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  • The result of pmpk is. Pmpk: a new look. operating principles pmpk. its main tasks and functions

    The result of pmpk is. Pmpk: a new look. operating principles pmpk. its main tasks and functions


    BBK 56.14ya75

    Reviewers: Kuftyak Elena Vladimirovna, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, KSU. ON. Nekrasov;

    Logvinova Galina Vasilyevnapractical psychologist.

    Compiled by: Natalya Sycheva, head of the municipal budgetary institution of the city of Kostroma "Psycho-medical-pedagogical commission";

    Bobkova Elena Nikolaevna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, deputy head of the methodical work of the municipal budgetary institution of the city of Kostroma "Psycho-medical-pedagogical commission."

    PMPK activities in modern education /

    Comp. Sycheva N.V., Bobkova E.N. - Kostroma, 2015.

    Toolkit  addressed to the specialists of psychological and medical pedagogical consultations  educational organizations, teachers working with children with disabilities. The manual deals with the issues of psychological, medical and pedagogical support of children with disabilities in conditions educational organization, samples of documentation on the work of school councils were offered, answers were given to frequently asked questions about the PMPK’s activities, the opinion of psychiatrists on the need for medical support of children with behavioral disorders and learning difficulties was presented.

    © Committee of Education, Culture, Sport

    and youth work Kostroma Administration

    Diagnostic direction

    The diagnostic direction of work includes the initial examination, as well as systematic milestone observations of the dynamics and correction of the child’s mental development. To date, a set of methods has been developed for assessing the psychological readiness of children with CRA for school. The conditions, methods, techniques for conducting a diagnostic examination are described, a system for evaluating the results for individual positions is given, recommendations are given on the choice of optimal schooling conditions (integration model) depending on the results of the survey.

    The activity of the psychologist cannot proceed in isolation from the work of other specialists. educational institution  (including speech therapist, teacher-pathologist, social teacher, etc.). Collective discussion of the results of the survey by all the specialists of the MPSP allows us to develop a unified understanding of the nature and characteristics of the child’s development, determine the general forecast of its further development, the complex of necessary remedial and developmental measures and develop a program of individual remedial work  with baby.

    It should be emphasized that the examination at the school PDPK does not pursue the goal of making a clinical diagnosis (especially since it is not possible in the physician’s boardroom), but is aimed at qualifying the child’s individual-typical difficulties, a qualitative description of the overall picture of his development, determining the optimal forms and the content of correctional care, i.e. directed to the establishment of a functional diagnosis.

    The psychologist in the structure of the activity of the SMCs has the task of determining the current level of development of the child and the zone of proximal development, identifying the characteristics of the emotional-volitional sphere, the personal characteristics of the child, the features of his interpersonal interactions with peers, parents and other adults.

    Advisory, educational and preventive direction

    Work in this area provides assistance to teachers and parents in the upbringing and education of a child with CRA. The psychologist develops recommendations in accordance with the age and individual-typical features of children, the state of their somatic and mental health, conducts activities that contribute to the improvement of the professional competence of teachers, the inclusion of parents in solving correctional-educational tasks.

    The organization of interaction of the psychologist with teachers

    The most important condition for the actualization of the potential opportunities of children with CRA is the teacher’s psychological competence: delicacy, tact, ability to assist the child in the implementation of educational and cognitive activity, in the awareness of successes and causes of failures, etc. All this ultimately leads to the child’s awareness opportunities, which increases his self-confidence, awakens the energy of achievement.

    The main tasks of the psychological education of teachers are to uncover the “weak” and “strengths” of the child’s cognitive and personal development, to identify ways to compensate for difficulties, to develop the most appropriate ways for the teacher to interact with the child in frontal and individual forms of organization of classes. Specific forms of psychological education of teachers can be varied: classes and seminars with teachers on key problems of child development with CRA and its special educational needs, organizing pedagogical counseling, preparing for thematic parent meetings, individual consultations, etc. General recommendations for general education teachers classes on the implementation of an individual and differentiated approach in the process of children’s educational work with children in educational establishments are published in the article by N.V. Babkina (2004).

    The organization of the interaction of the psychologist with his parents

    For the successful implementation of correctional and developmental work, it is necessary not only the interaction of all specialists of the educational institution, but also active assistance and support from parents. But in practice, it turns out that parents mostly relate to the procedure of interaction with a psychologist and other specialists, ignoring problems, or even negatively.

    The form and content of work with parents is determined by the degree of their willingness to cooperate. On the initial stage interaction The most productive form of work is individual counseling. It is carried out in several stages. The task of the first stage is to establish a trusting relationship with parents, who deny the possibility and necessity of cooperation. The next stage of individual counseling is based on a comprehensive examination of the child. The psychologist in an accessible form tells parents about the features of their child, points out his positive qualities, explains what special classes he needs, which specialists need to turn in addition, how to work at home, what he should pay attention to. It is very important to make parents understand that they should not be aware of the difficulties of children as failures and be ashamed of the problems, that they should try to help their children and support them. At the stage of correctional development work, parents are involved in the implementation of specific recommendations and tasks of a psychologist.

    At individual and group consultations, a joint discussion of the progress and results of remedial work is held. The factors of the positive dynamics of the child’s development are analyzed, recommendations are made for overcoming possible problems (in particular, those related to the adaptation of children to school, interaction with classmates in academic work  and after hours).

    Work with parents is also carried out in group form at topical consultations, workshops, etc.

    Myths in child psychiatry.

    Unfortunately, at present, with regard to child psychiatry, society has persistent myths and prejudices that force parents to avoid turning to a child psychiatrist.

    Myth number 1 - “any appeal for psychiatric care will affect the fate of the child, deprive him of the future and the opportunity to get a profession, find a job, as the child must be“ registered ”. Most of the mental disorders of childhood are transient and subject to timely treatment they disappear. Children with mild mental disorders, and these include the majority of residually organic disorders, ADHD (attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity disorder), systemic neuroses - tics, stuttering, enuresis, encopresis, general neuroses - neurasthenia, phobic, hysterical neurosis, disorders of emotion and behavior , easy intellectual insufficiency, - are under advisory supervision of the children's psychiatrist. When consultative accounting, parents turn to the doctor only on their own will if the child’s condition worsens. The diagnosis of "F" in most cases will be removed in adolescence, there will be no restrictions in the education and employment of children. In case of more severe mental disorders (children's type of schizophrenia, marked autism, moderate, severe and deep mental retardation), children are under regular medical check-up, doctors - specialists observe and treat them actively. This improves the prognosis of the disease, the adaptation of the child in society. And some restrictions in the profession are not due to the fact of referring to a psychiatrist, but by the serious illness itself.

