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  • How to get good grades in school. A smart move to improve your school performance

    How to get good grades in school.  A smart move to improve your school performance

    Good grades have always been not only a plus for a future certificate / diploma, but also a reason for good mood and joy. Not everyone is given to be excellent students, but everyone wants to get an “A”.

    Only sometimes it is not easy to achieve such success. Let's take a look at how to get an A easily and without a hint / cheat sheet. You just need to remember that everything depends only on yourself, on your desire to understand the material covered.

    We listen carefully to the teacher in the lesson

    It is very important to listen carefully to the teacher from the very beginning of the lesson. As a rule, the teacher first briefly explains the essence of the studied material, then dictates the definition and then explains the lesson with examples. It is at this moment that you need to be extremely careful. Even if it is completely unclear what it is about, you should not immediately interrupt the teacher. Better to wait for him to ask questions himself. There are, of course, moments when you can raise your hand and immediately clarify, which is unclear while the situation is relevant.

    Mindfulness is needed especially in subjects such as physics, chemistry, mathematics. How to get an “A” in these difficult sciences? Only by listening to the teacher and doing homework. In addition, for clarification of examples and tasks, you can contact after the lesson.

    What teachers expect from us

    Every responsible teacher wants his work not to be in vain. The more students understand his subject, the better for everyone. It often happens, unfortunately, that the teacher does not know how or does not want to explain something, referring to textbooks or excellent classmates. What to do in this case? You have to act exactly as he says.

    But any teacher actually knows his science much deeper than he gives in the classroom. It is impossible and absolutely unnecessary to delve into the topic so that there is no ambiguity on the part of the students. Simplicity and clarity are very important. Therefore, in the usual high school the basics are studied. In-depth study is practiced in specialized classes.

    Despite the fact that the teacher gives the material concisely, the student must navigate the topic. For example, we are studying a topic in physics by radiation. There are few examples in the book. But the teacher may ask you to list what is the source of radiation in everyday life. If the student figured it out, then he can easily list and receive an "five".

    Proper lesson preparation

    When you come home, take a rest, then get to study. You should not treat the lessons learned and homework negligently. You can't think like this: "I'm tired, the morning is wiser than the evening." This is actually a big mistake. In the morning in a hurry, barely waking up, you will not be able to do anything. And in the evening there is enough time to master the topics. During the day and in the evening, you can have time to remember something by heart, repeat it before going to bed, and remember it in the morning.

    How to get a top five guaranteed? Only by responsible preparation the day before or earlier. In addition, the topic still needs to be worked out.

    What questions can you ask

    Prepare for the fact that you can be called to the board at any time, or the test will begin without warning. Your task is to be always ready. In addition, the habit of learning also needs to be developed.

    How to get an “A” without difficulty and rejoice? Only careful preparation. There is a golden saying "You can't get a fish out of a pond without difficulty." This also applies to the hard work of teaching. You cannot succeed without making an effort.

    Additional sources of knowledge

    Textbooks provide only the most basic information. Often, children get bored with reading them, they cannot remember anything. Therefore, books are involuntarily not taken seriously. To make science interesting, it is better to use additional materials... For example, an encyclopedia, special literature or the Internet. In the latter, you can find free video tutorials in all subjects.

    How to get an A at school if you can't get the right material? You can ask around high school students, adults. It is also recommended to approach the teacher after the lesson and ask. Teachers are pleased when students are interested. At the same time it will be a plus for you.

    Positive attitude towards life

    To become a good student or an excellent student, you should change your outlook on life, learn to love everything around you. Good relationship with others, including classmates, teachers, always leads to a positive result.

    In order to be in a good mood, you need to ask yourself not how many A's you need to get, but about how it is both interesting and useful for the future.

    You need to train memory and develop thinking

    At a young age, memory must be trained. Much that was learned before school and in elementary grades is remembered for a lifetime. You should also develop thinking in order to learn how to make responsible decisions in difficult situations in life.

    Let's say how to get an "A" in English, and what will it give? Firstly, for a high grade you need to prepare, learn unfamiliar words, translate texts, memorize the rules. In the future, this item may come in handy both while traveling and at work.

    How to make friends with the sciences and the team

    How to build an attitude? Be sure to be interested in everything that is relevant. But don't be intrusive. You can also discuss with classmates. It will be great if you take part in events and projects.

    How to get A's more and more? Let your work, combined with attentiveness and interest, become companions throughout your study. We wish you success and great mood!


