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  • Types of activities for self-education and methodological work. Organization of self-education work. Long-term work plan

    Types of activities for self-education and methodological work.  Organization of self-education work.  Long-term work plan

    Sections: Working with preschoolers

    Teach something new
    useful and interesting
    only the teacher can
    who studies all his life.

    To improve the theoretical training and pedagogical skills of preschool teachers, the organization of targeted self-education is important.

    Self-education– this is the purposeful work of a teacher to expand and deepen his theoretical knowledge, improve existing and acquire new professional skills and abilities in the light of modern requirements of pedagogical and psychological sciences.

    Self-education contributes to the formation of an individual style professional activity, helps to comprehend pedagogical experience and one’s own independent activities, is a means of self-knowledge and self-improvement (dictionary by G.M. Kodzharspirov).

    Science has determined three levels of self-educational activity:

    • adaptive;
    • problem-search;
    • innovative.

    Each subsequent level includes the previous one and at the same time is distinguished by qualitative changes. First level, adaptive, typical for a beginning teacher. His goal is to adapt to the profession. Second, problem-search level– high quality new stage self-educational activities. It is at this stage that effective working methods and original techniques can be found. Third, innovative level assumes high degree development of relevant skills. At this stage, the teacher creates a socially significant product of activity that has practical novelty. The factor of complete freedom of choice, complete independence leaves a unique imprint on self-education. This choice is not given to everyone; it requires not only setting a goal, but also work and persistence in its implementation.

    The purpose of self-education of a preschool teacher:

    • expansion of general pedagogical and psychological knowledge in order to expand and improve teaching and educational methods;
    • deepening knowledge using different methods;
    • mastery of the achievements of pedagogical science, advanced pedagogical practice;
    • increasing the general cultural level of the teacher.

    Self-education technology:

    • communication with highly qualified teachers, masters of their craft;
    • solving a specific problem of a practical nature (introduction of new technology, use didactic materials, effective techniques training, etc.)
    • critical review of periodicals;
    • errors, failures and their consideration in subsequent activities.

    Stage 1– the emergence of a need for self-education, self-assessment of preparedness, awareness of the need for knowledge, setting goals and objectives.

    Stage 2– planning work on self-education.

    Stage 3– theoretical study.

    Stage 4– practical activity (application of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities, acquired qualities in practice: production of manuals and attributes, etc.)

    Stage 5– summing up the results of self-education (speeches at teacher councils, holding an open viewing, designing a game and manual, compiling a card index on the problem, a long-term plan for working with children, organizing an exhibition of works by children or a teacher on the topic of self-education). Teacher during school year or another period of time, deals in depth with a problem in solving which he feels certain difficulties, or which arouses the greatest interest. The teacher determines for himself the topic of self-educational activity, it follows from the professional interest of the teacher, then sets the goal and objectives of self-education, and compiles in writing individual plan– what needs to be mastered, completed, done and within what time frame. Writing an individual plan is creative work. A teacher who is well aware of his own problems and strives for professional growth can independently write a high-quality plan.

    Preschool teachers are offered different forms of writing an individual self-education plan.

    Form No. 1

    Individual self-education plan for ______ year



    FULL NAME._________________________________________

    Education (when and what educational institution did you graduate from)

    Individual topic of self-education

    When did work on the topic begin?

    When is the topic expected to be completed?

    Goals and objectives of self-education on the topic

    Key issues to be studied. Stages of studying the material, literature on the topic, by year.

    Whose experience is expected to be studied on this topic?

    Practical outputs (reports, abstracts)

    When and where did he give a report on his own teaching experience?

    Conclusions at the end of the work

    Form No. 2

    1. Title page
    2. Self-education topic
    3. Professional Development Goal
    4. Sections of the plan:
      • Study of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature
      • Development of software and methodological support
      • Self-generalization of experience
      • Participation in GMOs, master classes
      • Training at courses, seminars
      • Management methodological education other teachers
      • Work as part of the governing bodies of preschool educational institutions

    Form No. 3

    Stage name

    Approximate content of a teacher’s activities



    Condition Analysis educational process on the issue; problem analysis; studying literature on the problem.


    Setting goals and main work objectives; development of an activity program.


    Providing conditions for work.


    Carrying out initial ascertaining sections, monitoring the effectiveness of the process; implementation of the activity program.


    Data processing, correlation of results with the set goals, analysis of all results, registration and description of the progress and results of the work.

    Issues of self-education are raised at teachers' councils of preschool educational institutions. During the academic year, each teacher talks about his self-educational work at pedagogical meetings. Teachers can use the self-education skills questionnaire developed by O. Kokotkina in their work on self-education. Working with the questionnaire helps to more clearly imagine what results have been achieved in self-study psychological and pedagogical problem. Self-analysis will give you the opportunity to properly organize your activities.

    In the methodological office of the pre-school educational institution there were created: a stand “We advise you to learn from your colleagues”, an exhibition “To help self-education”.

