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  • Fgos standards 3. Humanitarian, social and economic cycle

    Fgos standards 3. Humanitarian, social and economic cycle

    This material is a draft federal state educational standard of higher professional education of the third generation, which cannot be used as an official document and which cannot be referred to as an official document until it is approved and put into effect in the prescribed manner.

    © OUMS in the direction 230200 - Information systems, 2007

    This document may not be reproduced, reproduced or distributed in whole or in part without the official permission of the UMO of universities for university polytechnic education.



    In the direction of training
    230200 "Information systems and technologies"

    Training levels:


    Moscow 2007

    1 area of ​​use

    2. Terms, definitions, designations, abbreviations.

    3. General characteristics of the direction of training "Information systems and technologies"

    4. General requirements for the conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs
    4.1. General requirements for the rights and obligations of the university in the implementation of basic educational programs
    4.2. General requirements for the rights and obligations of students in the implementation of basic educational programs

    5. Requirements for basic educational programs for the preparation of bachelors
    5.1. Requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational programs for the preparation of bachelors
    5.2. Requirements for the structure of basic educational programs for the preparation of bachelors
    5.3. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs for the preparation of bachelors

    6. Requirements for the main educational programs for the preparation of masters
    6.1. Requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational programs for the preparation of masters
    6.2. Requirements for the structure of the main educational programs for the preparation of masters
    6.3. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs for the preparation of masters


    1.1. This federal state educational standard of higher professional education (FGOS VPO) is a comprehensive federal quality standard for higher education in the direction of preparation 230200 "Information systems and technologies" and training levels bachelor, master, compulsory for all higher educational institutions on the territory Russian Federation implementing basic educational programs of the indicated levels in this area of ​​training, having state accreditation or applying for it.
    1.2. The right to implement basic educational programs higher educational institution has only if there is an appropriate license issued by an authorized executive body.
    1.3. The main users of the FSES VPO are:
    1.3.1. Teaching teams of higher educational institutions responsible for the high-quality development, effective implementation and updating of basic educational programs, taking into account the achievements of science, technology and the social sphere in this area and level of training;
    1.3.2. Students responsible for the effective implementation of their educational activities in the development of the main educational program of the university in this area of ​​training (specialty);
    1.3.3. Rectors of educational institutions and vice-rectors who are responsible, within their competence, for the quality of graduates' training;
    1.3.4. Associations of specialists and employers in the relevant field of professional activity;
    1.3.5. Organizations that ensure the development of exemplary basic educational programs on behalf of the authorized federal executive body;
    1.3.6. Bodies providing funding for higher professional education;
    1.3.7. Authorized state executive bodies that carry out certification, accreditation and quality control in the field of higher professional education;
    1.3.8. Authorized state executive bodies that ensure control over compliance with legislation in the system of higher professional education.


    This standard uses terms and definitions in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education", as well as with international documents in the field of higher education:
    basic educational program - a set of educational and methodological documentation regulating the goals, expected results, content and implementation educational process in this area of ​​training (specialty) of higher professional education;
    direction of training - a set of educational programs for bachelors, masters, specialists of various profiles, integrated on the basis of a common fundamental training;
    profile - a set of the main typical features of any profession (areas of training, specialty) of higher education, which determine the specific focus of the educational program, its content;
    competence - the ability to apply knowledge, skills and personal qualities for successful activities in a particular area.
    module a part of an educational program or a part of an academic discipline that has a certain logical completeness in relation to the established goals and results of training, education;
    credit unit measure of the complexity of the educational program;
    learning outcomes acquired knowledge, skills and mastered competences.

    The following abbreviations are used in this standard:
    VPO- higher professional education;
    FGOS VPO- federal state educational standard
    higher professional education;
    OOP- basic educational program;
    OXO- All-Russian classifier of specialties by education;
    UC PLO- educational cycle of the main educational program;
    HE TO- general scientific competence;
    IR- instrumental competencies;
    SLK- social, personal and general cultural competences;
    PKD- design and engineering activities;
    PDD- design and technological activities;
    PRTD- production and technological activities;
    OUD- organizational and management activities;
    NID - research activities;
    ID- innovative activity;
    SED- service and operational activities.


    3.1. In the Russian Federation, in the direction of training 230200 "Information Systems and Technologies", a two-tier system of higher professional education is being implemented:
    a) higher professional education, confirmed by the assignment of a “bachelor” qualification (degree) to a person who has mastered OOP and successfully passed the final attestation;
    b) higher professional education, confirmed by the assignment of a master's qualification (degree) to a person who has mastered OOP and successfully passed the final attestation.
    The standard terms, the total labor intensity of mastering the basic educational programs (in credit units) and the corresponding qualifications (degrees) at the levels of higher professional education are given in Table 1.
    Table 1 - Terms, labor intensity of mastering OOP



    The normative period for mastering the OEP (for full-time education), including postgraduate leave

    (in credits

    Code, name
    in accordance with the OKSO

    OOP bachelor training


    OOP master training

    (degree and (or) qualifications)

    *) other normative terms for mastering OEP (bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs) are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
    For persons with secondary (complete) general education, the terms of mastering the main educational program for the preparation of a bachelor and a specialist in part-time (evening) and part-time forms of study, as well as in the case of a combination of various forms of education, increase by one year, and the terms of mastering basic educational Master's training programs are increased by six months relative to the standard period indicated in Table 1.
    **) The complexity of the main educational program in full-time education for an academic year is 60 credit units.
    The complexity of one semester is equal to 30 credit units (with two semester construction educational process).
    3.2. Objectives of HPE in the direction of training 230200 "Information systems and technologies in the field of training and education of the individual.
    3.2.1. In the field of training, the goal of HPE in the direction of training 230200 "Information systems and technologies" is:
    Preparation in the field of the basics of humanitarian, social, economic, mathematical and natural science knowledge, obtaining a higher professionally profiled (at the bachelor's level), in-depth professional (at the master's level), which allows the graduate to work successfully in the development, implementation and maintenance information technologies and systems in the spheres: mechanical engineering, instrument making, science, technology, education, medicine, administration, jurisprudence, business, entrepreneurship, commerce, management, banking systems, information systems security, process control, mechanics, technical physics, energy, nuclear energy , power electronics, metallurgy, construction, transport, rail transport, communications, telecommunications, information communications management, postal communications, chemical industry, agriculture, textile and light industry, food industry, medical and biotechnology, mining, security of underground enterprises and industries , geology, oil and gas industry, geodesy and cartography, geographic information systems, forestry complex, chemical-forestry complex, ecology, service sector, systems mass media, design, media industry, as well as enterprises of various profiles and all types of activities in the conditions of the information society economy, possess universal and subject-specific competencies that contribute to its social mobility and stability in the labor market.
    3.2.2. In the field of personal education, the goal of HPE in the direction of training 230200 "Information systems and technologies" is:
    - Purposefulness, organization, hard work, responsibility, independence, citizenship, adherence to ethical values, conscientiousness, benevolence, sociability;
    - professional readiness to perform work determined by qualifications;
    - the ability to positively and critically perceive new information, to increase general and professional knowledge, to put forward new competitive ideas, to find solutions to non-standard problems and new methods of solving traditional problems, to use knowledge for the practical implementation of innovations;
    - readiness for additional responsibility and additional burdens;
    - strengthening of morality, development of general cultural needs, creativity, social adaptation, communication, tolerance.
    3.3. The area of ​​professional activity of graduates
    The area of ​​professional activity of graduates in the direction of training 230200 "Information systems and technologies" includes:
    research, development, implementation and maintenance of information technologies and systems.
    In accordance with the area of ​​professional activity, the direction of training 230200 "Information systems and technologies" may include various training profiles. Universities should take into account the specifics of the profiles in the preparation of bachelors and masters in the variable part of each cycle of the educational program (tables 2 and 3).
    3.4. Objects of professional activity of graduates
    The objects of professional activity of graduates in the direction of training 230200 "Information systems and technologies" are: information processes, technologies, systems and networks, their instrumental (software, technical, organizational) support, methods and methods of design, debugging, production and operation of information technologies and systems in the areas: mechanical engineering, instrument making, science, technology, education, medicine, administrative management, law, business, entrepreneurship, commerce, management, banking systems, information systems security, process control, mechanics, technical physics, energy, nuclear energy, power electronics, metallurgy, construction, transport, railway transport, communications, telecommunications, information communications management, postal services, chemical industry, agriculture, textile and light industry, food industry, medical and biotechnology, mining, security of underground enterprises and industries, geology, oil and gas industry, geodesy and cartography, geoinformation systems, forestry complex, chemical and forestry complex, ecology, service sector, media systems, design, media industry, as well as enterprises of various profiles and all types of activity in the conditions of the economy of the information society.
    3.5. Types of professional activities of graduates:

    • design and engineering;
    • design and technological;
    • production and technological;
    • organizational and managerial;
    • research;
    • innovative;
    • installation and commissioning;
    • service and operational.

    The specific types of professional activity for which the graduate is mainly preparing should determine the content of his educational program, developed by the higher educational institution in conjunction with interested employers.

    3.6. The tasks of the professional activity of graduates were developed with the participation of interested employers.
    3.6.1. Tasks of the professional activity of a bachelor

    The bachelor in "Information systems and technologies" is prepared for the solution of the following types of tasks by type of professional activity.

    - pre-project inspection (engineering) of the design object, system analysis of the subject area, their interrelationships;
    - technical design (reengineering);
    - detailed design;
    - selection of initial data for design;
    - modeling of processes and systems;
    - assessment of the reliability and quality of the design object;
    - certification of the project according to quality standards;
    - calculation of ensuring conditions for safe life;
    - calculation of economic efficiency;
    - development, approval and release of all types of project documentation.

    - design of basic and applied information technologies;
    - development of means for the implementation of information technologies (methodological, informational, mathematical, algorithmic, technical and software);
    - development of funds computer-aided design information technologies.

    - participation in works on fine-tuning and mastering of technological processes in the course of preparation for production of new products;
    - preparation of documentation on quality management of technological processes at production sites;
    - development and implementation of technologies for the development of objects of professional activity in the following areas: mechanical engineering, instrument making, science, technology, education, medicine, administrative management, jurisprudence, business, entrepreneurship, commerce, management, banking systems, information systems security, technological process management, mechanics , technical physics, energy, nuclear energy, power electronics, metallurgy, construction, transport, railway transport, communications, telecommunications, information communications management, postal services, chemical industry, agriculture, textile and light industry, food industry, medical and biotechnology, mining business, security of underground enterprises and industries, geology, oil and gas industry, geodesy and cartography, geoinformation systems, forestry complex, chemical and forestry complex, ecology, service sector, mass information systems, design, media industry, etc. Also enterprises of various profiles and all types of activities in the conditions of the economy of the information society.

    - organization of workplaces, their technical equipment, placement of computer equipment;
    - assessment of the total cost of ownership of information systems;
    - assessment of production and non-production costs to ensure the quality of the design object;
    - organization of quality control of input information.

    - participation in work on conducting computational experiments in order to check the used mathematical models.
    Innovative activity:
    - coordination of strategic planning with the ICT infrastructure of enterprises and organizations.

    - installation, debugging of software and setting up hardware for putting information systems into trial operation;
    - assembly of a software system from ready-made components;
    - installation, debugging of software and setting up technical means for putting information systems into industrial operation; testing and commissioning of information systems;
    - participation in testing and putting into trial operation of information systems and their components.

