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  • Council at the school. Guidelines for the preparation and conduct of pedagogical councils at school

    Council at the school.  Guidelines for the preparation and conduct of pedagogical councils at school


    Opsychological and pedagogical council

    1. General provisions 2. Goals and objectives of the psychological and pedagogical council 3. Organization of activities and composition of the psychological and pedagogical council 4. Preparation and conduct of the psychological and pedagogical council

    1. General provisions

    1.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Model Regulation on general educational institution, Charter MOU PSOSH them. ON THE. Obraztsova. 1.2. This Regulation defines the activities of the psychological and pedagogical council (hereinafter referred to as the council or PPK) of the MOU PSOSH named after. ON THE. Obraztsova (hereinafter referred to as the school) as an advisory, systematically acting body under the school administration, providing assistance to all participants educational process. The psychological and pedagogical council in its activities is guided by the Charter of the school, the agreement between the school and the parents (legal representatives) of the student, these Regulations. 1.3. The psychological and pedagogical council is an association of school specialists organized for comprehensive, comprehensive, dynamic, diagnostic and correctional support for children who have difficulty adapting to the conditions of education and upbringing at school, as well as children with handicapped health. 1.4. The specialists of the council carry out the relevant work within the framework of
    main working time, their available functional
    responsibilities, remuneration, adjusting individual plan work in
    in accordance with the real request for participation in the work of the council. 1.5. The fundamental principles in the work of the council are: - respect for the individual and reliance on positive traits child. Interviews with students during the meetings are aimed at recognizing, to the same extent, both developmental deficiencies and the positive potential of the child; - "do no harm"; - integration of psychological and pedagogical knowledge. 1.6. Functions of the psychological and pedagogical council:

      diagnostic - study social situation development, determining the dominant development, the potential of students, recognizing the nature of deviations in their behavior, activities and communication; educational - the development of a program of pedagogical correction in the form of educational measures recommended to the class teacher, subject teacher, parent, student asset, team. By the nature of the measure, it can be curative, controlling, disciplining, corrective, etc.; rehabilitating - protecting the interests of a child who has fallen into unfavorable family or educational conditions, raising the status and value of the child as a family member and a member of the school team.

    2. Goals and objectivespsychological and pedagogical council

    2.1. The main goal of the psychological and pedagogical council is to develop a collective decision on the content of education and ways of professional and pedagogical influence on students. Such decisions are made on the basis of diagnostic and analytical data presented by teachers, a psychologist, a speech therapist, a social pedagogue of the “Solnyshko” shelter about the characteristics of a particular child, group of students or class. Also, the purpose of the council is to determine and organize adequate conditions for the development, education and upbringing of students in accordance with their special educational needs, age characteristics, individual capabilities, and the state of somatic and neuropsychic health. 2.2. The tasks of the psychological and pedagogical council of the school include:

      detection and early diagnosis of deviations in the development of children; identifying the causes that cause difficulties for students and teachers, developing educational and management measures to eliminate these causes; collective study of the difficulties of teaching and raising a child (class) with the help of all participants in the educational process; identification of actual and reserve opportunities of the child; development of recommendations for the administration, the teacher,
      parents to create conditions that provide individual
      approach in the process of correctional and developmental education of the child and his
      psychological support; tracking the dynamics of the child's development and the effectiveness of individualized correctional and developmental programs; determination of readiness for schooling older children preschool age entering the school, in order to isolate the "risk group"; addressing the issue of creating conditions adequate to the individual characteristics of the development of the child; prevention of physical, intellectual and emotional overloads and breakdowns, organization of a psychologically adequate educational environment; preparation and maintenance of documentation reflecting the actual development of the child, the dynamics of his condition, mastering school skills, abilities and knowledge, long-term planning of correctional and developmental work, evaluating its effectiveness; organization of interaction between the teaching staff of the school and specialists from the Central District Hospital, the District Department of Internal Affairs; in the event of difficulties in diagnosis, a conflict situation, as well as the lack of positive dynamics in the process of implementing the recommendations of the council, the direction of the child to the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission (PMPC) of the district level.

    3. Organization of activities and the composition of the psychological and pedagogical council

    3.1. The general management of the activities of the psychological and pedagogical council is carried out by the deputy director of the school for educational and educational work. 3.2. The composition of the council is approved by the order of the school principal.

      The composition of the psychological and pedagogical council includes permanent participants - the deputy director for educational work (chairman of the council), a teacher (class teacher), another specialist representing the child at the psychological and pedagogical council, a teacher with extensive experience, a teacher of correctional and developmental classes education, speech therapist, educational psychologist, social pedagogue (as needed). In the absence of specialists, they are involved in the work of the council on a contractual basis, depending on the specifics of the issue under consideration. At the meetings of the consultations, the presence of a teacher-psychologist, a speech therapist is mandatory. The psychological and pedagogical council works in cooperation with the district PMPK.
      In diagnostically complex or conflicting cases, the specialists of the council refer the child to the district PMPK. Examination of the child by specialists of the psychological and pedagogical council is carried out at the initiative of the parents or teachers of the school. In the case of the initiative of the teachers of the school, consent must be obtained for the examination of the parents (legal representatives).
    If the parents (legal representatives) do not agree, the specialists of the council should work to form an adequate understanding of the problem in them, based on the interests of the child. In all cases, the consent of the parents must be confirmed by their application or contract.
      Examination of the child must be carried out taking into account the requirements of professional ethics. The specialists of the council are obliged to keep professional secrecy, including the confidentiality of the opinion. The chairman and specialists participating in the work of the psychological and pedagogical council are responsible for the confidentiality of information about children who were examined at the psychological and pedagogical council or who are in the correctional diagnostic and correctional developmental, other special education. The examination of the child is carried out by each specialist of the council individually, if necessary - in the presence of parents (legal representatives). The following documents are submitted to the psychological and pedagogical council:
      agreement with parents pedagogical representation; characteristic; speech therapy presentation; psychological representation; medical information about the child (if necessary, the chairman of the PPK sends a request to the relevant medical specialists).
    3.10. The results of the examination of the child are recorded, reflected in
    conclusion, which is drawn up collectively and is the basis for
    implementation of relevant recommendations on training and education. All information is entered into the register of consultations and protocols of the primary examination of the child. 3.11. The following documentation is maintained in the PPK:
      magazine pre-booking children at the PPK: register of planned and unscheduled consultations; protocols for the primary examination of the child; minutes of the PPK meeting; a child development map with brief, generalized conclusions of specialists (protocol), sheets of accompanying, advisory, social dispatching activities and its preferred forms; schedule of planned consultations; lists of classes (groups) of correctional and developmental, other special educational orientation, which are under the dynamic supervision of PPK specialists; regulatory and methodological documents regulating the activities of PPK specialists.
    3.12. Children referred for examination at the PPC, as well as all students
    special classes (correctional-developing) are under the supervision of PPC specialists during the entire period of study at school. All changes in the forms or types of education are recorded in the child's development chart.

    4. Bypreparation and holding of a psychological and pedagogical consultation

      Psychological and pedagogical consultations are divided into scheduled and unscheduled. The frequency of PPK is determined by the real request of the school for a comprehensive examination of children with developmental disabilities, classes (groups of students). At least once a quarter, scheduled meetings of the council are held, at which an analysis is made of the composition, number and dynamics of the development of students in need of psychological, pedagogical, diagnostic and corrective assistance.
    4.3. The activities of the planning councils are aimed at:
      analysis of the process of identifying children of the "risk group", its quantitative and qualitative composition (students in classes of correctional and developmental education, children with signs of school maladaptation, underachieving and poorly performing children); determination of ways of psychological and pedagogical support for students with difficulties in adapting to the data educational conditions; adoption of an agreed decision on the definition of a special (correctional) educational route child; professional qualification of the dynamics of the child's development in the process of implementing an individualized correctional and developmental program, making the necessary changes to this program.
    4.4. Unscheduled consultations are convened at the request of specialists (in
    first of all, teachers) who work directly with the child.
    The reason for conducting an unscheduled PPK is the identification or
    the emergence of new circumstances that adversely affect the development
    child in these educational settings. The tasks of the unscheduled consultation are:
      resolving the issue of the need to take adequate emergency measures for the identified circumstances; making changes to individualized correctional and developmental programs if they are ineffective.
      Within 3 days from the date of receipt of the request for a diagnostic examination of the child, the class teacher coordinates this issue with the parents (legal representatives) and, in the absence of objections from their side, organizes a planned or unscheduled PEP (in accordance with the schedule of planned PEP). The psychological and pedagogical consultation is held no later than 20 days from the moment the issue is agreed with the parents (legal representatives).
    4.7. The chairman includes in the council, in addition to permanent teachers, teachers of the school who work directly with the child, who sent the child to the PPC, and other specialists. The chairman informs the experts of the council about the need for examination of the child. 4.8. The psychological and pedagogical council is held under the leadership of the chairman, and in his absence - by the deputy chairman, appointed by the chairman or director of the school. 4.9. In the period from the moment the request is received until the consultation, each PPC specialist conducts an individual examination of the child, planning the time
    his examination, taking into account the real age and psychophysical
    loads. 4.10. Each PPK specialist draws up a conclusion based on the data
    relevant survey and develops recommendations.
      For the period of implementation of the recommendations developed by the PPK specialists, the class teacher monitors the effectiveness and adequacy of the individual correctional and developmental program and comes out with the initiative to re-discuss the dynamics of the child's development at the PPK. By decision of the PPK, the teacher (class teacher) of the class in which the child is studying is appointed as the leading specialist, but another specialist who conducts correctional and developmental education may also be appointed. Each specialist who participated in the examination and / or correctional and developmental work with the child orally gives his opinion on the child. The sequence of presentations by specialists is determined by the chairman of the PPK. The conclusion of each specialist is embedded in the child's development map. The final collegial opinion on the results of the PPK with recommendations for the provision of psychological, pedagogical and social assistance child is also recorded in the child development chart and signed by the chairman and all members of the PPK.
    4.14. The results of the PPC are communicated to the parents (legitimate
    representatives). The proposed recommendations are implemented only when
    the absence of objections from the parents (legal representatives). 4.15. At least once a quarter (planned PPK), based on oral
    the views of specialists directly working with the child, information about changes in the child's condition in the process of implementing the recommendations is entered into the development map, and a brief generalized written conclusion and a list of adjustments made to the recommendations are drawn up. 4.16. When a child is sent to a district PMPK, a conclusion drawn up on the basis of the information contained in his development card is submitted by the PMPK teacher-psychologist accompanying the child with his parents.
    1. Regulations on the Service for Psychological, Pedagogical, Medical, Social and Legal Support of Education of the Novosibirsk Region General Provisions


      This provision regulates the organizational and methodological basis of the activities of the Service for Psychological, Pedagogical, Medical, Social and Legal (PPMSiP) Education Support (hereinafter referred to as the Service) of the Novosibirsk Region.

