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  • Total physical preparation in the university in absentia. Working program for correspondence department Working program on physical education on the topic. working programm

    Total physical preparation in the university in absentia. Working program for correspondence department Working program on physical education on the topic. working programm

    Regional state autonomous general Education

    "The Education Center" Steps "


    Head Shmu

    Full name

    "_____"__________ twenty____g.


    Deputy Director for UMR


    "_____"__________ twenty____g.


    order on Ogou

    "The Education Center" Steps "

    from __________ № ______

    Working programm

    according to the study subject " Physical education (AFK) "

    for students of grades 5

    Compiler: Kiseleva G.R.

    teacher Higher Qualification


    Explanatory note

    Working program in Adaptive physical culturefor 5. class compiledbased:

    RF Law No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012 "On Education in Russian Federation"(Art. 9, 13, 14, 15, 32, 79);

    Order of the Committee of Education« On approval of a regional basis curriculum of educational institutions of the Jewish Autonomous Region, implementing programs general Education, 2014-2015 academic year № 254 from"27" May 2014g.;

    Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of March 5, 2004 No. 1089« On approval of the federal component of state educational standards of primary general, basic general and medium (full) education»;

    Resolutions of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2010 No. 189« On the statement of SanPiN« Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in general educational institutions », registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia 03 March 2011, registration number 199;

    Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of September 30, 2009 No. 06-1254 "Recommendations for the creation of conditions for distance learning disabled children in need of learning at home ";

    Letter management special Education Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of February 28, 2003 No. 27/2643-6 "Methodical recommendations for the organization of activities of educational institutions of home-learning";

    Letter of the Ministry of National Education of the RSFSR of November 14, 1987 No. 17-253-6 "On the individual training of patients at home";

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 18, 1996 No. 861 "On approval of the procedure for the education and training of disabled children at home and in non-state educational institutions";

    Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 10, 12. №07-832 "Methodical recommendations for organizing training at home children with disabilities using distance educational technologies";

    This program is based on programs:

      program for students of a special medical group of general education institutions "Physical Culture" 1-11 Classes M. Drop 2006;

      program for students of a special medical group of general education institutions "Physical Culture 1-11 Classes of Drop, Moscow 2006.

    The adaptive working program on adaptive physical culture is able to promote the comprehensive and harmonious physical development of students, to ensure the safety and strengthening of their health, expand the motor experience, develop and consolidate interest in independent exercise.

    Purpose: Correction of health deviations and physical development of students.


    • improving the physiological activity of organs and systems of the body of students, weakened by the disease;

      improving physical and mental performance;

      acquisition of knowledge of human body, prevention and possible correction of health deviations;

      the formation of the student skills of a healthy lifestyle;

    Rogram is compiled taking into account the regional basic curriculum for disabled childrenin need of individual training included in the project "Development of distance education children with disabilities. "

    The program is characterized by continuity with the Working Program for Entry School.

    Health and corrective gymnastics, generalizing exercises.

    Exercises with objects - a gymnastic stick, a skipping, hoop; Exercises on posture in place and in motion.

    Exercises with a ball - throwing a catch of one, two hands in place and in motion, catching after hitting the floor, wall, catching after turns and squats.

    Exercises at the gymnastic wall - slopes, fly movements, flexions Extension of hands with a support about the wall.

    Complexes of special exercises, taking into account the individual health of students.

    Gymnastics with acrobatics

    Exercises in walking in different ways (on socks, on the heels, high raising his knees, on straight legs, with a fierce ahead, to the sides); With exercises, in different directions, in various positions.

    Exercises with overcoming various obstacles (in equilibrium, carrying objects, according to a limited area);

    Exercises in jumps - alternate, simultaneous, in place, in motion, running on the elevation and sprogivanis of it.

    Acrobatics - carpets in grouping, bridge.


    Acquaintance with high and low start appliances. Throwing a small ball in the target, the range of rebound, in the corridor

    As a result of the development of the program material, the student must:


      rules for building training and recreational gymnastics;

      physical Load Dosage Rules

    Be able to

      perform complexes of physical exercises of the health orientation on the basis of individual medical testimony;

      perform climbing along the gymnastic wall in different directions;

      perform jumping through the rope with advance

    To demonstrate the results of the growth of basic physical qualities in the following control exercises:

      flexibility - tilt forward from the sitting position;

      the speed is the speed of a simple reaction (incident line);

      power - throw the ball because of the head (from the position sitting on the floor).

    Personal results

      knowledge of knowledge about the individual characteristics of physical development and physical fitness

      ability to manage your emotions

      ability to plan a day

      be able to evaluate the situation, quickly make decisions

    MetaPered results

      understanding physical culture as a means of a healthy lifestyle

      respectful attitude towards others

      responsible attitude to the entrusted case

      ownership of exercise and motor actions


      knowledge on the history of sports in the field and Olympic movement

      ability to organize independent classes

      ability to draw up complexes of exercise

    Justification Selection of the work program.

    The program is drawn up for the forage of general ideas about physical culture, strengthening and long-term maintaining their own health, the acquisition of vital skills and skills in running, walking, jumping, climbing, throwing.

    Students have a certificate of exemption from the lesson of adaptive physical culture until the end of the school year. In this regard, translated on the correspondence form of training. Internal studies study 5 hours, the rest of the clock is put on an independent study.

    The program is designed for 17 hours a year.

    Purchasing planning


    T / B at the lessons of an athletics

    Complex Exercises with the subject.

    High start. Execution of teams "on start", "Attention", "March"

    Complex with flags

    Exercises for muscle relaxation, breathing exercises, on the formation of posture, exercises in equilibrium.

    Throwing the ball from a distance of range, accuracy.

    T / B in gymnastics lessons

    Complex of exercises with a gymnastic stick

    Rolled out of various source provisions. Exercises for the development of coordination of movements.


    Intermediate certification

    Independent study - 12 hours

    TS Get acquainted with the types of athletics.

    Make a complex of morning gymnastics.

    Acquaintance with the technique of throwing a ball from three steps of running.

    Create a set of exercises for preventing posture disorders.

    Acquaintance with the technique of performing an acrobatic exercise "Bridge from the position of lying".


    TS "Wellness of the dosage walk and run"

    Create a set of exercises for the correction of flatfoot (strengthening the foot of the foot.

    Acquaintance with horses and stops in acrobatics,

    overcoming obstacles in various ways.


    TS "Countrymen - participants of the Olympic Games"

    Respiratory exercises, exercises for relaxing muscles, exercises on the formation of posture.

    Acquaintance with technique of gears and throws in basketball with two hands from the chest. Stop step. Swing with the ball.


    TS »Personal Hygiene Rules»

    Create a set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back, for removing fatigue from the eyes.

    Acquaintance with the rules of the game Basketball.

    Acquaintance with the managing the ball.


    Learn to calculate the heart rate count.

    Make a complex of morning gymnastics with the subject.

    Acquaintance with a volleyball player, moving in volleyball, a pass over himself. Acquaintance with the rules of the game Volleyball.

    Teaching methodical support

      Programs for students of a special medical group of general education institutions "Physical Culture" 1-11 classes M. "Drop" 2006.

      Exemplary programs for educational subjects "Physical Culture 5-9 Class M. Spring 2011.

    Electronic resources

    Video lessons;

    Music for the preparatory part of the lesson;

    Video exercises.


    Balls, gymnastic sticks, gymnastic mats, gymnastic mats, hoops, gymnastic ribbons, expander, massage rugs;


    Considered agreed on approved

    at the meeting of the Ministry of Defense, Deputy Director for USR, the director of the evening (replacement) School number 7

    Smeanikova Yu.E. _________ Vlasova I.E.

    protocol number ___ from _______ 09/01/2017 Order No. dated 09/01/2017

    Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Ulyanovsk "Evening (replaceable) School number 7"

    Working programm

    (a basic level of)

    NAME OF THE EDUCATIONAL Item: physical education

    Classes: 11 B.

    Form of study: dust.

    Level of general education : secondary general education

    Biology teacher: Kayumova L.K., First qualifying category

    The number of hours by curriculum: 1 hour per week 36 school weeks in grades, 36 hours a year.

    The working program is drawn up on the basis of: an exemplary state program of secondary general education at the basic level of physical culture for the OU, implementing the federal component of the State Standard of General Education 2004


    2017-2018 academic year

    Physical and recreational activities

    Module 1. Sports games13 h


    Displacement, stop, player racks, turns. Fishing and transfer of the ball with two and one hand, in place and in motion, in pairs, circles, in a column, with a bounce from the floor; in simple and complicated conditions; Without resistance and with defender resistance. Running the ball in place, in motion, in a straight line with a change in speed, the height of the rebound and direction, by visual and auditory signal; in simple and complicated conditions; without resistance and with a partner resistance. Throws with one hand, in place, in motion, from the chest, from the shoulder; Throw after catching and after playing the ball, throwing the ball in ordinary and complicated conditions, without resistance and with the resistance of the defender. Attack. Basket attack. Protection. Gaming interactions on one and two rings. Game on simplified basketball rules. Educational games for one and two rings. Relay with gears, references, ballots.


    Strokes on the ball legs: the inner side of the foot, the middle of the lift, the inner and the outside, toe, heel, from the summer, from the semi-liter.Strokes on the ball head in a jump, forehead from the place, the side of the head. Stop rolling ball: the inside of the foot, sole, the outside of the foot. Maintaining the ball: dribbling, or keeping the ball with the impetus. Deceptible movements (Finds). Selection of the ball: interception, push, podcast. Throwing the ball. Catching a ball: below, from above, on the side, in the fall.Ball beating oneand Two hands. Broke one or two fists. Throwing the ball from above, side, bottom, and two hands. Mastering tactical actions. Individual, G.ruppene and team tactics. Relay, educational games, sports games.



