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  • Gitis is there budget places. Gitis, faculties: acting, directing, producer, theater. Admission to Gitis. Number of places in specialties under contracts with payment costs

    Gitis is there budget places. Gitis, faculties: acting, directing, producer, theater. Admission to Gitis. Number of places in specialties under contracts with payment costs

    In July 2017, Julia Proskuryakova made a serious and responsible step, she entered the Institute of Theatrical Art. The girl decided to receive the second higher education, which will help her confidently feel in the acting profession. Behind the shoulders of a beginner actress are already three paintings that have been successful in the viewer. However, it is impossible to stay in the profession not knowing the azes and subtleties acting. Supported by his family, husband and star surroundings, Julia decided to submit documents to the most prestigious acting university.

    Julia Proskuryakova Artist Dramatic Theater and Cinema

    For more than 4 years, she will have to combine the upbringing of the daughter of Veronica and training at the Director of the Faculty of Acting Mastery in the workshop of Vladimir Baycher - the teacher on the director and the dean of the Director of the Directory Russian University Theatrical art and Timofey Sopolev - Dean of the Faculty of Music Theater of the Russian Academy of Theater Art (Gityis), Actor of the Moscow Academic Theater named after VL. Mayakovsky.

    Julia Proskuryakova passed the exams at the Directory Faculty

    Asbiturient of Proskuryakova passed 9 exams. The specialty "Acting Art" girl scored 80 points, and in other disciplines of the assessment quite high, which made it possible to get into 19 lucky, who passed all the difficulties entrance tests.

    At the end of the highest educational institution, Julia Proskuryakova will receive a diploma by the qualification of the "artist of the Dramatic Theater and Cinema".

    September 1, Julia Proskuryakova received student guitis

    On the day of knowledge, a student of Gityis Julia Proskuryakova handed a student ticket. The masters of the acting course Sergey Shakurov, Timofey Sopolov, Vladimir Baycher personally congratulated his newly suitable students with a solemn event. Now, it certainly, each of the lucky owners of the cherished "crust" can be sure that he is a student of the most prestigious acting university of the country.

    uliaveronika Hitis Students !!! URAAAAAAA !!!

    Theatrical university is an opportunity to get a full-fledged theater profession. The applicant can be in guitis both to do, so calmly do not pass an entrance exam. Often, even very talented people can not overcome the test in the form of a contest 100+ people in place. It's all about limiting the number of budget places. At each of the faculties, such places, according to control numbers of reception, a different amount or they are not available at all.

    Guitis how to enroll on the budget

    In Gitis there is a full-time and extramural learning. Full-time students in 2017 can choose one of the faculties shown in the image:

    In addition to the name of the faculty, you can see a specialty on which training, the number of places and quotas for people having special rights. Prepare for admission to guitis need long before the exam. Everything begins desires. - A good desire, which can become a reality, if well prepared for the upcoming test.

    The recommended period of preparation for the entrance exam in Gitis is 1 year, and better than 2 years. You should not count on luck and think that everything will happen by itself, and even more so - try to enter the theater university, not having preparation.

    It is important to know that the process of admission to guitis is an action that forms a living queue for listening. Often to stand in this queue accounts for up to 7 hours, and after that - the tired and exhausted actor must also adequately speak. But such loads are "dust", compared to what real actors are experiencing. If you are not even an entrance exam forces, what to talk about?

    I want to become an actor what to do

    Note, we do not say specifically: do something else, we are just trying to explain what you have to face. After all, admission to Gitis is not only exams, but also all that is next to them. Think so that you want to see on the spot director? Who and for what?

    Conforming tasks and requirements and having a clear presentation of what is required from a student, you can determine the outcome of the exam in your favor. It can help, even if you are less creative than other applicants. If competently approach organizational moments And follow technology with which people pass, you can be ahead of others.

    Life loves intelligent, so as tricks you can find senior students and chat with them, find out how the entrance exam was held. Moreover, the more people who have already passed this test, next to you will be more, the higher the probability that you do. This is a really working life strategy - for example, if you want to be rich, spend time among the rich.

    Transferring this rule to the plane of acting skills, you can try to look for friendly connections with existing actors and discuss our goals with them, plans to consult and at the same time to adopt their experience. It was because of the fact that there was an experienced teacher next to the person, those who have been trained in the courses of acting skills, when entering guitis, will be much easier.


