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  • Responsibilities of a Secondary School Teacher Education Act. What a teacher has no right to do in relation to a student? The rights and obligations of the teacher at school. Submit grades in a timely manner in the class journal and student diary

    Responsibilities of a Secondary School Teacher Education Act.  What a teacher has no right to do in relation to a student?  The rights and obligations of the teacher at school.  Submit grades in a timely manner in the class journal and student diary

    V. Lukhovitsky

    Job responsibilities teachers

    • · What documents, job descriptions should be followed when drawing up the staffing table of an educational institution for teaching and managerial staff?
    • · Who in the educational institution creates the teacher's job descriptions? Should a subject teacher, at the request of the administration (or an urgent request), draw up job descriptions and prescribe their job responsibilities?
    • · How to work if the school does not have a job description, for example, a deputy director for educational work?
    • · Are teachers obliged to walk around the neighborhood and rewrite children (forced under threat of dismissal)?
    • · Is the class teacher obligated to conduct surveys of all families and write reports on the results of the survey?
    • · Does the headmaster have the right to oblige the teacher to be on duty on the street during recess?
    • · Is the teacher obligated to give open lessons? What if the school adopts a local act on compulsory open lessons?
    • · What types of plans should I have with me at all times? Which ones should I keep ... and should I keep my lesson-less developments?
    • · Can the administration oblige the class teacher to clean the floors in the classroom assigned to the classroom by the students every day?
    • · Are teachers required to clean the school after renovation?
    • · At school, the administration forces to sign an order to participate in patrolling the city. The order was drawn up on the basis of an order from a higher authority. The patrol time is from 20.00 to 24.00. Explained by the load of the class teacher. Explain if this is legal?
    • · Can the administration force the teacher to participate in the competition?
    • · Can a teacher refuse to send him to a seminar, conference for several days?
    • · An order is issued (without a seal and signature) that the teacher is obliged to participate in the competition and hand over three children's works. No consent is asked, the work is not paid. For refusal, they are threatened with a reprimand. Are these actions legal?
    • · By compulsory (by order) teachers are forced to take part in various competitions without warning, although there is not enough time anyway. When you refuse, they are forced to write an explanatory letter, threatening to reprimand.

    The legislative framework

    There is no single job description that is mandatory for all teachers. The Labor Code does not contain any mention of it, the legislation does not provide for the rules for its compilation. The absence of a job description is not a violation. At the same time, the job description is an important document that defines the tasks, qualifications, functions, rights, duties and responsibilities of the employee. Job description can be an annex to the employment contract or approved by the employer as a separate document.

    Each school can develop its own version, taking into account the features of this educational institution... When hiring a teacher, the director must familiarize him with the job description. If she is absent, her functions are assumed by the employment contract.

    It should be borne in mind that the job description does not describe the duties of a specific employee, but the functionality of a certain position. The instructions should contain the following information:

    General provision, which defines the qualification requirements for this position, what you need to know and be able to do while holding this position

    - a list of works that an employee performs while in this position;

    - the rights of the employee and the responsibility that he bears in the performance of his duties.

    The hired teacher has only two options for behavior: put his signature under the instruction, thus agreeing with it, or refuse to work in this school You can offer the director to change or supplement the instruction that does not suit the employee, but the director is not obliged to take his opinion into account.

    At first glance, it may seem that there is a complete arbitrariness of the director: what he wants, he will write in the job descriptions. But there are 2 restrictions, without which employees would be completely dependent on employers:

    1. Job descriptions cannot contain clauses that contradict labor legislation and an employment contract (job descriptions, in particular, should not contain employee duties that do not directly follow from the employment contract) A subsequent change in job description should not change the essential terms of the employment contract. In particular, they must comply with the job duties listed in the Unified Qualification Handbook of the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees (hereinafter referred to as the EKS).
    2. Job descriptions are developed by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the labor collective. The content of job descriptions can be the subject of discussion when drawing up a collective agreement. That is, the teacher can still influence the content of the instructions - not directly, but through his representatives.

    What are the duties of a teacher listed in the TSA?

    1. Responsibilities for teaching and educating students, taking into account their psychological and physiological characteristics and the specifics of the taught subject, contributes to the formation of a general culture of personality, socialization, informed choice and mastering of educational programs, using various forms, techniques, methods and means of teaching, within the framework of federal state educational standards.

    2. Evaluates the effectiveness and learning outcomes of students in the subject.

    3. Respects the rights and freedoms of students, supports the academic discipline, the mode of attending classes, respecting the human dignity, honor and reputation of students.