    Learning well is useful not only for nerds. Good academic performance at school will help you enter a prestigious university, get a high-paying job and make the most of your opportunities. If you want to start getting high marks, read this article.


    1 Order

    1. 1 Create a diary or calendar. You can carry your day planner with you, or you can hang your calendar on the wall or make a to-do list every day. Whatever you do, it will help you keep track of time and streamline your workflow. At the beginning of the quarter, write in your diary when you have tests in all subjects.
      • Every day when you get home from school, check the calendar to find out what you need to do for tomorrow, as well as review what you have to do in the coming days. Cross out what you have already done.
    2. 2 Tidy up your backpack and desk. Carefully lay out what you use every day and you will get rid of the mess. It may sound unlikely, but if the space around you is orderly and free of debris, your mind is better focused on the important things. Tidy up your backpack and desk once a week. It will only take you a few minutes.
      • You will not lose things if you put them in their places. A backpack or desk full of unnecessary papers will confuse you and prevent you from finding the necessary items.
    3. 3 Make a schedule. You will have a weekly or monthly class calendar, but you will also need to develop a weekly study schedule for yourself. So you can understand how much time you need to devote to each of the subjects and what time it is best to study.
      • Try to set as much time as possible for each subject to match the difficulty. For example, physical education should not be devoted as much time as physics.
      • Make sure you have the correct lesson schedule. With it, you will know when you should do homework and devote more time to study.

    2 Assimilation of information

    1. 1 Understand how you absorb information. All people do it in different ways: some rely on tactile sensations, others on visual information, and still others memorize better by ear (and someone uses all methods at once). If you can't remember any of what your teacher said, you may just be doing the wrong thing.
      • When you figure out how you are better at absorbing information, start practicing. Do you remember what you saw better? Then read your notes. Remember what you heard? Record what the teacher says on a tape recorder. Do you feel everything with your palms? Turn thoughts and concepts into something you can do with your own hands.
    2. 2 Read the tutorial. This may sound boring and repetitive, but it is very useful because some of the information the teachers do not speak in the classroom. Read the paragraph, repeat it silently, then read it again. This will allow the information to settle. Use this technique when you don't have a lot of time to study.
      • Very often, what the teacher says is also in the textbook, and this information is the most important. Underline it or put a bookmark to return to it later.
      • You can try to read only the most important things. Focus on the main information (underlined text and words in italics) and your brain will work to its fullest. If you can remember what was in the textbook besides the most important, that will be good, and if not, read it all over again, focusing on secondary information.
    3. 3 Summarize the information correctly. Usually, what is discussed in the classroom is later found in tests and homework assignments, so if the teacher draws a diagram, redraw it into a synopsis so that you can remember everything better.
      • Make clear notes. Use colored markers if you want to quickly find some information, but do not do it too often, otherwise all the text will be colored, and it will ruin everything. You can write with colored pens, but you should only use them to highlight information that seems important to you.
    4. 4 Try to practice effectively. There is nothing worse than sitting over textbooks at night and not memorizing anything. Instead of falling asleep over books, try this:
      • Take notes from the information in the textbook. Rewrite all the most important data in a notebook, and then read it all over again. If you write something down, it will be easier for you to remember this information.
      • Ask someone to test your knowledge on the synopsis. Saying everything out loud will help the information settle down. Try to explain to someone what the tutorial is about, because this way you will not only have to remember something, but also figure out in that.
      • Make learning fun. Invite a friend, write important thoughts on colored sheets of paper, or work with classmates at school after school. You can type your notes on a computer to make them easier to read, or transform studying proccess in Game. Do your best to make it easier to remember.
    5. 5 Show yourself in the classroom. You have done your homework, so you may well be answering at the blackboard. Understand the material! There are several reasons why classroom work is considered beneficial. Most importantly, this will streamline the knowledge gained during homework (before that, they were more like porridge).
      • The second reason is that it will keep the information in mind. This is actually the case. When you read the material out loud (especially at the blackboard, when you are much more nervous than at home with a friend), another part of the brain works (not the one that is responsible for rewriting information). This will make it much easier for you to remember everything.
      • In addition, your teacher will evaluate your actions. No one likes silent classes, so start taking the initiative and your chances of getting good grades at the end of the term will go up dramatically.
    6. 6 Ask for help. If you don't know what it takes to get good grades, or if you find it difficult to write essays, ask your teacher for help. The question may not be very difficult - the teacher will be happy to help you in any way. Ask questions after class, during recess, or send an email to the teacher.
      • Often what we are told personally is remembered better than a whole lecture. Not only will you successfully absorb the new information, but you will also be able to impress the teacher with your diligence. To please a teacher is very, very, very good.
    7. 7 Talk to your tutor. If the subject is too complicated and you cannot understand it in any way, work out with a tutor. Sometimes this is even better than one-on-one with a teacher, especially if your tutor is a student or high school student. A person closer to you can explain the topic in a more accessible manner.

