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  • The stories of people who remember the last life of Russians. I remembered the last life! I remembered how I died. Preparation for session

    The stories of people who remember the last life of Russians. I remembered the last life! I remembered how I died. Preparation for session

    A few months ago came across one of the information portals for an article in which some rather unusual children's statements were collected. It was also interesting to read the reaction of readers to these statements. If we talk briefly, the reaction can be divided into two types.

    1. Those who believe in reincarnation and past lives. Such users were quite calmly reacted to these children's statements, realizing that all this is connected with the past lives.
    2. Those who do not believe in reincarnation. From such readers could be heard that something like: "Good fantasy children's".

    A little about it and let's talk. And I will start with a breakdown from the book of the alto, where it is very good about this is written.

    « What is a human being? The human being in life is a multidimensional spatial object, which is built around the soul and has its reasonable personality. Visible eye The familiar shape and the device of the physical body, together with its physicochemical processes and the control system (including the material brain), is just a part of the overall design of a person, which refers to a three-dimensional measurement. That is, a person consists of a soul along with its information shells, individuals and structures, let's say, consisting of various fields of other measures (including the physical body located in a three-dimensional dimension).

    What is a reasonable person? In the new design, in a new body, a new person is also formed - anyone who makes a choice between spiritual and animal begins, who makes himself comes to life, analyzes, draws conclusions, accumulates personal luggage of sensually emotional dominant. If, during the life, a person is spiritually developing so much that the merger of his personality occurs with a soul, it forms a qualitatively new, mature creature, different from human, which goes to the spiritual world. This is in fact what is called "the liberation of the soul from the captivity of the material world", "care to Nirvana", "achieving holiness" and so on. If during the life of human such a merger did not happen, then after the death of the physical body and the destruction of the energy structure, this reasonable person goes along with the soul to rebirth (reincarnation), turning, say conditionally, to understand the essence, in suburb. When the physical body dies, the human being continues its existence. In transition, it has a spiral-shaped view with spiral structures. In this education and the soul is concluded along with its information shells - subcases from previous incarnations, including the personality of recent life.

    In the photo of the soul, the edge shell is clearly traced. It consists (as depicted to the ball) from red (residue of vital energy - prana), as well as yellow and white-yellow colors of other energies. The softening shape of the sky-blue color with shades of light green; It has a characteristic spiral structure, twisted to the center having the shades of the rainbow and white splashes.

    Information shells located around the soul are sensually emotional clots, or rather a reasonable information structure that associative can be compared with a kind of nebula. Simply put, these are former personalities from past incarnations. Such sublipses near the soul can be much, depending on how many reincarnations have had.

    Anastasia: It turns out Substitch - this is a person, like you, which was active in past incarnations of your soul.

    Rigden: Yes. In other words, this is an ex-personality from a past life with all the luggage of sensual emotional dominant (positive or negative), which she has accumulated in his time for life, that is, with the result of its intensive choice.

    Personality, as a rule, does not have a direct connection with sublocities, so a person does not remember past lives and, accordingly, the experience gained knowledge of these sublipses. But in rare cases, when applying certain circumstances, a vague sensation is dejaul, or short-term spontaneous manifestations of the activity of the latter (preceding the current embodiment) of sublocity. This is especially characteristic of a person in early childhood.

    There are cases recorded in psychiatry work when children who do not have any deviations, with healthy parents, show a short-term unnatural behavior of akin to the border disorder of personality. I will give one of the examples. The girl of four years began to dream of the same dream: against the background of the world, the boy who calls her to himself, but not allowed. She began to complain to parents to this oppressing her sleep, and in the evenings to show unpredictable, unusual earlier aggressive behavior and unusual power. A four-year-old girl in anger turned the tables, chairs, heavy tumbler, did not recognize the mother, rolled her hysteria in the indictment that "You're not my mother," you will die anyway "and so on. That is, the words and behavior of the girl were unnatural for her, but are very characteristic for sublocities that survived the reincarnation and in the state of "hell", experiencing torment and animal pain. And the next day the child again became normal, he behaved, as usual. This is the typical case of a short-term manifestation of negativism of the previous subcase. The best thing that can be done in this case is to actively develop the child's intellect, expand its horizon of knowledge of the world and wait for the primary splash, a new person will be formed.

    The primary burst occurs, as a rule, by 5-7 years of human life. The fact is that in early childhood to the primary burst, such a short-term activation of the previous person (sublocity) can occur. The latter, while a new person is being formed, trying to break through to consciousness and capture power over man.

    But much more often there are other cases of supraity. This is when children aged 3-5 years (during the period when a new person is not yet formed) begin to argue from the position of an adult, an experienced person. In rare cases, it can be detailed details of their previous adult life, which, in fact, cannot be known at that age. And most often it happens that the child unexpectedly wisely speaks about some reason, expressing clearly not children's thoughts, and this sometimes mystically scares adults. Parents do not need to be afraid of such manifestations, but you should simply understand their nature. When the identity of the child is formed, they will pass.

