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  • Conclusion of the educator on the commission pmpk. Functional Responsibilities of PMPK Specialists

    Conclusion of the educator on the commission pmpk. Functional Responsibilities of PMPK Specialists

    Organization of school activities PMPk

    I. The algorithm of actions of specialists of the school

    during the initial examination of the child for PMPK (grades 1-4)

      Cool leaders educational institution, on the basis of monitoring the development of the child, they identify from the number of studying children who have difficulties in mastering the program of a comprehensive school.

      They conduct a conversation with parents (legal representatives) about the need to examine the child for PHC, and receive written consent from the parents (legal representatives) regarding the examination of the child. In case of disagreement of parents (legal representatives), they carry out educational, explanatory work with them to create an adequate understanding of the problem in the development of the child.

    If the parents (legal representatives) agree to the examination of the child, the class teacher prepares a package of documents for the child (pedagogical description (Appendix 1, 2), pedagogical presentation (Appendix 3), student’s written work, statement of parents (legal representatives), performance information child and information on the number of missed lessons (Appendix 4).

      Examination of the child is carried out by each specialist of the school PMPk individually. The survey results are recorded in the submission of the teacher-psychologist (Appendix 5), speech therapist teacher (Appendix 6). In them, the same school experts PMPk give recommendations on determining further areas of work with this student.

      The class teacher asks the school medical officer for a brief history of the child’s development history, from early childhood to the present (in free form).

      After all the necessary documents for the child are collected, the chairman of the PMPk sets the date for the meeting of the school PMPk. At this meeting, members of the PMPk, subject teachers, parents (legal representatives) of the child, the child himself are invited.

      Members of the school PMPk hear the class teacher, teachers, psychologist, speech therapist, social educator, medical worker. An interview is conducted with the parents (legal representatives) of the student in order to clarify the conditions and nature of his family education, the position of the parents. A conversation is held with the student.

      The Chairperson of the school’s PMPk institutes an “Individual Map of the Dynamics of Child’s Development” (hereinafter referred to as the “Map”) (Regulation “On an Individual Map of the Dynamics of Development of a Child with HIA”) where all information about the child is entered, documents provided by the class teacher, PMPk specialists, a statement of parents representatives). The “card” is kept by the chairman of the school PMPk.

      According to the results of the meeting of the school PMPk, a protocol is made. An extract is made from a meeting of the school's primary school for each student separately (Appendix 7).

      If the child is referred to TOPMPK to determine educational route, then first parents (legal representatives) are advised to undergo examination by a psychiatrist, neurologist, surgeon, ENT doctor. A psychiatrist is provided with a pedagogical description of the child, his written work.

      Specialist PMPk school sends an application to TOPMPK (application of the established form).

      For the initial examination of the child in the TOPMPC educational institution provides the following documents:

      written consent of the parents (legal representatives) to the examination (established form statements);

      pedagogical performance;

      presentation of a teacher-psychologist;

      presentation of a speech therapist;

      the conclusion of school PMPk;

      copies of the student’s written works in Russian and in mathematics;

      information about the performance of the child;

      copy of the birth certificate of the child (passport);

      a copy of the passport of the parents (legal representatives), a copy of the guardian’s certificate;

      copies medical opinions  (if the child is registered with narrow specialists);

      On the day appointed according to the approved schedule, the child, together with parents (legal representatives) and accompanied by a representative of the school MPPK, who provides a package of documents for the child to the TOPMPK specialists, is invited to be examined at the TOPMPK. Parents must have with them a document proving their identity, a medical card of the child from the clinic.

      Based on the results of the survey, the chairman of the school’s PMPk is given an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the PMTC, which is stored by the chairman of the PMPk.

    II . The algorithm of actions of specialists of the school

    when re-examining the child for PMPK

      For re-examination, children studying according to the program of the VII form at the end of grade 4 (when moving to the second level of education), at the end of grade 6 and at the end of grade 8 are sent to the TOPMPK. Pupils of these classes should have an extract from the minutes of the TOPMPK meeting with recommendations on the form of education issued earlier.

      A leading specialist (class teacher, psychologist, speech therapist, etc.) is assigned to a child who has undergone PMPk and is taken for correctional-developmental education, he and other specialists of the school PMPk conduct correctional-developmental work with the child and monitor the dynamics of the child's development, conduct comprehensive diagnostic examinations.

      The specialists listed in paragraph 2 provide the chairman of the school with primary health care, documents reflecting the dynamics of the child’s development over a specified period, the effectiveness of the chosen form of training and ongoing correctional work (these data are reflected in the pedagogical description, in the teacher’s presentation, speech therapist’s presentation, and the presentation of the educational psychologist).

      The class teacher conducts a conversation with the parents (legal representatives) of the child about the need for re-examination at the TOPPMK, takes written consent (application) from the parents, prepares a package of documents for the school's primary health care (see paragraph 11, section 1).

      For school PMPk, the class teacher provides the same documents as during the initial examination at PMPk.

      The further work of the school MPPK is built in the same way as with the primary direction of the child at TOPMPK.

      If new circumstances or coordination changes in the state of development of the child are revealed (positive or negative dynamics) in the process of corrective work, repeated admission to the TOPMPK can be carried out unscheduled at the request of the parents (legal representatives) or OS.

    Appendix 1.

    Approximate ped. characteristic for a student with ZPR

    (provided by TOPMPK, psychiatrist)

    Pedagogical characteristic

    per student (tsu) ______ class of school No. _________

    FULL NAME . ______________________________________________

    Date of Birth _____________________

    The child attends this educational institution  with ... class. Throughout the entire period of training, (name) had flaws in the development of perception: its fragmentation, limitation, and superficiality. Due to the underdevelopment of auditory and visual perception, spatio-temporal representations are insufficiently formed, knowledge about the world around is very limited.