    4. Ensures the protection of the life and health of students during educational process, complies with the rules of labor protection and fire safety.

    5. Participates in the activities of the pedagogical and other councils of the educational institution, as well as in the activities methodological associations and other forms of methodical work.

    6. Communicates with parents (persons replacing them).

    7. Makes proposals for improving the educational process.

    Unfortunately, only the formulations (2-4) are sufficiently precise and definite to objectively assess whether the teacher fulfills these requirements. As for the rest of the duties, their specific content is determined by the employer. This is where the main problems arise. Let's take a look at them with a few examples.

    Does the headmaster have the right to oblige the teacher to be on duty on the street during recess? Of course, because a change is not a teacher's free time, he is responsible for the life and health of students all the time he is at school. It is clear that the schedule of teachers' duty should be determined by the order of the director, taking into account the wishes of the teachers themselves. So, if the teacher is supposed to be on duty after the second lesson, and his lessons begin from the 4th, then there is an obvious violation.

    Is included in methodical work participation in competitions and seminars, holding open lessons? Of course, yes, if these competitions and seminars are in the plan of the school's work. But, on the other hand, the teacher has the right to determine the methodological problems facing him and ways to solve them. Consequently, the employer may require a teacher, for example, to participate during the year in a certain number of scientific and methodological events (meetings, seminars, conferences, open lessons), including at the district (city, regional) level, but does not have the right to send teachers for a specific event, especially since it is known about most of such seminars that participation in them is purely voluntary.

    What types of documents ( thematic planning, plans or abstracts of lessons, etc.) should the teacher have?

    The requirement to have any documents on the educational process is based on the first, second and fifth responsibilities. The specific list is determined by school methodological associations based on the characteristics of each academic subject. The voice of the school administration and higher authorities in this matter is not decisive.

    Are teachers (not homeroom teachers) required to walk around the neighborhood and rewrite children? Probably, the director will try to call it the protection of children's right to education ("universal education"). But for a teacher, a child living in a neighboring house is not yet a student, parents and educators are responsible for him. kindergarten(if the child visits him). This means that this is not part of the teacher's job duties, and if he does this work, it must be paid separately.

    As for the class teacher, there is no such position in the TSA at all. This is no coincidence: the work of the class teacher in all regulatory documents is defined as an addition to the work of a subject teacher, along with checking exercise books.

    For the class leadership is not a salary, but an additional payment, "reward". Therefore, the job responsibilities of a class teacher are even worse defined than that of a teacher. Probably, the job descriptions of the class teacher should be developed on the basis of the Methodological Recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science.

    Major violations by employers

    1. Lack of job descriptions at school (failure to familiarize an employee with them when hiring), which gives the director the opportunity to demand that teachers fulfill any of his orders.

    2. Inclusion in the job description of items that contradict labor legislation (for example, the obligation to perform work without additional payment, which is not included in the official duties of the employee according to the TSA).

    3. Introducing too general wordings into the job description, under which the director can sum up any of his requirements (option - an expansive interpretation job responsibilities listed in the CEN).

    Protection methods

    1. To repeat: the first thing a teacher hiring must do is to carefully read the job description that the director must provide him with. If it does not turn out to be one, you need to immediately offer the director your help in drawing it up. Drafting this kind of paper is not the most pleasant thing, so, perhaps, the director will be happy to shift his work to a new employee. And teachers will thus be able to write in the instructions such formulations that will allow them to clearly understand their responsibilities. For example, to concretize the methodological work ("monthly participate in meetings of the method of unification", "prepare and submit to the chairman of the method of parenting meetings"," Timely inform parents of information about student progress "," conduct individual consultations for parents on days determined by the school's work plan "). It should be remembered that a teacher's working time cannot exceed 36 hours per week.

    2. If a teacher sees in his job description any obvious violations of labor laws, he should draw the director's attention to this. Perhaps this is not malicious intent, but negligence or legal illiteracy. If the director insists that everything in the instructions is written correctly, and the teacher nevertheless wants to work in this school, he will have to put his signature and then act according to the circumstances. As soon as the illegal demand affects the teacher personally, he can write to the prosecutor's office and the labor inspectorate a statement about the violation of his labor rights. Unfortunately, here it is impossible to foresee in advance all the variants of illegal requirements on the part of the administration, therefore we do not provide examples of such statements. Lawyers from the Department of Education or your regional trade union will help you write your application.

