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    God's help during the war. Why does God admit wars and terrorism

    I am local, born in Vditsko. We have a lot of water: both the lake, and the River Ravan, where neither a shock, water appears. From the water and the name went. Big was the village, ancient, in 127 yards. Houses on both sides of the road stood five-lane, embarrassed. The chapel is beautiful with the icons of ancient, the fencing of blue, the knotted knobs; The linden circle grew centenary. The fence in the war was demolished when the pits under the graves of Tolly exploded. Deaders in the chapel row, like firewood, folded: a lot of them were going - not to consider ...

    The highway was not - Him after the war, the captive Germans were packed, and the road itself - from Lyuban in the meadow from the royal times it takes. In 1941, there was a whole pillar from her: who is with Lyuban, who is on love with Kotomki wanders ...

    In the area (3 kilometers from us) Lesopunkt before the war was, the forest railway Send. Further, in the horns - peat-enterprises: Tesovo-1, Tesovo-2, the hydrotorf mined. Over the hinking in the 41st women did a lamb against a tank band 50 meters. There were a depth of 3 meters deep, only the tanks did not go there.

    In August, our troops reached out from mega. Tired, torn, wounded. Then the Germans appeared. We did not stop, the forests were afraid, in Crivino and a new village were filed.

    My husband has worked my firefighter on the railway. How trains have stopped walking, went to the partisans. The three times came home, the cereal, sugar brought. The boy is our two year old, and the girl is just a month ...

    In January, we began to step. According to Crivino, they were given a volley "Katyush" - took the village. We made an airfield, two sentences in the cemetery put. In the houses, the hospital was located, wounded wounded carts.

    Bombed German strongly, almost every day. One bomb next to us fell, my launcher burned. The funnel still did not overgrown, water from it draws a garden to water.

    In winter, the title began. Collected typhus in one house, from there - to the chapel. Many people from Typha dumped ... Then the hospital was transferred to the forest, put the tents, they were not so bombed in the forest.

    Spring has become bad with food. The supplies are over, but there is no delivery. The aircraft will reset someone when canned or crackers in a paper bag, another time we will tear the hearts ... one "coroba" residents in Tyodue-Lake, after the war, have been found, the tail was scolded: for 1 kilogram of aluminum 75 kopecks paid.

    In my house soldiers lived, the children regretted, shared until it was. I am a tear right in the rag and give a girl to suck. And when the sacker will give a piece ...

    In May, it was completely impossible. Shelling is continuous. Three nights in the bushes spent the night. The army order for the retreat came out, and we were ordered to move along with the army.

    There is nothing to do, collected children and went. On the rank to the horns of the Dotopali, and there the forest to the meat boro moved. Further there was no passage, and we were a month in the shala in the forest. How they survived - one God knows all the grass as it is, and the leaves of the leaves.

    On some day, the soldiers said: "We will break through." One soldier helped me: I took the Vitak on my shoulders. God forbid him health, if it is still alive ... And I tied the girl to myself and went with everyone on the floor. What was done there - not to pass! Shooting from all sides, smoke, roar. Nyusha Mina's neighbor in Klochery soldered ... The forest burned like a bonfire, and it was necessary to go through it. In this fire from Sarafan, some straps remained, and yet somehow came out. I am surprised I am surprised that the children remained and thanks to the soldier, saved. In the small V.Masher got out, and there was no such horror and the Germans.

    From our few people through the meat boring passed, the majority in the village returned and buried from hunger. And we can see God helped.

    Good day! From your response about "what God is", I realized that this is the Creator of our visible world and everything in it, and once on Earth the face of God appeared in Jesus Christ. If this is true, then I have a question, what is happening now with the world in which we live? I'm talking about war, terrorism and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Golden Billion. That is, if God created our world, then why did the mass destruction made about 20-25 million people from 41 to 45 years old? Did these 20 million were sinful in past lives and during these years they redeemed their sins at the cost of their own life? I think that either that God about whom we say - not omnipotently either it is not God at all, to whom I need to seek for it does not help. Can he who created entire worlds - allow the death of his creations? Thank you. Sincerely yours, Ilya

    The priest Philip Parfenov answers:

    Hello again, Ilya!

    Questions in the spirit of yours asked about 3,000 years ago, and there is a book of Job in the Bible, where the righteous makes tight claims to God, similar to yours, being in a state of boring, call ... In the end, he is God, not answering right on All the hard questions, after which all the inclined issues are removed, - they refuse them. This is a kind of long and deployed parable. Its essence is such that it is important to some live and personal contact with God, and then a lot will appear in the other light. Ask God, contact him! Maybe not immediately, but over time and something will be given to you ... And the questions will still remain - God is primarily the mystery. Suppose at least for a second that your ideas about God can be quite far from what God is actually! It is at least a bit, but can help. How much is God allegiaut, and why does he allow so much evil? I do not know ... God is potentially much more powerful than all of us, but as far as he is in fact, I also do not know. On the Divine Liturgy, the most important service of the Orthodox Church, we pray: "You are in distinct, unknown, invisible, incomprehensible ..." This is the most accurate thing that we can say about it, and about it - all Scripture! If God was understood for us, he would definitely not be God by definition. This, too, I can argue with all the confidence. And about the rest - only in troubled guesses and assumptions ... And if you carefully look at the Scripture, first of all, the New Testament, then there is the fate of Christ, God embodied in a human image. He resurrected the dead, healed from incurable diseases and ... allowed him to be abruptly and ultimately become the most humiliating and painful execution of the time - crucifixion (so they did with the latest slaves of the Roman Empire, and in the Jewish law such a person was considered damned). So, if God allowed to do this with his unique and unique and born son, is it surprising that he allows something like that with others? Scripture, by the way, originally did not promise anyone easy life. Jesus himself warned about the sorrowful fate of his students. Today, when I write to you, the Holiday Exaltation of the Cross is also a reminder of this ... "Take your own cross and follow me," as Jesus said. But after the cross, notice, follows the resurrection! And life with physical death does not end. If it were limited only to this biological form, then in fact, we are unhappy all people if we hope for Christ only in this life, not believing on His Resurrection and in the final resurrection of the dead, as the Apostle Paul wrote to Corinthians (1 Cor. 15: 12-19). And God opened one important truth to the Apostle Paul: " my strength is performed in the weakness"(2 Cor. 12: 9). Yes, God often in this visible world is most likely beaten than Silen. His paths, his tactics are mysterious ... He does not subordinate and does not force anyone - the people themselves do. He gives freedom to everyone to express themselves and in good, which urgently urged, and in bad too. Alternative to this? Perhaps the world, where everything would be worked out, is debugged, predictable, as in the mechanism, but then there would be no freedom in this world ... and there would be no life!