    Deficiencies in the development of arbitrary memory are noted: slow memorization, inaccuracy of reproduction, poor processing of perceived material. The student is at a loss in applying the methods of memorization: semantic grouping, classification, which causes a number of difficulties in mastering such subjects as biology, history, geography, and social science.

    Attention is erratic. (Name) is not capable of prolonged stress and concentration on the task in progress. During lessons scattered, it is difficult to switch from one activity to another.

    An insufficient level of development of verbal-logical thinking is manifested in the inability to independently solve complex arithmetic problems. The low level of abstract logical thinking makes it difficult to master the program material in such subjects as algebra, geometry, physics, chemistry. When performing tasks that require analysis, comparison, generalization, the teacher needs extensive assistance.

    The child has a poor, undifferentiated vocabulary. Violation writing  manifests itself in a large number of specific errors (omissions, substitutions, incomplete letters), as well as in a large number of errors associated with the inability to apply spelling rules in practice. The level of development of coherent speech does not meet program requirements, the child has difficulty writing creative written works (essays, statements).

    (Name) has not formed stable forms of self-control and self-esteem, can not always adequately assess the results of its activities. When performing difficult tasks, she accepts adult help and willingly uses it; she cannot and does not want to overcome difficulties on her own. Efficiency is low, rapid depletion of the body due to mental stress is noted. As the task is tired or unsuccessful, the emotional state worsens, becomes emotionally unstable: irritable, easily excitable.

    Director signature transcript

    Class teacher signature transcript

    Appendix 2

    The pedagogical characteristics of a child with ZPR may have a different purpose, depending on the purpose for which it is compiled. Its main emphasis is changing accordingly. So, a pedagogical characteristic is necessary when transferring a student from a comprehensive school to a special correctional class for children with ZPR.

    Or a pedagogical characteristic is necessary when transferring a student from a correctional class for children with disabilities to a mass school as a result of his significant advancement in mastering the curriculum, positive dynamics mental development  and better health.

    A pedagogical description is also necessary if the student does not steadily learn the teaching material and the question arises of revising the diagnosis; in this case, it is intended for the medical-pedagogical commission.

    The characteristic should reflect the student's progress in the learning process, changes that occur under the influence special training  and upbringing.

    The pedagogical characteristic should contain the following sections:

    1) general information about the student;

    2) the state of school knowledge and skills;

    3) the overall development of the child, especially speech and thinking;

    4) features learning activities;

    5) features of behavior;

    6) personality characteristics;

    7) conclusion.

    In the “General Information” section, in addition to the formal data (the date of birth of the child and school enrollment, etc.), it should be indicated whether he attended kindergarten, in which class of the school, the student is accepted, where did he enter, did he stay in the second year, when he began to study under the program of the VII form (for children with ZPR). Briefly describe the family of the child.

    In the section “State of school knowledge and skills” it is necessary to indicate which subject (or subjects) makes it difficult for the student, which sections he could not learn, what kind of help the teacher provided him (including in individual correctional classes), its effectiveness. It should also be noted which subjects or sections of the program he learned more successfully, what educational material was the easiest for him. It is important to describe the individual characteristics of the assimilation of knowledge - the pace mental activity  child, especially memorization (speed, meaningfulness) and performance, degree of independence, reaction to the help of a teacher, etc.

    At level characteristic overall development  should show the awareness of the child in the environment (family, surrounding objects, the simplest phenomena of nature). The degree of completeness and accuracy of such knowledge and ideas will serve as material for assessing the cognitive activity of the child.

    Description speech development the student must contain a brief quantitative and qualitative description of the lexical stock of words; reflect the features of the grammatical structure of speech - is there agrammatism and what is the degree of its severity, what parts of speech and types of sentences are mainly used; difficulties in the design of the speech utterance - slowness, the presence of repetitions, the search for the right words, etc. It is important to highlight the features of the child's speech - condition phonemic hearing, types of errors in oral and written speech, their frequency. It is necessary to indicate the presence and degree of persistence of errors specific to the written works of children, or to note the absence of such.

    The ability to retell read or heard text should also be described. For all matters relating to the state of speech, the teacher should consult with a school speech therapist, use his data.

    Describing the features of mental activity, one should first of all dwell on the ability to generalize, comprehend the material, on understanding logical connections and relationships, the ability to distinguish essential features of objects, on the possibility of switching from one type of mental activity to another. It is necessary to indicate the degree to which the child uses the help, to reveal its potential capabilities.

    Describing the features of the child’s educational activity, it is necessary to disclose the following: the speed of its inclusion in the work, the stability of the activity (its duration without distractions), difficulties in switching, the pace of work, the level of performance; the presence of impulsiveness in the performance of tasks, the degree of independence and organization, the formation of self-control skills and the ability to evaluate the work performed.

    When describing the student’s behavior, it should be indicated how disciplined he is in the lessons, during breaks, outside of school; note whether there is motor disinhibition (or inhibition); Describe what cultural behavior skills he possesses.

    In the section "Characteristics of personality" the following issues are highlighted: educational and extracurricular interests of the student, their stability; special abilities (in the field of visual activity, music, sports, etc.), the degree of adequacy of the assessment of their capabilities; attitude to study and public assignments, to comrades and adults (including parents). You should indicate your favorite pastime in your free time, the prevailing mood, attitude towards failure in school, to praise or blame, resentment, tendency to complain.

    The final section of the characteristic summarizes and evaluates all the most significant in the child, noted in the previous sections. Here, the teacher should highlight the character traits and personality traits of the child, which he evaluates as positive or negative, and also indicate the features that prevent him from acquiring knowledge, and the alleged reasons for this. It is also necessary to determine the degree of his readiness to study according to the school year.

