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  • The content of the PMPK. PMP functions

    The content of the PMPK. PMP functions

      Structure and organization pMPK activities

      1. The composition of PMPK includes:

    Deputy Director for OIA of the main link of the school;

    Deputy Director for OIA of elementary school;

    Teacher speech therapist;


    Teachers with extensive experience.

    The chairman of the PMPK is a teacher-psychologist of the main and senior level of the school.

        Specialists included in PMPK carry out work within the framework of the main working time, drawing up an individual work plan in accordance with the real request for examination of children with developmental disabilities. Specialists may be charged for an increase in the volume of work, the amount of which in accordance with Art. 32 and 54 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” is determined independently by the educational institution.

        Examination of the child by specialists of the PMPC is carried out on the initiative of parents (legal representatives) on the basis of an agreement between the school and the parents of students. In all cases, the consent of the parents (legal representatives) to the examination, corrective work must be obtained in writing.

        The examination is carried out by each PMPC specialist individually, taking into account the age-related physical load on the child in the presence of parents (legal representatives).

        For examination of the child at the consultation the following documents must be submitted:

    Extract from the child’s development history (medical record);

    Pedagogical presentation on the child, which should reflect the problems encountered by teachers working with the child;

    Workbooks on the Russian language and mathematics.

        According to the survey, each specialist draws up a conclusion and develops recommendations.

        Based on the data received, the PMPC conclusion and recommendations on the education, development and upbringing of the child are collegially compiled based on their individual capabilities and characteristics.

        Changing the conditions for obtaining education (within the framework of the opportunities available at the school) is carried out at the conclusion of the PMPK and the application of the parents.

        In the end school year  PMPK analyzes the results of correctional and developmental education of each child on the basis of dynamic observation and decide on his further education and upbringing.

        In the absence of conditions at school adequate to individual baby features, as well as, if necessary, in-depth diagnosis and / or resolution of conflict and contentious issues, PMPK experts recommend that parents contact GPMPK.

        The following documentation is maintained in PMPK:

    The annual plan and schedule of planned meetings of PMPK;

    Journal of recording children at PMPK;

    Child development cards;

    List of consultants, schedule of their work;

    Journal of registration of the PMPK archive;

    Archive PMPK.

        The PMPK archive is stored in a specially equipped place and is given out only to members of the PMPK, about which a corresponding entry is made in the register of the PMPK archive.

      The procedure for the preparation and conduct of PMPK

      1. PMPK meetings are divided into scheduled and unscheduled.

        PMPK works according to the plan established for one academic year.

    PMPK scheduled meetings are held at least 1 time in a quarter. The activities of the planned consultation are focused on the following tasks:

    Determining the ways of psychological and pedagogical support of the child;

    Development of coordinated decisions to determine the educational and correctional developmental route of the child;

    Dynamic assessment of a child’s condition and correction of a previously planned program.

    Unscheduled PMPKs are assembled at the request of specialists conducting corrective developmental education and development with this child, as well as the child's parents. The reason for the unscheduled PMPC is the negative dynamics of the child's education and development. The tasks of an unscheduled PMPK are:

    The decision on the adoption of any necessary emergency measures for the identified circumstances;

    Change in the previously conducted correctional development program in case of its inefficiency.

        To increase the effectiveness of correctional development work, a leading specialist is appointed for a child undergoing PMPC and taken for correctional developmental training and extracurricular correctional work.

        By the decision of PMPK, the class leader is appointed as the leading specialist, but any other specialist who carries out correctional and developmental work can be appointed. The leading specialist monitors the dynamics of the child’s development and the effectiveness of the assistance provided to him and comes up with the initiative for repeated discussions at the PMPK.

        Preparation for the PMPK.

        1. A discussion of the child’s problem at PMPK is planned no later than two weeks before the date of the meeting.

          The PMPK Chairman informs the PMPK specialists about the need to discuss the child’s problems and organizes the preparation and conduct of the PMPK meeting. Makes a list of specialists involved in PMPK. It includes specialists who work directly with the child and know his problems.

          The leading specialist informs the parents about the need to discuss the child’s problems at PMPK and the time it takes.

          Specialists conducting direct work with the child must, no later than 3 days before the PMPK, present to the leading specialist a description of the dynamics of the child’s development and a conclusion in which the effectiveness of the developmental and corrective work  and recommendations were given for further corrective work. The leading specialist prepares his opinion on the child, taking into account the additional information provided to him by the time of the PMPK.

        The procedure for conducting PMPK.

        1. PMPK is conducted under the leadership of the chairman, and in his absence, the deputy chairman of the council.

          The chairman of the council has the right, in agreement with the director of the school, to appoint a temporary chairman of this PMPK from among highly qualified pMPK specialists.

          At the PMPK meeting, the leading specialist, as well as all specialists who participated in the examination and / or correctional work with the child, present conclusions on the child and recommendations. The collegial conclusion of the PMPK contains a generalized characteristic of the structure of the child’s psychophysical development (without indicating a diagnosis) and a program of special (corrective) help summarizing the recommendations of specialists.

          The opinions of specialists, the collegial opinion of PMPK are brought to the attention of parents (legal representatives) in an understandable form, the proposed recommendations are implemented only with their consent.

          When referring a child to GPMPK, a copy of the collegial opinion shall be handed to the parents in their hands, copies of the expert’s opinions are sent only by mail or accompanied by a representative of the PMPK. PMPCs may send expert opinions and other collegial opinions to other institutions and organizations only upon official request.

          The PMPK protocol is drawn up by the secretary of the council no later than 3 days after it and is signed by the chairman, all members of the PMPK.

      Rights and obligations of PMPK specialists.

      1. Specialists have the right:

    Independently choose the means, optimal forms and methods of working with children and adults, resolve issues of priority areas of their activities;

    Contact teachers, administration of an educational institution, parents to coordinate correctional work;

    Conduct individual and group examinations in an educational institution (psychological, speech therapy, pedagogical);

    Require the administration of the educational institution to create the conditions necessary for the successful fulfillment of professional duties, providing instructive and scientific-methodical documentation;

    To receive information of a legal nature from the head of an educational institution, to get acquainted with the relevant documents;

    Conduct educational activities to promote psychological, medical and pedagogical knowledge;

    To generalize and disseminate the experience of their work, to issue booklets, methodological developments, recommendations, etc.

        PMPK specialists are required to:

    To consider issues and make decisions strictly within the framework of their professional competence;

    In resolving issues, proceed from the interests of the child, the tasks of his education, upbringing and development, work in accordance with professional and ethical standards, ensuring complete confidentiality of the information received;

    Make decisions and work in forms that exclude the possibility of harming the health, honor and dignity of students, pupils, parents, and teaching staff;

    To assist the administration, the teaching staff of the educational institution, parents in solving problems associated with ensuring full mental development, emotional-volitional sphere of children and an individual approach to the child. Participate in the management of the team, promote the creation of a favorable psychological climate in the educational institution, develop individual correctional and developmental programs with pupils;

    To carry out the prevention of physical, intellectual and mental stress, emotional breakdowns, organize medical and recreational activities for students and pupils;

    To prepare a detailed opinion on the state of development and health of the student, pupil for presentation at PMPK, GPMPK.

      Responsibility of PMPK specialists

    PMPK specialists are responsible for:

    Adequacy of the used diagnostic and correction methods;

    Confidentiality of materials obtained during the examination;

    Respect for the rights and freedoms of the child;

    Maintaining documentation and its safety.

    PMPC has historically been aimed at children and adolescents with developmental disabilities, but the last decade has clearly shown that the most diverse problems of school and general social maladaptation in childhood have come to the attention of PMPC specialists. In fact, PMPK works with children and adolescents from 0 to 18 years old, who are characterized by the imbalance of the “social development situation”



    The main functions of the psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation


    PMPC has historically been aimed at children and adolescents with developmental disabilities, but the last decade has clearly shown that the most diverse problems of school and general social maladaptation in childhood have come to the attention of PMPC specialists. In fact, PMPK works with children and adolescents from 0 to 18 years old, who are characterized by the imbalance of the “social development situation” (according to L. S. Vygotsky).

    According to L.S. Vygotsky, the social situation of development is the relationship between the child and the surrounding socially mediated reality. With this approach, “deviation in development” should be considered in a broader sense. It was traditionally believed that deviations in development prevent the child from adapting to and integrating into the social environment. Modern emphasis (on the organization of the social environment is adequate to the peculiarities of the development of the child) make the PMPK specialists focus not so much on the development diagnostics (as goals in themselves), buton the development of recommendations   in accordance with the diagnosis.

    For PMPK specialists, the most important task is to answer the question,under what conditions can a child with a identified developmental structure be able to realize his developmental potentialbeing integrated into society.

    The activities of the PMPK directly affect the mental and physical health of the children's population of Russia, and, consequently, the prospects for the development of the country as a whole.

    The relevance of the problem of organizing the activities of PMPK Russian Federation  increased over the past 25 years due to the contradictions that were identified in the content, methodological equipment and methodological justification, in the legal, personnel and material and technical support of the PMPK activity.

    Underlineadvisory the nature of any conclusions and conclusions of the PMPK specialists. This approach was contrasted with a “commissioned” examination of the child with the inevitable predominant role of the “label” diagnosis, often the impossibility of timely correction or removal of this diagnosis. Attention was also drawn to the hard and insufficiently differentiated nature of the conclusions, often following from the diagnosis. Numerous facts of unjustified referral of children with behavioral disorders to psychiatric hospitals, treatment with their antipsychotics with limited use of psychological and pedagogical correction methods were discussed.

    The need for the work of modern PMPKpermanently  due to a significant transformation of the goal of PMPK. Currently, PMPCs are not engaged in the selection of children in special (correctional) educational institutions, but in the selection (determination) for each child with deviations in the development of appropriate educational conditions, as well as in determining the nature of the accompanying medical, social and psychological assistance.

    Thus, the deepening and differentiation of the tasks of the PMPK clearly raises the question of finding and documenting such a legal form for the PMPK, in which it could have all the attributes of an independent institution or the legalized structural unit of such an institution. These include: the presence of a regulatory framework (model provision), staffing, premises, etc.

    The existing legal framework for the activities of PMPK still cannot fully provide legal protection for its highly qualified specialists from other departments. First of all, we are talking about medical workers. The same problems can arise in scientific and, paradoxically, in pedagogical workers.

    PMPK functions

    To achieve the goal and implement the tasks set for the PMPK, the regional and municipal PMPKs perform the same functions, however, there are differences in the conditions for performing these functions. By conditions, we mean the volume in which a particular function is performed, the contingent in relation to which the function is performed, and other circumstances.

    PMPK carries out diagnostics of the development of the child, the process of education of which is difficult. We are talking about the education of the child in the broadest sense of the word: the formation of knowledge, abilities and skills of the general social and academic plan and the holistic development of the individual, capable of self-realization, adaptation and integration into society on each age stage (from 0 to 18 years old). The expert aspects of this function suggest a highly professional level of diagnosis of the development of the child, the training and education of which in the family or educational institution requires special psychological, pedagogical and related medical and social assistance.

