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  • Biblomer: Book Quiz. Quiz "What do you need to know about the library?" Quiz the anniversary of the library

    Biblomer: Book Quiz. Quiz


    1 - b (chronicle)

    2 - B (BibliOb)

    3 - A (desktop)

    4 - b (on the 17th)

    5 - B (Bestseller)

    6 -sam b (walking encyclopedia)

    7 - in (Divo)

    8 - b (folitic)

    9 - a (title)

    10 - A (Wings)

    11 - B (bibliography)

    12 - A (Code)

    13 - B (Knowledge)

    14 - in (block)

    15 - a (Moscow)

    16 - in (cipher)

    17 - b (reader form)

    18 - a (autograph)

    19 - in (abstract)

    20 - in (bukinistic)

    21 - in (anthology)

    22 - B (directory)

    23 -B (Life of wonderful people)

    24 - B (Drop)

    25 - B (album)

    26 - A (clamshell books)

    27 - B (trilogy)

    28 - B (Cookbook)

    29 - A (from crust to crust)

    30 - b (superobrian)

    31 - A (electronic)

    32 - B (reading lover)

    33 - B (herbaceous plant)

    34 - A (Start page of the book)

    35 - in (old book)

    36 - a (bibliographic description)

    37 -B (leather)

    38 - B (Biblio ...)

    39 - B (Apostle)

    40 - A (Yaroslav Wise)

    41 - in (hut-reading)

    42 - A (Greece)

    43 - A (Scroll)

    44 - A (I.S. Krylov)

    45 - in (monks)

    What is the name of the record historical events Ancient times for years?

    A. Manuscript

    B. Chopper.

    V. Almanac

    Answer:B. Chopper.

    Which of these people does not like the book at all (and is afraid of them and hates)?

    A. Bibliephil

    B. Bibliophob

    B. Bibliographer


    What is the constantly necessary or often rereadful book?

    A. Table

    B. Prudial

    V. Pokolna


    What page of the library book is usually a stamp?

    B. on the 17th V.

    Answer:On the 17th

    What are the most discovered books published by large circulations?

    A. Belletristism

    B. Littleraul

    V. Bestseller


    How is a joke called a person who has extensive knowledge and can answer any question?

    A. Stray Dictionary

    B. Walking Encyclopedia

    B. Stepming Directory

    Answer:Walking encyclopedia

    What is the name of our Russian "Guinness Book of Records"?

    A. "Miracle"

    B. "Magic"

    V. "Divo"


    What is the name of a large format bulk book?

    A. Exlimbries.

    B. Foliant

    V. Faximil


    What is the name of the first page of the book on which the data is given, the name of the book, the output?

    B. Format

    V. IND.


    The name of this person enters our lives from orphanage. And his aphorisms and winged words accompany us all their lives. He is known as playwright, prose and lyrics. But few people know that he worked for almost 30 years in the Public Library named after M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin as a librarian. Who is this person?

    A.I.A. Wings

    B. N.V. Gogol.

    V. A.S. Pushkin

    Answer:I.A. Wings

    11. One of the most famous Russian experts of library affairs, Nikolay Alexandrovich Rubakin, said: "Choosing books for his and someone else's reading is not only science, but also art, there is no limit to development." What is this science?

    A. Printing

    B. Biblism

    B. Bibliography


    How on latin Sounds the word "book"?

    A. Codex.

    V. Constitution.


    13. Finish winged phrase Maxim Gorky: "Love the book - source ..."?

    A. dictation and presentation

    B. Knowledge

    V. Skill


    14. What are the sheets of books, selected in order, sewn or glued and prepared for insertion into a binding lid or cover?


    In which city is the largest library in our country - the Russian state library, in which more than 40 million books in 247 world languages \u200b\u200bare now?

    A. Moscow

    B. Novosibirsk

    In Saint-Petersburg


    16. What are the conditional registration signs on the book defining its place on library shelves ("address" of books)?

    A. Barcode

    B. Monogram


    17. What is the name of the Library Accounting Card, which will start for each visitor?

    BUT. Reader's diary

    B. Reading Form

    B. Reader passport

    Answer:Reading Form

    What is the name of the handwritten text written by the author of the book, as well as the author's own signature?

    A. Autograph

    B. facsimile

    V. Avtonim


    19. What is called summary The content of the book that helps the reader or the buyer is better to navigate in the ocean of modern prints?

    A. Proclamation

    B. Presentation

    V. Annotation


    What is the name of the book that was in the use and newly arrived on sale?

    A. Librability

    B. bucolic

    V. Bukinistical



    What is the name of the collection of selected works of different literary authors?

    A. Almanac

    B. Digest.

    V. Anthology


    What is the city phone book?

    A. Vocabulary

    B. Reference

    B. Encyclopedia


    Library number 14 Library Information Center "Intellect"
    ul. Marshal Kazakova, D.68, Corp. one

    May 27, 2017 inLibrary Information Center "Intellect" (st. MarshalKazakova, 68, Corp. 1) the quiz was held All-Russian Dahu libraries.

    May 27 take congratulations to professional holiday Employees of libraries throughout Russia. After all, it is on this day that the All-Russian Day of Libraries is celebrated. Date - May 27 - not accidentally chosen, since this day the first state public public library was founded - the Imperial Public Library, which is now called the Russian National Library. May 27, 1795 - the date of its foundation.

    Specialists of the Intellect Library could not pass by this event, and prepared quiz "I do not believe" and "May 27 - All-Russian Library Day". The most inquisitives learned the history of the holiday and a lot interesting facts About libraries worldwide.

    According to the results of the quiz, we can confidently say that our readers are the most erudite and valid. The most difficult question was: "For what in libraries in antiquity there were vests?", But it was possible to give the correct answer to him: for scrolls. The winner of the quiz became Belonogova Marina.

    Thanks to all readers for congratulations, and participation in festive events.

    Game for high school students "Your chance" (1 option)

    Registration hall.

    On the decorated scene by a semicircle six small tables with pre-harvested sheets of paper, pencils and cards with images of numbers from 1 to 7.

