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  • Management: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The commander of the world's most significant Air-in-chief of military air force

    Management: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The commander of the world's most significant Air-in-chief of military air force
    The Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Aircraft Forces of the Russian Federation is the commander of the Air Force. Lieutenant-General.

    Andrei Yudin was born on April 2, 1962 in the city of Armavir, Krasnodar Territory. After school, until 1983 he studied at the Armavir Supreme Military Aviation School of pilots. At the end of the school was the pilot, the senior pilot, the commander of the link of the Baltic Military District. Later he graduated from the Yuri Gagarin Air Force Academy.

    In 1989, Yudina was transferred to the western group of troops to the post of commander of the Fighter Aviation Regiment link. In December of the same year, he was appointed Deputy Commander of the Aviation Squadron of the 16th Air Army.

    Since 1996, for twelve years, he was the commander of the aviation squadron, deputy commander of the Fighter Aviation Regiment, the commander of the Fighter Aviation Regiment, Deputy Commander of the Division, Commander of the Far Eastern Military District Division. In 2008, he became a listener of the Military Academy General Staff Armed Forces Russian Federation.

    In 2010, Andrei Vyacheslavovich appointed Head of the Board Training Office of Air Force. From next next year, he took the position of Deputy Commander of the Troops of the Command of the Air Force and Air Force East Military District.

    Since May 2012, he was the commander of the command of the military air force and the air defense of the Southern Military District. Two years later, by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the commander of the Association of Air Force and Air Defense, the Major Major General Yudine, Andrei Vyacheslavovich, was assigned another military rank Lieutenant-General. For many years of conscientious service awarded the title "Honored Military Pilot of Russia".

    Andrei Yudin since September 2015 occupies the post of commander of the Air Force, the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Space Forces of Russia.

    Married, has three children.

    Andrei Yudina awards

    Order Zhukov
    Order "For Military Merit" (December 10, 2013);
    Order "For the service of the Motherland in Armed Forcesah USSR "III degree;
    Medal "For the difference in military service" of the II degree;
    Medal "70 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR";
    Medal "For the difference in military service»I, II and III degrees;
    Medal "Strategic Community Staff Teaching" Caucasus 2012 "
    Medal "For participation in a military parade on Victory Day";
    Medal "200 years by the Ministry of Defense";
    Medal "For service in air force";
    Medal "100 years of air force";
    Medal "For the Return of Crimea".

    12th of August Air Force Russia celebrated the centenary anniversary. On today's day and prospects of one of the types of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, his commander-in-chief - Honored military pilot, Hero of Russia lieutenant-General Viktor Bondarev.

    - Viktor Nikolaevich, the Air Force over an age-old history passed different stages of development. What is characterized by the current period, does he make it possible to look at the future with optimism?

    Optimism is. Now in the air force there are no problems in conducting combat training. We have almost everything you need for intensive combat training, ranging from aviation kerosene and ending with the repair and maintenance of aviation equipment. There is a new aircraft. There was no such thing for a long time.

    Over the course of three or four years, there is constantly an increase in the average flying at pilots, especially young. We consider the most important thing - this is the preparation of young people, and therefore do not regret forces and means. The fact is that the military pilot served on the basis of accumulated experience can and with a smaller chance of carrying out educational and combat missions, but the young lieutenant will fly and train more.

    It is known: In order for a person to feel himself a pilot, its minimum, as they say, the biological norm of a raid per year should be at least 60 hours. We have a lieutenant this year, I think, will have an average raid of 85 hours. It's not bad. Especially if you remember that another ten years ago, the annual average raid in our Air Force managed to maintain at 10-12 hours. Those times and remember do not want. But it was - a shortage of airflowing, lack of funds for the current repair of aircraft.

    Starting from 2009, we began to receive a new aircraft. This year we plan to take about 175-180 new aircraft and helicopters. Enter air facilities and machinery facilities. Next year we get more than 200 new aircraft.

    In total, according to the state program of weapons until 2020, more than 1,000 new helicopters will be received in the Air Force and approximately as many new aircraft. Thus, by 2020, our airfield will be updated almost 75%, and maybe even more.

    - The press periodically rises the question of the further fate of the master committee of the Air Force. Some say that soon it can be transformed into the General Staff Department. It's true?

    I want to say with full responsibility: to reform the Glavkomat in the Department or other some structure, there is no speech. I did not put such a task and, I think, no one will put. Because this kind of armed forces as the Air Force, there is almost in any country - let it be, for example, the United States or Honduras. And since there is a Air Force, there must be a corresponding control body. So let the veterans of military aviation and those who serve in the Air Force: The Glavkomat was, there will be.

