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  • Interaction with specialists in the nursery. “The system of interaction of specialists in the preschool educational institution. Art therapy and music therapy techniques

    Interaction with specialists in the nursery.  “The system of interaction of specialists in the preschool educational institution.  Art therapy and music therapy techniques

    Interaction of the educator with the staff of the preschool educational institution.

    The preschool teacher must clearly know the conceptual foundations of the organization of the educational process in a preschool institution, the main directions of the institution's development. The teacher must be able to reflect on the reasons for success and failure, mistakes and difficulties in the educational process in order to make changes in subsequent activities, to achieve better results.

    The interaction of the educator with specialists in a preschool educational institution is an integral part successful learning and raising children.

    Interaction of the educator with the administration of the educational institution.

    The interaction of the educator with the administration of the educational institution is aimed at creating optimal conditions for the full-fledged all-round development and training of pupils, protecting and strengthening their health in accordance with the state educational standard and programs implemented in the institution. Also on the organization of work among parents (persons replacing them) on the education and training of children in the family, to promote the promotion of pedagogical and hygienic knowledge, to involve parents (persons replacing them) to participate in the activities of the institution, determined by the charter and the parental agreement.

    Comply with the rules of labor protection and fire safety.

    Interaction of the educator with the senior educator of the educational institution.

    The senior educator organizes the current and forward planning activities of the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution. Analyzes the implementation of educational, methodological and educational work in a preschool educational institution and develops proposals to improve its effectiveness.

    The interactions of the educator with the senior educator of the educational institution are inseparable throughout educational process... The senior educator assists teachers in the development and development of innovative programs and technologies, helps to prepare for certification. Measures are jointly taken to equip the groups with modern equipment, visual aids and technical means training, replenishing them with educational methodological, fiction and periodical literature.

    Work is being carried out to comply with the norms and rules of fire safety, traffic, and behavior on the street in the educational process.

    Interaction of a teacher with a music worker of an educational institution.

    General and musical-aesthetic development of preschoolers in kindergarten carried out by a musical director who is well versed in the theory and methodology of the pedagogical process, and an educator who has general musical training.

    The work of teachers is complex, varied, and should be carried out in close, mutual understanding and contact.

    Music lessons in kindergarten are the main form of organization musical activities children. A music director with an educator participates in the preparation of music lessons. These activities often start in a group with something fun for the children going on. For example, children find that some toys are missing, and they go to look for them. They come to the hall ... and a play music lesson begins. This creates motivation in children, an interest in musical activity. All this the teachers think over and carry out together.

    In activity music director and the teacher also includes conducting music and speech classes. These classes are the connecting link in the activities of teachers. Classes are aimed at developing speech by means of expressive singing, they are additional. The teacher actively helps the music director in conducting it. The content of the lesson includes literary and musical material.

    In music lessons, the singing skills of children are developed, improved and consolidated, a stereotype is formed correct pronunciation words. The emotional basis of music lessons contributes to a better assimilation of various skills. The teacher, attending such classes, enriches the methodology of his work on the development of the speech of children and brings it closer to the methodology of a music director.

    The educator and music director create a subject-developing environment that is carefully thought out by them. The subject development environment is given fundamental importance in pedagogical process children's educational institution.

    The essence of the tasks of joint interaction between the music director and the educator is to awaken the creative activity of children, develop their musical imagination and thinking, stimulate the desire to independently engage in musical and creative activity.

    Together, teachers should develop the musicality of children, educate their moral sphere, mental processes and personal neoplasms. Thus, the music director and educator must provide for the integrity of music education: training, upbringing, development. All these tasks can be realized only if the following conditions are met:

    Involvement in musical activity brings only positive emotions to children;

    Thought out a humane and personal approach that provides emotional comfort for children;

    A comfortable musical and educational environment has been created in all forms of organization.

    The musical director and educator must keep the development of the whole complex of personality traits at the center of the musical educational system, and this is the main result. The goal of the humane-personal approach, proclaimed by the pedagogy of cooperation, is the approach to the personality of the child, his inner peace where undeveloped abilities, strengths and opportunities are hidden. The task of teachers is to awaken these forces and use them for a more complete development.

    The close interaction of the educator and the music director ensures the effectiveness of the tasks to be solved in music education, individually differentiated approach to children.

    Educators must interact subjectively with children. This style of interaction between the teacher and the child gives the child the right to choose (songs, games) for learning. Game motivation, the presence of a dialogue (that is, the interaction of the music director with the teacher, the game character and the children) makes the lesson very dynamic. In the course of the lesson, when posing a question to a child, the musical director (educator) forms the question in such a way that two answer options are laid in it. For example: “What mood did the music make you feel happy or sad? "," How do chicks sing in a high or low voice? ". Children, as a rule, always answer correctly.

