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  • The first mention of the military clergy in Izz. Military and marine clergy in Russia. Major Priests of the Army and Fleet

    The first mention of the military clergy in Izz. Military and marine clergy in Russia. Major Priests of the Army and Fleet

    The Ministry of Defense of Russia published a photo of Archimandrite Andrei (Vaca) in message About the shares "Give a book of a soldier" on the basis of Armenia. The picture is notable for the fact that the uniforms of the military priests of the new sample are captured on it, the site notes "Protect Russia" . On the eve of the Orthodox Easter "Gazeta.Ru" disassembled, in which state is the modern institution of the army clergy.

    In many countries of the world, regimental priests or chaplains are in the troops for several hundred years - so, in the United States and the UK, this institute operates from the XVIII century. IN pre-revolutionary Russia This institute was legally approved even earlier - during the Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

    As a rule, in military connections western countries The priests of the main denominations and religions are presented, taking into account the peculiarities of demography. In most armies, one way or another are represented by Catholic and Protestant priests, often rabbis and mules. Buddhist and Hindu priests also work with American military in a small amount.

    It is worth noting that religious diversity was in the tradition of the Russian military until the October Revolution - in Russian army In addition to the Orthodox Batyushki served imams and rabbis.

    In Soviet years military clergy It remained not to cases - the relaxation during the Great Patriotic War are often mentioned, but the full-scale involvement of priests into the life of the army did not occur.

    Martial Council

    After the collapse of the USSR, the revival of the tradition was designated, however, the actual decision on this issue was taken only in 2009 by order of the then President of Dmitry Medvedev.

    Formally, the priests held the position of assistant commander to work with believers, they later equated with the position of a deputy roller. However, the reform went with creak - according to 2012, the noncomplex of clergymen in the Russian army is 90%. At the same time, the priests who did not want to work in this position, the authorities provided a deferment from military service.

    In 2014 became known On the beginning curriculum on the preparation of priests in the military universities of the country. "From this year, the development and implementation of programs for improving the qualifications of the military clergy will begin in five military schools, primarily a team," said Alexander Surovtsev, then said the head of the management.

    Noncomplex decided to eliminate with the help of the country's chief priest - Patriarch Kirill ordered to bring the monks from Stavropigial (that is, directly reporting to the Primer) to the acquisition of army posts of the Army posts.

    However, as the magazine wrote in 2009 "Military Review" , Noncomplekt persisted: instead of the necessary 242 "Kapellanov" managed to gain only 132, of which 129 Orthodox, two Muslim and one Buddhist.

    In 2010, the Synodal Department of the ROC on interaction with the Armed Forces founding Special media for Russian "Kapellanov" - "Bulletin of the Military and Marine clergy". Internet log publishes materials, for example, about cobbing At the Kapustin Yar and O visit Archpriest Alexander Bondarenko on the landfill in the Crimea.

    Especially distinguished in the field of fabrication of the faith of airborne troops. In 2013 it became known On testing a mobile temple based on the KAMAZ truck. It is engaged that the first samples of such a temple were produced at the Donetsk Metallurgical Plant, which later found himself in the military actions zone of the Ukrainian conflict.

    It was reported that this car is designed for the spiritual "cropping of paratroopers during the teachings and armed conflicts." Such mobile churches were offered to equip all parts of the Russian Sun.

    The new frontier was taken after a few months when the public demonstrated Texting a mobile temple on a parachute, which was worked out at the polygon under Ryazan.

    "The parachute is the same means of transport, as well as a car or a bike, where you can arrive at the place where the Chado of the Russian Orthodox Church is located" - so described the innovation one of the priests participating in training.

    At the beginning of 2016, the Russian group of troops in Syria demonstrated its commitment to Orthodox ideals when the Christmas service was on the basis of Hmeymim.

    "This service carries love, the world, hope that the world will come with the arrival of Christ the Savior to the Syrian land," said Ilya's father, who spent the service.

    As far as it is known, despite the presence of the Russian landing and military priests in Syria, the operation on the installation of mobile temples in the country affected by Islamic terrorists was not conducted.

    "In front of you will be the abbot of such something"

    Despite the declared enthusiasm in the interaction of the army and the church, in the ordinary army, this work is still in its infancy.

    As the young man who served in the Taman division told "Gazeta.Ru", this interaction is limited to several Orthodox holidays - Merry Christmas, Carnival and Easter. He noted that this is still the best option, since the Taman division can be called in all respects "indicative". Other ex-servicemen surveyed by "", talk about the absence of spiritual support for soldiers.

    According to Tamanzha, contacts with priests took place at the receipt during general constructions. "Everyone goes to the places, the brigade commander acts on this or that matter. And then, for example, he says that today there is a holiday, the abbot of such something will speak. The priest comes out, congratulates the soldiers and sprinkles them with holy water, "the young man told.

    Muslims, Jews and non-religious soldiers offered to wait aside from the Place. As a rule, considerations of Asian or Caucasian origin went out. And most of the soldiers remained in the ranks - "did not want to stand out, although no one was punished for it."

    According to the soldier, a personally to communicate with the priest the soldiers can theoretically, contacting the commander or a depicure of the part. "With me, no one did anything. More often soldiers turn to a psychologist, "he clarifies.

    "Crossings wore many, but conversations about God were especially not. Everyone was bored for a girl, mom, native, food. Every evening they sang the anthem with the whole brigade ... In short, it was fun, but there was no God, "the ex-soldier summed up.

    Judging by the fact that a significant part of the leading armies of the world has a challenge institute, military priests, one way or another performed an important social function - regardless of the real religiosity of military personnel.

    For a young man, military service is stress, to cope with whom any psychological support should help - both from full-time psychologists, and from relatives, friends, officers and colleagues. Priests are also able to play this role.

    The same archimandrite Andrei (WCC), which serves on the Russian database in Armenia, in 2013 formulated The role of clerics in the army is: "We support and provide assistance to those soldiers who are lost by virtue of our social reality. Many people come, bringing away from the mother's skirt, and fall into such an environment where one men are. It's hard! Few ready to argue with their dumb, and even more so with others. therefore

    you need a huge spiritual resource for this serviceman to overcome yourself. Here and need our help! "

    It is difficult to disagree with such a wording - for this you do not need theological discussions. However, the Russian army still has to go through a long way to ensure that the Institute of Military Priests began to fully fulfill the tasks facing it.