    - performance support and maintenance of information systems and technologies in the specified functional characteristics and compliance with quality criteria;
    - ensuring the conditions for the life cycle of information systems;
    - ensuring the security and data integrity of information systems and technologies;
    - adaptation of applications to changing operating conditions;
    - preparation of instructions for the operation of information systems.

    3.6.2. Tasks of the professional activity of the master

    Master's degree in "Information systems and technologies" is prepared for solving the following types of problems by type of professional activity.

    Design and engineering activities:
    - development of a design strategy, definition of design goals, performance criteria, limitations of applicability;
    - conceptual design of information systems and technologies;
    - preparation of assignments for the design of components of information systems and technologies based on the methodology of systems engineering;
    - selection and implementation of computer-aided design tools into practice;
    - unification and typification of design solutions.
    Organizational and managerial activities:
    - organization of interaction between the teams of the developer and the customer, making management decisions in conditions of different opinions;
    - finding a compromise between different requirements (cost, quality, deadlines), both in long-term and short-term planning, finding optimal solutions.
    Research activities:
    - collection, analysis of scientific and technical information, domestic and foreign experience on the research topic;
    - development and research of theoretical and experimental models of objects of professional activity in the following areas: mechanical engineering, instrument making, science, technology, education, medicine, administrative management, jurisprudence, business, entrepreneurship, commerce, management, banking systems, information systems security, technological process management, mechanics, technical physics, energy, nuclear energy, power electronics, metallurgy, construction, transport, railway transport, communications, telecommunications, information communications management, postal services, chemical industry, agriculture, textile and light industry, food industry, medical and biotechnology, mining, security of underground enterprises and industries, geology, oil and gas industry, geodesy and cartography, geoinformation systems, forestry complex, chemical-forestry complex, ecology, service sector, media systems, design n, the media industry, as well as enterprises of various profiles and all types of activities in the conditions of the economy of the information society;
    - development and research of methods of analysis, synthesis, optimization and forecasting of the quality of the processes of functioning of these objects.
    - modeling of processes and objects based on standard packages of computer-aided design and research;
    - setting up and conducting experiments according to a given methodology and analyzing the results;
    - analysis of the results of experiments, preparation and drafting of reviews, reports and scientific publications;
    - forecasting the development of information systems and technologies.
    Scientific and pedagogical activity:
    - performance pedagogical work in educational institutions of various levels in the disciplines of the direction;
    - development of laboratory and research facilities;
    - methodological support of the educational process.
    Innovative activity:
    - formation of new competitive ideas;
    - development of methods for solving non-standard problems and new methods for solving traditional problems;
    - reproduction of knowledge for the practical implementation of innovations.
    Service and operational activities:
    - training and education of personnel.


    4.1. General requirements for the rights and obligations of the university in the implementation of the PLO.
    4.1.1. Higher educational institutions independently develop the main educational program in the direction of training (specialty). PLO is developed on the basis of the federal state educational standard in the corresponding field of study (specialty), taking into account the needs of the labor market.
    Higher educational institutions are obliged to update the basic educational programs annually, taking into account the development of science, culture, economy, technology, technology and social sphere, adhering to the recommendations for ensuring quality assurance at the university, which consist in:
    - development of a strategy to ensure the quality of training of graduates;
    - monitoring, periodic reviewing of educational programs;
    - development of objective procedures for assessing the level of knowledge and skills of students, competencies of graduates on the basis of clear agreed criteria;
    - ensuring the quality and competence of the teaching staff;
    - providing sufficient resources for all implemented educational programs, monitoring the effectiveness of their use, including by interviewing students;
    - regular self-examination according to agreed criteria to assess their activities (strategies) and compare with other educational institutions;
    - informing the public about the results of their activities, plans, innovations.

    4.1.2. Assessment of the quality of training of students and graduates should include their current, intermediate and final state certification. For attestation of students and graduates for the compliance of their personal achievements with the stage-by-stage or final requirements of the corresponding PLO, funds of assessment tools are created, including standard tasks, test papers, tests, etc., allowing to assess knowledge, skills and the level of acquired competencies. Assessment funds are developed and approved by the university.
    Requirements for the content, volume and structure of graduation qualification works are determined by the higher educational institution, taking into account the current Regulation on the final state certification of graduates of higher educational institutions.

    4.1.3. When developing the educational program, the capabilities of the university in the formation of social and personal competencies of graduates (for example, the competencies of social interaction, self-organization and self-government, of a systemic and active nature) should be determined. The university is obliged to form the socio-cultural environment of the university, to create the conditions necessary for the all-round development of the individual.
    The university is obliged to contribute to the development of the social and educational component of the educational process, including the development of student self-government, the participation of students in the work of public organizations, sports and creative clubs, scientific student societies.
    4.1.4. The main educational program of a higher educational institution must contain disciplines of the student's choice in the amount of at least one third of the variable part of each cycle. The procedure for the formation of disciplines at the choice of the student is established by the Academic Council of the university.
    4.1.5. The university is obliged to provide students with a real opportunity to participate in the formation of their training program.
    4.1.6. The university is obliged to familiarize students with their rights and responsibilities in the formation of the PLO, to explain that the disciplines (modules, courses) chosen by students become mandatory for them, and their total labor intensity should not be less than that provided by the curriculum.

    4.2. General requirements for the rights and obligations of the student in the implementation of OOP.
    4.2.1. Students have the right, within the scope of the study time allotted for the development of disciplines (modules, courses) at the choice of the student, provided for by the PLO, to choose specific disciplines (modules, courses).
    4.2.2. When forming his own individual educational trajectory, the student has the right to receive advice at the university on the choice of disciplines (modules, courses) and their impact on the future profile of training (specialization).
    4.2.3. In order to achieve results in the development of PLO in terms of the development of social and personal competencies, students are required to participate in the development of student self-government, in the work of public organizations, sports and creative clubs, scientific student societies.
    4.2.4. Students are required to complete, within a specified time frame, all tasks provided for by the educational program of the university.
    4.3. The maximum volume of a student's study load is set at 54 hours per week, including all types of his classroom and extracurricular (independent) educational work.
    The volume of classroom studies per week in full-time education is 27 hours per week for the bachelor, and 20 hours per week for the master.
    4.4. In the case of part-time (evening) training, the volume of classroom studies must be at least 8 hours per week.
    4.5. In the case of part-time studies, the student must be provided with the opportunity to study with a teacher in the amount of at least 160 hours per year.
    4.6. The total amount of vacation time in the academic year should be 7-10 weeks, including at least two weeks in winter.


    5.1. Requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational programs for the preparation of a bachelor
    Graduate in the direction of training 230200 "Information systems and technologies" with the qualification (degree) "bachelor" in accordance with the goals of the main educational program and the tasks of professional activity specified in paragraphs. 3.2. and 3.6.1. of this Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education, must have the following competencies:

    a) universal :

    - general scientific (PMC):

    The ability to scientifically analyze socially significant problems and processes, - the ability to use in practice the methods of the humanities, social and economic sciences in various types of professional and social activities (PMC-1);
    - possession of the culture of thinking, knowledge of its general laws, the ability to write and oral speech correctly (logically) formalize its results (PMC-2);
    - the ability to scientifically analyze the problems and processes of the professional field, the ability to use in practice basic knowledge and methods of mathematics and natural sciences (ONK-3);
    - the ability to acquire new mathematical and natural science knowledge using modern educational and information technologies (ONK-4);
    - the ability to use mathematical logic to form judgments on relevant professional, social, scientific and ethical issues (PMC-5);
    - Possession of methods of analysis and synthesis of the phenomena and processes under study (ONK-6);
    - understanding the role of natural sciences in the development of science and technology (PMC-7);
    - the ability to use knowledge about the modern physical picture of the world and the evolution of the Universe, spatio-temporal laws, the structure of matter to understand the surrounding world and natural phenomena (ONK-8);
    - understanding the role of environmental protection and rational nature management and for the development and preservation of civilization (ONK-9);
    - possession of broad general training (basic knowledge) for solving practical problems in the field of information systems and technologies (PMC-10);
    - knowledge of a foreign language (good English) (ONK-11).

    - instrumental (IR):

    Ability for written and oral communication in the state language and the required knowledge of a second language (IK-1);
    - readiness for organizational and managerial work with small teams (IK-2);
    - readiness to work with information from various sources (IK-3);
    - ability and readiness for practical analysis of the logic of various kinds of reasoning, possession of the skills of public speech, argumentation, discussion and polemics (IK-4);
    - ability and willingness to prepare and edit texts of professional and socially significant content (IK-5);
    - the ability to apply knowledge in practice, including compiling mathematical models of typical professional problems, finding ways to solve them and interpreting the professional (physical) meaning of the obtained mathematical result (IK-6);
    - readiness to apply analytical and numerical methods for solving the assigned tasks (using ready-made software) (IK-7);
    - the ability to plan and conduct physical and chemical experiments, process their results and evaluate errors, mathematically simulate physical and chemical processes and phenomena, put forward hypotheses and set the boundaries of their application (IK-8);
    - the ability to use the knowledge of basic physical theories to solve arising physical problems, to independently acquire physical knowledge, to understand the principles of operation of devices and devices, including those that go beyond the competence of a particular direction (IK-9);
    - the ability to use knowledge of the properties of chemical elements, compounds and materials based on them to solve problems of professional activity (IK-10);
    - the ability to use knowledge about the structure of matter, nature chemical bond in different classes chemical compounds to understand the properties of materials and the mechanism of chemical processes occurring in the surrounding world (IK-11);
    - readiness to work with general-purpose software (IK-12);
    - the ability to use programming languages ​​and systems, computer modeling tools for solving various research and production problems (IK-13);
    - possession of modern basic and applied information technologies, tools to meet the needs of society in the social and industrial spheres (IK-14).

    Ability and readiness for social interaction: with society, community, team, family, friends, partners; to cooperation and conflict resolution; to tolerance, respect and acceptance of the other; to social mobility (SLK-1);
    - willingness to cooperate with colleagues and work in a team, familiarity with management methods, the ability to organize the work of performers, find and make management decisions in conditions of different opinions (SLK-2);
    - readiness for self-reliance, individual work making responsible decisions within the framework of their professional competence (SLK-3);
    - readiness to change the type and nature of their professional activities, work on interdisciplinary projects (SLK-4);
    - the ability and willingness to carry out their activities in various spheres of public life, taking into account the moral and legal norms adopted in society (SLK-5);
    - the ability and willingness to comply with the rights and obligations of a citizen; to free and responsible behavior (SLK-6);
    - the ability and readiness to analyze significant political events and trends, to participate in responsible political life (SLK-7)
    - ability and readiness for self-improvement, self-regulation, self-realization, personal and objective reflection (SLK-8);
    - the ability, in the context of the development of science and changing social practice, to reassess accumulated experience, analyze their capabilities, the ability to acquire new knowledge, use various forms training, information educational technologies (SLK-9);
    - willingness to respectfully and carefully treat the historical heritage and cultural traditions, tolerantly perceive social and cultural differences (SLK-10);
    - the ability and willingness to understand the driving forces and laws of the historical process; the role of violence and non-violence in history, the place of man in the historical process, the political organization of society (SLK-11);
    - ability and readiness to understand and analyze worldview, socially and personally significant philosophical problems (SLK-12);
    - the ability and willingness to understand the moral obligations of a person in relation to nature, society, other people and oneself (SLK-13);
    - the ability and willingness to understand the role of art in human life; develop artistic perception, strive for aesthetic development and self-improvement (SLK-14);
    - the ability and willingness to understand the meaning and role of religion and free thought in the history and modern spiritual life of society (SLK-15);
    - the ability to critically perceive information (" critical thinking»), Its analysis and synthesis (SLK-16).
    - the ability and willingness to understand and analyze economic problems and social processes, to be an active subject of economic activity (SLK-17);
    - the ability and willingness to implement educational and teaching activities in the spheres of public and private life (СЛК18);
    - the ability and readiness to perceive and adequately interpret socially significant sociological information; the use of sociological knowledge in professional and social activities (SLK-19);
    - the ability and willingness to understand the diversity of cultures and civilizations in their interaction, the multivariance of the historical process (SLK-20);
    - to have a mathematical and natural science culture as part of a professional and universal culture (SLK-21);
    - have the ability to prove statements as a component of cognitive and communicative functions (SLK-22).