    Module 2. Samboy7 h


    Sports; Acrobatic combinations of six elements, including long squirrels forward through an obstacle, coup by side and acrobatic elements. Support Jumps of a young man: leap leg apart across the horse (in length); Girls: a jump with an angle from running at an angle to the projectile and the push of one foot (horse in width), girls: with skewed running in the same way, the push of another jumping angle through the horse. From Visa, the rise of the coup to the focus of force, from Visa, the rise of force in the emphasis, Vis, bent, flashed, rear; Flexion and extension of hands in the stop on the bars, the angle in the stop, the stand on the shoulders from the seda feet apart. Coupling , From the stop bent in the hands of the rise in the bend in the seed of the feet apart, the scrapes is maho. Lazagne on the rope with the help of (without help). Tightening from Visa on a high (low) crossbar. Exercises in seeers and restraints, with dumbbells, stuffed balls. Exercises with a gymnastic bench, on a gymnastic log, on a gymnastic wall, gymnastic shells. Relay, games, obstacle bars using gymnastics and equipment.

    Sambo "self-defense" .3 h

    Repetition of special preparatory exercises studied at the previous preparation stages. Improving various receptions of self-insurance in the complicated conditions: in motion, with an increase in the height of falls, to the accuracy of landing, with limiting opportunities (without hands, related legs, etc.), etc.

    Improving sambo techniques in the position of lying and throws studied at previous preparation stages.

    Acquaintance and learning of the techniques of self-defense: exemption from seizures in the rack and position lying: from the seizures of one hand (in front, behind, on the side) - sleeves, hands, clothing challenge; From the seizures with two hands (in front, behind, on the side) - hands, hands, sleeves, viscotes of clothes, legs; Liberation from the girth of the body in front and rear, with hands and without hands; Exemption from the seizures for the neck (attempts of suffocation) fingers, shoulder and forearm, belt (front, rear, side).

    Tactical training. Quests. Fights on the task in pairs and groups involved. Simulation of situations of self-defense.

    Module 3. Athletics 4 h

    Improving sports walking technology. Improving running technology on sprint distances (60, 100 m) taking into account time. Improving the "Running" technique from various starting positions and starting overclocking; Running the sprint distance (starting overclocking, retention of speed, finishing); The relay run in the conditions close to the competitive (reception-exposure of the relay stick; running and running from the "corridor"). Improving the equipment of the barrier run (for a while); Overcoming vertical obstacles of different heights. Development of tactical techniques running on medium and long distances. Improving equipment jumping in length and running (on the result); Jump in height from running. Improving the technique of stuffing (for the result). The bar of obstacles includes overcoming various obstacles and fixing the obtained athletics skills.

    Games tasks using items sports games: Basketball, football and handball.

    Module 4. Ski preparation3 h

    Movement skiing on the training skiing (ski highway, on flat and rough terrain). Imitation exercises running without fixtures; with fixtures. Sliding step. Movement on skiing by classic: (alternate moves - double and four-sided; simultaneous moves - grievous, one pin and double). Ski movement: simultaneous half-one; the skne course without repulsion by hand (with Mahami and without Mach); Simultaneous one-sided ski stroke, alternated twofall skiing. Exercises aimed at the agreed and font performance of the main elements of classic and skate moves. Descent from the slopes in high, medium and low racks. Overcoming the lifts "Christmas tree", "halftore", stepping, sliding, running step. Braking "Plow", "Poor", "turn", whipping, fall. Turns in place and in motion. Descents, lifts, braking. Relay, Games - Competitions, Sports Games, Games - Quests

    Module 5. Swimming11 h

    General physical preparation on water includes exercises identical to previous preparation stages including elements of water polo, sports and moving games. In-depth study of the techniques of starts and turns. In-depth study of the technique of sports swimming methods (rollery on the chest, on the back; breast). Archings of swimming equipment - Butterfly. Training with agreed synchronous movement with hands and legs, wave-like movement of the whole body. In-depth study of the applied methods of swimming and transporting the immersion.

    Forms of organization of training sessions: Consultation.

    Forms of organization of basic species learning activities: Frontal form of organization of training activities (type of activity in the lesson, when all students of the class under the direct leadership of the teacher perform the overall task), Individual form of organization of educational activities of students (provides for an independent execution by a student of the same tasks for the whole class without contact with other students, but in one for all tempo), Group formation of educational activities of students (provides for the creation of small groups of groups within the same class).

    Educational and thematic plan


    Names of sections and those

    Number of hours in including:

    On the work program (hours)

    Practical works


    Sport games

    Sambo. Gymnastics


    Ski preparation

    Sambo. Self-defense



    Planned Development Results :

    As a result of the study of physical culture, the student must

    know / understand

      the influence of physical education systems for health promotion, prevention of occupational diseases and bad habits;

      ways to control and assess physical development and physical fitness;

      rules and ways of planning systems individual occupations exercise of various targets;

    be able to

      perform individually selected complexes of the wellness and adaptive (therapeutic) physical culture, compositions of rhythmic and aerobic gymnastics, complexes of exercise athletic gymnastics;

      perform the simplest methods of self-massage and relaxation;

      overcome artificial and natural obstacles using a variety of ways to move;

      perform techniques for protection and self-defense, insurance and self-insurance;

      exercise creative cooperation in the collective forms of physical culture;

    use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activity and everyday life for

      improving health, conservation and health promotion;

      professional training

      organizing and conducting individual, collective and family recreation, participation in mass sports competitions;

      active creative activity, choice and formation of a healthy lifestyle.

    Thematic planning

    in physical culture of grade 11

    p \\ P.

    Theme lesson


    Type of lesson

    Elements of the content of the lesson (mandatory minimum).

    The basic concepts of the lesson.

    Requirements for the training level of students


    Forms of control




    Date Fact

    Basic Sport Sports Sports

    Sport games. 13 hours

    Basketball. Input control


    Technical preparation. Move, stop, player racks, turns. Traveling with palm and crosst steps, sideways, face and back forward. Stop two steps and jump. Turns without a ball and with the ball, face and back forward. Stand of the attacker and defender. Catching and transfering the ball. Fishing and transferring the ball with two and one hand, in place and in motion, in pairs, circles, in a column, with a bounce from the floor. Catching and transferring the ball in simple and complicated conditions. Without resistance and with defender resistance. Dribbling. Maintaining the ball in place, in motion, in a straight line with a change in speed, the height of the rebound and direction, by visual and auditory signal. The maintenance of the ball in simple and complicated conditions, without resistance and with the resistance of the partner. Throw. Throw the ball with one hand, in place, in motion, from the chest, from the shoulder; Throw after catching and after playing the ball, throwing the ball in ordinary and complicated conditions, without resistance and with the resistance of the defender. Development of game sports (football, basketball) in Russia. The value and place of football and basketball in the system of physical education. Russian football competitions and basketball: championships and Cups of Russia. Football and basketball is a modern development of sports. Russian football and basketball associations, famous Russian teams, coaches, players. The history of the occurrence of handball. Rules of the game. Famous Russian and global teams.

    Know on the development of game sports. Understand the value and place of basketball in the physical education system.

    To have an idea, analyze the current state of play sports and predict paths of their development.


    Frontal survey



    Know and be able to submit audience theoretical information and its own position on modern sports associations, famous Russian teams


    External control




    Frontal survey


    Presentation 4.


    Presentation 5.

    Frontal survey


    To know and be able to prevent the successes of the outstanding domestic athletes-Olympians, and the Olympic movement as a whole.

    Presentation 6.

    Frontal survey



    Presentation 6.

    Selective control



    Main technical and tactical actions and techniques in play sports, improving the technique of movements in the chosen sport.

    Know, call and understand the main technical and tactical actions and techniques in sports sports. Based on knowledge to analyze its own results on improving the technique of movements in a favorite sport.

    Presentation 6.

    External control



    Presentation 7.

    Selective control


    Physical training

    Development of physical qualities and functionality that ensure the efficiency and reliability of gaming actions.

    Technical training

    Technique movement.

    Technique field player. Stroks to accuracy, strength, range, with an assessment of the tactical environment Before performing a strike, masking the moment and direction of the alleged impact.

    The ability to commend the strength of the blow, to give the ball a different flight path, to accurately perform long transmissions, perform shocks from difficult positions (sideways, back to the direction of impact, and jump, with a drop); The skill is accurate, quickly and unexpectedly for the goalkeeper to make shocks on the goal.

    Strokes on the ball head in a jump, performing them with active resistance, while paying attention to a high jump, winnings of martial arts and the accuracy of the direction of the ball.

    Stop the ball in various ways, performing techniques with the lowest time, at high speed, leading the ball at a convenient position for further action.

    Making a ball in various ways to the right and left foot at high speed, changing the direction and rhythm of movement, using the fins, securely controlling the ball and watching the game setting.

    Performing internal explosive techniques in the conditions of gaming exercises and games.

    Selection of the ball with studied techniques in the conditions of game exercises and games. The ability to determine (to predict) the idea of \u200b\u200bthe enemy who owns the ball, the moment for selection of the ball and unmistakably apply the chosen way to master the ball.

    Powding the ball from various source positions from the scene, after running to accuracy and distortion of throwing, to stop it with the studied techniques for a standing and moving partner.

    The technique of goalkeeper.

    Classify, characterize and qualitatively carry out exercises aimed at the development of physical qualities.

    To be able to perform technical actions, it is understood to apply in a changing situation.

    Be able to interact with partners and teacher.

    Know and understand the language of non-verbal communication.