    On the scene, the screen, if there is no possibility to work with a computer, screen and tablet with posters that are easily moved by replacing each other. On posters (or computer graphics) inscriptions from 7 words and numbers in order:

    1. Poster: 1. November 2. May 3.APrel 4. October 5. June 6. March 7. Seven
    2. Poster: 1. Kitlahogan 2. Ketsal 3. Guacharo 4. Oatmeal 5. Bablan 6. IBIS 7. Oriole
    3. Poster: 1. Misters 2. Rumyantsev 3. Bullels 4. Pavlov 5. Repin6. Tretyakov 7. Stasov
    4. Poster: 1. Cicero 2. Hippocrates 3. Lucretia 4. Descartes 5. Fourier 6. Franklin 7. Homer
    5. Poster: 1. Ampire, 2. Paleography, 3. Etology, 4. Stained glass window, 5. Mimicry.

    The game will be held in 3 rounds.

    1 round - qualifying

    According to the results of the qualifying round, 6 people are selected who have gained more tokens, with the same amount of tokens asks an additional question, who is ahead and correctly answers, receives the right to further participate in the game.

    Leading: So, we have identified the winners of the first round. Let's get acquainted with them.

    Participants of the game are presented, occupy play places behind the tables.

    Leading: Now listen to the conditions of the 2th game tour. On the stage, on the screen, you see 7 words. I ask the question, and you raise a card with a digit, under which you think is written the correct answer. Cards raise together by sound signal.

    Each correct answer is estimated at 10 points. Counting points lead my helpers.

    The first cycle of questions is called "Seasons".

    The passage from the "Seasons" of Tchaikovsky "October" sounds. Against the background of music.

    The "Seasons" is exactly the famous work of the wonderful Russian composer Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, which he wrote during the year, devoting every part of a certain month.

    What month name is this passage?

    The screen is projected by the painting of Levitan "March".

    You see the picture of the famous Russian artist Levitan, which is called the month. What is the name of this picture?

    The music signal, participants raise cards, is called the correct answer, assistants lead scores.

    The name of one of the months has happened on behalf of the Greek goddess - the patroness of women and the home of the hearth. What is the name this month? / Month May, Maya goddess /

    The music signal, participants raise cards, is called the correct answer, assistants lead scores. Change poster with answers.

    The second cycle of questions we have been tied up with the beginning of autumn and called "Autumn flight of birds".

    Everyone knows the hunt using birds of prey, but in China for a long time they catch fish with birds. To do this, a ring with a rope that the fisherman holds the bird's throat. Catching the fish, the bird can not swallow it, interferes with the ring, and prey takes the owner. What is the name of the bird? / Bablan /

    The music signal, participants raise cards, is called the correct answer, assistants lead scores. An image of the Oriole is projected on the screen.

    This is a surprisingly beautiful bird of our forests, which is called the heat-bird for an amazingly beautiful plumage, departs in the spring of the mostst, because Need a thick foliage to hide from predators. What is the name of the bird? /Oriole/

    The music signal, participants raise cards, is called the correct answer, assistants lead scores. The coat of arms Guatemala is projected.

    An image of what bird is decorated national emblem, banner and money signs Guatemala and serves as a symbol of freedom and independence? / Ketsal or Ketzal /

    The third cycle of questions we called "Portraits of wonderful people".

    The portrait of I.P. Pavlova is projected on the screen.

    You see the portrait of a Russian physiologist, the creator of materialistic teaching about the highest nervous activity and the modern idea of \u200b\u200bthe digestive process. Who is this scientist?

    The music signal, participants raise cards, is called the correct answer, assistants lead scores.

    A portrait of KP Brullova is projected on the screen.

    You see the portrait of a Russian painter, one of his most famous paintings is the "Last Day Pompeii". Who is this artist?

    The music signal, participants raise cards, is called the correct answer, assistants lead scores.

    The portrait of P.M.Tretyakova is projected onto the screen.

    You see a portrait of a merchant, a collector who has acquired great support to artists to mobile phone. Who is this merchant?

    The music signal, participants raise cards, is called the correct answer, assistants lead scores.

    Change poster with answers.

    The last cycle of questions we called "Quotes of wonderful people".

    Who owns the words: "Life is short, art - durable"? / Hippocrates /

    The music signal, participants raise cards, is called the correct answer, assistants lead scores.

    Who belongs to the words that have become a kind of symbol of the era: "Time is money"? / Franklin (in the work "Tips to the Young merchant") /

    The music signal, participants raise cards, is called the correct answer, assistants lead scores.

    Who claimed the paper does not blush, everything is tolerate paper. " / Cicero in "Letters to Friends" /.

    The music signal, participants raise cards, is called the correct answer, assistants lead scores.

    Change poster.

    Third tour our game we called "Polyglot"And to win him can someone who has more vocabulary. You see the following words on the tablet: "Ampir", "Paleography", "Etology", "Stained-glass window", "Mimikria". You will be given three explanations to these words, you need to raise a card with the number of the correct word explanation, i.e. You will be involved only with numbers: 1, 2, 3.

    Ampire is:
    1. Style in architecture and decorative art of the first third of the 19th century.
    2. Special painting technique.
    3. One of the directions in classicism, literature and the art of the 18th century.


    Paleography is:
    1. Science that studies the structure of stone rocks.
    2. Historical discipline learning history ancient Mira.
    3. Auxiliary historical discipline that studies the history of the letter.
    The music signal, participants raise cards, is called the correct answer, assistants lead scores.

    Ethology is:
    1. Science of animal behavior.
    2. Science learning insect life
    3. Science, studying the ocean.
    The music signal, participants raise cards, is called the correct answer, assistants lead scores.

    Stained glass is:
    1. Decoratively decorated staircase.
    2. Scene composition of colored glasses or other material that transmits light.
    3. Decorative or ornamental composition, painted on the shop windows.
    The music signal, participants raise cards, is called the correct answer, assistants lead scores.

    Mimicria is:
    1. The ability of animals to highlight the smell that scares enemies.
    2. The ability of lizards, in a minute of danger "discard" the tail.
    3. The ability of animals by coloring, body shape to imitate the surrounding subjects.
    The music signal, participants raise cards, is called the correct answer, assistants lead scores.

    Summing up the game, rewarding six players.

    Game for high school students "Your chance" (2 option)

    The decoration of the hall (see 1 option)

    1. Poster: 1. Shepherd 2. Bulldog 3. Poodle 4. Collie 5. Senbernar 6. Dog 7. Irish Wolfhound
    2. Poster: 1. Pakhmutova 2. Bach 3. Wagner 4. Dobronravov 5. Beethoven 6. Shainsky 7. Mozart
    3. Poster: 1. Dachshund 2. Erdelterier 3. Pug 4. Pouring 5. Diver 6. Setter-Gordon 7. Doberman
    4. Poster: 1. Dream 2. Vasnets 3. Bow 4. Bromets 5. Monet 6. Ivanov 7. Perov
    5. Poster: 1. Deposit 2. Dipleration 3. Deposit
    6. Poster: 1. Opellation 2. Operation 3. Appeal
    7. Poster: 1. Revolutionization 2. Revolutionization 3. Revolutionization

    Leading: Dear Guys! We start the game "Your chance." Why is your chance? " Each of those present in the hall has a chance to test their erudition, go to this scene, show your knowledge and get a prize.