    Myth number 2 - “psychiatrists“ heal ”a child with heavy psychotropic drugs, turning him into a“ vegetable ”. Modern psychiatry is equipped with a large number of drugs that can act solely on the painful manifestations of the psyche, without affecting the psyche as a whole. They not only do not lead to impaired mental performance and intellectual development, but even improve them, removing the so-called productive disorders and improve social functioning.

    In the arsenal of child psychiatry, there are nootropics, biotics, antioxidants, vasotropic drugs that improve the activity of nerve cells and protect them. Before prescribing a psychotropic drug, a child psychiatrist will discuss this with parents - the name of the drug, its effect, doses, duration of treatment.

    The forms of treatment for a child psychiatrist are different - outpatient, inpatient, semi-inpatient, day hospital, “in-patient hospital”. Parents in most cases choose the form of treatment themselves.

    Depressive disorders

    Severe depressive disorders usually occur during adolescence, when the affective sphere is sufficiently formed.

    With the development of depression adolescents, due to the lack of ability to understand their painful condition and express it in words, (alexetimia) do not appeal with complaints. Often depressions occur under various behavioral masks (adolescents become lethargic, indifferent, “lazy” or harsh, rude, oppositional, impulse disorders appear). Unfortunately, teenage depression is fraught with suicidal attempts and completed suicides. Only a doctor - a specialist behind the facade of behavioral disorders will be able to recognize affective pathology.  Timely treatment of depression is always a favorable outcome.

    Anorexia nervosa

    It must be remembered that anorexia nervosa is a mental disorder. At the heart of the disease are obsessive fears and supervalious experiences. Anorexia nervosa can be a manifestation of deep neurosis at pubertal age or the onset of endogenous disease - schizophrenia. A gross mistake of parents is to try to treat anorexia nervosa in pediatricians, nutritionists, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, or even worse to seek help from non-medical institutions, to non-specialists.

    At present, the fear of psychiatric services often forces parents of children with mental disorders to resort to pseudo-healers and parapsychologists. At the same time, children do not receive medical and psychiatric care, and the condition becomes heavier.

    Summarizing all the above, I would like to note: children's and adolescent mental diseases should be treated, do not postpone the visit to the doctor if the child needs help!

    I would like to say one thing to my parents: do not be afraid of a visit to a child psychiatrist, do not be intimidated by the word “psychiatry”, do not hesitate to ask what concerns you about your child, what you think is “wrong”, do not turn a blind eye to any peculiarities in behavior and developing your child, convincing yourself that "it just seems."

    A consultative appeal to a child psychiatrist will not oblige parents to anything, and often, a timely visit to a psychiatrist with your child prevents the development of gross mental disorders at a later age and allows your child to live a full healthy life in the future.


    For the successful integration of children with disabilities into the social environment, it is necessary to create special educational conditions. PMPK determines the need for these conditions depending on the category of child with disabilities. Escort students in an educational institution by specialists psychological medical pedagogical consultation.

    Psycho-medical-pedagogical consilium   a permanent team of specialists united by common goals, implementing a particular strategy to support a child, developing tactics to accompany a child with a disability, performing dynamic monitoring of child development, family counseling.

    Psychological, medical and pedagogical consilium implements its activities on the basis of a letter from the Ministry of Education Russian Federation  of 27.03.2000 No. 27 / 901-6 “On the psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation (PMS) of an educational institution”.

    Psychological, medical and pedagogical council can accompany the student only with the consent of the parents (legal representatives) and on the basis of the agreement on interaction with parents and the agreement on interaction with the PMPK.

    The organization of the educational process in a comprehensive school with pupils of classes working under the system of correctional and developmental education (KRO) involves the provision and provision of complex psychological, educational and medical-social assistance to students, specialized counseling for teachers, parents, and administration. To create these classes requires a license.

    A team of specialists working on the principle of system organization is created in a comprehensive school. This ensures the possibility of psychological, speech therapy, defectological, medical support of the educational process. The effectiveness of the work of specialists is achieved through interdisciplinary interaction, which is carried out in the following areas: diagnostic, correctional, advisory and educational.

    The following forms of such interaction can be distinguished: a comprehensive survey of students, the construction of remedial work, taking into account the recommendations of other specialists, the planning and implementation of individual comprehensive correctional and development programs, the interaction of specialists within the school psychological, medical and pedagogical council. The main of these forms is the organization of the activities of the MPSP, which is created by order of the school director. The activity of the council is regulated by the Regulation on classes of correctional and developmental education, by letter Min. Arr. Of the Russian Federation "On the psychological-medical-pedagogical consilium (PMPK) of an educational institution" No. 27/901/6 dated 03/27/2000. If a child with disabilities does not study in a special class of KROs, but with children with regulatory development, a license is not required, but maintenance conditions and indus. uch. Plan required.

    Based on the goals and objectives of the work of the school, the following areas of work are distinguished in the activities of specialists:

    diagnostic advisory

    correctional development,



    organizational and methodical.

    The main forms of work are: individual and group diagnostic and correctional and developmental work with students, individual and group counseling, educational and preventive work with parents and teachers, preparation and participation in meetings of the school PPMP.

    An important aspect of the activities of specialists is an integrated approach to the problems of the child, which involves:

    1. Multilevel diagnosis of child development.

    2. Creation of individual correctional and developmental programs aimed at the interconnected development of individual aspects of the child’s cognitive and emotional spheres.

    3. The interaction of specialists in the framework of the MPSP.

    4. Organization of the developing space - the game therapy room, speech therapy and defectology rooms.

    In the organization of the work of specialists there are a number of stages in its construction:

    1.Diagnostic Advisory

    1.1 At this stage, primary student information is collected. There is a meeting of specialists with the teacher and the parents of the child to draw up an overall picture. learning activities  in class, medical history is being studied. It also monitors the schoolchild in class and changes in order to collect information about the characteristics of his behavior, the degree of involvement in studying proccess, the level of concentration on tasks, the level of efficiency, the presence of depletion, etc. Observation on changes allows you to determine how much the student is involved in the life of the class, whether it has adapted to the children's team. A conversation with the teacher and parents complements the information about the child, helping to identify those problems and difficulties that were not identified during the observation process. In addition, a meeting with parents provides an opportunity to help them cope with difficult situations in education and contributes to a better understanding of the problems of the child.

    1.2. The main point of this stage is the multi-level diagnostics of students by specialists in order to determine the level of development of the child: a defectologist (training and cognitive activityi.e. knowledge of the program, learnability and training); speech therapist (speech activity); psychologist (interpersonal relations, emotional and personal sphere, cognitive activity). According to the results of diagnostics, each specialist fills in the submission for the student (see Appendix).