    Own tactical action methods. Be able to quickly respond to a changing situation.

    Be able to work in a group.

    The ability to control their own psychophysical state.

    High level of motivational mood

    Presentation 8.

    External control, self-control


    Presentation 9.

    Selective control


    Presentation 10.

    Practical work № 1 "Preparation of messages on the topic" History of the birth of sports games "


    Presentations of students

    Monitoring teacher

    Sambo. Gymnastics 4 hours

    Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics


    General and special physical training.

    Property exercises for the development of agility, equilibrium, coordination of movements, maintaining the correct posture, etc.

    Exercises for the development of the strength of the muscles of the lower and upper limbs, the body (back, chest, abdomen, buttocks) with

    using resistance

    own weight, dumbbells,

    other sports equipment in various initial positions - standing, sitting, lying.

    Special exercises for the development of the strength of the hands of hands and strengthening the feet.

    Complexes of exercise of various focus using various sports equipment and without it

    Know the physical exercises. Perform exercises for the development of force using the weight resistance of its own body and

    various sports equipment taking into account individual physical

    preparedness and level

    health. Be able to

    compile and implement

    individual plan of exercise exercise, taking into account individual physical fitness and level of health. Know and perform exercises for hands and stop legs. To own previously learned and master new various complexes of physical exercises for the development of general physical preparation and individual parts of the body.

    To be able to put in practice knowledge of action on various parts of the body of exercise using the weight of their own body and various sports equipment


    Frontal survey

    Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics



    Selective control

    Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics


    Gymnastics with elementarrobatics. Development of equilibrium, strength, flexibility and dexterity by means, sports gymnastics with elements of acrobatics:


    Acrobatic combinations

    of the six elements, including a long squirrel forward through an obstacle,

    coup sideways and acrobatic elements


    Selective control

    P21, repetition

    Offset No. 1.

    Lesson of knowledge control

    Control by Zun.

    Athletics 4 hours



    Modern sports classification.

    Prospects for the development of modern sports.

    Olympic Movement B. modern world.

    Characteristics of sports included in the program of the Winter and Summer Olympics.

    Outstanding achievements of Russian athletes

    Physical culture and VFSC "GTO" today.

    The basic principles of the theory and methods of physical education.

    Social orientation and form of organizing physical culture. The relationship of physical culture and objects of humanitarian, natural-scientific and physical and mathematics cycles.

    Physical culture in modern society.

    Selection of exercises and tasks for the development of physical qualities.

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of independent activities.

    Features of individual preparations for participation in sports and physical education events.

    Influence of lifestyle on health and physical development.

    The relationship between the physical development of man and physical culture.

    Physical culture and preparation for future profession. Compilation individual plans For independent classes and preparation for the surrender of the NRS complex "GTO".

    Physical preparation and its impact on improving the health and development of physical qualities.

    Rules for organizing and conducting competitions in athletics. Organization and participation in the judging of sports-mass events of the athletic orientation. Organization of independent activities of athletics.

    Know and understand aspects of the development of modern sports, sports classification


    characterization Olympic Movement, Winter and Summer Olympic Sports, Achievements of Russian Athletes.

    Explain the meaning and role of WFCC "GTO" for the country.


    Frontal survey



    Know and characterize the basic principles and methods of physical education; Impact on modern society and people. Disclose the basic concepts of physical education. Entry the relationship of physical culture with other objects and be able to apply existing knowledge and skills in practice. To determine the main directions of the development of physical culture in modern society and its influence on people.


    Selective control



    Know, understand and explain positive influence Physical culture on health, the development of physical qualities, the formation of positive personal qualities.

    Be able to plan and conduct independent classes in physical culture; prepare to sports events; To give the norms of the VFSK complex "GTO".

    Be able to draw up complexes for independent classes; Organize and conduct sporting events.

    Plan and be able to independently conduct classes on the preparation for the surrender of the NRS complex "GTO"


    Frontal survey

    Practical work number 2 "Preparation of reports of famous Russian athletes"


    Presentations of students

    Selective control

    Ski preparation for 3 hours

    Ski preparation


    The history of the development of skiing. Russian skiers at the Olympic Games.

    Know about the history of the development of skiing. To be able to present knowledge of Russian skiers at the Olympic Audience Games


    Frontal survey

    Ski preparation


    The concepts of ski technique. Classification of classic skiing. Phase composition and structure of movements of alternate double and simultaneous ski strokes. Typical errors when moving by classic ski strokes. Classification of ski skiing.

    Know and be able to submit audience information on the classification of classic and skate skiing.

    Have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe phase composition, structure and typical ski errors.


    Selective control

    Ski preparation


    Health and healthy lifestyle. Hygienic requirements of classes and recreation, power mode. The value and content of self-control in the process of skiing.

    Security requirements and first aid for injuries during physical culture and sports. First aid for frostbite.

    Know theoretical information about health. Perform the necessary rules for a healthy way of life of everyday life.

    Know and fulfill safety requirements in classes. Be able to provide first assistance in injuries and frostbite.


    Frontal survey

    Sambo. Self-defense 3 hours

    Elements of martial arts


    Basics of biomechanics sambo exercises. Their influence on the physique, raising volitional qualities. Applied aspects of sambo. The possibilities of the sambo system as the basis of self-defense, survival in a modern metropolis, preparation for the service in Russian army and strength structures. Sport and sports training. All-Russian physical education and sports complex "Ready for Work and Defense".

    To know the basics of biomechanics of gymnastic exercises and sambo exercises, their influence on the physique, education of volitional qualities.

    Know on the applied aspects of sambo about the various capabilities of the sambo system.

    Know the story and modern development of the All-Russian Physical and Sports Complex "Ready for Work and Defense"


    Frontal survey

    Elements of martial arts


    Specially preparatory exercises

    Repeating exercises studied at the previous preparation stages.

    Improving various receptions of self-insurance in the complicated conditions: in motion, with an increase in the height of falls, to the accuracy of landing, with limiting opportunities (without hands, related legs, etc.), etc.

    To be able to independently characterize the options for self-insurance.

    To be able to independently characterize the options for special preparatory exercises for technology.


    Selective control

    Elements of martial arts


    Technical preparation.

    Improving the receptions studied at previous preparation stages. Self-defense

    Exemption from captures in the rack and position lying: from the grippers with one hand (front, back, side) - sleeves, hands, clothing challenge; From the seizures with two hands (in front, behind, on the side) - hands, hands, sleeves, viscots of clothes, legs.

    Liberation from pickups of the trunk in front and rear, with hands and without hands.

    Exemption from the seizures for the neck (attempts of suffocation) fingers, shoulder and forearm, belt (front, rear, side).

    To be able to correctly assess the situation (degree of risk) if you need to use self-defense techniques


    Selective control

    Swimming 11 hours



    System of international and Russian swimming competitions. Achievements of the strongest Russian swimmers.

    Know about modern development Swimming about the system of international and Russian competitions on the achievements of outstanding swimmers.


    Frontal survey



    Place of swimming in the system of physical education. The concept of the foundations modern technology sports swimming methods. The main factors affecting the efficiency and efficiency of the technique of sports swimming methods. Biomechanics of swimming.

    Know the role, place and value of swimming in the system of physical education.

    To know and be able to present the audience the foundations of modern technology of sports swimming methods, about factors affecting its efficiency and efficiency, about biomechanics of swimming.


    Selective control



    Brief information about the structure and functions of the human body (heart and blood circulation, breathing and gas exchange).

    Correction of posture and physique. Wellness swimming.

    To know the foundations of human physiology and the influence of health swimming on health.


    Frontal survey

    Practical work number 3 "Preparation of messages on" maintaining a healthy lifestyle "


    Presentations of students

    Selective control, teacher control

    Repetition of the "Football", "Volleyball", "Handball"


    Presentation 16.

    Frontal survey



    Frontal survey



    Frontal survey

    Generalization of material passed



    Frontal survey

    Offset number 2 at the rate of grade 11

    Lesson of knowledge control

    Control by Zun.

    Indiweal. Monitoring teacher

    Analysis of testing


    Repetition of those "Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics", "Athletics"

    Repetition of the "Ski Preparation", "Martial Arts", "Swimming"

    Frontal survey

    Repetition of material for grade 11


    Frontal survey

    Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

    Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

    "South Russian State


    (Novocherkassky Polytechnic Institute) "


    By discipline

    "Physical education"

    Correspondence form of training and external for all directions of training and undergraduate


    ^ Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

    Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

    Higher professional education

    ^ "South Russian State Technical University

    (Novocherkassky Polytechnic Institute) "


    Vice Rector for OD L.Y. Sheerbakova

    "" _________________ 2012


    by Physical culture .

    For Correspondence learning and external all directions of specialist and undergraduate

    Institute of Physical Education and Sports

    Course I. II. III IV .

    Semester 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 .

    Total for discipline 408 (hour)

    The working program was drawn up on the basis of a working curriculum on state,

    approved by the scientific Council of FGBOU VPO Yurgu (NPI) protocol No. 7 of 28.03.2007. and reigned Protocol No. 11 of 05/30/12 ..

    Sample program in the discipline "Physical Culture"


    The working program was made up ^ Director Iftwis Mogilin N.N., Senior Lecturer Serov N.A., Senior Lecturer Tyurin E.I.