    Admission to the theater university of such a scale as guitis is a lesson not from the lungs. With a big competition, you have only the best chance. How to be the best now, we tried to explain to you. In a nutshell, this is preliminary preparation. Only prepared and "armed to the teeth" and it is worth coming to the exam. It does not happen that a person from the street just took and entered, just learned a couple of poems along the way, prose, learned to sing by chance, and then mistakenly went to the university and entered. This is from the category of fiction. Only professionals of their affairs can be counted on the receipt of the guitis.

    Reception rules

    Exposure from section 1 " General provisions"Regulations O. reception Commission The Russian Academy of Theater Art - Gityis, approved by the Rector of Rati-Gitis M. Yu. Khmelnitsky:

    1. To organize a set of students, receiving documents entering higher educational institutions, holding entrance examinations and enrollments to students of persons who have passed through the competition are organized by the Reception Commission of Rachi-Gitis. The main task of the Admission Commission is to ensure compliance with the rights of citizens to the formation established by the Constitution Russian Federation, legislation of the Russian Federation, publicity and openness of all admission procedures.

    2. The Reception Commission in its work is guided by:

    Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"
    - Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education";
    - Typical Regulations on the educational institution of the highest vocational education (higher educational institution) of the Russian Federation, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;
    - the Regulations on the admission committee of the Russian Academy of Theater Art - Gitis, approved by the rector;
    - order of admission to state educational institutions higher vocational education (higher educational institutions) of the Russian Federation, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education - the Russian Federation of January 14, 2003 50;
    - other documents of the federal (central) or departmental authority of the Higher Professional Education Authority;
    - the charter of rati-guitis;
    - Rati-Gitis reception rules;
    - other documents approved by the Scientific Council of Rati-Gitis.

    Successful passage of creative tests wearing a complex character and delivery entrance exams The specialty are the determining condition for admission to the Russian Academy of Theatrical Art-Gitis in the specialty (directions) of art.

    When receiving 1 course in 2007-2008 academic year Some of the faculties of rati-guitis take into account the results of a single state exam.

    For applicants, qualifying consultations and preparatory lectures are held.

    Applicants having a red diploma or medal high School, exams exams only in the specialty. In case of excellent estimates, specialty from further exams are exempt.

    Asbiturients who have surrendered all exams, but not passed by the competition, training can be offered on the terms of compensation for students' expenditures. The cost of training is established by the faculties and approved by the Scientific Council of Rati.

    More detailed information On the procedure for holding entrance exams, qualifying consultations, preparatory lectures, etc. Can be obtained at the Faculty of Academy.

    1. Selecting consultations and preparatory lectures in all specialties are held at the faculties during April - June months.

    4. Required documents:

    Application addressed to the Academy Rector (in form);
    - Document on the average (full) general, secondary special or higher education (script or copy);
    - document certifying personality and citizenship;
    - Photos (3x4) - 4 pcs.

    Enrollment is provided:

    Script document on education;
    - medical certificate for applicants to the university;
    - In addition to medical help:
    - the conclusion of a phoniatra doctor (for actors of the musical theater);
    - in the conclusion of the therapist to indicate the transferred chronic diseases;
    - military ID or tax certificate;
    - Document on permanent registration (registration) or temporary registration.

    5. In case of disagreement with the results of entrance exams, the applicant has the right to appeal to the appeal commission within 2 hours after declaring the exam results.

    List of entrance exams in faculties and specialties

    Acting facultyDirectorily FacultyTheater FacultyProducer FacultyFaculty of Music TheaterFaculty of pop artBalletmaster Faculty

    Pedagogue choreography (full-time and correspondence)