    I will give another words of the apostle - "I want to go faith, not a vision" (2 Cor. 5: 7). And not knowing, add to this. If everything could be seen for us, very clear and clearly, it would be a solid knowledge, and then there would be no need for the faith in faith. But again, again calls us all the Scriptures. TO faith as trust God, and at the same time and loyalty He as well confidencein those things invisible, which we can not clearly show and explain.

    Sincerely, the priest Philip Parfenov.

    According to the results of the Second World War, many states, including winning countries, suffered serious losses. The winnings were only financial and industrial corporations, for which the most destructive war in the history of the war turned out to be a real golden residential.

    "Frederich Krupp"

    The German dynasty of Kruppov has always played a crucial role in the economy of German militarism. Therefore, the Versailles, concluded according to the results of the First World War, became for the Gustav of the Truck of the real tragedy. The coming to power of the Nazis not only returned the leading opportunities to the croup, but also revived the hopes for the establishment of unlimited monopolies.
    In the years of the formation of the German military machine, Friedrich Krupp incomes grew rose as on yeast. Forcing the military industry during the period of the Third Reich gave Germany a powerful impetus, thanks to which she today ranks second in the world after the United States for the production of steel.
    The son of aging Gustav Kruple Alfred, having learned in the late 1930s about the plans of Himmler to create concentration camps, invested in this project huge funds. For him, the camps were primarily not the factors of death, and the sources of profits that were settled in his pockets through the use of the labor of prisoners. Alfred Krupp was the owner of 10 concentration camps, it was at the box office of Kruppa received salaries camp warders and guards.
    By the time of Germany, Alfred Krupp approached all the way: huge amounts of money in the currency were reliably resting in Swiss banks, documents that are denouncing it in relations with the Nazis, destroyed, and the plants were transferred under the protection of the American Military Police.


    The military-industrial boom did not bypassed the "House of Siemens", whose steering wheel stood the third son of the founder of the famous firm. Plants that produced eclectric equipment, including radar systems with overview scan, supplied with its products an army, naval and merchant fleet of Germany. In addition to the hired workers at the Siemens plants, prisoners of concentration camps, prisoners of war and Ostarabeers, who allowed to make a family business as profitable as possible.

    Standard Oil

    One of the largest concerns of Germany Ig Farbenindustrie, who was the main sponsor of the Hitler's election campaign, was controlled by the American oil company Standard Oil belonging to Rockefellers. Even when the United States joined the second world WarStandard Oil continued to cooperate with the Nazis, correctly providing them with a flammable and continuing to receive dividends. Only investments in the German economy were invested in the amount of 120 million dollars.


    Another American company managed to catch up in war, managed by the Morganov clan, in 1946 was fined the US government for unworthy behavior. Together with the Krupp General Electric Corporation, deliberately overestimated prices for tungsten carbide, which was vital material for mechanical processing of metals necessary for the needs of the front. A fine of 36 thousand dollars was insignificant compared to $ 1.5 million, obtained as a result of fraud.

    American banks

    In the 1990s, the French government commission investigating the seizures of Jewish values \u200b\u200band bills during World War II, five American banks took part in the plot: Chase Manhattan, J.P Morgan, Guaranty Trust Co. Of New York, Bank of the City of New York and American Express.
    Especially active was Chase Bank, which greatly corrected his affairs after the "Crystal Night" - the pogrom of the Jews of Austria and Germany, which occurred in 1938. Later, the bank froze the accounts of French Jews in the occupied France.
    One of the main holders shares Chase Bank John Rockefeller directly financed Eugenic Nazis experiments. In the period between 1936 and 1941, Chase together with other American banks helped the Germans to get over 20 million in dollar terms. Banks earned on a deal more than $ 1.2 million, of whom Halmillion put himself in his chase pocket.

    Swiss banks

    Gitler's ambitious plans were generously funded by American and British bankers and Swiss banks performed in this. It was this circumstance that allowed the little Switzerland to stay away from the drama played in the European fronts.
    Over the years of World War II, Reich leaders have invested in Swiss banks of gold in the amount of 15 billion Reichsmarocks - more than $ 40 billion at the modern rate. These were, first of all, the gold reserves of the occupied countries, as well as confiscated property. Concentration camps served as a separate source of gold arrivals, from where hundreds of kilograms of gold crowns were supplied.
    Also, the Nazis were sold in Switzerland a picture of not interesting Rehi with current views of art. The Swiss dealer Gansu Vendland, for example, they sold 28 paintings of impressionists, in return by receiving one picture of Rembrandt and two tapestries of the XVI century. The paintings received from the German authorities, among whom were works by Van Gogh, Renoara, Coro, the Swiss has fully implemented.