    So, each subtleness retains the individuality of his past consciousness in the form of desires, aspirations that dominated her active life. Personality, as I said, does not have a direct connection with sublocities, that is, a person consciously does not remember his past lives. However, at the subconscious level, such a personality connection with sublipses is preserved. Indirectly the latter can influence the identity and "push" it to certain actions, inclining to the adoption of certain decisions. This happens at an unconscious level. In addition, sublocity, figuratively speaking, as "foggy light filters", because of which the immediate connection between the soul and the new person is significantly difficult, so to speak, between the source of the world and those who need it. " (p. 83-89)

    And now, I will give examples of interesting children's statements, which is enough on the Internet.

    I do not bring the story completely, because it is big, but in brief, Mom Maxim had an older brother, her older than 14 years old. He loved and cared for his sister, their dad died early. The brother was a pilot of civil aviation and died in a car accident returned from the flight home. The story ends with the words of the little Maxim: "Do you remember, I promised to roll you on the plane? So, when I grow up, I will definitely become a pilot and fulfill my promise, Mom! "

    "A boy with a long red mark on his head was born in the community of druses on the border of Syria and Israel.

    When the child turned 3 years old, he told his parents that in the past life was killed. He remembered that the death of him came from hitting an ax on the head.

    When the boy was brought to the village from his memories, he was able to call his name in past life. Local residents said that such a person actually lived here, but disappeared about 4 years ago.

    The boy remembered not only his home, but also called the name of his killer.

    When meeting with the child, this man seemed frightened, but he did not confess the crime. Then the boy pointed the place where the murder occurred.

    And surprisingly, the skeleton of man and an ax, who turned out to be a murder tool on this very spot.

    The skull of the found skeleton was damaged, and just the same notin was on the head of the child

    "At the age of three years, the boy struck his parents, saying that he was not their son, and that before him called Chen Mindao!

    The boy in detail described the place where he lived before, and even called the names of his parents.

    He also remembered that he died during revolutionary actions from saber shocks and shots. And on the abdomen of the child were actually ramibable spots, similar to traces from Sabli.

    It turned out that the former birthplace of Tan Jiangshan is not so far away. And when the boy turned 6 years old, they went to his former native village with their parents.

    Despite its childhood, Tan Jiangshan was easily able to find his home. Surprisingly everyone, the boy loosely spoke on the dialect of the place where they arrived.

    Going to the house, he recognized his former father and introduced Chen Mindao. Santa - the former father of the boy with difficulty could believe in the story of the child, but those details that the boy told about his past life, forced him to recognize her son.

    Since that time, Tan Jiangshan has another family. His father from past life and sisters accepted him as the former Chen Mindaoo. "

    (English. Ianpretymanstevenson) (October 31, 1918 - February 8, 2007) - Canadian-American Biochemistry and Psychiatrist. The object of his study was the presence of information about the lives of people who lived to them (which, according to Stevenson, proved reincarnation, or reincarnation).

    Within 40 years, Stevenson explored over 3,000 cases of reports of children who declared the events of the past. Each time the researcher documented the stories of the child and compared them with actual events.

    Stevenson tried to find explanations to the phenomenon not only in terms of the possibility of resettlement souls, he tried to exclude and deliberate deception and cases where children could accidentally get information in the usual way or if the likelihood of false memories of both the subject and the members of its current or alleged last family . A few cases of Stevenson discarded. Stevenson did not say that his research proves the existence of reincarnations, carefully calling these facts of "alleged reincarnation", and considered the reincarnation is not the only one, but still the best explanation For most cases studied.

    After many years in the study of reincarnation, Stevenson wrote:

    "Orthodox theory in psychiatry and psychology represents human personality As a product of a genetic material of a person (inherited from ancestors through parents), changing under the influence of the environment in the prenatal and postpartum periods. But I found that there are cases that we cannot satisfactorily explain genetics, influence ambient Or their combination "(" Family Circle ", June 14, 1978)

    Stevenson had its own study system, his set of techniques. In his work, the doctor was based on the following principles:

    • families in which there was a child who owned information about the life of the dead people, the monetary reward was never paid,
    • studies were carried out mainly with children from two to four years,
    • the proven case was considered only the one for which one could get documentary evidence to recall events.

    Yang loved to work with children. They usually remember the "their" previous life and begin to talk about it from a two-year-old age. The most typical is age from two to four years, less often the memories of past life appear in children of older age. Often the child begins to talk about his own former life as soon as he learned to speak. Sometimes he has to use gestures to supplement what he can not clearly express in words (Stevenson. Reincarnation: Field Studies and theoretical Issues, p. 637.)

    By five to six years (and almost certainly - to eight), these memories are flexible and disappear. This is the age of age in which the circle of communication of the child is expanding, he begins to go to school, etc. Presumably, this new experience is superimposed in the memory of the child on those layers in which the memories of former life are contained, and over time the latter becomes inaccessible.

    (Stevenson. Explanatory Value of the Idea of \u200b\u200bReincarnation. - Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, May 1977, p. 317.)

    In many cases, the first words that have pronounced children are the names of the places where they lived or the names of the people they knew before, which completely discourages their parents.