    The characteristic written for the medical-pedagogical commission should highlight the parties that are important in terms of differential diagnosis. Here, first of all, it is necessary to show the student’s specific difficulties in mastering the school curriculum, the features of his mental activity (pace, ability to generalize, to comprehend educational material, the possibility of using help and carrying out transference), the child’s working condition, results individual work  with him.

    Appendix 3


    (provided at PMPk)

    FULL NAME. student ________________________________________________________________

    Date of Birth_____________________________________________________________________

    Class ________________________________________________________________________

    General impressions of the child _____________________________________________________


    General awareness  and social orientation

    Information about yourself and your family _____________________________________________________


    Knowledge and perception of the environment _____________________________________________

    Well-formed training skills

    General assessment of skills (matching knowledge, skills and requirements of the program)


    Nature of errors __________________________________________________________________


    Typical reading errors _____________________________________________________


    Letter ___________________________________________________________________________


    Writing errors __________________________________________________________


    Features of oral speech ___________________________________________________________


    Emotional - behavioral characteristics _________________________________________



    Date of examination _____________________ Signature of the teacher _________________

    Appendix 4.

    (provided at PMPk)


    on student performance _____ class MKOU Chatlykovskaya secondary school

    (FULL NAME.)___________________________________________________________________________

    in the 200 __ / __ academic year


    1 quarter

    2 quarter

    3 quarter

    4 quarter


    Classroom teacher _______________ / _______________________________/

    Appendix 5


    (provided at PMPk)

    FULL NAME. ___________________________________________________________________________

    Age ____________________________________ Class ________________________________

    Complaints from parents Complaints from teachers

    ________________________________________ ______________________________________

    ________________________________________ ______________________________________

    ________________________________________ ______________________________________

    Features of behavior, communication, habits and interests _________________________________

    Formation of social and household orientation ___________________________________


    Motor Agility _________________________________________________________________

    Host: ________ hand

    Activity Description:

    Motivation ________________________________________________________________________


    Criticality _______________________________________________________________________


    Performance _________________________________________________________________


    Tempo of activity _________________________________________________________________


    Attention Features ______________________________________________________________


    Memory Features ________________________________________________________________


    Qualitative characteristics of speech ____________________________________________________


    Characteristic intellectual development ___________________________________________



    Comprehensive presentation of spatial and temporal relationships, __________


    Features of designing activities, graphic activities, drawing _________


    Emotional-personal and motivational-volitional features ___________________________



    (level of actual development, specific features in these areas, recommendations for corrective work)


    Date __________ Teacher-psychologist ____________ / ________________________ /

    Appendix 6


    (provided at PMPK)

    Surname, name of the child ____________________________________________________________

    Date of birth ___________________ Age (at the time of examination) __________________

    Class __________________________________________________________________________ Brief history early development__________________________________________________


    The speech environment and social conditions ________________________________________________


    Articulating apparatus _________________________________________________________


    Oral speech:

    general sound of speech ______________________________________________________________


    speech understanding __________________________________________________________________


    active dictionary ________________________________________________________________


    grammatical structure of speech ________________________________________________________


    syllabic structure  speech ___________________________________________________________


    Sound pronunciation ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Phonemic perception: /sound analysis  and synthesis / _______________________________


    Coherent speech ____________________________________________________________________



    Writing Considerations ____________________________________________________



    Conclusion: _____________________________________________________________________



    Date of examination ________________ Signature of a specialist ________________

    Appendix 7

    (provided at TOPMPK)

    The conclusion of the psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation

    (sample fill)

    Date _____ _____________ 20 _____

    Reasons for referring to PMPK Learning difficulties general education program

    The conclusion of the consultation: To send a student of ___ class (full name) to the district PMPK in order to determine the form of training and the route of individual development



    Application (note availability)
    1. Pedagogical characteristic
    2. Psychological presentation

    3. History

    6.About performance

    8. Copy of birth certificate of a child

    9. Copy of identity document of parents (legal representatives)

    10. Statement by parents (legal representatives)

    PMPk Chair

    (specialty) (last name)

    PMPk members

    (specialty) (last name)

    (specialty) (last name)

    (specialty) (last name)

    (specialty) (last name)

    Appendix 8.

    Pedagogical performance tracking view

    student (s) ___ cells, MKOU Chatlykovskaya secondary school


    beginning of the year

    the end of the year

    Cognitive interest (

    Lesson Performance  (high level, medium level , low level)

    Cognitive sphere

    Level of activity, independence in activity (high, medium, low)

    The ability to focus on the task, overcome difficulties, control the result (positive dynamics, lack of dynamics, negative dynamics)

    Features of behavior and communication (positive dynamics, lack of dynamics, negative dynamics)

    Peer Engagement and Relationships

    Interaction and relations with teachers

    Behavioral self-regulation (Deterrence of involuntary emotions and desires. Ability to responsible behavior)

    Availability and nature learning motivation (positive dynamics, lack of dynamics, negative dynamics)

    The desire to study, go to school. The presence of a cognitive or social motive for learning

    Emotional state (level of anxiety) (positive dynamics, lack of dynamics, negative dynamics)

    Participation in the social life of a class, school (positive dynamics, lack of dynamics, negative dynamics)

    Filled by class teacher

    The conclusion of the psychologist PMPK

    This conclusion consists of two parts - mandatory and additional.

    IN mandatoryparts are given:

    Features of the development of the child’s thinking (structure and dynamics of mental operations, first of all, mental operations of generalization, abstraction, mediation, establishment of analogies). Organization of intellectual activity at the time of the survey: the interaction of thinking and other intellectual functions. The level of intellectual development.

    Analysis of the social development situation at each of the age stages in terms of: 1) the formation of the main psychological neoplasm;2) nature and dynamics of crisis and stable age stages.

    Analysis of the current level of social adaptation of the individual (in the family, in the yard, in an educational institution, etc.). Social orientation, cultural behavior skills.

