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  • Work program for additional education in kindergarten. Work program of additional education at a preschool educational institution in ecology

    Work program for additional education in kindergarten.  Work program of additional education at a preschool educational institution in ecology

    Working programm additional education on ecology on the topic: "Young ecologist". Senior - preparatory group

    Age 5-7 years, implementation period 2 years.

    The rapid development of civilization on the present stage led to the formation of an anthropocentric consciousness in humans with a pronounced consumer attitude to nature. The current situation dictates the need to work on the formation of an ecocentric consciousness in the younger generation. The development of such consciousness is directly related to the development of the principles of ecological culture by preschoolers. The content of environmental education includes two aspects: the transfer of environmental knowledge and their transformation into attitude. Knowledge is an indispensable component of the process of forming the principles of ecological culture, and attitude is its final product. True ecological knowledge forms a conscious attitude and gives rise to ecological awareness. An attitude built outside the understanding of natural relationships in nature, socio-natural relationships of a person with the environment, cannot be the core of ecological education, cannot become the beginning of a developing ecological consciousness, because it ignores objectively existing processes and relies on a subjective factor. A biocentric approach to environmental education, which puts nature in the center of attention and considers man as a part of it, puts forward the need to study the laws that exist in nature itself. Only their thorough knowledge allows a person to properly interact with her and live according to her laws.
    The content of environmental knowledge covers the following range:
    - the variety of living organisms, their ecological unity; connection with the habitat;
    - phenomena inanimate nature; the concept of the universe (universe);
    - a person as a living being, his habitat, ensuring health and normal life; usage natural resources, pollution the environment; protection and restoration
    natural resources.
    The content of the supplementary education program is based on the program "Into ecology" by the author Voronkevich OA, which implies the formation of a consciously correct attitude towards natural phenomena and objects that surround them in children, and with which they get acquainted in preschool childhood.
    Target: Develop children's interest and love for nature, teach them to creatively reflect the knowledge gained in their works.
    1. Educational: to expand and generalize children's knowledge about the natural world as an integral interconnected system.
    2. Developing: develop common cognitive ability: the ability to observe, describe, build assumptions and suggest ways to test them, find cause - effect relationships.
    3. Educational: the formation of the child's ecological culture, the upbringing of a spiritually rich personality.

    Lesson structure 1 and 2 years of study (5-7 years)

    Beginning of the lesson
    It involves the organization of children: Switching the attention of children to the upcoming activity, stimulating interest in it, creating an emotional mood, accurate and clear attitudes to the upcoming activity (sequence of task completion, expected results)
    Course (process) of the lesson
    Independent mental and practical activity of children, the implementation of all assigned educational tasks. In the process of this part of the lesson, the individualization of training is carried out (minimal help, advice, reminders, leading questions, demonstration, additional explanation). The teacher creates the conditions for each child to achieve a result.
    End of class
    Dedicated to summarizing and evaluating results learning activities... In the senior and preparatory groups for school, children are involved in the assessment and self-assessment of results. Depending on the section of training, on the goals of the lesson, the methodology for conducting each part of the lesson may be different. Private methods provide more specific recommendations for each part of the lesson. After the lesson, the teacher analyzes its effectiveness, the development of program tasks by children, reflects on activities and outlines
    perspective of activity.

    Conditions for the implementation of the program:

    For the effective implementation of the continuing education program in kindergarten favorable conditions have been created:
    - Organized "ecological space" in the premises of the kindergarten: group corners of nature, selected and placed plants in accordance with their biological characteristics; on the territory of the kindergarten: an ecological path, a garden and a vegetable garden, a zone of medicinal plants;
    - Fund of methodical, visually - illustrated materials;
    - Created mini-laboratories for organizing and conducting experiments with objects of nature.
    - 1 year of study, classes are designed for children aged 5-6 years. Only 30 lessons. The duration of each lesson is 30 minutes and 5 minutes for the preparation of the material. Held once a week.
    - 2nd year of study, classes are designed for children aged 6-7 years. There are 29 lessons in total. The duration of each lesson is 35 minutes and 5 minutes for the preparation of the material. Held once a week. During classes, children can sit in a circle (on the carpet) or at tables, move around the playroom, depending on the course of the lesson.
    - Classes can be conducted with children of any degree of preparedness for school. The form of organizing classes - with the entire group of children or subgroups, at the discretion of the teacher.

    Developing ecological environment represented in the group by the following

    "Little Scientist"
    - Various devices are presented: scales, magnifying glasses,
    magnets, microscopes, magnifiers;
    - Various vessels made of various materials: glass, metal,
    plastics; Natural materials: leaves, sand, clay, earth,
    - Nuts, screws, studs, wire;
    - Medical supplies: pipettes, flasks, syringes, measuring spoons,
    cotton wool, bandage;
    - Waste material: plastic, polystyrene, pieces of fabric, leather, fur,
    sawdust, shavings;
    - Bulk products (flour, grains, cereals, salt, soda); candles, lanterns;
    - Children's bathrobes, aprons;
    - Schemes for conducting experiments;
    - Journal for recording results.
    "Corner of nature"
    - Nature calendar, nature calendar model;
    - Flower corner (aesthetically designed; plants are selected and arranged in accordance with their characteristics, plant passports);
    - Various containers (watering cans; buckets; plastic, various colors
    - Funnels;
    - Natural material (cones, stones, acorns, moss, pieces of bark and wood);
    - Metal, cork, wood and plastic items;
    - Toys (sand sets, rubber toys, boats ...);
    - Ecological sets "Pond", "Forest", "Eurasia" (boxes with the necessary materials for modeling the habitat).
    "Garden on the windowsill"
    - Mini - vegetable garden (containers for growing seedlings of flower, vegetable crops; flower seeds, vegetable and cereal crops);
    - Gardener's corner (a tool for watering, loosening, caring for plants);
    "Skillful hands"
    The center is equipped with tables, easels, open cabinets. Various materials are offered to children:
    - For drawing (gouache, pastel, c / pencils, watercolors, brushes ...);
    - For modeling (plasticine, clay, salt dough)
    - For application (c / paper, non-paper, glue, scissors, stencils ...).
    It also organizes exhibitions of reproductions of famous artists (by theme, by seasons ...) and works by children themselves, made in various techniques.
    "Ecological trail"
    The center is organized on the territory of the kindergarten. For the work of pupils, kindergarten equipment is provided: watering cans, buckets, gloves, shovels, rakes, rippers, boxes for seedlings.

    Download the work program of additional education in ecology on the topic: "Young ecologist"

    The work program of the teacher of additional education in the field of activity

    Andreeva Olga Vladimirovna

    "By drawing, I get to know the world."

    GBOU SOSH №448 (DO)





    1 . Target section

    1.1. Explanatory Note …………………………………………………… 3

    1.2. Principles and approaches to the formation of the program ................................ 6

    1.3. Age characteristics ... ………… ................ ………………………… .8

    1.4. Planned results of the development of the Program ……………………… 12

    2.Organizational section

    2.1. Daily routine …………………………………………………………… .... 12

    2.2. Thematic planning ……………………………………… ..… .... 24

    3. Content section

    3.1. Artistic and aesthetic development ……………………………… .... 25

    4. References ………………………………………………..……...27


    5.1. Activity grid ………………………………………………………… ..28

    5.2. Annual planning in groups No. 2,3,4,5,6 ………………………….

    5.3. Individual and group conversations with the parents of the pupils….

    5.4. Individual work with kids…………………………………………

    1. Target section

    1.1 Explanatory note.

    Features of the work program of the teacher of additional education in fine arts GBOU SOSH No. 448 TO g . Moscow Andreeva O . V .