    The game will be held in 3 rounds.

    1 round - qualifying. Conditions: I ask the question, you, raising your hand, give the answer. The answer is also taken into account plus a raised hand. For the right answers, my assistants in the hall give out tokens. At the end of the tour, six people are selected winners who will continue the game on stage, and having a stock of glasses. Each token - 10 points.

    About conditions 2 and 3 Tours, I will say later, but for now get ready to answer questions.

    Questions of the qualifying round (from the first part).

    Select the six winners to continue the game.

    Leading: Now listen to the conditions 2 tour games. On the stage, on the screen, you see 7 words. On the tables on the cards you are listed with numbers from 1 to 7. I ask the question, you, after the sound signal, raise the card with the number under which you think it is worth the right answer. Either do not raise if there is no correct answer. Raise a card strictly by sound. Each correct answer gives you plus 20 points to a scored amount of points. Counting points leads the counting commission.

    On the eastern calendar 2006 - the year of the dog. All questions of the 2nd round, one way or another will be devoted to this animal, a faithful friend and a person assistant. From time immemorial, the dog helped a person in labor, guarded his dwelling from enemies and wild beasts. She guards the herds of sheep and cows, looking for criminals, discovers drugs, helps hunters track and shoot game, wakes state border, leads through the streets who have lost sight of people - just do not list.

    The first cycle of questions we called: "Heroes dogs".

    1. A dog named Usach, together with the regiment of the Napoleonic army, participated in many battles and was awarded a combat French Order for saving a regimental banner in the battle of Austerlice. Which breed was a dog?
    Poodle / 3 /
    The music signal, participants raise cards, is called the correct answer, assistants lead scores.

    2. In England in the County of Welsh, there is a monument to PSU named Hell, the favorite PSU Prince of Wales Levelin. Once, returning from hunting, noble found PSA with a fruit covered with fresh blood. Thille thinking, the prince, deciding that the dog bit his little son, who remained unattended in anger to the animal sword. The dog died, and the boy was alive and unharmed, he was playing with a mashed wolf carcass, which brought a faithful gelert, protecting the human child. Which breed was a dog?
    Irish Wolfhound / 7 /
    The music signal, participants raise cards, is called the correct answer, assistants lead scores.

    3. In Switzerland there is a monument to a dog named Barry, he was an assistant to monks who saved people caught in the Nekogo Alps. For 12 years, Barry service saved more than 40 people. There is a legend that Barry was killed by forty the first person saved by him. A traveler traveled from under the snow and warmed by a dog, opening his eyes, scared the huge beast standing over him and the shot focused on him, perhaps such a case and took place, but in relation to Barry it is only a legend. Which breed was Barry?
    Senbernar, breed called the name of the pass and monastery Big Saint-Bernard / 5 /
    The music signal, participants raise cards, is called the correct answer, assistants lead scores.

    The second cycle of questions we called: "Dogs and music". It's no secret that dogs have rumors, much thinner than a person. Like many other animals dogs differ in musicality. Caution Question:
    1. The poodle of the famous German composer said that this dog is characterized by special musicality. It happened that at the rehearsals for which the composer took his poodle, the dog began to lie loudly if disharmony had a sound tool in the sound. And about the journal named Peppa claim that this dog was the only creature that the composer allowed him to criticize his works, calling a powerful PSA in letters not otherwise as a "musical assistant" as the surname of the composer?
    Wagner / 3 /
    The music signal, participants raise cards, is called the correct answer, assistants lead scores.

    2. Sounds "Dog Waltz". You hear a well-known musical work that even those who are familiar with the musical literacy are playing. And his name is quite on the topic: "Dog Waltz". Who is the author of this work?
    author unknown
    The music signal, participants raise cards, is called the correct answer, assistants lead scores.

    3. Singing the song Shainsky "disappeared a dog." Not enough of his works devoted songwriters, the work of which composer you hear Shainsky / 6 /
    The music signal, participants raise cards, is called the correct answer, assistants lead scores.

    The third task of the second round we called "Dogs heroes of literary works".

    1. Recall the poem of Yesenin "Dog Kachachakov". "Dai, Jim, on the happiness of the paw to me ..." What kind of breed was Jim?
    Erdelterier / 2 /
    The music signal, participants raise cards, is called the correct answer, assistants lead scores.

    2. Which breed was BIM in the story of Troopolsky "White Bim - Black Ear"?
    Scottish Setter or Setter Gordon / 6 /
    The music signal, participants raise cards, is called the correct answer, assistants lead scores.

    3. Which breed was chestnut in the story of A.P. Chekhov?
    Poranging, in the text: Mix the dachshunds with a mongrel / 4 /
    The music signal, participants raise cards, is called the correct answer, assistants lead scores.

    Go to the last group of questions "Dogs in painting". We talked about dogs and the work of composers and writers, but the dogs wrote and artists. The dogs were faithful friends of many outstanding and not very prominent people, from whom the famous artists wrote pictures, their friends were charged next to the owner on the canvases and their friends, especially this was often the image of children.

    A picture "Boy with toys" is projected on the screen.

    1. You see the famous painting "Boy with toys", which shows Russian literary critic Vladimir Dmitrievich Philosopher in orphanage. Who is the picture author?
    Unknown artist of Venetsian Circle.
    The music signal, participants raise cards, is called the correct answer, assistants lead scores.
    The picture "Paralitik, or the fruits of good upbringing is projected."

    2. Dogs were depicted in family portraits, in the picture "paralytic, or the fruits of good upbringing", you see a sick person surrounded by a loving family, and including a dog. Who is the picture author?
    J.B. Mrez / 1 /
    The music signal, participants raise cards, is called the correct answer, assistants lead scores.

    Picture of "Landscape in the vicinity of Bove" is projected

    3. Dogs were depicted on the landscapes. You see the picture "Landscape in the vicinity of Bove". Who is the picture author?
    F.Bush / 3 /
    The music signal, participants raise cards, is called the correct answer, assistants lead scores.