    Self-education will give positive results if it is carried out purposefully, systematically and systematically. Thus, it will contribute to the formation creative activity and improving the professional skills of each preschool teacher.

    for preschool teachers on self-education


    I feel right to say:
    long live self-education in all areas!..
    Only that knowledge is durable and valuable that you have acquired yourself,
    driven by their own passion.
    Any knowledge must be a discovery that you made yourself...
    K.I. Chukovsky

    Self-education- This purposeful work of the teacher to expand and deepen their theoretical knowledge, improve existing and acquire new professional skills and abilities in the light of modern requirements of pedagogical and psychological sciences. Teacher self-education is necessary condition professional activity. Society has always made and will make the highest demands on the teacher. In order to teach others you need to know more than everyone else. The teacher must learn everything all the time, because in the faces of his students in front of him every year the time stages change, the ideas about the world around him deepen and even change. The ability for self-education is not formed in a teacher along with a diploma teacher training college or university. This ability is determined by the psychological and intellectual indicators of each individual teacher, but to no lesser extent this ability is developed in the process of working with sources of information, analysis and introspection, monitoring one’s own activities and the activities of colleagues.

    However, no matter how high the teacher's ability to self-educate, this process is not always implemented in practice. The reasons that teachers most often name are lack of time, lack of sources of information, lack of incentives, etc. But this is just a manifestation of inertia of thinking and laziness of the mind, since self-improvement should be an essential need of every teacher. It is possible to determine the components of this need, the motives that encourage the teacher to self-education:

    Daily work with information. Preparing for directly educational activities, speeches, parent meetings, the teacher needs to search and analyze information.

    Desire for creativity. A teacher is a creative profession. Creative person will not be able to work from year to year according to the same plan or scenario, to read the same reports. There must be a desire for more. Work should be interesting and enjoyable.

    Rapid growth modern science. (Especially psychology and pedagogy).

    The changes taking place in the life of society form the image of the teacher as an "outdated person".

    Competition. It is no secret that many parents, bringing their child to kindergarten, are concerned about what kind of teacher will work with their child.

    Public opinion. The teacher is not indifferent to whether he is considered “good” or “bad.” It’s a shame to be a “bad” teacher.

    Financial incentives. The category of a teacher, the opinion of the certification commission, bonuses, allowances, and maybe even titles and government awards - all this depends on the qualifications and skill of the teacher. This cannot be achieved without constantly acquiring new knowledge.

    Interest. It's just interesting to learn. They say: “To the doctor, heal yourself!” Like a person who teaches daily will not be constantly learning. Does he then have the right to be a teacher at all?

    What is the essence of the process of self-education?

    The teacher independently obtains knowledge from various sources, uses this knowledge in professional activities, personal development and his own life. What are these sources of knowledge and where to look for them?

    · A television.

    · Newspapers magazines.

    · Literature (methodological, popular science, journalistic, fiction, etc.).

    · Internet.

    · Video, audio information on various media.

    · Paid courses.

    · Seminars and conferences.

    · Master classes.

    · Experience exchange events.

    · Excursions, theaters, exhibitions, museums, concerts, etc.

    · Refresher courses.

    Organization of self-education work.

    An important condition for self-education is properly organized and carried out work on self-education.

    The duration of work on the topic of self-education can be an academic year or a fairly long period - 2 - 3 years.

    Topics for self-education can be selected by teachers taking into account individual experience and professional skills. They are always related to the predicted result (what we want to change) and are aimed at achieving qualitatively new work results.

    The topic for self-education is chosen by the teacher based on his difficulties in any area of ​​work or in accordance with his area of ​​interest.

    Unfortunately, not all teachers always have the skills to work independently. The most common problems that arise are:

    They cannot decide on a topic for self-education and highlight its relevance;

    They cannot correctly formulate the topic of self-education;

    When selecting literature, they get lost in its abundance and find it difficult to make the right choice;

    When working with methodological literature cannot deeply comprehend the material they read;

    They cannot formulate the purpose and objectives of the work.

    We offer our solutions to the identified problems:

    Table 1

    Possible problem


    Can't decide on a topic for self-education

    ñ select from the variety of problems that arise from observations of children, the results of diagnostics, work analysis, etc., the one that is the main one for you and the solution of which could give a stable positive result

    ñ determine the relevance of this problem, prospects and practical significance to improve the educational process.

    They cannot correctly formulate the topic of self-education, highlight its relevance.

    When selecting literature, one gets lost in its abundance. They find it difficult to make the right choice.

    Formulate topics according to the following schemes:

    SOMETHING as a condition for the development of SOMETHING;

    SOMETHING as a means of forming SOMETHING;
    - The use of SOMETHING as a means (or condition) of development (or formation, education, formation) of SOMETHING.
    For example:
    « Role-playing game as a means of developing children's communication abilities preschool age».

    The wording from indicating the process under study and the conditions under which it is studied:


    Subject of study


    Cognitive abilities
    cognitive activity
    Ability to do something
    Personal qualities
    and so on.

