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  • Topchy sergey. The main thing is to save people

    Topchy sergey.  The main thing is to save people

    TOPCHIY Sergey Stepanovich

    Was born on February 7, 1954 in Tambov. In 1977 he graduated from the Higher Political School named after the 60th anniversary of the Komsomol of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, in 1986 - from the Military-Political Academy named after V.I. Lenin. He served in the positions of deputy company commander, deputy battalion commander for political affairs, deputy chief of the regiment's political department, deputy chief of the division's political department, deputy division commander for work with personnel. In 1995, he was appointed head of the personnel management department of the Main Command of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, in 1999 - Deputy Commander of the Moscow District of the Internal Troops for work with personnel. Since May 22, 2003 he has been Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Military rank - lieutenant general. He was awarded the Order for Military Merit, personalized weapons, medals.

    - Sergei Stepanovich, according to the "Plan for the Construction of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for 2001-2005", operational formations and units will be transferred to a brigade basis with the abolition of redundant structures of intermediate control bodies, support and maintenance units. Does this mean that some of the servicemen of these units will be reduced?

    During the last period of reforming the troops (I will note, it began in 2001 and should be completed in 2005), we made sure that all the rights of servicemen were respected, there was no indiscriminate approach to dismissals. This contributed to the fact that now we have a high degree of staffing with officers, warrant officers, privates and non-commissioned officers under the contract - over 95% in the whole for the troops, which is much more than in any other component of the Armed Forces and other formations.

    This dynamics persists, the percentage of the outflow of officers in our country, in general, is small, with the exception of such regions as Moscow, St. Petersburg, where there is an alternative to employment.

    Today we do not have global reductions in numbers, so we approach each person purely individually. That is, the relevant commission, studying this or that serviceman under the contract, determines his state of health, attitude to service, personal wishes, doing everything necessary to keep and secure a person in the army. Moreover, if he has professional combat experience. After all, it is one thing if someone says: "I have a deadline for service, my family has already settled here, so there is no need to leave somewhere. I agree to quit ...". And it is completely different when an officer is young - he is offered a choice of appropriate positions in the same region or in another.

    The reform is aimed, first of all, at increasing the combat effectiveness, and is not related to simply asking the serviceman to quit. We are reducing vacancies in order to form and staff units of constant combat readiness. In the course of this process, all military units are re-equipped with equipment and updated with new models.

    What is the percentage of officers and warrant officers in the troops who have passed the "hot spots"? To what extent is their experience in demand in the troops and universities of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia?

    In general, more than 60% of our officers and warrant officers passed through the "hot spots". As a rule, these people are sent to the appropriate educational institutions, and then to higher positions, but taking into account their use. combat experience... In addition, a structure has been specially created in the High Command, which is engaged in the generalization of the experience of military operations. Recommendations developed on its basis are sent to educational institutions and military units. Each clash is recorded and analyzed by the operational management - from which side mistakes were made - in order to avoid unjustified losses in the future. This is an everyday job, because we receive relevant reports and reports on a regular basis. But our educational institutions do not exist on their own, they are not isolated from the troops. Officers, including those from the military institutions, periodically visit "hot spots" according to a certain schedule, where they perform tasks as part of the corresponding command posts. These business trips used to last for 3 months, now - up to 6 months.

    How often did the military personnel of the Internal Troops refuse to travel to Chechnya?

    We have practically no such cases - for someone to refuse business trips. This is precisely the result of an in-depth approach to the selection of servicemen who perform tasks in the Chechen Republic. On the other hand, the performance of service and combat missions, including in "hot spots", is the daily activity of any officer, therefore, our servicemen do not have any fearful attitude towards such missions. Difficulties, certain overloads, of course, exist, but they are reduced thanks to a comprehensive program of medical and psychological rehabilitation, as well as a planned rotation of the staff.

    Are all units involved in hostilities able to carry out rehabilitation measures to minimize and heal servicemen from post-traumatic stress disorder?

    The system of carrying out rehabilitation measures is determined by the corresponding orders of the Minister of Internal Affairs and the Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops. This work begins long before the trip itself. This is primarily due to special training personnel to act in extreme conditions in all directions, including with its psychological readiness and with the moral and psychological state. Psychological support is provided for the fulfillment of service and combat missions directly and in the "hot spots" themselves. Studied and analyzed the moral and psychological state of personnel, their psychological readiness to act in these conditions. Based on the results, primary rehabilitation measures are carried out directly at the point of temporary deployment, and those servicemen who have an increased deformation of the mental state are seconded from the point of temporary deployment to their military units, where they are provided with full psychological and medical assistance.

    A few months before the withdrawal of the unit from the "hot spot", a plan is drawn up to restore its combat readiness in all areas, including with the involvement of military psychologists and medical workers. Staff psychologists in the military, as a rule, accurately determine the psychological state of military personnel. Well, even if there are some difficulties, we have many opportunities to resort to the experience of internal affairs officers and civilian specialists.

    So, after the withdrawal of the compound stationed in the North-West region, our psychologists agreed on measures for joint rehabilitation work with St. Petersburg State University, from which a group of psychologists headed by Professor Kulikov, Doctor of Psychology, was separated. Psychologists of the non-profit Center "Harmony" also helped. An agreement was concluded with the non-profit foundation "Psychology and Society" (St. Petersburg State University) on the rehabilitation of military personnel and its methodological support... All servicemen who have received a combat mental trauma, we without fail provide the opportunity to undergo special treatment in sanatoriums. But often officers refuse this treatment, which is due to their desire to just be with their families after returning from a business trip.

    On what unified basis is educational work in the troops? And who are now being appointed to the posts of deputy commanders for work with personnel?

    The concept of educating military personnel is based on a constitutional basis and the provisions of a number of laws. As for the institute of deputy commanders for work with personnel in general, as such, today, on the one hand, we are taking steps to implement the program for the transition of the Armed Forces and other military formations to a unified system of military education, since each department has these approaches and relations are now somewhat different. On the other hand, in the Internal Troops, the institute of deputies for work with personnel has not changed, unlike the Ministry of Defense. The system of personnel training of structures for work with middle-level personnel (regiment-division) has not changed. Our officers are trained at the Military University. The officers of the structures for work with the personnel of the company-battalion link are currently being trained at training and methodological meetings on the basis of four of our military institutes. The question of training officers of this structure on the basis of one of the higher educational institutions of the VV, with a basic education in "psychology" is being resolved.

    How high is the crime rate in the Internal Troops? In which of the seven VV districts do you feel most concerned about the criminal situation?

