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  • Engineer refrigerated cryogenic technique. E4 - refrigeration and cryogenic technique, air conditioning and livelihood systems

    Engineer refrigerated cryogenic technique. E4 - refrigeration and cryogenic technique, air conditioning and livelihood systems

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    In 2017, the Department of E4 holds a set
    - in the specialty 16.05.01 " Special systems Life support ";
    - in the direction of training 16.03.03 "Refrigerated, cryogenic technique and life support systems" (bachelor);
    - on master's programs in the direction of training 16.04.03 "Refrigeration, cryogenic technique and life support systems":
    - "Refrigerating machinery and technology",
    - "Cryogenic technique and technology",
    - "Air conditioning systems",
    - "Regulation and automation of refrigeration and air conditioning systems",
    - "Life Support Systems".

    At the beginning of the 20th century, a practical interest in artificial cooling appears in Russia, and for the most far-sighted minds, the task of the need for the origin of the domestic refrigeration industry is clarified. At the II International Congress on the cold, held in Vienna in 1910 with the participation of Russia, it was decided to prepare engineers for refrigerators.

    The first lectures on refrigeration machines were read in CMT in 1910 by Professor I. I. Kupavsky. In 1912, V. E. Kydzik, a graduate CMT, headed to Germany to study foreign experience in this area. Upon returning to Russia (1913-1914), he organizes the HTU refrigerator laboratory. At the beginning of 1920, V. E. Kydzik organizes the Department of Refrigeration Machines, receives the title of professor on this department and becomes its head. From this year, the time of activity of the department of refrigeration and cryogenic equipment is counted. From the very beginning of work, the department has developed rapidly. In 1933 S. Ya. Gersh began to read in MWU completely new at that time the course "Deep cooling". The first release of engineers for this specialization took place in 1934.

    Before Great Patriotic War S. Ya. Gersh engaged in the organization in MWU of the Laboratory of Deep Cold, which was able to form in the most difficult Day for the country. S. Ya. Gersha can rightly be considered the creator in MWU first in our country of the university school of cryogeakers.

    In 1944, N. A. Dollasov was organized by a new compressor-building specialization and the department began to be called "refrigeration and compressor machines and installations" (HKM). The Department began working out the outstanding constructor and teacher V. A. Rumyantsev.

    In 1957, at the initiative of Professor A. D. Susslov, a specialization in air conditioning was created, and a slightly later - on microcryogenic technology and life support systems (Professor G. I. Voronin). G. I. Voronin worked as the chief designer NPO "Science" and the head of the department in 1963-1987.

    The department is trained by disciplines by themes: " Scientific basis Specialties "," Volume compressor expansion machines "," Low-temperature turbomachines "," Theoretical Fundamentals of Refrigeration Technology "," Basics of the Theory of Air Conditioning "," Cryogenic Systems "," System of Validation and Gas Separation "," Theory and Calculation of Cryogenic Systems Cycles " , "Heat and mass transfer devices", "Cryogenic installations", "superconducting devices", etc.

    In the number of enterprises in which students of the Department are practicing and internships include: OJSC ICD "Torch" (Khimki), OJSC OJSC "MOSCOW" (Moscow), NPO "Science" (Moscow), OJSC NPO "Kryogenmash "(Balashikha), Arsenal- Climate LLC (Moscow), Institute of Mechanics (Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov), Institute of Physical Problems. P. L. Kapitsy (Moscow).

    Students E4 are actively engaged in research work, among topics of research the most interesting "entropy analysis of low-temperature installations", "rare gases" systems, " Modern systems Air conditioning "," Study of processes in promising areas of cryogenic technology "," low-temperature technologies for ecology "," ozone-safe refrigerants "," Special Life Support Systems "," Creemic Tool "," Refrigerating Technologies for Storage and Processing Food Products "," Modeling of heat and mass exchange processes in low-temperature installations, "etc.

    Our graduates are employees of leading firms in their industries:

    • Ventilation and air conditioning: (NGO "Science", Ciat, Daichi, Procter & Gamble, Lanta-Vent);
    • Cryogenic technique: (Kryogenmash OJSC, NGO "Science", Heliyimash NGO, Redmountain Energy, GUZ "BSK DRC", Alba Consortium, Cryotreed, Fermilab (Fermilab), Linde, Air Liquide);
    • Refrigeration equipment: (OJSC "Kholmash", "Johnsoncontrols", Aurora-Service (Weiss Umwelttechnik GmbH), GNU Vnichi. Rossel Chojakademia (ColdtachServis), CJSC "Ostrov-Kit", "Kerrier Rifrgereishn", OOO "Oleksholdingm", NGO "Science" ", Grasso).

    Research and development work is currently underway: "Development of scientific methods and technology for producing isotopes of inert gases in order to create their industrial production for new generation biomarkers" (project of the Skolkovo Foundation); "Intensification of heat and mass transfer processes in cryogenic separation devices by applying the contact surfaces of a new generation" (Sultzer Cemtech); "Development and creation of methods for entropy-statistical analysis of natural gas residence establishments"; "Microcryogenic gas machines"; "Fundamental studies of niobium thermal conductivity anomalies at temperatures below 2k".

    Department of E-4 "Refrigerated, Cryogenic Technique, Air Conditioning and Life Support Systems" - 90 years!

    In Russia until 1917, refrigeration engineering was developed very weakly. There were only two small refrigeration plant plants - one in Rive (now Tallinn), the other in St. Petersburg. Nevertheless, providing the prospects for the development of low-temperature equipment, already since 1910, the professor I.I. Kupavsky read courses on refrigeration machines, and by 1914, at the initiative of Professor Vladimir Evgenievich, Kyjik was built and equipped with the first refrigeration laboratory in Russia. The first beginning began world War Developed the development of this specialty, and only in 1920 the first department of the Department of Refrigerated Machines was created, which was headed by Professor V.E. Tsyjik - graduate CMT 1911.

    He headed the department for 38 years to his death and did a lot for the development of a scientific school in the field of refrigeration engineering.

    The number of the first graduates of the department of refrigeration machines in the 1920s and in the early 1930s was small, but since 1934 the number of graduates began to grow rapidly, and 208 young engineers received diplomas for the pre-war years. It was graduates of the Department of those years that had to solve the difficult tasks of the formation and development of refrigeration, and then cryogenic engineering in our country.