    Diagnostic Reliability

    First of all, we are talking about the timely comprehensive comprehensive dynamic diagnosis of developmental disabilities that impede the development of children from 0 to 18 years old, and the implementation of the educational process in relation to these children.

    Timeliness of diagnosis (early diagnosis)

    This refers to the earliest possible identification of developmental abnormalities or the question of suspecting the presence of abnormalities in the development of children with the subsequent adequate diagnostic procedure.

    The opportunity for PMPC to participate in the early stages of child development can be provided by an order signed at the level of the regional education and health department. In this order, medical institutions and specific specialists working with children from 0 to 3 years old should indicate the need to send young children with identified or suspected developmental disabilities to PMPC to resolve the issue of providing early psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance, contributing to the socialization of these children.

    In the future, it is planned to isolate in PMPK a special group of specialists or a special department that will deal with young children (from 0 to 3 years).


    Regional (regional, regional, republican) PMPK

    Municipal (district, city) PMPK

    Expert Diagnostic Function

    1. Admission of children and adolescents from 0 to 18 years of age who have indications for referral to PMPK

    2. Consideration of diagnostically complex and conflict cases in the direction of municipal PMPK or on the initiative of parents (legal representatives)

    2. Referral of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities to the regional PMPK in diagnostically complex and conflict cases

    1. Formation of a database on children and adolescents with developmental disabilities (access to this education with the following data and the following proposals):

    at the regional level

    at the municipal level

    2. Statistical analysis of the “social situation of development” of children and adolescents who have been tested at PMPK (output with these data and the following of them proposals for the management of education):

    The nature, correlation and distribution trends of the main types, types, forms of deviations in the development of children and adolescents;

    Provision of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities places in the education system:

    at the regional level

    at the municipal level


    3. Analysis of the PMPK activity (output with these data and the following proposals for the management of education):

    at the regional level

    at the municipal level


    4. Informing (memos, leaflets, telephone messages, etc.) of all institutions and departments with which the PMPK interacts about the possibility of applying to the PMPK for parents of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities, including those not covered by the education system, in particular children with disabilities

    Organizational function

    1. Access to the Department of Education with proposals for the formationagreements   with institutions, organizations, specific specialists within the education system and in other departments

    2. Coordination pMPK systems  at the regional level (in collaboration with the representative of the regional education department in charge of the PMPK): work with the PMPK of the municipal level

    2. Coordination of the PMPK system at the municipal level (in collaboration with the representative of the municipal education department in charge of PMPK): work with PMP-consultations educational institutions

    3. Organization of “Schools of parents”

    4. Identification of children, in particular children with disabilities not covered by the education system, through interaction with local social protection authorities through the local education authority

    Methodical function

    1. Regular holding of methodological meetings on the audit of methodological support and technologies for the work of the PMPK with children and parents:

    for specialists of municipal PMPK

    for specialists of PMP-consultations of educational institutions of the municipality

    2. Training for parents (legal representatives) teaching methods  work with their children with developmental disabilities (possibly within the framework of the “School of Parents”)

    Advisory function

    1. Advising children and adolescents, parents (legal representatives) on all issues within the competence of PMPK

    2. Consulting specialists of the regional education department, municipal PMPK, specialists of other institutions, organizations and departments with which the regional PMPK interacts

    2. Consultation of specialists of PMP-consiliums of educational institutions, municipal education departments

    3. Counseling parents (legal representatives) of children not covered by the education system, in particular children with disabilities

    Escort function

    1. Monitoring the dynamics of development and effectiveness of the recommendations given by PMPK to children and adolescents who have been tested for PMPK:

    Through interaction with municipal PMPKs and directly with parents (legal representatives)

    Through interaction with PHC-consiliums of educational institutions and directly with parents (legal representatives)

    2. Supervision of all institutions of the region for orphans, monitoring the dynamics of development and the compliance of diagnostics with the conditions for receiving education by orphans

    2. Monitoring the development dynamics of identified children not covered by the education system, in particular children with disabilities living in the territory of this municipality

    Educational function

    1. Access to the population through the media on issues within the competence of the PMPK

    2. Education of parents through the “School of parents” at PMPK

    3. Education of specialists from other institutions, organizations and departments with which PMPK interacts


    It involves taking into account the medical, psychological, pedagogical, social aspects of development diagnostics identified by specialists in the relevant profiles. An integrated approach is implemented in PMPK due to the special modern technology  joint examination of the child (in the form of supervisory technologies) and a collegial discussion of its results.

    Comprehensive diagnostics

    Such a diagnosis of child development is carried out by specialists of different profiles within the framework of their professional tasks and competencies. By the comprehensiveness of any type of examination (medical, psychological, pedagogical) is meant widesystemic   the view of each specialist on the problems of child development through the prism of a specific subject of research. For example, a psychologist suggesting deviations in the state of thinking of a child necessarily assesses the role and place of these deviations in the structure of his mental development. In particular, we are talking about the ratio of primary and secondary deviations in development. Thinking may suffer due to violations of mental operations itself, or maybe due to violations of motivation, emotional-volitional and personal sphere, mental performance, specific mental functions, etc.

    Dynamic aspects of diagnosis

    Assume the analysis of anamnestic and follow-up data, “slice” or longitudinal studies and monitoring the development of the child at different age stages. The dynamics of the development of the child is evaluated from the point of view of both general ontogenetic laws and individual features  development.

    Holistic approach

    This approach to the child is implemented on the basis of all the above aspects of developmental diagnosis. It consists in understanding the ontogenetic laws of development and in creating the necessary conditions for adaptation and maximum self-realization of the child’s personality in society.

    Thus, the reliability of the diagnosis is ensured by the multidimensionality of the diagnostic picture in combination with observations of its dynamic changes. That is, herselfdiagnostics is considered by us in development.

    The focus of any specialist should bedeveloping childbut not a diagnosis. Each specialist should be puzzled by the question under what conditions the development of the child will be as close as possible to the realization of his potential, or reserve, opportunities. In this sense, the PMPC diagnoses the social conditions of the child’s development themselves and addresses the problem of their possible and necessary changes, in particular, in the education system and related departments.

    Identification of special educational needs

    Individual structure of child development

    At the present stage of development of PMPK with a new force and at a higher level, the question arose aboutgeneral patterns of development of a normal and abnormal child. At the beginning of the twentieth century P.Ya. Troshin (1915) noted that “in essence, there is no difference between normal and abnormal children, both of them are people, both of them are children, both of them develop according to the same laws.The difference is only in the way of development". (Quoted by L.S. Vygotsky). L.S. Vygotsky repeatedly emphasizes in his works that the concept of defectiveness (actively used until recently) issocial . The problem of development of any “child with a defect” gets the right solution as a problem of social education: it is necessary to educate not a defective child, butchild . But it is L.S. Vygotsky also draws attention to the role of a kind of “social request” for a defective (or an abnormal child or adult).

    The current crisis social situation of development shows clearly that the lack of demand for a person in general (meaning a socially healthy person) leads to the formation of deviations in development even among people who are initially safe, “conceived” by healthy people. Paraphrasing L.S. Vygotsky, we can say: if we create a country where abnormal children find a place in life, where an anomaly will not necessarily mean failure, then developmental deviations will not be defective, but only an individual peculiarity.

    This first - social - aspect of the consideration of the structure of the child’s development is crucial in providing psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance to children with developmental disabilities. Expanding the meaning of the phrase L.S. Vygotsky “here already is the task not so much of raising the blind as re-educating the sighted”, we could say that the “defective” structure of the mental development of abnormal children arises as a result of the abnormal attitude of so-called normally developing people towards them.

    The individual structure of the development of children and adolescents is determined not only by the characteristics of theirdeviations   (the so-called defect structure in traditional defectological terminology), but alsoreserve development opportunities. Reserve development opportunities depend on many factors, in particular, ondegrees of (mild to severe)  prevalence(totality - partiality)level (non-pathological - pathological) of existing deviations; in relation to some (current, progressive) deviations in the development of children, the question is relevantstage   mental dysontogenesis.

    Age features of the development of children

    The special educational needs of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities must necessarily be compared with age parameters. The formation and satisfaction of educational needs is impossible without taking into account and developing age-related interests. Cognitive motivation and, in particular, educational motivation increases sharply if classes are in the sphere of age-related interests.

    In children with developmental disabilities, there is usually a mismatch between passport and psychological (e.g., intellectual) age. In the context of PMPK, it is very important to correctly qualify which age stage, stage, phase corresponds to the development of the child.

    Qualification of age features is facilitated by the correct definitionleading child activities and central psychologicalneoplasms. In solving these issues, the role of the psychologist PMPK is great. Correct assessment age characteristics  development in many cases underlies the diagnosis of the type of mental dysontogenesis. For example, with distorted development, a combination of incompatible ages is often observed: the infant's instincts coexist with intellectual abilities  adult person. With a delayed development, the activity usually characteristic of an earlier age stage is usually leading, for example, playing interests and forms of behavior among schoolchildren, etc.

    Pace of development

    It is determined by many factors. Changes in the rate of development can be observed within the framework of individual constitutional-genetic features with full compliance with the general laws of normal ontogenesis. Sometimes the slowdown in the initial age stages is replaced by intensive development in the subsequent stages. There are many cases when expressive speech does not manifest itself before 3 years or more, and then the child begins to speak no worse, and sometimes better than his peers. The tempo characteristics primarily include the slow or accelerated development of certain qualities. But there are more complex tempo characteristics, when the delayed development is replaced by intensive, accelerated - asynchronous, premature - slow, etc.

    Information about the normal or accelerated development of individual parameters of the psyche must be considered when searching for reserve development opportunities.


    Individual and age-related interests are the driving forces of a child’s behavior. L.S. Vygotsky drew the attention of specialists working with children to the fact that “all the psychological functions of a person at each stage of development do not act haphazardly, not automatically and not by chance, but in a certain system, guided by certain aspirations, inclinations and interests that are deposited in the personality”.

    For PMPK specialists, the statement of L.S. Vygotsky said that “it is not only the child’s skills and psychological functions (attention, memory, thinking, etc.) that are developing - the basis of mental development is primarily the evolution of the child’s behavior and interests, changing the structure of the direction of his behavior”.7

    Analyzing the development of the child from this point of view, it is possible to approach the qualification of special educational needs and the development of individualized recommendations on the organization of different types of activities of the child with a particularly delicate approach. In particular, the formation, development and management educational motivation  a child is possible only based on the structure and orientation of the individual and age-related interests of the child. Taking into account the emotional and personal interests of the child, a diagnostic examination is also being constructed in the conditions of PMPC, and educational process, that is, training and education in a family, educational or other institutions.

    If the child shows interest, he can easily be involved in those types of activities that are necessary for conducting a diagnostic examination and finding ways to eliminate developmental abnormalities. The interests of the child form the core of reserve development opportunities, since it is they that motivate him to manifest activity and achievement. In turn, it is achievements that allow you to maintain a person in a state of harmony and stability.