    The state of military discipline in the troops makes it possible to successfully fulfill all the service and combat missions assigned to us. If we talk about the level of crime, then, according to the estimates of the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office, it is several times lower than in the whole country and in a number of power structures. It should be noted that the measures taken managed to reduce the number of crimes related to non-statutory manifestations by 15%. In most districts and connections, there is a decrease in the crime rate, the number of incidents has decreased.

    At the same time, the command of the troops is worried about the increase in the number of mercenary crimes among officers and warrant officers, there has been an increase in the number of unauthorized abandonment of military units by conscripts. The issue of non-combat losses has always been and remains an acute issue. With the decrease since the beginning of the year in the number of deaths as a result of accidents and crimes, the Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops Colonel-General Nikolai Evgenievich Rogozhkin constantly focuses on officials to eliminate the causes and prerequisites leading to them. Among the VV districts, the crime rate remains high in the East and North-West, but it should be noted that, compared to last year, the state of discipline there has improved significantly. The deterioration of the state of law and order since the beginning of the year has been noted only in the Ural District of the Internal Troops, where the number of crimes has increased.

    Despite the fact that the troops have been carrying out combat missions in the North Caucasian region for a long time, we have managed to reduce the number of crimes in the United Group by the measures taken. I would like to note that this year no offenses were committed related to illegal actions of military personnel against the local population. However, the problem of the death and injury of servicemen as a result of violations of security measures when handling weapons and ammunition remains acute. To eliminate it, additional measures have been taken to improve the training of personnel.

    It is no secret that many Slavic servicemen do not feel quite comfortable in military collectives, where, in quantitative terms, people from the Caucasus predominate. What efforts are being made by the command of the Internal Troops to prevent hazing on ethnic grounds?

    It should be borne in mind that each nationality has its own characteristics, that a person, getting into a military collective, sometimes tries, referring to the national mentality, to somehow turn it in his favor during the passage military service... Army crime has no national face. And since the collective is a very specific organism, which is based on collective actions, primarily in the use of weapons, there should be no disagreements in it. But if relations between servicemen are regulated by the letter of the law, when prosecutors, officers, and long-term servicemen are involved to carry out appropriate work with certain conscripts, then, as a rule, all these problems go away. Where such relations are left without due attention of commanders, unpleasant incidents arise. But at the same time, I do not think that we have any national problems. After all, representatives of various nationalities serve in the Internal Troops, and there are few such obvious prerequisites for hazing relations on ethnic grounds. It's just that the relevant structures, including those for work with personnel, need to delve deeper into the needs of their subordinates and be able to work with them.

    What is the real scale of the housing problem in the Internal Troops today? Does it tend to decrease or increase?

    More than 16,000 servicemen of the Internal Troops are homeless. Recently, a visiting session of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security, headed by its chairman Viktor Ozerov, was held in Saratov, and this problem was raised at the level of the Ural-Volga region. The information that was announced there indicates that today this problem is equally acute both for the Ural-Volga Military District and for the Volga District of the Internal Troops. And, unfortunately, it has no tendency to improve.

    By the way, the Law "On the Status of Servicemen" does not say anything about the time frame in which housing should be provided to the family members of the deceased officers and warrant officers. So, in order to raise this very status of a serviceman of the Internal Troops, we ourselves have set the terms - a year. But today we are already forced to line up. After all, now, in fact, only a program related to state housing certificates is in effect, monetary subsidies for the purchase of housing are not issued. In addition, unlike the Ministry of Defense, we do not have our own construction organizations - that is, we do not build for ourselves. And the serviceman who quit says: "I don't need a housing certificate, give me an apartment!" So it turns out that a person no longer serves as expected, continuing to receive monetary allowance, and we can neither fire him, nor provide a roof over his head. As a result, the state suffers double losses.

    Another example: Article 44 of the Federal Law "On the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" presupposes that certain housing should be allocated to troops carrying out tasks of protecting important state facilities. But today we have only one case when, by the decision of the Arbitration Court Chelyabinsk region managed to recover from the Mayak PA more than 8 million rubles - for the purchase of housing for our servicemen guarding this enterprise. An analysis of court practice in 2003 showed that approximately 45% of our claims are disputes on housing issues.

    One of the chapters of the draft law "On Law Enforcement Activities" states that in the course of the reform, the Internal Troops will be transformed into the National Guard with the same vertical of command, organizational structure and the same tasks. So, we are talking about a simple renaming?

    Yes, in general terms, the creation of the National Guard is envisaged. If the relevant leadership nevertheless makes a political decision on its formation, specific terms are indicated, then we will talk about working out the forms, internal content, principles of recruiting this structure.

    Current page: 36 (total of the book has 50 pages) [available passage for reading: 33 pages]

    Married; has a son.

    TKACHEV Nikolai Fedorovich (born 1.1.1949, village Bolshaya Znamenka, Zaporozhye Region), Chief of Staff - 1st Deputy Commander of the Siberian Military District, Colonel General (Feb 2003). Educated at the Baku Higher Combined Arms Command School (1970), the Military Academy named after A. M.V. Frunze (1983), Military Academy General Staff Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (1992). After graduation, he served as a platoon commander, deputy company commander, and company commander in the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany. Then the chief of staff - deputy battalion commander, battalion commander, deputy regiment commander in the Carpathian military district. Since 1983, regiment commander, chief of staff - deputy division commander in the Far Eastern Military District. Since 1992, division commander in the Leningrad military district, then 1st deputy commander and commander of an army corps in the North Caucasian military district, chief of staff - 1st deputy commander of the Ural military district. On September 4, 2001, he was appointed chief of staff - 1st deputy commander of the newly formed Volga-Ural Military District, and on 5.1.2005 - Chief of Staff - 1st Deputy Commander of the Siberian Military District.

    TOKAREV Vladimir Aleksandrovich (b. 12/28/1977, Belgorod), Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, Actual State Councilor of the Russian Federation of the 3rd class (12/26/2009). Graduated from the Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics with a degree in Jurisprudence. He served in the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Belgorod Region, worked in various managerial positions at enterprises in Belgorod. Since 2004, Deputy Head of the Directorate for Economics and Budgeting "Vagonremmash" JSC "Russian railways" (RUSSIAN RAILWAYS). From 5.4.2006 Deputy Head of the Federal Agency railway transport(Roszheldor). December 30, 2008 appointed Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation; supervises the work of the Department of Investment Programs and Projects, the Department of Federal Target Programs for Territorial Development, and the Finance and Budget Department.