    In 2000, a conditionally Swiss company Nestle was obliged to pay almost 15 million dollars in compensation to Jewish organizations. These are pennies in comparison with the capital that the company screamed during the war years. Nestle favorably levied the American army tons of soluble coffee, due to the overproduction of which Brazil suffered.
    This popular company was admitted not so long that in 1947 she acquired a company that during the war years used forced labor. "There is no doubt, or it can be assumed that some corporations from the Nestle group who operated in countries that controlled the national socialist regime were exploited by sub-ministers," they stated in the company.
    It is known that in 1939 in Switzerland Nestle provided financial assistance to the Nazi party, winning the profitable contract for the supply of chocolate for the needs of the entire German army during World War II.


    The Fanta trade brand known for the whole world is obliged to their birth of Nazi Germany. When, after the start of the war with imports of ingredients for Kola, there were problems, the Coca-Cola manager in Germany, Max Kite, was able to quickly reorient. Its technologists managed to create a formula of a delicious chemical drink, which could be produced for Germans based on available materials.
    1941 became the Debut of Phanti on the German market. The efforts of Kite on the uninterrupted work of the Coca-Cola division throughout the war allowed the company to receive significant profits, and after the end of the war, the German branch of the American company returned to the spread of Coca-Cola among American soldiers stationed in Europe.


    According to many experts, despite the huge expenses incurred during the war, the United States has largely won. So, the profits of American corporations rose from $ 6.4 billion in 1940 to $ 10.8 billion in 1944. President of General Motors Corporation Charles Wilson once put it: "What is good for General Motors, good and for the United States, and vice versa."
    Thanks to the income of military-industrial corporations, the American post-war economy experienced a real boom.
    But the United States is enriched with another way. So, after the defeat of Poland, Germany, the Government of the country was taken out a gold and coating reserve, which ultimately found himself in France. From France, Polish gold in the company with Belgian, Dutch, Norwegian and actually french gold reserves flew to Dakar, where it was expropriated by the Americans.
    It is known that the gold reserve of the French National Bank was $ 2 billion. 477 million dollars, the Norwegian reserves were estimated at 84 million dollars.
    In addition, owners of firms and individuals in Europe preferred to translate their savings in American banks as the most secure place. If in October 1939 in the US Federal Reserve system kept gold in the amount of $ 17 billion, then by February 1940, this amount increased by a whole billion (1 dollar 1940 is approximately 25 modern).
    With the beginning of the active phase of war in Europe, the influx of gold intensively increased. Only from 10 to 14 May 1940, gold arrived in the amount of 46 million dollars in the United States, and after France was doomed, another 500 million dollars arrived in US banks.


    During the war years, Sweden was able to increase the golden stock through the trade of iron with Germany. For example, in 1939, 70 percent of the Swedish gland and 50 percent of iron ore went to Germany. With the beginning of the war, the share of Sweden in German import only increased.
    In addition, Germany could not do without the production of the Swedish SKF concern, which produced bearings for military equipment.
    The total price of the benefits of Sweden from trade with Reich can be estimated at 10 billion modern dollars. In the future, these capital have become a material database of reforms that led to the construction of Swedish socialism.


    This Pyrenean State took a very profitable geographical positionThat allowed her to contact with the UK, and with the countries of continental Europe. Presenting trade services, both allies on the anti-Hitler coalition and the countries of Portugal's axis managed to increase its gold reserve from $ 63 million in 1938 to $ 438 million in 1946.
    The republic had huge tungsten reserves, without which the production of high-quality steel is unthinkable. It is not surprising that both the Germans and the British tried to buy him to the maximum, as a result of which the prices for metal were constantly growing.

    State Secretary of the Vatican Cardinal Pachelley (Future Pope Xii) signs Concordat with the Hitler's Government. Vatican. 1933

    The answer to this question we, mortals, are hardly learning. But we can determine this on indirect signs - in which army there were more priests, how many soldiers were believers in both armies - in the fascist and Soviet, how many churches in the rear prayed for the victory of their nation's arms, etc.

    What is this conversation? After a "restructuring", the history of our people, Russian, as well as other peoples inhabiting the former Empire of the USSR, began to be frequent to pervert for dubious momentary benefits. So, in the Baltic States and in Ukraine, the history of the Great Patriotic War is somewhat "corrected". Unfortunately, the Russian Orthodox Church was mired and now she declares alleged contribution to victory during the Great Patriotic War. (see) Perverts from religion teach us, Russian fools, that only the return of the "Sovka" soldiers and the population in the "Lono of the Church" and all sorts of miracles saved from German invaders. Is it so?

    Religion in fascist Germany

    The dead seemed to God in heaven,
    Equiffes I saw in older eyes ...
    song Rock Group "Aria"

    It is known that A. Hitler squeabbily belonged to the native Christian religion, which he considered the "Jewish", originated among the sick slaves who lost faith in life.