    It is known that some operations, actions, activities are given to a particular child easier, are formed faster and earlier, while others are difficult, formed and automated slowly. For example, a child may show abilities in the field of mathematics and lag behind in motor development, revealing general motor awkwardness, clumsiness, etc. The nature of abilities is twofold: the hereditary factor is combined here with the characteristics of the social conditions of the development of the child; in particular, it is very important when, who, how systematically, etc. Teaches and educates the child, consolidating or developing his natural abilities. Orientation in the educational process to favorable prerequisites for development, the child’s partial abilities, as well as to his interests, can form the basis for compensating for deviations in development, therefore they must be reflected in recommendations as reserve development opportunities.

    Social situation  development

    The social situation of development is one of the most important concepts introduced by L.S. Vygotsky. This concept has a huge practical relevance  in the diagnosis and development of development programs. Collecting and analyzing the anamnesis, PMPK specialists need to pay special attention tothe dynamics of the relationship between the child and his surrounding reality, especially social.The way these relations take shape and what role they play in the development of the child not only explains why the development went just this way and not the other way, but also shows which conditions contributed to normal development and which brought disontogenetic manifestations or were directly the cause. dysontogenesis. As a result, PMPK specialists can find information valuable for the proper organization of the upbringing and development of the child in the family, as well as for determining special conditions  education for children with developmental disabilities.

    Definition of special conditions for education

    children with developmental disabilities

    In order to choose the right conditions for receiving education by a child with developmental disabilities, it is necessary to navigate the entire education system. In accordance with the Federal Law "On Education":

    “The education system in the Russian Federation is a set of interacting:

    Continuing educational programs and state educational standards of various levels and focus;

    Networks of educational institutions implementing them, regardless of their legal forms, types and types;

    Education management bodies and their subordinate institutions and organizations. ”

    The expert diagnostic function of the PMPC includes determining the type and type of educational institution that provides or oversees the education and upbringing of a child who has developmental disabilities, or, conversely, a normally developing child who, for one reason or another, is studying in a special (correctional) educational institution.

    Special (corrective) educational institutions for studying pupils with developmental disabilities represent only one of the available in the education systemtypes of   educational institutions. As a rule, children with developmental disabilities study in these educational institutions.

    However, it is possible to train them in other types of educational institutions.(preschool, educational, professional, additional educationinstitutions for orphans and children without parental care, and others). Most often, children with developmental disabilities are taught in other types of institutions for special adapted programsapproximating the conditions of a given educational institution to special (corrective) ones. For example, developmental education classes in secondary schools or in primary vocational training  etc. At the same time, in some cases, it is possible to educate children with developmental disabilities and in general educational or other (not in special - correctional) types of educational institutions, in the so-called integrated conditions, but with the mandatory implementation of an individual approach.

    Of course, the PMPC usually sends children with developmental disabilities to special (correctional) educational institutions, the network of which is currently quite developed. System special education  includes the followingkinds special (correctional) educational institutions:for deaf, hard of hearing, blind, visually impaired, for children with severe speech disorders, for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, for children with mental retardation, for mentally retarded children, as well as other types of educational institutions, including for children and adolescents in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance (PPMS centers).

    Educational program  and methodological support

    Educational process

    According to the Law “On Education” in the Russian Federation, programs are divided bygeneral educational  and professional. Moreover, there are basic and additional general and professional programs. In the last decade, the process of differentiation of the so-called “basic” and “regional” component in educational programs has been particularly active. The development of additional programs within the framework of the “regional” component opened the prospect of bringing the content of knowledge closer to the real conditions of a child’s life (social, economic, climatic, ethnic, etc.).

    In addition, the emergence of educational institutions of various profiles, as well as multidisciplinary educational institutions (gymnasiums, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, etc.) was accompanied by the development of numerous additional programs involving in-depth study of individual or several subjects, profiling programs of all or many subjects in accordance with the prevailing interests and abilities of children (humanitarian, mathematical, economic, natural-scientific, etc.). Such programs, as a rule, are quite complex and are designed for children with educational motivation intellectual development  usually above average.

    Obviously, for most children with developmental disabilities, PMPK specialists do not recommend training in complicated programs. However, among them there are special children, including gifted ones, developing according to dysontogenetic laws. In particular, children with a distorted structure of mental dysontogenesis may exhibit partial giftedness, which may begin to be realized in appropriate educational conditions. For example, the development of a schizoid can simultaneously go along the path of compensation and intensive development of some schizoid traits, which become reserve development opportunities. Schizoid features of development can be compensated for when teaching such abstract sciences as mathematics, and in particular additional programsclaiming a deeper look at this science than is laid down in the “basic component”. The presence of common mathematical interests facilitates communication for such children, namely, communication is most often especially difficult for them.

    At the same time, usually children with developmental disabilities require training in additional programs, which are adapted versions of the main programs, usually in the amount of the “basic component”.

    It is known that within the framework of the “basic component”, the programs of special (correctional) educational institutions differ from the programs of other educational institutions not so much in content as in methodological support and increase in time for their development. That is, approximately the same is given by other means and more slowly, with a large number of repetitions.

    The most specific in relation to the structure of mental dysontogenesis are precisely the methodological tools and technologies for teaching and raising children with developmental disabilities. Almost every type of mental dysontogenesis can be associated with special (corrective) educational institutions of a certain type or several types with the corresponding methodological and technical equipment. For example, delayed development - educational institutions or classes, groups for children with disabilities; underdevelopment, damaged development - educational institutions for mentally retarded children; deficit development - educational institutions for the deaf, hard of hearing, blind, visually impaired.

    Unfortunately, it should be noted that children with disharmonious development often end up in law enforcement institutions at the stage of “crystallization” of developmental disabilities, when the educational process is very difficult: raising and educating such children at the stage of developmental disharmony is ineffective. Prior to this period, they should have been “formed” in a different plane than that provided for by the education system. Traditionally, our educational institutions implement training and education mainly through the intellectual sphere of the child, that is, by influencing thinking and consciousness. Children with the disharmonious structure of dysontogenesis need to be educated and educated mainly through the emotional-volitional and personal sphere, that is, through exposure to emotions, feelings, empathy, shame, conscience and other ethical and aesthetic experiences.

    Undoubtedly, the creation of groups and classes for children with combined developmental disabilities and the complex structure of a defect or dysontogenesis should also be considered a progressive direction in the development of modern special education.

    PMPK specialists may recommend that educational institution specialists develop or use ready-made (more often - author's) individualized or differentiated training programs. In relation to children with developmental disabilities, such programs often require a combination of elements of programs of different levels: preschool and primary general, basic general and primary vocational and others. In addition, they introduce elements of special assistance, for example, speech therapy, psychological. Such elements can be integrated into new technologies of training and education, and can be “applied” to the main educational process as additional classes with a speech therapist, psychologist, and other specialist. In such cases, it is the PMPK specialists who can initiate the development of the special education system by coming up with relevant proposals to the education department.

    Forms and conditions of education

    The Law "On Education" indicates the followingforms   receiving education: family education, self-education, external studies; in an educational institution - in the form of full-time, part-time (part-time), part-time.

    In particular, children with chronic somatic diseases, increased fatigue, impaired attention, memory, and other mental processes arising from it in the absence of primary thinking disorders can master this or that educational program in a family setting if the family is ready to take on such responsibility.

    IN adolescence  some students, usually with a disharmonious or distorted structure of mental dysontogenesis, may be offered a form of external studies or evening education.

    However, the question of the form of training before the PMPK specialists arises much less frequently than the question ofconditions   getting an education. Traditionally, most children, both with developmental disabilities and without them, receive education in classrooms, with the so-called frontal education.

    At the same time, children with developmental disabilities often need to be transferred to individual education, sometimes at home, sometimes in an educational institution. The time of an individual training period is determined by the PMPK specialists, depending on the specific indications for this particular form of training. When transferring a child to another form of education, dynamic monitoring of his condition and development is very important. Especially painful is the period of the child’s adaptation to the conditions of frontal education in the classroom after a long individual study at home. In such cases, it is important to closely interact and exchange information between the PMPK and the PMP-consultation of the educational institution in which the child is studying.

    In some cases, blended learning is effective - an individual mode of attending classes, one or two or more free days a week in accordance with the testimony and in consultation with the administration of the educational institution. Usually these are cases of severe neurodynamic disorders, in which mental impairment comes to the fore.

    Referral of children with developmental disabilities

    To institutions of other departments

    In particular, when it is necessary to combine training andsupportingtreatment   PMPK doctors recommend monitoring a child with doctors of the appropriate profile in a children's clinic or neuropsychiatric clinic; referral to specialized medical centers is possible in accordance with specific medical indications.

    Sometimes foundtreatment priority child with training and education supporting his development. This is possible in health facilities, where the educational process is carried out. There are schools at some medical institutions, in particular at the central neuropsychiatric children's hospitals, which allows you to combine a complex medical process with the education and upbringing of a child.

    If necessarytemporary release the child from learning activities   The PMPK can make a similar recommendation to the local pediatrician or adolescent doctor, the local neuropsychiatrist and other specialists who observe the child at the place of residence. In this case, we are talking about those indications that directly follow from the phenomena of maladaptation of the child in an educational institution. When a child’s condition is decompensated due to inadequate conditions, forms, methods of education and upbringing in a family or educational institution, there is usually also the need to temporarily release the child from educational activities and recommend contacting the PPMS center to eliminate adverse changes in the structure of the child’s mental development.

    All issues related to the provision of concomitant or basic medical care to a child are resolved by sending recommendations of PMPK doctors to doctors of relevant profiles who are observing the child at the place of residence.

    If necessary, combine training with social and legal protection issues child PMPK  may recommend interested parents (legal representatives) or specialists of the psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation of the educational institution to go to the appropriate institutions and departments. For example, if there is a pronounced asocial type of family distress, PMPK specialists may recommend that the social educator of the educational institution apply to the juvenile unit of the local department of internal affairs or the juvenile commission at local authorities.

    So, the diagnostic function of PMPK is ambiguous and complex. This is the central function of PMPK. The result of this function is a collegial opinion on the child with recommendations for implementation educational route  and related assistance both in the education system and outside the education system (see “Documentation of the results of a child’s examination at PMPK”).

    Information and analytical function

    One of the directions for implementing this function is tothe formation of an information databasenecessary to ensure the activities of the PMPK of the region at all levels, including PHC-consultations of educational institutions.

    In this regard, the tasks of the regional PMPC include the development of forms (questionnaires, questionnaires, statistical reporting sheets, etc.), which allow receiving from the lower structures of the PMPC system the necessary information about children and adolescents with developmental disabilities. In modern conditions, it is desirable to form a regional database on electronic media (computer diskettes).

    The formation of a database of educational institutions, healthcare, social protection, law enforcement systems in the region and at the federal level, collaborating with the PMPC and providing education for children with developmental disabilities or contributing to its provision, is another important area of \u200b\u200bthe information function. These pMPK issues  can decide in collaboration with representatives of the education department.

    PMPK is interested in informing the education department about the real situation and trends that are observed in the population of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities. Such information is important for taking into account the provision of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities with an adequate place in the education system, as well as for planning the development of the special education system.