    PUSHER Alexander Alexandrovich (born 15.10.1948), Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Hungarian Republic. Graduated from the faculty international relations Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1975). Since 1975 - in the system of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR / RF, worked in various diplomatic positions in the central apparatus of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and abroad. In 1994–97, Minister-Counselor of the Russian Embassy in Yugoslavia. 1998 Deputy Director, Director of the Third European Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. From Feb 2002 Ambassador to Romania. On September 23, 2009, he was appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Hungarian Republic. Has the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (28.12.2004). He speaks English and Serbo-Croatian languages.

    FAT Alexander Alexandrovich (born April 25, 1957, Manturovo, Kostroma Region), Chief of Staff - 1st Deputy Commander of the Pacific Fleet, Vice Admiral. Graduated from the Black Sea Higher Naval School (1979), the V.I. N.G. Kuznetsov (1991), Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (1999). Served in the Pacific Fleet: group commander, warhead commander, senior assistant to the commander of a nuclear submarine cruiser, commander of a nuclear submarine cruiser, chief of staff of a submarine formation, commander of a submarine formation, chief of staff, commander of a submarine formation. On 6/6/2008 he was appointed Chief of Staff - 1st Deputy Commander of the Pacific Fleet. Awarded the Order of Military Merit.

    Married; has a son and a daughter.

    TOPILIN Maxim Anatolyevich (b.19.4.1967, Moscow), Deputy Minister of Health and social development RF, candidate of economic sciences, acting state adviser of the Russian Federation of the 1st class (30.9.2009). Educated at the Moscow Institute of National Economy. G.V. Plekhanov (1988) with a degree in Economics; studied with M. Khodorkovsky. In 1988 he was a junior researcher at the Salary Department of the Research Institute of Labor of the USSR State Committee for Labor and Social Issues. In 1988–91 he was a postgraduate student, since 1991 - a senior researcher, head of a sector at the Research Institute of Labor. Since 1994 specialist-expert, consultant of the Labor, Employment and Migration Department of the Department of Labor, Health and Social Protection of the Population, since 1996 consultant of the department social policy and Labor of the Department of Labor and Health, since 1997 consultant, since 1998 Head of the Social Policy and Labor Department of the Department of Social Development of the Government Office of the Russian Federation. From Oct. 2001 Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation. On March 29, 2004, he was appointed head of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment of the Russian Federation (Rostrud), since 2005 he has also been the chief state labor inspector of the Russian Federation. On 7/31/2008 he was transferred to the post of Deputy Minister of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. He was awarded the Order of Courage (17.11.2008).

    TOPCHY Sergey Stepanovich (born 7.2.1954, Tambov), Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General (2004). Educated at the Higher Political School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR (1977), the Military-Political Academy. IN AND. Lenin (1986). Served as deputy company commander, deputy battalion commander for political affairs in Krasnoyarsk. Since 1986, deputy chief, chief of the political department of the regiment in Krasnoyarsk. Since March 1990, deputy chief of the political department of the division in Tomsk, since 1992, deputy division commander for work with personnel. Since May 1995, head of the department for work with personnel of the Main Directorate of the Commander of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Since 1999, Deputy Commander of the Troops of the Moscow District of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. On May 22, 2003, he was appointed Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Awarded the Order of Military Merit.

    Married; has a daughter.

    TORKUNOV Anatoly Vasilyevich (born 26.8.1950, Moscow), Rector of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Political Sciences (1995), Professor (1991), Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2003). Educated at the Faculty of International Relations of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1972). In 1977 he defended his Ph.D. thesis (history). After graduating from MGIMO, he was left at the department. Since 1974 assistant to the rector. 1977–83 senior lecturer, associate professor of the Department of History and Culture of Asian and African Countries, Dean for work with foreign students, Vice-Rector for International Relations. 1983–86 2nd, 1st Secretary of the USSR Embassy in Washington. Since 1986 Dean of the Faculty of International Relations, since May 1989 1st Vice-Rector of MGIMO. In oct. 1992 Elected Rector of MGIMO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Simultaneously, since 1997, he is a member of the Collegium of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Has the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (1993).

    Author of 5 books, incl. “Mysterious War: Korean Conflict 1950–53” (Moscow, 2000), “History of Korea: A New Reading” (Moscow, 2003). Co-author and executive editor of the textbooks "Modern International Relations" (Moscow, 1999), "Foreign Policy Russian Federation... 1992–1999 ”(M., 2000),“ China in World Politics ”(M., 2001),“ Contemporary International Relations and World Politics ”(M., 2004),“ Diplomatic Service ”(M., 2002) and other Chairman of the Russian Association for the Assistance to the United Nations, President of the Russian Association for International Studies, member of the Scientific Council under the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Educational and Methodological Association of universities with a degree in International Relations. He was awarded the Order of Friendship, Honor, for Services to the Fatherland, 4th degree.

    Married; has a daughter.

    TOROPOV Dmitry Ivanovich (born November 6, 1954), Director of the Department of Rural Development and Social Policy of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, State Councilor of the Russian Federation of the 2nd class (11.3.2008). Graduated from the Kovylka Construction College (1974), Mordovia State University with a degree in Industrial and Civil Engineering, Russian Academy public service under the President of the Russian Federation (1998). In 2006 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Program-targeted modeling of the socio-economic development of agriculture in Russia." In 1974–75, foreman of SPMK-980 trust "Mordovselstroy" (Saransk, Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic). In 1975-77 he passed conscript service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the USSR. Since 1977 senior civil engineer of the Skotoprom trust (Saransk). Since 1983, senior expert, head of the examination department of the Capital Construction Directorate, since 1984 head of the production department of the joint directorate for the construction of livestock and other complexes in state farms of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Since 1986 the head of the subdivision of the Agroindustrial Complex (AIC) of the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Since 1990, chief engineer of the Mordovagrostroyzakazchik association (Saransk). Since 1993, Deputy Minister - Head of the Department of Investments for Social Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex and Engineering Development of the Village of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Mordovia. In 1995 he moved to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation: Deputy Head of the Main Directorate - Head of the Department of Federal and Interstate Programs, Development of Peasant (Farming) Farms of the Main Directorate of Investment Policy, since 1996 Deputy Head of the Construction Department, in 1998 Deputy Head of the Construction Department. After the creation of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation in 1998, he was appointed head of the Department of Construction, Social Development and Labor Protection. Since 2000 the head of the Department of Social Development and Labor Protection, since 2004 - the Department of Agrarian Policy and Rural Development, since 2008 - the Department of Rural Development and Social Policy.