    Nevertheless, in 1933, the Hitler's Government announced the full support of the Church, and the Pope PIM XI XI on March 28 at the Bishop Conference called on parishioners to fully support the Nazis Government of Germany. On July 20, 1933, the Hitler's Government signed Concordat with the Vatican - Catholic faith agreements. Having enlisted the support of the Pope itself, the Nazis has established cooperation with the local church. According to the film of the Vatican, the faction of the Catholic Party of the Center in the Reichstag in March 1933 voted for Hitler, and then not to compile competition, he declared Samorem. The support of the Church also manifested itself when a vote was arranged about the feasibility of accession to the Saaric region to Germany in March 1935. Saaric priests asked parishioners to vote for the Nazis, in this case the area was part of the Reich, which was done.

    The German Church was drawn into the state policy policy. The fact is that now every contender for a good position in the fascist Germany should have proves its innocence to the "dirty" gypsy or Jewish blood in humans to several generations. The SS officer, for example, should have submitted documents on relatives who lived from 1750 and only the church had data on acts of birth (in government agencies began tracking from 1875). So "Zippenforstera" appeared (family researchers).

    After coming to power, Hitler completely subordinated to the Church by the state and tried to conjure the dogmas, taking into account the national socialism. The persecution, attempts to stop the control of the Vatican on the Christian Church of Germany met protest priests, Pei XI in 1937 even released the so-called. Encyclick "with deep concern ...", where he sadly stated about the violation by the Nazis conditions of Concordat, but ... no way condemned these actions. Still, under the side, in Rome, the fascist regime of Mussolini was to the German Nazis. There will not save any God. Nevertheless, the German churches of various concessions regularly worked and accepted everyone.

    For each German soldier of the Wehrmacht, the service began with God - oath (adopted on August 2, 1934) began "I swear before the Lord God of this sacred oath unconditionally obscure the Führer of the German Empire and People - Adolf Hitler, supreme Commander armed Forces... ". Those. From the text it follows that it seems to be Hitler is a governor of God on Earth. It's funny that the text of the oath was developed by German Blomberg Generals and Reichene.

    The oath of the soldier of the SS troops was somewhat different - they swore neither God, but personally A. Gitler, although God was also, however, at the end of the oath: "... and God will help me."

    German regular chapel at the funeral. Eastern front

    The German soldiers of the Land Forces of the Wehrmacht wore the inscription on the blahs: "Gott Mit Uns" ("God with us"), in the Wehrmacht were also priests - Chapels. The duty of them was equipped with dead and worship. Judging by the Art Film "Stalingrad" (1992, Germany) Chapellanes Sometimes after worship spent mass political stations like "Communists have no God, so we will win." By the way, there was no SS KOSKELLANOV in the troops, and there was another phrase on the blah.

    By the beginning of the war, the Hitler's leadership ceased to persecute the church - in order not to demoralize their soldiers. When a hike in the USSR, religion would have to become a big goat - after all, it was necessary to fight against non-crystrous.

    In its own informance to the nation on June 22, 1941 on the occasion of the declaration of war by the Soviet Union, Reichskanzler A. Hitler in the end put the phrase: "May God will help us in our struggle!". After that, the German command has repeatedly appealed in his official orders to this high strength.

    Frame from the feature film "Stalingrad". German Chapel on PolitBesede

    For example, when a large-scale anti-Partizan operation "Spring Holiday" ("Easter") was carried out in the Polotsk district in April-May 1944, the order said: "God is with us. He is implicated. With its help, the gangsters shook the solitary hand of the soldier. " Indeed, although the partisan detachments were not finally liquidated, 14 thousand bandits were destroyed in German data - partisans and peaceful population. All-industrialous God helped punisters to shoot, burn people living in the barn, to freeze alive ...

    The new Pope PIM XII (since the beginning of 1939) condemned the actions of the Nazis against Jews and Poles in December 1939, and in April 1943, the Archbishop of Berlin was "an angry" letter: "Needless to say, our deceic love and concern today is much higher. With regard to the Catholics of the Nariyvians and the midsights, the same children of the Church, like others, when their earthly existence collapses, and they pass through moral suffering. Unfortunately, in the present conditions, we cannot offer them effective assistance, except through our prayers. " The weakness of the Catholic Church later became the reason to the angry attacks of anti-fascist and zionists.

    Not many German priests dreamed to oppose the Nazi regime. Obviously, the fate of the Berlin Protestant Priest Martin Niyloler many formed. On June 27, 1937 in the sermon, he unfairly responded to the Führere, for which he was arrested on July 1. Satisfied 8 months instead of the seven, he was secondaryly arrested Gestapo in a preventive order. Until the end of the war, he was kept first in Zakshenhausen, then in Dakhau.

    Another priest publicly dreamed of going against the regime - according to the historian Paul Johnson, Brother Bernard Lichtenberg from the Berlin Catholic Catholic Cathedral of St. Gecedvini publicly prayed for the Jews in 1941, for which he suffered. His apartment was searched, the drafts were withdrawn, where he wanted to inform his congregation, which does not believe in the existence of a Jewish conspiracy in order to destroy all the Germans. He promised two years in prison, and then went to Dakhau. And everyone, the rest or silent in a rag, or approved.

    Jewish historians also accuse the Vatican that when on December 1, 1943 in Italy, the law on the interchange of all the Jews and the confiscation of their property was adopted, when 8 thousand Jews were deported directly from Rome, of which 1007 people immediately hit the Auschwitz concentration camp (Auschwitz), The Vatican kept the proud silence ... True, in another source it is reported that the dad personally contributed to the Vatican, Jews were hidden in the Vatican - they could save 477 Jews and another 4238 Jews hid in the Rome monasteries, but again, no condemnation. This is a kind of double game - did not condemn the Germans and, at the same time, secretly helped by the Jews, having received the location of the Allies - later he hardly helped Pope to resist the holy throne.