    In the process of subject interaction, teachers constantly put children in the position of an experimenter, ask them many questions, encourage them to constantly think and look for an answer to the question posed. It is this kind of interaction that has a great effect on the development of intellectual abilities.

    The process of music education is long, you should not expect quick results. Only the joint activity of the music director and educator leads to the desired results in solving the problems of the general and musical-aesthetic development of children. preschool age.

    Educator-teacher interactions physical education educational institution.

    Currently, one of the most important problems is the health status of the population. Children's health is the wealth of the nation. The most accessible means of increasing health potential is physical culture, physical activity.

    In a preschool institution, physical culture and health-improving work is organized by the teacher and the head of physical education. The effectiveness of physical culture and educational work in a preschool institution is largely determined by their interaction. Each of them performs work in accordance with job responsibilities... The requirements for the activities of these specialists differ depending on the tasks to be solved: general physical fitness of children, motor rehabilitation. Pedagogical activity is aimed at the child, so their actions must be coordinated with each other. Planning them joint activities is carried out on the basis of the annual plan of the preschool institution and is drawn up in the form of plans: consultations for educators, speeches at pedagogical councils and medical and pedagogical meetings

    They are equally:

    They know the program, in accordance with which they put into practice the physical improvement of children (goals, objectives, predicted results);

    Diagnose physical condition children under the program implemented by the preschool institution;

    They know the peculiarities of the state of health of the pupils and plan physical exercises in accordance with these characteristics;

    Formulate in children ideas about hygiene and aesthetics of physical exercises (posture, exemplary demonstration of physical exercises, conducting classes in sportswear and shoes, etc.);

    Use the means of physical education to educate moral

    (moral and volitional) qualities of pupils;

    Use means of physical culture to form normal sex-role behavior in children;

    Hardening is carried out in the process of physical exercises;

    Ensure the safety of children in the process of physical exercise;

    Provide children with the first medical assistance in case of accidents;

    Plan, conduct and analyze physical culture and recreational activities during the day (morning exercises, physical education, outdoor games between classes and on the street, invigorating gymnastics);

    Parents are informed about the level of physical condition of their children and their success in physical activity.

    The life of every child in a preschool educational institution is based on a thoughtful alternation of physical activity, different types and forms of activity.

    Interaction of the educator with the medical worker of the educational institution.

    The interaction between the educator and the medical worker is aimed at:

    • control of the sanitary condition of the premises and the area of ​​the kindergarten;

    • compliance with the sanitary regime as prescribed by a doctor, organization of an event for hardening children;

    • ensuring the organization of recreational activities, adherence to the daily routine, the correct conduct of morning exercises, physical education and walks for children;

    • registration of absent due to illness, isolation of sick children;

    • there is a joint daily morning reception of children;

    • participation in pedagogical councils dedicated to the problem of physical development and health of children;

    • sanitary and educational work of parents;

    • adherence to the schedule for receiving food by the group;

    • keeping time sheets for the nutrition of children by group;

    • organization of meals in the group.
    Interaction of a teacher with a junior teacher of an educational institution.

    The interaction of the teacher with the junior teacher occurs daily, throughout the day of the children’s stay in kindergarten, it includes:

    • participation in planning and organizing the life of pupils, in conducting classes organized by the educator;

    • creation of conditions for social and psychological rehabilitation, social and labor adaptation of pupils;

    • together with medical workers and under the guidance of an educator, ensuring the preservation and strengthening of the health of pupils, carrying out activities that contribute to their psychophysical development, their observance of the daily routine;

    • organization, taking into account the age of the pupils, of their work on self-service, compliance with labor protection requirements, providing them with the necessary assistance;

    • participation in the prevention of deviant behavior, bad habits from pupils;

    • responsibility for their life and health of children;

    • dressing and undressing children, carrying out tempering activities;

    • ensuring the protection of life and health of pupils during the educational process;

    • compliance with labor protection and fire safety rules;

    • ensuring the protection of the life of children, preserving and strengthening their health;

    • joint work with children;

    • interaction in work to improve the efficiency of the educational process and to create a favorable emotional climate for pupils in the group during their stay in a preschool institution.
    Summing up the above, I would like to note once again that the modern goals and objectives of preschool education cannot be realized by each participant in the pedagogical process separately. All professionals should strive to have a unified approach to the upbringing of each child and a unified style of work in general. To ensure such unity in the work of all teachers and specialists, their close interaction is necessary.

    Natalia Sultanova
    The system of interaction between educators and specialists of preschool educational institutions

    Experience in our kindergarten interaction in the work of specialists and educators. Interaction system clearly demonstrates professional interconnection of all specialists kindergarten in working with children. We all work closely with each other and strive to have a unified approach to education each child and a uniform style of work in general.

    We have developed a scheme interaction of specialists kindergarten in working with children.