    3 Doing homework

    1. 1 Do your homework as soon as you get home from school. It's important to manage your time properly. If you have been given a task that needs to be completed by next week, do not postpone it - start working on it a few days before the due date. The more time you have to prepare, the less nervous you will be.
      • If possible, finish working on the assignment a few days before the deadline. This will allow you to avoid unpleasant surprises (for example, if a dog tears up your work, you are invited to a party, the printer runs out of ink, relatives will need you, and so on). Most often, grades are lowered for an assignment that is not completed on time, and some teachers do not accept work late at all.
      • Homework significantly affects your grades in the quarters. If you are asked to complete an additional task, agree! You can always try, and even if you don't succeed, the teacher will appreciate your diligence and desire for knowledge.
    2. 2 Just doing your homework isn't enough. When the teacher reviews your work, pay attention to any corrections and comments. If you don't understand something, write down all the questions and ask the teacher. Visit additional classes... Find a tutor. If you cannot afford it, the teacher may agree to take additional classes with you for free.
    3. 3 Do your homework first. Set goals and accomplish them, then have fun. Communication with others is very important, but your grades can affect your entire future. Set aside time for study each day, as if you were setting aside for parties.
      • Reward yourself for doing your homework. After you finish studying, watch TV, eat, or go to a party. If that's not enough for you, ask your parents to encourage you. They want you to get good grades too!
    4. 4 Study with your friends. Many people study for exams together, so why not start doing your homework the same way? This will not only motivate you (you may even become interested in the subject), but it will also allow you to cope with everything faster and more efficiently. Plus, you will have fun!
      • It is important to choose a classmate who can contribute to the task. You should not deal with a friend who will wait for you to do everything yourself, or with a person who does not want you to generally did something for their studies. Try to find someone who is as interested in learning as you are.
    5. 5 Don't pass off someone else's work as yours. This is the surest way to get lowest score for the task. Technology is advancing at a very fast pace, and your teacher absolutely right will know whether you have stolen this essay or report from someone or not. Don't take risks.

    4 Preparation for tests and exams

    1. 1 Study with a friend. Two heads are better than one. You will begin to exchange thoughts and combine your knowledge. Try to practice in a way that doesn't distract each other.
      • This will make the information easier to remember. If you have to explain something to another person, your brain will try to understand the material, and not just memorize something in the hope that the information will fix itself. Make flashcards and notes and check each other against them.
    2. 2 Use special tricks. You can use mnemonic techniques - thanks to them, it becomes easier to remember something complex. You probably know the order of the colors of the rainbow: every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting. Each of the first letters of these words is also the first letter of the color names. Mnemonic tricks are very powerful, and associations can be used for the same purpose. If you can't remember that India was a British colony, imagine a queen in a tracksuit running around the Taj Mahal. During the test, you may not remember exactly what you need to remember, but pictures will pop up in your memory that will make your brain work.
    3. 3 Study in suitable places for this. You will need a quiet, comfortable place. Prepare a warm sweater in case it gets cold, a comfy chair, dark chocolate (it helps your brain!), A bottle of water, and whatever else you need. This way you don't have to be distracted.
      • Research shows that it is more effective to train in multiple locations. It seems strange, but the brain does associate new information with environment... The more associations, the easier it is to remember something. Sit in all the comfy chairs!
    4. 4 Stop cramming. Of course, at times this is inevitable, but this method is not effective. It is important to take breaks so that the brain can remember more... Try to study for 20-50 minutes, then take a 5-10 minute break.
      • It is best to practice throughout the week. Information repeated in different days, it will settle down better in consciousness. You will find that you have become much more confident in your knowledge, and this will allow you to relax.
    5. 5 Relax. It's complicated? Remember: all the answers are already in your head, you only need to get them from there! Most of the time, the first solution turns out to be correct, so don't go back to the answers or fix them. If you are unsure, leave the question and come back to it later.
      • Always read the questions carefully. If you do not do this, you may misunderstand the assignment.
      • If you are not sure what exactly is meant by the question, check with your teacher. If only the wording is not clear to you, the teacher will help you.
    6. 6 Get enough sleep. In order to maintain the ability to concentrate on something, it is important to sleep. Without this, it will be difficult for you to sit at your desk, and you will easily forget everything that you have learned. That is why you should not sit up with books until nightfall!
      • Sleeping is very helpful. Lack of sleep leads to accidents, makes you stupid, and can cause health problems. If the choice is between cramming until nightfall and sleep, choose sleep.