    As can be seen, the role of religion in Germany and the German army was huge.

    The same Pacheli already as a father of Fife XII is forced to humiliate: appeal to representatives of the Allied troops

    It is impossible not to mention an interesting and unique fact from the Nazi story. As you know, 4 battalions of destruction were created to destroy the "wrong" people in the occupied USSR: A, B, C and D (EinzattzGroups). Some Ernst Biberstein served in the battalion with at a high position - the official Protestant pastor and theologians. What business did these battalions are known to all ...

    Religious and ethnic persecution in Croatia

    Choosing a cruel ...
    Baptism of water or baptism fire ...
    song Rock Group "Aria"

    Although events in Yugoslavia do not directly relate to the Great Patriotic War, they are interested in their religious poop ...

    Like a wilderly European Middle Ages in the newly educated state - Croatia began religious persecution and murders. The phenomenon is three months of wild terror against representatives of another faith quite unique.

    The head of the Thairs (Croatian fascists) and Croatia - Ante Pavelich proclaimed the program of creating a "clean space for the life of the Croatians", which assumed the destruction, or the expulsion of the most educated part of the Orthodox Serbs, and the translation into the Catholic faith of a poorly educated part of the Serbian population, mainly the peasantry. Naturally, the clerics of the Vatican were delighted with the opportunity to get into the Catholicism of new adepts.

    Croatia was formed from the collapsed Yugoslavia after the defeat of her Germans in 1941. The territory of Croatia includes territories traditionally populated by Orthodox Serbs - Krain, former military border, and Bosnia. Of the 6.5 million people who were on the territory of Croatia about 1/3 were Serba. Among Serbs was strong the Orthodox Church.

    The fascist government has released a series of laws infringement of Serbs: "Rule on the illegality of the Cyrillic Alphabet", "Rule of citizenship", "Rule about the transition from one faith to another", etc. Serbs were obliged to wear a blue bandage with the letter "P" (Pravoslavac), according to which Serbs were very convenient to recognize during the pogroms. The use of Cyrillic was forbidden even on tombstone monuments. After that, the Serbs and Jews were forbidden to walk on sidewalks, now they could only use the middle of the street, and soon in all agencies, cafes, shops, buses and trams appeared inscription: "The entrance is prohibited by Serbs, Jews, Tramps and Dogs."

    On June 26, 1941, the HRVATSKI LIST newspaper published a statement of the Croatian government: "A third of Serbs should be cut off and dissolve in Croats, a third expel and third destroy." Already in 1941, a large number of so-called "wild tidies" appeared in Croatia - the detachments of maraudoors, who did not obey any central government and organized on the ground, for the summer there were already 25-30 thousand people. They killed and expelled Orthodox Serbs, destroyed temples.

    Palevich in the form of "Black Legion" tired

    Diva is given, as if he got into the era of crusades or European medieval religious wars, listening to the words of the monk of the Franciscan Order of Srechko Peric, spoken in the summer of 1941: "Brothers Croats, go and prash all the Serbs, and for a start, shut down my sister, married Serb , and then all the Serbs in order. When you finish with this, come to me to church, I will ask you and all sins for you. "

    Or the phrase of the Catholic priest of Thomas: "You are mistaken if you think that we translate you to Catholicism to preserve your property, pensions or fees. We do not want to save and your life, but only your souls. " After that, in the village of Klepets, the baptized in the Catholicism of the Serbs were killed, but, but, Catholics became more, though, dead.

    According to the testimony of the Russian-emigrant of the eyewitness: "In the summer of 1941, we lived in Belgrade, I was 14 years old. Despite the heat all the beaches on the river. Danube and r. The Sava was closed, the water was poisoned by corpses, the huge number of which was floating from Croatia and the occupied Woorvodina hungal. " The first three months from the creation of independent Croatia continued indiscriminate and ordered murders, then concentration camps were invented for Serbs. In the most famous of them - Awenovac, over the years of war, more than 700 thousand people were destroyed.

    Tax statistics - if before the start of the war in the territories, later included in Croatia, lived from 1.8 to 2.2 million Serbs, then by the end of the war it remained less than half a million. The rest were either killed or expelled. The Serbian Orthodox Church was very much: out of 577 representatives of the Orthodox clergy in Croatia 219 were killed, several more dozen according to the Holy Bishops' Synod "died, defending themselves and their faith" (Rather, died in the detachments of guerrilla-chotnikov), the rest were expelled. Two Metropolitans and one bishop were killed. 450 Orthodox churches were burned with tired or blown up.

    All of these vysunities took place under the gaze of the Vatican and the local Catholic Church, the head of which was Archbishop Aliza Stepinac. By the way, Aloiz sent a letter to his priests on April 28, 1941, in which joy was expressed about the creation of Croatia, the "eternal" gratitude "leader of the friendly and allied people" Adolf Hitler.

    To recognize his regime, A. Pavelich in April 1941 visited Rome, where he was given the audience of the Pope. After the War, Pei XII described the leader of the Croatian fascists: "Pavelich is a good Catholic and good man" The delegate of the Roman Monsenser Giuseppe Ramiro Marcon arrived in the Zagreb to supervise the "octature" of Serbs. By the joy of Vatican by 1945, the number of converts to Catholic achieved 300 thousand people. Another Papal Messenger, Monsumen Massocha, as part of the commission visited two Serbian concentration camps in Croatia in 1942. The purpose of the "independent" commission was to confirm that the concentration camps are really workers and that there are quite acceptable conditions for life.