    The document was adopted at a meeting of the Sacred Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church December 25-26, 2013 ( ).

    The position of the Church in relation to military service is based on the fact that the rating service is saved for a Christian, provided that the commandments are met of love for God and near, right up to readiness to put his soul "for his other", which, according to the Savior's word, is the highest manifestation of the sacrificial Christian love (In.15: 13).

    The Russian Orthodox Church sees the urgent need to revive the spiritual foundations of military service, calling for military personnel to the feat and prayer.

    From the point of view of Christian creed, the war is the physical manifestation of the hidden spiritual ailment of mankind - fratricidal hatred (Gen. 4: 3-12). Recognizing the war evil, the church blesses its children to participate in hostilities, if we are talking about the protection of the neighbor and your fatherland. The church at all times treated with respect to the warriors who fulfilled their duty at the cost of their own life and health.

    Galsthenia about Christ the Savior, the Shepherd is designed to inspire military personnel to the urgency. The preservation of the world in the soul is a matter of very difficult, especially in the context of the fulfillment of military debt, requiring a deep inner work on himself and a special pastoral personnel. The purpose of the military priest is to become a spiritual father of military personnel, civilian staff of military formations and their families, help them from a Christian point of view to comprehend their duty.

    The military priest, in addition to the general requirements for the clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church, should have the experience of pastoral ministry, be able to endure difficulties and deprivation related to his service. In this case, the personal example and hardness of the spirit of the clergyman, especially in complex situationsare important means of pastoral impact on military personnel.

    Military priests are designed to educate mutual aid and fraternal support spirit. At the same time, military priests should not take on the functions that go beyond their status.

    I. General provisions

    1.1. This provision establishes the procedure for the interaction of the Dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church, (hereinafter - the Synodal Division), the federal authorities of the state authorities, which provide for military and law enforcement service (hereinafter referred to as military and law enforcement), as well as military clergy 1 For questions:

    • pastoral croaling and religious education of military personnel (employees) and members of their families;
    • makers and rites on the territory of military and law enforcement 2 .

    1.2. The military clergy organizes work with military personnel (employees) of Orthodox religion (members of their families) on the principles of voluntariness and in accordance with the legislation Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics of military and law enforcement formations.

    1.3. Diocesan bishops:

    • exercise primary observation and carry canonical responsibility for the liturgical and pastoral activities of military priests within their diocese;
    • through the diocesan administration authorities, the clerics of their dioceses and second-hand clergymen of other dioceses in the implementation of relevant activities in military and law enforcement formations on the territory of the diocese are provided.

    1.4. The military clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church is full-time and freelance military priests.

    Full-time military priests are in civilian personnel positions in military and law enforcement formations and in liturgical and pastoral activities are subordinate to the diocesan bishop of the diocese, in the territory of which military or law enforcement formation is located, and within the framework of official duties caused by the employment contract (contract), are subject to the commander (chief) of military or law enforcement formation.

    1.5. Freelance military priests carry out their activities in coordination with commander (chiefs) of military or law enforcement formation on the basis of cooperation agreements between Russian Orthodox Church, dioceses and military or law enforcement.

    In terms of the implementation of liturgical and pastoral activities in military or law enforcement, freelance military priests are subject to the diocesan diocese bike, in which the corresponding formation is located.

    With regard to freelance military priests, sent from other dioceses, the diocesan bishops of the diocese, in which the military or law enforcement formation is located, provides functions provided for in paragraph 1.3 of this Regulation.

    1.6. The relationship between the Orthodox clergy in the military team with representatives of the clergy of other religions and Christian denominations is based on mutual respect and the principle of mutual non-interference in religious activities.

    II. Requirements for military priests

    2.1. Military priests must comply with the following mandatory requirements:

    • have pastoral experience, allowing to bump and educate servicemen (employees);
    • have a higher terrorium education or higher secular education with sufficient pastoral experience;
    • to have a positive conclusion of the Medical Commission on Health.

    2.2. Military priests, holding full-time positions in military or law enforcement formation, must be citizens of the Russian Federation and have no other citizenship.

    2.3. Military priests can pass special trainingnecessary to fulfill its duties, in the manner and on the conditions established by the Synodular Department of Interaction with the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement agencies in conjunction with the leadership of military or law enforcement.

    III. Tasks of the military clergy

    3.1. The main tasks of the military clergy are:

    • committing worship and religious rites;
    • spiritual and educational work;
    • participation in events held by the Patriotic Command and moral education military personnel (employees) and their families;
    • providing promoting the command in conducting preventive work to strengthen the rule of law and discipline, prevention of offenses, non-statutory relations and suicidal incidents;
    • advising command on religious issues;
    • participation in the formation of relations based on the norms of Christian morality;
    • promoting the formation of a healthy moral climate in the families of servicemen (employees).

    3.2. The military clergy participates in the organization and conduct of educational and educational work with members of the families of military personnel (employees), interacting with various organizations, including military-patriotic and military-sports clubs, veteran and other public organizations.

    IV. Organization of the activities of the military clergy

    4.1. Candidates for the full-time positions of the military clergy in military or law enforcement in the territory of the diocese are determined by the decision of the diocesan bishop.

    Candidates are tested for professional suitability in accordance with the requirements defined by the Synodal Department of Interaction with the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies and the Guidance of Military Or Law Enforcement.

    In the absence of obstacles, candidates undergo appropriate training on programs developed by the Synodular Department and the Office for Working with the Believers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (hereinafter the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation).

    Candidates are represented by the Synodal Division by the leadership of military or law enforcement for appointment to full-time positions.

    4.2. If a state candidate does not comply with the established requirements, the diocese must be submitted to the Synodal Division on the interaction with the armed forces and law enforcement agencies information about another candidate.

    If the cleric, holding a staffing position, cannot fulfill his duties, it is subject to liberation from office in the prescribed manner on the presentation of the Synodal Department for Interaction with Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies through the relevant organ of military or law enforcement. In the specified case, the Diocese submits to the Synodal Department of Interaction with Armed Forces and Law Enforcement agencies, information about another candidate for a vacant position.

    4.3. Full-time and freelance military priests remain the clerics of the dioceses, in the canonical jurisdiction they consist.