    Assessment of the zone of proximal development and development forecast from the perspective of adaptive personality characteristics.

    Adaptability of the child in the conditions of admission to PMPK and psychological examination  in particular.

    The structure of the personality of the child. Features of motivation (selectivity, focus, stability, goal-setting, claims). Self-esteem and the ability of a person to reflect (criticality, adequacy).

    Integrity (congruence) of personality.

    IN additional  part in each case, psychological information that is important specifically for this child is introduced. Their identification is planned by a psychologist, based on:

    Initial request for examination of the child at PMPK;

    Conversations with parents in the process of collecting an anamnesis (usually by a doctor);

    A collegially agreed diagnostic hypothesis;

    Psychological examination of development parameters included in mandatory part.

    In the general scheme additional psychological research should reflect the following parameters:

    Mental performance;

    The structure of activities (the main parameters of arbitrary regulation of activities: focus, planning, programming, control);

    Characterization of the main mental functions: perception, attention, memory, movement and action (see thinking in the mandatory part);

    Spatial syntheses (visual, symbolic);

    Speech (mainly regulatory, communicative functions of speech, communication of speech and thinking); neuropsychological analysis in cases of suspected alalic or aphasic speech disorders;

    Emotional sphere  (situational and personal emotional reactions; mood; feelings).

    Psychological information must be compared with medical and pedagogical information.

    The result of the psychological conclusion is the conclusion about the correlation of deviations in development, the preserved components of development and other reserve development opportunities, as well as the development forecast depending on the social development situation, including the nature of educational conditions.

    The conclusion of the oligophrenic teacher

    It contains the following information:

    On the level of formation and qualitative characteristics of everyday and scientific knowledge, skills of the child in relation to his educational level;

    On the results of comparing the educational level with the psychological structure of development (according to a psychological examination);

    On the results of comparing the educational level with the clinical structure of developmental disabilities (according to a clinical examination);

    On the results of diagnostics of the zone of proximal development within the framework of the problems of training and raising a child in an educational institution or family;

    On methodological approaches to teaching and raising a child, taking into account the individual structure and development dynamics.

    The conclusion of a speech therapist

    It includes the following parameters and blocks, which can be arranged in different ways, depending on the individual characteristics of the child's speech development.

    The state of the articulation apparatus.

    The state of phonemic hearing.

    Sound pronunciation state.

    Characteristics of oral speech (impressive and expressive):


    The grammatical structure of the language.

    Characteristics of written language.

    Characteristics of reading.

    General analysis of the structure of speech in terms of the ratio of phonetic, phonemic and lexico-grammatical disturbances, as well as the intact aspects of speech.

    The conclusion of the social educator

    It contains the following information:

    On the dynamics of the family (marriages / divorces; form of marriage (legal, civil); death of one of the family members; birth sequence of children, etc.);

    On the structure of the family (full / incomplete; single mother; adopted child; stepfather / stepmother, etc.);

    On the composition of the family at the time of the survey, on family members, possibly other persons living with the child;

    On the conformity of the place of residence and registration (registration), in particular in the presence of refugee status, etc .;

    On the living conditions of a child’s life (food, clothing, the availability of an individual place to sleep, the availability of conditions for educational or game activities, etc.);

    On the social, professional status, educational level of parents, other persons directly communicating with the child;

    On the provision of social and legal protection of the child in the family.

    The opinions of PMPK specialists can be provided or sent upon request to specialists of a similar profile within the framework of institutions interacting with PMPK about this child (according to the list attached to the order).

    It should be borne in mind that all PMPK specialists, mutually complementing each other, use collegial forms of work and a systematic approach to the analysis of primary information and documentation, their own professionally obtained information, information obtained by other specialists, and also comply with ethical standards.

    Finalization of documentation

    The results of the examination of the child are discussed under the guidance of the PMPK manager in the form of a brief meeting of all PMPK specialists. Parents (legal representatives) and the child are not present. Each specialist reports his conclusion to the child, offers recommendations, expresses an opinion on the prognosis of the development of the child. The presented conclusions are agreed upon, a collegial opinion of PMPK is drawn up, recommendations are systematized.

    The collegial conclusion consists of two parts: actual conclusion  and of recommendations.

    1. The following parameters 11 are reflected in the conclusion:

    Individual development structure (current level of development):

    Differentiation of the individual structure of development within the framework of ontogenesis and the structure of mental dysontogenesis (the answer to the question is whether the development deviates from the "normative" ontogenesis);

    Features of deviations in development - qualification of primary and secondary defects (in the terminology of L.S. Vygotsky):

    Time (age of the child or fetus), severity (intensity) and duration of exposure to “harmfulness” 12;

    Functional localization of the violation;

    The nature of abnormal systemogenesis (interfunctional interactions).

    Journal of registration of children tested at PMPK
    This journal is maintained by the head of PMPK or one of the PMPK specialists authorized by him.

    No. p / p (assigned to the child development card)

    Date of examination of the child at PMPK

    Name, date of birth of the child

    Address Phone

    No. of payment order and date of entry in the primary accounting journal

    List of specialists in accordance with the plan for examining the child (signature of specialists)

    Signature of parents (legal representatives) who received a collegial opinion on the child with recommendations (or - refusal)


    Time to identify developmental abnormalities (child's age).

    The dynamics of the development of the child: a) before the appearance of deviations in development; b) at the time (or period) of the appearance (manifestation) of deviations in development; c) in the subsequent period of development up to the present moment:

    Social situation  development: the relationship between the child and the surrounding reality at the time of the examination;

    A retrospective analysis of the pace of development: the nature of the change of critical and stable age stages;

    The structure of age stages: the correspondence of psychological neoplasms age stages.

    The degree or stage of developmental abnormalities.