    Religion on the occupied Slavic lands

    How much opium for the people?
    "Twelve chairs", Ilf, Petrov

    How did the Germans relate to the church in the occupied territory, i.e. To religion for conquered aborigines?

    The German leadership, as is well known from the documents (see), wanted with Soviet peoples to accomplish all sorts of non-chosen. The approach was differential: to the Baltles and Western Ukrainians better, to the Slavs worse, the Cossacks and Soviet Germans are generally soft.

    On the occupied actually Russian lands of the Aborigines, after the silence of them for several tens of millions, should have been mercilessly exploited - let the minerals and food produce for the Reich. No education - let them be able to count to a hundred and distinguish German road signs. No difficult work with the appointment of mental work - the Russian should fulfill the most primitive work. Let them live in an antisanitation and quickly die: no vaccinations, disinfection, even soap! All excess foods should be taken out in the Reich and keep the population in hunger.

    What was allowed by Russian? First, the unprecedented wonders of civilization were reached for them - abortion and contraceptives to multiply smaller. Secondly, in order to die and entertained after work for the benefit of Reich - "Alcohol and Tobacco, how much to their soul". Thirdly, each village should have put a radio transmitter at the highest post so that he broadcast music. After all, funny music, according to Hitler, "a great stimulus in heavy work." And of course, to distract the attention of the population to give Aboriginal religion.

    German photo: in the occupation. Slavic aborigines got an icon. The saints of the saints have been launched before, most likely, some godless pioneers

    Hitler's bonsami was taken into account the experience of medieval life, as well as tsarist RussiaWhen priests were a kind of propagandists among the population of the state system of their country. The responsibility of the Aboriginal priests in the occupied Russian territories was reduced to the development of obedience in relation to power (every power, even the occupational, from God, honestly work and get to paradise), announcement and praise new laws, and possibly spying for flour.

    By August 16, 1941, the Circular of the Main Department of Imperial Security "On the Church Question in the occupied regions of the Soviet Union" belongs. This document contained personal instructions of Hitler, designed for the fact that church organizations will help the occupiers to "manage the conquered peoples". Church cases in the occupied territory conducted a special department - so-called "Church Abstract", which exists with the General Directorate of Imperial Security (RSH) in Germany. He carried out a strict supervision of the activities of religious communities. The issues of religious organizations were also engaged in the SD (SS security service), the intelligence management of the SS, Zipov (security police). The invaders "recommended" clergymen in sermons and during the "church ceremonies" to express loyal feelings for Hitler and the third Reich, as well as to carry out special prayers for the victory of him. Army and "Rescue Motherland" from the Bolsheviks.

    German photo: in the occupation. Religious life hits the key ...

    As the invasion of the USSR, the churches were opened in the rear, church life was restored. By mid-1943, 6,500 Orthodox churches operated in the occupied territories. The priests were delighted with the opportunity to re-serve in the temples, because Hitler did not dedicated them to their delicate plans.

    On the territory of the Oryol region, subject to local "Prince", the vehicle and his deputy Kaminsky, the temples also opened and religious life was restored. At all the elders, appointed by the new government, was entrusted with the obligation to carry out voluntary donations to the repair of churches. In addition to Orthodoxy, Baptists and Evangelical Christians were allowed. In general, an experiment with the creation of an autonomous region led by people offended by the Soviet authorities, and with the giving these people unlimited powers, was successful. True, the initiator - the commander of the 2nd Tank Army, Colonel Schmidt, for Samphogia in August 1943, was removed and translated into reserve. But his new Russian wards managed to create the Viking Fascist Party, the Harbor Mini-Army Rona and to assist in the suppression of the Warsaw Uprising.

    Disputes between the brahmanas and Buddhists-atheists were seriously flawed by half an hour before Christ. After all, faith in a loving cherry manager or brahma - the Creator of the Universe, existed already. The main argument of Buddhists against Brahmins in this topic was just this. The good of the Creator could not create a world full of suffering. According to Buddhism, life itself is suffering. All trials about the fact that they say this sinful people with these freedom of choice are abused, does not withstand critics, and here at least two reasons: first, God had to provide the boundaries of the permissible freedom of man, and he himself created it, with his inclinations Brutal, otherwise he is not alignment. Why then accuse a man if he himself created him like that? Secondly, it concerns not only a person. Because any animal is a much more cruel creature than a person. Comrades who are talking about unity with nature somehow forget that animals are generally devoid of pity and kill each other often ...

    "In the world, so much madness, which excuses God can only that he does not exist," once said Stendal. The whole history of mankind is the history of suffering. The time of the centuries of people pursue endless wars, violence, harassment and bullying, creepy crimes, the most severe execution, who blames the triumph of injustice. Even in peaceful time Earthlings tormented and exterminate diseases, hunger and all sorts of natural cataclysms. And, it would seem, indeed, well, why did the Lord never brought the order on earth, allowing so much evil and allows his creatures so to suffer?

    Temptation of Adam and Eve

    If there is no God, then all the earthly madness can be explained solely by human dullness, natural selection, an eternal struggle for a place under the sun and ridiculous chance. But in this case, the very existence of people and their suffering, in fact, become smaller and hopeless. From the point of view of Orthodox Christians - everything in the world has a deep meaning and can be explained ....

    Suffering is pain, unknown, loneliness, humiliation, illness, weakness, fears. And we all have suffering in any field of life: spiritual, mental, physical, material, personal. Why do we suffer?