    Forms have been defined interaction of specialists: open classes, consultations, conversations, round tables, business games, workshops, teachers' councils, work with parents.

    In kindergarten everyone specialist assigned its own sphere professional activity, which is aimed at diagnosing, preventing and correcting the existing deviations in the development of the child, in one way or another educational area... Diagnostics allows not only to quickly monitor the process and dynamics educational activities, but also to correct it in a timely manner if possible negative impact on the health and mental development of the child.

    Musical director together with educator organize and conduct music lessons, literary and musical matinees. Musically gifted children are identified and dealt with individually and in a group. They jointly conduct morning exercises, physical education and entertainment, provide musical accompaniment for organized children's games in the afternoon. Together with educator they conduct musical and didactic, theatrical and rhythmic games. Consults educators on issues musical development... Get acquainted with the tasks of work and the results of diagnostics. Together with educators develop and spend: holidays, entertainment, leisure. The music director helps educator working with parents: prepares consultations upon request educator, recommendations, memo.

    In our kindergarten, an instructor physical culture conducts physical education classes, together with educator during the diagnosis, the physical abilities of children are revealed, individual work with lagging children, controls the physical activity of children during the day. Provides counseling educators on the problem of motor development, learning through an open display of motor activity with children. Chatting with educators groups on the organization of physical education. Together they develop and participate in physical culture holidays, days of health, summer recreation activities, morning exercises. Provides assistance educators in the creation of conditions in the group for the organization of motor activity, the physical development of children, the use of non-traditional equipment, gives advice. Takes part in parenting meetings, in the design of visual information, consultations for parents. Together with educator plan and implement various forms health and fitness work: hiking, excursions, outdoor games, competitions.

    An important role in the organization of educational educational process is provided by a teacher-psychologist. The main work of a teacher-psychologist falls on the adaptation period, when a new team is formed. At this moment it helps educators build relationships with newly arrived children and their parents. Individual work with children is planned together, and the teacher-psychologist gives recommendations for further correctional and developmental work. Together they participate in the organization and conduct of various festive events. The educational psychologist provides the necessary psychological professional assistance educators in order to prevent them from emotional burnout. Provides assistance educator in the form: consultations, seminars, questionnaires, visual presentation. Takes a direct part in parenting meetings.

    Related publications:

    Report at the August conference preschool educators on the topic: “Joint work of preschool educational institution and families in raising a healthy child ”. In the present.

    Consultation for educators "Project activities of a teacher in a preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for a preschool educational institution" Today in the system preschool education there are major changes that have not happened since its inception. First, in connection with the introduction.

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    2 slide. New socio-economic relations in modern society have led to changes in the preschool education system.

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    The system of work on patriotic education in preschool educational institutions The system of work to familiarize preschool children with the rules of the road. Relevance and just a vital necessity.

    The interaction of specialists in a preschool educational institution is an integral part of the successful education and upbringing of children. In this article, we will consider in detail this process, on the example of a preschool educational institution for children with speech impairments.

    Specialists studying children with general underdevelopment speeches (R.E. Levina, G.V. Chirkina, T.B. Filicheva, T.V. Tumanova and others), note the need for an integrated approach to teaching and upbringing of children with speech pathology. The organization of specialized kindergartens reveals the need for speech therapists to interact not only with educators, but also with other specialists within the kindergarten, namely with a music director, psychologist and physical education instructor.

    M.A. Povalyaeva made a great contribution to the study of the problem of interaction between specialists. She developed a model of correctional and developmental activities in an educational institution, which included:

    · Creation of a team of like-minded people, raising the professional level of teachers, parents and medical personnel;
    · Organization of a correctional and educational environment that stimulates the speech and personal development of the child;
    · Development of an integrated correctional and developmental calendar-thematic plan based on comprehensive diagnostics;
    · Direct correction of all components of the speech of children;
    · Selection of linguistic material, taking into account the stage of work and the compensatory capabilities of each child separately.

    This model of interaction of specialists in a preschool institution contributes to effective changes in the speech development of children, vocational training teachers, expanding the boundaries of knowledge of parents in the field of correctional pedagogy. In the educational process of any child, his timely early support by teachers and doctors is important, which warns the majority and allows them to be corrected quickly and on time.

    Job descriptions of special workers preschool institutions for children with speech impairments

    Consider the job descriptions of employees of special preschool institutions for children with speech impairments.

    According to job descriptions, the musical director of any preschool institution is entrusted with the main function of ensuring the implementation of the program of aesthetic development and musical education children, taking into account the age of the pupils.

    Music director of a preschool educational institution

    To do this, the music director must:

    1. Supervise the work of teachers of an educational institution and parents on issues of musical and aesthetic development;

    2. Conduct integrated classes with pupils of a preschool institution, together with educators, teachers additional education and other specialists;

    3. Actively participate in the activities of the Council of Teachers of a preschool educational institution and methodological associations;

    4. Conduct consultations for parents and teachers on the issues of musical and aesthetic education of children;

    5. Present your work experience at competitions, festivals, holidays and within the framework of a preschool educational institution.