    Thanks to a good general engineering and special training Graduates of the department quickly gained in complex production conditions, introducing in them the spirit of innovation, and put forward leadership posts. Thus, graduates of the department invariably became the main designers of the plant "Compressor" since 1930. Almost all of the leadership of Vniaicholodmash since his organization also consisted of graduates of MVTU. AD Bauman: This is the director institute Dr. tehn Sciences A.V. Best, Candidates of Technical Sciences IK Savitsky and O.M. Tagantev; Deputy Directors

    Founder of the Department of Refrigeration Machines and its head in 1920-1958. - Professor V.E. Tsyjik (1886-1958)

    ra Doctor of Technical Sciences I.M. Kalnin and A.S. Need; A number of chiefs of departments, laboratories. At the same plant for 60 years, the dynasty of sudart - graduates of the Department of Refrigerated Machines worked. Among the pupils of the department were well-known specialists: Professor A.N. Vernikov, E. B.Ioelson; Directors of Vnichi Sh.N. Kobulashvili, R.V. Pavlov; Deputy. Director E.M. Agarev; Director of a number of factories, and then head of the Department of State of the USSR V.D. Manin; The main designers of the plant "Compressor" M.G. Shoteleysky, bp Strauterian, Yu.A. Shaposhnikov, V.N. Gallery; chief Engineer The same plant G.D. Kirosno; Chief Engineer of the Operation Service of the KM gas pipeline Sulichenko and others.

    Since 1925, the production of refrigeration machines began at the Compressor Plant. At first they were made on foreign licenses, and then, with the arrival of the factory in 1930-1932. Group graduates of the department, the release of domestic refrigeration compressors and apparatus of progressive types was established. At the initiative of Professor V.E. Kyjika was decided to start the design of domestic direct-flow compressors. Young designers V.P. Barmin I.

    A.A. Gogolin developed the first Soviet refrigeration compressor VP-230, since 1932 the plant began his serial release. At the same time, Baumansa B.S. was made to the design of compressors. Vainberg and I.V. Machinskaya (Likharov).

    From the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War, graduates of the department together with other engineers under the leadership of the chief designer of the plant, also a graduate of MWU, Vladimir Pavlovich Barmina (later academician, the legendary constructor of ground-based rocket and space complexes) Participated in the design, creating and improving weapons of our victory - famous reactive installations called "Katyusha".

    In the first years of the existence of the refrigerator laboratory, it has been studied in the thermophysical properties of insulating materials and devices for measuring the flow of ammonia (head

    B.E. Kyjik). Later, an element capacitor was tested, the effect of cooling on the operation of the ammonia compressor was studied. According to the task of the industry, studies were conducted by an ammonia vertical compressor with refrigerant refrigerant and vertically pipe evaporator two-stage ammonia compressor, small ammonia and freon compressors and small refrigeration machines. Developed by the staff of the department of refrigeration machines (the first - in 1933 under the leadership of Professor V.E. Tsyjik, the second - in the first post-war years under the leadership of Professor V.E. Tsyjik and V.P. Barmina) oriented our industry

    for the development, release and introduction of the most progressive refrigeration compressors and devices.

    In 1937, a group of specialists led by V.E. The "Rules of Refrigeration Machine Testing Rules", which prescribed a uniform methodology for the study of refrigeration machines and devices. Essential importance for the preparation of engineering personnel was the publication of fundamental textbooks on refrigeration machines (V.E. Tsyjik "Refrigerators and apparatus" (Part 1, 1932, Part 2. 1934); V.E.TSydzik, V. P. Barmin, B.S.Vynberg "Refrigerating Machines and Apparatuses" (1946)).

    During the Great Patriotic War at the Department, under the guidance of Professor S. Ya. Rusha, a project for the reconstruction of the absorption refrigeration unit for one of the plants in Izhevsk was developed, where at that time the school was evacuated, as well as a refrigeration project with nitrogen cooling (liquid) for testing Aviation devices. IN post-war In the refrigeration laboratory, the department continued to study small freon compressors and the study of the cyclic work of small refrigeration machines. In the late 1950s, under the leadership of Professor F. M. Chistaskova, several projects of refrigeration plants were developed for the defense industry, including one with air, and the other with the freon turbock-pressor refrigeration machine.

    Teachers of the department have always been closely related to industrial organizations. So, V.E.Stzik for many years was a consultant of the compressor plant and VNIIHOLOD, led the All-Union Research Technical Society of Refrigerators, Associate Professor Victor Aleksandrovich Rumyantsev was the chief designer NIIHIMMASH and a developer of a number of compressors, produced serialo, Associate Professor Boris Samoel-HIV Waynberg actively collaborated with the CCR of refrigeration engineering (now Vnikiholodmash) and participated in the development of piston compressors on new gradations and refrigeration devices.

    In 1960, his book "Piston Compressors of Refrigeration Machines" was published, which, thanks to its scientific and practical

    Professor S.Ya. Gersh (18881958). Laureate of the Stalinist Prize, the founder of specialization in deep cold (cryogenic)

    the meaning was reprinted in 1965. In 1950, the book A.E. Plotnikova and F. M. Chistakov "Refrigerated Turboagnets", which contains innovative ideas on turbo-roll machines. But for a number of reasons, only eight years later, a group for the development of refrigeration machines with centrifugal compressors was created from graduates of the department of refrigeration engineering.

    Fedor Makarovich cleaner read for this group a special course of lectures on the calculation of refrigeration centrifugal compressors, participated in the design, and then in the tests of these machines at the Kazan compressor factory. In those years, the first gradation of turbochargers for work on freon was developed in the Commonwealth with MWU, in the creation of graduates of the department A.V. Bykov, I.M. Kulnin, B.L. Cyrus, s.g. Sokolov, A.S.Nujdin and others.

    Refrigeration turbines have been widely used in the chemical, oil refining and gas industry, in naval, as well as air conditioning; began to be used to prepare artificial Ice on rinks and for other purposes. In 1960, the monograph F. M. Tistyakov "Refrigerated turbophists" was published, in which the methods of calculating and designing these machines were presented, in 1967 the recycled publication of this book was published. The department was constantly expanding, replenished with new specialties and eventually turned into a largest school on refrigerator, cryogenic, compressor and vacuum engineering. In 1944, with the participation of Nikolai Antonovich Dollezhal (subsequently academician), specialization in compressor construction was organized, and the department itself was called "refrigeration and compressor machines". An outstanding designer and teacher Viktor Alexandrovich Rumyantsev moved to the department. Specialization has gained a significant role in the preparation of compressors. Them student Dr. tehn Nikolai Mikhailovich Samsonov for more than 20 years was the director of Nihimmash. In 1957, at the initiative of Alexander Dmitrievich Suslov (subsequently a professor), an air conditioning specialization was opened at the department, and later, on the initiative of Professor

    Professor F.M. Pistyakov (1912-1994). Founder of the direction of turbo throat machines and aggregates

    Professor A.G. Golitzov (1909-1962). Head of studies of workflows of piston workders, head. Department of E-4 in 1961-1962.