    5 Correct decisions

    1. 1 Spend more time on important lessons. It is impossible to be well versed in all subjects, so try to devote more time to what you need at the university. If you know exactly what you will be doing humanities, do not exhaust yourself with higher mathematics. If you devote all your time to something very difficult, there will be no place for rest in your life. Your brain needs to rest!
      • Do not get carried away with additional activities. Of course, all the extra activities will be beneficial for your development, but when will you do your homework? Try to attend no more than 1-2 "extra" classes per week, because this way you can concentrate on what is important to you. It is better to excel in a few subjects than to be average in all.
    2. 2 Go to class. The first step to getting good grades is attendance. The teacher will see that you regularly attend classes, and this will be a plus for you. In addition, you will not miss important announcements, you will know what information in the textbook to pay attention to, and you will be able to hear the answers to the questions that the teacher is asked during the lesson.
      • If your grades fluctuate, attending classes will help you... Educators often estimate attendance when they think which way to round off a grade. Go to school!
    3. 3 Try to eat a full breakfast daily. Students who eat a healthy breakfast are more likely to get good grades and can concentrate better in class. If you don't feel hungry early in the morning, take a snack with you to eat later.
      • You just need to eat, not overeat. You should not eat a six-egg omelet for breakfast - choose porridge and an orange instead. This will help you focus on your studies rather than digesting food.
    4. 4 Develop your memory through games. Get your brain up and running: try crosswords, sudoku, and other games every day. This will develop memory and intelligence and help to remember information while studying.
      • Go to Lumosity or Memrise. These sites are designed to train your memory. Memrise lets you even enter your own memorization information!
    5. 5 Manage your time wisely. If you have an hour to complete a 120-question test, that means you have to spend 30 seconds on one question. 30 seconds is a lot! You can answer some questions much faster, so use the remaining time for more difficult questions and don't be distracted by the sound of a ticking clock. You shouldn't ponder every line.
      • The time to complete the test or quiz is usually assigned by the teacher. If you need another 5 minutes, ask for them. If you are a diligent student, most teachers will agree to make concessions.
    6. 6 Don't be afraid to get too smart. Don't worry about people who think you are a perfectionist or a person who is never enough. Keep working while everyone else is doing the nonsense in class. In a few years, you will most likely say goodbye to these people forever, but your certificate will have high marks, which could be much lower if you did not study.
    7. 7 Buy a large folder and paper stickers. Fold all your papers into transparent files and attach signature stickers to them. This way you can always quickly find what you need. Put the folder on your desk and keep it organized at all times.
    • Maintain a positive attitude and don't give up. Try to do your best and achieve the best results possible.
    • Keep records so you can track your grades in each quarter to see if there is any progress.
    • Ask the teacher if you can write another essay or give a talk to get another grade. If he allows you to do this, hand over the work the next day. If you get your verified paper back before the test or test paper, you can understand your mistakes and correct them.
    • Look for Additional information about everything you study. This will improve understanding teaching material, will make it more fun and easier to remember. Your teacher will be pleasantly surprised if you include additional or new information in your essay or use it in a test.
    • Chances are, in order to succeed in school, you will need to reduce the amount of time you spend on entertainment. Excellent students know how to say: “No, today I can’t. I need to learn. " Someone will only laugh at you, but true friends will be able to understand you. Remember that too much fun is stressful and as a result, your grades get worse. It is very important to maintain a balance between study and personal life.
    • Reward yourself from time to time. If you get the highest grade, take a day off from your studies.
    • Try to read every night and ask yourself questions about what you read. This will help you understand if you need to work on understanding the texts.
    • Tidy up workplace... Everything should be neat and clean, and you should find the things you want with ease. You will not be able to concentrate in an unclean room, because you will be distracted all the time. Make sure you have everything you need to practice.
    • Set small goals for yourself. Your goals should help you develop until you start getting one A's. If you immediately decide that you only want fives, your goal will be unattainable, and you will have nothing to reward yourself for.