    The second round is hung, go to third Tour. We called it: "Game words." To answer questions, you will need cards with numbers from 1 to 3. The condition of performing tasks are the same as in the previous round: you raise the card with the number right in your opinion the answer. For the correct answer you receive 20 points. Execution of the back will require knowledge of spelling in Russian. On the screen now there will be three options for writing a word, but only one, of course, correct. You need to raise a card with the number of the correct word writing.

    1. The screen is projected by writing the word deposit. 1. Deposit 2. Dipleration 3. Deposit Correct Response option / 1 /

    The music signal, participants raise cards, is called the correct answer, assistants lead scores.

    2. The screen is projected by writing the word appeal. 1. Opellation 2. Operation 3. Appeal Correct answer option / 3 /.

    The music signal, participants raise cards, is called the correct answer, assistants lead scores.

    3. Options for writing the word revolutionization are projected on the screen. 1. Revolutionization 2. Revolutionization 3. Revolutionization Correct answer option / 1 /

    The music signal, participants raise cards, is called the correct answer, assistants lead scores.

    We finished the third round, and our game came to the end. While points are counted, provide the word to our finalists.

    You are given the opportunity to greet friends, congratulate with the new school year Present, transfer Hi to teachers, in one word, you can speak.

    The results are summed up, winners are awarded.

    Intellectual booking tournament

    Selection Tour (questions from the first part)

    Questions of the first round.

    For the first team:
    1. Do your favorite book of childhood?
    2. What is your beloved literary hero, what is his book from?
    3. What book do you read now?
    4. What is closer to the classics, or the book of modern authors?
    5. In which libraries do you read?
    6. Favorite newspaper of your family?

    For the second team:
    1. Is your favorite storyteller?
    2. Do you remember the first book that you read how old you were?
    3. Do you manage to read every day?
    4. If you were an artist, whatever the book you wanted to illustrate?
    5. Call your favorite magazine?
    6. Which book did you want to count?

    Second tour
    The second round of our game will be devoted to literature.

    I think you can do you just like, and the following questions will not cause you difficulty.

    Any team is responsible who will guess faster and answer correctly - gets a token.

    1. Telegram came to us on the game: "I can't come to you, the pants escaped from me." Who sent it? / The main character Fairy Tales K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr"
    2. They walked to visit each other, but could not be treated at a guest. What fairy tale does it happen? / "Lisa and Zhuravl"
    3. Name the profession and hobby Sherlock Holmes. / Profession - Chemist, Hobby - Violin Game
    4. Ellie looked attentively at the same time and saw that he had two right paws, two left paws, two front paws, two rear paws. How many paws from the Totoshka counted Ellie? / 4 paws
    5. What was the name of a man who wanted to create a stone flower? / Danila Master
    6. This literary hero spent most of his life under water. Jul Verne told us about this. Tell the name of the ship and the name of its owner. / "Nautilus" Captain Nemo
    7. What animals fairy turned into horses for Cinderella? / Rat
    8. What kind of children's story V. Katayev is entitled to the first line of the famous poem M.Lermontov? / "White Sail Lonely"
    9. What kind of dog has become a victim of landlord arbitrariness? / Mu Mu

    And now complicate the task and play explanations. I make a literary work and try to explain in my own words: what are we talking about, you will try to answer the question of this work. For the correct answer - tokens

    1. Three tried to catch the one who left two old people without food, but this type leaving them from them. And the fourth pursuer, attacked deaf, caught ... Who? / Kolobka.
    2. An intelligent animal takes into the people of their master of the simpler. What shoes prefer to wear this beast? / Boots
    3. The husband loves his wife, but a modest outfit burns out of the vanity. The wife abducts an unknown. Who is he? / Koschei the Deathless
    4. Finding a treasure, the lady buys a new household appliance And invites many guests. However B. complex situation Ungrateful guests did not want to help the hostess. Who helped her? / Komar
    5. A certain poor housewife has reached a high position and wealth, however, having sacreled, insulted his sponsor and rented again. What is the profession of spouse of this woman? / Fisherman

    Third tour
    The next round of our game is devoted directly to the book. And again play explanations. I make a word directly related to the topic "Book", with the help of my tips, try to guess what kind of word it is. If you are guessing from the first attempt, you get a ton of dignity - 10 points, from the second - 5 points, with the third - 2, with the fourth - 1.

    First word.
    1. In Europe, it was manufactured in the 10th century.
    2. The Chinese have their secret in the manufacture of this material kept ten centuries.
    3. No B. modern world This case, such a profession, there is no such person who could do without it.
    4. It is very diverse: thick and thin, white, color, documentary, lithographic, coated, cartographic.

    Second word.
    For many centuries, every person has honed and improved this book, grown it as a flower, trying to achieve perfection.
    1. In Russia among the most ancient handwritten books were these books.
    2. Ivan Fedorov in the city of Lviv in 1574. released this first printed book.
    3. After the war with Napoleon, a book was released, which was called "the gift of children in memory of 1812" instead of ordinary pictures there were caricatures on Napoleon, and the first lessons of reading the baby received along with the great Victory lesson.

    Third word.
    1. The Russian people appreciated it and deeply honored. In the property, for example, she ranked second after icons. Perfectly understood its importance in the life of Russia Yaroslav Wise.
    2. They have long been surrounded by a halo of mystery, which gave rise to many all sorts of legends on dungeons, where unheard of the treasures of Ivan Grozny are hidden.
    3. The command of Peter the first in 1714 it was built in the summer palace. In 1738, the newspaper wrote the newspaper: "He will continue to be late and every entrance is free on Tuesday and Friday."
    4. The year 1795 is significant for Russia as a year of education of Russians and the opening of the first state publicly available ...
    / libraries /

    Fourth word.
    1. This is the name of the lifetime edition of the writer - the classic.
    2. Preserved copy of everyone forgotten or scattered around the world a collection of poems.
    3. A book with an autograph, donating inscription.
    4. Huge vintage volume intertwined in embossed skin with gold. Latin translates as an ancient book.
    / Antique book /

    Fourth tour
    The development of a book deal is engaged in science of bookstore, and in every science, she has many different terminology.

    With some words, we are familiar, because We are readers of books, others are known only to those skilled in the art. The next round of our game is quite complicated.

    We called it "in the labyrinth of book words." Each team receives 12 cards. Six of them contain a term referring to the book case, six - explanations to these words. For a minute you need to connect these cards (see Appendix).