    Professor G.I.Voronin (1906-1987). Laureate of Lenin and Two State Prizes, Hero of Socialist Labor, Founder of Specializations on Life Support Systems and Microgenic Technique, Head. Department of E-4 in 1963-1987.

    Grigory Ivanovich Voronina, - specialization in microcryogenic techniques and life support systems.

    In 1961, during the reorganization of the Faculty of Power Engineering, the department, which issued 812 engineers by this time was divided into two: "Deep cooling and air conditioning" (Head - Professor Andrei Grigorievich Golovzhazov) and "Compresso Retreat and Vacuum Machines" (Head - Associate Professor Vladislav Diomidovich Lubenets). After the death of A.G. From 1963 to the head of the head of the department From 1963 to 1987, Professor Grigory Ivanovich Voronin (1906-1987), who made a lot for her development. Currently, the department is called "refrigeration and cryogenic technique, air conditioning and livelihood systems" (Head of Professor A.M. Arkharov).

    At the department, work was carried out in the field of air conditioning and livelihoods on airport and spacecraft Under the guidance of an outstanding specialist in this area of \u200b\u200bProfessor G.I. Voronina. Simultaneously with the work at the department, he was the head of a large NGO "Science", which was engaged in the design, manufacture and testing of air conditioning facilities and providing livelihoods on airplanes and spacecraft. G.I. Voronin - author of many monographs, textbooks

    and textbooks, for example, "Basics of thermodynamics and heat transfer" (1958), "air conditioning on aircraft"," Aerodrome air conditioners "(1968)," Designing machines and aggregates of air conditioning systems "(1978)," Life support on aircraft "(1979), some of which are written in collaboration.

    Scientific activity G.I. Voronina was closely related to the development of domestic aviation, which immediately after the Great Patriotic War urged the creation of air conditioning systems on airplanes. G.I.Voronin offered air conditioning systems with an air intake from the engine compressor, which were fairly simple and reliable. This way of air conditioning, abroad called the "Russian way", in the future spread everywhere, and its development was a whole epoch.

    In the 1960s, NGO "Science" under the direction of G.I. Voronina became a head organization in the field of air conditioning and life support on aircraft. The company created the system as a whole, and the development of the team made it possible to unify system aggregates and reduce their number. G.I.Voronin was the initiator of numerous research and development work on improving the thermodynamic efficacy and operational qualities of units and air conditioning systems.

    G.I. Voronin made a huge contribution to the creation of cosmic livelihood systems, which solved not only technical, but also biomedical problems. All the first life support systems of spacecraft were developed directly under his leadership. The modular principle of the construction of systems proposed by them allowed us to systematize the results of scientific research and identify new directions for the development of livelihood systems. Medical, biological, ergonomic problems were so complicated that special teams were created to solve them.

    In MWU, G.I. Voronin was performed by improving not only the research base, but also the educational process. Stands for testing units were updated, universal stands for testing and finishing microcryagenic techniques were created. The unique stand for the study of bearings on gas lubrication was used both during research and development work and training laboratory classes. The training stands were carried out testing heat exchangers, fans, turbo hoordors. Demonstration stands of elements of air conditioning systems in airplanes and spacecraft have been created. With the help of a specialist

    Professor A.D. Suslov (1923-1994). Head of Scientific Research The Founder of Specialization in Condigrators in Cryogenic Tours of Tours, Deputy. head Department in 1962-1987

    the NPO NGOs "Science" was updated the laboratory parking lot, the laboratory hall was overlap, the first computers were purchased.

    G.I. Voronin put forward the concept of mutual enrichment of the university and enterprise. Postgraduates of the department were many employees of the plant, which was reflected on the subject of candidate dissertations: an increase in the resource of turbo cryolodiors, the heat-visiting cryogenic gas machine, questions automated design Air conditioning systems (SLE), heat exchange and mass transfer in SLE, Moisturizing and cleaning air in SD, creation of portable air conditioners for spaces. G.I. Voronin also paid attention to the training of highly qualified personnel, during his leadership at the department defended doctoral dissertations and became professors A.M. Arkharov, A.D. Suslov, E.I. Mikulin, I.V. Marphenina, Yu.V. Pesseli.

    Scientific and technical cooperation of the department and plant found its bright reflection in the collections of the department of the department, scientific editing and publication of which G.I. Voronin took over. Under his editors, the collections of scientific articles "Deep cold and air conditioning", "Cryogenic technique and air conditioning", the authors of which were the workers of the department and the plant.

    As a head of the department in 1964-1971. G.I.Voronin worked as chairman of the Commission on the refrigeration technology of the Scientific and Technical Council of the USSR Minvuz and headed the air conditioning commission

    Professor A.S. Nujdin (19311977). Founder of the Research Laboratory of Small Refrigerators

    Professor V.P. Belyakov (1923-1986). Hero of Socialist Labor, Laureate of Lenin and State Prizes, ChL-Corr. Academy of Sciences of the USSR cEO NGO "Kryogen-Mash" in 1968-1986

    national Committee International Institute cold (19711987). He proposed to publish a scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary on refrigeration, cryogenic technique and air conditioning in order to streamline, systematization and unity of scientific terminology of these three areas of technology. Work began on the preparation of the dictionary, but to complete it G.I. Voronin did not have time, his business was continued by his disciples in MWU. AD Bauman and NPO "Science".

    Under the direction of A.D. Suslova and Yu.D. Frolov on the department was developed and tested by various designs of rotary mine air conditioners operating on the compressed air of the pneumatic air. Despite the low energy efficiency, their application in mine conditions turned out to be economically quite justified. It was introduced into the industry about 1000 installations for squeezed air drying; Created air conditioning systems for aircraft using liquid hydrogen; Air conditioners for transport aggregates, including for the combine "Don-1500".