    Next, there is a repeated consultative meeting with parents and a teacher in order to inform their information about the results of diagnostics with the child, explaining the steps correctional program, the inclusion of parents and teachers in the implementation of individual correctional programs.

    2. Organizational and methodical

    A consultation is organized to form correctional groups, to draw up individual comprehensive development programs. As part of the consultation take part: Deputy. directors of educational work - the head of the consultation, a psychologist, a speech pathologist, a speech therapist, a psychiatrist, a teacher (class teacher), a social teacher. The discussion is based on the ideas of each specialist about the level of development of the child. According to the results of the consultation, a decision is made on the type of correctional work, the directions of this work, groups are pre-staffed, comprehensive development programs are drawn up, a total load on the child is planned. In this case, different models of interaction of specialists in each individual case can be developed. So, several specialists can work with a child at once or one of the specialists prepares the basis for the work of another: the psychologist conducts a behavioral correction, preparing the child for work in a defectologist's group.

    3. Correctional developing

    At this stage, it is necessary, taking into account the workload, the peculiarities of children of KRO classes, to properly construct the process of work. It is important not to overload the child, to form a positive motivation for joint activities, to take into account individual characteristics  personality, especially the social environment. In the work of specialists, the following areas of correctional work can be identified - correctional work with the emotional-volitional sphere of a child, correctional work with the child’s cognitive sphere, correctional work on the formation of basic training skills and abilities, correctional work with speech disorders. The forms of its holding are:

    · Individual correctional work in a specially equipped room. The office should be equipped with everything necessary for play and sand therapy, for art therapy and free expression of the child: paints, clay, sculpted clay, natural materials.

    · Group integrative classes. In order to adapt pupils of correctional classes to the conditions secondary school  Groups are formed together with children from ordinary classes, choosing psychological problems as a basis. Groups are small for 4-5 people.

    · Travel lessons (group games where the school is usually involved, teachers, the administration, with whom a group of children interact, solve the problem of socializing and integrating these children into the existing social development situation, developing skills to help each other).

    · Supporting classes (classes are aimed at adapting the child to new conditions of development - transitional stages: first, fifth, ninth grades, transfer to another class). Usually this is a special training, individual support.

    · Social games: special games for the development of social intelligence and emotional competence, work with aggression, aggression and creativity, the expression of aggression in socially acceptable ways. Games "Flapjack", "Psychological portrait", etc.

    · Training sessions (communication training, development of communication skills, relaxation classes, etc.).

    · A permanent Wall of Expression for children, where they can draw and write whatever they want.

    · Individual and group remedial classes with a speech therapist, a pathologist, a psychologist.


    Conducting current diagnostics and intermediate consultation to track the developmental dynamics of the most difficult children. At an intermediate consultation, the dynamics of development of the most complex children are discussed, programs are adjusted, the decision is made to change the form of work (for example, not group, but individual), the question of adequate forms of schooling is being decided.


    At the end of the year, a final consultation is held, where the fulfillment of the tasks of the school year is discussed, further work is planned.

    It should be noted that any work of specialists is based on constant interaction with the teacher and parents, who are given recommendations, consultative meetings are held on various issues causing difficulties. Forms of work: theoretical and practical seminars, individual consultations, drawing up recommendations, design of information stands, lectures.

    Thus, the specialists provide support to the education of children of KRO classes of a comprehensive school, which involves the activities of the specialist whose help the child needs in all areas of the educational process. Each student is assigned a supervising specialist, who provides interaction in the remedial work of other specialists.

    According to the results of the activities of the consultation, the following documentation is issued:

    1. Minutes of the meeting of the council.

    2. The protocol of the primary examination of the child (may be with a specialist).

    3. Submissions to students.

    4. Map of the child’s dynamic development (submission, extract from the protocol with recommendations, planning remedial classes, child’s work, integrated development program).

    The holding of meetings of the consultation is a mandatory and most important part in ensuring the interaction of specialists, the implementation of an integrated approach in their work.

    Summing up, it can be stated that the joint work of PMP (k) specialists to accompany children with SPD in a comprehensive school should be organized in such a way as to maximize the potential of these children in the field of socialization and mastery of academic knowledge.

    ANNEX 1.

    1. Frequently Asked Questions

    General information about the child

    Date of birth, age.

    For PMPK specialists, information about the family of a child matters. Therefore, it is necessary to give information about family composition, the presence of other children (their age, features of development and training), parents 'level of education, their participation in the upbringing and education of children, features of upbringing in the family, parents' attitude to problems of upbringing and training a child, etc.

    In those cases when a child studies not for the first year, the characteristics are given each year separately, and the features of the student’s development during this period are noted, it is indicated under which program the child studied. The characteristic must have the date and signatures of the teacher and the principal and the seal of the institution.

    It is necessary to indicate the date of the child’s arrival at the school, which year he studies, in which schools, classes he studied, whether he stayed for the second year, whether there were long breaks in education, for what reasons.

    Looking for information on the child's performance in quarters. Indication of the reasons for sending it to the commission.

    The characteristic must have the date and signatures of the teacher and the principal and the seal of the institution.

      The state of school knowledge and skills of the child.

    This section should, if possible, conclude an answer to the questions: what did the child learn from the material covered in reading, writing, and mathematics, and what made it difficult for him to assimilate the material.

    How does a child relate to his failures in learning: he is indifferent or hard going through, seeks to overcome difficulties, becomes passive, as he reacts to the evaluation of his work.

    What types of assistance were used by the teacher to overcome the difficulties found: enhanced control or help with classroom instruction; lightweight homework; individual in the process of frontal work with the class; extra classes in school after school; additional tasks at home; instructions to parents about helping a child prepare lessons, etc.

    What results were achieved at the same time: whether the performance improved, whether it was possible to overcome difficulties, learned to work independently, how much the child advanced in mastering school skills, and over what period of time shifts were obtained.

    The performance and behavior of the child in the classroom.

    In this section, the characteristics should indicate and highlight the following questions:

    · The child’s understanding of the teacher’s requirements.

    · Participation in class work.

    Can a student actively, purposefully work, fulfill the demands made on him, follow the lesson progress, answer questions, ask questions to the teacher, in case of misunderstanding.

    · Health status.

    These questions should be covered in each characteristic. Pay attention to how the child works, whether he is interested in the task, whether it is focused, whether it seeks to complete the work. Is it hard at work or easily distracted? Does it show perseverance in overcoming difficulties? It works fast or slow. Tires quickly and how fatigue manifests itself. Become excited. Whether there are sharp fluctuations in performance throughout the lesson, day, week, year.