    In NNOD for the NGO "Music"
    On excursions into nature
    In the process of learning something
    In the process of getting to know something
    In gaming activities

    For example:
    "The development of observation in children of senior preschool age during excursions into nature."
    Definition of relevance:
    Answer the question: why this problem need to study today, how important and significant it is for the practice of teaching and educating preschoolers? Novelty may lie in a new solution of issues, affect regional features.

    ñ Select literature as follows:
    - viewing and review of the table of contents, introduction, summary gives a general idea of ​​the book's intent, makes reading meaningful and focused;
    - answer the question: can I learn from the book what I need by studying the table of contents?
    Where to start studying the selected literature:
    - start by studying traditional methods on this problem;
    - study modern views on the problem;
    - use the experience of other teachers and preschool educational institutions.

    When working with methodological literature, they cannot deeply comprehend the material read.

    ñ As you read, highlight keywords, thoughts, judgments;

    ñ Write down the most important, in your opinion, in your own wording, using various techniques for recording what you read: summary thoughts, facts, highlight the main thing for yourself with a conventional symbol;

    ñ Write down questions that arise as you read the source;

    ñ Use reference books, dictionaries, revealing the main terms and concepts.

    They cannot formulate the purpose and objectives of the work.

    A goal is what needs to be achieved or shown as a result of work.
    For example:
    Topic: “Educational games as a means of forming cognitive abilities children of preschool age."
    The purpose of the work: To show the role and importance of educational games in the formation of the cognitive abilities of preschool children.
    Objectives are ways to achieve a goal.
    Answer the question, what needs to be done to confirm the assumption?
    Scheme for formulating tasks:

    Partial item

    Study, investigate, analyze, consider, substantiate, explain, develop, experimentally verify, prove, test, etc.

    Conditions, factors, approaches, role, significance, place, means, opportunities, expediency, techniques, technologies, recommendations, etc.

    Stages of self-education work:

    1. Information and preparatory stage (introductory and familiarization).


    Studying scientific, methodological and educational literature.

    Study of periodicals.

    Visiting libraries.

    Acquaintance with the works of other teachers.

    Maintaining your own card index of literature and periodicals on the topic.

    2. Practical stage.

    At this stage, the teacher can:

    Make cards of games and exercises on the topic you are working on.

    Develop diagrams, models, algorithms on the topic of self-education.

    Development of abstracts of NNOD.

    Prepare consultations on the topic.

    Develop and test a system of work for a specific section of the program - drawing up a long-term plan and selecting methods and techniques for the development of children.

    Develop a project.

    Develop questionnaires for diagnosing children.

    Create a photo album or video film on the problem the teacher is working on.

    Create your own methodological manuals, attributes.

    Participate in conferences, seminars.

    3. Final stage (report).

    Report forms:

    Project presentation.

    Speeches at teacher councils, “creative living rooms” - to exchange experiences and pedagogical findings.

    Open views.

    Master classes.

    Participation in competitions “Teacher of the Year”, “Teacher-Psychologist of the Year”, etc.

    Consultations for teachers on the topic of self-education.

    Implementation in pedagogical process projects, work training programs,

    methodological aids.

    Introducing colleagues to the latest methodological literature on the topic itself

    education (problem).

    Week of Teaching Excellence.

    Analysis of mutual visits, video materials.

    Exhibitions of works of educators and children on the topics of self-education.

    A model for maintaining a self-education plan is proposed (see Appendix 1 and Appendix 2).

    At the end of the school year, all teachers draw up a report on the work done on the topic of self-education and present it at the final teachers’ meeting. (see Appendix 3).

    Results of self-education

    Purposeful independent work on self-education allows you to replenish and concretize your knowledge, and carry out a deep and detailed analysis of situations that arise in working with children. An experienced teacher has the opportunity not only to replenish his knowledge, but also to find effective, priority methods for developing work with children and parents, and to master basic diagnostic and research activities. In addition, teachers develop a need for constant replenishment of pedagogical and psychological knowledge, flexibility of thinking is formed, the ability to model and predict the educational process, and creative potential is revealed.


    1. Belaya K.Yu. 200 answers to the questions of the head of the kindergarten / K.Yu. White. - M., 1996.

    2. Golitsyna N.S. Organization and content of the senior’s work preschool teacher. - M.: Publisher: Scriptorium, 2003.

    3. Lvova L.T.. Keeping it under control / L.T. Lvova // Directory of senior educator preschool. - 2008. - No. 11. - P. 10-17.

    Annex 1

    A sample of maintaining a self-education plan.

    Self-education plan


    Result /

    reporting form



    2012 – 2013

    uch. year

    1. Study of scientific

    2. Study of periodicals (selection of articles from magazines and newspapers).

    3. Development of a long-term plan for the 2012-2013 academic year.

    4. Acquaintance with the works of other specialists (viewing websites, attending open events for teachers).

    5. Carrying out activities according to plan.

    6. Production of demonstration material “...”,

    file cabinets "...", etc.

