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  • Educational scene MCAT. School Studio MCAT. Acting Courses at MHAT - Training Program

    Educational scene MCAT. School Studio MCAT. Acting Courses at MHAT - Training Program

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    scheduleMode of operation:

    Mon, W., Wed, Thu., Fri. from 11:00 to 16:00

    Gallery School Studio MCAT

    general information

    Federal state budgetary educational institution higher education "School-Studio (Institute) named after Vl.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko at the Moscow Art Academic Theater named after A.P. Chekhov "


    № 01984 acts indefinitely from 04.03.2016


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    Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for the Studio Studio MCAT

    Indicator18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
    Efficiency indicator (out of 6 points)4 4 6 5 6
    Middle Screen EGE in all specialties and training forms72.27 70.53 70.62 67.74 66.66
    Middle score exam enrolled on the budget74.91 71.52 70.92 69.74 67.4
    Middle score exam enrolled on a commercial basis67.48 69.21 69.98 63.83 63.45
    Middle for all specialties Minimal scores of EE enrolled in full-time compartment57 53.5 55.12 54.50 59.67
    Number of students247 249 285 314 311
    Full-time compartment247 249 261 267 266
    Part-time compartment0 0 0 0 0
    Extramural0 0 24 47 45
    All data Report Report Report Report Report

    About School Studio MCAT

    History of school creation - Studios

    In 1943, a new acting higher educational institution - School-studio named after VL. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. The institute was formed on the basis of the Moscow Art Academic Theater named after A.P. Chekhov. The first reception of students passed during the Great Patriotic WarHowever, this did not prevent a collected first course in full. The system of Stanislavsky's famous system was based on the teaching in the university. The famous graduates of the theater Institute of the past are such domestic stars as Oleg Efremov, Alexey Batalov, Lily Tolmachev. Finished school-studio named after VL. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko and cult modern stars: Irina Apexsimova, Vladimir Mashkov.

    Directions of school training activities - Studios

    At the Institute are implemented learning programs In the following directions:

    • Acting art. At the end of the course, a specialist diploma is awarded, full-time term - 4 years. It is possible to enter both paid and budget based;
    • Decorating the performance. Students of this area receive a bachelor's degree;
    • Scenography. Graduates who have passed a 5-year training course is issued a specialist diploma;
    • Production (qualifications - producer of the Golly Arts). This area implies 5-year training at a specialist.

    For each faculty, a set of general immunitarian and special disciplines, including history, philosophy, foreign languages, acting art, stage speech and plastic, drawing and painting, makeup.

    student life

    Students of the Studio Studies based on the results of intermediate tests can expect to receive a conventional or high scholarship, subject to their excellent passage. In addition, monthly material support is prescribed for individual categories of students. Students of the acting faculty are provided in a hostel.

    Student life takes place in touring speeches. Young actors and actresses got the opportunity to perform on the best scenes of the country, to spend most of their time in the rays of Sofita.

    The main directions of international activities

    School studio named after Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko is inherent and significant international activityimplemented in the following directions:

    For many years, hundreds of students from neighboring and far abroad come to the legendary higher education institution. Foreign listeners are intensively trained together with Russian students, and also get the possibility of complete linguistic immersion. More than 10 years ago, a magistracy was opened on the basis of the Studio school, the training in which is conducted for all students regardless of nationality. The magistracy has an affiliate program with the Theater Department of the Harvard University. Fruitful friendships are associated with the Institute with National theatrical Institute (Connecticut), North Illinois College, Central School of Speech and Drama (USA), An Academy of International Art (Bonn, Germany).

    Since 1990, the Summer School of Stanislavsky has been opened on the basis of Cambridge and quite famous abroad. Her listeners explore Russian culture, art and theater.

    Information for applicants

    Admission to the Studio School is carried out according to the results of the Unified state exam In Russian and literature, as well as on the basis of a creative interview. Each direction implies its own requirements for introductory tests. So, for admission to the Faculty of Acting, you need to exchange the excerpt from the poem, fables or prosaic work. The direction of the scenography implies the creation of a pattern or graphic composition. All additional tests are estimated at 100 walled scale.