    If there is reliable and complete information on the above issues, PMPK specialists have the opportunity to provide this information to the population in a timely manner, which, in particular, solves many of the tasks of preventive work, and also helps to increase the general culture of the population in relation to children and adolescents with developmental disabilities.

    Each specialist carries out professional analysis of the "incoming" information and the results of the examination of the child.

    Formulation and testing of the hypothesis about the structure, dynamics and prognosis of the development of the child is possible only if there is a harmonious system of analytical work of the PMPK team of specialists. Planning a child’s examination for PMPC is based on an analysis of primary information, including documentation that is requested when the child’s parents contact the PMPC. As a result, the question of the procedure and conditions for examining the child is resolved.

    The most critical stage of the analytical work is a collegial discussion of the results of the examination of the child. Analytical activity is carried out by each specialist within the framework of the logic of his professional knowledge, tasks aimed at achieving the common goal of PMPK.

    The most important result of the PMPK analytical activity is the annual analytical report submitted to the head of the corresponding department of education (at the end of the calendar year, more often if necessary). Such a certificate not only serves as a reporting form for the PMPK, but also necessarily includes proposals for the development of the special education system and its relations with other institutions and departments in the territory served by this PMPK.

    Organizational function

    Coordination of the structural units of the PMPK system

    For this, in the annual planning of the activities of the PMPK, it can be recommended to reflect in the plandirections, content, mechanisms, forms of discussion and presentation of the results of the interaction of all structural units of the PMPK system with each other. Issues of coordination of activities can be discussed at meetings, meetings, planning meetings by all specialists of the PMPC at different levels, but the final coordination of these issues seems most reasonable and effective to discuss at the coordination councils of the heads of regional and municipal PMPC with the invitation of the chairmen of the PMP-consiliums of educational institutions. It is possible to hold similar coordination councils by the heads of municipal PMPKs with the chairmen of the PMP-consultations of educational institutions.

    Cooperation of structural units of the PMPK system

    The issues of cooperation of structural units of the PMPK system are extremely important, since at any level of the PMPK system its strengths and weaknesses are possible. At present, PMPKs still retain heterogeneity in the composition, level of professionalism of specialists, equipment, etc. In this regard, the regional PMPK can be recommended to collect and disseminate for the lower structural units of the PMPK system information (this should also be attributed to the information function) about the presence of the most highly qualified specialists of one profile or another in various PMPKs, and possibly in PMP-consultations. In addition, all specialists in the PMPK system should be guided by the possibilities of additional, including hardware diagnostic tests based on those or other most equipped PMPKs in the region.

    In the framework of cooperation, other directions of the distribution of responsibilities between various PMPKs are possible. In particular, the issues of supervising orphanages and boarding schools, as well as preschool educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, can be addressed differently depending on specific local conditions. Such institutions can be supervised by municipal PMPKs with a mandatory examination of children and adolescents with the most diagnostically complex forms of developmental disabilities jointly by representatives of municipal and regional PMPKs. The reliability of diagnostics of the development and effectiveness of psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance to students and pupils of these institutions can be monitored by regular selective examinations by representatives of the regional PMPK.

    Methodical function

    Methodical meetings

    Traditionally, the methodological function is most often implemented in the form of methodological meetings. Practice shows that it is rational to hold such meetings on average four times a year. Two of them are usually dedicated to the beginning (end of August - beginning of September) and the end (end of May - beginning of June) of the school year. One of the methodological meetings for the PMPK system is relevant to conduct in March-April, when the completion of special (correctional) educational institutions begins. Finally, another meeting is relevant to hold at the end or beginning of the calendar year (December-January). This meeting is usually devoted to summarizing, analyzing the results, as well as the long-term planning of PMPC activities, including the issues of methodological equipment and development of technologies for examining children and adolescents with developmental disabilities at PMPC.

    Methodical meetings are usually held by specialists of the regional PMPK for specialists of municipal (city, district) PMPKs, specialists of municipal PMPKs for members of PMP-consultations of educational institutions located in this territory. At least once a year, such a meeting is desirable to be held in an expanded composition, with the participation of representatives of all structural divisions of the PMPK system. Such meetings are most justified at the beginning of a calendar or school year. The organization of such a methodological meeting rests with the regional PMPK, which can be recommended to invite representatives of science, as well as representatives of the most effective PMPKs of the Russian Federation to such meetings.

    Methodical advice

    Scientists and practitioners involved in the methodological support of the PMPK activities have repeatedly raised the issue of developing common requirements for the methodological equipment of the PMPK. It should be recognized that at present there are no ready-made options for such equipment that would meet all the necessary standardization criteria. In this regard, there is a need for the activities of the methodological council of the PMPK system, which can be created on the basis of the regional PMPK mainly from its specialists, but with the participation of the most highly qualified specialists from other PMPKs and PMPk regions.

    The main issues that need to be discussed and agreed upon by the members of the methodological council are the following.

    1) Reaching an agreement on the use in PMPK conditionsa single package of diagnostic techniquesfor examination of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities. We are talking not only about a single list of methods, but also about their standard form. It should be remembered that, within the framework of this single set of diagnostic methods, for each specific child, those methods are selected that correspond to individual plan  examinations of this child.

    It is possible that all structural units of the PMPK system should apply to all children and adolescents a minimum “basic” set of methods. This will provide an opportunity to compare the results, a statistical analysis of the state of the child population according to the most relevant parameters for the goal and objectives of the PMPK. One of these parameters is certainlylevel of development and structure of intelligence.

    It is possible to introduce some medical parameters, in particular, reflecting the state of the sensory sphere (vision, hearing) and general and fine motor skills, as well as lateralization of sensorimotor functions (the predominance of left-right orientation).

    Among the medical parameters, information about complications in intrauterine, perinatal, and early postnatal development is important.

    Along with the importance of a single type of such a “basic” set of methods, the possibility of a quantitative or schematic (for example, graphic) display of the survey results is essential. In order to record the results of the examination (including repeated examinations) of the child at PMPK, you can offer the form of “Individual passport for the development of the child”, which records information in accordance with the “basic” component of the survey.

    Unlike the child’s development card, which is stored in the PMPK, the “passport” is stored with the parents (legal representatives) of the child and can be presented by them when addressing other specialists independently or in the direction of other institutions and departments in connection with child development issues.

    2) At the methodological council, unified requirements for the procedure for examining a child at PMPK can be adopted, taking into account the fact that the plan and methodological means of examination are individualized in accordance with specific indications.

    3) Reaching an agreement on common requirements for documentation forms and statistical reporting on the results of PMPK activities.

    4) To increase competency in methodological issues  It seems important to improve the qualifications of PMPK specialists. Currently, the education system has a rule on advanced training in courses, in accordance with the specialty, at least once every 5 years. A report on the results of advanced training can be presented before the meeting of PMPK specialists in the form of a generalized oral report with an emphasis on new trends in the work of PMPK.

    Advisory function

      (parents, legal representatives; pedagogical, medical, social workers, etc.). Counseling involves a soft, unobtrusive, but convincing form of suggestion. With the proper organization of the consultative process, parents (legal representatives) and other interested parties are voluntary and conscious in accepting and adhering to certain recommendations.

    Specialists of the PMPK system can turn to each other for advice on the diagnosis of the development of a particular child, on methodological and other issues.

    Through professionally organized methods, PMPK specialists carry outcounseling for children and adolescents with developmental disabilities. This process is carried out in different forms, according to the level of development, age, condition at the time of the survey, personality traits  child, etc. At the same time, along with the obligatory emotional acceptance of the child, it is possible to submit recommendations both in direct form (advice, recommendation, proposal for the implementation of individual training exercises or the whole program), and indirectly (hint, metaphor, transfer, etc.).

    Escort function

    In time, such control should be carried out in accordance with the indications arising from the structure and dynamics of the development of a particular child. However, in any case, it seems important to monitor the development of the child at least once a year. This is necessary in order to timely detect any adverse manifestations in the condition and development of the child and solve the question of possible changes in the conditions of the child’s development, including the conditions for receiving education and various aspects of the accompanying psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance.

    Accompanying children and adolescents,

    students and educators in the education system

    PMPK carries out this direction of support mainly through PHC-consultations of educational institutions, although monitoring the effectiveness of recommendations is also possible directly through parents (legal representatives).

    Accompanying children and adolescents with developmental disabilities,

    Not covered by education

    If children and adolescents who have been tested for PMPC are for some reason not covered by the educational system, then PMPC interacts directly with parents (legal representatives).

    A detailed description of the features of accompanying children and adolescents with developmental disabilities who underwent an initial examination at PMPK will be presented below under the headings “Development dynamics control sheet” and “Accompanying a child who has been tested for PMPK. Implementation control pMPK recommendations  and child development dynamics. ”

    Educational function

    Although specialists in PMPC do not directly deal with the problems of intrauterine development, nevertheless, in educational activities, they pay attention to the need to consult a child in PMPC in the early stages of its development in the presence of complications during pregnancy and childbirth. Early treatment, even in the absence of any obvious abnormalities in postnatal development, will help to resolve issues of early diagnosis or to prevent the possibility of developmental abnormalities using adequate preventive measures and measures.

    Educational activities are carried out using various forms: lectures, seminars, trainings, consultations, etc. A variety of media are also used: printed materials, informing the public through the media, including electronic versions (including computer programs).

    The target audience for the educational activities of PMPK specialists is primarily parents (legal representatives), as well as the entire adult population, which is important to form a humane and reasonable attitude towards children and adolescents with developmental disabilities, including children with disabilities, orphans.

    Educational activities are carried out directly with the children's population. Moreover, in healthy, normally developing children, it is important to form a careful and respectful attitude aimed at helping and supporting children with developmental disabilities. With children and adolescents with developmental disabilities, work is underway to strengthen the individual, the formation of a stable adequate self-esteem, adequate aspirations, an active position on achievements within the framework of existing development opportunities, etc.

    Specialists of related departments with which the PMPK cooperates is another addressee of the educational activity of the PMPK. It is very important to bring to the attention of these specialists the goal, objectives, and areas of activity of PMPK; inform them about the testimonies and timeliness of sending children and adolescents to PMPK, and also suggest and possibly discuss the mechanisms and forms of interaction between specialists from different institutions and departments with specialists from PMPK.

    Implementation of the PMPK functions


    Reception of the population (expert diagnostic, advisory, analytical functions);

    Organizational and methodological activities at the workplace and within the whole system of PMPK (organizational, methodological, informational functions);

    Educational activity (educational, organizational, informational functions);

    Forms of activity:

    Diagnostic examination (methods: observation, conversation, experiment, testing, studying the results of activities);

    Counseling (psychological, pedagogical, medical);

    Short-term diagnostic training and / or diagnostic treatment;

    Analytical and statistical processing of materials (analysis, generalization, description, graphical representation);

    Lectures, seminars, trainings;

    Preparation of publications (articles, monographs, guidelines);

    Speeches on radio and television, access to the Internet with informational messages;

    Organization of “parent schools”, professional clubs.


    PMPK carries out diagnostics of the development of the child, the process of education of which is difficult.The expert diagnostic function ensures the reliability of the diagnosis of child development based on a number of critical parameters.

    Only on the basis of reliable diagnosis is it possible to determine the special educational needs of children with developmental disabilities.