    b) professional (by type of activity):
    Design and engineering activities:
    - the ability to conduct a pre-design survey (engineering) of the design object, system analysis of the subject area, their interconnections (PKD-1);
    - possession of technical design (reengineering) skills (PKD-2);
    - possession of detailed design skills (PKD-3);
    - the ability to select the initial data for the design (PKD-4);
    - the ability to simulate processes and systems (PKD-5)
    - the ability to assess the reliability and quality of the design object (PKD-6);
    - the ability to carry out certification of the project according to the PKD-7 quality standards);
    - the ability to calculate the provision of safe living conditions (PKD-8);
    - the ability to calculate economic efficiency (PKD-9);
    - possession of the skills of development, approval and release of all types of project documentation (PKD-10).
    Design and technological activities:
    - possession of skills in the design of basic and applied information technologies (PTD-1);
    - the ability to develop tools for the implementation of information technologies (methodological, informational, mathematical, algorithmic, technical and software) (PTD-2);
    - the ability to develop computer-aided design tools for information technology (PTD-3);
    - the ability to use knowledge of the basic laws of the functioning of the biosphere and the principles of rational nature management to solve the problems of professional activity (PTD-4).
    Production and technological activities:
    - readiness to participate in works on fine-tuning and mastering of information technologies in the course of implementation and operation of information systems (PRTD-1);
    - readiness to prepare documentation on information technology quality management (PRTD-2);
    - the ability to use technologies for the development of objects of professional activity in the following areas: mechanical engineering, instrument making, science, technology, education, medicine, administrative management, jurisprudence, business, entrepreneurship, commerce, management, banking systems, information systems security, technological process control, mechanics, technical physics, energy, nuclear energy, power electronics, metallurgy, construction, transport, railway transport, communications, telecommunications, information communications management, postal services, chemical industry, agriculture, textile and light industry, food industry, medical and biotechnology, mining , ensuring the safety of underground enterprises and industries, geology, oil and gas industry, geodesy and cartography, geoinformation systems, forestry complex, chemical and forestry complex, ecology, service sector, media systems, design, media industry, as well as e enterprises of various profiles and all types of activities in the conditions of the economy of the information society (PRTD-3).

    Organizational and managerial activities:
    - ability to organize workplaces, their technical equipment, placement of computer equipment (OUD-1);
    - the ability to organize the work of small teams of performers;
    the ability to assess production and non-production costs to ensure the quality of the design object (OUD-2);
    - the ability to carry out the organization of quality control of input information (OUD-3).
    Research activities:
    - the ability to collect, analyze scientific and technical information, domestic and foreign experience on the research topic (NID-1);
    - the ability to participate in the design and conduct of experimental research;
    - the ability to substantiate the correctness of the chosen model by comparing the results of experimental data and obtained solutions (NID-2);
    - readiness to use mathematical methods of processing, analysis and synthesis of the results of professional research (NID-3).
    - the ability to formulate the obtained working results in the form of presentations, scientific and technical reports, articles and reports at scientific and technical conferences (NID-4).

    Innovative activity:
    - the ability to form new competitive ideas and implement them in projects (ID-1).
    Installation and commissioning activities:
    - Possession of installation skills, debugging software and setting up technical means for putting information systems into trial operation (MND-1);
    - the ability to assemble an information system from ready-made components (MND-2);
    - the ability to install, debug software and configure hardware for putting information systems into industrial operation (MND-3).
    Service and operational activities:
    - the ability to maintain the operability of information systems and technologies in the specified functional characteristics and compliance with quality criteria (EDMS-1);
    - the ability to ensure the security and data integrity of information systems and technologies (EDMS-2);
    - be able to adapt applications to the changing operating conditions of the EDMS-3);
    - have the skills to draw up instructions for the operation of information systems (EDMS-4).

    5.2 Requirements for the structure of basic educational programs for the preparation of a bachelor.
    The main educational program for the preparation of a bachelor provides for the study of the following educational cycles (Table 2):
    B.1 - humanitarian, social and economic cycle;
    B.2 - mathematical and natural science cycle;
    B.3 - professional cycle
    and sections:
    B.4 - physical culture;
    B.5 - practice and / or research work.
    The structure of the Bachelor's Degree Program is presented in Table 2. Each academic cycle has a basic (compulsory) part and a variable (profile) part set by the university. The variable (profile) part makes it possible to expand or deepen knowledge, skills and abilities determined by the content of basic disciplines, allows the student to continue education at the next level of HPE to obtain a master's qualification (degree) in accordance with the profile received, to obtain in-depth knowledge and skills for a successful professional activities.

    Table 2 - The structure of the OOP bachelor

    UC PLO

    the results of their development

    Labor intensity
    (Credit units)

    List of disciplines for the development of exemplary programs, textbooks and teaching aids

    Codes generated

    - main sections and directions of philosophy, methods and techniques of philosophical analysis of problems;
    - lexical minimum in the amount of 4000 educational lexical units of a general and terminological nature (for a foreign language);
    - the main laws of the historical process, stages of the historical development of Russia, the place and role of Russia in the history of mankind and in the modern world;
    be able to:
    - analyze and evaluate social information, plan and carry out their activities, taking into account the results of this analysis;
    - in a foreign language to the extent necessary for the possibility of obtaining information from foreign sources;
    - the skills of a written reasoned presentation of one's own point of view;
    - skills of public speech, argumentation, discussion and polemics, practical analysis of logic of various kinds reasoning;
    - skills of practical perception of information.


    Russian history

    Foreign language

    HE TO
    1-2, 11

    1-16, 19

    The variable part (

    Basic part
    As a result of studying the basic part of the cycle, the student must:
    - basic concepts and methods of mathematical analysis, linear algebra, elements mathematical logic, discrete mathematics, theory differential equations and elements of the theory of equations of mathematical physics, probability theory and mathematical statistics, stochastic processes, statistical estimation and testing of hypotheses, statistical methods for processing experimental data, elements of the theory of functions of a complex variable.
    - basic information about discrete structures used in personal computers, basic algorithms for typical numerical methods solving mathematical problems, one of the programming languages, the structure of local and global computer networks.
    - Newton's laws and conservation laws, the principles of Einstein's special theory of relativity, elements of general relativity, elements of fluid mechanics, laws of thermodynamics, statistical distributions, transport processes in gases, equations of state for a real gas, elements of the physics of liquid and solid state substances, physics of surface phenomena, laws of electrostatics, nature magnetic field and the behavior of substances in a magnetic field, the laws of electromagnetic induction, Maxwell's equations, wave processes, geometric and wave optics, the interaction of radiation with matter, the Heisenberg relation, the Schrödinger equation and its solutions for the simplest systems, the structure of many-electron atoms, quantum statistics of electrons in metals and semiconductors , physics of contact phenomena, structure of the nucleus, classification of elementary particles.
    - periodic law and its use in predicting the properties of elements and compounds, the chemical properties of elements of a number of groups periodic system(depending on the field of study), types of chemical bonds in various types of compounds, methods for describing chemical equilibria in electrolyte solutions, structure and properties of complex compounds, methods of mathematical description of kinetics chemical reactions, properties of the most important classes of organic compounds, structural features and properties of common classes of high-molecular compounds, main processes occurring in electrochemical systems, corrosion processes and methods of combating corrosion, special properties and patterns of behavior of dispersed systems, rules for safe work in chemical laboratories;
    - factors that determine the stability of the biosphere, characteristics of an increase in anthropogenic impact on nature, principles of rational nature management, methods of reducing the economic impact on the biosphere, organizational and legal means of environmental protection, ways to achieve sustainable development.
    be able to:
    - apply mathematical methods when solving professional problems of increased complexity:
    - work as a user of a personal computer, use external media for data exchange between machines, create backup copies of data and program archives, use programming languages ​​and systems to solve professional problems, work with general-purpose software;
    - solve typical problems in the main sections of the course, using the methods of mathematical analysis, use physical laws when analyzing and solving problems of professional activity.
    - to calculate the concentration of solutions of various compounds, to determine the change in concentrations during chemical reactions, to determine the thermodynamic characteristics of chemical reactions and equilibrium concentrations of substances, to purify substances in laboratory conditions, to determine the main physical characteristics of organic substances;
    - to carry out in general view assessment of anthropogenic impact on the environment, taking into account the specifics of natural and climatic conditions; competently use regulations when working with environmental documentation.
    - methods of constructing a mathematical model of professional tasks and meaningful interpretation of the results obtained;
    - methods of search and exchange of information in global and local computer networks, technical and software means of information protection when working with computer systems, including anti-virus protection techniques;
    - methods of carrying out physical measurements, methods of correct estimation of errors during a physical experiment;
    - skills in performing basic chemical laboratory operations, methods for determining the pH of solutions and determining concentrations in solutions, methods for the synthesis of inorganic and simplest organic compounds;
    - methods of economic assessment of damage from the activities of the enterprise, methods of choice rational way reducing the impact on the environment.


    Computer science


    HE TO
    3-7, 9

    6-7, 8-9, 11-12


    The variable part ( knowledge, skills, skills are determined by the educational program of the university)

    Professional cycle

    As a result of studying the basic part of the cycle, the student must:
    - structure, composition and properties of information processes, systems and technologies, methods of analysis of information systems, models for presenting design solutions, configurations of information systems.
    - composition, structure, principles of implementation and functioning of information technologies used in the creation of information systems, basic and applied information technologies, information technology tools;
    - classification of information systems, structure, configuration of information systems, general characteristics information systems design process.
    -principles, basic concepts of programming technologies, main stages and principles of creating a software product, abstraction, the difference between specification and implementation, recursion, confidentiality of information, reuse, victory over complexity, scaling, design taking into account changes, classification, typing, conventions, processing exceptions, errors and debugging.
    - the main provisions of the theory of databases, data warehouses, storefronts. data, knowledge bases, conceptual, logical and physical data models;
    - the main types and procedures for information processing, models and methods for solving information processing problems (report generation, decision support, data analysis, artificial intelligence, image processing);
    - theory of artificial intelligence technologies (mathematical description of an expert system, logical inference, artificial neural networks, computational and logical systems, systems with genetic algorithms, multi-agent systems);
    - composition and structure of tools, trends in their development (operating systems, programming languages, technical means
    - models and structures of information networks; information resources of networks; theoretical foundations of modern information networks;
    - the main stages, methodology, technology and design tools for information systems.

