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  • Physics Accelerated course for beginners. Simple and understandable training of physics. Learn perfectly along with video tutorials from the Virtual Academy

    Physics Accelerated course for beginners. Simple and understandable training of physics. Learn perfectly along with video tutorials from the Virtual Academy

    This book will allow the reader to easily explore the basics of the school courses of physics. The author will help to understand the essence of the basic laws and phenomena of physics, without deepening in complex theoretical calculations. The book provides basic information from the main areas of physics: kinematics, mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism and optics. All explanations are accompanied by simple examples that do not claim full description. physical processesBut allow you to quickly understand their essence.

    We observe moving objects.
    Some of the most fundamental questions about the device of the world are associated with the movement of objects. Did you slow down your movement rolling the huge stone? How quickly need to move to avoid a collision with him? (Single, now I will calculate on the calculator ...) The movement was one of the first to be studies that have long been engaged in physics and tried to get convincing answers to their questions.

    In part I of this book, the movement of different objects is considered: from billiard balls to railways. The movement is the fundamental phenomenon of our life and one of their phenomena, which most people know quite a lot. It is enough to click on the gas pedal, and the car will come into motion.

    But not everything is so simple. The description of the principles of movement is the first step in the understanding of physics, which manifests itself in observations and measurements and the creation of mental and mathematical models based on these observations and measurements. This process is not familiar to most people, and it is for such people a book is intended.

    Simple, at first glance, the process of studying the movement is the beginning. If you carefully look at, then you can see that the real movement is constantly changing. Take a look at the braking of the motorcycle at the traffic light, on the fall of the leaf on the ground and the continuation of its movement under the action of wind, on the incredible movement of the billiard balls after the intricate impact of the wizard.

    Table of contents
    Part I. World in motion
    Chapter 1. How to understand our world with the help of physics
    Chapter 2. We comprehend the foundations of physics
    Chapter 3. Quench thirst for speed
    Chapter 4. We are going on signpoints
    Part II. May the strength of physics
    Chapter 5. Pushing to enact: power
    Chapter 6. Purchase into the harness: Inclined planes and friction
    Chapter 7. Moving but orbits
    Part III. We turn into energy and vice versa
    Chapter 8. Perform work
    Chapter 9. Move Objects: Movement and Impauls
    Chapter 10. Rotating Objects: Power Moment
    Chapter 11. We are promoting objects: moment of inertia
    Chapter 12. Squeeze the springs: simple harmonic movement
    Part IV. We formulating the laws of thermodynamics
    Chapter 13. An unexpected explanation of heat using thermodynamics
    Chapter 14. Transfer heat energy in solids and gases
    Chapter 15. Heat Energy and Work: The Begin Termodynamics
    Part V. Electride and Magnetize
    Chapter 16. Electride: We study static electricity
    Chapter 17. Flying Following Electrices on Wires
    Chapter 18. Magnetize: Attract and repel
    Chapter 19. Pass current and voltage fluctuations
    Chapter 20. Some light on mirrors and lenses
    Part VI. Magnificent dozens
    Chapter 21. Ten Amazing Dogades of the Theory of Relativity
    Chapter 22. Dozen Crazy Physical Ideas Glossary
    Subject index.

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    Physics comes to us in the 7th grade of the secondary school, although in fact we are familiar with her almost with the pellery, because it's all that surrounds us. This subject seems very difficult to explore, and it is necessary to teach it.

    This article is intended for persons over 18 years

    Have you already turned 18?

    You can teach physics in different ways - all methods are good in your own way (but they are not equally given to everyone). School program Does not give a complete concept (and acceptance) of all phenomena and processes. Wine everything is a lack of practical knowledge, because the learned theory in essence does not give anything (especially for people with a small spatial imagination).

    So, before proceeding to the study of this interesting subject, you need to immediately find out two things - for which you learn physics and what results are counting on.

    Want to pass the exam and enroll in a technical university? Excellent - You can start distance learning on the Internet. Now many universities or simply professors lead their online courses, where in fairly affordable form sets out the whole school Course Physics. But here there are small cons: first - get ready for the fact that it will be far free of charge (and the steeper the scientific title of your virtual teacher, the more expensive), the second - to teach you will be exclusively theory. Applying any technology will have at home and independently.

    If you simply have trouble learning - inconsistencies in views with the teacher, missed lessons, laziness, or simply incomprehensible the language of the presentation, then the situation is much easier. You just need to take yourself in hand, and in your hands - books and teach, teach, teach. Only so you can get explicit items (and immediately in all subjects) and significantly increase the level of your knowledge. Remember - in a dream to learn physics unreal (although I really want). And very effective heuristic training will not bring fruit without good knowledge of the theory. That is, positive planned results are possible only when:

    • qualitative study of the theory;
    • developing learning the relationship of physics and other sciences;
    • performing exercises in practice;
    • classes with like-minded people (if it was impatient to do heuristics).