    Communication of the department with industry manifested itself in attracting qualified professionals from industry as teachers. At different times, such prominent specialists worked at the department as N.A. Dollezhal, K.S. Butkevich, V.A. Rumyantsev, M.B. Column, I.V. Tishin, A.M. Makarov, V.P. Belyakov, V.I. Kupriyanov, A.S. Needin, I.Ya. Yakovlev, A.F. Osipov, V.I. Epifanova, B.C. Mavel, S.V. Ivanov, and others. Currently on

    fedre is working well-known specialists: Doctors of Technical Sciences I.K. Butkevich and B.A.Ivanov, Dr. Fiz.-Mat. Sciences V.R.romanovsky, Dr. Tehn. Sciences, Professor A.A. Alexandrov, Cand. tehn Sciences E.G. Savelyev, Doctor of Technical Sciences VL. Bondarenko, A.I. Smorodin and M.Yu. Savinov, Candidates of Technical Sciences TM Rosenyer, V.Yu. Semenov, L.B.Volokitin, S.A. Garanov, A.V. Mikhailov, Purtovs.n., G.L. Lutz Kiya, A.A. Heads and others. Professor Anatoly Sergeevich needed at the department the laboratory of small refrigeration machines, which nowars his name.

    The department made a great contribution to the development of cryogenic technology. In 1912, in Russia there were only seven operating oxygen plants with a total capacity of 114475 m3 oxygen. Despite the fact that in 1930 in the USSR, it was already produced already ~ 6mln3 oxygen it was completely insufficient. The program of the country's industrialization required the introduction of new powerful oxygen plants, mainly to meet the needs of the autogenous industry and the intensification of Marten and domain processes. Until 1931, our country did not have its own machine-building base for the production of cryogenic installations and the need for them was satisfied only at the expense of imports.

    In 1931-1933 The production of air separation devices is organized. One of the first domestic plants (C-230) to obtain 250 m3 oxygen per hour, made at the 1st Moscow autogenous plant in 1932-1933, was designed under the guidance of professors of the school S.Ya. Gersha and N.A. Dollyzhal and Professor S.N. Semikhatova. So the domestic cryogenic engineering began.

    In 1933, Professor Semen Yakovlevich Gersh (1888-1958) began to read a completely new course "Deep cooling" at that time. In 1934, his article "Thermodynamic Basics of Deep Cooling" appears in the "Bulletin of Giprogaz", in 1935 he publishes a series of articles under the general name "Deep cooling" in the magazine, then - the monograph "Enriched Air" (1939 ) and a textbook "Deep cooling" in two volumes (1936-1937; 2nd ed. - 1947-1949). Later, after the Great Patriotic War, in 1957 this fundamental and substantially recycled ductomy was published by the third edition. He was the desktop book of cryogels for forty years and did not lose on a number of sections of his meaning and today.

    Before the Great Patriotic War S.Ya. Gersh begins the organization in MWU deep cold laboratory, which is able to form in very difficult for the country last years War

    (1943-1944); S.Ya. Herrash can rightly be considered the creator in MWU first in the USSR of the University School of Cryogelovshchikov, which still has been pre-primary in Russia. Among the first pupils S.Ya. Gersha should be called the main designers according to cryogenic systems M.B. Stoke and F.A. Rusak. But in our country there was another - the academic cryogenic school under the leadership of Academician P.L. Caps of outstanding results in the field of obtaining large amounts of oxygen in low pressure installations and in the field of helium liquefaction. At a certain stage, these two schools interacted closely. For example, employee P.L. Kapitsa Associate Professor K.S. Butkevich worked part-time in MWU. Many graduates of the department played a leading role in the development of the industry: pp Sokolov, L.A. Sodovnikov, V.M. Mikhailov, V.V. Rumyantsev, S.G. Sokolov, V.A. Makarenkov, B.N. Voronov, B.G. Bergo, Z.M. Katz, V.M.Kulakov, E.M.levin, V.I. Pienstein, E.P. Vagin, L.S. Bonda Renko, B.G. Kuznetsov, KK Sokolov, K.A. Stepanova, A.I. Seryakova, V.D. Pervedkova, I.K. Butkevich, S.P.Gorbachev, V.E.Kailin, B.O. Belo-Rosetsk, V.A. Belushkin, A.B. Davydov, V.A. Garin, E.I. Dyachkov, E.V. Smirnov, A.N. Pikin and many others.

    In the military and first post-war years, the central problem, which was solved by the staff team, was the intensification of workflows and an increase in the efficiency of air separation settings. S.Ya. Herch proposed a number of new efficient cycles to obtain liquid oxygen and nitrogen. His disciples were carefully studied by workflows of separation on distillation plates and in adsorborators, various heat exchangers were investigated, a number of original designs of the devices were created (including not a clogging throttle valve). In the late 1950s, at the initiative of S.Ya. Gersha was organized by a problem laboratory of deep cold, in which issues of obtaining large amounts of liquid oxygen, its storage, the creation of helium cryogenic installations with turbo-detectors, etc.

    In the laboratory, original designs of distillation devices and machines were created. In 1956-1957 Under the direction of Professor A.G. Golovintsova was developed a direct-flowing workman of the high pressure (V.Bridin and A.A.Rogov). In these works, and later in the works of A.M. Arkharov, I.K. Butkevich and other scientists received the development of the theory of workflows of low-temperature piston detales, a gas refrigeration machine was conducted. An important milestone in this area was the research of micro-coolers, as well as vortex coolers (the head of A.D. Suslov).

    Professor I.V. Marphenina (19192008)

    The new page in the cryogenic was the work on small-time tour-bodetandrars on gas supports, the creation of unique at the time of micromems with a number of revolutions to 700 thousand per minute, the manufacture of wheels with spatial geometry of inter-opumen channels (V.M. Kulakov, V.I. Ardashov , M.S. Babichev).

    Huge scientific I. practical work was done by the team led by S.Ya. Hersh to create a cryogenic installation for cleaning large amounts of air from CO2 and other harmful impurities by the method of their freezing (the work was awarded the Stalin Prize), including for the needs of the sea fleet (M.I. Dyachkov, A.M. Soshinsky). At the same time, an installation was created to ensure storage on liquid oxygen ships without loss (I.V. Marfenin, V.I. Ardashov, V.M. Kulakov, V.G. Baklanov).