    be able to:
    - to develop information-logical, functional and object-oriented models of the information system, data models of information systems;
    - apply information technology in the design of information systems;
    - use architectural and detailed solutions in the design of systems;
    - install, test, test and use software components of information systems, carry out their certification according to quality standards. develop, coordinate and issue all types of project documentation;
    - to carry out mathematical and informational formulation of information processing tasks, use information processing algorithms for various applications;
    - be able to solve applied issues of intelligent systems using the declarative language PROLOGUE, static expert systems, real-time expert systems
    - to implement the main stages of building networks; hierarchy of models of processes in networks, technology for managing information exchange in networks;

    conduct a pre-design survey (engineering) of the design object, system analysis of the subject area, their interrelationships, select initial data for the design of information systems, assemble an information system from ready-made components, and adapt applications to changing operating conditions.
    - methods and means of presenting data and knowledge about the subject area, methods and means of analyzing information systems, technologies for implementation, implementation of an information system project;
    - the methodology of using information technologies in the creation of information systems;
    - models and tools for the development of information systems architecture;
    - languages ​​of procedural and object-oriented programming;
    -Skills in one of the programming technologies;
    - instrumental means of information processing
    - information technologies for information retrieval and methods of their implementation (document search in a heterogeneous environment, search for relevant information in texts, search for relevant documents based on ontologies, based on search robots, intelligent agents), data mining technologies, intelligent decision support technologies (on based on data warehouses, on-line analytical processing of information and data mining);
    - construction of knowledge representation models, approaches and techniques for solving problems of artificial intelligence, information models of knowledge, methods of knowledge representation, knowledge engineering methods;
    - technologies for building and maintaining infocommunication systems and networks;
    - methods and means of design, modernization and modification of information systems

    Theory of information processes and systems

    Information Technology

    Information systems architecture

    Programming technologies

    Data management

    Information processing technologies

    Intelligent systems and technologies

    Information systems tools

    Infocommunication systems and networks

    Methods and tools for designing information systems and technologies

    HE TO
    3-6, 10,

    4-6, 7, 11-13,


    The variable part ( knowledge, skills, skills are determined by the educational program of the university)

    Physical education

    (400 hours)

    As a result of passing educational practice, the student must acquire practical skills:
    - pre-design inspection of design objects;
    - development software;
    - the use of information technology;
    - work with databases and knowledge bases ;;
    - use of existing standards, technical conditions, regulations and instructions in the field of IT technologies;
    - planning and financing of developments in the field of IT technologies;
    - technology for assembling information systems from ready-made components.
    - compliance with the rules of operation of computer facilities, measuring instruments or technological equipment available in the division, as well as their maintenance;
    - ensuring the safety of life and environmental cleanliness;
    As a result of the on-the-job training, the student must have practical skills:
    - use of basic and applied information technologies;
    - assemblies of information systems from ready-made components;
    - methodology for the design of information systems;
    - maintenance and modernization of information systems;
    - development of applications for various categories of users;
    administration of information systems;
    - the order and methods of conducting and registration of patent research;
    - the procedure for the use of periodical abstract and reference and information publications in the field of IT technologies.
    As a result of undergraduate practice, the student must have the necessary material to complete the final qualifying work.

    PKD 1-10, PTD 1-4, PRTD 1-3, OUD 1-3, NID 1-4, ID-1, MND 1-3, SED 1-4.

    Final state certification, including the preparation of the final qualifying work (WRC) *)
    Preparation of WRC
    Final state certification

    *) The final state certification provides for the protection of the final qualifying work of a bachelor. The state exam is introduced at the discretion of the university.

    5.3. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of basic educationalbachelor training programs
    5.3.1. Staffing of the educational process
    The implementation of basic educational programs for the preparation of bachelors should be provided by pedagogical personnel who have a basic education corresponding to the profile of the discipline being taught, and are systematically engaged in scientific and (or) scientific and methodological activities.
    Teachers of the professional cycle, as a rule, must have an academic degree of candidate, doctor of science and / or experience in the relevant professional field.
    The share of teachers with a candidate or doctor of science degree in the total number of teachers who provide the educational process in this basic educational program must be at least 60%.
    Leading practitioners in the field of IT technologies should be involved in conducting practical, laboratory classes, coursework and diploma design. Their share in the total number of teachers who provide the educational process in this basic educational program must be at least 50%.

    5.3.2. Educational-methodical and informational supporteducational process
    The implementation of the basic educational programs for the preparation of bachelors should be ensured by the access of each student to educational resources through automated library information systems and the Internet, formed according to the full list of disciplines (modules) of the basic educational program. The educational program of the university should include laboratory workshops, practical exercises, course design, research work.
    The organization of educational, methodological and informational support of the educational process should be aimed at the transition from the assimilation of systematized knowledge, skills, facts (facts) to the assimilation of techniques (methodology) and support of active teaching methods;
    Laboratory workshops should provide the following disciplines:
    Computer science;
    Information Technology;
    Data management;
    Information processing technologies;
    Intelligent systems and technologies;
    Information systems tools;
    Infocommunication systems and networks;
    Practical lessons should be provided in the study of the following disciplines:
    Russian history;
    Foreign language;
    Course design should cover the following disciplines:
    Information Technology;
    Programming technologies;
    Information systems design.
    To support the educational process, a computer educational and methodological fund should be created, containing:
    - computer textbooks in the form of WEB-applications, placed on WEB-servers;
    - guides to Internet resources (databases; programs and data stored on file servers; thematic teleconferences; electronic journals; library systems) related to the discipline being studied and allowing you to quickly find and process information in a specific direction;
    - software training complexes focused on use in full-time and distance education, which are a set of electronic textbooks, laboratory workshops and practical exercises with remote control of knowledge based on information technology;
    - state and industry standards, methods and technologies for the design of information systems and technologies.
    Information Technology;
    Open systems;
    Science-intensive technologies;

    PCWeek (Russian edition);

    Communications of the ACM;
    IEEE software;
    Journal of software;
    CAD / CAM / CAE Observer;
    Artificial Intelligence;
    Communications of the ACM;
    Computer Graphics.

    5.3.3. Material and technical support of the educational process
    A higher educational institution that implements the basic educational programs for the preparation of a bachelor must have a material and technical base that ensures the conduct of all types of laboratory, disciplinary and interdisciplinary training, practical and research work of students, provided for by the curriculum of the university and corresponding to the current sanitary and fire safety rules and regulations. ...
    Educational laboratories and classrooms should be equipped with modern computers connected by local area networks with Internet access. The student should be given the opportunity to practice on a computer of various architectures (based on single-core multicore, parallel, associative processors).
    Based on the educational program of the university, each discipline must be supported by appropriate licensed software products. Software tools for the educational process should include:
    - operating systems (two main lines of OS development (open and closed): Windows and Unix.);
    - programming languages ​​(types (paradigms) of languages ​​by fields of application);
    - software environments (word processors, spreadsheets, personal information systems, presentation graphics programs, browsers, web page editors, email clients, raster graphics editors, vector graphics editors, desktop publishing systems, development tools).
    - database management systems, data warehouse management tools, data marts management tools.

    - information systems by industry (corporate, economic, medical, etc.);
    - computer-aided design (CASE-technologies. CAD, CAM, CAE, MPM, BOM, CRM - systems).

    6. Requirements for the main educational programs for the preparation of masters
    6.1. Requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational programs for the preparation of masters

    A graduate in the direction of training "Information systems and technologies with the qualification (degree)" Master "in accordance with the goals of the main educational program and the tasks of professional activity specified in paragraphs 3.2. And 3.6.1. Of this FSES HPE, must have the following competencies, additional to the competencies of the bachelor:

    a) universal:
    - general scientific (PMC):

    Ability and willingness to use knowledge of methods and theories of the humanities, social and economic sciences in the implementation of expert and analytical work (ONK-1);
    - possession of the methodology of scientific knowledge based on modern achievements of philosophy and the readiness to carry out scientific research, analysis, research and development of new information technologies and means of their implementation (ONK-2);
    - the ability to use the knowledge of fundamental sciences in the conduct of experimental research and the development of new methods and tools for the design of information systems and technologies (ONK-3);
    - the ability to carry out the mathematical, informational and algorithmic formulation of the problems under study (PMC-4);
    - understanding of the main trends in the development of the theory of information processes, technologies, systems and the ability to improve them (PMC-5).
    - the ability to carry out a scientific search for new models, methods, methods and means of implementation in the field of development and improvement of information systems and technologies (ONK-6);
    - the ability to actively participate in the dissemination and implementation of the latest achievements in practice (PMC-7).

    - instrumental (IR):

    Possession of basic and applied information technologies, technologies for computer-aided design of information systems, programming technologies (IC-1);
    - possession of modern telecommunication technologies in the professional and social sphere (IK-2);
    - use of modern educational technologies to acquire new knowledge (IK-3)

    - social-personal and general cultural (SLK):

    Ability and willingness to creatively adapt to the specific conditions of the tasks being performed and their innovative solutions (SLK-1);
    - ability and readiness for leadership (SLK-2);
    - the ability to build and implement promising lines of intellectual, cultural, moral, physical and professional self-development and self-improvement (SLK-3);
    - the ability to critically rethink the accumulated experience, to change, if necessary, the profile of their professional activities (SLK-4);
    - the ability to collect, process using modern information technologies and interpret the necessary data to form judgments on relevant social, scientific and ethical issues (SLK-5);
    - the ability to use ethical and legal norms governing the attitude of a person to a person, society, environment, the basic laws and forms of regulation social behavior, human and civil rights and freedoms in the development of social projects (SLK-6);
    - communication in oral and written form in Russian and foreign languages, to be guided in communication by the rights and obligations of a citizen, to strive for the improvement and development of society on the principles of humanism, freedom and democracy; to cooperation; lead people and obey (SLK-7);
    - the ability to master culture social relations, critical rethinking of one's social experience (SLK-8);
    - the ability to organize your life in accordance with socially significant ideas about a healthy lifestyle (SLK-9);
    - be responsible for the results of scientific research and their implementation into practice (SLK-10).
    b) professional: (by type of activity) :
    Design and engineering activities:
    - the ability to develop design strategies, definition of design goals, performance criteria, limitations of applicability (PKD-1);
    - the ability to develop new methods and tools for the design of information systems (PKD-2).
    Design and technological activities:
    - be able to develop new technologies for the design of information systems (PTD-1).
    Production and technological activities:
    - the ability to carry out author's support for the design, implementation and maintenance of information systems and technologies (PRTD-1).
    Organizational and managerial activities:
    - the ability to organize interaction between the teams of the developer and the customer, making management decisions in the context of different opinions of the OUD-1);
    - the ability to find a compromise between different requirements (cost, quality, deadlines), both in long-term and short-term planning, finding optimal solutions for EAL-2).
    Research activities:
    - the ability to collect, analyze scientific and technical information, domestic and foreign experience on the research topic (NID-1);
    - the ability to develop and research theoretical and experimental models of objects of professional activity in the following areas: mechanical engineering, instrument making, science, technology, education, medicine, administrative management, jurisprudence, business, entrepreneurship, commerce, management, banking systems, information systems security, technological management processes, mechanics, technical physics, energy, nuclear energy, power electronics, metallurgy, construction, transport, rail transport, communications, telecommunications, information communications management, postal services, chemical industry, agriculture, textile and light industry, food industry, medical and biotechnology, mining, security of underground enterprises and industries, geology, oil and gas industry, geodesy and cartography, geoinformation systems, forestry complex, chemical-forestry complex, ecology, service sector, mass information, design, media industry, as well as enterprises of various profiles and all types of activities in the context of the information society economy (NID-2);
    - the ability to develop and research methods of analysis, synthesis, optimization and forecasting of the quality of the processes of functioning of information systems and technologies (NID-3);
    - the ability to simulate processes and objects based on standard packages of computer-aided design and research (NID-4);
    - the ability to carry out the formulation and conduct of experiments according to a given methodology and analysis of the results of NID-5);
    - the ability to analyze the results of experiments, make the choice of optimal solutions, prepare and compose reviews, reports and scientific publications (NID-6);
    - the ability to predict the development of information systems and technologies (NID-7).
    Innovative activity:

    To form new competitive ideas in the field of theory and practice of information technologies and systems; (ID-1);
    - to develop methods for solving non-standard problems and new methods for solving traditional problems (ID-2);
    - to reproduce knowledge for the practical implementation of innovations (ID-3).