    2. Pedagogical systems for teaching and educating children with developmental disabilities


      In the concept of modernization Russian education for the period up to 2010, the main task of the Russian educational policy is designated - to ensure the modern quality of education on the basis of compliance with current and future

    3. General provisions of the program


      The fact that the school thoroughly undermines the health of children was known already in past centuries, and doctors and teachers expressed their concern. Back in 1805, the teacher - educator Pestalozzi informed the world that with traditional book

    Even ten years ago, the overwhelming majority of the Russian population steadily associated the word "concilium" with medicine: the luminaries of medical science and practice in impeccably white coats are bending over a seriously ill patient. In the eyes of specialists, the noble brilliance of the profession, speech is refined and whimsically colored with unthinkable terminology ...
    At one fine moment, the concept of "concilium" stepped beyond the boundaries of medicine and instantly lost its unambiguity. When one of my fellow psychologists tells me: “We recently held a consultation ...” or “This problem should be discussed at the consultation ...”, these phrases do not give rise to any associations with medicine. The question arises: what does my esteemed colleague mean when he speaks of the council?
    Indeed, the number of variants of psychological reading of this phenomenon - both from the point of view of tasks and from the point of view of procedure - is incalculable. It's time to apply a good Russian proverb: a consultation is what a drawbar is: where you turn, it went there.
    Nevertheless, we will try to carry out the first draft classification of the types of school psychological councils, based on the experience of our service and the experience of colleagues.


    Classical consultations are "classical" for two reasons. First, they retained some of the traditional features of their medical predecessors. Secondly, the tradition of using consultations in psychological practice began to form from them. To this day, consultations of this type are most common in school psychological services.
    The classic psychological and pedagogical council at school is a self-sufficient, well-structured "action". Its convocation is preceded by the emergence of a certain problem, and the main task is to find ways to solve this problem. The council brings together people who are related to this problem, interested in solving it and competent.
    The exchange of views between the participants allows the problem articulate clearly and unequivocally and then find ways solutions. Classical consultations are prepared seriously and for a long time: each participant carries out the necessary diagnostics and collects materials that help to formulate the problem and the tasks arising from it more clearly and objectively.
    These councils are varied and categorizable. For example, a council can meet to solve the problems of individual children (for example, those who have pronounced difficulties in learning, communication, mental development), or it can be devoted to topical psychological and pedagogical problems of the class, parallel, and even the whole school level (primary, secondary, senior).
    In the first variant school council very similar to its clinical relatives: a number of special cases are considered in turn, a certain decision is formulated for each.
    Such consultations have recently begun to be actively used in psychological centers. At school, they are not widely used. And this is understandable. For all its effectiveness in terms of solving the problem of a particular child, the council as part of the school system is not productive: a lot of time and effort is spent on solving one problem ... But what about all the others?
    A council on a separate occasion at a school is an exceptional phenomenon. The time spent on its implementation must be convincingly justified.
    The council for the class or educational parallel has a completely different structure. It is impossible to discuss each child here, so much attention is paid to characterizing the class as a whole, its strengths and weaknesses. Within the class, groups are distinguished, for example, children whose development is within the framework of the school norm, children with problems in learning, communication, etc. In relation to each group, a strategy of psychological and pedagogical support is developed. Finally, children who need individual help and support are selected. On their occasion, a separate council can be assembled or, within the framework of the main one, considerable time is allocated for a “piece by piece” discussion.
    Another classification of classical consultations is also informative: for large schools and schools where a small number of children study (approximately up to five hundred students). The main difference is in the composition of the members of the council.
    In a school, the educational parallel of which consists of 4 or more classes, it is inappropriate for all subject teachers to participate in the work of the council. With a large number of people emotionally interested in discussing certain problems, consultations stretch out for an unimaginably long time. The information collected by subject teachers is presented at such a council by the head teacher or heads of subject departments. The responsibility of these persons also includes subsequent work with teachers: it is necessary to familiarize them with the decision, motivate them to implement them, and monitor their implementation.
    If we are talking about a small school, then its administration can afford to gather all the teachers working with this class or parallel for a council. Such work is much more useful, since it allows not only to solve the identified psychological and pedagogical problems, but also to unite the teaching staff, turn it into a team of like-minded professionals.


    This is how it is possible to characterize the psychological and pedagogical consultations, which are held not according to the classical model, but in the form of a business game - in an interactive form. The fundamental difference from the "classics" is in the position taken by the participants of the consultation. The work "in the modern style" implies the active involvement of each participant in the discussion and decision-making, and as a result, the readiness to take responsibility for their implementation.
    Such a consultation takes a little more time and involves a completely different structure of work. Meaningful work is necessarily preceded by a stage of immersion, setting up for collective activity (in our professional jargon, this stage is called a “warm-up”). The discussion is conducted using such forms as brainstorming, work of creative groups, group discussion.
    Here, for example, is a possible scheme for holding such a consultation.

    1. Warm up.
    2. Setting goals and objectives of work. Participants are informed that in the process of work they will have to answer three questions:
    a) what kind of children are they; (drawing up a portrait of the class);
    b) what tasks we set in working with them (taking into account the identified features);
    c) how we will solve the tasks.
    3. Drawing up a portrait of the class. Method used brainstorming; the portrait is drawn up in three directions: positive properties and qualities of the class; age and individual problems and difficulties this class; peculiarities learning activities. The results are recorded on the board (sheets).
    4. Statement of psychological and pedagogical tasks in working with this class, taking into account the identified strengths and weaknesses. It is carried out by the whole team in the process of group discussion. Tasks are fixed on separate sheets.
    5. Search for solutions assigned tasks. The work is carried out in creative groups. Each group after a certain time presents the results of their work.
    6. Summarizing, the appointment of those responsible for solving the tasks and the timing of their implementation. Determine the date of the next meeting.

    Art Nouveau work is effective not only in terms of the main result. All teaching, developing the possibilities of this type of work are manifested very clearly here. The main thing that teachers who have experience of participating in both classical consultations and in a business game note is that in the second case, it is much easier to make the transition from discussing the problem (this works great at ordinary consultations) to making decisions and taking responsibility for their implementation.


    "System" is the process and result of the evolutionary development of the council at the school, where the psychological and pedagogical cooperation of different specialists in solving emerging problems has become a tradition. The fundamental difference from the forms described above is as follows: the setting of goals and objectives for the work of the council is carried out in advance and by the entire composition of the participants; thus, everyone initially understands well the purpose of the meeting both for the school as a whole and for himself as a specialist in particular.
    How does it really happen? Let's take a specific problem: adaptation of graduates elementary school in the middle tier. On the eve of the beginning school year the psychological and pedagogical team of the parallel of the fifth grades is going.
    The goal is to formulate the general tasks of the work on adaptation for the first quarter. To set tasks, the information about children that teachers and psychologists already have, as well as general knowledge about the process of socio-psychological adaptation, is used. Every teacher who has experience working with fifth graders has them. If it is not enough, you can read special literature.
    As a result of the meeting, a document is drawn up - "Recommendations for the socio-psychological adaptation of fifth grade students." It is provided to all participants and is considered by them as the basis of the work.
    The purpose of the meeting, which is held at the end of the first quarter, is obvious: to analyze the results of joint work and set tasks for the second quarter.
    During the winter holidays, we will have to sum up the results of the adaptation period. In this regard, the participants discuss the content of the diagnostics, which each conducts on the eve of the consultation. Do you need speech therapy? What psychological information would teachers like to receive? What kind of information from class teachers are they interested in, and vice versa? In this way, the content of the upcoming consultation emerges, and mutual expectations are clarified.
    The January council is dedicated to discussing the results of diagnostics and answering the main question: has the process of adaptation of fifth-graders been completed and what are its results? If the answer is positive and the results of adaptation satisfy teachers and psychologists, this can be the end of the joint work. If not, next steps are planned. And so on.


    Such councils are based on some critical, crisis situation in the school, unexpected circumstances that can have dangerous consequences. An important feature of such consultations is that they are preceded by minimal preparation. This fact, as well as the need to make urgent decisions, determines the work of the council.
    Diagnosis of the situation is carried out at the council itself, as a result of which the essence of the problem that has arisen is formulated. This is followed by a discussion of possible actions and a binding decision. The “classic consultation” can afford to end with a statement of the problem: “We understand what is happening, and now we need to “live” with this understanding a little.” This is also the result of the work, sometimes very important. But this is unacceptable for a force majeure council. It must necessarily end with a decision, albeit not an indisputable one, and this decision is subject to implementation.
    Probably, this classification does not take into account the whole variety of forms and types of consultations conducted by you, dear readers. We are ready to improve it if you share your experience with us.

    Marina BITYANOVA,
    candidate of psychological sciences

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    I approve

    Director of MOU secondary school No. 1


    about the school psychological and pedagogical council
    1. General Provisions

    2. Goals and objectives of the school psychological and pedagogical council

    3. Organization of activities and composition of the school psychological and pedagogical council

    4. Preparation and holding of a psychological and pedagogical consultation

    1. General provisions

    1.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with Part 5 of Article 42 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"

    1.2. This Regulation defines the activities of the school psychological and pedagogical council as an advisory, systematically acting body under the school administration, providing assistance to all participants in the educational process. The school psychological and pedagogical council in its activities is guided by the Charter of the school, the agreement between the school and the parents (legal representatives) of the student, these Regulations.

