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  • RESTACH OGE DATE. Below is a list of additional materials allowed.

    RESTACH OGE DATE. Below is a list of additional materials allowed.

    Academic year It has already begun, which means that for students of the 9th and 11th grades, the moment came to seriously think about the upcoming exams. After serious innovations that the graduates of last year had to face, the teachers and future applicants are trying not to miss important news about the upcoming OGE and GIA. Rosobrnadzor has already presented a schedule draft exam exams And OGE for 2018 and we suggest familiarizing yourself with the most likely trial schedule for students of the 9th and 11th grade.

    The final essay is the first test for graduates who dreams of successfully join the university on the budget form of training. As with the passage of the main objects of GIA, in 2018, students will have the opportunity to revoke an essay if the first attempt turns out to be unsuccessful, because Rosobrnadzor has included three official dates in the draft schedule:

    • December 6, 2017;
    • February 7, 2018;
    • May 16, 2018

    Particular attention to the preparations of it is worth paying for those who plan to enter into humanitarian specialties and take the subject of "literature". For more information about what innovations are possible, how will the exam take place and how it will be prepared for it, you can read in the materials of our site.

    Calendar EGE for 11 classes in 2018

    As before, the disciples will take exams in three stages:

    1. early;
    2. main;
    3. additional.

    Starting Period EGE 2018

    Graduates of past years, as well as students of 11 classes, which, by a significant reason (documented), will not be able to attend the main session of the EGE, are entitled to early passing the exam.

    The official draft schedule for GIA for 2018 suggests such deadlines for early stages:

    Day of the week

    geography, informatics

    russian language

    history, chemistry

    mathematics (base and profile)


    foreign languages (written part), biology, physics

    social Studies, Literature

    Reserve days

    geography, chemistry, informatics, foreign languages \u200b\u200b(oral part), history


    foreign languages, literature, physics, social studies, biology

    russian language, mathematics base and profile

    Pay attention to the fact that to participate in the early session it is necessary to apply for the name of the School Director until March 1!

    Main session EGE 2018

    Most graduates of 11 classes and future applicants wishing to pass certification to submit documents to the universities of the Russian Federation can focus on the dates of the main session.

    Day of the week


    geography, informatics

    mathematics (base level)

    mathematics (profile level)


    chemistry, History

    russian language

    foreign languages \u200b\u200b(oral)

    foreign languages \u200b\u200b(oral)

    social science


    biology, foreign languages

    literature, physics

    Reserve days

    geography, informatics


    mathematics (basic and profile)

    russian language

    history, Chemistry, Biology, Foreign Languages

    literature, Physics, Review

    foreign languages \u200b\u200b(oral)


    all things

    Additional period (Removing the USE) in 2018

    Autumn relief is the last chance to get a certificate and enter the university at least for the contract form. Some universities prolong the set in the specialties that are not very popular with applicants, which makes it possible to become a student even after autumn relief. Read more about the right to read in the appropriate article on the pages of our information portal.

    The approved draft schedule from Rosobrnadzor gives Gia in 2018 the last chance in such numbers:

    Day of the week

    russian language

    mathematics (base level)

    Backup day

    mathematics (basic level), Russian

    Calendar OGE for 9 classes in 2018

    In comparison with the exams calendar for 11 classes, nine-graders have been given more days for the September relief. Yes, and the circle of objects that can be reused is significantly wider.

    Dates for early arrival of OGE in 2018

    The proposed draft schedule confirms that students of the 9th grade, eligible for early surrender, will be able to pass OGE in March 2018. Approved such dates of the preliminary session:

    Day of the week



    russian language

    foreign languages

    Reserve days



    history, Biology, Physics, Geography

    russian language


    informatics, social science, chemistry, literature

    foreign languages

    As well as graduates of 11 classes, nine-graders will need to collect required documentsconfirming the need to transfer the exam. We recommend contacting this question to the director. educational institution Back in February and to figure out all the important nuances.

    The main stage of OGE 2018

    For the bulk of graduates high School Exams will begin on May 25 with foreign language tests. Rosobrnadzor offers such a project of the main schedule for OGE for 2018:

    Day of the week

    foreign languages

    foreign languages

    russian language

    history, Biology, Physics, Geography

    physics, computer science


    Reserve days


    history, Biology, Physics, Geography

    russian language

    foreign languages


    social Studies, Chemistry, Informatics, Literature

    all things

    September Retreat of 2018

    The September session will give a chance to those who will not be able to pass the exam in the main period due to illness or will receive unsatisfactory evaluations. These dates will also be relevant for those whose result will be canceled for reasons, independent of them.