      General characteristics of the child's personality.

    It is very valuable if the teacher can, in addition to his observations in the classroom, give some general characteristic  child pointing to common development, orientation in the environment, his interests, especially the nature.

    We learn about life outside school either from the words of the parents or the child himself. At the same time, observations of the teacher in this direction could give a lot.

    The main difficulties in the process of teaching a child (the teacher’s conclusion).

    In this section, the teacher should indicate the main difficulties that the child faces in the process of learning ( cannot write off, copy, does not write to the ear, cannot merge into syllables, has serious difficulties in elementary calculations, does not understand the course of solving problems, hardly concentrates on the task, is constantly distracted, etc.)

      He cannot write on his own by ear, but he can write off the book correctly. Can remember only relying on visual memory.

      Educational material is available, but the boy can not concentrate and therefore does not have time.

      In explaining the material is very attentive, diligent, but can not master the task.

    Together with the characteristic, the school may direct to the medical-pedagogical commission examinations, notebooks, drawings, etc. If the child is re-referred to the PMPK, it is necessary to reflect whether the recommendations of the PMPK were respected, if not, for what reason.

    Formalized characteristics with included positions for underlining, as practice has shown, are not allowed for PMPK because they do not convey the child’s individuality and are uninformative.

    Question: What is necessary to register in the conclusion, the recommendations of the consultation?

    In the conclusion of the psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation of the educational organization should be reflected whether the child copes with the program on which he is studying. It is necessary to provide representations of school specialists with recommendations on the need to be accompanied by specialists (speech therapist, educational psychologist, defectology teacher, social educator).

      Question: How to prepare parents for visiting PMPK?

    Examination of children at PMPK can be carried out on the initiative and application of parents (legal representatives), or on the direction of an educational organization, organization providing social services, a medical organization, another organization (p. 15c of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of September 20, 2013 No. 1082 "On the approval of the provision on the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission").

    Examination of children is carried out only in the presence of parents (legal representatives), the presence of a mother is desirable, since it is she who can answer the questions of specialists about the course of pregnancy, childbirth and the period of early development of the child.

    In exceptional cases (the parent is in the hospital, a long trip), a power of attorney of the established sample is issued to the nearest relative or employee of an educational organization (for example, a social pedagogue).

    The survey is carried out only if all the necessary documents are available, which are provided to the PMPK in advance.

    During the examination on PMPK child  must be somatically healthy. Poor health can affect the results of the survey. If the child is sick, be sure to report the child’s illness and cancel your visit to PMPK on that day.

    Create a positive attitude to the child (schoolchild) for examination, communication with teachers, doctors.

    Before and during the examination at the PMPK, keep calm. Remember that your anxiety can be transmitted to a child.

    The duration of the examination of each child depends on its individual (age, psychophysical, etc.) features, so the time of admission may deviate from the originally appointed time.

    In the process of examination, do not prompt the child, do not distract him with remarks and remarks. If necessary, the child will be assisted by a specialist conducting the examination.

    When a child does not utter the phrase "he (she) is shy," "he (she) does not like to teach poetry, tell," "he (she) does not know how", "he (she) does not answer with outsiders", "he (she) does not read well, “because you are setting on this behavior.

    After the examination, praise the child, even if he did not answer quite the way you expected.


    The following minutes of the meeting of the consultation reflects the specifics of the interaction of specialists, which allows considering the process of building an individual comprehensive development and correction program using the example of a specific student. It should be noted that the examination and the subsequent work of specialists is carried out with the written consent of the parents of the child, in some cases in the presence of the mother.

    Minutes of the meeting of the school psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation:  “Drawing up an individual comprehensive correctional and developmental program for the development of 3rd grade student Pavel Ya.”

    Agenda: compilation of an individual comprehensive correctional and developmental program for the development of 3rd grade student Pavel Ya.

    Present: Deputy. Director of Experimental Work - Chairman of the Consilium, Head. school diagnostic and advisory laboratory, psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist teacher, psychiatrist, primary school teacher (class teacher).

    Heard: the speeches of specialists, observing the student, the teacher.

    CONCLUSION by a psychiatrist

    Student Summary: Pavel J.’s behavior problems at school have been noted since the beginning of his studies. From the first grade, the student was transferred to home schooling. From the second to the present time is trained in the conditions of the system of CRO, is in the dispensary registration.

    At present, it remains motorly disinhibited, irritable, affectively excitable, violates discipline in the class. Inattentive, attention is attracted with difficulty for a short time. Quickly exhausted.

    The child from I normally proceeded pregnancy, giving birth at 36 weeks, was born with a cord entanglement around the neck, cried out not immediately.

    Early development  timely, speech development with a delay. From 1.5 - 2 years, he became restless, disobedient, extremely mobile. Played purposefully could only with the participation of adults. From the age of 3 he entered the preschool, where he quickly adapted. In 4 years due to delayed development, the group for children with CRA was transferred. The irregularity of behavior was noted, the child did not comply with the requirements of the educators, there were conflicts with the children. The mother noticed that her son’s behavior changed after a divorce from her husband, the father of the child (age 3.5 years). The child did not fix his attention on the situation of divorce, he rarely asked about his father, but he became naughty, rude, it became harder to communicate with him.

    Was observed by a neurologist from birth, changes were detected on the EEG, received treatment and receiving therapy to date. He was treated on an outpatient basis and in the hospital.

    Currently, the EEG results are within the normal range, the ECHO-EG is the norm. In the clinical picture, there is a delay in psycho-emotional development, the structure of which is dominated by pronounced immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere in combination with disorders of the psychopathic circle (increased affective excitability, conflict, pugnacity, motor disinhibition). He receives treatment.

    The proposed approach to the activities of a psychologist is primarily focused on working with children who have learning difficulties, having certain forms of inappropriate behavior, that is, working with those children who most often criticize teachers and parents.

    From the very beginning, it should be emphasized that, in general, the activity of a psychologist related to the consultation can take place in at least two modes:

    Within the framework of expert activities of psychological and medical teachers
      Ceskogo Consilium of an educational institution;

    As part of specialized support for those children (groups),
      which are allocated for any parameters and need
      specialized care.

    It is necessary to clarify that under the consultation, the more complex psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation, we understand not only the discussion of specialists

    and zvitiya of a child or educational situation. in which it is located, but permanently operating, a team of specialists, united by common goals, implementing a particular strategy to accompany the child. Currently, a fairly large number of works devoted to this new structural education of the school.