    The work program is developed on the basis of an approximate basic general educational program preschool education"From birth to school." / Ed. N.E. Veraksy, T.S.Komarova, M.A.Vasilyeva, 2014, educational program GBOU SOSH №448 DO in accordance with FGOS DO for working with children preschool age, according to the age and individual characteristics of preschool children. The programs of Koptseva T.A. are partially used. "Nature and the Artist", N.A. Goryaeva "The first steps in the world of art", Lykova I.A. "Lados".

    Modern child Is a resident of the 21st century who is influenced by all the signs of the present. Long-term research carried out by the authors of the program allows us to outline the "touches" of modern preschool childhood, which cannot be ignored when organizing the educational process of kindergarten.

    A modern child is a small citizen who realizes himself in the modern space of the country and city. He loves his homeland, his family, his peers and friends, wants to make life better, worthier and more beautiful. The modern preschooler is focused on the knowledge of man and nature. He is well oriented in himself, his immediate environment, his present and future. He is ready to evaluate the phenomena and events of life from different points of view: interest, utility, usefulness, aesthetics, knowledge. Modern children are future-oriented. This is a striking feature of the little citizens of our time - they look to the future with confidence.

    The internal reserves of a modern child are revealed in different types of their preferred activities: visual, play, musical,literary. But, unlike his peers of past years, he confidently combines them, unites them with each other, because he is so more comfortable and can do everything. He organically weaves his ideas about this world into different spheres of life. He is a carrier of a subculture inherent only to a preschooler and distinguishing him from children of other ages and adults. A modern preschooler often lacks communication with mom and dad, peers, he gets lost in the world of voluminous information, he wants to talk more and act together. The kindergarten group is just the place where he implements the fundamental needs for him.

    Therefore, the kindergarten is the second family of the child, in which he lives happily and interestingly. Modern children go to kindergarten with pleasure, they love it!

    The life of a 21st century child has changed dramatically and has become closely linked to the capabilities of parents. He is faster than an adult to master a mobile phone and computer, TV and tape recorder. He listens and watches the same songs and TV shows with his parents; goes with his family to cafes and restaurants, goes abroad on vacation, travels; focuses on car brands, advertising. He is interested in many things and talks about many things.

    At the same time, the child is still focused on self-valuable, childish activities. He loves to play, compose, fantasize, rejoice and reason. In the children's activities of a modern child, one can also see the desire for integration, that is, unification different types activities in one process. In new activities, such as experimentation, creation of micro and macro projects, collecting, improvisation, modern children are attracted by the process itself, the possibility of showing independence and freedom, the realization of ideas, the ability to choose and change something by yourself.

    Taking into account the basic principles, requirements for the organization and content of visual activity in a preschool educational institution, the main goals and objectives of which are: the development of interest in different types visual activity; improving skills in drawing, modeling, application, applied art; fostering emotional responsiveness in the perception of works of art; fostering the desire and ability to interact with peers when creating collective works. It is supposed to teach children for 4 years: from 3 to 7 years. The program is structured in a spiral fashion: from simple to complex. At each stage (year of study), repeating in an expanded, complicated version.

    The thematic block of art classes contributes to the development of activity, independence and creativity of children, encourages them to remember what they saw interesting around them, what they liked; teaches you how to compare objects; to ask, activating the experience of the children, what similar things they have already drawn, sculpted, how they did it.

    Much attention in the program is paid to the study of traditional Russian folk art crafts, Russian costume, Russian folk tales, color science, paper plastic. Travels to museums are made with the help of interactive technologies.

    For the successful mastering of artistic and creative activities by children and the development of creativity in the program, the following conditions are met:

      enrichment of sensory experience, clarification and expansion of ideas about those objects, objects and phenomena that they have to portray;

      a variety of subjects of children's work, forms of organization of classes (creation of individual and collective compositions), art materials;

      respect for children's creativity, the use of children's work in the design of kindergarten premises, in the organization of various exhibitions, as well as for gifts for children and adults.

    Each thematic block in the working program ends with a collective viewing of all the images created by the guys, the organization of an exhibition, and participation in competitions. It is very important that children see the overall result, hear the teacher's assessment of their work, actively participate in the conversation available to them, the assessment of the expressive images of objects, phenomena; so that every child sees his work among the work of other children.For example, the "Gifts of Autumn" week ends with an exhibition of handicrafts made from natural materials together with parents, etc.

    Goals and objectives of the Program

    The main goals of the Program are to create favorable conditions for a full-fledged life of a child of preschool childhood, the formation of the foundations of a basic culture of personality, the all-round development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparation for life in modern society, for studying at school, ensuring the safety of life of a preschooler ...

    Special attention in the Program is paid to the development of the child's personality, the preservation and strengthening of the health of children, as well as the upbringing of such qualities in preschoolers as: patriotism; parenting patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland, pride in its achievements, confidence that Russia is a great multinational country with a heroic past and a happy future.

    Focus on moral education, support of traditional values, such as love for parents, respect for elders, caring attitude towards kids, elderly people; the formation of traditional gender perceptions; fostering in children the desire to follow a positive example in their actions.

    active life position; the priority of the Program is the upbringing of a free, self-confident person, with an active life position, striving to creatively approach the solution of various life situations who has his own opinion and knows how to defend it.

    creative approach to solving various life situations;

    respect for traditional values.

    These goals are realized in the process various types children's activities:play, communication, work, cognitive and research, productive, musical and artistic, reading.

    To achieve the objectives of the Program, the following are of paramount importance:

    caring for the health, emotional well-being and timely all-round development of each child;

    creating in the art studio an atmosphere of a humane and benevolent attitude towards all pupils, which allows them to grow up sociable, kind, inquisitive, proactive, striving for independence and creativity;

    maximum use of various types of children's activities, their integration in order to increase the effectiveness of educational educational process;

    creative organization (creativity) of the educational process;

    variability in the use of educational material, which allows developing creativity in accordance with the interests and inclinations of each child;

    respectful attitude to the results of children's creativity;

    unity of approaches to raising children in a preschool educational institution and family;

    observance in the work of the kindergarten and primary school continuity, excluding mental and physical overload in the content of education of preschool children, ensuring the absence of the pressure of subject teaching.

    1.2. Principles and approaches to the formation of the Program

    In the Program, the developmental function of education is brought to the fore, ensuring the formation of the child's personality and orienting the teacher to his individual characteristics, which corresponds to the modern scientific "Concept of Preschool Education" (authors V. V. Davydov, V. A. Petrovsky, etc.) on recognition intrinsic value of the preschool period of childhood.

    The program is built on the positions of a humane and personal attitude towards a child and is aimed at his all-round development, the formation of spiritual and universal human values, as well as abilities and integrative qualities. The Program lacks strict regulation of children's knowledge and subject centrism in teaching.