    3. The most difficult case is when the director begins to interpret the duties of the teacher broadly. Here, as in any conflict with an employer, it is important to remember a few key points:

    • Any verbal orders can be perceived as wishes, not demands - a serious conversation begins only when there is a written order.
    • The director is not a civil servant, he is not obliged to respond to the statements of employees within a month, but the school secretary is obliged to keep a record of all papers sent to the director. Therefore, a teacher who does not agree with the director's order must ensure that the secretary accepts the application from him and indicates the date of receipt on the copy. If the case goes to court, it will be very important to prove that the teacher was trying to resolve the conflict with the principal. It is also mono to advise you to contact the RUNO, which is a public authority, or the municipal administration. In this case, the director of the school will be given a specific deadline for a response, since the above authorities are subject to Federal Law No. 59-FZ dated 02.05.2006 “On the Procedure for Considering Citizens' Appeals Russian Federation», Which established the obligation to consider applications within 30 days from the date of registration.
    • It is very difficult to defend your rights alone, therefore it is necessary to ensure that at least some of the colleagues perceive this labor conflict as one that concerns not one person, but the entire team. Then it is mono to use the available protection mechanisms through trade union organization or, if the trade union exists only on paper, to convene a meeting of the labor collective and form a commission there to negotiate with the director.
    • The main position of teachers in this conflict should look like this: we are ready to work in accordance with the job description, but, unfortunately, this order contains requirements that exceed those specified in the instructions. The performance of these types of work (for example, cleaning the school after renovation) must be paid separately, otherwise you will have to write a statement to the prosecutor's office about compulsion to unpaid labor (see the Appendix for a sample application).

    To choose from:

    To the prosecutor ... of the district

    State Labor Inspection

    from teachers…. School No. ... g ... ..

    Full name m \ live

    Full name m \ live

    Statement of compulsion to forced (unpaid) labor

    "___" ______________ 20___ The principal asked us to do the following, referring to the provisions of our job descriptions:

    Cleaning the school premises

    Night shifts in the microdistrict as part of voluntary squads

    The Labor Code of Russia (Art. 60) prohibits requiring an employee to perform work that is not stipulated by an employment contract.

    The fulfillment of these duties not only does not follow from the employment contract, but moreover, belongs to the competence of other employees, according to their standard job descriptions.

    I ask you to take response measures to prevent the occurrence of such situations in the future.

    See the chapter about "windows" Work time. « Guidelines on the implementation of the functions of the class teacher educators state educational institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal educational institutions ", approved. Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 3, 2006 No. 21

    General duties of teaching staff.The general range of basic general duties of teaching staff is presented in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". However, unlike the rights and freedoms of teaching staff, the law does not contain a direct list of such duties. They can be distinguished only by analyzing the content of the norms of this entire law, first of all, the text of Art. 2 "Principles of state policy in the field of education", 4 "Tasks of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education", 5 "State guarantees of the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation in the field of education", 32 "Competence and responsibility of an educational institution", 56 "Labor relations in the education system "Etc. This approach of the legislator to the establishment of the legal status of one of the central subjects educational system and educational relations in general seems to be not entirely successful, since the duties of subjects of law, along with their rights and freedoms, are key elements of this status. In this regard, the authors of the draft General Part of the RF Education Code did the right thing, highlighting Art. 60 "The main duties of teaching staff of an educational institution (organization)", which generally correspond to those currently enshrined in the law. A comprehensive analysis of these two documents allows us to reduce all the main (general) duties of teachers in the following list:

    Obligation to comply with the current Russian legislation, including educational legislation, the Charter and local acts of the educational institution (organization):

    The obligation to ensure high-quality conduct of the educational and educational process, high efficiency of pedagogical and methodological activities;

    The obligation to comply with all the requirements for teaching staff in the tariff and qualification characteristics, approved in the prescribed manner;

    The obligation to ensure the high-quality development of educational programs by the teaching staff and the implementation of state educational standards in accordance with the curriculum and the schedule of classes;

    Duty to strictly adhere to professional ethics;

    The obligation to systematically improve their professional qualifications;

    The obligation to develop in students (pupils) independence, initiative, Creative skills, as well as to assist citizens with deviations of favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions for their education;

    The duty to form a healthy lifestyle in students (pupils), to prevent bad habits;

    The duty to respect, protect and ensure the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the student (pupil) in the educational process, the inadmissibility of arbitrary restriction of these rights, freedoms and legitimate interests;

    Obligation to periodically update educational programs, curricula;

    The obligation to carry out systematic monitoring of progress and intermediate certification of students of an educational institution in accordance with its Charter and the requirements of educational legislation;

    The obligation to contribute to the formation and maintenance of a favorable moral and psychological climate among students (pupils) and, in general, in the collective of employees of an educational institution.