    4.4. Based on the appeal of the chairman of the Synodinal Department for the interaction with the armed forces and law enforcement agencies, the priests may be sent for a certain period to be sent by the diocesan bishop, in the canonical jurisdiction they consist, in a different diocese, in which military or law enforcement formation is located for the implementation of the service provided for by this provision.

    With a positive decision of the Diocesan Bishop, the Chairman of the Synodinal Department for the interaction with the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement agencies appeals to the diocesan bishop of the Diocese, in which military or law enforcement formation is located, with a request to decide on the appointment of a commaable priest to the staffing position of the military priest.

    According to the decision of the diocesan bishop of the diocese, in which the military or law enforcement formation is located, a second-hand clergyman may be sent early to its diocese.

    4.5. In the event of a prescription of military or law enforcement, the community of full-time military priests at the place of the new dislocation is carried out in the manner prescribed by paragraph 4.4 of this Regulation.

    With the reduction of a full-time position occupied by a military priest, a commodent clergyman returns to the ministry to his diocese.

    4.6. In its liturgical and pastoral activity, military priests are accountable to the diocesan bishop of the diocese, in whose territory is military or law enforcement.

    4.7. The controversial issues arising during the work of military priests are subject to resolving the diocesan bishops of the diocese, in which military or law enforcement formation is located, together with representatives of the Synodal Department for the interaction with the armed forces and law enforcement agencies and the relevant authorities of military or law enforcement.

    4.8. Decisions on the promotion of military priests are accepted by the diocesan bishops of the diocese, in which the relevant military or law enforcement formation is located on the presentation of the Synodal Department for the interaction with the armed forces and law enforcement agencies and (or) the commander (chief) of military or law enforcement.

    With regard to commodent priests, the decision on encouragement is taken by the diocesan bishop of the diocese, in the canonical jurisdiction of which there is a commodited priest, on the submission of the diocesan bishop of the diocese, in which the corresponding military or law enforcement formation is located, as well as the Synodal Department for Interaction with Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Orders or Commander (chief) of military or law enforcement formation.

    4.9. Decisions on the imposition of canonical notes on clerics from the number of military priests are accepted by the diocesan bishop (church court) of the diocese, in whose territory there is a corresponding military or law enforcement formation on the presentation of the Synodal Department for Interaction with Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Orders or Commander (Chief) of Military or Law Enforcement .

    With regard to commoded priests, the decision on the use of canonical notes is taken by the diocesan bishop (church court) of the diocese, in the canonical jurisdiction of which there is a commodited priest, on the representation of the diocesan bishop of the diocese, in whose territory there is a corresponding military or law enforcement, as well as the Synodal Department for Interaction with Armed by law enforcement agencies or commander (chief) of military or law enforcement formation.

    4.10. Freelance military priests on the territory of the diocese are appointed to solve the diocesan bishop.

    The appointment of freelance military priests from among those commoded from other dioceses is carried out in exceptional cases with the consent of the diocesan bishop, in the canonical jurisdiction of which there is a commaable priest.

    4.11. After the appointment of the clergy for the staffing position of the commander (chief) of military or law enforcement, concludes an employment contract with him (contract).

    4.12. The military priest in the manner prescribed by the regulatory acts of the relevant military or law enforcement formation is provided by a room that allows church canons to carry out services, as well as a room for extra-service work with military personnel.

    4.13. For the organization of daily activities in military or law enforcement, the military priest will be allocated to the military priest, the means of communication, transport and other necessary practical assistance may be allocated.

    For all issues of organizing their activities, including when conflict situations, the military priest is entitled to refer to the diocesan bire and (or) to the substrast commander (boss) of military or law enforcement, in the Synodal Department of Interaction with Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies for Methodical and Practical Assistance and (or) to the head of the relevant authorities of military or law enforcement .

    4.14. Ensuring the military priests of church utensils, religious literature, other objects of religious purposes, equipment (equipment) of military (including hiking) temples is the subject of concern for the diocesan bishop of the diocese, in which military or law enforcement formation is located.

    4.15. Providing service housing, salary payment, ensuring the right to rest, medical care, education, pension, benefits for large families and other social guarantees with regular military priests are provided by the relevant military or law enforcement in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    V. Official duties Fortial military priest

    5.1. Military priest owes:

    • establish their activities in the Holy Scriptures, the teaching of the Orthodox Church, church canons, taking into account the traditions of the Russian military;
    • focus on pastoral, spiritual and educational work among military personnel (employees), both individual and part of the divisions;
    • know the main provisions of military legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the provisions of regulatory legal acts concerning religious activities in military and law enforcement formations;
    • participate in military rituals, ceremonies and other solemn events of military or law enforcement formation;
    • make rites and demands at the request of military personnel (employees) and their families;
    • provide the necessary pastoral support to military personnel (employees), which provided in heavy life situations, sick and wounded, family members of military personnel (employees), as well as veterans and disabled;
    • organize and conduct church burial of military personnel (employees) and their families, their church remembrance, to support military burial places in a decent state;
    • promote the command of military or law enforcement formation in overcoming the violations of the rule of law and discipline, non-statutory rules of relationships, drunkenness, drug addiction, theft, MZOM, and other negative manifestations;
    • promote the maintenance of peace and harmony between servicemen (employees) of various religions, the prevention of interethnic and interreligious dislike, help the command in resolving conflict situations;
    • advise the command on religious issues, to assist them and the officials of military or law enforcement assistance in counteracting the activities of destructive religious (pseudoreligious) organizations;
    • abide by the labor discipline and the requirements of the current Russian legislation on the protection of state secrets;
    • about conflicts that cannot be resolved at the local level, inform the diocesan bishop, the Synodal Department of Interaction with Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies, and, if necessary, a higher command of the relevant military or law enforcement;
    • if possible, provide assistance to military personnel (employees) of other religions in the implementation of their constitutional right to freedom of religion;
    • perform other obligations as provided for by the employment contract (contract).

    - Military clergy - the priests of the Russian Orthodox Church, which, on a regular or freelance basis, carry out pastoral bumps of military personnel (employees) of the federal government bodies, which provide for military and law enforcement service.

    - Under the military and law enforcement formations in this position it is understood as a division, military unit, connection, association, educational institution, any other formation of the federal state authority, in which military posts and law enforcement posts are established.

