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  • Do not shoot white swans summary software. The essay by the story "Do not shoot in white swans. Hero life in the village

    Do not shoot white swans summary software. The essay by the story

    The resident of the village of Egor Polushkina was called the "Beronoless", and even his wife Haritine called him. In this village of Polishkoy, liard sister Haritina - Marytsa. Once there were endless forests here, and now only one single grove remained in a black pond, she became a protected area. She was even put to her forester Fedor Burnanova - a cousin of Polishkina and Mary's husband. Since then, he has become the most respected man in the district. With the help of the golden hands of Brother Egor, he built a carved choir, and the old hut gave the family of Polishkina.

    Summary "Do not shoot in white swans." Vasilyev

    Egor, in his native collective farm, was in a good account, and here everything was not challenged at once, because the sickness did not know and worked slowly, but with a soul. He became working in a carpentry brigade, where because of his slowness threw a plan. Then he was a variety and somehow once a trench for the sewer tube. In order not to damage the anthill, he put his trench bypass. Well, he did not realize that no one would be crooked the pipe. Then, Egor began to work at a boat station that took tourists to the rest of the reserve, but here he did not longer for a long time, and again because of an anthill, who was burned by gasoline in his eyes.

    Summary: "Do not shoot in white swans." Continuation of plot

    And here, more serious problems from Byrianova began, the bosses demanded from him acts on the rod of the forest for his house, which was not. The new main Forestry Chuvalov was forced to pay for the logs. Fedor did not decrease with money. Therefore, I was looking for other ways to prove. Polushkin was one of those victims who chose a cunning relative. Further summary "Do not shoot in white swans" spinning with intrigue.

    After a series of hits, I was completely lost in the life of poor Egor, even his friend appeared - a shard and filial, who taught him to shabby and deceive people.

    Once he, together with Chuvalov and the teacher, Nona Yuryevna went to the reserve on the Black Lake. The main forestry was already familiar with the cunning plans of Byrianova. And Fedor Ipatovich himself, when he learned about their campaign, even more angry at the Polishkina, thinking that he was metitis in his place.

    During the campaign of Chuvala, he saw the host shelter with nature, then he decided to put Egor to the place of Biananov.


    Once, I was invited to the All-Union Assembly of Lesnikov to Moscow, from where he returned with a couple of living swans acquired for the money he was given to fellow villagers for all sorts of purchases.

    The summary of "Do not shoot in white swans" further tells that the bicanan was already interested in the threat. And the swans of his Polishkin arranged near the Black Lake. But in the downtime, the foresters suddenly heard a strange noise, it was shooting from a gun. Jumping on the horse, Egor rushed to the forest and saw that poachers killed swans and boiled her chowel.

    Summary "Do not shoot in white swans" ends that in the evening of the next day, half a day found bloody, he pleasing to his house. He never issued the investigator to those whom he saw on the pond. And he learned there and his friends, and his brother Fedor, who then came to ask him forgiveness to the hospital, and he forgave him, of course, because his heart was good, and he was not angry.

    Boris Lvovich Vasilyev

    "Do not shoot in white swans"

    All residents of the village called Egor Polushkina Breadmill. Where the two first letters disappeared - no one remembered. Even the wife of Polushkina, Kharitina called her husband's "nonhylum of the overseas" and "hellish thunder". Rude Haritina was from the harness, and her resentment began from early childhood, when a drunk pop gave her this impossible name. Native sister called her tina, and good neighbors - Harey. The sister of Marytsa and liard the Polishkoy to this village, built in the woodworking factory. Once around the village noisy the endless forests. For several decades they cut them down. Dragged when one-sole grove remained at the Black Lake. She was recognized by the "protected" and put the forester - Mary's husband and cousin Polushkina, Fyodor Ipatovich Burnanova. Burnanov became the richest and respected man in the village.

    Byrianov's house - five-colored choirs, fired by Golden Hands of Polishkina. When Egor and his wife and children - the son of Nikolai and the daughter of Olga, moved to the village. Bournanov gave his old brother, a non-fried hut, from where even the floors and logs from the cellar took out. Instead, Egor built Fedor Ipatovich a good five-line, the roof on the roof was skillfully cut out.

    The son of Polishkinna, Kolka, "Chi-eyed a peasant", all went to the Father. The guy was a sweeterous, patient, but very clean and credulous. He cried rarely, and not because of the resentment or pain, but only because of pity and sympathy to others. And the strongest ridge was offended when his father was called his father. But Vovka, the son of Byrianova, was offended often and strongly, and roared only because of his own offense.

    In his native collective farm, Yegor Polushkin was in a good account, but he was not palpable in a new place. All the misfortunes of Polishkina - from what he did not know how to work without soul. The first two months, when Egor Fyodor Ipatovich's house built from dawn to dawn, worked in joy, "like a heart told." He knew the cunning bunanov that masters rushing - herself is more expensive. Then they took Polshkkin to a carpentry construction team - and the endless black strip began. I did not know how egor, a skillful carpenter, work on an ambulance hand. I did everything in no hurry as "for myself," and disappeared the construction team plan.

    After passing all the building brigades, the village, Polushkin got into a handyman, but it was not long for a long time. Once, in the warm May day, they instructed the halfcake to dig a trench for the sewer tube. Hydra worked joyfully. The trench was straight as an arrow until an anthill met on her way. I regretted the half of the hardworking goosebumps, let the trench bypass, just realized that the curves of the sewer pipe did not happen. This case has become known to the entire village, and finally strengthened the reputation of the poverty. Kolka began to come from school all in bruises.