    • The wrong way of studying or neglecting to study can delay your future success. Sometimes it seems that everything is still ahead, but it is not.
    • If you are punished for bad marks, try to learn even better than in previous years. There is always room to grow further!
    • Don't hang out with people who are not serious about their education. Look for society smart people even if your friends laugh about it. These are your grades and your future. The harder you work now, the greater your success will be.

    You can study perfectly well and not sit at the same time constantly at textbooks, forgetting about everything else. There is always room for improvement, there is always room for improvement. Studying diligently will make you happy and content. If you get good grades, you will probably be able to get into a prestigious university. educational institution then you can find Good work... Great, isn't it? You just need to learn how to get good grades! Keep reading and you will learn how to be successful in school.

      Don't be limited to general information. You don't have to learn the bare facts. Because of this, people do not become smarter, and they do not learn to analyze. So if you really want to start learning from just A's, you have to keep asking why. Why the process goes like this and not otherwise, why this or that condition is necessary - understanding this will help to apply your knowledge in practice, including in situations that have not yet been understood in the lessons.

      Use the knowledge of other people. Not in the sense of "cheat", no! Ask for advice and tips from friends, adults, teachers, study how others solved this or that problem. Broaden your horizons and learning will be much easier for you.

      Do your best. It is important not only to memorize the material, but also to periodically return to what you have learned. This is necessary in order to refresh knowledge in the head, otherwise some of the material will simply be forgotten. So you can easily pass any test and pass any exam. If during an exam or test you come across a difficult question that you don't remember the answer to, don't worry. Write the question down on a separate sheet of paper, concentrate. After a while, you will definitely remember the answer to the question.

      Work hard in the classroom

      1. Be careful . You will be surprised when you find out how many new things you can remember if you just listen carefully. Be smarter: try to understand the subject, and not just mechanically write down the words of the teacher, and the study will be much easier.

        • If you are often distracted or find it difficult to maintain concentration, drink vitamins, eat properly, and, if necessary, take medication. And most importantly - come to the lessons with a thirst for knowledge!
      2. Ask questions. More precisely, ask the teacher questions about the case. Analyze what exactly you do not understand in the material, think about what exactly you need to clarify for yourself, and ask the appropriate question. But first analyze what you have learned before you think you misunderstood something. In order not to forget, write down the question on a piece of paper, go to the teacher and ask when he can help you deal with what you do not understand.

        • Feel free to ask questions! Nobody can know everything in the world, and there is nothing wrong with not understanding something. We all have to learn something. Your teacher, for example, knows this very well and will be happy to help.
      3. Check out the curriculum outline. In Russian realities, it is enough to flip through the textbook for this. By the way, it will be useful just like that, within the framework of general development.

        • This is especially evident in the example of history textbooks, where, after analyzing one era and / or event, the next era is analyzed, which is associated with the studied period. Analyze this connection and learn to work better with information.
      4. Take notes. Do not mindlessly write everything down under the teacher's dictation. Take notes, write down the most important things schematically, and then supplement the diagram with details and examples. At the end, you can briefly summarize everything you learned in the lesson - it will be useful to you in the future.

        • If you are ahead of the curve school curriculum, then write down what you do not understand and then ask the teacher the appropriate question.
      5. Don't miss classes. If you were sick, ask your teacher or classmates what was passed without you, and study this topic.

        Discuss your grades with teachers. Ask what the teacher thinks about the quality of your work and why he gave you one grade or another. Work on the topics you need to pull up and get ready to follow through Additional tasks if they can be used to improve the grade in the subject.

        Work hard at home

        1. Do your homework. This is an obligatory and important point. Sometimes teachers don't check homework, but in this case you should motivate yourself to do it. The deeper you go into the subject, the better. Homework is designed to help you reinforce what you have learned. If nothing was asked at home, then read the textbook.

          • Homework grades affect academic performance in the same way as classroom performance.
        2. Practice a little every day. This way the material you have passed will be better remembered, and no unexpected test or control will catch you by surprise.

          Read the textbook ahead of time (except in those rare cases when the teacher specifically asks you not to do so). This will help you prioritize which topics can be challenging.

          Don't put it off until later. Do not put off your homework until the night: of course, if you need to urgently turn in an assignment, you should work on it late, but let this be an extreme case, and not the usual state of affairs. Usually, try to do the following. If the assignment is due in two weeks, in the first week, make a plan and write down the main points. On the weekend, put your notes together to get a finished draft, and in the second week, just revise it if necessary, edit it and print it. Do not forget to submit your work on time; if you are given time before some date, turn it in a day earlier to show your diligence and give the teacher more time to check.