    In general, the renewed structure of the air force is formed. Reform Russian army it's finished. Now there is only a study of the interaction of species and childbirth forces of the armed forces, improving the quality of combat training.

    - How do you assess the process of creating a promising aircraft complex of front-line aviation? Is this aircraft waiting for this aircraft?

    We carefully monitor how it is brought to mass production. It is already clear that this is really a fifth generation machine, a plane of the future. He has very great opportunities in work, both in air and terrestrial purposes. Pak Fa Air Force, of course, really needed.

    Sometimes in the press you read that we are behind in developing the fifth generation fighter from Americans. They say, they have long fly on such machines. I can say that we are not behind. We have a world-class plane, which for a number of indicators significantly exceeds the possibilities of overseas analogues.

    - There is no anxiety that they will not have time to change the developers of the radar with an active phased antenna lattice or engines with the creation of a power plant for Pak Fa?

    There are no special alarms. I have seen objective control data when working with new radar, I know which engines are on Pak Fa and how they work. Yes, there is a study of new design solutions, "Prit" in the work of various aircraft systems. But I have no fear that this aircraft because of the problems with the engine or station with AFAR will not go on time.

    Everything is in the process of testing, which are just needed to bring everything to a logical end. I think, from next year, we will be able to begin with the firm "dry" to begin joint military tests of the new aircraft. Including its armament complexes.

    - With front-line aircraft in this sense, clarity is. And what about the far aviation? Will she get a new generation strategic bomber?

    Yes, such cars will be. Already formed the appearance of a promising aviation complex far aviation -. Those strategic bombers who are now in service with our air force, I mean Tu-95ms and, are beautiful planes. They allow you to solve the challenges that face the far aviation.

    Tu-95 has been operated for over 40 years. For Americans, let's say there are no less than old b-52. But the machine with the tasks assigned to it is coping with the US Air Force from this bombarder do not refuse. Just as we are from.

    But be that as it may, the life of any aircraft is limited. He ever ends - after 10-20 or 50 years. Based on this, we are obliged, ready and do everything to appear a new farmer of long aviation. And he will appear.

    Of course, it is easier to upgrade the car than creating and build a new one. Nevertheless, we must do it to keep up with the times and keep up with others.

    - And if, as they say, look after the horizon? Your experts think about how will the sixth generation combat aircraft?

    Trends in the development of the means of armed struggle, including combat aviation, give reason to believe that the military aircrafts The next generation will become the most unmanned. This also applies to fighter, and front-line bomber, and strategic machines.

    The fact is that the development of equipment, information technologies It goes with such steps that a man - pilot, the operator already today sometimes have to act at the limit of its physical, psychological capabilities. And what will happen tomorrow, at the next stage of scientific and technological progress? The person simply does not have time, he will not be able to realize all the possibilities of the new aircraft of the next generation. Part of its functions, he already intersects the car - be it "artificial intelligence" or side super-computer.

    Therefore, we, and abroad, work on unmanned topics, including on strategic drones, go in full swing. They are not particularly advertised. But we know that such projects are being developed and certain results have already been obtained. The point in the chronicle of hostilities in a particular region of the world reports on point blows of unmanned aviation. Many UAVs are involved in operations that conduct Americans and their allies in the Middle and Middle East. It is enough to remember how recently one of the distant drone USAs turned out to be the trophy of the Iranian air defense.

    - Russia not so long ago resumed flights of strategic bombers for air patrol over the neutral waters of the World Ocean. The number of these flights will not decrease?

    In no case. We, on the contrary, are increasing this direction of combat training and the number of departures. We carry out the flights in the air patrol zone over the Barents and the Black Seas, in the Far East. We are preparing a flight composition, we work out certain maneuvers aimed at improving the country's defense capability.

    - Several years ago, our bombers made an impressive flight to Venezuela with several refueling in the air. Similar shares are planned?

    Sure. We work out these questions - the implementation of flights to various regions of the world. Without them, it is impossible to do with one simple reason, because it is necessary to train the flight composition - crews and strategic bombers, and IL-78 fuel aircraft.

    You need to know your capabilities: what we are capable where we have narrow, weaknesses, in which, on the contrary, our strong strategic aviation. Any long flight is not a walk. In each flight so much information is mined as sometimes it is impossible to obtain any other way.

    - What are the prospects for the re-equipment of military transport aviation?