    Talking about the past life, the child can behave somewhat strange. His behavior may seem unusual for his family members, but to be coordinated with what he talks about his own life (and in most cases its full compliance is detected with the description that the relatives of the deceased person) ... Another feature: the child often shows " Adult "attitude towards peace and behaves not to years seriously, wisely, and sometimes with a patronage condescension in relation to other children. It is typical for those cases when the subject is convinced that he is still an adult, and not a child.

    (Stevenson. Reincarnation: Field Studies and theoretical Issues, PP. 637-38.)

    Subjects often talk about the weirdness of their sensations in physical bodies. They express discontent about the fact that they were in them young children.

    (Stevenson. The Possible Nature of Post-Mortem States. - Journal of the American Society For Psychical Research, October 1980, p. 417.)

    Events that children remember best are associated with the death of their former personality and leading circumstances. If a person says that in the previous life he died not to his death, traces in the form of moles, birthday spots, scars, scars can remain on the body. About 35% of children who told about their past life had birthmarks or congenital defects, the location of which corresponds to the wounds (usually deadly) on the human body, whose life the child remembers.

    (Stevenson. Reincarnation: Field Studies and Theoretical Issues, p. 654.)

    Stevenson's research information, which I briefly briefed in small passages, in my opinion, is very well correlated with what is written in the alto. At what age, unusual children's spellings begin and end, they are their character and child behavior.

    Well, another moment I will leave without comment. In some cases, children tell me that they themselves choose their parents. I will give some examples of such statements. As far as these statements are correct, I can not judge.

    Find proof of reincarnation is surprisingly easy: there are thousands of documented and well-studied cases around the world collected by scientists during the last century, which prove the reality of past lives and reincarnation.

    There are evidence that at least some, and perhaps, all people already existed in another body and lived another life.

    When the abnormal "memories" of events appear, i.e. Those who were not in real life experiencing them, as a rule, believe that these memories proceed from their own previous lives.

    Nevertheless, memories flashing in consciousness may not be memories of past life. Instead, they appear to be "cases classified as reincarnation." The latter are widespread.

    Stories involving the possibility of reincarnation, an unlimited number, both in geographical and in cultural attitude: they can be found in all corners of the planet and among people of all cultures.

    Of course, the memories of past lives are greater than from the present, because past lives were a great set.

    For reincarnation, which was actually carried out, the consciousness of someone else's personality should enter the body of a particular entity. In esoteric literature, this is known as the resettlement of the spirit or soul.

    Usually, such a process occurs in the womb, perhaps already at the time of conception or shortly thereafter, when the rhythmic impulses begin with something further develops in the heart of the embryo.

    The spirit or soul of a person does not necessarily migrate to another person. Buddhist teachings, for example, tell us that the soul or spirit does not always be embodied on earthly and in human appearance. See also: Our Alien Children: How to establish a process of communicating with children.

    It may not reincarnate in general, developing in the spiritual sphere, from where it either does not return or returns only to perform the task that should be performed in its previous embodiment.

    But what interests us here is the likelihood that reincarnation can really happen. Can a consciousness that was the consciousness of a living person will be reborn in the mind of another?

    In his book "Strength inside", the British psychiatrist Alexander Cannon wrote that evidence on this score is too much to ignore them: "For many years, the theory of reincarnation was for me a nightmare, and I did everything possible to disprove it, And even argued with my customers after the trance that they say nonsense.

    But the years went, and one client after another told me the same story, despite their various and changeable conscious beliefs. More than a thousand cases were investigated until I agreed to admit that reincarnation exists. "

    Options and variables in cases classified as reincarnation

    Perhaps the main variable is the age of a person who has reincarnation memories. This is mainly children aged two to six.

    After eight years, as a rule, the experiences will fade and, with rare exceptions, disappear completely in adolescence.

    The way a reincarnated person died is another variable. Those who survived violent death seem to be more quickly reincarnated than those who died naturally.

    The history of reincarnation, as a rule, is clear and distinct in children, whereas in adults, they are manifested mainly fuzzy, are the nature of unclear premonitions and impressions.

    The most common among them are dejas: the recognition of the places faced for the first time, as familiar. Or the feeling of the balance of a horse is a meeting of a person for the first time with the feeling that you are familiar with him or with her before, also happens, but less often.

    Are the stories about reincarnation reliable information? Certificates and proofs of places, people and events were tested with reference to eyewitness testimony and the birth certificate and place of residence.

    Stories are often confirmed by witnesses, as well as documents. Often even the smallest details match real events, Persons and places. Bright reincarnation stories are accompanied by a corresponding behavior model.

    The stability of these models suggests that a reincarnated personality is manifested even when this person was from another generation or other sex.

    In a small child, the values \u200b\u200band behavior of the elderly person of the opposite sex can appear from the past life.

    Innovative studies of the latest reincarnation stories are the work of Yana Stevenson, the Canadian-American Psychiatrist, who led the department of perceptual research at the Virgin University Medical School.

    For more than four decades, Stevenson explored the experience of the reincarnation of thousands of children, both in the West and East.

    Some memories of past lives presented by the children were checked, the events described by children were found in a person who lived earlier and the death of which coincided in detail with the one that the child said.

    Sometimes the child had harm spots related to the death of a person with whom he or she were identified may be some noted or changing the color of the skin on the body part of the body, which includes a rock bullet, or a malformation on hand or on a foot, which Lost the deceased.