    Service and operational activities:
    - carry out training and education of personnel (SED-1).

    6.2. Requirements for the structure of basic educationalmaster's programs

    The main educational program (BEP) for the preparation of masters provides for the study of the following educational cycles:
    M.1 Humanitarian, social and economic cycle;
    M.2 Mathematical and natural science cycle;
    M.3 Professional cycle;
    M.4 Practice and (or) research work);
    M.5 Final state certification, including the preparation of the final qualifying work.
    Each academic cycle of disciplines can have a basic (compulsory) part and a profile (variable) part set by the university.
    Specialized Master's training programs are introduced by the decision of the Academic Council of a higher educational institution in agreement with the customer.

    Table 3 - Structure of OOP masters


    Training cycles and projected
    the results of their development

    Labor intensity
    (Credit units)

    List of disciplines for the development of exemplary programs, textbooks and teaching aids

    Codes generated

    Humanitarian, social and economic cycle

    Basic part
    As a result of studying the basic part of the cycle, the student must:
    - basic logical methods and techniques of scientific research, methodological theories and principles of modern science.
    be able to:
    - carry out the methodological substantiation of scientific research;
    - apply modern methods of scientific research to form judgments and conclusions on the problems of information technology and systems.
    - the skills of logical and methodological analysis of scientific research and its results;
    methods of scientific search and intellectual analysis of scientific information when solving new problems.

    Logic and methodology of science

    HE TO
    1, 2, 5-7

    The variable part ( knowledge, skills, skills are determined by the educational program of the university)

    Mathematical and natural science cycle

    Basic part
    As a result of studying the basic part of the cycle, the student must:
    - mathematical apparatus describing the interaction of information processes and technologies at the information, software and technical levels, the theory of neural networks and principles of use in the design of information systems;
    be able to:
    - carry out the mathematical formulation of the problems under study, use the apparatus of neural networks in the field of information technology.
    - mathematical apparatus for solving specific problems in the field of information technology systems

    Special chapters of mathematics

    The variable part ( knowledge, skills, skills are determined by the educational program of the university)

    Professional cycle

    Basic (general professional) part
    As a result of studying the basic part of the cycle, the student must:
    - methods of analysis and synthesis of information systems;
    - formal models of systems.
    - means of structural analysis;
    - methodology of structural systems analysis and design;
    - models of subject areas of information systems;
    - business process models;
    - object-oriented approach;
    - models of discrete objects and phenomena of real and virtual worlds;
    - mathematical models of information processes;
    - formal languages ​​and grammars;
    - methods for assessing business processes;
    -; analysis of the structures of information systems;
    - methods of project management of information systems;
    - ERP, MRP, PLM $ models
    - systems integration mechanisms;
    - SSADM, CDM Oracle, DATARUN Silverrun, Rational Unified Process methodologies;
    - standards IDEF1, IDEF3, IDEF5;
    - CASE tools and their use;
    - reengineering methodology.
    be able to:
    - develop models of subject areas;
    - to manage the process of designing information systems;
    - to apply in practice methods and tools for designing information systems;
    - evaluate the quality of the information systems project;
    - to conduct research on the characteristics of components and information systems in general;
    - to exercise control over the development of project documentation.
    - methods of analysis and synthesis of information systems;
    - methods of developing mathematical models of information systems;
    - methods of designing custom and adaptable information systems;
    - by means of computer-aided design of information systems;
    - skills of drawing up innovative projects.

    Research methods and modeling of information processes and technologies

    Systems engineering

    The variable part ( knowledge, skills, skills are determined by the educational program of the university)

    Practice and (or) research work

    practical skills and abilities are determined by the educational program of the university
    As a result of passing research practice, the student must acquire practical skills:
    - subject area research;
    - setting tasks and choosing methods for solving them;
    - use of methods and tools for modeling information processes and systems;
    - design of information systems, from the stage of production to implementation;
    - planning and organization of the experiment;
    - analysis of experimental information;
    - preparation of scientific information (reports, articles, abstracts, etc.);
    - preparation of accompanying documentation using standards;
    - staff training.
    As a result of undergraduate practice, the student must complete an individual task on the subject of the enterprise and collect the necessary material to complete the final qualifying work
    and collect the necessary material to complete the final qualifying work.

    ONK-7, IK 1-3, OUD 1,2, SED-1

    Final state certification *)

    Preparation of a master's thesis

    Final state certification

    The total labor intensity of the main educational program

    *) The final state certification of the master includes the defense of the final qualifying work - master's thesis. The state exam is introduced at the discretion of the university, including in the disciplines that are included in the list of entrance examinations for graduate school in the relevant scientific specialties.

    6.3. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs for the preparation of masters
    6.3.1. Staffing of the educational process
    The implementation of the main educational program for the preparation of masters should be provided by qualified pedagogical personnel, and at least 70% of teachers who provide the educational process in the direction of the magistracy must have academic degrees of doctor or candidate of sciences.
    General guidance of scientific content and educational part a master's program must be carried out by a professor or doctor of science; one professor or Ph.D. may supervise no more than two master's programs; by decision of the Academic Council of the university, master's programs can also be managed by candidates of science with the academic title of associate professor.
    The direct supervision of undergraduate students is carried out by scientific supervisors who have an academic degree and (or) an academic title or experience in leading work in this area; one supervisor can supervise no more than five undergraduate students (determined by the Academic Council of the university).
    6.3.2. Educational-methodical and informational support of the educational process
    The implementation of the basic educational programs for the preparation of masters should be ensured by the access of each student to databases and library funds, formed according to the full list of disciplines (modules) of the basic educational program.
    Students should be provided with the opportunity to promptly exchange information with domestic and foreign universities, enterprises and organizations.
    The educational program of the university should include laboratory workshops, practical classes, course design, research work in educational and scientific laboratories and classrooms equipped with modern computers, interconnected local area networks with Internet access and intended for theoretical and experimental research, mathematical and computer modeling , research and design of information systems and technologies
    Laboratory workshops and course design should provide the following disciplines:
    Research methods and modeling of information processes and technologies;
    Systems Engineering.
    Access to the sets of the library fund must be provided for at least 5 titles of domestic and at least 3 titles of foreign magazines from the following list:
    Information Technology;
    Open systems;
    Science-intensive technologies;
    Software products and systems;
    Information management systems;
    Bulletin of Computer and Information Technologies;
    Databases: useful utilities;
    PCWeek (Russian edition);
    Microsoft Architects Journal / Russian Edition;
    Automated Software Engineering;
    Communications of the ACM;
    IEEE software;
    Information and Software Technology;
    Journal of software;
    CAD / CAM / CAE Observer;
    Artificial Intelligence;
    Communications of the ACM;
    The Journal of Systems and Software;
    Computer Graphics.

    6.3.3. Material and technical support of the educational process
    A higher educational institution that implements the basic educational programs for master's training must have a material and technical base that ensures the conduct of all types of laboratory, disciplinary and interdisciplinary training, practical and research work of students, provided for by the curriculum of the university. The material and technical base must comply with the current sanitary and fire safety rules and regulations, or stable relations with research institutes, enterprises that provide the basis for ensuring effective and scientific and practical training of masters.
    For the direction of training in general and for the main educational program for the preparation of a master, it is desirable to attract students to work in technoparks and business incubators.

    Transition to FGOS VO (FGOS3 +)

    What needs to be done? 1. Analysis of FSES 3+ in areas 2. Designing a single matrix of basic curricula in the areas of training 3. Updating or developing passports and programs for the formation of competencies 4. Placing all educational and methodological materials in the electronic library and electronic information and educational environment of TuvSU

    Normative acts Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from "On the approval of the federal state educational standard of higher education in the area of ​​training. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from N 958" On the approval of the Procedure for the creation of departments and other structural units providing practical training of students on the basis of other organizations by educational institutions of higher education "; Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from N "On methodological recommendations for the use of e-learning, distance educational technologies in the implementation of additional professional educational programs";

    Key features of FSES3 + new opportunities for the implementation of educational programs (e-learning, distance educational technologies; network form; creation of departments in production); requirements for assessing the quality of EP development (students, employers, professional standards, professional and public accreditation (professional standards);

    Key features of FSES3 + The structure of competencies has changed: a) in addition to OK and PC, general professional competencies have been added b) OK for FSES 3+ are universal for all areas of training of the corresponding level (for a bachelor's degree there are only 9 general cultural competencies) funds of evaluation tools that allow assessing the achievement of planned results and the level of formation of all competencies declared in the educational program; their expertise and certification. Conditions for disabled people are especially highlighted - inclusive education; Particularly highlighted are the network forms of organizing the educational process (including through the organization of "basic departments"). E-learning and distance educational technologies stand out.

    Tasks of the university: re-issuance of licenses and certificates of state accreditation; updating (development) of local regulations in the main areas of educational and scientific activities(provisions, rules, regulations, instructions, etc.); updating the educational programs being implemented (curricula, work programs of disciplines, modules, practices, etc.); development of funds of assessment tools for each implemented educational program (assessment of the formation of the declared competencies at different stages of training); approbation of the network form of implementation of educational programs (creation of departments in production, pooling of resources, development of academic mobility); development of e-learning, distance technologies

    General requirements. The structure of the educational program, the terms of obtaining education (including by the forms of study) educational organization... the volume of the program for the academic year (by type of study) o 60 c.u .; determines the university; accelerated - no more than 75 c.u. labor intensity in credit units o fractionality is excluded; a single equivalent of 36 hours; uniform labor input for GIA; area, objects, types of PD and professional tasks o the basis of EP design in the logic of the result requirements for the result (competence) o OK, defense industry (new), PC // PPK (applied bachelor's degree); clarified the wording of competencies; there is a possibility of choosing the type of PD in accordance with the profile in relation to the set of competencies. structure requirements o no cycles and sections (blocks), approximate list D (specially for B.K. Kara-Sal)

    Requirements for the composition of the PLO o guidelines for students on the development of D; o a list of information technologies used in the discipline, including a list of software and information reference systems (if necessary); o description of the material and technical base necessary for the implementation of the educational process in the discipline; o other information and (or) materials at the discretion of the organization. Practice program: o indication of the type of practice, method and forms of its implementation; o a list of planned learning outcomes correlated with the planned results of EP mastering; o the place of practice in the structure of the educational program; o amount of practice in w.u. and its duration in weeks (hours); o the content of the practice; o indication of reporting forms for practice; o fund of assessment tools for midterm certification;

    Requirements for the composition of the PLO o list of educational literature and Internet resources required for the practice; o list of information technologies, including a list of software and information reference systems (if necessary); o description of the material and technical base of the practice; o other information and (or) materials at the discretion of the organization. The fund of assessment tools as part of the RPA and PP: o a list of competencies with an indication of the stages of their formation; o description of indicators, criteria, scales for assessing competencies; o typical control tasks or other materials; o methodological materials defining the assessment procedures. The fund of assessment tools as part of the educational program (final certification): a similar structure of requirements in relation to the results of mastering the educational program as a whole. General requirements for OOP: updatability, placement on the organization's website, presentation during licensing