    1.3. The school psychological and pedagogical council is an association of school specialists organized for comprehensive, comprehensive, dynamic, diagnostic and correctional support for children who have difficulty adapting to the conditions of education and upbringing at school, as well as children with disabilities.

    1.4. The specialists of the council carry out the relevant work within the framework of
    main working time, their available functional
    duties, remuneration, adjusting the individual work plan in
    in accordance with the real request for participation in the work of the council.

    1.5. The fundamental principles in the work of the council are:

    Respect for the individual and reliance on the positive qualities of the child. Interviews with students during the meetings are aimed at recognizing, to the same extent, both developmental deficiencies and the positive potential of the child;

    - "do no harm";

    Integration of psychological and pedagogical knowledge.

    1.6. Functions of the school psychological and pedagogical council:

    • diagnostic - studying the social situation of development, determining the dominant of development, the potential of students, recognizing the nature of the deviation in their behavior, activities and communication;

    • educational - the development of a program of pedagogical correction in the form of educational measures recommended to the class teacher, subject teacher, parent, student asset, team. By the nature of the measures, they can be controlling, disciplining, corrective, etc.;

    • rehabilitating - protecting the interests of a child who has fallen into unfavorable family or educational conditions, raising the status and value of the child as a family member and a member of the school team.

    2. Goals and objectives of the school psychological and pedagogical council
    2.1. The main goal of the school psychological and pedagogical council is to develop a collective decision on the content of education and methods of psychological and pedagogical influence on students. Such decisions are made on the basis of diagnostic and analytical data presented by teachers and school specialists about the characteristics of a particular child. Also, the purpose of the council is to determine and organize adequate conditions for the development, education and upbringing of students in accordance with their special educational needs, age characteristics, individual capabilities, and the state of somatic and neuropsychic health.

    2.2. The tasks of the school psychological and pedagogical council of the school include:

    • identification and early diagnosis of various difficulties of students;

    • development and application of correctional and developmental work to eliminate various difficulties of students;

    • creation of a comfortable and safe educational environment in educational institutions;

    • collective study of the difficulties of teaching and raising a child with the help of all participants in the educational process;

    • identification of actual and reserve opportunities of the child;

    • development of recommendations for the administration, the teacher,
      parents to create conditions that provide individual
      approach in the process of correctional and developmental education of the child and his
      psychological support;

    • tracking the dynamics of the child's development and the effectiveness of individualized correctional and developmental work;

    • addressing the issue of creating conditions adequate to the individual characteristics of the development of the child;

    • prevention of physical, intellectual and emotional overloads and breakdowns, organization of a psychologically adequate educational environment;

    • preparation and maintenance of documentation reflecting the actual development of the child, the dynamics of his condition, mastering school skills, abilities and knowledge, long-term planning of correctional and developmental work, assessing its effectiveness;

    • organization of interaction between the teaching staff of the school and various specialists.

    3. Organization of activities and composition

    school psychological and pedagogical council

    3.1. The general management of the activities of the school psychological and pedagogical council is carried out by the deputy director for educational work.

    3.2. The composition of the council is approved by the order of the school principal.

    1. The composition of the school psychological and pedagogical council includes permanent participants - a teacher (class teacher), a speech therapist, a teacher-psychologist, a social pedagogue, nurse. (Appendix No. 1) In the absence of specialists, they are involved in the work of the council on a contractual basis, depending on the specifics of the issue under consideration.

    1. In diagnostically difficult or conflicting cases, the specialists of the council refer the child to the district PMPK.

    2. Examination of the child by specialists of the school psychological and pedagogical council is carried out at the initiative of the parents or teachers of the school. In the case of the initiative of the school teachers, the consent of the parents (legal representatives) for the examination of the child must be obtained.
    If the parents (legal representatives) do not agree, the specialists of the council should work to form an adequate understanding of the problem in them, based on the interests of the child. In all cases, the consent of the parents must be confirmed by their application or contract.

    1. Examination of the child must be carried out taking into account the requirements of professional ethics. The specialists of the council are obliged to keep professional secrecy, including the confidentiality of the opinion. The chairman and specialists participating in the work of the school psychological and pedagogical council are responsible for the confidentiality of information about children who were examined at the psychological and pedagogical council or who are in correctional diagnostic and correctional developmental, other special education.

    2. The examination of the child is carried out by each specialist of the council individually, if necessary - in the presence of parents (legal representatives).

    3. The following documents are submitted to the school psychological and pedagogical council:

    • agreement with parents

    • pedagogical representation;

    • characteristic;

    • speech therapy presentation;

    • psychological representation;

    • medical information about the child (if necessary, the chairman of the council sends a request to the relevant medical specialists).
    3.10. The results of the examination of the child are recorded, reflected in
    conclusion, which is drawn up collectively and is the basis for
    implementation of relevant recommendations on training and education. All information is entered into the journal of council meetings and the minutes of the council meeting.

    3.11. The following documentation is kept in the school psychological and pedagogical council:

    • journal of meetings of the school psychological and pedagogical council

    • child development map (personal data about the child; representations of the child (characteristics of teachers and school specialists - Appendix No. 2); council minutes);

    • schedule of planned consultations;

    • normative and methodological documents regulating the activities of the specialists of the council.

    4. Preparation and holding of a school psychological and pedagogical council

    1. School psychological and pedagogical councils are divided into scheduled and unscheduled.

    2. The frequency of the council is determined by the real request of the school for a comprehensive examination of children, classes (groups of students). At least once a quarter, scheduled meetings of the council are held, at which an analysis is made of the composition, number and dynamics of the development of students in need of psychological, pedagogical, diagnostic and corrective assistance.
    4.3. The activities of the planning councils are aimed at:

    • analysis of the process of identifying children of the “risk group”, its quantitative and qualitative composition (children with signs of school maladaptation, underachieving and poorly performing children);

    • determining the ways of psychological and pedagogical support for students with adaptation difficulties in a given educational condition;

    • adoption of an agreed decision on the definition of a special (correctional) educational route for the child.
    4.4. Unscheduled consultations are convened at the request of specialists (in
    first of all, teachers) who work directly with the child.
    The reason for holding an unscheduled consultation is the identification or
    the emergence of new circumstances that adversely affect the development
    child in these educational settings.

    The tasks of the unscheduled consultation are:

    • resolving the issue of the need to take adequate emergency measures for the identified circumstances;

    • making changes to individualized correctional and developmental work if it is ineffective.

    1. Within 3 days from the date of receipt of the request for a diagnostic examination of the child, the class teacher coordinates this issue with the parents (legal representatives) and, in the absence of objections from their side, organizes a scheduled or unscheduled consultation.

    2. The school psychological and pedagogical council is held no later than 20 days from the moment the issue is agreed with the parents (legal representatives).
    4.7. The chairman includes in the council, in addition to permanent ones, teachers of the school who work directly with the child, who sent the child to the council, and other specialists. The chairman informs the experts of the council about the need for examination of the child.

    4.8. The school psychological and pedagogical council is held under the leadership of the chairman, and in his absence - by the deputy chairman, appointed by the chairman or director of the school.

    4.9. In the period from the moment the request is received to the consultation, each specialist of the consultation conducts an individual examination of the child, planning the time
    his examination, taking into account the real age and psychophysical

    4.10. Each specialist of the council draws up a conclusion based on the data
    relevant survey and develops recommendations.

    1. For the period of implementation of the recommendations developed by specialists, the class teacher monitors the effectiveness and adequacy of individual correctional and developmental work and comes out with the initiative to re-discuss the dynamics of the child's development.

    2. By the decision of the council, the teacher (class teacher) of the class is appointed first of all as the leading specialist.

    3. Each specialist who participated in the examination and / or correctional and developmental work with the child orally gives his opinion on the child. The conclusion of each specialist is embedded in the child's development map. The final collegial conclusion on the results with recommendations for the provision of psychological, pedagogical and social assistance to the child is also recorded in the child's development chart and signed by the chairman and all members of the council.
    4.14. The results of the SPPK are communicated to the parents (legitimate
    representatives). The proposed recommendations are implemented only when
    the absence of objections from the parents (legal representatives).

    4.15. When sending a child to the district PMPK conclusion, compiled on the basis of the information contained in his development map, is submitted by the chairman of the SHPPk.
    Application No. 1
    The content of the activities of the main participants in the cycle of accompanying work


    Stage activities
    preparations for the council

    Activities under the SHPP

    Implementation of council decisions


    Carrying out diagnostic
    work: diagnostic
    minimum and various schemes
    in-depth diagnostics in
    "problem" students.

    Preparation of materials for

    Providing participants
    information on psychological
    pedagogical status
    specific students.


    psychological work within
    accompaniment of specific

    Carrying out psychocorrection,
    developing and advisory
    activities with students.

    Conducting group and individual
    consultations with teachers and parents.

    Administration consulting.

    Speech therapist

    Carrying out diagnostic
    work: examines students, determines the structure and severity of their existing defect.

    Preparation of materials for

    Takes part in the work of the council, brings information about the results of the examination of schoolchildren to all members of the council.

    Participation in strategy development

    Planning directions and forms
    speech therapy work within
    accompaniment of specific

    Participation in the accompanying
    assistance activities,
    support or intervention
    speech therapist.

    Provides advice to teachers and parents in determining the reasons for the failure of "speech" students and gives recommendations on how to overcome them.

    Social teacher

    Takes on organizational responsibilities for working with the family associated with the council. (visiting the family, drawing up an act of living conditions).

    Takes part in the work of the council, brings information about the family, about family relations to all members of the council.

    Helps class teachers in direct work with the family.

    Social dispatching activity.

    Classroom teacher

    Collection of pedagogical
    information about the student - pedagogical characteristics;
    own observations
    interviews or surveys
    subject teachers.

    Based on the results of his own observations and conversations with subject teachers, he gives pedagogical description learning activities and behavior of specific students and the class as a whole.

    Participation in strategy development

    Planning forms and directions
    support work
    specific students or class

    Holding specific molds
    educational work within the decision
    Counseling for parents and teachers
    - subjects on questions
    accompanying students.
    Liaising with school staff.
    Tracks the dynamics of corrective work with the student.

    subject teacher

    Participation in expert surveys
    at the stage of diagnostic

    Providing the necessary
    information to the classroom
    manager and specialists
    as part of their preparations for

    Does not participate.
    If necessary, participates in the work of the council.