          • Starting a project or other large assignment ahead of time will give you time to ask your teacher questions, clarifications, or advice. If you follow the teacher's advice in those moments that caused you difficulties or doubts, you will surely score higher.
        3. Try to explain the material to someone. Find a quiet, peaceful place (this could very well be your room) and pretend that you are a teacher explaining a subject to a student. it good way to determine how well you understand the material, and also to assimilate what was understood even better. If a classmate asks you to help him understand a topic, or it is generally accepted by you that strong students "pull up" the laggards, use this.

          Do your homework in a designated area. You need a table, a minimum of irritants, and an understanding that learning is a habit. Accordingly, it is quite possible to train your brain to give all the best it is here and at this particular time. All of these will help you to excel academically.

          If you have time, read additional material. It doesn't matter whether on the Internet or in the library - read books about what you teach. The more you learn, the better your grades will be.

          Consider hiring a tutor. If possible, why not? Remember, there is nothing wrong with asking for help, and it can have a positive effect on your grades.

    Transfer of students from primary school the average is fairly considered a difficult period. The emergence of a large number of new teachers creates a lot of difficulties, since each of them has their own requirements for students. In middle school training program it becomes more difficult, new items appear and, accordingly, the volume of homework increases. You will have to do assignments in several subjects every day. Also, be prepared for long-term projects like presentations or abstracts. All this will take you a lot of time, for example, several days or even weeks. However, if you control the learning process, break down large assignments into smaller ones, and ask for help when needed, your academic performance will remain high.


    Part 1

    Get organized

      Use a diary. Get a planner that you can use all year round. Write down everything that you need to do during the day in it. You can divide it into several parts by writing separately school assignments and chores that need to be done around the house. Also, write down important dates, such as birthdays of friends and loved ones, holidays, and school events. If you don't have a planner, get one.

      • Be sure to write down your homework after each lesson.
      • Write down all events related to your social life in your diary! Thanks to this, you will not miss school New Year's Eve and will be able to complete your homework in advance.
      • Make a to-do list. After you complete what you planned, mark that the task is complete.
    1. Use a separate folder for each item. You can use a folder with several compartments, or have a separate small folder for each item. Store the material for each lesson in the space provided for it. Otherwise, you may lose something important.

      • Select the binder folder for the files. If you accidentally drop the folder, you will not lose your documents, as they will remain in the files.
      • If you have a habit of stuffing folders with different papers, use a plastic folder with several compartments. This will keep your documents in order and you won't have to waste time arranging them.
    2. Take all the supplies you need. In high school, you will have new subjects and will have to bring more textbooks with you. In addition, classes are likely to be held in different rooms, so remind yourself each morning of what supplies you need to bring. Check your backpack to see if you have taken all the necessary accessories.

      Organize your folders, backpack, and desk regularly. Go through your documents once or twice a week and remove those you no longer need. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to find what you really need. Do not throw away the sheets with assignments that you still need to complete or turn in.

      • If you are not sure if you need a specific assignment sheet, you can ask your teacher.

      Part 2

      Participate in the lesson
      1. Meet all the teachers. In elementary school, you most likely had only one teacher, and your teacher only had one class. In high school, you will have different teachers, and each of them will probably have at least 100 students. Your grades will be higher if you can find mutual language with every teacher.

        • Pay attention to the moments when teachers talk about themselves.
        • Entering the classroom, greet the teachers, while looking into their eyes (not intently, of course, but affably). Remember to say goodbye after class.
      2. Choose a seat at the beginning of the class. When choosing a seat, give preference to the first school desk in the middle row, as close to the teacher as possible. This is one of the proven ways to get high grades in the classroom.

        • You will hear and see the teacher better and will not miss anything in the lesson.
        • It will also make it easier for you to stay focused and avoid distractions.
      3. Participate in the discussion in the lesson. Ask questions. Also, answer the questions the teacher asks. Don't try to dominate the discussion, but try to speak when you have something to say. Listen to your classmates and respond politely if you disagree or want to add something.

        • By participating in the discussion, you can focus on the material. In addition, the teacher will see that you are attentive in the lesson.
        • Are you shy? Challenge yourself to answer at least once during the lesson! Believe it or not, very soon you will not only become a habit, but also start to like it.
      4. Take notes in the lesson. As you listen to your teacher, write down the main points. Always write the date at the top of the page. If you are discussing a specific text or chapter from a textbook, be sure to write it down.