    Div_adblock77 "\u003e.

    The beginning of teaching physics from scratch is the most difficult, but at the same time a simple stage. The difficulties are only that you have to memorize a lot of enough contradictory and complex information at a strange language - above the terms will need to work hard. But in principle, it is all possible and nothing supernatural for this will not need.

    How to learn physics from scratch?

    Do not expect that the beginning of learning will be very difficult - this is quite simple science, provided that it is understood to understand its essence. Do not hurry to learn many different terms - first disappear with each phenomenon and "try" it on his daily life. Only so physics will be able to come around for you and will become the most understandable one - the bang you just do not achieve. Therefore, the rule is first - we teach physics measured, without sharp jerks, without falling into extremes.

    Where to begin? Start with textbooks, unfortunately, they are important and needed. It is there that you will find the necessary formulas and terms, without which you can not do in the learning process. You can't get them quickly to learn, there is a reason to paint on pieces of paper and spend on prominent places (no one has canceled the visual memory). And then literally in 5 minutes you will refresh them daily in memory, until finally, do not remember.

    You can achieve the most qualitative result somewhere for a year - this is a complete and understandable course of physics. Of course, it will be possible to see the first shifts for a month - this time will be enough to master the basic concepts (but not deep knowledge - please do not be confused).

    But with all the easiest of the subject, do not expect that you will get everything to learn for 1 day or a week is impossible. Therefore, there is a reason to sit down for textbooks long before the beginning of the USE. Yes, and looted on the question, for how much the physics can not come down - it is very unnemptified. All because different sections of this subject are completely different in different ways about how you "go" kinematics or optics no one knows. Therefore, study sequentially: paragraph over the paragraph, formula for the formula. Definitions are better to register several times from time to time to refresh in memory. This is the basis that you must remember, it is important to learn to operate with definitions (use them). To do this, try to transfer physics to life - use terms in everyday life.

    But the most important thing, the basis of each method and method of training is daily and hard work, without which you will not raise results. And this is the second rule of easy study of the subject - the more you will find out new, the easier it will be to you. Forget the recommendations of the type of science in a dream, even if it works, it is definitely not with physics. Instead, deal with tasks - this is not only a way to understand the next law, but also a great training for the mind.

    Why do you need to teach physics? Probably 90% of schoolchildren will answer that for the exam, but it is not at all. In life, it will come in handy much more often than geography - the probability of getting lost in the forest is somewhat lower than to change the light bulb. Therefore, to the question, why do you need physics, you can definitely answer for yourself. Of course, not all it will be needed in full, but basic knowledge is simply necessary. Because we take care precisely to the Azam is a way, how to easily and just understand (not learn) basic laws.

    c "\u003e Maybe to learn physics yourself?

    Of course you can - learn definitions, terms, laws, formulas, try to apply the knowledge gained in practice. Important will be the explanation of the question - how to teach? Highlight for physics at least an hour per day. Half this time to leave for a new material - read the tutorial. Quarter Leave a quarter for a bunning or repetition of new concepts. The remaining 15 minutes - practice time. That is, watch the physical phenomenon, make an experience or just solve an interesting task.

    Is it possible to quickly learn physics with such pace? Most likely no - your knowledge will be deep enough, but not extensive. But this is the only way as correctly you can learn physics.

    The easiest way to do is if knowledge is only lost for grade 7 (although, in grade 9, this is already a problem). You just restore small gaps in knowledge and that's it. But if on the nose 10th grade, and your knowledge of physics is zero - it's of course difficult situationbut corrected. It is enough to take all the textbooks for 7, 8, 9 classes and how it should be gradually studying every section. There is a path simpler - take the edition for applicants. There, in one book, the whole school course of physics is assembled, but do not wait for detailed and consistent explanations - the utility materials involve the presence of an elementary level of knowledge.

    Teaching physics is a very long way, which can be passed with honor only with the help of daily hard work.

    Depending on your purpose, free time and the level of mathematical training, several options are possible.

    Option 1

    The goal is "for yourself", deadlines - not limited, mathematics - also almost from scratch.

    Select the line of textbooks more interesting, for example, Trejmnik Landsberg, and study it, outlawing in a notebook. Then go through the same textbooks G. Yaakishev and B. B. Bukhovtsev for the 10-11 class. Secure the knowledge gained - read the handbook for the 7-11 classes O.F. Cabardine.