    The working program is discussed at the meeting of the IFVIS Council

    Director IVIS N.N. Mogilinets

    . The working program is agreed:

    Dean Fiop _____________________________ E. B. Kolbachev

    Dean Fau _____________________________ V.L. Kondrashov

    Dean Fit _____________________________ D.V.Grinchenkov

    Dean FMF _____________________________ V.V.Nefedov

    Dean EMF _____________________________ B.N.Lobov

    Dean SF _____________________________ gmskin

    Dean HTF _____________________________ E.A. Yacenko

    Dean MF _____________________________ V.M. Berdnik

    Dean Enf _____________________________ V.I.Nagai

    Dean FGGINGD _____________________________ Yu.I.Drazenov

    state Educational Standard for Discipline

    « Physical education"

    Physical culture in the general cultural and training of a specialist. Her socio-biological basis. Physical culture and sport as social phenomena society. The legislation of the Russian Federation on physical culture and sports. Physical culture of personality; Basics of a healthy lifestyle. Features of the use of physical culture to optimize performance; General physical I. special preparation in the system of physical education; Sport, individual selection of sports or exercise systems; vocational and applied physical training; Fundamentals of independent classes and self-control over the condition of its body.

    ^ 1. Objectives and objectives of discipline, her place in the educational process

    1.1. Course check:

    The purpose of the physical education of students is universally forming the formation of the physical culture of the personality and the ability to use various means of physical culture, sports and tourism to preserve and strengthen health, psychophysical training and self-preparation for future professional activities.

    ^ 1.2. Course when studying discipline:

    To achieve the goal, it is envisaged to solve the following educational, educational, educational and wellness tasks:

      • Understanding the social role of physical culture in the development of personality and preparing it for professional activities;

      • Knowledge of the scientific and biological and practical foundations of physical culture and healthy lifestyle;

      • Formation of a motivational and holistic attitude to physical culture, installation on a healthy lifestyle, physical self-improvement and self-education, needs in regular exercise and sports;

      • Mastering a system of practical skills and skills that ensure the preservation and promotion of health, mental well-being, the development and improvement of psychophysical abilities, the qualities and properties of the individual, self-determination in physical culture;

      • Providing general and professionally applied physical fitness determining the psychophysical readiness of the student for the future profession;

      • Acquisition of the experience of creative use of physical education and sports activities to achieve vital and professional goals.

    ^ 1.3. Requirements for the development of the course content.

    Based on state educational standards of higher professional education in curriculum Faculties of the university in all directions and specialties of higher professional education in the cycle of common humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines provide for the allocation of mandatory study hours in the amount of 408 hours at the physical culture discipline for the entire period of study.

    The student should know:

      • physical culture in public and vocational training of students;

      • Fundamentals of physical culture and healthy lifestyle;
    The student must be able to:

      • use physical culture tools to optimize performance;
    The student must own:

    • the system of practical skills and skills ensuring the conservation and promotion of health, the development and improvement of psychophysical abilities and qualities (with the implementation of established standards for general physical and sports and technical training).

    ^ 1.4. The course in the system of socio-humanity education.

    "Physical Culture" is presented as an educational discipline and the most important component of the holistic development of the individual. As a component of a common culture, psychophysical formation and vocational training of a student during the entire period of study, "physical culture" is among the mandatory disciplines of the cycle "General humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines".

    His educational and educational functions of "physical culture" is most fully carried out in a targeted pedagogical process of physical education.

    "Physical Culture" is closely connected not only with physical development and improvement functional systems The organism of a young man, but also with the formation of the physical culture and sports of the vital mental qualities, properties and personalities of the person.

    All this as a whole is reflected in the psychophysical reliability of the future specialist, in the required level and sustainability of its professional performance.

    ^ 2. Course content

    Educational discipline "Physical Culture" For students of correspondence formation and external, includes the following dydactic units as a mandatory minimum, integrating the theoretical, independent and control educational material:

    • physical culture in general cultural and vocational training of students;

    • Socio-biological foundations of physical culture;

    • Basics of a healthy way and lifestyle;

    • Wellness systems and sports (theory, technique and practice);

    • Professional and applied physical training of students.
    The educational material of each didactic unit is differentiated through the following sections and subsections of the program:

    • theoretical, forming a worldview system of scientific and practical knowledge and attitude to physical culture;

    • independent, promoting the acquisition of experience of creative and practical activities, the development of amateur in physical culture and sports in order to achieve physical perfection, increase the level of functional and motor abilities, aimed at the formation of the qualities and property properties;

    • control,defining differentiated and objective accounting of the process and results of students' training activities.
    The material of the program includes two interrelated substantive components. : mandatory (basic), providing the formation of the foundation of the physical culture of personality, and variablerelying on the basic, complementary and taking into account the individuality of each student, its motives, interests, needs.
    2.1.Toretical section

    The section of the section provides mastering by students by the system of scientific and practical and special knowledge necessary to understand the natural and social processes of the functioning of the physical culture of society and the personality, the ability of their adaptive, creative use for personal and professional development, self-improvement, organization of a healthy lifestyle when performing training, professional and sociocultural activities.

    The content of mandatory lectures in generalized form includes: basic concepts and terms; leading scientific ideas; Basic laws, theories, principles, provisions that reveal the essence of phenomena in physical culture, objective relations between them; Thematic information I. scientific factsexplaining and forming beliefs. According to some topics, lectures include recommendations on the subject-operational use of the knowledge gained and the acquisition of practical experience in the sessions selected views of the sport or system of physical exercises. To each lecture, the Department of Physical Education provides students with a list of recommended (accessible) literature. Control questions on mandatory topics 1-5.

    2.1.1. The name of the lectures, their content, the volume in hours by courses:

    First course.

    Topic 1. . Basics of a healthy lifestyle of students (2 hours).

    Basic concepts: health, health physical and mental, healthy lifestyle, healthy lifestyle, legal capacity, disability, self-regulation and self-esteem.

    Summary.Human health as value and factors determining it. Basic requirements for organizing a healthy lifestyle, criteria for the effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle. Physical self-education and self-improvement in a healthy lifestyle. Criteria for the effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle.

    Literature:___5 __

    Topic 2. Self-controlling physical exercises and sports. (2 hours).

    Basic concepts: medical control, diagnosis, diagnosis of health status, functional samples, physical development criteria, anthropometric indicators, pedagogical control, test, nomogram, self-control.

    Summary.Diagnosis and self-diagnostics of the body's condition at regular exercise and sports. Medical control, its content. Pedagogical control, its content. Self-control, its main methods, indicators and diary of self-control. The use of standards methods, anthropometric indexes, nomograms of functional samples, exercises  tests for assessing physical development, physique, functional state of the body, physical fitness. Correction of content and techniques of exercise and sports based on the results of control indicators.

    Literature Section 5.

    Second course.

    ^ Topic 3. Injuries, characteristics of injuries, first aid. Rehabilitation methods. (2 hours).

    Basic concepts: injuries, training classification, characteristics of injuries and their symptoms, first medical care, damage prevention measures, rehabilitation methods

    Summary.Injuries and their classification in parts of the body and the type of damage. Mechanical injuries: open, closed. Types of injury: shaking brain, bruises and stretching, bundles breaks and tendons, bone fractures. First aid: cold, peace, immobilization, anesthesia, thermal and physiothereders, with severe cases - a faint and pain shock. Methods, stages and fixed assets of rehabilitation.

    Literature Section 5.

    Third course.

    ^ Topic 4. . Fundamentals of independent practicing exercise (2 hours.)

    Basic concepts: Forms of independent classes, motivation of choice.

    Organization of independent practices of physical exercises of various focus. The nature of the content of classes depending on age. Features of independent activities for women. Planning and managing independent activities. The boundaries of the load intensity in the conditions of independent classes in persons of different ages. The relationship between the intensity of the loads and the level of physical fitness. Hygiene self-study. Self-control over the effectiveness of independent classes. Participation in sports competitions.

    Literature 5

    Fourth year in college.

    ^ Topic 5. . Professional and applied physical training (PPFP) of students (2 hours).

    Basic concepts: Vocational and applied physical training; forms (species), conditions and nature of labor; Applied knowledge, physical, mental and special qualities, applied skills and skills; Applied sports. General provisions of professional and applied physical training. Features of the PPPs of students in the chosen direction of training or specialty. Scheme of the section of the section at each faculty: The main factors determining the PPP of the future specialist of this profile; Additional factors affecting the maintenance of the PPFP on the chosen profession; the main content of the PPFP of the future bachelor and specialist; Applied sports and their elements. CANCING REQUIREMENTS AND RESULTS ON PPFP for years of training (semesters) for students of the faculty.

    Summary. Personal and socio-economic need for a special psychophysical training person to work. Determination of the concept of PPFP, its goals, tasks, funds. Place PPFP in the system of physical education of students. Factors defining the specific PPP content. Method of selection of PPP funds. Organization, forms and means of PPP students in high school. Control over the effectiveness of student's professional and applied physical fitness. Determination of the concept of the PPFP, its goals, tasks, funds. Place PPFP in the system of physical development of students. Factors defining the specific PPP content. Method of selection of PPP funds. Organization, forms and means of PPP students in high school. Control over the effectiveness of student's professional and applied physical fitness.


    ^ 2.2. Independent work.

    Physical culture in the basics of the legislation of the Russian Federation on physical culture and sports is presented in the highest educational institutions As an educational discipline and the most important component of the integrity of personality. As an integral part of the overall culture and training of a student during the training period, physical culture is a mandatory section in the humanitarian component of education. Educational and educational functions The physical culture is most fully carried out in a targeted pedagogical process of physical education.

    The session curriculum is aimed at improving the level of functional and motor abilities, the formation of the necessary qualities and properties of the personality, to master the methods and means of physical education and sports activities, to acquire personal experience of the directional use of physical culture and sports.

    Independent classes provide for the development of the main methods and methods for the formation of educational, professional and life skills and skills by means of physical culture and sports.

    Independent students must know the rules for holding classes, the main mechanisms for obtaining the training effect. Knowledge and ownership of self-control skills are important.