    Then read the explanations for all the terms. Each pair of correctly selected cards is 1 point.

    Cards for the first team:
    1. Man collecting books - Bibliotan
    2. Field of pages with detected errors or print defects - Ring
    3. Book Standard Book Sign - Exlibris
    4. Genuine author's signature - autograph
    5. Bookmark - Lasse
    6. Sheet from which we learn the name of the author, title, time and place of release of the book - Title

    Cards for the second team:
    1. Collector of rare books - Bibliophil
    2. Kidnapper books - bibliovel
    3. Drawing or portrait next to the title page, on the left side - Frontispis
    4. Visual image of text in book - Illustration
    5. Ancient handwritten book - Manuscript
    6. Big size book - folio

    The second part of the "Labyrinth" contest is that you will be invited to remember the term, after reading the definition. For each team, these are three well-known words, each correct answer is 1 point.

    For the first team:
    1. The name of the ancient form of a book, rolled into the tube and written in papyrus. /Scroll/
    2. The name of multicolor illustrations, screensavers in ancient Russian handwritten books, also called artistic works of small sizes / miniature /
    3. A book that has a special commercial success, which is in high demand / Bestseller /

    For the second team:
    1. A series of drawings with a brief text. Such literature first appeared in the United States / Comic /
    2. The name of the form of books in ancient Romans consisting of bonded sheets or papyrus sheets. Modern book Saves this form in the form of a book unit, and in the field of law, this term means the Code of Law / Code /
    3. The name of the book, former in use, and newly focused on sale / Bukinistic /

    Quiz "Vivat, Library!"

    The decoration of the hall is similar to the game for high school students "Your chance"

    1. 1. Library 2. Culture 3. Book machine 4. Subscription 5. Catalog 6. Rack 7. Book
    2. 1.Pushkin 2. Wings 3. Tyutchev 4. PETRARKA 5. Gorky 6. Brokescho7. Turgenev
    3. 1. Glinka 2. Vasnets 3. Mussorgsky 4. Vrubel 5. Serov 6. Treasted 7. Tropinin

    Good afternoon guys, I congratulate you on the day of knowledge!

    Soon we will go hand together we will go on the roads of knowledge, because it is in the library that the information obtained allows you to shine knowledge in the lesson.

    Today I suggest to participate in the quiz dedicated to the library and everything that is connected with it: the book, literature, art. And the participants of the quiz will determine the qualifying round.

    Questions to the qualifying round in 1 part.

    First tour
    So, we have six participants of the quizzes. Go to the tables, you see the names with the numbers, on the posters the correct answers to the questions I will ask.

    Your task over the sound signal raise a plate with the correct answer number. Time keeper, giving a beep, will count your points.

    Poster 1.
    1) How is the institution called today, which our ancestors called the "Collection of Drafts", "Collection of Codes", "Treasury of Wisdom", "Shelter of Thought", "Pharmacy for the Soul"?
    Sound signal
    Library / 1 /
    Counting points

    2) what is called a list of print works, compiled in a certain way to disclose the library fund
    Sound signal
    Catalog / 5 /
    Counting points

    3) How literally translates the word library?
    Sound signal
    Book switch / 3 /
    Counting points

    4) This word from the Latin language is translated as cultivation, processing, initially it was associated with agriculture, and now this word denote all the achievements of humanity, including in the field of literature and book printing.
    Sound signal
    Culture / 2 /
    Counting points

    5) Translated from French is a pre-paid right to use certain services. In the library, he gives the right readers to take books home for a certain period
    Sound signal
    Subscription / 4 /
    Counting points

    1) This man was not only a famous poet, but also the famous bookmaker. He handed over his books to Venice, which was not the price. His book assembly was the beginning of the foundation of the first public library in Italy. It exists now. Name this poet.
    Sound signal
    PETRARKA / 4 /
    Counting points

    2) What a famous Russian poet drew his last gaze before death to the books, saying to them: "Farewell, friends!"
    Sound signal
    Pushkin / 1 /
    Counting points

    3) What are the Russian writer worked as a librarian?
    Sound signal
    Wings / 2 /
    Counting points

    4) What a great Russian writer on the issue of education could only answer the "lower". He acquired encyclopedic knowledge thanks to the books, she collected all his life and studied with them.
    Sound signal
    Gorky / 5 /
    Counting points

    5) On the means of which famous Russian writer was the first library in Paris, wearing and so on his name?
    Sound signal
    Turgenev / 7 /
    Counting points

    Poster 3.
    1) Which of the Russian painters created expressive drawings to the drama of Pushkin "Mozart and Salieri", on the topic of the Pushkin "Prophet" they say two paintings - "Prophet" and "six-year seraphim". Theatrical interpretation of the Pushkin fairy tale leads the artist to the creation of the "Tsarevna Swan" painting and the "Thirty-three heroes" canvas, the fabulousness of which is achieved by the image of the "terrible" sea, the wonderful appearance of the "Uncle of the Maritime", the color of color, underlined with decorativeness.
    Sound signal
    Vrubel (4)
    Counting points

    2) Name the composer who studied with the younger brother A.S. Pushkin Lvom. Sincerely admired the talent of the poet, he wrote several romances to his poems, created a wonderful opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila", the music of which is most consonant with the mood and poetics of the work of Pushkin.
    Sound signal
    Glinka / 1 /
    Counting points

    3) Which artists illustrated the works of Pushkin "Boris Godunov", "Mermaid", "Tale of Tsar Saltan ...". The artistic peculiarity of this artist, his subtle incarnation of nationality in creativity, was reflected in the illustrations of the "song about Oleg", made in the style of ancient-Russian manuscripts, richly decorated with ornaments and miniatures.
    Sound signal
    Vasnetsov / 2 /
    Counting points

    4) Name the great Russian composer, repeatedly appealing to the work of Pushkin, his the best works Operas are considered: the Opera "Eugene Onegin", "Mazepa" (on the Poem "Poltava"), "Peak Lady". From the romance, the romance "Nightingale", written in Pushkin poems, received the greatest fame.
    Sound signal
    Tchaikovsky / 6 /
    Counting points

    5) Which of the Russian composers determined the purpose of their creativity as follows: "Create a living person in live music." The best embodiment of this goal was the Opera Boris Godunov on Drama A.S. Pushkin.
    Sound signal
    Mussorgsky / 3 /
    Counting points

    Determining the three winners for the next round.