    Qualification of the type of mental dysontogenesis (according to the classification of V.V. Lebedinsky).

    Assessment of reserve development opportunities and compensatory formations:

    Characterization of preserved mental functions;

    Analysis of the interests and abilities of the child;

    Determination of the zone of proximal development, or potential level of development.

    Directions and opportunities for socialization and integration of the child in society. Analysis and, if necessary, the formation of a social request for the individuality of a particular child (studying the issue of demand for, rejection of a child by society, determining a social niche).

    Social and legal security of the child.

    1) definition special conditions  receiving education (type, type of educational institution that provides or oversees the education and upbringing of the child; educational program; form of education; conditions for obtaining education (identical information is indicated in the certificate for the education department);

    2) the period of monitoring the condition and development of the child in the conditions recommended to him. For example: "monitoring the dynamics of the development of the child - until the beginning of the fourth quarter of the current school year." That is, until the specified period of time, the PMP-consilium of the educational institution sends information about the dynamics of the child's development to the PMPK.

    The second block of recommendations reflects the reserve capabilities of the child, as well as the direction and nature of their development in everyday life and in special developing conditions. Among the backup capabilities, special attention should be paid to the following:

    Safe mental functions;

    Priority individual abilities and interests;

    Conditions and mechanisms for the formation of compensatory formations.

    The third block contains child development prognosis  when fulfilling and not fulfilling the above recommendations.

    In the first column, numbering is carried out sequentially, starting from No. 1 from the first of January to the thirty-first of December of each year. The registration number of the child who has been tested at the PMPK is also assigned to the child’s development card. This number is considered an account number, which is indicated in the certificate - a document for the education department.

    Information on the date of birth of the child, his surname, name and patronymic (3rd heading) are recorded in accordance with the data of the birth certificate of the child, but can also be recorded “from the words of the parents” (legal representatives). In this case, a postscript is made: from the words of the parents or - according to the birth certificate.

    If the child has made an appointment in accordance with the pre-appointment, the date of the pre-appointment and serial number are indicated in the 5th section of the primary register. This makes it easier to find some pre-recorded baby information.

    After a collegial discussion of the results of the survey, the head of the PMPC or an authorized specialist writes down the final wording of the collegial opinion and recommendations in the 7th heading of the register of children who have been tested for PMPC.

    Upon receipt of two final pMPK documents  on hands (collegial opinion and information) parents are invited to sign in the 8th heading of the register of children who have been tested at the PMPK.

    Additional information or corrections are made to the note.

    Development control sheet

    Name, date of birth of the child,

    address and telephone number for communication with the parents (legal representatives) of the child.

    Date of registration of information on the dynamics of child development

    Source of information on the dynamics of child development (collegial pMPk conclusion  educational institution in which the child is re-examination  on PMPK with the appeal of parents, etc.)

    Characterization of the dynamics of the development of the child (positive, negative, insignificant, wavy, etc.)

    Re-examination date

    Child Development Card

    It is a file folder (when registering information about the child on paper) or a file (when registering information on the computer), which includes the following documents:

    a) plan for examining a child for PMPK;

    b) anamnestic information about the child;

    c) submitted documents or copies of documents;

    d) protocols and conclusions on the results of the examination of the child by specialists (according to the examination plan);

    d) a sheet for monitoring the dynamics of the development of the child.

    Presentation of the results of the examination to the parents (legal representatives) of the child

    Parents (legal representatives) are informed by the head of the PMPK about those aspects of their rights and obligations in relation to the child that are relevant to the goal and pMPK tasks  (in accordance with the law Russian Federation).

    At the end of the collegiate meeting, the PMPK representative familiarizes the parents (legal representatives) with the collegial opinion and recommendations in a reasonable and accessible way for them to understand. If necessary, in order to clarify, clarify, convince parents of the adequacy of the conclusions made and the proposed recommendations, the conclusions of specialists (in a form that is understandable to parents) are presented.

    It is mandatory to inform parents (legal representatives) about the child's development prognosis depending on the implementation or refusal to implement the recommendations developed by the PMPK.

    With the consent of the parents (legal representatives) with the conclusions (specialists and collegial) and the recommendations of the PMPK, they can be given two documents in their hands: 1) the collegial opinion of the PMPK with recommendations; 2) a certificate of the examination of the child at PMPK.

    The collegial conclusion and certificate of the PMPK is provided by parents (legal representatives) to the education department employee (at the child's place of residence), who oversees the sphere special education.

    The employee of the Department of Education gets acquainted with the collegial conclusion of the PMPK and the certificate, decides on the issue of sending the child to the recommended PMPK educational  conditions.

    The certificate remains in the Department of Education to account for the staffing of special (correctional) educational institutions (classes, groups).

    The collegial conclusion of the PMPK is vised by an employee of the education department indicating the name (if available - number) of the educational institution where the child is sent and transmitted to the parents (legal representatives).

    Parents (legal representatives), when registering a child with the specified educational institution, transmit the collegial opinion of the PMPK with the visa of the corresponding education department employee to the head of this educational institution.

    The collegial conclusion of the PMPK with the visa of the Department of Education is a legal document for admission of the child to the appropriate educational institution and is stored during the entire time the child is in this educational institution.

    The addressee of the PMPC collegial opinion is the head of the educational institution to which the child is sent.

    The head of the educational institution informs the members of the PMP-consultation, other specialists of the educational institution who will directly work with the child, about the collegial conclusion, monitors the implementation pMPK recommendations.

    Accompanying a child who has been screened for PMPK

    PMPC provides support for children and adolescents through liaison with primary care clinics of educational institutions or directly with parents (legal representatives) (if the child is not studying (not raising) in an educational institution).

    students (pupils) of an educational institution
    (indicate which) sent by PMPK (indicate which) in __________ year

    Date of sending information _____________________________

    No. p / p

    FULL NAME. child

    Date of examination at the PMPK (in accordance with the collegial opinion of the PMPK per child enrolled in an educational institution)

    Dynamics of development (positive, negative, undulating, insufficient, etc.)