    Press service of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia

    In war, Divine Justice and God's care about people can be seen especially clearly. War does not tolerate dishonor - a man of an immoral bullet quickly finds.
    Rev. Paisius Svyatogorets

    In times of severe tests, shocks and wars, the Russian Orthodox Church has always been with his people and their army, not only strengthening and blessed soldiers for his fatherland, but also with weapons in his hands on the front line, as in the war with the Napoleon army and fascist invaders In the Great Patriotic War. Thanks to the decree of the President of Russia from 2009, Orthodox priests became an integral part of the modern Russian army. Our correspondent Denis Akhalashvili visited the department for the relationship with the armed forces and law enforcement agencies of the Yekaterinburg diocese, where, first of charge, found out about how the relations of the church and the army develop.

    So that in the part and the liturgy served, and conversations for spiritual topics were held

    Colonel - Head of the Department for Relationship with Armed Forces and Law Enforcement of the Ekaterinburg Diocese:

    In the Yekaterinburg Diocese, the department was established in 1995. Since that time, we have prepared and concluded cooperation agreements with all the power structures in the territory of the Ural Federal District: the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Sverdlovsk Region, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation in the Sverdlovsk Region, the Ural Military District, the Ural District of the Interior Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The first in the post-Soviet Russia Yekaterinburg diocese signed an agreement on cooperation with the Military Commissariat of the Sverdlovsk Region. From our structure subsequently created departments for work with the Cossacks and under prison ministry. We collaborated with 450 military units and the compounds of the armed forces and subdivisions of power structures in the territory of the Sverdlovsk region, where 255 clergymen of our diocese were regularly engaged in the ombre of believers. With the transformation of the diocese in Metropolitan in the Yekaterinburg diocese, this is 154 priest in 241 military units and a subdivision of power structures.

    Since 2009, after the publication of the Presidential Decree on the establishment of the institution of a regular military clergy in the Russian army, the posts of regular military clergy 266, assistants of commanders for working with believers from among the clergy of traditional confessions, including Orthodox priests. On the territory of our diocese of such posts five.

    Today, we have 154 priests visit military units where the sacraments are committed, lectures are lectures, conduct classes, etc. Somehow His Holiness Patriarch Kirill said that the priest attending the military unit once a month is similar to the wedding general. I'm not sure that I convey literally, but the meaning is understandable. I, as a personnel military, I understand well that if the priest will come to a part once a month, where it serves 1500 people, then it can be able to communicate at best with a pair of tens of warriors, which, of course, is not enough. We decided to increase the efficiency of our cooperation as follows: with the consent of the command of parts on a certain day, 8-10 priests arrive at a specific military unit. Three right in the part serve Divine Liturgy, the rest are confess. After liturgy, confession and communion of the military are sent for breakfast, after which they are distributed to groups, where each of the priests spends a conversation on a given topic, based on the church calendar and the specific needs of one or another part. Separately - officers headquarters, separately - contract soldiers, separately - servicemen urgent service, then doctors, women and civilian staff; A group of those who are in medical institutions. As practice has shown, in today's conditions, this is the most effective form of cooperation: the servicemen receive spiritual knowledge, but also participate in liturgy, they are confessing and communished, and also have the opportunity to communicate and discuss with a concrete priest, which takes into account the psychological requirements for modern Army, very important. From the command of the compounds, I know that the effect was very good, the parts commanders are asking for such events constantly.

    Every year we celebrate the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. And on the eve of this holiday, we, on the blessing of the Metropolitan of Yekaterinburg and Verkhtursky Kirill, we are going to congratulate our veterans at home, we give them congratulatory addresses and memorable gifts from the ruling bishop.

    "Batyushka for a soldier - a native man,
    with whom you can talk about sore "

    , Assistant commander to work with believers servicemen:

    My service history in the army began many years ago, when I was the abbot of the temple of Sergius Radonezh on the outskirts of Yekaterinburg - in the village of Great Istok behind Koltsovo Airport. For us, we had a wonderful father of Archpriest Andrei Nikolaev, from the former military who served as the age of 13 in the army of the ensign and enjoyed the military with great authority. Once he asked me, as I look at the fact that it was not just from time to time to ride a military unit, which we ocked, and become a permanent staffing army priest. I thought and agreed. I remember when Andrey and I came to our Lord Kirill for the blessing, he joked: here, they say, some (shows the father of Andrei) from the army, and some (showing me) there, on the contrary, go. In fact, Vladyka was very happy that relations with the army were transferred to a new level that, besides me, four of the priests of our Diocese were approved by the Minister of Defense and became regular priests. Vladyka blessed and said a lot of warm private words. And from July 2013, as the official order came about my appointment, I serve in the location of my part.

    How is the ministry? First, as it should be, the morning divorce. I appeal to the military personnel of the military unit with a parting speech, after that the official part ends, the legs in the hands - and went to wind kilometers on the divisions. Military part of us is a big - 1.5 thousand people, while you go around the address scheduled according to plan, in the evening of the legs do not feel. I do not sit in the office, I myself go to the people.

    We have a prayer room in the middle of the barracks. When a soldier is not easy, he will look - and God he is, near!

    We have a prayer room in the lobby, in the middle of the barracks: on the left of the bed in two tiers, to the right bed, the prayer room in the middle. It's convenient: I wanted to pray or talk to the father - here he is near, please! There I take every day. Yes, and the location of the shrines, the icons, the altar, the iconostasis, candles in the middle of the soldiers' life also acts a beneficial to the soldiers. The soldier is not easy, he will look - God is he, near! Prayed, with the priest, talked, took part in the sacraments - and it became better. This is all seen, on your eyes is happening.

    If there are no teachings or abrasions, every Saturday and Sunday I serve. Who wants and not in the dress, comes to the evening, confess, preparing for communion.

    During worship, the holy bowl is all our brothers in Christ, it is also very important. This then affects the relationship between officers and subordinates.