    Participation in group and individual
    consultations conducted by a psychologist, speech therapist,
    head teacher or physician.

    Development of individual strategies
    pedagogical support
    specific students and their
    subsequent implementation.

    Parent counseling.

    Participation in methodical seminars,
    accompanying activity.

    medical worker

    Reviews medical records, if necessary receives Additional information from parents or from the clinic, and also prepares extracts for discussion at the council

    Takes part in the work of the council, brings information about the state of health and physical characteristics of schoolchildren to all members of the council.

    Participation in strategy development

    Monitors the student's health status.
    Counseling for parents, teachers and school professionals.

    Deputy Director for UVR

    Organization of the work of the council.

    Collects information about those students for whom an individual discussion is to be held, and develops a scheme for conducting consultations, prepares the necessary documentation - forms for the protocols of consultations.

    Organizational assistance in
    diagnostic activities.

    Takes part in the work of the council.

    Participation in strategy development

    Tracks the implementation of recommendations given by the council for working with the student.
    Coordinates the work of teachers and specialists of the school.

    Application №2

    Pedagogical characteristics
    1) General information about the child:

    • time spent in this team;

    • a brief description of relations in the family (comfort, complete, incomplete family, characteristics of relations between parents, type of family education).
    2) Qualitative characteristics of educational activities:

    • difficulties and features that manifest themselves in the preparation of homework;

    • difficulties and features that manifest themselves in oral and written answers in the lesson, features of answers at the blackboard;

    • difficulties and peculiarities arising in the performance of creative tasks and routine labor-intensive work;

    • difficulties arising in the process of assimilation of new material or repetition of the past;

    • memorization features educational material;

    • types of tasks or educational material that cause the greatest difficulties;

    • the alleged reasons for the described difficulties and peculiarities.
    3) Quantitative indicators of educational activity:

    • performance in core subjects;

    • perceived reasons for low or uneven performance;

    • indicators of behavior and communication in educational situations;

    • description and evaluation of behavior in terms of learning activity and interest;

    • description and evaluation of behavior in terms of compliance with social rules;

    • individual characteristics and difficulties that arise in the process of communication with teachers and peers.
    4) Indicators of the emotional state in learning situations:

    • a description of a "typical" emotional state for a schoolchild in a lesson;

    • description of situations that cause various emotional difficulties for the student (crying, irritation, aggression, fear, etc.).
    In preparation for the consultation, the teacher collects and processes information from subject teachers, systematizes his own observations. Giving a characteristic to a particular student, the class teacher and the teacher stop only at those indicators that contain information important for the work of the council.
    Medical characteristic
    1) Physical state child at the time of the consultation:

    • compliance of physical development with age norms;

    • state of the organs of vision, hearing, musculoskeletal system;

    • tolerance of physical activity (based on the data of a physical education teacher);

    • health group.
    2) Risk factors for developmental disorders:

    • the presence in the past of diseases and injuries that may affect the development of the child;

    • risk factors for the main functional systems;

    • the presence of chronic diseases;

    • characteristics of morbidity in the last year.
    When preparing the profile, the school physician reviews the medical records of students, receives, if necessary, additional information from teachers, parents and / or from the clinic, and also prepares extracts for discussion at the council.
    Page 1

    Regulations onPsychological and Pedagogical Council


    1.1. The Psychological and Pedagogical Council (hereinafter referred to as the PPC) is a preventive, consultative, diagnostic and correctional-accompanying structural unit of the Beskudnikovsky Education Center.

    The purpose of the Psychological and Pedagogical Council: the creation of an integral system that provides optimal conditions for the upbringing, education and development of students aged 3 to 17 years of the social and pedagogical "risk" group, with problems of learning and behavior, in accordance with their age and individual characteristics, the level of actual development, the state of physical and neuropsychic health, taking into account the variety of educational and educational forms of training, support and correction.

    1.2. The Psychological and Pedagogical Council is the main structural subdivision of the Beskudnikovsky Education Center.

    1.3. The procedure for the establishment, reorganization, closure, conditions for the material and technical support of the Psychological and Pedagogical Council, as well as control over its work, is determined by the order of the director of the Beskudnikovsky Education Center.

    1.4. The Psychological and Pedagogical Council in its activities is guided by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and these Regulations.

    1.5. The main activities of the Psychological and Pedagogical Council:

    Development of recommendations in the main areas: preventive, consultative and diagnostic, corrective and accompanying students from 3 to 17 years old of the social and pedagogical "risk" group, with problems of learning and behavior, in accordance with their age and individual characteristics, the level of actual development, the state of physical and neuropsychic health, taking into account the variety of educational forms of training, support and correction.

    Formation of the ability of the employees of the Beskudnikovsky Education Center to adequately assess pedagogical phenomena in general and the socio-pedagogical problems of students from 3 to 17 years old. Advisory assistance to the family in matters of correctional and accompanying education and training.

    Social and pedagogical support for students from 3 to 17 years old in case of unfavorable living conditions, under psycho-traumatic circumstances: child abuse, abandonment, anti-pedagogical and anti-social environmental influences, etc.

    The Psychological and Pedagogical Council solves the problems of dynamic monitoring of the child at the Beskudnikovsky Education Center and providing him with the necessary support (social, psychological, pedagogical) or correction (speech therapy).


    • The principle of family centering- specialists interact not only with the teacher, but also with the family (people from his immediate environment).
    • Partnership principle- the activity of specialists is aimed at establishing partnerships with the teacher and his family.
    • The principle of interdisciplinary interaction- the activity is carried out by specialists from different fields of knowledge about the teacher and the family, acting within the framework of the technology of professional interaction.
    • The principle of voluntariness- the legal representative signs the consent to the socio-psychological and pedagogical support of the student.
    • The principle of openness- The PPC responds to the request of any family or person representing the interests of the child who is concerned about his development.
    • Principle of confidentiality- information about the student and the family, available to the PPC specialists, is not subject to disclosure or transfer without the written consent of the family.
    • The principle of respect for the personality of the child- PPC specialists accept the student as a full-fledged person, regardless of age and level of development.
    • The principle of respectlegal representative- PPC specialists accept his opinion about the child, his personal experience, decisions and expectations.
    • The principle of professional responsibility- PPC specialists are responsible for recommendations that affect the interests of the student.


    3.1. Conducting a primary, possibly earlier, socio-psychological and pedagogical (including, if necessary, speech therapy) examination of students from 3 to 17 years old, identifying the features of their development and behavior, determining adequate conditions for their upbringing and education.

    3.2. Drawing up an individual socio-psychological-pedagogical (speech therapy) plan and programs for correction and support of education, training and development.

    3.3. Drawing up a subgroup socio-psychological-pedagogical (speech therapy) plan and programs for correction and support of education, training and development.

    3.4. Advisory assistance to legal representatives upon request.

    3.5. Consulting (within their competence) teachers, educational psychologists, social pedagogues, teachers of speech therapists of the Beskudnikovsky Education Center on issues related to special educational needs and behavioral characteristics of children, their rights and rights and obligations of their parents, guardians, trustees.

    3.6. Methodological support educational educational process, including the activation cognitive activity students from 3 to 17 years old, normalization of educational activities, correction of speech development, deficiencies in emotional and personal development and behavior.

    3.7. Development of a multidisciplinary conclusion on the characteristics of health, education and development of the student for submission to the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission of Moscow.

    3.8. Formation of a data bank of the Beskudnikovsky Education Center about students from 3 to 17 years old who have problems in learning and development, behavior; provision of information with decreed access and confidentiality at the official request of the relevant bodies of the state system for the protection of the rights of minors, the prevention of their neglect and delinquency.


    By purpose, psychological and pedagogical consultations can be divided into primary, planned, urgent and final.

    1. The primary consultation is held when the student is enrolled for correction and support immediately after the completion of the primary examinations with all specialists.

    The purpose of the council : definition

    • features of the development of the student;
    • possible conditions and forms of his education;
    • necessary social and psychological support and speech therapy correction.
    1. A planned consultation is recommended to be held at least once a quarter.

    The purpose of the council:

    • assessment of the dynamics of correction and maintenance, training;
    • making, if necessary, adjustments to the individual plan and support program;
    • if necessary, changing the form, training mode;
    • appointment of an additional examination in the city PMPK.
    1. An urgent consultation is held at the request of the teacher or any of the specialists working with the teacher, if necessary (prolonged illness, unexpected affective reaction, the emergence of other sudden problems in learning, correction and support).

    The purpose of the council:

    • finding out the causes of problems;
    • assessment of the size of the regression, its stability, the possibility of overcoming it;
    • determination of allowable loads;
    • determining the need to change the mode or form of training.
    1. The final consultation is held in connection with the transition of the student to a new level of education or in connection with the completion of correction and support.

    The purpose of the council:

    • assessment of the status of the student at the time of graduation: the degree of socialization, the level of assimilation general education program, the state of emotional-volitional and behavioral spheres;
    • recommendations for teachers who will work with the teacher in the future.

    The materials of the final consultation are used as the basis for compiling the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student.


    5.1. The Psychological and Pedagogical Council is created by the order of the director of the Beskudnikovsky Education Center, is the only structural unit and is headed by the Chairman of the Council.

    5.2. The Psychological and Pedagogical Council carries out its activities directly on the premises of the Beskudnikovsky Education Center.

    5.3. Employees Psychological and pedagogical The Council is obliged to:

    Be guided in their activities by professional and ethical principles, subordinating it exclusively to the interests of students from 3 to 17 years old.

    Proceed in their activities from the principles of integrated training and education of students, applying all the necessary modern socio-pedagogical approaches for teaching and educating students in a natural open social environment.

    Within its competence to protect by all legal means, in any professional, public and state level rights and interests of students from 3 to 17 years old.

    Employees are responsible for confidentiality and unauthorized disclosure of information about students.

    5.4. The management of the Psychological and Pedagogical Council is carried out by the Deputy Director of the Beskudnikovsky Education Center, who must have a higher pedagogical (either psychological or socio-pedagogical) education and appropriate professional training.