    The next place is the boat station. She stood at a small lake, which appeared on the site of the branded river. The station served tourists who stretched into this busiest corner not only from the district center, but also from Moscow itself. The Golden Hands of Egor came here by the way. The head of the boat station, "Elderly, strongly from life, the tired" man Yakov Pokaloch Sazanov, was pleased with Egorova work and the effort, and the work itself fell in the shower.

    And Fedor Ipatovich Burnanov, in the meantime, caused a new forestry and demanded all the acts on the rod of the forest. And what acts when Byrianova has a new hut-five-rank on the whole village glows.

    Egor tried to new work, how could. Only once he got angry his boss - instead of the "according to the charter" of the black numbers, he painted on the nose of each boat, a bright little animal or flower. Seeing Egorov "Arts", Jacob Pokaloch was worn out and told this disgrace to paint. The real problem, however, did not make himself wait. He arrived at the boat station the first group of tourists - "Three men, and with them two Babes". I allocated the Sazanov Polishkina a valuable motorboat and ordered to transport tourists across the river. Egor took the ring with him, on his profog. Tourists transported, the place for the camp was chosen, but it was a trouble: there was a huge anthill nearby. Egor suggested to transfer the camp to another clearing, but one of the tourists stated that they were not a hindrance to them, and the "man is the king of nature", poured an anthill with gasoline and spell.

    After the tourists were spread to the tablecloth, they laid out, became Egor with Kolka treat. Although the treats of the Polishkna and took, before the eyes they still stood burning ants. I never abused with alcohol, and now I took over the measure, began to dance, fall. Tourists got amused, encouraged. It was ashamed of the Kolka for the Father. He tried to stop Hydra, and the Polishkin first raised his hand on his son. Kolka ran away, and Egor had shut down. I started a motor in the boat to start, but did not start, turned over only. So, crushed, and the tops for the rope along the coast.

    Fyodor Ipatovich was in concern and confusion: demanded a new Forestish Yury Petrovich Chuvalov to pay for the logs, which went to the house. Byrianova had money, but there was no strength to part with them.

    Egor, the boat to the station dragged empty - neither merry nor motor. He came to himself only in two days and rushed to seek, but only in vain. Everything shouted: both Motor, Bachkops and Pockuries, and tourists. Kolka left home, a few days at the teacher Nonna Yuryevna lived. For the lost good, it was necessary to pay half a three hundred rubles - money for him unprecedented. Bournanov did not lent money, the pig had to cut into the city for sale to carry. And from the tourists of those Biananov "Money served." In search of the ring Vovka sent. He to tourists wandered and found out not only about the "demonstration performances" of Egor, but also about the fact that their fishing does not go. So the dismissal of their bunanov for 30 rubles per black lake, in the protected area.

    In the city of Polishkina deceived, and for the pig he reversed only 200 rubles. And here on the title announcement, the announcement was posted: the regional stovers buy urinary lime lipos and pay 50 kopecks per kilogram. While the Polishkina hesitated and Fedor Ipatovich took permission to take, the Biananov himself did not lose time. Having come in a few days to the forest, I saw a half-raised and destroyed linden grove.

    Haritina Polishkina all this time went on instances and knocked out nurseries for her daughter and work for themselves. It began to work dishwasher in the dining room. Egor after the failure with a scarlet waved his hand and washed. Friends appeared, shards and filial, taught the half-man shash, people to deceive and carry money from home.

    On one of these sabses and met a half-one and Nonaya Yurieval. Kolkina teacher was from Leningrad. In this deaf village, she fell after the end of the institute. Nonna Yurevna lived here as a gray mouse, but rumors about the young and unmarried teacher crawled around - spread their mistress, who had a teacher. Then Nonna Yuryevna showed perseverance and knocked out a separate housing - a hut-flavoring with a hole-roof. On the repair of this roof and hired Nonna three sabers, half a shit, shard and phyu. I did not make Egor teacher to deceive. And the money that was missing for repairs, Haritin Gave.

    New Forestye Yury Petrovich Chuvalov, as well as the teacher Nonna Yuryevna, was from Leningrad. His parents died a year after the victory, and the small Jura was raised a neighbor. He found out about this chully only at 16 years old, but the woman growing up and remained for Yuri Petrovich's mother. Of course, all this, Fyodor Ipatovich did not know when he was driving to the regional center to hand over a forest reference to the Forest payment, which went to the construction of the Byrianovsky five-rank. That's just a certificate of this turned out to be little. Yuri Petrovich was required permission to rinse a stained pine forest. In vain, Fedor Ipatovich Julil and twisted - Chuvalov was adamant, and left the daddy with Byrian signals.

    The folder was not going to give this chully, just "could not refuse himself the pleasure of keeping Fedor Ipatovich with the fear of alone." However, visit this long corner of his farm Yuri Petrovich was still gathered, the benefit was a reason: send the parcel from the mother to the local teacher.

    In the life of Polishkina again began a "fast band". He helped Nonnaya Yurevna from the pure heart and "construction" problems did not bother her. All solved himself. Kolka Father helped, although all his thoughts were about Ole Kuzina and a puppy. Oll Kolka was in love with Oolok, but only Kuzina looked solely on his cousin Vovka. And the ring puppy endured at the forefront on the new compass, saved when Biananov-younger solved the animal to drown. Now the puppy lived in Byrianov, and fed it over after a day, but the ring did not give, "the real price" demanded.

    In the midst of this rapid activity and appeared in the house of Nonna Yuryevna, a new forester. Having learned that Chuvalov was going to the Black Lake, Nonna Yurevna advised to take the guards of Egor. I took Yuri Petrovich on the Black Lake, not only Egor with Kolka, but also Nonna Nonna Yuryevna. Kolka Lesnikiy, a special order gave: to record in the notebook all the living creatures on the road. On the path of Nonna Yuryevna, a city resident, he managed to get lost, but everything was accustomed to the Black Lake. Yuri Petrovich told that before this lake was called Swan.