    The winners of the first round waiting for the following test. For three moments you need to answer the damn dozen questions. Second tour So called: "Baker's dozen".

    Your erudition, hoped from books, the presence of the spirit of the spirit, educated by books and the ability to quickly find answers to fairly light questions will help you to answer questions.

    The keeper of the time will follow the regulations, each correct answer will bring you 10 points.

    Chert dozen 1.

    1. Father of a wooden boy? (Dad Carlo)
    2. Frog in early childhood? (Tadpole)
    3. Plot of land under vegetables? (Garden)
    4. What makes hedgehog in winter? (Sleeping)
    5. Can he lie on the nails? (Yogi)
    6. House dog? (Kennel)
    7. Watch Li. migratory birds in the south of the nest? (Not)
    8. Which of the notes is not needed for a compote? (Salt)
    9. Very confusing road? (Labyrinth)
    10. Postal payment sign? (Brand)
    11. Does this sea no shores? (Sargassovo)
    12. He first stepped into open space? (Leon)
    13. What letter to Peter I introduced into the Russian alphabet? (0)

    Drawn dozen 2.

    1. Cow in childhood? (Calf)
    2. Car house? (Garage)
    3. "Some seven times, one ...?" (Revenue)
    4. Boy with wooden nose? (Buratino)
    5. City institution for animals? (Zoo)
    6. Cosmonaut costume? (Suiter)
    7. Northern capital of Russia? (St. Petersburg)
    8. What kind of snow faster melts: dirty or pure? (Dirty)
    9. Specialty of nightingale from the Chernihiv road? (Robber)
    10. King ancient Egypt? (Pharaoh)
    11. Color T-shirts leader in cycling? (Yellow)
    12. What does the phrase "neither cold, nor hot"? (Does not matter)
    13. In which words 100 consonants? (Table, stack)

    Drawn dozen 3.

    1. Appears on the hardware due to damp? (Rust)
    2. Goat baby? (Kid)
    3. State emblem? (Coat of arms)
    4. Hidden treasures? (Treasure)
    5. Size SPORT UNIDE STEPA? (45th)
    6. What does the pioneer mean? (First)
    7. Who speaks in all languages? (Echo)
    8. Who is not moving? (Time)
    9. Who said: "SIM-SIM, OPEN"? (Ali Baba)
    10. Is this woman - a symbol of a female mystery? (Jocona)
    11. Figure skiing? (Freestyle)
    12. Wild hardwood forest? (Taiga)
    13. What part of the word can be found in the ground? (Root)

    Counting points, awarding winners. The winner is given a word for congratulations.


    About the library

    1. What is the name of the record of historical events of ancient time by year?

    A. Manuscript B. Chronicle V. Almanac

    Answer: B. Chopper.

    2. Which of these people does not like the book at all (and is afraid of them and hates)?

    A. Bibliophil B. Bibliofob V. Bibliography

    Answer: Bibliophob

    3. What do you call the constantly necessary or often rereadful book?

    A. Table B. Podrunny V. Pouring

    Answer: Desktop

    4. On which library book page usually stands stamp?

    A. On the 3rd B. on the 17th V. on the 13th

    Answer: On the 17th

    5. What are the most discovered books published by large circulations?

    A. Belletristics B. Litterist V. Bestseller

    Answer: Best-seller

    6. How is a joke called a person who has extensive knowledge and can answer any question?

    A. Stray Vocabulary B. Hydarya Encyclopedia V. Chading Directory

    Answer: Walking encyclopedia

    7. What is the name of our Russian "Guinness Book of Records"?

    A. "Miracle" B. "Magic" V. "Divo"

    Answer : "Divo"

    8. What is the name of a large format bulk book?

    A. Exlimbries.

    B. Foliant

    V. Faximil

    Answer: Folio

    9. What is the name of the first page of the book on which the author's data are given, the name of the book, the output?

    A. Titul

    B. Format

    V. IND.

    Answer : Title

    10. The name of this person enters our lives from childhood. And his aphorisms and winged words accompany us all their lives. He is known as playwright, prose and lyrics. But few people know that he worked for almost 30 years in the Public Library named after M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin as a librarian. Who is this person?

    A.I.A. Wings

    B. N.V. Gogol.

    V. A.S. Pushkin

    Answer: I.A. Wings

    11. One of the most famous Russian experts of library affairs, Nikolay Alexandrovich Rubakin, said: "Choosing books for his and someone else's reading is not only science, but also art, there is no limit to development." What is this science?

    A. Printing

    B. Biblism

    B. Bibliography

    Answer: Bibliography

    12. How does the word "book" sound like in Latin?

    A. Codex.

    B. Dogma

    V. Constitution.

    Answer: Codex

    13. Finish the wing of Maxim Gorky's phrase: "Love the book - source ..."?

    A. dictation and presentation

    B. Knowledge

    V. Skill

    Answer: Knowledge

    14. What are the sheets of books, selected in order, sewn or glued and prepared for insertion into a binding lid or cover?

    A. Fet.

    B. Green.

    V. Blok.

    Answer: Block

    15. In which city is the largest library in our country - the Russian State Library, in which now more than 40 million books in 247 world languages?

    A. Moscow

    B. Novosibirsk

    In Saint-Petersburg

    Answer: Moscow

    16. What are the conditional registration signs on the book defining its place on library shelves ("address" of books)?

    A. Barcode

    B. Monogram

    B. Cipre.

    Answer: Cipher

    17. What is the name of the Library Accounting Card, which will start for each visitor?

    A. Reading Diary

    B. Reading Form

    B. Reader passport

    Answer: Reading Form

    18. What is the name of the handwritten text written by the author of the book, as well as the author's own signature?

    A. Autograph

    B. facsimile

    V. Avtonim

    Answer: Autograph

    19. What is the name of a short statement of the content of the book that helps the reader or the buyer is better to navigate in the ocean of modern printing publications?