    5.5. Enrollment of students for diagnostics, maintenance and correction

    is made only with the written consent of the legal representative for the socio-psychological and pedagogical support of the child and the decision of the Psychological-Pedagogical Council.

    5.6. With positive dynamics of development and successful assimilation curriculum by decision of the Psychological and Pedagogical Council, students are removed from correction or support with the written consent of their legal representative.

    5.7. The Psychological and Pedagogical Council of the GBOU Education Center "Beskudnikovsky" prepares documents for the city PMPK in case of an unclear diagnosis or in the absence of positive dynamics in the education and upbringing of a student from 3 to 17 years old.


    6.1. The Council consists of:

    6.1.1. Permanent members are present at each meeting, participate in its preparation and subsequent monitoring of the implementation of recommendations. The obligatory members of the council are:

    · deputy director for educational work (chairman of the Psychological and Pedagogical Council);

    · teacher-psychologist (deputy chairman of the Psychological and Pedagogical Council);

    · teacher speech therapist(Secretary of the Psychological and Pedagogical Council);

    The teacher or class teacher working with the student.

    a teacher-speech therapist who will carry out the correction;

    teacher-psychologist (preschool department, initial level, middle and senior level), who will provide psychological support;

    social educator who will conduct social support.

    6.1.2. Temporary Members are invited to this meeting as necessary to improve the efficiency of work and success in formulating a conclusion (decision) and developing collective recommendations. Temporary participants can be teachers - subject teachers, various specialist consultants acting as experts, an inspector of the JDN, etc.


    1. Council Chairman:

    • organizes the work of the psychological and pedagogical council;
    • ensures the regularity of meetings;
    • coordinates the communications of the council with other parts of the educational process;
    • participation in development pedagogical aspects
      accompanying students.
    • organizes control over the implementation of the recommendations of the council.

    2. Vice-chairman:

    • forms the composition of the meeting participants;
    • forms the composition of the students discussed at the meeting;
    • assistance in the development of individual plans and programs for correction and maintenance;
    • preparation of documents for the meeting and storage of documents;
    • fills in the journal for recording children for the Psychological and Pedagogical Council;
    • fills in the register of conclusions and recommendations of specialists.

    3 . Secretary:

    • fills in the journal of the minutes of the meetings;

    4. Educator /Classroom teacher:

    • provides a pedagogical description of the student;
    • reveals the difficulties experienced by the teacher in various pedagogical situations;
    • provides information about the individual characteristics of learning, communication and well-being of the student;
    • formulates pedagogical conclusions and recommendations;
    • conducts pedagogical support of the student according to an individual plan and program.

    5. Teacher - subject:

    • provides information about the success of training and the behavior of the student in his lesson;
    • reveals the difficulties experienced by the teacher in this subject, determines ways to overcome these difficulties;
    • formulates pedagogical conclusions and recommendations.
    • the development of an individual support strategy in the presence of the entire teaching staff of the parallel, in a situation of diversity of opinions and views on the student, is very difficult, and the decisions made are not always effective;
    • the problems of a particular student may be related precisely to the attitude of a certain teacher towards him, to some acute conflict in their relationship.

    Subject teachers can send the necessary information to the council through the class teacher and psychologist, and they can get acquainted with the decision of the meeting at consultations conducted by the chairman of the council, discuss the results with teacher-psychologist as part of his psychological support activities.

    6 . Teacher speech therapist:

    • organizes the collection of diagnostic data on speech development teaching;
    • summarizes, systematizes the obtained diagnostic data;
    • formulates diagnostic conclusions, recommendations;
    • carry out the necessary corrective action.
    1. Social teacher:
    • provides social information about the student;
    • identifies the causes of deviations in the behavior of the student;
    • formulates conclusions and recommendations;
    • implements the decisions of the council that relate to direct activities with the family, with social services, the inspectorate for minors;
    • conducts preventive conversations with students and legal representatives.

    8. IDN Inspector:

    • provides information about the socio-pedagogical situation in the microdistrict (about informal associations, incidents and offenses in which students of this school are involved, etc.);
    • characterizes dysfunctional families registered.

    This information can also be provided by a social educator who constantly interacts with the inspector of the IDN.

    9. Teacher - psychologist:

    • organizes the collection of diagnostic data at the preparatory stage;
    • generalizes, systematizes the results of psychological monitoring;
    • formulates conclusions, recommendations;
    • provides psychological support.


    8.1. The examination of the child is carried out by each specialist of the Psychological and Pedagogical Council individually with the written consent of the legal representative.

    8.2. According to the results of the examination, each specialist draws up his own professional conclusion-representation.

    8.3. The social teacher, the class teacher prepare a socio-pedagogical description for each student entering the Psychological and Pedagogical Council.

    8.4. On the basis of the data obtained about the teacher, a comprehensive conclusion and recommendations are collegially developed by the Psychological and Pedagogical Council.

    8.5. The results of the examination at the Psychological and Pedagogical Council are recorded in the protocol of the initial examination and entered into the student's individual card, which contains all the data of the individual examination by specialists.

    8.6. An individual plan and a program of correction and support of the student by all specialists are developed. The individual plan and the program of correction and support are brought to the attention of the legal representative, and signed by him, as well as the time of correction and support of the student is prescribed.

    8.7. Discussion of the results of dynamic observation of correction, support and training of students is held at meetings of the Psychological and Pedagogical Council at least once a quarter for timely adjustment of the plan or program of support and correction.

    8.8. At the end of the academic year, at a meeting of the Psychological and Pedagogical Council, the results of correction and support are considered. If necessary, directions for correction and support for the next academic year are discussed.

    8.9. In complex diagnostic cases, conflict situations, if it is not possible for the members of the Psychological and Pedagogical Council to make an unequivocal decision on the education and upbringing of the student, he is sent to the city PMPK for in-depth diagnostics and resolving the issue of the form of support and education.

    8.10. For referral to the city PMPK, a standardized form is filled out (social-psychological-pedagogical presentation).


    9.1. The main package of documents of the Psychological and Pedagogical Council:

    · Order on the establishment of the Psychological and Pedagogical Council.

    · Regulations on the Psychological and Pedagogical Council GBOU Center for Education "Beskudnikovsky".

    · Consent to the social-psychological-pedagogical support of the child signed by the legal representative.

    · long term plan for the academic year.

    · Individual card of the student.

    · The schedule of correction and support of the student signed by the legal representative.

    · Schedule of scheduled meetings of the Psychological and Pedagogical Council.

    · Journal of children's registration at the Psychological and Pedagogical Council.

    · Journal of meeting minutes.

    · Sheet of accounting for the dynamics of development.

    · Individual plans and programs of socio-psychological and pedagogical support and correction (speech therapy).

    • Archive of the Psychological and Pedagogical Council, consisting of individual cards of students (documents are stored for 10 years).

    9.2. Documents provided by specialists and teachers

    During the examination at the Psychological and Pedagogical Council, the following documents must be submitted:

    9.2.1. Documentation submitted by the educator / class teacher:

    1) Information card group / class with a list of students experiencing difficulties in education and training.

    2) Questionnaire for determining the symptoms of maladaptation (for each student).

    3) Pedagogical characteristics for the student, which should reflect all the points necessary to resolve the issue, as well as highlight positive sides and student interests.

    4) Children's work, notebooks, results of pedagogical monitoring for 2 years.

    9.2. 2. Documentation submitted by the educational psychologist:

    1) Protocol psychological examination child.

    2) Psychological representation.

    9.2.3. Documentation to be submitted by a speech pathologist:

    1) Speech therapy presentation (speech map) for the student.

    2) Protocol of speech therapy examination.

    9.2.4. Documentation submitted by the social pedagogue:

    1) A K T examination of the living conditions and upbringing of a minor.

    2) Analysis of the summary record of student attendance.

    The student's individual card is a mandatory document for the implementation of interprofessional interaction between specialists of the Psychological and Pedagogical Council, is kept by the Chairman or Deputy and is issued only to specialists working in the Psychological and Pedagogical Council.

    In the case of a child being sent to the city PMPK, the student's individual card with all the submissions and the conclusion of the Psychological and Pedagogical Council is transferred to the city PMPK, while a corresponding entry is made in the register of students who have passed the examination.

    After examining a student in the city PMPK, the relevant conclusions and decisions of the PMPK are entered into an individual card. An individual plan and a program of correction and support of the student are developed.




    deputy director

    Davydenko E.I.

    November 2016

    The pedagogical council is a complex methodology and form of organizing the diagnosis of the real learning opportunities of students, their level of upbringing, health status and other significant indicators of the success of the educational process. The methodology of the pedagogical council and the term "pedagogical council" itself were proposed in the late 60s within the framework of the work developed by Academician Yu.K. Babansky and his staff of the concept of optimization pedagogical process. Until now, the pedagogical council is one of the best forms of collective diagnostics in the field of education.

    With the development of the psychological service of the school, as well as the emergence of opportunities to involve a wide range of other specialists in the work of the council (physicians, neuropsychiatrists, psychiatrists, etc.), the pedagogical council, while maintaining its general approaches and principles, is painlessly transformed into a psychological-pedagogical or pedological (pedology - a complex scientific discipline that accumulates all knowledge about the child and his development) council.

    Teachers often develop a rigid and unambiguous opinion about a particular student, and it is not easy to change this opinion. Whatever the student does, all his actions and attitudes are perceived through the installation of the teacher on him. Therefore, holding a consultation, the results of which would be really useful, requires careful preparation, during which it is planned to solve several tasks:

      Show the teaching staff of the student from different angles, be sure to emphasize his positive, strengths. To present evidence-based hypotheses based on the data of psychodiagnostics, observations, conversations, etc., about the causes of the origin and existence of the student's personal problems.

      To achieve an understanding by each teacher of what the psychologist says about the student, i.e. break through the wall of the teacher's attitude towards this child. This is a very difficult task, and it must be solved carefully, gradually, long before the consultation. It is necessary to create for the teacher, albeit a small, but own experience of seeing the student, if not in a different, then at least slightly changed look.

    Pedagogical consultation as a method of problem solving school education

    Increasingly, in the practical activities of educational institutions, such a form as a pedagogical council is used. Why is it needed? How best to prepare for it? What is the best way to conduct a conference? You will find answers to these questions in these methodological recommendations prepared by the deputy director of the State School of Education No. 22 Davydenko E.I.