    Totsky Konstantin Vasilyevich (born 02/23/1950, Kagan of the Bukhara region of the Uzbek SSR), Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources, General of the Army (2003). The son of a serviceman, a participant in the Great Patriotic War; his father retired in 1956 with the rank of major, then - director of the film distribution in Yelets. Educated at the Moscow Higher Border Command School (1971), the Military Academy. M.V. Frunze (1977), Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (1994). Since 1971, deputy chief of the frontier post of the Allakurta frontier detachment in the Arctic, in the same year he was transferred to the head of the 8th frontier outpost of the Murmansk frontier detachment (until 1974). Since 1977 commandant of the border commandant's office of the Yuzhno-Sakhalin border detachment. In 1980, T. was first appointed as an officer of the 1st department of the headquarters of the Pacific Border District of the KGB of the USSR, and then as deputy chief of staff of the Yuzhno-Sakhalin border detachment. Since 1985, the head of the Khorog border department, took part in the hostilities in Afghanistan. From nov. 1989 head of the Lenkoran border department, in 1991–92 deputy chief of staff of the Transcaucasian border district. Since 1994, Deputy Commander - Chief of Staff of the North-Western Frontier District. Since 1996 Head of the Academy of the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation. From Sept. 1998 to March 2003 Director of the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation, member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation (until June 2003). On March 11, 2003, he was appointed Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to NATO in Brussels (Belgium). 9.1.2008 dismissed from office. On 7.7.2009 he was appointed Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources. Has the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (since 5.2.2007). He was awarded the Orders of the Red Banner (1987), For Merit to the Fatherland, 4th degree (2000).

    Wife - Nadezhda Petrovna (born 1950), agricultural chemist; has two daughters: Alla (born 1974) and Elena (born 1981). Brother T. - Alexander, colonel, employee of the state concern "Rosvooruzhenie".

    TOCHILOVA Natalia Nikolaevna (born April 10, 1949, Leningrad), Director of the Department of High-Tech Medical Aid of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Ph.D. Graduated from the 1st Leningrad Medical Institute named after V.I. Academician I.P. Pavlova (1972). In 1997 she defended her thesis on the topic "Development of an organizational and economic mechanism for the implementation of the compulsory health insurance system." Since 1972 he is an obstetrician-gynecologist at maternity hospital No. 5 (Leningrad), since 1978 he is a trusted doctor of the Leningrad Federation of Trade Unions. In 1991 he held a managerial position at the Department of the Social Insurance Fund of the RSFSR (St. Petersburg). In 1993 general manager AOZT "SPASSK". Since 1993 Deputy Executive Director of the Territorial Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (St. Petersburg). 1997–99 Head of the Planning and Financing Directorate, Deputy Head of the Department of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Since 1999 Deputy Head of the Farm Holding. Since 2002 Advisor to the Rector of the St. medical academy postgraduate education... Since 2003 Deputy Head for Economics of the Central Medical-Sanitary Unit No. 122 (St. Petersburg). In 2004, she was transferred to the Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of the Russian Federation: Deputy Director of the Financial and Economic Department, Department for State Policy in the Field of Providing Social Services to the Population, Department of Pharmaceutical Activity, Regional and Information Policy on Healthcare. On July 29, 2008, she was appointed Director of the Department of High-Tech Medical Aid.

    TRAVIN Denis Georgievich (born 07/17/1972, Kostroma), Director of the Investment Projects Department of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, PhD in Law. Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Ivanovsky state university(1994). In 2005 he defended his Ph.D. thesis. Since 1994 the head of the legal department of CJSC "Textile Firm" Konteks ". 2000–05 Deputy General Director for Legal Affairs of ZAO LUKOIL-Neftekhim. Since 2006 Director of the Department of Corporate Governance and legal support CJSC "AI PRICE Management". In 2008 he was appointed Director of the Investment Projects Department of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

    TRAVNIKOV Maxim Alexandrovich (born 1.7.1974, Moscow), Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, acting state adviser of the Russian Federation of the 1st class (3.8.2009). Educated at the International Law Faculty of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (1996) with a degree in Public Law. Since 1996 he worked in the system of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, held various positions in the central apparatus of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and abroad: attaché, 3rd secretary in the Legal Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Since 1999 3rd, 2nd Secretary of the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the Council of Europe. Since 2003, Advisor to the Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration D.N. Kozak; participated in the preparation of settlement plans in Transnistria and the Caucasus. Since May 2004 Deputy Director of the Department international cooperation Government of the Russian Federation. On 22 June 2008 he was appointed Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation. Fluent in English and French.

    THIRD Andrey Vitalievich (born 03/11/1959, Magdeburg, East Germany), Chief of the Main Operations Directorate - 1st Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General. The son of a soldier. Educated at the Kiev Higher Combined Arms Command School (1980), the Military Academy. M.V. Frunze (1991), the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (2001). Since 1980 he served in the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany, the troops of the Belarusian, Far Eastern, Siberian, Moscow military districts: platoon, company commander, chief of staff and battalion commander, deputy chief operations department division headquarters, regiment commander, brigade commander, chief of staff and division commander, chief of staff of an army corps, chief of staff of an army, commander of a guards army. From Apr. 2008 Chief of Staff - 1st Deputy Commander of the Leningrad Military District. On January 13, 2010, he was appointed Chief of the Main Operations Directorate - 1st Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Awarded the Order of Military Merit.

    Married; has a son.

    TRINOGUE Mikhail Ivanovich (born 04/10/1949, the village of Korshev, Kolomyisky district, Ivano-Frankovsk region, Ukrainian SSR), advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, acting state adviser of the Russian Federation of the 1st class. From a family of a worker. Educated at the Ivano-Frankovsk Institute of Oil and Gas (1971) with a degree in mining engineer for the development of oil and gas fields, the Institute for Advanced Studies of the Academy of National Economy under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (1990). Since 1970 he worked in the gas industry: oil production operator, well survey operator, gas production foreman, senior engineer, deputy head of the geological service, head of the Gazli field, head of the geological service, chief geologist at the Gazlineftegazdobycha PO (Uzbekistan). In 1980 he moved to PO Mostransgaz, head of the operational and production service, then chief geologist. Since 1984 leading engineer, deputy head of the Directorate of the USSR Gas Industry Ministry. Since 1986, assistant, senior and chief specialist of the apparatus of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, since 1991, chief specialist of the department of union republics of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR. In 1992–98 he was deputy head of the Secretariat of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, and in 1998–2000 he was the 1st deputy head of the Office of the Gazprom OJSC. Since 2000 Deputy Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation, since 2004 Assistant to the Chief of Staff of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chief of the Secretariat of the Chief of Staff. In nov. 2005 appointed head of the Secretariat of the 1st Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev. On 7.5.2008, after Medvedev took office as President of the Russian Federation, the Secretariat headed by T. ceased to exist. On 13 May 2008, he was appointed Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation.