    7. Development of NNOD notes for self-education.

    Card index of methodological literature.

    Long-term plan for the 2012-2013 academic year

    Message to PS or MS.

    Preparation of NNOD notes.


    2013 – 2014

    uch. year

    1. Study of scientific

    methodological and educational literature on this topic.

    2. Design of visual and illustrative material “...”.

    Design of a methodological folder of materials.

    3. Conducting consultations and workshops for teachers and parents.

    4. Design of an information sheet on the topic: “...”.

    4 Design of the exhibition of joint creativity of children and parents “...”.

    Replenishment of the card index of methodological literature

    Methodical folder "...".

    Message to parent meeting.

    Information sheet - screen - movement.

    Exhibition of works.

    Speech at PS, MS.

    2014 – 2015

    uch. year

    Open event screening.

    Generalization of experience.


    Appendix 2

    Long-term work plan

    for self-education for the 2012-2013 academic year



    Mark about










    Appendix 3

    Memo for the analysis of the process of self-education.

    Did the plan pay off?

    How did it fit in with the objectives of the DOE and individual theme self-education.

    Was research planned?

    Whose teaching experience and on what issues was studied in accordance with the individual topic of self-education.

    Stages of material development.

    What literature was studied: psychological, pedagogical, scientific, etc.

    Practical conclusions after studying a specific topic (thesis, reports, etc.)

    Creative collaboration (with teachers, specialists, senior educator, etc.)

    A list of questions that turned out to be difficult in the process of studying literature and work experience.

    Setting new tasks.

    Appendix 4

    Requirements for self-education teachers

    in preparation for certification:

    · Work on the topic of self-education for at least 1 year;

    · Study of scientific and methodological literature;

    · Development of long-term plans, NNOD notes on the topic, scenarios;

    · Creation of a subject-developing environment in the group;

    · Carrying out diagnostics on mastering the program for this section;

    · Acquaintance with advanced pedagogical experience in the region, city;

    · Training in advanced training courses;

    · Presentation of a report on work experience at the teachers' council;

    · Participation in seminars, consultations, conferences;

    · Screening of an open event;

    Prepared by: Natalya Mikhailovna Korneeva,teacher in English MKOU "Elementary" comprehensive school No. 17"

    “Every person has the sun, just let it shine!”


    1. Conditions for the emergence and development of experience

    Modernization modern education is aimed at building and implementing individual educational route, self-education of a person on various stages his life path.

    Modern concept of continuous teacher education in Russia is focused on:

    Developing needs of the individual, society, state;

    Expanding the educational space for modern teachers;

    To carry out his mission, a teacher must have a readiness to solve professional problems, that is, a level of professional competence.

    One of the indicators of a teacher’s professional competence is his ability to self-educate, which manifests itself in dissatisfaction, awareness of the imperfections of the current state of the educational process and the desire for growth and self-improvement.

    It's no secret that most new knowledge and technologies lose their relevance on average after five years. Having analyzed the situation of advanced training, we can come to the conclusion that the most effective method improving the pedagogical skills of teachers is self-education.

    2. Relevance

    Especially actual problem self-education of teachers has become in the conditions of the information society, where access to information and the ability to work with it are key. The information society is characterized as a knowledge society, where the process of transforming information into knowledge plays a special role. That's why modern system education requires teachers to constantly improve their knowledge. Knowledge can be obtained in different ways.

    Today, teachers are offered a huge range of advanced training services: educational institutions- full-time education, part-time training, correspondence courses, advanced training courses, seminars, etc.

    Constant self-education is the defining asset in the life of a modern person, which will help not to “lag behind the train of modernity.” Having previously studied innovative methods of methodological work on self-education, you can structure them and apply them in work with teachers.

    Innovative areas of methodological work

    · marketing: studying the demand of teachers

    · informational: creation of a unified information, organizational, methodological teaching and educational environment in the educational institution;

    · scientific-experimental: involvement of teachers in the experimental work of educational institutions

    · psychological and pedagogical: psychological support for teachers

    · managerial: increasing the competence of the teaching staff

    Self-education expands and deepens knowledge, promotes understanding of best practices at a higher theoretical level. This is the first step to improving professional skills. Therefore, self-education of every teacher should become his need.

    3. Theoretical background

    According to K.Yu. Beloy, Ph.D. ped. Sciences, self-education is a necessary condition for the professional activity of a teacher. Society has always placed, and will continue to place, the highest demands on teachers. In order to teach others you need to know more than everyone else. The teacher must not only master the methods of raising and teaching children of primary school age, but also have knowledge in nearby scientific fields, various spheres of public life, be familiar with modern politics, economics, etc. The teacher primary classes must learn everything constantly, because in the faces of his pupils, in front of him, every year temporary stages change, their ideas about the world around them deepen and even change. The ability for self-education is not formed in a teacher along with a diploma pedagogical university. This ability is determined by the psychological and intellectual indicators of each individual teacher. Self-improvement should be an integral need of every teacher.