    I have been working at the school for 51 years, 46 of them as a deputy director. I give advantages in my work to this particular form of discussion with teachers onsolving the problems of school education


      Regulations on the pedagogical council at the school.

      Order on preparation and conductpedagogical council

    on the topic: “Coordination of the efforts of all participants in the educational process in the formation motivational sphere students of grade 7-A for quality education during the implementation of new Republican education standards "

      Information of subject teachers to the pedagogical council.


    I approve
    Director of GOSH №22
    __________/S.V. Ushakova/

    « 12 » 09 2016

    Regulations on the school pedagogical council

    1. General Provisions

    2. Goals and objectives of the school pedagogical council

    3. Organization of activities and composition of the school pedagogical council

    4. Preparation and holding of a pedagogical council

    1. General Provisions

    1.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the Law of the DPR "On Education"

    1.2. This Regulation defines the activities of the school pedagogical council as an advisory, systematically acting body under the administration of the school, providing assistance to all participants in the educational process. The school pedagogical council in its activities is guided by the Charter of the school, the agreement between the school and the parents (legal representatives) of the student, these Regulations.

    1.3. The school pedagogical council is an association of school specialists organized for comprehensive, comprehensive, dynamic, diagnostic and correctional support of the educational activities of students.

    1.4. The pedagogical council is held in the form of a creative meeting of teachers of a particular class (parallel classes) with the participation of class teachers, representatives of the school administration, medical workers, school psychologists and others. Along with the idea of ​​mandatory representation of key figures in the educational process, there is a rule according to which it is customary to involve in the work of the council those and only those persons whose participation in the pedagogical council can be of real benefit.

    1.5. The pedagogical council is called upon to:

    Formulate agreed-upon ideas about the level of educational outcomes (in the broad sense) achieved to date by each student, and the level of development of the key parameters of class groups;

    Determine, on the basis of forecasting, the desired level of such results in the zone of proximal development of students;

    Formulate the key problems of working with a given student and class (as discrepancies between the desired and real result) and their dominant internal and external causes;

    Develop specific measures to consolidate positive and overcome negative trends in the education, upbringing and development of students; to formulate, on this basis, generally valid recommendations and determine the nature of the participation of all participants in the pedagogical council and other persons in their practical implementation.

    Thus, the pedagogical council combines a collective diagnosis of the state of affairs in the classroom (parallels of classes) with access to their causes and pedagogical correction.

    1.5. Functions of the school pedagogical council:

      diagnostic - studying the social situation of development, determining the dominant of development, the potential of students, recognizing the nature of deviations in their learning, behavior, activities and communication;

      educational - the development of a program of pedagogical correction in the form of educational measures recommended to the class teacher, subject teacher, parent, student asset, team. By the nature of the measures, they can be controlling, disciplining, corrective, etc.;

      rehabilitating - protecting the interests of a child who has fallen into unfavorable family or educational conditions, raising the status and value of the child as a family member and a member of the school team.

    2. Goals and objectives of the school pedagogical council
    2.1. The main goal of the school pedagogical council is to develop a collective decision on the content of education and methods of psychological and pedagogical influence on students. Such decisions are made on the basis of diagnostic and analytical data presented by teachers and school specialists about the characteristics of a particular child. Also, the purpose of the council is to determine and organize adequate conditions for the development, education and upbringing of students in accordance with their special educational needs, age characteristics, individual capabilities, and the state of somatic and neuropsychic health.

    2.2. The tasks of the school pedagogical council of the school include:

    Identification and early diagnosis of various difficulties of students;

    Development and application of correctional and developmental work to eliminate various difficulties of students;

    Creation of a comfortable and safe educational environment in educational institutions;

    Collective study of the difficulties of training and educationstudents,with the help of all participants in the educational process;

    Identification of actual and reserve opportunitiesstudents;

    Development of recommendations for the administration, teacher,
    parents to create conditions that provide individual
    approach in the process of correctional and developmental educationstudentand his psychological support;

    Tracking development dynamicsstudentsand effectiveness of individualized correctional and developmental work;

    Solving the issue of creating conditions adequate to the individual characteristics of developmentstudent;

    Preparation and maintenance of documentation reflecting the current development of the student, the dynamics of his condition, mastering school skills, abilities and knowledge, long-term planning of correctional and developmental work, assessing its effectiveness;

    Organization of interaction between the teaching staff of the school

    and various specialists.

    3. Organization of activities and composition of the school pedagogical council

    3.1. The general management of the activities of the school pedagogical council is carried out by the deputy director.

    3.2. The composition of the council is approved by the order of the school principal.

    3.3. The composition of the school pedagogical council includes permanent participants - subject teachers, class teacher, teacher-psychologist, social teacher, nurse. (Appendix No. 1) In the absence of specialists, they are involved in the work of the council on a contractual basis, depending on the specifics of the issue under consideration.

    3.4. The following documentation is kept in the school pedagogical council:

    Journal of meetings of the school pedagogical council;

    Council minutes;

    Schedule of planned consultations;

    Regulatory and methodological documents regulating the activities of the specialists of the council.

    4. Preparation and holding of the school pedagogical council

    4.1. School pedagogical councils are divided into scheduled and unscheduled.

    4.2. The frequency of the council is determined by the real request of the school for a comprehensive examination of children, classes (groups of students).

    4.3 At the preparatory stage, the future participants of the pedagogical council for several weeks study students and class groups, as well as, within the framework of professional ethics, the situation in the families of students, their immediate environment. The program of such study is agreed in advance. As a rule, it includes a limited number of key parameters. In the course of its implementation, the most accessible methods in everyday educational work (pedagogical observation, conversations, questionnaires, interviews, sociometry, analysis of student work, etc.) are used, while the range of primary diagnostic techniques can expand as the diagnostic qualification of teachers grows under the influence of the school psychological service and self-education).

    4.4. Even before the pedagogical council is held, its participants have certain knowledge, which allows them to be ready for a group discussion, which is usually directly led by the class teacher with the organizing role of a representative of the school administration.

    4.5. The procedure for the pedagogical consultation at the main stage is clearly structured in order to save time and focus on the main problems. This is facilitated by the use of matrices, which reflect the list composition of the class, as well as the main estimated parameters. Assessment is usually carried out on a simple qualitative scale, where a high level of quality manifestation is indicated by a “+” sign, a low level by a “-” sign, and an average one by a “+/-” sign, naturally, without deriving average marks for the student, since all the evaluated parameters have different significance. The leader of the pedagogical council is called upon, without dwelling too long on the discussion of assessments for individual parameters (a discussion is reasonable only if there is a fundamental disagreement in the assessments from different experts), to ensure that, based on the results of the meeting, an agreed and accurate answer to the following questions is received:

    What are the main problems in the education and upbringing of this student?

    what are the causes of these problems and what are the possibilities of the school in their prevention, elimination, neutralization, compensation?

    what measures does the pedagogical council recommend to take to improve the situation in the near future (these measures usually concern the work of the class teacher, subject teachers, professional associations of teachers and the functional services of the school, the activities of the school administration)?

    4.6. Discussion of recommendations for working with individual teaching and classroom teams should be the main focus of the pedagogical council. After the formulation and fixation of the recommendations of the pedagogical council and the distribution of roles for their implementation, the school administration takes the process under its control.

    4.7. With the development of the psychological service of the school, as well as the emergence of opportunities to involve a wide range of other specialists in the work of the council (physicians, psychoneurologists, psychiatrists, etc.), the pedagogical council, while maintaining its general approaches and principles, is painlessly transformed into a psychological and pedagogical one.

    4.8. The results of the SPC are communicated to the parents (legal representatives). The proposed recommendations are implemented only when
    the absence of objections from the parents (legal representatives).

    Application No. 1

    The content of the activities of the main

    participants in the accompanying work cycle

    Providing participants
    information on psychological
    pedagogical status
    specific students.


    psychological work within
    accompaniment of specific

    Carrying out psychocorrection,
    developing and advisory
    activities with students.

    Conducting group and individual
    consultations with teachers and parents.

    Administration consulting.

    Speech therapist

    Carrying out diagnostic
    work: examines students, determines the structure and severity of their existing defect.

    Preparation of materials for

    Takes part in the work of the council, brings information about the results of the examination of schoolchildren to all members of the council.

    Participation in strategy development

    Planning directions and forms
    speech therapy work within the framework of
    accompaniment of specific

    Participation in the accompanying
    assistance activities,
    support or intervention
    speech therapist.

    Provides advice to teachers and parents in determining the reasons for the failure of "speech" students and gives recommendations on how to overcome them.

    Social teacher

    Takes on organizational responsibilities for working with the family associated with the council. (visiting the family, drawing up an act of living conditions).

    Takes part in the work of the council, brings information about the family, about family relations to all members of the council.

    Helps class teachers in direct work with the family.

    Social dispatching activity.

    Classroom teacher

    Collection of pedagogical
    information about the student - pedagogical characteristics;
    own observations
    interviews or surveys
    subject teachers.

    Based on the results of his own observations and conversations with subject teachers, he gives a pedagogical description of the educational activities and behavior of specific students and the class as a whole.

    Participation in strategy development

    Planning forms and directions
    support work
    specific students or class

    Holding specific molds
    educational work within the decision
    Counseling for parents and teachers
    - subjects on questions
    accompanying students.
    Liaising with school staff.
    Tracks the dynamics of corrective work with the student.

    Subject teachers

    Participation in expert surveys
    at the stage of diagnostic

    Providing the necessary
    information to the classroom
    manager and specialists
    as part of their preparations for

    Takes part in the work of the council, prepares the results of tracking the level of educational achievements of students, prepares recommendations for correction

    Participation in group and individual
    consultations conducted by a psychologist, speech therapist,
    head teacher or physician.

    Development of individual strategies
    pedagogical support
    specific students and their
    subsequent implementation.

    Parent counseling.

    Participation in methodical seminars,
    accompanying activity.

    medical worker

    Reviews medical records, if necessary, receives additional information from parents or from the clinic, and also prepares extracts for discussion at the council

    Takes part in the work of the council, brings information about the state of health and physical characteristics of schoolchildren to all members of the council.