    TROYAN Alexander Vladimirovich (born 02/11/1956, Zaporozhye of the Ukrainian SSR), Chief of Staff - 1st Deputy Commander The Black Sea Fleet, Vice Admiral (12/15/2006). Educated at the rocket and artillery faculty of the Black Sea Higher Naval School named after V.I. P.S. Nakhimov (1978), Naval Academy named after V.I. N.G. Kuznetsov (1994), the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (2001). In 1978-99 he served on surface ships in the Black Sea: commander of the BCH-2 group of a large anti-submarine ship, assistant flagship specialist in missile weapons of an anti-submarine ship formation, senior assistant commander patrol ship, commander of a large anti-submarine ship, senior assistant to the commander of an anti-submarine cruiser, deputy chief of staff of a formation of surface ships, commander of a formation of ships being repaired, chief of staff - deputy commander of a formation of surface ships. Since 2001, the head of the combat training department of the Black Sea Fleet, since October. 2005 Commander of the Baltic Naval Base of the Baltic Fleet. On 4.7.2006 he was appointed Chief of Staff - 1st Deputy Commander of the Black Sea Fleet. Decorated with the Orders for Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR, 3rd degree, for military services.

    Trunin Ilya Vyacheslavovich (born 03/29/1976, Ryazan), Director of the Department of Tax and Customs Tariff Policy of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Ph.D. in Economics. Educated at the Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation (1998) with a degree in World Economy. He defended his dissertation on the topic "Fiscal federalism: problems of choice of tax and budget policy Russian regions". From Oct. 1995 Junior Research Fellow, Research Fellow, Head of the Laboratory for Problems of Fiscal Federalism and Subnational Finance, Institute of Economic Problems transition period(since April 1999 - Institute for the Economy in Transition). Dec. 2006 was appointed Director of the Department of Tax and Customs Tariff Policy of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Author of a large number of articles on intergovernmental fiscal relations and tax policy. Fluent in English and French.

    TRUTNEV Yuri Petrovich (born 1.3.1956, the village of Polazna, Dobryanskiy district of the Perm region), minister natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation. From a family of oil workers. Educated at the mining faculty of the Perm Polytechnic Institute (1978) with a degree in mining engineer. While studying while passing industrial practice worked in NGDU "Polaznaneft", "Komineft" as an assistant driller, operator for oil and gas production. Since 1978 engineer, junior researcher at the Perm Research and Design Institute of the Oil Industry (PermNIPIneft). In 1981 he switched to a freed Komsomol job, worked as an instructor in the Perm City Committee and the Regional Komsomol Committee. In 1986–88, he was the head of the Sports Committee of the Perm Regional Executive Committee. In 1988 he created and headed the physical culture and health-improving association "Contact", which was engaged in the development and production of sports simulators. Since 1990 he has been the general director of the EXLIMITED enterprise, since 1996 - the president of EKS JSC. International ", which united the enterprises of the EKS group. Since 1994, Chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy and Taxes of the Regional Legislative Assembly and Deputy of the Perm City Duma.

    December 9, 1996 was elected the head of the city of Perm (won 61.42% of the votes in the elections). Dec. 2000 won (in the first round) a victory over the incumbent governor G. Igumnov in the election of the governor of the Perm region (gaining 51.48% of the votes). On March 9, 2004, he was appointed Minister of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation. When creating the government, V.V. Putin, his ministry was transformed into the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation, and T. himself was appointed minister. Simultaneously co-chairman of the Russian Union of Martial Arts (since 1.6.2005). Member of the Supervisory Board of the State Corporation for the Construction of Olympic Facilities and the Development of the City of Sochi as a Mountain Climate Resort (Olympstroy; since 5.8.2008). Awarded the Order of Honor (1998). According to the results of 2008, he declared an income of approx. 370 million rubles, in addition, he owns cars "Proshe Kaen", "Porsche 911", "Volkswagen Taureg".

    Has two sons: Dmitry (born 1982) and Alexander (born 1995). Sportsman: karate (3rd dan), auto racing, hunting.

    TUKNOV Dmitry Sergeevich (born 2/21/1960, Leningrad), Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostekhnadzor). Educated at the Leningrad State University (LSU) them. A.A. Zhdanov. Since 1982, engineer, junior researcher, leading engineer, head of the test bench of the All-Russian Research Institute of Transport Engineering (Leningrad). Since 1989 the leading engineer of the Research Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics named after V.I. Academician V.I. Smirnov at Leningrad State University. Since 1991 Chief Engineer of the Leningrad Engineering Center for Interdisciplinary Science-Intensive Technologies under the State Committee for Science and Art. Since 1992, the leading specialist of the Department of Foreign Economic Relations of the Committee for External Relations of the St. Petersburg Mayor's Office, where he met V.V. Putin. Since 1994 General Director of the Vorkutaugol Production Association. Since 2000 Executive Director of the North-West Branch of the Federal Center for Improvement and Environmental Safety of the State Committee for Construction of the Russian Federation, since 2001 General Director of FSUE " Federal center improvement and waste management ". Since 2005 General Director of LLC "Directorate of Construction and Industrial Territory Management" (St. Petersburg). On December 3, 2007, he was appointed Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision. Supervises all environmental issues, and also coordinates the activities of the MTU Rostekhnadzor in the Central Federal District.

    TURDENEV Vladimir Lvovich (born on April 29, 1949), Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Uzbekistan. Educated at Moscow state institute international relations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1971) and at the Diplomatic Academy of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1983). Since 1971 he has been working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in various positions in the central office and abroad. In 1971–75 he worked as a member of the USSR Embassy in Peru, in 1975–81 - in Costa Rica, in 1983–91 - in the USSR and Russian Embassies in Brazil. Since 1992 head of department of the Department of Central and South America, since 1993 director of the Department of Central and South America, then the Latin American Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Since June 1996, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Argentine Republic and the Republic of Paraguay. From Dec. 2000 Director of the Second Department of the CIS Countries of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Since 20.7.2004, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Republic of Suriname (concurrently). On November 23, 2009, he was appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Uzbekistan. Has the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. Fluent in Spanish, Portuguese and English.

    Married; has a son.

    TURKIN Mikhail Leonidovich (born September 30, 1967, Irkutsk), 1st Deputy Director of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Lieutenant General of the Police (2009). Educated at the Kalinin Suvorov Military School, the Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School named after V.I. Of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, at the military law faculty of the Military University (1995). In 2000 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Powers of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of defense", in 2004 - his doctoral thesis on the topic "The migration system of Russia: conceptual organizational and legal foundations." He served as the commander of an airborne reconnaissance platoon in the Belarusian Military District. Participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Since 1995 Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and International Law at the Military University. In 2000 he moved to the Office of emergencies Of the Main Organizational and Inspection Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, then became the head of the Legal Support Department of the Federal Migration Service. In 2002 he was appointed deputy director, and on July 16, 2008, 1st deputy director of the Federal Migration Service.