    In an innovative article published in 1958, "the evidence of the viability of the stated memories of previous embodiments," Stevenson analyzed the evidence of the stories of the reincarnation of children, presenting stories about seven cases.

    These cases of memories of past lives could be identified with the events that children told, and often printed in little-known local journals and articles.

    Proof of reincarnation: first-hand history

    History of Reincarnation 1: The case of Ma Tin Ong Mio

    Stevenson informs about the case with the Burmese girl named Ma Ting Ong Mio. She argued that it was the reincarnation of the Japanese soldier who died during World War II.

    In this case, vividly expressed enormous cultural differences between the person who reported this experience, and the person, whose experience she reports.

    In 1942, Burma was under Japanese occupation. Allies (antihytler coalition, or the Allies of the Second World War - the association of states and peoples fighting in World War II 1939-1945 against the Nazi Block countries) regularly bombed Japanese lines of supply, in particular, railways.

    The village on-Tool was no exception, being close to an important railway station Near Puang. Regular attacks are a very hard life for residents who have tried to survive in every way. Indeed, survival meant to get along with Japanese invaders.

    For Aii Tin (residents of the village, which later became Ma Ting Ong Mio), this meant to discuss the relative advantages of the Burmese and Japanese cuisine with a centerast, regularly enveloping with a naked torso, a chef of the Japanese army, which was stationed in the village.

    The war ended, and life returned to some kind of normality. In early 1953, before it was pregnant with his fourth child.

    The pregnancy was normal, in one exception: she dreamed of the same dream in which the Japanese cook, with whom the connection was long lost, pursued it and reported that he was going to come and stay with her family.

    December 26, 1953 to her daughter gave birth and called Her Ma Tin ong Mio. It was a wonderful child with one small feature: she had a birthmark size with thumb in the area of \u200b\u200bpaha

    As the child grows, it was noted that she had big fear aircraft. Every time the plane flew over her head, she began to worry and cry.

    Her father, at Aii Mong, was intrigued by this, as the war ended many years ago, and the planes were now simply transporting machines, not combat weapons. Therefore, it was strange that Ma was afraid that the plane was dangerous and will shoot it.

    The child was becoming more and more sullen, stating that he wants to "return home". Later, the "house" became more specific: she wanted to return to Japan.

    When she was asked why suddenly she wants it, she stated that she recalls that she was a Japanese soldier, and their division was based on on-Tool. She remembered that she was killed by machine-gun fire from the plane, and that is why she was so afraid of aircraft.

    Ma Ting Ong Mio became older and recalled more and more about his past life and the previous person.

    She told Yana Stevenson that her previous person would come from Northern Japan, the family had five children, the elder - a boy who was in the army to the cook. Gradually, the memories of past lives became more accurate.

    She remembered she (more precisely, how japanese soldier) There was a heap of firewood near the acacia. She described herself dressed in shorts and shirtless. The allies plane noticed him and fired around the area around.

    He ran into the shelter, but at that moment he was wounded a bullet in the inguinal region and died instantly. She described the plane as having two tails.

    It was later established that the Allies used the Laymoting Laymiding Plane in Burma, who had exactly such a design, and this is an important proof of reincarnation, because the little girl Ma Tin Ong Mio could not know anything about such a design of aircraft.

    In adolescence, Ma Ting Ong Mio showed distinct men's features. She string short hair and refused to wear women's clothing.

    Between 1972 and 1975, Ma Tin ong Mio was surveyed three times about her reincarnation memories Dr. Jan Stevenson. She explained that this Japanese soldier wanted to marry and had a permanent girlfriend.

    He did not like the root climate of Burma, nor spicy food of this country. He preferred strongly sweetened dishes with curry. When Ma Tin Ong Mio was younger, she loved to eat half a fish, and this preference had passed only after one day the bone was stuck in her throat.

    History of Reincarnation 2: Tragedy on rice fields

    Stevenson describes the case of reincarnation of a Sri Lankan girl. She remembered last lifein which she drowned on a flooded rice field. She told that the bus drove past her and sprayed water before she died.

    Subsequent studies in search of evidence of this reincarnation found that the girl in the next village drowned after she had gone with narrow roadTo avoid a moving bus.

    The road was over the flooded rice fields. Slipping, she had no equilibrium, fell into deep water and drowned.

    The girl who recalls this event, from the very early age had an irrational fear of buses; She also began his hysteria if she turned out to be near deep water. She loved bread and sweet dishes to taste.

    It was unusual, because in her family such food was not accepted. On the other hand, such preferences were characterized for the previous person.

    Reincarnation History 3: The case of Svania Misra

    Another typical case was investigated by Stevenson with a Svanilant Misra, which was born in a small village in Madhya Pradesh in 1948.

    When she was three years old, she began spontaneous memories of the past life, as a girl named Biya Pathhak, who lived in another village at a distance of more than a hundred miles.

    She said that there were four rooms in the house in which Bia lived, and he was painted in white color. She tried to sing songs that she claimed she knew earlier, along with complex dances that were not known in the middle of her family and friends.