    In the early 1950s, together with OKB-124 (now NPO "Science"), work began on the creation of the first on-board oxygen-mining facilities, and in 1957, a rotating horizontal distiller and a plate regenerator were first created for an experimental sample of on-board air separation -revertor, as well as the first turbodetander with gasostatic lubrication supports (A.M. Arkharov, V.M. Kulakov). Subsequently, the same group of researchers together with the NGO "Science" plant were developed by the development of the first domestic adsorption air separation plants, and for the World orbital station, the adsorption system of air purification from carbon dioxide was developed and other harmful

    Associate Professor V.G. Baklanov (19262009)

    Associate Professor V.N. Kozlov (1928-1997). Head of Starting Process Studies in Low-Temperature Systems, Deputy. head Department in 1987-1997

    Associate Professor V.I. Ardashov (19321997). Head of research of workflow of high-speed turbodetander

    men (A.N. Slyshchenkov, Yu.V.Nikiforov, A.M. Arkharov). In 1987 Also, by joint efforts, the first acting samples of small adsorption air separation plants were created (A.M. Arkharov, Yu.V. Nikiforov).

    In the early 1960s, helium installations with turbo-models were created in the world in a problem laboratory for the thermostatization of liquid hydrogen (E.I. Mikulin, V.N. Kozlov,

    A.M. Arkharov, V.M.Kulakov, V.I. Ardashov, M.S. Babichev, V.G. Baklanova). These studies allowed to establish the appropriate boundaries of the use of such installations and determine the probable values \u200b\u200bof their optimal parameters and efficiency, for the first time the basics of calculating non-stationary processes in low-temperature systems (V.N. Kozlov) were laid.

    A large influence on the development of the domestic turbodetadender-building was the work of the Graduate of the Department of E-2 Professor V.I. Epifanova, pupils P.L. Kapitsa. The first course "Turbodetander" was read in 1955, and in 1961. Her first tutorial on this issue was published. With the arrival at the Department of V.I. Epifanova Turbodetunder construction received further development In collaborations with NGOs Ozodmodmash (Odessa): the industrial output of air-pressure air-cooled turboctunders, as well as work on high pressure machines (up to 20 mp) for air separation plants has begun. In addition, edited

    volumes (1964, 2nd ed. - 1973). At the same years, Professor V.I. Pyfanova on a new methodological basis was developed a single course on compressor and expansion turbomas, on the basis of which a textbook "Compressor and expansion Tour-Bomachs of the Radial Type" was written (1984). The big cycle of work on the study of the processes of extracting and enrichment of the crypton-xenon mixture was held under the guidance of Professor I.V. Marphenina. In the 1970s, an installation was developed to enrich the cryptonoxenon-howle mixture, introduced at the Mariupol Metallurgical Plant. Subsequently, in 1990, the department for solving the problem of extracting from the air of the radioactive isotope crypton was proposed an experimental installation, which ensures the necessary level of air purification from radioactive crypton (I.V. Marphenina, A.V. Shevtsov, K.E. Tschannikova, and .M.arharov).

    Complexes of research and development work on the creation of new types of efficient heat exchangers: matrix, plate, planar and others - were performed constantly, starting from the 1950s by Professor E.I. Mikulin and his students V.N. Potapov and Yu.A. Shevich, as well as associate professor V.G. Baklanova. They created unique heat exchangers, and the outcome of the work was the monograph "Matrix heat exchangers" (1989) (E.I. Mikulin, Yu.A. Shevich).

    In the late 1970s, at the department, work was carried out to create fundamentally new flames of cold generators, called wave cryogenerators. The initiator of these studies was Professor A.M. Arkharov, with the support of the deputy. Minister G.F. She is organized a sectoral laboratory of gas-dynamic methods of obtaining cold. Professor A.M. Arkharov and his students developed and patented in the United States, England and other countries new types of wave cryogenerators. Another, no less important issue was devoted to studying opportunities to increase the efficiency of ripple refrigerators. Original ideas in this regard (accommodation in the resonator Zhere)

    Professor V.I. Pyfanova (1915-2001). Winner of the Stalinist Prize, Head of Works in the Tourbodetander Building, Deputy. Director for the scientific work VNIIHIMMASH in 1955-1966

    a.D. Suslov and others and successfully continued by E.I. Mikulin and his students. At the same time, the first in world practice were created micro-coolers with a flow regulator made from material with "form memory" (A.T. Tenth, A.M. Arkharov).

    The department led also work on the creation, research and use of cryosurgical instruments in medicine. These works were carried out jointly with the leading professors-physicians M.I. Pernelman, V.I. Peter, V.V.Safranov in the Commonwealth with Professors of MWU - Academician G.A. Nikolaev and Professor V.I. LOSTOVLY. AMM took part in the creation of cryosurgical instruments. Arkharov, O.A. Alentheva, V.V. Shishov, A.A. Zherdev, B.A. Yarovitsyn, A.M. Troitsky and others. These works were supplemented by studies of biomaterial freezing processes and their properties made by E.I. Mikulin and his students, now doctors of technical science professors D.I. Tsyganov and A.N. Antonov.

    In the late 1980s, under the direction of A.M. Arkharov and V.I. Crue, together with scientists of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (Professor

    H.B.Brandt) studies were conducted by the thermomagnetic properties of working bodies for new types of solid-state magnetic crief-leaders, a valid layout of a magnetic cryoraferrier with superconducting magnets operating in the temperature range was created.

    I, 8 ... 2.0 K (A.A. Zherdev, I.A. Arkharov).

    Due to the need to carefully monitor the modes of cryo-statiration of superconducting windings in such systems such as cryo electrical generators, superclyliders, cryoelectro motors and others (in order to avoid the appearance of quiven), as well as due to the need to control the flow of two-phase cryogenic products in aerospace technique, The department was conducted by the research of microwave systems for the diagnosis of two-phase cryogenic streams. Created devices allow with high accuracy to determine the shares of the liquid and steam phases in the stream, mass flow rate, speed, diagnose the composition of impurities. Of particular importance, such devices are purchased using liquefied natural gas and hydrogen in aviation (A.Grechko, A.A. Zherdev, I.A. Arkharov, S. B. Glavovsky, etc.). In recent years, together with the Department of Gyroscopic Systems in the Cryogenic Laboratory, work began on the creation of magnetic suspensions from high-temperature superconducting materials for fast-raising elements of machines (Professor V.A. Matveyev, Associate Professor O.L. Semi-Schoshenko). Throughout the existence of the department, the corps of mechanics and laboratory technicians played an invaluable role in its development, which

    go entered P.V. Lazarev, b.p. Dogadin, N.N. Sokolov, V.F. Chernyshev, V.M. Chernyshev, I.N. Yashin, I.V. Burmistrov, B.N. Tyratov, I.A. Zhiltsov, P.A. Ryabov, V.I. Skarev, Z.A. Ryabova, A.I. Kuznetsov, L.F. Molot Cova, Z.N. ELMANOVA, A.I. Semikova, N.A. Piskunov and others. Today, excellent mechanics and laboratory technicians work at the department: Gennady Petrovich Lukyanov, Vladislav Nikolaevich Kukovover, Anna Sergeevna Sokolikova, Pavel Vladimirovich Frolov, Vera Matveevna Polyckina, Zinaida Vasilyevna Kedrov, Natalia Gennadevna Safronova. Great contribution to the development of the laboratory base, the heads of the Laboratories S.I. Shein, A.M. Soshinsky, N.M.Grigorенnko, A.N.ruban, A.V.Alekseev, M.P.Azhnin, N.M. She-Renkov, N.A. Solovov.