    Aleshin Alexey Petrovich

    Ivanov Petr Ivanovich Sidorov Ivan Petrovich

    03/12/2000 03/15/2000


    Negative wavy

    Total: 3 people

    With favorable dynamics: 1 pers.

    With unfavorable dynamics: 2 people.

    Seal of an educational institution Signature of the head of an educational institution

    PMP-consultation of the educational institution develops a plan for the work of PMPk specialists with the child and timely informs the director of the educational institution about the unfavorable or insufficient dynamics of the child's development in the data educational conditions. The plan of work with the child is adjusted, a conditional diagnostic period is established, during which the specialists of the PMP-consultation try to achieve positive dynamics in the development of the child.

    If there is evidence (if there is a suspicion that the structure of the child’s psychophysical development does not meet the conditions that this educational institution can provide), the PMP-consultation draws up a collegial opinion on the child and recommends that parents (legal representatives) re-apply to the PMPC.

    In any case, information on the dynamics of the child’s development is sent by the PMP-consilium to the PMPK in accordance with the period specified in the recommendations of the PMPK for monitoring the development of the child, in the absence of specific instructions - at least once a year (see p. 45).

    Re-appeal to the PMPC regarding children with unfavorable developmental dynamics is usually initiated by the PMP-council of the educational institution, other institutions and departments directly working with the child, by the parents themselves (legal representatives).

    Documentation movement journal

    FULL NAME. child

    Year of the child's admission to PMPK

    Date of transmission / receipt of the document

    Destination or source of information (to whom, from whom)

    Name of the document (request, direction, requested document - which, etc.).

    Signature of issuing document (or mailing details)

    Signature of the person who received the document or other information about the receipt of the document at the place of request

    During their methodical work with subordinate primary care clinics of educational institutions, the PMPK informs them about the technology of forming an adequate attitude in parents (legal representatives) towards re-referral to PMPK.

    The following conversation scheme is proposed with parents (legal representatives) when re-sent to PMPK:

    An appeal to one of the parents (legal representatives) of the child who can actually represent and protect his interests;

    Arguably informing parents (legal representatives) about the unfavorable dynamics of the development of the child in these conditions;

    Justification of the possible causes of unfavorable dynamics of development: inconsistency of these conditions with the characteristics of the child's development; the need to clarify the diagnosis and recommendations; the alleged need for supportive or inpatient treatment, possibly accompanied by specialists from social protection institutions or law enforcement agencies (in the correct form), etc .;

    The importance of timely, quick clarification of the reasons for the unfavorable dynamics of the development of the child and the development of effective recommendations;

    Presentation of a hypothesis about the possible consequences of a child's stay in inadequate conditions for him. The importance of finding conditions adequate to the developmental features of the child.

    Repeated treatment is initiated and controlled by the PMPK itself.

    Upon receipt of information about the unfavorable dynamics of the child’s development from the PMP-consultations, the PMPK controls the timing of the child’s re-admission. The registrar or educator (at the discretion of the PMPC manager, depending on the workload of each of these employees) informs the PMPC manager about the lists received and fills out a development dynamics control sheet for each child with unfavorable development dynamics: information about the child and the first three sections of the sheet.

    Sheets of dynamics control in case of unfavorable development dynamics of children and adolescents are filed (or stored in file folders) by the registrar, respectively, for the month and year of admission and are stored in the general folder “Support for children and adolescents who have been examined at PMPK”. They are extracted from the folders upon repeated contact of the parents (legal representatives) and the date of the repeated examination of the child is entered in them. The dynamics control sheet is transferred to the child’s development card stored in the PMPK.

    If within three months from the receipt of information about the unfavorable dynamics of the child’s development and the filling out of the dynamics control sheet, the parents (legal representatives) have not made an appointment, the registrar transfers the corresponding dynamics control sheets to the manager. The manager evenly distributes them among the specialists, and they communicate (by telephone or in writing) with their parents (legal representatives). The reasons for which the parents did not apply to the PMPC again are clarified, a reasoned conversation is being held about the need for a second examination. In any case, re-examination of the child at PMPC is possible only with the consent of the parents (legal representatives).

    Support for children and adolescents who are not covered by educational institutions, but who have been tested at the PMPK on the initiative or with the consent of parents (legal representatives), is carried out directly through parents (legal representatives). After examining the PMPK, resolving the issues of diagnosis and developing recommendations, parents (legal representatives) are informed about the desirability of re-applying to the PMPK in order to control the dynamics of the child’s development and possible adjustment of the recommendations. The term of repeated treatment at PMPK is always individual and corresponds to psychological, pedagogical and medical-social indications.

    The terms for monitoring the development dynamics of children and adolescents who have been tested at the PMPK and not covered by educational institutions are duplicated in the development dynamics monitoring sheet in accordance with the paragraph of recommendations made to the collegial report. Sheets of dynamics control ... of these children, as well as children covered by educational institutions, are stored in the folder “Support for children and adolescents who have been tested at the PMPK”.

    Forms of internal accounting and control pMPK activities

    Magazine of primary registration of children who applied to PMPK.

    Alphabet book.

    Journal of registration of children tested at PMPK.

    Children development cards (with corresponding inserts, see above).

    Plans and work schedules (PMPK and individual).

    Documentation movement journal.

    Folder "Accompanying children and adolescents who have been tested at PMPK" with "Sheets of dynamics control."

    Analytical magazine

    The analytical journal is filled in by the head of PMPK at the end of the calendar year. As a basis, you can take the diagram below.