    Improving the quality of teaching and education in educational institutions directly depends on the level of training of teachers. It is undeniable that this level must constantly grow, and in this case, the effectiveness of various advanced training courses, seminars and conferences is small without the process of self-education. Self-education is a need for a creative and responsible person in any profession, especially for professions with increased moral and social responsibility, such as the profession of a teacher.

    If you imagine a teacher’s activities in the field of self-education with a list of verbs, you get: read, study, test, analyze, observe and write. What is the subject area of ​​application of these verbs?

    · Study and implement new pedagogical technologies, forms, methods and techniques of teaching

    · Attend lessons from colleagues and participate in the exchange of experience

    · Periodically conduct self-analysis of your professional activities

    · Improve your knowledge in the field of classical and modern psychology and pedagogy

    · Systematically take an interest in the events of modern economic, political and cultural life

    · Increase the level of your erudition, legal and general culture.

    4.Organization of self-education

    When organizing self-education, it is taken into account professional level teachers, various criteria are used to classify teachers into one group or another and, in accordance with this, choose the goals and methods of teaching.

    For a novice teacher, independent work on self-education allows you to replenish and concretize your knowledge, and carry out a deep and detailed analysis of situations that arise in working with children.

    An experienced teacher has the opportunity not only to replenish his knowledge, but also to find effective, priority methods for developing and correctional work with children and parents, master basic diagnostic and research activities.

    In addition, teachers develop a need for constant replenishment of pedagogical knowledge, flexibility of thinking is formed, the ability to model and predict the educational process, and creative potential is revealed.

    A teacher who has the skills of independent work has the opportunity to prepare and move on to focused scientific and practical, research activities, which indicates a higher professional and educational level, and this, in turn, affects the quality of the educational process and effectiveness pedagogical activity

    An important condition is the work on self-education that is properly organized and carried out in the system. Unfortunately, not all teachers always have the skills to work independently (they experience difficulties in selecting and studying methodological literature, choosing a topic, setting goals and objectives, etc.)

    The topics of self-education may include:

    One of the annual tasks of the OU;

    A problem that causes difficulty for the teacher;

    Replenishment of knowledge from existing experience;

    During the school year, the teacher will study in depth a problem whose solution causes certain difficulties or which is the subject of his special interest.

    Self-education is not limited to keeping notebooks, writing reports and designing colorful folders and stands, but becomes an incentive both for improving the professional skills of the teacher and for the development of his personality.

    5. Sources of self-education

    What is the essence of the process of self-education? The teacher independently obtains knowledge from various sources, uses this knowledge in professional activities, personal development and his own life. What are these sources of knowledge, and where to look for them?

    A television

    Newspapers magazines

    Literature (methodological, popular science, journalistic, fiction, etc.)


    Video, audio information on various media

    Paid courses

    Seminars and conferences

    Master classes

    Experience exchange events

    Excursions, theaters, exhibitions, museums, concerts

    Refresher courses


    In general, all sources are divided into sources of knowledge that contribute to personal growth, and sources that promote professional growth. However, they can contribute to both at the same time.

    6. The result of self-education

    Every activity is meaningless if it does not result in the creation of a certain product, or if there are no achievements. And in a teacher’s personal self-education plan there must be a list of results that must be achieved within a certain period of time. What could be the results of teacher self-education at some stage? (self-education is continuous, but it needs to be planned step by step)

    Improving the quality of teaching the subject (indicate the indicators by which effectiveness and quality will be determined)

    Developed or published teaching aids, articles, textbooks, programs, scripts, studies

    Development of new forms, methods and techniques of teaching

    Reports, speeches

    Development of didactic materials, tests, visuals

    Development and implementation open lessons using our own innovative technologies

    Creation of pedagogical development kits

    Conducting trainings, seminars, conferences, master classes, summarizing experience on the problem (topic) under study

    Productivity of the self-education process:

    Self-education of a teacher will be productive if:

    In the process of self-education, the teacher’s need for his own development and self-development is realized.

    The teacher knows the methods of self-knowledge and self-analysis of teaching experience. The pedagogical experience of a teacher is a factor in changing the educational situation. The teacher understands both the positive and negative aspects of his professional activity, admits his imperfections, and therefore is open to change.

    The teacher has developed ability to reflection. Pedagogical reflection is a necessary attribute of a professional teacher (reflection is understood as human activity aimed at understanding one’s own actions, one’s internal feelings, states, experiences, analyzing this activity and formulating conclusions). When analyzing teaching activities, there is a need to obtain theoretical knowledge, the need to master diagnostics - self-diagnosis and student diagnostics, and the need to acquire practical skills in analyzing teaching experience.

    The teacher's professional development program includes the opportunity for research and search activities.

    The teacher has a readiness for pedagogical creativity.

    There is a relationship between personal and professional development and self-development.