    Day of the week

    russian language



    history, Biology, Physics, Geography

    social Studies, Chemistry, Informatics, Literature

    foreign languages

    Reserve days


    russian language

    history, Biology, Physics, Geography


    social Studies, Chemistry, Informatics, Literature

    foreign languages

    More information about what the discretions on OGE expects in 2018, read in the innovations of the upcoming academic year.

    OGE exams, like EGE, in some cases it can be rented, such a procedure is directly provided for by the rules for holding total certification.

    Of course, the relief is possible only in certain cases listed in the rules, and only in certain dates. Retreat of OGE in 2018 for students of 9 classes - in what cases can be revised by OGE when re-delivery of final exams is possible.

    The main thing is that some nine-graders are afraid - this is what they will not be able to hand over all the OGE exams on a positive score, the Ros Register has become known. Someone is simply unnecessarily worried, someone is almost confident in a hopeless exam that has already completed, waiting for his results. One way or another, but it is from this popular option and it is worth starting.

    In Russia, graduates of the ninth grades are required to pass four exams in order to get a school graduation certificate. Two of them are Russian and mathematics, mandatory for every graduate. Two more exams can be passed on any other subjects, to choose the schoolboy himself.

    Nevertheless, despite the fact that two exams are formally compulsory, all four are not necessarily obligatory.

    A graduate of the ninth grade will not be able to receive an education certificate, if you do not pass four final exams at least a triple. This nine-graders differ from graduates of eleventh grades, which only mathematics and Russian languages \u200b\u200bare enough to obtain a school certificate. All other exams they pass exclusively for admission to universities.

    Oge in 2018 will be possible only for those graduates, which of the four necessary exams "will drive" one or two. If the schoolboy did not cope with three, and even with four exams immediately, nothing can be done - he will have to go to school for another year and prepare for OGE for 2019.

    So, those graduates of grades may be allowed to relocate, which in 2018 will not be able to get a satisfactory score for one or two OGE.

    In addition to this category of schoolchildren, there are several more categories of nine-graders who have the right to negate OGE to backup dates. The general meaning in this case is reduced to the fact that these are those schoolchildren who were not able to pass exams for basic dates for valid reasons. For example:

    • if the student was not present on the exam for a good reason, which he can confirm the document (illness or the operation of the schoolchild himself, the death of a relative, etc.),
    • if the student came to the exam, but did not complete him for valid reasons (for example, it became bad with health),
    • if the exam did not take place because of some force majeure (flood, hurricane, etc.),
    • if the schoolboy filed an appeal against the violation of the order of the exam, and its commission satisfied.

    The mining period of the OGE in 2018 is completed on June 9, the social studies exam. Checking any of the exams takes a maximum of 10 days, so by June 19 graduates 9 classes will know the results of all surcharges.

    For those who "overwhelmed" some of the OGE either did not give up exams in the short period of valid reasons, a wave of relocation will be organized, which will begin on June 20.

    Schedule Rezopach OGE in June-July 2018:

    • June 20 - Russian;
    • June 21th, mathematics;
    • June 22- Social Studies, Biology, Computer Science and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Literature;
    • June 23- foreign languages \u200b\u200b(English, French, German, Spanish);
    • June 25 - History, Chemistry, Physics, Geography;
    • June 28 - all educational items;
    • June 29 - all educational items.

    In September there will be another additional opportunity on the following days:

    • September 4 - Russian;
    • September 7 - Mathematics;
    • September 10 - history, biology, physics, geography;
    • September 12 - Social Studies, Chemistry, Informatics and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Literature;
    • September 14 - foreign languages \u200b\u200b(English, French, German, Spanish).

    In case the graduate should be rented in September two exams, and they fall for one day, the backup dates are also planned for the September relief.

    On June 6, 2017, Russian nine-graders will write an important mandatory exam - OGE in mathematics. Strictly speaking, testing schoolchildren is called GIA, but it is carried out in two formats: the main state exam (OGE) and public graduation exam (for children with limited features Health, abbreviated HBE).

    Articles on responses to other subjects:

    • Answers to OGE in English (26 and 27 May 2017)
    • Answers to OGE in Spanish (26 and 27 May 2017)
    • Answers to OGE in French (26 and 27 May 2017)
    • Answers to OGE in German (26 and 27 May 2017)
    • Answers to OGE in Russian (May 30, 2017)
    • Answers to OGE on history (June 1, 2017)
    • Answers to OGE on biology (June 1, 2017)
    • Answers to OGE in literature (June 1, 2017)
    • Answers to OGE in physics (1 and 3 June 2017)
    • Answers to OGE on computer science (3 and 8 June 2017)
    • Answers to OGE in social science (June 8, 2017)
    • Answers to OGE in Chemistry (June 8, 2017)
    • Answers to OGE in geography (June 8, 2017)

    Changes in OGE 2017 in mathematics

    There were no significant changes to OGE 2017 in mathematics. But this does not mean at all that it should be relying on the advice of those who have already passed OGE, and try to find on the China 2016 network. Every year there are no duplicate questions on the exam, because a whole group of highly qualified experts works on the tasks to GIA.