    The lake discovered the old camp of tourists and Chudals ordered to outstrett the new pillar, noting the reserve place. Only not over the pillar worked Egor, when everyone was separated. He saw somehow in the morning Nonnu bathing in the lake, and cut out the shape of a nude woman from the curve of the trunk. Cut out - and frightened: bows his forester for unauthorized art. However, Chuvalov did not swear - the figure turned out to be a real work of art.

    Fedor Ipatovich, meanwhile, learned that Egor Lesurenie was told on the Black Lake, and he threw anger - he decided that the half-one was metitis in his place. Two days of Biananov frowned, "the Duma of their cast-iron swallowed", and then they caught a viciously. Well, and Egor was happy. No one has ever spoken to him so respectfully, Yegor Savelich did not make him serious and art did not accept his art. Kolka was too lucky: Gave him a real spinning.

    After this, the hikes of Chuvalaov realized that no one would take care of the protected area better than half a day. So became Egor Lester instead of Byrianova. Polishkin undertook to work zealo. The forest cleaned, and instead of the "prohibiting" tables twisted on the reserve shields with verses "On the order" of the collkin essay. Egor from the forest and fille with the skull, who illegally poured the forest.

    And Nonna Yurevna, meanwhile, gathered in the regional center - it was contracting to buy a globe, maps and sports equipment for school. Arriving to the city, she called Yuri Petrovich, who invited her for lunch. Nonna discovered that "that two completely opposite creatures peacefully got along peacefully" - an adult, confident woman, and a coward girl. It was the woman who spent the night with a chudala, and after Yuri Petrovich admitted that he was married. Chuvov's marriage was strange. When he worked in Altai Forestry, a young traveler marina came to him from Moscow. Having spent the night with her, Yuri immediately married, and in three days the young wife rushed to Moscow. In two months, Marina reported that "lost" a passport with a marriage stamp and got a new, clean. She didn't lose his passport chudals, but tried to forget about this story. A few years later, Yuri found out that Marina gave birth, but whether it was his child - he did not say. He did not have time to explain anything - hearing for marriage, she got dressed and left. Arriving in the village in a few days, Chuvalov found out that Nonna went to Leningrad.

    In the village of Chuvalov, he arrived not just like that - brought the head, who really liked the collkins of essays. Then the chudals and told the Polishna "the story of his family life." A week later, the challenge came from Moscow - Egor Polushkina was invited to the All-Union Meeting of Forestry Workers. Burnanova did not matter the same thing - they were interested in the threat.

    Egor went to Moscow through the regional center, but Yuri Petrovich was not caught there - he went to Leningrad. In the capital, Polushkin "participated in the debate" and visited the zoo. He arrived in Moscow with money almost all residents of the village and the list of "orders", but, being in the zoo, forgot about the list and bought two pairs of living swans. I wanted half a day so that the lake was again Swan. And Polushkin found Marina, wife Yuri Petrovich, and found out that the other family has already had.

    The Swans Polushkin arranged in the house of the Black Lake in the house, and on the sides of the house there were two other birds from a light tree. Yuri Petrovich from Leningrad returned one. Nonna refused to return, and Polushkin was already thinking: and whether to him to go to Leningrad?

    That night, when Polushkin heard a strange noise in his forest, "on the Divo robbery was." On the eve of the Kolka village store, he met the very tourist that an anthill was alert, with a complete vodka. That's why he drove Egor his horse through a night, autumn and wet forest, even Harithic did not hold. The explosions came from a black lake - there were fastened fish. Switching to the light to the fire, Egor saw a bowler over the fire, from which swan paws peeking out. The rest of the swans, already plugged, lay near the fire, and the fifth swan burning on fire, wooden. The poachers of these on the lake led File with the skull, they beat him, and someone had a third dog. Found Egor in the evening of the next day. He pleasing to the house, and behind him the bloody trail stretched from the lake itself.

    In the hospital, Polushkin interrogated the investigator, but those who found out, Egor did not give out. And he learned not only former friendships, but also Fedor Ipatovich. Biananov in the hospital came for forgiveness to ask, brought a bottle of expensive brandy. Egor forgave, and Cognac did not want, and Gorky appeared Fedor Ipatovich dear French drink. Closed the Polishkin's eyes and "stepped over pain, sadness and longing", and after rushed at the horse "There, where the endless battle is coming and where the black creature is coming, still express evil." And Kolka gave Voya Spinning for a puppy.

    From the author

    Finding into the forest, the author recalls Egor and about those who knew it. "The shard fell under the decree," and filile still drinks and Shabashite. Every spring he paints tin obelisk on the grave of Polishkina. Fedor Ipatovich took the house, and he left with the whole family. On the Black Lake - another forester, so Kolka does not like to walk there. Yuri Petrovis Chuvalov received an apartment and married her pregnant Nonn Southwer. Almost all the largest room of the Chuvalov apartment takes the figure of a woman carved by Egor. And the Swan's black lake has not become, "there must be, now before the ring."

    The main character of the story of a resident of the village at the wood processing factory - Egor Polushkin. A middle-aged man, with the golden hand of a carpenter, but not very lucky in life. Egor, together with his wife, Kharitona, the son of Kolka and daughter Olga moved to the village recently, but he had already invented the nickname - a poverty. Polyshkin lived, in the old breath of the cousin Fyodor Ipatovich Burnanova.