    Types, types of institutions


    Educational institutions


    institutions, departments

    Special (correctional) educational institutions

    PPMS centers

    Comprehensive schools

    1 view

    2 view

    3 view

    4 view

    5 view

    6 view

    7 view

    8 view

    Classes KRO, other special. classes

    General education classes

    The dynamics of pre-registration of children at PMPK and children who have been screened at PMPK are compiled. The display form is two graphs in common coordinates: on the horizontal axis - the months of the year, on the vertical axis - a) the number of children enrolled in the appointment, b) the number of children examined. Under the schedule, indicate how many total children have been registered and how many total children have been screened for PMPC (based on the totals of the relevant journals). Contractor - registrar.

    Age group







    The PMPK manager makes a brief analysis with emphasis on the dynamics of recording and receiving children and conclusions on planning appointments for next year.

    The PMPK manager distributes children who have been tested for PMPK during the year according to age categories (according to the register of children who have been tested for PMPK). The performer is the educator. The display form is a table.

    The head of the PMPK makes a brief analysis with a focus on the prevailing age categories and conclusions on the methodological and other arrangements for the reception of these children.

    Information Request

    Then it distributes the children according to the types of special (correctional) educational institutions: based on the analysis of the first recommendation (the same for all collegial conclusions) according to the register of children who have been examined at PMPK - the 7th heading - “The collegial conclusion of PMPK with recommendations”. Performers - PMPK specialists appointed by the head. The display form is a table.

    The head of PMPK draws conclusions about the prevailing needs in certain educational (other) conditions.

    The number of repeated admission of children and adolescents to PMPK. It is calculated by the registrar or educator (by order of the head of the PMPK) according to the alphabetical book (the initial admission is not considered).

    The manager takes this information into account when planning the time spent on examining one child for next year.

    The ratio of children with positive and negative developmental dynamics in the recommended PMPK conditions is fixed: according to the materials in the folder “Support for children who have been tested for PMPK”. Accordingly to the information received, the total number of children with favorable (positive) and unfavorable development dynamics is calculated. Contractor - registrar or educator.

    The PMPK head makes conclusions about the effectiveness of the PMPK recommendations, analyzes the reasons for repeated appeals to the PMPK.

    Each PMPK specialist submits a report at the end of the calendar year. We recommend the following report outline:

    a) the number of additional receptions of children conducted by a specialist individually;

    b) organizational and methodological work: internal (in the conditions of PMPK) and external (forms, institutions, contingent, etc.);

    c) education (where, when, with whom, in what forms the work was carried out);

    d) accompaniment of children who have undergone examination and need to be monitored by this specialist (how many children, escort forms, dynamics).

    Based on all the materials described above, a reporting (based on the results of the calendar year) meeting can be held with a brief report of each specialist and a summary by the head of PMPK. They discuss the prospects of work, planning the activities of the PMPC, proposals for the management of education on the development of the PMPC and the support system for children and adolescents with developmental disabilities.

    Analytical background - PMPK report form (in front of the education department)

    An analytical report is compiled by the head of PMPK on the basis of the materials of the analytical journal, reports of PMPK specialists and the results of the reporting meeting of PMPK. The analysis is supported by relevant applications (graphs, tables, etc.). Suggestions are made for the development of a special education system in this territory and other forms of support for children and adolescents with developmental disabilities, as well as for the development of the PMPK itself.

    PMPK External Relations System

    External relations and relations of PMPK with other institutions, departments, substructures within pMPK systems  carried out through the exchange of documents in accordance with the order on the support of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities and the forms of documents recommended in this manual. Other contractual relationships are possible.

    A single request form can be used to exchange information about the child with interested institutions and departments. The request is carried out with the consent of the parents (legal representatives), with the exception of cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation (for example, a request by a court decision).

    It was indicated above that PMPK can guide  children and adolescents to other institutions and departments within the framework of the given system of external relations, using the form of referral and relying on the relevant agreements and orders on cooperation, which can be signed at the regional and municipal levels.

    Functional responsibilities  PMPK specialists

    Reception of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities, their parents (legal representatives), other persons representing the interests of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities.

    Organizational and methodological work.

    Educational activity.

    Accompanying children and adolescents with developmental disabilities (monitoring the effectiveness of the PMPK recommendations in terms of child development dynamics).

    Regular continuing education. Professional growth.

    The implementation of relations with specialists of a similar profile at all levels of the PMPK system (regional PMPK, municipal PMPK, PMP-consultations of educational institutions within the framework of a methodical (professional) association).

    Liaising with specialists of a similar profile in institutions of other departments: doctors - in institutions of the healthcare system, teachers (oligophrenopedagogue, speech therapist, sign language and tiflopedagogue) and psychologists - in institutions of the education system; social educators - in institutions of social protection and law enforcement system.

    Fulfillment of the requirements of the charter of the institution, which includes PMPK, goals and pMPK functions  (internal routine, documentation, timely planning and reporting on results professional activity).

    1 Below we will use two abbreviations - IPC and PMPK, since they interact historically and continue to coexist in fact, and more recently, legally. At the same time, it is obvious that in the future all such structures should be called PMPK, bearing in mind the necessary and mandatory inclusion of psychologists in their composition, as well as the corresponding direction of developing the legal framework for the activities of PMPK.

    2 See book T.A. Vlasova and M.S. Pevzner "On children with developmental disabilities." 2nd ed., Rev. and add. M .: Education, 1973.

    3 The President of the Russian Federation vetoed this law.

    4 This item can be deleted, and this issue is resolved at the level of the regional education department (corresponding order).

    5 V.V. Lebedinsky. Disorders of mental development in children. M .: Publishing house of Moscow State University, 1985.

    6 L.S. Vygotsky. Collected Works: In 6 vols. T. 4, p. 6.

    7 Ibid., P. 7.

    8 The main technique refers to the primary and repeated doses of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities, which are conducted by all members of the PMPK. These receptions should be distinguished from additional receptions by separate experts necessary for specification of diagnostics and recommendations which are carried out by each expert in accordance with an individual work schedule within 12 hours.