    When developing the Program, the best traditions of domestic preschool education, its fundamental nature, were taken into account: a comprehensive solution to problems of protecting the life and strengthening of children's health, comprehensive education, amplification (enrichment) of development based on the organization of various types of children's creative activities. A special role in the Program is given to play activities as leading in preschool childhood (A. N. Leontiev, A. V. Zaporozhets, D. B. Elkonin, etc.).

    The program is based on the most important didactic principle - developmental teaching and on the scientific position of L. S. Vygotsky that properly organized teaching "leads" development. Education and mental development they cannot act as two separate, independent from each other processes, but at the same time "upbringing serves as a necessary and universal form of the child's development" (V. V. Davydov). Thus, development within the framework of the Program acts as the most important result of the success of the upbringing and education of children.

    The Program comprehensively presents all the main content lines of upbringing and education of a child from birth to school. The program is based on the principle of cultural conformity. The implementation of this principle ensures that national values ​​and traditions are taken into account in education, makes up for the shortcomings of spiritual, moral and emotional education. Education is viewed as a process of introducing a child to the main components of human culture (knowledge, morality, art, work).

    The main criterion for the selection of the program material is its educational value, the high artistic level of the cultural works used (classical and folk - both domestic and foreign), the possibility of developing the comprehensive abilities of the child at every stage of preschool childhood (E.A. Sakulina, N.A. Vetlugina, N.S. Karpinskaya).

    is based on a complex-thematic principle of building the educational process;

    provides for the solution of program educational tasks in the joint activities of an adult and children and the independent activity of preschoolers, not only within the framework of educational activities directly, but also during regime moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education;

    involves building the educational process on age-appropriate forms of work with children. The main form of work with preschoolers and their leading type of activity is play;

    is built taking into account the observance of continuity between all age groups of preschool and between kindergarten and primary school.

    Focus on further education:

    The program is aimed at the development of cognitive interest in children, the desire to acquire knowledge, positive motivation for further education at school, institute; understanding that all people need to get education. Formation of an attitude towards education as one of the leading values ​​in life.

    Focus on preserving and strengthening the health of children

    One of the main tasks set by the Program for educators is to take care of the preservation and strengthening of the health of children, the formation of elementary representations about a healthy lifestyle, fostering good habits, including habits to healthy eating, the need for physical activity.

    Focus on taking into account the individual characteristics of the child

    The program is aimed at ensuring the emotional well-being of each child, which is achieved by taking into account the individual characteristics of children as in matters of organizing life (bringing the daily routine to individual characteristics child, etc.), and in the forms and methods of interaction with the child (showing respect for his individuality, sensitivity to his emotional states, support for his feelings dignity etc.).

    1.3 Age peculiarities

    In the first year of study, children 3-4 years old:

    The gamebecomes a leading activity in preschool age. By the end of the junior preschool age, children can perceive up to 5 or more forms of objects and up to 7 or more colors, are able to differentiate objects in size, navigate in the space of the kindergarten group, and with a certain organization of the educational process, in the premises of the entire preschool institution. Developmemory and attention... In early preschool age begins to developimagination.

    At the age of 3-4 years, the teacher should acquaint children with works of fine art that are accessible for them to understand. These are, first of all, pictures with displays of natural phenomena at different times of the year, illustrations by Russians folk tales... Children enjoy looking at pictures of bunnies, bears, foxes and other animals.

    The teacher helps the child to see the most essential in the image of each character. It is also necessary to acquaint children with some objects of decorative and applied art: children recognize bright flowers in a pattern on a wooden toy, admire a bright elegant sundress of a matryoshka. An adult needs to strive to cause joy in children, a desire to independently examine an object or picture on their own.

    Acquaintance of children with art is carried out in Everyday life and, of course, in drawing, modeling, applique classes and during independent activities. The teacher can use nursery rhymes, songs, poetry. For example, showing children a picture of a cockerel, one can recall the Russian folk nursery rhyme "Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb." Such colorful characteristics can help a child remember a particular character.

    The visual activity of children of the fourth year of life is distinguished by the fact that, thanks to the shaping movements in drawing, modeling, appliqué, there are already distinct images of objects (little ears are round ears, a girl has a bow on her head, etc.)

    The adult should help the child to get a good look at the object: to circle it along the contour, to ask questions that direct the children's attention to essential details (color, shape, presence of details). game techniques, for example, to talk on behalf of the characters, this is what creates interest in children in this type of activity.

    In drawing lessons, it is necessary to develop in children the ability to notice the expressiveness of color combinations of paint and paper (for example, how beautifully yellow and blue combine).

    Sometimes work can be done collectively. This type of activity can be very useful topics, which teaches you to see how one big picture is gradually created on the easel. As a result of common efforts, a cheerful train or a festive bouquet and a meadow with flowers are created.

    Of course, visual activity should also take place in everyday life. To do this, it is necessary to create conditions that can interest the child, evoke an emotional response from him, and direct the interests of the children. It is also necessary to encourage parents to show interest in children's creativity. The educator should advise parents on how best to organize this process at home, in the family.

    Adults should always remember: first of all, it is necessary to respect any results of children's creativity and be always close to the child and come to his aid at any moment!

    In the second year of study, children 4-5 years old:

    The symbolic form of individual play activity of preschoolers is visual activity. Representation and thinking are gradually becoming more and more actively involved in drawing. From the image of what he sees, the child gradually moves to the image of what he remembers, knows and invents himself. The drawing becomes substantive and detailed. A graphic image of a person is characterized by the presence of a torso, eyes, mouth, nose, hair, sometimes clothing and its details. The technical side of the visual activity is being improved.

    Role-based interactions appear in game activity. There is a separation of play and real interactions of children. Children can draw basic geometric figures, cut with scissors, stick images on paper, etc. Skills of planning a sequence of actions are formed. Children are able to arrange groups of objects according to sensory characteristics - size, color; highlight parameters such as height, length and width. Voluntary attention begins to take shape. Figurative thinking begins to develop. Preschoolers can build according to the scheme, solve labyrinth problems.

    The stability of attention increases. Concentrated activity for 15 to 20 minutes is available to the child. He is able to keep a simple condition in his memory when performing any actions. Speech becomes the subject of children's activity. The speech of children when interacting with each other is situational, and when communicating with adults it becomes out of situational. In communication between a child and an adult, the cognitive motive becomes the leading one. Increased sensitivity is an age-related phenomenon. Relationships with peers are characterized by selectivity, regular play partners appear. Leaders begin to emerge in groups. Competitiveness and competitiveness appear.

    In the third year of study, children 5-6 years old:

    The stability of attention increases. Concentrated activity for 20 - 30 minutes is available to the child.In visual activity, children can also depict what they have planned (the idea leads the image). The development of fine motor skills affects the improvement of the image technique: preschoolers can draw narrow and wide lines with paint (with the end of the brush and flat), draw rings, arcs, make a triple stroke from one point, mix paint on a palette to obtain light, dark and new shades, whiten the main tone for a lighter shade, superimpose one paint on top of another. Children are happy to trace the drawings along the contour, shade the figures.