    Conducted search I. fundamental researchThe development-design developments have enriched cryogenic engineering with valuable scientific information, which constantly reflected in the publications of the scientists of the department. Since 1949, the collections of the department of the department under the editors of S.Ya. Rush, G.I.Voronina, I.V. Silence, A.M. Arkharov. In 1964, he was published, and in 1975 reissued edited by E.I. Mikulina, I.V. Marphenina and A.M. Arkharov monograph "Technique of low temperatures", which was reprinted in the United States.

    Relying on Scientific Heritage S.Ya. Gersha, the same authors published the textbook "Cryogenic Systems" (the second edition - in two volumes). Tom I - "Theory and Calculation of Cryogenic Systems" was translated into English and spanish Languages. The first edition of the textbook was published in 1978, the second - in 1987-1988, the third - in 1999-2000. One of the authors of the second volume was V.P. Belyakov - CC. Academy of Sciences, General Designer for Cryogenic Technique, headed by domestic cryogenic engineering for 18 years (19681986). V.P. Belyakov, being for a number of years by Professor of the Department, developed the creative community of the department with production and was actively promoted by the leading specialists in the industry of large scientific research. The testing of most of the 16 doctoral dissertations prepared at V.P. Belyakov was carried out at the Department of MVTU, which undoubtedly strengthened its authority.

    Among the published books on cryogenic, it is necessary to note the monograph A.M. Arkharov "Low-temperature gas machines" (1964) and a book written by him together with K.S. Butkevich and I.K. Booth Keviche, "Cryogenic Piston DetaDers" (1974), as well as the monograph E.I. Mikulina "Cryogenic Technique" (1969). Low-temperature cycles and machines in relation to microcryagenic techniques were devoted to the book "Cryogenic gas machines", written

    Senior Researcher, Cand. tehn Science V.B. Poland (1946-2009)

    Associate Professor V.N. Bogichenko (19422002)

    AD Suslov, G.A. Gorokhovsky, VB Poltaraus and A.M. Gorshkov (1982). The same problem was significantly expanded in the book "Cryogenic machines" (authors V.N. Novotelnov, A.D. Suslov,

    B.B. Poltaraus, 1991). Employees of the department received more than 500 copyright certificates and patents.

    For 60 years of development of cryogenics in the USSR, a powerful subproduction of cryogenic mechanical engineering was created, which was led at the last stage of the deputy. Minister G.F. Shein, many scientific and scientific and pedagogical centers have been formed. By the end of the 80s of the 20th century, domestic cryogenic science and industry ensured the implementation of such large-scale national projects as "Tokomak-15", "Cryoturbogenerator", "Accelerator-Drive", "Energy-Buran" and other domestic cryogenic equipment mainly answered the world level, and there is a considerable share of the efforts of students of the scientific school MSTU. AD Bauman for cryogenic.

    Gradually, the Scientific School of the Department received world recognition. Proceedings E.I. Mikulina, I.V. Marphenina, V.I. Epifanova, A.D. SUSLOVA, A.M. Arkharov, and in recent years VL. Bondarenko, M.Yu. Savinova, I.A. Arkharov, A.A. Novdeva, A.Grchko, A.I.Sorodina, Yu.A. Shevich is well known abroad. Professor A.M. Arkharov was sent by the Soviet government for scientific work in the United States and conducted a study in the Laboratory of Professor V. Gifford in the University of Syracuse and in the Laboratory of Professor T. Frederking

    in California University. He lectured in the USA, France, Italy. For significant fundamental and applied research In the field of adsorption low-temperature gas separation processes in 1979, he was awarded award and medal of the International Institute of Cold (Paris), and in 1987 he was elected by the Vice-President of the Scientific Council of this Institute. Professor G.I. Voronin became the hero of socialist labor, the laureate of the Lenin Prize. Professors S.Ya. Gersha, G.I. Voronin, V.I. Epifanova and A.M. Arkharov was awarded state premiums of the USSR. Teachers Department of Associate Professor S.D. Glukhov and V.N. Bogochenko worked in Algeria. Aspiracted by A.V. Murashkin and V.L. Bondarenko was in danger in Italy and the United States. Pupils of the Department of E-4 Dr. Tehn. Science A.G. Grechko, candidates of technical sciences M.B. Gorbunov, S.B. Globat and P.A. Lukyanov currently operate under contracts in Switzerland, America, Sweden.

    In 1987 Professor G.I.Voronin handed over the leadership of the Department and Scientific School, Professor A.M. Arkharov. Experienced design developments and fundamental studies were continued in the most difficult years of the so-called rearrangement period of the last decade of the XX century, in which the collapse occurred in the development of many of the most important domestic, industrial and scientific directions and organizations.

    The world fame of the cryogenic school of the department made it possible to conclude 15 contracts with leading foreign firms in the 1990s, in particular with the American company Praxair, according to which unique experimental studies of boiling processes and condensation of cryogenic fluids in film flow regimes were performed. Leading experts from the department of candidates of technical sciences I.A. Arkharov and A.G. Grechko (now doctors of technical sciences) created completely new ultra-frequency systems for diagnosing cryoproduct flows. At the department, experimental stands were built and a new, very valuable in the practical and scientific meaning was obtained. These works were mutually engraving. The team worked in close contact with such outstanding American experts as Dr. L. Kun and M. Lokket. Subsequently, Dr. L. Kun was elected Honorary Dr. MGTU. AD Bauman. Under the same contracts, an original, oil-free technology for the manufacture of highly active contact surfaces for distillation columns was developed and experimental studies of the created nozzles were performed. In addition, a unique mini-liquefyer of oxygen for medicine was created with a capacity of 35 g / h and based on his mini-arm (associate professor

    I.A. Arkharov). These works are protected by US patents. Cooperation allowed the young scientists of the Department to "finalize" knowledge of language, methods of research and processing experimental data, as well as get acquainted with foreign technical requirements and significantly expand the horizons.