    Incidentally important, selection of classes, places of their holding, proper equipment, sports equipment or its homemade analogues. Independent work of students in physical education should be aimed at preserving and promoting health; Development and improvement of physical qualities.

    The most accessible and effective means of physical education at home are Morning hygienic gymnastics (UGH), OIS's principle (general physical training), aerobics, walking, running, swimming, etc.

    Morning hygienic gymnastics .

    Exercises UGH as one of the main forms of independent classes contribute to a faster adaptation of the human body to the rhythm of the labor day. This is achieved due to the fact that the bark of the brain flows the stream of nerve pulses from a variety of receptors located in the muscles, tendons, bundles, joints, which, thanks to temporary links, provide a more advanced body adaptation, reducing the period of work. It is best to carry out ugging exercises in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated room and finish with water treatments, or a shower that helps increase the body's resistance to colds.

    general physical preparation

    The OFP groups exist with all stadiums, swimming pools, etc. Students involved in the OFP groups can use an exemplary training scheme: from 10-15 to 30 min. Outwearing exercises (ORA) and running exercises, then swimming 20-30 minutes, or mobile games (volleyball, basketball, football, etc.). From the point of view of enhancing the motor activity, the use of various means of occupation in such groups allow you to increase the level of health and health.

    Groups are formed, as a rule, in the age of the principle. Classes on the principle of the OFP are the most effective form of health levels.

    Health Aerobics

    To organize independent activities, you must familiarize yourself with the exercises that will be used. Currently there is a significant amount of video cassette with various exercise complexes and students can engage in free time.

    Health Aerobics Effective means to increase the level of development of the training of a cardiovascular, respiratory system, all physical qualities and general health.

    Wellness Walking

    Used as a means of active rehabilitation. In health purposes, it is recommended to go 4-5 times a week for 40-60 minutes. Distance length from 3 to 5 km.

    Wellness Run

    Effective means of improving the health level of the body. In health care, it is recommended to train 3-4 times a week from 25 to 40 minutes. Weekly running - 25-40 km. Run is most accessible to individual workouts.


    Refers to the most effective means of training and maintaining the level of health. It is recommended to train at least 3-4 times a week from 30 to 45 minutes. In addition to the significant effect of movements, positive shifts and simply stay in water (energy exchange is doubled, as water is 700 times tight). It is recommended to swim from 800 to 1500 meters, alternating various swimming methods.

    Swimming eliminates any overload of the musculoskeletal system, allows you to train people with overweight.

    Getting Started with independent practices exercise, everyone should outline not only the most affordable means and training program, but also to choose the methods of regular self-control over the change in its performance.

    Analyzing subjective sensations (well-being, mood, degree of fatigue, sleep, appetite, etc.) and objective indicators of the body's condition (pulse frequency, breathing, sweating, weight, etc.), you study the changes that occur in your body under the action physical exertion.

    These observations must be regularly entered into the self-control diary. In addition to the subjective sensations, it is necessary to fix the time spent on training, the length of the running distance, changes in your weight, as well as the pulse rate.

    ^ 2.3. Control section.

    Control classes, the maintenance of self-control diary of independent classes and tests provide operational, current and outcome information about the degree of development of theoretical and methodological knowledge and skills on the state and dynamics of physical development, physical and professional-applied preparedness of each student.

    The final control (offset) makes it possible to identify the level of formation of the physical culture of the student and self-determination in it through a comprehensive test of knowledge, methodological and practical skills, the characteristic of the general physical, sports and technical preparedness of the student, his psychophysical readiness for professional activities as a result of constant independent activities, with Mandatory jurisdiction of the diary of self-control.

    The professional orientation of the educational process in physical culture combines all three sections of the program, performing a binder, coordinating and activating function.

    ^ 3. Distribution of those hours of semesters

    №№ semester

    №№ topics

    ^ Number of hours on the sections of the program


    Independent work












    In just 1 course














    Total for 2 course














    In just 3 course














    In just 4 course








    TOTAL:The total labor intensity of the discipline "Physical Culture" is 408 hours, including 10 hours of lectures and 398 hours of independent activities.

    ^ 4.1. Laboratory classes, their name and volume in hours

    4.2. Course projects, term paper, abstract, homework, their content and characteristic.

    The curriculum does not provide

    ^ 5. Final control form

    Evaluation of the development of educational material program

    Students who fulfilled the working curriculum in each semester will take a test on physical culture in the 8th semester. The permissal condition to the offset is the regularity of visiting theoretical classes, and performing independent work, with mandatory management of the uninterrupted diary.

    Criterion for the success of the development of educational material by a student is an expert assessment of the teacher on the regularity of visiting mandatory theoretical classes and the results of self-control diary.

    ^ 6. Continuous questions for mandatory lectures on academic discipline "Physical Culture .

    Theme 1. Basics of a healthy student lifestyle.

    The concept of "health", its content and criteria. Functional features of manifestation of human health in various spheres of vital activity. Influence of lifestyle on health. Influence of conditions ambient on health. Healthiness and health measures. Their effect on health. Health in the hierarchy needs of the cultural person. The influence of the cultural development of the individual on attitude to itself. Health knowledge system. The focus of human behavior to ensure his health. Methods for determining individual psychological characteristics of the individual. The relationship of physical culture and sports activities and the general cultural development of students. The direction of the lifestyle of students, its characteristic. Ways to regulate lifestyle.

    Adequate and inadequate related to health, his self-esteem by students and reflection in real behavior of the person. Orientation on health in persons related to the interias and exterias. Value orientation of students on a healthy lifestyle. Reflection of a healthy lifestyle in the form of student vital activity. The essence and importance of the use of psychoprophylaxis and psychohygiennes in vitality. The need for personality activity in the admission to a healthy lifestyle. Life, psychological, functional and behavioral criteria for using a healthy lifestyle. Physical self-education and self-improvement as a prerequisite for a healthy lifestyle.

    ^ Theme 2.Soncontrol in physical exercises and sports.

    Diagnostics of the body's condition at regular exercise and sports. Types of diagnostics, their goals and tasks. Dispensarization. Medical control as a condition for admission to exercise and sports, its content and frequency. Pedagogical control, its content. Types of pedagogical control. Self-control, his goal and task. Basic methods of self-control. Objective and subjective indicators of self-control. Criteria for self-control. Self-monitoring diary. Methods of standards, anthropometric indexes, nomograms, functional samples, exercise tests to assess physical development, physique, functional state of the body, physical fitness. Correction of content and techniques of exercise and sports based on the results of control indicators.

    ^ Topic 3. Injuries, characteristics of injuries, first aid. Rehabilitation methods.

    Fundamentals of physiological and therapeutic effects of physical actions on the body . The concept of injury and traumatic disease. The treatment of therapeutic physical culture under various injuries. Indications and contraindications to therapeutic physical culture. General requirements for the methodology of therapeutic physical culture. General characteristics of rehabilitation (exercises, exercises on simulators, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, manual therapy, massage). Injuries, vita injuries, first aid with shock, bruises, stretching, breaks and fractures.

    ^ Topic 4. Fundamentals of the methodology of independent exercise practices.

    Optimal motor activity and its impact on health and efficiency. Formation of motifs and organization of independent exercise practices. Forms of independent classes. Content of independent activities. Age features of the content of classes. Features of independent activities for women. Planning the volume and intensity of physical exercises, taking into account mental learning activities. Management of the process of independent activities. Defining a goal. Accounting individual features. Preliminary, current and final taking into account training load and adjusting training plans. The border of the intensity of physical exertion for students of student age. The relationship between the intensity of classes and heart rate. Signs of excessive load. Pulse modes of rational training load for student ages. CSS / Pano (heart rate / anaerobic exchange threshold) in persons of different ages. Energy consumption during physical exertion of different intensity. Participation in sports competitions in the process of independent activities. Hygiene self-study: nutrition, drinking mode, skin care. Hygienic requirements for classes: seats, clothing, shoes, injuries prevention. Self-control over the effectiveness of independent classes.

    ^ Topic 5. Professional and applied physical training (PPFP) students.

    1st part. General. Brief historical reference. Personal need for psychophysical training person to work. Provisions that determine the socio-economic necessity of psychophysical training of a person to work. Determination of the concept of PPFP, its goals and objectives. Place PPFP in the system of physical education. The main factors that determine the specific content of the PPF students. Additional factors affecting the maintenance of the PPFP. Method of selection of PPP funds. Organization, shapes and means of PPFP in high school. PPF students at training activities and in extracurricular time. The system of monitoring the professional and applied physical fitness of students.

    2nd part. Types and forms of vocational work bachelor and specialist. Basic and additional factors defining the PPPs of future specialists - graduates of the faculty. The conditions for their labor. Description of labor. Psychophysical loads. The budget of the working and free time of the specialist of this profile. Features of the fatigue and dynamics of working capacity during the working day, week, season. The influence of geographic-climatic, regional conditions for the vital activity of workers.

    CANCING REQUIREMENTS AND RESULTS ON PPFP ON HOWERS (semesters) of training for students of this faculty. PPPP in the final certification according to the educational discipline "Physical Culture".

    ^ 7. Educational and methodical support


    Main literature

    1. Barchukov I. S. Physical Culture and Sport: Methodology, Theory, Practice: Tutorial / Barchukov I. S.; Nesterov A. a.; Ed. N. N. Malikova. - 3rd ed., Stretch .. - M.: Academy, 2009. - 528 p.

    1. Grishina Yu. I. General physical training: know and be able to: studies. allowance / Grishina Yu. I.; . - 2nd ed. - Rostov N / D: Phoenix, 2012. - 249 p.