    Relationships and connections as a music director:

    Physical education instructor of a preschool educational institution

    The physical education instructor in a preschool educational institution is entrusted with the following function:

    1. Implementation of the program for the physical education of children, taking into account their psychophysical and age characteristics;

    2. Preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children.

    3. Formation in children in their classes:

    A) the basics and concepts of a healthy lifestyle;
    b) motor skills and abilities;
    c) motor activity in independent and collective types of activity;
    d) culture of a healthy lifestyle;
    e) the most conscious development of the educational program.

    In his activities, a physical education instructor must:

    1. Competently and step by step to carry out work on the physical education of preschool children;

    2. Provide in conjunction with medical staff monitoring the health status of children and their physical development;

    3. Provide individual approach to recruitment of subgroups of children for physical education;

    4. Conduct health-improving activities;

    5. Ensure the safety of children;

    6. Carry out the protection of the health of children;

    7. Monitor emotional comfort during exercise;

    8. Conduct physical rehabilitation of pupils with deviations in health;

    9. To actively participate in the activities of methodological associations and the Council of teachers of preschool institutions;

    10. Conduct consultations for parents and teachers on physical education of children;

    11. Present your work experience at competitions, festivals, holidays and within the framework of a preschool educational institution

    Relationships and connections by position andphysical education instructor:

    1. During the period not coinciding with the vacation, the administration of the preschool institution is involved in pedagogical, methodological or organizational work within the established working hours;

    2. Systematically exchanges information on issues within its competence with the administration and educators preschool institution;

    3. Accountable to the head of the preschool institution and the Council of Teachers.

    Educator-psychologist of a preschool educational institution

    The teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution is responsible for the following function:

    1. Ensuring the mental, somatic and social well-being and comfort of the inmates of the institution;

    2. Provision of psychological assistance to the needy pupils of the institution, their parents (persons replacing them) in matters of behavior, education and upbringing of the child, the teaching staff.

    The teacher-psychologist is obliged:

    1. Carrying out his activities, the teacher-psychologist is obliged conduct:

    · Analysis of the work of teachers of a preschool educational institution, to provide assistance in case of difficulties that arise, which are associated with the peculiarities of the individual development of some children;

    · Developing activities and games for preschool children;

    · Trainings for teachers and parents on education, upbringing and interaction with preschool children.

    2. A teacher psychologist must be able to identify the causes and degree of deviations in the development of children (intellectual, emotional, personal, social), to carry out psychological and pedagogical correction;

    3. In cases of special need, send children for consultation to medical, psychological and medical-pedagogical Centers;

    4. To be able to draw up psychological and pedagogical conclusions and draw up conversations with parents and teachers in order to guide them in the problems of preschooler development;

    6. The psychologist must exercise:

    · Assistance to children, parents and teachers throughout the adaptation period to a preschool institution;

    · psychological assistance and support for gifted children and children with certain difficulties;

    7. To develop psychological culture in a preschool institution among pupils, teachers, specialists and parents;

    8. Conduct consultations for participants in the educational process (parents, teachers, specialists);

    9.Educator psychologist should be involved:

    · At a meeting of the Pedagogical Council of a preschool institution;
    · At a meeting of the council of the psychological and pedagogical service of a preschool institution;
    · Carry out "psychologization" of the educational process in a preschool institution, carrying out scientific experiments;
    · In meetings for parents and round tables for educators;

    10. Participate in the work of the Council of Teachers of a preschool educational institution.

    Relationships and communications ex officioan educational psychologist:

    1. A teacher psychologist must be able to independently plan his work for a year, half a year, monthly. All developed plans are coordinated and approved by the head of the preschool institution, are in agreement with
    psychological and pedagogical service.

    2. The teacher-psychologist should exchange the information received with the employees of the psychological-pedagogical service and the teaching staff of the institution.

    3. The teacher psychologist must inform the head of the psychological and pedagogical service and the head of the preschool educational institution about the difficulties that arise in working with children, parents, and various social services.

    4. Educator psychologist should communicate to their leaders the information obtained at meetings and seminars.

    Teacher-speech therapist of a preschool educational institution

    The speech therapist teacher is responsible for the following function:

    1. Active participation in the educational process of preschool children, aimed at diagnostics,
    prevention, compensation, correction of deviations in the development of the pupils of the institution.

    2. Protection of the rights of the individual of children in accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

    3. Conducting a speech therapy examination of preschool educational institutions at the age of 3 to 7 years.

    4. Use in the work of preschool children only approved methods for correcting deviations in speech development and restoration of impaired speech functions.