    In order to correctly determine the educational needs and conditions in which it is necessary to educate and raise a child, any specialist of the PMPC examines and analyzes, in particular, the individual structure of the child's development.

    PMPK can be considered as the most important structure, designed to form the correct attitude of society to children and adolescents with developmental disabilities.

    With a subtle and reliable diagnosis of the special educational needs of the child examined at PMPK, the question of the forms and conditions under which these needs can be satisfied is necessarily resolved.

    In accordance with the results of the diagnosis, it is often necessary to solve the problems of providing children with disabilities with the development of concomitant or basic care outside the education system.

    When collecting statistical information, one of the most important parameters is to recommend the distribution of children with developmental disabilities by type of mental dysontogenesis. It is also important to consider the number of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities sent to different types and types of educational institutions, as well as to other institutions and departments.

    The information and analytical function permeates the activities of each specialist PMPK and the collegial council of all specialists PMPK, as well as all areas and forms of activity of PMPK as an institution or structural unit of an institution.

    In order for all PMPK structures (regional, municipal PMPK, as well as PMP-consultations of educational institutions) to work as a coherent system, regional PMPKs should take on the function of coordinating the activities of municipal (city, district) PMPKs, and municipal PMPKs, respectively, PMP- councils of educational institutions.

    Traditionally, the methodological function is most often implemented in the form of methodological meetings. Methodical meetings are usually held by specialists of the regional PMPK for specialists of municipal (city, district) PMPKs, specialists of municipal PMPKs for members of PMP-consultations of educational institutions located in this territory.

    Consulting is the main form of interaction between PMPK specialists andpersons representing children with developmental disabilities (parents, legal representatives; pedagogical, medical, social workers, etc.). Counseling involves a soft, unobtrusive, but convincing form of suggestion.

    Accompanying children and adolescents who have been screened for PMPK is a necessary link in the activities of PMPK. In fact, this link represents feedback, or control of the effectiveness of the recommendations that were given after the examination.

    PMPK specialists carry out education on issues that are within the competence of PMPK.

    The most important of these issues include informing the population about the importance of careful attention to the developmental features of children from a very early age, namely from the moment of birth and throughout all age stages of childhood. To this end, PMPK specialists should introduce parents, other interested parties involved in training, parenting, and child development with general patterns  normal ontogenesis. It is important to inform parents in an understandable form about the differences between normal, exaggerated or crisis age-related manifestations, borderline mental disorders and the possible onset of a mental illness, etc.

    It should be borne in mind that, in addition to the above, there is a huge variety of forms of activity acceptable for the implementation of the goals and objectives of the PMPK. Their choice depends on the professional training of a specialist and is carried out by each specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics of a particular child.

    Used Books

    1. Bityanova M.R., Azarova T.V., Afanasyeva E.I., Vasilieva N.L. Psychologist's work in primary school. - M.: Perfection, 2008.

    2. Burmenskaya G.V. and others. Age-psychological counseling. Problems of mental development of children. - M.: Moscow State University, 2010.

    3. Counseling children in the psychological and pedagogical center / Ed. L.S. Alekseeva. - M.: Research Institute of the family, 2008.

    4. Kuznetsova I.V., Akhutina T.V., Bityanova M.R., Pakhomova A.P., Polonskaya N.N. and others. Psychological and pedagogical support of correctional development work at school. Book 1. - M.: NMC "DAR" them. L.S. Vygotsky, Educational Center "Pedagogical Search", 2007.

    5. Psychological diagnosis of children and adolescents. / Ed. K.M. Gurevich. M .: 2005.

    6. Psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation. Guidelines. / Ed. L.M. Shipitsina. - St. Petersburg: Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology. R. Wallenberg, 2009.

    7. Psychological, medical and pedagogical examination of the child. A set of working materials. / Under the general ed. M.M.Semago. - M.: ARKTI, 2009.

    8. Semago M.M., Semago N.Ya. Features of corrective work with the family in the process of counseling a child with a developmental disability. / School of Health, No. 3, 2006.

    9. Semago M.M. Advising a family of a “problem” child (psychocorrectional aspects of the work of a counseling psychologist). / Family Psychology and Family Therapy, No. 1, 2008.

    1. Expert diagnostic

    PMPK carries out diagnostics of the development of the child, the process of education of which is difficult. We are talking about the education of the child in the broad sense of the word: the formation of knowledge, skills of a general social and academic plan and the holistic development of a person capable of self-realization, adaptation and integration into society at each age stage (from 0 to 18 years). Expert aspects suggest a highly professional level of diagnosis of the development of the child, whose training and education in the family or educational institution requires special psychological, pedagogical and related medical and social assistance. The expert diagnostic function ensures the reliability of the diagnosis of child development based on the following diagnostic parameters:

    but. Timely, comprehensive, comprehensive, dynamic diagnosis of developmental disorders that impede the development of children from 0 to 18 years and the implementation of the educational process in relation to them.

    · Timeliness of diagnosis (early diagnosis). We are talking about the earliest possible identification of developmental abnormalities or raising the question of suspicion of developmental abnormalities followed by an adequate diagnostic procedure.

    · Complexity involves taking into account the medical, psychological, pedagogical, social aspects of development diagnostics identified by specialists in relevant profiles.

    · Comprehensive diagnosis of child development is carried out by specialists of different profiles within the framework of their professional tasks and competencies.

    · Dynamic aspects of diagnosis involve the analysis of anamnestic and follow-up data, “slice” or longitudinal studies and monitoring the development of the child at different age stages.

    · A holistic approach to the child is implemented on the basis of all the above aspects of developmental diagnosis. It consists in understanding the laws of development and creating the necessary conditions for adaptation and maximum self-realization of the child’s personality in society.

    b. Determining the special educational needs of children with developmental disabilities. This refers to the needs associated with the following features of the development of the child:

    · Individual development structure (features of deviation and reserve development opportunities)

    · Age features of development

    · Interests


    · "Social situation of development"

    in. Determination of special conditions for the education of children with developmental disabilities:

    · Type, type of educational institution that provides or oversees the education and upbringing of the child.

    · Educational program (content, level, orientation, degree of differentiation and individualization).

    · Forms of education (family education, self-education, external studies; in an educational institution in the form of full-time, full-time, part-time (evening), correspondence).

    · Conditions for obtaining education (frontal, individual, frontal-individual education; home-based education; blended education - an individual mode of attending classes, one or two or more free days per week in accordance with indications and in consultation with the administration of the educational institution).

    d. Referral of children with developmental disabilities for counseling in institutions of other departments in order to provide them with related or basic assistance outside the education system:

    · The need to combine training and supportive care.

    · Priority of treatment with child-friendly education and training

    · The need for temporary release of the child from educational activities.

    · The need to combine education with addressing the issues of social and legal protection of the child.

    e. Issuing a collegial opinion on a child and recommendations on the implementation of the educational route and related assistance outside the education system (see "Documentation on the results of a child’s examination at PMPK").

    2. Information

    Formation of an information database necessary to ensure the activities of the PMPK region at all levels

    but. Formation of a regional database of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities.

    b. Formation of a database of educational institutions of education, health care, social protection, law enforcement systems of the region, collaborating with the PMPC and providing education for children with developmental disabilities or contributing to its provision.

    in. Formation of a database of institutions of the Russian Federation, in which, if there is evidence, the PMPK can refer children with developmental disabilities.

    3. Analytical function

    but. Professional analysis by each specialist of the "incoming" information and the results of the examination of the child at PMPK. Formation and testing of a hypothesis about the structure and dynamics of a child’s development:

    · Planning a child’s examination for PMPC based on the “primary analysis”.

    · Solving the issue of the procedure and conditions for examining a child.

    · A collective discussion of the results of the examination of the child.

    b. Submission of the annual analytical report on the results of the PMPK activity to the head of the corresponding department of education (at the end of the calendar year, more often if necessary):

    · Proposals for the development of a special education system in the territory served by this PMPK are attached to the analytical report.

    4. Organizational function

    · Coordination of urban, regional PMPK

    · Cooperation (R) PMPK with other PMPK region

    · Development and monitoring of forms of interaction between the PMPK of different levels among themselves, with other institutions and departments, with psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations (PMPK) of educational institutions

    5. Methodological function

    but. Holding at least four times a year methodological meetings by specialists of the regional PMPK for specialists of municipal (city, district) PMPKs, by specialists of municipal PMPKs for members of psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations (PMPKs) of educational institutions located in this territory.

    · A single package of standardized diagnostic methods for examinations of children in PMPC:

    · A set of diagnostic methods for each specific child is individual and corresponds to the examination plan of this child.

    · Uniform requirements for the forms of documentation and statistical reporting on the results of the PMPK

    · Uniform requirements for the procedure for examining a child at PMPK in accordance with indications.

    b. Mandatory for each PMPK specialist professional development at appropriate courses for PMPK specialists at least once every 5 years. Report on the results of professional development before the meeting of PMPK specialists in the form of a generalized oral report with an emphasis on new trends in the work of PMPK.

    6. Advisory function

    All specialists working in PMPK, through professionally organized methods, carry out:

    but. Counseling for children and adolescents with developmental disabilities.

    b. Advice to persons representing the interests of children with developmental disabilities (parents, legal representatives; pedagogical, medical, social workers, etc.)

    7. Escort function

    Monitoring the effectiveness of recommendations in relation to children examined at the PMPK (at least once a year) through psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations of educational institutions and directly through parents (legal representatives) (see below "Development dynamics control sheet").

    8. Educational function

    Education is carried out on issues within the competence of PMPK, using various forms (lectures, seminars, trainings, counseling, etc.) and means (printed materials, informing the public through the media, including electronic versions).

    but. Enlightenment of the population.

    b. Enlightenment of specialists of related departments with which PMPK collaborates.

    in. Enlightenment of the children's population.

    The functions of PMPK are implemented in the following forms:

    · Reception of the population (expert diagnostic, advisory, analytical functions)

    · Organizational and methodological work at the workplace and with subordinate structures of the PMPK system (organizational, methodological information functions)

    · Educational activities

    The composition of PMPK

    It is recommended to introduce at least 8 rates into the staff of municipal (city and district) PMPKs: 5 of them are for the following specialists working on an ongoing basis: a psychologist (specializing in clinical (medical) or special psychology); oligophrenopedagogue teacher, speech therapist teacher; social teacher; educator (specialist with secondary, teacher education); 3 rates - for doctors working on a part-time or hourly basis (ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, orthopedic doctor, geneticist, endocrinologist, and also a neurophysiologist).

    It is additionally recommended to introduce 3-4 rates to the staff of state (regional) PMPKs for the following pedagogical staff: teacher, teacher of primary education, sign teacher, typhlopedologist, teacher-psychologist (in addition to the main rate), who can work both on a permanent basis and on a part-time basis or hourly pay.