    Participation in strategy development

    Monitors the student's health status.
    Counseling for parents, teachers and school professionals.

    Deputy Director

    Organization of the work of the council.

    Collects information about those students for whom an individual discussion is to be held, and develops a scheme for conducting consultations, prepares the necessary documentation - forms for the protocols of consultations.

    Organizational assistance in
    diagnostic activities.

    Takes part in the work of the council.

    Participation in strategy development

    Tracks the implementation of recommendations given by the council for working with the student.
    Coordinates the work of teachers and specialists of the school.

    Application №2

    Pedagogical characteristics

    1) General information about the child:

      time spent in this team;

      a brief description of relations in the family (comfort, complete, incomplete family, characteristics of relations between parents, type of family education).

    2) Qualitative characteristics of educational activities:

      difficulties and features that manifest themselves in the preparation of homework;

      difficulties and features that manifest themselves in oral and written answers in the lesson, features of answers at the blackboard;

      difficulties and peculiarities arising in the performance of creative tasks and routine labor-intensive work;

      difficulties arising in the process of assimilation of new material or repetition of the past;

      features of memorizing educational material;

      types of tasks or educational material that cause the greatest difficulties;

      the alleged reasons for the described difficulties and peculiarities.

    3) Quantitative indicators of educational activity:

      performance in core subjects;

      perceived reasons for low or uneven performance;

      indicators of behavior and communication in educational situations;

      description and evaluation of behavior in terms of learning activity and interest;

      description and evaluation of behavior in terms of compliance with social rules;

      individual characteristics and difficulties that arise in the process of communication with teachers and peers.

    4) Indicators of the emotional state in learning situations:

    Description of a "typical" emotional state for a schoolchild in a lesson;

    Description of situations that cause various emotional difficulties for the student (crying, irritation, aggression, fear, etc.).

    In preparation for the consultation, the teacher collects and processes information from subject teachers, systematizes his own observations. Giving a characteristic to a particular student, the class teacher and the teacher stop only at those indicators that contain information important for the work of the council.

    Medical characteristic

    1) The physical condition of the child at the time of the consultation:

      compliance of physical development with age norms;

      state of the organs of vision, hearing, musculoskeletal system;

      tolerance of physical activity (based on the data of a physical education teacher);

      health group.

    2) Risk factors for developmental disorders:

      the presence in the past of diseases and injuries that may affect the development of the child;

      risk factors for the main functional systems;

      the presence of chronic diseases;

      characteristics of morbidity in the last year.

    When preparing the profile, the school physician reviews the medical records of students, receives, if necessary, additional information from teachers, parents and / or from the clinic, and also prepares extracts for discussion at the council.


    One of the promising methods of providing assistance to subjects and objects of training is the psychological and pedagogical consultation. Yu.K. Babansky notes that "in order to improve the study of schoolchildren, one should not get carried away with detailed written characteristics, but should focus on collective discussions of class teachers' opinions about schoolchildren and, most importantly, on the collective development of measures individual approach to students and the class as a whole. Such collective discussions can be conditionally called pedagogical consultations in order to emphasize their focus on analyzing the reasons for the lag in learning or behavioral deficiencies. Improving the study of schoolchildren will also make it possible to more deeply solve such a problem as the development of their inclinations, abilities and talents, which has become especially relevant and difficult in the conditions of universal secondary education.

    The purpose of the psychological and pedagogical council is to provide diagnostic and correctional pedagogical support for students, to identify the causes that cause difficulties for students and teachers teaching in the classroom;

    Development of teaching and educational measures to eliminate these causes, both in relation to the class as a whole, and in relation to individual students.

    The tasks of the pedagogical council are:

    To form agreed-upon ideas about the level of educational outcomes achieved to date by each student, and the level of development core competencies the whole class team;

    Show the teaching staff of the student from different angles, be sure to emphasize his positive, strengths. To present evidence-based hypotheses based on the data of psychodiagnostics, observations, conversations, etc., about the causes of the origin and existence of the student's personal problems;

    Develop coordinated measures to determine the educational and correctional developmental route for students;

    - identify the reserve of opportunities for students;

    - determine the nature, duration and effectiveness of special (correctional) assistance within the framework of the possibilities available in this educational institution;

    The main functions of the pedagogical council:

    Conducting an in-depth psychological and pedagogical study of the child throughout the entire period of his schooling;

    Analysis of the results of monitoring studies of the level of educational achievements of students;

    Diagnosis and identification of individual personality traits, programming the possibilities of its correction;

    Ensuring the general and individual correctional and developmental orientation of the educational process;

    Prevention of psychophysiological overloads, emotional breakdowns;

    Creating a climate of psychological comfort for all participants.

    A special role is assigned to the school psychologist . The task of a psychologist in a pedagogical council is to help teachers approach assessment from different angles intellectual development the student, the main qualities of his personality, to show the complexity and ambiguity of the manifestations of his behavior, relationships, to reveal the problems of self-esteem, motivation, features of cognitive and other interests, emotional mood, and most importantly - to provide an approach to the child with an optimistic hypothesis regarding the prospects of his further development and outline a real program of work with him (even if this work will be associated with significant difficulties, with the need for special efforts of teachers and educators).

    The pedagogical council helps to avoid subjectivity in assessing the capabilities of individual students and the class as a whole, allows them to be objectively assessed and built. joint program actions aimed at developing certain qualities or at eliminating identified difficulties and shortcomings.

    Department of Education of the Gorlovka City Administration

    Gorlovskaya comprehensive schoolІ–ІІІ stages No. 22


    24.11.2016 №

    On the preparation and holding of a pedagogical council on the topic: "Coordination of the efforts of all participants in the educational process in the formation of the motivational sphere of students in grade 7-A for quality education during the implementation of new Republican educational standards."

    Fulfilling the decision of the Pedagogical Council No. 1 of August 29, 2016 “Monitoring tracking the level of educational achievements of students in grades 3-11 by identifying and purposefully correcting based on tracking the results of the 2015-2016 academic year. city”, as well as in order to determine the main areas of joint work of the teaching staff, the parent community, the student team to optimize the educational process during the introduction of new republican standards for teaching students in grade 7-A.

    I ORDER:

      To study the issue of the social situation of development, to determine the dominants of potential opportunities, to analyze the dynamics of monitoring educational achievements of students 7-A.

    2. Based on the data obtained, develop a program of pedagogical correction in the form of educational measures recommended to the class teacher, subject teacher, parent, student asset, team, individual groups of students.

    3. The composition of the pedagogical council is determined as follows:

    Davydenko E.I. - Chairman, Deputy Director;

    Yarovaya I.V. - class teacher of the 7th grade;

    subject teachers:

    Semenok N.K. - teacher of Russian language and literature,

    Matveenko O.P.-teacher Ukrainian language and literature

    Kudinova-Filimoshina M.Yu. - teacher in English,

    Gubareva V.M.-teacher French,

    Efremova L.A.-teacher teacher of algebra and geometry. informatics,

    Sosyan L.A. - teacher of biology;

    Grigoryeva E.V. - teacher of history, geography;

    Lyadvin E.E.-teacher of physics,

    Shuraev R.N. - teacher of chemistry,

    Gerasimenko T.A. - teacher of labor education, fine arts, music;

    Ushakov E.L. - teacher of labor education,

    Goloborodko R.A.-teacher of physical education

    Legenkaya E.Yu. - School nurse.

    4. To the class teacher Yarovaya I.V. provide the following information:

    Pedagogical characteristics of educational activities, a comparative analysis of the state of the educational process in grade 7-A based on the results of the first quarter of the 2016-2017 academic year;

    Pedagogical characteristics of educational activities and behavior of students in the class as a whole;

    Difficulties experienced by the student in various pedagogical situations;

    Features of individual learning traits during the implementation of the SES;

    Individual characteristics and difficulties arising in the process of communication with teachers and peers.

    Information about social status (information about parents, type of family, family upbringing style, relationships between parents and children in the family, family well-being.)

    5. To subject teachers: Semenok N.K., Matveenko O.P., Kudinova-Filimoshina M.Yu., Gubareva V.M., Voitko N.A., Efremova L.A., Sosyan L.A., Grigoryeva E.V.-., Gerasimenko T.A., Shuraev R.N., Goloborodko R.A.. provide the following data:

    Qualitative characteristics of educational activity, analysis of difficulties that manifest themselves in oral and written answers in the lesson, features of answers at the blackboard;

    Difficulties and features that arise when performing creative tasks and homework; arising in the process of assimilation of new material, types of tasks that cause the greatest difficulties in performing;

    The alleged reasons for the difficulties described;

    Quantitative indicators of educational activity;

    Academic achievement;

    Causes of poor performance or uneven performance;

    Indicators of behavior and communication in educational situations;

    Indicators of the emotional state in educational situations.

    When giving a pedagogical description to a student, it is necessary to focus only on those indicators that are important for the council.

    6. Medical worker Legenkaya E.Yu. provide information about the state of health, physical characteristics of students in grade 7-A.

    7. Deputy director for educational work Davydenko E.I.:

    7.1. Summarize analytical materials on the coordination of the activities of all participants in the educational process in the preparation of students of grade 7-A for quality education during the period of implementation of new republican education standards;

    7.2. Determine measures for the psychological and pedagogical accompanying activities of the participants of the pedagogical council in the development of sustainable skills and abilities, the elimination of gaps in knowledge, the reduction in the level of anxiety and the formation of sustainable learning motives.

    8. Conduct a pedagogical council on 12/05/2016.

    9. To impose control over the execution of this order on the Deputy Director for Water Management Davydenko E.I.

    UVK Director S.V.Ushakova

    Information of the educational psychologist to the pedagogical council.

    Psychologist Provides PEP the results of their diagnostic activities (observations, results of conversations with parents, teachers, survey results, surveys of the students themselves). Not specific data are given, but generalized analytical data, where there is information about the child and his family. The material is presented in a form that does not violate the confidentiality of information.

    Data content:

    Give a description psychological characteristics learning, behavior, well-being of students during the period of information collection. The description is given in free form, but based on the content of the student's psychological and pedagogical status.