    Older preschoolers are able to sculpt from a whole piece of clay (plasticine), modeling the shape with fingertips, smooth joints, pull parts with fingers from the main shape, decorate their work with stacks and adhesions, paint them.

    Practical skills of working with scissors are being improved: children can cut circles from squares, ovals from rectangles, transform some geometric shapes into others: a square - into several triangles, a rectangle - into stripes, squares and small rectangles; create images of different objects or decorative compositions from cut figures.

    Children design according to the conditions set by adults, but are already ready for independent creative design from different materials. Gradually, children acquire the ability to act according to a preliminary plan in construction and drawing.

    In the fourth year of study, children 6-7 years old:

    Children of the preparatory group for schoolbegin to master complex interactions of people.The play space is getting more complicated. Children can comment on the performance of the role by one or another participant in the game. The differences between the drawings of boys and girls become more pronounced. The image of a person becomes even more detailed and proportional. With the correct pedagogical approach, children develop artistic Creative skills in visual activity. They are fluent in generalized methods of analysis, both images and buildings; not only analyze the main design features of various parts, but also determine their shape based on similarities with familiar volumetric objects. Children continue to develop perception, but they cannot always take into account several different signs at the same time. Figurative thinking develops, however, the reproduction of metric relations is difficult. The skills of generalization and reasoning continue to develop, but they are still largely limited to visual signs of the situation.The attention of preschoolers continues to develop, it becomes arbitrary. As a result of a properly organized educational work preschoolers develop dialogic and some types of monologue speech. In the preparatory group for school, preschool age ends. His main achievements are associated with the development of the world of things as objects of human culture; mastering forms of positive communication with people; the development of gender identity, the formation of the student's position. By the end of preschool age, the child has a high level of cognitive and personal development, which allows him to continue to successfully study at school.


    Target benchmarks

    The specificity of preschool childhood (flexibility, plasticity of the child's development, a wide range of options for his development, his spontaneity and involuntariness) does not allow requiring a preschool child to achieve specific educational results and makes it necessary to determine the results of mastering the educational program in the form of targets.

    By the end of the training, children reach a certain level of artistic development: they emotionally perceive the content of the work, remember and recognize familiar pictures, illustrations, notice visual and expressive means (color, rhythm, shape, composition), with the help of these means they create an image in a drawing, evaluate what what happened, they note the expressiveness of the form, lines, silhouette, color combination.

    Children develop the creative abilities necessary for the subsequent education of the fine arts at school.

    Forms of work : conversations, classes, frontal, individual, subgroup, complex, excursions, teamwork.

    The results of the implementation of this program are summarized in the form of an exhibition of children's works.

    2 . Organizational section

    2.1 Daily routine

    Different forms of physical activity : morning exercises, classes physical education indoors and outdoors, exercise minutes, outdoor games, sports exercises, rhythmic gymnastics, exercise machines, swimming and others.

    A rational motor regimen, physical exercises and hardening activities should be carried out taking into account the state of health, age and sex capabilities of children and the season of the year.

    It is necessary to provide for the volume of physical activity of pupils 5-7 years old in organized forms of health-improving and educational activities up to 6-8 hours a week, taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of children, the time of year and the mode of operation of preschool organizations.

    To implement the physical activity of children, the equipment and inventory of the gym and sports grounds should be used in accordance with the age and height of the child.

      Hardening children , it includes a system of measures:

      elements of hardening in everyday life: washing with cool water, wide aeration of premises, properly organized walk, physical exercises carried out in light sportswear indoors and outdoors;

      special events: water, air and solar.

    For hardening children, the main natural factors (sun, air and water) are used differentially, depending on the age of children, their state of health, taking into account the preparedness of personnel and the material base of preschool education, with strict adherence to methodological recommendations.

    Hardening measures vary in strength and duration depending on the season of the year, the air temperature in the group rooms, and the epidemiological situation.

    When organizing swimming for children, pools are used that meet the requirements for swimming pools, their design, operation and water quality.

    In the cold season, it is preferable to practice in the pool after a walk. When organizing swimming in the pool before a walk, to prevent hypothermia of children, it is necessary to provide for a time interval between them of at least 50 minutes. To prevent hypothermia of children, swimming in the pool should not end with a cold load (cold shower, swimming under a cold stream, trampling in a bath with cold water). The duration of stay in the pool, depending on the age of the children, should be:

      in the younger group - 15 - 20 minutes,

      in the middle group - 20 - 25 minutes,

      in the older group - 25 - 30 min.,

      v preparatory group- 25 - 30 min.

    Presence medical staff when organizing swimming in the pool and when children receive procedures in the sauna.

    Health improvement work with children in the summer is an integral part of the system of preventive measures.

    To achieve a health-improving effect in the summer, the daily regimen provides for the maximum stay of children in the open air, the duration of sleep and other types of rest corresponding to age.

    To achieve a sufficient volume of physical activity of children, it is necessary to use all organized forms of physical exercises with a wide inclusion of outdoor games, sports exercises with elements of competition, as well as walking, excursions, and walking along the route (the simplest tourism).

    Work on physical development is carried out taking into account the state of health of children with regular monitoring by medical workers.

    Thus, in accordance with SanPiN, the conditions for the implementation of VET programs, depending on their focus, should be a daily routine, which includes:

      food intake (in accordance with the length of the child's stay);

      daily walk for children;

      daytime sleep;

      independent activity of children;

      direct educational activities;


      socially useful work (for children of the senior and preparatory groups);

      different forms of physical activity;

      hardening of children;

      additional education classes (not a prerequisite)

    In accordance with the requirements of SanPiN, the approximate regime of the day has been adjusted taking into account the climate (warm and cold periods).


    Day regimen of the 2nd junior group (3-4 years).

    Cold season


    Time spending


    Getting up, morning toilet, hardening


    V preschool

    Reception and examination of children, games, morning exercises



    Independent activity, games, socially useful work





    09.40- 09.55

    Preparing for a walk

    09.55- 10.15

    Walk (games, observations, socially useful work)


    Returning from a walk, preparing for lunch







    Preparing for a walk


    Walking, playing, independent activities of children, taking children home

    16.35-18.30 (19.00)


    Walking with children, returning home, light dinner, quiet games, hygiene procedures.

    18.30 (19.00)-20.30 (21.00)

    Night sleep

    20.30 (21.00)-06.30 (07.30)

    Warm season


    Time spending


    Wake up, morning toilet

    06.30 (07.00)-07.30

    In preschool

    Reception of children, games, morning exercises, a walk


    Preparing for breakfast, breakfast


    Games, independent activities, preparation for a walk





    Walk. Games, observations, independent activities, aerial and solar treatments.