    On the design of a unified matrix of basic curricula in areas of training / specialties Structure of the bachelor's program The volume of the bachelor's program in credit units Bachelor's program with the qualification "academic bachelor" Bachelor's program with qualification "applied bachelor" Block 1 Disciplines (modules) Basic part Variational part Block 2 Practices Block 3 State final certification 6-9 Scope of the undergraduate program Teacher Education

    The structure of the PLO o basic part (disciplines (modules) and practices established by the Federal State Educational Standard (if any) or by the organization; SIA); the variable part (the variable disciplines determine the profile of the OEP program, include disciplines, modules, practices that ensure the deepening of the competencies of the Federal State Educational Standard or the formation of additional ones); o disciplines (modules) in philosophy, history, foreign language, BZ Physical culture are implemented within the framework of the basic part B1, their scope, content and order of implementation is determined by the organization; o the set (name) of disciplines (modules) related to the basic part of the program, the organization determines independently in the amount established by the Federal State Educational Standard, taking into account the approximate MEP;

    The structure of the OEP Disciplines (modules) in physical culture and sports are implemented within: 1. the basic part of Block 1 "Disciplines (modules)" of the undergraduate program in the amount of at least 72 academic hours (2 credit units) includes lectures, seminars and reception of standards; 2. elective disciplines (modules) - applied physical culture incl. practical lessons in the amount of at least 328 academic hours. The specified academic hours are compulsory for mastering and do not translate into credits. Disciplines (modules) in physical culture and sports are implemented in the manner prescribed by the organization. For disabled people and people with disabilities health, the organization establishes a special procedure for mastering disciplines (modules) in physical culture and sports, taking into account the state of their health

    6.11. The number of hours allotted for lecture-type lessons as a whole for Block 1 "Disciplines (modules)" should be no more than 40 percent (variations) of the total number of hours of classroom lessons allotted for the implementation of this Block

    Practice block Pre-diploma practice is carried out to complete the final qualifying work and is mandatory. Educational and (or) industrial practice can be carried out in the structural divisions of the organization. For persons with disabilities, the choice of places for training should take into account the health status and requirements for accessibility

    Block 3 GIA 6.8. Block 3 "State final certification" includes the defense of the final qualifying work, including preparation for the defense procedure and the defense procedure, as well as preparation and passing of the state exam (if the organization has included State exam to the state final certification)

    FSES 3+. Requirements for the implementation conditions General system requirements for EBS, electronic library and electronic information educational environment; The electronic library system (electronic library) and the electronic information and educational environment must ensure the student's accessibility from any point where there is access to the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (hereinafter - the "Internet" network), and meet the technical requirements of the organization, both on the territory of the organization and outside it

    The electronic information and educational environment of the organization should provide: access to RUP, RPD (modules), practices, to publications of electronic library systems and electronic educational resources specified in the work programs; fixing the course of the educational process, the results of intermediate certification and the results of mastering the main educational program; conducting all types of classes, procedures for assessing learning outcomes, the implementation of which is provided with the use of e-learning, distance learning technologies; the formation of an electronic portfolio of the student, including the preservation of the student's work, reviews and ratings for these works by any participants in the educational process; interaction between participants in the educational process, including synchronous and (or) asynchronous interaction via the Internet

    It is regulated by: The proportion of full-time teachers The proportion of teachers with an academic degree and (or) academic title The proportion of teachers with an education and (or) an academic degree corresponding to the discipline taught The proportion of teachers from among the leaders and employees of specialized organizations

    FSES 3+. Educational and methodological support The organization should be provided with the necessary set of licensed software o students from among persons with disabilities should be provided with printed and (or) electronic educational resources in forms adapted to the limitations of their health

    Staffing the share of teaching staff (rates) with an education corresponding to the profile of the taught discipline - at least 70% (variations); The share of full-time scientific and pedagogical workers (rates) must be at least 50 percent of the total number of scientific and pedagogical workers of the organization; was 50%, no requirements for Ph.D.) the proportion of employees (positions) from among the leaders and employees of organizations whose activities are related to the focus (profile) of the bachelor's program (work experience in this professional field for at least 3 years) - at least 10 %;

    7.3. Requirements for the material, technical and educational and methodological ensuring the program Material and technical support o the minimum required list of specialized classrooms (laboratories), equipment is established by the Federal State Educational Standard, depending on the level, focus (profile) of the EP; o availability of premises for SRS, equipped with computers with Internet access; Educational and methodological support o individual unlimited access to one or several EBS (electronic libraries) containing all mandatory and additional editions of educational, educational and methodological and other literature listed in the RPD and PP; o in case of non-use of EBS ( electronic library) the library fund must be completed with printed publications - at least 50 copies. each of the editions of the main literature listed in the RPD and PP, and at least 25 copies. (50) additional literature per 100 students;

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation) of August 14, 2013 N 958 g The procedure for creating by professional educational organizations and educational institutions of higher education departments and other structural units providing practical training of students, on the basis of other organizations carrying out activities in the profile relevant educational program

    The regulation on the structural unit is approved by agreement with the organization in the manner prescribed by the charter of the educational organization. ………………………… 4. The structural unit is created subject to the following conditions: a) compliance of the educational program implemented by the educational organization with the profile of the organization's activity; b) the availability of property necessary to achieve the goals of the structural unit; c) ensuring the conduct of practice, practical classes, seminars, laboratory workshops and other types of educational activities provided for by the curriculum in the structural unit; d) providing the organization with conditions for the preparation of graduate qualification works and other types of work provided for by the educational program by the organization, including participation in the formation of topics of graduation qualification works and other works, provision of scientific guidance and reviewing of graduation qualification works and other works, free provision of access to students to the information necessary for the preparation of final qualifying works; e) creating a safe learning environment; f) compliance special conditions for education by students with disabilities

    5. The grounds for creating a structural unit are: a) the decision of the pedagogical council (academic council) of an educational organization to create a structural unit; b) an agreement on the creation of a structural unit, concluded between the educational organization and the organization

    Publishing plan of departments of TuvSU for 2015

    Department of Anatomy, Physiology and BJD Author / Authors Title Publication Type Deadline Declared volume Implementation Krasilnik ova V.A. "Methodology and organization of health-improving work" Workshop December 3 for revision December UV Shyyrapay "Histology" Workshop February 3 Krasilnik ova V.А. "Environmental Physiology" Workshop February 3 Kuular AS "Fundamentals of National Security" Workshop February 3 Buduk-ool L.K. "Physiology of VND" Practical workmart 3 Saryg SK "Rheographic methods in physiology" Practical work for bachelors April 3 total 18 Standard volume of pp. / physical face 22.5 /

    Author / authors Title Type of publication Deadline Declared volume of p.p. Zaika V.V. Aquatic invertebrates in the ecosystems of Tuva UMP February 3 Kuksina D.K. Practical classes on ecology of the MR March 2.5 Putintsev N.I. , Dorzhu Ch.M. Workbook on the discipline "Natural science picture of the world" UMP May 3 total 11.5 Standard volume of p.p. / physical person 20/8 Department of Ecology and Zoology

    Department of General Biology Author / authors Title Type of publication Deadline Declared volume of p.p. Kawai-ool W.N. Questionnaire on genetics UMP February 3 Laidyp A.M. Dictionary on biomonitoring of vegetation cover UMP February 1 Mongush O.S. 100 pedigrees of Tuvans /person 20 /

    Department of Geography and Tourism Author / authors Title Type of publication Deadline Declared volume of p. Kurbatskaya S.S. Field study of soils Textbook April 1 Dorzhu M.S. Nature management of RTU textbook May 2 total 3 Standard volume of p.p. / individual person 20/8 Author / authors Title Publication type Deadline Declared volume of p.p. Ondar U.V., Oorzhak U.S. Quantitative chemical analysis. Tasks and questions Study guide May 7.5 total 7.5 Standard volume of p.p. / person 17.5 / 7 Department of Chemistry

    Department of Informatics Author / Authors Title Type of publication Deadline Declared volume of p. Ochur E.S. Theory and methods of teaching computer science MPmay 2 Mongush M.M., Ochur E.S. Methodical guidelines for pedagogical practice (for students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics) October 1.5 Oorzhak Ch.K. Collection of laboratory works on computer science Collection of laboratory works November 1.5 total 5 Normative volume of p.p. / physical person 22.5 / 9 Sarangov S.V., Ondar M.A.-Kh. Study guide in physics FMF. Part III "Electricity". March 6 Astafieva T. N., Khvorov Yu. A., Yurchenko S. A. Laboratory workshop on physics. Part II. March 3 total 9 Standard volume of p.p. / physical person 20/8 Department of Physics

    Department of Algebra and Geometry Author / Authors Title Type of Publication Term of Completion Declared volume of p. Troyakova G. A., Magerya O. P. Collected papers of the city algebraic seminar. Issue 6. Collection January 3 Magera O. P. “Problem-solving workshop on number theory” UMPmart 5 Mongush AS, Tanzy MV “Mathematics. Differential and integral calculus for students of SHF "UMPmart 5 Tanza MV" Applied problems in mathematics "for students of SHF. UMP April 3.5 Tanova O. M. "Problem book on analytic geometry" UMP April 4 total 20.5 Normative volume of p.p. / physical face 12.5 /

    Department of Mathematical Analysis and Methods of Teaching Mathematics Ivirsina N.B. Maths. Study guide for bachelors of psychological and pedagogical education. UMPApril 3 Sotnikov A.I. Practical classes in mathematical analysis. Differential calculus. UMP for students of FMF. UMP January 4 Huruma A.K. Higher mathematics. Elements of linear algebra and analytic geometry. Introduction to mathematical analysis. UMP for correspondence students of the I course of the ITF (2nd edition, revised, 2002) UMP April 5 Zhdanok A.I. Mathematical Methods the theory of finite Markov chains (theory and practice). Training for May 15 Kara-Sal N.M., Bichiool E.K. Study guide in mathematics for students of the EHF. Part II. UMPmay 3 Vlasova L.N. Practical classes in mathematical analysis for students of the Faculty of Economics. UMPiyun 3 total 33 Standard volume of p.p. / person 17.5 /

    Department of customs and legal disciplines Author / authors Title Type of publication Deadline Declared volume of p. Kuzhuget T.K. Customs law October 3 Kuular E.M. Customs declaration October 4 Minchey Ch.S.Economic potential of customs of Russia December 4 total 11 Standard volume of p.p. / individual 7,5 / 3 Department of Criminal Law and Procedure Minaev A.V. Khaimanov V.G. Information security UMPmart 10 Kuzhuget T.K. Structural and logical scheme of tax crimes UMPmart 10 Dashtaar-ool V.O. Criminal law UMPmart 10 total 30 / physical face 7.5 /

    Department of Theory, History of State and Law Author / Authors Title Type of publication Deadline Declared volume of p. Mongush S-A.D. The program of educational and familiarization practice of 1st year students Faculty of Law UPmart 2 Semis-ool S.K. Theory of state and law for independent work of students UP April 5 Saaya S.V., Semis-ool S.K. Jurisprudence with the basics of legislation in construction UMP January 5 total 12 Standard volume of p.p. / individual 10/4 Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law Feldman O.Yu. Lawmaking mechanism UMPmart 0.5 total 0.5 Standard volume of p.p. / physical face 7.5 /