    In exchange for housing, Brother demanded from Hydra to build him a new wooden hut. The preton-maker was working in the first months well and with the soul, but learning that the forest for the construction of Fyodor did without permission cut down in the reserve, lowered his hands. But the house still turned out as in the picture, and Michae called to work in a construction team, but in a new place, Polishkin did not delay due to the chief complaints. And complained about him for the fact that he worked very slowly and broke the deadlines for the delivery of objects. After that, Egor tried to earn a roa trench, but once the case happened, after which they did not trust him. And the case was like this: Egor kept the trench for the sewer tube, but an anthill was hit on the way, and a man, splashing insects, dug around him. The whole village began to laugh at the poverty, and the son began to come home in the bruises. At this time, a new forestry, Yuri Petrovich Chuvalov appears in the reserve, and demands a payment from Byrunan for a chopped forest.

    After some time, Polushkin was able to get a boat station. The station took tourists and arranged excursions to the reserve. I liked the work, and the head of Yakov Poksopul Sazanov was a good person. But once, tourists arrived from Moscow, and Yakov Pokosphal asked Egor to show them the glade on the opposite shore. Upon arrival at the place, one of the tourists speeched preventing the anthill. Egor could not withstand this spectacle and got drunk in front of his son. As I got home, Polushkin did not remember, but on the way the motor loss and led from the boat. For the lost property had to pay the pontoon of the whole three hundred rubles. Kolka was very offended by the Father, and lived a few days from his teacher Nonaya Yurievna.

    Polushkin washed. To make money on life went to the shabbi. One of these part-time workers became the repair of the house Nonna Yuryevna. Work performed in good faith, tried as for myself. Once a forestry and invited her, Kolka and Egor into a black lake at home to the teacher. On the lake, Chuvalov told the story of what the swans lived here.

    After that, Yuri Petrovich, I realized that it was better for the reserve for the reserve. So became Egor Lester instead of Byrianova. I liked the work of a man, and for special merit, he was even invited to Moscow to the Forens Congress. On the way home, Egor bought a couple of swans, and decided to revive the Black Lake.

    Once at night, Polushkin heard the sounds of shots from the side of the lake. Having arrived at the place, he saw a terrible picture: Moscow tourists fry his swans. For an attempt to stand up, the forester was brutally beaten and soon died in the hospital. Roman Chuvova and Nonny Yuryevna ended with a wedding. Son of Polishkina, Kolka, never returned to the lake.

    Evenings in a small village hospital quietly. Splendously slides on the corridor sister, the spreading of the thermometers. Wrinkitis the dry old woman, and the door will creak the door behind the motorist with the "fast" emerging to smoke in the cold sense.

    And today, silence was broken by the heavy steps of the doctor, the running sisters, an alarming creak of stretcher.

    Motorist jumped into the corridor:

    - Nikiforov with Ivanov, the boat into Operations were lucky.

    - Utop! .. - Abnul a grandmother.

    - No, grandma, overboard fell apart ...

    During conversations, they did not notice how two people were passed by the chambers; One laughed, tightly leaving a stick.

    He was elderly. From the chromotype in his left leg, slightly stunned and when walking, habitually endured the right shoulder. Wrinkles were elegant to black, a tanned face, and especially a lot of them crowded near the eyes, as if the person was watching the man all his life against the wind.

    He walked, trying to put a stick without a knock, and ahead of the girl-sister sadly flew, from the energies beating through the edge turning the plated socks of the clutch slippers. The operating room stopped:

    - Sit.

    Side slid on the door, and he gently sat down on the edge of the chair, putting a stick between the legs.

    Like all healthy people, he was a little frightened sick-silence: he was hesitated to sit comfortably, squeak his chair, put a close robe from his shoulder. He shonened his health, stopped shoes of coarse skin and heavy hands, completely covered with abrasions and cuts.

    - Ivan Trofimich? .. - Motoruse again got out into the corridor.

    - Peter? - Ivan was surprised in a whisper. - What are you doing here?

    "Appendiles cut out," Motorist said without pride, sitting nearby. - phlegmonous.

    - With Fedor, it's some trouble ... - Ivan sighed.

    - And what happened?

    - I wish the log from Semenov in the morning broke. I do not know where the water came from, but only rushed the cable, and suffered the forest in the Volga. And here - the wind, wave. Cracker stands - voice is not heard. Well, all who are where: you will not joke with the forest.

    - Ay-ah-ah! .. - Motorist saddled. - And a lot of gone?

    - No, a little. Accurate WHO WHO TO TRANSFER TO CHAIN \u200b\u200bTO "NEMD". The sawmaker is completely forty meters. Well, I saw: the forest in the forehead goes ...

    - Towing with an ax yes to the shore! Said Motorist. - Let's not want to tell the logs - "Mom".

    Ivan smiled.

    - And I differently judged. The raft is only cohesive, the cable is kind, and the width in this place is small: it turned out, the stern in the old mill passed the stones, the stones were stones. And the boat hid his thoughts. Do you know where Malinniki?

    - Well, restrained the forest, did not let into the Volga, on the square.

    - Icher, realized! - Motorist sighed envy. - Prize, look, will, thanks ...

    "Gratitude, maybe, and there will be no assistant," Ivan sighed. - As the first portion hit us - the cable was singing, and Fedor on the log dropped. Caught, and the hand on the veins is hanging.

    "Okleinka," Motorist said confidently. - Healthy man. And Dr. Well done: I festeal - any-expensive.

    Hummer when the doctor came out of the operating room. Seeing him, Motorist cowardly jarked into the ward. Sripping the chair, Ivan got to meet, but the doctor sank nearby, and Ivan, standing a little, also sat down. He shyned to begin the conversation, and the doctor was silent, slowly warm up in the fingers of a cigarette.