    Park WTA, especially light transport aircraft, is outdated. An-24 We have already completed the service. Stay still An-26. But they, poor things, work so much that any other cars, it would be quite likely to and could not stand. These aircraft need a replacement. There is still an average military transport an-12. He worked very, very much.

    Similarly, the situation with the Park of heavy transport workers Il-76 is developing. They adequately perform all the tasks that are assigned to them. But this aircraft was built in those times when they did not particularly look at the characteristics of economy.

    What will be replaced by VTU veterans? These are light turboprop transport aircraft An-140. The Air Force has already purchased two such cars and continue to buy them. The purchases of the An-148 aircraft and are planned. As for the An-70, he now goes to factory tests, I think successfully passed all the upcoming "exams" and go to the series.

    Naturally, big plans for updating IL-76 Park. We have beautiful PS-90 engines, which are twice as much more than those stand on these aircraft.

    The pride and beauty of the en-124 military transport aviation is also scheduled to modernize and produce in a new appearance. It will be purchased additionally and enter the WTU line.

    - Parts of the Russian Air Force are deployed abroad, in particular in the Kyrgyz Kant. What are the prospects for this air base?

    No questions in the Kant arise. The Kyrgyz Party is interested in functioning the Russian air bases. Especially with regard to US plans in 2014 to leave Afghanistan. Under these conditions, its value in the regional security system will only increase. In any case, even thoughts about removing the base from Kant, no one arises. The base is and the base will be.

    - How is the armament of anti-aircraft missile troops with S-400 systems?

    This year we have already received two regimental set. There will be more receipts. The system is beautiful. Before equipping the next regiment, the Air Defense Concern "Almaz-Antei" brought VIS to the test site. We delivered there a personal part of the part that took the machine. Conducted training, configuring real-time time with the creation of a certain targeted situation, checked the readiness of people to carry combat duty. The regiment was successfully coped with all the tasks and now takes its place in general System Air defense in the Far East.

    - Works on the anti-aircraft missile system C-500 started?

    The Russian Federation is a powerful aviation power with its history, the air force with which is able to resolve any conflicts that have a threat to our country. This was clearly demonstrated by the events of the last months in Syria, where Russian pilots are successfully conducted martialctions against the army of ISIL, which represents the terrorist danger to the whole of the modern world.


    Russian aviation began his existence since 1910, but officially the point of reference was August 12, 1912, When Major General M.I. Shishkevich took off all the units in organized by that time the aeronautical part of the General Staff.

    Existently existential time, military aviation Russian Empire It became one of the best air force of that time, although the aircraft industry in the Russian state was in its infancy and Russian pilots had to fight on foreign production aircraft.

    "Ilya Muromets"

    Despite the fact that the Russian state purchased aircraft from other countries, the Russian land was never scarce on talented people. In 1904, Professor Zhukovsky founded the Institute for the Study of Aerodynamics, and in 1913 the young Sikorsky constructed and built his famous bomber "Ilya Muromets" and biplane with four engines Russian Vityaz, Designer Grigorovich developed various schemes of hydroplanes.

    Most popular among pilots of that time was used by Aviators Skimkin, Arzoweli, and the Military pilot Peter Nesterov struck everyone, after performing his legendary "dead loop" and became famous in 1914, tagging the opponent's aircraft in the air. In the same year, Russian pilots first conquered the Arctic during the flights to find the missing pioneers of the North from the Sedov expedition.

    Russian air forces represented the army and sea aviation, each appearance had several aviation groups, which included airways of 6-10 aircraft in each. Initially, the pilots were engaged only by the adjustment of fire artillery and intelligence, but then with the help of bombs and machine guns destroyed the lively enemy's lively. With the advent of fighters, battles began to destroy the enemy aircraft.

    1917 year

    By the fall of 1917, Russian aviation numbered about 700 cars, but then I saved October Revolution and she was disbanded, many russian pilots Died in the war, and most of those who survived after the revolutionary coup were emigrated. Young soviet Republic In 1918, he founded its military air forces called the working and peasant red air fleet. But the fratricidal war ended and forgotten about military aviation, only in the late 1930s, with the course of the course of industrialization, its revival began.

    Soviet power intensively took up the construction of new enterprises of the aviation industry and the creation of KB. In those years, the brilliant Soviet careers began their career aircraft designPolycarpov, Tupolev, Lavochkin, Ilyushin, Petlekov, Mikoyan and Gurevich.