    However, the system of self-education has proven itself to be the most effective form, allowing the teacher to show not only skill and creativity, but also to overcome certain difficulties in the implementation of the educational process. Self-education helps support and develop the most important mental processes - attention, memory, improves critical and analytical thinking, and has also become a necessary condition successful improvement of the teacher’s qualification level.

    Various forms of advanced training for teachers: advanced training courses, participation in methodological associations, studying at the institute, professional skills competitions can lead to the level of active self-development. However, the system of self-education has proven itself to be the most effective form, allowing the teacher to show not only skill and creativity, but also to overcome certain difficulties in the implementation of the educational process. Self-education contributes to the support and development of the most important mental processes - attention, memory, improves critical and analytical thinking, and is also a necessary condition for successfully improving the level of qualifications of a teacher.

    “Self-education of a preschool teacher.”

    Target: Improving the independent work skills of young teachers in self-education.


    Self-education- this is the purposeful work of a teacher to expand and deepen his theoretical knowledge, improve existing and acquire new professional skills and abilities in the light of modern requirements of pedagogical and psychological sciences. The teacher must study in depth a problem whose solution causes certain difficulties or which is the subject of his special interest.

    The constant work of a teacher to improve his development is important due to the specific nature of pedagogical activity aimed at the development and upbringing of a child. Only through self-education and creative searches the teacher will come to his mastery. A constant desire for self-improvement should become the need of every preschool teacher.

    Motives that encourage the teacher to self-education.

    - Daily work with new information - there is a need to search and analyze new information.

    - Desire for creativity - the work should become interesting and enjoyable.

    - The rapid growth of modern science .

    - Changes in society - to avoid the formation of the image of an “unmodern person” in the teacher.

    - Competition - if the teacher is in good standing with the administration of the preschool educational institution, the methodological council, the education department, he has more rights in choosing a work strategy and using programs. technologies and methods...

    - Public opinion - the teacher is not indifferent to whether he is considered “good” or “bad.”

    - Financial incentives - depends on qualifications and skill.

    - Interest - the ability not only to teach, but also to learn.

    *Main directions in the system of self-education for preschool teachers.

    • Familiarization with new regulatory documents on issues of preschool education;
    • Study of educational and scientific-methodological literature;
    • Familiarization with new achievements in pedagogy, child psychology, anatomy, physiology;
    • Study of new programs and pedagogical technologies;
    • Familiarization with best practices of preschool institutions;
    • Raising the general cultural level.

    Realizing differentiated approach in determining the leading areas of professional development of teachers, we can recommend the following topics of self-education according to experience and teaching experience.

    For young professionals:

    • Awareness of the values ​​of a person-centered model of education, training and development;
    • Formation of the foundations of pedagogical skills;
    • Development of skills and constructive abilities.

    For educators working for over 5 years:

    • Mastering the methods of designing the educational process in order to increase its efficiency and quality in the conditions of variable education;
    • Formation of the ability to analyze scientific and methodological literature, application of acquired knowledge in practice, activation of creative abilities.

    For experienced, creatively working educators:

    • Development of abilities to redesign one’s own activities in the context of development trends in psychological and pedagogical science and the social order of society;
    • Demonstration of the creative potential of the teacher;
    • Promoting your achievements;
    • Development of research activities.

    For teachers without special education:

    • Mastering methods of working with children;
    • Adaptation to teaching activities.

    The topic of self-education can also be:

    • one of the annual tasks of the preschool educational institution;

    Forms of self-education work:

    • with children (diagnosis of children, directly educational activities, exhibition of children's works, project activities, holidays and entertainment, performances, etc.)
    • with teachers (organize work in a group, create a working curriculum, studying literature, conversations in accordance with the work plan, setting up an activity center in a group, preparing (conducting) a master class for teachers, getting acquainted with literature in periodicals, writing a report on the work done for the academic year, presenting it at the teachers’ council, organizing work on the topic for the next academic year, create a curriculum, etc.);
    • with parents (consultations for parents, conversations in accordance with the work plan, design of a moving folder, joint entertainment, speaking at a parent meeting with a report on the work done for the school year, etc.).

    The choice of topic for self-education is carried out:

    Taking into account the individual experience and professional skills of each teacher. - they are always related to the predicted result (what we want to change)

    Aimed at achieving qualitatively new work results.

    The topic of self-education can also be:

    • one of the annual tasks of the preschool educational institution;
    • a problem that causes difficulty for the teacher;
    • replenishment of knowledge based on existing experience;

    The system of work of teachers for self-education:

    At the beginning of the school year, each teacher develops an individual work plan for the school year in accordance with the chosen topic of self-education and the annual work plan of the preschool educational institution. Together with the senior teacher, report forms on this topic are selected. Throughout the year, teachers record their work on self-education in a self-education folder (or printed sheets recording the activities carried out...).