    Married; has two daughters.

    TYAZHELNIKOVA Lyudmila Aleksandrovna (born on 08/20/1980), Director of the Department for the Development of Economic Sectors of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Graduated from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation (2005) with a degree in Finance and Credit, and the Moscow University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (2004) with a degree in Jurisprudence. From nov. 2004 Leading Specialist, Deputy Director of the Department for Development of Economic Sectors of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation. In Feb. 2009 was appointed Director of the Department for Development of Economic Sectors of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

    UDALTSOV Alexander Ivanovich (born 1951), Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Slovak Republic. Educated at the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (1973), Diplomatic Academy of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1985). Since 1973 - in the system of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, held various positions in the central apparatus of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR and abroad. 1996-2001 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Latvia. Since 2001 Director of the Second European Department. On July 16, 2005, he was appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Slovak Republic. He was awarded the Order of Friendship (2.2.2009). Has the diplomatic rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. He speaks English, German, Czech, Polish and Slovak.

    Married; has a son and a daughter.

    UIBA Valentin Viktorovich (born 4.10.1958, Omsk), head of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation (1998). Educated at the Sverdlovsk State Medical Institute (1982) with a degree in Hygienist, Epidemiologist, Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. He worked in executive positions in the system of the Ministry of Health of the USSR (RF). Since 12/16/2003 the head of the Federal Administration "Medbioekstrem". On November 6, 2004, he was appointed head of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of the Russian Federation. The agency is endowed with the functions of carrying out state sanitary and epidemiological control and supervision, ensuring the sanitary and biological well-being of employees. The department, in addition, will establish health requirements for products, information about which is a state secret, the process of its production, operation, disposal. He was awarded the Order of Courage (17.11.2008).

    ULBASHEV Mukharbiy Magomedovich (born on May 15, 1960, the village of Verkhnyaya Balkaria, Cherek District of the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic), Deputy Head of the Federal Insurance Supervision Service (Rosstrakhnadzor), acting state adviser of the Russian Federation of the 3rd class (7/30/2008). Educated at the agricultural faculty of the Kabardino-Balkarian agromeliorative institute (1982) with a degree in Veterinary Medicine, the Faculty of Economics of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University (1990) with a degree in Economist. Since 1982, senior physician of the Kabardino-Balkarian sanitary and veterinary detachment. In 1982 he switched to a freed Komsomol job: instructor of the Oktyabrsky district committee of the Komsomol of Nalchik, since 1983 - the Kabardino-Balkarian regional committee of the Komsomol. Since 1985 1st secretary of the Tyrnyauz city committee of the Komsomol, in 1987–90 secretary of the Kabardino-Balkarian regional committee of the Komsomol. 1990–93 Chairman of the Standing Commission, 1st Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Supreme Council of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR). In 1993–95 he was a deputy of the Council of the Republic of the Parliament of the KBR, co-chairman of the Committee on Interethnic Relations. Dec. 1995 elected to the State Duma of the 2nd convocation; member of the faction "Our Home - Russia", member of the Committee on the regulation and organization of the work of the State Duma. Since 2000, Advisor to the President of the KBR for relations with federal authorities. From Dec. 2001 representative in the Federation Council from the government of the KBR (powers were terminated early in February 2004); Deputy Chairman of the Budget Committee. From Feb 2004 Head of the Preliminary Control Department, since 5.3.2007 Deputy Head of the Federal Insurance Supervision Service.

    Married; has a daughter.

    Ulyukaev Alexey Valentinovich (born 03.23.1956, Moscow), 1st Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank (CB) of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics. Educated at the Faculty of Economics, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (1979). In 1982 he defended his Ph.D. thesis. Since 1982 assistant, associate professor of the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute. Since 1988, consultant, head of the editorial department of the magazine "Communist", in 1991, a political columnist for the newspaper "Moscow News". Since 1991 he has been an economic advisor to the Government of the Russian Federation, since 1992 the head of a group of advisers to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. 1993–94 assistant to the 1st Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. 1994–96 and 1998–2000 Deputy Director of the Institute for Economic Problems in Transition. In June 1996 he was elected a deputy of the Moscow City Duma in the 26th electoral district (powers ended in 1998). Since June 2000 1st Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation. In April 2004 he was appointed 1st Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Member of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia (since 19 May 2004), member of the Supervisory Board of OJSC Vneshtorgbank (since December 2004), member of the Board of Directors of AOA Sberbank. Fluent in English and French.