    Additional Facts on Education at School - Studios

    Students of the creative university have the opportunity to continue receiving higher education by enrolling in the magistracy. This area is available to direct the director.

    An important part educational process It is the participation of students in the performance of performances on the scene of the educational theater. It is in this place that the graduate speeches of future specialists of the creative sphere are undergoing. Scenic formulations of this nature are organized not only with the participation of the teaching staff, but also with the full hall of the present viewers. Internships of the students of the Studio Studio. Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko goes in the form of tour. Pupils of the Institute can try their forces not only in classical performances, but also in modern modulations in modern style.

    - A prestigious theater educational institution that has recently noticed its 70th anniversary. During this time, several thousand first-class specialists - talented actors, director directors, producers came out of his walls. What are such names like Leonid Armored, Alexey Batalov, Galina Volchek, Oleg Tabakov, Tatyana Doronina, Nikolai Karachentsov, Evgeny Mironov ...

    it was created on the initiative of V.I. Maryovich-Danchenko and still carry his name. Training here is carried out on four specialties: acting art, scenography, the technology of decoration of the performance and produce. Graduates schools Studio MCAT. Work in the best theaters of Russia.

    For those who do not think their lives without the theater and dreams to devote themselves scene, admission to mHAT SCHOOL STUDIO It can become the most starting point with which a person's life begins in art.

    Of course, the number of applicants many times exceeds the control numbers of admission to all faculties. Only the most talented and worthy guys from among those who do not just want to be an actor are coming to the number of those who do not want to develop and self-improvement, comprehend the secrets of art, hone their skills and skill.

    To enroll B. school Studio MCAT., not enough to just come to listen and read your program. The introductory tests should be preceded by long preparation and work on themselves. The applicant must be relaxed, expressive, erudite, should own the main acting terminology, to be familiar with the history of the theater, to have an idea of \u200b\u200bbooks telling about the profession of the actor. Be one who is going to enter acting faculty, I must be able to speak well with my voice and body, be flexible, strong and plastic, have good coordination of movements, enjoy a clear diction, right pronunciation. The voice of the applicant must be well delivered, deep and pleasant, and most importantly - should express emotions.

    All of the above requirements are not overestimated or unattainable. Match them can be achieved by paying the work on themselves a sufficient amount of time and strength. If you can familiarize yourself with the work of great actors and directors you can independently, then for all the rest you will need a teacher who will control your classes.

    Now there are many theatrical studios preparing guys to. In each of the studios, its own leader, and accordingly its teaching staff and methods of work. Theatrical studio has a great advantage over occupations with private teacher. Group classes Contribute to liberty, develop a sense of partnership. In addition, in theatrical studios, classes are held immediately in several disciplines, which allows the guys to work immediately in several directions.

    Studio Theater Square - Place with more than a forty-year story. This acting School aims to prefect preparation of young men and girls to acting. Here the guys are trained acting, scenic speech, scenic movement and choreography, comprehensively develop, make their first steps on the stage, participate in the formulation of the performances of all genres - from new Year's fairy tales Before Shakespeare's tragedies. Passing training B. studio Theater The square, the most purposeful studios are easily entering theatrical universities, including to school-studio MCAT.


    The last performance of the past year for us was "Wonchites", played by students of 4 acting courses Sergey Zemtsov and Igor Zolotovitsky in the studio studio of MCAT
    The play is a holiday, a performance -Relation of a miracle and happiness. What made one and a half hours of young and beautiful people can be called a miracle. It seemed that we were seeing complete improvisation, so naturally and easily worked the guys -wood, foolished, tumbled and danced, and also bent. They told us a story about the life of the Great children's writer Rooting Ivanovich Chukovsky. And it happened, despite the fact that, of course, it was not on stage, and even none of the artists did not depict him (well, except for Iroquais, one actor dressed), and the presence of Chukovsky was very strong. As if he blessed the performance.
    And all because the spirit of childhood, fooling, inventing all sorts of proclamations reigned on stage.
    What created the guys on the stage is not served as described, it is necessary to see and hear. Unique Rock Operas / Musicals / Or how else can you call these musical "Fedorino Mount" and "Barmalei". Inexpressible delight and feeling of happiness! Is it really possible to beat? And still, yes! It's great!
    He felt very warm attitude towards the hero, bordering with love and adoration. And because it is impossible not to adore this big, similar to the baby's bear)
    I personally covered the delight and feeling of warm happiness from the fact that it really can be coincidence, the sign, return to childhood? Here we have lived half a century, and they, almost our children, and breathe, laugh and cry the same. How is it possible? This genius Chukovsky united us. Yes, yes, we ourselves read our children "Muhu-Cocotuhu", "Aibolita", "Moidodyra", "Bibigon". And "phone"? My daughter read this fairy tale, my love for hippopots went from there, and Nastya declared "Save, save! Who?! Gelemota! Our gell fell into a swamp!" .. Now for 25 years we have some geletems))