    Algorithm for drawing up a plan for self-education

    Based on the chosen topic, the teacher develops a personal plan for working on the problem he has set himself. The plan specifies:

    • topic name
    • tasks
    • expected result
    • stages of work
    • deadlines for each stage
    • actions and activities carried out in the process of working on the topic
    • a way to demonstrate the results of the work done
    • work report form

    During the academic year, preschool teachers, following their self-education plan, organize work on the chosen topic:

    • studying the necessary methodological, pedagogical and subject literature;
    • Internet review of information on the topic;
    • visiting MO, CPC, seminars, conferences, lessons of colleagues;
    • speaking at teacher councils, seminars, conducting consultations for colleagues, master classes;
    • additional work with children: diagnostics of children on a chosen topic at the beginning and end of the school year, direct educational activities, conversations, holidays and entertainment, exhibitions of children's work, clubs, etc.;
    • self-educational work on methodological development on this topic;
    • Discussions, meetings, exchange of experiences with colleagues.
    • Carrying out open classes for analysis by colleagues;
    • Study of information computer technology;
    • Communication with colleagues in the preschool educational institution, the city and on the Internet;
    • Participation in competitions on the Internet;
    • Posting your developments on websites on the Internet.

    Upon completion of work on the topic, each teacher must write a report with analysis, conclusions and recommendations for other teachers.

    Form for presenting the result of work on the topic

    *Defense of research work


    *Conducting a seminar

    *Teaching colleagues new techniques


    *Open class

    Artistic design of the self-education plan is allowed, taking into account these requirements.


    Problems in self-education and ways to solve them

    Possible problem


    1. I can’t decide on the topic of self-education

    ¨ Select from the variety of problems arising from the results of a diagnostic examination, observations of children, job analysis, etc., the one that is the main one for you and the solution of which could give lasting positive results.

    ¨ Determine the relevance of this problem, prospects and practical significance for increasing educational process. In doing so, rely on regulatory documents: laws, letters from the RF Ministry of Defense, conventions, target programs, as well as statistical data.

    2. When selecting literature, I get lost in its abundance and find it difficult to make the right choice.

    Selection of literature:

    ¨ Viewing and reviewing the table of contents, introduction, and summary gives a general idea of ​​the intent of the book, making reading meaningful and focused.

    ¨ Answer the questions: what do I know about this topic? What would you like to know based on the content proposed in the table of contents?

    Drawing up a plan for studying specific selected literature

    ¨ Start by studying traditional techniques for this problem

    ¨ Include modern views on the problem

    ¨ Use the work experience of teachers from other preschool educational institutions.

    3. When working with methodological literature, I cannot deeply comprehend the material I read.

    ¨ As you read, highlight key words, thoughts, judgments.

    ¨ Write down the most important, in your opinion, in your own formulation, using various methods of recording what you read: a brief statement of a thought, a fact; generalization of one's own judgments, highlighting main idea or highlight the main thing for yourself with conventional symbols.

    ¨ Write down questions that arise as you read the sources.

    ¨ Use reference books and dictionaries that cover basic terms and concepts.

    4. When studying a topic, you get the feeling that a lot of things are not remembered.

    ¨ Make a plan or diagram of the materials obtained during the study.

    ¨ Imagine, “play out” possible situations and options for practical actions.

    5. Extensive information material has been received (“mess in the head”), the significance of the information is lost.

    ¨ Answer the questions: what are the main ideas presented in the manual? What do I know about this topic? What thoughts, judgments can be useful to me in practical work with kids.

    Self-education is the independent acquisition of knowledge from various sources, taking into account the interests and inclinations of each individual person. As a process of acquiring knowledge, it is closely related to self-education and is considered its integral part. Self-education helps you adapt to a changing social and political environment and fit into the context of what is happening.

    Scientists say that the knowledge that humanity has doubles every 10 years. Consequently, previously acquired knowledge may become outdated. In order to keep up with the times, the teacher must constantly improve his knowledge, master progressive pedagogical technologies education and training and thereby provide an opportunity for their development. Self-education achieves the highest quality when the teacher knows what results will be required of him.

    Self-education is impossible without the ability to clearly formulate a goal, specify a problem and focus your attention on the main, significant details, creatively rethink the learning process and acquired knowledge. Self-education work can be:

    Forms of self-education:

    The plan clearly defines who works on what topic and in what form they report.

    SO, the topic of self-education is new every year.

      It is IMPORTANT that knowledge on any issue acquired from one source is supplemented with information from another document. This forces the student to compare, analyze, draw conclusions and form his own opinion on this issue. It is IMPORTANT to learn how to use the library. It is IMPORTANT to be able to collect, accumulate and store information, facts, conclusions. They will be useful for speaking at seminars, teaching councils, participating in discussions, etc.

    Selecting topics for self-education

    Topics for self-education can be selected taking into account the individual experience and professional skills of each teacher. They are always related to the predicted result (what we want to change) and are aimed at achieving qualitatively new work results. There are teachers who are independently interested in all innovations.