    Duties of teaching staff of educational institutions. Analysis of labor and educational professional responsibilities specifying and clarifying the above obligations with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Model Regulations on a General Education Institution, their charters and other local acts, as well as labor agreements (contracts) of pedagogical workers (school teachers) allow us to highlight the following responsibilities:

    Perform labor duties in good faith;

    Observe labor discipline;

    Comply with established labor standards;

    Strive to improve the quality of work performed, show creative initiative aimed at achieving high results of labor activity;

    Comply with the requirements for labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation (occupational health) and fire protection;

    To undergo certification once every five years for compliance with the position held;

    Systematically improve your theoretical and cultural level, professional qualifications;

    Observe the established procedure for storing material values ​​and documents;

    Undergo a periodically free medical examination.

    To carry out training and education of students, taking into account the specifics of the subject being taught;

    Take measures to immediately eliminate the causes and conditions that impede or hinder the implementation of the pedagogical process;

    To form a general culture of the personality of students, conditions for an informed choice and subsequent development of professional educational programs by students;

    Implement an educational program and ensure the level of training of students that meets the State Educational Standard;

    Participate in the activities of methodological associations and other forms of methodical work;

    Ensure the protection of the life and health of students during the educational process;

    Cooperate with peers, educational authorities in the interests of students;

    Constantly show attention and courteous attitude towards children, parents of students and team members;

    Participate in activities with students and their parents that go beyond the curriculum of the educational institution.

    All teachers should strive to achieve the highest possible level of all their professional work;

    Teachers and teacher organizations should strive to establish broad cooperation with public education authorities in the interests of students, the development of education and society;

    Teachers' organizations should develop a teacher's code of ethics or code of conduct, as such codes make a significant contribution to the prestige of the teaching profession and the fulfillment of professional duty in accordance with agreed principles;

    Teachers should be willing to participate in activities with students and adults that go beyond the school's curriculum.

    Duties of pedagogical workers of pedagogical workers of higher educational institutions do not differ fundamentally from the duties of teachers general education schools, although neither the Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education” nor the Model Regulations on Higher Education provide a clear list of such responsibilities. For example, like any teacher, a teacher of a higher school is prohibited from using inhumane teaching methods, as well as those that are dangerous for the life or health of students (clause 38 of the Model Regulations on a Higher Education Institution)

    At the same time, in the charters of universities, a number of responsibilities are updated and specified, based on the specifics of higher education in general and a specific university in particular. So, from the provisions of clauses 45 and 46 of the Model Regulation, the obligations of the teaching staff to actively engage in scientific activities, based on the results of the assessment, characterize both the individual professional scientific and pedagogical work of each teacher, but also the entire educational institution as a whole, clearly follows. This, in particular, is related to the so-called "grant" scientific activity, the specific weight and significance of which for the assessment of the scientific and pedagogical professionalism of the teacher and the university as a whole in modern period rise.

    Clause 49 of the Charter of a state educational institution of higher professional education Ural University provides for the following, in addition to the general ones indicated above, the duties of the scientific and pedagogical workers of the University:

    In every possible way, by their work and behavior, contribute to the enhancement of the prestige of the University as a scientific, educational, educational and cultural center.

    Ensure high efficiency of pedagogical and scientific processes;

    Form students professional quality in the chosen direction of training (specialty), civic position, ability to work and life in the conditions of modern civilization and democracy;

    To comply with the requirements for the protection of state, official and commercial secrets, information of a confidential nature, as well as the legal protection of the intellectual property of the University.

    Clause 6.25 of the Charter of the Institute of Continuing Professional Education - a non-governmental educational institution “The European University at St. Petersburg also provides for such (in addition to general) duties of its teachers, such as the duties to be responsible and creative in their work, as well as to comply with the norms of professional conduct and ethics.

    It is pertinent to reiterate the extract from the UNESCO / ILO Recommendation on the Status of Teaching Personnel in Institutions higher education»(Paris, 1997) with a list of the duties of higher education teachers. It seems that this list, recognized by the world community, is extremely important for the Russian legislator and the country's universities, as well as for the teachers themselves.