    10.45- 11.35

    Return from a walk, water procedures, hardening


    Preparing for lunch, lunch


    Preparation for sleep. Daytime sleep


    Gradual rise, hardening, afternoon tea



    Walking, independent activities of children, taking children home




    Night sleep


    The daily regimen of the middle group (4-5 years old)

    Cold season


    Time spending


    Wake up, morning toilet


    In preschool

    Reception, examination, games, daily morning exercises, duty


    Preparing for breakfast, breakfast


    The game, independent activity


    Directly educational activities



    Preparation for breakfast 2, breakfast


    Games, preparation for a walk, a walk (games, observation, work)


    Returning from a walk, a game


    Preparing for lunch, lunch


    Preparing for sleep, hardening, naps


    Gradual rise, air, water procedures



    Games, independent activities of children, games,


    Walking, playing, independent activities, taking children home

    16.40- 18.00(19.00)




    Returning from a walk, socially useful work, quiet games, hygiene procedures


    Preparing for sleep, hardening, sleeping at night


    Warm season


    Time spending


    Wake up, morning toilet


    In preschool lead

    NS Reception of children, walk, games, morning exercises


    Preparing for breakfast, breakfast


    Games, preparation for a walk


    Walk: games, observations, independent activities, aerial and solar treatments.


    Preparation for breakfast 2, breakfast


    Return from a walk, water procedures


    Preparing for lunch, lunch



    Gradual rise, hardening, afternoon tea


    Independent activities, games, preparation for a walk


    Walk: games, independent activities of children. Children leaving home



    Walking with children, returning home, light dinner, quiet games, hygiene procedures


    Night sleep


    Cold period


    Time spending


    Wake up, morning toilet


    In preschool


    Preparing for breakfast, breakfast, community service



    Directly educational activities



    Preparation for breakfast 2, breakfast

    09.55- 10.25


    Returning from a walk, a game


    Preparing for lunch, lunch




    Preparing for an afternoon snack, afternoon tea


    Directly educational activities (2-3 times a week)







    Laying down, sleeping at night

    20.45(21.00)-6.30 (7.30)

    Warm season


    Time spending


    Wake up, morning toilet


    In preschool


    Preparing for breakfast, breakfast


    Games, independent activities



    Preparation for breakfast 2, breakfast


    10.45- 12.40

    Preparing for lunch, lunch


    Getting ready for bed, naps


    Gradual rise, hardening



    15.40-18.30 (19.00)




    19.15 (19.00)-20.45 (21.00)

    Laying down, sleeping at night

    20.45(21.00)-6.30 (7.30)

    Cold season


    Time spending


    Wake up, morning toilet


    In preschool

    socially useful work


    Preparing for breakfast, breakfast


    Independent activity, games, general useful work.


    Directly educational activities

    9.00-9.30; 9.40-10.10;


    Preparation for breakfast 2, breakfast


    Games, preparation for a walk


    Walk,socially useful work(games, observations, labor)


    socially useful work


    Preparing for lunch, lunch


    Preparation for daytime sleep, sleep.



    Preparing for an afternoon snack, afternoon tea


    general useful work, additional education. Children leaving home




    Night sleep

    20.45(21.00)-06.30 (07.30)

    Warm season


    Time spending


    Wake up, morning toilet


    In preschool lead



    Preparing for breakfast, breakfast


    Preparing for a walk




    Preparation for breakfast 2, breakfast



    Preparing for lunch, lunch


    Preparation for daytime sleep, sleep.








    Night sleep

    21.00-06.30 (07.30)


    For groups combined focus typical is the work with the children of the educator and the speech therapist teacher (specialization in accordance with the developmental defect). Educational activities of a general developmental orientation are carried out by an educator, specialized classes are conducted by a speech therapist teacher. The main form of organization of children is subgroup lessons with them. For each subgroup, its own general developmental and compensating tasks are solved.The daily routine includes a traditional routine and individual sessions, compiled in accordance with the operating mode of the institution.

    Day regimen of the older group (5-6 years old)

    Cold period


    Time spending


    Wake up, morning toilet

    06.30 (07.00)-07.30

    In preschool

    Reception and examination, games, socially useful work, morning exercises

    6.30 (7.00)-8.30

    Preparing for breakfast, breakfast, general useful work


    Games, independent activities,


    Directly educational activities



    Preparation for breakfast 2, breakfast

    09.55- 10.25

    Games, preparation for a walk, socially useful work, a walk (games, observation, work)


    Returning from a walk, a game


    Preparing for lunch, lunch


    Getting ready for bed, naps


    Gradual rise, hardening


    Preparing for an afternoon snack, afternoon tea


    Directly educational activities (2-3 times a week)


    Walk: games, independent activities of children, socially useful work

    16.05-18.30 (19.00)



    18.30 (19.00)-19.15 (19.45)

    Returning from a walk, quiet games, socially useful work, hygiene procedures

    19.15 (19.45)-20.45 (21.00)

    Laying down, sleeping at night

    20.45 (21.00)-6.30 (7.30)

    Warm season


    Time spending


    Wake up, morning toilet

    06.30 (07.00)-07.30

    In preschool

    Reception on the street, examination, games, socially useful work, morning exercises

    6.30 (07.00)-8.30

    Preparing for breakfast, breakfast


    Games, independent activities


    Preparation for a walk, socially useful work, a walk (games, observation, work), independent activity


    Preparation for breakfast 2, breakfast


    Walk, return from a walk, play

    10.45- 12.40

    Preparing for lunch, lunch


    Getting ready for bed, naps


    Gradual rise, hardening


    Preparing for an afternoon snack, socially useful work, afternoon tea


    Walk, games, independent activities of children

    15.40-18.30 (19.00)




    Returning from a walk, quiet games, hygiene procedures

    19.15 (19.00)-20.45 (21.00)

    Laying down, sleeping at night

    20.45 (21.00)-6.30 (7.30)

    The daily routine of the preparatory group for school (6-7 years old)

    Cold season


    Time spending


    Wake up, morning toilet

    06.30 (07.00)-07.30

    In preschool

    Reception and examination of children, games, morning exercises,socially useful work

    06.30 (07.00)-08.30

    Preparing for breakfast, breakfast


    Independent activity, games, socially useful work.


    Directly educational activities




    Preparation for breakfast 2, breakfast


    Games, preparation for a walk


    Walk,socially useful work(games, observations, labor)


    Returning from a walk, a game,socially useful work


    Preparing for lunch, lunch


    Preparation for daytime sleep, sleep.


    Gradual rise, hardening.


    Preparing for an afternoon snack, afternoon tea


    Games, independent activities of children,socially useful work, additional education. Children leaving home

    15.40-18.30 (19.00)


    Walking with children, returning home, light dinner, quiet games, socially useful work, hygiene procedures.

    18.30 (19.00)-20.45

    Night sleep

    20.45 (21.00)-06.30 (07.30)

    Warm season


    Time spending


    Wake up, morning toilet

    06.30 (07.00)-07.30

    In preschool lead

    NSreception of children, games, socially useful work, morning exercises

    06.30 (07.00)-08.35

    Preparing for breakfast, breakfast


    Preparing for a walk


    Walk:games, observations, classes, independent activities of children, air and solar procedures, socially useful work.


    Preparation for breakfast 2, breakfast


    Walk, return from a walk, water procedures


    Preparing for lunch, lunch


    Preparation for daytime sleep, sleep.


    Gradual rise, invigorating gymnastics, afternoon tea


    Walk: games, independent activity, socially useful work


    Games. An evening walk. Children leaving home

    16.15-18.30 (19.00)


    Walking with children, returning home, socially useful work, light dinner, quiet games, hygiene procedures

    18.30 (19.00)-21.00

    Night sleep

    21.00-06.30 (07.30)

    2.2. Thematic plan for the 2015-2016 academic year


      "Hello, kindergarten!"