      References for applicant

      Russian Academy of Theatrical Art - Gitis

      References for applicants

      1. Belinsky V. "Hamlet", Drama Shakespeare.

      2. Mochalov as Hamlet. In Sat .: Belinsky about drama and theater. M.-L., 1948, p.241-251.

      3. Gogol and theater. M.-L., 1952.

      4. Gorchakov N. Director's lessons K. S. Stanislavsky. M., 1952.

      5. Director's lessons Evg. B. Vakhtangov. M. 1957.

      6. Goncharov A. Director's notebook. M., 1980.

      7. Golubovsky B. Place of work - Theater. M., 1975.

      8. Zavadsky Yu. The birth of a performance. M., 1975.

      9. Zakharov M. Contacts at different levels. M., 1986.

      10. Knebel M. Poach Pedagogy. M., 19 & 4.

      11. Meyerhold Sun. Articles, letters, speeches, conversations. M., 1986, vol. 1, 2.

      12. Nemirovich-Danchenko Vl. Theater heritage. M., 1952.

      13. Petrov I. I will be a director. M., 1969.

      14. Popov L. On the artistic integrity of the performance. M., 1959. *

      15. Pushkin and theater. Dramatic works, articles, notes, letters. M., 1953.

      16. Rudnitsky K. Sun. Meyerhold. M., 1981.

      17. Russian Drama Theater. M., 1976.

      18. Stanislavsky K. My Life A Art. (Any publication). *

      19. Ethics. M., 1961. *

      20. Tairov A. About the theater. M., 1970.

      21. Tovstonogov Mirror scene: in 2 kN. L., 1984.

      22. Chekhov M. Literary heritage. M., 1995, vol. 1.2.

      23. Efros A. Profession - director. (Any publication).


    Aim at a certain university, in which you want to do, because each of them holds different creative tests, prepare for which you need in advance. Among educational institutionsraising future Mikhalkov: Schukinskoe, Shchepkinsky Theater Schools, Vgik, Gitis, Mitro, Gitr, Mguyk.

    Interview. Check out the theory of the profession. After all, if you are going to devote yourself to some kind of business, you need to know everything about him. Learn directors, playwrights, composers, artists, basic terms and history. The interview will check your knowledge of the profession and the intellectual level as a whole.

    Paperwork. What will it be - just not known. Some institutions require an essay on their topics, other autobiography in artistic style, third - photos. Such tests allow you to identify professional skills and directorial type of thinking.

    Finally, the practical part. Before the Commission, you will be asked to put the director's etude with the participation of the same incoming as you.


    Possible risk is your constraint. Never get dry!

    Helpful advice

    To each test, take off with full responsibility. Each round has a large number of participants. Dozens of man are claiming to one place. To enroll, you will have to post full. But if it didn't work out - do not be dug! Most of the applicants come for years until the goals will achieve. After all, many famous people Also fell to the directorial faculty not the first time.

    VGIK- is State University Cinematography. The university has such faculties as an acting, film operator, artistic, producer, scenic and directorial and directorial. But it is not so easy to do there, as it seems at first glance.


    The acting faculty is preparing students with the specialty "Acting Art" and the specialization of the "artist of the Dramatic Theater and Cinema". The term of study will be 4 years on full-time learning. To enter VGIK and embody my dream to become an actor is not so easy, especially since many famous artists could not come from the first time. In order to enroll on this faculty, it is necessary to work on yourself with full force. Permanent work on yourself is the basis of acting skills.

    To go to the faculty, you need to go through two rounds. The first is a traditional exam, writing an essay or dictation. The second is a creative exam, where it will be necessary to reveal in all its glory of his talent. Both exams are important for receipt, but the final point when choosing will be a creative exam, where every applicant should show its abilities. The creative exam involves the preparation of a monologue, fables, musical number, singing and dance. In addition to everything with each applicant, there will be an interview for the knowledge of the art of the theater, movies, literature and music. It is important to know all famous filmmakers, actors of theater and cinema, writers and composers.

    One desire to do not do enough, while you should understand that such as you are much and everyone wants to do. Usually, a large competition is usually in a budget place, so your goal is to show yourself and declare yourself that you deserve to learn in Vgika. Rehearsal is the key to the success of any performance. The more rehearsals, the more confident in their abilities. Start the rehearsal process is better long before entering, if possible, it is necessary to start doing for the year.

    Specialty "Acting Art" Qualifications - "Artist of pop"
    Specialty "Directory Theater" Qualification - "Director of Astrada"

    List of additional entrance tests of creative and professional orientation:

    qualification "Artist of pop"
    (on full-time and correspondence department)

    • Artist's skill (Professional practical test)
    • Solo singing
    • Interview (orally)

    Opening test according to artist's skill It is aimed at revealing from the acting acting in various pop genres, checking such qualities as intelligence, observation, humor, sense of style. To the exam on the artist of the stage of the Estrad, the incoming must prepare for execution several literary works various genres, including the fastener, poem, excerpt from prosaic work, and also to detect the ability to think with pop images. The incoming must be ready on the task of the examination committee to fulfill stage sketches.

    Exam by solo singing includes the execution of at least two vocal works (in Russian and foreign languages) Using a minus phonogram (CD!) and microphone. The possession of one of the musical instruments is welcomed. The incoming must be ready for execution on the task of the examination commission of music and scenic sketches.