    5. Conducting consultations for parents (persons replacing them), teachers and specialists of the institution on emerging diagnostic issues speech disorders children, the use of techniques.

    To perform the functions assigned to him, the speech therapist must


    · Annual examination of pupils in order to determine the structure and degree of existing deviations and speech defects;

    · Acquisition of subgroups for speech therapy classes taking into account the psychophysical state of the pupils;

    Subgroup, group and individual sessions with preschool children to correct speech disorders;

    2. To identify the causes and degree of deviations in the intellectual, neuropsychic and speech development of children;

    3. In cases of special need to send pupils for consultation in psychological, medical and medical-pedagogical centers;

    4. Make conclusions based on the results of speech therapy examination;

    5. To bring to the attention of teachers and parents the results of the survey in order to guide them in the problems of the development of the preschooler.

    6. Develop and use in your activities:
    · correctional programs, cycles of classes that are aimed at eliminating speech disorders in preschool children;

    · Recommendations for teachers, specialists of the institution and parents regarding the peculiarities of working with children who have problems in speech development; consultations with possible delays and gaps in cognitive activities and in preparing children for school; on the socio-psychological readiness of pupils to schooling; on the organization of assistance to children with developmental disabilities and speech defects in a family;

    7. To interact with educators and teachers of additional education to consolidate the results;

    8. To form the skills of speech culture in pupils;

    9. Conduct consultations for all participants in the educational process in order to prevent speech disorders;

    10. Carry out a choice of technologies for speech therapy assistance to children.

    11. Participate:

    · In meetings of the Pedagogical Council of a preschool institution;
    · In meetings of the council of the psychological and pedagogical service;
    · Experimental activities of a preschool institution;
    · In parent meetings for parents and round tables for teachers of the institution;

    5. Have in your armament visual aids, materials and tools for examining and carrying out correctional and developmental work with preschool children.

    Relationships and connections as a speech therapist teacher:

    1. Teacher speech therapist independently plans his activities for a year, half a year and monthly. All plans are coordinated with the head of the psychological and pedagogical service, the deputy head for educational work and are approved by the head of the preschool institution.

    2. Exchanges information within its competence with employees of the service and the teaching staff on issues;

    3. Informs the head of the psychological and pedagogical service and the head of the preschool educational institution about the difficulties encountered in working with parents, children and various social services;

    4. Transmits to the above-mentioned leaders the information received directly at the meetings and seminars;

    5. Accountable to the Council of Teachers.

    Kindergarten teacher

    The following functions are assigned to the teacher of a preschool educational institution:

    1. Protection of life and health promotion of pupils;
    2. Preservation and support of the individuality of the child;
    3. Education, training, development of preschool children;
    4. Rendering assistance in socialization of pupils;
    5. Interaction with families of children;
    6. Consulting and providing practical assistance in the upbringing and development of preschool children;

    To perform the functions assigned to him, the educator is obliged:

    1. To contribute to the creation and consolidation of a favorable atmosphere and psychological climate in the group for each pupil.

    2. Realize:

    · Individual educational and health-improving work with children;
    · Study the characteristics of the development of each child;
    · Monitor the state of health of each child;
    · Be sensitive to the emotional well-being of the baby;
    · Carry out monitoring;
    · Promptly notify the manager of accidents;
    · Be able to provide first aid;
    · To carry out recreational activities recommended by medical personnel and psychological and pedagogical service;
    · To carry out the current and future thematic planning work on the upbringing of patriotism and civic stance in preschool children, teaching the basics of life safety, organizing independent artistic and speech activities, forming the concept of a healthy lifestyle for a child;
    · To carry out preparation and conduct of parenting meetings. With a frequency of 1 time per quarter;
    · To conduct consultations for parents;
    · Design of thematic stands for parents;

    3. Provide:
    · Together with a medical professional, strengthening and preserving the health of children;
    · Training of pupils in accordance with the requirements of the State educational standard;
    · Regularly inform the parents of children about the state of health of the baby;
    · Comply with the requirements of the medical staff;
    · Carry out work in close contact with the head nurse, a nurse of exercise therapy and PTO;
    · Carry out the implementation of the daily routine of children and institutions;
    · Observe the motor load of children;
    · Informing the medical service and parents about changes in the state of health of the pupils;
    · Informing parents or persons replacing them about planned preventive vaccinations.

    4. Control the visual load of children;

    5. Accept Active participation in the preparation and conduct of children's matinees, holidays, sporting events, entertainment, visits to museums. excursions, open classes, parental living rooms.

    Relationships and connections by the position of an educator:

    The teacher transmits the information received at meetings and seminars to the deputy head for educational work immediately after receiving it.

    Thus, despite the fact that all specialists of a preschool institution are endowed with specific functions and job duties, their functions overlap within the framework of the correctional and educational process, all teachers must work in close contact with each other.