    At the same time, the department clearly realized the need for independent development of domestic cryogenic and refrigeration equipment, including using the accumulated experience with foreign firms. Here it is necessary to say about the work on the creation of new effective technologies for the production of rare gases: kg, HE, HE high purity, which receive increasing demands in the cryoproduct market. Department and her pupil

    B.L. Bondarenko (now Dr. Tech. Sciences) developed fundamentally new methods for obtaining cold and original commercial installations to obtain pure no. These works were carried out together with Odessa State Academy cold. Another graduate of the Department of Dr. Tehn. Science M.Yu. Savinov developed a new technology for producing "pure" kg and hehe, which is also commercially implemented. For the first time in world practice, it was possible to carry out a single-stage process of the total separation of the cryptonoxenon mixture. These works confirmed high authority and expanded the fame of the department.

    In 1992, the Department was organized at the Department of Cycoconsul, the creation of which was supported by the MHTU rector. AD Bauman Academician RAS I.B. Fedorov, as an experimental form of organization of research and development of the department in new economic conditions. Earned funds of the UNC were paid all expenses of the department for the development of educational and scientific work and the payment of students of the registered scholarship

    C.Y. Gersh. The Krimsul Unz team was developed and experimentally worked out the cryoviculent technology of processing old auto strokes (Candidates of Technical Sciences A.A. Nabok, V.Y. Shadrina). Together with the Department of E-2 (Dr. Tehn. Sciences Professor N.A. Ivashchenko and Dr. Technology CH3) is used and as absolutely environmentally friendly fuel and as a refrigerant (the head of the work of DR. Sciences A.A. Zherdev). Associate Professor S.D. Glukhov, Dr. Tekhn. Sciences A.A. Zherdev and Cand. tehn Sciences V.V. Luben was held a lot of work on the study and development of new environmentally friendly refrigerants and the use of hladoresource of liquid motor top Liv. Professor Yu.V. Pessels, together with graduate students, investigated and significantly improved supports with gas lubricant for high

    co-air turbomachine. Professor Yu.A. Shevich was developed, tested and introduced new types of efficient matrix and planar heat exchangers. Doves N.A. Lavrov, MA Kolosov, V.V.Shishov, Yu.V.Nikifornov, Yu.D.Fololov conducted deep studies of workflows in machines and devices of air conditioning and livelihood systems. Only over the past 8 years in international congresses and conferences on "cold" in Sydney, Washington, Prague and other cities, 20 reports of the department staff were presented. Regularly (every two years), the works of the department are published in the form of thematic issues "MSTU Bulletin. N.E. Bauman".

    In 2000 and 2001 Published by english language Two volumes of fundamental work Department of "Cryogenic Systems". Put in the publishing house the third volume - "Cryogenic machines and tools". In 2004, MSTU Publishing House. N. E. Bauman was released a textbook "Heat Engineering" with the participation of young authors of the department (reissued in 2010).

    New Pleiad of Doctors of Technical Sciences - A.G. Grechko, V.L. Bondarenko, grew at the department - A.G.Grechko, A.I. Smorodin, Yu.A. She-HIV. Complete work on the doctoral dissertations four more employees. In recent years, defended the PhD dissertations A.V. Mikhailov, S.N. PURTOV, E.S. Navasardian, A.V. Kozlov, P.A. Lukyanov and others. Dr. Tehn. Science VL Bondarenko was elected vice-president of the Scientific Council of the Paris Mija. All teachers of the department are members of the Moscow Regional Office of the International Academy of Cold.

    The Department of E-4 retains a leading role in a teaching and methodological association (UMO) in the specialties of cryogenic, refrigeration equipment, air conditioning and livelihood systems. Professor A.M. Arkharov is the Chairman of the Scientific and Methodological Commission of the UMO for these specialties. Greasy methodological work Do Professor Yu.V. Pesty, associate professors N.A. Lavrov, M.A. Kolosov, Yu.D. Frolov.

    Research and OCD in various fields of cryomedicine, which lasted for more than 30 years, were marked by a prize of the city of Moscow and the State Prize of Russia for 2002. Head of this work Professor A.M. Arkharov, pupil of the Department of E-4 Dr. Tehn. Science Professor D.I. Gypsies, Professor MSTU. AD Bauman: Doctors of Technical Sciences V.A. Matveyev, V.N. Mitrokhin, V.I. Solenov and V.N. Baby wines together with Dr. Honey. Sciences Antonina Valentinovna Butorical and Professor A.N. Nikitin implemented unique capabilities of cryo-microwave technology, computer science and technology of instrument making, widely used new equipment created by them in children's

    surgery in the treatment of hemangiom. The general result of these studies can be considered the formation of them in MSTU. AD The Bauman of the new scientific direction - cryo-microwave medicine, which originated as a result of the interaction of specialists of the Department of E-4 and P-9 (now RL-1) in the 60s of the XX century.

    90 years have passed since the founding of the department. During this period, its name was changed, accents changed in determining the main directions of training specialists. However, traditions laid down by several generations of teachers - outstanding engineers and scientists remain unchanged. High level professional training future engineers are determined by the complex in the process of learning and continuously developed generally accepted principles of work - impeccable professional qualifications of the teaching staff; All-time support for young pedagogical shift; Deep study by students of fundamental disciplines; Reflection B. educational process modern achievements of science, technology and vision of the prospects for the development of specialized and related industries; combination academic work with research; The embodiment of scientific ideas in prototypes of products; mandatory attraction of students to research work; continuous improvement of experimental and laboratory bases, including computer support; Preparation and publication of textbooks, educational and methodical manuals; Permanent creative connection with manufacturing enterprises, research and construction organizations.

    Following this and other traditions, the department raised actively working talented scientists: V.L. Bondarenko, M.Yu. Savinova, N.A. Lavrov, M.B.Gorbova, A.Grchko, I.A. Arkharov, V.P. Chebotareva, Yu.V. Nikiforova, V.V. Shishov, Yu.A. Shevich, A.A. Zherdeva, V.Yu.Shadrin, V.V. Lubenz, V.B. Poltaraus, E.S. Navasardian, P.A. Lukyanova and others. Today, the Department is the intense work of teachers and students. On the basis of the department there are two compartments of EM MSTU. N.E. Bauman.

    A number of studies are carried out in conjunction with domestic (Kryogenmash OJSC, OAO Severstal, OJSC NPO HELIIMASH, MP "Chr", JV "Ice Blik") and foreign firms (Index TEHN, Inc. York, Boc, Praxair), as well as with MSU them. M.V. Lomonosov. Currently, the department is performed both fundamental research and search and exploiting work.