    33. Higher education teaching personnel need to recognize that the exercise of their rights entails special duties and responsibilities, including a duty to respect the academic freedom of other members of the academic community and to ensure that conflicting opinions are discussed fairly. Academic freedom comes with a duty to use it in accordance with the scientist's duty to conduct research on the basis of a conscientious search for truth. It is imperative that teaching, research and scientific activities are carried out in full accordance with ethical and professional standards and be aimed, whenever possible, at solving contemporary problems facing society, as well as ensuring the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of the world.

    34. The individual responsibilities of teaching staff in higher education institutions, inextricably linked to their academic freedom, are, in particular, the following:

    1) teach students effectively within the funds provided educational institution and the state, be honest and fair to male and female students and treat students of all races and religions, as well as persons with disabilities, in the same way, encourage the free exchange of ideas between teachers and students themselves, and place themselves at the disposal of the latter in order to guide students' learning ...

    Higher education teaching personnel should, if necessary, ensure that the minimum material in each subject is covered in the curriculum;

    2) carry out research activities and disseminate their results or, when original research is not required, maintain and improve the level of their knowledge on a specific subject with the help of training courses and research activities, as well as through the development of educational methodology aimed at improving pedagogical skills:

    3) carry out research and scientific activity on the basis of an honest search for knowledge, duly ensuring evidence, impartiality of judgment and good faith in the reporting of results;

    4) comply with the ethics of scientific research concerning humans, animals, heritage or the environment;

    5) respect and recognize the scientific work of their colleagues and students, and in particular ensure that the authors of published works include everyone who made a real contribution to them and shares responsibility for their content;

    6) refrain from using new information, concepts or data initially obtained through access to confidential manuscripts or requests for research or training funds that could be consulted as a result of activities such as external peer review, excluding those cases; when the author gave permission to do so;

    7) ensure that research activity is carried out in accordance with the laws and regulations of the state in which it is carried out, that it does not violate international legal acts in the field of human rights and that all the results and data on which it is based are actually available to scientists and researchers at the host institution, except in those cases; when information could endanger respondents or when anonymity is guaranteed;

    8) avoid conflicts of interest and resolve controversial issues on the basis of openness and full consultation with the institution of higher education in which they work in order to obtain the support of this institution:

    9) conscientiously use all financial resources at their disposal in the interests of higher education institutions, research and other professional or scientific bodies;

    10) be honest and impartial in the professional assessment of their colleagues and students;

    11) be aware of their responsibility, speaking or publishing materials outside scientific channels on issues not related to their professional knowledge, and not mislead the public about the nature of their professional knowledge;

    12) carry out the duties required for the collegial management of the higher education institution and professional bodies.

    35. Higher education teaching personnel should strive to achieve the highest possible standards in their professional work because their status largely depends on themselves and the quality of their work.

    36. Higher education teaching personnel should contribute to the accountability of higher education institutions to public authorities, without compromising the degree of institutional autonomy necessary for their work, professional freedom and the advancement of knowledge.

    2.1. Carries out training and education of students, taking into account the specifics of the requirements of the standard, conducts lessons and other classes in accordance with .....

    Job description of a primary school teacher (at the time of the implementation of the project for the transition to training in accordance general education second generation)

    1. A primary school teacher should know:

    1.1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and educational authorities on education, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, SanPiNs.

    1.2. Fundamentals of general theoretical disciplines in the amount necessary for solving pedagogical, scientific-methodological and organizational-managerial tasks at the initial stage of a general educational institution, pedagogy, psychology, age physiology, school hygiene.

    1.3. Requirements of the federal state educational standard of primary general education of the new generation (hereinafter referred to as the standard) and recommendations for their implementation in a general education institution.

    1.4. Methods of teaching subjects and educational work, programs and textbooks that meet the requirements of the standard.

    1.5. Requirements for the equipment and equipment of classrooms and utility rooms.

    1.6. Teaching aids and their didactic possibilities.

    1.7. The main directions and prospects for the development of education and pedagogical science.

    1.8. Fundamentals of law, scientific organization of labor, design technologies and effective means business communication.

    1.9. Rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

    2. Responsibilities of the primary school teacher

    The primary school teacher has the following job responsibilities:

    2.1. Carries out training and education of students, taking into account the specifics of the requirements of the standard, conducts lessons and other classes in accordance with the schedule in the specified premises.

    2.2. Provides a level of training that meets the requirements of the standard, is responsible for its implementation.

    2.3. Provides support and accompaniment to the personal development of students. Identifies their educational needs and requirements. Collects data on the plans and intentions of students, their interests, inclinations, motives, strengths and weaknesses. Helps children in identifying and solving individual problems associated with the development of educational programs.