    Irina Belenko
    Interaction of educators with narrow specialists

    Experience in our kindergarten interaction in the work of specialists and educators... System interactions clearly demonstrates professional interconnection of all specialists kindergarten in working with children. We all work closely with each other and strive to have a unified approach to education each child and a uniform style of work in general.

    We have developed a scheme interaction of specialists kindergarten in working with children.

    To ensure such unity in the work of all teachers and specialists in our kindergarten, the following were developed tasks:

    1. Creation of a team of like-minded people from all specialists(teacher-speech therapist, teacher-defectologist, teacher-psychologist, educators, musical director, physical education instructor, teacher of additional education in fine arts) and raising their professional level.

    2. Organization of a developing environment that stimulates speech and personal development of the child.

    3. Joint study of the content of the program and drawing up a long-term plan of work for all types of activities of children and for all sections of the program.

    4. Joint preparation and holding of holidays, entertainment, thematic and integrated activities.

    Forms have been defined interaction of specialists: open classes, consultations, talks, round tables, business games, workshops, teachers' councils, work with parents.

    In our kindergarten, everyone specialist has its own sphere of professional activity, which is aimed at diagnosing, preventing and correcting existing deviations in the development of a child, in a particular educational area. Diagnostics allows not only to quickly monitor the process and dynamics of educational activity, but also to correct it in a timely manner in case of the possibility of a negative impact on the health and mental development of the child.

    Musical director together with educator organize and conduct musical classes, literary and musical matinees. Musically gifted children are identified and dealt with individually and in a group. They jointly conduct morning exercises, physical education and entertainment, provide musical accompaniment for organized children's games in the afternoon. Together with educator they conduct musical and didactic, theatrical and rhythmic games. Consults educators on the problems of musical development. Get acquainted with the tasks of work and the results of diagnostics. Together with educators develop and spend: holidays, entertainment, leisure. The music director helps educator working with parents: prepares consultations upon request educator, recommendations, memo.

    In our kindergarten, a physical education instructor conducts physical education classes, together with educator in the course of diagnostics, the physical abilities of children are revealed, they plan individual work with lagging children, and control the physical activity of children during the day. Provides counseling educators on the problem of motor development, learning through an open display of motor activity with children. Chatting with educators groups on the organization of physical education. Together they develop and participate in physical culture holidays, days of health, summer recreation activities, morning exercises. Provides assistance educators in the creation of conditions in the group for the organization of motor activity, the physical development of children, the use of non-traditional equipment, gives advice. Takes part in parenting meetings, in the design of visual information, consultations for parents. Together with educator plan and implement various forms of health and fitness work: hiking, excursions, outdoor games, competitions.

    An important role in the organization of educational educational process is provided by a teacher-psychologist. The main work of a teacher-psychologist falls on the adaptation period, when a new team is formed. At this moment it helps educators build relationships with newly arrived children and their parents. Individual work with children is planned together and the teacher-psychologist gives recommendations for further correctional and developmental work. Together they participate in the organization and conduct of various festive events. The educational psychologist provides the necessary psychological professional assistance educators in order to prevent them from emotional burnout. Provides assistance educator in the form: consultations, seminars, questionnaires, visual presentation. Takes a direct part in parenting meetings.

    The speech therapist works closely with educators, attends their classes. Together with educator spend relaxation with children, breathing, finger, articulatory gymnastics, massage, stage and automate sounds, develop phonemic hearing... After noon educator conducts individual work with children on the instructions of a speech therapist. Speech therapist advises educators and parents for use special methods and techniques for helping children with developmental disabilities. Conditions are created together in the group for the development of various types of activity, taking into account the possibilities of the interests, the needs of the children themselves.

    The teacher of additional education in fine arts identifies and develops Creative skills children, along with educators study individual characteristics pupils, plan during the lesson tasks of different levels of complexity, according to the preparation and development of each child. Before classes on visual activity educator conducts preliminary work with children in the form of conversations, observations, excursions, viewing pictures, reading poetry, fairy tales, stories, also involves children in search experimental work, forming them creative activity in visual activity. The art teacher takes part in the coordination of joint activities in the artistic and aesthetic raising children with educators and parents of pupils.

    Choreographer teacher with educator monitor the development of dancing abilities of preschoolers, as well as the impact of choreography classes on improving the health of children. Together they teach children musical rhythmic movements, dances, taking into account their physiological and age characteristics. Educator together with the choreographer, they make up scenarios, planned dances, entertainment, holidays, are responsible for their preparation and conduct. They discuss costumes, dance attributes, come up with new dances. Together, children are being prepared to participate both in village events and at the district level, they are preparing children for festivals.

    The exchange of professional information about the developmental features of a particular child is provided for by the regulations of workshops, teachers' councils, but usually the need mutual exchange of views occurs more often. Therefore, each of us informs each other about the characteristics of children, specifying exactly that part of the information that can be useful specialist in solving narrow-profile tasks.