    Friends, I highly recommend going to the play "Wonchites" at the Studio School of MCAT. Emotions of happiness will be 100%! Tickets, by the way, are very available at the price. On the repertoire and news of the Moscow Art School Studio can be recognized in social networks: in Facebook and Vkontakte
    My husband, a few people)) Here is his resume "What are your great! I am amazed and surprised! Young talented guys. As original, musical and rhythmically shown inner world Kornea Chukovsky, it seemed to me that he was similar to Peter Pan. I recommend to go to the Studio Studio MHT Chekhov, on the formulation of the wiccity. "

    Suicide. School-Studio MCAT

    The guys playing in the "suicide", I have already seen - watched the "wilderness" (by the way, for the invitation to both performances thanks to the LJ community Moskva_lublu and the Studio School of MCAT).
    Already from the first time it became clear which of them there is someone ... That's just the student students in the Chukovskoskospectorate program. Now the impressions of young artists, in general, were confirmed ... Yes, and they are named in the program name (and this is good, for I know who needs to be tracked later).

    The statements that, they say, "Ishsho are young, inexperienced, have the right to lag and do not reach" should not have places. For - on this very Mkatov site, I just didn't see anyone else - and something many years later remember very clearly, it was a great impression. Yes, and these guys from the course of I. Zolotovsky and S. Netsov are very good.
    But "they do not regret themselves, they are spent on all one hundred" - so it should be. When still spent, as not at a young age, when they are restored quickly, and show yourself for all one hundred and necessary, for many of these ideas depend on life and fate.

    Well, about the play yesterday I will write objectively. I liked something like something ... I'm sorry, it was not good anywhere.

    "Suicide" I know well - and read, and looked repeatedly.
    By the way, I remember how Yuri Petrovich Lyubimov at the rehearsal of the performance spoke about the need for a clear and clear report of the text of Nikolai Erdman to the public, for (he insisted) every word in it is brilliantly.
    Therefore, "lubricated", the utterance of the text of the first scene seemed not quite true - there is a horse and an ant, and about the color of bread, and about fasting aunt-a-tete under one blanket ... But it is okay: stained, then turns out - especially since That the multi-chain of this "TET-A-TTA" is justified: the action can occur not only in the room of subsectors, but, in fact, in any room of any family ...

    Further, young actors played fun and knellly, with a mass of fudges, and almost everything I liked ... And I thought about the play: they say, nothing, nothing, to the final, they are simply obliged to cut down to the drama, yes so that the spirit captures ...

    They spilled out by the end of the first action, in the film scene. Yes, it is so elegant that I forgave the loss of big pieces of text (ge-ni-al-no-go !!!).
    Subsectors (DM.SUMIN) says its monologue about Tick and so, about the soul, which carries out of the cage, not a deaf-and-and-dark person. Around the mass of people quite hearing ... And nothing hearing, for they do not want to hear: what they do to the affected individual, when it is necessary to tight, make small divids ... and you even shot.

    Here it is!
    I look forward to the post-paste continuation ...

    I am pleased to watch the scene in the restaurant.
    Although I frankly do not understand the echoing of the phrases of the characters from one actor to another, despite the fact that the program is highlighted, say, the father of the Epidium, which only the pseudopopopic long skirt determines (and not monologues).
    I wonder for the translation of the ge-ni-al-a-th text about the top three ... and something else.
    But all the same, everything is fine and correct: a banquet with vodka and a lot of interesting words, on which a person is worn, whose story has already moved from tick / life to so / nonsense ... There is God and another life - and who Well he knows.