      "My city, my country"


      "Whether in the garden, in the garden" (fruits, vegetables)


      "Golden autumn has come to visit us", "Bread"

      "Gifts of the forest" (mushrooms, berries, nuts)

      "Autumn holiday", "Exhibition of autumn crafts"

      "Late Autumn", "Migratory Birds" (excursion to the school library 10/26/2015)


      "Day of National Unity" (Many-Faced Russia)



      "Mother's Day", "My Family"


      "Meeting winter" (signs, signs)

      "Wild Animals", Exhibition "Winter's Tale"

      "Wintering Birds"

      « New Year»



      "Kolyada" (older groups), "Week of winter game and fun"


      "Shoes", "Hats"


      "Theater", "Game and Toy Week"

      « Professions "," Adult Labor "

      "Defender of the Fatherland Day"

      "Furniture", "Buildings"


      « Spring "," Flowers "," March 8 "

      "Shrovetide", "Dishes"


      "Water" (22.03.-day of water), "Fish"

      "Day open doors»


      April Fool's Day, Bird Week


      "Health Day", "Sports"

      "Easter", "Products"


      "Victory Day"



      "Graduation", "School", "School supplies" verbal , , pictorial), the natural world;
      - the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding world;
      - the formation of elementary ideas about the types of art;
      - perception of music, fiction, folklore;
      - stimulating empathy for the characters of works of art;
      - the implementation of independent creative activities of children (visual, constructive-model, musical, etc.).

      Artistic and aesthetic development preschool children include:
      experience of emotional and moral attitude a child to the surrounding reality, embodied in music, visual arts and works of art;
      an experience artistic and creativeactivities .

      The formation of a general culture of the individual takes place in the process of artistic and aesthetic activity.
      Artistic and aesthetic activity - the activity that occurs in a child underinfluenced by a literary, musical or visual work.

      In this regard, special attention should be paid to such a concept as"perception" ... It's mentalthe process of conscious, personal, emotional comprehension and comprehension works of art. The child perceives artistic images in his own way, enriches them with his own imagination, correlates with his personal experience.
      One of the main tasks of the teacher in this direction is
      developing emotional responsiveness ... Through empathy, complicity, "entering the image" occursformation of the foundations of artistic and aesthetic culture the personality of the preschooler.

      Content educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development" includes, inter alia,knowledge and skills in visual, constructive-model, musical activity. A child, in accordance with his age capabilities and characteristics, should know fairy tales, songs, poems; be able to dance, design, paint.

      4. References

      Methodical literature:

      1 ... Approximate general education program preschool education "From birth to school" / Ed. N. Ye. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M .: MOSAIKA - SINTEZ, 2014.
      2. Program "Nature and Artist" / Ed. T.A. Koptseva

      3. Meister N.G. "Paper plastic"

      4. Nemensky BM The programs of his school.

      5. The program "First steps in the world of art" / Ed. ON. Goryaeva

      6. Kazakova T.G. Develop creativity in children. M .: Education, 1995.

      7. Komarova TS, Teaching children drawing techniques. M: Education, 1996.

      8. Kosminskaya VB Theory and methodology of visual activity in kindergarten. Tutorial for students teacher training institutes... M .: Education, 2005.

      9. Kuzin V.S. Psychology. Textbook for graphic arts schools. M .: Education, 2004.

      10. Shpikalova T.Ya. art for preschool children M: Mosaic - Synthesis, 1997


      5.1. Activity grid

      5.2. Annual planning in groups No. 2,3,4,5,6

      Approximate calendar-thematic plan for working with children 3-4 years old

      Lesson number

      Calendar-thematic planning younger group №2



      Multi-colored pencils are daring kids.


      Queen BRUSH.

      "Let's go to the forest for mushrooms"

      Autumn holiday.

      Acquaintance with the Khokhloma painting.

      "First snow".

      "Frost patterns".

      "My favourite toy".

      "We made a snowball ..."

      We decorate the Filimonov whistle: a cat, a lamb.

      "Lock for snow queen»

      "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree".

      Gzhel. Acquaintance.

      "Animals of the North" Umka.

      Mezen horses.

      Dymkovo toy. Patterns.

      Living water.

      "The Rooks Have Arrived".

      "The willow has blossomed ..."

      "We will fly on a rocket."

      "You roll, roll, testicle ..."

      "Ryaba Chicken"

      May flowers.

      "Chick, chick, chick, my chickens ..."

      Butterflies, insects.

      "Dandelion is small ..."

      "White daisies scattered in the meadow"

      "Mom, Dad, I am a close-knit family"

      Approximate calendar-thematic plan for working with children 4-5 years old

      Lesson number

      Calendar-thematic planning middle group №3



      "Let's help the bunny." Ladder to the sun.


      "On a sunny meadow."

      "What did autumn bring us ..." Vegetables.

      "Let's go to the forest for mushrooms"

      "Under your feet is a new rug - yellow-pink, maple!"

      Autumn holiday.

      Gorodets roses.

      Gzhel. Acquaintance. Gzhel flowers.

      "My street"

      First snow.

      "We made a snowball ..."

      "The winter is coming, the shaggy forest is cradling ..."

      "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree".

      "My favourite toy".

      "And a round dance of snowflakes will fly ..."

      "Castle for the Snow Queen"

      "A smart mitten".

      Dymkovo toy. Patterns.

      Dymkovo toy. Horse.

      Mezen horses.

      "The Rooks Have Arrived".

      Living water.

      "Shines in the river with a fast silver back ..."

      "You roll, roll, testicle ..."

      Fairy tale "Geese-swans"

      Salute of Victory.

      May flowers.

      "What is it like?" Paper ball.

      "My family"

      "The radiant sun smiled cheerfully ..."

      Acquaintance with the Bogorodsk toy.

      Approximate calendar-thematic plan for working with children 5-6 years old

      Lesson number

      Calendar-thematic planning senior group № 4



      How I spent summer…


      Queen Tassel

      "Let's help the bunny." Ladder to the sun.

      "On a sunny meadow."

      "What did autumn bring us ..." Vegetables.

      "Let's go to the forest for mushrooms"

      "Under your feet is a new rug - yellow-pink, maple!"

      "Such a big wind ..." acquaintance with sauce, charcoal and sanguine.

      "Bunches of mountain ash under the window do not allow me to sleep in any way ..." Acquaintance with the Khokhloma painting.

      Golden Autumn in the Pictures of Russian Artists.

      Autumn holiday.

      Gorodets roses.

      Gorodets turkeys.

      "My street"

      First snow.

      "In the north, a pine tree stands alone on a mountain peak." Painting by I. Shishkin.

      "Frost patterns"

      Birds fly away to warm lands.

      "My favourite toy".

      "We made a snowball ..."

      "Dress warmly!" We dress the little man in winter clothes.

      "A smart mitten".

      Filimonovskaya toy. Acquaintance with the pattern.

      Filimonov whistles: cat, lamb.

      "The winter is coming, the shaggy forest is cradling ..."

      "New Year's toys".

      "Castle for the Snow Queen"

      "Animals of the North" Umka.

      "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree".

