are undoubtedly of this nature.

    Sea glow in stripes and spots can be caused by luminous planktonic organisms.

    o For decades, pilots have regularly reported that a strange colorful glow is visible high above storm clouds. What is it: UFO or equally mysterious ball lightning? And, in general, can you trust eyewitnesses? After all, until now there has been no reliable confirmation: no numbers, no photographs.

    Finally last summer, geophysicists David Santman and Eugene Wescott (both from the Geophysical Institute at the University of Fairbanks, Alaska) managed to put an end to all speculation on the topic. For 12 nights, they and their assistants flew on two NASA research aircraft equipped with highly sensitive video cameras, radio detectors and satellite navigation devices. They flew out of Oklahoma City and headed to where the most severe thunderstorm was raging in the Midwest - there, in the stratosphere, above the clouds at an altitude of 20 km, scientists, in fact, registered some mysterious flashes. However, they needed to be patient - such a radiance accompanied only every hundredth lightning.

    However, the game was worth the candle: Saintman and Wescott were at the very center of these visions. "They looked like some kind of red ghosts, with hair standing on end, with purple-blue tentacles stretching down," the researchers recalled. ". Devices on both aircraft, flying at a distance of several kilometers from each other, made it possible to accurately calculate the world of colorful phantoms: in a few thousandths of a second, a glow with a power of about 1 megawatt fills a volume of over a thousand cubic kilometers.

    But the true physical nature of this phenomenon is still a mystery. It is unclear, for example, whether we are talking here about electrical discharges, as is the case with ordinary lightning, or not? Curiously, all these flashes are not accompanied by thunderclaps. And finally, will these "red ghosts" or "blue rays" pose a threat to 21st century jet planes, which will have to make high-speed passenger travel high in the stratosphere?

    Technogenic phenomena.

    These are airplanes and helicopters, balloons and rockets, satellites and active experiments in the atmosphere and space.

    o Few people know that many countries regularly launch balloons, mainly to study the atmosphere. Hundreds of launches a day take place all over the planet. For the most part, these are uncontrollable balloons, and the wind can carry them almost anywhere on the Earth. So, in 1970, a record was recorded for the duration of a balloon flight: being in the air for more than four years, the device made more than 100 round-the-world travels at an altitude of almost 35 km.

    Balloons have different diameters (from 3-4 to 100 m) and different shapes: in France, for example, they often launch easy-to-manufacture balloons with a tetrahedral shell, i.e. the correct four-sided pyramid. Sometimes cylindrical shells or bundles of several tens of small balls are used. The appearance of such a structure in the air can cause the most unexpected reaction from unprepared spectators. Balloons look especially impressive at dusk: brightly lit by the sun against the background of a darkened sky, they can be seen hundreds of kilometers away. Lighter-than-air vehicles with a hard lens-like shell have recently been designed. By appearance they are indistinguishable from the classic flying saucer. And yet such devices of a rare shape are observed by few, but missile launches are visible at a distance of 1000 kilometers or more.

    It is easy to judge the level of competence of eyewitnesses to the appearance of UFOs in the case of mass observation of such phenomena that occur in connection with space launches or experiments in the atmosphere. Dozens of messages came each time after experiments in the atmosphere on July 17, September 19 and October 18, 1967 at the Kapustin Yar rocket range in the Volgograd region. At the same time, the errors of different people in determining the time reached 1 hour, and in the direction - 1/4 of the circle (instead of east, for example, north was indicated). When describing the "Petrozavodsk phenomenon", such errors led, in particular, to the impression that there were many objects scattered over a large territory. If it is possible to restore an accurate picture of an incident, specialists in many cases can easily solve it.

    Petrozavodsk phenomenon

    o Meteorological and space experiments.

    To study the upper layers of the earth's atmosphere, meteorological rockets are periodically launched to emit special substances at an altitude of 150-500 km. (sometimes in several stages). The resulting artificial cloud (barium, sodium, etc.) begins to glow under the influence of solar radiation, and due to physical processes occurring in the cloud, its color may change.

    The barium vapors released from the spacecraft at a great distance from the Earth turn into a bright plasma cloud, with the help of which scientists carry out various studies, conduct optical observations, and determine the trajectory of movement of spacecraft.

    For the first time an artificial comet was formed in 1959 during the flight of the Soviet automatic interplanetary station "Luna-1".

    MPS "Luna-1"

    On October 9-10, 1967, the first joint Soviet-French experiment in the field of space meteorology and aeronomy took place. Employees of the Aeronomy Service of the National Center for Space Research of France and employees of the USSR Hydrometeorological Service at the Druzhnaya observatory on Heiss Island (Franz Josef Land, 80 degrees 30 minutes north latitude) launched two MP-12 meteorological rockets with containers containing material to create luminous sodium clouds at altitudes from 120 to 180 kilometers. Observations of artificial clouds were carried out to determine the temperature in the upper atmosphere. (Science and Life, No. 5, 1973, p. 124).

    In the early 70s, West German and American physicists, conducting joint research on electrical and magnetic field Earth, thrown over the territory of Colombia (at a very high altitude) about 15 kilograms of the smallest particles of barium, which formed a plasma cloud, observed from different parts of America. Stretching out along the magnetic lines of the globe, barium made it possible to clarify their location.

    In 1979, jets of barium were also thrown into outer space from rockets launched from the Swedish test site in Kiruna. Under the influence of sunlight, barium was easily ionized and created a glow that can be detected at a great distance using ultrasensitive television sets. The barium cloud was supposed to shed light on some of the processes associated with the aurora.