    Aeroclubs were founded for training and training, Aeroclabs were founded as schools of initial pilots. After receiving in such institutions, piloting skills, cadets were sent to flight collections, and then distributed to the system parts. More than 20 thousand cadets were trained in 18 flight schools, technical frames were prepared in 6 institutions.

    The leaders of the USSR understood that the first socialist state is in dire need of air force and accepted all measures to quickly increase the aircraft park. At the turn of the 40s, remarkable fighters built in KB Yakovleva and Lavochkina appeared - Yak-1. and Lag-3., KB Ilyushina put into operation the first attack aircraft, designers under the leadership of Tupolev created a long-range bomber TB-3, And the Design Bureau of Mikoyan and Gurevich finished the tested tests of the fighter.

    1941 year

    The aviation industry on the threshold of war released at the beginning of the summer of 1941 for 50 cars per day and three months later doubled the release of aircraft.

    But for Soviet aviation, the beginning of the war was tragic, most aviation equipment located at the airfields in the border zone were broken directly in the parking lots and did not have time to take off. Our pilots in the first battles, not having experience, used outdated tactics and as a result they carried large losses.

    The reversal of the situation was developed only in mid-1943, when the flight was acquired by the necessary experience and aviation began to receive more modern technique, aircraft such as fighters Yak -3., La-5. and La-7., upgraded attack aircraft with IL-2 aerial shooter, bombers, long-range bombers.

    In total, more than 44 thousand pilots were trained in the war period, but the losses were huge - 27,600 pilots were killed in battles on all fronts. By the end of the war, our pilots received full superiority in the air.

    After the end of the fighting, the period of confrontation began, known as cold War. Aviation began the era of jet aircraft, appeared the new kind Martial technology - helicopters. During these years, aviation rapidly developed, more than 10 thousand aircraft were built, the creation of fighter-generation fighter projects was completed and Su-29The development of fifth generation machines began.


    But the subsequent collapse Soviet Union I buried all the undertakings that came out of his composition of the republic shared all the aircraft among themselves. In 1997, the President of the Russian Federation, his decree, declared the creation of the Russian Air Force, which united the air defense troops and the Air Force.

    Russian aviation had to participate in two Chechen wars and Georgian military conflict, at the end of 2015 the limited contingent of the air force was redesigned to the Syrian republic, where he successfully conducts warrence against world terrorism.

    The nineties were a period of degradation of aviation of Russia, this process was stopped only in the early 2000s, GSC command of the Air Force General A.N. In 2008, Zelin described the situation in Russian aviation, as extremely heavy. Significantly reduced the preparation of servicemen, many airfields were broken and collapsed, the aircraft was serviced unsatisfactory, training flights due to lack of finance almost ceased.

    year 2009

    Since 2009, it began its rise in the level of personnel preparedness, aviation equipment has been modernized and overhaul, the purchases of new cars and updating the aircraft fleet began. Suitable for completion of the development of the fifth generation aircraft. The flight began regular flights and improves its skills, the material well-being of pilots and technicians has increased.

    Russian Air Force consistently conduct teachings, improving fighting skills and skill.

    Structural Organization of Air Force

    From August 1, 2015, the air force organizationally joined the military-space forces, which Colonel Bondarev General was appointed Commander. The Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force and the Deputy Commanded of the VKS is currently Lieutenant-General Yudin.

    Russian military air forces consist of major types of aviation are distant, military transport and army aircraft. Radiotechnical, anti-aircraft and rocket troops are also included in the Air Force. The most important functions for ensuring intelligence and communications, protection against weapons of mass destruction, conducting rescue operations and radio electronic struggle special troops Also included in the air force. In addition, the Air Force cannot be submitted without engineering and rear services, medical and meteorological divisions.

    Russian military air forces are intended to perform tasks:

    • Reflections of any aggressor attacks in the air and space.
    • Carrying out air cover PU, cities and all significantly important objects,
    • Intelligence.
    • The destruction of the enemy's troops with the use of ordinary and nuclear weapons.
    • Direct air support for ground armed forces.

    Back in 2008, there was a reform of aviation of Russia, which structurally divided the air force on command, brigades and airbases. The command was based on the territorial principle that canceled the Army of the Air Force and Air Defense.

    Today, the command is posted in four cities - this is St. Petersburg, Khabarovsk, Novosibirsk and Rostov-on-Don. A separate command exists for long and military transport aircraft with location in Moscow. Former aviation regiments, and now - these are airbases, by 2010 there were about 70, in total in the air force there were 148 thousand people and the Russian Air Force are inferior in the number only US aircraft.