    OGE exam in mathematics consists of two parts. The first is aimed at checking the achievement of the level of basic training, the second to identify possession of the material at higher levels necessary for admission to technical universities. The first part of the OGE consists of three modules - "Algebra", "Geometry" and "Real Mathematics". The second level of the exam is testing under the sections "Algebra" and "Geometry".

    In the first part of the OGE The simplest questions are provided in mathematics: the choice of one or more options for answering from the proposed, tasks with a brief response and assignment tasks.

    In the module "Algebra" OGE in mathematics contains tasks for arithmetic, algebraic expressions and their transformations, equations and inequalities, functions and graphs, numerical sequences.

    In the "Geometry" module OGE in mathematics - geometric shapes and their properties, measurement geometric figuresCoordinates, vectors.

    The second part of the fire Mathematics needed to share schoolchildren with a good level of knowledge on training levels. In these tasks, it is necessary to show on the Blanche of OGE all the moves of solving problems located ascending difficulty.

    Answers to OGE 2017 in mathematics

    If you score in the search engine "Answers to OGE on June 6, 2016", then many sites or pages in social networks will appear, allegedly with the original kimami 2017. All you need to do is to list the fraudsters a certain amount, and then, perhaps, you will become the owner of answers to the examination tasks of OGE (EGE) in mathematics and go to the university dreams ...

    Already presented a happy moment of receipt? Early rejoice. Hundreds of swells are made on dishonest graduates, simply earn money in this way. It is unlikely that you will find something at all after paying for "real answers to OGE GIA on June 6, 2017." Maximum - official demonstration option Kima 2017 or typical examination OGE.

    Download the key to solving all tests right now!

    The official schedule of OGE 2020 define the joint orders of the Ministry of Summary of Russia and Rosobrnadzor registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia.

    OGE 2020 schedule - the main period

    May 29 (Friday) - social studies, computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT), geography, chemistry;

    June 5 (Friday) - Literature, Physics, Computer Science and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Geography, Foreign Languages \u200b\u200b(English, French, German, Spanish);

    Graduates 9 classes should pass exams in four subjects: two mandatory (Russian languages \u200b\u200band mathematics) and two options for choosing. Retreat with an unsatisfactory result is also possible in reserve days and in September dates.

    Reserve days (the main period)

    In case the graduates for any good reason could not attend the exams in the dates of the main wave, then for them there are backup days. For example, if the 9-grader because of the disease did not write OGE in mathematics on June 9, he will take it later - June 24, in a reserve day.

    June 20 (Saturday)

    June 23 (Tuesday) - in all educational subjects (except for Russian language and mathematics);

    OGE for graduates 9 classes will be held in three stages: early (from April 21 to May 16), the main (from May 22 to June 30) and the additional (from September 4 to September 18).

    OGE 2020 Schedule - Starting Period

    In the early period, graduates 9 classes can take exams only in case that there are good reasons confirmed by documented. In particular, these reasons may be a disease, the need to pass the rehabilitation course in the main and additional period of OGE, moving the family to the permanent place of residence to another country and other exceptional cases. Also, those who received unsatisfactory results of OGE last year can be admitted to the exams in the start period.

    April 27 (Monday) - Informatics and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Social Studies, Chemistry, Literature;

    May 6 (Wednesday) - History, Biology, Physics, Geography, Foreign Languages \u200b\u200b(English, French, German, Spanish);

    Reserve days

    May 13 (Wednesday) - Informatics and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), social studies, chemistry, literature;

    May 14 (Thursday) - History, Biology, Physics, Geography, Foreign Languages \u200b\u200b(English, French, German, Spanish);

    Schedule OGE 2020 - (September deadlines)

    In an additional period, OGE give graduates who received unsatisfactory results by more than 2 to educational items, or re-noted one or two subjects in the reserve deadlines.

    September 11 (Friday) - Social Studies, Chemistry, Informatics and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Literature, Foreign Languages \u200b\u200b(English, French, German, Spanish).

    Reserve days

    September 16 (Wednesday) - for all educational subjects (with the exception of Russian and mathematics);

    September 17 (Thursday) - for all educational subjects (with the exception of Russian and mathematics);