    The Consilium of an educational institution operates on the basis of the relevant Regulation of the Ministry of Education (Order 27 / 901-6 of 03/27/2000). This normative document defines the activity of the consilium and the necessary documentation. The main requirement for its activities is the need not only for a true understanding of the tasks and strategy of developmental and remedial work, but also for a clear coordination of actions of all specialists.

    At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish between tasks that are within the competence of the consultation and general educational tasks that do not require (or at least minimize) the inclusion of this powerful structural education of the school.

    To the tasks of the council of a special (correctional) educational institution (school council, solving the problem of accompanying children of correctional classes on the basis of a comprehensive school, any other institution in the system special education, including pre-school) should include:

    Expert tasks to determine the educational route
      that children with special educational needs
      transferring them to another educational system (for example, according to
      gamble success of their training in primary school  in deciding
      the issue of transfer to secondary school);

    Expert tasks to identify children more than any other need
      given in additional specialized care with
      hand specialists, that is individualization educator
      route correctional education  (this task includes
      reads and monitoring accompaniment of all children

    Monitoring the effectiveness of additional specialized
      helping children and coordinating the interaction of specialists
      different profile.

    Also an additional task of a psychologist should be considered as the coordination of the activities of all specialists conducting

    Consilium (principle of interdisciplinarity and coordinating nature of special psychologist). Indeed, after all, each expert council, resolving issues of qualification of the child’s condition and development in his area of ​​competence, and forecasting his possibilities for further education and training, brings his own understanding into the whole picture. So, in the formulation of a nosological diagnosis, the decisive role belongs, undoubtedly, to the doctor (psychiatrist, neurologist, etc.). The assessment of positive health, social and hygienic conditions in which the child grows, it is better to impose on a specialist in the organization of a healthy lifestyle (valeologa). The qualification of such a component as speech development is assigned to a speech therapist who, together with the teacher-defectologist (class teacher), determines the conditions and form of education within the framework of this type of educational institution that are adequate for the child’s capabilities 1. Formation of educational skills and abilities and their relevance educational program  of this institution is evaluated by the teacher-defectologist of the relevant profile. Social situation  development, the environment in which the child is located outside the educational institution, the features of the social status of the family are assessed by the social pedagogue or the school social worker.

    All these heterogeneous data should be summarized in a single picture, which will be drawn up an individual educational route of the child. The coordinating specialist is a counseling psychologist. This is one of his most important tasks.

    It is necessary to list the tasks that go, in our opinion, beyond the competence of the MPSP and should be solved directly by teachers with minimal involvement of a psychologist (at least at the first stage of their solution).

    These tasks include:

    Immediate problems of learning (short-term deterioration in the learning program: writing, reading, behavior) that cause anxiety to the teacher, but due to their short duration are not the task of the council in general and the psychologist in particular;

    1 If the child has the features of hearing, vision, the musculoskeletal apparatus, and the specialists determining the nature of the child's education, the specialist of the appropriate profile is connected (medical: SurDoGoG\u003e Ophthalmologist, Orthopedist; Pedagogical: Deaf-pedagogue, Tiflopedagog).

    Short-term behavior problems associated first
      queue with a momentary situation in the family, starting at
      the child’s pain (and not with his constant painful
      standing or deviating psychological status that
    rye, of course, are the subject of in-depth research
      all specialists);

    * development of programs, educational measures in the framework of educational
    nutritional process recommended by the classroom
      Liu, subject teacher and other participants

    In the practice of psychological activity of the psychologist, we often have to deal with such requests of teachers and administration, concerning, as a rule, short-term, short-term problems with sufficiently clear reasons. The psychologist must, without refusing to comment in general psychological componentthese tasks, bring to the attention of the teaching staff and the administration its position in this regard.

    The activity of a psychologist within the framework of a consultation consists of a series of stages, naturally arising from one another. In the actual practice of a psychologist, of course, there may be some discrepancies with the given work strategy, which may be determined by regional, ethnic, socio-cultural characteristics of families, etc.

    It is quite obvious that the work of the consultation with the child can begin either at the request of the parents (persons replacing them) or (with their consent) at the request of the teacher, the administration of the educational institution. Parental consent must be documented in the Development Card or in any other document issued for a child in this institution. The written consent of the Parents or guardians, which has already become a standard procedure in most special education institutions, helps to prevent a number of conflict situations related to the examination.

    If according to the final results of work with a child, the consultation is carried out on a mandatory basis, then the results of the interim survey require the consultation to be held in that case, if there is a markedly insufficient or negative developmental dynamics. If at the intermediate stage were obtained significant changes in the state (not only due to the activity of the psychologist, but also other specialists) or

    Some unplanned events occurred, which themselves drastically changed both the state and the conditions of the child's existence, and a discussion of this situation by all experts at the consultation is also necessary. So you can talk about plannedand unscheduledconsiliums The corresponding division of the voluntary process is also given in the Statute on the Consilium of the educational institution 1.

    A number of tasks can be formulated for which the activities of each of the proposed types of consultations are oriented.

    Planned consultationsolves the following tasks:

    1) determining the paths of psychological, medical and pedagogical support
      driving children;

    2) development of agreed decisions on the definition of the image
      corrective developmental route and additional
      programs of developmental or correctional work;

    3) dynamic assessment of the child’s condition and a correction earlier
      labeled program;

    4) deciding on the change of educational route,
      developmental and remedial work upon completion of training
      (end of the school year).

    As a rule, the frequency of scheduled consultations is once every six months.

    Unscheduled consultationscollected at the request of specialists (class teacher, psychologist or one of the specialists working with the child). As already mentioned, the reason for the unscheduled consultation is the negative dynamics of the child’s learning or development, negative behavioral characteristics, etc.

    The tasks of the unscheduled consultation are:

    1) deciding whether to take any necessary extras
      measures taken on the circumstances revealed (including how
      The specialist must be consulted child in the
      the first place);

    2) changing the direction of the previously carried out correctional
      work in a changed situation or if it is not

    1 For the first time such a definition of the types of consultation was given in the draft organization of the system of psychological, medical and educational assistance in 1999.

    3) deciding whether to change the educational route, either in the framework of the activities of this educational institution, or in the selection of another type educational institution  (repeated passage of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission).

    The solution of problems of dynamic assessment of the child’s condition within the framework of the work of the consultation is the final stage of the third stage of its activity. In the future, work with the child is either completed as a whole (in the situation of the final consultation and bringing the child to another training program), or continues (for example, when the child enters the next class), repeating the second and third stages, in a situation where the child still needs additional extracurricular specialized assistance. If the child (group of children) does not go beyond typological standardof this educational institution (satisfies its socio-psychological standard), the assessment of the dynamics of mastering the program material (the effectiveness of educational influences and activities, etc.) is carried out by the teaching staff, the class teacher on the pedagogical councils, that is, within ordinary educational process. Consilium activity in such a situation is expressed only in the monitoring component of the support (in real conditions - in the routine monitoring of the child by the school psychologist). Constant activity of the council in relation to to eachchild, detailed discussion all childrenregardless of the dynamics of their learning and development are redundant.