    Department of Civil Law and Procedure Author / Authors Title Type of Publication Deadline Declared volume of p. A.V. Gostyukhin International inheritance UMPmart 3.5 Maady A.I. UMP insurance law February 3.5 Salchak A.A. UMP civil procedure February 3.5 Mongush A.L. Civil law for ZFOUM April 3.5 total 14 Normative volume of p.l. / physical person 15/6 Department of Social and Legal Psychology Tovuu N.O. Psychology (in Tuvan language). A textbook for students in grades 6 June 5 Mongush Ch.N. Psychological methods of personality traits Textbook October 5 Tovuu N.O. Ethnic psychology: a course of lectures of the UMPNovember 5 total 15 Normative volume p.l. / physical face 7.5 /

    Department of Accounting, Analysis and Auditing Author / authors Title Type of publication Timeframe Declared volume of p. Khovalyg Raisa Belek-oolovna Organization and management UMP January 2 Temir-ool Vera Peculiarities of insurance in agriculture UPF February 6 Temir-ool Vera Pavlovna Organization and accounting of production activities of peasant (farm) farms MUmay 1.90 total 9.9 Standard volume of p.l. / individual person 12.5 / 5 Department of Economics and Management Mongush Olga Nikolaevna Organization, regulation and remuneration. Textbook for seminars UPmart 5 total 5 Standard volume p.l. /person 25 /

    Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Personality Development Author / authors Title Type of publication Deadline Declared volume of p. Ondar L.M. Development and publication of a manual for schoolchildren "Choosing a profession" as part of the action plan of the subprogram " road map"TuvSU on the implementation of the subprogram" In every family - at least one child with higher education "February 10 Sat M.D." Coursework in psychology "UMPiyun 5 Sat M.D. education "and" Psychology "UMP June 6 total 21 Standard volume of p.l. / physical face 12.5 /

    Department of Theory and Methods of Language Education and Speech Therapy Kechil-ool S.V. Morphemics (for distance learning) UP February 7.5 Hertek L.K. Teaching to read and write UP February 6 Tomilova T.P. A collection of exercises on syntax (for distance learning) UPmart 9 Bartan F.M., Tomilova T.P. Technology of teaching Russian in Tuvan kindergarten UPmart 8 Sat ND, Preschool rhetoric (for distance learning) UP April 5 Seglenmey S.F. Interference phenomena in the field of phonetics of the Russian language among Tuvinians UPmai 3 Kara-ool L.S. Tuvan language. Lexicology (for distance learning) UPmay 8 total 46.5 Standard volume of pp. /person 20 /

    Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Preschool and Primary Education Author / authors Title Type of publication Deadline Declared volume Sagdy Ch.T. Natural Science. Workshop UMP January 5 Sagdy Ch.T. Natural Science. Educational field practice UMP February 5 Dam M.K. Guidelines for teaching practice UMPmart 5 Mongush I.I. Diary of UMP trainee March 5 Ondar T.A. Organization of independent work of UMP students November 3 total 23 Standard volume p.l. / physical face 22.5 /

    Department of Technology and Entrepreneurship Author / authors Title Type of publication Deadline Declared volume of p. Liktan V.T., Ondar A. B. Methodological recommendations for the implementation of the WRC UMP January 2.5 Liktan V.T. Applied Economics UMP March 5 Ondar E.E., Opbul E.K., Ondar V.V. Development of a methodological guide for the implementation of RGR in the discipline "Theoretical Mechanics" UMPmart 2 Shoyun K. A., Ondar A. B. Toolkit on the sequential processing of the main evils of the garment practice mind April 3 Artaa D. D. Development of a teaching manual for the discipline "Patenting" UMPNovember 2.5 total 15 Normative volume of p.p. / physical face 12.5 /

    Department of Philosophy Author / authors Title Type of publication Deadline Feldman V.R., Davaa E.K. Political Science for Distance Learning UMPmay 6 Adygbai Ch.O., Ondar N.D. Philosophy for distance learning UMP September 11.1 Feldman VR Political science Textbook October 3.3 Davaa EK, Mongush S.O. Sociology for distance learning UMP October 3.4 Tovuu S.S. Logic for distance learning UMP October 4.2 Budegechieva T.B., Mongush S.O. Culturology for distance learning UMPNovember 7.9 Feldman VR, Davaa EK Political science for distance learning UMPmay 6 total 35.9 Standard volume of p.p. /person 20 /

    Author / authors Title Type of publication Deadline Declared volume of p.p. Kombu A.S. Psychological and pedagogical anthropology UMP February 5 Irgit EL "General foundations of pedagogy" for undergraduate students in the direction of psychological and pedagogical education. Personalities and terms in the discipline "History of Pedagogy" for undergraduate students in the direction of PPE. UMPmart 4 Damba N.Ch. Supervision of coursework and final qualification works for undergraduate students in the direction of "Pedagogical education" UPApril 3 Atamanova GI Psychological and pedagogical support of applicants from large families UPmai 2 total 14 Standard volume / physical person 22.5 / 9 Department of Pedagogy

    Department of General Engineering Disciplines Author / Authors Title Publication Type Deadline Ondar E.E., Mongush D.S. "Resistance of materials" for students extramural form training of specialties PGS, GH, AT MUyanvar 1.9 Kara-Sal I.D. "Laboratory workshop on life safety" for full-time, part-time students of the specialty AT MU April 2 Sandan A.S. "Engineering graphics" for specialties AT, PTSDSiO MUyun 2 total 5.9 Standard volume of p.p. / physical person 22.5 / 9 Department of Mining Bulchun A.O. Guidelines for performing computational, graphic and laboratory work on the discipline "Geodesy" geotechnology "МУ1 half-year 3.8 Sandan R.N., Ondare-D.V. Methodical recommendations on the preparation of reports on industrial practices of students of the specialty "Open-pit mining" MRmay 2.5 total 9.3 Standard volume of p.p. /person 10 /

    Department of Municipal Economy Author / authors Title Type ed. Completion date Appl. p.p. volume Kuular Ch.Sh. Technical maintenance of buildings and structures MUJanvar 4 Kopylov N.I., Kaminskiy Yu.D. Shoeva T.E. The use of arsenic from the dumps of the Tuvacobalt plant in the municipal economy and construction UP January 7 Sedip S. S. Technological processes in construction ** UMP February 4 Seredkina E. V. Architecture of urban structures, planning and development of populated areas UMP February 3 Khvichiya D. A. Reconstruction residential buildings and engineering structures UMPmart 3 Dadar A.Kh. Sedip S.S. Methodical instructions for the implementation of the course project on the discipline "Fundamentals of organization and management in construction" /person 15 /

    Department of Industrial and Civil Engineering Author / Authors Title Type of Publication Deadline Declared volume of p. Sat K.L. Main characteristics for the calculation and design of metal structures UMPmay 2 Chylbak A.A. Wood and plastic structures UMPmay 3 Karasal B.K. - Theoretical basis technologies for the production of building materials UPNovember 7 total 22 Standard volume of p.p. /person 20 /

    Department of VEHICLES AND TECHNOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT Author / authors Title Publication type Term of implementation Declared volume of p.p. Mongush S.Ch., Shavyraa Ch.D. Methodical instructions for the implementation of the FQP for the specialty "Hoisting-and-transport, construction, road machines and equipment" UMP April 3 Mongush E.S. Methodological instruction for the implementation of the CP on the discipline "Machine parts and the basics of design" MU April 2 Damdyn S.I. Methodical developments to the implementation of the CP: "Cardan transmission" MRiyun 2 Lamazhap S.B. Methodical instruction for the implementation of CP in the discipline "Hoisting machines" MUyun 2 Tapyshpan A.M. Methodological developments for the implementation of the CP on "Fundamentals of the theory of design and repair of cars" MUyun 3 Mongush S.Ch., Shavyraa Ch.D. Methodical instructions for the implementation of the FQP for the specialty "Hoisting-and-transport, construction, road machines and equipment" UMP April 3 total 12 Standard volume of p. / physical face 22.5 /

    Department of AGRONOMY Author / authors Title Type of publication Completion date Declared volume of p.p. Kanzhava S.O. Guidelines for the implementation of the course project on ornamental gardening and landscape design February 1.5 Poryadina E.A. Guidelines for laboratory work on berry crops MUyanvar 1.5 Balgan L.D. Guidelines for laboratory work on the standardization of fruits and vegetables MUfebruary 1.5 Tulush V.P. Guidelines for laboratory work on nursery MUfebruary 1.5 Nanzat M.D. Guidelines for laboratory work for students on life safety MUmart 2.5 Chadamba N.D. Methodological instructions for independent work for students in Botany MUmay 1.7 Khovalyg N.A. Workshop on chemical plant protection products Practitioner mind April-May 3 total 13.3 Standard volume of p.p. / physical face 22.5 /

    Department of PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION Author / authors Title Type ed. Completion date Appl. p.p. volume Biche-ool S.Kh. and others Technology of production of livestock products UPFebruary 4 Biche-ool S.Kh. and others. Technology of production of Tuvan national products UPF February 4 Sandak-Khuurak O.O. Productivity and biological characteristics of hybrid goats of the Soviet wool breed of the Tuvan population. UPmart 3 Mongush S.D., Khomushku Ch.M. Technology of milk production and processing UPmart 3 Sat Ch.M. Safety of food raw materials and food products UPyun 8 Dongak M.I. Technology of fruit and vegetable preservation UPiyun 8 Saryglar L.K. Epizootological features of the course of rinderpest in the Republic of Tuva UPiyun 5 Sat Ch .M. Agricultural ecology UPoktyabr 8 Mongush S.D., Khomushku Ch.M. Technology of processing and storage of meat and meat products UPNovember 10 total 53 Standard volume of p.p. /person 20 /

    Department of ZOOTECHNII Author / authors Title Publication type Deadline Declared volume of p.p. Oyun G.L. Teaching manual on the discipline "Pig breeding". UMPmart 6.9 total 6.9 Standard volume of p.p. / physical person 20/8 Department of PATRIOTIC HISTORY Dorzhu Z.Yu., Ochur N.M., Ondar E.M., Storozhenko A.A., Oyun O.P. A course of lectures on the history of Tuva UP February 3 Kiseleva E.L., Ochur N.M. Methodical recommendations on pedagogical practice for IF students in the areas of training "Pedagogy" UMPmay 2 total 5 Normative volume of p.p. /person 20 /

    Department of Documentation and Archival Science Author / Authors Title Type of ed. Completion date Appl. p.p. volume Implementation Mongush V.Ch. Documentation support of management in non-governmental organizations Up January 6.3 Ondar G.A. History of Russian archives Practice m February 6.3 Mongush V.Ch. Methods of rationalizing office work Practice m April 6.3 Mongush V.Ch. Collection of practice programs in the direction of training "Documentation and archival science" umpmay 6.3 Mongush V.Ch., Kharunov R.Sh. , Opeen V.O., Opeen V.O., Organization of independent work of students MR June 6.3 total 31.5 Standard volume of p.p. /person 15 /

    Department of UNIVERSAL HISTORY AND ARCHEOLOGY Author / authors Title Type ed. Completion date Appl. p.p. volume Completed by Aizhy E.V., Dyrtyk-ool A.O. Methodology of ethnographic expeditions UMP January 4 Damdynchap V.M. History of customary law of the peoples of Central Asia UMP January 4 Dyrtyk-ool A.O. Diplomatic protocol and etiquette UMPianvar 4 Lundup T.V. Social and political system of Central Asia UMPyanvar 4 Nurzat A.A. Theory international relations UMP February 2 Ayizhy E.V. Regional Studies UMP February 4 Dyrtyk-ool A.O. Cultural and educational work in the UMPart Museum 2 Lundup T.V. Foreign policy of the Central Asian countries UMPM March 4 total 28 Normative volume of p.p. /person 10 /