    Like the history of our homeland, the 90-year-old path of the department was not simple. All these years, the department hardly worked, aware of his

    responsibility in the preparation of highly qualified engineers, and always responded to the needs of the country in the specialists of the refrigeration and cryogenic industries, unmistakably determining the trends of their development. Over the years of its existence, the Department has prepared more than 3,500 engineers, about 250 candidates and 24 doctors of technical sciences.

    The department was formed and developed in MSTU them. AD Bauman (MVTU), accumulating the experience of other scientific and methodical schools. Today, along with already named, we remember George Fedorovich Knorre, Leonid Petrovich Smirnova, Ivan Ivanovich Kupupovsky, Andrei Sergeevich Orly-on, Vladimir Vasilyevich, Dmitry Nikolaevich Vyrubova, Sergey Dmitriyevich Ponomarev, Adolf Pavlovich Yushkevich, Sergey Pavlovich Queen, Vladimir Pavlovich Barmina (Graduate of the Department), Boris Sergeevich Stechkin, Mikhail Vasilyevich Nosov, Alexandra Nikolayevich Obmbush, Vsevolod Ivanovich Feodoeva, Vladimir Mikhailovich Polyeva, Mikhail Georgievich Kruglova, Vitaly Ivanovich Krutov, Vadim Mikhailovich Kudryavtseva and many other outstanding representatives of the Russian Engineering School, who remember the university walls. We try to follow their ideas and principles.

    Base educational activities is, as before, scientific work. At recently, seven research and development works and 12 research and development works were held at recently. Among the research, you can note the following:

    Development of the methodology of entropy-statistical analysis of low-temperature systems, machines and apparatuses, including a new type (for example, an installation of natural gas vein);

    Study of cold accumulation capabilities as methods of optimization and reduced energy consumption;

    Study of adsorption processes on new nanomaterial lands (carbon nanotubes, etc.) at low temperatures;

    Study of heat exchange processes for boiling and condensation of dimethyl ether and its mixtures;

    Modeling non-stationary heat and mass production processes in low-temperature installations;

    Study of equilibrium in dilute crypton and xenon solutions (together with LLC "Chrome");

    Study of new methods for conservation of genetic bioresources using a combined cryoradiation

    impact (work is carried out in conjunction with the Department of E-8 MSTU. N.E. Bauman);

    Development of cryogenic technologies of obtaining clean and ultrapure rare gases from air: crypton, xenon, neon and the separation of isotopes, including oxygen and helium (nanomaterials);

    Research and development of new methods for transporting and storing natural gas and other industrial gases in the associated state;

    Study of complex new systems for the separation of multicomponent hydrocarbon gases;

    Development, research and development of new methods for generating cold: wave and ripple cryogenerators;

    Creation and study of new low-temperature systems for the livelihoods of crews of isolated objects (space, underwater, air) and protection ambient;

    The creation of new treatment systems based on gas-phase and liquid-phase mixture ozonization technology;

    Development and further study of matrix and planar heat exchangers of a new type for microcryogenic systems;

    Research the possibility of using a new energy-saving environmentally friendly refrigerant - dimethyl ether (YAB170) and its mixtures with ammonia (y723) in industrial installations;

    Development of new energy-saving installations and heat pumps for air conditioning systems implementing combined refrigerated, air and water acarbing cycles;

    Creation of refrigeration machines and systems operating on a regenerative throttle cycle on multicomponent mixtures of refrigerants;

    Translation of refrigeration equipment and diesel engines for the use of environmentally friendly working bodies (a comprehensive topic in conjunction with the Department of E-2);

    Development, creation and study of effective and convenient cryomedican equipment to ensure a number of new cryogenic technologies in surgery and in therapy.

    In the coming years, work in these directions will be continued.

    In 2007 In Paris, Professor A. M. Arkharov was awarded the Prize of the International Institute of Cold. Gustav Lorrentzen. Dr. tech. Sciences, Professor V.L. Bondarenko was elected vice-president of the Scientific Council of the Paris International Institute of Cold. All teachers of the department are members of the Moscow Regional Office of the International Academy of Cold. Department of E-4

    with the support of the MSTU rectorate them. AD Bauman was organized the first international scientific conference "Industrial Gaza" (March 2009), which caused great interest. Employees of the Department and Students took part in international conferences: International Symposium "Education through Science" (Moscow, 2005); 4th Russian National Heat Exchange Conference (MEI, 2006); 22nd International Congress of Refrigeration (2007, Beijing, China); 4th and 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Cryogenic Technologies and Equipment. Development Prospects" (Moscow, 2007, 2008); 2nd International Scientific and Technology Conference "Vacuum Technology and Technology" (Moscow, 2007); 3rd International Scientific and Technical Conference "Vacuum Technology and Technology" (Moscow, 2008), Cryopraga-2008; International Conference Max (St. Petersburg, 2008); Specialized Exhibition and Conference of the Refrigeration Industry "Cold Expo" (Moscow, 2009); International Scientific Conference "Industrial Gaza" (Moscow, 2009). In April 2010, in Bratislava students of the Department of E-4 S.D. Krasnonosova and A.N. Kolobovaya presents the report of the team of the department on the topic "To the analysis of existing natural gas springs for small performance." In November 2010, a scientific conference will be held dedicated to the anniversary of the Department and the anniversary of the MGTU. AD Bauman. Proceedings of the department are regularly published in the form of thematic issues of the magazine "Bulletin MGU. N.E. Bauman". Published 120 scientific articles, 32 reports were made at scientific conferences. A series of articles in journals and abstracts of reports on the development of entropy-statistical analysis of low-temperature installations were published. The monograph "Cryogenic starting complexes" (the authors of A. M. Arkharov and I.D. Kunis) was released. Published tutorials "Directory on the refrigeration equipment of trade and catering enterprises" and "refrigeration equipment of trade and catering enterprises" (authors of V.V.Shishov and A.N.streltsov, 2006). In 2000 and 2001. Published in English two volumes of fundamental labor department "Cryogenic Systems". In 2010, the textbook "Cryogenic Machines and Tools" edited by A.M. Arkharov and I.K. Butkevich.

    Head of the Department "Refrigerated, Cryogenic Technology, Air Conditioning and Life Support Systems" MSTU them. AD Bauman, Dr. Tehn. Sciences, Professor A.M. Arkharov