    When asked by teachers, parents, or educators of GPA information about a long-term illness that has “thrown” the child back into the training program, about any critical circumstances, consilium activity can become a means of analyzing and helping the child.

    An important aspect of school psychological-me-dico-pedagogical consultation is form of interaction of specialists.

    It is possible after O.E. Mushroom highlight the nature and differences in the form of the activities of the school council experts and the activities of the specialists in the psycho-medical-pedagogical commission.

    Since the tasks of the consultation primarily include the development of an individual program of a comprehensive support

    Dénia of the child, the form of organization of the examination procedure can only be individualized for each specialist, followed by a collegial discussion of the data obtained, the development of an appropriate solution and comprehensive recommendations. This form of work fully coincides with the individual collegiate form of the PMPK. (cm.chapter 2 of this section).

    In the same way, the wording of the collective conclusion is based on the detailed in-depth conclusions of each of the specialists and the agreed recommendations of everyone with each. These conditions impose certain requirements on the consilium composition. If in the regularly operating commission the composition is pre-determined and approved by the relevant order of the institution, then all those professionals who work with this child are included in the consultation (which must also be approved by the relevant document). Thus, the composition of the consultation of an educational institution may vary depending on the problems discussed: some specialists (for example, a psychologist or a doctor) work constantly, others (class teacher, speech therapist, GPA educator, etc.) change. It also imposes certain conditions on their joint activities and interaction.

    As noted by A.Ya. Yudilevich, in the modern team work of the PMPK specialists are implemented two basic principles- multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary. To the fullest extent, both principles can be applied to the activities of the school council.

    Meaning mulypidisciplinaryprinciple is to implement an integrated approach to assessing child development, which implies the need equaltaking into account the data and opinions of all experts of the consultation (from doctors to social workers and educators GPA).

    Interdisciplinarythe principle of the activities of specialists in assessing the mental development of a child implies the need to develop (coordinate) collegial approaches in such an assessment and a change (in some cases a serious correction) of the opinion of each of the specialists depending on the opinion of other members of the PMPK. This, in turn, requires appropriate technologies for collegial discussion, that is, technologies for interdisciplinary interaction. The main load in this situation

    lies on the leading meeting of the consultation specialist. An important task of the presenter is control over the sequence of discussion of the child by individual specialists, coordination of the positions of specialists, etc. Such technologies of interaction of specialists in a collegial discussion have not yet received sufficient coverage in the literature.

    It follows from the above that the consideration of both principles of team work of specialists to the fore puts not so much the tasks of education (although the latter are embodied in specific recommendations for changing the educational route or features of individual support for the child in the educational space), as the task of specialized correctional and developmental assistance to the child, complex psychotherapeutic oriented support of his family. All this "... greatly reduces the possibility of diagnostic errors and contributes to the development of the most productive approaches in deciding the fate of a small person, respecting his rights."

    Stages of the consultation

    The nature of the requests and complaints of parents or specialists in contact with the child has been analyzed in some detail in a number of manuals, so we do not consider it necessary to stop here. It is desirable that the description of problems or complaints occur in advance, for example, when you register a child for a consultation. It can be considered as preliminary stageaccompanying the child (hedgehog. section IV). At present, a number of documents, development maps, etc., have been developed, in which the necessary information about the child and his family, which the specialist conducting the survey should be familiar with, should be presented in sufficient detail and in detail.

    The primary examination of a child by different specialists (including a psychologist) is first stageescorts.

    An important problem is the determination of the sequence of examination of the child by various specialists. Who

    Of which should hold the primary reception? Until now, this question has not been definitely resolved. Undoubtedly, the ICC depends on the composition of the specialists of the council or educational center where the child was sent. It should be noted that there are two most effective ways to solve this problem. In the case when the institution has a psychologist with extensive practical work experience, it is advisable that he conduct the primary reception. When, for some reason or other, a psychologist does not have the necessary work experience, it makes sense to conduct a primary appointment to any other specialist, primarily a speech therapist or doctor.

    If the primary reception is conducted by a psychologist, in his recommendations he not only can, but must in each case determine the need for other specialists to participate in the survey, and in some cases determine the sequence of examinations (consultations) by specialists of different profiles. Undoubtedly, the experience of a psychologist plays a huge role in this kind of coordination work. A psychologist performing primary counseling for a child collects anamnestic information about him and his family (psychological history). Other specialists complement and clarify the obtained anamnestic data. .

    Of course, the psychological history does not at all exempt from the need to collect classical information about the diseases of a child, conducted by a doctor (medical part of the history). However, the psychological history is peculiar, important for building a general hypothesis of the survey and for making a psychological diagnosis. According to the results of the in-depth examination, the psychologist draws up a detailed conclusion.

    The first stage ends with the compilation individualconclusions by all experts of the consultation.

    In accordance with the principle individual-collegial examinationafter the surveys, the specialists hold a collegial discussion of the results. This discussion can be viewed as second stageconsilium activity. Collective discussion of the results of the survey allows us to develop a unified understanding of the nature and characteristics of the child’s development, to determine the overall forecast of its future development and

    lex necessary developmental and corrective measures

    The final part of the second phase of the work of a psychologist in

    the advice of the Consilium is to participate in the development of a solution to the definition of an educational route in accordance with the features and capabilities of the child, as well as the determination of the necessary psychological correction and developmental programs. It also discusses the coordination and coordination of the subsequent interaction of specialists with each other. If necessary, the sequence of inclusion of various specialists in the work

    with baby.

    The main principle of the team of specialists at this stage is principle of multidisciplinaryput forward in 1968 by leading domestic psychologists A.N. Leontiev, A.R. Luria, A.A. Smirnov.

    A characteristic feature of the psychologist's activity in modern conditions is that his work cannot proceed in isolation from the work of other specialists (and not only the teacher). Now, in most educational institutions (and in the special education system, without fail) such specialists appear as a speech therapist, social pedagogue, medical specialists (neurologist, psychiatrist, pediatrician), and health care specialists. As yet, their work, as a rule, is not sufficiently coordinated, each of them primarily takes care of the fullest possible fulfillment of its scope of work, often regardless of what the others do. Is such help effective? How should the joint work and its effective distribution be organized? An interdisciplinary approach can solve these problems.