        • Write down any questions that arise, find answers to them, and write them down as well.
        • If you have a question that you cannot answer, raise your hand and ask the teacher.
        • If your teacher is repeating a word or phrase, this is most likely important information to pay attention to. Be sure to write it down.
        • When taking notes, don't write too much. Otherwise, you may lose important information to remember.

        Part 3

        Make the learning process productive
        1. Determine your ideal homework schedule. Choose a study area and keep it clean. If you feel comfortable in your chosen location, your homework will be more enjoyable. Try to do your homework at the same time every day. For example, you can come home, rest for half an hour, and then start completing assignments. Choose the most convenient time to complete your homework. Experiment.

          • For example, imagine that you have come home from school and feel energized. Why not take up homework? This is the perfect time to study. Are you coming home and feeling very tired? Perhaps, in this case, it is better to rest, and then take up work. Evening time may be best for you.
        2. Share your work time at shorter intervals. It may not be difficult for you to stay focused for 45 minutes. Instead of trying to get all the work done in one go, take 15 minute breaks every 45 minutes. Try not to get distracted while studying. If you feel that your thoughts are wandering and you are losing attention, tell yourself sternly, "Wait until the break!"

          • Make sure to take breaks, even if you haven't finished all the work you plan to do.
          • Get up from your seat and walk around during your break.
        3. Study the material in parts. If you have a lot of information to learn, break it down into several parts. For example, if you need to learn 20 new German words, split the list into several parts. Learn a few words at a time.

          • If you need to prepare for an exam or important test, break the material into several parts and create a timetable. Set aside 20–45 minutes daily for several weeks.
          • Never cram material before an exam or test work! This is a time for a good rest, but not for cramming.
        4. Remember to do long-term assignments. Unlike elementary school, in high school you will have tasks that take a long time to complete. In addition, from time to time you will have control and independent work, the results of which will be reflected in your grade in the subject. Mark in your diary what projects and tasks you need to complete and in what time frame. Also, write down what you need to do each day to complete assignments on time.

          • For example, if you need to write an abstract, you may need to spend one day in the library to gather the information you need, devote the next day to writing a plan, and then spend one to two hours every day for the remainder of the week writing draft and final drafts.

        Part 4

        Take care of yourself
        1. Seek help if you do not understand the material. If you can't do your homework because you don't understand the material, ask your parents to hire a tutor or explain difficult information to you. Most high school students need help with their homework. If you do not fully understand the topic that the teacher was explaining during the lesson, approach him at recess and ask questions. If you are faced with ridicule or aggressive behavior on the part of the students, inform the teacher or principal.

          • If you feel like you’re not doing well and are feeling depressed, tell your parents or talk to a school counselor. You will feel better!
          • Studying in high school is a difficult period that is associated with great changes. Seek help to get through this difficult phase in your life.
        2. Make friends with new boys and girls. Strange advice ?! Not really. Friends can positively influence your grades. Feeling lonely at school will make it difficult to focus on your studies and negatively affect your grades. The number of friends does not matter - the main thing is that you feel comfortable and pleasant with these people.

          • Go to clubs and clubs that suit your interests. You will have the opportunity to meet people with similar interests.
          • Chat with classmates who are sitting next to you. Do it during recess.
          • If you treat your classmates well, but at the same time consider your interests, you are more likely to find friends who appreciate you.
        3. Make sure you have a good night's rest. You need to get a minimum of 9 hours of sleep every night. However, it is best if you sleep for 11 hours. Try to go to bed at the same time every night. Your room should be comfortable and dark enough. Do not use electronic devices before bed. The screens of smartphones and other electronic devices emit blue light, which interferes with a quality night's rest.

    Grade management starts with ... recognizing and recording them! Yes, yes, at the end of the diary, each of our future medal winners had a lined sheet of drawing paper. On the left, in a column with a pen, the items were written in the same order as in the report card in the diary. And on the right - empty lines, where they already put all, all their marks, which appeared in cool magazine after lessons, control, independent, essays and dictations. The trick was to be sure to transfer all the grades for each subject to your piece of paper.

    With some teachers it was easy: everything in the diary is in the journal. Some had to be approached from time to time and asked:

    And tell me, please, what are my grades there?

    Nobody usually refused, because the desire to keep abreast of their own progress is always commendable. And you could also quietly observe at the break from behind the teacher's shoulder, what was there opposite your name when she was filling out the magazine.

    Photo source:

    Around the middle of the quarter, the general picture began to emerge.