    Provided that the order “On escorting children and adolescents with developmental disabilities ...” recommended at the level of heads of regional administrations is signed, legal protection can be provided to permanent medical workers of the PMPC. In this case, the following medical workers will be able to work on an ongoing basis in PMPK of all levels: pediatrician, psychiatrist (specializing in Child Psychiatry); neuropathologist (with specialization in "Children's Neuropathology"); nurse (specialist with secondary medical education). After them, in accordance with the order recommended for signing, a permanent place of work in the healthcare system will be maintained when performing functional responsibilities  PMPK workers. According to the terms of remuneration and the duration of the leave, they are equal to all other PMPK employees according to their positions and qualifications (see above the layout of the draft order "On accompanying children and adolescents with developmental disabilities in educational, healthcare, social protection, and law enforcement systems", p. 5).

    1. The head of the PMPK is appointed as the founder of the PPMS center, the structural unit of which is PMPC, from among the highly qualified (at least 13th category according to ETC) psychological, medical and pedagogical specialists with additional qualifications in one or more of the following specialties: defectology ( correctional pedagogy), special psychology, clinical (medical) psychology.

    2. In addition to full-time employees, doctors and teachers of the above specialties, as well as a lawyer and computer equipment engineer can be involved in work at PMPK on a part-time or hourly basis.

    3. The number of specialists in PMPK is calculated depending on the number of children in the region (municipality). In accordance with the Model Regulation on an educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance (PPMS center), such an institution is opened for 5 thousand children living in a city (district). The number of employees of PMPK, as a structural unit of the PPMS center, working on an ongoing basis, is calculated in proportion to the number of children in this territorial entity. The number of children under 5 thousand in the PMPK has 8 full-time employees (specialists): two doctors, a psychologist, three teachers, an educator, a registrar (nurse).

    Duration and distribution of working time, load

    1. The working hours for PMPK Specialists is 36 hours per week (according to the Decree of the USSR Ministry of Labor No. 41 of August 15, 1991).

    2. Features of the PMPK activity suggest the following distribution of working time in accordance with the functions of the PMPK:

    but. 2/3 of the working time (24 hours a week) PMPK specialists working on a regular basis directly receive children and adolescents, as well as parents (legal representatives), other persons representing the interests of the child. Within this time, the following functions of the PMPK are carried out: 1). expert diagnostic, 2) analytical, 3) advisory.

    b. During the annual planning of activities, PMPK specialists have the right to distribute 2/3 of the annual working time necessary for direct reception of persons; who applied to PMPK in accordance with a real request, in particular with a request for a complete set of special (correctional) educational institutions (that is, for example, in March - April, to receive children and adolescents daily).

    in. The practice of many PMPKs of the Russian Federation shows that the educational function can be successfully carried out on the basis of educational institutions during the holidays, etc.

    e. An average of two hours (astronomical) is allocated for the initial appointment of one child or adolescent and accompanying parents (legal representatives), other interested persons, and one hour for a second appointment. During this time, specialists analyze the primary information, collegial examination planning and direct examination of the child or adolescent, counseling, parents (legal representatives), other interested parties, drawing up conclusions and recommendations, collegial discussion of the results of the child’s examination with other specialists, finalizing the collegial conclusion and recommendations and presenting them to parents (legal representatives).

    e. The average number of weekly examinations (receptions) of children and adolescents by each specialist PMPK is at least 12 (with initial admission) and no more than 24 (with repeated admission). Thus, the minimum number of receptions of children per year by each specialist is calculated by the formula:

    12 receptions of children multiplied by the number of working weeks per year.


    PMPK activity planning

    1. Approximate scheduling of PMPK activities (taking into account the forms of work and seasonal characteristics of the tasks facing PMPK; with a 5-day working week

    2. The PMPK work schedule is compiled for each week, taking into account the real request for admission of the population (in accordance with the registration of children for examination in the PMPK). On average, 24 working hours per week are allocated to the reception of the population. All PMPK specialists take part in the reception of the population. The rest of the time (12 hours a week.) Is allocated to the implementation of organizational, methodological, educational and controlling (maintenance) activities. With an increased request for admission of the population, the PMPK manager informs PMPK specialists about the appropriate redistribution of working time with the subsequent adjustment of the PMPK plan.

    3. Individual planning of the activities of each specialist (in the structure of the plan and schedule of work PMPK, taking into account the load on each specialist).

    The time of admission for children and adolescents is the same for all PMPK specialists. The rest of the time is allocated by agreement with the PMPK manager depending on the request and the preferred forms of activity for each specialist. Each specialist draws up a weekly schedule in the same form that compiles a weekly schedule of PMPK activities taking into account the 36-hour working week.

    Appeal to PMPK

    1. Initiator of the appeal.

    Initiators of appeals to the PMPK can be parents (legal representatives) and, with the consent of the parents (legal representatives), employees of institutions and departments working with the PMPK who have found evidence to refer the child to PMPK.

    2. Indications for referral of children and adolescents to PMPK.

    Deviations in development that impede the stay, adaptation, development and education (training, education) of children and adolescents from 0 to 18 years old in educational institutions, in the family, in society.

    Pedagogical University "FIRST SEPTEMBER"

    Irina LEVCHENKO,
       Doctor of Psychology
       Sofia ZABRAMNAYA,
       candidate of pedagogical sciences



    Newspaper number Educational material
    17 Lecture 1.  The history of the development of psychological and pedagogical diagnostic methods in special domestic and foreign psychology
    18 Lecture 2.Theoretical and methodological foundations of psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of developmental disorders in children
    19 Lecture 3.Methodological principles and tasks of psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of developmental disorders in children
    Examination number 1 (deadline is November 15, 2005)
    20 Lecture 4.An integrated approach to the study of children with developmental disorders
    21 Lecture 5.Characterization of methods of psychological study
       developmental children
    Examination number 2  (deadline is December 15, 2005)
    22 Lecture 6.  Organization and content of the psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation
    23 Lecture 7.   Organization and content of the activities of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission (PMPK)
    24 Lecture 8.   Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics as the basis of correctional development work of a school psychologist with children

    Final workaccompanied by a certificate from the educational institution, must be sent to the Pedagogical University no later than February 28, 2006.

    Lecture 7
    Organization and content of activities
       psychological-medical-pedagogical commission

    Currently, there are various organizational forms of PMPK activity in the country: multidisciplinary commissions, which staff various correctional and educational institutions; specialized, completing institutions of the same type; permanent and temporary, educated only for the period of acquisition of educational institutions. The model regulation on the activities of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission is currently being developed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

    PMPK is a state consultative and diagnostic, correctional institution in the system of specialized care for children with disabilities in psychophysical development, with problems in learning, communication, behavior. PMPK serves as the highest expert service in determining the type and forms of education of children. In its activities, the PMPK is guided by the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, as well as the applicable laws of the Russian Federation on education, healthcare, the protection of children's rights and the orders of the Government of Russia.

    Taking into account the administrative division, republican, city, district and inter-district PMPKs are created.


    PMPK solve the issues of recruiting special (correctional) institutions, and also provide consultative, diagnostic and correctional assistance to all who need it. Both individual educational and medical institutions, and directly parents, teachers, and adolescents can apply to PMPK on their own initiative. In its activities, PMPK steadily follows the principles developed by domestic defectology. One of the main ones is the principle of humanity, which consists in the fact that in time to create each child the necessary conditions under which he will be able to maximize his abilities. This principle requires a deep and careful study of the child, to seek ways and means to overcome the difficulties encountered in his way. Only if all necessary and possible assistance measures provided to children in conditions of educational institutions, did not give positive results, the question is being raised of sending them to special institutions.

    Mandatory is the principle of comprehensive study of children. This principle obliges to take into account during the joint discussion the data obtained during the examination of the child by all specialists: doctors, defectologists, psychologists. In cases where the opinions of experts differ, appointed re-examination  a child. When solving the most difficult issues, the interests of the child should take first place. It should be noted that compliance with this principle in the study of children allows even before the commission to more accurately determine their condition, to identify the causes of deviations in development. So, the teacher may be the first to pay attention to increasing distraction, fatigue, tearfulness of the child, etc. In turn, the doctor can establish the causes of these changes and recommend the necessary means to eliminate them.

    Of great importance is the principle of a comprehensive and holistic study of the child. It involves research cognitive activityemotionally volitional sphere and behavior. The physical state of children is also taken into account, which can significantly affect the formation of their mental abilities. Speaking about the integrity of the study, it should be remembered that the mental development of the child is not determined by the simple sum of individual, isolated abilities, therefore, it is impossible to draw a conclusion about the state of the child only on the basis of a study of his perception, memory or other mental functions. By the integrity of the study is meant the obligatory comparison of all data received about the child: about the characteristics of individual mental processes, emotions, will, behavior and physical condition.

    A comprehensive, holistic study of the child can be successful if it is carried out in the process of its activity: educational, labor or play. It is necessary that the methods and materials used in the study of children should be as individualized as possible, taking into account their age and characterological characteristics. The contact made with the child will help to better identify all the qualities of his personality: interests, the state of the volitional sphere, purposefulness in actions, especially the course of the main mental processes, etc.

    The most specific for domestic defectology is the principle of the dynamic study of children, according to which during the examination it is important to consider not only what children know and can do at the time of the study, but also their learning opportunities. The basis of this principle is the teachings of L.S. Vygotsky about the "zone of proximal development" of children, their potential learning opportunities. The higher the mental development of the child, the more successfully he will learn to complete one or another task, transfer the experience to a new situation.

    One of the differences between mentally retarded and intellectually normal children is that they misuse help. That is why, when examining, the teacher should always pay attention to how much the child’s work improves after explaining how he performs a similar task. All examinations of children are recommended to be built taking into account the principle of a training experiment.

    When evaluating a building completed by a child, it is important to take into account the principle of a qualitatively-quantitative approach, that is, to evaluate not only the final result, but also the method, the rationality of the selected solutions to the problem, the logical sequence of the operation, perseverance in achieving the goal, etc .; while the assessment should be differentiated.

    These are the principles that should be followed when studying children in PMPK.


    The staff of PMPK includes the following specialists:

    Doctors (neurologist, psychiatrist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist);

    Teachers-defectologists (oligophrenopedagogue, deaf educator, typhlopedagogue, orthopedist);

    Speech therapist;


    Social teacher;

    Medical statistics.

    The PMPK is headed and supervised by all the work of a manager who has a defectological education and practical experience with abnormal children. His responsibilities include organizing collegiate work; equipping PMPK with necessary equipment; liaising with institutions and bodies of education, health, social protection of the population, associations, foundations; PMPK work planning and its staffing.

    Depending on the conditions of the region (the material base, the availability of specialists, etc.), independent departments can be created in the structure of the PMPK, each of which does a certain job that makes up the content of the PMPC's activities. This includes consultative diagnostic, correctional and scientific-methodological departments.

    Most important pMPK task, which means that the main content of its activity is the conduct of a comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical diagnosis of children and adolescents from birth to 18 years. Early diagnosis is necessary to provide timely assistance to children, clarify the level and characteristics of their development, as well as determine the place and nature of education and training.