    2.4. Is thematic plans work on academic subjects and extracurricular activities for a quarter and a work plan for each lesson and lesson.

    2.5. Controls whether students have notebooks on academic subjects, compliance with the procedure for their registration, maintenance established at the school, compliance with a single spelling regime.

    2.6. The following procedure for checking students' workbooks is observed: in grades 1-4, all class and homework of students are checked daily.

    2.7. Timely, in accordance with the schedule, conducts the amount established by the program and curriculum control works, as well as the necessary study tours and classes.

    2.8. Checks control dictations in the Russian language and tests in mathematics in grades 1-4 for the next lesson.

    2.9. Fills in the class journal all marks for dictations and tests for the day of the month when they were carried out.

    2.10. Carries out work on errors after checking dictations and tests.

    2.11. Keeps notebooks for tests during the academic year.

    2.12. Together with the school librarian and parents, organizes extracurricular reading of students.

    2.13. Provides inclusion junior schoolchildren v various forms extracurricular activities.

    2.14. Works in close contact with other teachers, parents (legal representatives).

    2.15. Ensures the compliance of curricula in subjects, programs of extracurricular activities with the standard.

    2.16. He masters and implements new educational programs, uses a variety of techniques, methods and means of teaching and upbringing, ensuring the achievement of educational goals.

    3. The rights of the primary school teacher

    3.1. The primary school teacher has the rights provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation as amended by from 30.12.2001 No. 197-FZ (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the Law of the Russian Federation dated 10.07.1992 No. 3266-1 "On Education", by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 19.03.2001 No. 196 "On Approval of the Model Regulations on a General Educational Institution", the Charter schools, collective agreement, internal labor regulations.

    3.2. The teacher has the right to make decisions that are binding on students and take disciplinary action in accordance with the school charter.

    4. Responsibility of the primary school teacher

    4.1. In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the teacher is responsible for:

    • for the implementation of educational programs in full;
    • life and health of students during the educational process and extracurricular activities conducted by the teacher;
    • observance of the rights and freedoms of students determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter and local acts of the institution;
    • fulfillment of orders “On labor protection and observance of safety regulations” and “On ensuring fire safety”;
    • safe conduct of the educational process;
    • taking measures to provide first aid to the victim, promptly notifying the management of the accident;
    • instructing students (pupils) on occupational safety in training sessions, educational activities with mandatory registration in the class register or the Journal of instructing students on occupational safety and health;
    • organization of study by students (pupils) of rules on labor protection, traffic safety, behavior in everyday life, etc .;
    • monitoring compliance with the rules (instructions) on labor protection.

    4.2. In case of violation of the Charter of the institution, the terms of the collective agreement, the Internal Labor Regulations, this job description, orders of the director, the teacher is subject to disciplinary sanctions in accordance with Art. 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    4.3. For the use of educational methods associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the personality of the student, the teacher may be dismissed in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 336 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    Added to the site:

    Job description of a teacher[Name educational organization]

    This job description was developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-ФЗ "On education in the Russian Federation", the section "Qualification characteristics of positions of educational workers" of the Unified qualification reference book of positions of managers, specialists and employees , approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of August 26, 2010 N 761n, and other regulatory legal acts governing labor relations.

    1. General Provisions

    1.1. The teacher belongs to the category of teaching staff and is directly subordinate to [name of the position of the immediate supervisor].

    1.2. A person who has a higher professional education or secondary vocational education in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" or in a field corresponding to the taught subject is appointed to the position of a teacher, without presenting requirements for work experience, or a higher vocational education or secondary vocational education and additional vocational education in the direction of activity in an educational organization without presenting requirements for work experience.

    1.3. For the position of a teacher in accordance with the requirements of Art. 331 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a person is appointed:

    Not deprived of the right to engage in pedagogical activity in accordance with a court verdict that has entered into legal force;

    Not having or not having a criminal record, not subject to or not subject to criminal prosecution (with the exception of persons whose criminal prosecution was terminated on rehabilitating grounds) for crimes against life and health, freedom, honor and dignity of the person (except for illegal placement in a psychiatric hospital , libel and insults), sexual inviolability and sexual freedom of the individual, against family and minors, public health and public morality, the foundations of the constitutional system and state security, as well as against public safety;

    Not having an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for intentional grave and especially grave crimes;

    Not recognized as incompetent in accordance with the procedure established by federal law;

    Free of diseases stipulated by the list approved by the federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of health care.