    1. If the subject was, for example, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, it was clear that the assessment there was controversial, unstable. And the teacher will ask and ask me! Therefore, it was in my interests to devote a little more time to this subject at home or to actively raise my hand in class if they call at will, and not according to the magazine. But in order for me to have something to say, I needed a little more time to prepare.

    To be honest, I have never prepared oral subjects at home. I quickly ran my eyes at recess and even in class, if they called someone before me. This was enough for me! But if we were talking about a quarter grade, then the principle of "at home - only written assignments" could and should have been abandoned. Just 15 minutes, plus, as usual, in class at recess, and the answer is brilliant!

    2. If my piece of paper contains 4, 4, 4, 4, then, alas, I have nothing to catch in this quarter. You need to make an effort on yourself in the next one. But do not relax completely! Continue to "learn everything", but as if "without fanaticism", you can "gloss". However, one or two excellent marks still do not hurt, of course! Because for a teacher it is a “statement for the future”, a signal that “good” may very well one day turn into “excellent”.

    Photo source:

    Yes Yes! The teacher is a living person, not a machine, remember this! He also needs time to get used to the idea that he will eventually have another excellent student in this subject. An excellent student cannot come out of nowhere, out of thin air! The transformation process is gradual.

    Those. Ideally, for such a "deaf" subject, I need to have something like: 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5. If the last mark is excellent - perfect!

    3. Another interesting configuration of grades, which must be mentioned.... Imagine two subjects, each, for example, happens once a week. Three marks were given for one subject, and only one for the other, which happens with the same frequency.

    What does this mean? That today I will start preparing my homework with him! Because they will definitely call you in the very near future! And the subject with three grades, I can still cook without resting. I will spend the saved time and energy on the lesson, according to which they will most likely be called tomorrow.

    Improving the annual estimate

    Well, here are the quarter marks. What's next? And then, in a magic piece of paper opposite each item, I give a grade for the first quarter with a pen, and I erase all current grades, making room for new ones. That is why, by the way, a piece of paper should be made of some kind of thick paper so that it can withstand repeated erasures. In the new quarter, I use the same principles as before. But now I have an additional "hard" benchmark: the first grade in the report card, affecting the annual.

    If there is 5, then you can relax a little so that in the current academic performance approximately the following picture is drawn: 5, 4, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5. That is, 5 should prevail and especially towards the end. If 4, then it is advisable to dilute their "boring monotony" with excellent grades to such a state that one day there will be more than half of them! And by the filling of the lines, I almost certainly now know when they will call me!

    Photo source:

    "If I knew the buy-in, I would live in Sochi ..."

    The ultimate goal is to hit the excellent annual mark, you know.

    In what cases is this possible, if not in all quarters the highest score? 1. If "learning" is clearly visible, i.e. “It was and is now”: 4, 4, 5, 5. Everything started in an average way, but then it is clear from the estimates that “the student took up his mind”. Annual - 5

    2. If the academic performance is average, but the last grade is "excellent": 4, 5, 4, 5. Annual - 5. Note, if the order of grades is different, then "learning", on the contrary, leaves much to be desired: 5, 4 , 5, 4. Although the GPA is the same! And even if in the third quarter, the longest and most difficult 5, but the overall picture still comes out 4.

    3. An interesting case when 4, 4, 4, 5. You can grab 5 in a year! If ... More on that later in detail.

    4. Configuration: 5, 5, 4, 5 - this is also, most likely, an annual 5. Although, as you can see, for the third quarter 4.

    In a word, just keep in mind that you can be a round A student on an annual grades, but an eternal good one on a quarter.

    The described system worked in high school during the Soviet Union, hence the 5-point system.

    Photo source:

    The main thing is to understand the principle itself.

    And it should also be noted that in modern world there are specific rules for giving marks. They are, in general, much softer than those that I had to grope for by trial when I was in school. All teachers know about these norms, but sometimes they are brought down.

    Therefore, if you begin to manage your grades according to the principles described here, they will definitely not get worse. According to the given scheme, you can increase your academic performance by about 1 point per year (according to a 5-point system): from a good student to an excellent student, or from a C grade student to a good student. The result will be visible only at the end of the year. And it will be a pleasant surprise for everyone, both parents and teachers.

    Changes in academic performance are insignificant! It's all about the order in which the grades are received. And the fact that now the student almost certainly knows whether he will be asked tomorrow or not. But how to dispose of this knowledge - it is up to him to decide.

    Natalia Tereshchenko

    Do your kids control their grades in school?