    Almost all citizens of our vast Motherland celebrate the Day of Road Transport Workers, so much we have become professionals and just amateurs to sit behind the wheel of our car. I wonder what kind of professional motorists they are? Those who have chosen the profession “to be always on the move” as their life goal, their second “I” ?!
    Topchiy Sergey Rudolfovich, Director of Avtoprestizh-Service LLC was born on December 28, 1973 in the town of Chernushka, Perm Region, and, as far as he can remember, has always been driving a car, one might say, since childhood. And in this, of course, Sergei's parents played a role.
    When Sergey speaks and remembers them and his two siblings, pride, love and respect are felt in his words. And these feelings help him in life. Mother, Ekaterina Alekseevna Topchy, is already retired. By education teacher, worked as a teacher in the past primary grades school number 2 in Chernushki. Father, Topchy Rudolf Ivanovich, is also a pensioner, in the past - a master of a communication center. It was they, the most dear and beloved people, who taught their son to look for answers to difficult questions, make decisions on their own and be responsible for them. Years later, Sergei Rudolfovich became convinced how really necessary and valuable these qualities are for a person, and especially for a leader.
    Roads to Sergei and memories of his grandmother, Makhnutina Galina Mikhailovna, who was remembered by him not only as kind and wise advice, but also a soft, sympathetic character. Apparently that is why there is always a photograph of her in his breast pocket. By the way, he looks like her both in appearance and in deeds.
    After graduating in 1991. school Sergei Rudolfovich entered the Perm State Technical University to the road traffic faculty, to the full-time department in the specialty "Automobiles and Automotive Industry", which he graduated in 2000. Here Top-chiy Sergey found true friends for life. In 1992-1994. he studied at the military department of PSTU, where he received military rank- Lieutenant of the reserve according to VUS 180201.
    After studying for three years at the full-time department, Sergei Rudolfovich was forced to transfer to extramural and go to work. So his labor activity began. First, he worked in different specialties. And in 1997. Sergey was hired by the Saturn-R company as a car mechanic at the Volvo Renault auto center. In 1999. he was promoted to the position of master manager. At the age of twenty-seven, keenly aware of modern trends, Sergey Top-chiy decided that it was time to show personal responsibility and professionalism. Such qualities as perseverance and dedication helped him to start entrepreneurial activity and organize in 2000. service "Avtoprestizh". Since 2004 - up to the present time Sergey Rudolfovich is the director of Avtoprestizh-service LLC.
    In addition to work, Sergei Rudolfovich has another, no less important, side of life - this is his family. He is married, moreover, married, and has a daughter, Polina, who recently turned seven years old.
    Sergei Rudolfovich is spoken of as a man of real deeds. He has many positive human qualities, complemented by a strong masculine character, which is inherent in thoroughness - to do any business accurately, scrupulously, methodically. So that there are no flaws. His conscientious attitude to work and ability to find a common language with almost everyone with whom he communicates helps a lot in business. Topchy suffers not only for the enterprise he runs, but also for the entire region.
    Sergey Topchiy constantly takes care of all those in need. His deeds speak for him, his daily work, which makes the life of the residents of the Kirovsky district more prosperous and comfortable.
    Each of us understands that now, more than ever, the social sphere of the city requires constant attention, support and further development... And, above all, education. Sergey Rudolfovich constantly provides support educational institutions: for the fourth year in a row, he has been helping school # 64 during almost all significant events. School # 63 students will achieve even greater results in a good stadium and in a renovated gym. Children of school №121 - to spend holidays in the renovated assembly hall, and children of boarding school №113 - to ride a renovated school bus.
    Being a person who is not indifferent and interested in the life of schoolchildren, Sergey Topchiy became a member of the governing councils of various schools. To know how it goes studying proccess what problems and difficulties arise, to know the needs of children and their parents. Moreover, Sergei Rudolfovich's own daughter went to first grade this year.
    Sergei Topchiy also takes care of first-graders - on the Day of Knowledge, the kids from four schools were presented with calendars with a schedule of classes and a reminder of the Rules of the Road, which every schoolchild needs to know.
    And Sergei Rudolfovich will always encourage respected teachers, he will not forget to congratulate them on professional holiday, Happy Knowledge Day, I am always glad to meet with teachers at teachers' councils of schools, because she knows firsthand the difficulties of their work: his mother is a teacher with great experience.
    Preschool institutions also need serious support. With his assistance, metal doors were installed in the kindergartens, thus the safety of our children was increased, sandboxes were made, sand and black earth were brought in.
    “Youth policy, culture and sports are three components that must always be united in educating young people, preserving the traditions and health of the residents of the district and the city,” believes Sergey Topchiy.
    Sports competitions help to solve the most important problem - the problem of the employment of our children. In order to interest children in sports and distract them from the harmful influence of the street, interaction of schools, councils of public self-government of microdistricts, and business structures is necessary. For example, in the microdistricts of Novy Krym, Oktyabrsky, Khimgradsky, sports events were held almost all summer, sponsored by Sergey Rudolfovich. He also plans to further support the activities of district councils to create new forms of cultural and leisure activities in the district, to which he will provide financial support. Sergey Topchiy, interacting with the staff of the recreation center "Ural", provides financial support to the program for the development of sports for children in the village of Crimea. Children are the most precious thing we have, this is our joyful present and happy future!
    Sergei Rudolfovich also paid attention to the problem of improving the area. This is the cleanliness and neatness of the streets, playgrounds and sports grounds in the courtyards, benches for relaxation, in general, what creates comfort. So, with the financial support of Sergey Rudolfovich Topchiy, the guys from schools No. 63, 64, 113, 121 are engaged in the improvement of streets: they collect garbage, sweep yards, paint sandboxes, etc.
    At the same time, Sergei Topchiy never leaves aside the interests and problems of the older generation. He finds various forms of entertainment for the elderly, in particular, festive concerts in palaces, numerous meetings of veterans, colorful celebrations, charity dinners, concerts with the participation of veteran creative groups, a brass band in the courtyards. Throughout May, he personally went to the veterans' home and handed them medals with small gifts for the 60th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War.
    - I believe that the veterans have earned the love and respect of those around them, and that helping them cope with their problems is our duty! Since they have a lot of big things behind them: Victory in the Great Patriotic War, selfless work for the future of children and grandchildren, for the sake of the beloved Motherland. I intend to continue to help people of the older generation so that they do not feel like outside observers, but are active participants in life.
    Sergey Rudolfovich also supports people with disabilities - trips to White Mountain- the famous "Uralsky Athos", the Autumn Festival in the recreation center "Ural"; cooperates with the councils "Khimgradsky", "Oktyabrsky", "N. Krym", helps detachments of voluntary people's guards, district commissioners.
    The economy will develop successfully if decent living conditions are created for people. Therefore, you need: good supply in hospitals, schools; specific care for retirees; organization of leisure time for our children and much, much more, for which Sergey Topchiy always finds time.
    Let only a green traffic light always shine for such professionals as Sergey Rudolfovich! We sincerely wish all those who are not indifferent to those around them and strive to change the lives of others for the better, a good and happy journey! Happy Holidays!

    Anna Pyankova,
    the editorial staff of "Ves Zakamsk"

    Beauties are not born ...
    They become in "Diva"