    "The fracture of the spine," he said, swaying and deeply tightened. - Bad business, captain.

    - Long time? - Ivan asked quietly, poorly presenting what it means.

    - All life. - The doctor smoked eagerly, occasionally overclocked by the Size Clubs of Smoke. - All my life, the captain, what stayed ...

    - Three children ... - involuntarily broke out from Ivan.

    "Three children," Ivan repeated and got up again. - Senior - twelve, no more ...

    The doctor was silent. Flares of cigarettes illuminated his face and droplets of sweat on the forehead.

    - Can I get fish?

    - Fish? - asked the doctor. - Fruit is good. Vitamins, you know?

    And again silent. Ivan stood a little and, quietly saying goodbye, stained to the locker room.

    In the locker room he passed the bathrobe and in exchange got a shabby worker. The elderly wardrobist was curious about Nikiforov, and he told her that Fedor's case is bad and that he has three children. The wardrobker, sighing and crushing, was already overwhelmed by the laid door, and he went on the dark outskirts of the village.

    He habitually turned down, to the wins, but, having passed a little, stopped. I looked at the clock and, quickly overlooking the stick, the goalkeeper walked along a narrow steep path from the angle and knocked out loudly stick along the locked gate.

    Through a dumping dog Lai heard a sipid voice:

    - Who is not easy?

    - This is me, burlakov. Open, Stepanych, it's about you.

    - In place, Darmota! .. - A osanic figure seemed to the slit of a slit clock. - What is the case?

    - Do you have apples, Stepanych?

    - Apples? .. - The owner unexpectedly disengaged. - What are your apples in July, old stump?

    - You understand Nikiforov in the hospital. Dr. Fruit ordered ...

    - In the hospital? .. - The owner thought. - In the hospital is another matter. - He opened the wicket. - Stengai, Trofimich. Caution, blindfold here.

    Following Stepanych, Ivan rose to the porch and passed into dark Songs. The host clicked the switch; A naked light bulb illuminated a spacious room, littered with wicker baskets, bags and drawers.

    - Fruit - a great thing. - Stepanych drains from the corner of a holey bag, turned: on the bottom lay broken green apples. - First harvest. Himself would eat, but for the sake of this case ...

    - Kislytina, appearance.

    - What are you? Paper, first grade. Looking - to ... - The owner took an apple and began to chew him with a crunch, smoking from pleasure. - Eight kilograms, even though you count up.

    - How much?

    - Well, as for the patient - by the ruble.

    - Cool you take, Stepanych ...

    - The first because, from myself I leave myself.

    Ivan silently counted money, wrapped his shoulder bag. The owner led him to the gate, on the inertia praising the goods sold already sold:

    - Vitamins in these apples - car! My kindergarten bursts, the prosecutor for the sick wife. Power apples: Sorts special ... happily, Trofimich! Come on if that. You - first ...

    Over the steep path of Ivan descended to the marins and immediately saw posters with an inscription: "The heroes of our Zapoda". Heroes would be impossible to learn if the artist had signed every portrait: "Captain Ivan Burlakov", "Assistant Captain Fyodor Nikiforov", "Sailor Elena Lapushkin". All three sternly looked into the distance ...

    Boats stood behind half-hearted barges. They were the same size, forms, decoration, equally illuminated by signal lamps, and only on the rapidly very homely on the rope of the underwear.

    Ivan jumped on a boat, having fluffing on the iron deck of a crutch. A slender young woman in the burned out-of-day dress looked out on the noise of cutting. Her head was tied with a towel.

    - Are you, Ivan Trofimich?

    - What are you in a towel?

    - Soap's head. How is Fedor?

    He sat down, stretching off the leg, lit up and told what the doctor said and how he went to Stepanychu behind apples.

    - Bad, Elenka.

    "Six souls fed," she sighed. - Six souls, seventh ...

    "The seventh himself," Ivan repeated, stubbornly looking at the light of cigarettes.

    They were silent again. Elenka stood, in Baba, having hugged, lowering skinny shoulders, slightly covered with a light dress, and he slowly smoked, as a habit holding a cigarette with fire in the palm.

    "Someone instead of Fedor will send," she asked if she said.

    Ivan threw a cigarette overboard, rose:

    - Let's go to Kubrick. Sold out.

    On Iron Madra, they descended into a close low cubine. Four sofas surrounded a small attached to the table; Three of them were shown. In the corner near the ladder was placed on the stubborn cabinet; Cooling, she grazedly crackled. In the opposite corner there was a closet for clothes and another small suspended cabinet, which stored ship documents, statements, binoculars and other valuable property.

    Annotation. The article discusses the problems and the system of images of B.Vasiliev "Do not shoot in white swans". Presents material for a teacher for studying, issues and tasks for students.

    Keywords: man and nature, ecology, artistic image, tradition.

    One of the urgent tasks today before the Literature teacher is the environmental education of students. I would like to build a system of training sessions and extracurricular educational events, the writer included the story of Boris Vasilyeva in her "Do not shoot in the White Swans" (1973).

    As practice is evidenced, discuss this work is best in the eighth grade in a detautant conversation. Written by an excellent language, emotionally, openly expressing the copyright position, the novel fascinates eighth graders, awakens high feelings.

    Novel "Don't Shoot in White Swans" is dedicated up-to-date problem Relationships of man and nature, confrontation of good and evil.

    The action of the story is associated with the life of nature, which is not only the background and the place of action, but sometimes becomes a kind of hero of the work. Both the forest, and the river, and the Black Lake, and the village dogs, and even a dried tree, turned by the efforts of the main character of the story of Egor Polishkina in the sculpture, - all this is actively involved in the movement of the plot and in identifying human feelings.