    In general, I will say that if it were not for the priests of use in the army - there would be no there too! The army is a serious thing, there is once nonsense to do. But as experience shows, finding a priest in part really beneficially affects the situation. The priest is not a psychologist, it is a father, baty, for a soldier - a native man with whom you can talk about souls. Just the day before yesterday I came to me a sefran-conscript, the eyes are sad, lost ... Something he does not work, somewhere rudely cost him, so the despondency fell on a person, he closed in himself. We talked to him, looked at his problems from the Christian side. I say: "You're not just got into the army so much, did you choose the service myself?" He nods. "Did you want to serve?" - "Of course I wanted!" - answers. - "Something went wrong, something turned out not so rainbow, as I thought. But isn't it only in the army? Everywhere, if you look at, there are tops, and roots! When you marry, then you think that you will lie at the TV and rejoice, and instead twice the more work will have to keep my wife and family! Does not happen in a fairy tale: once - and ready, by whining omen! You need to work hard! And God will help! Let us pray, ask God to help together! "

    When a person sees that he is not one that the Lord is near and he helps him, everything changes.

    Under the contemporary army with elevated psychological and professional loads, such warm trustful sincere relationships are very important. You communicate with the guys every day, talking, drink tea, everything is open, eyes in the eyes. Pray for them every day. If you don't have this, if you are some of the whole of yourself, there is nothing to do in the army, no one will understand you, and you don't need anyone here.

    "We already have a tradition: we definitely take a hiking church for all exercises"

    , Assistant head of the department for working with believers servicemen of the Office for working with the personnel of the Central Military District:

    In 2012, I was the abbot of the temple of Archangel Michael in the working village of Achit and ocked the military registration and enlistment office, the fire station, the police, therefore, when Vladyka blessed me to this ministry, I had already had a good experience of relationships with representatives of different strengths. At the headquarters of the district, a department was created to work with believing servicemen, where two priests and the head of the department are constantly being. In addition to the spiritual bump of the district team composition, our task is to help military units where there are no full-time priests, establish work with believers, come as necessary and fulfill their priesthood. By the way, in part sometimes not only Orthodox are addressed to you. Recently, a Muslim soldier approached me. He wanted to get to the service in the mosque, but did not know how to do it. I helped him, I learned where the nearest mosque is, when services are held there, how can you get there ...

    At this time, the father of Vladimir calls the phone, he asks for forgiveness and responds: "I wish the health! God bless! Yes, I agree! Write a report in the name of the ruling bishop. If he blesses, I'm going with you! "

    I ask what is the matter. Father Vladimir smiles:

    For teachings? Of course I will go! We will be in the field, live in a tent, mode - like everyone else

    Called the commander of the part, next week they go to the exercise, asked to go with them. Of course I will go! Teachings are short - only two weeks! We will be in the field, I will live in a tent, mode - like everyone else. In the morning they are charging, I have the morning rule. Then in the hiking temple, if there is no service, I accept those who want. We already have a tradition: we have to take a hiking church for all exercises, where we can make all the necessary sacraments, baptism, liturgy ... also necessarily put a tent for Muslims.

    Here we were at the charges near the city of Chebarkul, that in Chelyabinsk region; Nearby there was a village where there was a temple. The local father not only served as Liturgy with us, but also gave us their vessels and prosphoras for worship. There was a big worship service where several priests came out, everyone confessed, there were many partakers from several military units on the liturgy.

    On the territory of our part on Uktus (one of the districts of Yekaterinburg. - YES.) Built the Temple of the Martyr Andrei Stratilate, where I am the abbot and regularly serve there. In addition, by agreement with commander parts, we constantly leaving groups of priests to ten people in some part of our district, where we read lectures, carry out open classes For a given topic, and be sure to serve Liturgy, confess and we are involved. Then we diverged through the barracks, and at will, they communicated with all believers, both with the military and civilian staff.

    Serve in intelligence - the case is not easy

    , Abbot of the temple of George Victorious in the village. Marynsky:

    I went twice on business trips to the North Caucasian region, where he was with a hiking temple of Alexander Nevsky in the location of the military unit of the Uralsky district of the internal troops. How was the service? In the morning, on the construction of the command permission, you read the morning prayers. You leave in front of the system, everyone takes off the hats, read "Our Father", "Virgin Devo", "King Heaven", prayer at the beginning of a good deed and an excerpt from the life of the Saint, who is dedicated to this day. In addition to those who are on the road, there are 500-600 people at the construction. After prayer begins divorce. I go to the temple where I accept everyone. Once a week I spend spiritual conversations with a person. After the conversation, personal communication with the eye on the eyes begins.

    There is such a joke that in the army is not worn, in the army in this language talk. And when a priest is nearby, even officers begin to restrain them in this regard. They speak the words closer to the Russian language, remember the courtesy, forgiveness asking, relations between themselves and subordinates become more friendly, more humane or something. For example, Major comes to the confession to our tent, and before him a simple fighter costs. Major is not repelled by him, does not climb forward, he stands and waiting for his turn. And then, along with this soldier from one bowl come. And when they are found in the usual atmosphere, they are already perceived differently each other than before that.

    It is immediately felt that you are in the location of the military unit, every day performing combat missions. It is in a citizen all grandmothers love you, only you hear: "Batyushka, father!", And what would you be, you just because you are a priest, love. It's not so here. They seemed here all sorts of all and simply with open arms you will not be taken. Their respect must be deserved.

    Our field temple is assigned to the suspension platoon. They are the obligation of installation, assembly and movement of a mobile temple. These guys are very serious - crap berets. To become a crap taking, you must die, and then rose - so they say. Many of them went through both Chechen campaigns, they saw blood, saw death, lost fighting friends. These people are the person who gave the ministry to the Motherland of themselves. All scouts are simple ensigns, they have no high ranks. But what happens to the war, each of them is separately put by the platoon commander, they will perform any tasks of command, will behave for soldiers. They keep the martial spirit, it is the elite of our army.

    Scouts always newly arrived priest invite to their tea to get acquainted. This is a very important ritual in fact, during which about you the first and often it is the last impression. What do you imagine from yourself? What kind of person are you? Is it possible to trust you at all? They check you as a man, look after, ask different tricky questions, you are interested in yours last Life.

    I myself am from the Orenburg Cossacks, and therefore, for me, checkers and guns were familiar with childhood, we have a love for military business at the level of genetics. At one time I was engaged in the club of a young paratrooper, from 13 years he jumped with a parachute, dreamed of serve in the landing. Unfortunately, because of the health problems in the landing, I did not take me, I served in ordinary troops.

    Target scouts inspected, laugh: "The test passed!" Come on, say, to us, in the crap berets!