    An important point in the work is a properly planned activity in working with educator... It should be borne in mind here that specialists must know the content of not only those sections of the program in which he directly conducts classes, but those that he conducts educator... In turn educators must know the content of those types of work that carry out specialists... Ie. educators or professionals preliminary work is carried out before the lesson.

    Proper planning ensures the required repeatability and material retention in different types activities of children and in different situations.

    For the convenience of work in our kindergarten were developed:

    Notebooks relationship with caregivers for the organization of correctional educational work.

    Based on the results of monitoring, which is carried out at the beginning and at the end of the academic year drawn up:

    Individual educational routes (for gifted children and children with low level development)... Ie.

    At the beginning of the school year, based on the results of mastering the levels of the program, children are identified whose developmental level differs from the standard level (have a high level)... Based on the identified data, it is planned to academic year increase the requirements for mastering the program in the artistic and aesthetic direction with these children. An individual route for accompanying artistic and creative activities is being developed.

    At the end of the school year as a result of planned work (development of an individual route) with children to increase the requirements of the level of mastering the program of the artistic and aesthetic direction, the level of knowledge among children has increased. This means that it is necessary to continue to implement a differentiated approach to these children in the GCD in the next academic year.

    We are all active we interact with specialists... But I would like to note individual groups, individual teachers who are especially closely and in-depth interact with specialists in the direction of their experience work:

    Algunova L. M. and Golikova N. G. with a teacher of the art studio on the topic "Introduction to the origins of Russian folk culture and the enrichment of the emotional perception children through folklore ";

    Evdokimova NS and Yaroshevich MS also with the music director and teacher of the art studio on the topic "Introduction of senior preschool children to the foundations of Orthodox culture";

    Shabashova E. N. and Belenko I. N. with an instructor in physical culture on the topic "Formation of the foundations of ecological culture in the process of physical education children of preschool age ".

    Thus, all this activity, interaction of all participants in the pedagogical process successfully helps children to easily adapt in society, to schooling.

    (Experience in the implementation of an information and pedagogical project)

    Educational programs of modern preschool institutions are aimed at the formation and harmonious development of the child's personality, preparing him for a successful transition to a new social status - the status of a schoolchild. Speaking about the all-round development of children, one cannot but touch upon the most important, in our opinion, the issue of mastering the native language, since speech is the basis of general intellectual development... All mental processes - perception, memory, thinking, imagination, purposeful behavior - develop with the direct participation of speech (L.S.Vygotsky, A.R. Luria, A.V. Zaporozhets, etc.), which means a violation in the formation of one function will inevitably entail a violation in the development of the other. Therefore, it is extremely important to timely identify the difficulties that have arisen, take all possible measures to eliminate them and prevent the occurrence of deeper deviations.

    Our analysis of the data of diagnostic examinations of pupils of our preschool educational institution over the past few years has shown that the number of children with a low level of speech development is growing every year. This is also proved by the fact that the number speech therapy groups exceeds the established norms.

    Talking with educators and parents with children with speech disorders, we found out that in many cases, difficulties in mastering the sound culture of speech, mastering the norms and rules of the Russian language were noted in children as early as 4 years old. The occupations of the educator, no matter how highly qualified he was, in this case turned out to be insufficient. And the parents followed the widespread opinion that it is necessary to see a specialist after 5 years and patiently waited for the child to reach this age. Other mothers simply did not notice any difficulties in their baby, and if they did, they believed that "everything will pass" over time.

    Thus, summarizing long-term observations and studying the literature, we came to the conclusion that the main reasons for the increase in the number of children with speech disorders and, accordingly, mental processes are the following:

    Insufficient level of competence of parents in matters of child development: norms and pathologies, their causes and prevention;

    The imbalance of family education in the development of speech and intelligence, manifested either in its intensification (outstripping), or in an indifferent attitude towards it.

    A significant decrease in the volume of "live" communication between adults and children;

    Inconsistency of uniform requirements for the speech of children in kindergarten and family.

    In this regard, the pedagogical staff of the preschool educational institution faces the problem of organizing close cooperation of all adults around the child, and creating such psychological and pedagogical conditions that would contribute to his full intellectual development. One of the options for solving this problem was the implementation of the project developed by us "The system of interaction between specialists, educators and parents in preschool educational institutions." Implementation period - one academic year, participants - teaching staff , parents, children 4-5 years old, since this age is the most sensitive for pedagogical influence.

    Target of this project - the creation of a unified educational environment that contributes to the maximum disclosure of the potential of children, as well as the prevention and overcoming of the identified violations.

    We assign a particularly important role in this project to the family, since this is the natural space (speech, educational, developmental) that surrounds the baby from the moment of his appearance and has a decisive influence on his complex development.