    1.4. The teacher should know:

    Priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation;

    Laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities;

    The Convention on the Rights of the Child;

    Fundamentals of general theoretical disciplines in the amount necessary for solving pedagogical, scientific-methodological, organizational and managerial tasks;

    Pedagogy, psychology, developmental physiology;

    School hygiene;

    Methodology of teaching the subject;

    Programs and textbooks on the subject taught;

    Methodology of educational work;

    Requirements for the equipment and equipment of classrooms and auxiliary rooms for them;

    Teaching aids and their didactic capabilities;

    Fundamentals of the scientific organization of labor;

    Normative documents on education and upbringing of children and youth;

    Theory and methods of educational systems management;

    Modern pedagogical technologies productive, differentiated learning, implementation of a competence-based approach, developmental learning;

    Methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contacts with students of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), colleagues at work;

    Technologies for diagnosing causes conflict situations, their prevention and resolution;

    Fundamentals of Ecology, Economics, Sociology;

    Labor legislation;

    Basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment;

    Internal labor regulations of the educational organization;

    Labor protection and fire safety rules;

    - [other knowledge]

    1.5. The teacher is prohibited from:

    Provide paid educational services students in this organization, if this leads to a conflict of interests of the teacher;

    Use educational activities for political campaigning, forcing students to accept or reject political, religious or other beliefs, to incite social, racial, national or religious hatred, for campaigning that promotes the exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of citizens on the basis of social, racial, national , religious or linguistic affiliation, their attitude to religion, including by informing students of inaccurate information about the historical, national, religious and cultural traditions of peoples, as well as to encourage students to take actions that contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

    1.6. The teacher is appointed and dismissed by the order of [name of the position of the leader].

    2. Job responsibilities

    2.1. Carries out training and education of students, taking into account their psychological and physiological characteristics and the specifics of the taught subject, contributes to the formation of a general culture of personality, socialization, informed choice and mastering of educational programs, using various forms, techniques, methods and means of teaching, including individual curricula, crash courses within the framework of federal state educational standards, modern educational technologies, including information, as well as digital educational resources.

    2.2. Reasonably chooses programs and educational and methodological support, including digital educational resources.

    2.3. Conducts training sessions based on achievements in the field of pedagogical and psychological sciences, developmental psychology and school hygiene, as well as modern information technologies and teaching methods.

    2.4. Plans and implements the educational process in accordance with educational program educational organization, develops a work program for the subject, course based on approximate basic general educational programs and ensures its implementation, organizing and supporting various types activities of students, focusing on the personality of the student, the development of his motivation, cognitive interests, abilities, organizes independent activities of students, including research, implements problem learning, connects training in the subject (course, program) with practice, discusses current events of our time with students ...

    2.5. Ensures the achievement and confirmation of educational levels (educational qualifications) by students.

    2.6. Evaluates the effectiveness and learning outcomes of students in the subject (course, program), taking into account the development of knowledge, mastery of skills, the development of experience in creative activity, the cognitive interest of students, using Computer techologies, including text editors and spreadsheets in their activities.

    2.7. Respects the rights and freedoms of students, supports the academic discipline, the mode of attending classes, respecting the human dignity, honor and reputation of students.

    2.8. Carries out control and assessment activities in the educational process using modern ways assessment in the context of information and communication technologies (maintaining electronic forms of documentation, including an electronic journal and student diaries).

    2.9. Makes proposals for improving the educational process in the educational organization.

    2.10. Participates in the activities of the pedagogical and other councils of the educational organization, as well as in the activities of methodological associations and other forms of methodological work.

    2.11. Provides protection of life and health of students during the educational process.

    2.12. Communicates with parents (persons replacing them).

    2.13. Complies with the rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    2.14. Carries out its activities at a high professional level in accordance with the approved work program.

    2.15. Complies with legal, moral and ethical standards, follows the requirements of professional ethics.

    2.16. Respects the honor and dignity of students and other participants in educational relations.

    2.17. Develops in students cognitive activity, independence, initiative, creativity, forms a civic position, the ability to work and live in conditions modern world, forms a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle among students.

    2.18. Applies pedagogically grounded and providing high quality education forms, methods of teaching and upbringing.

    2.19. Takes into account the peculiarities of the psychophysical development of students and their state of health, observes special conditions required for education by persons with disabilities health, interacts, if necessary, with medical organizations.