    It was a well-played and drinking scene. With perfectly accurate reactions sitting at the stage table ...
    But on, alas, my inner "Wow, how nice!" I went to zero because ...
    It seems to me that the director was enough: But I did not show everything that these wonderful guys are able.
    And they know how to play various musical instruments and sing choir - plizzz.
    Know the stage fight, they are not afraid of dust, water and dirt - plizzz.
    We have here in costume rooms different costumes - plizzz.
    Girls are not shy to show the naked breasts - Plizz ...

    Stop. And where did the spectacle delivered on the basis of Erdman's ge-al-al-no-th text?
    He crumbled. Separate pearls of the text did not ride a filament, and as if on purposely discarded to the side ...

    All changed clothes, grimized, fought, lying around ...
    And when they sat down together, they began to watch "Tom and Jerry" (by the way, a good series - I, tired of the vale of what was happening on the stage, gladly looked at the cat's history and mice) ... and they began to fall one after another "dead "...

    In general, I thought that the suicide was not seeds of subsectors here and not Fedya Pitunin, but theater.

    And the point is not the fact that Comrade Stalin did not allow K.S. Erdman's play, thereby killing the future production ... But in the fact that yesterday's performance did not convince me so much that I, adoring the theater of the audience, preferred to peer into the "Idiot drawer" screen, having ceased to be interested in the scenic action and the fate of the heroes.

    Very sorry. For this Mkhatovsky course is good unusually.
    Whatever they look at them ... Enjoy. Remember, turning in the mind of intonation and gestures ...
    I remembered: in the "wicracudochoe" everything was necessary for remembering and enjoyment.

    "Suicide" dir. Mikhail Milkis
    This is the fourth performance of the Ground and Zolotovitsky course, which I looked at the Studio School of the MHT during the year.
    During this time, he was convinced that students are very interesting and practically everyone has a pronounced personality. It is clear that training performances are designed to reveal the acting potential of the guys from different sides. So, for example, a star (I will not be afraid of the word) Plastic play "Journey to Twin Peaks" Anton Loban in the "suicide" plays the role of the mother-in-law of subsector, and Dmitry Sumin, who remembered on the "wisp" (although he was Not the brightest). And immediately, I will say that his hero is a big luck of the performance, through the entire phantasmagoria of the conditional post-revolutionary world, the actor carries its topic - the lack of a lonely human soul, which becomes someone necessary only when the hero gathered to commit suicide.
    However, in fact, his loneliness is far from complete: loving, but committed in the cycle of life Wife Sunchalnikova plays Elizabeth Ermakova, touching and charming (without aggressive makeup, which in other productions makes her face tougher).

    According to the plot of subsectors, he wants to learn the game on the pipe to make money. Suddenly, this was the basis of the figurative system and the style of the performance, which is oversaturated with music. Numerous, differently beaten musical topics, a game with sound, along with successful scenography, create a special atmosphere: winter twilight, poorly lit communal 20s, a restaurant with gypsy. For me, a lot of spectator joy is a lot of: and the way Oleg Uts Piano, Lisa Yermakov, and Dasha Antonyuk, and the passage-mileage "Magic Flute", and the dance of Alena Mitroshina, and a metal ring, counting the last hours of life subsenernikov (Lia Latypova in the role of the mysterious Fedi Pitunin), and German speech at the "filming of the film" (Nikolai Erdman - German by origin) ...
    It turned out a talented performance-fantasy, but since the young director Mikhail Milkis went beyond the limits of Erdman's play material, then by the end of him, it seems a little listed. The last minutes fifteen look with difficulty: the story thread is lost (and the game with nonlinearity is complex), violates the temper, the action begins to buck.
    Nevertheless, the performance remains in the shower, visual and audio memory - visual and audio images. And the role of Dmitry Sumin, even separately from the rest, produces a very strong impression - the actual actor, a young hero.