      "And a round dance of snowflakes will fly ..."

      Gzhel. Acquaintance.

      Gzhel flowers.

      "Clouds are white-winged horses ..."

      Mezen horses.


      Domestic birds.

      "Blizzards and snowstorms overpowered the earth"

      "February Azure" I. Grabar

      Animal footprints in a snowy glade.

      Acquaintance with the Bogorodsk toy.

      "My family"

      "Dad can ..."

      "What is it like?" Paper ball.

      Dymkovo toy. Patterns.

      Dymkovo toy. Horse.

      "My mommy"

      "Hedgehog in the fog" cartoon by Y. Norshtein

      Illustrations by Y. Vasnetsov for the fairy tale "Teremok"

      "The Rooks Have Arrived".

      Sun bunnies are very friendly with the sun! "

      "Streams are running ..."

      "A small snowdrop grew on a thawed patch"

      “Who invented you, star country? I have been dreaming for a long time, I have been dreaming about it ”.

      "We will fly on a rocket."

      Living water.

      "Shines in the river with a fast silver back ..."

      "The willow has blossomed ..."

      "You roll, roll, testicle ..."

      "Ryaba Chicken"

      "I love a thunderstorm in early May ..." Solution of the theme in two colors: black and white.

      May flowers.

      Salute of Victory.

      "Tsokotukha fly" KI Chukovsky. Butterflies, insects.

      "Tsokotukha fly" K.I. Chukovsky

      Insects. Drawing from nature.


      "On a sunny meadow ..." Plein air.


      "We are going to the city of Emerald by a difficult road ..." Portrait of the Scarecrow.


      "Emerald City" - green gouache, shades of green.


      « sunny city"- shades of yellow, red.


      "How warm colors made friends with cold ones." Marker, watercolor.


      "Magic palms"


      "Point, point, cucumber - here's the little man!"


      Approximate calendar-thematic plan for working with children 6-7 years old

      Lesson number

      Calendar-thematic planning senior - preparatory to school group No. 5, 6



      "How I spent summer"


      Autumn carpet.

      "What is it?" Paper plastic.

      Pictures of artists on the theme of autumn.

      "Safe transition"

      "My street"

      "Autumn walks along the paths ..."

      "Autumn walks along the paths ..." - completion

      "The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries ..."

      Gold Khokhloma.

      Gold Khokhloma. Completion.

      V. Dahl "War of mushrooms", illustrations by E. Polenova

      "Fly migratory birds…»

      "Snow is Falling" S. Adamo

      White bears. "Umka"

      Animals of Africa. "The giraffe has a long neck."

      "Dress warmly, get ready quickly ..."

      A mitten. Decorate with a pattern.

      "The winter is coming, the shaggy forest lulls the pine forest with a chime ..."

      “The winter is coming, the shaggy forest lulls the pine forest with a chime…” the end.

      "Zayushkin's hut".

      "Zayushkin's hut". Completion.

      Winter in the paintings of Russian artists.

      "Frost and sun - a wonderful day ..."

      "Frost and sun - a wonderful day ...". Completion.

      « Christmas story».

      "Christmas story". Completion.

      "The little Christmas tree is cold in winter ..."

      "New Year's toys: beads and crackers".

      Great Patriotic War in the paintings of artists.

      Mezen painting.

      Mezen painting.

      Winter fantasy. Carving a tree. Volumetric installation.

      "Blizzards and snowstorms conquered the Earth ..."

      "Blue Snows ..."

      Music on paper. Installation.

      "February Azure". I. Grabar

      Gzhel. Acquaintance.

      Blue bouquet.

      "Clouds are white-winged horses ..."

      "Dad can, dad can, dad can ..."

      Application. "White flowers". Carving.

      Dymkovo toy.

      Dymkovo toy. Completion.

      "Mom is dear, the most beautiful ..." Portrait of a mother.

      "My family"

      "Meninas" Velazquez.

      "Meninas" by Picasso. Acquaintance with abstract art.

      "The Rooks Have Arrived" Savrasov.

      Sun for summer - winter for frost!

      The birds began to sing songs, and the snowdrop blossomed!

      The birds began to sing songs, and the snowdrop blossomed. Completion.

      "We are the children of the GALAXY ..."

      Parade of planets.

      "He said:" Let's go! .. "

      "Spring" Filonov.

      Gorodets turkeys.

      Gorodets roses and kupavkas.

      Sea. Living water.

      At the bottom of the sea.

      Victory salute.

      "Spring of the 45th year ...!"

      "Tsokotukha fly" K.I. Chukovsky

      Insects. Drawing from nature.

      Round dance. Paper plastic.

      Rat. Paper plastic.

      Dinosaurs. Paper plastic.

      Our Favorite Kindergarten.

      "On a sunny meadow!" plein air

      "I will braid kerchiefs for a birch ...!" Trinity Day.

      "Green without green paint". Gouache.

      “Ah, Summer!” Markers.

    The work program visually acquaints preschool children with art materials, tools and techniques for working with them; gives the first ideas about the means of artistic expression in various materials and techniques. Helps to develop an aesthetic perception of nature and shows techniques for displaying it.



    Municipal preschool educational institution

    "Kindergarten number 6 - child development center"


    additional education in fine arts

    for children 5-6 years old

    Adopted by the pedagogical council

    Minutes No. 1 dated 05.09.2008

    Moscow region, Sergiev Posad

    Explanatory note

    One of important tasks in the field of public education - aesthetic education and art education of children. In preschool years, the child develops a sense of beauty, high aesthetic tastes, the ability to understand and appreciate works of art, beauty and wealth native nature... This contributes to the formation of a spiritually rich, harmoniously developed personality.

    Drawing develops creativity in preschoolers - the creation of a new, original, showing imagination, realizing their plan, independently finding a means for its implementation.

    The program of the "Fine Art" studio was developed on the basis of the textbook by T.Ya. Shpikalova "Fine Arts for Preschool Children". She visually acquaints preschool children with art materials, tools and techniques for working with them; gives the first ideas about the means of artistic expression in various materials and techniques;

    Helps to develop an aesthetic perception of nature and shows techniques for displaying it.

    The main goal of teaching visual activity is to develop the creative abilities of children.


    1. Mastering the techniques of working with various materials.

    2. Education of the ability to correctly convey their impressions of the surrounding reality in the process of depicting specific objects and phenomena.

    3. instilling respect for work and accuracy in work.

    4. development of the skills of depicting several objects, united by a common content.

    5. Development of the ability to see and highlight the qualities of objects (shape, size, color, position in space).

    Expected Result

    By the end of the training, children reach a certain level of artistic development: they emotionally perceive the content of the work, remember and recognize familiar pictures, illustrations, notice visual and expressive means (color, rhythm, shape, composition), with the help of these means they create an image in a drawing, evaluate what what happened, they note the expressiveness of the form, lines, silhouette, color combination.

    Children develop the creative abilities necessary for the subsequent education of the fine arts at school.

    This program is designed to teach children 5-6 years old the basics of aesthetic and artistic culture.

    Forms of work : conversations, classes, frontal, individual, subgroup, complex, excursions, teamwork.

    The results of the implementation of this program are summarized in the form of an exhibition of children's works.