    Name the areas of the mental life of a child or adolescent in which certain violations or deviations from the age, mental or social norm are found.

    To name the spheres of the mental life of a schoolchild, the development of which is characterized by pronounced individual characteristics. Describe real manifestations.

    The diagnostic results are presented in an accessible form for the addressee (teacher, parents (legal representatives)). Diagnostic data should allow the formation of hypotheses about the forecast of the development of students.

    Class teacher information:

    Collects and processes information from subject teachers, systematizes own observations.
    Gives a pedagogical description of the learning activities and behavior of specific students and the class as a whole.

    The information must contain:

    Results of monitoring studies for the last three years;

    - difficulties experienced by students in pedagogical situations;

    Individual traits of learning, communication, well-being.

    Content of data provided by educators :

    1. Results of monitoring studies,qualitative characteristics of educational activities:

    - difficulties and features manifested in oral and written
    answers in the lesson, features of the answers at the blackboard;

    Difficulties and features that arise in the implementation of creative
    tasks, laborious work;

    - difficulties that arise in the process of mastering new material,
    types of tasks that cause the greatest difficulties;

    - the alleged reasons for the described difficulties.

    2. Quantitative indicators of educational activity:

    Progress in the main subjects;

    Causes of poor performance or uneven performance.

    H. Indicators of behavior and communication in learning situations:

    Description and evaluation of behavior, learning activity and interest;

    Individual features and difficulties that arise in the process of communication with teachers and peers.

    4. Indicators of the emotional state in learning situations:

    Description of a typical emotional state for students in the lesson;
    - description of situations that cause various emotional difficulties in students (irritation, aggression, fear).

    Giving a pedagogical description of the student, you need to dwell only on those indicators that are important for the council.

    Information of the Deputy Director for OIA.

    The content of the data provided by the Deputy Director for Educational Work:

    Qualitative characteristics of the educational activity of the teacher: the organization of the activities of students in the classroom, the difficulties that arise in this.

    Quantitative indicators of the educational activity of the teacher: academic performance in the subject, reasons for low academic performance.

    Indicators of communication in learning situations: difficulties encountered in communicating with students.

    Indicators of the emotional state and their impact on the emotional state of students.

    Information of the deputy director for educational work or social pedagogue

    Gives information about the social status of the child:

    - information about parents, family type;

    Family parenting style;

    Relationships between parents and children in the family;

    Family security.

    1. general characteristics families:

    Family composition (full, incomplete, formally complete);

    Characteristics of the family (harmonious, problematic, conflict, anti-pedagogical, asocial, immoral);

    Typical state of the family (emotional comfort, discomfort, mental stress):

    Style of family education (liberal, democratic, authoritarian, unstable);

    Violations of family education (dominant hyperprotection, indulgent hyperprotection, emotional stress, abuse, increased liability).

    2. Attitude towards school:

    Maintain a close relationship;

    - maintain contacts sporadically (connections are random, parents avoid contacts).

    Z. Features of family education.

    4. Disadvantages of family education.

    5. Reasons for deficiencies:

    Dysfunctional family;

    Lack of uniform requirements;

    Low cultural level;

    Lack of control;

    The use of anti-pedagogical measures, etc.

    Health worker information

    characteristics of the students.

    Provides information about health, physical
    characteristics of the students.

    Information content:



    Information content:

    1. The physical condition of the child at the time of the consultation:
    - compliance of physical development with age norms;

    The state of the organs of vision, hearing, musculoskeletal system;

    Tolerance of physical activity (based on the data of a physical education teacher).
    2. Risk factors for developmental disorders:

    - the presence in the past and today of diseases, injuries that could affect the development of the child;

    Risk factors for the main functional systems, the presence of chronic diseases.

    Z. Characteristics of morbidity for the last year.

    Pedagogical council for 7-A grade

    2015-2016 academic year

    Teacher - subject: Gerasimenko T.A.

    (Information teacher of fine arts, technology)

    Monitoring the quality of knowledge of students in grade 7-A

    in fine arts, technology, fundamentals of health

    teacher: Gerasimenko T.A.

    (SOU, w/b) 2014-2015 academic year - 2015-2016 academic year 1 semester

    Comparative analysis of educational achievements of students in grade 7-A

    I semester 2015 – 2016 year


    FinallyIsemesterA2015 / 2016 academic year in the 7th grade, performance in fine arts - 100%
















    The average score for the class - 2014-2015 was -9.6; 2014-2015 – 9.1

    SDA by class - 2014-2015 - 88%; 2015-2016 - 82%

    Thus, analyzing the data given in the tables, it can be noted that compared with 2014-2015 a.g. there was a decrease in the average score in the class (by 0.5), as well as a decrease in the SDA (by 6%). This is due to the fact that students with a high and sufficient level of learning opportunities dropped out of the class. It should be noted that the SOU in the subject art- 88% corresponds to the acceptable level of training.

    "Labor training"

    FinallyIsemesterA2015 / 2016 academic year in the 7th grade, progress in vocational training - 100%

    compared to the 2014/2015 academic year - 100%, grade performance has not changed.
















    The average score for the class - 2014-2015 was -9.4; 2015-2016 – 9.6

    SDA by class - 2015-2016 - 71%; 2015-2016 - 88.7%

    Thus, analyzing the data given in the tables, it can be noted that compared with 2014-2015 a.g. there was an increase in the average score in the class (by 0.2), as well as an increase in the SDA (by 17.7%). This is due to the transition of 2 students from a high to a sufficient level, as well as a decrease in academic performance in the subject by 2 points for Igor Sergeev, Anastasia Khoreva, Anton Narbekov.

    It should be noted that the SDA for the subject of technology is 88.7% and corresponds to optimal level learning.

    "Fundamentals of Health"

    FinallyIsemesterA2015 / 2016 academic year in the 7th grade, progress in basic health - 100%

    compared to the end of the 2014/2015 academic year - 100%, grade performance has not changed.
















    The average score for the class - 2014-2015 was -8.3; 2015-2016 – 9.1

    SDA by class - 2014-2015 - 65%; 2015-2016 - 75.2%

    Thus, analyzing the data given in the tables, it can be noted that compared with 2014-2015 a.g. there was an increase in the average score in the class (by 0.8), as well as an increase in the SDA (by 10.2%). This is due to the transition of 3 students from a sufficient to a high level, and 2 students from an average to a sufficient level.

    It should be noted that the SDA in the subject of the basics of health is 75.2% and corresponds to the optimal level of education.

    The educators showed great activity 7 people of the class took part in the International Olympiad on labor training and the basics of health INFOOUROK (winter 2015-2016), the high result of which was 15 points out of 15 offered.

    Reasons for the decrease in SDA:

      the intense nature of learning and emotional pressure on adolescents,

      a significant amount of study load and homework, the material was assimilated through distance learning and self-education.

      lack of time for assimilation of information and educational material.

    To improve the quality of students' knowledge

    in the second semester 2015-2016 it is planned to solve the following tasks:

    - the formation of intellectual and cognitive abilities of students through the involvement of students in olympiads, competitions;

    - development creative activity every child in project activities;

    - ensuring and stimulating self-development and self-improvement of the individual (group, individual activities in the classroom);

    - increasing the level of knowledge through research work(message to the lesson as an incentive for a good grade) in the bonus system program;

    Recommendations for improving the quality of students' knowledge in ІІ – semester planned:

      Introduction to the calendar-thematic planning of topics for repetition;

      Participation of students in project activities, competitions, quizzes, Olympiads "INFOOUROK"

    (Spring 2016). Organization of self-educational activity of students in the variable part of the program.

    Take control of the organization of training for students who have absenteeism due to illness. Draw up an individual plan for correcting students' knowledge with their involvement in a variety of competitions and projects.


    The reason for petition______________________________________

    School-related problems ___________________________

    1. Sphere of violation of school adaptation:

    -difficulty in training, education ______________________________

    a) with teachers ___________________________________________

    b) with peers ____________________________________________

    -assessment of the family situation _____________________________________

    - self-esteem_________________________________________

    -interests and aptitudes

    2. Psychological data:

    -intellectual features______________________________

    -personal characteristics____________________________________

    -emotional-volitional sphere ___________________________________


    3. Characteristics of students ____________________________



    4. Assistance offered by educators __________________________





    5. Recommendations for working with students:

    - class teacher ______________________________________

    -subject teachers _______________________________________

    -psychologist ___________________________________________________________

    List of used literature

    1.Babansky Yu.K. Selected pedagogical works. - M., 1961

    2. Burmenskaya G.V., Karabanova O.A., Leaders A.G. Age-psychological counseling. Problems mental development children. M., 1990.

    3. Gilbukh Yu.3. teacher and psychological service schools. Kyiv, 1993

    4. Diagnosis of school maladaptation. M., 1993.

    5. Kochubey B.I., Novikova E.V. Emotional stability of the student. M., 1988.

    6. Kulakov S.A. Diagnosis and psychotherapy of addictive behavior in adolescents. M, 1998.

    7. Personality, family, school (problems of socialization of students) / Ed. S.G. Vershlovsky. St. Petersburg, 1996.

    8. Luskanova N.G. Research methods for children with learning difficulties. M., 1993

    9. Markova A.K. Formation of learning motivation at school age. M., 1983.

    10. Educational environment of the school: problems and development prospects / Ed. S.V. Tarasova. St. Petersburg, 2001.

    11. Workshop on psychodiagnostics. Psychodiagnostic materials M., 1988.

    12. Psychological correction of the mental development of students (Under the editorship of Gurevich K.M., Dubrovina I.V.). M., 1990

    13.Psychological and pedagogical corrective work with difficult teenagers: G. S. Tagirova - Moscow, Pedagogical Society, 2008 - 128 p.

    14. Psychological and pedagogical correction of parent-child relationships: N. Yu. Sinyagina - Moscow, Vlados, 2001 - 96 p.

    15. Pedagogical psychology: B. P. Barkhaev - St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, 2009 - 448 p.

    16. Solntseva L.S., Galkina T.V. Method for studying the personality of a student. M., 1993

    17. Fridman L.M., Pushkina T.M., Kaplunovich I.Ya. The study of the personality of students and students