    In cases where in kindergartens, schools, teachers and specialists of psychological, medical, and pedagogical consultations find it difficult to resolve issues related to the behavior, poor performance, and other problems of children, they are sent to psychological and medical-pedagogical commissions to clarify the psychophysical state and determine places for further training and education. In this case, the following documents are issued for the child:

    Birth certificate (presented);

    A detailed extract from the history of development with the conclusions of doctors (pediatrician, neurologist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, orthopedist);

    A pedagogical characteristic, reflecting a detailed analysis of development, indicating pedagogical assistance and its effectiveness;

    Written works, drawings, revealing the dynamics of the development of the child;

    The conclusion of the psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation.

    It is necessary that the pedagogical description not only enumerates what the child did not learn, his shortcomings, but also indicates the nature of the difficulties experienced by the child, how he was helped to overcome them. In the description, it should be noted those positive qualities of the child that can be used in further work with him. The content of the characteristics must include formal data on the child with the obligatory indication of the duration of his stay in kindergartenstudying at school; family information; information about the features of cognitive activity, data on self-service skills; guidance on the main difficulties and reasons for the lag; information about the characteristics of the emotional-volitional sphere; materials characterizing personality traits.

    The availability of this information is not a formal requirement. Careful design of materials characterizing the child will help to more accurately build a survey, to determine the main goal of the work - to identify and establish the causes of difficulties that most interfere with the development of the child.


    In the course of completing the picking, the PMPK keeps a register of records for the PMPK and a register of children who have been examined; protocols recording the course of the examination; archive with the cases of children withdrawn from the system of correctional and developmental education, and duplicates of the conclusion of the PMPK.

    The following information is recorded in the accounting journal:

    No. p / p

    Date of examination
    Surname, name, patronymic of the child
    Year, date, month of birth
    Place of residence
    In what institutions and how old
    raised or trained
    Who sent to PMPK
    Reason for referral to PMPK
    Parent Summary
    The diagnosis and conclusion of PMPK
    PMPK recommendations

    The column “Note” indicates the implementation by parents of the recommendations of the commission. Although the right to choose the institution for further upbringing and education of the child remains with them, it is very important that members of the PMPK do everything possible to convince them to do what the interests of the child require.

    The accounting journal is stored in PMPK.

    The entire course of the examination of the child in the commission is recorded in the protocol by a qualified specialist (medical statistician) and is stored in the personal file of the child, which is transferred to the institution where he is sent.

    Protocols help teachers become familiar with personality traits, the quality of knowledge, the characteristics of psychophysical development, which must be taken into account from the first days a child is in the garden or at school. In addition, protocols are necessary to record the dynamics of development, especially in cases where the child is re-sent to PMPC. Comparing the data obtained with the protocol of the previous survey, one can judge the changes that have occurred over the past period. The protocol helps PMPC members draw up a detailed conclusion about the child. He remains in the personal file.

    Based on the data of an individual examination of the child, each commission specialist draws up a conclusion on the nature of the deviations. A collegial decision is made about the place of further corrective education and training, taking into account its psychophysical and individual characteristics. Concrete recommendations are made.

    Lists of examined children and adolescents with the recommendations of the PMPC are transferred to the appropriate bodies of public education, social security, etc. Parents (persons replacing them) are issued an opinion with relevant recommendations (without indicating a diagnosis).

    We give examples of documents that are executed in PMPK (see p. 32).

    Psychological examination plan / protocol

       (Name of the teacher-psychologist)

    Expert opinion form

    Collegial Opinion Form

    The referral of children to a special institution is carried out by public education bodies on the basis of the recommendations of the PMPK in strict accordance with the instructions for admission to each special institution.

    Such is the organization of the work of PMPK for the acquisition of special (correctional) institutions.

    Medical examination  includes ophthalmic, otolaryngological, somatic, neurological and psychiatric studies of the child. If necessary, paraclinical examinations are performed (REG, EchoEG, EEG, audiography and other laboratory tests). An anamnesis is being collected. All these studies are conducted by doctors. Neither a defectologist nor a psychologist has the right to deal with them, but it is important for them to know how certain adverse factors affect the development of children, what are the features of their psyche. Data from the history of child development based on materials medical opinions  help you choose a strategy for psychological and pedagogical examination. So, when examining a child with hearing loss or with speech impairment, tasks of a non-verbal nature must be used, and in case of visual defects, the examination is mainly based on speech material etc.

    During psychological and pedagogical examination  the psychologist reveals the characteristics of the child’s mental development (the time of sensitive periods of speech development, movements, etc.); finds out when the skills of neatness, self-care, communication with children began to form; determines the state of motility, the nature of the game, etc. It is mandatory to study not only individual mental processes, but also the personality as a whole.

    If children are not yet in school, then their readiness for schooling  - establish the level of mental development, emotional-volitional and social maturity. By school, a child must master a certain amount of knowledge and ideas about the world, as well as mental operations and speech communication skills, be cognitively active, he should have a number of pathophysical and mental functions formed: motility, voluntary attention, meaningful memory, spatial perception. A very important property is the ability to regulate behavior and to self-control; Equally important is the presence of psychological qualities necessary for adaptation in the children's team.

    In cases where children are already in school, the nature and causes of their difficulties in learning should be established, and the structure of the defect should be revealed. Due to the fact that learning is a significant factor in the success of training, special attention should be paid to this. Learning indicators are the ability to generalize mental activity, the flexibility of thought processes, the rate of assimilation of educational material, etc., as well as how the child uses help (this is one of the main indicators). The nature and measure of this assistance, the possibility of transferring the shown method of activity to a similar task are taken into account.

    Psychological examination  conducted by a psychologist. He analyzes the causes of the observed phenomena, gives a forecast and recommendations for the correction of mental functions, motivational-volitional and emotional-personal spheres. In conclusion, he indicates a comprehensive psychological diagnosis. If necessary, a neuropsychological examination is performed.

    Pedagogical examinationincluding identification general awareness, the formation of training skills, knowledge of writing, reading, mathematics, etc., is carried out by a defectologist. In his conclusion, he not only reflects the established current level of development of the child, but also details the necessary techniques for working with him. His recommendations are useful to both teachers and parents.

    Logopedic examination  (in those cases when there is a need for this) a speech therapist exercises. Identifying the features of the development of speech, he reveals the nature and causes of existing defects. The content of speech therapy studies includes examination of the articulatory apparatus, impressive (phonetic hearing, understanding of words, simple sentences, logical and grammatical constructions) and expressive (repeated, nominative, independent) speech. Researched and writing  children, as well as speech memory. The speech therapist needs to identify the structure of the speech defect and establish the level of speech underdevelopment of children, which helps to distinguish between children and primary speech impairment  (and as a result - with a delay in mental development) and children whose speech underdevelopment is caused by mental retardation.

    Each member of the commission has its own area of \u200b\u200bwork, but the conclusion is made by all specialists on the basis of an analysis of all the information received about the child. It is necessary not only to make a diagnosis and write a conclusion, but also to justify them, highlighting the main symptoms of this condition. In cases where children are sent to a special (correctional) school, it is advisable to give recommendations for working with them.

    In the process, a calm and friendly atmosphere should be maintained. You should not give the impression of an exam and complicate the position of the subject. In conversations with parents and children, it is very important to strictly observe the norms of professional ethics and tact. In the room where the work takes place, there should not be any extraneous, distracting children paintings, posters, etc. Even the placement of the child, parents, members of the consultation at the table during the examination is of no small importance.


    When conducting a psychological and pedagogical examination of children, especially in the conditions of PMPC, it is necessary to pay attention to a number of indicators that appear during work with the child and must be taken into account when drawing up the final conclusion about his condition. Among them:

    1. The emotional reaction of the child to the fact of the examination. Excitement is a natural reaction to new surroundings and strangers. However, excessive gaiety, familiarity in the treatment of members of the consultation, and inadequate behavior should also alarm.

    2. Understanding the instructions and objectives of the assignment. Does the child listen to the instructions to the end, do they make attempts to understand it before starting work? What type of instructions is clear to children: oral or oral with visual display?

    3. The nature of the activity. Attention should be paid to the presence and persistence of interest in the task, the purposefulness of the child’s activities, the ability to bring things to the end, the rationality and adequacy of methods of action, and concentration in the process of work; overall performance is taken into account. Highly important quality  the child’s activity is the presence of self-control, self-regulation. One of the main indicators is the ability to use help. The stronger it is expressed, the higher the child's learning ability. It is important to consider the extent and nature of the assistance provided. An indicator of learning is the transfer of a method of activity shown to a child to a similar task.

    4. Reaction to the result of work. A correct assessment of one's activities, an adequate emotional reaction (joy at success, grief at failure) indicate a child's understanding of the situation.

    Due to the fact that in lecture 5 the methods of differential psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of children of different ages are disclosed in sufficient detail, we only briefly highlight those that are used in PMPK when resolving issues related to the recruitment of special (correctional) institutions of the VIII type.


    Examination of children in PMPK usually begins with the study of supporting documentation (medical records, characteristics) and products of activity (notebooks, drawings, etc.).

    A neuropathologist familiarizes the members of the commission with the available medical documentation: anamnesis, findings of an otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, pediatrician, laboratory data, etc .; pays attention to the child’s hearing or vision loss, etc. In these cases, the defectologist can pre-select the appropriate material for the examination.

    In turn, the defectologist, having become acquainted with the pedagogical documentation, informs the consultation members about the essential features that should be taken into account both in establishing contact and in the examination process. For example, if the characteristic indicates expressed difficulties in mastering the curriculum, then it is advisable to build a survey on tasks of a playful nature, starting with one that is easier and more interesting for the child. Studying the characteristics allows you to determine ways to identify those qualities and properties mental activity, which to a greater extent indicate the condition of the child and require clarification.

    If the child is in school, it is necessary to carefully analyze his notebooks. The appearance of the notebook indicates such qualities as accuracy, understanding of school requirements, interest in the learning process itself. The nature of the written work may indicate a child’s difficulties; this, in turn, will raise questions about their causes. So, non-compliance with the lines when writing can be caused by a violation of motor skills, and difficulties in spatial orientation, and simply a lack of understanding of the requirements. Mistakes in writing (permutation, missing letters, incomplete words, mixing deaf and voiced consonants, etc.) also have different reasons. It is important to monitor how the child overcame these difficulties, what kind of help and to what extent the teacher provided him. By comparing the first and last time to fill the notebook, you can establish the dynamics of the child's development. Interesting information about the child can also be obtained from his drawings. Sometimes it is a picture that becomes the first signal of a particular mental ill-being.

    Only after a thorough study of all documentation materials, a direct examination of the child begins.

    It should be remembered that the provisions of general psychology about the individual-typological, personality-activity, system-structural approaches, qualitative and quantitative assessment of the child’s work are also obligatory in oligophrenopsychology when studying children with various developmental disabilities.

    The choice and sequence of application of certain methods depends on the age and individual characteristics of the subject. In some cases, the specialist (psychologist, oligophrenopedagogue, speech therapist) chooses the method of conversation, including individual experimental techniques, in others, the entire study is based on observing the child’s activities during the game. It is important to include elements of training, help options, tasks of a similar nature in the examination, in which the child's ability to transfer the shown methods of activity is manifested. It is necessary to alternate tasks for the study of different forms of thinking (visual-effective, visual-figurative and verbal-logical).