    A. Proclamation

    B. Presentation

    V. Annotation

    Answer: annotation

    20. What is the name of the book that was in the use and newly arrived on sale?

    A. Librability

    B. bucolic

    V. Bukinistical


    Answer: Bukinistical

    21. What is the collection of selected works of different literary authors?

    A. Almanac

    B. Digest.

    V. Anthology

    Answer: Anthology

    22. What is the city phone book?

    A. Vocabulary

    B. Reference

    B. Encyclopedia

    Answer: Director

    23. How is the reduction in the name of the series of scientific and artistic biographies - ZhZL?

    A. "Life of famous personalities"

    B. "Life of wonderful people"

    B. "Life of reference stars"

    Answer: "Life of wonderful people"

    24. What kind of bird name is the Moscow Publishing House specializing in the release of educational literature?

    A. "Stork"

    B. "Drop

    V. "Pelican"

    Answer: "Bustard"

    25. What is the book with reproductions?

    A. Bollet.

    B. album

    V. Brochyuy

    Answer: Album

    26. What books are released for kids?

    A. Boy-hammocks

    B. Cots Books

    B. Looking Books

    Answer: Looking books

    27. How to call three literary works One author connected by the unity of the plan?

    A. Triada

    B. Trilogy

    V. Triptych

    Answer: Trilogy

    28. What is the name of the book with recipes for cooking delicious and healthy food?

    A. Gotovalnya

    B. Cookbook

    B. Collection of fried facts

    Answer: Cookbook

    29. How do you read the very interesting book?

    A. From Cork to Cork

    B. From A to Z

    V. from the case of the case

    Answer: Fully

    30. What do you call a colorful paper cover over the binding of the book?

    A. Ultra Communication

    B. Superobschka

    V. Extraobschka

    Answer: Super bench

    31. What the new kind Books appeared in the twentieth century?

    A. Electronic

    B. Atomic

    V. Plasma


    Answer: Electronic

    32. Books - this ...

    A. Librarian

    B. reading lover

    V. Seller books

    Answer: Reading lover

    33. Papyrus is ...

    A. Fabric

    B. Tree

    B. Herbal Plant

    Answer: Herbate plant

    34. Title page - this is…

    A. Book Homepage

    B. Middle book

    B. Last page books

    Answer: Start page book

    35. Antique book is ...

    BUT. A new book

    V. Vintage book

    Answer: Vintage book

    36. Information (data) about the book recorded on the catalog card is called ...

    A. Bibliographic Description

    B. Bibliographic manual

    Answer: Bibliographic description

    37. Parchment is ...

    A. Bark Berezia

    B. Skin

    V. Clay

    Answer: Leather

    38. What is the first component complex words Corresponds to the meaning of the word "book"?

    A. Bio ...

    B. Grafo ...

    V. Biblio

    Cryo ...

    Answer: Biblio

    39. What was the name of the first Russian dated printed book, released in 1564 in Moscow Ivan Fjodorov.

    A. "ABC"

    B. "Overall"

    B. "Apostle"

    G. "Psalrty"

    Answer: "Apostle"

    40. Who founded the first library in Russia?

    A. Yaroslav Mudry

    B. Peter I Great

    V. Ivan IV Grozny

    G. Ekaterina II Great

    Answer: Yaroslav Wise

    41. What a cultural and educational point was called in the Russian village before the early 70s. last century?

    A. Book Chalalat

    B. Bibliohata

    V. Izba Reading

    G. reading room

    Answer: Hut-reading room

    42. In which country did the word "library" appeared for the first time?

    A. Greece

    B. Egypt

    IN. Ancient Russia

    Answer: Greece

    43. What is the name of one of the oldest forms of the book?

    A. Svitol

    B. Talka

    V. Roll

    G. Harmoshka

    Answer: Scroll

    44. What is the Russian writer (and Basinist) for almost 30 years worked as a librarian? He served in the Public Library, and for the preparation of the Russian book catalog received the Order of St. Vladimir 4th degree.

    A. Ivan Andreevich Wings

    B. Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov

    V. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

    G. Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak

    Answer: I.A. Wings

    45. Who were the first creators of handwritten books in Russia?

    A. Prnyazyami

    B. merchants

    V. Monaks

    G. Festnikami

    Answer: Monks

    46. \u200b\u200bWhat was the famous library of ancient world called one of the seven wonders of the world?

    Answer: Alexandria

    47 . External coverage of a book that protects the book from pollution.

    Answer: Cover

    48. The list of print works available in the library, compiled on a specific principle.

    Answer: Catalog

    49. Public demonstration of specially selected and systematized books.

    Answer: Book exhibition

    50. Name the first publicly available library in Russia.

    Answer: The Imperial Public Library in St. Petersburg, founded in 1795 at the order of Catherine II. Now rnb.

    51. All his life, Petr I collected books - was a bibliophile. The basis of the book assembly What academy has his library?

    Answer: Academy of Sciences

    52. A decree on the establishment of this post for his book assembly of the first of Russian monarchs signed Catherine Great. Which one?

    Answer: Positions Librarian

    53. How was the Russian State Library located in Russia previously called in Russia?

    Answer: Lenin's library, and even earlier - Rumyantsevskaya. Library Count N.P. Rumyantsev created on its own funds, and then transferred to his people as a gift.

    54. This Soviet geographic edition weighs more than 7 kg and contains 280 thousand titles. According to experts, the masterpiece does not have equal in the whole world. What is this book?

    Answer: Large Atlas Mira

    55. This book was first released in 1682, and it was intended for sellers and buyers. And now it is often placed on the covers of school notebooks and everyone knows his current schoolboy. How do we call this little book?

    Answer: Multiplication table

    56. What is called "compass" in the book world?

    Answer: Bibliography

    57. A large bibliographer-local history, a public figure of Yakutia, the beginning of the twentieth century, the author of the pointer "Bibliography of Yakutia"

    Answer: Nikolai Nikolaevich Gribanovsky

    58. Name the main library of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

    Answer: National Library of PC (I)

    59. What year is the first library in Tatta?

    Answer: In 1938

    60. Famous Lamp Bibliographer, compiler of bibliographic manuals "Writers of Yakutia", "Writers of Olonkho Land", "Yakut Heroic Epos Olonkho"

    Answer: Valentina Nikolaevna Pavlova

    Abstract Node in the preparatory to school group "Dandelion".

    Topic: Game - Quiz "Journey to World of Books".

    Integration of regions: Cognitive development; speech development; physical development; Socio - communicative development; Artistic - aesthetic development.

    purpose : To form in children interest in the book, as a source of knowledge and instill love for the artistic word, respect for the book.


    1. Wear cognitive abilities, creative imagination, creative thinking.

    2. Form the skill to correlate literary facts with existing life experience.

    3. Recompret the ability to listen carefully and hear reading a literary work.

    4.Rexual ideas in the history of books, show their significance in the modern world.