    The world created by God was not intended for suffering, but as a result of the sin of the first people, the Devil brought suffering to the Earth.
    The devil confused the first people. He sowed in their hearts of doubt towards God. To this day, using different situations, the devil does everything so that we stop believing God.

    Christ did not cancel suffering

    Interestingly, Christ, having come to Earth, did not cancel the suffering, but he himself experienced everything that we are transported on this earth. Moreover, he voluntarily took our pain. This is written in the 53rd chapter of the Book of the Prophet Isaiah: "He was condom and Ulochered before people, the husband of sorrow and who had denied illness, and we disgasted their face from him; He was despised, and we put it in anything. But he took over our gestances and ...

    David Wesus - the most famous English of theologians of our days. Peru David Wise belongs to dozens of theological books, his teachings are recorded on audio and video tapes, which allows millions of people to understand the great secrets of Scripture and help many respond to pressing vital problems.

    Many people ask me a question about suffering. I know this feeling - I survived the personal tragedy in the family circle. But I ask myself: why did I not suffer more? Many Christians feel the same, their question is not why they suffer, and why they do not suffer more, taking into account all that we have done God. I am amazed that we are still alive. Like a minister, I saw a lot of suffering. I think the servant rank second after doctors and nurses in this regard, in front of their eyes there are as many people carrying suffering and pain. I applied to God to get the calmness of the soul, because my mind asked me the same question: "Why, ...

    Answers Archbishop of Yekaterinburg and Verkhotursky for the questions of the viewers of the Orthodox television company "Union".

    - "In the program" News "showed a children's home. It was very brutally treated with children: the older children beat the younger (children - schoolchildren 7-8 years old). How did the Lord God allow young children to suffer so much? They are so punished. "

    - We shift our sins on God. The Lord is nothing to do with what children beat or offend. The Lord gave every person a free will. A person should be a reasonable creature to act in the truth of God, according to the rules of life on Earth, which the Lord established a man. But since people retreated from God, from the truth of God, from moral life, they violate the law, and they receive punishment from God.

    We need more effort and effort to attach to raise people in morality, spirituality, in fear of God, so that they are not evil and their malice ...

    More serious than questions about miracles or relationships between science and the Bible, is a painful problem, why have no obey affect why children are born blind, why a promising life collapses in the heal itself or why there is social injustice. Why all the time wars flash, in which thousands of innocent people die, children burn alive, and many for all their lives turn into rips?

    In the classic stage, this problem sounds like this: either God almost, but not kindly and does not want to put an end to evil, or God is kind, but not omnipotent if he cannot stop evil.

    There is a general trend to blame God for evil and suffering and impose all responsibility for them for them.

    On that difficult question No simple answer. It is impossible to take this issue easily or scholastic. As they say in the famous expression, "there are no scars from those who did not have RAS." But this question should be remembered by some factors.

    We should never ...

    Maximillian Deville Supreme Mind (101421) 7 years ago Sad it all ...
    Especially if you think about what, as a rule, do not write on the graves.
    On the causes of death.
    Oh yes, of course, I want to believe that it was a quick painless death.
    The child falls asleep ... And wakes up already in Paradise, the Poto, that good God saw such a terrestrial angel and decided to make heavenly angel.
    But it does not happen ... So it does not always happen.
    It could be some terrible and unpleasant injuries ...
    I heard somehow the news about the raped 2-khletnyy girl ...
    It could be heavy innate diseases from which the child is painfully dying for several months, or even years.

    Options that God decided to postpone the best thing on earth on the sky, rejected ...
    For why in such ways?
    Kara parents?
    Interesting interpretation of God. . punishing parents, saturated torment on nothing ...

    Why does God admit wars?

    P. I. Rogozin

    Why does God admit wars?

    Download WinZip (Word 97)

    "Durcely you arrived now.
    In then, you will have wars "(2 pairs. 16: 9)

    Why does God allow such atrocities? "," Why does God do not do so that there is no war? " These questions were all on the mouth and literally hung in the air during the two world wars. Now that the ominous clouds of mutual extermination are condensed again in the world, the question is: "Why does God admit war?" - again becomes vital and relevant.

    For the historical stage, we have experienced, there is no more acute topic than the "inevitable clash" of two mutually exclusive camps ... everyone is asked questions: "What is the day coming to us?" And "How will it end?"

    How to avoid war - the main problem of our generation. All other problems moved to the background.

    In his centuries-old apostasy from God, a person reached such limits when he should or ...

    Will we be waiting for us in the future, similar to the World Flood? Why does good God allow the mass death and suffering of people? Is it possible to fear a catastrophe of a Christian correctly and how can you defeat this fear?

    For that God sends people disasters like a flood, earthquake, etc.?

    Same such a question - "For what?" - From a Christian point of view is incorrect. When it comes to suffering from the whole people during a disaster, to explain this catastrophe of the action of an angry God can only be possible from the position of pagan religions, but not from those ideas about God, which are open to the Gospel. True, and in the Old Testament, too, you can also find the mention of God angry at the people, about God - Avenger for evil, about God - the ruin of sinners. But the Old Testament Revelation was given to one, quite concrete people, based on its level of intellectual, moral and general cultural development. And in those days, this level among the people of Israel was little different from the culture ...

    Why does God admit evil?