    Each of my hike to the school studio-Studio Studio is a squall of emotions and the joy for the fact that the theater is alive and will live for another 1000 years! Because young actors are already creating a miracle on stage.
    Yes, these are novice actors, yes this is their first professional scene.
    But thanks to the talent of teachers and their themselves, very strong performances are born on this scene. Original, with many new techniques and a modern look at both lives and the theater in particular.
    Today I really advise you a spectacle
    which presents on the court and the joy of the audience the 4th acting (workshop Igor Zolotovitsky and Sergey Zemtsov).
    I intend to the performance, I read in the annotation, that the "wisp" is an attempt to hear how the world sounds around us, and feel the harmony of modern music and poetry, which is necessary for a person, and that the poem of Ivan Akhmetiev, Danila Davydov, Timur Kibirova sound in the performance , Leonida Kostyukova, Andrei Rodionova, Oleg Gruza, Leonid Gubanova, Alexei Alekhina, Nai Yamakova, Lisa Sterns and Sofia Ozerman, Nina Iskrenko, Mikhail Chevega, Ali Kudryasheva, Dmitry Vennikova, Dmitry Alexandrovich Prigova, Fedor Swarovsky, Elena Fanailova, Sasha Ryzhakova, Anna Russ, Alexander Yarmak, Ira Vilkova, Andrei Lysikov (Dolphin), Linor Mountain, Oleg Ots.
    I know many of these poets and did not even hear and saw how they themselves read their poems from the scene.
    And, of course, I was very interested to see how the same verses will be performed by young actors.
    And I was worried if I would like what I see. Poets are often jealous of the acting reading. :)

    Regulatory term of study - 4 years.
    Form of study - full-time.
    Control digits of reception ( budget places): The main places - 14, the receiving quota of persons having special law – 2.
    Under contracts with payment of the cost of training (paid places) - 16.
    Artistic head of the course - Ryzkobov Viktor Anatolyevich, Professor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
    Before the beginning entrance tests incoming be sure to pass the qualifying auditions in three rounds. For qualifying listening, it is necessary to prepare a program: 3 Openings from prose, 3-4 poems, 3 fables.
    The first tours of qualifying listens are held:
    - in April - on Sundays - 5, 12, 19, April 26, 2020;
    - in May - on Sundays - 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 May 2020;
    - in June - on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays During the month.
    Recording for qualifying auditions is carried out in the form of electronic registration from March 15 2020. The order of registration of applicants. Applicants that received a negative result on the results of qualifying listening on the first, second or third rounds, to repeatedly listening not allowed.
    Second and Third Tours Selection listeners are held in June, according to the approved receiving commission schedule. The schedule will be posted on the website of the Studio MCAT in April 2020.
    Applicants, past three round of qualifying auditionsAllowed to introductory tests. Before opening tests, incoming are submitted to Reception Commission The following documents:
    a) Application (in the application you need to specify the received points of EGE In Russian language and literature);
    b) document certifying personality and citizenship (passport);
    c) a document on education or on education and on qualifications;
    d) six photos (3x4).
    EME results Valid by 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 gg
    Receive documents from June 17 to July 7, 2020 From Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 18.00 (July 7, documents will be accepted from 10.00 to 16.00) at the address: Moscow, Changer lane, house 1, 3 floor, Cabinet 3-4.
    Introductory tests are held from July 01, 2020 as groups are made from among those who submitted required documents.

    List of entrance tests:

    1. Creative test:
    - Execution literary works: Reading by heart poems, fables, reversal from prose (prepare several works of different genres).

    2. Professional test:
    - Voice check and speech: the presence of a healthy voice is established, the lack of organic flaws of speech, clarity of diction;
    - Checking musical data: performing exercises on the task of the examiner to check the musical rhythm, the performance of the song in your choice;
    - Checking plastic data: execution on the task of the examiner of exercises for checking plasticity, coordination of movements, dance performance in its choice.
    Exam results are estimated on a 100-point scale.
    Minimal score On budget places - 50.
    The minimum score in paid places is 50.
    3. Russian language - EGE
    Minimum score - 56.
    4. Literature - EGE
    Minimum score - 45.

    Programs of entrance tests, criteria and estimation scales are published in the section of the introductory tests

    Nonresident students at the time of study are provided with a hostel.
    The hostel during receipt is not provided.