    On December 27, 1984, a joint experiment by Ampte was carried out on The Pacific Ocean USA, England and Germany. During the experiment, bright barium and lithium clouds appeared. The Comet had a central core and a tail, expanding at speeds of up to 800 meters per second. A few minutes after its appearance, the tail acquired an irregular shape with clearly visible "density waves" up to tens of kilometers long. These "waves" were perceived by observers as multi-colored concentric arcs or circles. The entire celestial fireworks display took about 10 minutes.

    From July 2 to July 20, 1999, NASA carried out a series of launches of geophysical rockets from the Wallops Island cosmodrome. A two-stage Taurus-Orion rocket was ejected at an altitude of 69 to 154 kilometers. chemical compound trimefulaluminum to create an artificial cloud. The artificial clouds created were visible from a great distance.

    o Kite. Despite the fact that in recent years it is almost impossible to see a flying kite in Russia, we must take into account that this children's game is a traditional entertainment in various countries of the world (for example, China and the USA).

    o Lighting and signal flares.

    o Airplanes and helicopters.

    o Artificial satellites of the Earth. Over several decades of the space era, about 20 thousand artificial space objects were launched from Earth.

    Here is one of the reports of eyewitnesses of an unusual phenomenon associated with an artificial satellite: "It was on October 30 this year at about 7 pm. From west to east, a group of fiery arrows flew at a height of clouds (no stars were visible) ... The flight was very fast. and without noise. The color of the arrows is red and during the flight the arrows dim and light up again. The group of arrows was 100-200 meters long, the thickness of the arrows from the ground was like a thick rope ... ". "On October 30, 1963, at about 19:00, when I was driving to Kiev ... I saw how some foggy substance flew across the highway from the right side to the left, like a long cylinder, 5-6 times more than its width. The length of this projectile at a glance it occupied the entire width of the track with its shoulders. The projectile had about 16 rows of windows in its width, that is, parallel to its length ..., glowing with a pink-red-orange light ... ".

    Many hundreds of similar reports about the observation of some strange celestial phenomenon on October 30, 1963 were sent by witnesses in the editorial offices of newspapers, magazines, on radio and television from the Baltic republics, Belarus, Ukraine, and some regions of the RSFSR. Among the drawings, which the authors provided their messages, came across images of spaceships with portholes, antennas, wings, stabilizers and other technical attributes. Residents of almost the entire territory of Ukraine and border territories saw a similar heavenly fireworks display 20 years later - on December 2, 1983. And again, many of the above details were repeated in the descriptions of the observers.

    And no matter how strange and contradictory these messages were in assessing the colors, shapes, sizes, trajectories of the observed phenomenon, Ukrainian astronomers, having studied several hundred messages, came to an unambiguous conclusion: over the above territories in the first and second cases, disintegration and combustion in the atmosphere was observed artificial satellites Earth (AES).

    An equally grandiose sight is the observation of the launch of a carrier rocket from one of our three spaceports. First, an eyewitness sees a bright luminous point low above the horizon (5-15 degrees), behind which a haze stretches, similar to an airplane contrail. Then the track lengthens and widens, acquiring characteristic "fish-like" outlines. At the head of this formation, there is always the same bright point, which is a torch from the operation of rocket engines. Sometimes there is a change in the color of the torch and the appearance of jets. This suggests that the second stage of the launch vehicle has been activated.

    In the next phase, the "fish" transforms into a hemisphere (when viewed from the side) relative to the flight path. At other phases, "crosses" and "flower" petals can be observed - all these are external manifestations of the work of groups of jet engines. Flashes, light cones, "whiskers" of luminous streams are often observed. This means that the launch vehicle has left the dense layers of the atmosphere. In the final phase, this celestial fireworks begins to blur and, in the end, disappears ... In the night sky, such a phenomenon, under certain atmospheric conditions, can be observed for 20-40 minutes at a distance of many hundreds of kilometers from the launch site.

    o Effects similar to meteorites are caused by the expired space technology burning in the upper atmosphere. Modern satellites have a special backup system that ensures their elimination: the device is "taken" from orbit into near-earth space, where then its bulk is burned up. Since the beginning of the space era, more than 6 thousand man-made objects have already left orbit, and every day another 5-20 transition compartments, rocket stages, hatches and other fragments are added to this figure. spacecraft... In orbit, there are still about three thousand tons of "space debris" - more than nine thousand objects over ten centimeters in size.

    o As a result of a certain property of the aperture of a video camera, an object may appear on the film, which can be mistaken for a UFO. Erroneous perception can also be caused by a photographic defect caused by aberration and internal reflection in the lens of the apparatus. There are also known cases when the lenses of a telescope (due to their peculiarities) built a bifurcated image of a bright star outside the field of view. As a result, again, a wrong judgment about what was filmed on film could be formed. Well, and also one should not forget about such common cases as defects in photographic films, from overexposure, the appearance of spots due to the use of low-quality optics, and much more.

    o As for the exaggerations and fantasies of eyewitnesses, this is a special problem that has been proved more than once experimentally. Various ufological organizations have repeatedly conducted experiments to simulate UFOs in order to study the behavior of eyewitnesses. As a result, the latter asserted and argued that it was precisely a UFO and at the same time attributed to it such characteristics that the object used for imitation did not even have a trace.


    V modern world more and more falsifications appear: forgeries of documents, photos and videos about UFOs. Phenomena perceived by eyewitnesses as the results of UFO activities are also faked. Crop circles are a typical example. More than once the authors of these "mysterious" circles themselves admitted to their creation. Moreover, most often this is done either for fun or to create a sensation, sometimes even by the reporters themselves ... The falsification of photos and video materials is generally difficult to rationalize. It often happens that in the media, incl. electronic published exaggerated information, for example, about the expedition, and with elements of fantasy. Maybe in this way the researchers want to maintain their rating? It's hard to admit that the expedition was almost in vain ...