    Six years later, she learned some people who were her friends in the past life. This was supported by his father who began to record what she told, and was looking for evidence of her past incarnation.

    This story aroused interest outside the village. One researcher who visited the city discovered that a woman who corresponds to the description given by Svanilate, died nine years ago.

    Studies subsequently confirmed that the young girl named Beiya lived in such a house in this city. Father Svania decided to take his daughter to the city to submit it to members of the Biy family and check whether it was really this reincarnated personality.

    Especially for checking the family, people who were not connected with this child were presented. Svetalama immediately determined these people as unfamiliar.

    Indeed, some of the details described in her last life were so accurate that everyone was amazed.

    Case of Reincarnation 4: Patrick Kristensen and his brother

    Another case is inviting substantial evidence of reincarnation - this is the case of Patrick Kristensen, who was born by Cesarean section in Michigan in March 1991.

    His older brother, Kevin, died of cancer twelve years ago at the age of two years. The first signs of cancer from Kevin began to appear six months before his death, when he began to walk with a noticeable chromota.

    Once he fell and broke his leg. After the examination and biopsy of a small nodule on the head, right above its right ear, it was found that a small Kevin cancer with metastases.

    Soon growing tumors were found in other places on his body. One of them was a tumor of eyes, and, ultimately, she led to blindness to this eye.

    Kevin was made chemotherapy, which was introduced through Vienna on the right side of his neck. In the end, he died from his illness three weeks after his second birthday.

    Patrick was born with an oblique gothic spot, reminiscent of a small incision on the neck on the right, in the same place where there was puncture of veins for chemotherapy in Kevin, which indicates a stunning testimony of reincarnation.

    He also had a nodule on the head just above the right ear and clouding the left eye, which was diagnosed as Belmo cornea. When he began to walk, it was noticeably chrome, again, another additional proof of reincarnation.

    When he was almost four and a half years, he said his mother, that he would like to return to their old orange brown house. It was an exact coloring of the house in which the family lived in 1979, when Kevin was alive.

    Then he asked if she would remember that he had an operation. She replied that she did not remember, because this never happened to him. Then Patrick pointed to the place just above the right ear.

    Reincarnation History 5: Memories of the ancestors Sam Taylor

    Another case offers important proof of reincarnation with the participation of the eighteen-month-old boy named Sam Taylor.

    Once, when his father changed his diaper, the child looked at him and said: "When I was in your age, I also changed you diaper." Later Sam spoke in detail about the life of his grandfather, who were absolutely accurate.

    He said that his grandfather's sister was killed and that his grandmother did dairy cocktails for grandfather with a kitchen combine. Sam's parents were adamant that none of these issues were discussed in his presence.

    When Sam was four years old, he was shown a group of old family photos laid out on the table. Sam happily defined his grandfather, declaring each time: "This is me!".

    In an attempt to test his mother chose an old school photo, at which his grandfather was a little boy, and there were still sixteen other boys.

    Sam immediately pointed to one of them, once again declaring that it was he. He accurately pointed out his grandfather's photo.

    That these evidence tell us

    Cases identified as reincarnation can be bright and convincing to some extent, as they appear to testify and prove that the previously living person is reincarnated in a new body.

    This faith is supported by the observation that the moles on the body of the subject correspond to the bodily characteristics of that person, whose embodiment they are. This is especially striking in the case when the identities of past lives suffered from injuries.

    The corresponding signs or deformations sometimes appear again in a new body, as if suggesting evidence that reincarnation really exists.

    Many observers of this phenomenon, including Stevenson himself, adhere to the opinions that the relevant moles are important evidence in favor of reincarnation.

    However, the coincidence of the moles and other bodily functions in a child with the fate of the previously existing personality is not necessarily a guarantee that the person is reincarnated in this child.

    It may well be that the brain and the body of a child with these moles and bodily characteristics are specially adapted to recall the personality experience with similar godded spots and deformations.

    This passage of reincarnation is taken from the book "Immortal Mind: Science and Continuity of Consciousness Outside Brain" Erwin Lasshlo and Anthony Peak with the permission of the publisher.

    Reincarnation is an amazing phenomenon, for a long time remaining on the side of the scientific research. Fortunately, recently, this question began to attract more and more attention from scientists. A few decades ago, American astronomer Carl Sagan expressed a rather curious judgment. According to him, there are only three things in parapsychology that deserve a serious study.

    Among others, a phenomenon was named when small children sometimes report such details about the past life that could not be recognized without reincarnation. On the calibration all the data turn out to be completely accurate. To date, some amazing scientific discoveries have already been made. Numerous studies are able to open the curtain of secrecy over this intriguing and inexplicable in terms of the material world by phenomenon.

    Intangible sciences have the right to exist

    Such a phenomenon, as the resettlement of the soul of a deceased person in the body of a newborn, is holy than the Eastern religion. But if modern experts begin to deeply study intangible sciences, they will nationally advance in matters of knowledge of being in general. According to experts, in the near future, science can step far ahead just for one decade.

    Leading research researcher

    The most famous specialist in reincarnation is considered a psychiatrist from the University of Virginia Jim Tucker. In 2008, in one scientific publication, he published an overview of unique affairs, with whom he managed to face a professional field. A typical case of resettlement of the soul, described by Tucker, includes exactly the described items from the past life of dead relatives. Curiously, but children remember everything to the smallest details and can boast one hundred percent memory on things from the distant past.