    5. Ware and intensify the dictionary.

    6. Create a favorable psychological climate.

    Preliminary work: Conversations " Famous writers and poets "; "How do books make?" Work in printing houses "; Heading proverbs, sayings, poems about the book. Reading fiction. Browse a video »History of the book." Collection of material for mini-museum.

    Material and equipment: Slide presentation, Wooden plate covered with wax, Wooden sticks, napkins, 2 Pano "Firebirds", blanks -punitions, command emblems, tutons-books, prizes.

    Node move:

    Children enter the hall to the music "Visiting a fairy tale"(1 slide)

    Host: In antiquity, people created seven wonders of the world, but there is another miracle no less amazing. It is familiar to each of us, but people are so accustomed to this creation of humanity that rarely think about its value. And the miracle always lies at hand, especially with you and how a true friend Ready for any minute to help, teach, advise, tell.

    Guys, they guessed what was the question?(2 slide)

    Right! This is a book. Book! She enters life from early childhood. People get used to her, as they get used to the air, which breathe, to the sun, which illuminates everything around.

    The child reads the verse: Denis. TO.

    "My friend" V. was found.

    Good book-

    My companion, my friend.

    You are interested in

    It happens.

    We are excellent time

    We spend together.

    And our conversation

    Slowly drive.

    And today we will go to the game - the Quiz "Journey to the World of Books".

    Attention! Attention! We start our different contests! There will be two teams to participate in them: "Goldfish" and "Golden Cockerel".

    On our game there is a major jury, which will evaluate your knowledge and skills, will post points.

    Traveling into the world of books will help us the time machine(3 slide).

    1 Competition "Blitz-survey - History of the book."

    - Guys, we fell into ancient times when people did not know the secretion of paper and made books from materials that were at hand. You need to answer correctly and quickly.

    1. Learning team "Goldfish".

    What materials did the first books did? (The first books were made of palm leaves, wax, clay, papyrus, parchment, silk). The team can complement.

    2. Team team "Golden Cockerel".

    How did you make books from palm leaves? From clay?

    (The palm leaves were dried and twisted in the form of a fan; on a soft and wet clay, a scribe was squeezed with a sharp stick. Then the clay plate was dried or burned in the furnace).

    3. Command "Gold Fish" team.

    What is papyrus? (This is a plant from which the books did).

    What is a scroll? (This is a long papyrus ribbon, twisted on sticks).

    4. Questions team "Golden Cockerel".

    - What did the parchment make? (from animal skins).

    What did they write in Russia? (On Bereste, scraped the birch birch, boiled her, after which it became soft and elastic).

    5. Loss teams "Goldfish".

    In which country was the paper invented? (in China).

    Who in Russia printed the first book? (Ivan Fedorov,4 Slide Textbook- grammar

    5 slide).

    Veda: Yes, write good book Not at all. For this you need abilities, talent, and knowledge.

    6. Question to the team "Golden Cockerel".

    Who writes books? (Writers and poets).

    7. Issimate to the team "Golden Fish".

    Vedas: Well, here the text is written. What else is it necessary that the book is interesting!

    (need to draw a book).

    Who draws in books illustrations?(artists illustrators).

    8.Lock team "Golden Cockerel"

    - This is typography? (This is a book factory, where many workshops).

    9. Question to the "Gold Fish" team.

    What are they doing there? (The printing machines are pure paper, and leaves with text and multicolored patterns. These sheets are sorted, pick up on the pages. Then the special machine makes the binding, i.e. stitches, glues the sheets, and the other machine puts it in the cover. Then the books from The printing houses are taken to the warehouse where they are stored, and then delivered to shops and libraries.

    10. Issimate to the team "Golden Cockerel"

    Name the rules for handling a book? (Books need to be taken with clean hands, read and view only at the table, do not bend the book when reading use the bookmark.

    2 Competition " Proverbs and sayings" ( About books, knowledge, about teaching.)

    The word jury.

    3 contest "Fabulous Country".

    Vedas: Guys, do you like fairy tales? Yes, tales love all children, and adults. What do we teach tales? (teach good, justice, courage, honesty, courage).

    We will help "Fire-Bird" (depicting its beautiful tail for magic).

    The teams glue feathers on the tail of the firebird.

    4 Competition "Guess the fairy tale?"

    Guess what a fairy tale or what fabulous hero is we talking about? Teams ask each other riddles.

    The team "Golden Fish".6 Slide

    The team "Golden Cockerel".7 Slide

    8 Slide

    9 Slide

    10 Slide

    11 Slide

    12 Slide

    13 Slide

    The word jury.

    5 Competition "Find out the poet and writer" (showing slides with portraits of writers - children call them) .14-19 slide

    6 Competition " Black box"? (objects from what fairy tales are here?).

    Host: And we get on our car in a fabulous country. When people get into an unfamiliar country, they try to learn more about this place. And it will help us in this black box, you will need to guess the heroes and the names of these fairy tales to whom these items belong.

    1. Toufelka ("Cinderella" S. PERRR)

    2. Label (A.S. Pushkin "Tale of the dead princess and about seven heroes)

    3. Red Hood ("Red Hood" Sh. Perso)

    4. Corto (A.S. Pushkin "Tale of fisherman and fish")

    5. Delivery (V. Kataev "Tsvetics - Seven Sweets").

    6. Along Flower (S.T. Aksakov).

    Word jury

    7 Competition "Creating a Wax Book."

    Who first tried to write in the wax? (Church ministers)

    How? (Wooden plate was filled with wax, then a wand - a styled, from one end is sharp, and from another rounded. The sharp end was written, or rather, scratched on the wax, and blunt smoothed what was not needed)

    Each team is heard wooden planks covered with wax

    Write on wax sheets letters, words, the name of the fairy tale, which you know how to work out beautiful, neatly. These sheets we will lay down in the book. Which team get the best book?

    The word jury. Presentation of prizes.

    Ved. : Guys, did you like our journey?

    The book is a wizard. The book transformed the world, in it the memory of the human race. She is a horror thoughts. World without book- Mir Savages.

    "You imagine a moment,

    How would we live without books!

    To make man

    If there would be no books.

    If everything disappeared at once. What was written for children.

    From magical good fairy tales.

    Before fun news.

    You wanted to dispel boredom, to find the answer to the question!

    Handed over the book hand

    And it is not on the shelf!

    Not! It is impossible to imagine

    That such a moment originated

    And you could leave

    All heroes of children's books.

    Children: We love when reading

    Tales and stories to us.

    And we love poems too.

    After all, we are very friendly with the book.