    Commercial equipment of Russian aviation

    Far and strategic aircraft

    One of the bright representatives of the far aviation is Tu-160, wearing affectionate name " White Swan" This machine is released during the Soviet Union, develops supersonic speed and has a wing of a variable sweatshirt. According to the plan of developers, it is capable of overcoming the air defense of the enemy on the supermala height and put a nuclear strike. In the Russian Air Force, only 16 such aircraft and is the question - will our industry be able to establish the production of such cars?

    The plane of CB Tupolev first rose into the air during the life of Stalin and since then is in the ranks. Four turboprop motors allow you to perform long flights along the entire border of our country. Nickname " Bear"Deserved due to the bass sound of these motors, it is capable of carrying the winged rockets and nuclear bombs. In the Air Force of Russia, 30 of these machines remained.

    Strategic launch recorder of long-range engineer with economical engines is able to fly on supersual, equipped with a wing of a variable sweep, the release of these aircraft was established in the past century in the 60s. There are 50 cars, a hundred aircraft Tu-22m. Cranvned.

    Fighter aircraft

    Front Fighter released in soviet time, refers to the first fourth generation machines, there are late modifications of this aircraft with a number of about 360 units.

    On the base Su-27 A machine that has a REO has been released, capable of allocating targets on Earth and in the air on a high removal and transmit to the target designation to other crews. In stock 80 such aircraft.

    Even deeper modernization Su-27 Fighter became, this plane refers to a 4 ++ generation, it has high maneuverability and is equipped with the latest electronics.

    These aircraft entered the construction units in 2014, 48 aircraft are located as part of the Air Force.

    The fourth generation of Russian aircraft began with MiG-27The modified models of this machine were released more than two dozen, in just 225 combat units.

    Another fighter-bomber, who can not be mentioned - this is the newest machine that is in service with the Air Force in the amount of 75 units.

    Attacks and interceptors

    - This is an accurate copy of the F-111 of the US Air Force, which has not flown no longer, his Soviet analog is still in the ranks, but by 2020 all cars will be written off, now in service about hundreds of similar machines.

    Legendary Sturmovik Su-25 "Grache"With high vitality, was designed in the 70s so well that after so many years of operation, it is going to modernize, as they do not see a worthy replacement. At today combat-ready cars 200 units and 100 aircraft are located on conservation.

    The interceptor develops high speed in counting seconds and is designed for a large radius of action. The modernization of this car to the twentieth year will be performed, total in parts of 140 such aircraft.

    Military Transport Aviation

    The main park of transport aircraft is the machines of CB Antonov and several modifications of the Ilyushin design bureau. Among them are light transport workers and An-72., Machines of medium lifting capacity An-140. and An-148., solid major services An-22., An-124. and. About three hundred transport workers perform challenges for the delivery of goods and military equipment.

    Educational aircraft

    Designed after the collapse of the Union, went into a series of the only training aircraft immediately conquered a reputation of an excellent machine for learning with the aircraft imitation program, which is returned to the future pilot. Besides him, there are Czech training plane L-39. And the aircraft for the preparation of transport aircraft pilots Tu-134ubl.

    Army aircraft

    This type of aviation is presented in the main helicopters of Mile and Kamov and the car of the Kazan Helicophetic Plant "Ansyat". After removal from production, the Army Aviation of Russia replenished hundreds and in the same amount. Most helicopters located in the system parts are proven and Mi-24. The eight of the focus - 570 units, and Mi-24 - 620 units. The reliability of these Soviet cars is no doubt.

    Unmanned la

    This type of weapons in the USSR was given little importance, but technical progress does not stand still in place and in the current times of drones found a worthy application. These aircraft lead reconnaissance and shooting of the enemy's positions, carry out the destruction of command items without risk for the lives of people engaged in the management of these drone. In the staff of the Air Force, several types of UAVs are "Bee-1T" and "Reis-D", still remained in the ranks of an outdated Israeli drone "FORPOST".

    Prospects for Russian Air Force

    In Russia, there are several projects of flight devices and some are close to completion. Undoubtedly, the new fifth generation aircraft will cause great interest among the general public, the more it has already been demonstrated. Pak Fa T-50 It runs the final stage of flight tests and in the near future will go into the system parts.

    An interesting project introduced KB Ilyushin, airplanes and developed by its designers, go to the change of Antonovsky cars and remove our dependence on the supply of spare parts from Ukraine. The newest fighter is put into operation, test flights of new coilry machines are completed and Mi-38.. They started the development of the project of a new strategic aircraft Pak-yes, they promise that it will be raised into the air in 2020.