    On average, every unique child begins to clearly remember the former life aged for about three years. At this time, children can already describe events, and even past experiences. Often their stories are extensive and surprisingly detailed. So young age suggests that these children really know what is a past life. All these babies in conversations about previous experience traced amazing emotional involvement. Some of them with tears begged their parents to believe them.

    However, by 6-7 years, stories about past life usually cease. According to Dr. Tacker, most of his wards really lose touch with memories. The attention of the grazing child completely switches to the present, he begins to go to school, acquires more experience and more emotions. Next, we will tell you the stories of six unique children who have known reincarnation.

    Sam Taylor

    This boy is one of the wards of Jim Tucker. The baby was born in a year and a half after the death of his own grandfather on the father's line. Surprisingly, the first memories of his past life, the boy showed a little over a year. The kid early began to speak, and once a half he dropped the phrase addressed to his father.

    At the time when a man changed Sam's diapers, the boy said: "When I was as many years old as you now, I also changed you diapers." Then the child began to issue more and more information regarding his grandfather. In the end, he told his parents such details about which they never told him. For example, that grandfather's sister was killed at one time, and about branded grandmother's cocktails, which she did shortly before death.

    Ryan, boy from the Midwest

    Memories began to pursue Ryan at a four-year-old. And these were terrible nightmares. And at the five-year-old age, the boy made a shocking statement for his mother. The baby frankly admitted what he was thinking that he had previously been someone else. He often talked about the fact that his real house is located in Hollywood and stacked the mother to go there. He talked in detail about meetings with movie stars, among whom was the Rita Hayward, about dancing in the Broadway musicals, about working in the agency and that the stars often take self-fictional names. Ryan even remembered the name of the street on which he ever lived.

    The mother of the boy believed in all the stories, because they were detailed and plausible. A small child could not fit so much information in his head. The family studied many archival materials, during which a photo of a man was found. Ryan immediately pointed to her, but the person was unknown. The woman decided to ask for help to Dr. Tacher. Scientist Beginning Your independent study.

    Ultimately, it turned out that the old shot was captured by footage from the movie "Night after Night", and the man was called Marty Martin. At the dawn of his career, a man was a dancer on Broadway, and then worked as agency where he created sonorous pseudonyms for customers. He traveled a lot and lived in Paris. Surprisingly, the little Ryan could remember how many children were at Martin, and how many times he was married. He remembered an African American maid and another 55 other amazing facts from his predecessor. Over time, the boy's memories have become more foggy and ghostly.

    Chanai Chumalavong

    This boy comes from Thailand. At the age of three, he began to tell that once he was a teacher named Kai Bou and that he was shot when he went to school on a bicycle. He begged his parents to take him to Kai's parents. He clearly remembered the village in which he lived and, in the end, persuaded his own grandmother on the trip there. According to the stories of a surprised grandmother, as soon as they came with a bus with a bus, the boy confidently went on a familiar road. He unmistakably led her to the house where the elderly parents of Kaya lived. Old men confirmed all information.

    Unknown boy

    The boy's consolidated brother whose name is not disclosed, died 12 years before his birth from neuroblastoma. A terrible diagnosis was delivered immediately after the boy began to systematically chrome. Then a new misfortune is collapsed into the kid - the pathological fracture of the leg. Specialists made a biopsy of novel education over the right ear. After confirming the diagnosis, the baby received chemotherapy. He died at the age of two, at the time of death, the boy completely blinded on the left eye. After 12 years, his consolidated brother appeared.

    The newborn has three pronounced moles located in the place of defeat of the consolidated brother. An identical swelling over the right ear, and later Belmo on the horny shell of the left eye was discovered. As soon as our next hero began to walk, he moved with chromota. Subsequently, he told about the previous house and described it with amazing accuracy. At the age of 4.5 years, the boy recalled the surgical scalpel.

    Kendra Carter.

    When a girl began to take a swimming lessons at a four-year age, she immediately established an emotional connection with his mentor. Very soon the girl told about the fact that in the past life she was born with a dead child of his coach. Woman 9 years ago really survived the miscarriage. Soon the emotional connection between Kendra and its "former" mother intensified even more. Their lessons were frequent, and the couple remained alone for a long time.

    In the end, a grand conflict took place between a swimming instructor and real mother's mother. After that, the baby fell into depression and did not speak for 4.5 months. Gradually, the former contact was resumed, and Kender began to participate in events again.

    James Leyinger

    A 4-year-old boy from Louisiana James Lianinger unexpectedly began to talk about the fact that he was a pilot of aviation during the Second World War. In 1945, he was shot down above the Japanese Island of Izodzima. The mother immediately believed the boy, because at night he woke up in cold sweat and shouted about the terrible accident of the aircraft. But most of the parents were impressed by the strikingly accurate knowledge of the device of bombers. A 4-year-old boy just could not know all this information. For example, he knew where bombs are located on board, and where dropping compartments.