    1. Kobyakov Yu. P. Physical Culture: Basics of a healthy lifestyle: studies. allowance / Kobyakov Yu. P.; . - Rostov N / D: Phoenix, 2012. - 252 p.

    1. Salnikov A.N. Physical Culture [Electronic Resource]: Lecture Summary. - M.: Prior Publishing, 2009.- 128.- Access Mode: HTTP: /www.knigaFund/RU

    additional literature

    1. Gorbunov G. D. Psychology of Physical Culture and Sports: Textbook for universities / Gorbunov G. D.; Gogunov E. N.; . - M.: Academy, 2009. - 256 p.

    1. Sakun E. I. Construction of the educational process on the physical education of students in the university: studies. allowance / Sakun E. I.; . - M.: Dashkov and K, 2008. - 208 p.

    1. Zheleznyak Yu. D. Basics of scientific and methodological activities in physical culture and sports: studies. benefit for universities / Zheleznyak Yu. D.; Petrov P.K.; . - M.: Academy, 2009. - 272 p.

    1. Collection of guidelines for the organization of training process with students on the discipline "Physical Culture" / M-M-M-in Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Federal Agency for Education, Yurgu (NPI). - Novocherkassk: Publishing House of Yurgu (NPI), 2008. - 128 p.

    1. Mogilin N. N. Modern views on the organization of preparation of fighters: studies. Manual / Mogilin N. N.; Yurgu (NPI). - Novocherkassk: Publishing House of Yurgu (NPI), 2011. - 68 p.

    1. Vilensky M.Ya. Physical culture and healthy student lifestyle: student. Manual / Vilensky M. I.; Gorshkov A.G.;. - M.: Gardariki, 2007. -218c.

    1. Weiner E.N. Medical Physical Culture [Electronic Resource]: Textbook / E.N. Weiner.- M.-: Flint: Science, 2009.- 424С.-Access mode: http: /www.knigafund/en

    2. Yakovlev B.P. Fundamentals of sports psychology [Electronic resource]: Tutorial / B.P. Yakovlev. - M.: Soviet Sport, 2010.- 2008 Access mode: http: /www.knigafund/en

    The sports base of the university is presented:

    Stadium with treadmills, sectors, football field, Tribunes for viewers;

    Volleyball platforms-3, basketball-1, tennis court with tribunes.

    Closed sports facilities

    Swimming pool-25m;

    Athletics playpen;

    Specialized halls: sports games, boxing, weightlifting, struggle, simulators-3, special. honey. Groups.

    Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

    "South Russian State



    by discipline

    "Physical education"

    Correspondence form of training and externatate of all directions for training the specialist and bacclariat.


    year 2013

    Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

    Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

    Higher professional education

    "South Russian State Technical University

    (Novocherkassky Polytechnic Institute) "


    Vice Rector for OD L.Y. Sheerbakova

    "" _________________ 2012


    by Physical culture .

    for Correspondence form of training and externatate of all directions of training of the specialist and bavlariat

    Institute of Physical Education and Sports

    Course I. II. III .

    Semester 1  2  3  4  5  6 .

    Total for discipline 2 Zet (400 hours)

    The Working Program is drawn up on the basis of working plans for the preparation of bachelors and specialists in federal state educational standards (third generation) approved by the Scientific Council of Yurgu (NPI) Protocol №4 dated December 29, 2010 and the exemplary program on the discipline "Physical Culture".
    The working program was made up Associate Professor of Chalch A. S., Stiver Serov N.A., Stiver Breastler Chikina E.V.

    The working program is discussed at the meeting of the IFVIS Council

    . The working program is agreed:
    Dean Fiop ______________________________ E.B. Kolbachev

    Dean Faiu _____________________________ V.L. Kontdashev

    Dean Fit ______________________________ D.V.Grinchenkov

    Dean FMF ______________________________ B.M.Serin

    Dean EMF ______________________________ B.N.lobov

    Dean SF _______________________________ gmskin

    Dean HTF ______________________________ E.A. Yacenko

    Dean MF ______________________________ V.M. Berdnik

    Dean Enf ______________________________ S.V.Cubainko

    Dean FGGINGD ______________________________ N.D. Shurygin

    federal State Educational Standard for Discipline

    « Physical education"
    Communication competence: possession of independent methodologically correct use of methods of physical education and health promotion, willingness to achieve due fellow physical fitness to ensure full social and professional activities.

    Cycle discipline B.4 is carried out by 1,2,3,4,56 semesters. The complexity of discipline 2 z.e. (400 hours). The form of intermediate certification - standing.
    1. Objectives and objectives of discipline.

    1.1. Course check:

    The purpose of the physical education of university students is to form the physical culture of the personality and the ability to use a variety of physical culture, sports and tourism to preserve and strengthen health, psychophysical training and self-preparation for future professional activities.

    1.2. Course when studying discipline:

    To achieve the goal, it is envisaged to solve the following educational, educational, educational and wellness tasks:

      • understanding the social significance of physical culture and its role in the development of personality and training for professional activities;

      • knowledge of scientific and biological, psychological and pedagogical and practical foundations of physical culture and healthy lifestyle. Admission to constant practices in physical culture and sports;

      • formation of a motivational value attitude to physical culture, installation on a healthy lifestyle, physical self-improvement and self-education, needs in regular exercise and sports;

      • mastering the system of practical skills and skills ensuring the preservation and promotion of health, mental well-being, development and improvement of psychophysical abilities, qualities and properties of the individual, self-determination in physical culture and sports;

      • providing general and professionally applied physical fitness determining the psychophysical readiness of the student for the future profession;

      • acquisition of the experience of creative use of physical education and sports activities to achieve vital and professional goals.

    2. Severe disciplines in the PCO structure: B-4.
    Requirements for entrance knowledge, skills and competencies of a student in physical culture:


    The influence of physical education systems for health promotion, prevention of occupational diseases and bad habits;

    Ways to control and assess physical development and physical fitness;

    Rules and ways to plan individual occupations of various targets;

    Be able to:

    Perform individually selected complexes of health and medical physical culture, composition of rhythmic and aerobic gymnastics, complexes of athletic gymnastics exercises;

    Perform the simplest self-massage and relaxation techniques;

    Overcome artificial and natural obstacles using a variety of ways to move;

    Perform the techniques of protection and self-defense, insurance and self-insurance;

    Creative cooperation in collective forms of physical culture.

    Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activity and everyday life for:

    Improving health, conservation and health promotion;

    Preparation for professional activities and service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

    Organizing and conducting individual, collective and family recreation, participation in mass sports competitions;

    Organizations of active creative activities of pore formation of a healthy lifestyle.

    3. Disciplines for which this discipline is preceding:


    Concept of modern natural science;

    Safety of vital activity.

    4. Reincarnations to the results of the development of discipline.

    The process of studying the discipline is aimed at the formation of the following competencies in the direction:

    Direction Direction Code (specialty)

    Code of formed competencies

    Communication competencies



    Knowledge and observance of the norms of a healthy lifestyle.





    The ability to adhere to ethical values \u200b\u200band a healthy lifestyle.



    The ability to form, maintain and use the constructive advocacy and socio-psychological resources necessary for a healthy lifestyle.



    Owning an independent, methodologically correct use of methods of physical education and health promotion, willingness to achieve a proper level of physical fitness to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities.





    The ability to independently, methodically use the methods of physical fitness to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities.



    The ability to independently, methodically use the methods of physical fitness to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities.



    The ability to organize your life in accordance with socially significant ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

    The ability to independently apply the methods and means of knowledge, learning and self-control, building and realization of promising lines of intellectual, cultural, moral, physical and professional self-development and self-improvement, the ability to critically evaluate their advantages with the necessary conclusions.



    The ability to apply independent means, methodologically correct methods of physical education and health promotion, willingness to achieve a proper level of physical fitness to ensure full social and professional activities after graduation.



    Ownership with means of independent, methodologically correct use of methods of physical education and health promotion, willingness to achieve a proper level of physical fitness to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities.



    Ownership with means of independent, methodologically correct use of methods of physical education and health promotion, willingness to achieve a proper level of physical fitness to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities.

    Readiness to organize your life in accordance with the socio-significant ideas about a healthy lifestyle.



    The ability to apply independently pedagogical agents and methods of physical education and health promotion, willingness to achieve a proper level of physical fitness to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities.



    The ability to build and implement promising lines of intellectual, cultural, moral, physical and professional self-development and self-improvement; readiness to develop independence, initiative and creative skills, improve your skills and skill.

    The ability to own means of independent, methodologically correct use of methods of physical education and health promotion, willingness to achieve a proper level of physical fitness to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities.





    To own the means of independent, methodologically correct use of methods of physical education and health promotion, willingness to achieve a proper level of physical fitness to ensure full social and professional activities.



    To own the means of independent, methodologically correct use of methods of physical education and health promotion, willingness to achieve a proper level of physical fitness to ensure full social and professional activities.





    Competences of health preservation (knowledge and observance of the norms of a healthy lifestyle; physical culture).



    The ownership of the means of independent, methodologically correct use of methods of physical education and health promotion, willingness to achieve the proper level of physical fitness to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities.



    The ownership of the means of independent, methodologically correct use of methods of physical education and health promotion, willingness to achieve the proper level of physical fitness to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities.

    As a result of studying discipline, the student must:

    Know:scientific and practical foundations of physical culture and healthy lifestyle.

    Be able to:creatively use the means and methods of physical education for professional-personal development, physical self-improvement, the formation of a healthy image and lifestyle.

    Own:the means and methods for strengthening individual health, physical self-improvement, the values \u200b\u200bof the physical culture of the individual for successful social and cultural and professional activities.