    Involving parents as allies, we organized a parent club “Growing and Developing Together”. Interaction with the family within the framework of the club is carried out in the following areas (appendix 1):

    We acquaint parents with the results of diagnostics of the child's psychophysical development;

    We study parental socio-psychological attitudes, form an adequate position in relation to the child's problems;

    We acquaint parents with the content of the events;

    We train parents in specific methods and techniques for conducting remedial classes with a child, adequate ways of behavior and communication and with him;

    We provide practical assistance in case of difficulties;

    We monitor the results of the events and determine further prospects.

    When organizing meetings, we use various forms: seminars - workshops, trainings, round table, interviews with the involvement of specialists (physical education instructor, music director, medical specialists). At the final meeting, we discuss the results of the club's work and its effectiveness in addressing issues of upbringing and development of the child.

    Feedback of the system "teacher - parent" is carried out through keeping individual diaries called "Mom's cheat sheet". This is a practical guide for parents, which contains theoretical information about the peculiarities of the child's development, offers games and exercises for the development of the child and the correction of identified deficiencies. Studying at home with the baby, the mother notes in the diary the difficulties or, conversely, his successes. Next, we analyze the records, discuss with the parents and prescribe private recommendations for further work. Experience shows that this form of relationship is accessible, interesting to parents and, most importantly, effective in solving common problems.

    In our opinion, the performance criteria are:

    High attendance by parents of all planned meetings,

    Parents' use of the proposed materials in their work with children,

    A positive assessment of the family and feedback on further cooperation with the preschool institution.

    Thanks to the establishment of trust and partnership relations between all participants in the process during the implementation of the project in the 2009-2010 academic year, we obtained the following results: we managed to successfully contribute not only to an increase in general speech development, but also to overcome impairments to attention, memory, thinking, motor skills, behavior in a child , to solve many intrapersonal conflicts and problems of parents, to create a favorable psychoemotional climate in families of children with speech disorders, to form benevolent parent-child relationships.

    Thus, we made sure that no pedagogical system can be effective if the family is not involved in it, and, taking into account the positive experience in this direction, we decided to use this form of work constantly.

    Annex 1

    Work plan of the parent club "Growing up and developing together"

    Stage, goal Subject, means term result
    I. Introductory

    Purpose: to study the characteristics of a child's development, the level of competence of parents in matters of his speech development.


    Target: collection of data on early development child, the conditions of his upbringing

    September List of children at risk
    Interviews based on the results of the questionnaire.

    Target: obtaining more accurate and complete data about the family and the child; study of parental socio-psychological attitudes.

    I half Determination of priority areas and forms of work with parents and children
    II. Theoretical

    Purpose: psychological and pedagogical education of parents in matters of the intellectual development of the child

    Lecture with elements of the training "Age features of speech and mental development children 4-5 years old.

    Target: familiarization of parents with the norms and pathologies of child development at this age stage

    II half of October Increasing the level of parents' knowledge about the norms and pathologies of speech and mental development; interest in overcoming the identified violations.
    Individual counseling:

    How to observe a child;

    Child-parental relations as a condition for the full development of a child;

    Causes of problems in speech development and ways to solve them.

    Target: formation of an adequate position in relation to the problems of the child

    I half of November
    III. Practical

    Purpose: to assist in mastering practical ways of developing speech.

    Round table "Types of work in the correction of speech disorders" (psychologist, speech therapist)

    Purpose: teaching parents specific methods and techniques for conducting correctional classes with a child.

    II November The manifestation of the activity of parents in activities; mastering practical skills;

    work with "Mom's Cheat Sheet".

    Interviews with the involvement of specialists:

    The articulating apparatus and the sound side of the child's speech;

    Development of speech-thinking activity;

    The relationship between motor and speech development.

    Individual workshops on the development of articulatory, general and fine motor skills and mental processes.

    Target: teaching parents adequate ways to behave and communicate with the child; assistance in overcoming difficulties encountered during practical training.

    November, December, January
    III. Reflective

    Purpose: to identify the difficulties of parents in the practical application of the knowledge gained and possible ways to overcome them

    Lecture hall “Speak. Let's listen. We hear. "

    Target: focus the attention of parents on the fact that communication is based on the ability to listen and hear each other.

    February Replenishment of "Mom's Cheat Sheet" with individual recommendations.
    Practical dialogues:

    Our achievements;

    Prospects for the future.

    Target: tracking the results of the activities and determining further prospects.

    Open Day;

    Family holiday "Govorilki".

    Target: involvement of parents in the participation of vacant forms of work with children.

    Individual interviews:

    Your child's successes and difficulties;

    Right wrong;

    Formation of the psychological base of the child's speech.

    Target: identification of the individual achievements of the child; recommendations for further work.

    March April May
    Practical exercises with the child: communication, support of speech development.

    Target: involving parents in consolidating the acquired skills and abilities