    Subsequently, parents were convinced of the accuracy of information, looking documentary About military American aviation. James remembered the name of the aircraft carrier, his squadron, as well as the names of other pilots. Ultimately, the father, with skepticism, looked at the opposition's narration, was forced to surrender.

    Almost all global religions recognize the immortality of the soul. Many of them do not deny the fact that the soul can again gain physical incarnation in new lives. More Tsiolkovsky argued that life does not end with the physical death of a person, and the souls are indivisible atoms wandering through the universe. So it is or not to say difficult, but here are the stories about people who remember their past lives, a lot knows. And in this selection the most interesting of them.

    The boy who found his killer.
    On the Golan altitudes, the blizzards of Syria and Israel, the community of friends lives. This is an Arabital ethnocon confessional group with its own religion, which takes the doctrine of the resettlement of souls.

    In one of the families of this community somehow a boy was born with an elongated red rodged spot on his head. When the child turned three years old, he unexpectedly declared his parents that he was killed in a past life in one of the villages nearby. In addition, the boy remembered that his past death came from the blow of an ax on the head.

    When the boy was brought to the village from his memories, he immediately pointed to the elders house in which he allegedly lived in a past life. And the locals confirmed that a lonely man really lived in this house, who was missing four years ago. It is amazing, but the boy not only unmistakably called his own name given to him at birth in a past life, but also remembered the name and name of his killer.

    He brought the elders to the place where his body was buried, and the murder tool was found nearby: an ax. Residents of the village confirmed that at that very place did the skeleton of men with an injury in the head, which exactly coincides with the Boy's Pyat. By weight of all presented evidence, the killer admitted to his crime.

    "Here is my daughter of France! .."
    This amazing story happened in the 70s of the last century in West Berlin. 12-year-old Elena Mercard fell into a hospital with serious injuries after a catastrophe. She was delivered unconsciously, and the state was extremely heavy. There were days ... When, once in the morning, Elena suddenly woke up, everyone around was shocked: the girl spoke in the purest Italian, who did not know before.

    She argued that her Castelian's Rosette was called, she lives in the city of Novtea, near Padua, Italy. He said that he was born on August 9, 1887. And then unexpectedly exclaimed: "I have two children - Bruno and France, they are waiting for me. Tell the Mr. The doctor that I need to go home. "

    At first, the doctors decided that it was all the consequences of a brain injury, which led to obsessive fantasies and delusions. But to explain why the girl began to speak Italian in Italian could not. For help, it was decided to turn to the well-known West Germanic psychologist to the Radeder. Accompanied by a psychologist, Elena herself and her parents went to the news, where appropriate entries were found in the old parish register.

    It turned out that the girl named Rosette Theobaldi was really born on August 9, 1887. And on October 17, 1908 he married Gino Casteliani. In the same records they found the address on which she lived, and where she died on October 17, 1917. When they came to the specified street, Elena confidently pointed to one of the buildings and said: "Here is my house." She was not mistaken. The door opened the daughter of rosettes. 12-year-old Elena recognized her and exclaimed: "Here is my daughter of France! .."

    Second family.
    No less interesting story occurred in the city of Dunfan Chinese province Hainan. The boy who received the name of Tan Jiangshan, struck his parents when at the age of three, barely learned to speak, told them that he was not their son, and that in fact his name is Chen Middle.

    The boy spoke in a great detail about the place where he lived before, called the names of his former parents and remembered that he died during the revolutionary trouble from shots and saber shots. Surprisingly, but on the abdomen of the child really were the birthmarks, in shape resembling scars. Since the place of his previous birth was not as far away when the boy was six years old, parents decided to go there in order to understand everything.

    Once on the spot, Tan Jiangshan was easily found his old house, and entering him, he recognized his former father and introduced himself as Chen Maido. Santa - the former father of the boy, could not believe the story of the child for a long time, but Tang spoke about such details of his past life, which no one besides him know.

    Since then, Tan Jiangshan has a second family from the past. His former father and sisters accepted him as Chen Mindao.

    Asthma from space.
    In 1998, the graduate Hypnotherapist Elene Billings from the American city of Mill-Valley, in an interview with the UFO Magazine magazine spoke about one unusual case from his practice. A few years ago, a woman came to her with a heavy form of bronchial asthma, which is predominantly an allergic disease. Helen offered her to find the cause of this allergy in her past.

    For two sessions of deep hypnosis, the patient "visited" in his youth and childhood, up to infant years. But it was not possible to find the cause of the disease. For the third time they agreed that with the help of hypnosis, try to make her remember the closest from past lives. And this woman saw herself aboard an interstellar ship, dressed in an unusual view of a space space skate.

    To the clarifying issue of Helen: "Did we really find yourself in the past?" She replied affirmatively. Then Hehlen asked if she was a resident of the Earth. And the woman replied: "No." In that life, she was a sidewall doctor of the space expedition, her husband was also a member of the ship crew. A sudden accident on board led to depressurization of the compartment in which it was located. Woman suffocated ...

    In this and wound the cause of the disease already in real life. According to Helen, since then, its client with every day began to feel better. And soon asthma almost completely disappeared.

