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  • Crossword "Dunno and his friends" Crossword "Dunno and his friends" Crossword on literature Dunno in a sunny city


    Competition of creative children's works,

    dedicated to the anniversary of N.N. Nosov.

    Work supervisor:Polishchuk Tatiana Konstantinovna, teacher primary grades, MBOU Semyonovskaya secondary school, s. Semyonovskoe, Irkutsk region.

    Questions about the book "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends." Answer all the questions and find out the name of the main character of N. Nosov's book.


    1. What was the name of the kid who liked to eat a lot? (Donut) 2.Musician in the Flower City. (Guslya) 3. Mechanic of the Flower City. (Cog) 4. The hunter with the dog Bulka. (Pulka) 5. The kid who grumbled all the time. (Grunt) 6. Who went with Dunno to the Sunny City? (Patchkula)


    1.Doctor of the Flower City. (Pilyulkin) 7. The smartest kid. (Know) 8. Which of the kids loved soda water with syrup? (Syrup) 9. The kid who lost everything. (Confused) 10. Engineer of the Sun City. (Klepa)

    Crossword with completed answers:


    Enter known letters in the "mask" input field, replacing unknown letters with a hyphen "-" (or with *? ._), if the number of letters is not known, use the "+" sign, inserting instead of missing letters, add a short and succinct description if necessary ...

    If the possibilities of using the "mask" do not suit you, that is, the possibility of using the classical method - indicate how many letters are in the word (the field on the right instead of the mask) and fill in the known ones.

    It is worth noting that the authors of crossword puzzles are quite clever in coming up with tasks, and there may not be similar descriptions in our database, in this case we recommend focusing on searching for a word by mask. And so that the next time this does not happen again and in order to make your own contribution to the work of the service, you can add the found answer to our database. We are very grateful to our users for this.

    Our assistant has become smarter and now it understands if you specify the number of letters of the desired word directly in the description, for example: " capital 6 letters", in this case, the assistant will set 6 letters as a mask and will search for capitals using this mask. If the number of letters is not specified, the assistant will understand:" capital of russia without letters", in this case, the number of specified letters will be reset. In the hope of making the assistant more convenient, we added the ability to correct typos, but unfortunately it does not always handle it correctly.


    Suppose, when solving a crossword or scanword puzzle, you met a task:
    Small town in North America, 7 letters.
    It is known that the first letter is "B", then it makes sense to enter the task in the assistant as follows - in the field for entering the mask (template) enter "B ------", i.e. we set the first letter "B" and six spaces, indicating that the word is 7 letters, and in the description field we enter "city of America" ​​and that's it - the service will give a decision that this is the city of "Burbank" or "Brandon", from which you choose the most suitable.


    Why solving crosswords is very useful: London scientists will tell.

    Note that solving and searching for words for scanwords and teawords is done in a similar way. If necessary, i.e. while solving a complex crossword puzzle, it is better to enter a description using keywords that describe exactly the essence of an object or phenomenon.

    Crossword with answers based on N. Nosov's fairy tale "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" for primary school students

    Shilkina Tatyana Anatolyevna, educator of the State Budgetary Institution of the KO "Meshchovsky social and rehabilitation center for minors", Meshchovsk, Kaluga region.
    Description: This crossword puzzle can be used by teachers, class teachers, educators additional education at the lessons of literary reading, extracurricular activities with children of primary school age.
    - the formation of schoolchildren's interest in works of art.
    - to acquaint children with the works of N. Nosov;
    - to expand the knowledge of children about fairy tales;
    - to enrich the vocabulary of children.

    Crossword puzzle based on N. Nosov's fairy tale "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"


    1 - The instrument that the dunno tried to play.
    2 - The name of the city in which the most favorite pastime of residents is flying kites.
    3 - If someone in the Flower City has a stomach ache, he immediately runs to a doctor by his last name ...
    4 - The name of the poet from the Flower City who composed a song about a grasshopper.
    5 - Who constantly lost something in the Flower City?
    6 – Best friend Syrup.
    7 - The smartest in the Flower City.

    1 - One of the inventors of the Flower City.
    2 - Donut's favorite treat.
    3 - Faithful dog Dunno.
    4 - An artist from the flower city.
    5 - Girlfriend Fly.
    6 - This hero is plump because he loves to eat very much. He especially likes sweets.
    7 - The inventors of the Flower City made a machine that runs on this sweet liquid.
    8 - This flower grew near every house in the Flower City.

    ANSWERS to the crossword puzzle
    Horizontally: 1 - pipe, 2 - Serpentine, 3 - Pilyulkin, 4 - Tsvetik, 5 - Confused, 6 - Donut, 7 - Znayka.
    Vertically: 1 - Shpuntik, 2 - lollipop, 3 - Bulka, 4 - Tube, 5 - Button, 6 - Syrup, 7 - syrup, 8 - chamomile.

    Thank you for the attention!

    Solve the crossword. Horizontal: 4. In our hemisphere it was clearly visible ... Halley 7. The sun's rays began to snow ... and sparkle 12. Big ... for a small company 13. ... is a place where medicines are sold. 14. Mom pasted a stamp on ... On the whirlwind: 1. Term + term = ... 2. I was presented with a warm woolen ... 3. Main person on the ship ... 5. We bought a new one for Masha ... for drawing. 6. Vasya loves ... difficult tasks. 8. The ship was ready to sail, and the captain ordered to raise .... 10. A little boggy noise ... 11. A new residential building has been built in the city ...

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