    If the benefits G. S. Landsberg did not come to you, and they precisely for those who study physics from scratch, take the line of textbooks for 7-9 classes A. V. Pryskin and E. M. Gutnik. No need to be shying that it is for young children - sometimes five-hundred students without preparing "float" in a penny for grade 7 from the tenth of the page.

    How to deal

    Understand the questions and turn the tasks after paragraphs.

    At the end of the notebook, make a reference book on basic concepts and formulas.

    Be sure to find rollers on YouTube with physical experiments that are found in the textbook. Survey and outline them according to the scheme: what saw - what I watched - why? We recommend the GetAclass resource - all experiments and theory to them are systematized.

    Immediately make a separate notebook to solve problems. Start with the task book V. I. Lukashika and E. V. Ivanova for 7-9 classes and rewrite half of the tasks from it. Then rewrite the task book by A. P. Rymkevich by 70% or, as an option - "Collection of questions and tasks in physics" for the 10-11 classes of G. N. and A. P. Stepanov.

    Try to solve yourself, peep in the reshebnik in the most extreme case. If faced with difficulty - look for an analogue of the task with the analysis. To do this, you need to have 3-4 paper books at hand, where they disassemble the solutions to physical problems. For example, "Tasks in physics with the analysis of their decision" N. E. Savchenko or Book I. L. Kasatkin.

    If everything is clear to you, and the soul will ask for complex things - take a diversion of G. Ya. Myakisheva, A. Z. Sinyakova for profile classes and turn the exercises.

    We invite everyone to learn physics

    Option 2.

    Purpose - eME exam Or another, the term is two years, mathematics - from scratch.

    Handbook for schoolchildren O. F. Kabardina and "Collection of Tasks in Physics" for the 10-11 classes O. I. Gulotov O. I. ("sharpened" under the exam). If the exam is not EGE, it is better to take the tasks of V. I. Lukashika and A. P. Rymkevich or "Collection of issues and tasks in physics" for the 10-11 classes of N. Stepanova, A. P. Stepanova. Do not be rendered to contact the textbooks A. V. Pryschkin and E. M. Gutnik for 7-9 classes, and better, too, be mistaken.

    Stubborn and hardworking can be completely completely according to the book "Physics. Full school course "V. A. Orlova, G. Nikiforova, A. A. Fadeeva, and others. This manual has everything you need: theory, practice, tasks.

    How to deal

    The system is the same as in the first version:

    • get a notebook for the abstracts and solving problems,
    • independently outline and decide the tasks in the notebook,
    • browse and analyze the experiments, for example, on GetAclass.
    • If you want to most effectively prepare for the exam or OGE for the remaining time,
      Option 3.

    Objective - EGE, deadlines - 1 year, mathematics at a good level.

    If mathematics is normal, you can not access textbooks 7-9 classes, and immediately take the 10-11 classes and a reference book for schoolchildren O. F. Kabardina. The kabardine benefits contain topics that are not in textbooks 10-11 classes. At the same time, I recommend browing video with experiments in physics and analyze them according to the scheme.

    Option 4.

    Objective - EGE, deadlines - 1 year, mathematics - at zero.

    Prepare for the exam for the year without a base in mathematics is unrealistic. Is that you will do all points from version number 2 every day for 2 hours.

    Teachers and tutors of the online school "Foxford" will help to achieve maximum result For the remaining time.

    No matter how many scientists talk about ease of understanding of sciences, but physics was and remains one of the most difficult for schoolchildren. Now you can cope without additional classes and tutors. Interesting and meaningful video tutorials in physics will help.

    With the Virtual Academy to study physics easier and more interesting

    The site contains more than a hundred lessons in physics for 7,8,9,10 and 11 classes. secondary schoolswho work on Pryrykin textbooks. All online lessons conduct highly qualified experienced teachers who have time to work out their own techniques. distance learning. Thanks to simple and accessible explanations, as well as a number of visual examples, students will be able to easily understand what strength, pressure, work, magnetic field or electricity.

    Learn perfectly along with video tutorials from the Virtual Academy

    Physics is not just a discipline where certain concepts and formulas need to know, but also a set laboratory workTo cope with which schoolchildren is always very difficult. In the practical classes proposed within the framework of physics, the child will be able to visually see all the laws and their use in real life. Very easy and colorfully illustrated by Archimedean power and swimming tel.

    Video tutorials will also help systematize obtained during educational process Knowledge and skills and prepare for the exam and OGE. This will significantly save the time of the schoolchild, before which there is a lot of tasks. In addition, it will not allow any extra money on tutors.
    The Virtual Academy not only gives knowledge, but also helps to save a family budget.