    "In our house do not feed."
    The boy named Beshis Chand was born in 1921 in a poor Indian family from Bareli. Since childhood, he was literally outraged by the place in which he was born. I barely learned to speak, he began to declare that in his house did not feed even servant. The boy demanded a luxurious meal, refused to wear cotton clothes and said that she was used to walk only in Shelkova. The boy often talked about his rich family from the city of Filbeht, in which he allegedly lived before.

    Further more. At eight years, Bischem was caught by drinking brandy from homely servant. He answered on the perturbation of the parents only that the brandy is very bad and this is not used in his house. Sometimes he was melancholic offered his father to make himself except mom anyone else. And once, seeing the father's watch, said that it was bad hours and to buy good, you need to turn to his personal agent Muslim.

    Despite several articles in the local press, no one was engaged in a serious investigation of the words of the boy. As long as I did not say once, "I remember that I had a woman named Padma. When I saw her with another, I took a gun and shot this bastard. " The local prosecutor named Sahei became interested. He went to Filbeht and found out that there really live rich in the name of Narayan. And the whole city was heard about their depraved son Lakshmi.

    It turned out, Lakshmi Narayan, who considered himself a little beat, was actually confused with a local prostitute Padma. He considered her his property and once shot a man who came out of her room. Family Narayan was rich enough and influential to lean this case. However, Lakshmi himself died natural death just a few months after the incident at the age of 32 years. All these events were still fresh in the memory of citizens, because since then only 8 years have passed.

    Witnesses insist that the possibility of deception in this story is excluded at all, since the family of Bisisha Chanda could not win anything from rapprochement with Narayani. After all, everyone knew that the Narayanov family quickly broke after the death of Lakshmi.

    Children are able to remember their past lives, sometimes in detail. Below are two cases when their memories corresponded to reality.

    The boy remembers how to jumped out of the window of a burning building

    "Before I became a child, I had black hair," said Luke, the two-year-old son of the Insurance agent Nick and his wife Erika from Cincinnati, Ohio. At first, the parents did not give the meanings to his words, considering these fantasies, which are often inherent in children. But such statements became more and more, as a result, the family came to the striking discovery.

    The history of the hatch was shown in the program of the channel A & E Network "Ghost inside my child."

    Once Erica put on earrings, and Luc told her: "When I was a girl, I had similar earrings."

    When it was necessary to choose a name for an animal, he always offered the name of the PEM. Erico was surprised, she did not know where he heard this name, it seemed to her that it was a strange choice. Finally, she asked: "Who is Pam?". He replied: "It was me. Then I died, hit the sky, God returned me back. When I woke up, I was a child, and you called me a hatch. "

    After that, she decided not to mention the name of the PEM anym. Nick was particularly skeptical to the idea of \u200b\u200bx. In their house did not believe in reincarnation.

    When the hatch was four years old, he watched the TV and very upset, seeing a report about the explosion of the building. Erica switched the program and said the hatch that everything was in order, no one was injured. What he said: "But I died, I don't like to think about it, it upsets me." He said he remembers how he died on fire when he jumped out of the window to avoid fire. Mother asked if it looked like on a TV, she thought that he just took the gear to the heart. He said that it was different, there was no explosion there, it was just a fire.

    He remembered that the fire occurred in Chicago. He was sure that it was Chicago.

    Searching for Google Words "Pamela Chicago Fire" issued the result from which Erica became terrible. Pamela Robinson died in 1993 during a fire at the Paxton Hotel in Chicago, she jumped out of the window of the burning building.

    Eric and Nick were shocked. They continued searching for information. It turned out that Robinson was black, Erica seemed strange that Luke could belong to another race.

    Erica asked her son: "What color was the skin of Pamela?" "Dark", - not thinking, he answered.

    Then Eric printed a photo of Robinson with photographs of other people and asked Luke, whether he would recognize anyone. Pointing to Robinson, he said: "This is Pam." He said he remembers how this photo was removed.

    The girl remembers that in the past life drowned, playing with his brother

    Dr. Yang Stevenson from the University of Virginsky, a leading researcher, recorded thousands of cases when children remembered their own. In a report published in 1988, he noted two cases when he was able to check out the facts told by children. In the examples of the families of children and their alleged relatives, there were long distances, and families were not familiar with each other.

    A three-year-old girl from Sri Lanka named Thusita said she lived by the river in the village called Catarhagam and her stupid brother pushed her into the river. She said that her father sold flowers from Kiri Wiera, Buddhist temple, their home was located next to him.

    The researchers interviewed the sellers of colors from Kiri Wahery in Cataragam and found a family who had a daughter, drowning in the river a few years ago, they also had a weak son. In general, Thusita made 30 statements about her past life. Of these, 25 were faithful, two could not be checked, and three did not coincide.

    Some general statements were applicable to many families, but several were very specific and unusual for this region. For example, she said that the family had two houses, in one of them was glass in the roof. This family really had two houses, one of them had a glazed roof. She also spoke about tied dogs that were fed meat. In this region, dogs rarely hold as pets, most dogs are homeless and feed on garbage. This family had hunters in the neighborhood, who fed dogs with meat.

    Incorrect girls' statements can be caused by confusion in memories. For example, her father's description did not coincide, but it was very similar to the description of other men from this family.