    I traveled with scouts on shooting, there they checked what I am standing in battle. Gave me first a gun. I didn't like it very much: I'm on a "citizen" in a dash from the heavier "Beretta" shooting. But nothing, adorbed, knocked out all the targets. Then they gave me some kind of new machine, especially for scouts developed, short-barreled. I shot the common target, I watch: his return is weak, shoot easily, conveniently - and the second store shot on moving targets, knitted all the "dozens". They inspected the target, laugh: "The test passed!" Come on, say, to us, in the crap berets! I shot from the machine gun AK, also it turned out well.

    After shooting, the number of parishioners in the part increased dramatically. Now with a pack of intelligence, we regularly rewrite. He writes to me how they are doing there, and I - how are we here; Be sure to congratulate each other with each other's holidays. When we met him during my first business trip, then he, when "our father" read, once eight mistaken, and in the extreme business trip two years later, when we met him again, he read the watches and prayers to the communion.

    I also have a member of the Cossacks, Sasha-Fesbesbouchnik. Such on Ilya Muromsz is similar, on the halfolons of me higher and in the shoulders will be sewn. Their squad FSB was transferred, and he was left to protect something from the remaining equipment. So he guards. I ask: "How, Sasha, Cause?" He takes a blessing, we kiss in fraternally, and he is happily answering: "Everything is glory to God! Protecting little girl! "

    Khorugvi carried a sign of the Kremlin regiment. So carried - the eye does not tear off! Chorugw over the air sailed!

    At the baptism of our intelligence, we found an abandoned old fountain, quickly cleaned it, filled with water and made Jordan. Served a festive service, and then there was a night cross move, with chorugvami, with icons, lanterns. We follow, sing, pray. Augvi carried a real bannyar in front, so carried it - the eye does not tear off! Chorugwe just floats through the air! I then ask him: where did you learn this? He says to me: "Yes, I am a professional banquenager, I served in the Kremlin regiment, I went to the Red Square with a banner!" Here we have wonderful fighters there! And then, all - both commanders, fighters, and civilian staff - went as one to the Epiphany font. And everything is glory to God!

    Interested how I built the temple? I'm in him the abbot, so I will say. When we ended the construction, the temple was consecrated, I went to my confessor. I tell, I show photos: so, they say, and so, the father, I built the temple! And he laughs: "" Muha, fly, where have you been? " - "As where? Field Pathel! " It is asked: "How, herself?" She says: "Well, not quite myself. I was sitting on the neck of the eye, which Pakhal field. " So your temple people built, benefactors, diligents are different ... Maybe grandparents were collected. The people built your temple, and the Lord set you there to serve! " Since then, I no longer say that I built the temple. And serve - yes, serve! There is such a thing!

    "God will give, this Easter will serve in the new temple"

    , Assistant commander of a separate railway brigade:

    Well, when the commander submits an example with his subordinate. Our commander of the part is a believer, regularly professing and commits. Head of Department - too. Subordinates look, and some also come to the service. No one forces anyone, and this can not be done, because Vera is a personal secret business. For their personal time, everyone can manage, as he wants. You can read a book, you can watch TV or sleep. And you can go to the temple to the service or with the priest to communicate - if you do not confess, then so, for souls to talk.

    No one forces anyone, and it is impossible to do this, because faith is a personal intimate business of each

    Sometimes we have 150-200 people in the service. 98 people were told on the last liturgy. The general confession is not practiced now, so imagine how much the confession lasts.

    In addition, I serve in the part, on the "Citizer" I am the abbot of the chief of the St. Ermogen's chief on Elmash. When there is an opportunity, we take onboard "Ural", there can be accommodated 25 people who come to my service. Naturally, people know that this is not a tour and not a fistest event that it will be necessary to stand in service, pray, so the random people do not go there. Drive those who want to pray in the church for worship.

    Previously, the evening in part was held by the Deputy Commander for educational workNow they decided to give the priest evening, that is, I. At this time I meet with servicemen, get acquainted, communicate. I ask: "Who wants to go to my temple into service?" We compile a list of those who want. And so for each division. I submit lists of the commander of the brigade and the commander of the division, the Rotty, they release the servicemen when they need to be serviced. And the commander is calm that the soldier does not hang out somewhere and does not engage in nonsense; And the soldier sees a good attitude towards himself and can solve some of his spiritual questions.

    In the division, of course, it is easier to serve. Now our arrival of St. Ermogen builds in the territory of the part of the temple in the name of the heavenly patrons of the railway troops of the princess-passionwaterpans Boris and Gleb. Head of the Department of Major General Anatoly Anatolyevich Bragin made the initiator of this case. He is a believer of a pious beliement family, he confesses from childhood and commits and warmly supported the idea of \u200b\u200bthe construction of the temple, helped with paperwork and coordination. In the fall of 2017, we scored piles into the foundation of the future temple, poured the foundation, now let down the roof, the dome was ordered. When the service is held in a new temple, of course, there will not be a lack of parishioners. Already, people stop me, ask: "Batyushka, when you open the temple?!" God will give, this Easter will serve in the new temple.

    "The main thing is a concrete person who came to you"

    , the cleric church of St. Nicholas Wonderworker in Yekaterinburg:

    Vneise guard I will crook for more than 12 years, since the times they treated the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Rosgvardia's office bold two years, from the moment of its formation.

    Do you ask who came to consecrate all cars of the traffic police? Unfortunately, not me, this is the initiative of the leadership of the Main Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Sverdlovsk region. I just committed a rite. Although, of course, I liked the idea! Still would! Collect on the main square of the city - 1905 Square - all 239 new traffic police controls and once sanctify! I hope this will affect the work of employees, and on the attitude towards them from drivers. What are you smiling? Everything is possible with God!

    In my priesthood, I had a lot of things to see. From 2005 to 2009 I served at the arrival in the name of Archangel Michael in the Zarechny neighborhood - and four years in a row every Sunday served in the park under open sky. We did not have any premises and the temple, I served right in the middle of the park - at first prayers, then with God's help I bought the vessels, Mother sewed the cover to the throne, and in the fall we served the first liturgy. Announced ads in the area that such a number in so much we invite you to worship in the park. People sometimes gathered to a hundred people! On holidays, we walked around the world with a procession, frozen holy water, gifts gathered, gave grandmother-veterans! Fun lived, friendly, sin to complain! Sometimes I meet old parishioners, with which in the park served, they rejoice, hug you.