    2.20. He systematically improves his professional level.

    2.21. Undergoes certification for compliance with the position held.

    2.22. In accordance with labor legislation, he undergoes preliminary and periodic medical examinations upon admission to work, as well as extraordinary medical examinations directed by the employer.

    2.23. Undergoes training and testing of knowledge and skills in the field of labor protection.

    2.24. Complies with the Charter of the educational organization, the regulation on a specialized structural educational unit of the organization providing training, the rules of the internal labor schedule.

    2.25. [Other job responsibilities].

    3. Rights

    The teacher has the right to:

    3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, including:

    For reduced working hours;

    For additional professional education according to the profile teaching activities at least once every three years;

    On the main annual extended paid leave, the duration of which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation;

    On long leave for a period of up to one year at least every ten years of continuous pedagogical work;

    For the early appointment of an old-age labor pension;

    To provide out of turn residential premises under a social tenancy agreement (if the employee is registered as needing residential premises);

    For the provision of residential premises for specialized housing stock;

    To provide compensation for the cost of housing, heating and lighting [for those living and working in rural settlements, workers' settlements (urban-type settlements)];

    To pay for additional costs for medical, social and vocational rehabilitation in cases of damage to health due to an industrial accident and an occupational disease.

    3.2. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management concerning its activities.

    3.3. On issues within his competence, submit proposals for improving the organization's activities and improving working methods for consideration by the management, as well as options for eliminating the shortcomings in the organization's activities.

    3.4. To request personally or on behalf of the management from structural divisions and specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of their official duties.

    3.5. To involve specialists from all (individual) structural divisions in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the provisions on structural divisions, if not - with the permission of the management).

    3.6. Require the creation of conditions for the performance of professional duties, including the provision of the necessary equipment, tools, a workplace that meets sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations, etc.

    3.7. [Other rights provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation].

    4. Responsibility

    The teacher is responsible for:

    4.1. For violation of the Charter of an educational organization.

    4.2. For the use, including one-time, methods of education associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the personality of the student.

    4.3. For improper performance or non-performance of their duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

    4.4. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

    4.5. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

    The job description is developed in accordance with [name, number and date of the document].

    HR manager

    [initials, surname]


    [day month Year]



    [initials, surname]


    [day month Year]

    I have read the instructions:

    [initials, surname]


    [day month Year]

    Art. 48 Education Act in the latest valid version dated December 30, 2012.

    There are no new revisions of the article that have not entered into force.

    Pedagogical workers are obliged to:

    • 1) carry out their activities at a high professional level, ensure the full implementation of the taught academic subject, course, discipline (module) in accordance with the approved work program;
    • 2) comply with legal, moral and ethical standards, follow the requirements of professional ethics;
    • 3) respect the honor and dignity of students and other participants in educational relations;
    • 4) develop students' cognitive activity, independence, initiative, creativity, form a civic position, the ability to work and live in the modern world, form a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle among students;
    • 5) apply pedagogically grounded and providing high quality education forms, methods of teaching and upbringing;
    • 6) take into account the peculiarities of the psychophysical development of students and their state of health, observe the special conditions necessary for education by persons with disabilities, interact, if necessary, with medical organizations;
    • 7) systematically improve their professional level;
    • 8) pass certification for compliance with the position held in the manner prescribed by the legislation on education;
    • 9) pass, in accordance with labor legislation, preliminary and periodic medical examinations upon admission to work, as well as extraordinary medical examinations directed by the employer;
    • 10) undergo training and testing of knowledge and skills in the field of labor protection in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
    • 11) comply with the charter of the educational organization, the regulation on a specialized structural educational unit of the organization providing training, the rules of the internal labor schedule.

    A pedagogical employee of an organization carrying out educational activities, including as an individual entrepreneur, is not entitled to provide paid educational services to students in this organization if this leads to a conflict of interests of the pedagogical worker.

    Pedagogical workers are prohibited from using educational activities for political agitation, forcing students to accept or renounce political, religious or other beliefs, to incite social, racial, national or religious hatred, for agitation that promotes the exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of citizens on the basis of social, racial, national, religious or linguistic affiliation, their attitude to religion, including by informing students of inaccurate information about the historical, national, religious and cultural traditions of peoples, as well as to encourage students to take actions that contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

    Pedagogical workers are responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the duties assigned to them in the manner and in cases established by federal laws. Failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of the duties provided for by part 1 of this article by pedagogical workers shall be taken into account when they pass certification.