    It is more advisable to start the examination with tasks of medium difficulty, but in some cases with deliberately easy tasks, so that successful implementation will immediately create a positive attitude in the child towards subsequent work, and relieve anxiety and anxiety. This is especially important to consider when the child is not in contact. During the examination, you should create a situation of emotional comfort, motivate, encourage the child, offer tasks in an unusual form, to exclude preparedness, “training” in the family. The examination cannot be overloaded. Defects should be identified that have the most negative impact on the development of cognitive activity and personality.

    Conversation Method

    The conversation serves as a means of establishing contact with the child, allowing you to judge his personal qualities and behavior, helping to reveal the causes of some deviations in development. During the conversation, the stock of information and the accuracy of the presentation are revealed. Conversation as a research method should be focused. When establishing the mental abilities of a child in a conversation, you should identify:

    The accuracy of the child's ideas about himself, his parents (name, patronymic, last name, age); the ability to differentiate the concepts of "family", "relatives", "friends", etc .;

    The nature of ideas about time;

    Representations of natural phenomena, the difference in the seasons, taking into account their characteristics;

    Ability to navigate in space;

    Stock of environmental information.

    Questions should be clear and understandable, and the conversation itself should be relaxed. It is important to observe pedagogical tact.

    It is not recommended to start a conversation if the children have speech, hearing impairment or are difficult to come into contact with. In these cases, you can use visual material that will interest the child and will reveal what the researcher needs.


    The observation method is one of the leading in the study of children on the commission. Observation begins from the moment the child appears on the commission and continues throughout the entire examination. It should always be carried out purposefully.

    Of particular importance is the observation of the child’s play activities, as in some cases it is the main research method in the context of psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions.

    Free play allows you to make contact with your child, especially when he is afraid of testing. Providing the child with the opportunity to play with toys (“Take what you want and play with toys, but I’ll talk with my mother for now”), the first information about him, the nature of emotional reactions at the sight of toys (joy expressed or restrained, indifference), the ability to choose toys independently are recorded and organize the game, the rationality of the actions performed with toys, the persistence of interest in gaming activities.

    Creating game situations, the child practically carries out analysis, synthesis, generalization and classification, selecting exactly those toys that are needed for a certain action (selects items of clothing to organize a game with a doll; cubes to load them on a car, etc.) . During the manipulations performed by the child, they monitor the coordination of movements, the state of motility.


    As noted earlier, the figure is an important differential diagnostic indicator in the study of children. In cases where the drawing, which is in the pedagogical documentation of the child, is alarming for something, it is advisable to conduct a special study, offering the child free and on-demand drawing. The child’s ability to choose a topic, the nature of the image, and the drawing process itself can provide valuable additional material for clarifying the final diagnosis. This was indicated by S.A. Boldyrev, T.N. Golovin, I.A. Groshenkov, V.S. Mukhin and many other researchers.

    As a rule, mentally retarded children find it difficult to choose a topic; they depict familiar objects of the same type without creating a plot. In their drawings on a free topic there is no idea, fantasy. Even when children are given the task of drawing, they do not always complete it in accordance with the instructions. Poverty and fuzzy representations are manifested in the non-observance of forms, proportions of parts of the subject, in the limited and not always correct use of color. Mentally retarded children find it difficult to explain the picture. Depending on the degree of intellectual decline, these deficiencies are less or more pronounced.

    Original drawings of children with mental illness. They are characterized by inconsistency, absurdity of the image, inadequate, erratic use of color, inconsistency of proportions, sexual expression, etc.

    So, patients with schizophrenia are characterized by incompleteness, lack of basic parts, geometrization, pretentiousness, piling up and layering, inconsistency of the design plan with the sheet size, fear of drawing far from the edge, flattening of the picture.

    With epileptic dementia, excessive thoroughness, excessive scrupulousness, and pronounced slowness are characteristic. Children spend a lot of time on drawing, get stuck on drawing up individual non-essential details. It is difficult for them to single out the main thing, their drawings are stereotyped.

    In addition to diagnostic goals in the context of psychological-medical-pedagogical commissions, the drawing can be used to establish contact with the child and as a “speechless” technique in cases where there are difficulties in verbal communication.


    Methods of experimental psychological research play an important role in the study of children on psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions. They provide for the creation of certain situations in which mental processes that are subject to special study are updated. Using experimental psychological techniques, it is possible to reveal the cause and mechanisms of certain states.

    The study of documentation and products of children's activities, conversation, observation most often reveal certain features in the development of the child. A special experimental task that models the corresponding mental function helps to explain these facts and understand their structure.

    Neuropsychological study

    The solution of the problems facing PMPC in examining children made it necessary not only to establish the fact of a particular developmental disorder, but also to determine its mechanism. It is important to identify the structure, the qualitative specifics of the condition, in order to give a forecast and recommendations for conducting adequate corrective work with the child.

    The use of neuropsychological techniques that can find the least outwardly expressed deviations of higher mental functions and identify their relationship with certain brain structures helps to solve these problems. Neuropsychological examination is carried out only by a psychologist who has undergone special training.

    As the practice of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commissions shows, specialists still have many difficulties in recruiting special institutions. Although the arsenal of available psychological and pedagogical methods is quite large, many of them need to be clarified. It is necessary to continue the work on testing the tasks, allowing more fully reveal the features of the examined child. At the same time, it is important that the tasks-methods are not just ascertaining (like traditional tests), but teaching, aimed at the formation of new mental actions, revealing the "zone of the nearest development" of children. Further development and justification of criteria is required, which could become the basis for the differential diagnosis of mental retardation and similar conditions.

    It should always be remembered about the social nature of the human psyche, that cognitive abilities are the product of lifelong formation, and therefore should be studied in the conditions of their formation in different types of activities.


    1. Vygotsky L.S.  Development diagnostics and pedological clinic of difficult childhood // Sobr. Op .: In 6 vols .-- M., 1983. - V. 5. - S. 257–321.

    2. Orphans: Counseling and diagnosis of development / Ed. E.A. Strebel.  - M., 1998.

    3. Zabramnaya S.D.  Psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of the mental development of children. Ch. III. - M., 1995.

    4. Zabramnaya S.D.  From diagnosis to development. - M., 1998.

    5. Zabramnaya S.D., Borovik O.V.  Practical material for the psychological and pedagogical examination of children. - M., 2002.

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    1. What principles underlie pMPk works  and PMPK?
       2. Which specialists are part of the PMPK?
       3. Expand the goals and objectives of the PMPK.
       4. Describe the structure and activities of PMPK.
       5. What mandatory documentation is issued for the child when he is sent to the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission?
       6. What should be the examination protocol?
       7. What should be reflected in the psychological and pedagogical the conclusion of the PMPK?
       8. What are the requirements for the organization and procedure for examining children in PMPK when completing special (correctional) institutions?
       9. Give a description of the basic methods of psychological, medical and pedagogical examination in PMPK.
       10. What indicators should be considered when psychological, medical and pedagogical examination of children?

    As already mentioned, the volume of work of the PMPC in comparison with the IPC has expanded significantly. Now members of the PMPK not only solve the problems associated with the acquisition of all types of special institutions for children with developmental disabilities, but also provide counseling to parents and teachers, provide children with corrective assistance, and promote defectological knowledge among the population. Consider these areas of activity PMPK.

    I. Acquisition of special institutions for children with developmental disabilities.

    Studying children sent to PMPK to establish their psychophysical state, and in accordance with this, solving the question of the type of institution in which it is more appropriate for the child to be, is the most difficult and responsible task, since the further development of the child largely depends on its decision.

    During this work, mentally retarded children are selected for special kindergartens, school VIII species for children with intellectual disabilities, boarding schools for children with severe mental retardation. The study of children includes medical, psychological, pedagogical and speech therapy examination.

    Content medicalexamination is an ophthalmological, otolaryngological, somatic, neurological and psychiatric examination of a child. Medical examination and diagnosis are the doctors ’job. Neither a defectologist nor a psychologist is entitled to do this. But you need to know how certain adverse factors affect the development of children, what are the features of their psyche. Data from the history of the child’s development, obtained by the doctor from a conversation with the mother, as well as objective indicators of the child’s condition based on the materials of medical reports will help to choose a strategy for psychological and pedagogical examination. So, with hearing loss or speech impairment in a child, the use of tasks of a non-verbal nature is mandatory during the examination, and in case of visual defects, the examination is mainly based on speech material, etc.

    During psychological and pedagogicalexamination reveals the features of the child’s mental development (time of sensitive periods of speech development, movements, etc.); the beginning of the formation of neatness, self-care skills, communication skills with children, the state of motor skills, the nature of the game, etc. is revealed. It is mandatory to study not only individual mental processes, but also the personality as a whole.

    If the children have not yet studied, then it is necessary to determine their readiness for schooling. This includes establishing the level of mental development, emotional-volitional and social maturity. A child must have a certain amount of knowledge and ideas about the world around him, the formation of such psychophysical and mental functions as motor skills, voluntary attention, meaningful memory, and spatial perception is required. To school it is necessary to master mental operations and communication skills, the child must be cognitive. A very important property is the ability to regulate behavior and self-control. Equally important is the presence of psychological qualities necessary for adaptation in the children's team.

    In cases where children have already attended school, it is necessary to establish the nature and causes of their difficulties in learning, to reveal the structure of the defect. Due to the fact that learning is a significant factor in the success of training, special attention must be paid to this. The ability to generalized mental activity, the flexibility of thought processes, the rate of assimilation of educational material, etc. are indicators of learning ability. A very important indicator of learning is also how a child uses help. The nature and measure of this assistance, the possibility of transferring the shown method of activity to a similar task are taken into account. Pedagogical and psychological examination is carried out by a defectologist and psychologist.

    Logopedicexamination in those cases when there is a need for this, is carried out by a speech therapist. Identifying the features of the development of speech, he reveals the nature and causes of existing defects. The content of the speech therapy examination includes examination of the articulatory apparatus, impressive (phonemic hearing, understanding words, simple sentences, logical and grammatical constructions) and expressive speech (repeated, nominative, independent speech). Written speech of children is also studied, as well as speech memory. The speech therapist needs to identify the structure of the speech defect and establish the level of speech underdevelopment of children. It helps to distinguish between children with primary speech impairments that have a secondary delay in mental development, from children whose speech is underdeveloped due to mental retardation.

    Each member of the consultation has its own work area, but at the same time, the conclusion is made by all specialists on the basis of the analysis of information received about the child. It is important not only to make a diagnosis and write a conclusion, it is necessary to justify it, highlighting the main symptoms of this condition. In cases where children are sent to an auxiliary school, it is advisable to give recommendations for working with them.

    It is necessary that in the process of work a calm and friendly atmosphere is observed. There should be no cross-issues so as not to create the impression of an exam and not complicate the position of the subject. In conversations with parents and children, it is very important to strictly observe the norms of professional ethics and tact. In the room where the work takes place, there should be no outsiders distracting children with paintings, posters, etc. Even the very placement of the child, parents, members of the consultation at the table during the examination is of no small importance.

    All these issues must be taken into account when carrying out work related to the recruitment of special institutions.