    The priest in the army is listening. We help. Yes, God sent me here - to help people

    If we talk about the specifics of the ministry in the power structures, the priest there is sacral figure there. Imagine a building with high offices and large chiefs engaged in important state affairs related to the security of the country, and so on. If a civilian comes there, he will not listen to him and immediately put out the door. And the priest listened. According to the experience, I will say that there, in large cabinets, wonderful people are sitting! The main thing is not to ask them, then you can find with them mutual language. So I don't ask, on the contrary, they carry such treasures that they are even expensive! What, as written in the Gospel, and the Rrya does not take, and thieves do not steal, the treasures that believes us and life in the church! The main thing is people, this is a concrete person who is sitting in front of you, and the epaulets are the fifth.

    In order for the priest to successfully engage in the power structures, first of all, it is necessary to establish good contacts with the bosses and with the head of the personnel department. He knows the personal matter of everyone, it is, if you want, a hearthristber in the power structures. He knows a lot of things and can prompt and save from many mistakes. How and you can help him in his work. This is all mutual, he helps you, you, and as a result, everyone becomes less problems. He can call me and say: "You know, here is a problem in such an officer. Can you talk to him? " I go to this officer and, as a priest, I help him to figure it out in his problem.

    If contacts took place, everything will be fine. I know what I'm talking about. During my service, three leaders changed in power structures, and I was in good constructive relationship with everyone. All people, by and large, are interested only on themselves. We must try to be necessary and useful to the extent that these busy people are willing to perceive you. You put there to help them solve their problems with the help of God! If you understand that, then everything will succeed; If you begin to engage in education or sermons, it will all end badly. The specificity of the power structures makes their harsh adjustments, and if you want to succeed in your business, you need to consider it. How the Apostle Paul said: to all be all!

    Over the years of communication, people begin to trust you. Someone, I baptized the children, someone was hung, someone was consecrated to someone. With many we have become close, almost related relations. People know that at any moment they can get to get to you for help with any problem and you will never refuse and help. For this, God sent me here: so that I helped people - here and serve!

    Different God leads people to faith. I remember, one colonel was treated with a big dislike for the fact that a priest comes to the office and, as he thought, everything interferes with everything. I saw on his contemptuous look that he did not like my presence. And then his brother died, and so it turned out that I sent him. And there he, maybe for the first time, looked at me with other eyes, saw that I could be benefit from me. Then he had problems with his wife, he came to me, and we have told him a long time. In general, this person now does not go to the temple every Sunday, but in a different way to the church applies. And this is the main thing.

    IN dopurerovskaya Rus The spiritual persons temporarily incended to the shelves by the patriarch order or the direct order of the king. Under Peter, a special fee began to be charged from parishes - Didnote money in favor of regimental priests and fleets of Hieromonakhs. On the military charter of the year, at each regiment, a priest was to consist, in war time Subordinate to the Field Ober-priest of the current army, and by the Charter of the Marine Service of the Year for each ship was appointed by Jeromona (sometimes tempted priests from the White clergy), and the head of the naval clergy was set by Ober-Ieromona Fleet. IN peaceful time The clergy of the land forces was subordinate to the bishop of the diocese, where the regiment was housed, i.e. Not combined into a special corporation.

    The position of the military clergy began to gradually improve after Ekaterina II commanded the construction of special churches for the Guards Regions, and also provided military priests the right to receive side revenue from demand for civilians.

    In accordance with the registered decree of Nikolai I of December 6, the position of the regimental priest was equated to the rank of captain. The legal position of the military and maritime clergy remained quite uncertain until the end tsarist Russia: Repeatedly legislatively prescribed double subordination of the military and maritime priests to his spiritual authorities and military command, in the jurisdiction of which the division was clarified by a specific priest, was not clarified in any of the regulatory documents.


    The department of the protopsychiatrist of the military and maritime clergy included:

    • cathedrals - 12; Capel - 806 regimental, 12 serfs, 24 hospital, 10 prison, 6 port, 3 houses, and 34 with different institutions. Total - 907 temples.
    • Protopresswiter - 1, Archpriest - 106, IEEEEEK - 337, Protodian - 2, Diaconov - 55, Psalmiers - 68. Total 569 spiritual persons, of which 29 have completed the spiritual academies, 438 are spiritual seminaries, and 102 had a school and home education.


    • "Herald of the military clergy", magazine (since year; in the years - "Bulletin of the Military and Maritime clergy", a year - "Church-public thought. The progressive body of the military and maritime clergy").


    Army and Fleet Ober Priests

    • Pavel Yakovlevich Dzhetetkovsky, prot. (-)
    • John Semenovich Derzhavin, prot. (-)
    • Pavel Antonovich Meszhaginsky, prot. (-)
    • Grigory Ivanovich Mansvetov, prot. (-)
    • Vasily Ioannovich Kutnevich, Protopr. (-)

    Major Priests of the Army and Fleet

    Three years have passed since the publication of the presidential decision on the introduction of the Institute of Military clergy in the Russian Armed Forces. In the reformed army, 242 posts were introduced for the priests. However, fill all the regular "cells" during this time failed. Today in the army on an ongoing basis, 21 Orthodox priests work and one imam. Twenty-two people appointed to the post, became a kind of pioneers. Daily labor, by samples and mistakes, success and failures they build a fundamentally new model of the priest's work in the armed forces. How successfully it is happening, it is still difficult to judge.

    The interaction of the church and the army in the post-Soviet Russia has been going on for more than fifteen years, however, until recently, people in the regions were perceived by military personnel as guests. They came to part on the occasion of taking oath, jubileev, memorable events ... The priests worked on the bare enthusiasm, and their activities in military units regulated agreements signed by the Russian Orthodox Church with childbirth and types of troops and containing very vague formulations.

    Now the situation is radically changed. Surrounding the priest turned into an assistant commander to work with believing soldiers, which is constantly near and participates in everyday life military connection.

    Naturally, therefore, that after without a small age-old break of the church and the army, today's reality inevitably causes any previous questions and problems. Consider the main of them.