    These girls are immediately visible. They stand out noticeably among their peers. Proud posture, light and, at the same time, unusually graceful gait, delicate taste that is felt in everything - from makeup and hairstyle to the choice of clothes. They are really pretty. And to be so - bright, beautiful, unique - they were taught in the children's model theater of fashion "Diva".
    How to get into the only Zakamsk fashion theater, what lessons are taught there to young women of fashion, how step by step they turn from ordinary schoolgirls into real beauties - we talked about all this and many other things with the head of Diva, Lyudmila Konstantinovna Rabotanova.
    - Our fashion theater appeared at the Kirov Palace back in 1998. On the basis of a ladies' salon, - said Lyudmila Konstantinovna. - Initially, only adult female models were engaged in this salon. There was one significant drawback in all this. Girls at this age get married, give birth to children, and fashion, whatever one may say, fades into the background. That is why we thought about it and decided to attract girls from five to fifteen years old to the fashion world. It was then that they declared themselves a children's exemplary theater of fashion "Diva"!
    - But the younger the children, the more difficult it is to work with them? To teach how to walk on the catwalk, for example?
    - We are not a modeling agency, where the main thing is the ability to walk the catwalk correctly. Each show is like a performance, with a separate theme, staged plot, choreography. So let's say, the unity of the catwalk and dance. This is how we differ from the usual fashion shows.
    - By the way, about clothes. The costumes on your models are spectacular, bright and, of course, always unique. Who is working to create them?
    - The costumes are the result of a creative union: me and Anastasia Vitalievna Beloborodova, who was also at the origins of the ladies' club. Then, a few years ago, she came to us as a cutter, and she is still with us, our fashion designer. Actually, you can draw anything, but how to bring it to life? Our female models are also involved in the creation of costumes. Accessories are made at needlework lessons: sequins, hats. In addition, girls are very fond of making folk dolls, which we then give to our sponsors.
    - During the existence of "Diva" has been created and demonstrated about 15 clothing collections. Which ones are your favorite?
    - We really love the Russian style! But every time we try to present it in a new way. We have a collection of clothes made from Pavlovo Posad shawls. We specially went to the homeland of these scarves, where we consulted a professional fashion designer. The idea was initially interesting, because we included such elements as hats, brocade and even feathers in the collection! We have an unusual collection with Russian motives: in it we combined modern jeans with patchwork techniques. The collection "In the kingdom of Berendey" is very interesting - it is made of cut felt. And the children themselves love to show the Hippie collection - with its nimble, incendiary dances. In general, when you put your heart into it, each collection is precious.
    On October 7 we had an open door day: a real concert of 12 numbers. Here we presented our favorite collections.
    - What does a girl need to be to be taken to the "Diva"?
    - Firstly, in our theater of fashion today there are not only girls, but also several boys. And secondly, we have two groups: preparatory and concert. To get into a concert hall, where the work is much more difficult, you must first show yourself well in preparatory work. You don't have to be a beauty with parameters 90-60-90. We accept everyone who has a desire. Of course, like any models, we teach girls the ability to move correctly, plasticity, and choreography. By the way, our former fashion model from the ladies' salon Galina Aleksandrovna Ishmanova is today the leading choreographer of the Kirov Palace. In addition, girls are taught acting, makeup lessons. A psychologist also works with them. After all, the age of most of them is adolescence, which means it is the most difficult, and our task, among other things, is to help them overcome some personal problems, to become self-sufficient, self-confident girls. I can say with full responsibility that none of them smokes, does not walk down the street with a bottle of beer. In general, as you can imagine, our girls are much more than models. They know and can do much more. Let them not come out of our walls as fashion models in the direct sense. On the other hand, these are girls who do not “hang out”, know how to show themselves in society, have a great sense of fashion, are always well-groomed and look impeccable. I am sure all this will help them become successful in life.
    “Miss Diva” show-concert is held annually in April. Is this a kind of graduation party?
    - Indeed, the jury (representatives of modeling agencies, choreographers) chooses the best of the best. We usually have six nominations. Girls demonstrate their skills in various competitions: "Skillful hands" (embroidery, beading, soft toys, etc.), " Acting skills"," Photo model ", etc. Even 5-year-olds are participating!
    - Do you trace the fate of your graduates?
    - Of course! I know how the fate of everyone develops. "Diva" is not just a very friendly team. We are like one family.
    - Today practically no event of the district can do without "Diva". Tell us about your other achievements.
    - We are laureates of the regional competition "Generation", the All-Russian competition in Ivanovo, the interregional competition "Russian World". Recently we went to the Czech Republic for the third international festival of youth creativity. We became diploma holders there! We gave three big concerts in old Czech cities. It was very pleasant how the foreign audience accepted the collections in the Russian style shown by us!
    We also have a dream - to go to the international European festival in Sochi. But, unfortunately, everything, as they say, comes down to money. Therefore, we really hope and expect that people will appear who will help us organize this trip!

    A disabled pensioner for 15 years has been trying to reach out to the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to get housing.

    Nina Aleksandrovna Pistekhina learned about the death of her son on December 31, 2000. She was told that senior lieutenant Pistekhin, being in Chechnya, rescuing his soldiers during a fire in a dugout with ammunition, rushed to carry out the shells. Then there was an explosion of fragmentation munition VOG-25. The coffin that was delivered to the mother was empty.

    Returning from the 14th business trip, he came home and only said: “Am I really alive,” and the 15th business trip to Chechnya was the last, ”recalls Pistekhina.

    After that, the mother of Senior Lieutenant Pistekhin, awarded the order Courage posthumously, lived in the hostel of the military unit. For eight years, she tried to get an apartment, due to her by law.

    Referring to the Federal Law "On the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation", which allows her to choose any place of residence in Russia, the woman asked for an apartment in Moscow.

    I was left alone, my son died, - says Nina Aleksandrovna, - I asked for an apartment in Moscow, because only here there is decent medical care, and I am a disabled person of the 2nd group.

    However, attempts to get at least some housing were not crowned with success. Eight years after the death of her son, Nina Aleksandrovna, having arrived at her dormitory from the hospital where she was being treated, found out that the door to the room had been broken down and things had been thrown away.

    Of all the property, only bags with documents remained, - says Pistekhina.

    Now Nina Alexandrovna has nowhere to live. Recently, she has been in the human rights center, where she was sheltered.

    The former leader of her son, General Sergei Stepanovich Topchiy, repeatedly promised to help the woman, but limited himself to only this.

    He said that in a house in Moscow, which is being built by order of the Interior Ministry's Interior Ministry, they put me on the lists, '' says Pistekhna.

    This can be confirmed not only by a woman, but also by documents signed by the general, who first declares that Pistekhina gave up the apartment herself, and then says that housing in Moscow has been provided to her.

    Even in spite of the order of Tikhomirov, the commander-in-chief of the Interior Ministry's Interior Ministry for 2002, Pistekhina is still practically a homeless person, while the Interior Ministry's Interior Ministry general Topchy lives in the house where he promised an apartment to the pensioner.

    For 15 years, Nina Aleksandrovna in the courts and offices of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was forced to prove that she was dependent on her son, that she was disabled, and in response she was only told that she was already provided with housing, then in Lipetsk, where her son served, then in Moscow, and that she is generally married (divorced in 1990 - ed.) And is trying to fraudulently seize housing.

    However, Pistekhina showed her a passport, in which there was no registration, a pensioner's certificate issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and only two frayed bags with hundreds of documents, from which there is still no use.

    The press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation announced that Pistekhina was provided with an apartment in Lipetsk, and General Topchiy had nothing to do with the situation at all and became a victim of a PR war that was unleashed by a pensioner. Also, the Ministry of Internal Affairs generally doubted the adequacy of the woman (the audio recording is available in the editorial office).

    At the request of the press service of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the editorial board of "Notebook" published on the case of the mother of the officer who died in 2000.