    • fundamentals of independent lessons;

    • self-controlling physical culture and sports;

    • basics of a healthy way and lifestyle;

    • wellness systems and sports (theory, technique and practice);

    • professional and applied physical training of students.
    The educational material of each didactic unit is differentiated through the following sections and subsections of the program:

    • theoretical, forming an ideological system of scientific and practical knowledge and attitude to physical culture;

    • practical,consisting of two subsections: controlled independent work, providing operational mastering methods and methods of physical culture and sports activities to achieve educational, professional and life goals, and independent section promoting the acquisition of the experience of creative and practical activity, the development of amateur in physical culture and sports in order to achieve physical excellence, increase the level of functional and motor abilities to form the formation of the qualities and properties of the individual;

    • control,defining differentiated and objective accounting of the process and results of students' training activities.
    5.1 Theoretical section

    The section of the section provides mastering by students by the system of scientific and practical and special knowledge necessary to understand the natural and social processes of the functioning of the physical culture of society and the personality, the ability of their adaptive, creative use for personal and professional development, self-improvement, organization of a healthy lifestyle when performing training, professional and sociocultural activities.

    The content of mandatory lectures in generalized form includes: basic concepts and terms; leading scientific ideas; Basic laws, theories, principles, provisions that reveal the essence of phenomena in physical culture, objective relations between them; Thematic information and scientific facts explaining and forming beliefs. According to some topics, lectures include recommendations on the subject - the operational use of the knowledge gained and the acquisition of practical experience in the sessions Selected Sport or the system of physical exercises. To each lecture, the Department of Physical Education provides students with a list of recommended (accessible) literature. Control questions on mandatory topics 1-5
    5.1.1. The name of the lectures, their content, the volume in hours by courses:

    First course.

    Topic 1.. Basics of a healthy lifestyle of students (2 hours).

    Basic concepts: health, health physical and mental, healthy lifestyle, healthy lifestyle, legal capacity, disability, self-regulation and self-esteem.

    Summary.Human health as value and factors determining it. Basic requirements for organizing a healthy lifestyle, criteria for the effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle. Physical self-education and self-improvement in a healthy lifestyle. Criteria for the effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle.

    Literature:___5 __
    Topic 2. Self-controlling physical exercises and sports. (2 hours).

    Basic concepts: medical control, diagnosis, diagnosis of health status, functional samples, physical development criteria, anthropometric indicators, pedagogical control, test, nomogram, self-control.

    Summary.Diagnosis and self-diagnostics of the body's condition at regular exercise and sports. Medical control, its content. Pedagogical control, its content. Self-control, its main methods, indicators and diary of self-control. The use of standards methods, anthropometric indexes, nomograms of functional samples, exercises  tests for assessing physical development, physique, functional state of the body, physical fitness. Correction of content and techniques of exercise and sports based on the results of control indicators.

    Literature Section 5.
    Second course.
    Topic 3. Injuries, characteristics of injuries, first aid. Rehabilitation methods. (2 hours).

    Basic concepts: injuries, training classification, characteristics of injuries and their symptoms, first medical care, damage prevention measures, rehabilitation methods

    Summary.Injuries and their classification in parts of the body and the type of damage. Mechanical injuries: open, closed. Types of injury: shaking brain, bruises and stretching, bundles breaks and tendons, bone fractures. First aid: cold, peace, immobilization, anesthesia, thermal and physiothereders, with severe cases - a faint and pain shock. Methods, stages and fixed assets of rehabilitation.

    Literature Section 5.
    Topic 4.. Fundamentals of independent practicing exercise (2 hours.)

    Basic concepts: Forms of independent classes, motivation of choice.

    Organization of independent practices of physical exercises of various focus. The nature of the content of classes depending on age. Features of independent activities for women. Planning and managing independent activities. The boundaries of the load intensity in the conditions of independent classes in persons of different ages. The relationship between the intensity of the loads and the level of physical fitness. Hygiene self-study. Self-control over the effectiveness of independent classes. Participation in sports competitions.

    Literature 5
    Third course.
    Topic 5. . Professional and applied physical training (PPFP) of students (2 hours).

    Basic concepts: Vocational and applied physical training; forms (species), conditions and nature of labor; Applied knowledge, physical, mental and special qualities, applied skills and skills; Applied sports. General provisions of professional and applied physical training. Features of the PPPs of students in the chosen direction of training or specialty. Scheme of the section of the section at each faculty: The main factors determining the PPP of the future specialist of this profile; Additional factors affecting the maintenance of the PPFP on the chosen profession; the main content of the PPFP of the future bachelor and specialist; Applied sports and their elements. CANCING REQUIREMENTS AND RESULTS ON PPFP for years of training (semesters) for students of the faculty.

    Summary. Personal and socio-economic need for a special psychophysical training person to work. Determination of the concept of PPFP, its goals, tasks, funds. Place PPFP in the system of physical education of students. Factors defining the specific PPP content. Method of selection of PPP funds. Organization, forms and means of PPP students in high school. Control over the effectiveness of student's professional and applied physical fitness. Determination of the concept of the PPFP, its goals, tasks, funds. Place PPFP in the system of physical development of students. Factors defining the specific PPP content. Method of selection of PPP funds. Organization, forms and means of PPP students in high school. Control over the effectiveness of student's professional and applied physical fitness.

    5.2. Practical section.

    5.2.1. Controlled independent work.
    First course.
    To topic №1 Methods of compilation individual programs Physical self-education and programs with recreational, reacting and reducing orientation. (1 hour)

    To topic number 2, self-control methods for the functional state of the body. (1 hour)

    Second course.

    To topic number 3 Methods for the provision of first aid and rehabilitation. (1 hour).

    To topic number 4, the methodology for compiling and carrying out the simplest independent practices in physical exercises. (1 hour)

    The session curriculum is aimed at improving the level of functional and motor abilities, the formation of the necessary qualities and properties of the personality, to master the methods and means of physical education and sports activities, to acquire personal experience of the directional use of physical culture and sports. The practical section of the program is implemented on controlled independent classes in training groups. .

    Controlled independent work provides for the development of the main methods and methods for the formation of educational, professional and life skills and skills by means of physical culture and sports.

    Each lesson is consistent with the relevant theoretical theme. When conducting classes, it is recommended to adhere to the following approximate scheme:

    • in accordance with the planned topic of the class, the teacher gives students the task of familiarizing with the recommended literature and the necessary instructions on its development;

    • the teacher briefly explains the learning methods and, if necessary, shows the appropriate techniques, ways to perform physical exercises, motor actions to achieve the necessary results on the methodology under study;

    • students practically at the interconnecting reproduction of thematic tasks under the supervision of the teacher;

    • students are issued individual recommendations on the practical self-improvement of thematic actions, techniques, methods. Under the guidance of the teacher, the results of the task are discussed and analyzed.

    5.2.2. Independent work.

    Physical culture in the basics of the legislation of the Russian Federation on physical culture and sports is presented in higher educational institutions as an educational discipline and the most important component of the integrity of personality. As an integral part of the overall culture and training of a student during the training period, physical culture is a mandatory section in the humanitarian component of education. Educational and educational functions The physical culture is most fully carried out in a targeted pedagogical process of physical education.
    The session curriculum is aimed at improving the level of functional and motor abilities, the formation of the necessary qualities and properties of the personality, to master the methods and means of physical education and sports activities, to acquire personal experience of the directional use of physical culture and sports.

    Independent classes provide for the development of the main methods and methods for the formation of educational, professional and life skills and skills by means of physical culture and sports.

    Independent students must know the rules for holding classes, the main mechanisms for obtaining the training effect. Knowledge and ownership of self-control skills are important.

    Incidentally important, selection of classes, places of their holding, proper equipment, sports equipment or its homemade analogues. Independent work of students in physical education should be aimed at preserving and promoting health; Development and improvement of physical qualities.

    The most accessible and effective means of physical education at home are Morning hygienic gymnastics (UGH), OIS's principle (general physical training), aerobics, walking, running, swimming, etc.
    Morning hygienic gymnastics .

    Exercises UGH as one of the main forms of independent classes contribute to a faster adaptation of the human body to the rhythm of the labor day. This is achieved due to the fact that the bark of the brain flows the stream of nerve pulses from a variety of receptors located in the muscles, tendons, bundles, joints, which, thanks to temporary links, provide a more advanced body adaptation, reducing the period of work. It is best to carry out ugging exercises in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated room and finish with water treatments, or a shower that helps increase the body's resistance to colds.

    general physical preparation

    The OFP groups exist with all stadiums, swimming pools, etc. Students involved in the OFP groups can use an exemplary training scheme: from 10-15 to 30 min. Outwearing exercises (ORA) and running exercises, then swimming 20-30 minutes, or mobile games (volleyball, basketball, football, etc.). From the point of view of enhancing the motor activity, the use of various means of occupation in such groups allow you to increase the level of health and health.

    Groups are formed, as a rule, in the age of the principle. Classes on the principle of the OFP are the most effective form of health levels.
    Health Aerobics

    To organize independent activities, you must familiarize yourself with the exercises that will be used. Currently there is a significant amount of video cassette with various exercise complexes and students can engage in free time.

    Health Aerobics Effective means to increase the level of development of the training of a cardiovascular, respiratory system, all physical qualities and general health.
    Wellness Walking

    Used as a means of active rehabilitation. In health purposes, it is recommended to go 4-5 times a week for 40-60 minutes. Distance length from 3 to 5 km.

    Wellness Run

    Effective means of improving the health level of the body. In health care, it is recommended to train 3-4 times a week from 25 to 40 minutes. Weekly running - 25-40 km. Run is most accessible to individual workouts.