    Functional responsibilities.Today, the status and responsibilities of the clergy in the army are regulated mainly by three documents. It is "the situation on the organization of work with believers in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation", "the foundations of the concept of working with believers in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" and "typical functional responsibilities". They refer to the tasks and forms of interaction between the priest with soldiers and officers, and also provide general strategic plants for organizing the activities of bodies on working with believers in peaceful and wartime. Detailed description What exactly and what time a military shepher should do is not yet. Develop such instructions - the task of today is recognized in the Ministry of Defense. "Today we need a regulatory act, in which the moments associated with the organization of the daily activities of the priest in the army would be prescribed," says the head of the department for working with the believers of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Boris Lukichev. "In addition, due to the fact that people are used in the army. Religants, you need to register how to work in this situation in this situation, what to do in military conditions during combat training. Such normative work is now underway, but you need to consider a lot of factors. " Factors are really a lot. Starting from the priest's place during tactical teachings to the question of the time of Sunday Liturgy. After all, Sunday is only formally considered a free day. In fact, it is most saturated with different kind of sports and cultural events - competitions, movies of movies, additional physical training, etc., which begin early in the morning and continue almost to the pen. What to do priest in this situation? To serve as a liturgy for everyone before lifting? Enter worship in a general plan of events indicating the exact time and number of servicemen? Replace the liturgy of the late evening or spiritual conversation? And this is only one example of a long series of bewilders arising today in the work of a military priest.

    In addition to all, the regulation of the activities of the clergyman in the army is complicated by the inability to create a general template for all types and childbirth of the troops. On duty of the rackets, the watch in the sailors, long-term field departures in the infantry parts - all this imposes its specificity on the life of a military team, part of which is a priest. Therefore, even if the regulatory document, which is spoken in the Ministry of Defense, will appear, much priest will still have to invent and solve themselves.

    Qualification requirements. Currently, qualification requirements for candidates for the post of assistants to work with believers military personnel are extremely simple. The candidate must be a citizen of the Russian Federation, not to have double citizenship and criminal record and, on the contrary, have a level of education not lower than the average, recommendation from a religious association, a positive conclusion of the medical commission and experience in the relevant religious association for at least five years. Today, this list is specified and complemented. The final document in this area has not yet been developed. However, it seems that in the leadership of the Ministry of Defense, not all are even the simple criteria that the military priest must meet. Relatively recently, the media flew off the statement of a high-ranking official of the military department who wished to preserve anonymity. In particular, he complained that the lack of priests in the army is connected with the fact that not all candidates proposed by religious organizations are responsible in the army requirements. At the same time, the requirements listed by the official give a reason to doubt either in its competence, or in the sincerity of the expression itself. According to the source, a military priest before the entry into the position is obliged to serve in the army at least five years and have good physical preparation that it does not find confirmation in any of the existing regulations. It must be said that in the Synodal Department to interact with the armed forces and law enforcement agencies, the words of Anonymous from the Ministry of Defense were perceived with bewilderment. According to Chairman of the Archpriest Dimitri Smirnova, a list of 14 candidates for the posts of assistants to work with believing servicemen who meet all the requirements (moreover, many of the candidates have senior officers and familiar with the army service does not appear), is already more than six months Approval in the Ministry of Defense. In addition, 113 more clergymen were prepared in the Synodal Department, whose cases are expected to be considered by the leadership of the military department for a long time.

    Criterion for efficiency of work. The question, as in accordance with what considerations, evaluate the results of the military priest, is also waiting for its decision. What indicator can be the criterion of efficiency? Reducing the number of crimes in military environment? Reducing the scale of non-statutory relationships? Improving service motivation? But all these tasks include the competence of educators officers. And calculate that, let's say, the contribution of the priest to overcoming some social problem was 60%, and 40% of the a priori is impossible and absurd. While the point of view is expressed that one of the criteria could be concrete reviews of commanders about a particular priest. But in this case, the subjective factor begins to play the main role in the evaluation of the work of the priest. Imagine that the commander is a militant atheist, which in the Spirit does not tolerate the presence in the life of the part of the religious component. Then, even if the priest "burns" in service, the commander review is unlikely to be positive.

    Objects of religious purposes on the territory of the Ministry of Defense. Over the past time, hundreds of Orthodox churches and chapels were built on the territory of military units using attracted funds. In fact, these are built, which are managed by the Department of Property Development Development. On the other hand, all cult buildings are religious objects and in accordance with the recently adopted law can be transferred to the church, for which the latter itself must make a request for their transfer. Six months ago, the Ministry of Defense sent a corresponding letter to the signed by the minister with the list of temples attached to him. According to Boris Lukicheva, the list presented has already been placed on the dioceses to feed the ruling bike. "But the diocesan bishops are detailed and solid, work carefully, therefore he has passed half a year, but there is no answer. And without it we cannot take any action," he says. In addition, the issue of transmission is also complicated by the fact that a number of temples do not have proper documentary, so their property status is not fully defined. Here you can also mention the problem of ensuring military temples of church utensils and subjects necessary for worship. Since the estimated articles of the Ministry of Defense, there is no appropriate graph, the material burden on the purchase of purposes, candles, wine, bread takes on the local diocese or a personally priest.

    These are the main, but not all the problems associated with the formation of the institute of the military clergy in the Russian army. This can also include order professional retraining Military priests, issues related to the material content of the clergy, the features of his status, etc. Available questions should be solved and confident will be sooner or later from the agenda. The regular military clergy is experiencing a growth disease today. In the current situation, the main thing is that all interested parties and the Ministry of Defense, and religious associations - fully realized the importance and demand of the new military-church structure. And together, cooperating, and not conflicting, moved to the common goal - a strong army, which has both powerful combat potential and strong spiritual traditions.

    Evgeny Murzin

    Who can become a military priest

    General requirements for officials to work with believing servicemen:

    * Officials to work with believers must be professionally trained professionals, possess the necessary knowledge and skills that make it possible to effectively plan, organize and carry out work to strengthen the spiritual and moral bases of military personnel.

    * The following requirements are presented to officials to work with believers servicemen:

    must be a citizen of the Russian Federation;

    do not have dual citizenship;

    do not have a criminal record;

    level state Education not lower than the average (full) general education;

    to have a positive conclusion of the Medical Commission on Health.

    * When appointing to a guiding position officers For working with believers, servicemen must have experience in the relevant religious association at least five years.

    * Persons appointed to the relevant posts must undergo special training on military service issues in the manner and on the conditions established in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.