    Summary of the program:

    Topic # 1 "Acquaintance with the peculiarities of working with a pencil, brush, paints"

    Conversation about the peculiarities of working with a pencil, brush, paints. In the practical lesson, various art materials and tools are used. The lesson is carried out frontally. For fastening, "patterns on napkins" are made.

    Topic number 2 "Acquaintance with the techniques of brush writing - a separate stroke." Within the framework of the topic, a conversation and practical exercises are held on the themes "Yarilo" "Apple tree" "Sea". At the end of the theme, there is a Festive Fireworks competition (done in watercolors).

    Topic number 3 "Hand-held technique -" Colorful writing ".

    A conversation about the peculiarities of colorful writing, techniques for applying on dry and damp paper. Practical lesson on the themes "autumn tree", "Green garden". The work is done in watercolors.

    Topic №4 "Autumn landscape".

    Includes a conversation about the landscape as a genre of painting, about the plans in the picture (front, middle and back) and 2 practical sessions. The theme ends with an excursion to the autumn park.

    Topic number 5 "The seven colors of the rainbow are paints."

    A conversation about color palette and primary colors. Practical frontal lesson "Rainbow" (watercolor).

    The autumn theme ends with an exhibition.

    Topic number 6 "Winter landscape".

    Conversation about the features of the winter landscape.

    Topic number 7 "Snowman - postman".

    Subgroup practical lesson using finger technique (watercolor and gouache).

    Topic number 8 "Marine life".

    Individual practical lessons using finger technique (gouache).

    Topic number 9 “Visiting the Winter Forest”.

    Generalizing practical lesson on winter topics. Using techniques of colorful writing and separate brushstroke (watercolor and gouache).

    Exhibition of works.

    Excursion to the park.

    Topic number 10 "Gzhel".

    Conversation about the folk craft "Gzhel". Practical lessons include acquaintance with the elements of painting and composition "Gzhel patterns" (watercolor, gouache).

    Topic number 11 "Perspective"

    Includes two sections "Vanishing point" and "2 vanishing points"

    Practical subgroup lessons using pencil and watercolors.

    The theme ends with an exhibition.

    Topic number 12

    A conversation about the pattern as a way of decoration, objects and surfaces.

    Practical exercises on the location of the pattern on the strip and in the square.

    Topic number 13 "The arrangement of the picture on the sheet"

    Conversation about composition. Practical exercises "Drawing from nature of an apple"

    (pencil, watercolor).

    Topic number 14 Still Life, Fruits.

    Final practical lesson (pencil and watercolor).

    Topic number 15 "Khokhloma"

    A conversation about the Khokhloma folk craft. Practical lessons include acquaintance with the elements of painting and composition "Motives of Khokhloma" (watercolor, gouache).

    Topic number 16 "Unconventional ways of drawing"

    Frontal practical exercises on the topics "Snakes in the meadow" ( teamwork, performed with watercolors and cotton swabs), "Sea Storm" (toothbrush, comb, gouache, watercolor), "Fairy Forest" (gouache, match sticks).

    Topic number 17 "Graphic image".

    Conversation about new ways of organizing the line. In a practical lesson, practical techniques are mastered - "closed contour", "stroke", "spiral" (pencil).

    Topic no. 18 "Animals of hot countries".

    Practical exercises with the assimilation of the characteristic features of animals and the creation of a small plot (pencil, watercolor).

    Topic №19 "Branch of lilac".

    Practical lesson with the consolidation of the hand technique "separate smear" (watercolor)

    Topic number 20 "Aquarium".

    Subgroup lesson using various hand techniques.


    Excursion to the museum.

    Academic-thematic plan

    P / p No.

    Topic name

    Number of hours





    1. "Acquaintance with the peculiarities of working with a pencil, brush, paints"

    1. Conversation
    2. "Patterns on napkins" (watercolor, gouache)

    2. "Acquaintance with the techniques of brush writing - a separate stroke."

    1. "Yarilo" (watercolor)
    2. "Apple tree" (watercolor)
    3. "Sea". (watercolor)

    Festive Fireworks Competition

    3. "Hand-held technique -" Colorful writing ".

    1. Conversation
    2. "Autumn tree" (watercolor)
    3. "Green Garden" (watercolor

    4. "Autumn Landscape".

    1. Conversation
    2. Drawing on raw paper (background, middle ground)
    3. "Ryabinka" (foreground)

    Excursion to the park

    5. Warm and cold color scale

    "Shine of color"

    6. "Color swirl"

    work as intended (watercolor, gouache)

    7. Three main colors - red, yellow and blue.


    "Color carpet" (gouache)

    8. The seven colors of the rainbow are paints. "

    1. Conversation
    2. "Rainbow" (watercolor).



    1. Conversation about the peculiarities of the winter landscape

    2. "Snowman - mailer".

    1. Background, finger technique (watercolor)
    2. Snowman (gouache)

    3. "Marine life".

    1. Conversation
    2. Finger technique (gouache)



    4. “Visiting the Winter Forest”.

    1. Background on wet paper (watercolor)
    2. Snow-covered spruce (gouache)


    5. Excursion to the park

    6. "Gzhel".

    1. Conversation about the folk craft "Gzhel".
    2. Elements of painting
    1. "Gzhel patterns" (watercolor, gouache).

    7. Perspective

    "Vanishing point"

    1. Conversation
    2. Box (pencil)
    3. Alley (pencil)
    4. Alley (watercolor)

    "Two vanishing points"

    1. Conversation
    2. Building (pencil)
    3. Street (pencil)
    4. Street (watercolor)


    1. Spring

    "Proportions of objects in the pattern"

    1. In a strip (gouache)

    Squared (gouache)

    2. "The location of the picture on the sheet"

    1. Conversation
    2. Drawing from nature an apple (pencil, watercolor)

    3. "Fruit" (pencil, watercolor)


    4. Acquaintance with the folk craft "Khokhloma"

    1. Conversation
    2. Elements of Khokhloma painting (watercolor)
    3. Khokhloma motives (watercolor, gouache)

    5. Unconventional ways of drawing

    1. A snake in a clearing (watercolor, cotton swabs) collective work.
    2. "Sea Storm" (gouache, watercolor, toothbrush, comb)
    3. "Fairy forest" (gouache, match sticks)

    6. Graphic representation

    1. Conversation
    2. Vicious circle, stroke, spiral (pencil)

    7. Animals of hot countries (pencil, watercolor)

    8. "Branch of lilac" (watercolor)

    9. "Aquarium" (watercolor

    10. Exhibition of children's works for parents

    11. Excursion to the museum




    Used Books:

    1. Kazakova T.G. Develop creativity in children. M .: Education, 1995.

    2. Komarova TS, Teaching children drawing techniques. M: Education, 1996.

    3. Kosminskaya VB Theory and methodology of visual activity in kindergarten. Textbook for students of pedagogical institutes. M .: Education, 2005.

    4. Kuzin V.S. Psychology. Textbook for graphic arts schools. M .: Education, 2004.

    5. Khalezova N.B. Folk crafts of children. M .: Education, 1985.

    6. Shpikalova T.Ya. Fine arts for preschool children M: Mosaic - Synthesis, 1997.