    The task of the psychologist is to combine his efforts with the efforts of a speech therapist, a teacher-defectologist, a doctor, to organize a single well-coordinated team - he requires special psychotherapeutic skills and the ability to create a psychotherapeutic atmosphere in the work of the council. This aspect of the activities of a psychologist in an interdisciplinary team is not yet sufficiently developed and requires additional research.

    Often the question arises whether the presence of the Child or his parents (persons replacing them) on such

    Discussion. Our experience shows that if a collegial discussion of a child takes place immediately after all specialists follow (within 3-5 days after the last survey, or even immediately after the final examination by a specialist), Luc will not invite parents for discussion, and provide the results in the form of a conclusion that is clear to them and explain all the points of interest or incomprehensible to them at the consultation. As a rule, this consultation is conducted either by the head of the consultation, or by a psychologist. It should be remembered that each specialist is obliged to pro-consult parents on the results of his examination and give his own clear and understandable recommendations for the development and upbringing of the child. In the same way, from our point of view, every specialist is obliged to provide parents with information on forecast of further developmentchild, the estimated dynamics of his condition. Moreover, parents should be provided with information (of course, in a sparing mode) about the adverseness of one or another forecast, possible deterioration of the state, and development dynamics in general. The violation of this principle, the concealment of unpleasant information or its distortion in favor of a misunderstood, gentle attitude towards parents and child, in our opinion, is a violation of professional duty. This fact should be the subject of discussion by the professional community.

    If a school council  did not come to a common opinion about what kind of developmental and correctional work with the child is necessary, the case turned out to be difficult and the experience of specialists is not enough, the child can be sent to a higher level consultation: municipal, district or even regional. In the same way, it is necessary to act in a situation of conflicting relations with the child’s parents, the parents not accepting the advice of the council. It is understood that more experienced specialists are concentrated in the consultations of a higher level, which allows them to correctly assess the condition of the child. Yes, and the authority of such an organization can be a good motivating component of the impact on parents.

    the results obtained in the form of a general (collegial) opinion of the consultation in such cases are transferred to the psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation 1 and in the shortest (after additional examination of the child) return to the educational institution with the conclusions of all specialists and recommendations development, education and training of the child.

    Next up (third) stagepsychologist activities

    education is the implementation of decisions of the council (municipal consultation) in terms of developmental and corrective measures of the extracurricular component or the inclusion of special psychological assistance directly in the child’s learning process.

    Developmental and correctional work takes place in an individual or group (subgroup) mode. In accordance with the peculiarities of the child’s development and the availability of relevant specialists in the school, the direction, intensity and duration of the training cycles are determined. The most important task of the psychologist at this stage is the use (and in some cases the development) of individually oriented programs of special psychological assistance, taking into account the individual-typological characteristics of the child or group of children. Related to this is the important task of selecting children for group work. In addition, the estimated duration of an individual lesson and the whole occupation cycle should be determined. All these indicators should not only be fixed, but also justified in the program of correction

    Chion work.

    The completion of this stage of work of the psychologist is dynamicexamination (assessment of the child’s condition after the end of the cycle of developmental-corrective work) or finalexamination. As already noted in section III, a conclusion is written based on the results of each survey.

    1 In this situation, it is necessary to speak about the consultation, and not the commission, since the child is already undergoing training in the appropriate coronary institution after passing the PMPK (commission), and we can only speak about the counseling, strictly recommendatory process. Naturally, if we are not talking about a diagnostic error and the need for the disgraceful passage of PMPK (in commission mode).

    CHAPTER 2. The organization and content of the activities of the psychologist at the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission (PMPK)

    2.1. The specifics of the psychologist in the PMPK

    The PMPK’s activities are particularly important and complex in picking initial level  correctional schools of various types. It is here that the psychologist is most involved. At present, the service of practical psychology in preschool educational institutions is just beginning to develop. Accordingly, the requirements for the activities of a psychologist as part of the PMPK, a component of compensatory and combining preschool educational institutions, are still being developed. In this chapter, we will look at the activities of a psychologist as part of a commission focused on working with children of primary school age. Although in general, described below is adequate for the work of a psychologist as a part of the PMPK with children of preschool age.

    Obviously, there is a certain uniqueness in the activity of PMPK of different levels. Municipal, regional, regional PMPK differ somewhat in their goals and objectives. But in general, in the nature of the activities of both the psychologist as part of the PMPK, and the whole PMPK, and other of its specialists, it is possible to identify common components, common goals, tasks, and technologies of work.

    As a member of the PMPK, the psychologist must not only conduct an in-depth psychological examination of the child and give a probabilistic forecast of his development within the system special educationbut also indicate the sequence and orientation of psychological correctional work, the need to consult other specialists (speech therapist, defectologist, etc.). Another important task of the PMPK psychologist is to participate in a collegial discussion and work out a decision on the organization of a child’s special education system.

    The main task of an in-depth examination is to make a psychological diagnosis in accordance with the typology adopted at the commission and to decide how this correctional institution corresponds to the capabilities and characteristics of the child.

    An example is a real-life case. pMPK works.

    To make a decision about studying in the 2nd grade correctional school  VII species PMPK was given Sasha L. (10 years 3 months), previously studied at home. According to the data of pedagogical testing, the child did not fully possess the program material of the 1st grade (program 1-4). The psychological diagnosis of this child represented a variant of normative development, burdened by a general decrease in the rate of activity. No speech disturbance was observed. Neurological status was defined as unexpressed signs of residual organic damage to the central nervous system, which in our time can be considered almost as a neurological norm.

    It is quite obvious that teaching such a child according to the program and methods of special education for 3-4 years in the frontal mode is completely unjustified, since in an individual mode he can master the general educational program material of an elementary school much faster. This conclusion is made on the basis of the identified features of the development of the child. In this regard, the commission did not recommend education under the program of the school of the VII type, but proposed to consider the possibility of training under the individual program of a mass secondary school.

    We can give one more example.

    At the age of 9, Borya B. was brought to the PMPK, who for two years in the 1st grade of a mass school (program 1-4) was unable to master program material. In the pedagogical characteristics of the school where the child is studying, there were complaints not only about the difficulties of mastering the program material, but also about the difficulties of behavior, the absence of any interest in learning (learning motivation), etc. According to the results of the psychological examination, a diagnosis was made: "total underdevelopment of the mental functions of a simple balanced type with gross emotional immaturity and impaired neurodynamic characteristics of activity according to the type of fluctuations in efficiency and pace of activity." Speech therapy diagnosis: "OHP third level, violations of reading and writing in a child with primary intellectual disorders." The diagnosis of a neurologist: "unexpressed signs of residual organic damage to the central nervous system." The outpatient psychiatrist diagnosed: “severe mental retardation”. Pedagogical assessment: “fragmented, not systematic

    Developed knowledge of the program material of the 1st grade of secondary school in a child with low learning ability and difficulties in transferring skills to similar material. "

    After a collegial discussion at the commission, a decision was made on additional psychiatric examination and, in the future, sending the child to the 2nd grade school viii  because, with the exception of the psychiatrist, all the experts of the commission found the child’s facilities inadequate and insufficient for training in school VII.