    The most desirable candidate - Colonel-General Surovikin

    At the position of Commander-in-law of the Russian Federation, after Tuesday, Colonel-General Viktor Bondarev was released, according to the sources of "MK", \u200b\u200bthree main candidates are considered: Commander of the Space Forces, Colonel-General Alexander Golovko, Deputy Head of the General Staff, Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Ministry of Defense General - Pilatenant Igor Makushev, as well as the commander of the troops of the Eastern Military District, Colonel-General Sergey Surovikin.

    Candidate for the post of chief committee of the CCS of the Russian Federation Sergey Surovikin. Photo: 42msd.livejournal

    At the moment, Team-General Pavel Kuralenko is temporarily temporarily acting, First Deputy Commanded Deputy CCS. His, according to MK, is also considered as a successor. However, the main candidate is still considered, oddly enough, it is Sergey Surovikin.

    If his appointment takes place, it will become a real sensation: the general-official general - the head of the VKS - this has not yet been in history modern Russia. However, it should be borne in mind that Surovikin is considered one of the most experienced and combat generals. He commanded not only the district, but also by our military group in Syria, where the experience of managing heterogeneous forces was also combined, when cosmic forces and air defense facilities, and aviation, and various ground structures were combined in a single integrated system.

    And then I would like to recall that such appointments - when the commander is prescribed to a non-core family or the type of troops, it is usually suggested that in this structure it is necessary to restore order. And this should do it a person who is not burdened by official and friendly connections in this way or the form of troops and capable of experienced problems there is a fresh, unleasible look.

    So, in 1987, after a loud history with a span and landing of the German fan pilot, Matias Rusta on Red Square, large organizing events were held in the army. Then the Commander of the Army, Ivan Moiseevich, is appointed Commander of the air defense of the air defense. He was remembered as a person engaged in the arrangement of military towns throughout the country, which turned out to be very useful for air defense servicemen, although it was not directly related to the tasks of combat training.

    But now, when the tasks of combat training are in priority, the candidacy for the post of Commander-in-law VKS, according to our sources, is considered exclusively with these positions. And here about other candidates for this position also speak as exclusively well-deserved military leaders.

    Lieutenant-General Igor Makushev was held all the ladded steps of the career ladder - from a simple fighter pilot to the deputy commander of the air army. In 1985, he graduated from the Chernigov Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots, and in 2006 - the Academy of General Staff. He is a Sniper pilot and has a raid over 3000 hours. Many people remember at the press conferences of the Military Office in 2014, where he represented the materials of the Ministry of Defense associated with the death of Malaysian Boeing 777 over the Donbass.

    Another candidate in Glavashoma - Colonel-General Alexander Golovko - also graduated from the Academy of General Staff in 2003. The service was held in positions from the department of the department, the head of the station, commander of the company, the head of the department, the head of the department at the main center of testing and management of space means named after GS Titov to the commander of the Space Forces.

    Lieutenant General Yudin A.V. Born on April 02, 1962 in the city of Armavir Krasnodar Territory. In 1983 he graduated from the Armavir Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots. The service was held in the posts pilot, senior pilot, commander of the link of the Baltic Military District.

    In 1989, troops were transferred to the western group to the position of commander of the fighter aviation regiment. Since December 1989, Deputy Commander of the Aviation Squadron of the 16th Air Army.

    In 1996 he graduated from the Air Force Academy. Yu.A.Gagarin Moscow Military District.

    From 1996 to 2008, he served in the posts of the Aviation Squadron commander, Deputy Commander of the Fighter Aviation Regiment, the commander of the Fighter Aviation Regiment, Deputy Commander of the Division, the Commander of the Air Defense Division of the Far Eastern Military District.

    Since 2008, the listener of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    In 2010, he was appointed head of the military-air force control department.

    Since 2011, deputy commander of the command of the military air force and air defense of the Eastern Military District.

    From May 2012 - commander of the command of the military air forces and air defense of the Southern Military District.

    Decree of the President of the Russian Federation and the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 389 of June 11, 2014, the Commander of the Association of Air Force and Air Force Yuvo Major General Yudina Andrei Vyacheslavovich was awarded the next military rank of Lieutenant General.

    From September 2015, he was appointed commander of the military-air forces - deputy commander-in-chief of the air-space forces of Russia.

    Married. He has three children.