    Nature evil - the area of \u200b\u200bhidden knowledge

    Our mind is not the mind of the Lord or even Angels, therefore a number of Categories of Being are simply unrecognizable due to the nature of our consciousness. In addition, as science would not leave, there is a part of knowledge that will never become the property of humanity by virtue of its "secrecy". In the Bible, this is stated in the Bible, for example, in the book of Deuteronomy (29:29): "The hidden knowledge belongs to the Lord, and the open (that is, which can be opened by scientific means) - to us and our sons to the century."

    Guess on initial origin of evil can be built infinitely. No one has an exhaustive response, because This question refers to the category of "hidden knowledge." We are just dealing with the axiom of the real existence of the evil, with which they are forced to fight. To succeed in this case, it is necessary to clearly imagine ...

    This question is the most common of all that people ask about God. If God loves everyone, then why evil people flourish, and innocent die? Why would God not intervene: would help them, saved, got rid of their troubles.
    ... Millions of people died during World War II. Innocent people are dying and today along the whole earth. Children are born in defective, adolescents are injured, adults become disabled, older people are paralyzed. Wherever you look - they kill everywhere, deceive, steal, rob. And who is the victim? Mostly defenseless, innocent people are children, old people.
    You ask: Where does God look? Doesn't he love people? Didn't he have created a man? Why does he not help then? Why does it all this? After all, still in his power! To understand this and find out whether it is possible to solve the problems today before mankind, it is necessary to return to the very beginning.

    1. Battle of two kingdoms
    As the Bible tells, even before the creation of a person, Lucifer, the main one ...

    Why does God allow such suffering?

    You're all right away, because all is yours, drew-lovely Lord.
    You are mistaken, you will be mistaken and, resembling them, what they are sinful, do you feel that they, retreat from evil, believed in you, Lord. Possessing the power, you will judge condescendingly and manage us with the great mercy, for your power is always in your will.

    (Prem. 11, 27; 12, 2, 18).

    My thoughts are not your thoughts nor your paths - my paths, says the Lord. But as the sky above the ground, so my ways are above your ways, and my thoughts are above your thoughts.

    (Is. 55, 8-9).

    If we judged ourselves, they would not be tried. Being tried, we punish the Lord not to be convicted with the world.

    (1 Cor. 11, 31-32).

    God would not want to give us sorrels, but our trouble is that without sorry we do not know how to escape!

    Priest of Dionysius.

    That is why she (land) and called Yudol crying; But people alone cry, while others will jump, but the last ...

    Human history is the most real history of torment and suffering. At all times, people pursued war, violence, humiliation, cruel crimes and executions. Even now, when there is no war (at least we) people still exterminate fatal diseases, hunger and various natural cataclysms. Why does our creator can't induce order on Earth, why allows evil to rule the world and makes suffering to its creations? Answers to these and many other questions can be found by reading this article entirely.

    WHAT ADAMU showed an apple? The first people living on Earth were in happiness, because they lived not just on Earth, but in paradise. But suddenly Adam and Eve arrived frivolously: they listened to Zmia-tempter, thereby violated the sole God's commandment. It was worth it only to taste the forbidden apple from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, as the whole world was instantly attacked by evil, and the nature of all the living was freer: many animals became predatory, harmful insects appeared ...

    As a response to the question - "Why does God allow suffering?", We are interviewed with Archbishop Yekaterinburg and Verkhotur Kirill. In his interview, Vladyka is responsible for other equally important issues.
    - "In the program" News "showed a children's home. It was very brutally treated with children: the older children beat the younger (children - schoolchildren 7-8 years old). How did the Lord God allow young children to suffer so much? They are so punished. "
    - We shift our sins on God. The Lord is nothing to do with what children beat or offend. The Lord gave every person a free will. A person should be a reasonable creature to act in the truth of God, according to the rules of life on Earth, which the Lord established a man. But since people retreated from God, from the truth of God, from moral life, they violate the law, and they receive punishment from God.
    You do not need to blame in this God. We need to blame ourselves.

    We need more effort and effort to attach to educate ...

    Why does God allow the suffering of innocent? Does this mean? How can you combine faith in the omnipotent, loving God and such blatant injustice? Reflects the Bishop Smolensky and Vyazemsky Panteleimon. Again bombing. 1941 year. Photo B. Yaroslavseva

    Honored suffering easier to accept

    Probably easier to die for a high idea, maybe you can dying in the name of love, you can safely go to death if you committed a hard crime and understand that the punishment is worthy. It happens, criminals themselves want them to punish them. In the lives of saints there is a story about one robber who killed many people, including children. In those days, criminals sometimes hid from justice in the monasteries. The monks lived separately, they wore special clothes, behind which it was possible to hide. This robber also went to the monastery and was adopted by monks. At first he deceived them, but then he repeated and received forgiveness from God - every sinner receives forgiveness from God if he sincerely rushes in ...

    This lesson is devoted entirely to the problem of the theodice, that is, the exercises, which coordinates faith in God with the presence of suffering, various disasters in the world, evil. Although this term was introduced in the XVII century, but the problem itself is known since ancient times. If God is omnipotent and infinitely good (i.e. good) creature, then why various natural disasters, war, illness and death occur in the world? Every day I do not come about new terrible events. It would seem that if God exists, wishes everyone a general good and is powerful enough to achieve everything he wants, then nothing of the listed should be! But daily we face in the world with evil and suffering, and therefore, or God wishes the existence of all this (i.e., he does not all be worse), or he does not reach everything that wishes (that is not omnipotent), or God does not There is at all. In the religions of the world, this difficult issue is resolved in different ways. For example, ancient Polyteraism simply replaced the Almighty God with a lot of small ...