    The topic of self-education can also be:

      one of the annual tasks of the preschool educational institution; a problem that causes difficulty for the teacher; replenishment of knowledge based on existing experience;

    Preparation of self-education materials

    The teacher himself determines in what form it is more convenient for him to accumulate materials for self-education: these can be photocopies with underlining important thoughts or elements / lesson notes / other materials or written information. Materials are accumulated in a self-education folder. The work plan for self-education is also stored here: The plan may contain an approximate breakdown by month

    Self-education work plan
    Teacher________group No._____MDOU d/s No.____



      _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________

    Algorithm for compiling a self-education report

    Based on the chosen topic, the teacher develops a personal plan for working on the problem he has set himself. At the end of the school year, the teacher submits a report on the work done. The report may include:

    Tips for teachers engaged in self-education:

    Stage 1 – organizational and familiarization. Includes a detailed study of the situation on the selected problem, corresponding to the definition of a topic for self-education, drawing up a work plan, and preparing practical material.
    Stage 2 – the main one. Involves the implementation of prepared material into work. Form for presenting the results of work for teachers without a qualification category: reports, holding events on the topic of self-education. For teachers of the 1st/highest qualification category - consultations for colleagues, long-term plans and lesson notes, programs.
    Stage 3 – final. Involves carrying out diagnostics in order to track the results of work, self-analysis of teaching activities.

    Possible problems for teachers regarding self-education

    and ways to solve them

    Possible problem


      From the variety of problems arising from the results of a diagnostic examination, observations of children, job analysis, etc., select the one that is the main one for you and the solution of which could give lasting positive results. Determine the relevance of this problem, prospects and practical significance for improving the educational process. In doing so, rely on regulatory documents: laws, letters of the RF Ministry of Defense, conventions, as well as statistical data.
      As you read, highlight key words, thoughts, judgments. Write down the most important, in your opinion, in your own formulation, using various techniques for recording what you read: thoughts, facts; generalizing your own judgments, highlighting the main idea, or highlighting the main thing for yourself with conventional symbols. Write down questions that arise as you read the sources. Use reference books and dictionaries that cover basic terms and concepts.
      Make a plan or diagram of the materials obtained during the study. Imagine, “play out” possible situations and options for practical actions.
      Answer the questions: what are the main ideas presented in the manual? What do I know about this topic? What thoughts and judgments can be useful to me with children.

    Approximate topics
    - Environmental education in the family.
    - Moral education older preschoolers.
    - Cultural approach to education.
    - Fostering a culture of interethnic communication.
    - Activities of the teacher for the child.
    - Social and pedagogical activities of educators with dysfunctional families.
    - Education of preschool children in the process of mastering computer technologies.
    - Technology individual work with preschoolers.
    - Formation of healthy lifestyle skills in preschool children.
    - Formation of positive motivation for healthy lifestyle life of preschoolers.
    - Traditions children's group.
    - Cooperative activity teachers of preschool educational institutions and families on labor education of preschool children.
    - Artistic and aesthetic education of the younger generation through folklore....

    “Self-education of teaching staff”

    Possible problem


    1. I can’t decide on the topic of self-education

      Select from the variety of problems the one that is most important to you and the solution of which could give lasting positive results. Determine the relevance of the problem, prospects and practical significance for the educational process.

    2. When selecting literature, I get lost in its abundance and find it difficult to make the right choice.

      Answer the questions: what do I know about this topic? What would you like to know based on the content proposed in the table of contents?
      Start by studying traditional methods on this problem. Include modern views on the problem. Use the experience of teachers from other preschool educational institutions.

    3. When working with methodological literature, I cannot deeply comprehend the material I read.

      As you read, highlight key words, thoughts, judgments. Write down the most important ones, in your opinion, in your own wording. Write down questions that arise as you read. Use reference books and dictionaries that cover basic terms and concepts.

    4. When studying a topic, you get the feeling that a lot of things are not remembered.

      Make a plan or diagram of the materials obtained during the study.

    5. Extensive information material has been received (“mess in the head”), the significance of the information is lost.

      Answer the questions: what are the main ideas presented in the manual? What do I know about this topic? What thoughts and judgments can be useful to me in practical work with children.

    Self-education of teachers. Preparing for a self-education report.

    Self-education is the independent acquisition of knowledge from various sources, taking into account the interests and inclinations of each individual person. Self-education helps you adapt to a changing social and political environment and fit into the context of what is happening.

    Self-education work can be:

    Forms of self-education:

      work in libraries with books, periodicals; participation in scientific and practical conferences, seminars; development of material on the problem under study.

    Every year, a self-education plan for teachers is drawn up for the annual plan.

    The self-study report may include:

      name of the topic goals of the task expected result stages of work timing of each stage actions and activities carried out in the process of working on the topic method of demonstrating the result of the work done

    the written report must include conclusions and results of the work, recommendations for other teachers. The volume of the report in the computer version is 3–5 pages. The duration of the report is 5 - 7 minutes.