    9 Examination of the child by PMPk / consilium / educational institution is carried out in accordance with the instruction letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 27 / 901-6 of 03/27/2000

    10 Selection of children in a secondary school / Comp. T.A. Vlasova, K.S. Lebedinskaya, V.F. Machikhina.- M .: Education, 1983.- S. 56–62.

    11 The structure of the collegial conclusion is drawn up based on the analysis of the types of mental dysontogenesis proposed by V.V. Lebedinsky in study guide  "Violations of mental development", Moscow: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1985.


    psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation (PMPk) of the MOU of the Krasnovkhovskoy secondary school of the municipal institution “Tsilninsky district” of the Ulyanovsk region

      FULL NAME. child : Ivanova Diana Vasilievna.

      Age : 17.12. 2006.

      Council members :

      Ivanova E.V. - chairman of the council;

      Petrova L.P. - teacher - psychologist, member of the council;

      Solovieva E.S. - teacher Diana, member of the council;

      Ssirnova A.P. - Head of the Karabaevsky FAP, member of the council.

      Psychological, medical and pedagogical status at the time of the examination:

    Duration of work:  from September 1, 2014 to November 2015 .

    Ivanova Diana entered the 1st grade on 01.09.13. Diana was very difficult to study in the 1st grade. The methods and methods of work chosen by the teacher specifically for this student are additional individual sessions, classes with a psychologist, parental help helped Diana with difficulty mastering the 1.2 grade program (spotless training). In grade 3-4 according to the results of intermediate controldiana’s learning activities ended up on low level,   slow perception and comprehension of new educational material.

    Because of this, in grade 5 she began to experience  difficulties in mastering the curriculum of basic general education, as the skills and abilities of primary general education are not well understood.

    This was the reason for the registration of the child at GPMPK in 2014. At the moment, learning difficulties persist: Diana gets tired, cannot work on her own, it is difficult for her to make an elementary judgment, to draw a simple logical conclusion.

    Throughout the training, the school constantly monitored the student's educational achievements in three main educational subjects. This analysis will compare the student’s starting educational achievements, grades 4 and current status (1 quarter of grade 5).

    Literary reading.

    The pace of reading is slow. The retelling is fragmentary, retelling on leading issues. Vocabulary is poor.

    Diana reads at a speed of 35 words per minute (fluency rate of 85-95 words). Answers questions on the content of the text, but cannot retell the text read.

    Does not know how to title individual parts of the text.

    He memorizes poems with difficulty.

    According to the results of the 1st quarter of the 2016-2017 school year, the reading speed is 36 words per minute. When reading, makes mistakes. It can answer questions about the content of the text, but cannot retell it. Vocabulary is poor, poems are taught with difficulty.

    Russian language.

    It can not characterize consonants (paired, voiced, deaf, hard soft), does not distinguish vowels from consonants.

    Does not distinguish between vowels and consonants; hard and soft.

    Wraps words incorrectly. Confuses voiced and deaf (paired and unpaired) consonants. Forgetsrules for writing a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence, last names, first names, middle names, animal names and individual geographical names.

    She hardly remembers the studied spelling, but after a while she begins to confuse them or does not remember them at all.

    Able to write under dictation, but makes mistakes.

    When writing off the text, he hurries and writes inaccurately, does not follow the boundaries of the sentences.

    The level of calligraphy is low.

    Milestone test performed on "2", grammar tasks can be performed only with the help of a teacher. The writing speed is low, errors cannot be found without the help of a teacher. Studied spelling does not remember. In a collective discussion, it does not work actively. The analysis of the Russian language is carried out only with the help of a teacher.


    Diana is very hard at math. Although he mastered the initial skills, but further material she fails to learn.

    Counts to 100. It can determine how many in the number of tens, how many units. Adds and subtracts numbers based on knowledge of the decimal composition (30 + 5; 35-5; 35-30) .. He cannot add and subtract two-digit numbers with the transition through the category. It solves simple problems, but it does not know how to composite.

    Many mistakes are made when comparing numbers. He is not able to solve geometric problems (draw a segment, find the length of a broken line).

    Does not know the multiplication table, but can use it with difficulty.

    Milestone control work for 1 quarter is completed at "2". Diana knows many-digit numbers; she can name them and write them down. Writing addition and subtraction of multi-digit numbers is carried out only with the help of a teacher. With independent execution, it makes many mistakes. Can perform multiplication of a single-digit number by a single-valued one based on the multiplication table with the help of a teacher. He does not know the table of multiplication and division by heart. He can’t understand the meaning of the examples by the multiplication of multivalued numbers. Does not know how to divide multi-digit numbers. Even the simplest tasks cannot be solved without the help of a teacher.


    Thus, all of the above proves that  the boy is developing, but the level of his educational achievements is below the program requirements.

      Content of advisory activities:

    Council member

    Content and form of work


    Teacher - psychologist Petrova L.P.

      Individual characteristics  children with disabilities. Conversation with parents.

      Features of teaching children with disabilities. Teacher consultation.

      Correlation - developing classes with Diana on an individual program.

    During the entire training period.

    Solovieva E.S.

      Correlation - developing activities with Diana

    according to an individual program.

    From September 2014 to November 2015.

    A note on the dynamics of development by all participants in the consultation:


    The result of the work


    Dynamics of development is positive. insufficient.

    Training on adapted program for students with mental retardation.

      Collegial conclusion PMPk

    Date of filling: November 21, 2015.

    Signatures of participants:





    Ivanova E.V. -

    Petrova L.P. -

    Solovieva E.S.

    Smirnova A.P.