    It is the attitude towards nature that shares the characters of the work on two camps: on those who understand, loves, protects it, and on those who are capable of dragging, hacking, killing, portraying and destroying everything on their path. On those who guard and creates beauty, protects nature, and on those who are easy, thoughtlessly and ruthlessly raises her hand for her sake of selfish personal benefit.

    Dramatic plots of works Boris Vasilyeva begged the soul, remain in the memory of readers, among which, perhaps, there are no indifferent tragic destinies Five girls under the team of the foreman of Vaskov (the story "and the dawns here are quiet ..."), nor to the events of the last day of the life of the younger lieutenant of the Militia of Kovalev (n "The Last Day"), not to the bitter disappointments and losses of the captain of the River Boat Ivan Burlakova from the story " Ivanov Boat. " But, perhaps, never before the writer did not express so openly the author's attitude towards his heroes and problems, as he did it in the story "Do not shoot in the White Swans."

    Cover B.Vasiliev's book "Do not shoot in the White Swans" already the name itself is like a cry, on the call and warning, spell or covenant. In it, the desire to express the inner pathos, the meaning of the book.

    Immediately after the magazine publication around the story, a hot discussion unfolded. A number of critics (V. Kardin, I. Dodkov, V. Baranov) saw in the main hero, Egor Polushkin, yesterday's peasant, who moved to a residence in a small forest village, "Non-counterped", "Blessed", a man "not from this world", And the story was criticized for the idea of \u200b\u200bnon-resistance, all-sucking, for what she was written "from the noble motives themselves, but without due respect for the real complexity of modern our life" (I.Dakkov).

    Other critics and writers (L.Wavarova, V. Haposhnikov, M. Metsynsky), on the contrary,
    The story of Vasilyeva considered a bright work of the second half of the twentieth century, and the image of the main character - the vital and convincing, carrying a large moral and aesthetic charge.

    What actually represents the main character And what questions affect the author?

    Man and nature, man and his conscience, a man's responsibility measure for everything that happens around is the most important problems supplied by the author. Egor Polushkin belongs to the number of people who possess the gift to experience joy from labor, no matter how externally prosaic it is. Whatever Egor did, wherever he worked, a carpenter in a construction team, on a boat station or later Lester - he always worries, "like the heart told."

    And it works not only Eastovo, but also with the consciousness of great responsibility for business. Labor, according to his conviction, "to the joy of people will produce." Master - Golden Hands, Clever Master, who is rich in our land, Egor Polushkin any business wants to do so, "so that the conscience does not light up."

    One does not know how and does not want to do Egor - in life get settled, challenge, go to deals with conscience. So he walks in "fools", in the eyes of some involuntary neighbors, feeling guilty and before his wife, and before the son, and almost before all people. But this is a sense of guilt - from the aggravated conscience. "He did not follow the minds of the mind, and as he ordered a conscience," the author says more than once.

    The worker and the creator, Egor not only in love in the nature, but the heart understands blood unprofitableness with her. It is disturbed by all the sharpening contradictions between man and nature: "Syrotinkochki We: with the Earth-Mother of God, with a forest-father in a quarrel, with a sister river in Gorky separation. And there is nothing to stand on, and leaving for nothing, "the studies are quoted from the text.

    There is an episode in the story, indicating the high civil and moral maturity of the hero. I will certainly pay attention to students. Somehow the unemployed Egor saw an announcement in the office that the procurement organizations for money take from the residents of Lyko's village.

    Taking the son of his son, Egor went to the forest as the next day. And then his eyes appeared a picture from which the frost went on the skin: "Naked lindens hardly dropped to the Earth fading color. White, as if the female body, the trunks dawned in the green dusk, and the land beneath them was wet from the juices, which regularly chased roots from earthly depths to already doomed vertices.

    "They throat," Yegor said quietly and removed the cap, "the rubles thoroughly, for halfnets."
    And Egor, whose family remained without a penny of money, refuses the right earnings, returns home, because such "earnings" contradicts his moral beliefs.

    Egor Polushkin is sensitive to the life of nature, he sees and understands her beauty that the way to him the ability to rise a human soul. Therefore, he is not just admiring Nature - he "I want to cry out the palms of untouched beauty and carefully, without a clutter and not splashing, bring it to people."

    Save this beauty for people - that's what Egor is concerned and when he draws on pleasure boats instead of the numbers of animals and birds, and when when diging a ditch to lay the pipes, it refuses to break the anthill and when he brings from Moscow instead of the family gifts a couple of swans, so that they again broke down on Black Lake would be the lake, as before, - Swan ...

    Limiting images do not accidentally arise in the work and even put by the author in his name. This image has a rich tradition of poetic and historical and mythological interpretations. In the ancient mythology, the swan performed a symbol of the poet; This bird was dedicated to Apollon, the patron of arts. In Russian literature, he is present in the poetry of the city of Derzhavin ("Swan"), V. Zhukovsky ("Tsarskoyell Swan"), in the Lyceum Cycle Pushkin, in the Lyrinka Annensky (Mikulich), N. Gumileva ("Memory Annensky") and Other poets.

    Embedding his work into this literary tradition, Vasilyev emphasizes the poetic nature, the moral strength of the main character - a man vested with a subtle feeling of beautiful, keeper and a defender of nature.

    After becoming a forester of the reserve, Polushkin behaves like a friend and an ally of nature. He "hersedly cleaned the forest, cut the overgrown seekers, he painted in a heap of a dog and a dry man ... He worked with Azart, with a bent, almost sensual pleasure, and, falling asleep, always managed to think about what a happy person he was."