    Department of RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Author / authors Title Type of publication Deadline Declared volume of p.p. Bytotova R.S., Ondar V.S. Methodical recommendations for the design of written works. For students of the direction "Pedagogical Education" of the profiles "Philological Education", "Russian Language and Literature". March 2 Bazyr G.S. Methodical recommendations for the textbook "Russian language" for the 2nd grade of Tuvan schools. MP January 2.5 Kara-Sal A.A. Russian as a foreign language. Part I, II. Workbooks. Part I, II. UP. RTFebruary 2 Taryma A.V. "Russian language and culture of speech." Workbook for students of the EHF RTmart 1 total 7.5 Standard volume of p.p. /person 20 /

    Department of TUVINIAN PHILOLOGY AND GENERAL LANGUAGE Author / authors Title Type ed. Completion date Appl. p.p. volume Chamzyryn E.T. Tyva literature klasstan dashkar azhildarny chorudary UMPO October 3 Suvandii N.D. Workshop Exercise Book native language(2nd ed. Revised revised) UMPNovember 3 Ulamsuren Tsetsegdar Study guide on the Mongolian language UMPMart 3 Suvandii N.D., Chamzyryn E.T. Practice pedagogy. Өөredilge-methodictig udurtulga. Development of a teaching aid for teaching practice UMPYanvar 3 Bavuu-Syuryun M.V. A collection of exercises on a phrase and a simple sentence UMPM March 4 Soyan A.M. complex sentence UMPMart 3 Bavuu-Syuryun M.V. Proseminar on linguistics UMPA April 3 total 25 Standard volume of pp. / person 17.5 /

    Department of LITERATURE Author / authors Title Publication type Deadline Declared volume of p.p. Smolina N.Yu. "Russian modernism" to provide materials for practical classes in the discipline "Problems of Russian modernism" UP: workshop June 2 Tsyba I.I. "Workshop on Introduction to Literary Studies" To provide practical materials for classes on the discipline "Introduction to Literary Studies" 1 total 3 Standard volume of p.p. / physical face 12.5 /

    Department of ENGLISH LANGUAGE Author / authors Title Type ed. Completion date Appl. p.p. volume Targyn Sh.Kh., Techinova A.M. Methodical recommendations for writing term papers on the theoretical disciplines of the English language and on the discipline "Theory and methods of teaching a foreign language" UMPF February 2 Targyn Sh.Kh., Techinova A.M. "How to write a final qualifying work" for 4th year students of the "Foreign language" profile of the UMRF February 2 Techinova A.M. Practice your sounds in the discipline "Practice of oral and written speech"UMPMart 3 Burnakova KN Practical phonetics of the English language for Tuvan students in the" Foreign language "profile. UPApril 3 Burnakova KN A short practical course of graphics and spelling of the English language (for Tuvan students on the profile "Foreign language"). UPMay 3 total 13 Standard volume of p.p. /person 15 /

    Department of FOREIGN LANGUAGES Author / authors Title Type ed. Completion date Appl. p.p. volume Vasina N.G. Practical training on preparation for independent work in English UPmart 3 Vasina N.G. Scientific reading for postgraduates UPJanvar 3 Baykalova E.D. Strategies for preparing students for passing the oral part of the Unified State Exam in English UMPmart 3 Saryg-Haa Ch. D., Begzi N.N. Oral practice for first-year students of non-language specialties UMP November 2 Dongak V.S. English for students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports UP April 2 Dorzhu N.S. Word formation in English language UPmay 2 total 15 Standard volume of p.p. /person 30 /

    Department of PHYSICAL CULTURE Author / authors Title Type ed. Completion date Appl. p.p. volume Deleg A.Ch. Physical culture and sports classes with university students UMP Mart 1.56 Saaya R. D. Differentiated program of teaching volleyball at UMP University May 2.81 Oorzhak L. M. Integration of traditional physical culture during physical education schoolchildren of elementary grades UMPmay 1.25 Saaya M.A. The impact of sports and health tourism for students of TuvSU UMPsept 2.81 Oorzhak Kh.D - N., Mendot E.E., Mendot E.E. Swimming and games UMPNovember 4.25 Shivit-Huurak IK Maneuvering in boxing MRNovember 5.3 Shivit-Huurak IK Rules for playing mini-volleyball UMPDecember 6 total 23.98 Standard volume of p.l. /person 30 /

    Department of THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICAL CULTURE Author / authors Title Type ed. Completion date Appl. p.p. volume Shagzhy B.A., Mongush G.V. National wrestling "Khuresh" MRJanvar 2.1 Ag-ool EM Adaptive physical culture in correctional school MRYanvar 3 Dazhy Ch.A., Oorzhak Kh.D-N. Basics of writing coursework and graduation qualification works in physical culture MR February 2 Oorzhak Kh.D-N. Methodology of physical education of schoolchildren UMP February 6.2 Mongush G.V., Uvarova A.A. ... Pedagogical practice at school (for students of FFKiS) MUMart 2.6 Dazhy Ch.A. Fundamentals of sports training MRMay 3.2 Balchirbai M.V., Oorzhak Kh.D-N., Dazhy Ch.A. Sports and health tourism MRiyun 2 total 21.1 Standard volume of p.p. /person 15 /

    Department of SPORTS DISCIPLINES Author / authors Title Type ed. Completion date Appl. p.p. volume Kyrgys E.K. Planning physical culture lessons UPJanvar 8 Petrosyan S.N. Basketball Basics MP February 8 Kyrgys E.K. Fundamentals of sports methods of swimming technique UPMart 9 Kyrgys E.K. Cross-country skiing UMPMart 6 Oorzhak S.Y. "Kodurer Dash". Raising a stone is a traditional means of physical education for Tuvans MPA April 4 Uvarova AA Methodological guidelines for the pedagogical practices of students of FFKiS MPA April 5 total 40 Normative volume of p.p. /person 15 /

    Department of Algebra and Geometry FACULE ET NAME OF DEPARTMENT Planned volume PL The normative volume of P.L. FMF Department of Algebra and Geometry 20.512.5 Mathematical Analysis and MPM3317.5 SF Customs and Legal Disciplines 117.5 Criminal Law and Process 307.5 Theories, History of State and Law 1210 Social and Legal Psychology 157.5 KPI Psychology and Pedagogy of Personality Development 2112.5 Theories and methods of language education and speech therapy 46.520 Pedagogy and methods of preschool and primary education 2322.5 Technology and entrepreneurship 1512.5 Philosophy 35.920 Attention should be paid

    Department of Algebra and Geometry FACULE ET NAME OF DEPARTMENT Planned volume PL The standard volume of P.L. ITF Urban economy 2515 Industrial and civil construction 2220 SHF Technologies for the production and processing of agricultural products 5320 IF Documentation and archival science 31.515 General history and archeology 2810 FFT Tuvan philology and general linguistics 2517.5 FFKIST Theoretical foundations of physical culture 21.115 Sports disciplines 4015 Should pay attention

    A week before the new school year The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation has puzzled the heads and teachers of universities with new federal state educational standards (FSES) coming into force this year. Every day new "Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education, taking into account professional standards 3++ "for various undergraduate, specialist and graduate programs appear on the portal of the coordination council of educational and methodological associations and scientific and methodological councils high school, the correspondent reports On the eve.RU.

    Also, in the modernized standards, new concepts are introduced (CC - universal competencies, PS - professional standard, OTF - generalized labor function, POP - approximate basic educational program, OBOP - basic professional educational program), the structure of bachelor's programs was changed, and lecture hours were replaced by "contact". FSES 3 ++ or FSES of the" third generation "are modernized educational standards, which, judging by the comparative presentations, differ from the previous ones by their focus on" competence"(" the ability to apply knowledge and skills in a specific area ") and" competence approach"(" the ability to work with information and readiness for real life situations ").

    New federal state educational standards for various programs appear on the site every hour

    New federal state educational standards by order of the Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva come into force with December 30, 2017.

    And already from September 1 heads and teachers of universities will have to redraw some of the documents for a new one " the procedure for organizing and carrying out educational activities on educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialty programs, master's programs ", approved by the order of the Ministry of Education in April. It deals with scheduling, duration of classes, changes and vacations, dividing the educational process into periods.

    Judging by the reaction of the teachers, the new federal state educational standards and "orders" will give them a lot of trouble, connected with the rewriting of all documents and curricula.

    Head of the Department of Philology and Methodology, Professor of Irkutsk State University (ISU) Olga Yurieva drew attention to the fact that the Federal State Educational Standards, according to the law, must be updated every five years, which have not yet expired since 2013.

    "Well, colleagues, you can congratulate us! With the new federal state educational standards! I will not talk about what this opportunity threatens us: rewriting all documents, programs, curricula, confusion with combining notorious competencies, change sheets, etc., etc. I am interested in something else. According to the law, the standards should be changed only once every five years: students were admitted to this standard, and they graduated according to it. And what happens now? Our current fifth year will study according to the fourth standard ?! contradicts not only common sense! If the discipline continues in the next semester, then in the past I had to form some competencies (if they were wrong), and in the next - others ?! " - Olga Yurieva wrote on her Facebook page.

    The Ministry of Education, she said, cleverly bypassed the law: after all, the federal state educational standards are not new at all, but only improved old ones. Recall that the former FSES was accompanied by a postscript "3+" .

    "And nothing that the main component changes in it - competence, and even the names of practices! And so, instead of doing our own thing, we will spend hundreds of hours, huge efforts to rewrite programs, delve into those compiled by those who have no education. human relations tables-reports (the instructions for the synchrophasatron are easier to understand!), again transfer tons of paper so that someone sitting at the trough would rather pat themselves on their pocketbooks, putting in millions, aimed not at improving education, but at developing new documents that do not improve or modernize anything! Let them prove to me that the introduction of the new FSES will raise our education to new "heights", but only point by point, specifically! While this ascent to the "gaping heights" is more like an effort to destroy everything that is still somehow preserved! It seems that the Ministry of Education only cares about not giving us time to improve lecture courses, self-education, writing scientific papers, working with students, loading us with all its might and forcing us to study "monkey labor"- after all, we know for sure: what we have done today will go to the basket tomorrow! How long ?! "- wrote Olga Yurieva.

    In the comments, fellow professors agreed with the professor and suggested drawing up an appeal to officials, from whose vigorous activity they have to deal with bureaucracy almost every year instead of performing their basic functions.

    "And let's really organize a campaign to collect conditions and proposals, on which the interaction of the Ministry of Education with real teachers will be based. At this stage, a system of" feeding "the heads of structural divisions in universities, and students, has been operating for many years, and another option: in the hands of some slaves were given whips to whip the rest of the slaves, and for this they are freed from the work itself. And rarely does anyone from the bosses go into open conflict with the administration of the university - this is already considered heroism, "commented a former lecturer at the Southern Federal University.

    "How to go into conflict with the authorities if I see that they also work like a galley slave?" You will come to the management at 8 am-already sitting, you will come at 8 pm-still sitting! And not just the commands are handed out, but how many papers they fill out and check themselves. Sometimes you scream, and then you realize that they are to blame for the fact that the ministry has a paper schizophrenic itching? "- added Olga Yurieva and suggested an experiment: to distribute all the developers of the documentation for one year in schools and universities and make them personally fill out the papers they have invented.

    "Let them show us how to work nadot, teach us, so to speak! But our salaries, according to qualifications. The second way is not to pay for the essay of the documentation and to certify all employees for professional suitability. Can you imagine" what kind of swagger "will start there? then we will heal, as much as breath in the goiter spirals with delight! " - concluded the professor.