    In most cases of PMPK work, such serious tasks and responsible decisions require individualpsychological examinations (as well as examinations of other specialists). In general, in accordance with the general tasks of the PMPK, the function of a psychologist as a member can be briefly designated as a solution to the issue of the adequacy of a school (pre-school educational institution) of this type to the capabilities and psychological characteristics of a child. That is, the main purpose of the PMPK psychologist is to understand how this program, the features of the educational process of this type of training (methodology, pace, methods and means of education, including the didactic content of the correctional-developing environment) correspond and are adequate to the possibilities and specifics of development baby

    With such individualization, the psychological diagnosis and differentiation of the features of the state and development of children from those close to and similar in phenomenological manifestations of other types of deviating development begins to take on increasing importance.

    In addition, in accordance with the ideas about the prognosis of further development, a psychologist can recommend both the duration and the form (individual, frontal with additional individual lessons  etc.) teaching a child at school. It is clear that your opinion about the need for a child of one kind or another correctional institution, the duration of the child’s stay in it has the full right to express other members of the commission. Concretization of the direction, types, form and duration of correctional work is the task of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council of the educational institution where the child will be.

    Quite often in the practice of the PMPK there are cases when the child is sent to a correctional course for the so-called diagnostic period, which is also determined by the PMPK decision. In the case of positive dynamics of development and mastering of program material, the child continues his studies in this school, otherwise he is sent again to the PMPK for making a decision on an educational route adequate for him. In both cases, the commission must necessarily present the findings of each specialist who works with the child (teachers, speech therapist, speech pathologist, psychologist and doctor).

    Such conditions, of course, should be stipulated in the contract, which for the time the child is in a correctional institution (for example, in a school of the VII type) is with the parents. In the same way, all the conditions for organizing the training and development of a child within a special (correctional) institution (pre-school or school) should be carefully described in the statute of the institution. This allows you to avoid many misunderstandings and even prosecutions by parents in the event of their disagreement, the rejection of decisions taken by the administration of the institution, by its council.

    It should be noted that the assembly of the correctional institution is carried out mainly in the relevant pre-school and primary school. However, children who are academically unsuccessful for various reasons can go to the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission after the fifth grade, that is,

    Purpose and directions of activity

    Psycho-Medical Pedagogical Commission

    The main document that guides the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission (hereinafter - PMPK) is Order Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation   of September 20, 2013 No. 1082 “On Approval of the Provision on the Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Commission”.

    Commission is created with the purpose  timely identification of children with disabilities from health, carrying out their complex psychological, medical and pedagogical examination (hereinafter referred to as the survey) and preparing recommendations for providing them with psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance and organizing their training and education, as well as confirming, specifying or changes to these recommendations.

    PMPK is an interdepartmental, permanent organization.

    Main directions  Commission activities are:

    a) conducting a survey of children from birth to 18 years of age in order to timely identify deficiencies in physical and / or mental development and / or deviations in the behavior of children;

    b) based on the results of the survey, the preparation of recommendations on the provision of psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance to children and the organization of their training and education, confirmation, clarification or modification of the recommendations given by the commission;

    c) providing advice to parents (legal representatives), employees of educational institutions, social services, health care and other organizations on the issues of education, training and correction of developmental disorders of children with disabilities and / or behavioral deviations;

    d) the provision of medical and social expertise by federal government institutions in the development of an individualized program for the rehabilitation of a disabled child;

    e) registering data on children with disabilities and (or) deviant (socially dangerous) behavior living in the territory of the commission’s activities;

    f) participation in the organization of public awareness-raising work with the public in the field of prevention and correction of physical and / or physical deficiencies mental development  and / or deviations in the behavior of children.

    Pmpk structure

    PMPK system

    Creature pMPK systems   is the most important issue of the PMPK at the present stage. The structural units of this system include:

    Level 1 - psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations (PMP-consultations) of educational institutions;

    2nd level - psychological-medical-pedagogical commissions (PMPK) of the municipal level (territorial);

    Level 3 - psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions of the regional level PMPK (central).

    Three-level structure of the PMPK system in the region

    Within each of the presented levels of the PMPK system, it is possible to recommend the creation of professional associations organized according to the principle of methodical associations. The management of such professional associations can be carried out by the methodologist (specialist) of the management of education, who oversees the activities of the PMP-consultation of educational institutions and the PMPK and organizes their interaction on the basis of partnership agreements.

    Questions of planning the activities of such professional associations and drawing up partnership agreements are solved by the methodologist together with representatives of the relevant structural units of the PMPK system.

    The Central PMPK is the leading one in relation to the municipal (territorial) PMPK and, through the municipal PMPK, in relation to the PMP-consilium of educational institutions of the region in matters of methodological support of their activities. Control over the activities of the Central PMPK rests with the head of the department of education and science of the regional administration. Control over the activities of municipal PMPK rests with the heads of the respective municipal departments of education.

    Thus, education authorities are encouraged to create PMPK at the regional and municipal levels as a structural unit of an educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medico-social assistance (PPMS-center) or as PPMS-center (diagnostics and counseling), profiled on performance of PMPK functions.

    The psychological-medical-pedagogical commission is headed by the head (in the city of Tambov - the head).

    The commission includes: head, teacher-psychologist, teacher-pathologists (according to the relevant profile: oligophrenopedagogue, typhoid pedagogue, deaf-pedagogue), teacher-speech therapist, pediatrician, ophthalmologist, otorhinolaryngologist, orthopedist, child psychiatrist, neurologist, social teacher. If necessary, other specialists are included in the commission.

    The inclusion of doctors in the commission is carried out in coordination with the executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of health or local government governing in the field of health.

    The relationship between the employee of the commission and the administration of the institution is governed by the labor agreement (contract), the terms of which cannot contradict the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. The duration of the employment contract and other essential terms of the contract are determined by the employee of the commission and the employer when it is concluded.

    In the performance of their professional duties, PMPK specialists have the right to freedom of choice and use of methods to diagnose developmental disabilities; methods for assessing the effectiveness of diagnostic and corrective measures that meet the recommendations of commission members.

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