    In the soul of Egor lives a high poetic gift. He knows how to not only love nature and take care of her, but also to create a wonderful to the joy of people. In the broken lipa, he notices the hidden from other harmony and suppresses the sculpture from her - the elegant figure of the Virgin, the calcifies of the hair.

    With his attitude to life, Egor Polushkin resembles Turgenev Kalinic. But unlike the Turgenev Hero, he is not just an enthusiastic dreamer, and a person is active, he is a citizen. The writer carefully traces the spiritual evolution of his hero. At the beginning of the story, he preaches passive kindness: "I want to be affectionate to everyone, and bad, and good people," he forgives the tourists meaningless, boredom forces, burning the anthill ("And that the anthill juggle is that God is with you").

    However, over time, Egor is increasingly approved in the fact that evil must be resolved actively, just so can it be defeated. To resist the word, and is the main thing - the case. Genuine love for nature requires active actions aimed at protecting and saving it, is such one of the important thoughts of the story. It brings the author of his readers. When, becoming a forester, Yegor cares in the forest of rods, his former buddies in the forest, he no longer persuades them to stop the destruction of trees, and demands: "I as an official forester of a pussy massive officially demand ..."

    Egor Polushkin is opposed to the story of such people as his Sador Fedor Burnanov. The writer shows the opposite of the moral principles of these characters, drawing their different attitude towards nature. Fedor - Frank Rvach, the main thing in his nature - predation. Taking advantage of his position, he steals the protected forest, poaching on the lake, the Vozami takes the Lyko for sale, mercilessly off the forest.

    He is on his passion, he subordinated to her all his life. Egor, on the contrary, the Brennik, who is capable, without thinking, to give the latter. Fedor is always and in everything - the destroyer. Egor - Creator, Keeper, Defender.

    Life is confronted with people not the best moral rules. But he is convinced: good people more. Such as a teacher Nonna Yuryevna, Lesniki Yuri Petrovich Shuvalov, who takes an active participation in the fate of Egor, appointing him to the keeper of the protected forest. In this post, the half-man appears in front of us as a solid nature, deep, strong.

    In the final, the works of Egor protects with the genus from poachers who killed swans, whom he brought to the Black Lake from the Moscow Zoo, and, brutally beaten by Fyodor Byrianon and his friend, dies. But from this unequal fight with the intake poachers, he comes out with a moral winner, turning from the Egor-Ponoian, as for the vitality of the vitality they died him in the village, in George the Victorious.

    Drawing the scene of the death of the Polishkina, the author uses an important icon-painted allegory. In the fascinating consciousness of Egor, there is an image of his heavenly patron with the famous icon "Miracle of St. George about Zmie", on which the Great Martyr George Victorious is striking the Snake, personifying evil. In a suicide vision, Hirura Red Horse and a calling rye calls "to jump there, where the endless battle is going" and "where the black creature, giving up, still express evil."

    Despite the death of the main character, the finals should not be called hopeless and gloomy. Egor Polushkin has successors and heirs. His reverent perception of the beauty of nature, the love of his native land, he, ran through all the adversity, will make his son Kolka.

    Egor is dying, but Kolka, "Chi-eyed-boy", who inherited his kind, generous heart, skillful hands, and, like his father, who loving all the lives, remains to live. I chose, like a father, an uncompromising way of approving good, he will continue all that he did not have time to complete Egor.

    Formation of character, family education, continuity of generations ... The author pays considerable attention to these issues. As opposed in their views on life, people, the nature of Egor Polushkin and his antipode Fedor Burnanov. So opposite the moral principles and their children, cousins \u200b\u200bof Color, and Vovka.

    If Egor Polushkin teaches his example with his example, then Fyodor Byrianov's son is also a personal example - cruelty. The author tells in detail about what "lessons" the youngest Byrianne gives the father. "The dogs did not translated. Fedor Ipatych will not have time to shoot, as the other turns out the other ... The dog is not a toy, the dog spending requires and, it means, it should justify itself.

    Well, if it struck out, the nose lost or the angry I asked, then do not hope: for what to feed you? Fedor Ipatych was shot at her own garden from a rifle ... I handed the skin of the dog snakes (sixty kopecks paid!), And I drove under the apple tree. Upholstered were apple trees, say nothing. "

    Similar "lessons" do not pass for a son without a trace. If the ring of Polishkin knew how and loved to dream, and his dream "every day was something about the journey, about the beasts, about space," then the forever "one for all days: that would be a hypnosis to open, so that everyone fell asleep. Well, all! And then I would have taken away from Rublik! "

    Such predators and joints like Fedor Burnanov, like traveling poachers tourists, the writer contrasts the moral beauty of people like Egor Polushkin. In lyrical comments, which woven the story, he speaks of immortality and insincerability of people like Him: "When I enter the forest, I hear your life to Egorov. In the troubles of the Osinnikov, in pine sighs, in a heavy waving fir legs ... She calls me quietly and shyly. "

    His novel "Do not shoot in white pigeons" B.Vasiliev wakes high feelings in the reader's soul. And this is his indisputable moral strength.