    Interview Reveal professional quality Entering his cultural level, aesthetic views, erudition, public interests, the ability to focus on the main issues of modern artistic life. At the interview, the incoming must discover acquaintance with the largest works of domestic and foreign literature, dramaturgy, pop art, theater, painting, sculptures, architecture, cinematography. Mandatory to prepare for an interview is knowledge of the literature recommended in the memo.

    qualification "Edda Director"
    (at the correspondence department)

    • Director (Professional test in writing)
    • Director and artist skill (creative practical test)
    • Interview (orally)

    The most important stage exam in the specialty for directors, is an paperwork On the themes defined by the examination committee. The theme of writing work on the director may be a scenario of a pop performance or mass presentation and a holiday, a scenario or a producer of the number of the original, speech, musical, and other genres. In addition to the knowledge of the basic laws of building a pop performance, a mass presentation or a pop room in this paper, the specificity of the directorial vision, fantasy, artistic taste should appear.

    Opening test director and artist skill For directors, it includes the display of directorial etudes on the topic defined by the examination committee. In these etudes, entering creative fantasy, pop thinking, the ability to organize the stage space in the genres of the pop number, cabaret presentation or show. Etude can be shown independently or involving other coming as performers. Also, the incoming will need to read pre-prepared fables, poems and prosaic passages, the execution of one vocal work using a minus phonogram (CD!) And a microphone, as well as the performance of musical, musical-plastic and other improvisations to the specified topics.

    for entrance examinations on the qualifications of the "Artist of Estrada"
    A. Alexseev is serious and funny. M., 1984.
    A.Adov Conversational pop genres and circus. M., 1968.
    A.Verinsky dear long. M.1991.
    A. Zakushnyak evening story. M.1983.

    I.Nestev star Russian pop. M., 1974.
    B. Savchenko Estrada. Retro. M.1996.
    N. Smirnov-Sokolsky "45 years on stage". M.1976.
    K.Stanislavsky my life in art (any edition)

    E.Uvarova Arkady Rykin. M., 1986.

    L.Tesov Thank you, heart! M., 1976.
    L. Jellis talk about light music. M., 1985.

    "Estrada without a parade" Sat. Articles. M.1991.
    V.Yakhontov Theater of one actor. M. 1958.

    for entrance examinations on the qualifications "Edda Director"
    N.Akimov Theater heritage. Sat in 2-kN. L., 1978.
    V.Ardov Conversational pop genres and circus. M., 1968.
    A. Alekseev. Serious and funny. M., 1984.
    Y. Borev comic. M., 1970.
    E.Vachtangov Materials and articles. M., 1950.
    E. Wahtangov Documents and certificates. In 2 tt. M., 2011.
    A.Verinsky Dear Long M. 1991.
    Gogol and theater. M.-L., 1952.
    N. Gorchakov "Director's lessons K.S. Stanislavsky. "
    N. Gorchakov "K.S. Stanislavsky about the work of the director with the actor, M. "WTO".
    N. Gorchakov "Director's lessons of Evg. Vakhtangov ", M." Art ", 1957
    B. Zakhava "The skill of the actor and the director", M.
    A. Zakushnyak evening story M.1983.
    M.Knebel Poetry Pedagogy. M., 1984.
    A.Kugel Theater portraits. M.1967.
    E.Kuznetsov from the past Russian pop. M., 1958.
    V.Mayerold Articles, Letters, Speech, Conversations. M., 1968, tt.1 and 2.
    V. Meirirovich-Danchenko Theater heritage. M., 1952.
    N.Petrov 50 and 500. M., 1960.
    A.Popov on the artistic integrity of the performance. M. 1959.
    Pushkin and theater. Dramatic works, articles, notes, letters.
    B. Savchenko Estrada. Retro. 1996.
    N. Smirnov-Sokolsky 45 years on stage. M.1976.
    K. Stanislavsky my life in art (any edition).
    K.Stanislavsky work actor over himself. M., 1954.
    K.Stanislavsky ethics. M., 1961.
    A. Tairov about the theater. M., 1970.
    L.Tikhvinskaya cabaret and miniature theaters. M. 1995.
    Tovstonogov Mirror scenes. In 2-kN. L., 1984.
    G. Tovstonogov about the profession of director M. 1967.
    E.Uvarova Arkady Rykin. M.1986.
    E.Wawarova Past Theater. 1945-1990. M., Top Union, 2011.
    E.Wawarova The origins of the Russian pop. M., 2013.
    I.Sharoev graders and mass representations. M.
    Estradish encyclopedia. Lexicon. M. 2000
    V.Yamontov. Theater of one actor. M.1958.