    Refers to the most effective means of training and maintaining the level of health. It is recommended to train at least 3-4 times a week from 30 to 45 minutes. In addition to the significant effect of movements, positive shifts and simply stay in water (energy exchange is doubled, as water is 700 times tight). It is recommended to swim from 800 to 1500 meters, alternating various swimming methods.

    Swimming eliminates any overload of the musculoskeletal system, allows you to train people with overweight.

    Getting Started with independent practices exercise, everyone should outline not only the most affordable means and training program, but also to choose the methods of regular self-control over the change in its performance.
    Analyzing subjective sensations (well-being, mood, degree of fatigue, sleep, appetite, etc.) and objective indicators of the body's condition (pulse frequency, breathing, sweating, weight, etc.), you study the changes that occur in your body under the action physical exertion.

    These observations must be regularly entered into the self-control diary. In addition to the subjective sensations, it is necessary to fix the time spent on training, the length of the running distance, changes in your weight, as well as the pulse rate.

    5.3. Control section.

    Control classes, the maintenance of self-control diary of independent classes and tests provide operational, current and outcome information about the degree of development of theoretical and methodological knowledge and skills on the state and dynamics of physical development, physical and professional-applied preparedness of each student.

    The final control (offset) makes it possible to identify the level of formation of the physical culture of the student and self-determination in it through a comprehensive test of knowledge, methodological and practical skills, the characteristic of the general physical, sports and technical preparedness of the student, his psychophysical readiness for professional activities as a result of constant independent activities, with Mandatory jurisdiction of the diary of self-control.
    The professional orientation of the educational process in physical culture combines all three sections of the program, performing a binder, coordinating and activating function.
    6. Distribution of semesters

    №№ semester

    №№ topics

    Number of hours on the sections of the program



    Controlled independent work

    Independent work
















    In just 1 course




















    Total for 2 course




















    In just 3 course












    6.1. Laboratory classes, their name and volume in hours

    6.2. Sections of the course project, coursework, abstract, homework, their content and characteristic.

    The curriculum is not provided.

    7. Final control form

    Evaluation of the development of educational material program

    Students who fulfilled the working curriculum in each, the semester give a test on physical culture in the 6th semester. The condition of admission to the offset is the regularity of visiting theoretical classes, DFS, providing a physiologically and methodically justified increase in functional and motor preparedness, performing independent work, with mandatory management of the self-control diary.

    Criterion for the success of the development of educational material by a student is an expert assessment of the teacher on the regularity of visiting mandatory theoretical classes and the results of self-control diary.

    8. Control questions about mandatory lectures on educational discipline "Physical Culture"
    Theme 1. Basics of a healthy student lifestyle.
    The concept of "health", its content and criteria. Functional features of manifestation of human health in various spheres of vital activity. Influence of lifestyle on health. The influence of environmental conditions on health. Healthiness and health measures. Their effect on health. Health in the hierarchy needs of the cultural person. The influence of the cultural development of the individual on attitude to itself. Health knowledge system. The focus of human behavior to ensure his health. Methods for determining individual psychological characteristics of the individual. The relationship of physical culture and sports activities and the general cultural development of students. The direction of the lifestyle of students, its characteristic. Ways to regulate lifestyle.

    Adequate and inadequate related to health, his self-esteem by students and reflection in real behavior of the person. Orientation on health in persons related to the interias and exterias. Value orientation of students on a healthy lifestyle. Reflection of a healthy lifestyle in the form of student vital activity. The essence and importance of the use of psychoprophylaxis and psychohygiennes in vitality. The need for personality activity in the admission to a healthy lifestyle. Life, psychological, functional and behavioral criteria for using a healthy lifestyle. Physical self-education and self-improvement as a prerequisite for a healthy lifestyle.

    Theme 2.Soncontrol in physical exercises and sports.
    Diagnostics of the body's condition at regular exercise and sports. Types of diagnostics, their goals and tasks. Dispensarization. Medical control as a condition for admission to exercise and sports, its content and frequency. Pedagogical control, its content. Types of pedagogical control. Self-control, his goal and task. Basic methods of self-control. Objective and subjective indicators of self-control. Criteria for self-control. Self-monitoring diary. Methods of standards, anthropometric indexes, nomograms, functional samples, exercise tests to assess physical development, physique, functional state of the body, physical fitness. Correction of content and techniques of exercise and sports based on the results of control indicators.
    Topic 3.Injuries, characteristics of injuries, first aid. Rehabilitation methods.
    Fundamentals of physiological and therapeutic effects of physical actions on the body . The concept of injury and traumatic disease. Tools of therapeutic physical culture with different injuries. Indications and contraindications to therapeutic physical culture. General requirements for the methodology of therapeutic physical culture. General characteristics of rehabilitation (exercises, exercises on simulators, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, manual therapy, massage). Injuries, vita injuries, first aid with shock, bruises, stretching, breaks and fractures.

    Topic 4. Fundamentals of the methodology of independent exercise practices.
    Optimal motor activity and its impact on health and efficiency. Formation of motifs and organization of independent exercise practices. Forms of independent classes. Content of independent activities. Age features of the content of classes. Features of independent activities for women. Planning the volume and intensity of physical exercises, taking into account mental learning activities. Management of the process of independent activities. Defining a goal. Accounting for individual features. Preliminary, current and final taking into account training load and adjusting training plans. The border of the intensity of physical exertion for students of student age. The relationship between the intensity of classes and heart rate. Signs of excessive load. Pulse modes of rational training load for student ages. CSS / Pano (heart rate / anaerobic exchange threshold) in persons of different ages. Energy consumption during physical exertion of different intensity. Participation in sports competitions in the process of independent activities. Hygiene self-study: nutrition, drinking mode, skin care. Hygienic requirements for classes: seats, clothing, shoes, injuries prevention. Self-control over the effectiveness of independent classes.

    Subject 5. Professional and applied physical training (PPFP) students.
    1st part. General. Brief historical reference. Personal need for psychophysical training person to work. Provisions that determine the socio-economic necessity of psychophysical training of a person to work. Determination of the concept of PPFP, its goals and objectives. Place PPFP in the system of physical education. The main factors that determine the specific content of the PPF students. Additional factors affecting the maintenance of the PPFP. Method of selection of PPP funds. Organization, shapes and means of PPFP in high school. PPF students at training activities and in extracurricular time. The system of monitoring the professional and applied physical fitness of students.

    2nd part. Types and forms of vocational work bachelor and specialist. Basic and additional factors defining the PPPs of future specialists - graduates of the faculty. The conditions for their labor. Description of labor. Psychophysical loads. The budget of the working and free time of the specialist of this profile. Features of the fatigue and dynamics of working capacity during the working day, week, season. The influence of geographic-climatic, regional conditions for the vital activity of workers.

    CANCING REQUIREMENTS AND RESULTS ON PPFP ON HOWERS (semesters) of training for students of this faculty. PPPP in the final certification according to the educational discipline "Physical Culture".

    9. For example, the form of self-control diary.

    No. p / p












    Small fatigue




    Sleep, Ch

    8, strong

    8, strong

    7, Restless

    8, restless

    8, calm









    Pulse dd / min.,
    before training
    after workout







    Weight, kg







    Training loads

    Acceleration 8x30 m, run 100 m, tempo running 6x200 m


    Acceleration 8x30 m, run 100 m, uniform jogging (12 min.)


    Specialist. UPR. Runner, acceleration 10x30 m, Cross (15 min.)


    Violations of the regime


    Minor alcohol consumption








    Stupid pain in the field of liver

    Small pain in the right side after running



    Sports results

    Running 100 m (14.2 s)


    Running 100 m (14.8 s)


    Running (14.5 s)

    10. Educational and methodical support

    Main literature
    1. Physical Culture and Sport: Methodology, Theory, Practice: Tutorial / Barchukov I.S., Nesterov A.A. - M.: "Academy", 2009. - 528c.

    2. Grishina Yu. I. "Prophysical preparation" Tutorial of Rostov-on-Don LLC "Phoenix" 2012

    3.Shology of physical culture and sports: textbook for universities / D. Gorbunov, E.N. Gogunov - M.: "Academy", 2009. - 256С.

    4. "Physical Culture" Textbook, Rostov-on-Don "Phoenix", Yu.I. Evseev 2012

    additional literature

    5. Kobyakov Yu. I. "Physical culture - the basis of a healthy lifestyle" Rostov-on-Don LLC "Phoenix" 2012

    6. Building a learning process on the physical education of students in the university: Tutorial / Sakun E.I. - M.: Dashkov and K,

    2008 - 208С.

    7. Fundamentals of scientific and methodological activities in physical culture and sports: Tutorial for universities / Zheleznyak Yu.d., Petrov P.K. - M.: "Academy", 2009. - 272c.

    8. Chalch A. S., Moroz L. M., Rybalchenko T. I., Ladicuk D. M. "Organization and methods of conducting classes in physical culture with students of a special medical department" Tutorial. Novocherkassk 2009.

    10. Mogilin N. N. "Modern views on the organization of the preparation of wrestlers" Novocherkassk, Yurgu (NPI) 2011

    11. Vilensky M. Ya., Gorshkov A. G. "Physical Culture and Healthy Lifestyle of the Student" Tutorial M. Gardarika 2007

    11. The sports base of the university is presented:

    Stadium with treadmills, sectors, football field, Tribunes for viewers;

    Volleyball platforms-3, basketball-1, tennis court with tribunes.

    Closed sports facilities

    Swimming pool-25m;

    Athletics playpen;

    Specialized halls: sports games, boxing, weightlifting, struggle, simulators-3, special. honey. Groups.