    Questions and tasks for students:

    1, what place is the story "Don't shoot in white swans" in creative
    Biographies B.Vasiliev?
    2. What is the meaning of its name?
    3. What do you think the main idea of \u200b\u200bthis work? What rebeller and what is the author protects?
    4. Tell us about the main hero of the story of Egor Polushkin. Which most appreciates in
    Has the author?
    5. How to evaluate the image of Egor Polishkina Critics - participants in the discussion on the story "Do not shoot in white swans"?
    6. Who Yegor Polushkin: Winner or defeated?
    7. Who helps you to protect nature?
    8. Who is in the story opposed to HIR? How are these characters drawn by the author?
    9. What is the meaning of opposition to the story of two young heroes: Kolya Polushkin and Vovka Byrianova? Which side your sympathies?
    10. Is it possible to say that the story of Vasilyeva is optimistic? What do you see her educational meaning?
    11. Write an essay on one of themes: "Who, from your point of view, the main character of the story: Egor-Ponoons or George Victorious?"; "The moral evolution of Egor Polushkin"; "Who does not like nature, he does not like a person." As this thought F.M.Dostoevsky is implemented in the story of Vasilyeva "Do not shoot in white swans"? "

    Boris Vasilyeva Roman "Do not shoot in white swans" (in some publications - "Do not shoot white swans") was first published in the journal "Youth" in 1973. In 1980, the eponymed film was removed by Rodion Nakapetov.

    The Byrianov family moved to live in a remotable village, built in the woodworking factory. The head of the Fedor Ipatovich received a place of the forester and very quickly became the richest and respected man in the village. Wife Fedor Marytsy has a married sister Haritin. Marytsa persuaded sister to move to the same localityTo be closer to relatives.

    Haritina and her husband and children move to the village. However, instead of helping close relatives to make a good job, Fedor Ipatovich is trying to use his good and innocent Pieguschina in every way. At this time, Yuri Petrovich Chuvova is prescribed to the post of forest forester. The new Forestish found that Burnanova's house was built from the state forest. Seeing that the forester is a dishonest man, Chuvalov appointed to this position High Polushkin.

    Fedor Ipatovich decided to take revenge on his sideta. Hearing how someone is shuffling at night in the local lake, Egor hurried to the reservoir. Poachers attacked new Lesnik and beat greatly. Polushkin recognized his offenders, among whom was his beautiful Fedor, but did not give anyone to anyone. Biananov came to the hospital to Hiru, to ask him for forgiveness. The forester forgave his sorry and soon died.

    Family Burianov

    The head of the Fedor Ipatovich family is characterized as a man cunning and ruthless, capable of going to all for the sake of achieving its own goals. Even close relative of Biananov considers the free challenge. Having moved to a new house built by Yegor, Fedor "Milosetovo" left the family of Soblyka an old hut, from which even took the floors. Knowing that Polushkin will forgive him, Byrianov organized an attack on his relative.

    Belong to Father and Son Vovka. Already in their own young years The boy knows how to manipulate others, playing on their weaknesses. To get a new compass of his cousin Ring of Polishkina, Vovka threatens to drown a puppy. The compass must become a redemption. However, after receiving the desired thing, the boy does not stop there. Vovka continues to hold a puppy at himself, claiming that he is not worth one compass. It is necessary to give something else.

    Family of Polishkoy

    Polushkin got his name in honor of Egor (George) victorious. Familiar is called his poverty due to the fact that Egor constantly falls into unpleasant situations. Most of these situations arise only because Polushkin is a kind and honest person who does not tolerate violence even towards insect. It is indicative of the case of refusal to dig a ditch to sewer in a straight line, as needed. During the work, Polushkin noticed an anthill and did not want to destroy it.

    Egor is a talented carpenter. He knows how to not only build, but also decorate, cut the bizarre figures from the tree. However, neither at one of the jobs the master is delayed for a long time. It works with a soul over every detail, which means that he always leaves a lot of time for work. No carpenter artel wants to cooperate with such a carpenter. Polushkin breaks the dates, which leads to conflicts with customers. Egor never sees his benefit and does not try to look for her. The desire for beauty makes the carpenter forget about everything in the world. Once in the capital, he, first of all, goes to the zoo, and not in the stores, as they usually make visitors from the depth. Having amazed by the beauty of swans, Egor could not buy beautiful birds to settle them on the lake.

    Dobrya in the family of half-Russian, not only the chapter, but also his wife and son. Haritin - grilling a woman. She believes that her life was not asked since childhood, since during the baptism, drunk pop gave her strange name. The most important test for Haritina was the husband. Beautiful family man and a faithful spouse, Egor, nevertheless, can not get well in life. Despite the constant discontent and grumbling, Haritina is able to give the latter as her husband. The son of the Polishkone Kolka madly loves her father-loser and always offended when Erira is called a ponoon. Kolka did not regret neither the compass, nor the spinning for the sake of the puppy rescue.

    Yuri Chuvalov

    The secondary character of the novel, thanks to which Polushkin received the place of the forester, appears a positive hero. He denses unclean to the arm of Burnanova and shifts it from his position.

    Gradually, the image of Chuvova begins to "black" and is disclosed finally after the Forestish spent the night with the village teacher of Nonaya Yurievna. Only in the morning the chudals admitted that it was not free. Once he seduced the girl named Marina. After the wedding, Marina left the spouse to Moscow, where "lost" the passport and received a new one in which there was no press of marriage.

    At the end of Roman Chuvalov managed to rehabilitate himself. He married her pregnant Nonna Yuryevna. For the ex-wife of the foreson, by that time there was a different family for a long time.

    main idea

    The moral act does not always receive material remuneration. However, the conscience received expects much more high award - This is the right to feel like a man.

    Analysis of the work

    Even a brief content "Do not shoot in white swans" can make an indelible impression on the reader. The author uses images, "clinging" to the public, for a long time holding her attention, forcing the stories of the narration, empathize with the heroes.

    To hold the border between the kindness and the soulless characters helps live and inanimate nature. If a puppy and an ant life are precious for the family of a puppy, then the other heroes of the novel do not consider nor animals or insects living beings. Tourists who prevented an anthill, just doused it with gasoline and set fire to it. Egor was so amazed by the view of the burning ants, which allowed himself to drink too much.

    It is unlikely that someone will leave indifferent story